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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
“Aliens Have Made Treaties With The US Government” | UFO Witness
“Aliens Have Made Treaties With The US Government” | UFO Witness
Laura Eisenhower, President Eisenhower’s great-granddaughter, alleges that General Ike entered the US Government into treaties with extraterrestrial entities.
The Mysteries and Spectacular Architecture of Angkor Wat
The Mysteries and Spectacular Architecture of Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat is a fascinating temple complex in northwestern Cambodia, located in what was once the capital of the ancient Khmer Empire which presided over a vast kingdom in Southeast Asia. While Buddhists believe that it was built in a night under orders of the god Indra, it actually took decades to create what was originally a Hindu temple dedicated to Vishnu in the 12th century. Covering an area of about 162.6 hectares (about 400 acres), it is said to be the largest religious monument in the world.
Creating the Unforgettable Angkor Wat Temple
Angkor Wat was built over several decades starting in the first half of the 12th century by King Suryavarman II of the Khmer Empire who ruled from 1113 to 1150. Created to function as a temple complex, mausoleum and political center of his vast empire, its name means “city of the temples,” with Angkor meaning “capital city” and Wat meaning “temple.” Angkor Wat is one of the largest and most complex religious monuments ever constructed in the history of mankind.
The Khmer Empire existed between the 9th and 15th century, but during the 12th century it was at its height and the Angkor civilization was booming. It was during this period that Angkor Wat temple was built, over a period of approximately 30 years. Inscriptions claim that building Angkor Wat used the manpower of 300,000 workers and 6,000 elephants.
According to archaeologist Charles Higham, Suryavarman wasn’t just a man, but a demigod. In all depictions he appears large and muscular with everyone seated around him. “The Cambodian god-kings of old each strove to better their ancestors’ structures in size, scale, and symmetry, culminating in what is believed to be the world’s largest religious building,” stresses Lonely Planet .
Created for the god Vishnu, the Angkor Wat mountain-temple was built to represent the Hindu universe, although by the end of the 12th century it had been converted into a Buddhist temple. There are five sandstone towers that rise above the temple enclosures, the central tower representing the mythical Mount Meru , the center of the Hindu universe and home of the god Brahma and the Devas, and the surrounding four its smaller peaks.
Architecturally speaking, Angkor Wat is spectacular. The temple is an enormous three level pyramid built on a floating rectangular piece of land surrounded by water. The Khmer used laterite blocks encased in carved sandstone for the construction of the temple and the city wall, while the rest of the structures were made from less durable materials such as wood which explains why they are not visible today.
Angkor War is oriented in a westerly direction, associated with Vishnu and with death, which has led experts to believe that it was built as a mausoleum for Suryavarman II (although he was never actually buried there). It is said that the temple was constructed mathematically to be in harmony with the universe, and the distances and sizes in Angkor Wat are related to Indian mythology. In Angkor: Celestial Temples of the Khmer Empire , Eleanor Mannikka suggests that Angkor Wat was also used for astronomical purposes.
The Angkor Wat temple was built surrounded by an enormous moat, measuring about 200-meter-wide (650 ft), which symbolized the ocean surrounding Mount Mera. The scale of this is hard to imagine until you get there. In fact, the whole complex is a huge rectangle which measures 1.5 km by 1.3 km (0.93 x 0.8 mi), and the temple complex itself can only be reached by crossing a sandstone causeway.
The temple facade awash with intricate bas-relief carvings which line the walls and surfaces. Designed to be viewed in an anticlockwise direction, these depict deities and other figures from Hindu and Buddhist scriptures, telling the stories of the history and mythology of Cambodia. They even include scenes from the Hindu Mahabharata and a carving of Emperor Suryavarman II entering the city for the first time.
There are also almost 3,000 nymphs carved throughout the temple, each of which are unique, while at the central tower is a 3.25 m (10.7 ft) statue of Vishnu made out of a single block of sandstone. Around this statue, visitors will see offerings from pilgrims and young people about to get married. The Gallery of a Thousand Buddhas, at the central temple, was once home to hundreds of images of the Buddha, but many of these were stolen during the Khmer Rouge regime of the 1970s.
Illustration of the façade of Angkor Wat by Henri Mouhot from circa 1860.
While historians love to tell the story of a lost temple, according to Alison Kyra Carter “Angkor Wat was never abandoned,” unlike the other monuments within the larger Angkor city. In fact, stresses that Angkor Wat “was important to the Buddhist religion” well into the 1800s, although it did fall into “disuse and disrepair.”
According to the BBC, the first European to visit the “extraordinary construction” of Angkor Wat was a Portuguese friar called Antonio da Madelena, as he reported to the historian Diogo do Couto in 1589. The temples became known to the Europeans around 1860 through French missionaries, and it was the writing of Henri Mahout, a French botanist who did extensive research at this time, who really captured the imagination of a subsequent generation of explorers. Mahout himself initially thought that the temples of Angkor Wat were built by another race and not by the Cambodians. He claimed that Ankor Wat was "grander than anything left to use by Greece or Rome.”
The Angkor Wat temple is the most famous of the hundreds of temples within the Angkor Archaeological Park, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site . It is estimated that the city of Angkor was once home to one million people, with a complex irrigation system, paved roads and beautiful buildings; however, within 200 years the Khmer civilization collapsed for no apparent reason. Without any written records to provide clues, scholars have suggested that an environmental collapse may have played a major role in the Khmer civilization’s disappearance.
These ancient ruins have attracted archaeologists for decades. Since 2007, aerial archaeologists Damian Evans and Jean-Baptiste Chevance have been mapping the ruins from the air to get a clearer understanding of the landscape, the scale of this immense ancient city, and to uncover hidden topographical details. Their work even enabled them to map the city’s huge irrigation system which had allowed the Khmer to feed such a huge population. National Geographic stated that Angkor was once the “size of modern-day Los Angeles,” making it the “largest settlement ever built in human history before the industrial revolution.”
Efforts to restore the spectacular architecture of Angkor didn’t really begin until the 1960s, and these were hindered by the Cambodian Civil War of the 1970s and the brutal rule of the Khmer Rouge. There are even bullet holes in the outer walls that remain as a memory of this era. When Angkor was added to the World Heritage list in 1992, it was also placed on the list of World Heritage in Danger, due to a history of earthquakes, war, overgrowth, frequent pillaging, illegal excavations and the existence of land mines.
After a UNESCO campaign to protect and restore the famed Cambodian ruins, it was taken off the World Heritage in Danger list again in 2004. Now one of the greatest threats to Angkor is tourism, keeping in mind that before the Covid-19 pandemic, the huge influx of tourists had reached 2.6 million (7,300 per day) in 2018.
Impressive and massive, Angkor Wat and the ancient city that surrounds it, is an intriguing place to visit that questions the prevailing belief that our civilization is more advanced than civilizations that existed in the past. Located about 6 km (4 mi) from Siem Reap airport, the Angkor Archaeological Park opens from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. The best way to visit is by renting a tuk tuk to take you there and spend the day with you. This will make moving between the different sites more enjoyable.
The best months to visit are December and January, when it is dryer. You can buy 1, 3 and 7 day passes. Visiting the Angkor Wat temple site will take at least three hours, but to really get a feel for the entire city of Angkor can take days. Although Angkor Wat is no longer an active temple, it’s important to keep in mind that this is a sacred site and visitors should dress modestly, avoiding uncovered knees and upper arms.
Mythical Metropolises: Pithom, Piramesses, and the Israelite Exodus of Egypt
Mythical Metropolises: Pithom, Piramesses, and the Israelite Exodus of Egypt
The legendary Egyptian metropolises of Pithom and Piramesses were first noted in the Exodus story of the Old Testament. One of the foundations of the Jewish religion, it told of the plight of the Israelites against their wicked overlords, the pharaohs of Egypt. Scholars have placed massive importance on finding their locations for two main reasons: establishing the starting point of the Exodus route and identifying the capital of ancient Egypt under Ramesses II, who has long been ascribed as the villainous pharaoh.
The Tale of Exodus: Using Israelite Labor to Build Metropolises
The Exodus story relates how the Pharaoh subdued the Israelites in response to their increase in size, turning them into slaves and ordering that all Hebrew boys be killed at birth. As a result, the mother of Moses put her newborn baby in a basket, floating him down the river where he was found by the Pharaoh’s daughter who raised the child as her own. When Moses grew up, aware of his Hebrew descent, he killed an Egyptian beating an Israelite slave and promptly fled the scene.
It was at this point that God communicated with the fugitive through a burning bush, ordering Moses to return his people, the Israelites, to the promised land of Canaan. Moses went on to organize the Israelites, becoming their leader, and demanded the Pharaoh put a stop to their forced labor. Despite turning his staff into a snake, the Pharaoh remains unconvinced, and prescribes even more work for the ill-fortuned Israelites.
As punishment, God sends a series of ten devastating plagues to wreak havoc on the ancient Egyptian kingdom. Among these plagues, the Nile is turned into blood, the dust of Egypt is transformed into gnats, swarms of locust appear and destroy crops, and festering boils riddle humans and animal alike with disease.
After the final plague, when all first-born males in Egypt are killed, the Pharaoh relents, releasing the Israelites. The wandering Hebrews head east to Mount Sinai, with Moses famously parting the Red Sea on the way. At Mount Sinai , God appears in a bluster of thunder and lightning, giving Moses two stone slabs with ten commandments that would define Jewish and Christian religious doctrine.
During the period of forced labor, Exodus 1:11 states how the Israelites “built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses.” The cities, which were said to have been constructed on virgin ground, were both characterized by lavish temples, a large size, many storerooms for treasures and riches, tall mud walls built without straw, and were located near to each other and on the Exodus route.
The tenth plague described in the Exodus was the selective killing of all Egyptian firstborn sons and firstborn cattle.
The location of Pithom, or Per-Atum after the Egyptian sun god Atum, has been narrowed down to two sites. In 1884, Edouard Naville, a Swiss archaeologist and Egyptologist, identified Pithom at Tell-el-Mashkutah, a site about 10 miles (16 km) west of Ismailia in Egypt where Naville uncovered many artifacts containing inscriptions alluding to Per-Atum. For example, one statue bore the words “the good recorder of Atum,” a Ptolemaic inscription mentioned the city three times, and many devotional monuments to Atum were discovered on the premises.
The archaeological finds further matched certain features of the Exodus account. The great size of Pithom was confirmed by the 55,000-yard (50,292 m) area enclosed in the wall, and the walls, which were made out of mud brick without straw, reflected the materials disclosed in the biblical description. The temple was situated on the most likely route of Exodus, the road leading out of Egypt called the Wadi Tumulat, and its position on the Red Sea-Nile trade route justified the unusually high number of storerooms excavated at the site, and showed that it was an important trading hub of the region.
Yet, although the timeworn objects encountered at the site alluded to Per-Atum, there was no definitive evidence that this was the name of the settlement used in ancient Egypt. In fact, the town was known as Tcheku during the 19th dynasty of Ramesses II . Moreover, the evidence for it as a newly built stronghold in Ramesside times, in accordance with the Exodus account, was lacking, and nearby Tell-er-Retabah was shown to have been built many years before Ramesses II’s New Kingdom.
In addition, some scholars, such as Eric Uphill, were unimpressed by the settlement, which lacked the grandeur of a city allegedly known throughout the ages, and pointed to an alternative site called Iunu. Iunu was a massive religious center, notably larger than Tell-er-Mashkutah, and housed multiple temple buildings and shrines.
Excavations revealed that most remains mentioned Ramesses II, and several architectural structures, such as a Ramesside-period guardhouse and features, such as a stone carved doorway inscribed with the words “beloved of Atum, the great god lord of Iunu,” strongly insinuated Ramesses II . Moreover, an ancient plan found on an offering table at Iunu has been linked with the layout of a Temple of Atum, a defining characteristic of the mythical Pithom. Pithom, then, had to be either at Tell-el-Mashkutah or Iunu.
Image of the brick store-chambers of the biblical metropolis of Pithom, believed to have been located at the archaeological site Tell El Maskhuta in Egypt.
The Hunt for the Biblical Metropolis of Raamses (Piramesses)
In marked contrast, the precise location of the biblical Raamses (also known as Piramesses), the second city presented in Exodus, was a lot more difficult to figure out. Initially, four sites were proposed: Tell-er-Retebah, Pelusium, Tanis, and Qantis.
The first, Tell-er-Retabah, about 62 miles (100 km) from Cairo, was conveniently located very close to Tell-er-Mashkutah, as Pithom and Raamses were said to be in the Exodus story, and featured a shrine to Ramesses II. A temple block depicting Ramesses II smiting a Syrian captive, as well as an inscription found on an official’s grave identifying him as “the Chief Archer, overseer of the granaries,” suggested the settlement had a strong Ramesses II affiliation and attested to the existence of storehouses.
Yet, this was probably the least convincing location of all the offered sites. The temple of Ramesses was far too small to be that of a royal residence, and there was no conclusive evidence linking the monuments with the city of Piramesses. The next area, Pelusium, was advanced by Gardner, after he combed the available Egyptian literature for references to Piramesses.
To Gardner, the city’s epithet “Great of Victories” strongly hinted that the city was located near the military road to Asia. Cross-referencing with Greco-Roman texts, he associated the description of Piramesses, “the Waters of Horus yield salt” and “the Waters of Horus yield rushes,” with an area of the Nile with running water in ancient Egypt’s 14th nome, also referred to as “The Waters of Horus” by the Romans and Greeks.
From two biblical references, Gardner maintained that the ancient citadel had to mark the boundary of Egypt, which was further supported by the descriptions in the Egyptian Anastasi texts which reported Piramesses as being “between Djahi and Egypt” and as “the forefront of every land, the land of Egypt.” This led Gardner to the sea-port of Pelesium, which he believed was big enough to be the Pharaoh’s capital through a reference to Greek geographer Strabo, who described it as being two and a quarter miles from the sea.
However, the major weakness of the argument was its reliance solely on the written record without any archaeological evidence to back its claims up. Adding to this, no finds relating to Ramesses II’s New Kingdom have ever been found in the area, and the location of Pelesium, 20 miles (32 km) from the official frontier town of Tchel, was wholly unsuitable for a capital city, being situated outside the frontiers of Egypt.
Archaeologists have been preoccupied with finding the ancient metropolises of Piramesses and Pithom. In the image an excavation at Tell el-Maskhuta in Egypt.
The third site was Tanis, where such an overwhelming trove of 19th dynasty Ramesses II artifacts were found that it convinced scholar M. Montet to abandon Pelesium. Also noteworthy was the lack of 18th dynasty monuments at the site and the inscriptions referring to new temple foundations, which implied that the temple of Atum was a new construction ordered by Ramesses II, fitting neatly into the Exodus story’s insistence that the temple was built by the Israelites on virgin ground. In addition, a whole plethora of deities linked with Ramesses II, such as Atum, Wadjit and Sekhmet, appeared to have shrines.
On the other hand, similar to the problems at Tell-er-Retabah, there were no direct references to Piramesses on any of the archaeological finds, and other Egyptologists argued that the Ramesses II objects were brought to Tanis from Memphis or Heliopolis where Ramesses II was already firmly established. Perhaps the biggest counter-argument comes from the literary references, which situated Wadjit’s place of worship in the north where Amun’s temple was recognized to be at the Tanis excavation.
The final and most compelling location proposed was Qantis. Paralleling the majority of the sites, numerous Ramesses II references could be found, and large granite blocks vouched for the existence of a temple. But, unlike the others, blue-glazed tiles reportedly from one of Ramesses II’s royal palaces were found in large numbers, leading some to speculate that a tile glazing factory was attached to the royal quarters. Furthermore, an inscription reading Per-Ramesses-meri-Amun (the royal residence) was the first time a direct reference to Piramesses was discovered in Egypt’s Eastern Delta.
Evidence from the site also indicated an unbroken line of royal monuments built over a period of 200 years, demonstrating that Qantis was not merely the place of a single king and suggested it was a major palace city. The scale and complexity of the tile-work, which included multiple colors and shades, had no comparison to other ancient Egyptian cities, and exemplified the splendor of Piramesses recounted in the literature.
Moreover, ground surveys from 1996, 2003, and 2008, showed that the residence was built on virgin ground. Qantis was clearly an enormous urban center with an extensive palace complex, and has since been identified as the most likely site of the illustrious city of Raamses from the Exodus story.
Although the existence of the ancient metropolises known as Pithom and Piramesses is undoubted, there still remains no historical evidence for the rest of the Exodus story . For a considerable length of time scholars based their thinking around the Exodus story, and its possible historical reality, on what is now viewed as the classical interpretation. Firstly, the Raamses in the biblical tale was identified as Pharaoh Ramesses II, who reigned between 1279 to 1213 BC, and his new capital Piramesses.
Secondly, a famous passage in the Papyrus Anastasi, about semi-nomadic tribes crossing into the Eastern Delta, was linked to the immigration of Israeli tribes into Egypt. Thirdly, it was assumed that with the end of the Ramesside period in 1069 BC and the fall of Piramesses as an esteemed capital city, that the name Ramesses disappeared with it. Finally, an inscription from the victory stela of Pharaoh Merneptah, from the year 1208 BC, which mentioned an ethnic group called “Israel” illustrated that the Exodus story had to have happened before this date, during the reign of Ramesses II.
However, there is simply no proof of an Israelite diaspora during the late second millennium BC when the Ramesses ruled Egypt. Ramesses II is known to have left behind the most records of any Egyptian monarch, however there is not a single mention of the events of the Exodus story. Moreover, in contrast to the classical theory, the names of the biblical metropolises Pithom and Ramesses (Piramesses) continued to live on after Ramesside times, with many places adopting the same names, making it impossible to exclusively locate the cities of the Exodus story to the 13th century BC.
The historical origins of the Israelite slavery have instead been linked to the forced labor of Jews in the 7th century BC under Pharaoh Necho of the 26th Dynasty and his oppressive taxation system. It is most likely that the Hebrew scribe who penned Exodus used the names Pithom and Raamses because they were instantly recognizable, and that his story had nothing to do with Egyptian history.
Top image: Israel’s Exodus from Egypt. Will archaeologists ever find concrete evidence for the Exodus and the metropolises the Israelites built in Egypt?
Tourist attractions dole out millions on advertising to entice visitors to travel to their location, spend money and go back and tell their friends to do the same. If no one is showing up, it could be the message – while it may have a lot of them, Beaver, Oklahoma’s, slogan is “Cow chip capital of the world.” Is that the best they can do? The same may be true when it comes to extraterrestrials visiting Earth – as Enrico Fermi once asked, “Where are they?” NASA has decided it could be the message sent to intelligent space civilizations back in 1974, so the space agency is developing a new one. ‘Earth is for lovers’?
We put the Rock in the Rockies?
“The decision to send a new message into the cosmos has been hotly debated since the pioneering work of Carl Sagan, Frank Drake and some others in the SETI community famously pro-communication with possible ETI in the Milky Way.”
In their new proposal, scientists from the Jet Propulsion Lab first recognize the message composed and sent out in 1974 by popular astronomer and cosmologist Carl Sagan and Frank Drake of the ‘Drake equation’ which estimated that there’s a huge number of intelligent civilizations out there waiting to hear from us. Theirs was the binary ‘Arecibo message’ beamed from the late great Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico and included the numbers one to ten, the atomic numbers of the elements that make up DNA, and graphic images of a human being, the Solar System and the Arecibo radio telescope.
Would that convince you to visit Earth?
The Arecibo message has already outlived the Arecibo telescope but is still over 24,000 years from reaching its target – the M13 globular cluster. The ‘Beacon in the Galaxy’ message was proposed to send more information in an updated format to different and closer star clusters – 6,000 to 20,000 light years away – which have been identified since 1974 as having a high probability of intelligent life. The message will be sent using stronger telescopes – the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope in China and the SETI Institute’s Allen Telescope Array in northern California.
Wait a minute … those telescopes are powerful but, as the Eagles sang in ‘Hotel California’, they are “programmed to receive.”
Right you are, Eagles and astronomy fans. The JPL researchers are hoping that upcoming upgrades will allow them to send. What will they be sending in the binary ‘Beacon in the Galaxy’ message that is deemed to be a better galactic travel brochure than the Arecibo Message? An image of the four building blocks of DNA. A timeline from the Big Bang to when the message was sent which shows the dates of major achievements Newton’s laws, Einstein’s theory of relativity and the landing of a human on the Moon. Digital images of the solar system and the Sun and our location in the galaxy. Digitized images of people. And finally, an initiation to reply to the message with an image of the telescope to send it to.
Would THAT convince you to visit Earth? How about at least texting a reply?
Would a picture help?
“As discussed earlier, this message’s ultimate goal is to start a dialogue with ETI – no matter how far in the future that might occur.”
We’ve got the message – now we need the messenger. Hopefully, FAST or the Allen Telescope Array will be capable of transmitting soon. Unfortunately, even at the speed of light, we won’t be here to read the replies thousands of years from now. That doesn’t discourage the JPL scientists working on it, just as it didn’t discourage Carl Sagan and Frank Drake. They think some intelligent civilization is just waiting to hear about us.
“Humanity has, we contend, a compelling story to share and the desire to know of others’—and now has the means to do so.”
I thought that, today, I would share with you what sometimes goes down in the world of a writer on matters relative to the paranormal, the supernatural, the occult, and the UFO phenomenon. This undeniably strange example of many took place on February 28, 2016, but it’s still just as relevant. On checking my email around 8:30 a.m., I saw I had one from a woman named Belinda. She had a traumatic dream two nights earlier. And, she encountered a Man in Black wearing shiny black gloves. In the dream, the MIB pursued her along an old railroad track – one that was seemingly never-ending. Only when the MIB was within a few feet of her did Belinda wake up with an ear-piercing scream. Something which Belinda’s husband attested to. Over the years, a few reports have surfaced of the menacing Men in Black wearing black gloves, but certainly nowhere near the extent to which they are associated with black fedoras and old, 1950s-era black cars. Between October of 2015 and the early part of 2016, however, I received what I can only describe as a “cluster” of reports of the MIB wearing black gloves. In other words, Belinda’s case was not alone. There were others, too.
(Nick Redfern):
not a bad car at all!
Now, if I got – let’s say – a report or two every couple of years of gloved MIB, I probably wouldn’t have given the matter much thought. But, that was not the case: I received eight such accounts across a handful of months, not even including that of Belinda. And, from varying parts of the United States. Admittedly, at first, I thought this might have been some curious kind of MIB “spam.” Or “fake news.” Namely, a group of people deciding to get together and waste my time with a bunch of bogus, concocted tales. But, having spoken on the phone with six of them, and having had extensive email exchanges with the others, I was quickly one hundred percent sure that this was not the case. Of the group, six had experiences with the gloved MIB in what were classic states of hypnagogia. For those who may not be aware of the phenomenon, it is “the experience of the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep.” It’s a stage in which people can hear voices and unclear mumbling. Loud “bang”-like noises are not uncommon. Nor are the sounds of a door knocking or a doorbell ringing. Visual hallucinations can occur, too. Sometimes, such events are traumatic. On other occasions, however, they’re uplifting. The phenomenon of “sleep paralysis” can also be a factor in hypnagogia, but certainly not always.
Now, the down to earth explanation for hypnagogia is that it’s purely a product of the brain, provoked by that aforementioned hazy state of being semi-awake and partially-asleep. Over the years, however, I have spoken with more than a few people who are absolutely sure in their minds that there is something else to all of this: a belief that paranormal entities can literally “invade” our dream-states. And, perhaps, our semi-dream states, too. Of course, there’s no hard evidence for this, but that hasn’t stopped such a theory from persisting. And particularly so in so-called “alien abduction” experiences, and also with regard to encounters with the likes of the “Old Hag,” and Incubus– and Succubus-type creatures. It seems that now we can now add the Men in Black gloves to that list. As controversial as it may sound, I’m quite open to the idea that what many people assume to be internal experiences may have an external “Fortean” aspect attached to them. One of the reasons being when I get these “cluster”-style reports. Now, I’m not saying that an entire bunch of people – spread all across the United States and unknown to each other – couldn’t share weirdly similar experiences. But, across just a few months? And all with the imagery of MIB wearing black gloves? And they all decide to contact me? That’s when I begin to think that we’re not dealing with just hypnagogia. We’re dealing with entities from other realms and that, for the most part, appear when we are in the sleep state. Of course, that’s when we are at our most vulnerable. As all the above shows, these “things” know exactly when and where to launch their attacks. And, “attacks” are exactly what I call them.
Alien Contact – Outer Space | Full UFO Documentary
Alien Contact – Outer Space | Full UFO Documentary
Many think of Space as a desolate vacuum of emptiness but new evidence reveals that space is rife with activity beyond our comprehension. Just as we have sent probes beyond our solar system, Aliens have not only sent probes in the past, but they may be here now.
Some people just seem to be burdened with a weird legacy. Born in Lethbridge, Alberta, in 1910, Wilbert Brockhouse Smith was an engineering specialist who went on to be the chief engineer for radio station CJOR in Vancouver before later working for Canada’s federal Department of Transport in 1939, also serving as senior radio engineer for Transport Canada’s Broadcast and Measurements Section. There he proved invaluable in designing wartime monitoring systems and making several groundbreaking advances in radio technology, gathering a number of patents in the process. It was during this time that he would acquire a deep interest in geo-magnetic forces, which he believed could be harnessed for energy, and in the late 1940s he got caught up in the UFO fever that was sweeping the world at the time. It was with these ideas and theories that he would usher in Canada’s very weird project to investigate aliens, UFOs, and extraterrestrial technology.
At the time this was more than just a passing interest, and by all accounts Smith was absolutely obsessed with UFOs, constantly contemplating them and studying about them. At the time he had many ideas on UFOs and their potential occupants. He believed that aliens perhaps saw us as lower lifeforms to be studied, very much like a scientist might study insects, and that this was perhaps one reason they made little contact with us other than those they deemed capable of comprehending them. He also believed that they would take a very different physical form than us, and that they might even be robots, saying:
If we are to rely on sightings data alone, we are bound to get a rather one-sided idea of these creatures. For example, we see saucers traveling at terrific speeds and then suddenly stop or change direction. Under our concepts of physics, no creature of flesh, blood and bone could withstand the terrific forces which would be associated with such actions. Therefore we are led to assume that the saucerians must be some manner of robot or a creature the like of which we have never encountered.
Smith was absolutely fascinated with not only UFOs in general, but particularly in how they theoretically operated. He became increasingly convinced that if these craft were indeed on Earth, then they were likely powered by geo-magnetic fields. He was so convinced of this, in fact, that he began work on starting a government organization devoted to pursuing this avenue of research. In December of 1950, he met with a Dr. Osmand Solandt, chairman of the Canadian Defence Research Board (DRB) to talk about his plans to study the geo-magnetic forces he was so sure were inextricably linked to alien technology, as well as to collect data about UFOs and use this data towards the development of new avenues of engineering and technology. He was certain that this unique research would illuminate new propulsion systems based on the manipulation of magnetism, all he needed was the equipment, funds, and personnel to make it happen. It was officially meant to be the study of geo-magnetism and how it might be harnessed as a propulsion system for vehicles, and indeed UFO research was not mentioned in Smith’s initial project proposal, in which he wrote:
This project is for the purpose of studying magnetic phenomena, particularly those phenomena resulting from unusual boundary conditions in the basic electromagnetic field. There is reason to believe their discovery will open up a new and useful technology. The initial program shall include the following avenues of investigations, to which others may be added from time to time as may appear expedient.
1.Theoretical study of electromagnetic radiation assuming boundary conditions different from those upon which the conventional theory was developed.
2. Laboratory study of mechanical forces associated with electron drift and electric currents in metallic masses.
3. Theoretical and laboratory study of magnetic domain resonance conditions in magnetic materials.
4. Investigation of the propagation of magnetic wave motion in magnetic materials.
5. Investigate the possibility of producing, an effect, a “sink” in a magnetic field.
6. Investigate the possibility of producing, in effect, single isolated magnetic poles.
7. Investigate the effects of a magnetic field on a rotating curviplaner metallic object.
Solandt was intrigued, and after petitioning the government Commander C.P. Edwards, Deputy Minister of Transport for Air Services, accepted the proposal, and in 1952 Project Magnet was born. It was sold as a project to uncover potential new areas of technology, but with Smith at the helm there was a heavy emphasis on its relation to the UFO phenomena, with him being inspired by the top UFO researchers at the time and their literature on the matter. Smith would write in a 1950 declassified top-secret report:
While in Washington attending the NARB Conference, two books were released, one titled “Behind the Flying Saucers” by Frank Scully, and the other “The Flying Saucers are Real” by Donald Keyhoe. Both books deal mostly with the sightings of unidentified objects and both books claim that flying object were of extra-terrestrial origin and might well be space ships from another planet. Scully claimed that the preliminary studies of one saucer that fell into the hands of the United States Government indicated that they operated on some hitherto unknown magnetic principles. It appeared to me that our own work in geo-magnetics might well be the linkage between our technology and the technology by which the saucers are designed and operated. If it is assumed that our geo-magnetic investigations are in the right direction, the theory of operation of the saucers becomes quite straightforward, with all observed features explained qualitatively and quantitatively. We believe that we are on the track of something which may well prove to be the introduction of a new technology. The existence of a different technology is borne out by the investigations which are being carried on at the present time in relation to flying saucers.
The project itself was a rather modest affair, operated at Department of Defense facilities, with some assistance from personnel at the Defence Research Board. During the course of this research, Smith would write in reports that he had managed to not only successfully extract sufficient energy from the earth’s magnetic field, but also design a sort of mini version of a flying saucer, in essence proving that the technology could work and that they were on the right track, demonstrating the soundness of the basic principles. Smith also had installed an observatory at Shirley’s Bay, outside Ottawa, for the purpose of observing UFOs in the area and to measure and monitor their physical characteristics and influence on anomalies in the local magnetic and radiation fields. The facility was fully equipped for this purpose, complete with a magnetometer, a gamma-ray detector, a powerful radio receiver, and a gravimeter to measure gravity fields. At the time is was all classified, but rumors were making the rounds among the public that the top-secret facility had something to do with UFOs, something the Canadian government denied. In 1952, Smith was one of the driving forces for Project Second Storey, which was sort of Canada’s answer to Project Blue Book, an organization for studying UFO reports and discussing their possible implications and made up of representatives from the Directorates of Air and Naval Intelligence, Military Operations and Planning and members of the DRB.
In addition to this research, Smith continued to make some pretty bold claims. In 1952 he claimed that the U.S. Air Force had in their possession a piece of a UFO that had been shot at near Washington, D.C., and not only that, but that he himself had seen and studied the fragment. His first official preliminary report on his project’s status also stated that UFOs probably came from intelligent, extraterrestrial sources and almost certainly manipulated magnetism for flight. He also would write of classified information he had allegedly managed to get from inside sources which bolstered his theories, saying in one memo:
I made discrete inquiries through the Canadian Embassy staff in Washington who were able to obtain for me the following information;
1.The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb
2. Flying saucers exist.
3. Their modus operandi is unknown but concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Dr. Vannavar Bush.
4. The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be of tremendous significance.
I was further informed that the United States authorities are investigating along quite a number of lines which might possibly be related to the saucers such as mental phenomena and I gather that they are not doing to well since they indicated that if Canada’s doing anything at all in geo-magnetics they would welcome a discussion with suitably accredited Canadians. While I am not yet in a position to say that we have solved even the first problems in geo-magnetic energy release, I feel that the correlation between our basic theory and the available information on saucers checks too closely to be mere coincidence. It is my honest opinion that we are on the right track and are fairly close to at least some of the answers.
Perhaps nervous of this candid disclosure or delusional rantings, depending on which one believes, in 1954, the Canadian government would officially end funding for Project Magnet, finally admitting to the public that it had been for the purpose of studying UFOs, but that “no definite conclusions had been reached.” Smith would keep Project Magnet going on his own dime, and during these years his claims would become more outlandish than ever before. He would make the claim that UFOs were linked to psychic phenomena, and that he was in contact with extraterrestrial beings, “space brothers,” who communicated to him through telepathy. He also claimed that he had perfected a way to “direct the signal mentally” to carry out these communications. He would even claim to have seen dead alien bodies and that he had been abducted by extraterrestrials. Many of his ideas and theories were released in his book “The New Science,” and he would continue his own self-funded research at Shirley Bay all the way up to his death in 1962.
Despite what at the time were seen as fringe ideas to the general public, Smith has remained important to the UFO field, often called “the father of disclosure,” and even within mainstream science he is an important figure, having been posthumously awarded the Lieutenant-Colonel Keith S. Rogers Memorial Engineering Award, given for dedicated service in the advancement of Technical Standards in Canadian Broadcasting. Smith has remained an intriguing figure in the history of ufology, as has his mysterious Project Magnet. What was going on here and what was the true extent of their findings? What was the story with Smith and how much of this was real in any sense? We may never know for sure.
NASA's Upcoming SPHEREx Mission Will map the Entire Universe in Infrared Every 6 Months
NASA's Upcoming SPHEREx Mission Will map the Entire Universe in Infrared Every 6 Months
The universe is cold and dark. And yet, within the dark, there is a faint glow of warmth. Across the sky, there are objects that emit infrared light, similar to the light that warms your hands near a campfire. By observing this light, astronomers can see the cosmos in a way that looks very different from that seen by our eyes.
Both ground-based and space-based infrared telescopes have been around for quite some time, but with the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), astronomers will be able to capture the infrared sky in unprecedented detail. It will allow us to see warm planets huddled near their star, and distant galaxies so ancient that their bright visible light has redshifted to faint infrared. It will change our understanding of the early universe and perhaps reveal evidence of alien life.
A JWST engineering image of the star 2MASS J17554042+6551277, uses a red filter to optimize visual contrast. Credits: NASA/STScI
But there is one aspect of the JWST that is very limiting. It is designed to capture high-resolution images of small areas of the sky. This is true for most telescopes since it is difficult to create an image with is both wide and detailed. Because of this, JWST will only be able to capture a fraction of the sky over time. For example, the Hubble Space Telescope has given us amazing views of the heavens, but in its 30-year mission, it has only captured about 0.1% of the visible sky.
To counter this limitation we can create sky-survey telescopes. The Vera Rubin Observatory is being constructed specifically for this purpose. Its 8-meter mirror is designed to give a view of the sky several Moon-widths across. When completed, it will capture most of the southern sky every few days. It will not only allow astronomers to study a vast range of celestial objects, but it will also allow them to study how these objects change over time. It will be an amazing tool for visible light astronomy, but what about infrared?
This is where the upcoming SPHEREx mission comes in. Scheduled to launch by April of 2025, SPHEREx will capture 99% of the sky every six months. This does come at a cost of resolution. The SPHEREx images will not be nearly as detailed as JWST. But since they will both observe infrared light they can work together to see more of our universe. SPHEREx will focus on the background heat of the deep universe, and look for water and complex organic molecules hidden within the gas and dust of stellar nurseries. And when SPHEREx finds something unusual, JWST can step in for a closer look.
The James Webb Telescope will surely give us some amazing views over the next few years. With SPHEREx coming soon on its heels, the infrared revelations of JWST are surely just the beginning.
Cube UFO Seen Near Sun On March 28, 2022, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Cube UFO Seen Near Sun On March 28, 2022, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 28, 2022 Location of sighting: Earths sun
I found a cube in a NASA SOHO image today. The cube is unlike any I have seen before in the way that it is highly detailed within itself. I mean that within the cube I can see lots of detail of bars, edges, cross pieces that I have never seen on other cubes. If this was pixelization, there would be other pixels, however its only here and its nothing like pixelization. This is an object...cube shaped near our sun. Also notice the focus of the bottom part of the craft is less focused and more blurry, and the upper part is more focused...pixelization does not do that, its the same everywhere. Therefore this is a real UFO the size of the moon or bigger.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
PS I will place a few other cubes below to compare...tell me this is not a UFO! You can't. Its100% real.
The examples below are proof that these are UFOs...pixelization doesn't look like this.
Rare Jellyfish UFO Produces Three Orbs Over New York, 3-26-2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Rare Jellyfish UFO Produces Three Orbs Over New York, 3-26-2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 26, 2022
Location of sighting: Bronx, New York, USA
Wow, check out this amazing catch. An eyewitness in New York caught sight of a jellyfish shaped UFO and if that was not enough...three small brown orbs came out of the UFO and moved away. I have head of the jellyfish UFOs but they are one of the rarest sights ever recorded. I only see one video every six months of these objects and this one does have the best detail in years. Fantastic catch. Undeniable proof that UFOs exist over New York!
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
I recorded this from my window something drops something that looks like balloons but I'm not sure and if you look closely you see when the video starts at the top right it crosses something that looks like a flying saucer but I only realized after watching the video.
Guy Using Drone Catches UFO During Sunset In Malaysia, March 27, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Guy Using Drone Catches UFO During Sunset In Malaysia, March 27, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 27, 2022 Location of sighting: Sungai, Petani, Kedah, Malaysia
A eyewitness in Malaysia was using a drone to record some footage of the sunset when an unknown craft shoot past the camera. The craft had speeds far beyond that of a bird, kite or even a jet. This object really moved!
It's a well known fact among UFO researchers that drone UFOs are in the sky for one purpose over all investigate anything that flies. Because it takes the highest tech to do so most the time. This UFO shot past to investigate the drone, unknowingly getting caught on the camera. Aliens want to see our latest and greatest tech that flies...because it helps them predict how long till we go to them in space.
This is 100% proof that alien drones are attracted our drones. Now...let's get those cameras in the sky and catch more!
On January 6, 2022, a couple of boys filmed an object hovering silently over their heads. These extraordinary images taken with their phones, were captured on Etna, in the Piano Vetore road, at these coordinates: 37 ° 41’38.1 “N 14 ° 58’56.8” E
Many people think of Space as a quiet and desolate vacuum of emptiness, but new evidence reveals that space is rife with activity beyond our comprehension. Just as we sent Voyager and Pioneer probes beyond our solar system, Aliens have probes of their own that may have arrived as early as the 1600’s. While Tesla was the first to successfully communicate with neighboring worlds using radio waves, we have received recent signals from intelligent sources. In 1989, Russian Space Probe Phobos 2 photographed a UFO on the surface of Mars just prior to losing contact. Scientists have determined that the craft was real and of a thin elliptical shape over 20 miles in length. We are not alone in outer space and while the Aliens may be initiating contact, they could also be here already.
Artificial intelligence aliens may not be as appealing as those who are warm-blooded and squishy, but it’s probably more accurate to imagine them that way
If extraterrestrials come to Earth, the ensuing scenario would be quite different than picking up an alien radio signal or detecting a flashing laser in the sky.’
Photograph: Construction Photography/Avalon/Getty Images
I’m an astronomer at the Seti Institute, a non-profit research organization in California’s Silicon Valley. My colleagues and I look for extraterrestrial life, including intelligent beings – or in the vernacular, aliens. It’s exciting times for people like me, because extra-terrestrial life is being widely discussed now in the lead-up to the Pentagon’s highly anticipated report on so-called unexplained aerial phenomena.
Yet I should say straight away that I am not expecting any big revelations out of the report. I think it’s overwhelmingly likely that aliens are present in our galaxy. But I don’t believe they’re hanging out in our airspace. Not now, and not in historic times.
Claims that extraterrestrials helped build large, pointy monuments in the Egyptian desert 5,000 years ago are, frankly, laughable. And I don’t think that videos made by cameras on navy F-18 Hornets actually show alien craft darting around the skies above the Pacific. There are more prosaic explanations for these videos: no extraterrestrials required.
But in a galaxy in which every third star is likely to host an Earth-size planet, it hardly seems possible that our world is the only one sporting intelligence. Which raises the possibility that we might someday make contact. If that occurs, what might the inhabitants of other worlds be like? The question is especially relevant if – as often happens in science-fiction – the aliens decide to pay us a visit.
If extraterrestrials come to Earth, the ensuing scenario would be quite different than picking up an alien radio signal or detecting a flashing laser in the sky, modes of discovery being pursued by my colleagues and myself. The aliens producing such signals will be light years away, and their appearance and intentions wouldn’t be of much concern. But those of anyone landing their spacecraft on our turf would be.
Consider their looks. On Earth, nature has spawned a wide variety of living forms, and presumably would do so anywhere multicellular life exists. All terrestrials have DNA blueprints, and share similarities in molecular makeup. Nonetheless, few of our fellow Terrans resemble us. The extraterrestrials wouldn’t either.
This argues against the iconic aliens of film and TV, those little gray guys who are no more than modified humans. Their four appendages, upright stance, and absence of body hair are simple extrapolations of ourselves. Yes, Hollywood offers up these beings as residents of faraway worlds. But really they’re just the guy next door, lacking in eyebrows and whites in their eyes.
Any aliens that trek to our planet are unlikely to be carbon-based life forms, either hirsute or hairless. Their cognitive abilities will probably not be powered by a spongy mass of cells we’d call a brain. They will probably have gone beyond biological smarts and, indeed, beyond biology itself. They won’t be alive.
The reason is a simple consequence of the staggering distances to the stars. Even the nearest, Proxima Centauri, is 25tn miles from Earth. Our fastest rockets would take 75,000 years to reach it. Neither humans nor Klingons are built to withstand such trips.
You might be thinking that the aliens might have far speedier spacecraft. Without doubt, that’s possible. But there are natural limitations to high-speed rockets. Suppose that an alien would like to cover the distance between Proxima Centauri and Earth in 10 years. Their rocket would need to muster 600m times as much energy as a Saturn V rocket. Double that number if they plan to come to a stop at Earth and engage with the locals.
This may sound like an annoying practical matter that can be dismissed by noting that aliens could be far more advanced than us. And that’s easily possible: The universe is three times the age of our solar system, so the Galaxy may house societies that are millions or even billions of years ahead of Homo sapiens. Nevertheless, while their technology might be in a different league, the aliens must operate under the same laws of physics. Star Trek and similar scenarios aside, it’s extremely difficult to traverse light-years of space in less than a lifetime – anyone’s lifetime. You can call up Scotty in the engine room, but he won’t be able to help.
Traveling from one solar system to another is incredibly difficult and expensive. However, if you’re not in a hurry, the prospects for an interstellar voyage brighten considerably. Such leisurely trips aren’t going to appeal to biological passengers who will die long before their destination is reached. Machines, on the other hand, won’t complain if they’re cooped up in a spaceship for tens of thousands of years. They don’t require food, oxygen, sanitation or entertainment. And they don’t insist on a round-trip ticket.
Artificial intelligence aliens may not be as appealing as those who are warm-blooded and squishy, but we shouldn’t get hung up on an anthropocentric viewpoint. Researchers who work in AI estimate that machines able to beat humans on an IQ test will emerge from the labs by mid-century. If we can do it, some extraterrestrials will have already done it.
Therefore it’s reasonable to expect that any cosmic intelligence paying us a visit will be synthetic. That rules out easy speculation on what the “aliens” will look like. But if it’s a machine, who cares?
Of greater concern would be its intentions. Most sci-fi stories postulate that visitors would be noxious, arriving with a primal urge to obliterate Los Angeles or London. Frankly, if that’s what’s on their mechanical minds, it’s probably impossible to keep them at bay. Chimps couldn’t outsmart humans in any serious confrontation. Likewise, devices who can manage a trip to Earth will have the capability to do whatever they wish once they get here.
It’s a sure bet that any face-to-face encounter with extraterrestrials will be fraught. So, if alien craft ever do settle on the White House lawn, you can hope that whatever’s inside is friendly. If not, there’s always negotiation.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
NASA Provides Update to Astronaut Moon Lander Plans Under Artemis
NASA Provides Update to Astronaut Moon Lander Plans Under Artemis
An illustration of a suited Artemis astronaut looking out of a Moon lander hatch across the lunar surface, the Lunar Terrain Vehicle and other surface elements. Credits: NASA
As NASA makes strides to return humans to the lunar surface under Artemis, the agency announced plans Wednesday to create additional opportunities for commercial companies to develop an astronaut Moon lander.
Under this new approach, NASA is asking American companies to propose lander concepts capable of ferrying astronauts between lunar orbit and the lunar surface for missions beyond Artemis III, which will land the first astronauts on the Moon in more than 50 years.
Built and operated according to NASA’s long-term requirements at the Moon, new landers will have the capability to dock to a lunar orbiting space station known as Gateway, increase crew capacity, and transport more science and technology to the surface.
“Under Artemis, NASA will carry out a series of groundbreaking missions on and around the Moon to prepare for the next giant leap for humanity: a crewed mission to Mars,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “Competition is critical to our success on the lunar surface and beyond, ensuring we have the capability to carry out a cadence of missions over the next decade. Thank you to the Biden Administration and Congress for their support of this new astronaut lander opportunity, which will ultimately strengthen and increase flexibility for Artemis.”
NASA’s plans call for long-term lunar exploration and include landing the first woman and first person of color on the Moon as part of future Artemis missions. The agency is pursuing two parallel paths for continuing lunar lander development and demonstration, one that calls for additional work under an existing contract with SpaceX, and another open to all other U.S. companies to provide a new landing demonstration mission from lunar orbit to the surface of the Moon.
In April 2021, NASA selected SpaceX as its partner to land the next American astronauts on the lunar surface. That demonstration mission is targeted for no earlier than April 2025. Exercising an option under the original award, NASA now is asking SpaceX to transform the company’s proposed human landing system into a spacecraft that meets the agency’s requirements for recurring services for a second demonstration mission. Pursuing more development work under the original contract maximizes NASA’s investment and partnership with SpaceX.
To bring a second entrant to market for the development of a lunar lander in parallel with SpaceX, NASA will issue a draft solicitation in the coming weeks. This upcoming activity will lay out requirements for a future development and demonstration lunar landing capability to take astronauts between orbit and the surface of the Moon. This effort is meant to maximize NASA’s support for competition and provides redundancy in services to help ensure NASA’s ability to transport astronauts to the lunar surface.
This upcoming second contract award, known as the Sustaining Lunar Development contract, combined with the second option under SpaceX’s original landing award, will pave the way to future recurring lunar transportation services for astronauts at the Moon.
“This strategy expedites progress toward a long-term, sustaining lander capability as early as the 2026 or 2027 timeframe,” said Lisa Watson-Morgan, program manager for the Human Landing System Program at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. “We expect to have two companies safely carry astronauts in their landers to the surface of the Moon under NASA’s guidance before we ask for services, which could result in multiple experienced providers in the market.”
After the new draft solicitation is published, NASA will host a virtual industry day. Once comments and questions from the draft solicitation process have been reviewed, the agency plans by to issue the formal request for proposals this summer.
Astronaut Moon landers are a vital part of NASA’s deep space exploration plans, along with the Space Launch System rocket, Orion spacecraft, ground systems, and Gateway. NASA is committed to using a commercial astronaut lunar lander to carry the astronauts to the surface of the Moon, expanding exploration and preparing humanity for the next giant leap, human exploration of Mars.
For more information about this procurement, visit:
The alarmist Guardian’s ‘climate disaster’ turns out to be ‘climate mitigation’, due to the massive snowfall. A so-called heatwave where temperatures reached a chilly 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-12 Celsius), seems to have fooled a lot of people. The Guardian speculates that ‘climate breakdown could be accelerating’, but seeing what you wanted to see doesn’t always work. – – – While researchers say it’s too early to know what role, if any, climate change plays here, the event has their attention because it’s so extreme, says NBC News.
It’s been a strange stretch for the icy desert at the bottom of the world.
In mid-March, temperatures in parts of East Antarctica soared 70 degrees Fahrenheit above average. It was high enough for researchers living there to brave the elements for a bare-chested group photo.
The comparatively balmy temperatures, which reached around 10 degrees Fahrenheit, arrived courtesy of a history-making atmospheric river — a plume of concentrated moisture that flows through the sky.
This one brought an incredible dump of snow in the inner reaches of the ice sheet, something quite rare for the area.
And in what could be a separate development, the Conger Ice Shelf — a hunk of ice similar in area to Los Angeles — collapsed into the sea right around the same time, satellite imaging shows.
Researchers are scrambling to make sense of what has happened. The surprising temperatures and moisture are already changing how they think about weather in Antarctica and raising questions about what impacts the continent could see if such a wild temperature swing had happened in summer — or in a warmer future.
And while researchers say it’s too early to know what role, if any, climate change is playing here, the event has their attention because it’s so extreme.
“It was something we didn’t think was possible in Antarctica, the magnitude of heat, especially in what should be the cold season in Antarctica,” said Jonathan Wille, a postdoctoral researcher at the Université Grenoble Alpes in France, of the heat wave. “We’ve never seen the atmosphere behave like this over Antarctica.”
The heat wave and dramatic inland snowfall highlight the importance of a better understanding of the complicated dynamics of atmospheric rivers — which today bolster the ice sheet but could be cause for concern in the future. Better grasping these patterns could be key to understanding the polar region’s future.
Having snowfall during a heat wave might sound counterintuitive, but this is Antarctica, after all, where inland winter temperatures routinely fall beneath 60 degrees below zero.
The recent atmospheric river event played out over several days. March 17 was the fourth-wettest day since 1980 for the ice sheet, according to modeling and analysis by Xavier Fettweis, a climatology professor at the University of Liège in Belgium.
A day later, temperatures at the Concordia station, a research station nearly 700 miles from the coast, spiked to a high of about 10 degrees Fahrenheit, stunning researchers.
“An extreme event of this magnitude has never been observed at Dome C,” said Peter Neff, a glaciologist, climate scientist and assistant research professor at the University of Minnesota, referring to the Concordia area.
Coastal temperatures rose above freezing levels, and rain pattered the coast. Intense snowfall across the interior of East Antarctica added an estimated 69 gigatons of water mass to the ice sheet, according to modeling by Fettweis. That’s the equivalent of nearly 28 million Olympic-size swimming pools of added water mass that came down in frozen form. That represents more than a third of the yearly ice loss in Antarctica.
“It added much more mass to the ice sheet than it took away,” Wille said. “Events like this, they help mitigate some of the sea level rise caused by climate change” by storing water as polar ice.
Such snowfall offers important protection, too.
Some Antarctic ice shelves — floating ice that clings to coastal Antarctica — are losing mass and at risk of collapse into the sea. Today, much of that risk comes from the ice melting from below, in warm water.
But in other polar regions, such as Greenland, ice shelves are melting from below — and also above — as surface temperatures rise, Neff said. Surface melt can create ponds of dense water that can more easily absorb heat, open crevasses and “jackhammer” downward until ice cleaves and collapses.
For sensitive parts of Antarctica, adding mass and a protective layer of hardening snow provides some cushion.
“Snowfall is a good thing, because it adds to this buffering layer on the surface of this ice sheet. The buffer can absorb more melt in the future,” said Michelle Maclennan, a doctoral student at the University of Colorado in Boulder, who has studied the effects of atmospheric rivers in West Antarctica and the vulnerable Thwaites Glacier. “As long as atmospheric rivers are causing a lot of snowfall and that snowfall is dominating impacts of surface melt, we’re going to see that they have this net positive effect on Antarctica.”
Often called rivers in the sky, atmospheric rivers aren’t uncommon in Antarctica.
Wille’s previous research suggests they’re responsible for about 10 to 20 percent of total snowfall across East Antarctica. West Antarctica can see anywhere from a handful to more than 10 events a year, Maclennan said.
These patterns originate in oceans and at warmer latitudes. “They’re like firehouses of moisture,” Neff said.
That firehose during mid-March was the strangest observed in Antarctica.
“Upper-level pressure values were like six standard deviations from the mean,” Wille said. Temperatures soared beyond what researchers thought was possible for this season. Moisture penetrated much deeper into the continent than usual.
The anomaly raises new questions. How these patterns act in the future could have significant consequences for ice shelves and for sea level rise across the globe.
Take the Thwaites Glacier, in West Antarctica. The Thwaites is losing ice at one of the fastest rates in the region and contributes to a few percentage points of global sea level rise each year, Maclennan said. That trend is driven by warm ocean water melting the bottom of the floating ice shelf, not surface melt. If the glacier were to collapse, it could precede as much as 10 feet of sea level rise over decades or centuries, according to Neff.
Today, atmospheric rivers help buffer the Thwaites by providing heavy snowfall that help protect the ice. Their impact outweighs any surface melt they cause, Maclennan said. But such an extreme event raises questions about what impacts these weather patterns could have in the future.
“If you had a serious atmospheric river hit that shelf, what would that do?” Neff wondered. “If this hit Thwaites Glacier in the middle of the summer, it would be consequential.”
Neff believes Thwaites could absorb such a “punch” today, but also believes the glacier could be more vulnerable later this century as the climate warms.
Said Maclennan: “It’s hard to judge what the impacts might be, but this event does really challenge us to change our understanding of what the range of extremes has been.”
The issue requires more study. Scientists only began to focus on atmospheric rivers in Antarctica around 2013.
In Antarctica, it can be difficult to know what’s normal or expected. Temperatures can seesaw wildly, the continent has relatively few weather stations and satellite observations only stretch back about 40 years.
“The classic problem in Antarctica — everything is stacked against you to be able to put anything in context,” Neff said.
The fingerprint of climate change hasn’t emerged clearly in this region as it has elsewhere in the world.
Was the heat wave a new signal of its impacts? Researchers don’t know yet.
“This does fit into a broader pattern we’re seeing of these extreme weather events that break our notion of what we think could happen in our climate system,” Wille said, comparing the event’s surprising nature to the 2021 flooding in Germany and the heat dome in the Pacific Northwest that shattered temperature records. “Was this event caused by climate change or influenced by climate change? We have to study that.”
Wille said it’s possible that this type of weather could be something to be expected rarely — say once every 100 years — regardless of climate change. It’s possible researchers haven’t been measuring Antarctic weather trends long enough to witness an anomaly like this before, he said.
Neff — who drills and analyzes ice cores to puzzle out evidence of past climates — said those cores could one day provide some answers.
In the weeks leading up to the heat wave, the Conger Ice Shelf in East Antarctica began to break apart.
Sometime around March 15, near the time the heat wave began to ramp up, the ice shelf collapsed entirely, sending icebergs floating into the sea.
“East Antarctica is starting to change. There is mass loss starting to happen,” Helen Amanda Fricker, the co-director of the Scripps Polar Center at the University of California San Diego, told The Associated Press.
“We need to know how stable each one of the ice shelves are because once one disappears” it means glaciers melt into the warming water and “some of that water will come to San Diego and elsewhere.”
The collapse was “teeny tiny” by Antarctic standards and unlikely to have substantial impacts, Neff wrote in a message. But such events are rare in East Antarctica, which is generally more stable, he said. It’s not clear if the atmospheric river and its heat are linked to the collapse.
Still, it’s another odd episode in a season of strange twists and turns.
“We can’t sleep on East Antarctica thinking it’s a static big ice cube,” Neff wrote. The collapse “makes us think, just like the atmospheric river.”
New Michael Salla: Space Arks and the Arriving ET Seeders
New Michael Salla: Space Arks and the Arriving ET Seeders
This is a Short Film/Trailer for the upcoming April 9, 2022 Webinar: “ET Seeders, Space Arks and the Great Reveal”. Covers origins of ancient space arks used in past Earth catastrophes, the planetary evacuation of Mars, how the arks have been hidden throughout our solar system, how a plan for the Seeders to publicly emerge in the 1970s were sabotaged by a Luciferian alliance, how the arks are activating all over the Earth with the arrival of extraterrestrial Seeder races, and much more.
Jack Kirby was a skilled artist and storyteller who – with Marvel Comics’ Stan Lee – co-created such characters as the Incredible Hulk, the Avengers, and the Fantastic Four. But, it’s to a 1958 series that we have to turn our attentions.Its title was Race for the Moon, and it was solely the work of Jack Kirby. Race for the Moon was a trilogy, with part-2 titled “The Face on Mars.” It is focused upon the discovery on Mars – by U.S. astronauts – of a vast, carved human-like face on the surface of the so-called Red Planet. Kirby’s story would likely have fallen into obscurity, were it not for one, significant fact: in 1976, what appeared to be a huge, human-like face – cast out of rock – was photographed in a region of Mars called Cydonia. The late Mac Tonnies – the author of After the Martian Apocalypse – spent years addressing, and studying, the matter of what became known as a real-life Face on Mars.
Mac told me: “The first two objects to attract attention were the Face and the ‘D&M Pyramid,’ both unearthed by digital imaging specialists Vincent DiPietro and Gregory Molenaar. Their research was published in “Unusual Martian Surface Features”; shortly after, Richard Hoagland pointed out a collection of features near the Face which he termed the “City.” NASA itself discovered the Face and even showed it at a press conference after it had been photographed by the Viking mission in the 1970s. Of course, it was written off as a curiosity. Scientific analysis would have to await independent researchers.” He continued: “When NASA dismissed the Face as a ‘trick of light,’ they cited a second, disconfirming photo allegedly taken at a different sun-angle. This photo never existed. DiPietro and Molenaar had to dig through NASA archives to find a second image of the Face — and, far from disputing the face-like appearance, it strengthened the argument that the Face remained face-like from multiple viewing angles. The prevailing alternative to NASA’s geological explanation — that the Face and other formations are natural landforms — is that we’re seeing extremely ancient artificial structures built by an unknown civilization.”
Mac continued: “NASA chooses to ignore that there is a controversy, or at least a controversy in the scientific sense. Since making the Face public in the 1970s, NASA has made vague allusions to humans’ ability to ‘see faces’ (e.g. the ‘Man in the Moon’) and has made lofty dismissals, but it has yet to launch any sort of methodical study of the objects under investigation. Collectively, NASA frowns on the whole endeavor. Mainstream SETI theorists are equally hostile. Basically, the Face – if artificial – doesn’t fall into academically palatable models of how extraterrestrial intelligence will reveal itself, if it is in fact out there. Searching for radio signals is well and good, but scanning the surface of a neighboring planet for signs of prior occupation is met with a very carefully cultivated institutionalized scorn. And of course it doesn’t help that some of the proponents of the Face have indulged in more than a little baseless “investigation.”
“I think some of the objects in the Cydonia region of Mars are probably artificial,” said Mac. “And I think the only way this controversy will end is to send a manned mission. The features under investigation are extremely old and warrant on-site archaeological analysis. We’ve learned – painfully – that images from orbiting satellites won’t answer the fundamental questions raised by the Artificiality Hypothesis. I suspect that we’re seeing a fusion of natural geology and megascale engineering. For example, the Face is likely a modified natural mesa, not entirely unlike some rock sculptures on Earth but on a vastly larger and more technically challenging scale.” Given that the Face on Mars – regardless of what it is or isn’t – was not found and photographed until 1976, how is it possible that Jack Kirby was able to seemingly anticipate all of this back in the late 1950s? I don’t have an answer, but I do know there is another “Face on Mars.” It’s right below. Unless you view it as nothing stranger than a case of pareidolia.
Note: The photos above are from NASA. As NASA is a U.S. government agency, the pictures are in the public domain
Ever since we became aware that the universe extends past our planet and that space exists, people have looked to it as a final frontier. Humanity has made many great strides in our endeavors to conquer this last great unknown, but largely we have only really scratched the surface of getting there, with our progress of manned space missions still limited to the general vicinity of our planet. The desire to delve out into the cosmos is a powerful one, yet while most people may think that our true step towards space travel started in the 20th century, such aspirations have been around far longer than that. There have been serious plans put into space travel centuries before we even put the first animal in orbit, and one of these is certainly the time a 17th century scientist drew up his plans to reach the moon centuries before we actually did.
John Wilkins was born in Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire, England, on 1 January 1614, and was from a young age gifted with great intellect and a passion for the natural world. He would graduate from Magdalen College, Oxford, with a B.A. in 1631 and an M.A. in 1634, mostly focusing on theology, natural philosophy, and astronomy, all subjects in which he excelled. He then went on to be ordained as a priest in the Church of England, after which he took on various posts as chaplain to an array of the rich and powerful, including at one point Charles Louis, Prince Elector of the Palatine, and these posts would take him all over England and Germany, where he became acquainted with scholars from various fields. He would eventually in later years become Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, serve as Bishop of Chester, and go on to be one of the founding members of the Royal Society, which had him spending much of his time among some of the greatest thinkers, scientists, and intellectuals of his time. Yet for all of these achievements, he is perhaps most remembered for his groundbreaking ideas on space, space travel, and alien life that were well ahead of their time.
Wilkins was considered a bit of a genius himself, and during these years he had made many advancements in science and proposed many ideas that were extremely unique for their era. In his 1668 book, An Essay Towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language, he proposed a universal language that could be used by scientists and travelers alike all over the world, and he also was a pioneer of the idea of using a universal system of weights and measure, as well as using pendulums to measure time and utilizing a universal measure of length. He was also an accomplished inventor, creating the first air gun, an artificial rainbow machine, a cypher and signal system that would allow one to “with privacy and speed communicate his thoughts to a friend at any distance,” and an inflatable bladder that would go on to serve as the prototype for the pneumatic tire, among others. Yet although these were all pursuits in which he was pushing new boundaries, it was space that truly fascinated him, and he spent most of his time looking up at the stars contemplating what was out there and how to get there.
John Wilkins
This was an era in which a cascade of discoveries in all areas of science was going on, and astronomy and our understanding of the universe was undergoing a bit of an upheaval. Johannes Kepler had worked out the physical laws governing how planets orbit the Sun. Galileo had completely changed our view of the stars and planets using the newly improved telescope to smash the long held idea of an Earth-centered view of the cosmos, and replace it with Copernicus’s heliocentric theory. We were now coming to an understanding that the stars and space itself extended farther than had ever been thought before. We also could finally see that the moon, which had long been an enigma, had a landscape in many ways similar to Earth, complete with mountains and plains. Humanity was suddenly thrown into a universe that was far more massive and stranger than had ever been thought before, and Wilkins was absolutely fascinated by this.
He would write two groundbreaking books on astronomy called The Discovery of a New World in 1638, and then in 1640 A Discourse Concerning a New Planet, in which he railed against the prevailing physics of Aristotle, which dated back 2000 years, and he introduced this new vision of the universe in plain English and clear vernacular terms that the average reader could understand, something very unique for its era. He also illustrated the idea that not only was Earth just one planet among many others, but that these other planets, as well as our own moon, might be inhabited as well. These were all ideas that had been doing the rounds for some time already, but of all of his ideas on space and the nature of the cosmos, his most bizarre and ambitious were his visionary notions of humans actually travelling to space to meet these beings for themselves. He would write of this:
In the first ages of the world the Islanders either thought themselves to be the onely dwellers upon the earth, or else if there were any other, yet they could not possibly conceive how they might have any commerce with them, being severed by the deepe and broad Sea. But the after-times found out the invention of ships, in which notwithstanding none but some bold daring men durst venture, there being few so resolute as to commit themselves unto the vaste Ocean, and yet now how easie a thing is this, even to a timorous and cowardly nature? So, perhaps, there may be some other meanes invented for a conveyance to the Moone, and though it may seeme a terrible and impossible thing ever to passe through the vaste spaces of the aire, yet no question there would bee some men who durst venture this as well as the other.
This was more than just a thought experiment for Wilkins, as he seriously believed that it was possible to fashion a craft to actually travel out into space, an idea which was mind-blowing for its time, the realm of wild, fanciful fiction. Inspired by such great explorers into the unknown as Columbus, Drake and Magellan, Wilkins truly believed that it was just the next logical step that we head past the horizon and into the new frontier of space. To do this, in around 1640 he proposed building a “flying chariot” that would be capable of reaching the moon, which he really felt was possible and which he really felt could be built.
In order to make this a reality, he had many ideas on how it could be accomplished. The first thing to do was to escape the pull of the planet, which was a bit of a challenge considering this was well before Isaac Newton had identified the force of gravity, but Wilkins thought he had it worked out. He believed that everything was held to the earth by a force of magnetism, but that if one could get just 20 miles into the air they would be free of this force, as the thinking at the time was that the power of gravity depended on the proportionate distance between objects, with the further apart they were, the weaker the force became. Wilkins reasoned that his could be done with a flying machine designed like a ship and equipped with a powerful spring, clockwork gears, gunpowder as a sort of propulsion system and internal engine, a vertical rotating sail sprouting from the backrest, wheels for when the thing landed, and a set of wings covered with feathers. This craft would then take off at a low angle, eerily predicting how planes would take off in modern times centuries before the Wright Brothers made their historic flight and in a time when inertia physics was scarcely understood.
17th century engraving of the moon
Once in space, Wilkins suggested that the temperature might not necessarily be cold, and also explained that since the astronauts would be free from the magnetic pull of the planet, there would be nothing pulling on their digestive system to make them hungry and therefore they would not have any need for food in space. He similarly argued that astronauts would not have to worry about breathing either, as their lungs would get used to breathing the “pure air of angels” at that altitude. To him, flying across space would in a sense be even easier than flying on earth, and would merely be the next step past the ships used by the explorers of the past. He was under the impression, as was the common knowledge of the day, that Earth’s atmosphere was nearly identical to the conditions of space. All that needed to be done was to escape Earth’s attraction and we were set to make a journey to the moon that he estimated would take about 180 days, comparable to a long voyage across the oceans. Simple. He was sure his flying chariot would work, and said “I do seriously and upon good grounds affirm it possible to make a Flying Chariot; in which a man may sit and give such a Motion unto it as shall convey him through the air.”
Looking back at this with what we know now about flight and space travel, we understand that the whole plan is absurd and would have never worked at all, but at the time this was pretty visionary stuff. Although space travel and trips to the moon had been mentioned before in science fiction as pure fantasy, no one had ever seriously considered and drawn up plans for an actual working spaceship, and indeed this was an era in which the idea of real, actual space travel was not even really a thing. As the years went by and more discoveries were made, Wilkins himself would come to understand that travelling to the moon through his plan was not a possibility, although he did continue to experiment with various flying machines. Dr. Allan Chapman, a historian at Wadham College, Oxford, calls it the “Jacobean space programme,” and has said of the rise and fall of Wilkins’ grand vision:
His ingenuity was enormous. He saw his flying chariot as being the space version of Drake’s, Raleigh’s and Magellan’s ships. In the same way that it was an Englishman, Thomas Harriott, who beat Galileo in using the telescope, so on the anniversary of the landing on the Moon it was an Englishman who came up with the best argued possibility of getting to the Moon in his day. This was a honeymoon period of British science. The vacuum had not yet been discovered. In 1640, flying to the Moon was a heroic possibility. But by 1670, they realised it was impossible. They’d made so many discoveries in physics and astronomy in 30 years that they could see that flying to the Moon was not on. But in that glorious period around 1640, it seemed a real possibility.
Wilkins would go on to act as Bishop of Chester with a seat in the House of Lords in 1668, and continue his work in the Royal Society, as well as work as an educator all the way to his death in 1672. Although his ideas concerning space travel might seem extravagant, crude and silly by today’s standards, many of his basic ideas such as flying ships and long distance communication would eventually come true, things he was envisioning centuries earlier. During his era, he was a major influence and force in science, advancing the field and looking into the future frontiers of science, a visionary who may have failed in his quest in space, but holds a great legacy in science. He may not have ever reached the stars, but he was a consummate dreamer who encouraged others to dream too, and in many ways it is dreams that fuel our push into new realms of scientific discovery.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
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