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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Black Holes May Not Be Black. Or Even Holes.
Black Holes May Not Be Black. Or Even Holes.
What if black holes, the all-consuming gravitational behemoths of the universe, aren’t actually black—or even holes? Instead, a new idea proposes that black holes are dark stars with extraordinarily dense, exotic materials at their cores. This could help explain one of the universe’s biggest mysteries: the origin and nature of dark matter.
Black holes are extreme expressions of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. They’re places in the universe where enormously dense amounts of matter stretch the fabric of space and time to its limit, forming an infinitely deep gravitational well that not even light can escape—hence the “black hole” name.
Scientists believe that at the core of each black hole is an indefinitely small and dense point known as a singularity. Gravity is so strong near the singularity that it creates an event horizon around it, where gravity’s pull surpasses even the speed of light.
The laws of physics collapse at infinitely small singularities. That’s when two seemingly opposing fields of physics—quantum mechanics (describing the super tiny) and general relativity (describing the very large)—come face to face with each other. Researchers want to merge the two sciences into a unified theory of quantum gravity by examining the nature of black holes.
The problem? Because matter cannot collapse into an endlessly small point, the singularity appears to be physically impossible.
Physicists have cleverly avoided this problem by building their own singularity-free black holes, called “dark stars.” On the outside, these imaginative creations resemble black holes, but on the inside, they contain an enormously (but not endlessly) dense core of matter compressed to the smallest possible scale, or a “Planck core.” It gets its name from the Planck length, an extraordinarily small fundamental unit of measurement that is on the order of 10-35 meters, or nearly 100 trillion times smaller than a proton.
A dark star, without a singularity at its center, may theoretically allow light to escape its enormous gravitational grasp. Any light that escaped the black hole would be stretched like a slinky by the dark star’s gravitational pull, a process known as redshift.
“In strong gravitational fields, [dark stars] behave interestingly,” physicist Igor Nikitin, of Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute for Scientific Algorithms and Computing, writes in his paper, which appears on the preprint server arXiv:
“First of all, the event horizon, typical for real black holes, is erased. Instead, a deep gravitational well is formed, where the values of the redshift become enormously large. As a result, for an external observer the star looks black, like a real black hole.”
Nikitin thinks that if this phenomenon exists, it could assist explain the true nature of dark matter.
Astronomers discovered dark matter when they discovered that the rotation of stars surrounding galaxies was far too fast for the amount of substance they could see. We now know that dark matter, which is absolutely invisible to humans, accounts for around 85 percent of the mass in the universe. Despite the fact that scientists know dark matter exists, they don’t know where it is.
According to Nikitin’s findings, if black holes had Planck cores, they may be a source of dark matter. His research shows that dark stars could continuously release a stream of particles in the form of dark matter, which could explain why stars spin so quickly around galaxies.
“One more fascinating possibility is that the dark matter is composed of known particles, placed in an unusual condition,” Nikitin says.
According to him, the particles could be as basic as light particles, or photons, that have been redshifted to wavelengths that are so vast that they are essentially invisible to modern radio telescopes. “It is an extremely large wavelength, about 4 light days, 16 times the Sun-Pluto distance.”
The energy of these photons would be extremely low, but they might be plentiful enough to explain the unusual motion of stars around their galaxies.
Nikitin also claims that his idea could explain another unsolved cosmic mystery: the origin of fast radio bursts (FRB).
Astronomers first discovered these powerful, short-lived bursts of radio waves in 2007, but their origin and nature remain hidden to scientists. If an object such as an asteroid fell into a Planck core, Nitkin says, a flash of high-energy light waves could be released. The powerful gravity of the dark star would redshift the light, producing an apparent FRB detectable on Earth.
Although dark stars could help solve two of the universe’s biggest mysteries, Nitkin’s theory would still need to explain a mountain of observational evidence to replace the commonly accepted theory of black holes. His theory, on the other hand, demonstrates that thinking outside the box can bring creative answers to seemingly impossible problems.
The Universe Can Bend the Laws of Physics All By Itself, Scientists Say
The Universe Can Bend the Laws of Physics All By Itself, Scientists Say
According to a new theory, the cosmos perpetuates itself by constantly modifying its own physical laws over time.
An autodidactis someone who learned a subject without the assistance of a teacher or formal schooling. Leonardo Da Vinci, a master of 16 languages, Kató Lomb, a renowned Hungarian interpreter who knew at least 17 languages, and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange are all examples of self-taught maestros. There may be a new addition to that list: the great cosmos. According to new research just released on the pre-print server arXiV, the cosmos may be constantly teaching itself how to grow into a more stable form (meaning the work has not yet been peer-reviewed).
The paper, co-authored by Microsoft researchers and scientists from Brown University, argues that all of the laws of physics that we can see or measure today are laws that have evolved over time. They argue that if we want to understand how these physical laws originated, we should apply Darwinian natural selection to cosmology.
Let us explain: As the universe sought stability over time, the simpler physical laws on which it was founded evolved to become far more sophisticated. Why do we still have cats and dogs but no trilobites or dinosaurs? Cats and dogs have proven to be the most adaptable to their surroundings, successfully passing on their genes to their progeny. By analogy, the universe is the same; the difference is that the universe does not need to compete with other universes in order to continue.
Consider an early version of the world in which gravitational attraction between objects, for example, was a more primitive concept. In that case, Newton’s law of gravitation, which states that all particles of matter in the universe attract all other particles of matter with a force directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers, could not be true.
Today, that law explains why the moon’s surface gravity is about one-sixth that of Earth’s (the moon has far less mass). However, in this simplified universe, gravity may have been a more static idea, with gravity on the moon and Earth being the same. You can apply the same line of thinking to the other 14 laws of physics.
“Over time, that system will teach itself, and some fundamental laws will arise, and that’s really what they’re talking about [in the paper],” explains Janna Levin, a professor of physics and astronomy at Barnard College of Columbia University and director of sciences at Pioneer Works, a New York-based community encouraging radical thinking in the arts and sciences. “If the universe can compute with a given set of algorithms, then maybe it can do the same kind of thing we see in artificial intelligence, where you have self-learning systems that teach themselves new rules. And by rules, in cosmology we mean laws of physics.”
At this point, the paper combines cosmology and biology, or the study of the cosmos and its beginnings. “We ask whether there might be a mechanism woven into the fabric of the natural world, by means of which the universe could learn its laws,” the authors write. In other words, a universal law may apply to all scientific disciplines. That suggests that the laws of physics as we know them could be subject to higher-order universe laws that control them—laws we don’t even understand.
“Exploring links between fields is crucial because knowledge is not fundamentally compartmentalized,” says Bruce Bassett, professor at the University of Cape Town’s Department of Mathematics and head of the Cosmology Group at the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences in South Africa. We beings are merely limited in our thinking. “We segment and compress knowledge into biology, and physics, and sociology because of our limited brains, and the cost of that segmentation and compression is that we easily miss the commonalities and hidden universality between branches of human knowledge.”
That may be why humans struggle to accept the idea that the world is self-learning—we can’t explain it properly with our present scientific disciplines. “The universe is under no obligation to make sense to us,” renowned cosmologist Neil deGrasse Tyson has said.
And, unlike us, the universe does not need to compete with other universes; the cosmos is mind with its own existence. Of course, when we use verbs like “compete” and “mind” to describe the whole, we are succumbing to anthropocentrism, the philosophical belief that everything begins and ends with humans. But we can’t help ourselves. “A lot of the way we think about the world is rooted in the language that we become familiar with,” Levin says. “The universe doesn’t have a conscious mind, just like selection hasn’t; selection is 100 percent agnostic.”
The scientists admit near the end of their roughly 80-page-long study that all they are doing is taking the first baby steps toward the formation of a new theory. “It is indeed early to comment about whether these ideas have anything to do with our universe. The core idea is intriguing and blends cosmology with the core ideas behind artificial intelligence, but is speculative and radical at the same time,” Bassett says.
However, he quickly adds that theoretical physics requires radical ideas. “It is an invitation to explore a crazy idea because we find ourselves confronted by a crazy universe,” he says. “Chances are, it will not lead anywhere interesting, but perhaps it will inspire a real breakthrough, and perhaps it will lead us somewhere even the authors could not imagine.”
Astronomer Have Spotted A Mysterious Object, Which Is 570 Billion Times Brighter than the Sun
Astronomer Have Spotted A Mysterious Object, Which Is 570 Billion Times Brighter than the Sun
So bright that it pushes the energy limit of physics. Billions of light years away, there is a giant ball of hot gas that is brighter than hundreds of billions of suns. It is hard to imagine something so bright. So what is it? Astronomers are not really sure, but they have a couple theories.
They think it may be a very rare type of supernova — called a magnetar — but one so powerful that it pushes the energy limits of physics, or in other words, the most powerful supernova ever seen as of today. This object is so luminous that astronomers are having a really difficult time finding a way to describe it. “If it really is a magnetar, it's as if nature took everything we know about magnetars and turned it up to 11,” said Krzysztof Stanek, professor of astronomy at Ohio State University and the team's co-principal investigator, comedically implying it is off the charts on a scale of 1 to 10. The object was first spotted by the All Sky Automated Survey of Supernovae (ASAS-SN or “assassin”), which is a small network of telescopes used to detect bright objects in the universe.
There is a massive ball of hot gas billions of light-years distant that is brighter than hundreds of billions of suns.
Although this object is ridiculously bright, it still can’t be seen by the naked eye because it is 3.8 billion light years away. ASAS-SN, since it began in 2014, has discovered nearly 250 supernovae, however this discovery, ASASSN-15lh, stands out because of its sheer magnitude. It is 200 times more powerful than the average supernova, 570 billion times brighter than the sun, and 20 times brighter than all the stars in the Milky Way Galaxy combined. “We have to ask, how is that even possible?” said Stanek. “It takes a lot of energy to shine that bright, and that energy has to come from somewhere.”Todd Thompson, professor of astronomy at Ohio State, has one possible explanation. The supernova could have generated an extremely rare type of star called a millisecond magnetar — a rapidly spinning and very dense star with a crazy strong magnetic field. This is how crazy magnetars are: to shine as bright as it does, this magnetar would have to spin at least 1,000 times a second, and convert all of that rotational energy to light with pretty much 100 percent efficiency — making it the most extreme example of a magnetar that is physically possible. “Given those constraints,” Thompson said, “will we ever see anything more luminous than this? If it truly is a magnetar, then the answer is basically no.”Over the coming months, the Hubble Space Telescope will try to solve this mystery by giving astronomers time to see the host galaxy surrounding this object. The team may find that this bright object lies in the very center of a large galaxy — meaning the object is not a magnetar at all — and the gas around it is actually evidence of a supermassive black hole. If that is the case, then the bright light could be explained by a new kind of event, said study co-author Christopher Kochanek, professor of astronomy at Ohio State. It would be something that has never, ever been seen before at the center of a galaxy. Whether it is a magnetar, a supermassive black hole, or something else entirely, the results are probably going to lead to new thinking about how objects form in the universe.
Australian Physicists Have Proved That Time Travel is Possible
Australian Physicists Have Proved That Time Travel is Possible
Scientists from the University of Queensland have used photons (single particles of light) to simulate quantum particles traveling through time. The research is cutting edge and the results could be dramatic!
Their research, entitled “Experimental simulation of closed time-like curves “, is published in the latest issue of Nature Communications. The grandfather paradox states that if a time traveler were to go back in time, he could accidentally prevent his grandparents from meeting, and thus prevent his own birth. However, if he had never been born, he could never have traveled back in time, in the first place. The paradoxes are largely caused by Einstein’s theory of relativity, and the solution to it, the Gödel metric.
How relativity works
Einstein’s theory of relativity is made up of two parts – general relativity and special relativity. Special relativity posits that space and time are aspects of the same thing, known as the space-time continuum, and that time can slow down or speed up, depending on how fast you are moving, relative to something else.
Gravity can also bend time, and Einstein’s theory of general relativity suggests that it would be possible to travel backwards in time by following a space-time path, i.e. a closed time-line curve that returns to the starting point in space, but arrives at an earlier time. It was predicted in 1991 that quantum mechanics could avoid some of the paradoxes caused by Einstein’s theory of relativity, as quantum particles behave almost outside the realm of physics.
“The question of time travel features at the interface between two of our most successful yet incompatible physical theories – Einstein’s general relativity and quantum mechanics. Einstein’s theory describes the world at the very large scale of stars and galaxies, while quantum mechanics is an excellent description of the world at the very small scale of atoms and molecules.” said Martin Ringbauer, a PhD student at UQ’s School of Mathematics and Physics and a lead author of the paper.
Simulating time travel
The scientists simulated the behavior of two photons interacting with each other in two different cases. In the first case, one photon passed through a wormhole and then interacted with its older self. In the second case, when a photon travels through normal space-time and interacts with another photon trapped inside a closed time-line curve forever.
“The properties of quantum particles are ‘fuzzy’ or uncertain to start with, so this gives them enough wiggle room to avoid inconsistent time travel situations,” said co-author Professor Timothy Ralph. “Our study provides insights into where and how nature might behave differently from what our theories predict.”
Although it has been possible to simulate time travel with tiny quantum particles, the same might not be possible for larger particles or atoms, which are groups of particles.
10 Real Places On Earth That Seem Scientifically Impossible
10 Real Places On Earth That Seem Scientifically Impossible
The world is filled with beautiful places to visit from shore to shore. But what about the anomalies of the world? Nature doesn’t always do things by the book, and there are a few creepy, strange, and seemingly impossible places to prove it.
On the other side of the moon, there is an artificial building and an alien base
On the other side of the moon, there is an artificial building and an alien base
According to a report by the Society for Planetary SETI Research there are strange constructions on the moon’s far side that may have been constructed by extraterrestrials and are not of human origin.
With a Ph.D. in Plasma Physics, Dr. John Brandenburg worked on NASA’s Clementine Moon mission, which discovered bases on the moon in addition to the water in its poles in 1994. A “mile wide recto-linear building” that was “unmistakably constructed” and that “shouldn’t be there,” according to his description, was what he observed. Dr. Brandenburg expressed “huge anxiety” as a member of the space defense group since “it isn’t ours, there is no way we could have created such a device. It implies that someone else is present.
Dr. Brandenburg was instructed “not to meddle” with “an elite department team with the highest security clearance” that was analyzing the lunar imaging data once the Clementine mission was complete.
Carl Sagan Said That There Could Be Alien Bases on the Moon’s Dark Side and Extraterrestrial Visitation Was Possible.
Carl Sagan discussed the potential of alien contact in 1963, saying, “It is not beyond the realm of possibility that artifacts of these alien visits still exist, or even that some form of base is sustained inside the solar system to give continuity for subsequent expeditions. It would be preferred not to build such a base on the surface of the Earth due to weathering and the potential for discovery and intervention by Earthlings. The Moon appears to be a logical substitute. These possibilities could be considered in upcoming high-resolution photographic reconnaissance of the Moon from spacecraft, especially on the reverse side.
An observer with the US Air Force visited a National Security Agency (NSA) facility to learn more about bases on the moon’s dark side.
During his testimony before the National Press Club in Washington, DC, Karl Wolf, a member of the USAF with a top-secret cryptographic clearance, said that an NSA airman had told him in 1965 that they had identified a base on the moon’s dark side using the lunar orbiter photographs they had obtained. The mosaic depicted “the foundation, towers, geometric patterns, radar dishes, spherical buildings, and other large structures,” according to Wolf, who claimed to have personally seen it.
In actuality, the extraterrestrials have already told us what occurred on the other side of the moon. (Yes, There Have Been Ancient Alien Bases)
According to the author of the book “Thiaoouba Prophecy,” Michel Desmarquet, bases on the dark side of the Moon were established by residents of the planet Aremo X3 with the intention of migrating to Earth. They intended to repopulate Aremo X3, a planet that was growing uncomfortably overpopulated, with a number of million people. They possessed sophisticated technology at the time and could travel throughout the galaxy.
Thao, an ET, explains: “Around 250 000 Earth years ago, the Polynesian race that now lives on Aremo X3 took an interplanetary exploration voyage through your solar system. Before arriving in China, where their spaceship greatly startled the local populace, they skirted Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury. Their tradition mentions “fire dragons” that descended from the skies.”
They went on and chose to live on the continent of Mu (Lemuria) after having conflicts with the Chinese. Lemuria was a region that had been produced by gaseous bands in the Pacific Ocean at the time. Due to its latitude, it was “a real paradise” and was mostly deserted.
Given that they killed Chinese citizens, “They decided it would be prudent to set up a base to which they might escape in case they came into other conflicts of a serious type from Earth people since they had grown extremely wary. Therefore, it was determined that their base of evacuation would be established on the moon, which was relatively nearby and thought to be highly secure, rather than on Earth.”
Emigration to Mu (Lemuria) didn’t start until the lunar bases had been constructed over the course of fifty years.
So indeed, there are extraterrestrial outposts on the opposite side of the Moon, which were developed by the inhabitants of the planet Aremo X3.
What happened to Lemuria? Lemuria’s continent sunk into the Pacific Ocean around 14,500 years ago, leaving only a few fragments as islands, including Easter Island and the Hawaiian Islands. It eliminated all the cutting-edge technology that the inhabitants of Aremo X3 possessed but kept to themselves. The Great Pyramid and the Moai Statues, achievements of their earlier technology, may still be appreciated, nonetheless.
What’s happening with Aremo X3 now? Sadly, the individuals who survived a nuclear war some 150 years ago have only a few survivors alive, according to the book Thiaoouba Prophecy.
Other mysteries about our existence on earth are revealed in the book “Thiaoouba Prophecy.”
Astronomers Discover 'One In A Million' Super-Earth With an Earth-Like Orbit
Astronomers Discover 'One In A Million' Super-Earth With an Earth-Like Orbit
Astronomers from the University of Canterbury (UC) has discovered a spectacular new exoplanet at the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy. The planet is important as it is one of just a handful of similar exoplanets identified so far.
According to the researchers, the super-Earth is comparable to Earth in both size and orbit. A paper published in the Astronomical Journal describes the exoplanet finding and the planet's features.
Astronomers Dr. Antonio Herrera Martin and Associate Professor Michael Albrow, both of UC's School of Physical and Chemical Sciences in the College of Science, worked with international researchers to detect the super-Earth. The planet is said to be a rare world in the cosmos. According to the researchers, the super-Earth is in orbit around a dim dwarf, maybe a brown dwarf, or a failed star. The extraterrestrial world takes around 617 Earth days to circle its star, yet its orbit would fall somewhere between Earth and the planet Venus in our own solar system. Astronomers utilized the solar system as a reference point, according to UC. The host star has a mass of around 10% that of our Sun. The planet's mass is estimated to be somewhere between that of Earth and that of Neptune, and its orbit is estimated to be somewhere between Earth and Venus. It's one of a handful exoplanets discovered by scientists that has a similar size and orbit to Earth. The scientists did not discover the super-Earth by directly watching it, nor did they discover it using the transit technique or by studying how it interacts with its star. Rather, scientists found the super-Earth by observing how its host star distorts and magnifies light like a lens, a process known as gravitational microlensing. Dr. Herrera Martin explained: “The combined gravity of the planet and its host star caused the light from a more distant background star to be magnified in a particular way. We used telescopes distributed around the world to measure the light-bending effect,” It is incredibly unusual to discover a planet by microlensing. According to astronomers, microlensing effects influence around one in a million stars in the Milky Way at any given time. What makes this revelation even more unusual is that such an observation does not occur frequently.
“The probabilities of catching a planet at the same time are extremely low,” UC astronomers have explained.
The microlensing event that led to the finding of the exoplanet is formally known as OGLE-2018-BLG-0677.
Scientists Found The Building Blocks Of DNA And RNA In Meteorites. Here's What That Means
Scientists Found The Building Blocks Of DNA And RNA In Meteorites. Here's What That Means
It's been a long-held theory that many of the essential ingredients needed for the creation of life on Earth came from outer space. The source behind these ingredients was concept to be meteorites that landed on the planet billions of years ago.
Studies carried out on fallen space rocks over the course of the last century have confirmed the existence of number of nucleobases — required for storing genetic information in DNA and RNA — on these meteorites. Among the bases that have been observed on meteorites include adenine, guanine, and uracil. However, two basic ingredients that are essential for confirming this theory — cytosine and thymine — have continued to elude scientists.
Without establishing the occurrence of these compounds on these space rocks, it was almost impossible for researchers to prove the long-held theory about life on Earth having a cosmic connection.
A latest development, however, is all set to change this. Advancements in detection and extraction techniques have finally led scientists to observe cytosine and thymine on four meteorites that fell to the Earth sometime in the late '60s.
New methods of detecting
The team of researchers that conducted the research included Daniel Glavin, an Astro chemist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. He committed that the discovery marks the first time that all the bases found in DNA and RNA were isolated from a single meteorite. To ensure their detection was accurate, tests were carried out on four different meteorites collected from different parts of the Earth. To their surprise, all four of them showed traces of these important organic compounds.
For the mean of this study, researchers used a new extraction technique developed by geochemist Yasuhiro Oba of Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan. This technique involves extrication using cold water — a much milder process compared to older techniques that involved using acids. According to Oba, the latest method has "orders of magnitude higher sensitivity" than techniques applied in earlier studies. The new technique had proven itself in the past when three years ago, another team of researchers used it to discover another elusive organic compound — ribose — from three meteorites.
The effects of meteors are still unclear
While the detection of these important ingredients from multiple meteorites is an encouraging sign, questions are still being raised if these compounds got to the rocks after they fell to our planet's surface. Scientists do not totally dismiss the likelihood that these rocks could have been contaminated by elements already present on Earth. Incontrovertible results won'tlikely be available until studies can be done on samples acquired outside Earth's atmosphere.
And that is accurately what the scientists are up to next. In 2020, Japan's Hayabusa space mission extracted a piece of rock from the surface of an asteroid called Ryugu and guide it back to the Earth for study. NASA is also on alike mission, and in September 2023, the organization is anticipating to be in possession of a similar sample extracted from asteroid Bennu. Once conclusive studies on these chunks of uncontaminated rocks are out, we can conclusively prove that important ingredients that acted as catalysts for life on Earth did, in fact, come from space.
Revealed after 32 years: The 'most spectacular UFO photo ever captured' - or the first glimpse of America's fabled top-secret Aurora spy plane program?
Revealed after 32 years: The 'most spectacular UFO photo ever captured' - or the first glimpse of America's fabled top-secret Aurora spy plane program?
In August 1990, two young chefs photographed what they thought was a UFO while walking near the Carigorms in Scotland and took the pictures to a newspaper
The paper passed them on to the Ministry of Defence (MOD). Then, the photographs vanished - along with the two young chefs
Now, after 32 years, the photograph is revealed - despite the MOD and The National Archives doing their utmost to keep it hidden until 2076 because of 'privacy concerns'
Retired RAF officer Craig Lindsay, now 83, broke protocol and kept a copy of one of the pictures inside his copy of Great Aircraft Of The World in his desk
But is this picture, in fact, the first glimpse of America's fabled, top-secret Aurora spy plane program?
Since the mid-1980s, there had been rumours of a silent, supersonic, geometrically shaped craft, used for spy missions
There have never been substantial evidence that it was ever built or flown, but there have been numerous unexplained sightings and incidents in both the US and the UK that fuelled the myth
On August 4, 1990, two young men were working as chefs in a hotel in Pitlochry, a beautiful Highland Perthshire town, just outside the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland.
At 9pm, after a long day in a hot kitchen, they drove about 13 miles north along the A9 to Calvine, a spot on the edge of the Cairngorms, for a walk in the hills.
They hadn't gone far when they saw a huge, solid, diamond-shaped object, about 100ft long, hovering silently in the sky above them. Terrified, they hid in some bushes and looked up.
Minutes later, they heard the scream of a jet aircraft going north: In 1990, RAF Leuchars in Fife had two squadrons of Tornado fighters on 24-hour standby to intercept Russian intruder aircraft.
The jet came back and circled the 'thing' before heading off on its original course, as if the pilot had seen the object too and had come back for a closer look.
Eventually the two men stuck their camera out from where they were hiding and fired off six frames. At that point, the object shot vertically upwards and disappeared way, way up in to the sky.
Convinced they'd just seen a UFO, they took their photos to the Daily Record, one of Scotland's leading newspapers. But no story was ever printed: The paper passed the pictures on to the Ministry of Defence.
And then, the photographs simply vanished — along with the two young chefs.
Until now.
Here, for the first time, we can reveal that missing picture — a photograph one MoD insider described as the most spectacular UFO picture ever captured, and the Holy Grail in terms of hard evidence that these things really exist.
It's a picture the MoD and The National Archives have tried their utmost to keep hidden. While the information would normally have been released after 30 years, the Ministry has not released the original photo and wants the names of the witnesses sealed for a further 54 years — until 2076 — because of 'privacy concerns'.
Revealed after 32 years: The 'most spectacular UFO photo ever captured'. The photograph, taken by two young chefs on August 4, 1990, has been hidden from view for more than 30 years
As a university lecturer and investigative reporter who's spent three decades immersed in the world of UFOlogy, I heard the story of the mysterious 'Calvine file' — as the missing photo and report of that incident at Calvine came to be known — many moons ago and have devoted the past 13 years doggedly searching for the images the men took.
What happened to the file, the men who pictured the UFO and how and why its very existence has been suppressed for 32 years, was a puzzle I was determined to crack. Wherever I searched for answers, however, I found insiders blocking my inquiries — until I struck lucky and found retired RAF officer Craig Lindsay, the first official to speak to one of the young chefs after that night.
He was willing to talk to me and, most exciting of all, I discovered that he'd broken protocol that day and stashed a copy of the image before, on Whitehall's orders, sending the entire dossier — negatives included — to the Ministry of Defence in London.
He'd kept the secret copy in his desk for 32 years — hidden inside his copy of Great Aircraft Of The World. When I eventually tracked him down, now 83 and still living in Scotland, he sounded almost relieved.
'I have been for waiting for someone to contact about this for more than 30 years,' he said.
RAF Officer Craig Lindsay shows a 30-year-old, black and white photo of a UFO sighting - described as 'one of the best in the world' which has been unearthed after being hidden by the British Ministry of Defence. 'I have been for waiting for someone to contact about this for more than 30 years,' he said.
So, what do I make of it? The moment Craig showed the photograph to me I knew I was looking at something exceptional. Yes, it is a black and white image, printed on colour paper, and the trees and fence look a little blurry, as if the photographer took it in a moment of panic — which is consistent with their story. But the camera is focused on the weird diamond shaped object in the centre of the frame. Unlike many other UFO images, this is clearly a structured craft of unknown origin. It looks other-worldly and unlike any conventional aircraft.
And it is by far the best UFO photograph I have ever seen.
Believe me, I'm no gullible, deluded conspiracy theorist. I'd grown cynical after viewing hundreds of unconvincing photographs and films: Blurry, grainy, out of focus shots of what easily could have been frisbees, streetlamps or even seagulls.
But this was clearly something different. I've since had it analysed by Andrew Robinson, a senior lecturer in photography at Sheffield Hallam University. He is convinced it is genuine, and if it is a hoax, then a highly elaborate one, involving expensive, sophisticated equipment and flying models, not at the disposal of two jobbing hotel chefs.
He told me: 'My conclusion is that the object is definitely in front of the camera, that is, it's not a fake produced in post-production, and its placement within the scene appears to be approximately halfway between the foreground fence and the plane in the background.'
Mr Lindsay, a pragmatic, logical former civil servant who spent ten years in the military, is convinced the image — and the frightened man he spoke to on that day — are genuine. Initially, he was worried about speaking to me in case he was in breach of the Official Secrets Act. But after 32 years of doing what he was told, and keeping quiet, he now wants the truth to emerge.
'As a press officer for Scotland, I dealt with many UFO reports but most were just of lights in the sky. It was obvious this one was different. When I asked what sort of noise it had made, the man said, 'It didn't make any noise at all.' Up to that point I wasn't treating it very seriously but when he said it was silent, I suddenly realised there is no aircraft that I know of that is silent.'
Lindsay arranged for the negatives the men had handed to the Daily Record to be collected and faxed a copy of the best print to the Ministry of Defence's now-defunct UFO desk in London.
'Before I could even get back to my desk the phone was ringing and my contact said, 'Tell me more about this. Can you get the negatives?'
This is the exact spot today where the hidden photograph was taken by two hotel chefs while hiking in the Scottish glen in 1990
When he visited the MoD later that year, however, he saw the Calvine photo blown up to poster size on the UFO office wall.
'I asked how they were getting on. They said it was being investigated. I was told to 'leave it to London'… they asked me not to get involved, so I have done exactly that,' he said.
'The years passed and gradually I just forgot about the print in my drawer. Now I hope the two witnesses will come forward and tell their own stories.'
I hope so too. My interest in UFO sightings started in the 1990s when, working as a journalist in Yorkshire, I began using the Freedom of Information Act to request access to MoD files on famous UFO sightings such as the Rendlesham Forest incident that is often called Britain's Roswell (an incident in 1947 in New Mexico long believed to have been a cover-up of UFO evidence).
In 2008, shortly before the MoD disbanded their UFO desk, I had become such an authority on the MoD files that I was offered the opportunity to curate the release of thousands of once secret UFO papers at The National Archives.
In here, among the hundreds of drawings from schoolchildren and letters from UFO conspiracy theorists demanding to know where the aliens were being kept, I found a poor-quality, photocopied drawing of a UFO with a Harrier beside it.
Yet, even more intriguingly, alongside the image there was a briefing prepared for Defence Ministers in Margaret Thatcher's government of the time if they were approached to comment on the sighting.
The wording was vague and non-committal, the typical 'swatting away' investigators are used to. Under the sub-heading 'Defensive Lines to Take' is the official response the MoD should give, if asked.
'Have looked at the photographs, no definite conclusions reached regarding large diamond-shaped object. Confident that jet aircraft is a Harrier. Have no record of Harriers operating in location at stated date/time. No other reports received by MoD of unusual air activity or sightings at location/date/time.'
I checked, but of course, no one did ask. The story was immediately shelved. I went looking for more.
Although the sparse MoD papers on the Calvine sighting were declassified, the names of the photographer (and Craig Lindsay) were removed from the file under Data Protection laws. Normally, these would have been released after 30 years — on January 1, 2020 — but the MoD and The National Archives continue to insist they must be kept secret for another 54 years — until 2076 — because of 'privacy concerns'.
Even the Daily Record's decision not to publish the story is intriguing. Had it been spiked by a D-Notice — a gagging order based on national security concerns, served by the MoD?
While this might sound like something from TV's The X-Files, some clever sleuthing by my fellow UFOlogist Matthew Illsley discovered that the Record's editor, the late Endell Laird, had been a member of the MoD's D-Notice committee at the time. A coincidence?
Matthew from Mansfield in Nottinghamshire is challenging the extended closure decision that he says is unjustified, asking: 'What have they got to hide after all these years?'
So what was it? Sadly, I do not think that mysterious aircraft arrived from another galaxy. I believe it was man-made somewhere in a secret hangar — and whatever it was remains on the secret list and highly sensitive. The witnesses had simply been in that 'million to one' chance of being in that particular place at that particular time, and needed to be shut up.
Remember, this was 1990, the Cold War was still a year away from thawing. The Gulf War started literally days earlier. The world was — as many would argue it still is today — divided along 'them and us' battle lines.
Since the mid-Eighties, there had been rumours of a top secret, exotic, American reconnaissance aircraft named 'Aurora' — a silent, supersonic, geometrically shaped craft, used for spy missions.
Although there has never been any substantial evidence that it was ever built or flown, there have been numerous unexplained sightings and incidents in both the US and the UK over the years that have fuelled the Aurora myth — Calvine included.
In 1991, Defence Ministers denied in Parliament that the US had been given permission to fly or land their secret spy plane in UK airspace after reports that Aurora had been spotted leaving RAF Machrihanish on the Mull of Kintyre.
But papers I obtained using the Freedom of Information Act suggest that some MoD intelligence officers did believe Aurora existed but were not allowed to say anything publicly.
A source in the MoD tells me that once Britain's intelligence chiefs realised the Calvine photographs showed a top secret US project they were immediately classified secret — UK Eyes Only.
Last June, the Pentagon released its long-awaited report on what it now calls UAPs or 'unidentified aerial phenomena' after a spate of similar sightings and the release of films showing fast-moving UFOs taken by US Navy pilots. The new American UAP Task Force listed five categories that most sightings, when resolved, would likely fall into — and one of these is 'classified programs' developed by the US government.
I am convinced the Calvine photograph shows one of these classified programs. Meanwhile, the American, and possibly our own, government have found it useful to 'keep the myth of UFOs flying' because it provides a useful cover for their own covert military activities.
But in this case their cover was blown by two young men who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. The MoD must explain to the public why, if there are no such things as UFOs, how they can justify keeping their identities secret for a further 54 years. And it also needs to explain what happened to the negatives and their file on the case — otherwise they are simply adding further grist to the mill of the conspiracy theorists who believe the authorities are hiding 'the truth' about visits to Earth by aliens. The pictures surely cannot be said to damage state interests.
I remain open-minded about the possibility that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe. But I remain unconvinced that it has ever visited Earth.
The Calvine photograph is, in my opinion, the best image showing an unidentified flying object ever taken. But as Dr J. Allen Hynek, consultant to the USAF's former UFO Project Blue Book, once said: 'Unidentified to whom?'
Revealed after 32 years, the top secret picture one MOD insider calls ‘the most spectacular UFO photo ever captured’
Revealed after 32 years, the top secret picture one MOD insider calls ‘the most spectacular UFO photo ever captured’
So why do officials want to keep the identities of the men who took it secret for another 50 years?
By David Clarke
On August 4, 1990, two young men were working as chefs in a hotel in Pitlochry, a beautiful Highland Perthshire town, just outside the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland.
At 9pm, after a long day in a hot kitchen, they drove about 13 miles north along the A9 to Calvine, a spot on the edge of the Cairngorms, for a walk in the hills.
They hadn’t gone far when they saw a huge, solid, diamond-shaped object, about 100ft long, hovering silently in the sky above them. Terrified, they hid in some bushes and looked up.
Minutes later, they heard the scream of a jet aircraft going north: In 1990, RAF Leuchars in Fife had two squadrons of Tornado fighters on 24-hour standby to intercept Russian intruder aircraft.
The jet came back and circled the ‘thing’ before heading off on its original course, as if the pilot had seen the object too and had come back for a closer look.
Eventually the two men stuck their camera out from where they were hiding and fired off six frames. At that point, the object shot vertically upwards and disappeared way, way up in to the sky.
Convinced they’d just seen a UFO, they took their photos to the Daily Record, one of Scotland’s leading newspapers. But no story was ever printed: The paper passed the pictures on to the Ministry of Defence.
And then, the photographs simply vanished — along with the two young chefs.
Until now. Here, for the first time, we can reveal that missing picture — a photograph one MoD insider described as the most spectacular UFO picture ever captured, and the Holy Grail in terms of hard evidence that these things really exist.
It’s a picture the MoD and The National Archives have tried their utmost to keep hidden. While the information would normally have been released after 30 years, the Ministry has not released the original photo and wants the names of the witnesses sealed for a further 54 years — until 2076 — because of ‘privacy concerns’.
Unearthed: Former RAF officer Craig Lindsay with the photo he kept hidden for 32 years
As a university lecturer and investigative reporter who’s spent three decades immersed in the world of UFOlogy, I heard the story of the mysterious ‘Calvine file’ — as the missing photo and report of that incident at Calvine came to be known — many moons ago and have devoted the past 13 years doggedly searching for the images the men took.
What happened to the file, the men who pictured the UFO and how and why its very existence has been suppressed for 32 years, was a puzzle I was determined to crack. Wherever I searched for answers, however, I found insiders blocking my inquiries — until I struck lucky and found retired RAF officer Craig Lindsay, the first official to speak to one of the young chefs after that night.
He was willing to talk to me and, most exciting of all, I discovered that he’d broken protocol that day and stashed a copy of the image before, on Whitehall’s orders, sending the entire dossier — negatives included — to the Ministry of Defence in London.
He’d kept the secret copy in his desk for 32 years — hidden inside his copy of Great Aircraft Of The World. When I eventually tracked him down, now 83 and still living in Scotland, he sounded almost relieved.
‘I have been for waiting for someone to contact about this for more than 30 years,’ he said.
So, what do I make of it? The moment Craig showed the photograph to me I knew I was looking at something exceptional. Yes, it is a black and white image, printed on colour paper, and the trees and fence look a little blurry, as if the photographer took it in a moment of panic — which is consistent with their story. But the camera is focused on the weird diamond shaped object in the centre of the frame. Unlike many other UFO images, this is clearly a structured craft of unknown origin. It looks other-worldly and unlike any conventional aircraft.
And it is by far the best UFO photograph I have ever seen.
Believe me, I’m no gullible, deluded conspiracy theorist. I’d grown cynical after viewing hundreds of unconvincing photographs and films: Blurry, grainy, out of focus shots of what easily could have been frisbees, streetlamps or even seagulls.
But this was clearly something different. I’ve since had it analysed by Andrew Robinson, a senior lecturer in photography at Sheffield Hallam University. He is convinced it is genuine, and if it is a hoax, then a highly elaborate one, involving expensive, sophisticated equipment and flying models, not at the disposal of two jobbing hotel chefs.
He told me: ‘My conclusion is that the object is definitely in front of the camera, that is, it’s not a fake produced in post-production, and its placement within the scene appears to be approximately halfway between the foreground fence and the plane in the background.’
Mr Lindsay, a pragmatic, logical former civil servant who spent ten years in the military, is convinced the image — and the frightened man he spoke to on that day — are genuine. Initially, he was worried about speaking to me in case he was in breach of the Official Secrets Act. But after 32 years of doing what he was told, and keeping quiet, he now wants the truth to emerge.
‘As a press officer for Scotland, I dealt with many UFO reports but most were just of lights in the sky. It was obvious this one was different. When I asked what sort of noise it had made, the man said, “It didn’t make any noise at all.” Up to that point I wasn’t treating it very seriously but when he said it was silent, I suddenly realised there is no aircraft that I know of that is silent.’
Lindsay arranged for the negatives the men had handed to the Daily Record to be collected and faxed a copy of the best print to the Ministry of Defence’s now-defunct UFO desk in London.
‘Before I could even get back to my desk the phone was ringing and my contact said, “Tell me more about this. Can you get the negatives?”’
When he visited the MoD later that year, however, he saw the Calvine photo blown up to poster size on the UFO office wall.
‘I asked how they were getting on. They said it was being investigated. I was told to “leave it to London”… they asked me not to get involved, so I have done exactly that,’ he said.
‘The years passed and gradually I just forgot about the print in my drawer. Now I hope the two witnesses will come forward and tell their own stories.’
I hope so too. My interest in UFO sightings started in the 1990s when, working as a journalist in Yorkshire, I began using the Freedom of Information Act to request access to MoD files on famous UFO sightings such as the Rendlesham Forest incident that is often called Britain’s Roswell (an incident in 1947 in New Mexico long believed to have been a cover-up of UFO evidence).
In 2008, shortly before the MoD disbanded their UFO desk, I had become such an authority on the MoD files that I was offered the opportunity to curate the release of thousands of once secret UFO papers at The National Archives.
Fast forward: How the spot in Calvine where the mysterious photo was taken looks today
In here, among the hundreds of drawings from schoolchildren and letters from UFO conspiracy theorists demanding to know where the aliens were being kept, I found a poor-quality, photocopied drawing of a UFO with a Harrier beside it.
Yet, even more intriguingly, alongside the image there was a briefing prepared for Defence Ministers in Margaret Thatcher’s government of the time if they were approached to comment on the sighting.
The wording was vague and non-committal, the typical ‘swatting away’ investigators are used to. Under the sub-heading ‘Defensive Lines to Take’ is the official response the MoD should give, if asked.
‘Have looked at the photographs, no definite conclusions reached regarding large diamond-shaped object. Confident that jet aircraft is a Harrier. Have no record of Harriers operating in location at stated date/time. No other reports received by MoD of unusual air activity or sightings at location/date/time.’
I checked, but of course, no one did ask. The story was immediately shelved. I went looking for more.
Although the sparse MoD papers on the Calvine sighting were declassified, the names of the photographer (and Craig Lindsay) were removed from the file under Data Protection laws. Normally, these would have been released after 30 years — on January 1, 2020 — but the MoD and The National Archives continue to insist they must be kept secret for another 54 years — until 2076 — because of ‘privacy concerns’.
Even the Daily Record’s decision not to publish the story is intriguing. Had it been spiked by a D-Notice — a gagging order based on national security concerns, served by the MoD?
While this might sound like something from TV’s The X-Files, some clever sleuthing by my fellow UFOlogist Matthew Illsley discovered that the Record’s editor, the late Endell Laird, had been a member of the MoD’s D-Notice committee at the time. A coincidence?
Matthew from Mansfield in Nottinghamshire is challenging the extended closure decision that he says is unjustified, asking: ‘What have they got to hide after all these years?’
So what was it? Sadly, I do not think that mysterious aircraft arrived from another galaxy. I believe it was man-made somewhere in a secret hangar — and whatever it was remains on the secret list and highly sensitive. The witnesses had simply been in that ‘million to one’ chance of being in that particular place at that particular time, and needed to be shut up.
Remember, this was 1990, the Cold War was still a year away from thawing. The Gulf War started literally days earlier. The world was — as many would argue it still is today — divided along ‘them and us’ battle lines.
Since the mid-Eighties, there had been rumours of a top secret, exotic, American reconnaissance aircraft named ‘Aurora’ — a silent, supersonic, geometrically shaped craft, used for spy missions.
Although there has never been any substantial evidence that it was ever built or flown, there have been numerous unexplained sightings and incidents in both the US and the UK over the years that have fuelled the Aurora myth — Calvine included.
In 1991, Defence Ministers denied in Parliament that the US had been given permission to fly or land their secret spy plane in UK airspace after reports that Aurora had been spotted leaving RAF Machrihanish on the Mull of Kintyre.
But papers I obtained using the Freedom of Information Act suggest that some MoD intelligence officers did believe Aurora existed but were not allowed to say anything publicly.
A source in the MoD tells me that once Britain’s intelligence chiefs realised the Calvine photographs showed a top secret US project they were immediately classified secret — UK Eyes Only.
Last June, the Pentagon released its long-awaited report on what it now calls UAPs or ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ after a spate of similar sightings and the release of films showing fast-moving UFOs taken by US Navy pilots. The new American UAP Task Force listed five categories that most sightings, when resolved, would likely fall into — and one of these is ‘classified programs’ developed by the US government.
I am convinced the Calvine photograph shows one of these classified programs. Meanwhile, the American, and possibly our own, government have found it useful to ‘keep the myth of UFOs flying’ because it provides a useful cover for their own covert military activities.
But in this case their cover was blown by two young men who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. The MoD must explain to the public why, if there are no such things as UFOs, how they can justify keeping their identities secret for a further 54 years. And it also needs to explain what happened to the negatives and their file on the case — otherwise they are simply adding further grist to the mill of the conspiracy theorists who believe the authorities are hiding ‘the truth’ about visits to Earth by aliens. The pictures surely cannot be said to damage state interests.
I remain open-minded about the possibility that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe. But I remain unconvinced that it has ever visited Earth.
The Calvine photograph is, in my opinion, the best image showing an unidentified flying object ever taken. But as Dr J. Allen Hynek, consultant to the USAF’s former UFO Project Blue Book, once said: ‘Unidentified to whom?’
This image from the Gemini North telescope in Hawai'i reveals a pair of interacting spiral galaxies — NGC 4568 (bottom) and NGC 4567 (top) — as they begin to clash and merge. The galaxies will eventually form a single elliptical galaxy in around 500 million years. Credit: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURAImage processing: T.A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage/NSF's NOIRLab), J. Miller (Gemini Observatory/NSF's NOIRLab), M. Zamani (NSF's NOIRLab) & D. de Martin (NSF's NOIRLab)
An evocative new image captured by the Gemini North telescope in Hawai'i reveals a pair of interacting spiral galaxies—NGC 4568 and NGC 4567—as they begin to clash and merge. These galaxies are entangled by their mutual gravitational field and will eventually combine to form a single elliptical galaxy in around 500 million years. Also visible in the image is the glowing remains of a supernova that was detected in 2020.
Gemini North, one of the twin telescopes of the International Gemini Observatory, operated by NSF's NOIRLab, has observed the initial stages of a cosmic collision approximately 60 million light-years away in the direction of the constellation Virgo. The two stately spiral galaxies, NGC 4568 (bottom) and NGC 4567 (top), are poised to undergo one of the most spectacular events in the universe, a galactic merger. At present, the centers of these galaxies are still 20,000 light-years apart (about the distance from Earth to the center of the Milky Way) and each galaxy still retains its original, pinwheel shape. Those placid conditions, however, will change.
As NGC 4568 and NGC 4567 draw together and coalesce, their dueling gravitational forces will trigger bursts of intense stellar formation and wildly distort their once-majestic structures. Over millions of years, the galaxies will repeatedly swing past each other in ever-tightening loops, drawing out long streamers of stars and gas until their individual structures are so thoroughly mixed that a single, essentially spherical, galaxy emerges from the chaos. By that point, much of the gas and dust (the fuel for star formation) in this system will have been used up or blown away.
A new image captured by the Gemini North telescope in Hawai'i reveals a pair of interacting spiral galaxies — NGC 4568 and NGC 4567 — as they begin to clash and merge. These galaxies are entangled by their mutual gravitational field and will eventually combine to form a single elliptical galaxy in around 500 million years. Also visible in the image is the glowing remains of a supernova that was detected in 2020. Credit: Images and Videos: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/F. Summers (STScI), G. Besla (Columbia University), and R. van der Marel (STScI)Image Processing: T.A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage/NSF's NOIRLab), J. Miller (Gemini Observatory/NSF's NOIRLab), M. Zamani (NSF's NOIRLab)Music: Stellardrone - A Moment of Stillness
This merger is also a preview of what will happen when the Milky Way and its closest large galactic neighbor the Andromeda Galaxy collide in about 5 billion years.
A bright region in the center of one of NGC 4568's sweeping spiral arms is the fading afterglow of a supernova—known as SN 2020fqv—that was detected in 2020. The new Gemini image was produced from data taken in 2020.
By combining decades of observations and computer modeling, astronomers now have compelling evidence that merging spiral galaxies like these go on to become elliptical galaxies. It is likely that NGC 4568 and NGC 4567 will eventually resemble their more-mature neighbor Messier 89, an elliptical galaxy that also resides in the Virgo Cluster. With its dearth of star-forming gas, Messier 89 now exhibits minimal star formation and is made up primarily of older, low-mass stars and ancient globular clusters.
This image from the Gemini North telescope in Hawai'i reveals a pair of interacting spiral galaxies — NGC 4568 (bottom) and NGC 4567 (top) — as they begin to clash and merge. The galaxies will eventually form a single elliptical galaxy in around 500 million years. Also shown in the image is the glowing remains of a supernova that was detected in 2020. Credit: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURAImage processing: T.A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage/NSF's NOIRLab), J. Miller (Gemini Observatory/NSF's NOIRLab), M. Zamani (NSF's NOIRLab) & D. de Martin (NSF's NOIRLab)
Advanced technology on the Gemini North telescope, including the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph North(GMOS-N) and the dry air above the summit of Maunakea, allowed astronomers to capture this spectacular image.
The image was obtained by NOIRLab's Communication, Education & Engagement team, as part of the NOIRLab Legacy Imaging Program.
Nieuw beeld van botsende sterrenstelsels voorspelt het lot van onze Melkweg
Een nieuwe telescopische foto toont twee verstrengelde sterrenstelsels die uiteindelijk over miljoenen jaren zullen samensmelten tot één. De botsing geeft een voorproefje van het uiteindelijke, vergelijkbare lot van ons eigen Melkwegstelsel.
De Gemini North-telescoop, die zich op de top van de Maunakea in Hawaï bevindt, heeft de samenwerkende spiraalstelsels op een afstand van ongeveer zestig miljoen lichtjaar in het sterrenbeeld Maagd waargenomen. Het galactische paar NGC 4567 en NGC 4568, ook wel bekend als de Vlinderstelsels, zijn net begonnen met botsen doordat de zwaartekracht hen naar elkaar toe trekt.
Over 500 miljoen jaar zullen de twee kosmische stelsels volledig samensmelten en samen een elliptisch sterrenstelsel vormen. In dit vroege stadium zijn de twee melkwegcentra nog 20.000 lichtjaar van elkaar verwijderd en heeft elk melkwegstelsel zijn spiraalvorm behouden. Naarmate de sterrenstelsels meer verstrengeld raken, zullen de gravitatiekrachten leiden tot meervoudige gebeurtenissen van intense stervorming. De oorspronkelijke structuren van de sterrenstelsels zullen veranderen en vervormen.
Na verloop van tijd zullen ze om elkaar heen dansen in cirkels die steeds kleiner worden. Deze strakke lusvormige dans zal lange stromen gas en sterren aantrekken en uitrekken, waardoor de twee sterrenstelsels zich vermengen tot iets dat op een bol lijkt.
Het nagloeien van een supernova, voor het eerst waargenomen in 2020, is ook zichtbaar op de nieuwe afbeelding als een heldere vlek in een van de spiraalarmen van sterrenstelsel NGC 4568.
Fusie in de Melkweg
Een soortgelijke galactische fusie zal zich voltrekken wanneer ons Melkwegstelsel uiteindelijk in botsing komt met het Andromedastelsel, onze grootste en dichtstbijzijnde galactische buur. Astronomen van de NASA hebben in 2012 Hubble-gegevens gebruikt om te voorspellen wanneer een frontale botsing tussen de twee spiraalvormige sterrenstelsels zou kunnen plaatsvinden. Volgens schattingen zal dit gebeuren over ongeveer 4 tot 5 miljard jaar.
Op dit moment botst een enorme halo, een grote omhulling van gas, die het Andromedastelsel omringt al tegen de halo van het Melkwegstelsel, volgens onderzoek op basis van gegevens van de Hubble-ruimtetelescoop dat in 2020 is gepubliceerd.
Deze buur, die waarschijnlijk wel 1 triljoen sterren bevat, is qua grootte vergelijkbaar met ons grote melkwegstelsel, en hij staat slechts 2,5 miljoen lichtjaar van ons vandaan. Dat klinkt misschien ongelooflijk ver weg, maar op astronomische schaal is Andromeda daarmee zo dichtbij dat het stelsel zichtbaar is aan onze herfsthemel. Je kunt het zien als een vaag sigaarvormig lichtpuntje, hoog aan de hemel.
Wetenschappers van de NASA zeiden dat het onwaarschijnlijk is dat ons zonnestelsel vernietigd zal worden wanneer de Melkweg en Andromeda samensmelten, maar de zon zou wel eens naar een nieuw deel van het melkwegstelsel geschopt kunnen worden en de nachtelijke hemel van de aarde zou wel een aantal nieuwe spectaculaire uitzichten kunnen krijgen.
GERELATEERDE VIDEO'S, uitgekozen en gepost door peter2011
US is allegedly collecting technology from aliens held in captivity, claims a former Area 51 engineer
US is allegedly collecting technology from aliens held in captivity, claims a former Area 51 engineer
The engineer said that a deal between the US and the UN had allowed the existence of aliens to remain a secret.
Aliens do indeed exist on earth, according to conspiracy theorists. These conspiracy theorists contend that the American administration is aware of the existence of alien life and is concealing this information out of concern for public outcry.
An ex-engineer who claims to have worked at Area 51 has added fuel to this seemingly absurd hypothesis by asserting that the US holds aliens imprisoned.
Engineer Bill Uhouse asserts that the US government is attempting to obtain alien technology from Area 51 using extraterrestrials.
According to Uhouse we’re dealing with an extraterrestrial race when it comes to technology.
Additionally, he stated that a US-UN agreement has allowed for the concealment of the existence of foreigners.
The engineer explained that EBEs were used to identify any aliens that were there (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities). He mentioned that three different classifications were made to keep an eye on the aliens, with The Greys being ranked as little, medium, and tall. the head of Israeli space security on aliens
A few months ago, Haim Eshed, a former head of space security for Israel, asserted that extraterrestrial life exists on earth. Eshed claims that major nations including the USA and Israel are collaborating with extraterrestrials.
He also said that humans and extraterrestrials collaborate in a covert subterranean outpost on Mars.
Astronomers Reveal The Biggest 3D Map of the Milky Way and it’s Ridiculously Stunning
Astronomers Reveal The Biggest 3D Map of the Milky Way and it’s Ridiculously Stunning
The greatest three-dimensional map of the Milky Way has been developed by an international team of scientists, and the results have been published in the journal Science.
Researchers created a 3D map that shows the S-shaped structure of the Milky Way galaxy’s combined star disc, our cosmic address, by calculating the distance from our Sun to hundreds of pulsating stars spread around our galaxy.
“Our map shows that the Milky Way disk is not flat. Instead, it is deformed and twisted in shape,” revealed study co-author Przemek Mróz of the University of Warsaw in Poland.“This is the first time we can use individual objects to display it in three dimensions,” he added.
Much of our present understanding of the spiral shape and structure of our galaxy is based on indirect observations of celestial objects and conclusions based on other distant galaxies in the Universe.
However, as scientists have discovered, the galactic map provided by these restricted observations is insufficient.
The classical Cepheids (giant stars that burn hundreds, if not thousands, of times brighter than our Sun) pulse frequently and are visible through the huge interstellar dust clouds that often cover less luminous interstellar objects, much like numerous distant lighthouses.
Distances to these stars may be estimated precisely owing to periodic fluctuations in brightness.
Dorota Skowron of Warsaw University, in collaboration with scientists from Ohio State University in the United States and the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom, traced the distance to over 2,400 cepheids along the Milky Way, the majority of which were discovered by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE), a project that helped double the number of known galactic classical cepheids.
he researchers were able to create an extremely precise three-dimensional model of the Milky Way by assigning coordinates to each distant pulsing star in reference to our Sun.
As a consequence, a beautiful, never-before-seen map of the Milky Way Galaxy has been created.
The findings of the study have helped astronomers better grasp our cosmic surroundings and precisely depict the form of the galaxy.
And it’s not flat, but it does have an unusual form.
As noted by, “this new map helped reveal more details on distortions that astronomers had “previously detected in the shape of the Milky Way.”
The map took scientists six years to create, but as participating astronomers disclosed, “it was worth it.”
At a distance of almost 25,000 light-years from the galactic core, we discovered that the galaxy’s disc is not flat. It’s twisted. This bending might have been generated by interactions between the galaxy and nearby galaxies, intergalactic gas, or even dark matter.
“Warping of the galactic disk has been detected before, but this is the first time we can use individual objects to trace its shape in three dimensions,” explained Mróz in a statement.
The quantity of ‘warping’ observed in our galaxy was shockingly pronounced, according to the researchers. “It is not some statistical fact available only to a scientist’s understanding,” Mróz said. “It is apparent by eye.”
Peter Khoury’s case is the first alien abduction where an alien specimen was found on a human body, revealed in a DNA test. He was born in Lebanon in 1964, and in 1973 migrated to Australia where he met his future wife Vivian in 1981, and the couple married later in 1990. They have 2 children.
Peter’s first encounter with a UFO happened when he was only 7 years old. It was the summer of 1971, and he was playing with seven other children when all of them decided to go to a rooftop. As he came there, an egg-shaped UFO was hovering above other children who were standing like a statue.
After some time gap, all the children found themselves on the ground floor with no memory of the incident. The next encounter happened in February 1988, when Peter and Vivian were in Sydney. That time, they saw a strange moving light. But the incident that happened later in July completely changed Peter’s life.
It was around 11 PM, and Peter was staying with his family. That night, his brother Sam invited him to watch a movie in his room. Peter lay in his bedroom, but what happened next was completely frightening.
As he was laying on the bed, he felt a paralysis in his whole body and could move only his eyes.
“While…lying on my bed, I felt something grab my ankles. As I felt this, a strange numbness, tingling and churning sensation crawled up through my body and right up to my head. I was paralyzed, I could not move any part of my body but for the exception of my eyes, which I could move, open or close. My brain was functioning but I could not do anything physically. I tried to call out to family members but I could not force the words out. At this stage I started to panic thinking I would not walk again. I thought I was truly paralyzed.”
Peter Khoury and his wife Vivian
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" loading="lazy" class=" wp-image-8477" src="" alt="hair of the alien" width="646" height="394" />
Peter Khoury and his wife Vivian
As the experience unfolded Peter’s first thought was that this was a form of payback, a punishment for the less than satisfactory life he had led for about six years before he returned to the family fold. He thought, if he survived this, that his community would think, God’s punishing him, God paid him back. What followed — the encounter with the hooded, three- to four-foot-tall creatures with black, wrinkled faces — changed everything.
“The fear was so extreme. I’m gone! I’m dead! It’s real! I was petrified and paralyzed. Irrational fears were crowding in. They were going to kill me. I could be killed. The fear level was extraordinary. I was stressing out, how could I get out of this?
I became aware of some sort of communication, seemingly telepathic, no sound made, and yet I could hear the message in my mind. I was told not to worry and I would not be harmed and to relax. As I moved my eyes and looked to the left side…I made eye contact with two beings who looked so different to the others. These were thin, tall with big black eyes and a narrow chin. They were goldish-yellow in color.
Astonishingly the stress was gone immediately. The whole fear thing washed away as quickly as a light switch on. How could I be so calm after such a level of fear? My heartbeat was no longer racing.[A whole different situation was unfolding.]
Peter said he saw three- to four-foot-tall creatures with black, wrinkled faces around him. He communicated with the aliens telepathically. He heard them saying that they would not harm him and even made eye contact with the two of them. Peter even noticed that one alien was male and another female, wearing masks.
One of them inserted a needle into his head, and he blackout. Peter described him as tall and thin with large black eyes in the golden yellow suit.
After he got consciousness, he found out the creatures had also drugged his family members. Further, he thought that only 10 minutes had passed but in reality, it was 1 to 2 hours.
After this, Peter was totally petrified and had no clue what to do next. He even had surgical marks on his head which could prove his encounter with aliens. He had not much knowledge about alien abductions and struggled to understand them.
Eventually, he understood about the abduction experiences, jumped into, the world of Ufology, and started a group named the UFO Experience Support Association (UFOESA).
He continued helping other victims who claimed to encounter aliens, but his personal experiences did not finish.
On July 23, 1992, he came home after dropping off his wife at the train station. It was around 7 AM, and he was not feeling very well as he had got head injuries during an assault at the job site. So, he decided to go to bed and get some sleep.
Peter felt something alighting on the bed. As he got up, he was shocked to see two strange naked women kneeling near his bed.
He described one had an appearance of Nordic with an elongated face, big blue eyes, and a sharply pointed chin. Another one looked like an Asian. “I got the shock of my life because right on top of me was this female, a blonde female. She was just milky white in color. Her eyes were probably two-three times bigger than human eyes. She had protruding cheekbones and a narrow face that narrowed down to a pointy chin and on the side of the bed on the corner of the bed there was another female an asian looking female and then she the blonde female touches her stomach and points to the sky,” Peter said.
Although no normal communication occurred, the Nordic woman seemed to be in charge, and Khoury got the impression she was giving the Asian-looking woman some sort of instruction.
Artistic view of two alien women: Nordic and Asian
She was 6 feet tall and very strong. She tried to copulate with Peter by pulling him towards her breasts, but he resisted and even bit her which made him cough. Moments later, he looked up again, but both women had vanished.
The coughing stimulated him to go to the bathroom to drink water. After that, he tried urinating and found blonde hair on the genital of that Nordic alien woman. He kept the hair in the plastic bag with a seal.
Prof. John Mack, Peter Khoury, Bill Chalker & Dominique Callimanopulos
Prof. John Mack, Peter Khoury, Bill Chalker & Dominique Callimanopulos
Peter refrained himself telling about it to Vivian for 2 weeks, although she had been very supportive of him for the 1988 abduction.
In 1996, Harvard psychiatrist John Mack did a hypnotic regression on Peter to understand what had happened to him in 1988. Under hypnosis, Peter said that he was taken to a room full of lights. He was on the table with one creature above him but could not find out more than that.
Because of the bizarre and controversial nature of the 1992 episode, Peter was more comfortable describing his 1988 experience.
Because of the 1988 and 1992 experiences, Peter’s case was widely discussed and came into the knowledge of UFO researcher Bill Chalker. He began an investigation into the case and did the world’s first PCR (polymerase Chain Reaction) DNA test on the hair sample.
The test result showed that the hair was biologically close to human genetics but came from an unusual human race, probably a rare Chinese Mongoloid type.
Could Peter Khoury’s July 1988 alien encounter be an example of the well-established phenomenon known as “sleep paralysis”?
John O’Neill, a member of Australian Skeptics, argued that sleep paralysis could explain the paralysis Peter Khoury experienced, hallucination could explain his experience with extraterrestrials, falling asleep could explain his missing time, and “the puncture wound and scab could be from anything — a pimple, an insect bite or anything else in approximately the right location.” O’Neill accepted that Peter’s experience was genuine, as he himself had had a sleep paralysis episode. But his experience was typically vague, like most sleep paralysis episodes — “the feeling of some other entity being in the room, but [I] did not know and could not see what.” That vague description falls far short of the detailed and ordered description Peter Khoury offers of his experience.
Several aspects of Peter’s encounter actually defy this simplistic categorization. First of all, he was not asleep, nor had he reached the state that precedes sleep, the hypnagogic state, that often yields fleeting imagery of a hallucinatory nature. Furthermore, his experience has an ordered sequence of events that were recollected consciously; they were not vague sensory experiences of fragmented sleep. Then there are the physical marks, namely the injury to his head, where he felt the strange needle being stuck in, along with the biopsy-like mark on his leg, which certainly can’t be accounted for as a classic sleep paralysis episode or as a product of the sleep/awake interface that spawns hypnagogic imagery.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
NASA Releases A Video Of A Massive Comet That Just Crashed Into The Sun
NASA Releases A Video Of A Massive Comet That Just Crashed Into The Sun
The doomed comet was almost certainly a 'Kreutz sungrazer,' a fragment from a giant comet that broke apart many centuries ago," astronomer Tony Phillips wrote for
"A swarm of these fragments orbits the sun, and at least one gets too close every day and disintegrates. Most, measuring less than a few meters across, are too small to see, but occasionally a big one like today's attracts attention."
The comet couldn't resist the intense gravitational pull of the sun, CNET reported.
Taking the above image as a reference, it's safe to say that the sungrazer has evaporated in the face of the sun's high and powerful heat.
More about the comet
Small solar system bodies that begin to heat up and release gas as they pass near the sun are called comets. Comets can range in size from a few hundred meters to tens of kilometers.
According to NASA, "Comets are cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rock, and dust that orbit the Sun. When frozen, they are the size of a small town. When a comet's orbit brings it close to the Sun, it heats up and spews dust and gases into a giant glowing head larger than most planets.
The dust and gases form a tail that stretches away from the Sun for millions of miles. There are likely billions of comets orbiting our Sun in the Kuiper Belt and even more distant Oort Cloud."
Let's get to know "Kreutz sungrazers"
Characterized by their orbits extremely close to the sun, Kreutz sungrazers are thought to be fragments of a large comet that broke apart a few centuries ago.
Named after the German astronomer Heinrich Kreutz, these objects can sometimes be seen around the sun in the daylight. The most recent of these was Comet Ikeya–Seki in 1965, which may have been one of the brightest comets in the last millennium.
The Most Incredible Crop Circle Designs of Great Britain... 2022 Documentary
The Most Incredible Crop Circle Designs of Great Britain... 2022 Documentary
2022 Documentary Crop Circle Reality - This phenomenon stretches far beyond the boundaries of England with over a thousand crop circles spanning the globe.
Although there have been some claimants to come forward to take responsibility for the creation of some crop circles, this documentary seeks out the most incredible crop circle designs and a possible E.T connection to their making. Realities that some may never have been exposed to before in regard to the UFO and crop circle phenomena.
Orbiting high above our heads is a technology that has changed every aspect of our lives.
From the GPS on your phone to the sport you watch on TV, satellites have become a cornerstone of modern life.
But as well as civilian use, they're also the lynchpin to secure military and government communications. So it stands to reason then that any hostile state wishing to cause disruption would target these satellites. Known as anti-satellite (ASATs) weapons, they have been around almost as long as satellites themselves.
When the Soviet Union launched the world's first satellite Sputnik 1 in 1957, the US feared their cold war rivals would develop an orbital network of nuclear-armed satellites. It responded with its first ASAT, an air-launched ballistic missile called Bold Orion.
The Soviets responded with their own ASAT. These were known as co-orbitals which would essentially fly alongside satellites and blow themselves up, taking the satellite with it.
The tech has continued to evolve, with China entering the race in 2007 when it destroyed an old weather satellite with a ballistic missile. Continuing tests(opens in new tab) have led to a dangerous rise in space junk orbiting the Earth, and in April 2022 the US became the first county to announce it was banning the use of missiles against satellites, according to the White House website(opens in new tab).
ASATs can be broadly divided into two types, those that use brute force and those that don't. Kinetic energy ASATs physically crash into satellites and can be virtually anything that can reach altitude, from ballistic missiles to drones and other satellites.
A different type of ASAT is the non-kinetic type. They use non-physical attacks such as cyber-attacks(opens in new tab), jamming and even blind satellites with lasers. These attacks can all be carried out from the air, low orbit, or even ground installations.
Imagine what happens when satellites are destroyed and turn into junk orbiting the Earth. Then picture what happens when that junk crashes into other space vehicles and they too turn into junk.
This nightmare scenario was played out in the 2013 blockbuster movie "Gravity" and pretty much sums up the Kessler Syndrome.
The Kessler Syndrome is what happens when the amount of space debris in orbit reaches a point where it just creates more and more, which can cause havoc for any space program.
It is named after former NASA scientist Donald Kessler, who described the basic idea in his 1978 paper "Collision Frequency of Artificial Satellites: The Creation of a Debris Belt(opens in new tab)". He and co-author Burton Cour-Palais said the likelihood of satellite collisions would increase as more and more spacecraft were launched.
Projects such as the European Space Agency's Clean Space initiative(opens in new tab) are trying to tackle the problem through things such as the robotic salvage of derelict satellites.
In March 2019, India tested this anti-satellite weapon during an operation called Mission Shakti. (Image credit: Getty Images)
Four countries — the USA, China, Russia and India — have destroyed their own satellites in ASAT tests. But just as the Soviets and USA once sat down to talk about nuclear disarmament, there is a growing movement toward getting rid of ASATs too.
The United States' plan to ban tests on the use of ballistic missiles against satellites was set into motion after the Russian government shot down one of its own satellites and created thousands of pieces of debris orbiting Earth. It left astronauts on the International Space Station needing to take shelter as the shrapnel field passed by.
You can read more about anti-satellite weapons and the emerging space arms race by reading this article from Harvard International Review(opens in new tab) magazine. Alternatively, you can find out about Russia's anti-satellite test at the Arms Control Association website(opens in new tab).
"Clean Space(opens in new tab)". European Space Agency: Space Safety (2012).
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Rainwater No Longer Safe to Drink Anywhere on Earth Due to Cancer-Causing Chemicals, Scientists Warn
Rainwater No Longer Safe to Drink Anywhere on Earth Due to Cancer-Causing Chemicals, Scientists Warn
Scientists in Europe have concluded that levels of man-made “forever chemicals” in rainwater have made it “unsafe to drink” around the world—even in the most remote areas of the planet like Antarctica.
Rainwater almost everywhere on Earth has unsafe levels of ‘forever chemicals’, according to new research.
How has this happened and what’s the fallout? 🧵
There is now reportedly no safe spot in the world to escape these cancer-causing chemicals.
In a new study published on August 2 in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Science and Technology, researchers from Stockholm University and ETH Zurich argue that the amounts of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) considered acceptable for drinking water, surface water and soil in official guidelines have decreased “dramatically” over the past 20 years “due to new insights into their toxicity.”
“There has been an astounding decline in guideline values for PFAS in drinking water in the last 20 years,” explained Ian Cousins, a professor at the Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University and lead author of the study.
“Based on the latest US guidelines for PFOA in drinking water, rainwater everywhere would be judged unsafe to drink,” Cousins said.
“Although in the industrial world we don’t often drink rainwater, many people around the world expect it to be safe to drink and it supplies many of our drinking water sources.”
Cousins called the decline “astounding.”
In a press release, Cousins said the recommended safe drinking water guideline value for one chemical in particular—the cancer-causing perfluorooctanoic acid—has dropped by 37.5 million times in the United States.
“Forever chemicals” are a large group of human-made chemicals that are known to cause cancer and don’t occur naturally in nature. They can be found in household items including food packaging, electronics, cosmetics, and cookware because they have non-stick or stain-repellent characteristics.
PFAS are referred to as “forever chemicals” because they don’t ever break down in the environment.
Extensive research has been conducted on the effects being exposed to PFAS may have on one’s health
According to some of the findings, scientists say these chemicals could be linked to infertility issues, an increased risk of cancer, developmental delays in children, and more.
However, others claim that no cause and effect can be proven.
While one of the compounds’ manufacturers, 3M, has attempted to phase them out for 20 years, scientists warn that some dangerous PFAS are not significantly decreasing in the atmosphere.
“The extreme persistence and continual global cycling of certain PFAS will lead to the continued exceedance of the above-mentioned guidelines,” warned study co-author and professor Martin
Scheringer claims that because of this, “it makes sense to define a planetary boundary specifically for PFAS and, as we conclude in the paper, this boundary has now been exceeded.”
Companies shouldn’t be permitted to “benefit economically while polluting the drinking water for millions of others, and causing serious health problems,” added Jane Muncke, the managing director of the Food Packaging Forum in Switzerland who was not involved in the study.
“The vast amounts that it will cost to reduce PFAS in drinking water to levels that are safe based on current scientific understanding need to be paid by the industry producing and using these toxic chemicals,” Muncke said.
“The time to act is now.”
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Check out this interesting footage of a huge daytime UFO in the sky above Fort Lupton, Colorado. This was filmed on 6th August 2022!
Witness report:
Thought it was a ballon but it was not moving with the wind and we were experiencing high winds and rain at time of sighting. Was moving slow to the west and had to stop video taping. Then went straight up real high and parked or hovered there for a while and that’s when second time I started filming again. Zoomed in on my video and it looks like a ball of energy. A straight beam would come out of it really weird.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
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