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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Australian UFO Mysteries: The Disappearance of Frederick Valentich
Australian UFO Mysteries: The Disappearance of Frederick Valentich
Victorian pilot Frederick Valentich.
Over 40 years ago, during the early evening of 21 October 1978, pilot Frederick Valentich reported in a radio communication with Steve Robey of Melbourne Flight Service that “a large aircraft” which had “a long shape” and “a green light,” appearing to have a bright metallic lustre and four bright lights, travelling variously at high speed, approached his Cessna 182L aircraft (registration VH-DSJ) and apparently hovered in a stationary manner and also orbited above him.
After six minutes Valentich reported his aircraft’s engine was rough idling, and the strange object was “hovering, and it’s not an aircraft.” Having indicated he intended to fly on to King Island, Valentich’s communication terminated after 17-seconds of “metallic” noises.
Valentich’s intended route from Moorabbin to King Island over Bass Strait.
Neither Valentich or the Cessna were ever found. The event became one of Australia’s greatest aviation mysteries, and the apparent UFO connection remains unresolved.
The areas that feature prominently in the Valentich incident – Cape Otway (his last land call), Bass Strait (the apparent location of his disappearance) and King Island (his apparent destination) – all have extensive precedents for UFO activity.
During a two-month period centred around January 1978, holidaymakers, fishermen, school teachers, local police and lighthouse keepers in the Cape Otway area reported seeing UFOs. During July 1977, local residents and the lighthouse keeper at Cape Otway saw an inexplicable brilliant light source that hovered out to sea for half an hour.
The lost Cessna VH-DSJ photographed at Essendon Airport in 1974.
Bass Strait figures in UFO mysteries particularly in 1920 and 1944. The Melbourne Argus newspaper even described many people seeing “cigar-shaped” objects flying over Bass Strait as far back as 1896.
King Island’s 425 square miles played host to a wave of unidentified nocturnal aerial lights for at least three months prior to Frederick Valentich’s disappearance. Oval shaped lights followed cars and mystified local residents. Strange lights or flares appeared off the north of the island.
One of the most spectacular close encounters with a UFO in the area occurred at a wild and uninhabited part of the King Island coast, near Whistler Point, just before dawn, on 10 April 1976. “A beam of light” emanating from “a cross-shaped object” approached a duck-shooter’s car, in a direct line. The light display eventually receded directly along its line of approach, ending a silent inspection when it disappeared over the distant skyline.
Much suggests a UFO connection in the Valentich case, but unfortunately a final answer alludes us. Despite the provocative nature of the taped conversation between Valentich and Melbourne Flight Control before his disappearance, which refers to a possible UFO presence, the affair remains a mystery.
Valentich’s mysterious disappearance made headlines in 1978. The Sun story on the right pictures Frederick’s father Guido and his brother Richard.
The Valentich incident is punctuated with haunting, or rather more appropriately, taunting clues that set one off in all sorts of conflicting directions. Many have come up with solutions varying from the bizarre to the sublime. Did a UFO abduct Valentich? Did Valentich contrive the whole affair? Did he, as many think, crash into Bass Strait, leaving no trace? Or are other prosaic explanations involved? A multitude of various lines of enquiry radiate out in all sorts of directions. Most take us away from the facts of the matter, namely that no trace of pilot or plane have yet been found.
The mystery resonates in the Australian consciousness in a place reserved for more mythic episodes like the haunting fiction of ‘Picnic at Hanging Rock’. It has inspired dramatic works like the profound and confronting play ‘Sky’ and the bizarre and striking TV mini-series, ‘Locusts and Wild Honey’. We must remind ourselves that a family waits for an answer that so far has never come. I hope that someday they will find that answer.
Department of Transport file V116/783/1047
Due to the tenacious efforts of Adelaide-based researcher Keith Basterfield in 2012, we can now study the previously restricted Department of Transport file V116/783/1047, available in digital format at the National Archives of Australia website. I last saw this file back in late 1982 while sitting in front of Mr A. Woodward at the Melbourne office of the Bureau of Air Safety Investigation. He had the file open in front of him while answering my questions. I tried not to be too obvious in reading the file in its upside-down perspective.
The released Valentich files provide hints at some possible answers, and it may be that ultimately the answer does not involve UFOs. Reconciling a detailed analysis of the released data with the extensive research done on the case by researchers over the years might help us come up with a final answer. But for now Frederick Valentich and his Cessna plane are still missing, so final closure eludes those who want to know.
‘The Unexplained Files’ series on the Discovery Science Channel in September 2013 featured an excellent recreation of the extraordinary 1978 Valentich mystery. My friend George Simpson (based in Melbourne, Victoria) was instrumental in the accounting of this story on the programme.
Roy Manifold took some intriguing photos (including the above) at the time and locality of Valentich’s departure from the Australian mainland on route to King Island in Bass Strait.
On the programme, Steve Robey of Melbourne Flight Service was clearly still distressed about the disappearance of Valentich. Frederick’s younger brother Richard gave the family’s dimension to the story. Both these elements remind us that a disturbing and tragic element still haunts this mystery. George Simpson interviewed Roy Manifold who took some intriguing photos at the time and locality of Valentich’s disappearance.
Dr Richard Haines investigated the case and authored a book on it, Melbourne Episode: Case Study of a Missing Pilot (1987). He facilitated the airing of the strange sound heard at the end of Valentich’s last radio conversation with Steve Robey. I listened to the tape back in 1984 when I stayed with Dr Haines in California. Haines’ comment in ‘The Unexplained Files’ programme that the sound might be from contact between the Cessna and the UFO Valentich had been describing in the six-minute conversation, caused me to suddenly reconsider a very strange story I came across back in early 1995.
The Coonabarabran Times of Coonabarabran, north-west New South Wales, Australia, in its 17 November 1994 issue, carried brief details of an apparent close encounter with a diamond-shaped UFO near ground level on 15 November 1994, on the Mendooran road to the south of the town.
With the assistance of local police, I interviewed the four principal witnesses to this apparent close encounter. One of the area witnesses told me that I should seek out Laurie, a local businessman, who had a lot of UFO stories to tell.
One story was utterly startling and unbelievable. It was apparently connected to the Valentich mystery and initially told to me by one of the Coonabarabran witnesses who heard it through Laurie. Others encouraged us to ask Laurie about other stories. We did both, but the story in question stood out.
Laurie told us he had heard the story directly from a South Australian farmer who had bought a property in the north-west of New South Wales. The farmer had come into his business and the talk strayed onto UFOs. He shared with Laurie an experience he had on his South Australian property on the day following the disappearance of Frederick Valentich.
The farmer said he was harvesting lucern when he heard a loud screeching sound coming from the harvester. He thought it might have been a bearing, so he uncoupled the harvester from the tractor’s power drive and jumped off and went back to have a look. The farmer was trying to work out the source of the continuing noise when he became aware that he was in a shadow. He looked up and saw he was directly underneath a large “saucer” shaped object, and going by the size of his harvester; he estimated it to be about 30 metres across. The loud screeching noise continued.
From directly underneath the object, the farmer reportedly could see two concentric outer rings or bands that were counter rotational and were operating at different speeds. One went very fast, so fast that you had to blink to see that it was moving. The other one was moving very slowly in the opposite direction. There were two small protuberances that the farmer took to be rudders, and two large holes, one had “shimmering heat” coming out, the other was shooting small flames.
The farmer began to think there was something horribly wrong with this huge object and that it might crash down on him. He ran to get out from under it. He got the impression that one of the object’s engines had stopped working.
As he moved away the farmer looked back at the object which he could now see edge on. It had a large dome on top and what looked like a black weather seal along the base of the dome structure. He then noticed what looked like a “church door with a curved top, but no windows or handles were visible.”
He told Laurie the most unusual thing was that the massive object had a Cessna stuck to the outside of it – “the whole aircraft.” It was flat up against the side of the object with its tail hanging down. Laurie said he was not sure whether the farmer said there was engine oil running down the outside of the Cessna, but he could clearly see the plane’s registration markings. He found a nail and scratched the plane’s registration number into the paint of his tractor.
According to Laurie, the farmer said the object – “the saucer” – still accompanied by the screeching sound, then flew away over a ridge in the direction of a nearby Army range.
The farmer said to Laurie he told no one about what happened. He went into town later in the day. One of his neighbours saw him and apparently said, “I see you are doing some more crop spreading.” He said no, why do you say that. The neighbour said, “I saw the Cessna today up in your top paddock.” He replied to his neighbour, “There’s no Cessna in my top paddock.” The neighbour insisted, “Yes there is, I was up near there, I saw it there today.” The farmer said, “That’s interesting, I’ll have a look when I get home.”
He went up to the top paddock and saw no plane, but he did see three tyre marks and some tracks from a plane. He followed the tracks to where they ended, and there was “a pool of ’flamin’ engine oil” on the ground.
I recorded the story from Laurie on two separate occasions, one over the phone in January 1995 and face to face in Coonabarabran one month later in the presence of my friend Robb Tilley. Laurie was impressed with the story. Robb and I simply did not know what to think. Getting further information proved elusive.
As I had lived through the Valentich mystery unfolding at the time in 1978 and had written extensively about the research and investigation of the extraordinary events, I was acutely sensitive to the bizarre and strange aspects. I also had contact with Guido Valentich, Frederick’s father, and I knew that he had been exposed to various claims about what had happened to his son. He even helped me investigate one claim, which ultimately ended in no real resolution, just another unverifiable claim. Sadly, Guido passed away without a definitive answer to his son’s disappearance.
With Laurie’s account from the farmer, I had yet another extraordinarily bizarre and unbelievable claim. Laurie told me the farmer returned on another occasion with the Cessna’s registration number. It was DSJ, the number of Valentich’s Cessna. This in itself was not convincing for me because that information was widely reported at the time of the plane’s disappearance.
I did not want to burden the Valentich family or authorities with yet another unverified story. The biggest problem for me was that Laurie couldn’t recollect the farmer’s name. He told me he had written all this down in notes, but he had not been able to find them. I stayed in touch with Laurie for a while, but despite attempts to come up with a name, without his notes we couldn’t progress the investigation unless we had a vast amount time and resources available.
I circulated a brief account on Paranet (a favoured research Internet facility) at the time but nothing came of it. The story stayed a sleeper until Dr Haines’ comments on the Discovery Science programme. I immediately accessed my notes and tapes and began to evaluate whether the considerably improved resources of the Internet, social media and other resources would now allow another attempt at getting to the heart of the story. Sadly, I learnt that Laurie passed away about seven years ago.
I contacted George Simpson and shared the story with him. We both agreed that despite the bizarre nature of the story, we should try to see if we could track down anyone who had knowledge of the story and see if we could get a name for the farmer. We have since tracked down all sorts of clues.
Victorian UFO Action (VUFOA) put on a 40th-anniversary event that featured a panel of people involved in the Valentich affair and its investigation including Steve Robey, Rhonda Rhuston and George Simpson. Videos of the event are available on VUFOA’s YouTube channel. The 3rd edition of Jerome Clark’s massive two-volume work The UFO Encyclopedia appeared in 2018 with my report on the Valentich disappearance.
While there is now a wealth of data on the case, what happened to Frederick Valentich and the Cessna he was flying remains a mystery.
For further information on this case, see my work: “The Missing Cessna and the UFO: a preliminary report on the Bass Strait-King Island Affair”, Flying Saucer Review, Volume 24, No. 5, March 1979, 3-5; “Vanished – A report on the Valentich – Bass Strait Affair”, Australian UFO Researcher (No. 56 & 57, No. 58 & 59, No. 60, January 1979 through to December 1979). This report included details on the widespread UFO activity on the same day as the incident, the precedent for UFO activity over Cape Otway, Bass Strait and King Island, precedents for UFO-related plane disappearances or crashes; “Valentich-Bass Strait (Australia) affair”, in Ronald Story’s The Encyclopedia of UFOs, 1980; “Vanished? The Valentich Affair re-examined”, Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1984; “1978 and the RAAF” and “Frederick Valentich and Delta Sierra Juliet – Vanished?” in my lengthy online document “UFOs Sub Rosa Down Under” at and; I also describe the affair extensively in my 1996 book The OZ Files – the Australian UFO Story.
A Supercomputer Climate Model is so Accurate it Predicted the Weather Patterns Seen in the Famous 1972 “Blue Marble” Image of Earth
The “Blue Marble” was one of the most iconic pictures of the Apollo era. Taken by the astronauts of Apollo 17 on their return trip from the moon, the first fully illuminated image of the Earth taken by a person captured how the world looked on December 7th, 1972, just over 50 years ago. Now, a team from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology has recreated that iconic image using a climate model.
As a new press release described, they didn’t do this for a publicity stunt. This effort has been a culmination of two decades worth of work on climate modeling that the team has been working on. Their climate model, which they ran with the help of researchers at the German Climate Computing Center, is now capable of drawing up details as fine as 1 km to accurately recreate environmental conditions at a given time.
To feed that model, though, they need data. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a whole lot available in terms of data that could be fed into the mode from 1972, let alone any data from the southern hemisphere, where the image was focused. So the researchers did their best to model what they could based on the data they had by using the equations that had already been developed and the Levante supercomputer at the German Climate Computing Center.
Video showing the new climate model in action – compared to the original image. Credit – Science Magazine YouTube Channel
The result was spectacularly similar to the actual image captured by the Apollo 17 astronauts. So much so that even the team was surprised by the fidelity, given the data limitations that went into the algorithm that fed the image.
However, the outcome of models isn’t always graphical, and for the sake of inspiration, the team wanted to take it a step further. So they enlisted the help of one of the world’s foremost graphics companies – nVIDIA.
They used a tool nVIDIA has developed called Omniverse to visualize the model’s output in a format similar to that captured by the Blue Marble Image. It also used a ray tracing technique commonly used in the other main use case for nVIDIA chips – video games, to make the image as lifelike as possible. And then, the model also introduces its other major advantage – it moves.
An Economist video on how to model climate change.Credit – The Economist YouTube Channel
The Blue Marble has always been a static image – a one-time snapshot of how the Earth looked on that day in 1972. But, if the model is correct (and it appears to be given its outcome on the day the picture was taken), it can be rewound or pushed forward to watch as the clouds, temperatures, and atmospheric makeup change both before and after the iconic picture.
Effectively, it’s like watching what the Apollo 17 astronauts would have seen if they had remained stationary and had a video camera set up to constantly monitor their homeworld. The effect is mesmerizing, but more importantly, it’s useful. Plenty of weather and climate phenomena can only be explored if we understand their input factors at the 1 km scale. That is the output of these climate models, and they can be helpful for more than just looking back into the past.
While this particular effort was a way to commemorate a great picture and the original founding of the Max Planck Institute of Meteorology, where many of the researchers work, it is, in essence, a test of a fully functional, high-resolution climate model. That will be ever more useful as we go forward into an uncertain changing climate, though its future outputs might be more disheartening than inspiring as this one was.
See the 1998 disaster film Deep Impact come to life in a new interactive map! Simulation lets you drop asteroids on Time Square, London or any place in the world - and it tells you how many millions of people will be killed
See the 1998 disaster film Deep Impact come to life in a new interactive map! Simulation lets you drop asteroids on Time Square, London or any place in the world - and it tells you how many millions of people will be killed
A coder launched an asteroid scenario simulator that lets users choose a location to drop an asteroid and see the widespread destruction
Asteroid Launch uses Apple Maps to pull satellite footage of the Earth and overlays the selected area with visuals
The system lets users choose the size of the asteroid, speed of impact, makeup and angle of impact
It reveals how many people would be killed by impact, fires, winds and earthquakes following the event
A new interactive map brings the 1998 film Deep Impact to life, allowing users to drop a space rock anywhere globally to watch the devastation unfold.
Called Asteroid Launcher, the system lets you choose a location of impact, the diameter of the asteroid, the speed at which it hits the ground and the collision angle - and hit 'launch' to see the destructions it causes and the number of people killed.
If an asteroid measuring one mile in diameter smashes into Time Square at 152,000 miles per hour, it would create a 34-mile-wide crater and vaporize 9,486,287 people with the impact equivalent to 6,403 Gigatons of TNT.
The system also shares other catastrophic events that follow, including shock waves, fireball size and wind speed.
Asteroid Launcher is the brainchild of creative coder Neal Agarwal who told he was inspired by his favorite movie Deep Impact and wanted to create a website that simulated disasters.
Asteroid Launcher lets users choose a location to drop an asteroid. This simulation released a one-mile-wide asteroid on Time Square in New York City, creating a 34-mile-wide crater
'I love disaster movies and playing out different end-of-the-world scenarios in my head,' Agarwal told
'This project took about two months to complete, one month of research and one month for the coding and animations.'
He explained the equations behind Asteroid Launcher from research papers by Dr. Gareth Collins and Dr. Clemens Rumpf, who study the effects of an asteroid impact.
'I chose those research papers because they have detailed equations and models of all the various effects of an asteroid impact (thermal radiation, wind, shock waves, earthquakes, ect),' Agarwal said.
'They also do a great job of summarizing the current knowledge of the field.'
The website also shows destructive events that would follow the initial impact, such as this 74-mile-wide fireball that would give more than four million people third-degree burns and kill over nine million
Another option shows the intense earthquakes that would be triggered following the impact
Asteroid Launcher details all the events, destruction and deaths that would potentially occur in the event of an actual asteroid impact.
For example, if the same size asteroid that hit Manhattan hits London while traveling at the same speed of 152,000 miles per hour, it would also create a 34-mile-wide crater that would vaporize more than 7.7 million people in the surrounding area.
In Time Square, the fireball would cover an area of 74 miles would vaporize 30,561,023 people.
And in London, the same fireball would be released during the impact, killing 56,082,822 people.
'This tool is more for helping the general public learn more about asteroid impacts,' said Agarwal.
Another simulation using London and with the same size asteroid that hit New York would also release a fireball 74 miles wide
Asteroid Launcher also formulates wind speeds after the asteroid hits. In the case of London, wind within 150 miles of the crater would be faster than storms on Jupiter
Asteroid Launcher is the brainchild of creative coder Neal Agarwal who told he was inspired by his favorite movie Deep Impact and wanted to create a website that simulated disasters
'Scientists have even more precise models of asteroid impacts that they run on supercomputers - this simulation is a more simplified version.'
Asteroid Launcher uses Apple Maps to pull satellite footage of the Earth into its simulation and layer visualizations over the selected area to show users how far the destruction travels.
It also provides different options for what the asteroid is made of.
Users can drop a 2,400-foot-wide gold asteroid on Los Angeles at 247,000 miles per hour, leaving a 34-mile-wide crater in the ground and killing 5,210,549 people.
The simulated events in New York and London only happen once every 22 million years, but Earth is predicted to have a close call when one the size of three football fields is expected to come within 19,600 miles from our planet's surface in 2029.
Asteroid Apophis, named for the serpentine Egyptian god of chaos (also known as Apep), will whizz past Earth on April 13, 2029.
While researchers have ruled out the possibility of the 1,115-foot object slamming into Earth, the close shave will present a unique opportunity to study an asteroid in detail; most others that come this close are much smaller.
'The Apophis close approach in 2029 will be an incredible opportunity for science,’ said Marina Brozović, a radar scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who works on radar observations of near-Earth objects (NEOs).
‘We’ll observe the asteroids with both optical and radar telescopes. With radar observations, we might be able to see surface details that are only a few meters in size.’
The simulated events in New York and London only happen once every 22 million years, but one the size of three football fields is expected to come within 19,600 miles from our planet's surface in 2029. Pictured is a simulation of how close it will get
It’s expected to make its closest approach before 6 pm ET, when it will be over the Atlantic Ocean.
According to NASA, however, it will be visible in the sky hours before this point.
Apophis will first appear in the night sky over the southern hemisphere, making itself known to viewers on the east coast of Australia.
It will then travel westward to reach the equator by early afternoon before crossing over the United States by around 7 p.m.
The massive space rock will be traveling so fast it will traverse the entire width of the moon in less than a minute, NASA said in a 2019 statement.
While 19,000 miles might sound far away, the space agency says it’s rare for an object of this size to come so close
This Interactive Tool Lets you Simulate Asteroid Impacts Anywhere on Earth
Asteroid impacts rank highest on the UN’s list of potentially species-ending calamities. They’ve been the subject of countless movies and books, some of which are accurate depictions of what would happen, and some of which are not. Now, if you’ve ever been interested to see what would happen if different sizes of asteroid impact different areas of the globe, the internet has a tool for you!
Called “Asteroid Launcher,” the tool allows you to control three different aspects of your asteroid – the size, the speed, and the angle that it impacts Earth. It also lets you select when it lands. When you first open it up, for better or worse, it is pointed directly at Manhattan. From there, you can scan to any area of the world that you want and hit a “Launch Asteroid” button when you’ve picked the appropriate place, size, speed, and angle.
Out of morbid curiosity, the author decided to see what would happen if he blasted his hometown with an asteroid with default settings. He was happy to find that he would probably have been one of the almost 15000 people that died in the 5.6-mile-wide crater the asteroid would have created. That sounds like a much better option than the other means of death the simulation describes.
Planetary Defense starts with finding the dangerous bodies in our solar system, as this UT video describes.
An 8.3-mile-wide fireball would have wiped out almost 1.9 million people, while nearly 150,000 would die from a shock wave. Over 614,000 would die from a wind blast the strength of an F5 tornado, which is apparently different than a shock wave, but luckily only a little over 2,000 people would die from the 7.1 magnitude Earthquake that the asteroid would cause.
All told, the destruction in the general area of the world the author lives in would amount to a death toll of a little under three million people. Definitely not on the scale of what would happen if an asteroid directly hit Manhattan, but still not exactly the best day in humanity’s history. But what happens if the asteroid hits some of the 70% of the Earth that is covered in water?
Luckily, the author also lives near one of those large bodies of water known as the Great Lakes in North America. Launching a rock in their direction changes some of the parameters of the destruction outcome, such as shrinking the crater, etc. However, it doesn’t mention anything about a tsunami or similar water-based event that viewers of Deep Impact would come to expect.
Planetary Defense starts with finding the dangerous bodies in our solar system, as this UT video describes.
An 8.3-mile-wide fireball would have wiped out almost 1.9 million people, while nearly 150,000 would die from a shock wave. Over 614,000 would die from a wind blast the strength of an F5 tornado, which is apparently different than a shock wave, but luckily only a little over 2,000 people would die from the 7.1 magnitude Earthquake that the asteroid would cause.
All told, the destruction in the general area of the world the author lives in would amount to a death toll of a little under three million people. Definitely not on the scale of what would happen if an asteroid directly hit Manhattan, but still not exactly the best day in humanity’s history. But what happens if the asteroid hits some of the 70% of the Earth that is covered in water?
Luckily, the author also lives near one of those large bodies of water known as the Great Lakes in North America. Launching a rock in their direction changes some of the parameters of the destruction outcome, such as shrinking the crater, etc. However, it doesn’t mention anything about a tsunami or similar water-based event that viewers of Deep Impact would come to expect.
Stopping a killer asteroid is arguably more important than finding it though – here’s UT’s explanation on how we would do that.
Moving the impact site over the ocean does give an estimation of a tsunami and an impressively high one at that. But unlike the other methods of destruction, it doesn’t detail how many people would be wiped out by that disaster, though it is arguably more dangerous than any other means of destruction listed in the simulation.
Overall, it’s an entertaining tool that reinforces the need for “planetary defense” as it has come to be known, and as we’ve detailed several times at UT before. Though it could do with some updates on some of its estimates and its understanding of where on the globe water is, it’s a highly entertaining look at what the impact of arguably one of the worst possible things that could happen to humanity would be.
Unusual & Unique UFO Cases that Never Gotten Attention They Deserve
Unusual & Unique UFO Cases that Never Gotten Attention They Deserve
Author Preston Dennett has written numerous books about the paranormal (Amazon link). In the second half of the interview, he talked about his research and writing. He said that he enjoys choosing cases that he believes are unusual or unique. For instance, he noted that he wrote about cases involving UFOs that have been chasing and lifting occupied cars.
According to Dennett, the most common sighting of UFOs in the US is on July 4. He has also seen incidents involving planes, boats, and cars. In some cases, the objects collided with the vehicles.
He claims that encounters with these objects have a wide-reaching impact on human bodies. For instance, he said that people who have been in contact with these objects have experienced levitation. He attributes this to the altered electromagnetic properties of the body. In addition, Dennett claims that these encounters have led to the development of telekinetic and other forms of mental abilities.
Commercial Pilots Seeing UFOs in the Sky - Starlink with 6 Lights?
Mark Hulsey was an experienced Marine F-18 Fighter Pilot. Now he flies a Gulfstream 650 private jet for a billionaire. He relays his own unidentified aerial phenomena experience and highlights the safety issues that come up when pilots are afraid to report lights to their employer.
SpaceX launches moon lander, rover and 'flashlight,' booster lands in Florida
SpaceX launched Japanese company ispace's Hakuto-R lander with a range of payloads including "Rashid," a 22-pound (10 kilograms) rover developed by the UAE's Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center. The rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida on Dec. 11, 2022.
Another payload along for the Falcon 9 rocket ride is NASA's "Lunar Flashlight" cubesat, which will hunt for water ice inside craters near the moon's south pole.
The rocket's first stage touched down at Landing Zone 2 in Florida a little over 8 minutes after liftoff.
Credit: SpaceX
NASA Chief Gives Serious Warning About Betelgeuse Star Explosion
NASA Chief Gives Serious Warning About Betelgeuse Star Explosion. Betelgeuse, Orion constellation’s most famous star, and now a bright red supergiant star, is nearing the end of its life. It will likely explode as a supernova and be visible during the daytime from Earth. And while we do not know as of yet if it is a threat or not, scientists have already discovered a telltale way to detect when a star is about to go supernova.
ANCIENT ALIENS : ORIGIN OF HUMANITY - FULL HD SCIFI MOVIE IN ENGLISH - ORIGINAL V MOVIES Discovering mysterious extraterrestrial beings. More and more evidence and appearances of UFOs surround our Earth. Secrets, cover-ups, discoveries, testimonies suggest a contact, a contact with beings who came from the sky, which took place at the dawn of our existence; maybe, just ancient aliens who gave and taught life to our ancestors.
NASA Tests a Solar Sail Segment of its Enormous Solar Cruiser Mission
A team led by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) was recently selected to develop a solar sail spacecraft that would launch sometime in 2025. Known as the Solar Cruiser, this mission of opportunity measures 1653 m2 (~17790 ft2) in area and is about the same thickness as a human hair. Sponsored by the Science Mission Directorate’s (SMD) Heliophysics Division, this technology demonstrator will integrate several new solar sail technologies developed by various organizations to mature solar sail technology for future missions.
In a recent video released by NASA, we see engineers and industry partners at the MSFC in Huntsville, Alabama, unfurling a segment of the prototype solar sail. The video, taken on October 13th, shows how the teams used two 30.5 m (100-foot) lightweight composite booms to unfurl a 400 m2 (4,300 ft2) quadrant of the solar sail prototype for the first time. Once realized, the Solar Cruiser demonstrator will validate technologies that enable future missions to study the Sun, its interaction with Earth, and its extended atmosphere (aka. heliosphere).
The Solar Cruiser team includes industry partners like spacecraft and payload developer Ball Aerospace, critical systems manufacturer Roccor, LLC, and subcontractor NeXolve, which specializes in producing thin, lightweight materials and structures (such as solar sail films). Alongside NASA Marshall, they are leveraging advancements in solar sail technology from the past decade, including elements from previous missions. These include:
The video features NASA scientists Les Johnson, the Principle Investigator of the NEO Scout mission, which launched with Artemis I (one of ten secondary payloads). As he explained, the purpose of this unfurling was to test how the sail would deploy once it was in space:
“The sail deployment test that we just completed here at NASA Marshall was really a test of [the] functionality of the sail. Could you get these two hundred-foot-long booms coiled up, put in a deployer, attached to a sail that has an area of over four thousand square feet when it’s all folded and rolled, put it in a small box, and get it to deploy unaided? And the answer is yes. We had a very successful test, and the results are evident in the pictures that have been taken and the data we collected during the test.”
Solar sails rely on lightweight highly-reflective material and continuous photon pressure from the Sun’s rays (solar wind) to generate thrust. This does away with the need for propellant that makes up most of a mission’s pre-flight mass or the heavy electric propulsion systems that power Hall-Effect Thrusters (ion engines). In addition to increasing a mission’s mass, they also limit its lifetime and observation locations. This is the purpose of the Solar Cruiser, which will demonstrate a solar sail’s ability to make observations from a sunward-facing position at L1.
The design also includes four 29.5-m (~97-ft) lightweight booms, similar to the metallic Triangular, Rollable and Compressible (TRAC™) booms used by the NEA Scout mission. Designed by the U.S. Air Force and licensed to Roccor, LLC, these booms are similar to those used by theJames Webb Space Telescope(JWST) to deploy its Sunshield. For the sake of the Solar Cruiser, Roccor developed TRAC booms using lighter composite materials via NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.
The sail also has embedded Reflective Control Devices (RCDs) that provide propellantless attitude control and help keep the sail stable. The sail membrane consists of a thin-film polyimide successfully flown on NanoSail-D coated with aluminum to make it reflective. This material was selected because of its flight-proven properties and how it is scalable to sails of any size – from the 10 m2 (~33 ft2) sail on NanoSail-D to sails greater than 10,000 m2 (~32,800 ft2). This is consistent with one of the main objectives of the Solar Cruiser, which is the ability to build sails of increasing size
“The key to enabling some of these missions is having larger and larger sails that are very lightweight,” he said. “And that’s why we’re moving from sails the size of NEA Scout, nine-hundred and twenty-five square feet, to seventeen-thousand eight-hundred square feet. And in the future, we will make sails that are even larger still. And the larger the sail, generally speaking, the better it has a capability to do propulsion and higher thrust.”
The study of heliophysics is vital to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Department of Defense. These government organizations are responsible for issuing alerts for space weather alerts and forecasts and monitoring things like solar flares that cause interference with communications or satellites. The Solar Cruiser will also demonstrate the capability to make sustained in-situ measurements of Earth’s magnetotail – the interaction between Earth’s magnetosphere and solar wind.
Artist’s illustration of NEA Scout visiting a Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA). Credit: NASA
Monitoring solar activity and space weather is also of interest to NASA’s human exploration programs. Before this decade is over, the Artemis Program will send astronauts to the Moon for the first time in over fifty years. The long-term aim of Artemis is to create a “sustained program of lunar exploration” that will include the creation of infrastructure and long-duration stays on the lunar surface. By the 2030s, NASA plans to send crewed missions to Mars that will consist of a six to nine-month transit and science operations on the Martian surface.
Knowing how to predict solar events will ensure astronaut health and safety and that their equipment remains operational. Just another exciting field of study that NASA and other space agencies will pursue in the coming years. And it’s fair to say that these efforts will enable new missions to expand our understanding of the Solar System and the Universe.
NASA Tests a Solar Sail Segment of its Enormous Solar Cruiser Mission
A team led by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) was recently selected to develop a solar sail spacecraft that would launch sometime in 2025. Known as the Solar Cruiser, this mission of opportunity measures 1653 m2 (~17790 ft2) in area and is about the same thickness as a human hair. Sponsored by the Science Mission Directorate’s (SMD) Heliophysics Division, this technology demonstrator will integrate several new solar sail technologies developed by various organizations to mature solar sail technology for future missions.
In a recent video released by NASA, we see engineers and industry partners at the MSFC in Huntsville, Alabama, unfurling a segment of the prototype solar sail. The video, taken on October 13th, shows how the teams used two 30.5 m (100-foot) lightweight composite booms to unfurl a 400 m2 (4,300 ft2) quadrant of the solar sail prototype for the first time. Once realized, the Solar Cruiser demonstrator will validate technologies that enable future missions to study the Sun, its interaction with Earth, and its extended atmosphere (aka. heliosphere).
The Solar Cruiser team includes industry partners like spacecraft and payload developer Ball Aerospace, critical systems manufacturer Roccor, LLC, and subcontractor NeXolve, which specializes in producing thin, lightweight materials and structures (such as solar sail films). Alongside NASA Marshall, they are leveraging advancements in solar sail technology from the past decade, including elements from previous missions. These include:
The video features NASA scientists Les Johnson, the Principle Investigator of the NEO Scout mission, which launched with Artemis I (one of ten secondary payloads). As he explained, the purpose of this unfurling was to test how the sail would deploy once it was in space:
“The sail deployment test that we just completed here at NASA Marshall was really a test of [the] functionality of the sail. Could you get these two hundred-foot-long booms coiled up, put in a deployer, attached to a sail that has an area of over four thousand square feet when it’s all folded and rolled, put it in a small box, and get it to deploy unaided? And the answer is yes. We had a very successful test, and the results are evident in the pictures that have been taken and the data we collected during the test.”
Solar sails rely on lightweight highly-reflective material and continuous photon pressure from the Sun’s rays (solar wind) to generate thrust. This does away with the need for propellant that makes up most of a mission’s pre-flight mass or the heavy electric propulsion systems that power Hall-Effect Thrusters (ion engines). In addition to increasing a mission’s mass, they also limit its lifetime and observation locations. This is the purpose of the Solar Cruiser, which will demonstrate a solar sail’s ability to make observations from a sunward-facing position at L1.
The design also includes four 29.5-m (~97-ft) lightweight booms, similar to the metallic Triangular, Rollable and Compressible (TRAC™) booms used by the NEA Scout mission. Designed by the U.S. Air Force and licensed to Roccor, LLC, these booms are similar to those used by theJames Webb Space Telescope(JWST) to deploy its Sunshield. For the sake of the Solar Cruiser, Roccor developed TRAC booms using lighter composite materials via NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.
The sail also has embedded Reflective Control Devices (RCDs) that provide propellantless attitude control and help keep the sail stable. The sail membrane consists of a thin-film polyimide successfully flown on NanoSail-D coated with aluminum to make it reflective. This material was selected because of its flight-proven properties and how it is scalable to sails of any size – from the 10 m2 (~33 ft2) sail on NanoSail-D to sails greater than 10,000 m2 (~32,800 ft2). This is consistent with one of the main objectives of the Solar Cruiser, which is the ability to build sails of increasing size
“The key to enabling some of these missions is having larger and larger sails that are very lightweight,” he said. “And that’s why we’re moving from sails the size of NEA Scout, nine-hundred and twenty-five square feet, to seventeen-thousand eight-hundred square feet. And in the future, we will make sails that are even larger still. And the larger the sail, generally speaking, the better it has a capability to do propulsion and higher thrust.”
The study of heliophysics is vital to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Department of Defense. These government organizations are responsible for issuing alerts for space weather alerts and forecasts and monitoring things like solar flares that cause interference with communications or satellites. The Solar Cruiser will also demonstrate the capability to make sustained in-situ measurements of Earth’s magnetotail – the interaction between Earth’s magnetosphere and solar wind.
Artist’s illustration of NEA Scout visiting a Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA). Credit: NASA
Monitoring solar activity and space weather is also of interest to NASA’s human exploration programs. Before this decade is over, the Artemis Program will send astronauts to the Moon for the first time in over fifty years. The long-term aim of Artemis is to create a “sustained program of lunar exploration” that will include the creation of infrastructure and long-duration stays on the lunar surface. By the 2030s, NASA plans to send crewed missions to Mars that will consist of a six to nine-month transit and science operations on the Martian surface.
Knowing how to predict solar events will ensure astronaut health and safety and that their equipment remains operational. Just another exciting field of study that NASA and other space agencies will pursue in the coming years. And it’s fair to say that these efforts will enable new missions to expand our understanding of the Solar System and the Universe.
Perseverance’s Latest Sample is Just Crumbled Regolith. When Scientists get Their Hands on it, we’ll Learn so Much About how to Live on Mars
The Mars Sample Return (MSR) part of Perseverance’s mission is picking up – literally. For the past few months, the rover has concentrated on picking up samples that will eventually be returned to Earth as part of the future Mars Sample Return mission. Back on Earth, plenty of advanced technologies can poke and prod the samples in ways that would never be feasible to launch with a spacecraft. However, if scientists decide to poke or prod Perseverance’s latest collections, they might have a hard time because they are made of regular regolith.
Regolith, the ever-present layer of dust on the Martian surface, is integral to our understanding of how the Martian surface has formed over the eons and what can be done to mitigate its effects on it our exploration systems. It is notorious for being the cause of the end of mission for such beloved rovers as Spirit and Opportunity, whether by entrapping one of them in an inescapable morass or shrouding their solar cells in a layer of dust such that only limited sunlight can penetrate through it.
From a scientific perspective, regolith is interesting because it would allow geologists to better understand the evolution of the Martian climate. One of Perseverance’s primary missions is astrobiology, and regolith might hold clues to what exactly was going on back when Mars was warmer and wetter. Even with it being ubiquitous throughout the planet, the best instruments we have so far been able to send there pale in comparison to the technical scrutiny brought to bear on the sample once it has been returned to Earth.
UT video detailing the Mars Sample Return mission.
From an engineering perspective, regolith, which makes up almost all of the dust in the Martian atmosphere, presents a set of difficult challenges. Anakin Skywalker’s axiom about sand in Star Wars holds a grain of truth in it, as it can be coarse and irritating and gets everywhere. The same goes for Martian regolith. It is notorious for sticking to everything, including, potentially, spacesuits and, even more dangerously, the inside of an astronaut’s lungs.
If it even gets into an astronaut’s lungs, it’s dangerous for more than just its abrasiveness. Regolith contains perchlorates, which are potentially deadly toxins to any life that might try to eek by an existence on the Red Planet. Understanding how to mitigate the effects of this dangerous substance might literally prove to be life or death for the first Martian colonists.
All of those are good reasons for Perseverance to be interested in it, and, as such, the rover recently collected two samples using its specialized regolith bit. This bit differs from its standard rock drilling and abrasion bits, as it looks like a “spike with small holes” in it, according to a JPL press release. Though it might look relatively simplistic, it was developed with thousands of hours of engineering and testing with simulated Martian regolith.
The drill bits Perseverance is using on its mission, before they were installed. Far left is the regolith bit used in the latest sample collection, while the middle ones are for rock drilling and the far right are for rock abrasion. Credit – NASA / JPL-Caltech
Unfortunately, there are limitations to the MSR, especially in terms of payload capacity. Therefore, only one of the two regolith samples Perseverance recently collected will be making its way back to Earth. Even then, it will be the better part of a decade before it makes its way back, as the second stage of the MSR process is still in the planning phases.
The other sample will be spending the rest of its days as part of an artifact from the early era of humanity’s exploration of Mars. Perseverance certainly already deserves its place in that pantheon, no matter what sample it decides to send back.
Crew chosen For SpaceX's first private Starship mission to the moon, UFO Sighting News.
Crew chosen For SpaceX's first private Starship mission to the moon, UFO Sighting News.
Crew chosen For SpaceX's first private Starship mission to the moon, 10 total crew members, including two backup crew, will join him on the roughly week-long flight that was originally scheduled to launch in 2023. That timeline will likely push to 2024.
Guys this is cool. A Japanese billionaire has funded the entire civilian program. This is mind-bogglings stuff. I mean most NASA missions have hard core military, CIA, NSA. I can see by the faces of these individuals picked by SpaceX that they are none of the above, they are us, the people. I can't wait to hear and see what they encounter on the mission. Photos and video is going to be raw and unedited. Don't think for a second this doesn't share the shit out of NASA. The truth coming out, and making NASA look like a fool for lying, always does make the lier look the fool.
This Went On For 12 Days Straight... Artemis Moon Images Exposed, UFO Sighting News.
This Went On For 12 Days Straight... Artemis Moon Images Exposed, UFO Sighting News.
Here is a cool video by Secureteam10, about several anomalies that occurred over the last few weeks that you may have not heard about. Also, he shows a structure that I discovered on the moon at 3:46 into the video, good to see I'm making a difference too. But I was going to post this with or without it, Tyler is a great reporter who really helps the UFO community.
The structures are in a photo labeled "High Resolution Center PNG 322.4 MB"
Hey guys, I looked at a Apollo 16 photo for a mere five minutes and decided to check in an area of the photo that I imagined others would never check...the dark patches on the far left. There I found a tiny area of light that was only about 1-2% of the total photo. I focused on this area and found these structures in the craters there. Even some small craters had these amazing buildings.
Example of full photo is below and shows the location of these alien buildings I found yesterday. Yes there seems to be a large face in the center of the photo, however I feel the buildings are more significant of a discovery.
Notice the buildings are made up of many squares. These square buildings are linked together to form larger structures. True the ascetic quality that humans want in buildings is not there...but out there, functionality comes first and those cube structures are doing the job.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
John Lennon Talks About a UFO over New York, Aug 23, 1974, Video, UFO Sighting News.
John Lennon Talks About a UFO over New York, Aug 23, 1974, Video, UFO Sighting News.
On August 23rd, 1974 John Lennon walked out on to the balcony of his New York apartment, and witnessed what he later described as a "Flying Saucer" hovering closely, just above his window. Lennon's girlfriend May Pang, also witnessed the event. Aliens do research, knowledge is the one of the most highly valued things for them, and many celebrities, singers, US presidents have had UFO sightings that they describe and were open to talk about on record.
Triangle UFO formation over St Helens, UK 9-Dec-2022
Triangle UFO formation over St Helens, UK 9-Dec-2022
Once again in the last weeks the triangle formation appeared. This time over St Helens, a town in Merseyside, England on 9th December 2022 at 6:06pm.
Witness report:
We saw these 3 orange bright lights moving in the sky in formation as if they was one thing sort of moving in sync, we got out of the car and they’d completely disappeared, we went around the corner to get a better shot and all of a sudden they was gone. I don’t have any explanation for this, I don’t think they are Chinese lanterns because we would of seen them drifting off – they where also stationary and then they moved a little bit in a way I’ve never seen before. Also, they didn’t seem to be flickering or anything like that, more of a light bulb type of light. If you download the Flightradar24 app you can use the playback feature, the video was recorded at 6:06pm today. There is a plane that appears at 6:07pm but it’s in the opposite direction and it’s around 10 miles away.
Apart from that I haven’t seen anything else. I didn’t see any of the usual green flashing lights or anything that you usually see on a passenger airline either so I don’t think this is a plane. this was an unidentified flying object that I seen in the sky. Okay it could’ve been lanterns (I don’t believe they are) but that’s besides the point, if all you guys are going to do is ridicule anyone who posts strange things in the sky (real or not) then we’re going to decrease our chances of getting real footage. Always better to be safe than sorry
SpaceX Ripping It Back Up, Artemis 1 Reentry, ISS Upgrades, Square Kilometre Array (SKA) underway
This has been a difficult week to squeeze down and it looks like that is only going to get more tricky over the next few weeks. It is busy right now. We’ve got very intriguing stuff to talk about at SpaceX’s Starbase. We now have SpaceX Ripping It Back Up. Yes, the 11 Raptor Engine Static Fire caused enough damage for SpaceX to rip that concrete base back out again with diggers this week. An expendable pad vs the reusable Starship now it seems. Artemis 1 is still going strong as it plummets back toward the atmosphere for reentry. Another incredible week of updates there. Action on the International Space Station as astronauts roll out for the iROSA rollout. We have OneWeb and SpaceX becoming more than frenemies! The mind-blowing Square Kilometre Array to be scanning the skies for an alien spaceport near you, and this is getting real exciting too. Let's jump into it.
Artemis 1 mission update - Earth return prep and benefits for humanity
Preparations are underway for the return of NASA's Artemis 1 Orion spacecraft. Also, learn about the benefits of returning to the moon with the Artemis program. Here's how NASA's Artemis 1 Orion spacecraft will splash down to end its moon mission in 8 not-so-easy steps:
Artemis 1 mission going 'phenomenally well' says NASA in exclusive interview
NASA's Nujoud Merancy, Chief of the Exploration Mission Planning Office at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, talks to's Elizabeth Howell about the ongoing Artemis 1 mission.
Iconic Earthrise By Artemis 1 // Rule-Breaking GRB // SpaceX Launches Starshield
Construction Begins on the Square Kilometer Array. Artemis I’s iconic crescent Earthrise picture. A gamma-ray burst that breaks all the rules. SpaceX launches a new service.
Damaged Concrete Under the Orbital Launch Mount Removed | SpaceX Boca Chica
Damaged concrete was removed from under the Orbital Launch Mount, crews worked on the Mega Bay extension, and work on the Orbital Launch Mount and Tower continued. Video from Nic (@NicAnsuini).
If Dark Matter is Made of Axions, This Could be the Detector That Finds Them
As we’ve noted in plenty of other articles, science also moves forward by constraints. Understanding the limits of a physical phenomenon helps to develop better methods of looking for it, especially in its absence. Dark matter is an archetype of a missing phenomenon, but there are plenty of potential explanations for it. One of them is known as the axion, which was originally developed as a hypothetical particle that could plug a hole in the Standard Model of particle physics but could also solve the problem of dark energy. That is if they actually exist. Now a new experiment from researchers at CERN can help the scientific community better define where to look for those axions.
Part of the problem with searching for axions is how widely varied their properties could potentially be. Both their strength of interaction with other particles and their mass, two of the most fundamental parts of any particle in the standard model, are up for debate at this point. And to cover that many possibilities, physicists must look all over the place for them.
They generally agree on one of the ways to do so, though – axions can turn into photons if they are subjected to a strong enough magnetic field. And photons can be detected. As such, most axion detectors consist of powerful magnets and photodetectors, and one of the most capable is the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) experiment.
UT video on that most elusive of all substances – dark matter
CAST is basically a giant metal tube with a very strong magnet known as a helioscope and various kinds of light detectors inside of it. It was initially designed to look at axions that could be coming from our own Sun. So far, it has failed to find any, but the scientists working on the experiment came up with a slight modification that allowed them to take a look at even more data.
Their modifications resulted in the magnet being capable of detecting axions that would have developed in the dark matter halo that surrounds the Milky Way. This is another possible source of axions, but one that other experiments hadn’t yet explored. The next experiment, dubbed an axion haloscope, or CAST-CAPP, started collecting data in September 2019.
Another UT video on how we’re searching for it.
Since it is unclear what frequency of photon axions would turn into at the magnetic field strengths provided by CAST-CAPP, the scientific team had to monitor a wide range of possible frequencies, which took almost two full years. The team also had to eliminate potential noise contamination, such as that from 5 GHz wireless signals.
Unfortunately, even after that, there were still no signs of axions. But, as stated at the beginning of the article, even a lack of evidence for something can help move science forward. Researchers can now definitively narrow down the maximum potential strength of an axion’s interaction with photons and tailor their experiments accordingly. CAST, in all its various forms, isn’t done with its mission yet.
Most Exoplanets Suffer Worse Space Weather Than We Do
We have it relatively easy on the Earth. Our Sun is relatively calm. The space weather environment in the solar system is altogether placid. Things are nice. But new research has shown that we may be the exception rather than the rule, and that many exoplanets face much harsher conditions than we do.
Stars are not simple things. They contain within their hearts cores of nuclear fusion powered by the gravitational weight of their own mass. This releases enormous amounts of energy which makes its way to the surface through radiation and giant convective plumes of material.
In addition to their complex interiors, stars are also spinning. The complex movement of all the plasma that makes up the bulk of a star’s mass triggers the formation of incredibly strong and tangled magnetic fields. Those magnetic fields in turn can dredge up material from the stellar surface and launch it into space.
The collective term for all the events that happen outside a star is called stellar weather or space weather. Space weather can take many forms. For example, it can just be the stellar wind, which is a steady drizzle of charged particles that constantly emanate from a star’s surface. It can also include the occasional flare, which happens when the tangled magnetic field lines around a star break. These flares release huge amounts of x-ray radiation. Sometimes those flares even pull up material from the stellar surface and launch it in this space in the form of a coronal mass ejection.
Astronomers around the world constantly monitor our own Sun for space weather. These solar-generated storms can affect orbiting satellites, crewed missions in space, and sometimes even overwhelm our own planet’s magnetic field and atmosphere, leading to dangerous consequences on the surface.
A new study surveying many different kinds of stars in many different stages of their life has shown that overall we have a pretty good. Our Sun is pretty mild with relatively infrequent outbursts. In contrast, the astronomers behind the study found that exoplanets typically suffer much more severe stellar weather than we do. Some of this is just due to random chance, because they happen to lay closer to their parent star than the Earth does around the Sun. And some of it has to do with the kind of star that they orbit. For example, small red dwarfs are much more turbulent and chaotic than our Sun, with some of them capable of suddenly increasing in brightness by over 50%.
In other cases it simply has to do with age. Young stars are much more temperamental than older ones. Planets around younger stars experience much more extreme space weather events then those around more mature systems.
All told, it seems that we should simply count ourselves lucky.
A new 3D map of the Milky Way Uses close to 66,000 Stars and Reveals New Details About the Shape of our Galaxy
In the 17th century, Galileo Galilee aimed his telescope at the stars and demonstrated (for the first time) that the Milky Way was not a nebulous band but a collection of distant stars. This led to the discovery that our Sun was merely one of the countless stars in a much larger structure: the Milky Way Galaxy. By the 18th century, William Herschel became the first astronomer to create a map that attempted to capture the shape of the Milky Way. Even after all that time and discovery, astronomers are still plagued by the problem of perspective.
While we have been able to characterize galaxies we see across the cosmos with relative ease, it is difficult for astronomers to study the size, shape, and population of the Milky Way because of how our Solar System is embedded in its disk. Luckily, there are methods to circumvent this problem of perspective, which have provided astronomers with clues to these questions. In a recent paper, a team from the Astronomical Observatory at the University of Warsaw (AstroUW) used a large collection of variable stars to trace the shape of the Milky Way, which yielded some interesting results!
Patryk Iwanek, an astronomer with AstroUW, led the study team. The paper that describes their findings, titled “A three-dimensional map of the Milky Way using 66,000 Mira variable stars,” recently appeared online. For the sake of their study, the team examined data on 65,981 stars observed by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE), a long-term sky survey of variable stars based at the University of Warsaw. Since 1992, OGLE has monitored the brightness of about two billion stars in the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds, providing insight into a wide range of astronomical phenomena.
The shape of the Milky Way galaxy is perturbed by tidal interactions with a dwarf galaxy, as predicted by N-body simulations. Credit: T. Mueller/C. Laporte/NASA/JPL-Caletch
The OGLE project, also known as the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment, is one of the largest-scale sky surveys worldwide. It is a long-term sky survey that monitors the brightness of about two billion stars in the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds. During its long history, the OGLE survey has provided significant contributions to the study of a wide range of astronomical phenomena, including gravitational lensing and microlensing, extrasolar planets, variable stars, cosmic distance scale, and the structure and evolution of the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds.
As stars approach the end of their main sequence phase, they exhaust their supply of hydrogen fuel and begin consuming helium. This causes them to expand to several times the original size and to become dimmer and cooler than main sequence stars – hence the term Red Giants. Mira variables are a special class of pulsating red giants that have long periods ranging from 80 to more than 1000 days. They are part of the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) of the Hertzsprung–Russell Diagram, which includes all stars with less than 5-8 solar masses.
Their dramatic changes in brightness (like other variable stars) make them very useful to astronomers for measuring distances and the spatial distribution of stars in galaxies. As Iwanek explained Universe Today via email:
“These stars follow a well-defined period-luminosity relation, which means that [by] knowing their pulsation periods, it is possible to calculate their absolute magnitudes and then determine their distances. This feature makes Miras an excellent cosmic distance indicator. Using their precisely measured distances, it is possible to study the three-dimensional distribution of stars in our galaxy.
“Moreover, the high luminosity of Miras, which is orders of magnitude greater than that of the Sun, makes it possible to observe these stars not only in the Milky Way but also in other nearby galaxies (e.g., M31 or the Magellanic Clouds). Studying the Mira variables may help to understand the structure and evolution of galaxies.”
This enhanced image shows the X-shaped distribution around the bulgebased on data from the NASA space telescope WISE. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/D. Lang
For their study, the team used 65,981 stars mapped by OGLE that fall into the category of Mira variables. They also considered the distance uncertainties by implementing the Bayesian Hierarchical Method (BHM), a statistical model where inferences are made about stellar populations based on smaller samples. From this, they were able to create a detailed 3D map of our galaxy composed of young and intermediate-age stellar populations. Their analysis provides (for the first time) independent evidence of an X-shaped bulge component and a flared disk.
“Based on the sample of 66,000 Mira variables, we measured and confirmed the angle of the Galactic bar (equal to ~20° to the Sun-Galactic center line-of-sight),” said Iwanek. “But more importantly, we showed that a [X-shaped] structure in the center of the Galaxy exists. The X-shape is an additional structure in the dense, central part of the Milky Way, the Galactic bulge, formed by two overlapping groups of stars. This structure is thought to be caused by the movements and interactions of stars within the bulge. It could be a common feature of barred spiral galaxies (similar to our Milky Way).”
This study builds on previous work conducted by astronomers from the University of Warsaw, Ohio State University (OSU), and the University of Warwick (of which Iwanek was a co-author). For this study (released in 2019), Iwanek and his colleagues used data on Cepheid variable stars to create a 3D map of the Milky Way. This map revealed the structure of the Milky Way and allowed the team to constrain the warped nature of the Milky Way’s disk.
The 3D map of the Milky Way from this latest study offers new clues about the structure of the Galactic Bulge, which could also help astronomers understand the structure of other barred spiral galaxies. As Iwanek emphasized, all 66,000 Miras variables were selected and classified from the OGLE survey “by hand.” In other words, the light curve of every star was examined by an experienced astronomer to determine if they were variable and what type they were. This, said Iwanek, presents opportunities for future surveys that rely on machine learning:
“Our huge collection of Mira variables, thanks to its purity and completeness, as well as the accurate and long-term OGLE light curves, can be used to train the machine learning algorithms for the automatic classification of variable stars in future sky surveys conducted with larger telescopes.”
Mile High Towers On Moon In Artimis Mission Photo. Video, UFO Sighting News.
Mile High Towers On Moon In Artimis Mission Photo. Video, UFO Sighting News.
Guys I found this last night and though I better make a video of it. Its just really amazing to find one tower that 1-2km tall, but to find two side by side is beyond rare. Aliens love the shadow areas of craters to hide from micrometeorites, with the wall offering some protection for ships and buildings.
It's important to understand, that alien structures wont conform to what humans think they should be, but instead are what they are, and we need to respect the differences in cultural ways that they clearly have. Or in other words, we need to think outside the box if we the public are going to succeed at revealing the truth. Rather than be confined to NASAs tight lipped, scientific discoveries being drop fed to us, and us thrilled by it. Take a stand and begin searching photos with us. We will bring the truth, and we will win this fight. Disclosure will happen because of us uniting in our efforts.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.