The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Galactic merger feeding pair or 'gluttonous' black holes
Black holes in a pair of merging galaxies, known as UGC4211, are devouring gas and dust that is "being displaced by the merger," according to ALMA scientists. The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) was used for the discovery.
Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), M. Koss et al (Eureka Scientific), S. Dagnello (NRAO/AUI/NSF)
Lost Worlds of the Mediterranean (Full Episode) | Drain the Ocean
The Mediterranean was once home to some of the world’s greatest ancient civilizations. Draining the sea unlocks the mysteries of their rise and fall.
THIS IS WHY Nikola Tesla Was Stopped From Revealing the Secrets of the Great Pyramid
THIS IS WHY Nikola Tesla Was Stopped From Revealing the Secrets of the Great Pyramid. The Egyptian pyramid is one of the most mysterious structures on this planet. No one knows when they were built, how they were built, who built them, and most importantly: why were they built? In today’s video, we will take you on a journey across time to find out what secrets do the pyramids hold that baffled even the mind of the great Nikola Tesla, and how he was so close to replicating it to create free energy for the whole world.
Stunning Pluto Images Show Something Unusual Is Going On There
Elon's reaction to SpaceX's four orbital launch pads fully loaded Shock the entire world
Two orbital Dragons, four rockets, and four launch pads at the same time! That is what SpaceX just demonstrated in only one day, January 9th. How did Elon Musk react to this? And how does this shock the entire world?
Find out in today's episode of Alpha Tech:
SpaceX made a Hollywood movie on Monday. The space company flexes might with simultaneous Starship, Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy, and Dragon operations. Proud of this, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk tweeted: "All four orbital launch pads fully loaded with rockets for the first time!" Amazing... indeed!
Now let's enjoy this movie: Firstly, in low Earth orbit, around 400 kilometers (250 mi) up, a Cargo Dragon 2 spacecraft was freely flying in space shortly after undocking from the International Space Station (ISS).
Simultaneously, a Crew Dragon spacecraft was docked to the ISS, where it will remain until it returns four astronauts to Earth in February 2023.
“Woo hoo. Station copies. Nice work Dragon team and Houston, we appreciate it,” exclaimed NASA astronaut Nicole Mann after being informed the spacecraft had left the ISS’ “keep-out sphere” after undocking. Mann, a member of Crew-5 and Expedition 68 on board had closed the hatch on Dragon, which had arrived at the station back on Nov. 27, and supervised its departure that occurred just after 5 p.m.
The SpaceX Dragon cargo ship undocked from the station at 5:05 pm ET and will return to Earth on Wednesday loaded with several tons of scientific cargo for analysis.
NASA and SpaceX aim for a landing off of Florida’s coast either in the Atlantic Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico targeting a 5:19 a.m. Wednesday splashdown.
Dragon is bringing back about 4,400 pounds of supplies and experiments, which will be transported after landing to Kennedy Space Center’s Space Station Processing Facility.
Meanwhile, in Texas, the company stacked Starship 24 atop the Super Heavy Booster 7 as SpaceX continues its efforts to prepare for what would be the first orbital flight for the massive rocket. Elon's reaction to SpaceX's four orbital launch pads fully loaded Shock the entire world
The U S Air Force Admitted They’ve Created Something So Advanced That It Will Destroy Everything
Experts reveal the ancient significance around the year 2012. See more in this clip from Season 1, "Maya Messengers."
Einstein once asked whether “the moon exists only when I look at it?". It was rhetorical objection to the idea that measurement in quantum mechanics causes reality to become real. But there was a time when the moon didn't exist, and then hours later suddenly did.At least, according to the latest simulations of its formation.
NASA Have Just Detected Something Massive That Showed Up In Our Solar System Today
Betelgeuse Is FINALLY Exploding in August 2022!
Perseverance Rover Sent Latest SHOCKING Images of Martian Life
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has discovered its first planet - and the rocky world is similar to our own.
Formally classified as LHS 475 b., the exoplanet is 99 percent of Earth's diameter and while it is terrestrial, scientists do not yet know if it has an atmosphere.
Although the team cannot conclude what is present, they have ruled out a thick methane-dominated atmosphere similar to that of Saturn's moon Titan.
JWST revealed that the planet, which sits 41 light-years away, is a few hundred degrees warmer than Earth and completes an orbit in two days.
There is still much to learn about LHS 475 b., such exoplanets have remained 'invisible' to space telescopes, but JWST proves again just how powerful its technology is.
NASA announced its James Webb Telescope discovered its first planet. Formally classified as LHS 475 b., the exoplanet is 99 percent of Earth's diameter
Mark Clampin, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington, said in a statement: 'These first observational results from an Earth-size, rocky planet open the door to many future possibilities for studying rocky planet atmospheres with Webb.
'Webb is bringing us closer and closer to a new understanding of Earth-like worlds outside our solar system, and the mission is only just getting started.'
While the discovery is astounding, now scientists are working to determine what the planet's atmosphere consists of.
The team notes that while the planet may have no atmosphere, some atmospheric compositions, such as a pure carbon dioxide atmosphere, have not been ruled out.
Jacob Lustig-Yaeger, both of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, said in a statement: 'Counterintuitively, a 100 percent carbon dioxide atmosphere is so much more compact that it becomes very challenging to detect,'
Even more precise measurements are required for the team to distinguish a pure carbon dioxide atmosphere from no atmosphere at all.
The researchers are scheduled to obtain additional spectra with upcoming observations this summer.
'We're at the forefront of studying small, rocky exoplanets,' Lustig-Yaeger said.
'We have barely begun scratching the surface of what their atmospheres might be like.'
The researchers' findings have opened the possibility of pinpointing Earth-sized planets orbiting smaller red dwarf stars.
'This rocky planet confirmation highlights the precision of the mission's instruments,' Stevenson said.
'And it is only the first of many discoveries that it will make.' Lustig-Yaeger agreed. 'With this telescope, rocky exoplanets are the new frontier.'
Even though scientists do not know what the atmosphere consists of, JWST has the ability to find out.
NASA announced in November that the telescope successfully revealed the makeup of an exoplanet's atmosphere in never before seen detail, and the milestone suggests it could also search for alien life.
scientists do not yet know if it has an atmosphere. Although the team cannot conclude what is present, they have ruled out a thick methane-dominated atmosphere similar to that of Saturn's moon Titan.
JWST's powerful instruments captured atoms and molecules, along with signs of active chemistry and clouds - features Hubble and Spitzer were unable to detect when they observed the planet and those that hold evidence of signs of life.
Astronomers used WASP-39b, a hot Saturn 700 light-years from Earth, to test the telescope's capabilities. The telescope used its infrared capabilities to pick up colors and chemical fingerprints that cannot be detected in visible light.
The new insights, deemed a 'game changer,' could reveal how this exoplanet formed out of the disk of gas and dust surrounding the parent star in its younger years.
WASP-39b is orbiting a host star that is eight times closer than Mercury is to our sun, which astronomers believe should bring a deeper understanding of how these processes affect the diversity of planets observed in the galaxy.
A light curve from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) shows the change in brightness from the LHS 475 star system over time as the planet transited the star on August 31, 2022 - and this is how the telescope spotted it
To uncover the exoplanet's secrets, JWST tracked the planet as it passed in front of its star, allowing some of its light to filter through its atmosphere.
'Different types of chemicals in the atmosphere absorb different colors of the starlight spectrum, so the missing colors tell astronomers which molecules are present,' NASA shared in Tuesday's announcement.
'By viewing the universe in infrared light, Webb can pick up chemical fingerprints that can't be detected in visible light.'
The telescope also detected a range of elements, including sodium (Na), potassium (K) and water vapor (H20) in the exoplanet's atmosphere.
These confirm what was previously captured by space and ground-based telescope observations, but JWST found additional fingerprints of water at these longer wavelengths that have not been seen before.
Carbon dioxide was also found in the new data, which was detected at higher resolutions, providing twice as much as previously observed.
And while carbon monoxide was detected, astronomers did not identify methane (CH4) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the data.
James Webb-telescoop ontdekt rotsachtige exoplaneet die bijna even groot is als aarde
Onderzoekers hebben met de James Webb Space Telescope van NASA, ESA en CSA voor het eerst de aanwezigheid bevestigd van een exoplaneet, een planeet die rond een andere ster draait. De planeet, die officieel LHS 475 b wordt genoemd, is bijna even groot als de onze en heeft een diameter van 99 procent van de aarde.
“Het staat buiten kijf dat de planeet bestaat. De nieuwe gegevens van Webb bevestigen dit”, zegt Jacob Lustig-Yaeger, die aan de leiding van het onderzoeksteam van het Applied Physics Laboratory van de Johns Hopkins-universiteit staat. “Het feit dat het ook een kleine, rotsachtige planeet is, is indrukwekkend voor het observatorium”, voegt Kevin Stevenson, medeleider van het team, eraan toe.
“Deze eerste waarnemingsresultaten van een rotsachtige planeet ter grootte van de aarde openen de deur voor vele toekomstige mogelijkheden om de atmosfeer van rotsachtige planeten met Webb te bestuderen”, zegt Mark Clampin, directeur van de afdeling Astrofysica op het NASA-hoofdkwartier in Washington. “Webb brengt ons steeds dichter bij een nieuw begrip van aardachtige werelden buiten het zonnestelsel, en de missie is nog maar net begonnen.”
Van alle telescopen die momenteel in gebruik zijn, is enkel Webb in staat om de atmosferen van exoplaneten ter grootte van de aarde te herkennen. Voorlopig is het echter nog onduidelijk of planeet LHS 475 b een atmosfeer heeft. “Er zijn enkele atmosferen van het aardse type die we kunnen uitsluiten”, licht Lustig-Yaeger toe. “Ze kan geen dikke, door methaan gedomineerde atmosfeer hebben, zoals die van Saturnus’ maan Titan.”
Een zuivere CO2-atmosfeer is veel compacter, dus het wordt zeer moeilijk om dat te detecteren, aldus Lustig-Yeager. Het team moet nog preciezere metingen verrichten om een zuivere kooldioxide-atmosfeer te kunnen onderscheiden van helemaal geen atmosfeer. Deze zomer krijgen de onderzoekers aanvullende gegevens van verdere waarnemingen.
Webb onthulde ook dat de planeet een paar honderd graden warmer is dan de aarde. Als er wolken worden gedetecteerd, zou dat betekenen dat de planeet meer lijkt op Venus, die een CO2-atmosfeer heeft en voortdurend in een dikke wolk is gehuld.
De exoplaneet is slechts 41 lichtjaar van ons verwijderd en ligt in het sterrenbeeld Octant. LHS 475 b legt in slechts twee dagen een baan rond haar ster af. De exoplaneet staat dichter bij haar ster dan eender welke andere planeet in het zonnestelsel, maar de temperatuur van de rode dwergster is minder dan de helft dan die van de zon.
Over the years I've shared with you various aspects of the FBI's investigation of cattle mutilations. But, today, I'm going to share with you just about the whole story. Here we go: Since at least 1967, reports have surfaced throughout the United States of animals – but, chiefly, cattle – slaughtered in bizarre fashion. Organs are taken and significant amounts of blood are found to be missing. In some cases, the limbs of the cattle are broken, suggesting they have been dropped to the ground from a significant height. Evidence of extreme heat, to slice into the skin of the animals, has been found at mutilation sites. Eyes are removed, tongues are sliced off, and, typically, the sexual organs are gone. While the answers to the puzzle remain frustratingly outside of the public arena, theories abound. They include extraterrestrials, engaged in nightmarish experimentation of the genetic kind; military programs involving the testing of new bio-warfare weapons; occult-based groups that sacrifice the cattle in ritualistic fashion; and government agencies secretly monitoring the food-chain, fearful that something worse than “Mad Cow Disease” may have infected the U.S. cattle herd – and, possibly, as a result, the human population, too. Cattle mutilations are a favorite topic of UFO researchers and conspiracy theorists. From the mid-1970s to the dawning of the 1980s, however, the phenomenon was of deep interest to another body: the FBI.
From January to March 1973, the state of Iowa was hit hard by cattle mutilations. Not only that, many of the ranchers who lost animals reported seeing strange lights and black-colored helicopters in the direct vicinities of the attacks. That the FBI took keen notice of all this is demonstrated by the fact that, as the Freedom of Information Act has shown, it collected and filed numerous media reports on the cattle-mutes in Iowa. The next piece of data dates from early September 1974. That’s when the FBI’s director, Clarence M. Kelley, was contacted by Senator Carl T. Curtis, who wished to inform the Bureau of a wave of baffling attacks on livestock in Nebraska – the state in which Curtis resided and represented. At the time, the FBI declined to get involved, as Director Kelley informed the senator: “It appears that no Federal Law within the investigative jurisdiction of the FBI has been violated, inasmuch as there is no indication of interstate transportation of the maimed animals.” One year later, in August 1975, Senator Floyd K. Haskell, of Colorado, made his voice known to the FBI, on the growing cattle mutilation controversy:
(Nick Redfern) The FBI and cattle mutilations: a strange situation.
“For several months my office has been receiving reports of cattle mutilations throughout Colorado and other western states. At least 130 cases in Colorado alone have been reported to local officials and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI); the CBI has verified that the incidents have occurred for the last two years in nine states. The ranchers and rural residents of Colorado are concerned and frightened by these incidents. The bizarre mutilations are frightening in themselves: in virtually all the cases, the left ear, rectum and sex organ of each animal has been cut away and the blood drained from the carcass, but with no traces of blood left on the ground and no footprints.” The senator had much more to say, too: “In Colorado’s Morgan County area there has [sic] also been reports that a helicopter was used by those who mutilated the carcasses of the cattle, and several persons have reported being chased by a similar helicopter. Because I am gravely concerned by this situation, I am asking that the Federal Bureau of Investigation enter the case. Although the CBI has been investigating the incidents, and local officials also have been involved, the lack of a central unified direction has frustrated the investigation. It seems to have progressed little, except for the recognition at long last that the incidents must be taken seriously. Now it appears that ranchers are arming themselves to protect their livestock, as well as their families and themselves, because they are frustrated by the unsuccessful investigation. Clearly something must be done before someone gets hurt.”
Again, the FBI – some ranchers and media people thought, rather suspiciously – declined to get involved in the investigation of the phenomenon. It was a stance the FBI rigidly stuck to (despite collecting numerous, nationwide newspaper and magazine articles on the subject) until 1978. That was when the FBI learned of an astonishing number of horse and cattle mutilations in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico – mutilations which actually dated back to 1976. They had all been scrupulously investigated and documented by Police Officer Gabe Valdez of Espanola. It was when the FBI was contacted by New Mexico Senator Harrison Schmitt (also the twelfth person to set foot on the Moon – in December 1972), who implored the FBI to get involved, that action was finally taken. In March 1979, Assistant Attorney General Heymann prepared a summary on the New Mexico cases for the FBI, and – for good measure – photocopied all of Officer Valdez’s files to the Bureau’s director. Things were about to be taken to a new level. As Valdez’s voluminous records showed, from the summer of 1975 to the early fall of 1978, no less than twenty-eight cattle mutilation incidents occurred in Rio Arriba County. One of the most bizarre events occurred in June 1976, as Valdez’s files demonstrate:
(Federal Bureau of Investigation) The FBI's files on cattle mutilations are now in the public domain, as they were released under the terms of the U.S. Freedom of Information Act.
“Investigations around the area revealed that a suspected aircraft of some type had landed twice, leaving three pod marks positioned in a triangular shape. The diameter of each pod was 14 inches. Emanating from the two landings were smaller triangular shaped tripods 28 inches and 4 inches in diameter. Investigation at the scene showed that these small tripods had followed the cow for approximately 600 feet. Tracks of the cow showed where she had struggled and fallen. The small tripod tracks were all around the cow. Other evidence showed that grass around the tripods, as they followed the cow, had been scorched. Also a yellow oily substance was located in two places under the small tripods. This substance was submitted to the State Police Lab. The Lab was unable to detect the content of the substance. “A sample of the substance was submitted to a private lab and they were unable to analyze the substance due to the fact that it disappeared or disintegrated. Skin samples were analyzed by the State Police Lab and the Medical Examiner’s Office. It was reported that the skin had been cut with a sharp instrument.” Seventy-two hours later, Valdez liaised with Dr. Howard Burgess, of the New Mexico-based Sandia Laboratories, with a view to having the area checked for radiation. It was a wise move. The radiation level was double that which could normally be expected. Valdez’s conclusions on this issue: “It is the opinion of this writer that radiation findings are deliberately being left at the scene to confuse investigators.”
The case was not over, however. Whatever, or whoever, was responsible for the mutilation made a return visit. Once again, we need to take a look at the official files on the affair. In Valdez’s own, official words: “There was also evidence that the tripod marks had returned and removed the left ear. Tripod marks were found over Mr. Gomez’s tire tracks of his original visit. The left ear was intact when Mr. Gomez first found the cow. The cow had a 3-month-old calf which has not been located since the incident. This appears strange since a small calf normally stays around the mother even though the cow is dead.” On the matter of whether or not the mutilations were the work of cults or natural predators, Valdez said: “Both have been ruled out due to expertise and preciseness and the cost involved to conduct such a sophisticated and secretive operation. It should also be noted that during the spring of 1974 when a tremendous amount of cattle were lost due to heavy snowfalls, the carcasses had been eaten by predators. These carcasses did not resemble the carcasses of the mutilated cows. Investigation has narrowed down to these theories which involve (1) Experimental use of Vitamin B12 and (2) The testing of the lymph node system. During this investigation an intensive study has been made of (3) What is involved in germ warfare testing, and the possible correlation of these 3 factors (germ warfare testing, use of Vitamin B12, testing of the lymph node system).” A further, very strange, report can be found in Valdez’s files, from 1978:
(Nick Redfern) Completely black helicopters are often seen where cattle mutilations occur. I took this photo myself. It was almost right above my home.
“This four year old cross Hereford and Black Angus native cow was found lying on left side with rectum, sex organs, tongue, and ears removed. Pinkish blood from [illegible] was visible, and after two days the blood still had not coagulated. Left front and left rear leg were pulled out of their sockets apparently from the weight of the cow which indicates that it was lifted and dropped back to the ground. The ground around and under the cow was soft and showed indentations where the cow had been dropped. 600 yards away from the cow were the 4-inch circular indentations similar to the ones found at the Manuel Gomez ranch on 4-24-78. “This cow had been dead approximately [illegible] hours and was too decomposed to extract samples. This is the first in a series of mutilations in which the cows’ legs are broken. Previously the animals had been lifted from the brisket with a strap. These mutilated animals all dehydrate rapidly (in one or two days).” As the summer of 1978 progressed, so did the number of reports where elevated radiation readings were found, as Valdez noted in his records:
“It is believed that this type of radiation is not harmful to humans, although approximately 7 people who visited the mutilation site complained of nausea and headaches. However, this writer has had no such symptoms after checking approximately 11 mutilations in the past 4 months. Identical mutilations have been taking place all over the Southwest. It is strange that no eye witnesses have come forward or that no accidents [have] occurred. One has to admit that whoever is responsible for the mutilations is very well organized with boundless financing and secrecy. Writer is presently getting equipment through the efforts of Mr. Howard Burgess, Albuquerque, N.M. to detect substances on the cattle which might mark them and be picked up by infra-red rays but not visible to the naked eye.” A lengthy document, prepared by Forrest S. Putman, the FBI’s Special-Agent-in-Charge at Albuquerque, New Mexico was soon thereafter sent to the FBI’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. It read: “Information furnished to this office by Officer Valdez indicates that the animals are being shot with some type of paralyzing drug and the blood is being drawn from the animal after an injection of an anti-coagulant. It appears that in some instances the cattle’s legs have been broken and helicopters without any identifying numbers have reportedly been seen in the vicinity of these mutilations.
“Officer Valdez theorizes that clamps are being placed on the cow’s legs and they are being lifted by helicopter to some remote area where the mutilations are taking place and then the animal is returned to its original pasture. The mutilations primarily consist of removal of the tongue, the lymph gland, lower lip and the sexual organs of the animal. Much mystery has surrounded these mutilations, but according to witnesses they give the appearance of being very professionally done with a surgical instrument, and according to Valdez, as the years progress, each surgical procedure appears to be more professional. Officer Valdez has advised that in no instance, to his knowledge, are these carcasses ever attacked by predator or scavenger animals, although there are tracks which would indicate that coyotes have been circling the carcass from a distance. Special Agent Putman then informed the Director of the outcome of Valdez’s run-ins with officials. He also advised that he has requested Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory to conduct investigation for him but until just recently has always been advised that the mutilations were done by predatory animals. Officer Valdez stated that just recently he has been told by two assistants at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory that they were able to determine the type of tranquilizer and blood anti-coagulant that have been utilized.”
(Nick Redfern) A bit too close when it's over your yard.
Putnam then demonstrated to headquarters the astonishing scale of the mutilation puzzle: “Officer Valdez stated that Colorado probably has the most mutilations occurring within their State and that over the past four years approximately 30 have occurred in New Mexico. He stated that of these 330, 15 have occurred on Indian Reservations but he did know that many mutilations have gone unreported which have occurred on the Indian reservations because the Indians, particularly in the Pueblos, are extremely superstitious and will not even allow officers in to investigate in some instances. Officer Valdez stated since the outset of these mutilations there have been an estimated 8,000 animals mutilated which would place the loss at approximately $1,000,000.” Putman additionally advised the director that: “It is obvious if mutilations are to be solved there is a need for a coordinated effort so that all material available can be gathered and analyzed and further efforts synchronized. Whether the FBI should assume this role is a matter to be decided. If we are merely to investigate and direct our efforts toward the 15 mutilated cattle on the Indian reservation we, I believe, will be in the same position as the other law enforcement agencies at this time and would be seeking to achieve an almost impossible task.
“It is my belief that if we are to participate in any manner that we should do so fully, although this office and the USA’s office are at a loss to determine what statute our investigative jurisdiction would be in this matter. If we are to act solely as a coordinator or in any other official capacity the sooner we can place this information in the computer bank, the better off we would be and in this regard it would be my recommendation that an expert in the computer field at the Bureau travel to Albuquerque in the very near future so that we can determine what type of information will be needed so that when the invitation for the April conference is submitted from Senator Schmitt’s Office that the surrounding States will be aware of the information that is needed to place in the computer. “It should be noted that Senator Schmitt’s Office is coordinating the April conference and will submit the appropriate invitations and with the cooperation of the USA, Mr. Thompson will chair this conference. The FBI will act only as a participant.”
Putnam went on to describe the theories that had been advanced to try and explain the phenomenon: “Since this has not been investigated by the FBI in any manner we have no theories whatsoever as to why or what is responsible for these cattle mutilations. Officer Gabe Valdez is very adamant in his opinion that these mutilations are the work of the U. S. Government and that it is some clandestine operation either by the CIA or the Department of Energy and in all probability is connected with some type of research into biological warfare. His main reason for these beliefs is that he feels that he was given the ‘run around’ by Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and they are attempting to cover up this situation. There are also theories that these are cults (religious) of some type of Indian rituals resulting in these mutilations and the wildest theory advanced is that they have some connection with unidentified flying objects.” In the closing section of his report, Putman said: “If we are to assume an investigative posture into this area, the matter of manpower, of course, becomes a consideration and I am unable to determine at this time the amount of manpower that would be needed to give this our full attention so that a rapid conclusion could be reached. The Bureau is requested to furnish its comments and guidance on this whole situation including, if desired, the Legal Counsel’s assessment of jurisdictional question. An early response would be needed, however, so that we might properly, if requested to do so, obtain the data bank information. If it appears that we are going to become involved in this matter, it is obvious that there would be a large amount of correspondence necessary and Albuquerque would suggest a code name be established of BOVMUT.”
(Nick Redfern) Are we any closer as to what, or who, is behind the mutes? "No."
As a result of the growing concern surrounding the cattle mutilations, a conference on the subject was held, on April 20, 1979, at the Albuquerque Public Library. There was a heavy concentration of FBI agents at the conference, something which resulted in the following, official document being prepared, which summarized the various theories, cases, and ideas advanced at the conference: “Forrest S. Putman, Special Agent in Charge (SAC), Albuquerque Office of the FBI, explained to the conference that the Justice Department had given the FBI authority to investigate those cattle mutilations which have occurred or might occur on Indian lands. He further explained that the Albuquerque FBI would look at such mutilations in connection with mutilations occurring off Indian lands for the purpose of comparison and control, especially where the same methods of operation are noted. SAC Putman said that in order for this matter to be resolved, the facts surrounding such mutilations should be gathered and computerized.
“District Attorney Eloy Martinez, Santa Fe, New Mexico, told the conference that his judicial district had made application for a $50,000 Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) Grant for the purpose of investigating the cattle mutilations. He explained that there is hope that with the funds from this grant, an investigative unit can be established for the sole purpose of resolving the mutilation problem. He said it is his view that such an investigative unit could serve as a headquarters for all law enforcement officials investigating the mutilations and, in particular, would serve as a repository for information developed in order that this information could be coordinated properly. He said such a unit would not only coordinate this information, but also handle submissions to a qualified lab for both evidence and photographs. Mr. Martinez said a hearing will be held on April 24, 1979, for the purpose of determining whether this grant will be approved.
“Gabe Valdez, New Mexico State Police, Dulce, New Mexico, reported he has investigated the death of 90 cattle during the past three years, as well as six horses. Officer Valdez said he is convinced that the mutilations of the animals have not been the work of predators because of the precise manner of the cuts. Officer Valdez said he had investigated mutilations of several animals which had occurred on the ranch of Manuel Gomez of Dulce, New Mexico. “Manuel Gomez addressed the conference and explained he had lost six animals to unexplained deaths which were found in a mutilated condition within the last two years. Further, Gomez said that he and his family are experiencing fear and mental anguish because of the mutilations.” “David Perkins, Director of the Department of Research at Libre School in Farasita, Colorado, exhibited a map of the United States which contained hundreds of colored pins identifying mutilation sites. He commented that he had been making a systematic collection of data since 1975, and has never met a greater challenge. He said, ‘The only thing that makes sense about the mutilations is that they make no sense at all.’”
(Nick Redfern) Some say the cattle mutilations are the work of secret societies, who sacrifice the poor cattle.
“Tom Adams of Paris, Texas, who has been independently examining mutilations for six years, said his investigation has shown that helicopters are almost always observed in the area of the mutilations. He said that the helicopters do not have identifying markings and they fly at abnormal, unsafe, or illegal altitudes. Dr. Peter Van Arsdale, Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Denver, suggested that those investigating the cattle mutilations take a systematic approach and look at all types of evidence is discounting any of the theories such as responsibility by extraterrestrial visitors or satanic cults. Richard Sigismund, Social Scientist, Boulder, Colorado, presented an argument which advanced the theory that the cattle mutilations are possibly related to activity of UFOs. Numerous other persons made similar type presentations expounding on their theories regarding the possibility that the mutilations are the responsibility of extraterrestrial visitors, members of Satanic cults, or some unknown government agency. Dr. Richard Prine, Forensic Veterinarian, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL), Los Alamos, New Mexico, discounted the possibility that the mutilations had been done by anything but predators. He said he had examined six carcasses and in his opinion predators were responsible for the mutilation of all six."
“Dr. Claire Hibbs, a representative of the State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, said he recently came to New Mexico, but that prior to that he examined some mutilation findings in Kansas and Nebraska. Dr. Hibbs said the mutilations fell into three categories: animals killed and mutilated by predators and scavengers, animals mutilated after death by ‘sharp instruments’ and animals mutilated by pranksters. Tommy Blann, Lewisville, Texas, told the conference he has been studying UFO activities for twenty-two years and mutilations for twelve years. He explained that animal mutilations date back to the early 1800’s in England and Scotland. He also pointed out that animal mutilations are not confined to cattle, but cited incidents of mutilation of horses, dogs, sheep, and rabbits. He also said the mutilations are not only nationwide, but international in scope. Chief Raleigh Tafoya, Jicarilla Apache Tribe, and Walter Dasheno, Governor, Santa Clara Pueblo, each spoke briefly to the conference. Both spoke of the cattle which had been found mutilated on their respective Indian lands. Chief Tafoya said some of his people who have lost livestock have been threatened. Carl W. Whiteside, Investigator, Colorado Bureau of Investigation, told the conference that between April and December 1975, his Bureau investigated 203 reports of cattle mutilations.”
One month later, the District Attorney’s Office for Santa Fe, New Mexico, secured $50,000 in funding, to allow a detailed study of the evidence to commence – specifically in New Mexico. Very suspiciously, when it was announced that the program was going ahead, the FBI noted that the mutilations came to a sudden halt. This gave rise to deep suspicions that the mutilators were all too human and, having heard of the planned investigation, hastily backed away until matters calmed down – which they did, when the number of new reports trailed off to nothingness. With a distinct lack of new data to go on, the ambitious program was left to study a mere handful of cases – all of which it relegated to the work of predators and absolutely nothing else. Hardly surprisingly, this gave rise to the suspicions, among conspiracy theorists, that this was the goal all along: launch an investigation and assert that the mutes were the work of predators and nothing else, whatsoever, and then close the investigation down. If that was the case, then it worked all too well: the world of officialdom walked away from the mutilation problem, asserting that it had resolved the entire matter in down to earth terms, and assuring the public and the ranching community that there was nothing to worry about.
Evidently, however, there was something to worry about: no sooner had the project closed down, when the mutilations began again. And they still continue to this day. Whether the work of the government, the military, satanic cults, or deadly extraterrestrials, all that can be said of the cattle mutilations is that, officially, at least, they are no longer of any interest to the FBI or to any other arm of officialdom. A solid study of the investigations show that the FBI - just like us - were baffled, but did their best to find the answers. The mystery remains exactly that: a mystery. A really weird mystery. UFOs? Occult activity? Skinwalkers? Secret tests to see if new viruses might have got into the food chain? All theories are strange and usettling.
There can be very few people who have not heard of its infamous name. Many will be familiar with the extraordinary claims of what, allegedly, goes on there. It’s a place that is saturated in secrecy, cloaked in conspiracy theories, and, according to many, is home to Uncle Sam’s very own, highly classified collection of dead aliens, crashed UFOs, and extraterrestrial technology. Highly fortified, and guarded by personnel who have the right to use “deadly force”to protect its secrets, it is Area 51. Although Area 51 – as a classified installation, as a piece of popular culture, and as a magnet for UFO sleuths – has been known of since the late 1980s (when a maverick scientist, about whom much more later, spilled the beans), its origins can be found in the very earliest years of the Cold War.
It may surprise many to learn that, contrary to what the worlds of Hollywood and UFO research suggest, Area 51 is not buried deeply in the heart of nowhere and miles away from civilization. In fact, the surprising reality (to many) is that it is situated barely eighty miles outside of the city of Las Vegas. And, while Area 51 is the title that it is most associated with, the official name of the installation is far less infamous and far more bureaucratic: The Nevada Test and Training Range. It’s located on a dry lake bed called Groom Lake, which has been converted into a highly-classified – and decidedly off-limits - facility, one that is supplemented with huge airstrips, runways, hangars, and, so the rumor-mill goes – deep, underground installations that stretch for miles.
(Nick Redfern) We all know what 51 means and where it means.
Access to the base is near-impossible; unless, that is, of course, one has the relevant, top secret clearance to do so. The airspace above Area 51 is officially designated a no-fly zone, to anyone and everyone except those attached to the base. Trying to drive to the installation is a pointless task, too: motion-sensor equipment and armed guards dominate the desert terrain, ensuring that no-on can get even within miles of the base. Try and do so and you run the very real risk of being detained, arrested, jailed, or, worse still, shot dead. As far as the origins of Area 51 are concerned, they date back to the height of the Second World War. Just one year after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, what was then known as the Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field was created at the 4,409-foot-elevation lake. Its remote location provided the perfect cover for the military to undertake practice bombing missions and the testing of new weaponry. Even though the facility was scarcely of the proportions that it is today, the seeds of deep secrecy and conspiracy were already being quietly sown. It may not be exactly jaw-dropping to learn that the definitive origins of Area 51 began with none other than the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA. Although the CIA was established in 1947, it was not until the around the turn of the 1950s that serious consideration was given to constructing a secret, out of the way, well-protected installation from which highly classified research could be undertaken. Given the time-frame, the Cold War era of the 1950s, the U.S. Government knew that it had to take steps to ensure that, at the very least, a balance of power existed between the United States and the former Soviet Union.
Richard M. Bissell, Jr., was a CIA officer who, from 1961 to 1962, held down the job of first co-director of the super-secret National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), which operates much of the United States’ satellite-based surveillance technology. Back in the early 1950s, and before his NRO career began, Bissell astutely realized that there was a pressing need to keep careful watch on what the Soviets were doing, specifically in terms of constructing new military bases, atomic facilities, and aircraft that might pose distinct, serious threats to the security of the United States. So, a plan was initiated to develop a fleet of aircraft – reconnaissance planes designed to fly very fast and very high – that could secretly spy on the Soviets, by penetrating their airspace and securing high-resolution photography of what the Reds were up to. The aircraft was the Lockheed U-2 and the operation was codenamed Project Aquatone.
(Nick Redfern) Soviet spies and (some might say...) a few UFOs at Area 51.
Obviously, secrecy was paramount and the definite name of the game. Since intelligence data had shown the Soviets had spies in place all across the United States, and even within seemingly secure military facilities and aircraft research centers, a decision was taken to have the project developed not at an existing plant or installation, but at an entirely new one, specifically built for the task. Richard M. Bissell, Jr., was the man who made it all happen. The first thing that Bissell did was to make a careful study of a detailed map of the entire United States. He was specifically looking for somewhere out of the way, largely inaccessible, easily protected, and that would offer a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape – in the event that Communist spies attempted to engage in a bit of localized espionage.
One of those that Bissell approached was a man Clarence “Kelly” Johnson, a brilliant aircraft engineer and designer, and the brains behind both the U-2 and the SR-71 Blackbird. He scouted out various places in the United States; eventually settling on one that he felt most fitted the bill that Bissell and the CIA were looking for. In Johnson’s own words, regarding one, particular, scouting operation, he said of the site in question: “We flew over it and within thirty seconds, you knew that was the place. It was right by a dry lake. Man alive, we looked at that lake, and we all looked at each other. It was another Edwards, so we wheeled around, landed on that lake, taxied up to one end of it. It was a perfect natural landing field ... as smooth as a billiard table without anything being done to it.” Johnson was, of course, talking about Groom Lake. Area 51 was about to be born.
Given that the location was blisteringly hot, inhospitable in the extreme, and filled with nothing but deserts, dry beds, and mountains, something had to be done to entice people to come out and work there. Johnson had a brainwave: he decided to christen it Paradise Ranch. It paid off. It was during the first week of 1955 that things really got moving: that was when a group of surveyors arrived on-site, primarily to figure out the logistics involved in constructing a huge, 5,000-foot-long runway. It wasn’t just the construction of the primary runway that began in earnest; the building of workplaces, a couple of rudimentary hangars, and even more rudimentary places to house the workers commenced. In other words, back then, Area 51 was little more than a desert equivalent of a North Pole outpost. As the months progressed, however, the workers were blessed with a couple of sports halls and a small cinema.
To ensure that the Russians didn’t get word of what was afoot at the base, careful steps were taken to ensure that, at any and every given moment, the numbers of people on-site were kept to the bare minimum. That meant, essentially, hardly anyone would stay for lengthy periods of time (all of the workers would be flown in from, and back to, the Lockheed plant), and discussion of what was going on less than 100 miles from Las Vegas was strictly off-limits. The secrecy level was amped up even further when, in July 1955, two things happened: (a) a small, permanent CIA presence was established; and (b) the very first U-2 made its arrival at the base, having been secretly flown in aboard a large, cargo aircraft that was leased out to the CIA. Only days afterwards, the first of a near-unending series of flights began between Lockheed’s Burbank facility and Area 51.In the years that followed, such groundbreaking aircraft as the U-2, the Blackbird, and the A-12 were tested, refined, and flown at Area 51 – all, largely, to try and find ways to keep the Soviet threat to a minimum.
As the demand for yet further advanced aircraft to be produced, taken to the skies, and modified, so did the need for Area 51 to be expanded in both scope and size. As a new decade dawned, a company called the Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Company - which, in the 1980s, did contract work for President Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) program – got involved. A huge new runway – in excess of 10,000-feet - was designed and built by REEC. Numerous hangars, in which the many and varied prototype aircraft could be hidden from any and all aircraft that might intrude too close to the base, were soon constructed. The Department of the Navy provided more than 120 prefabricated, small homes for those that had long-term contracts.To cope with the concerns that the Soviets might try and figure out what was going on, by making high-level flights over Area 51, just two weeks into 1962, highly classified legislation was prepared by the Federal Aviation Administration to ensure that even more airspace was denied to anyone and everyone without official clearance. There was a good reason for this: February 1962 marked the date on which the first A-12 was flown into Area 51 for testing.
As the 1960s progressed, so did the work of staff at Area 51. One part of that work – a very significant part - revolved around the capture and exploitation of foreign technology. Over the years, the U.S. military acquired a number of Soviet military aircraft, specifically MIGs. Some were the result of defections by Soviet pilots; others were secured after aerial accidents. Numerous, studious examinations of the Soviet technology was undertaken at Area 51, under such projects as Have Ferry, and Have Drill. By the time the 1970s were up and running, Area 51’s finest were focusing a great deal on what has since become termed as Stealth technology – in essence, the ability to render an aircraft invisible to radar. Much of the highly-classified research that led to the construction and deployment of the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk (more popularly referred to as the Stealth Fighter) and the Northrop B-2 Spirit (better known as the Stealth Bomber) was undertaken out at Area 51 – by which time the word “vast” barely begins to describe the base. A countless number of aircraft-hangars, underground labs, facilities built into the sides of the surrounding mountains, and new runways were part and parcel of Area 51.
(Nick Redfern) Extraterrestrials at Area 51?
For the most part, no-one – aside from those elite figures in the military, the intelligence community, and the government – knew anything of Area 51 from its creation in the 1950s and right up until the latter part of the 1980s. The late eighties, however, was when everything changed and Area 51 became not just a big name, but somewhere that was forever thereafter inextricably tied to the UFO phenomenon. On a now near-legendary night in March 1989 a man named Robert Scott Lazar made distinct waves amongst the Las Vegas media – and, ultimately, amongst the staff and highest echelons of Area 51, too. According to Lazar – who would only speak under the pseudonym of “Dennis” - for a few months in the latter part of 1988, he worked at what one might term a subsidiary of Area 51. Its name: S-4. As, George Knapp, the host of KLAS-TV, listened intently as Lazar told his story. It was one of fantastic and out of this world proportions – quite possibly, literally. Lazar claimed that at least nine alien spacecraft were stored at Area 51, all of which were being studied by a small group of scientific personnel who were having varying degrees of success in understanding and duplicating the technology. As an alleged, full-blown whistleblower, Lazar was a man both scared and sporting a target on his back. And, now, we all know of the rumors and tales. How many of them are the real deal? That's the question that has circulated since the late 1980s.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
SpaceX & NASA to rescue Astronauts! Russia's Soyuz FAILURE "cosmonauts can't return"
SpaceX & NASA to rescue Astronauts! Russia's Soyuz FAILURE "cosmonauts can't return" NASA and Roscosmos have officially declared Soyuz MS-22 not safe to fly for crew and a rescue strategy has been developed with an Official Statement from NASA and Roscosmos on January 11th. So, what's the plan to rescue the astronauts? How will SpaceX rescue Astronauts? Why ISS is facing huge turmoil after this? Find out in today's episode of Alpha Tech:
Let’s analyzing about the Situation first:
Cosmonauts Sergey Prokopiev and Dmitry Petelin and NASA Astronaut Francisco Rubio launched on Soyuz MS-22 on September 21, 2022, at 13:54 UTC from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.
On December 15th, 2022 at 12:45 UTC a "visible stream of flakes" was observed emanating from the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft at the same time as a loss of pressure was alerted in the external radiator cooling loop. After multiple days of inspection using the station's robotic arms, preliminary information is something left a 0.8mm (0.031in) diameter hole in the external cooler radiator located on the service module of the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft. Roscosmos believes the leak in the radiator occurred due to external mechanical damage.
With the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft deemed not safe to fly for the crew, Cosmonauts Sergey Prokopiev and Dmitry Petelin and NASA Astronaut Francisco Rubio are stranded on the ISS. This a critical situation as no person is to be on the ISS without a spacecraft they can board to evacuate in case of emergency with the ability to return home should they not be able to return to the ISS.
So, what is the solution? For Soyuz MS-22 The damaged Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft will undock from the ISS in an unmanned mode and attempt to return home. Because the thermoregulation system is damaged, re-entry and landing may not be successful.
Next, Soyuz MS-23 Russia's next mission Soyuz MS-23 was scheduled to launch with 3 Russian Cosmonauts in March but teams on the ground have been working around the clock to move the launch up to the middle of February. Once ready for launch, a solo Russian Cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko will fly the Soyuz MS-23 spacecraft to the ISS. This will be the first solo spacecraft mission since 2004 when Brian Binney flew SpaceShipOne on its test flight. SpaceX & NASA to rescue Astronauts! Russia's Soyuz FAILURE "cosmonauts can't return"
Listen! 'Superheavy' neutron star merger's audio jumps 'thousands of hertz' in simulation
See a pair of superheavy neutron stars collide in this simulation with gravitational wave audio. "An audible tone and a visual frequency scale (at left) track the steady rise in the frequency of gravitational waves as the neutron stars close," according to NASA's Goddard Spaceflight Center.
Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and STAG Research Centre/Peter Hammond
Sun blasts X1-class solar flare! See spacecraft footage in 4K
Sunspot AR3186 erupted with an X1-class solar flare on Jan. 10, 2022. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the fireworks in multiple wavelengths.
Credit:NASA/SDO/ | edited by's Steve Spaleta
Secret Pentagon Program Clip | UFOs: Investigating the Unknown | NEW SERIES | National Geographic
For more than five decades the US government has refused to discuss UFOs, but now, Navy pilots tell of seeing mysterious objects tracking their fighter jets – vehicles unlike anything they’ve ever seen before; top-secret Naval videos are leaked that captivate the world. Government officials, led by former U.S. Senator Harry Reid, demand an investigation. At long last, it looks like the truth about UFOs may finally be revealed. Coming in February.
The History Of Space Exploration!
In this video, we are going to take a journey back in time and learn about the history of space exploration.We are going to start from the very beginning and look at how humans have been trying to explore space for centuries. We will also learn about some of the most notable space missions and their incredible successes. So sit back, relax, and let's explore the universe!
National Geographic Society A Brief History of Space Exploration
The Aerospace Corporation
James Webb Space Telescope snaps 'dynamic star-forming region' - 4K zoom-in
The James Webb Space Telescope captured imagery of dynamic star-forming region NCG 346 within the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). What makes it special?:
Nikola Tesla Was Stopped Just In Time Before he Revealed the Secrets of the Great Pyramid
Nikola Tesla Was Stopped Just In Time Before he Revealed the Secrets of the Great Pyramid. The Egyptian pyramid is one of the most mysterious structures on this planet. No one knows when they were built, how they were built, who built them, and most importantly: why were they built?
In today’s video, we will take you on a journey across time to find out what secrets do the pyramids hold that baffled even the mind of the great Nikola Tesla, and how he was so close to replicating it to create free energy for the whole world.
Why is Sea Level Rising? We Asked a NASA Scientist
Global sea levels are rising as a result of human-caused global warming, with recent rates being unprecedented over the past 2,500-plus years. NASA JPL’s sea level rise expert Ben Hamlington explains how our warming planet is causing sea levels to rise.
Learn more about how NASA monitors sea level rise:
The JWST is the Shiny New Space Telescope, but the Dependable Hubble is Still Going Strong
The scattered stars of the globular cluster NGC 6355 are strewn across this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. This globular cluster lies less than 50,000 light-years from Earth in the Ophiuchus constellation. Image Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, E. Noyola, R. Cohen
The JWST is the Shiny New Space Telescope, but the Dependable Hubble is Still Going Strong
The Venerable Hubble Space Telescope has cemented its place in history. Some call it the most successful science experiment ever. And while the James Webb Space Telescope might vie for that title, the Hubble does things that even the powerful JWST can’t do.
Exhibit A: this stunning image of NGC 6355.
NGC 6355 is a globular cluster (GC) about 50,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Ophiuchus. GCs are tightly-packed spherical groups of stars that can contain millions of stars. Astronomers aren’t certain how many stars NGC 6355 contains.
The structure of the Milky Way galaxy. Globular clusters are located in the halo. Image Credit: ESA
Globular Clusters are still mysterious objects. But the Hubble has studied them and removed at least some of the mystery. One burning question is whether or not GCs host black holes, much like galaxies do.
There are different sizes of black holes. The gravitational collapse of a star forms stellar-mass black holes. They range from about five to tens of solar masses. Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) are gargantuan and reside at the center of galaxies. They can contain billions of times more mass than the Sun. Then there are intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs.)
But IMBHs are elusive.
When the Hubble came along, its ability to discern individual stars in GC helped astronomers detect IMBHs. The stars in a GCs center are more tightly packed than the stars toward the edges. That central region is where astronomers thought IMBHs might be hiding.
NGC 6397 is a globular cluster in the constellation Ara. It’s about 7,800 light-years from Earth and is one of the two closes GCs. It holds about 400,000 stars. In a 2021 study, astronomers looked at Hubble images and data from other facilities to examine NGC 6397 for evidence of an intermediate-mass black hole.
The globular cluster NGC 6397 glitters with the light from hundreds of thousands of stars in this Hubble Space Telescope image. The blue stars are massive stars near the end of their lives, and the red stars are stars that have burned most of their hydrogen and are now red giants. The small white objects include stars like our Sun. Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Tom M. Brown (STScI), Stefano Casertano (STScI), Jay Anderson (STScI)
Black holes can’t be seen, so to infer their existence, astronomers study the motion of the stars in the GCs core. The black hole’s massive gravitational force affects those stars’ trajectories and velocities, and by measuring them, astronomers can estimate the black hole’s mass. The 2021 paper found something extraordinary: there wasn’t one black hole at the center of NGC 6397; there was a group of them.
“We found very strong evidence for an invisible mass in the dense core of the globular cluster, but we were surprised to find that this extra mass is not ‘point-like’ (that would be expected for a solitary massive black hole) but extended to a few percent of the size of the cluster,” said Eduardo Vitral, one of the paper’s authors.
Finding a clump of stellar-mass black holes was surprising and went against expectations. Astronomers thought that the cores of GCs were a likely place to find the elusive IMBHs.
The researchers haven’t wholly concluded that the mass in the center of the GC is all black holes. They call it a CUO: a cluster of unresolved objects. The CUO has from 1000 to 2000 solar masses; whatever they are, they’re dense.
The paper’s authors say that stellar evolution explains what’s likely there. They think the CUO includes the remnants of massive stars: neutron stars, white dwarfs, and black holes. Through a process called dynamical friction, more massive objects gradually sink to the GCs center while less massive stars migrate to the periphery.
“We used the theory of stellar evolution to conclude that most of the extra mass we found was in the form of black holes,” said Mamon. Two other recent studies also proposed that stellar remnants, particularly stellar-mass black holes, could populate the inner regions of globular clusters. “Ours is the first study to provide both the mass and the extent of what appears to be a collection of mostly black holes in the center of a core-collapsed globular cluster,” said Vitral.
None of this would’ve been discovered if it weren’t for the Hubble. It had some help, especially from the ESA’s Gaia spacecraft. But the Hubble’s ability to resolve individual stars was critical.
This is another star-filled image of a globular cluster from the Hubble Space Telescope. This is NGC 1466, a GC on the outskirts of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Image Credit: ESA and NASA
In their paper, the authors explain how critical Hubble observations were to their results. “On the other hand, Gaia data by itself has much too few stars with sufficiently accurate PMs <proper motions> at low projected radii to probe the IMBH or CUO mass, and even less the CUO size. This highlights the requirement of combining HST and Gaia for proper mass-orbit modelling of the PM of stars in GCs.”
Understanding the black holes at the heart of GCs depends heavily on how accurately astronomers can measure the proper motion of stars. The Hubble has made an enormous contribution, but as Gaia releases more data, its PMs will grow in accuracy. According to the paper’s authors, the James Webb Space Telescope will start to contribute, too.
“Continued pointings of GCs with HST and soon James Webb Space Telescope will lead to longer baselines and more accurate PMs,” the authors write. “The third data release of the Gaia mission will double the PM precision, thus enabling more accurate mass-orbit modelling, not only of nearby GCs such as NGC 6397 but also of more distant ones, in conjunction with HST data.”
We all love the James Webb Space Telescope. It’s amazing!
But for those of us who came of age alongside the Hubble, it’s sort of a weird feeling watching the JWST supplant the Hubble and maybe eventually relegate it to a lesser role.
But as these images and research shows, the Hubble is still in the game.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
VIDEO – Mysterious Objects Spotted in Clear Skies Over Punta Gorda: Is it a UFO?
VIDEO – Mysterious Objects Spotted in Clear Skies Over Punta Gorda: Is it a UFO?
On January 7th, 2023, a UFO sighting was reported in Punta Gorda, Florida. According to the account, the sighting took place on a clear evening with eight miles of visibility. The observer observed two distinct objects: a smaller object with flashing lights, which was followed by a larger, rectangular object with very fast flashing white lights.
The observer initially began filming the objects, and at one point, the larger object stopped and disappeared, only to reappear about 10 degrees to the right of its original location. The object then continued on its path before stopping again and disappearing. The account states that the objects seemed to be no more than half a mile away at the closest point and proceeded to be less than a mile away. The observer noted that from their viewpoint, the objects appeared to be quite large.
After observing the objects, the observer contacted the Punta Gorda airport to inquire about any possible aircraft in the area at the time of the sighting. However, the airport reportedly informed the observer that their radar range is limited, and they were unable to provide any information about the objects. The observer stated that they have three separate films of the object.
This account of UFO sighting is interesting. However, it’s important to remember that just because something is unidentified doesn’t mean it’s alien or extraterrestrial in nature. There are many possible explanations for this sighting, such as aircraft, weather balloons, drones, or even misidentifications of celestial bodies. Without more information or analysis of the films taken, it is impossible to say for certain what the observer observed.
SpaceX launches OneWeb satellites for 2nd time, nails landing in Florida
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched 40 OneWeb Satellite from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida on Jan. 9, 2023. A few minutes after stage separation, the first stage of the rocket landed on Landing Zone 1 (LZ-1) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.
Credit: SpaceX
Ship 24 Stacked on Booster 7 for Prelaunch Testing | SpaceX Boca Chica
Booster 7 was lifted onto the Orbital Launch Mount overnight, then Ship 24 was stacked on top of it ahead of an anticipated full wet dress rehearsal test.
DEEP OCEAN LIGHTS Point to Alien Activity | The Proof is Out There: Bermuda Triangle
Strange lights illuminating from the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle may point to strange alien activity. See more in this clip from Season 1, "USOs & Underwater Forces."
Love watching The Proof Is Out There: Bermuda Triangle Edition? Stay up to date on all of your favorite The HISTORY Channel shows at
Earth-size planet found in TOI 700 system's habitable zone
NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has been used to discover Earth-size planet TOI 700 e. It is "orbiting within the habitable zone of its star – the range of distances where liquid water could occur on a planet’s surface," according to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
The TOI 700 system is about 100 light-years away.
Credits:NASA/JPL-Caltech/Robert Hurt/NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
X1.9 solar flare! Hyperactive sunspot eruption seen by spacecraft
Sunspot AR3184 erupted with an X1.9-class solar flare on Jan. 9, 2022. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) captured the fireworks. The sunspot has been very active since it rotated into SDO's view.
SpaceX did a Brilliant Upgrade On Starship Booster For 33 Engines Static Fire this week
Finally, SpaceX Booster 7 - our hero is back and better than ever with some robustness Upgrade to gear up for 33 Engines Static Fire this week! So, what has the SpaceX team upgraded on the B7 over the past month?
Discuss everything about this in today's episode of Alpha Tech:
Until now, Booster 7 and Ship 24 continue to be cited as the pairing that will conduct the orbital test flight, with Musk citing that the latest schedule is hopeful the first orbital flight of Starship could happen as soon as next month. "We have a real shot at late February. March launch attempt appears highly likely," Musk wrote.
Schedule clarity will be gained via the return of Booster 7 on last Sunday from its time back in the Mega Bay (High Bay 2) after it was transported away from its perch on the Orbital Launch Mount (OLM) in December. With road closures posted for this week, we hope a big test comes soon. Booster 7 alone completed more than 24 distinct tests (including six static fires) between early April and late November.
Now back to the main topic, let's see what's new on B7 after the latest reborn. Firstly, have you noticed that its appearance has become more attractive? Well, Booster 7 is surprisingly shiny. Doesn't look like there are any missing tiles now. Yeah, SpaceX’s futuristic Starship interplanetary craft may embody the golden age of sci-fi in more ways than one: in addition to (theoretically) taking passengers from planet to planet, it may sport a shiny stainless-steel skin that makes it look like the pulp covers of old. This is a special full-hardness steel alloy mentioned as being among the 300 series of high-strength, heat-resistant alloys — not the plentiful, pliable stuff we all have in our kitchens and buildings. Musk also ever mentioned another “superalloy” called SX500 that SpaceX’s metallurgists have developed for use in the Raptor engines that will power the vehicle.
Secondly, full engine shields. One month ago, B7 has 20 missing panels for each of its outer Raptor engines. That engine shielding looks great now! Any replacements would need to be modified to ensure that the ad-hoc system installed to prevent the conditions that led to Booster 7’s first explosion from recurring can still be used for future static fire tests. But honestly, it’s unclear why SpaceX would need to reinstall those panels now for Booster 7’s upcoming 33-engine static fire(s) and a full-stack wet dress rehearsal(s) when they weren’t needed for 11 and 14-engine static fires and a dozen other fire-free tests. SpaceX did a Brilliant Upgrade On Starship Booster For 33 Engines Static Fire this week
NASA Just Detected Several Massive Objects Entering Our Solar System!
While we have made several trips to space in hopes of trying to find life beyond Earth, things usually don’t happen the other way around. Well, that has just changed. Scientists have actually detected a new interstellar visitor, and it brought with it hundreds of questions. Join us as we dig deeper into what’s going on with this mysterious visitor, and what this could mean for the future of humanity!
But before we get to the visitor, we’re going to take a look back at 2017 to make sense of what’s going on right now! There are trillions of space rocks in our solar system alone, even more outside of it. But the space crafts, telescopes, and lasers we have on Earth still spend night and day studying them anyway.
That’s because any information we might find about the rocks flying around in space could change everything in an instant. So there’s no stone we can leave unstudied. While scientists spend all day and night studying space, we’ve never really had anything major enter our solar system. Even if we did, it’s usually right at the edge of our solar system. That, too, if it’s fast enough to make it through the sheer pressure objects have to deal with. So to have an interstellar object make it even remotely close to being detected by the machines on Earth was never really a goal.
Virgin Orbit rocket suffers anomaly during air launch on first UK mission
Virgin Orbit's Cosmic Girl carrier plane deployed the "Start Me Up" mission's LauncherOne rocket for an air launch on Jan. 9, 2022. The rocket was deployed about an hour after the plane lifted off from Spaceport Cornwall in the UK.
The rocket suffered an anomaly during the flight and failed to deliver its payload to orbit, according to Chris Relf, Virgin Orbit director of systems engineering and verification.
Credit:Virgin Orbit
Mars Ingenuity Helicopter found here after its most recent fascinating flight I 4K
Watch the latest spectacular flight that took place on the Red planet. Enjoy
Scientists Just Found This 3,500 Year Old Box Next To The Pyramids That Contained This Secret
Welcome to Futureunity, where we explore the fascinating world of science, technology, and the universe! From the inner workings of the human body to the outer reaches of space, we delve into the latest and most interesting discoveries that are shaping our world. Whether you're a science buff or just looking for some mind-blowing facts, we've got you covered. Join us as we uncover the mysteries of the world around us and discover new frontiers in the fields of science and technology. Get ready for a journey that's both educational and entertaining!
For astrobiologists, the scientists dedicated to the search for life beyond Earth, the moons of Saturn are a virtual treasure trove of possibilities. Enceladus is especially compelling because of the active plumes of water emanating from its southern polar region. Not only are these vents thought to be connected directly to an ocean beneath the moon’s icy surface, but the Cassini mission detected traces of organic molecules and other chemicals associated with biological processes. Like Europa, Ganymede, and other “Ocean Worlds,” astrobiologists think this could indicate hydrothermal activity at the core-mantle boundary.
Both NASA and the ESA are hoping to send missions to Enceladus that could study its plumes in more detail. These include the Enceladus Orbitlander recommended in the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032 and the ESA’s Enceladus Moonraker, which could depart Earth in the next decade, taking advantage of a favorable alignment between the planets. In anticipation of what these missions could find, an international team of researchers used data from the Cassini mission to establish how samples of plume material could constrain how much biomass Enceladus has within it.
While the Cassini orbiter revealed a great deal about Enceladus and its surface features, scientists have been speculating about the existence of plume activity. The first hints came from the Voyager 1 and 2 probes, which flew through the Saturn system in November 1980 and August 1981 (respectively). Based on the reflective surface and its location near the core of Saturn’s E ring (largely composed of water ice and silica), scientists speculated that the moon was geologically active and the source of material in the ring (possibly through the venting of water vapor).
The Cassini probe first encountered indications of plume activity during its passage in 2005, which were interpreted as signs of possible cryovolcanism. During its many subsequent encounters, Cassini flew directly through Enceladus’ plumes and obtained data from its spectrometer and magnetometer. Combined with imaging and ionic data, the readings obtained suggested that the southern polar plumes emanated from pressurized subsurface chambers. Since then, multiple studies have been conducted that have attempted to constrain the type of subsurface environment.
This includes numerical simulations showing how water could circulate in the core at high temperatures and detecting hydrogen in the plume. According to Affholder, who spoke to Universe Today via email, these findings point toward possible hydrothermal activity and methanogenesis similar to what has existed here on Earth for billions of years:
“On Earth, hydrogen is generated by hydrothermal processes in the ocean. Additionally, this hydrogen generation in Earth’s ocean supports methanogenesis, a metabolism known to be used by life on Earth very early on. This metabolism is also ubiquity found in ‘anoxic’ (oxygen-poor) environments. The antiquity and ubiquity of methanogenesis, and the elements supporting the existence of hydrothermalism on Enceladus together make the case that methanogenesis could occur in Enceladus’s ocean. This hypothesis might even predate findings of the Cassini mission, as it was suggested in 1999 by Thomas McCollom that methanogenesis could support primary production on Jupiter’s moon Europa which is in many ways similar to Enceladus.”
Artist rendering showing an interior cross-section of the crust of Enceladus, which shows how hydrothermal activity may be causing the plumes of water at the moon’s surface.
In the coming years, a dedicated mission may be sent to Enceladus to investigate its plume activity more closely – like the Enceladus Orbitlander or Moonraker. Upon arrival, this mission will either fly directly through the plumes and/or dispatch a lander to the surface to obtain samples of the plumes’ gas and grains, then analyze them for evidence of potential biosignatures. To get a better idea of what this might look like, Affholder and his colleagues calculated the likely abundance of certain biosignatures in the plume material based on the assumption that a methanogenic ecosystem exists.
“Using these calculations, we deduce the sample size required to capture at least one cell with a 95% chance or more,” said Affholder. “Other than cells, we have also looked at the production of small organic molecules such as amino acids. We used our ecosystem model and the assumption of Earth-like life to predict the concentration of amino acids in the plume under the hypothesis that an ecosystem exists and under the competing hypothesis that these amino acids are produced ‘naturally’ in hydrothermal settings.”
They found that (accounting for uncertainties) capturing at least one cell would require up to 1 milliliter (0.034 fluid ounces) of plume material to be sampled. This may sound like a tiny amount but based on the mission architecture for NASA’s Orbitlander, it would take hundreds of passes through the plume material to obtain this amount. Affholder and his colleagues acknowledge that these results are subject to large uncertainties concerning the chemical and physical processes that might affect the concentration of amino acids in the sample. For starters, Affholder conveyed that their calculations are a bit optimistic:
“Indeed, the calculations assume that most cells retain their structure upon traveling across the ocean in rising warm water and being outgassed into space. A variety of things can happen during this journey to the plume: cells could be destroyed during outgassing, but they could also be consumed by ‘heterotrophs’ (organic matter-eating organisms). Heterotrophs are almost always present in ecosystems on Earth. Hence, it would seem that assuming the presence of methanogens without that of heterotrophs does not make complete sense from an ecosystem perspective.”
“Concerning the detection of amino acids, we place the threshold concentration below which biotic production is unlikely at an achievable limit of detection for onboard instruments eg those envisioned for the Orbilander concept. It is important that we define the required limits of detection to allow the interpretation of ‘negative results.’ Maybe one could interpret our result as an argument not to prioritize cell detection instruments over broader spectrum biosignature detection instruments such as gas chromatography or mass spectroscopy, which are able to identify molecules such as amino acids.”
The “Ocean Worlds” of the Solar System.
Credit: NASA/JPL
Therefore, further research is needed to address the role of heterotrophs and establish tighter constraints on the amount of organic matter that could be detected. This will ensure that future missions don’t run the risk of mistaking negative results for the absence of biotic production (instead of being merely too small to detect). Nevertheless, this research constitutes an important first step in establishing what a future mission to Enceladus should look for and how the results could be interpreted. This will likely have significant implications for future mission architectures – and not just for Enceladus.
Throughout the outer Solar System, there are “Ocean Worlds” that have icy surfaces and subsurface oceans. Most of these bodies are moons that orbit gas giants, like Jupiter’s Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, Saturn’s Titan and Dione, and Neptune’s Triton. However, astronomers and astrobiologists have begun eying other bodies like Ceres, Pluto, Charon, and other “dwarf planets” more closely in recent years. Several missions are planned to explore some of these bodies, all of which will benefit from research that helps establish what they could find. Said Affholder:
“What we do for Enceladus may translate at least in part for similar bodies – icy moons. Titan also has a global ocean overlain by ice and is the target of the upcoming NASA Dragonfly mission. Europa in the Jovian system is an icy moon that should be reached by the NASA Europa Clipperand by the ESA’s JUpiter ICy Explorer (JUICE) in the 2030s. I believe we are at the beginning of a very exciting era of exploration of icy moons, for which I am excited.”
1.5 Mile High Structure Found On Mars In Crater, Google Map, UFO Sighting News.
1.5 Mile High Structure Found On Mars In Crater, Google Map, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: Jan 9, 2023 Location of discovery: Mars
Coordinates: Coming soon.
Hey all, I was using Google Mars map, and found this very tall ancient structure on Mars. The structure is so tall it shows a shadow for over 5 miles. Its about 1.5 miles tall, but since its on the floor of a crater, which is about 2-3 miles deep, its goes unnoticed. Yet I found it odd and exciting. The map I used is the infrared map, which shows things...detail that the human eye cannot normally see.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
The Pentagon’s Top-Secret UFO Investigation: What We Know
The Pentagon’s Top-Secret UFO Investigation: What We Know
In May 2021, Congress held its first hearing on UFOs, or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), in over 50 years. The hearing was led by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Senator Marco Rubio, and Representative Ruben Gallego, who included an amendment in the latest defense bill requiring the Department of Defense (DoD) to establish a permanent office to investigate UAPs. The DoD has collected around 400 credible reports of UAPs, but has not provided any definitive answers, offering possible explanations such as airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, classified US technology, classified foreign technology, or other unidentified sources.
The government’s interest in UAPs dates back to the 1950s, when the Pentagon launched Project Blue Book to investigate over 12,000 UFO sightings, of which over 700 remain unidentified. In the 2000s, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada established the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (ATIP) to further investigate UAPs. The ATIP program was unclassified but not widely known to the public, and was officially ended in 2012.
Lou Elizondo, who was in charge of ATIP, became convinced that the UAPs they were investigating may not be of this world. When he tried to present this information to his superiors within the Pentagon, he faced skepticism and eventually resigned, bringing the program to public attention in 2017. Tom DeLonge, of the band Blink 182, has also been involved in bringing attention to the issue of UAPs.
Overall, the government is taking UAPs seriously as a national security issue, recognizing the need to investigate and identify any potential threats. However, the exact nature and origin of UAPs remains unknown.
VIDEO: Mysterious UFO Sighting Reported in Naples, Italy
VIDEO: Mysterious UFO Sighting Reported in Naples, Italy
On December 2022, a strange UFO was spotted outside a residence in Naples, Italy. According to the witness, the object appeared to be spinning like a flying saucer and then suddenly disappeared. There were no discos or clubs in the area with lights that could have caused the strange sight.
In the video of the incident, the UFO can be seen turning on itself and moving before disappearing from view. The witness is at a loss to explain what the object could be and submitted the video to our website through our Facebook page.
Florida: Crystal River Residents Report Strange Lights in the Sky – VIDEO!
Florida: Crystal River Residents Report Strange Lights in the Sky – VIDEO!
On the night of January 7th, 2023, a UFO was spotted in Crystal River, Florida. According to eyewitness accounts, the object was a group of glowing lights that appeared motionless in the night sky. The lights were described as shimmering red and blue, and seemed to change position slightly over time.
Upon review of video footage of the incident, it became clear that the UFO was actually a tight cluster of several glowing yellow lights that were holding a steady position in the sky. The lights were observed for an extended period of time, and seemed to gradually move further away as the night went on.
SpaceX Starship new timeline revealed, S24/B7 Full Stack & Massive Testing incoming
Mysterieuze Bol die uit Zichzelf Beweegt - de Betz-Bol
Jarenlang zijn er talloze vreemde artefacten gevonden - boeken met vreemde codes, onverklaarbare kaarten, stenen met ongebruikelijke vormen, oude figuren die vreemde dingen uitbeelden, en... het geval van de Betz-bol, een mysterieuze metalen bol die per ongeluk werd gevonden door een Amerikaans gezin in de jaren zeventig dat het vermogen had om zelfstandig te verhuizen ... Destijds veroorzaakte de bol een grote media-razernij en werd door velen beschreven als 'buitenaardse technologie'. Het begon allemaal in april 1974, toen een familie uit de stad Jacksonville, Florida, een vreemd bolvormig metalen voorwerp vond met een gewicht van ongeveer 20 pond en afmetingen die iets kleiner waren dan die van een bowlingbal.
See Mars Helicopter Ingenuity's first flight of 2023 in time-lapse + stats!
NASA's Mars helicopter Ingenuity took its first flight on 2023 on Jan. 4. See a time-lapse of the flight, color images and statistics.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech | edited by [Steve Spaleta]
The team at Virgin Orbit in California explains how they transported a rocket to the United Kingdom for launch. -- Launch is scheduled for Jan. 9, 2022:
Hello Everyone: Watch in this fantastic video Nasa's Mars Perseverance Rover Released Super Stunning Pictures of Mars and Curiosity Mission Update [2022-2023]
And watch Curiosity's Panoram images and latest photos of Mars sent by NASA'S Perseverance Rover acquired on latest sol 667
China launches 5 micro-satellites atop Galactic Energy's CERES-1 Y5 rocket
A Galactic Energy-developed CERES-1 Y5 carrier rocket launched 5 small satellites from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on Jan. 9. 2023. Galactic Energy is a rocket maker based in Beijing. | footage courtesy: China Central Television (CCTV) | edited by Steve Spaleta (
Booster 7's Final Roll to the Launch Site? | SpaceX Boca Chica
Super Heavy Booster 7 was rolled out to the launch site in Boca Chica, potentially for the final time, ahead of an expected WDR and 33 engine static fire.
Dream Chaser - The Dream Of Lifting Body Space Planes
Dream Chaser isn't the first space plane, it is however on course to be the first operational Lifting Body space plane, intended to perform its first demo launch on a Vulcan rocket and rendezvous with the International Space Station during 2022. But its been a long time coming, the concept of lifting body space planes goes back to the 1950's, and NASA was test flying demonstrators 60 years ago, starting with the 'Flying Bathtub', build from a steel frame overlaid with plywood, and towed behind a car. But it would take some cues from the Soviet BOR-4 test vehicle to arrive at a more optimal design, stable across much larger ranges of speed.
The Physics of UFOs: Eric Weinstein + Hal Puthoff
Eric Weinstein is a Managing Director at Thiel Capital, creator of geometric unity, a unified theory in physics, and the intellectual dark web, a loose coalition of intellectuals dedicated to free thought. Hal Puthoff is former CIA, NSA and AATIP (the government’s official UFO investigation program). In the 70’s, he oversaw Stargate: the government’s psychic spy program at Stanford Research Institute. In this conversation, we discuss the physics of UFO’s, private aerospace as the keepers of fundamental science and Hal’s experience with parapsychology. Please enjoy
New JWST Image Shows That Grand Spiral Galaxies had Already Formed 11 Billion Years ago
For the first time this week, photos from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) revealed that stellar bars were present in some galaxies as far back as 11 billion years ago. Stellar bars are a defining feature of about two-thirds of all spiral galaxies in the Universe, including our own Milky Way. The discovery has implications for astronomers’ understanding of galactic evolution, indicating that bars form very quickly and may persist for much of a galaxy’s lifespan, influencing its shape and structure.
Stellar bars are regions of intense star formations that radiate out from a galaxy’s core. Through the motion of inner orbiting stars, dust, and gas clouds, they build up as a wave of dense material that perpetuates itself and spreads slowly outward while pulling raw material inwards.
These regions become stellar nurseries that churn out new stars at a rapid pace.
Six barred galaxies as seen by JSWT, as they would have looked in the early universe, between 8.4 and 11 billion years ago (Gyr). Credit: NASA/CEERS/University of Texas at Austin.
The new JWST images, presented by The University of Texas at Austin on January 5th, show six barred spiral galaxies over 8.4 million years old, two of which are older than 11 billion years (the oldest galaxy ever seen is around 13.4 billion years old).
Most of these galaxies were previously imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope, like EGS-23205, pictured below. (EGS stands for Extended Groth Strip, a region of the sky that has been extensively images and studied by international surveys). However, in the Hubble images, the bars are largely obscured.
Galaxy EGS23205, as seen by Hubble (left, taken in the near-infrared filter), and JWST (right, mid-infrared image). Credit: NASA/CEERS/University of Texas at Austin.
JWST has an advantage over Hubble in observing extremely old and distant galaxies, partly because its larger mirror can collect more light from distant, dim objects. But it also has an advantage due to its use of infrared rather than optical wavelengths. Light from older and more distant objects is ‘red-shifted’ along the electromagnetic spectrum, meaning that JWST’s detectors can pick them up better than Hubble can.
Infrared is also very effective at seeing through gas and dust, enabling JWST to pick out the stellar nurseries in the bars which would otherwise be obscured.
Shardha Jogee, professor of astronomy at The University of Texas at Austin, explained the implications of these early forming bars for models of galactic evolution:
The location of the Extended Groth Strip (EGS) in the night sky. The galaxies newly observed by JWST lie within the EGS. Image Credit: NASA, ESA, M. Davis (University of California, Berkeley), S. Faber (University of California, Santa Cruz), and A. Koekemoer (STScI).
“Bars solve the supply chain problem in galaxies,” Jogee says. “Just like we need to bring raw material from the harbor to inland factories that make new products, a bar powerfully transports gas into the central region where the gas is rapidly converted into new stars at a rate typically 10 to 100 times faster than in the rest of the galaxy…This discovery of early bars means galaxy evolution models now have a new pathway via bars to accelerate the production of new stars at early epochs.”
Mysterious UFO Sighting in Austin, Texas Causes Stir on Social Media
Mysterious UFO Sighting in Austin, Texas Causes Stir on Social Media
The video of the UFO sighting in Austin, Texas (3rd January 2023) has caused quite a stir on social media, with many people wondering what could have caused the bright light and strange object captured on film. Some have suggested that it could be a drone, possibly even one belonging to the local police department, due to the presence of a searchlight and the fact that the video appears to have been filmed through double-paned glass.
Others, however, are skeptical of this explanation and believe that the object could be something more mysterious. Some commenters on the original Reddit post claim to have seen similar objects at a United States Air Force base, leading some to speculate that the object could be some sort of military technology. Others have pointed out the triangle shape of the object as seen in the video, suggesting that it could be an unidentified flying object of extraterrestrial origin.
Regardless of what the object may be, it has certainly sparked a lot of debate and speculation among those who have seen the video. Some believe it could be a hoax or a staged event, while others think it could be a genuine mystery that deserves further investigation. Until more information becomes available, the true nature of the object in the video remains a mystery.
An unidentified flying object (UFO) was spotted on a highway in Tamaulipas, Mexico, according to a photograph shared on a forum dedicated to UFO sightings. The image, which shows two spherical objects flying over a stretch of land, was taken on December 29 by a user named Juanito Juan. “For the envious who do not believe … 12:05 pm … on the side of the road, Valle Hermoso to Matamoros, Tamaulipas … I thought it was one and not … there are 2,” Juanito Juan wrote in the Facebook forum “Ufo-Ovnis-Paranormal
Proving the Existence of Aliens: 40+ UFO Cases Examined in New Book
Proving the Existence of Aliens: 40+ UFO Cases Examined in New Book
Evidence of Extraterrestrials: Over 40 Cases Prove Aliens Have Visited Earth (Amazon link) is a book by Warren Agius that delves into the topic of extraterrestrial life and aims to provide a case-by-case analysis to prove the existence of aliens. The book begins with the Aurora Crash in 1897 and the battle of Los Angeles in 1942, and goes on to explore other UFO incidents such as the Roswell crash, the Phoenix lights, and the Tic Tac encounter. In these chapters, Agius presents detailed accounts of these incidents and provides impeccable documentation to support his claims.
Agius also discusses the influence of six government UFO programs on the pursuit of disclosure. He examines the various ways in which these programs have attempted to uncover the truth about UFO sightings and encounters, and how they have influenced the search for extraterrestrial life. In addition to these government programs, Agius also looks at the role that private organizations and individuals have played in the investigation of UFO incidents.
According to Joseph J. Truncale, a reviewer on Amazon, the book is a good review of some of the most compelling UFO cases reported over the years. Truncale notes that while he remains a skeptic, he is open-minded to the possibility of extraterrestrial life due to the recent military photographs and research that has been done. Emilia V Cooley, another reviewer, describes the book as a must-read for anyone interested in UFOs, crash sites, and cover-ups.
Overall, Evidence of Extraterrestrials: Over 40 Cases Prove Aliens Have Visited Earth is a comprehensive examination of UFO incidents and the possible involvement of extraterrestrial beings. The book offers detailed accounts of these incidents and presents a compelling argument for the existence of aliens. Whether you are a seasoned UFOlogist or just have a casual interest in unexplained phenomena, this book is sure to provide you with new insights and information about the existence of extraterrestrial life.
George Knapp – UAP Cover Up by the U.S Government, Mainstream Journalists, and Hollywood Continuous
George Knapp – UAP Cover Up by the U.S Government, Mainstream Journalists, and Hollywood Continuous
UFO researchers Bryce Zabel and Ross Coulhart recently appeared on George Knapp’s show to discuss their belief that the US government, mainstream media, and Hollywood are covering up knowledge of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). At a recent press conference, Department of Defense officials discussed their efforts to address UAP, but Zabel and Coulthart see this as an attempt to control the narrative and downplay public interest in the government’s involvement with UAP. Predict
They also point out the multiple delays in the release of a major report on the government’s findings on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. The New York Times and other mainstream media outlets have engaged in “prebunking” of the report, which Zabel sees as evidence of bias against the paranormal by mainstream journalists.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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