The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Het frauduleuze verhaal achter de Mexicaanse buitenaardse wezens: “Het hoofd is de schedel van een lama”
Het frauduleuze verhaal achter de Mexicaanse buitenaardse wezens: “Het hoofd is de schedel van een lama”
UPDATE - In het Mexicaanse parlement verkondigden dinsdag enkele mensen dat buitenaardse wezens mogelijk echt bestaan. Meer nog, ze brachten bewijs mee in de vorm van twee lichamen uit een zonne- of sterrenstelsel hier ver vandaan. Wetenschappelijk onderzoek bewijst volgens hen dat die meer dan duizend jaar oud zijn, en niet verwant met de mens. Is dat wel zo? Wetenschapsjournalist Martijn Peters ging op zoek naar het échte verhaal achter de Mexicaanse buitenaardse mummies.
Het was dinsdagtijdens een hoorzitting in het Mexicaanse parlement in Mexico City dat journalist en ufo-enthousiasteling José Jaime Maussan met groot ceremonieel vertoon twee mysterieuze lichamen presenteerde. Mummies afkomstig uit Peru. Hij en nog een aantal andere personen beweerden trots dat het hier ging om “niet-menselijke wezens die geen deel uitmaken van onze aardse evolutie.”
De verschrompelde lichamen met hun grote hoofden, gebrek aan tanden, intrekbare nekken en 3 vingers zorgde voor heel wat verbazing in het parlement en op social media. In het parlement riepen sommigen zelfs “we are not alone”, we zijn niet alleen.
Mexico’s non-human "Alien-like” beings fake? | Can ufologist Jaime Maussan be trusted? | Originals
Volgens Maussan is met deze lichamen het ultieme bewijs geleverd: “Als het DNA ons laat zien dat het niet-menselijke wezens zijn en dat niets in de wereld op hen lijkt, dan moeten we dat ook zo aannemen.” Maar hij waarschuwde dat hij ze voorlopig nog niet ‘buitenaards’ wil noemen.
Maussan vertelde tijdens de hoorzitting dat de lichamen onderzocht zouden zijn door wetenschappers van de Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México en verschillende andere toonaangevende instituten van over de hele wereld. Ze vonden zelfs ‘eieren’ en implantaten in de lichamen.
De lichamen werden diep onder de grond gevonden in mijnen in de zanderige Peruaanse kustwoestijn van Nazca. Dit gebied staat bekend om zijn tot de verbeelding sprekende gigantische figuren die in de aarde zijn geschraapt en alleen vanuit vogelperspectief te zien zijn.
Naast de 2 voorgestelde lichamen zouden er nog 18 andere kleine mummies gevonden zijn van 60 centimeter groot en een grotere mummie van 1 meter en 70 centimeter. De lichamen zouden tussen de 700 en 1800 jaar oud zijn.
Echte buitenaardse mummies of amateuristische knutselwerkjes?
Dit is niet de eerste keer dat Maussan uitpakt met zogenaamde buitenaardse wezens. In 2015 toonde hij op een evenement genaamd ‘Be Witness' het gemummificeerde lichaam van een buitenaards wezen afkomstig uit Peru. Later werd deze bevinding echter ontkracht. Het bleek te gaan om het lichaam van een kind met een schedelafwijking. Dat berichtte factcheckingwebsite Geen goed begin.
Ook wetenschapper José de Jesús Zalce Benítez was toen al van de partij als een van de leidinggevende onderzoekers. Hij presenteerde tijdens de hoorzitting deze week de scans van de lichamen vol overtuiging aan het parlement.
In 2017 beweerde Maussan opnieuw dat hij buitenaardse wezens zou gevonden hebben in Peru. Ook in dit verhaal duikt Benítez op. Er wordt zelfs een reeks over gemaakt: ‘Unearthing Nazca’. Je kan die nog altijd bekijken op betalend mediaplatform Gaia, dat bekend staat voor video’s gevuld met pseudowetenschap, complottheorieën en paranormale beweringen. De lichamen die het Mexicaanse parlement deze week te zien kregen, komen ook in die afleveringen aan bod. Nieuw zijn ze dus niet.
Een team van wetenschappers nam in 2021 al deze zogenaamde buitenaardse wezens van Nazca onder de loep. De drie video’s met hun duiding kan je bekijken op het YouTube-kanaal Scientists Against Myths (aflevering 1, aflevering 2, en aflevering 3). Hun conclusie destijds was duidelijk. De gevonden lichamen van de kleine buitenaardse wezens waren een mix van dierlijke en menselijke beenderen gemaakt door mensen.
Zo zat er een dijbeen in een bovenarm en waren de handen met drie vingers een allegaartje van hand- en zelfs voetbotjes. Het aantal beenderen in de handen verschilde ook per mummie, wat bizar is als het om dezelfde soort gaat, en ze zaten vaak in de verkeerde richting. De schedels zouden dan weer gemaakt zijn van de achterkant van de schedel van een lama of alpaca. In het geval van de grote mummie zou het kunnen gaan om een echte mummie die aangepast is om overeen te komen met de andere ‘knutselwerken’.
Tot diezelfde conclusie kwamen ook belangrijke organisaties zoals de World Committee on Mummy Studies, die de ontdekking als fraude heeft bestempeld, en wetenschappers van over de hele wereld. De grote mummie is een gemodificeerd pre-Spaans menselijk lichaam, terwijl de kleinere, die deze week in het Mexicaanse parlement zijn gepresenteerd, lichamen zijn die zijn samengesteld uit dierlijke en menselijke botten.
Ook een team van experten van het Peruaanse Instituut voor juridische geneeskunde en forensische wetenschappen nam een van de kleine mummies onder handen. Het bleek om een samenraapsel van dierlijke en menselijke beenderen te gaan. De huid was dan weer een mix van papier, synthetische lijm, rubber en plantaardige vezels.
Ook nu uiten wetenschappers opnieuw kritiek
Een van de wetenschappers die nu naar voren stapt in deze heisa is Julieta Fierro, onderzoeker aan het Instituut voor Astronomie van de Nationale Autonome Universiteit van Mexico (UNAM). Volgens haar houden heel wat wetenschappelijke details geen steek. Zo merkte ze bijvoorbeeld op dat wetenschappers meer geavanceerde technologie nodig zouden hebben dan de röntgenfoto’s om te bepalen of de zogenaamd verkalkte lichamen “niet-menselijk” waren.
'Kunnen niet uitsluiten dat we zijn bezocht door buitenaards leven'
Daarnaast wist ze ook te vertellen dat de claim van de onderzoekers dat haar universiteit achter hun resultaten en interpretaties zou staan, volledig vals was. UNAM publiceerde gisteren zelf het volgende statement: “Het Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry with Accelerators (LEMA) heeft een koolstofdatering uitgevoerd in mei 2017 op een aantal stalen die, volgens de cliënt, afkomstig waren van huid en hersenen. Van de bron van de stalen hebben wij geen kennis. De resultaten van de analyse werden in juni van dat jaar overgemaakt aan de cliënt. Wij bepalen enkel de ouderdom van de stalen. Daarbuiten zijn wij op geen enkel vlak betrokken en beweringen die dit wel stellen, zijn vals.”
Fierro voegde eraan toe dat het vreemd leek dat ze deze ‘nationale schat’ uit Peru hebben meegekregen en vervolgens niet eens de Peruaanse ambassadeur hebben uitgenodigd op de zitting. “Maussan vertelde me bovendien dat buitenaardse wezens niet tegen mij praten zoals ze tegen hem praten, omdat ik niet in hen geloof.”
Ook andere wetenschappers hebben hun wantrouwen geuit. Zo merken ze meermaals op dat het bizar is dat een ontdekking van deze grootteorde niet gepubliceerd is in een toonaangevend wetenschappelijk tijdschrift.
“Wat gisteren in het Mexicaanse Congres gebeurde was een spektakel, met informatie die niet noodzakelijkerwijs verifieerbaar is. Het is het product van fanatisme dat meer draait rond mediaspektakel en politiek gewin dan rond het verklaren van het fenomeen van mogelijk leven buiten onze planeet”, zegt Raúl Trejo Delarbre, onderzoeker bij het Instituut voor Sociaal Onderzoek van UNAM.
“Niemand ontkent dat er leven op andere planeten zou kunnen zijn. Maar ik maak me vooral zorgen over deze verspilling van aandacht in de publieke discussie en ook over de mogelijke verspilling van middelen.”
Zelfs andere ufo-enthousiastelingen distantiëren zich
Maussan liet ook Ryan Graves getuigen, een voormalige gevechtspiloot en ex-directeur bij de Amerikaanse marine. Ryan nam eerder al deel aan hoorzittingen van het Amerikaanse Congres over wat hij persoonlijk had ervaren met uap’s (unidentified aerial phenomenon) en sprak ook over het stigma rond het melden van dergelijke waarnemingen.
Nadat hij voor het Mexicaanse parlement had getuigd, zei hij op X (voorheen Twitter) dat deze hoorzitting “een enorme stap achteruit was” en dat hij “diep teleurgesteld was door deze ongefundeerde stunt van Maussan”.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
NASA verwacht zondag pakket met stukje van asteroïde Bennu: Waarom deze ruimterots? En wat is het doel? 5 vragen beantwoord
NASA verwacht zondag pakket met stukje van asteroïde Bennu: Waarom deze ruimterots? En wat is het doel? 5 vragen beantwoord
Zondag is een hoogdag voor het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartagentschap. NASA verwacht namelijk een pakketje met 250 gram aan materiaal van de asteroïde Bennu. Dat verzamelde hun ruimtesonde OSIRIS-REx in 2020. Nu, 3 jaar later, zal OSIRIS-REx dit staal in een capsule naar de aarde schieten bij het voorbijvliegen. Een primeur voor de Amerikanen en meteen ook het grootste staal van een ruimterots ooit dat naar de aarde gehaald is.
In 2016 lanceerde NASA de ruimtemissie OSIRIS-REx. Hun doelwit? De asteroïde Bennu, een ruimterots met een diameter van 500 meter die ontdekt werd in 1999. Dat het ruimtevaartagentschap voor dit exemplaar ging is niet zonder reden.
1 Waarom willen we een stukje van de asteroïde Bennu verzamelen?
Zo zijn asteroïden zoals Bennu tijdcapsules waarmee men kan terugkijken in het verleden. Het zijn overblijfselen uit de tijd toen de planeten zich vormden in ons zonnestelsel. Door het materiaal binnenin de asteroïde te verzamelen en vervolgens te bestuderen kan je iets te weten komen over het ontstaan van zulke asteroïden maar ook dat van onze planeet. Het voordeel is dat je de oorsprong kent van het stukje Bennu dat je meevoert en dat het ‘ongerept’ is. Bij meteorieten die hier op aarde neervallen is dat niet zo. Die zijn bijvoorbeeld aangetast door hun reis door onze atmosfeer en vaak lange verblijf op aarde. Daarom is het staal van de OSIRIS-REx missie wetenschappelijk gezien veel interessanter.
Daarnaast is Bennu ook gekozen omdat het een zogenaamde koolstofrijke ruimterots is. Wetenschappers vermoeden dat er complexe koolstofverbindingen in kunnen schuilen, dat zijn bouwmaterialen die nodig zijn voor het ontwikkelen van leven op een planeet. Hoe zulke organische stoffen hier bij ons zijn beland is namelijk nog steeds een onbeantwoorde vraag. Zijn ze hier ontstaan? Of zijn ze misschien wel meegelift op een asteroïde die hier insloeg toen onze planeet nog jong was?
Tot slot was er nog een ander doel waarom NASA richting Bennu trok. Er bestaat namelijk een zeer kleine kans dat de asteroïde in een verre toekomst op onze planeet terechtkomt. Die kans is het grootst tussen 2135 en 2300, al blijft hij zelfs dan nog steeds heel klein. In september 2182 bedraagt hij bijvoorbeeld 0,04 %. Als Bennu toch zou neerstorten op aarde, is zijn 500 meter voldoende om de Benelux van de kaart te vegen. Door Bennu te bestuderen kunnen we in de toekomst onszelf beter beschermen tegen nieuwe bedreigingen vanuit de ruimte.
2 Is dit de eerste keer dat wetenschappers materiaal van een asteroïde gaan verzamelen en terugbrengen naar de aarde?
Het is een primeur voor de Amerikanen, maar zeker niet voor de wereld. In 2010 deden de Japanners het hen al voor met de eerste Hayabusa missie. Die bracht minder dan een milligram van de asteroïde 25143 Itokawa terug naar de aarde. In 2020 volgde de tweede missie met 5,4 gram materiaal afkomstig van asteroïde Ryugu. De 250 gram meegenomen door OSIRIS-REx is dus niet het eerste materiaal ooit, maar wel het meeste.
3 Hoe zag de OSIRIS-REx missie er precies uit?
De ruimtesonde OSIRIS-REx vertrok in september 2016 richting Bennu. Het toestel heeft met zijn zonnepanelen een lengte van 6,2 m en een breedte en hoogte van 2,4 bij 3,2 meter. Het duurde 2 jaar voor de ruimtesonde in de buurt kwam van de asteroïde en nog eens 2 jaar om een geschikte landingsplaats te vinden.
Op 20 oktober 2020 was het zover. Tijdens een zogenaamd ‘touch and go”-manoeuvre verzamelde OSIRIS-REx met een 3 meter lange kosmische stofzuiger wat materiaal van de asteroïde. Een technologisch huzarenstuk aangezien de ruimtesonde op dat moment zo’n 320 miljoen kilometer van de aarde verwijderd was. Eventjes een aanpassing doorvoeren was dus geen optie voor de missieleiding. Ondanks dat er een aantal zaken niet helemaal gingen zoals verwacht wist de ruimtesonde toch terug huiswaarts te keren met 250 gram aan materiaal. Ruim over de doelstelling van 60 gram.
Nu, na 7 jaar en 7 miljard kilometer, komt de ruimtesonde terug aan op zijn vertrekpunt.
4 Hoe zal zondag het pakket met de stukjes van asteroïde Bennu op aarde afgeleverd worden?
Op 100.000 kilometer van de aarde, ongeveer een derde van de afstand tot de maand, lanceert de ruimtesonde een capsule met daarin het staal richting de onze planeet. Vier uur later vliegt die aan 44.500 kilometer per uur de atmosfeer binnen waarbij de temperatuur oploopt tot 2700 °C. Gelukkig is er een hitteschild aanwezig ter bescherming. Voor nog verder af te remmen maakt de capsule gebruik van parachutes alvorens te landen met 18 kilometer per uur in een beveiligd stukje woestijn in de Amerikaanse staat Utah.
Een bergingsteam 4 helikopters probeert de capsule dan zo snel mogelijk te vinden om besmetting met aards materiaal te voorkomen. Een deel van Bennu gaat dan naar labo’s over de hele wereld. De rest verdwijnt in een kluis voor toekomstige generaties.
5 Wat gebeurt er nog daarna?
Na het afleveren van zijn pakketje vliegt de ruimtesonde verder en krijgt een nieuwe naam OSIRIS-APEX. Zijn nieuwe doel is dan de 370 meter grote asteroïde Apophis. Die nadert de aarde in 2029 tot op zo’n 32.000 kilometer. Al hoeven we niet te vrezen voor een inslag. Berekeningen door wetenschappers geven aan dat de kans daarop zo goed als onbestaand is.
Maar die dichte passage is wel het ideale moment voor OSIRIS-APEX om zich in een baan rond Apophis te brengen. Wat dan volgt zijn 18 maanden aan onderzoek waarbij de ruimtesonde de samenstelling van de Apophis in kaart zal brengen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
60 Thousand of Egrets Gather In Shimen Reservoir, Taiwan, Sept 17, 2023, News.
60 Thousand of Egrets Gather In Shimen Reservoir, Taiwan, Sept 17, 2023, News.
Date of sighting: Sept 17, 2023
Source:My Family video
Yeah this is not a UFO sighting video, it's better. Its a very rare occurring migration of the most beautiful and loved bird in Taiwan.
This is very rare to catch tens of thousands of white Taiwan Egrets at once not traveling but gathering together on the migration path. This video was sent to my by my Aunt who said it was a beautiful moment like no other. I have lived in Taiwan 25 years, and never before witnessed this size of a group of Egrets. Just an amazing sight to see. Recorded at Shimen Reservoir, Taiwan. Very rare, I just had to share this wonderful sight. Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
60 Thousand of Egrets Gather In Shimen Reservoir, Taiwan, Sept 17, 2023, News.
60 Thousand of Egrets Gather In Shimen Reservoir, Taiwan, Sept 17, 2023, News.
Date of sighting: Sept 17, 2023
Source:My Family video
Yeah this is not a UFO sighting video, it's better. Its a very rare occurring migration of the most beautiful and loved bird in Taiwan.
This is very rare to catch tens of thousands of white Taiwan Egrets at once not traveling but gathering together on the migration path. This video was sent to my by my Aunt who said it was a beautiful moment like no other. I have lived in Taiwan 25 years, and never before witnessed this size of a group of Egrets. Just an amazing sight to see. Recorded at Shimen Reservoir, Taiwan. Very rare, I just had to share this wonderful sight. Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
White UAP Over Ogden, Utah On Sept 16, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
White UAP Over Ogden, Utah On Sept 16, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Sept 16, 2023
Location of sighting: Ogden, Utah, USA
Source: MUFON
Guys, this just in. Two fellows in Utah spotted a white gaseous looking UFO over their area of Ogden. The object is extremely high up, but they are only using a cell phone to record it so it's a fantastic video all in all. Similar white UFOs have been seen all week worldwide and this one is one of the best videos yet of this UFO. It's white, has a haze around it like gas, it zig zags around and changes directions even going against the wind! Such a significant video and during the day time so we can take everything around it in perspective. Absolute proof that aliens are watching us, and having fun doing it too.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
The wind was barely blowing northwest, the UAP was going east against the breeze. The time 5:18 pm. It started out going east, then zagged south. After that it went north, towards Ben Lomond peak in Ogden UT and disappeared. Speed was about twice as fast as you think a "breeze" would be, it would slow down and speed up. The camera and lens was just on my Samsung Galaxy s20 fe, zoomed in all the way in. Lasted about 7 -10 minutes. Looked like maybe an Aura around it, or zoomed in on the picture. Looks like a hamburger bun.
White UAP Over Ogden, Utah On Sept 16, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
White UAP Over Ogden, Utah On Sept 16, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Sept 16, 2023
Location of sighting: Ogden, Utah, USA
Source: MUFON
Guys, this just in. Two fellows in Utah spotted a white gaseous looking UFO over their area of Ogden. The object is extremely high up, but they are only using a cell phone to record it so it's a fantastic video all in all. Similar white UFOs have been seen all week worldwide and this one is one of the best videos yet of this UFO. It's white, has a haze around it like gas, it zig zags around and changes directions even going against the wind! Such a significant video and during the day time so we can take everything around it in perspective. Absolute proof that aliens are watching us, and having fun doing it too.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
The wind was barely blowing northwest, the UAP was going east against the breeze. The time 5:18 pm. It started out going east, then zagged south. After that it went north, towards Ben Lomond peak in Ogden UT and disappeared. Speed was about twice as fast as you think a "breeze" would be, it would slow down and speed up. The camera and lens was just on my Samsung Galaxy s20 fe, zoomed in all the way in. Lasted about 7 -10 minutes. Looked like maybe an Aura around it, or zoomed in on the picture. Looks like a hamburger bun.
As always, NASA is suppose to have all the answers and of course does not. The public was hoping for even a hint of suggesting that intelligent aliens could exist, yet time and time again, they shoot down those expectations. Its not hard to know that NASA has the best and most sophisticated astronomy, astro photography of our solar system planets, moons, astroids...and yet they refuse to talk about the cities on the moon, the abandoned structures and ships in craters that I have reported thousands of discoveries, and yet non of my evidence was submitted, none of my evidence was even considered and I am the foremost head of my field in the US and maybe the world.
But we need to understand that NASA was created back on July 29, 1958 in order to hide alien evidence from the public so that it would give the US time to contact aliens, create trade agreements, get technological advantages and so on, before any other country did. Thus, even today the US is still the world power. Now to back this up, I would like to say the a president JFK wrote a memo to NASA just a week and a half before he was assassinated, coincidence? I think not, that totally implicates the CIA and NASA working together to keep the truth about aliens a secret from the world.
So, no, I didn't expect anything from NASA, it's like trying to squeeze lemon juice from a rock, it's just not going to happen. However I feel that other countries like India, Russia, China, maybe even a private space program like SpaceX will be the ones in history books who announce the discovery of both alien life, and intelligent alien life, backed by 100% proof. Of course, a week after the announcement, NASA will step in and announce they discovered alien life, trying to take credit from the country or organization that already honestly made the discovery. They did this before for water on the Mars discovery, when it was already announced by India first, NASA stepped in to announce the same thing, taking full credit, not even mentioning India. So...I don't trust NASA, neither should you.
Now I just reported a similar transparent UFO over Indiana few days ago, and now its it Illinois? Wow, this thing is doing something out there over the farm states. Possibly scanning the farm animals to see how much the medicine and steroids injected into the farm animals will one day be injected by humans, thus having potential effects on humanity's future and direction.
Scott C. Waring
News states:
Witnesses described the object as a white or translucent balloon, possibly with some red lighting and a box structure underneath. "Rocky says it's right up there, and he points to it and sure enough, there it was — and it didn't move forever," Franks said. Police said the craft was visible by the naked eye for a moment but eventually moved further away, having to use optical scopes to examine it. The image below is a view of the scope, followed by a close-up of the unusual object.
Two earth size spheres near sun. UFO Sighting News
Two earth size spheres near sun. UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: Sept 13, 2023
Location of sighting:Earths Sun
Guys, check this out. I was looking over NASA sun images and found two huge spheres that are earth size near our sun. The objects are now gone, and were only seen in a single image, so they move incredibly fast. It's very possible that there are UFOs out there as big as Earth using the sun to recharge and supply them with endless energy. Just amazing and I thing this may be a sign from aliens that soon something big is about to happen.
Ancient alien bodies at Mexico's Congress, by Jaime Maussan, UFO Sighting News.
Ancient alien bodies at Mexico's Congress, by Jaime Maussan, UFO Sighting News.
Here is something by a friend of my I chat with often, Jaime Muassan. He's found some alien bodies and parts that are just amazing. The aliens in this video are extraordinary, understand there are X-rays revealing the inner bone structures and organs of the small aliens. One alien even has three eggs within it, it died a mother with unborn children with it. The debate should no longer be...are aliens real, it's clear that they are 100% real, which would also explain the elongated skulls of Peru, which US gov tried to say it was natural. Aliens exist, but the real question here is, how long will it take to break the US gov and cause them to cave in and reveal the truth?
As I said before, NASA was created by the US gov not to reveal the truth, not to explore space, but to fake moon landings to make the US appear as a world power and to hide real alien evidence. If the US can contact those intelligent alien species, then they can create trade agreements to get technology that is thousands or millions of years ahead of our own. That is a matter on national security, a top priority of the US gov. Remember, president Kennedy 8 days before he was killed, he wrote a presidential memo ordering NASA to reveal the truth about aliens and release all alien and UFO information to the public. That last order was never followed, nor did he live long enough to enforce it. I feel the CIA killed president Kennedy to keep the all alien and UFO information a secret.
Ancient alien bodies presented to Mexico's Congress, Jaime Maussan, a ufologist, presented 1,000-year-old “non-human” bodies to Mexico's Congress. Maussan said the bodies “were found buried in diatomite mines,” adding that “diatomaceous earth has the ability to desiccate the bodies; it does not allow the growth of bacteria or fungi and so these bodies were preserved for 1,000 years.” UFO Sighting News.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Transparent Ring UFO Seen Over Indiana, Sept 12, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Transparent Ring UFO Seen Over Indiana, Sept 12, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Sept 12, 2023
Location of sighting: Indiana, USA Source: MUFON
Now this just came in a few minutes ago. This object does have some similarities to the Chinese spy balloon seen about four months ago over the US, and my have similarities to a weather balloon, but guess what? UFOs do come in this transparent color when they are only semi-cloaked. Also UFOs most common shape is spheres, as we see here. So although there is evidence to it not being a UFO, there is an equal amount of evidence saying it is from past reports, descriptions photos, and yes, video.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
Appeared to be a stationary space station that had a synchronized low earth orbit over Warsaw Indiana Sep12 630pm-815pm. Wasn't a balloon because it didn't drift. Had now visible propulsion. Had a donut like inner structure with spokes leading to the center with an overall cover.
Men in Black confiscated photographic evidence of U.S. Coast Guard's encounter with a UFO
Men in Black confiscated photographic evidence of U.S. Coast Guard's encounter with a UFO
NASA has recently stated that much more "data" is needed in the study of UAP. Everyone wants data, but do we really lack good data when it comes to this phenomenon?
For 80 years, the United States military has encountered UAP, once known as UFOs. There is a long history of encounters, as well as the deliberate suppression of evidence.
Richard Dolan has uncovered a case that had been buried in the database of the National UFO Reporting Center concerning the U.S. Coast Guard in the year 1973.
It involved an incredible UFO encounter in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and the confiscation of photographs by "Men in Black," and the intimidation of the witnesses.
Date and Location:
The incident took place in the summer of 1973, somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The exact coordinates and specific location remain undisclosed, adding to the mystery surrounding the event.
Initial Encounter:
The incident began when the crew of a U.S. Coast Guard vessel reportedly observed an unusual object in the sky. Witnesses described these objects as hovering and maneuvering in ways that defied conventional aircraft capabilities. It emitted strange lights and exhibited erratic movements, leaving the crew perplexed and concerned.
Photographic Evidence:
In a bold attempt to document the inexplicable phenomenon, several members of the Coast Guard crew managed to capture photographs of the unidentified object. These photographs were intended to serve as crucial visual evidence of the encounter.
The Intervention of "Men in Black":
One of the most remarkable aspects of this incident was the alleged intervention of mysterious individuals commonly referred to as "Men in Black." These individuals, who often appear in UFO-related accounts, are believed by some to be government agents tasked with concealing or discrediting UFO-related evidence. In this case, "Men in Black" purportedly boarded the Coast Guard vessel and confiscated the photographic evidence, along with any other records or documentation related to the incident.
Intimidation of Witnesses:
The crew members who had witnessed and attempted to document the UAP encounter reported feeling threatened and intimidated by the "Men in Black." These individuals allegedly warned the witnesses not to discuss the incident with anyone and conveyed a sense of secrecy and urgency.
Secrecy and Cover-Up:
The incident, like many other UAP encounters involving military personnel, was shrouded in secrecy. Details of the event were allegedly classified or suppressed, making it difficult for researchers and the public to access comprehensive information.
Witness report:
The UFO would come down hovering above us. We could see what I would describe as portholes. I rotated as it hovered. The lights changed color. Then it would go up in a second becoming very small. Then it seemed to show off, as if it knew we were watching it. It would accelerate across the sky in a split second while doing right angles.
Many photos of this craft were taken with telephoto lens. I remember I couldn't wait to see the photos after they were developed. I never saw them.
When we were relieved from Ocean Station Duty, we headed back to Governor's Island, Yankee Pier, where was our home port. We were not expecting the reception that we received. As we were docking, I saw quite a few "Men In Black" waiting to board our ship. Usually after docking, if you did not have duty, we were granted liberty of usually 72 hours. No one was allowed to leave the ship. We were all interrogated one by one by these "Men In Black". We were told to sign an affidavit, stating we saw nothing. We were warned that if we mention this to anyone, we would be gone.
We were told not to go to any news media, and try and tell this story. If we did, we would be prosecuted by the government.
So, what becomes evident is that we do indeed possess a trove of data on these occurrences; it's simply shrouded in secrecy, concealed from the public eye.
At the onset of this exploration, we delve into intriguing cases from around the globe that have baffled and mystified many. Join us as we embark on a journey through enigmatic encounters and perplexing mysteries.
01.53: Case 1 - Varginha, Brazil - "Moment of Contact"
Unravel the secrets surrounding the "Moment of Contact" trailer. A story that has captivated the imaginations of many, this case presents a series of events that defy explanation.
10.22: Case 2 - Peru - The Mysterious Tale of "Buried in Stone" by Jonathan Weygandt
Uncover the mystifying narrative of "Buried in Stone" by Jonathan Weygandt. This tale unfolds like an enigmatic tapestry, weaving together the inexplicable and the otherworldly.
17.00: Case 3 - Craft leaking weird liquid
An unusual encounter involving a mysterious craft oozing an inexplicable liquid. We dissect this puzzling phenomenon that challenges the boundaries of scientific understanding.
24.45: Case 4 - Taken by guys in "Black Cammies"
Accounts of individuals who claim to have been taken by enigmatic figures clad in "Black Cammies." The mysterious motives behind these encounters remain shrouded in darkness.
31.54: Case 5 - The floating Octagon in Indonesia
The mystery of the Floating Octagon in Indonesia. This unexplained anomaly continues to confound and intrigue, defying conventional understanding.
40.00: Case 6 -Taken by guys in "Black Camos"
What at first glance appeared to be a friendly plane that crashed turned out not to be a friendly plane. It was actually an amazing, unidentified flying object that carried itself into the side of a granite mountain.
47.48: Case 7 - What was in the boxes?
What lay concealed within the enigmatic boxes. The contents of these containers remain a source of fascination and intrigue, beckoning us to uncover their secrets.
Fossilized 'non-human' alien bodies displayed at Mexico's Congress
Fossilized 'non-human' alien bodies displayed at Mexico's Congress
On September 12, 2023, Mexican journalist and prominent figure in the field of ufology, Jaime Maussan while speaking under oath, addressed members of the Mexican government and representatives from the United States the groundbreaking discovery he had made, and that he was allowed to present two fossilized "non-human" alien corpses that were unearthed in a diatom (algae) mine of Cusco, Peru.
The two small "non-human" bodies with three-fingered hands and feet and elongated skulls were displayed in transparent containers for all to witness are believed to be one thousand-years old and are not part of our planet's evolutionary history.
Mr. Maussan assured his audience that the specimen had undergone rigorous examination at the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM). Here, dedicated scientists conducted meticulous DNA analysis using radiocarbon dating techniques. Astonishingly, the results unveiled a profound mystery, as more than 30 percent of the DNA extracted from these entities remained unidentified, defying classification within known genetic databases.
In addition to the genetic enigma, X-ray images of the preserved beings were exhibited, revealing an even deeper layer of intrigue. Inside one of the entities, researchers identified what appeared to be "eggs," hinting at a biological complexity beyond earthly comprehension. Furthermore, the X-rays unveiled the presence of rare metal implants, sparking further questions regarding the origins and purposes of these enigmatic beings.
Whether they are aliens or not, I think more scientific research needs to be done to determine if these bodies are indeed of extraterrestrial origin or that Maussan's claim is false.
Recently the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) came out with a map depicting UAP hotspots. While the idea for such a map is laudable, the AARO data does not provide anywhere near a sufficient amount of data to make any such determination.
Something completely left out of the public discussion of the UFO phenomenon and remain largely unconfirmed by official government sources are the objects that are consistently observed beneath the surface of oceans, lakes, and other bodies of water, displaying behavior or characteristics that defy conventional explanation.
These objects called USOs are similar to UFOs: USOs are often likened to UFOs in that they are typically objects that move through the water with great speed, agility, or in ways not consistent with known human-made technology. They are frequently reported as glowing or emitting strange lights when observed underwater.
Theories about the origin and nature of USOs vary widely. Some speculate that they are extraterrestrial in origin, possibly indicating the presence of underwater alien bases. Others propose it is secret military technology.
USOs have been reported in oceans around the world, but some regions, like the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean and the Puerto Rico Trench, have had a higher frequency of USO sightings, however, when studying the phenomenon of Unidentified Submersible Objects we are developing some genuine data and we see that one obvious hotspot of USO activity, perhaps the leading spot in the world, is the Puerto Rico area / The Caribbean.
In the next video, historian Richard Dolan discusses several cases from the region.
Triangle UFO Spotted Over Disneyland: The August 11th Phenomenon
Triangle UFO Spotted Over Disneyland: The August 11th Phenomenon
August 23, 2023– While UFO sightings have always captured our imaginations, they’ve primarily been confined to remote areas or blurry footages from unreliable sources. However, August 11th, 2023 brought a spectacle that has left the city of Anaheim buzzing and the internet ablaze. Disneyland, the happiest place on earth, was the stage for tantalizing UFO sighting.
The Enigmatic Triangle in the Sky
A visitor at Disneyland, enjoying the lights and performances, was left stunned when an unidentified flying object made an appearance. As the lasers and lights danced up into the sky, they seemed to highlight something unusual — a triangular formation of three gleaming lights, hovering silently above the park.
The witness, who promptly captured the moment on video, commented, “I took this video when I was at Disneyland last month. It popped up out of nowhere when the show at Small World started. It is interesting because during that show they have tons of lasers/lights that beam up into the sky. I know it’s not that insane of a video, just three lights pretty much, but the recent triangle video reminded me.“
Debunkers, Believers, and The Curious
Whenever there are UFO sightings, especially in places as prominent as Disneyland, it’s no surprise that there are skeptics. Some believe that the triangular lights could be an optical illusion created by the show’s lasers, while others speculate on experimental aircraft.
However, with an increasing number of triangle UFO sightings being reported across the globe, this incident adds to the growing body of evidence that there’s more going on in our skies than we might think.
This Disneyland UFO incident poses a lot of questions. Was it just a coincidental alignment of stars, a man-made drone, or a genuine UFO sighting? With the accompanying video evidence, viewers can now ponder and decide for themselves.
For those eager to catch a glimpse of the unknown, UFO sightings like this one remind us that sometimes, you don’t need to be looking out at the vastness of space. Sometimes, the mysteries come to us, even at the doorstep of the Magic Kingdom.
De James Webb Ruimtetelescoop heeft een belangrijke ontdekking gedaan door koolstofdioxide te identificeren op het bevroren oppervlak van de maan Europa van Jupiter, die wordt beschouwd als een van de weinige plaatsen in ons zonnestelsel waar de mogelijkheid bestaat om leven te herbergen.
De koolstof die op het oppervlak van Europa is gedetecteerd, is hoogstwaarschijnlijk afkomstig van de ondergrondse vloeibare wateroceaan. Er is ook waargenomen dat koolstofdioxide overvloediger is in een gebied dat Tara Regio wordt genoemd, waar bewijs is gevonden van materiaaluitwisseling tussen de oceaan en de korst van de maan.
Deze ontdekking is belangrijk omdat koolstof een essentieel element is voor het leven. Volgens Geronimo Villanueva, de hoofdauteur van een van de artikelen van NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center: “Op aarde gedijt het leven op chemische diversiteit, en hoe meer diversiteit, hoe beter. Wij zijn een op koolstof gebaseerde levensvorm. Het begrijpen van de chemie van Europa’s oceaan zal ons helpen bepalen of het vijandig is voor het leven zoals wij dat kennen, of dat het een geschikte plek zou kunnen zijn voor leven.”
De NASA heeft plannen om de Europa Clipper-sonde te lanceren voor een reeks nabije flybys van Europa om verder te onderzoeken of het geschikte omstandigheden zou kunnen bieden voor leven, in oktober 2024.
We’ve all seen them: UFO documentaries and articles speculating on the presence of extraterrestrial life and government cover-ups. But what if some of these theories have more substantial roots than we think? This article aims to delve into three intriguing whistleblower accounts that throw light on a clandestine program involving unidentified flying objects (UFOs), carried out by shadowy elements of the military-industrial complex. Read on, and prepare to question everything you thought you knew about UFOs and government secrets.
The Virginia Incident
Our first account comes from Virginia, where a military operation was initiated after an unidentified wingless object crashed into the forest. The object resembled what is commonly known as a “Tic Tac,” and eyewitnesses reported beings near the site that resembled the typical gray aliens, but with red eyes.
What’s alarming is that the operation didn’t merely aim to secure the object; it involved the transportation of hazardous materials as well. A human allegedly died due to contact with these entities, and some sort of color-changing liquid seemed to have hazardous implications. The operation was carried out by unidentified individuals dressed in black suits, armed with advanced laser range finders and ACOG machine guns. The personnel involved were English-speaking Americans, indicating the operation was locally sourced.
Peru’s Mystery Crash
Our second story is equally baffling. Jonathan Wagant, a serviceman, was called to Peru to respond to what was initially thought to be a “friendly” aircraft crash. Upon arriving at the scene, however, it became apparent that the craft was anything but conventional. It was an enormous gray, tier-shaped object, and like the Virginia object, it absorbed rather than reflected light.
Once again, specialized personnel quickly swooped in, carrying jackets labeled “Department of Energy.” Wagant experienced severe health effects post-incident, including hair loss and the destruction of his fatigues, raising questions about the hazardous materials involved.
The Indonesian Enigma
The third account comes from Michael Herrera, who was stationed in Indonesia during the aftermath of a devastating earthquake in 2009. Herrera reported seeing three trucks equipped with advanced biological payload systems. These trucks were not part of any known relief operation but instead seemed to be transporting large containers that were suspected of carrying human beings for undisclosed purposes.
According to Herrera, these cases involve not just extraterrestrial technology but potentially human trafficking. His claims were backed by a mysterious figure affiliated with controversial facilities, who met Herrera during a Disclosure Project event in Washington, DC. Now, this shocking information has reached Congress, and the question is: What will be done about it?
Unveiling the Global UFO Program
The common threads running through these stories are chilling. Advanced, wingless aircrafts; specialized, unmarked personnel; hazardous biological materials; and a looming connection to the Department of Energy all hint at a secretive, global UFO program. This program is not just confined to the retrieval of extraterrestrial technology but may involve far more sinister activities.
The Need for Disclosure
It’s high time we face the possibility that there is more going on than the average person is privy to. If these whistleblower accounts hold any weight, they expose illegal activities at a grand scale. With increasing testimonies and Congressional interest, it seems that the issue is slowly but surely coming to the forefront.
Chris Lehto – Black Ops and UFOs: The Hidden Truth Revealed
The accounts of Virginia, Peru, and Indonesia reveal the deeply unsettling involvement of American personnel in global operations that seem to transcend any known military or humanitarian efforts. These accounts hint at a reality we might not be prepared to accept but one we must investigate.
So, are these whistleblowers the unsung heroes in a landscape of secrets and misinformation? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure: Their stories demand our attention. The alleged illegal operations, if true, are not just a breach of public trust but a violation of human rights and international law.
Stay tuned, stay skeptical, and most importantly, stay informed. The truth, as they say, is out there.
If you found this article intriguing, don’t forget to share it and consider supporting independent journalism for more deep dives into the unexplained.
NASA’s Groundbreaking Report Unveils New Insights on UFOs!
NASA’s Groundbreaking Report Unveils New Insights on UFOs!
In a remarkable press briefing, NASA unveiled its groundbreaking approach to leverage high-dimensional data and machine learning techniques, including the AI system known as GPT-3.5. As many of us still grapple with the daily deluge of data in our lives, it’s not just earthbound problems that baffle us. Out there in the cosmos, the universe has its own set of complex puzzles, and NASA’s embracing AI and high-dimensional data to sift through the cosmic “haystack” and find the proverbial “needle.”
The Haystack and The Needle: Big Data in Space
The universe has always been a colossal mystery, a haystack with infinite straws. NASA’s panelists discussed how data scientists have traditionally been trained to identify patterns by drawing lines on graphs in two dimensions: the good old X and Y axes. But what happens when you’re dealing with data that can’t be represented on a simple two-dimensional graph?
Well, imagine a haystack so vast it includes data sets from hundreds of years, including phenomena like superstorms identified before the era of satellites. It’s not just about looking for the needles, those moments of extraordinary scientific significance; it’s also about understanding the nature of the haystack itself. Dr. Shikha Gupta aptly put it: once you’ve carried the haystack, it’s easier to distinguish the needles.
What exactly does high-dimensional data mean? No, it’s not about inter-dimensional travel (much to the disappointment of sci-fi enthusiasts). High-dimensional data refers to data with multiple parameters or factors at play. According to David Meza, who works at the NASA Johnson Space Center, we are dealing with a multidimensional cosmos. So, using machine learning helps in representing functions in this complicated data space.
GPT-3.5, for example, operates in a high-dimensional space with 12,000 language tokens. AI systems like these are equipped to navigate this labyrinth of data and extract meaningful insights, essentially serving as cosmic cartographers.
Crowdsourcing and the Democratization of Data
What about involving the general public in this cosmic quest? NASA has its eyes on crowdsourcing, tapping into the collective capabilities of billions of people and their smartphones. An innovative idea proposed involves developing tamper-free apps that aggregate data from users across the globe. Imagine snapping a high-quality picture of a rare astronomical event right from your backyard and contributing to a collective understanding of the universe!
Sensor Harmonization and Commercial Assets
When it comes to utilizing commercial assets and sensor data, NASA is thinking about “harmonization.” Given that different sensors work differently, aligning them to a standard is crucial. The agency hasn’t clarified whether this will involve commercial contracts or voluntary reporting but it’s safe to say that the blending of varied data streams into a unified framework is high on NASA’s agenda.
Transparency and Ethical Questions
Amidst all the technological advancements, ethical concerns loom. The newly established Director of UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) Research’s identity is being kept private due to harassment concerns. This raises questions about NASA’s commitment to transparency. However, the agency assures that this is a temporary measure and reiterates that the scientific method will be the guiding light in all endeavors.
NASA press conference on UFO findings
Ultimately, NASA is orchestrating a cosmic symphony, a blending of human intellect, machine learning, and high-dimensional data. It’s not just the scientists at NASA who are the composers; each of us, with our little pocket computers, can contribute a note.
So the next time you gaze up at the starry sky, remember that there’s a fascinating confluence of technology and human curiosity at work, trying to decode the enigmatic verses that the universe has written. It’s indeed a new era of pioneers and “star sailors” as we boldly venture into the depths of cosmic knowledge.
Bill Holden: The Military Whistleblower Breaking Silence on UFOs and Alien Encounters
Bill Holden: The Military Whistleblower Breaking Silence on UFOs and Alien Encounters
The Intriguing Saga of a UFO Whistleblower: A Journey Through Secrets, Threats, and the Unknown
In a world where scientific explorations often take center stage, the realm of UFOs and extraterrestrial phenomena remains an enigmatic territory that few dare to traverse publicly. However, some individuals have defied this norm and become a voice for the mysterious and unexplained. Meet Bill Holden, a former Air Force pilot who has chosen to expose what he believes to be truths hidden in plain sight.
A Mysterious Facility and a Circle of Unexplained Phenomena
While most of us drive by nondescript buildings without a second thought, Bill Holden was drawn to a peculiar radar testing facility, surrounded by ominous signs declaring it private property of Lockheed Corporation. The story takes a bizarre turn when he discovers a circle near the facility, approximately 36 feet in diameter. Within it were rocks that had been exposed to high heat, and unusual alkali deposits that seemed to have disturbed the ground below them. “It was as if the ground had been broken loose,” he recounts.
Facing Threats Yet Unbowed
The tale takes a darker tone when an intimidating visit follows a talk he gave in San Diego in the late ’90s. A mysterious man warns him to change his public speaking subjects, a veiled threat against his freedom of speech. “I openly spoke about this then and will continue to do so,” says Bill Holden, defying any attempts to silence him.
Intertwined Fates and Public Revelations
Bill Holden crossed paths with like-minded individuals, including Bob Dean, a command sergeant major in Europe, and Bob Brown, an influential person in the UFO conference circles. These connections led him to public speaking engagements, like the International UFO conference in Mesquite, allowing him to expose his findings and theories on a global stage.
A Connection with the Astronauts
Beyond his military contacts, Bill Holden had struck up a friendship with Colonel Gordon Cooper, a NASA astronaut. Their bond was more than just camaraderie; it was a mutual acknowledgement of phenomena that many choose to disregard. They were both stationed near Cocoa Beach at different points in their careers and had engaged in conversations about UFOs and extraterrestrial activities.
A Long Journey Through Secrecy and Revelations
The article would be incomplete without mentioning “Al the Alien,” a peculiar sculpture Bill Holden found at a State Fair. While it might look like a mere trinket to the average eye, to Bill Holden, it was strangely anatomically accurate to the Grays he claimed to have encountered.
Theories, Research, and Unending Questions
Bill Holden’s journey is not just about firsthand experiences but also about meticulous research involving engineers who worked at Area 51, people familiar with an extensive tunnel system in the United States, and other credible sources. When asked if these underground spaces were connected to apocalyptic theories like those of 2012, or if they served as secret bases for reverse engineering and housing extraterrestrials, he suggests, “I think all of the above.“
Whether you are a believer or a skeptic, the story of Bill Holden provides a fascinating lens through which to explore a world that exists in the margins of common discourse. He combines an intricate mix of personal experiences, threats, secret information, and the constant pursuit of the truth. With every tale he tells and every secret he reveals, he challenges us to look up and wonder: what else is out there that we don’t yet understand?
So, the next time you drive past a seemingly insignificant building or glance at the night sky, remember that there might be more to the story than meets the eye. And in a world where the phrase “seeing is believing” is often taken at face value, Bill Holden serves as a constant reminder that some truths remain hidden, waiting to be uncovered.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
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