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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Lucy Completes its First Flyby… and Discovers a Bonus Asteroi
Moonlet rise over Dinkinesh as seen from NASA's Lucy spacecraft, taken within a minute of closest approach. Credit: NASA/Goddard/SwRI/Johns Hopkins APL/NOAO
Lucy Completes its First Flyby… and Discovers a Bonus Asteroid
NASA’s Lucy mission hits the jackpot on its very first asteroid flyby earlier this week.
Welcome to Dinkinesh. NASA’s Lucy missionflew past its first target of Wednesday, November 1st, and turned up a surprise: 152830 Dinkinesh (meaning ‘marvelous’ in the Amharic language) is not one asteroid, but two (!)
The Dinkinesh Flyby
The the 16,000 kilometers per hour (10,000 mph) flyby occurred at a range of 430 kilometers (270 miles), and served as a test for Lucy’s instruments on its way to the Trojan asteroids. Closest approach was on November 1st and occurred at 16:54 Universal Time (UT)/12:54 PM U.S. Eastern Time (EDT). The image really caught lots of us off guard, revealing a boulder-strewn surface on both small worlds. At most, we were expecting a few small pixels, so the dramatic resolution was a huge bonus.
An animation of Dinkinesh and its newly discovered moonlet as seen from Lucy’s tracking camera. NASA/SwRI
The L’LORRI Long Range Reconnaissance Imager and T2Cam tracking cameras really demonstrated their resolution and pinpoint tracking capability on this first flyby. If the names sound familiar, its because the instruments are similar to those carried aboard NASA’s New Horizons mission, with completed a flyby past Pluto and Charon in 2015.
The flyby is reminiscent of New Horizons’ dramatic 2019 rendezvous with the Kuiper Belt Object 486958 Arrokoth. That passage also surprised scientists, with the object’s strange twin-lobed structure.
A Tiny Moonlet
The Dinkinesh moonlet is an estimated 220 meters (720 feet) across, about the size of an Iowa-class battleship. Variations in brightness seen in Dinkinesh on approach hinted at the presence of the unseen moon. As of yet, no orbital period for the moon has been published.
Dinkinesh is a small main belt asteroid, discovered in 1999. Up close, 790 meter-wide Dinkinesh actually looks lots like 101955 Bennu, visited by OSIRIS-REx. The next target for Lucy is asteroid 52246 Donaldjohanson in 2025. Lucy will perform another Earth flyby for a gravitational assist later next year in December 2025. Lucy delivered a great portrait of the Earth and Moon pair during the October 2022 flyby:
The Earth and Moon (faint, to the left) as seen by Lucy during the first Earth flyby. Credit: NASA/SwRI
“Dinkinesh really did live up to its name; this is “marvelous’” says principal investigator Hal Levison (Boulder-SwRI) in a recent press release. “When Lucy was originally selected for flight, we planned to fly by seven asteroids…now with this satellite, we’ve turned it up to 11.”
What’s Next for Lucy
Lucy takes its name from the 3.2-million year old Lucy hominid fossil, which in turn was named from the Beatles song ‘Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.’ The naming alludes to the fossils of planetary formation sought out by planetary researchers in the Jupiter Trojan asteroids. Not only does the spacecraft’s L’TES instrument carry a disc made of lab-grown diamonds, but it also has a plaque with poems, speeches and quotes from Earth.
The Lucy plaque affixed to the spacecraft. Credit: NASA
Launched in 2021 atop an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, the main goal of Lucy is the exploration of the Trojan asteroids, located at stable L4 and L5 points ahead and behind massive Jupiter in its orbit. Plans at launch called for Lucy to visit seven Trojans from 2027 through 2033, though the number has now grown to 11. This now includes two main belt asteroids, plus two moonlets discovered since launch.
Asteroid 15094 Polymele targeted for a Lucy flyby in 2027 was found to possess a moonlet in March 2022. This moonlet is informally named ‘Shaun’ and was discovered during a stellar occultation. There’s an intriguing campaign underway worldwide to observe stellar occultations by target asteroids for the mission. This effort will help map asteroid profiles, refine orbits, and tease out undiscovered moonlets. This is a professional and amateur collaboration, with several events coming right up in 2024.
Lucy will be an amazing mission to follow in the coming decade. Now, what will we name Dinkinesh’s new companion moon?
Elon Musk tells Rishi Sunak AI will eventually mean no one needs to have a job in a conversation with the Prime Minister following the summit at Bletchley Park
Elon Musk tells Rishi Sunak AI will eventually mean no one needs to have a job in a conversation with the Prime Minister following the summit at Bletchley Park
Britain is hosting the world's first AI Safety Summit in Buckinghamshire
Artificial intelligence will eventually mean no one needs to work, Elon Musk told Rishi Sunak last night.
In conversation with the Prime Minister, the tech billionaire compared AI to a 'magic genie' that would bring a time when 'no job is needed'.
Mr Musk said people could still work 'for personal satisfaction' if they wanted, and one of the future challenges would be finding 'meaning in life'.
Mr Sunak replied: 'I'm someone who believes work gives you meaning.'
Speaking in front of tech bosses and journalists, Mr Musk said: 'You can have a job if you want to for personal satisfaction, AI can do everything.
'I don't know if that makes people comfortable or uncomfortable. It's both good and bad.
'One of the challenges in future will be how do we find meaning in life. We won't have universal basic income but universal high income. It'll be good for education - it'll be the best tutor.'
Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, left, attends an in-conversation event with Tesla and SpaceX's CEO Elon Musk in London, Thursday, November 2, 2023
Rishi Sunak and Elon Musk met in London following the AI summit in Buckinghamshire
'There is a need for government to play a role when public safety is at risk. It can be annoying, but having a referee is a good thing,' Musk said
Speaking at Lancaster House following the AI summit at Bletchley Park, Mr Musk described 'a future of abundance where there is no scarcity,' calling AI a 'magic genie'. But he then quipped that those fairytales rarely end well.
MI5 to vet new software
Artificial intelligence software will be vetted by the security services to prevent 'misuse' by terrorists and rogue states, under plans approved by world leaders.
Rishi Sunak led a discussion at yesterday's AI summit on the introduction of 'state-backed testing'.
Whitehall sources said the plan would involve testing by agencies including GCHQ and MI5. One insider said: 'The safety assessment is done by the companies themselves. But they do not have access to the kind of classified material that would allow them to ask the right questions to discover whether this technology can do the really dangerous stuff.'
Mr Sunak said all the leading AI pioneers had agreed to have their new models tested by British and US 'safety institutes' before their release to the public.
Chinese ministers were notably excluded from the sessions on national security.
The X owner also suggested AI robots could also become our friends. 'An AI with memory could know you better than you know yourself – you could actually have a great friend,' he said.
Mr Musk hailed the Prime Minister's decision to invite China to the summit.
He said: 'If China is not on board, it becomes a weird situation. China is willing to participate in AI safety.
'This is something they care about – having them here was essential.'
The pair agreed that AI had major potential – though Mr Musk warned it should have a physical 'off switch' as well as regulation.
'There is a need for government to play a role when public safety is at risk. It can be annoying, but having a referee is a good thing.
'AI will be a force for good – most likely – but the chance of it going badly is not zero.'
He had earlier warned that AI poses 'one of the biggest threats' to humanity, clashing with Nick Clegg over the extent of the dangers. Speaking at the first day of the summit, the Facebook boss urged governments not to 'micro-manage' tech companies.
Mr Musk last night issued a further warning about humanoid robots that 'can basically chase you anywhere'.
'What if they get a software update one day, and they're not so friendly any more?'
The Prime Minister said 'we've all watched' movies about androids that end with the machines being switched off. But Mr Musk said the UK 'is in a strong position' on developing robots, praising Dyson in particular.
Mr Sunak hinted that the next General Election will take place in 2024 – rather than January 2025, the latest one could take place.
Speaking about the dangers of deep fakes, the Prime Minister said: 'I have already had a situation with a doctored image. Next year we have elections in India, the US, Indonesia, probably here. An enormous proportion of the world population is voting.
'Next year will be the first time that this has been an issue. It is mission critical to work out how to deal with this.' He declared that the summit had shown that the world had both the 'political will and capability' to control the technology.
He also said that the two-day event would 'tip the balance in favour of humanity'.
Rishi Sunak (L) and US tech entrepreneur Elon Musk (R) attend a conversation event in central London, Britain, 2 November 2023
Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (L) shakes hands with X CEO Elon Musk (R) on November 2
It came as the Prime Minister announced that leading AI firms had agreed to allow governments to test the safety of their models before they are released.
Mr Sunak, who had earlier warned the threat of AI was similar in scale to pandemics and nuclear wars, said: 'We can't expect companies to mark their own homework.'
While admitting 'binding requirements' would likely be needed to regulate the technology, Mr Sunak said now was the time to move quickly without laws.
However, he indicated it may need to be put on a statutory footing in the future.
Musk waarschuwt op top over kunstmatige intelligentie met Britse premier voor mensachtige robots
Techmiljardair Elon Musk heeft in een gesprek met de Britse premier Rishi Sunak gewaarschuwd voor de gevaren van kunstmatige intelligentie. Hij had het onder meer over “mensachtige robots die je overal achtervolgen”. Sunak en Musk sloten donderdag een top over kunstmatige intelligentie af in het Zuid-Engelse Bletchley Park.
De top duurde twee dagen en werd druk bijgewoond door politici en experten van overal ter wereld. Musk, de eigenaar van onder meer X, Tesla en SpaceX, werd er tijdens een slotgesprek geïnterviewd door de Britse premier Rishi Sunak, die hem een “briljante innovator” noemde.
Sunak vroeg Musk onder meer naar de impact van artificiële intelligentie op de arbeidsmarkt, waarop Musk antwoordde dat er “een moment komt waar geen enkele job nog nodig is” en “de enige reden dat mensen nog zullen werken hun eigen voldoening zal zijn”. Kunstmatige intelligentie zal volgens de techmiljardair een “tijdperk van overvloed” inluiden en dus wordt het in de toekomst dan ook vooral een uitdaging om nog betekenis te vinden in het leven “wanneer er een magische geest is die alles kan doen wat je wilt”.
De in Zuid-Afrika geboren X-eigenaar gelooft ook dat AI een “universeel hoog inkomen” teweeg zal brengen en op die manier meer gelijkheid in de wereld zal brengen.
Tegelijk waarschuwde Musk ook voor de gevaren van kunstmatige intelligentie, bijvoorbeeld in de vorm van mensachtige robots die je in principe “overal zouden kunnen achtervolgen”. Voor dat soort van robots zou er dan ook een uit-knop moeten worden voorzien, betoogde hij. “We moeten daar bezorgd om zijn. (..) wat als ze op een dag een software-update krijgen, en niet meer zo vriendelijk zijn?”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UAP Fleet Over Del Mar, California 7-20-2023, UFO Sighting News. Video.
UAP Fleet Over Del Mar, California 7-20-2023, UFO Sighting News. Video.
Date of sighting: 7-20-2023
Location of sighting: Del Mar, California, USA Source: MUFON
Several video reports came in, but I chose this one because it's the best quality. Glowing spheres were seen along the ocean at Del Mar last week and the objects are each different colors. Now sure LED lights exist, but guess what? UFOs do glow these colors and are stated in hundreds of UFO reports, many are over 30 years old.
So yeah, keep an open mind please.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
Over 30 minutes viewed multiple orbs over ocean solana beach ca changing colors and morphing into and out of each other.
This day in UFO history: Travis Walton’s Enigmatic Disappearance: 48 Years Later
This day in UFO history: Travis Walton’s Enigmatic Disappearance: 48 Years Later
On November 5, 1975, the serene landscapes of Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona witnessed an event that would become one of the most debated and intriguing mysteries in UFO history. Today, 48 years later, the abduction of Travis Walton remains a puzzling narrative that has been dissected, criticized, and marvelled at by enthusiasts and skeptics alike.
A Night Like No Other
The setting sun was casting its golden hues over the dense Arizona forest, as Travis Walton and his six logging crew members wrapped up another hard day’s work. As they journeyed home, an unusual glow caught their attention. The team witnessed what Travis initially perceived as a UFO, a sight so uncanny that he couldn’t resist the pull to approach it. What followed next was a bright, bluish-green beam of light which, according to witnesses, struck Walton and sent him flying backward.
Joe Rogan with Travis Walton
The rest of the crew, stricken with panic, fled the scene. However, upon their return to the spot, Travis was nowhere to be found. This began a 5-day-long search, with the crew facing accusations of foul play.
Voices from the Abyss
Five harrowing days later, Travis was found on the side of a road. Disoriented and traumatized, he recounted an experience that sounded straight out of a sci-fi novel. He described being in an unfamiliar room, with three peculiar-looking creatures observing him. These beings, according to Walton, had large, brown eyes and wore orange jumpsuits, standing just about four to five feet tall with disproportionate heads. The narrative took another twist when Travis described being moved to another room, which appeared like a planetarium, where he was met by two different entities before blacking out.
Controversy and Debate
The mystery surrounding Travis’s disappearance piqued the curiosity of UFO enthusiasts, but also drew skeptics to the fore. Many factors added fuel to the skepticism: the Walton family’s penchant for pranks, a prior interest in UFOs, and debates surrounding the polygraph tests administered. The National Enquirer’s coverage of the event, which some argued glossed over key inconsistencies in the narrative, also came under scrutiny.
Travis’s narrative also diverged from the typical “alien abduction” accounts which surged in popularity during the 1980s. Notably, Travis did not report experiences like sleep paralysis or recovered memories which were common in other testimonies. This, coupled with the controversies surrounding the event, kept the debate alive and impassioned.
Legacy of the Enigma
Walton’s experience was immortalized in the 1993 film “Fire in the Sky”, although the film took considerable creative liberties, diverging from Travis’s own account in his book “The Walton Experience”. While the story has often been dismissed as a money-making scheme or an outright hoax, it’s hard to deny the lasting impact of Travis’s tale in the annals of UFO lore.
Decades later, the Walton case remains a testament to the enduring fascination with the unknown. Whether a genuine encounter, a misremembered experience, or a well-orchestrated hoax, the Travis Walton abduction invites us to ponder the limits of human understanding and the vast mysteries of the cosmos.
As we mark the 48th anniversary of this perplexing event, we’re reminded of the infinite wonders and enigmas that our universe holds, and the stories, like Travis’s, that keep us forever looking to the stars.
In the high-stakes Chess game of international politics, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as the board on which future conflicts will be strategized and future societies shaped. In a recent essay published by The RAND Corporation, researchers there examined the current trajectory of AI development and have painted a picture of a world where AI is not merely a tool but a transformative force with the power to redefine global leadership.
Illustration by Dan Page for TIME
The race to AI supremacy is not just about technological bragging rights; it’s a strategic maneuver to gain a geopolitical edge. AI’s potential to drive economic growth, revolutionize military capabilities, and enhance cyber operations makes it a critical asset for any nation-state. The United States, long the torchbearer of technological innovation, finds its dominance challenged by China’s ambitious AI strategy. This contest is not just about who can develop more intelligent algorithms; it’s a proxy for ideological, economic, and military power. In other words, a 21st-century Moon-shot.
The current tension between the US and China in the AI domain is a flashpoint for broader geopolitical concerns. China’s “Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan” is a clear signal of its intent to become the world leader in AI by 2030. Meanwhile, the United States, through initiatives like the American AI Initiative, is striving to maintain its lead. This rivalry is not confined to research labs and tech campuses; it extends to the global stage, where AI capabilities are increasingly seen as a barometer of national power.
In the military arena, AI is poised to revolutionize warfare. Autonomous drones, AI-driven intelligence analysis, and predictive logistics are just the tip of the iceberg. The United States Department of Defense’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) and China’s advances in military AI applications indicate a future where AI not only supports but also conducts warfare.
French soldiers using a drone in training.
(Image: MOD)
Lt. Gen. Jack Shanahan, the former director of the Pentagon’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, said in a 2019 speech that the “integration of AI capabilities” is being pursued by the Department of Defense. Shanahan said that he could imagine a future where AI could be used in determining how to use lethal force after a human makes the decision.
“I’m not going to go straight to ‘lethal autonomous weapons systems,'” he stated, “but I do want to say we will use artificial intelligence in our weapons systems … to give us a competitive advantage. It’s to save lives and help deter war from happening in the first place.”
The implications are profound and double-edged: AI could help deter conflicts and make conflicts more precise or more impersonal and, potentially, more frequent. The ethical and strategic dilemmas of AI in combat, such as using lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS), are concerns that have yet to be fully grappled with on the international stage.
The cyber domain is another battleground that AI is transforming. Cyberattacks can now be more targeted, complex, and challenging to trace back to their origins. AI enhances the ability to exploit vulnerabilities at unprecedented speed and scale. The United States’ Cyber Command and China’s Strategic Support Force are both investing heavily in AI to defend against and conduct cyber operations. Microsoft’s Vice Chair, Brad Smith, wrote in 2020 that large-scale hacks, such as the recent SolarWinds hack, attributed to a nation-state actor, demonstrate the scale of disruption possible when AI augments cyber warfare.
“These types of sophisticated nation-state attacks are increasingly being compounded by another technology trend, which is the opportunity to augment human capabilities with artificial intelligence (AI),” Smith wrote in 2020. “One of the more chilling developments this year has been what appears to be new steps to use AI to weaponize large stolen datasets about individuals and spread targeted disinformation using text messages and encrypted messaging apps. We should all assume that, like the sophisticated attacks from Russia, this too will become a permanent part of the threat landscape.”
Beyond military and cyber applications, AI’s most profound impact may be on society itself. AI is set to reshape economies, with automation promising efficiency gains but also job displacement. The inequalities could stretch the societal fabric that AI is likely to exacerbate. Moreover, AI’s role in information dissemination and consumption has the potential to influence public opinion, with implications for democracy and governance. How nations adapt to these changes, manage the societal implications, and govern the use of AI will be crucial in determining their stability and prosperity.
Looking to the future, AI’s trajectory will intersect with every aspect of human life. In the geopolitical context, AI will determine a nation’s influence and status. Economically, AI will drive innovation and productivity, potentially widening the gap between the “AI-haves” and “AI have-nots.” Militarily, AI will redefine the principles of deterrence and defense, making the next war—if it comes—a battle of algorithms as much as armaments.
The interference of AI in traditional geopolitical dynamics cannot be overstated. It can potentially alter the balance of power by enabling smaller nations with advanced AI capabilities to punch above their weight. Regarding societal development, AI could either be a force for good, democratizing access to information and services, or it could deepen divides and erode privacy and individual freedoms. These concerns surrounding AI’s rise as a geopolitical lever necessitate a robust international governance framework. The world needs a set of rules to ensure that AI development is aligned with human values and global stability. This includes agreements on the militarization of AI, norms for cyber conduct, and frameworks to address the societal impacts of AI.
AI is the new fulcrum of geopolitical power. The United States and China, as the current frontrunners in AI, carry a particular responsibility to lead the way in establishing global norms. The choices we make now will determine whether AI becomes a tool for widespread benefit or a new vector for conflict and division. The future is not just being written in code; it is being coded with the power to transform our world.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
Lucy Shows Its Flyby Target Dinkinesh is Actually Binary Asteroid
Lucy Shows Its Flyby Target Dinkinesh is Actually Binary Asteroid
On November 1, NASA’s Lucy spacecraft flew by not just its first asteroid — the small main-belt asteroid (152830) Dinkinesh — but its first two. The first images returned by Lucy reveal that Dinkinesh is actually a binary asteroid.
This image, captured by the Lucy Long-Range Reconnaissance Imager (L’LORRI) onboard NASA’s Lucy spacecraft, shows the main-belt asteroid Dinkinesh and its moonlet. This image was taken at 12:55 p.m. EDT (16:55 UTC) on November 1, 2023, within a minute of closest approach, from a range of approximately 430 km (270 miles). Image credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center / SwRI / Johns Hopkins APL / NOIRLab.
Dinkinesh, also known as 1999 VD57, is a stony asteroid located in the main asteroid belt situated between Mars and Jupiter.
It was discovered by the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) survey on November 4, 1999.
It rotates with a period of 52.67 hours and varies in brightness with a light curve amplitude of 0.39 magnitudes.
“Dinkinesh really did live up to its name; this is marvelous,” said Lucy principal investigator Dr. Hal Levison, a researcher at the Southwest Research Institute, referring to the meaning of Dinkinesh (‘you are marvelous’) in Amharic.
“When Lucy was originally selected for flight, we planned to flyby seven asteroids. With the addition of Dinkinesh, two Trojan moons, and now this satellite, we’ve turned it up to 11.”
From a preliminary analysis of the first available images, Dr. Levison and colleagues estimate that the larger body is approximately 790 m (0.5 miles) at its widest, while the smaller is about 220 m (0.15 miles) in size.
This flyby of Dinkinesh primarily served as an in-flight test of the spacecraft, specifically focusing on testing the systems that allow Lucy to autonomously track an asteroid as it flies past at 16,000 km per hour (10,000 mph), referred to as the terminal tracking system.
“We have seen many asteroids up close, and one may think little is left to discover and surprise us. Well, that is clearly wrong,” said Lucy deputy principal investigator Dr. Simone Marchi, also from the Southwest Research Institute.
“Dinkinesh, and its enigmatic moonlet, differ in some interesting ways from the similarly sized near-Earth asteroids that have been seen by spacecraft like OSIRIS-REx and DART.”
“This is an awesome series of images,” said Tom Kennedy, Lucy’s guidance and navigation engineer at Lockheed Martin.
“They indicate that the terminal tracking system worked as intended, even when the universe presented us with a more difficult target than we expected.”
“It’s one thing to simulate, test, and practice. It’s another thing entirely to see it actually happen.”
While this encounter was carried out as an engineering test, the Lucy scientists are excitedly poring over the data to glean insights into the nature of small asteroids.
“Sharing the anticipation of viewing the first images with the team has been incredibly thrilling, as has been the lively discussion regarding the geology of these two remarkably small yet fascinatingly intriguing targets,” said Dr. Silvia Protopa, a researcher at the Southwest Research Institute.
“I am eagerly looking forward to unraveling the color variations across this binary system.”
“We knew this was going to be the smallest main belt asteroid ever seen up close,” said Lucy project scientist Dr. Keith Noll, a researcher at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.
“The fact that it is two makes it even more exciting. In some ways these asteroids look similar to the near-Earth asteroid binary Didymos and Dimorphos that DART saw, but there are some really interesting differences that we will be investigating.”
The Lucy researchers will continue to downlink the remainder of the encounter data from the spacecraft over the next week.
They will use the data to evaluate Lucy’s behavior during the encounter and prepare for the next close-up look at an asteroid, the main-belt asteroid Donaldjohanson, in 2025.
Lucy will then be well prepared to observe the mission’s main targets, the Jupiter Trojan asteroids, starting in 2027.
Inside the weird and wonderful world of Robbie Williams and Ayda Field: How the former Take That star went from 90s hellraiser to new-age vegan UFO hunter… with the help of his wife
Inside the weird and wonderful world of Robbie Williams and Ayda Field: How the former Take That star went from 90s hellraiser to new-age vegan UFO hunter… with the help of his wife
Turkey teeth, botox, hunting for aliens, and having baths surrounded with scented candles. It's a world away from Robbie Williams's drug, drink and sex-fuelled days during Take That's hey'day in the 1990s.
Williams' hell-raising rock star life during which he bedded more than a hundred women and was drinking a bottle of vodka a day is well and truly behind him - and his wife of 13 years Ayda Field has played a huge part in him turning his life around.
The 49-year-old now describes himself as a 'Coca-Cola lite agoraphobic' and would rather eat a tangerine than have sex.
He shares pictures to his three million Instagram followers of himself indulging in a zen-like vegan lifestyle, playing with his four children and their doll house.
And, he talks about his back 'being full of arthritis' and having plastic surgery as his 50th birthday nears in February.
It's a life in stark contrast from the cocaine and vodka binges and several stints in rehab he had in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
Robbie Williams, 49, and his American actress wife of 13 years Ayda Field, 44, who he credits with for saving his life
In its stark contrast to his hell-raising days of the late 1990s and early 2000s, when he openly admitted he battled with drugs and alcohol addiction
(Pictured in London in 1999)
The former Take That singer has candidly opened up about his darker days and mental health battles as he tried to cope with the enormous fame he experienced - with a four-part Netflix docu-series charting his roller-coaster career set to be released on November 8.
A year after he embarked on what would turn out to be a hugely successful solo career following his split from the boy band in 1995, he went on a six-day vodka and cocaine binge where he was vomiting 'black bile' and didn't sleep for 144 hours, believing he was 'indestructible'.
His drugs and alcohol battle was described by Williams as a 'fast track to death' and has seen him have several stints in rehab, including in 2007 after taking speed, acid, heroin, cocaine and 'heart-stopping' amounts of prescription drugs, reported The Sun.
Williams has previously revealed his ongoing battles with body dysphoria and anorexia, which he discusses in the Netflix series and how one time he was surviving on just one banana a day.
His love-life was just as frantic and saw him date a string of high-profile celebrities including Spice Girls Melanie C and Geri Horner, Lindsay Lohan, and All Saints' Nicole Appleton, while rumours swirled he bedded Kylie Minogue and Nicole Kidman.
Today, Williams' life has taken a complete turn and he has channelled his addictive personality into living a healthy lifestyle with his American actress wife Ayda, their four children - Teddy, Charlie, Coco, and Beau - through exercise, art, pickleball - and searching for aliens.
Gone are the days of drugs and alcohol, with the star, thought to have a net worth of £155 million, instead relaxing in soapy hot baths surrounding in lit candles and proud to be 23 years sober.
Williams pictured at the Nordoff Robbins Silver Clef Awards in London, in 1995. He split form Take That that year and 12 months later he went on a vodka and cocaine six-day binge where he was vomiting 'black bile'
The former Take That singer holds a bottle of Champagne in a car as he is spotted out and about in London in 1997
His drugs and alcohol battle was described by Williams as a 'fast track to death' and has seen him have several stints in rehab (Pictured in 1999 leaving the Hanover Grand nightclub, in London)
Williams' battles with addiction and mental health came during the height of his fame in the late 1990s and early 2000s (Pictured performing with Tom Jones at the Brit Awards in 2008)
Williams walks through Heathrow Airport with his face covered with a plastic mask of himself
His love-life was just as frantic and saw him date a string of high-profile celebrities including Spice Girls Melanie C and Geri Horner (pictured in 2000 St Tropez, France in 2000)
A weary-eyed Williams smokes a cigarette at the Quentin Tarantino Party at the Ministry of Sound in 1996
The Angels singer poses with bikini-clad models wearing black high heels in 1996 for a 7Up advert
He's turned to being vegan with his healthy meals being cooked up by a personal chef that are packed full of his five-a-day, while images on Instagram show him enjoying playing golf and boxing.
He has even rubbed shoulders with royalty having attended Princess Eugenie's wedding to Jack Brooksbank at Windsor Castle, with his daughter, Teddy, a bridesmaid.
Asked what caused such a dramatic change, Williams often returns to the same answer: Ayda.
Appearing on the Jonathan Ross show in 2020, the Angels hitmaker got emotional as he credited her with saving his life.
'I look back at 15 years of being with my wife, she did, she gave me a life,' he said.
'Here I am on the telly getting emotional. She absolutely did.'
That same year he spoke candidly about his relationship with his wife during an appearance on Jessie and Lennie Ware's Table Manners podcast.
The singer admitted it makes him want to 'cry' when he talks about Ayda as he revealed he feels 'safe' with her and their 'mini tribe' of children.
He said: 'It's a very special thing to have. In a very turbulent, unsafe world, our mini tribe, you know that saying people say "nothing outside can affect you when inside is safe", and that's how I feel. Nothing out there can hurt me when I am with her.'
Today, Williams' life has taken a 360 degree turn and he has channelled his addictive personality into living a healthy lifestyle with his American actress wife Ayda and their four children
Williams, dressed in a black cape, and Ayda attend the Giambattista Valli show at the Haute Couture Fashion Week, Paris, in 2022
From left to right: Laura Dunn, Beau Dunn, Ayda Field, and Williams at a Pickleball Tournament in Los Angeles, California, in April 2023
The singer posts images of his healthier lifestyle to his three million followers on his Instagram page
As well as pickleball, Williams exercises with boxing. He once challenged Oasis frontman to a boxing match in 2000
Gone are the days of drugs and alcohol, with the star, thought to have a net worth of £155 million, instead relaxing in soapy hot baths surrounding in lit candles and proud to be 23 years sober
Williams plays with his children and their doll house at his home in one heartwarming post on his Instagram page
Perhaps one of the more bizarre episodes in recent years saw him live stream snippets of his wife's labour where he sings to her.
But constant reminders of his battles are never too far away. Ayda still locks away painkillers out of fear he could relapse.
He told the On The Edge podcast with Andrew Gold: 'Something's always lurking around the corner and I still can't be trusted with pills.
'The wife has to put them behind lock and key... They can be there for 18 months, every single day. Vicodin, whatever, every day, see them, go to bed.'
He admits it's lucky he's still alive, but nowadays Williams' life appears calmer, content, and settled.
In one recent Instagram post he wrote: 'Im not worried about the future. It's amazing Im still here …
'My memory being s***,my thoughts being cloudy, my back being full of arthritis, My eyesight going, My looks fading, the elasticity of my skin being f*****, the hair thinning….ect,ect,ect.
'Im still here ,were still here….Still, so much to do….'
His partying antics have taken a toll on his health, though, with Williams revealing in a recent interview with The Sun how they had left him feeling 'knackered'.
'The hair is thinning, the testosterone has left the building, the serotonin is not really here and the dopamine said goodbye a long time ago,' he said.
'I’ve used up all of the natural good stuff. I’ve got the manopause.'
So what does he want to celebrate his 50th? Apparently he's going to gift himself a £20,000 neck life and some 'Turkey teeth' with the star already having had botox.
As for what else is ahead in the future, Williams has previously spoken of his fascination with UFOs and that 'something is up' and wants to go on a 'TV quest' in search of finding out if there's anything behind his mental health.
He once lavishly rented out a plane used by rapper Snoop Dogg and asked journalist Jon Ronson to go UFO hunting with him and wanted the documentary-maker to set up a night for him to spend a night in a haunted house in the search for ghosts. He changed his mind on the latter.
Speaking on Alan Buxton's podcast in January, Williams told of how he spotted an 'penalty box-sized' unidentified flying object 16 years ago when he was completely sober.
'This was flat and it appeared over a tree. It was matt black underneath had yellow stripes like The Hacienda (London nightclub).
'I didn't think "little green men", I thought "there's a bit of tech we are not being told about". I thought it was the American government.'
He has even rubbed shoulders with royalty having attended Princess Eugenie's wedding to Jack Brooksbank at Windsor Castle, with his daughter, Teddy, a bridesmaid
Guys, I was exploring Google Earth when I found a long old ship off a small island called Wisteria island. The ship looks like it could be a US military ship that sunk during WWI or WWII, but could go back much earlier. According to Google ruler, it measures about 60 meters. ITs not a UFO, but I like to post things I discovery, things I think others may have interest in. I don't believe anyone has ever found this one or posted about it, so here it is. Someone is going to have some fun exploring this scuba diving.
Ex-Security Pro Drops SHOCKING Alaska UFO Footage! Must-See Revelation!
Ex-Security Pro Drops SHOCKING Alaska UFO Footage! Must-See Revelation!
In the vast, icy expanses ofAlaska, there’s a mystery that has been baffling locals and experts alike for decades. UFO sightings, while reported worldwide, seem particularly concentrated in one intriguing area of the state: the Alaska Triangle, with Mount Hayes right at its heart. But why is this remote region such a hotspot for unexplained aerial phenomena?
Mount Hayes: A Focal Point of the Unknown
At a towering 14,000 feet, Mount Hayes isn’t just another peak in the Alaskan range. It has drawn the attention of UFO investigators from around the globe. Few dare to scale its treacherous slopes, but it isn’t the peak that intrigues them—it’s what might lie beneath.
Former security officer Jared Augustine, while on patrol in 2016, captured puzzling video footage of a strange flashing light that split into three. This was just one of over 6,500 reported UFO sightings in Alaska. He stated, “There’s no satellite or aircraft that can divide into three like this. I believe it was a UFO of extraterrestrial origin.”
Alaskan Disappearances: A Pattern Emerges
The mysteries of Mount Hayes don’t stop at UFO sightings. Over 16,000 people have vanished within the confines of the Alaska Triangle. Could there be a connection? Is there a clandestine base hidden beneath Mount Hayes responsible for these strange occurrences? Many believers think so.
Charles Gaines, an electrician, shared an account from 2003 where he and his team witnessed an “armada” of UFOs while working on a remote wilderness lodge. They were “high, very fast, and seemed to defy the laws of physics,” he recalled.
Even eerier, a group of hikers in 1978 came across a sight that would haunt them for years: an indentation in the ground from a UFO landing, surrounded by the mutilated carcasses of various animals, including a 15-foot killer whale, hundreds of miles from any coast.
Secret Government Involvement?
What’s more captivating is the potential involvement of the U.S. government in these phenomena. There are whispers of a project named Stargate, initiated in the 1970s. Its aim? To employ psychics to spy, gathering intelligence on the Soviet Union, but potentially on these very extraterrestrial occurrences as well.
Historian Sasha Auerbach shares insights on Project Stargate, which involved the U.S. Army and the prestigious Stanford Research Institute. The project focused on individuals with psychic abilities, hinting at the U.S. government’s vested interest in matters well beyond our typical understanding.
Former Security Officer Reveals Mysterious Alaska UFO Video | The Alaska Triangle
UFO sightings in Alaska, especially around Mount Hayes, beckon the curious, the brave, and those seeking answers. As we delve deeper into these mysteries, one can’t help but wonder: Are we truly alone? Or is there something, or someone, out there trying to make contact?
NASA’s Lucy spacecraft delivered an extra-special data package when it flew past asteroid Dinkinesh in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter on Wednesday.
Dinkinesh was a trial target for the mission’s terminal tracking system as it flies toward a collection of ancient asteroids near Jupiter called the Trojans. Up until Wednesday, Dinkinesh was considered the smallest asteroid in the main belt to ever get an up-close spacecraft visit. But Dinkinesh was usurped when a tiny moonlet appeared orbiting around it.
Lucy principal investigator Hal Levison calls the finding “marvelous.” According to an announcement from NASA published Thursday, the team had some suspicions about a second rock. Dinkinesh changed brightness in the weeks prior to Lucy’s flyby, a hint that, as the spacecraft crept closer, a moonlet was creating noticeable shadows as it passed in front of the larger object.
NASA’s Lucy spacecraft took this image of asteroid Dinkinesh and its small satellite on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, with its Long-Range Reconnaissance Imager (L’LORRI) instrument.
The finding offers bonus science to what was otherwise a test-heavy rendezvous. Dinkinesh is interesting because of its location and diminutive size, at just half a mile across at its widest. The smaller asteroid is a measly 0.15 miles across, roughly the size of half a city block. In the coming weeks, Lucy’s team will download even more data from the encounter. And someday, this could add nuance to what’s already known about the main asteroid belt.
The goal of the game was to test out Lucy’s systems. When the spacecraft launched in 2021, Lucy was set to test its systems on another main belt asteroid, Donaldjohanson. Last year, the Lucy team realized the spacecraft would fly near Dinkinesh, so they rerouted to get really close. This second testing opportunity provides a more robust evaluation of how well the spacecraft can lock onto a target, a critical feature of the mission that will be doing all of its science while careening past the elusive Trojans at 15,000 miles per hour. }The Trojans are a strange lot. They orbit the Sun inside Jupiter’s orbit, just ahead and behind the gas giant as two grand swarms. Lucy will spend the great majority of its time flying through space, weaving through the inner Solar System, and getting just moments to take imagery and data on each one. Wednesday’s flyby is giving the team confidence that Lucy is prepped for what lies ahead for this decade.
Humans having sex with a now-extinct subspecies they met in Asia some 60,000 years ago could be the reason you have depression, a new study has claimed.
Researchers discovered a gene variant linked to the crossbreeding of humans and Denisovans which they believe affects our mood.
Those with the variant have lower levels of zinc in the body - a nutrient which studies increasingly show is associated with mood and happiness.
Scientists said SLC30A9 is the most widespread Denisovan gene discovered to date - starting in Asia and has spread to European and Native American populations.
Only recently with the advances in genomic sequencing has it been possible for scientists to trace modern human's DNA back to our ancient ancestors.
Researchers led by Barcelona's Pompeu Fabra University discovered a gene variant dwindling from the intermingling with an archaic human, Denisovans, involved in zinc regulation that releases lower amounts
The the mutation helped Denisovans cope with the cold, hostile climate that once ravaged Asia
The different branches of the human family tree have interbred and swapped genes — a processes known as 'introgression' — on numerous occasions.
Elena Bosch, IBE principal investigator and co-leader of the study, and her team identified an adaptive variant among current human populations in a region of our genome that bears remarkable similarity to the genome of an extinct ancestral population: the Denisovans.
'We discovered that this mutation surely had implications for the transport of zinc within the cell,' said Bosch.
Researchers did look into Neanderthal heritage but found the population was absent of the mutation.
Rubén Vicente, MELIS-UPF principal investigator, then joined the team to analyze intracellular zinc's movement.
'Elena contacted me because her team had observed a change in an amino acid in a zinc transporter, which was very different between the populations of Africa and Asia today, Vicente said.
'From there, we started asking ourselves questions and looking for answers.'
His laboratory identified that the observed variant causes a new zinc balance within the cell, promoting a change in metabolism.
This led them to find that the mutation helped Denisovans cope with the cold, hostile climate that once ravaged Asia.
Zinc transport is also involved in nervous system excitability and plays a role in people’s mental equilibrium and health.
The team points out that the variant found in this zinc transporter, which is expressed in all tissues of the body, is associated with a greater predisposition to suffering from some psychiatric diseases.
These include anorexia nervosa, hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and schizophrenia.
The Denisovans are thought to have been a sister species of the Neanderthals, who lived in western Asia and Europe at around the same time.
The two species appear to have separated from a common ancestor around 200,000 years ago, while they split from the modern human Homo sapien lineage around 600,000 years ago.
Bone and ivory beads found in the Denisova Cave were discovered in the same sediment layers as the Denisovan fossils, leading to suggestions they had sophisticated tools and jewellery.
The Denisovans are an extinct species of human that appear to have lived in Siberia and even down as far as southeast Asia.
Although remains of these mysterious early humans have only been discovered at one site - the Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains in Siberia, DNA analysis has shown they were widespread.
DNA from these early humans has been found in the genomes of modern humans over a wide area of Asia, suggesting they once covered a vast range.
DNA analysis of a fragment of pinky finger bone in 2010, (pictured) which belonged to a young girl, revealed the Denisovans were a species related to, but different from, Neanderthals.
They are thought to have been a sister species of the Neanderthals, who lived in western Asia and Europe at around the same time.
The two species appear to have separated from a common ancestor around 200,000 years ago, while they split from the modern human Homo sapien lineage around 600,000 years ago.
Bone and ivory beads found in the Denisova Cave were discovered in the same sediment layers as the Denisovan fossils, leading to suggestions they had sophisticated tools and jewellery.
DNA analysis of a fragment of a fifth digit finger bone in 2010, which belonged to a young girl, revealed they were a species related to, but different from, Neanderthals.
Later genetic studies suggested that the ancient human species split away from the Neanderthals sometime between 470,000 and 190,000 years ago.
Anthropologists have since puzzled over whether the cave had been a temporary shelter for a group of these Denisovans or it had formed a more permanent settlement.
DNA from molar teeth belonging to two other individuals, one adult male and one young female, showed they died in the cave at least 65,000 years earlier.
Other tests have suggested the tooth of the young female could be as old as 170,000 years.
A third molar is thought to have belonged to an adult male who died around 7,500 years before the girl whose pinky was discovered.
NASA has released footage showing a massive 'canyon of fire' about twice the size of the US shooting out from the sun on Halloween day.
The feature was a tremendous explosion of radiation that measured 6,200 miles wide and 62,000 miles long - large enough for the American Space Agency's Perseverance rover to see it on Mars, which is 145.59 million miles away.
The plasma ravine was around double the size of the entire United States and 50 times longer than the largest-known crater in our solar system, the Red Planet's Valles Marineris.
The video shows thefilament slowing formingon the sun's southeastern limb and accelerating until it bursts, releasing electrified gas toward the ‘Earth-strike-zone.'
NASA has released footage showing a massive 'canyon of fire' about twice the size of the US shooting out from the sun on Halloween day
The culprit is sunspot AR3477, which released an M flare that can cause brief radio blackouts that affect Earth's polar regions.
However, EarthSky reports that the sunspot also released eight C flares in the last 24 hours.
On November 1, AR3477 shot an M1.2 flare that caused radio blackouts over the South Indian Ocean.
And the flare released last month could impact Earth on November 4.
NASA's probe, SDO, was recently named the fastest artificial object in history.
It was large enough for the American Space Agency's Perseverance rover to see it on Mars , which is 145.59 million miles away
The feature was a tremendous explosion of radiation that measured 6,200 miles wide and 62,000 miles long
The craft hit a record speed of 394,736 miles per hour (mph) last month, twice as fast as a bolt of lightning or 200 times the speed of a rifle bullet.
The achievement was made during its 17th sun swing on September 27, breaking its distance record by skimming just 4.51 million from the solar surface.
SDO launched on August 12, 2018, to study the sun.
In 2021, the probe uncovered the source in the sun, which produces solar energetic particles that threaten crewed spaceflight, near-Earth satellites and airplanes.
A team of US researchers analyzed the composition of particles that flew towards Earth in 2014 and found the same 'fingerprint' of plasma located low in the sun's chromosphere - its second-most outer layer.
The solar energetic particles are released from the sun at high speed during storms in its atmosphere.
The team behind the new study said the new information could be used to predict better when a major solar storm will hit and act faster to mitigate the risks.
EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon UFO chief Dr Sean Kirkpatrick will be REPLACED by end of the year as whistleblowers accuse him of lying to the public and ignoring witnesses
EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon UFO chief Dr Sean Kirkpatrick will be REPLACED by end of the year as whistleblowers accuse him of lying to the public and ignoring witnesses
A candidate 'short list' to replace Dr. Kirkpatrick at the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) has been interviewed, an ex-official told
New UFO whistleblowers, per one attorney, 'don't want to go to Sean's AARO'
'Really knowledgeable' UFO whistleblowers, 'people who've laid their hands on the equipment,' as the attorney told the 'never did trust Sean'
The Pentagon's UFO chief will resign by year's end — amid a wave of complaints accusing him of making false statements about UFO whistleblowers and fostering an 'atmosphere of disinterest,' understands.
'Four major candidates' have been interviewed to replace the current director of the Pentagon's UFO office, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, following months of heated public sparring between the former CIA physicist, UFO whistleblowers and activists.
The Pentagon appears to have already 'made the decision' on Kirkpatrick's unnamed successor, according to one former Pentagon official with past involvement in related UFO investigation programs, who spoke with the
'Given their public affairs track record,' this ex-official said, 'they may not put out anything to the press until well after the change, but who knows? They might surprise us.'
The personnel shift marks the culmination of months of accusations and counter-accusations traded between Kirkpatrick and former intel officer David Grusch, who has alleged widespread illegalities stemming from a long-secret UFO program.
This week, Grusch publicly accused Kirkpatrick of lying about his office's efforts to investigate these claims, which had been laid out by Grusch last July under oath before Congress.
Previously, Kirkpatrick had described Grusch's same testimony, made before the House Oversight committee, as 'insulting [...] to the officers of the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community.'
But fellow UFO whistleblowers working with Grusch, some past and present DoD and Intelligence Community officers themselves, reportedly 'don't trust and never did trust Sean,' according to an attorney aiding their efforts.
'Four major candidates' have been interviewed to replace the current director of the Pentagon UFO office, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick (above), following heated public sparring between the former CIA physicist and UFO whistleblowers, who sources say 'don't trust and never did trust Sean'
Air Force and intelligence agency veteran David Grusch (center) testified under oath before Congress this July alleging widespread illegalities stemming from a long-secret UFO 'crash retrieval' program. Flanking Grusch are two Navy pilots with knowledge of UFO incursions
While the precise reasons for his alleged departure remain murky, Dr. Kirkpatrick has faced vehement public criticism in recent weeks, from UFO enthusiasts and so-called 'disclosure' advocates seeking government transparency on UFOs and aliens.
A citizens' petition calling for Dr. Kirkpatrick's 'immediate removal,' hosted by, has garnered 1,739 signatures since its posting on October 22, 2023.
The petition's author, Lisa Fine, accused Kirkpatrick of operating 'a secret committee which directs the Department of Defense's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)'s actions and public statements.'
'Dr. Kirkpatrick has repeatedly lied to the American people about a lack of evidence concerning UFOs/UAPs,' according to Fine, referencing the updated terminology for 'unidentified flying objects.'
In recent years, Pentagon brass, NASA experts and others have taken to calling what were once known as flying saucers 'unidentified anomalous phenomena' or UAP.
Grusch, a former Department of Defense official, first appeared on camera for NewsNation to tell his story of deeply covert US programs that he says possess 'intact and partially intact' craft of non-human origin
The petition's allegation that Dr. Kirkpatrick had assembled a secret advisory panel to run AARO, while still unproven, first emerged that same day via reporting by Matt Ford, host of 'The Good Trouble Show' YouTube channel, who had cited an anonymous source.
But the other recent accusations that Kirkpatrick has 'lied to the American people,' have come much more directly.
This Halloween, AARO hosted a conference call Q&A session between reporters and Dr. Kirkpatrick, in which the physicist fielded multiple questions about David Grusch and his allegations of a covert UFO crash retrieval and reverse engineering program.
On the call, Kirkpatrick told assembled media that he had interviewed 'a whole range of people, over 30 people now' in relation to the allegedly secret and illegal activity.
'I think we've interviewed most of the people that he [Grusch] may have talked to,' Kirkpatrick added, in reference to investigative work that Grusch reportedly performed while assisting AARO's predecessor, the Pentagon's UAP Task Force.
'We have extended an invitation at least four or five times now for him [Grusch] to come in over the last eight months or so,' Kirkpatrick told journalists on the call, 'and have been declined.'
But Grusch quickly accused Kirkpatrick of inventing these outreach efforts by his AARO team in their entirety.
'I have zero emails or calls from them,' Grusch told reporters for NewsNation the following day. 'That is a lie.'
Grusch accused Dr. Kirkpatrick of inventing outreach efforts by the Pentagon's AARO personnel, during a Halloween conference call with reporters earlier this week. 'I have zero emails or calls from them,' Grusch told reporters for NewsNation on Wednesday. 'That is a lie'
Similarly, one retired US Air Force Captain David Schindele, a former Minuteman ICBM launch control officer who reported his UFO encounter to AARO, said he felt that its personnel projected an 'atmosphere of disinterest.'
Schindele told viewers of Matt Ford's Good Trouble that Kirkpatrick and his AARO team were 'not people I want to talk to again.'
The Mail's former intelligence official — who has intimate knowledge of the military's ever-evolving UFO/UAP investigation portfolio — cautioned against drawing a direct line between these controversies and any plans for Kirkpatrick's departure, however.
'Sean has directly told folks he is leaving by the end of the year,' this former intelligence official told the, under the condition of anonymity.
'I think it's completely a planned departure, he probably gave them a timeline when he took the job,' according to this source, citing geographical stress on Dr. Kirpatrick's family life.
'I am sure he's ready to go. I wouldn't read into it any more than that, honestly.'
The source added that he has heard AARO's first and current director would be moving on to a position with Oak Ridge National Laboratory — which briefly hosted the kernel of an apparent staff bio for Kirkpatrick before it mysteriously disappeared.
Veteran Australian TV news broadcaster and investigative reporter Ross Coulthart, who conducted the first televised interview with David Grusch, said that this staff bio 'requires explanation' in a series of posts to X (formerly Twitter).
'The AARO boss is presumably also investigating possible @Battelle links w crash retrieval/engineering programs,' Coulthart said, referencing military contractor UT–Battelle, which helps run the Oak Ridge lab on behalf of the Department of Energy.
Recent reporting by Daily Mail contributor Christopher Sharp and others has alleged that Battelle board member Stephanie O'Sullivan 'has knowledge of a UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program,' only to hide it from Senate investigators.
During her past years of government service, O'Sullivan was an associate deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), following successes managing parts of the US spy agency's Directorate of Science and Technology.
Nevertheless, when reached for comment, Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough stated that, whatever his future plans may be, Dr. Kirkpatrick is not currently moonlighting for Battelle or ORNL in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Veteran Australian TV news broadcaster and investigative reporter Ross Coulthart, who conducted the first TV interview with David Grusch, said on social media that the apparent staff bio for Kirkpatrick at Oak Ridge National Laboratory's website 'requires explanation'
'Dr. Kirkpatrick remains the director, AARO,' Gough said. 'He is not currently employed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory'
'We have no AARO personnel announcements to make at this time,' she added.
Outside official channels, however, news of Kirkpatrick's planned departure have reached Daniel Sheehan, the Harvard-trained lawyer who represented past UFO whistleblower Luis Elizondo in his formal complaint to the DoD's Inspector General.
'He's out at the end of the year — and that's a big deal,' Sheehan told the, adding that he understands 'four major candidates' are up for the job opening at the top of AARO.
When reached for comment, Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough stated that Dr. Kirkpatrick (pictured above) 'remains the director, AARO' and is 'not currently employed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory'
Sheehan, whose history litigating progressive civil rights law cases dates back to the Vietnam War-era 'Pentagon Papers,' is now chief counsel, president and co-founder of the New Paradigm Institute.
The institute, a branch of the 501(C)(3) nonprofit Romero Institute, describes itself as dedicated to public policy advocacy on 'societal, environmental, and cosmic objectives,' which presumably includes UAP transparency.
Chris Mellon, a former official with the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and a passionate advocate for increased government diligence and transparency on the UAP issue, told the that he too heard of similar developments at AARO.
'As to Sean, I've heard some of the same rumors,' Mellon wrote via email, 'but they're just rumors, I really don't know his plans.'
Earlier this summer, prior to Grusch's sworn Congressional testimony, Mellon told NewsNation's Chris Cuomo, 'I've been told that we have recovered technology that did not originate on this Earth, by officials in the Department of Defense and by former intelligence officials.'
Sources with similar firsthand testimony to give, have become even more skittish about delivering what they know to AARO, despite the office's new 'second phase' efforts to faithfully investigate hidden UFO crash retrieval programs.
'This phase of the reporting mechanism is for current or former US government employees, service members, or contractors with direct knowledge of alleged US government programs or activities related to UAP dating back to 1945,' Kirkpatrick told reporters this Halloween.
But with the future of AARO's leadership in limbo, Sheehan told the that many trepidatious UFO whistleblowers have opted to deliver their testimony to the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, for now, instead.
Whistleblowers with knowledge of a classified UFO 'reverse engineering' program have opted to testify to the Senate intelligence committee, in part over their reported mistrust of Dr. Kirkpatrick and his Pentagon UFO office. Above, a page from Project 1794 declassified in 2012
Above, more documents from Project 1794: a Cold War-era US Air Force effort to build a supersonic flying saucer in collaboration with a Canadian defense contractor
US Customs and Border Patrol, the agency responsible for keeping terrorists and weapons out of the country, uploaded 10 videos that appear to show craft moving in strange ways in our skies. The videos document a fighter jet pursued by an apparently baffling flying orb, as well as something that appears to be a propeller-powered hang-glider, and another apparent orb hovering near a parked 16-wheeler truck
What they were doing is they were going straight through to the Senate Intelligence Committee,' Sheehan said.
'That's where the queue is forming of people who have real direct immediate knowledge — and Dave Grusch is in communication with these people, and our people are in communication with these people.'
'We know that they don't want to go into into Sean's AARO group until it's resolved as to who is going to take his place,' Sheehan emphasized.
'None of the whistleblowers want to go in there, because they don't view it as stable or safe.'
The former intelligence official, who confirmed word of Dr. Kirkpatrick's departure, weighed in with the opinion that 'the public push back from Dave [Grusch] was probably unexpected.'
Despite a long summer of contradictory timelines detailed by both Grusch and Dr. Kirkpatrick, in other words, the official suspects that AARO likely did not expect to have its director called a liar in public.
Among other inconsistencies, Grusch testified under oath before Congress this July that his last personal interaction with Dr. Kirkpatrick occurred in 2022.
'Him and I had a classified conversation in April 2022 before he took over AARO in July 2022,' Grusch told Florida Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna, under oath during the hearing.
Grusch added that he had provided Dr. Kirkpatrick with 'some concerns' he had, related to national security issues relevant to AARO's UAP mandate.
But, during AARO's Halloween conference call on Tuesday, Kirkpatrick asserted that the two had not spoken in nearly five years.
Camera-like object nestled within a groove on a Mars rock
Camera-like object nestled within a groove on a Mars rock
A recent image captured by the NASA Perseverance rover and shared by Neville Thompson on his Gigapan page reveals a prominent rock formation. Upon closer inspection, an intriguing detail emerges just to the left of the rock - a distinct, black, and shiny rectangular object resembling what looks like a camera nestled within a groove on the rock's surface.
The placement of this seemingly artificial object starkly contrasts with the natural surroundings prompts questions about its origin and purpose.
As it seems odd and unlikely that NASA put the object within the rock's groove, it raises the possibility of an unknown entity that placed the camera-like object to observe the Martian environment or eventually the NASA Perseverance rover.
Adding to the mystery, another unusual feature in the same image captures attention - a strange looking rock depicting a bird-like head apparently placed on top of other rocks. However, the most striking anomaly is a round circle (which could be an eye) engraved in the rock, displaying no signs of natural formation.
The presence of both objects suggests the potential presence of current or past life of a civilization on Mars.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Diamond UAP Over Buffalo Ridge, Arizona 10-14-2023, UFO Sighting News.
Diamond UAP Over Buffalo Ridge, Arizona 10-14-2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: 10-14-2023
Location of sighting: Buffalo Ridge, Arizona, USA Source: MUFON
Wow, check this UFO out. I really had to watch this video many times close up to truly see that this is not a sphere or disk, but actually diamond shaped. It's not often you get to see a craft like this one and without using infrared cameras too. This object was flying over the desert and probably came from the mountains in the area. It's just a lucky chance that this person went outside at the exact moment the UAP was passing and caught sight of it. This video shows us its shape, size (1 meter), its speed about 5mph and its hight from the ground. Excellent raw footage, and it's similar to many of the UAP videos the gov recently released.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
I was sitting in my backyard in a cold plunge. I noticed to my west a strange object appear. I jumped out to grab camera and film. I thought I lost object but it appeared again to the North East. I filmed object in middle of my yard but than had difficulty finding it on camera on phone so I observed. The object then gained altitude and disappeared out of my vision.
The universe is so vast, it is unlikely that we are alone.
The universe is so vast, it is near impossible that alien life will ever physically reach us.
UFOs have always turned out to be celestial objects, airborne clutter, and even ground-bound objects.
The government task forces set to examine UFO reports lack the relevant expertise.
Part I of a Series
The UFO Movie They Don’t Want You to Seeis not just a movie, it’s a documentary that utilizes and even teaches critical thinking. It might as well have been called “A Logical Take on UFOs.” Skeptic, and the host of the Skeptoid podcast, Brian Dunning has exposed the truth behind over 900 urban myths, legends, and fantastic stories. It’s a master class on how to engage a logical take. Thus a logical review of Dunning’s new movie is essential.
We Are Not Alone
First, the movie presents a pretty compelling case that we are not alone in the universe. The universe is just too large, there are just too many planets and stars, and the conditions that make life possible are just too common, relatively speaking.* Life very likely exists, if not elsewhere in our galaxy, then elsewhere in the universe. At the same time, however, the same thing that makes alien life so likely—the vastness of the universe—makes it exceedingly unlikely that it will ever visit us. The distances are just too great, and the speed of light (the fastest anything can move) too slow, for life that evolved elsewhere to ever visit us in person. Interestingly, Dunning argues that some alien life likely already does know about us (or will soon); our planet teems with evidence of our existence. He also thinks that we (via a telescope) will likely detect evidence of life on another distant planet soon (within the century maybe). But physical visitation, by advanced biological alien beings, in advanced craft, near or on Earth, is almost statistically impossible.
What Are UFOs?
Why, then, are there so many UFO sightings? If they aren’t aliens, what are they? Dunning points out that there is good data on this: huge collections of UFO reports and what they turned out to be. In all of history, every time a UFO sighting has been verifiable (and not just an unverifiable incredible story, fuzzy video, or blurry photo), it has always, without exception, turned out to be one of three things:
A (misidentified) celestial object (for example, planet, meteor, satellite, rocket, Star Link launch)
A (misidentified) piece of airborne clutter (for example, weather balloons, planes, blimps, birds)
A (misidentified) object on the ground (for example, lighthouses, radio tower lights, grounded objects that look airborne from a plane window because of visual illusions)
Although the data proves this, Dunning goes on to illustrate his point by explaining four of the most famous UFO stories and videos of all time—evidence that believers have claimed to be the most rock-solid proof of alien visitation: The Rendlesham Forest incident, the Ariel School incident, the 1967 Malstorm AFB incident, Jimmy Carter’s UFO sighting, and the Gimel, Go Fast, Tic Tac, and Green Triangles videos. In each case, the explanation falls into one of the three above categories; it is beyond any reasonable doubt, in each case, that nothing extraordinary happened. What’s more, in each case, some illusion, trick of perception, or fault of memory is at play. The explanation was not, and never has been an extraordinary craft—for example, an alien craft, or one vastly beyond our current technology.
Want to prove yourself right? Try to prove yourself wrong
That’s not to say that it could never be, but Dunning rightly points out that a claim that a UFO is an extraordinary craft is an extraordinary claim—and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. And when one wants to prove an extraordinary claim, with extraordinary evidence, one must try to falsify the extraordinary claim; you must consider and rule out all the non-extraordinary explanations.
This is one of the most basic rules of both scientific and critical thinking. Because anyone can find some evidence for anything, if you want to prove yourself right, but try to do only that, you inevitably will—even if what you believe is blatantly false. If you want to actually prove yourself right, you must try to prove yourself wrong; only if you honestly try to do that and fail, will you actually have good reason to believe that you are right. This is how scientists protect themselves against self-deception; they'll even invite others to try to prove them wrong.
What the UAP Task Force Needs, But Is Lacking
This brings me to the overarching conclusion of the documentary: the government’s Unidentified Arial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) is not actually up to its stated task. He shows a government official describing the experts that the UAP Task Force has brought on board: academics like physicists and metallurgists. Although that sounds impressive, these are the kinds of experts you would only need if a UFO turned out to be a spectacular craft (that was recovered). But since in the entire history of UFO sightings this has never happened, the task force is stacked with the experts that it is least likely to need.
What it needs is experts who can rule out the, historically and statistically, most likely explanations: celestial bodies, airborne clutter, and ground-bound objects. You need a host of (observational) astronomers, experienced personnel who are experts at looking at the sky and identifying what is in it. You need UFO skeptics,** who have spent their lives falsifying claims that UFOs are aliens; critical thinkers who know all the trip-ups that lead people to faulty conclusions. And you need NTSB air crash investigators—mainly because they know best what kind of illusions and faulty perceptions lead pilots, and the rest of us, astray. The task force doesn't seem to have them.
In Part II of this series: The possible criticism of the documentary.
To be fair, most of the universe is inhospitable to life. However, the conditions that led to life on Earth are not unique to Earth. As Dunning puts it, “Those same conditions have been happening on rocky planets throughout the universe since the beginning of time.”
UFO enthusiasts, Dunning observes, won’t like this; they’ll claim the presence of skeptics will bias the conclusions. But a true quest for knowledge always invites skepticism; that viewpoint must be represented. Again, to prove something true, one must honestly try but fail to prove it false.
Astronomers have long suspected that the Moon formed roughly 4.5 billion years ago when a hefty planet-in-the-making called Theia collided with a young Earth. Now, researchers have found evidence that massive blobs deep within Earth are actually relics from long-lost Theia. If true, other planets may also be filled with parts of their ancient foes.
Scientists call Theia’s strike the Giant Impact. This was probably the last major event during Earth’s accretion phase when it was growing larger and regularly getting bombarded by space material. The Giant Impact is time zero on the clock for Earth and the Moon. This is why Qian Yuan, a geodynamicist at the California Institute of Technology who is interested in what makes some planets friendly to life, led a team of researchers to look into this ancient phase.
“So far, Earth is still the only habitable planet, but we do not know why Earth is habitable and others are not. As a modeler, I believe that the initial condition is crucially important, and it is widely believed that the Moon's formation set the initial condition of Earth,” Yuan tells Inverse.
The Giant Impact would have infused parts of Theia’s mantle into Earth’s mantle.
The middle layer of our planet, called the mantle, is an important part of the habitability question. It’s intrinsic to the carbon cycle, for instance, which is required to form complex molecules like proteins and DNA. Carbon is continually exchanged between the ocean’s surface waters and the atmosphere and can also be released in grand displays like volcanic eruptions. Sitting atop the mantle is the crust, which has evolved over time from supercontinents to the seven land masses where you find humans and many other terrestrial creatures living today.
Just below the mantle, there’s Earth’s outer liquid core. This powers the magnetic field that cocoons our planet from cosmic radiation that would pose a threat to life. Two blobs near the boundary between the mantle and the outer core, some 2,900 km below the surface, maybe Theia relics, according to simulations run by the team of astronomers. They published their findings on Wednesday in the journal Nature.
A previous study, published in Nature in 2016, showed these two continent-sized anomalies at the base of the mantle via seismic images. To create these images, seismologists use waves generated from earthquakes, which have traveled through the center of Earth, Edward Garnero, a geophysicist at Arizona State University, who was the lead author of the 2016 Nature study and a co-author of the new work, tells Inverse.
“In a similar way to ultrasound or MRI machines, we study recordings of the waves after they have traveled through structures or reflected off of them to identify anomalies. In this way, ‘pictures’ of the interior are computed, just like X-ray images,” Garnero says.
Another study, published in the journal Geochemistry in 2019, suggests that Theia’s collision would not have mixed ancient isotopes effectively due to its “hit-and-run” or “merger” nature.
Qian Yuan and team’s simulation. This shows the 24 hours following Theia’s impact.
In the new study, researchers simulated how the mantle would have sloshed about over the last 4.5 billion years and what the cataclysmic 24 hours looked like after the Giant Impact.
Theia was a protoplanet, so its abundance of material would have separated into layers. Theia also had a mantle, and the simulation work shows that Theia’s mantle material (TMM) could have sunk into Earth’s own mantle after the Giant Impact. The “mostly molten” TMM may have later solidified and sunk down to Earth’s lowermost mantle, the study says. Other work, like a study published in Nature in 2012, suggests that some ancient accreted material, which predates the 4.5 billion year benchmark that usually serves as the start of Earth’s clock, may have survived the convection of Earth’s mantle.
Some of this material may have been what Theia captured from the protoplanetary disk, the dusty puff where the entire Solar System originated.
On the left: Theia’s impact with Earth 4.5 billion years ago. On the right, a modern understanding of the two blobs Theia left behind.
Yuan is still researching these relics, looking into the subsequent influences of the deep Theia blobs on the tectonic evolution of Earth's surface. And by doing so, aims to tie the epic past to the modern day.
Supernatural being 'Shapeshifter' caught on security camera in Mexico
Supernatural being 'Shapeshifter' caught on security camera in Mexico
A weird incident captured on a security camera in Mexico has raised eyebrows, depicting a mysterious transformation from an animal to a human-like figure. The peculiar event supposedly took place in a Nava residence's garage and was shared onTikTok.
In the video, a man is seen cleaning chairs while his dog roams around. Suddenly, the dog becomes fixated on the garage door, where a dark, four-legged shaped entity seemingly materializes. Upon investigating, the form appears to shrink and morph into an entirely different entity.
Despite the unclear nature of the sighting, the man appears visibly disturbed and hurries inside through a side door. During his absence, the creature undergoes a transformation into what resembles a person, who then departs.
Upon the man's return with his wife, the mysterious entity has vanished.
The paranormal event has sparked speculation, with some suggesting the being might be a shapeshifter called a nahual.
While tales of shapeshifters, beings who have the ability to physically transform themselves through unnatural means, are commonly disregarded as myths, one might ponder the thin line between myth and potential firsthand encounters with supernatural entities.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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