The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
James Webb onthult ongelooflijke details en geheimen van het centrum van de Melkweg
James Webb onthult ongelooflijke details en geheimen van het centrum van de Melkweg
James Webb onthult ongelooflijke details en geheimen van het centrum van de Melkweg (NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI en S. Crowe (Universiteit van Virginia))
De James Webb Ruimtetelescoop van de NASA, in samenwerking met andere ruimteagentschappen, heeft een fantastisch en gedetailleerd beeld vastgelegd van het centrum van ons sterrenstelsel, de Melkweg, waarbij kenmerken werden onthuld die tot nu toe onontdekt waren door astronomen.
De James Webb heeft het stervormingsgebied Sagittarius C vastgelegd, gelegen op 300 lichtjaar van het supermassieve zwarte gat in het centrum van ons sterrenstelsel en op 25.000 lichtjaar afstand van de aarde.De afbeelding onthult een cluster van jonge sterren en benadrukt een nog in vorming zijnde ster met meer dan 30 keer de massa van onze zon. De gegevens van Webb zullen astronomen helpen meer te weten te komen over stervorming in een extreem kosmische omgeving en de geschiedenis van de oorsprong van ons universum.
In 2016, a large number of emails from the account of John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, were leaked by WikiLeaks. The tranche of emails thrilled the Internet when reporters associated with the New York Times were working on the groundbreaking story entitled “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program.”
The emails between Podesta and a person named Bob Fish are the main subject that has been widely discussed by UFO enthusiasts. Mr. Fish, who had previously worked as an IT contractor, held the position of Director of Advanced Programs at Network Equipment Technologies from 1984 to 1993. (Source)
During that time, he was responsible for overseeing a top-secret global network for a major intelligence agency within the Department of Defense. In addition, he was involved in various operations that were of national importance, such as the Gulf War and Operation Just Cause.
The leaked emails may provide new insight into UFOs. Mr. Fish sent an email to Podesta on March 5, 2015, in which he stated that blurry photos, crop circles and statements from witnesses alone would not be enough to confirm the existence of UFOs. “What was needed,” he continued, was “hard scientific data collected from instruments that are known to be accurate and reliable.” Which, he added, was available “if one knows ‘where to look’ and ‘what to look for.’”
Bob Fish. Image source: Linkedin
He claimed that the federal government had been collecting data on UFOs since the 1970s, using the Defense Support Program (DSP) satellites.
In his next email to Podesta, he shared an incident that happened with him in El Segundo, a city in California. After Project Blue Book was shut down, Fish met with a USAF official who worked on the program. He told Fish that “there were times when they were diverted from these missions to track UFOs off the east coast of Florida.”
Further, the email stated: “His claim was the UFOs had a landing and takeoff spot in the ocean east of Miami, north of Bermuda. He also claimed there was a specific electronic signature (frequency) emanating from them when they were going into or coming out of the water, so they were easy to track. On several occasions, they filmed the UFO as it transitioned from water to air or vice versa.”
Mr. Fish was convinced that the United States Air Force’s Project Blue Book, which was officially closed in 1970, did not end but instead was taken out of public view. The existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) demonstrated that the Pentagon’s interest in UFOs never dissipated.
Based on the observations provided by Lue Elizondo, the former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), the United State government had already been aware that UAPS were vastly outmatched by superior technology. These objects have capabilities that are beyond comprehension.
They can travel at incredibly fast speeds and have the ability to get invisible while accelerating. They are capable of moving through air without wings and can travel through space, atmosphere, and oceans without being affected by gravity, and without any visible means of propulsion.
Such scenarios alarmed the US government, and the officials realized that if this god-like technology were to be obtained and mastered by their adversaries before the United States, it would make democracy vulnerable. Australian investigative reporter Ross Coulthart noted that his sources confirmed “there has been consideration given to offensively trying to bring down these objects.”
In his book “In Plain Sight: An investigation into UFOs and impossible science“, Coulthart describes that the United States government appears to have knowledge of some UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) entering Earth’s orbit from deep space. Furthermore, the US government can actively track them via RF signals emanated from these craft based on conversations with retired US intelligence officer Bob Fish.
“I wrote to Bob Fish and after a few weeks, he kindly responded, confirming everything he told Podesta, and more. He had never spoken publicly about UAPs before. A previously very highly security-cleared defense communications intelligence insider, Fish has extensive experience working on classified programs, including President Reagan’s ‘Trust but Verify’ nuclear missile disarmament treaty with the Soviets, and he assured me he was happy to be quoted about his strong interest and belief in UAPs.
He clearly knew a lot more than he was prepared to reveal. When I asked him what he knew about the purported US ability to track such mystery craft, he told me, ‘At some point, the information about “alien” stuff and true US national defense information crosses paths.
Patriots with clearances do not want to be traitors to their country or their way of life. For instance, if I told you the exact electromagnetic signature of a high-Mach UFO that US sensors search for, but don’t attack, and you put it in a book, the Soviets/Chinese would manufacture a bomber with SIGINT/ELINT [signals and electronic intelligence] countermeasure equipment that generated that exact signature.
We must find a path forward that brings about greater knowledge of the truth without endangering the civilizations we have evolved into. The intriguing thing about Fish’s comment was the implication there was indeed a ‘truth’ still being concealed.”
Mr. Fish stated that the UAP entered the atmosphere and descended into the Atlantic Ocean, specifically in an area east of Miami, Florida and north of Bermuda. He suggested that this location would be ideal for a telescope with sensor capabilities if one were to be running the Galileo Project.
Former U.S. Navy Lt. Ryan Graves told Lex Fridman on a podcast that his squadron started getting the UAP hits, once they upgraded their APG-73 radar to the APG-79. He mentioned that the upgrade was something like going from analog to digital and that sometimes they would fly F-18s with the old radar in the morning, and the objects would not be there, but when they swapped to the F-18s with the new radar, the UAP hits would be back again. He also noted that perhaps the new radar was not filtering out something that they should have been yet, or perhaps it had not been calibrated. (Source)
“The radar always picks up everything flying, but they go so fast, you don’t recognize them. Your mind says it could have been an 18-wheeler, it could be something low, I don’t know what it was…”
— John Callahan, FAA Retired at the National Press Club, Washington D.C., 2013. (Source)
There is pretty good evidence that the government has been intercepting UFO signals or emissions since at least the 1950s. In one 1957 case investigated by James E. McDonald, a UFO was simultaneously witnessed by military officers, it was seen on radar and ECM gear detected a certain frequency coming from it. (Source)
During the summer of 1954, the United States Air Forcewas on high alert. A pair of mysterious objects had been located in orbit between 400 and 600 miles from Earth, and now officials were in a state of confusion as to what they might represent. Could they be non-terrestrial objects of natural origin, or could they be something else entirely?
A more concerning possibility also lurked in the minds of officials at the time: what if the objects were manmade, and possibly of Soviet origin?
Dr. Lincoln La Paz, then the head of the Extra-Terrestrial Bodies Institute at the University of New Mexico, had been in constant communication with the Air Force about their unusual new problem. For weeks, he shot back and forth between the Palomar Observatory in California and the missile test center at White Sands, New Mexico, until it was finally determined by the astronomer that the objects were indeed natural: they were only meteors.
The story received tremendous attention after it first appeared in Aviation Week, and just days later, a source close to the Army Office of Ordnance Research assured the New York Times that no satellites deemed to be of artificial origin had been detected yet, adding about La Paz’s meteors that “there was absolutely no connection between the reported satellites and flying saucer reports.”
The search for objects in Earth’s orbit had been virgin territory in 1954, and the events in the fall of that year were only a foreshadowing of the kind of public fear yet to come. Once the Soviets actually did launch Sputnik 1 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in the early days of October 1957, concerns about a technological gap among Western nations escalated into a full-blown crisis.
The world would never be the same. In the aftermath of the “Sputnik crisis,” the United States accelerated its space-bound efforts, eventually placing its own satellites into orbit, followed by successful manned space missions and, eventually, humans landing on the Moon in July 1969. Today, on any clear night one can look at the night sky and see tiny points of light moving silently along in their positions in orbit, representing objects that range from satellites and the International Space Station, to tiny reflective bits of debris from past space missions that have accumulated in Earth’s orbit steadily over time.
In addition to the satellites we have placed into orbit around our own planet, humans have also sent several spacecraft to further locales, some of which we have positioned around nearby planets like Mars. It seems logical to assume that if there were any intelligent extraterrestrials out there, they might do the same.
This brings to mind an interesting question for modern astronomers: what if aliens have surveilled our planet, either in the past, or even in the present day? If so, how might we detect evidence of their technologies?
(Credit: NASA)
With the amount of debris that clutters the space around our planet today, it would prove difficult to locate any prospective alien probes that may be watching us. Based on current European Space Agency data, there are 5,800 functioning satellites in orbit, with nearly 31,590 debris objects that have been logged and continuously tracked by Space Surveillance Networks.
However, not all objects in orbit around our planet are being tracked. According to current statistical models, smaller space objects between 1 mm and 10 cm could number greater than 131 million.
In short, the orbital area around our planet has become a very cluttered place since the dawn of the Space Age, making it increasingly difficult to search for any possible outliers that might represent evidence of non-terrestrial technological artifacts that might be observing our planet.
That’s why one group of researchers, led by Beatriz Villarroel of the Nordic Institute of Theoretical Physics and Stockholm University, has undertaken a citizen science effort to search for evidence of such non-terrestrial artifacts in what some might consider an unusual place: data that has already been publicly available for decades.
Prior to the launch of manmade satellites like Sputnik 1 in the late 1950s, Earth’s skies were free of the clutter that hinders modern searches for prospective non-terrestrial objects. According to Villarroel and her team, one way to overcome this problem is by scanning earlier photographic plate projects such as the First Palomar Sky Survey (POSS-1), which is the focus of the Vanishing & Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations (VASCO) project.
“We expect the project to yield many interesting findings over time,” reads a statement on the website of the VASCO Network, “maybe even some anomalous objects and events — could aliens be responsible for any of those?”
“We show that even the small pieces of reflective debris in orbit around the Earth can be identified through searches for multiple transients in old photographic plate material exposed before the launch of the first human satellite in 1957,” the researchers state in the paper’s abstract. According to Villarroel and her coauthors, images depicting what they identify as “simultaneous transients” may hold the key to detecting evidence of non-terrestrial artifacts that may have been lurking in Earth’s orbit since the days prior to Sputnik.
Beatriz Villarroel of the Nordic Institute of Theoretical Physics and Stockholm University
(Image Credit: Karl Nordlund/Stockholm University)
“About 80% of the very fast bright flashes (glints) in our sky are the result of artificial objects with highly reflective, flat surfaces,” Villarroel recently told The Debrief. These objects, many of them relatively small according to Villarroel, may be found in geosynchronous orbit around the Earth.
“A fast glint like this will look like a star in an image,” Villarroel says, “and sometimes one can see several glints from the same object in an image (or from different ones). Space debris and satellites in geosynchronous orbits can leave multiple glints in an image.
“Multiple glints in sky images is, therefore, a typical signature of artificial objects,” Villarroel says. By looking at some of the earliest photographic plates collected by 20th-century astronomers, the VASCO team thinks they could easily discern the presence of any reflective objects in geosynchronous orbits (GEO) since they would appear as short lines in these photographs, the length of which can be used as an indicator of their speed and position in orbit (satellites at higher GEO altitudes produce fast, transient glints that result from the light they reflect from the Sun).
Of particular interest to Villarroel and her colleagues are the appearances of multiple glints, which may indicate a single object tumbling through space producing a series of flashes as its surfaces reflect sunlight, or possibly even the presence of several objects.
“We propose to look for multiple glints in image data before Sputnik I,” Villarroel told The Debrief. “If such signatures are found in a time when there were no high-altitude satellites, that could imply the presence of Non-Terrestrial Artifacts (NTAs) in orbits around the Earth.”
Although surveying photographic data from pre-satellite times offers obvious benefits to the search for non-terrestrial artifacts, there are challenges for modern researchers using this approach, since multiple glints in older sky survey imagery could be accounted for by a number of other things. These could include defects in the images that produce the appearance of star-like objects which, in fact, may simply be photographic artifacts.
“If one finds multiple glints in an image, we cannot know for sure that the observation is real as some defects might possibly look star-like,” Villarroel says. “And it is difficult to access the original photographic plates to examine the ‘stars’ under a microscope.”
One simple way that Villarroel and her colleagues have proposed to help narrow down any likely anomalies is to search or instances where they appear in a single line.
“The main proposal of the paper is, therefore, to look for an even clearer signature, which is to search for these multiple glints-events that on top of everything, also are aligned along a line,” Villarroel told The Debrief. Unlike plate defects, which could most often be expected to appear randomly across the image, Villarroel says that genuine glints of light detected by cameras, possibly produced by debris or satellites of unknown origin, would produce consistent glints of light along a line in an image.
Villarroel says there are several sources of imagery that astronomers can use for such surveys, many of which are freely available. However, an added benefit of conducting multiple surveys could be that the presence of any anomalies detected in one photographic plate collection, if thereafter found in a separate set of images, could help confirm the presence of a genuine anomaly.
“Many observatories have their photographic plate collections,” Villarroel says. “Finding similar examples of ‘multiple transients’ in other image data sets could help to confirm the effect. Also, we have predicted some shapes and glinting patterns in our recent preprint that one can use to search for the predicted objects in modern datasets.”
Along with her efforts with the Vasco Network, Villarroel is a research team member of The Galileo Project, a scientific effort led by astronomer Avi Loeb aimed at detecting extraterrestrial technological signatures produced by Extraterrestrial Technological Civilizations (ETCs).
“The Galileo project is excellently suited for these searches,” Villarroel told The Debrief.
With decades of imagery now in hand, modern advances in computer imaging and artificial intelligence could prove to be instrumental in helping astronomers make a breakthrough in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Considering some of the early observations by Lincoln La Paz and other astronomers at the dawn of the Space Age, it would indeed be ironic if it were ever proven that evidence of extraterrestrial technologies had been lurking much closer to home than most would have ever expected.
When asked about some of the intriguing observations that preceded the earliest launch of artificial satellites in 1957, Villarroel says cases from decades ago might indeed be worthy of renewed attention from modern astronomers, especially if the current efforts to analyze photographic plate collections ever turns up anything odd.
“These historical examples would be very interesting for us to look at through the VASCO glasses,” Villarroel says.
Micah Hanks is Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of The Debrief. Follow his work at and on Twitter: @MicahHanks.
Last March, a mystery object was tracked by astronomers as it hurtled toward the lunar surface, which eventually crashed into the far side of the Moon along the northwestern fringe of the Mare Orientale impact basin near the massive Hertzsprung Crater.
Although the object was believed to have been identified as a defunct portion of a Chinese rocket, something about the errant spacecraft’s impact with the Moon had puzzled scientists. Unlike the normal impact features that are formed when objects collide with the lunar regolith, this one had left a curious, double crater, which was later spotted by the cameras on NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) as it passed over the impact site.
The unusual double-impact craters left by the collision of a mystery object with the far side of the Moon last March (Credit: NASA/Goddard/Arizona State University).
Speculation ensued about what the object might have been that could have caused such an unusual impact feature. Now, a team of researchers at the University of Arizona says they have uncovered evidence that can definitively prove the Chinese rocket’s identity.
However, the findings, recently published in ThePlanetary Science Journal, also reveal an additional twist: that the Chinese craft had likely carried a mysterious payload with it, the identity of which remains unknown.
The mysterious object, designated WE0913A, was first spotted several years ago by researchers at the University of Arizona’s Catalina Sky Survey, who noticed it moving at a surprising pace as it passed between Earth and the Moon.
Although initially thought to have been a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket booster launched in 2015, spectral analysis of light reflected off the object by the team’s Raptor Telescope helped determine that the object’s movement and appearance made a booster from China’s Chang’e 5-T1 rocket a more likely solution.
China initially disputed this, claiming that the rocket, a part of the Chinese National Space Administration’s lunar exploration program, was believed to have burned up in the Earth’s atmosphere during re-entry. However, U.S. Space Command officials confirmed that the Chinese rocket’s third stage was never detected impacting Earth’s atmosphere.
The rogue booster, which had been the rocket’s third and uppermost stage that provided thrust to carry the experimental Chang’e 5-T1 to its eventual orbit around the Moon, was left behind after it jettisoned the mission’s orbiting module and sample return capsule.
That is until light reflecting off the rotating rocket booster was eventually spotted by astronomers at the University of Arizona.
Vishnu Reddy, a professor of planetary science at the University of Arizona’s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, said that the team was able to observe variations in the light being reflected off the rocket that helped them narrow down the object’s likely identity.
“When the broad side of the rocket is pointed at you, you get more light, and as it turns, you get less light from that side,” Reddy, one of the co-authors of the new paper, said in a statement.
Tanner Campbell, a doctoral student under Reddy at the University of Arizona’s Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering and the first author of the new study, said the team was able to make comparisons between light curve data made during observations of WE0913A and computer simulations that accounted for thousands of hypothetical space objects, which allowed them to identify key features of the object that were able to help reveal its identity.
Co-authors Grace Halferty, Vishnu Reddy, Adam Battle and Tanner Campbell, whose new paper appeared in The Planetary Science Journal, appear before the RAPTORS-1 telescope they used for the spectral observations of the errant rocket booster
(Credit: Vishnu Reddy/University of Arizona).
“Something that’s been in space as long as this is subjected to forces from the Earth’s and the moon’s gravity and the light from the sun,” Campbell said. However, unlike a typical empty rocket booster fitted with an engine on one side, the Arizona team noticed WE0913A had been moving very strangely.
“You would expect it to wobble a little bit,” Campbell said. “But this was just tumbling end-over-end, in a very stable way.” The only solution would seemingly have been another object aboard the rocket booster, which would provide a counterweight to the pair of 1,200-pound engines it carried.
“We performed a torque balance analysis, which showed that this amount of weight would have moved the rocket’s center of gravity by a few inches,” Campbell said, adding that the observed movement could not be explained in the absence of an additional source of weight on board the craft.
“That’s what leads us to think that there must have been something more mounted to the front,” Campbell said.
Along with their observations of the tumbling craft, the team says that additional revealing data came from the strange, double crater the craft produced as it collided with the lunar surface.
The pair of impressions, separated approximately 100 feet from one another, are unique among craters caused by collisions between manmade spacecraft and the Moon.
“This is the first time we [have seen] a double crater,” Campbell said. Past observations of craters produced by Apollo-era rockets are generally round or oval-shaped, depending on whether the impacting object had been traveling straight downward or if it approached at an angle. When Chang’e 5 T1 made impact, it came almost straight down, and although the shape of the craters it produced is consistent with this trajectory, Campbell says that something else must have been present in order to account for there being two of them.
“To get those two craters of about the same size, you need two roughly equal masses that are apart from each other,” Campbell said.
Roberto Furfaro, deputy director of the University of Arizona’s Space4 Center and also one of Campbell’s co-advisers, says the team’s research underscores the need for being able to track the growing number of objects that are populating space as more nations engage in their own off-planet explorations.
“[O]nce you’re putting more and more objects on the moon, it becomes extremely important that we not only track the object, but also understand what they are going to do once they get there,” Furfaro said.
Currently, the identity of the object presumed to have created the second crater remains undetermined, and according to Campbell, we may never know what it was unless China chooses to disclose it.
“Obviously, we have no idea what it might have been,” Campbell said. “Perhaps some extra support structure, or additional instrumentation, or something else.”
“We probably won’t ever know,” he guesses.
Campbell and the team’s paper, “Physical Characterization of Moon Impactor WE0913A,” was published in The Planetary Science Journal on November 16, 2023.
A pensioner believes he's stumbled onto proof that aliens exist and he is convinced the government and international space agencies are trying to cover up the truth.
Retired photographer Julian Heath, who lives in the leafy enclave of Wallington in Surrey, has taken to stargazing with the help of the subscription app Stellarium, which he installed on his Amazon Kindle Fire.
The app allows users to explore the solar system and track satellites in real-time, which led Julian to his rogue discovery: a small 'alien' craft travelling around the world every six seconds.
'I think it's alien, we've got nothing in this world that would travel round the world at that speed, Julian tells MailOnline.
'There's nothing that Earthlings can produce that can travel that fast.'
Retired photographer Julian Heath is convinced he has found a UFO on a stargazing app
The pensioner claims to have spotted the object on his Amazon Kindle and he claims it can orbit the earth in six seconds
Julien stumbled across his new hobby while browsing the apps on his Amazon Kindle and freely admits he's not an expert in the field.
He continued: 'It's quite a fascinating thing to watch, because you can see when the sun is rising and you can see the satellites in the sky.
'You can also see the constellations and track how slow or how fast the satellites are moving.
'I was looking at it a few days ago and suddenly this thing zoomed across the the screen.'
The object that caught Julien's eye was a small satellite which appeared to be zooming around the planet once every six seconds.
Assuming it was a bug, Julien thought nothing of the phenomenon but when he relogged onto the app a few days later it appeared again.
His suspicions raised, Julian began his search for the truth, but claims he has been frustrated by a lack of transparency from government agencies.
He continued: 'I hadn't realised at the time that it has a tag on it, which means that the powers that be know about it.
'It's clearly travelling around the world at great heights and seems to slightly shift to the right every single scan.
'It has to be some kind of UFO, and it looks as though it's scanning the world.
'I did rather stupidly go and stand out in the garden one clear night and look up at where it was, but at that speed you wouldn't see anything anyway.
'Somebody knows about it, and they're keeping quiet about it.
'I tried the Home Office and I tried the Ministry of Defence, but not one of them has any sort of contact details on their website for the public.
'They obviously don't want people like me sending emails to them.'
With no clarity on the matter, Julien has taken to watching the skies from his garden
Julian believes that as the object has been tagged government agencies must be aware of it
With no clarity as of yet, Julian says he has had to confide in his wife who is less enthused by his discovery than himself.
He said: 'I’ve told my wife and she sort of looks at me with a stare, and doesn’t say a word. I know she thinks I'm nuts.
'Other friends I've told as well but as they don't have the app it's hard to explain.'
According to Brown University, the fastest time in which a man made satellite can complete an orbit of the earth is 90 minutes.
MailOnline has approached Stellarium for more information on the strange object.
Can YOU help solve the mystery? Email
Missouri State Rep. Chris Dinkins officially named the town of Piedmont its “UFO Capital” back in August. And the reason why is actually kind of terrifying.
Seemingly hundreds of Piedmont’s residents have seen UFOs floating around over the years, accordingto KSDK.
“My grandpa loved to spin a tall tale about things he saw,” Piedmont’s Chamber of Commerce executive director, Sara Phillips, told the outlet. It all started back in 1973, when more than 500 people called local law enforcement to report a “fleet” of alien spaceships flying over their homes.
“One resident said that if they had to estimate half the residents had seen something in the sky. Clearwater Lake becomes kind of the epicenter of this,” said State Historical Society of Missouri member Sean Rost. “There are people reporting seeing lights above the water. There are people seeing lights under the water.”
The FBI and the military were called in to deal with the situation and to explain the situation to locals. But, to date, no firm explanation has even been provided.
To mark the 50th anniversary of the event, House Bill 1261 officially designates Piedmont as the “UFO Capital of Missouri.” The bill was sponsored by State Rep. Chris Dinkins in the hopes it’ll attract more tourists to spot the lights that apparently still fly over the tiny little .
EXCLUSIVE: Retired US Army Colonel says secret UFO projects should be made public by October 2030 - to beat America's rivals and get ahead of a 'catastrophic' leak
EXCLUSIVE: Retired US Army Colonel says secret UFO projects should be made public by October 2030 - to beat America's rivals and get ahead of a 'catastrophic' leak
The revelations came amid an invite-only UFO gathering at Stanford University
But many at the exclusive event worried UFO disclosure may spark social unrest
Nearly two decades ago, a think-tank in Washington D.C. invited past and present government officials from the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Pentagonand elsewhere to debate the risks of revealing the truth about UFOs.
The 2004 event — according to a former CIA scientist who went public with the shocking story Friday — broke into working groups to weigh the positive and negative ramifications of declassifying America's top secret UFO programs.
Every working group according to that scientist, Dr. Hal Puthoff, came back with the same co
But now, a host of Washington insiders are calling for a strategic 'campaign' to drag these alleged UFO reverse-engineering programs out into public view.
The Sol Foundation, a new nonprofit dedicated to exploring the broad implications of what are now called 'Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena' or UAP, convened its first ever symposium Friday, sponsored by Stanford University's School of Medicine
Sol's lofty goal, as described by its chief operating officer - the now famous UFO whistleblower and US Air Force and intel veteran David Grusch - is to 'open ourselves to a future where truth, unity, technological advancements and a deeper understanding of our existence converge'
The pivot emerged this weekend at an invite-only conference of former government officials, tenured physicists and other academic researchers, activists and reporters, held at Stanford University and attended by
The most explosive moments from the UFO event — the first ever symposium of the new nonprofit Sol Foundation, which is dedicated to exploring the broad implications of what are now called 'Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena' or UAP — came from recently retired US Army Colonel Karl E. Nell.
On Saturday, Col. Nell called for a 'UAP campaign plan' to compel transparency as well as 'a Manhattan Project' to successfully reverse engineer recovered UAP craft.
His stated goals, as heard by at the event, were nothing less than broad transparency on covert UAP programs 'on or before conclusion of the decade.'
In a later slide, Col. Nell projected his strategic hope that so-called 'disclosure' on the UAP issue would be complete by October 1, 2030, although he admitted his timeline targets were 'at risk' of falling behind.
The Sol Foundation's lofty goal, as described by the now famous UFO whistleblower and US Air Force veteran David Grusch, was to 'open ourselves to a future where truth, unity, technological advancements and a deeper understanding of our existence converge.'
Grusch, who now serves as the group's chief operating officer, delivered the concluding remarks for Sol's first ever symposium Saturday night, via a remote live video feed.
'Let us advocate for transparency, not for ourselves,' Grusch told the assembled attendees, 'but for the generations to come, as we embark on a journey toward a more enlightened and interconnected world.'
Last June, Col. Nell staked his own reputation to Grusch's public testimony on UFOs, calling the UFO whistleblower 'beyond reproach' and vouching for Grusch's allegations of a secret, decades-long and illegal UFO crash retrieval and reverse-engineering program.
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But the most explosive moments from Sol's two-day symposium came from retired US Army Colonel Karl Nell (left). Col. Nell called for a 'UAP campaign plan' to compel transparency as well as 'a Manhattan Project' to more successfully reverse-engineer recovered UAP craft
Col. Nell (above) called UFO whistleblower David Grusch 'beyond reproach' when Grusch's allegations of a secret, decades-long and illegal UFO reverse-engineering program became public in June. He said he wants to avoid 'catastrophic disclosure' on UAP initiated by a US rival
Col. Nell was one among a host of Washington insiders at Sol calling for a strategic 'campaign' to drag these alleged UFO reverse-engineering programs out into public view. He expressed the hope that the general public would compel their representatives in Congress on the issue
In one slide (above), Col. Nell projected strategic hopes that 'disclosure' on the UAP issue would be complete by October 1, 2030, although he admitted his timeline targets were 'at risk' of falling behind. Col. Nell was previously a 'modernization advisor' to Army Futures Command
Geneticist Dr. Garry Nolan, whose Stanford lab houses some of the world's most precise equipment for measuring the atomic and molecular structure of physical samples, is a co-founder of Sol and its executive director.
The group's sweeping mission statement, according to its website, is to develop policy around the believed 'broad consequences' of UAP 'for the future of science, technology, economy, politics, law, religion, culture, and all other human institutions and endeavors.'
To that end, the group's other co-founder, Peter Skafish, is an anthropologist focused on the social implications of humanity's potential (or already occurring) encounters with the 'non-human intelligences,' which Grusch has said pilot these UAP.
Due largely to Dr. Nolan's efforts, the Sol Foundation event was sponsored by Stanford University's School of Medicine.
In recent months, whistleblowers with knowledge of a classified UFO 'reverse engineering' program have opted to testify to the Senate intelligence committee, in part over their reported mistrust of the Pentagon's new UFO office, dubbed AARO. Above, a page from Project 1794 declassified in 2012
Col. Nell's comments raised eyebrows among attendees, in no small measure because of the senior army official's final military posting.
Col. Nell was a 'modernization advisor' to the Army Futures Command engaged in the 'most significant Army reorganization since 1973' — which has spearheaded the development of remote-operated and unmanned robotic combat vehicles, AI projects and other advancements.
Nobel Prize nominee and CIA scientist Dr. Hal Puthoff, who worked in the government's 2008-2012 UFO program called AAWSAP, once told that he had briefed Congress on classified information about UFO reverse-engineering programs
Chris Mellon, formerly with the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, told Sol he had recently spoken with someone still in the Defense Department. Mellon's source said that more revelations and more high-resolution images were coming soon
Pentagon UFO chief Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick will be REPLACED by end of 2023 as whistleblowers accuse him of lying to the public and ignoring witnesses
A candidate 'short list' has been interviewed to replace Dr. Kirkpatrick (above), current head of the US Defense Department's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), one ex-official told the The news comes as UFO whistleblowers, per one attorney, 'don't want to go to Sean's AARO' citing safety concerns. 'Really knowledgeable' UFO whistleblowers, 'people who've laid their hands on the equipment,' as this attorney aiding the whistleblowers told the 'never did trust Sean'
Col. Nell, now an aerospace executive, commanded at every grade level across decades of service including tours with the US Army Reserves, the DIA and US Space Command.
From 2021 to 2022, Col. Nell was assigned as the Army's dedicated liaison to the Pentagon's UAP Task Force.
After apologizing for framing his recommendations to citizen UAP advocates in military terms, Col. Nell detailed tactical 'lines of effort' he hoped the public, government officials and scientists might execute, in parallel, as part of a collaborative effort to advance scientific understanding of UAP.
Perhaps most ambitiously, Col. Nell expressed the hope of direct 'engagement' with the 'non-human intelligences,' or perhaps extraterrestrial beings, piloting UAP sometime in the next decade — a new 'interactive' era of 'scientific discovery.'
But, first and foremost, Col. Nell described his proposal as an effort to 'avoid catastrophic disclosure,' meaning a chaotic release of Earth-shattering revelations designed to sow discord, whether by independent actors or by one of the United States' foreign rivals.
In an echo of the 2004 think-tank exercise detailed by Dr. Puthoff earlier at this Sol event, multiple speakers at the conference floated potential dangers that could arise from future revelations about allegedly secret UAP programs.
Belgian artificial intelligence entrepreneur Jonathan Berte, founder of Robovision and Sol's chief financial officer, looked to the late 19th century Industrial Revolution to suggest that tech breakthroughs from UAP could actually worsen climate change.
The discovery of oil during that period, Berte noted, actually led to a massive increase in coal mining, as older energy sources were pushed to their limits in an effort to build the hardware and equipment needed to exploit the new, emerging energy sources.
Berte suggested a similar Catch-22 could plague even the most utopian of new technologies or energy sources that may one day derive from UAP.
Another speaker, former Secretary of Defense for Intelligence official Chris Mellon, expressed similar worries about social unrest, economic turmoil and a possible international arms race that could follow further revelations on the UAP topic.
At one point, Mellon floated the possibility that 'disclosure' might change the behavior of UAP and whatever is controlling them, because they no longer have an incentive to hide and remain clandestine.
He worried further about how governments might overreact, causing an aggressive response from UAP and their alleged occupants.
Nevertheless, he described himself as in favor of further UAP disclosure.
Since helping leak three unclassified UFO videos to the New York Times in 2017 — sightings that remain unexplained to this day — Mellon has spearheaded efforts to compel the US government to investigate UFOs more seriously and more openly.
The former DoD official challenged the idea that the measured 'controlled disclosure' described by Col. Nell could occur at all, attributing the current state of affairs to similar principled stands by activist-insiders.
In fact, Mellon said that he had recently spoken with someone still within the Defense Department and that more revelations and more high-resolution images were coming soon.
'The US government is working on a declassification guide,' Mellon said, 'So with that there will be better imagery to be publicly released soon.'
'Maybe not 100 percent in focus,' he added, 'but better imagery.'
An alert was issued by security forces after the UFO sighting was reported from the northeastern state of Manipur at about 2.30pm local time.
The Indian Air Force (IAF) also halted flight operations at state capital Imphal’s Bir Tikendrajit International Airport for several hours.
The object “was visible with bare eyes”, an unnamed official from one of India’s federal police agencies reportedly said.
“IAF activated its Air Defence response mechanism based on visual inputs from Imphal airport,” said a post on X by the IAF. “The small object was not seen thereafter.”
Indian authorities have not revealed specific details of their investigation of the UFO sighting.
A video on social media showed a small white dot on the skyline near the airport. The Independent could not verify the authenticity of the video.
Rafale fighter jets were dispatched to investigate the object from the Hashimara airbase in the eastern state of West Bengal.
“Soon after information about the UFO near the Imphal airport was received, a Rafale fighter aircraft from a nearby airbase was scrambled to go and search for the UFO,” a defence official was quoted as saying by news agency ANI.
The jet returned and another one was later sent to investigate.
Reports said the second fighter jet also returned without finding any evidence of a UFO.
The fighter jets were equipped with advanced sensors and carried out low-level flying over the suspected area near the airport, but didn’t find anything suspicious.
“The UFO was visible with bare eyes moving westwards of the airfield [at the Imphal airport] till 4 pm,” an official from India’s Central Industrial Security Force was quoted as saying by news agency PTI.
Investigation operations took several hours and flights at the Imphal airport resumed operations only after 5.30pm on Sunday, after authorities received clearance from the IAF.
Two flights were diverted from the airport and three departing flights were delayed before operations were allowed to resume.
The sky has always been a source of wonder and mystery, sparking curiosity and countless questions. One of the most fascinating and elusive topics in this realm is that of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). Recent years have seen a resurgence in UFO sightings, bringing with them a renewed interest and a barrage of questions: Are we alone in the universe? What are these mysterious objects? This article delves into the world of UFO sightings, exploring the latest developments and the ongoing quest to understand these enigmatic occurrences.
Recent Surge in UFO Sightings:
In recent years, UFO sightings have moved from the realm of conspiracy theories to a subject of legitimate inquiry. The US government’s acknowledgment of the existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) and the release of several declassified videos by the Pentagon have added credibility to these sightings. Videos showing high-speed objects with no visible means of propulsion have intrigued not only the public but also the scientific community.
The Tic Tac Incident:
One of the most famous UFO sightings in recent history is the 2004 USS Nimitz encounter, commonly referred to as the “Tic Tac” incident. This sighting involved a radar-visual encounter by several Navy pilots, who observed a 40-foot long, tic-tac-shaped object performing maneuvers seemingly impossible with current human technology. This incident, captured on advanced infrared systems, remains unexplained and continues to be a significant point of reference in UFO discussions.
The Role of To The Stars Academy:
In bridging the gap between these mysterious sightings and the public, organizations like To The Stars Academy have been instrumental. Founded by notable figures such as Luis Elizondo, the former head of AATIP, and supported by experts from various fields, the organization aims to research and publicize information about UFO phenomena.
Scientific Interest and Research:
The scientific interest in UFO sightings has escalated recently. Researchers are now approaching the subject with a new level of seriousness, analyzing data and looking for patterns that could provide insights. The goal is not just to prove or disprove the existence of extraterrestrial life but to understand the physics and technology behind these sightings.
Governmental Disclosure:
The shift in the government’s stance on UFO sightings is notable. With the release of classified documents and videos, there is a newfound transparency that encourages further investigation and public discourse. This openness is a significant step towards demystifying the phenomenon and potentially understanding the technology behind these sightings.
Ancient Aliens: UFO Secrets Hidden by the Government?! (Special)
The exploration of UFO sightings opens up a universe of possibilities and questions. While the truth behind these sightings remains elusive, the ongoing investigations, both by governmental agencies and private organizations, promise to shed light on these mysterious occurrences. Whether these sightings are a result of advanced earthly technology or evidence of extraterrestrial visitations, the search for answers continues to captivate and intrigue us.
Alex Dietrich (Ret.) served as one of the nation’s first female strike-fighter aviators as a F/A-18 pilot from 2001-2020.
Yesterday, the President held a press conference on the issue of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) due to a flurry of recent activity.
The nation was captivated by a suspected Chinese reconnaissance balloon floated across the continental United States. This incident prompted NORAD and other U.S. agencies to adjust their radar scans. The filter changes have exposed more unidentified objects, and another three were shot down over the weekend. These events highlight a longstanding domain awareness gap confronting our collective consciousness on three fronts: military defense, aviation safety, and scientific inquiry.
Officials have since disclosed that the Chinese military had previously breached U.S. airspace on at least four other occasions. We are now aware of these earlier incursions due to political and popular pressure to investigate and disclose UAP activity.
“UAP” replaces the antiquated (and stigmatized) term “UFO” to describe “anything in space, in the air, on land, in the sea or under the sea that can’t be identified,” per the FY22 National Defense Authorization Act. The bipartisan-sponsored UAP amendment requires DoD to establish a dedicated UAP program and publish annual unclassified reports to Congress (and thus the public) in the hopes of answering interminable questions.
Are they a threat? Are they natural phenomena? Are they disruptive tech? Should we shoot them down? Who has jurisdiction? If we don’t know what it is, how can we establish who is responsible and pays for the surveillance, response, and subsequent operations? It’s a slippery slope that deters even a hesitant first step toward attempting an answer.
I started asking the same questionsnearly 20 years ago in an F/A-18F flying off the coast of California. My colleagues and I encountered something we could not explain: an anomalous flying object in broad daylight against a clear blue sky and calm waters. Our carrier strike group had been watching anomalous hits on the radar for days. Once airborne, we were vectored and asked to investigate. We merged and visually acquired the object, a matte white oblong shape with no apparent flight control surfaces, visible means of propulsion, or smoke trail. Yet it outmaneuvered us with ease. We communicated in real-time via radio and then debriefed the intelligence team and chain of command back aboard the ship. Another F/A-18F launched and managed to capture video of the object with its forward-looking infrared (FLIR). A screenshot of that video has since become an iconic symbol of UAP encounters.
The Nimitz encounter is one of many. Pilots and credible eyewitnesses on the ground for years have reported and verified objects with unknown provenance and exotic capabilities. It would be irresponsible to suggest that any or all of these reports represent the same tech or are of the same origin. They are, by definition, unidentified. But we do know that collectively these anomalies expose a blindspot in our ability to sense them in the first place, track them in real time, and predict where they might pop up next.
Are UFOs real? Yes. Are they a foreign adversary? Maybe. Are they extraterrestrial in nature? It’s possible. Should we keep investigating? Absolutely.
There are many potential answers to the UAP mystery, and those answers are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Truth is persistent. Whatever is happening here, it will be revealed. How quickly depends on our collective commitment to authorize and resource appropriate agencies who can effectively leverage sensor technology, capture crowdsourced reporting, and mine the collective data.
Despite persistent snickering, anytime the topic of UFOs is broached, NASA has managed to convene a committee of respected high-ranking representatives from the DoD, FAA, and academic institutions for an ongoing UAP study.
The Pentagon’s commitment has evolved from the small Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification (AATIP) program into the robust All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). Private industry is rising to the occasion with rapid innovation and agile solutions.
Alex Dietrich in the early 2000s in service with Strike Fighter Squadron 41 (VFA-41) also known as the “Black Aces”
(Credit: Alex Dietrich).
Enigma Labs is on the leading edge with a mechanism to systematically capture and analyze reporting at scale.
Congress has also made an impressive bipartisan push on the issue, with Senators Gillibrand (D-NY), Rubio (R-FL), Warner (D-VA), Graham (R-SC), Heinrich (D-NM), Blunt (R-MO), and Representative Gallagher (R-WI) speaking out to break the taboo and push agencies to cooperate and take UAP seriously.
The partnership between multiple objective parties, systematic data collection, and careful analytical methods will move us toward reporting and listening, away from ridicule and stigma. We can move the needle away from the unknown and toward the known.
Be vigilant. Stay curious. Look up. We have barely tasted the sky.
Lieutenant Commander Alex Dietrich (Ret.) served as one of the nation’s first female strike-fighter aviators as a F/A-18 pilot from 2001-2020. She logged more than 1,250 flight hours, 375 carrier-arrested landings, and was awarded a Combat Air Medal for 206 combat missions flown in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). She was also awarded a Bronze Star medal for a boots-on-ground deployment to Afghanistan in 2010. She has since taught leadership, ethics, and critical thinking at the George Washington University, U.S. Naval Academy, and now serves on the faculty of the University of Colorado School of Engineering in Boulder. Dietrich is an advocate for Legacy Flight Academy, a foundation that promotes diversity in aviation, and Wings for Val, supporting women in aviation.
White spherical UFO shut down airport in Manipur India
White spherical UFO shut down airport in Manipur India
A spherical, white unidentified flying object (UFO) recently led to the temporary shutdown of an airport in Manipur, India. According to reliable sources, the UFO was first spotted by the pilot of an Indigo flight scheduled for departure at approximately 2:20 pm. In response to this sighting, all flight operations were promptly suspended, and normal activities only resumed around 6 pm. The mysterious UFO remained visible until approximately 4 pm.
Bhaskar Salam, a passenger on the affected flight, recounted the confusion and uncertainty surrounding the situation. He expressed that he was unaware of the circumstances and was informed that the flight couldn't take off due to an unidentified object hovering in the sky. Flight operator officials, however, remained uncertain about the nature of the object.
Imphal West Superintendent of Police, Ksh Shivakanta Singh, shed light on the perplexing incident, stating that the object lingered in the sky for several hours, before disappearing without a trace. The mysterious nature of the UFO has left both authorities and witnesses puzzled, with no conclusive explanation for its presence or sudden disappearance.
Crashed Ship On Mars With Pilot Sitting Near It, Nov 19, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Date of discovery: Nov 19, 2023 Location of discovery: Mars New source: I was going through this Mars Gigapan photo and noticed so
Crashed Ship On Mars With Pilot Sitting Near It, Nov 19, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
I was going through this Mars Gigapan photo and noticed some really odd object that just jumped out at me. These things really scream out "created by intelligent life." The most interesting of them all were both a ship and a sitting pilot near the craft. The ship had balanced sides and it has a rectangle open door at its back. The pilot is sitting down, knowing he was about to die, looked off into the distance where his loved ones were, maybe a planet far away or maybe just far off on Mars. The pilot has a suit on, and his helmet is open where the visor would be.
I also found some other objects, giant heads, long structures, a crushed disk, and a hollow caved in orb. I can only dream what I could accomplish if NASA gave me control of the rover for a month.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Credo Mutwa’s Alien Encounters in African Lore
Credo Mutwa’s Alien Encounters in African Lore
In the realm of extraterrestrial encounters and ancient folklore, few figures stand out as vividly as Credo Mutwa, a South African Zulu shaman. His accounts, deeply rooted in African culture and laced with the enigma of alien contact, present a fascinating tapestry of interstellar narratives.
The Mantidines: An Enigmatic Presence
Central to Mutwa’s experiences are the Mantidines, beings that merge the features of Greys and Mantis-like creatures. These entities are not just visually striking, with their black eyes and snake-like irises, but also carry a unique, unforgettable odor. Mutwa’s description paints a vivid image of beings that are as mysterious as they are intimidating. Their name, derived from a word meaning to mistreat and abuse, hints at their ominous nature, especially in their interactions with human beings.
Chitauri: The Underground Reptilians
The Chitauri, described as intelligent, aggressive reptilian beings, add a darker hue to Mutwa’s alien tapestry. Residing in subterranean realms, these creatures are tied to rituals of human sacrifice and blood-drinking, echoing ancient human fears of the underworld. The Chitauri’s characteristics resonate with global myths of lizard-like entities, suggesting a universal archetype embedded in human consciousness.
Wasungu: The Pre-European Visitors
The Wasungu, described as white-skinned aliens arriving in boomerang-shaped spacecraft, challenge conventional history. According to Mutwa, their presence in Africa predates European exploration, hinting at a forgotten epoch of alien-human interaction on the African continent. This narrative invites us to ponder the possibility of ancient, advanced civilizations and their extraterrestrial connections.
A Future Connection
Perhaps most intriguing is Mutwa’s theory that these aliens, especially the Mantidines, originate from our future rather than outer space. This hypothesis posits that their intimate interactions with humans, such as the capability to impregnate Earth women, signify a connection that transcends extraterrestrial origins. Mutwa suggests these beings are our descendants, embittered by the legacy of our actions, and seeking retribution for our future transgressions.
Credo Mutwa On Alien Secrets
Credo Mutwa’s stories blend traditional African folklore with the mysterious realm of alien encounters. They serve not just as a record of extraterrestrial contact but also as a mirror reflecting our fears, hopes, and the timeless quest for understanding our place in the cosmos. His narratives challenge us to look beyond the stars and within ourselves, exploring the depths of human experience and its potential connection to the vast universe.
India: UFO Alert at Imphal Airport: Mysterious Object in the Sky Halts Flights and Sparks Intrigue!
India: UFO Alert at Imphal Airport: Mysterious Object in the Sky Halts Flights and Sparks Intrigue!
The Unfolding of a Mystery in the Skies of Imphal
On a seemingly ordinary Sunday, the skies of Imphal, Manipur, bore witness to an extraordinary event. The Bir Tikendrajit International Airport became the epicenter of intrigue and curiosity as it experienced what many might call a scene from a sci-fi movie: a UFO sighting.
The Sight that Halted Flights
It was around 2:30 PM, a time typically bustling with the day-to-day activities of an airport. However, the routine was abruptly disrupted when an unidentified flying object was spotted hovering above the airport. This sighting was not a fleeting glimpse; the UFO remained visible, intriguing and mystifying onlookers, until around 4 PM.
A Coordinated Response
The response to this unprecedented event was swift and systematic. The Indian Air Force (IAF) was promptly alerted, and they activated their air defense mechanisms, a testament to the seriousness with which such sightings are regarded. The airport’s airspace was temporarily sealed off, and flight operations were suspended, affecting hundreds of passengers. The aerial anomaly prompted the diversion of incoming flights and the delay of departures, as safety and security took precedence.
The Human Side of the UFO Encounter
Beyond the mechanics of the airport’s operations and the strategic responses, there lies the human element. Passengers, some en route to destinations like Guwahati and Kolkata, found themselves part of an unexpected adventure. Their accounts provide a personal touch to the incident, transforming it from a mere news item into a shared human experience.
The Quest for Understanding
As with most UFO sightings, the incident at Imphal Airport sparked a flurry of questions. What was this unidentified object? Why did it appear, and where did it go? The Directorate General of Civil Aviation, in collaboration with the IAF, launched an investigation, delving into the mystery that had unfolded in the skies.
A Global Phenomenon in a Local Context
UFO sightings have always captured the human imagination, transcending geographical boundaries. From the famous Roswell incident to the numerous sightings reported worldwide, these mysterious occurrences continue to fascinate and perplex us. The Imphal incident adds to this global tapestry of unexplained aerial phenomena.
The UFO sighting in Imphal is more than an isolated event; it’s a reminder of the vast, uncharted territories of our knowledge. As we continue to gaze at the skies with wonder and curiosity, such incidents serve as a nudge to the mysteries that lie beyond our understanding. The skies of Imphal may have returned to normalcy, but the questions remain, fueling our quest for answers in the endless expanse above.
Bizarre aerial objects are usually considered an American phenomena, but new imagery shows two over the north of England. A 'concerned citizen', who wishes not to be named, has described sightings of the unidentified flying objects ( UFOs ) from her back garden in Stockport.
The first, described as looking like a square or triangle, had a hazy appearance and was changing shape and 'darting around the sky'. Meanwhile, the second object – a much brighter white in colour and 'shaped like a Tic Tac' – kept vanishing and reappearing.
One of the most famous and unusual UFOs to date, spotted by the US Navy in 2004, was the floaty white oblong similar to the breath mint. 'The triangular one was so strange, it looked like it was made of metal with a dark hole in the centre,' the citizen told MailOnline. 'The Tic Tac one was cool too, it kept getting brighter then disappearing and coming back.'
The two 'questionable' objects, which were sighted by the resident over separate nights in the first week of October, left her feeling 'concerned'. Nick Pope, a UFO expert formerly with the UK's Ministry of Defence, said the images and the story behind them are 'fascinating' but couldn't identify the aerial entities. 'It's not possible to discern much about this sighting from the photos alone,' Pope told MailOnline. 'Any mention of a Tic Tac-shaped object performing unusual manoeuvres is particularly intriguing given the US Navy sightings of such objects.'
Another British UFO researcher, Philip Mantle, said they could be 'conventional' objects such as drones or something else fairly explainable. 'One thing that is cropping up a lot of late are lights from the ground, usually an outdoor attraction of some kind,' he told MailOnline. 'These huge spot lights reflect off the low cloud. 'They look different when viewed from different angles and can look very spectacular. I've looked at lots of alleged UFO photos down the years and most turn out to be something conventional. I see no reason why these photos should not be something conventional but they are such poor quality.'
According to the Defence and Security Media Advisory (DSMA) Committee, the matter falls under the remit of UK Space Command, who MailOnline has contacted for comment. UFO stands for 'unidentified flying object' and so the term doesn't necessarily describe an object with an extraterrestrial origin.
A recent Pentagon document revealed the typical UFO has a round shape, usually described as spherical or an orb, with a white or silver colour, often translucent.
Based on what we know from reported sightings between 1996 and 2023, other UFO shapes include rectangle, oval, triangle, disk, cylinder, square and even polygon.
Meanwhile, 16 per cent have been described as having lights, although in many cases this may have been due to their reflective qualities. The Pentagon has also released a hotspot map that reveals the location of reported UFO sightings, including Japan and the Middle East. Read the full story:
The universe, in its vast expanse, holds mysteries that have long captivated human imagination. One such enigma revolves around the existence of extraterrestrial life and Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). The Joe Rogan Experience, a platform known for delving into a plethora of topics, has not shied away from exploring this fascinating subject. The podcast has hosted a diverse range of discussions, weaving a tapestry of theories and anecdotes that spark curiosity and debate.
The Historical Context of UFO Sightings
The phenomenon of UFO sightings is not a recent development. Historical accounts, such as the remarkable sighting post the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, suggest that such occurrences have been intertwined with pivotal moments in human history. This correlation posits a theory that nuclear advancements on Earth might have piqued extraterrestrial interest, leading to increased UFO activity. It raises the question: Are we under cosmic surveillance?
The Science and Skepticism
Prominent figures like Neil deGrasse Tyson bring a scientific skepticism to the UFO discourse. Tyson’s perspective, rooted in the need for empirical evidence, challenges enthusiasts to differentiate between the unexplained and the unexplainable. His approach underlines the importance of substantiating extraordinary claims with extraordinary evidence. Yet, this skepticism does not negate the possibility of alien life but rather calls for a rigorous scientific method in its pursuit.
The Government and Secret Knowledge
The possibility that governments might possess secret knowledge about extraterrestrial beings adds a layer of intrigue to the UFO narrative. The discussions on the podcast touch upon the alleged governmental programs dedicated to UFO research and the potential of advanced technology derived from extraterrestrial sources. This shadowy aspect brings forth questions about the ethics and implications of withholding such profound information from the public.
Personal Encounters and Theories
Personal accounts and theories add a human dimension to the UFO conversation. From Jackie Gleason’s rumored UFO house inspired by an alleged encounter, to Bob Lazar‘s controversial claims about Area 51, these stories blend the lines between personal experience and folklore. They serve as a reminder of the profound impact that the prospect of alien contact can have on the human psyche.
The Cultural Impact
The cultural impact of the UFO phenomenon is undeniable. From influencing pop culture to shaping public opinion, the idea of extraterrestrial visitors has left an indelible mark on human culture. It reflects our innate desire to explore the unknown and the existential quest to understand our place in the cosmos.
18 Craziest Alien Theories In Joe Rogan History
The Joe Rogan Experience, through its eclectic mix of guests and topics, has contributed significantly to the ongoing dialogue about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. While the truth about these phenomena remains elusive, the discussions highlight the human yearning to explore the unknown and the importance of approaching such profound questions with an open mind and a scientific temperament. As we gaze into the night sky, the mysteries of the universe continue to captivate and inspire, reminding us that we are part of a much larger, more mysterious cosmos.
Which Presidents Have Seen UFOs? Yep, It’s More Than One.
Which Presidents Have Seen UFOs? Yep, It’s More Than One.
A wild history of Oval Office obsession with the biggest conspiracy theory of the modern era.
Early in Ronald Reagan’s second term, he asked his Soviet counterpart a seemingly off-the-wall question. Ostensibly, he and Mikhail Gorbachev had come to Lake Geneva for an arms control summit. But on a private walk around the lake, Reagan turned to his Cold War enemy and said:
‘What would you do if the United States were suddenly attacked by someone from outer space? Would you help us?’” Gorbachev later recounted. “I said, ‘No doubt about it.’ He said, ‘We too.’ So that’s interesting.”
To the U.S. president, the question was an opportunity to recognize a shared desire to protect humanity on Earth, a species that might very well succumb to the horrors of nuclear war. But his reference to aliens as a possible shared enemy wasn’t as random as it might sound. Reagan was a lifelong fan of science fiction and he’d had an encounter with a UFO while riding in plane in the 1970s.
Reagan, it turns out, wasn’t the only president who has had a more than passing interest in the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
For the past half-century, almost every president has come to office pledging — publicly or privately — to get to the bottom of UFOs. Ever since the modern UFO age began during Harry Truman’s administration, presidents have nosed around hoping to find the truth. In 1947 and 1948, waves of “flying saucer” sightings captured the public imagination — the Pentagon feared they represented not aliens but secret Soviet spacecraft built by kidnapped Nazi rocket scientists — and as the sightings increased month and month, Truman’s own interest piqued. One afternoon in 1948, Truman summoned his military aide, Col. Robert Landry to the Oval Office and “talked about UFO reports and what might be the meaning for all these rather way-out reports of sightings, and the subject in general,” Landry recalled. “All manner of objects and things were being seen in the sky by people.”
Truman told Landry that he hadn’t given much serious thought to the reports, but was worried about the possibility of new and underestimated threats. “If there was any evidence of a strategic threat to the national security,” the president said, “the collection and evaluation of UFO data by Central Intelligence warranted more intense study and attention at the highest government level.” Moving forward, he wanted a quarterly oral report from Landry and the Air Force on whether any of the UFO sightings presented any real danger. Over the rest of Truman’s presidency, Landry regularly provided the briefings, but as he later recalled in an oral history, “Nothing of substance considered credible or threatening to the country was ever received from intelligence.” But the sightings never fully went away and solid explanations never materialized. Truman himself eavesdropped on Landry as he phone-banked Air Force officers in an unsuccessful search of answers to a wave of UFO sightings over the capital region in 1952.
The problem — and puzzle — of UFOs would continue to confound many of Truman’s successors, right up to modern times. As the 42nd president of the United States, Bill Clinton’s framed portrait hung in nearly every government office across the country — and at least one imaginary one in Hollywood: the office of FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner, the fictional boss of special agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, the protagonists of The X-Files. As millions tuned in every Friday night on Fox to watch the criminal profiler Mulder and medical doctor Scully work to uncover the truth about extraterrestrials, circling ever closer to an alien invasion, Clinton’s very real administration also found itself repeatedly considering the possibility of life “out there.”
Like his Oval Office predecessors, the former Arkansas governor had expressed interest in aliens as soon as he had taken the oath of office. When Webb Hubbell, Clinton’s longtime friend, started as the associate attorney general, Clinton gave him specific marching orders: “Webb, if I put you over at Justice, I want you to find the answers to two questions for me. One, who killed JFK? And two, are there UFOs?” (“He was dead serious,” Hubbell later wrote in his memoir. “I had looked into both, but wasn’t satisfied with the answers I was getting.”)
As the years passed, Clinton’s interest in UFOs — and, specifically, the idea that the government wasn’t leveling with the American people about what it knew — never seemed far from his mind. Responding to a question from a child named Ryan during a 1995 trip to Ireland, he said, “No, as far as I know, an alien spacecraft did not crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947,” and then quipped, “and Ryan, if the United States Air Force did recover alien bodies, they didn’t tell me about it, either, and I want to know.”
Yet despite such consistent presidential curiosity and interest across generations and the 80-year history of modern UFOs, only once have two UFO-spotting presidential believers run against each other — that would be Reagan and Jimmy Carter in 1980 — and only once has a president’s interest in UFOs helped to change the course of world geopolitics. Having established some unlikely common ground with Gorbachev during their lakeside stroll, Reagan was able to negotiate nuclear arms reduction treaties that significantly altered an arms race that threatened humanity.
‘It was obviously there, and obviously unidentified’
Jimmy Carter spotted his UFO while waiting for a Lions Club event to start on Jan. 6, 1969. The Lions Club was one of the most important networks of Carter’s life — he’d followed his father into the service group and risen in its ranks by 1969 to be a district governor, in charge of about 56 clubs in southwestern Georgia, a network that provided him important visibility as a rising politician and one that he’d credit later for stoking his ambition to run for governor in the first place.
That January night it was about 7:15 p.m., just after dark on what weather records would describe as a clear, cold night, and he was standing outside a little one-story restaurant in Leary, Ga., a town of less than a thousand residents, with a group of about a dozen other men waiting for their meeting to start at 7:30 when a bright approaching light attracted their attention.
One of Carter’s club colleagues pointed to the horizon, “Look, over in the west!” The men watched a bright light appear to come toward them and then move rapidly away. “It was about 30 degrees above the horizon and looked about as large as the moon. It got smaller and changed to a reddish color and then got larger again,” Carter recalled. At various times, the luminous object appeared more blue, other times more reddish. He estimated the object was perhaps 300 to 1,000 yards away, set against the star-filled night sky, and the group watched it for about 10 to 12 minutes before it seemed to move away and disappear for good. Carter had a tape recorder that night and, as he explained later, captured some of his colleagues’ memories of the incident immediately.
Some four years later, Carter, then Georgia governor and set to run for the presidency, documented his UFO sighting. Hayden Hewes, the director of the ambitiously named International UFO Bureau, had heard that Carter had seen something suspicious and sent him the group’s standard questionnaire at the state capitol in Atlanta. Carter dutifully filled out the details, noting his previous military service in the U.S. Navy and his training in nuclear physics. He was no crackpot — and it was technically a UFO, albeit he believed not likely to be an alien spacecraft. Carter speculated that the UFO “was probably an electronic occurrence of some sort,” but the governor told Atlanta Constitution reporter Howell Raines, “it was obviously there, and obviously unidentified.”
In the 1970s, many wrote off Carter’s sighting as confusion over the appearance of the particularly bright planet Venus in the night sky — a standard phenomenon that accounts for a large percentage of UFO sightings — but to more trained observers, it seemed unlikely that the Naval Academy-trained Carter, who would have known celestial navigation through and through, would be confused by a planet. The mystery persisted: What had he seen?
It wasn’t until 2016 that a researcher finally solved Carter’s sighting and proved him correct — in fact, he was only off by a few minutes and the sighting would have appeared at the almost precise location in the sky he’d recorded. That year, former Air Force scientist Jere Justus read Carter’s description and knew almost instantly what the future president had seen: a high-altitude rocket-released barium cloud.
Justus had worked in the 1960s on Air Force and NASA atmospheric studies that involved releasing clouds of barium to study winds in the upper atmosphere. At twilight and just after dark, the particle clouds can give off a green or blue glow as the barium becomes electrically charged in the atmosphere. As Justus dug into the records, he found that just such an experiment had been launched from Eglin Air Force Base in Florida’s Panhandle at 6:41 p.m., with the rocket rising into the sky and releasing three different clouds of barium at various heights, through about 7:09 p.m. The clouds — rising and growing rapidly in brightness — would have been visible from Leary about 150 miles away.
“The rapid growth in apparent cloud size and brightness, followed by the subsequent diminishment in both size and brightness, could easily be interpreted by an observer as an ‘object’ first approaching and then receding,” Justus wrote.
He knew from his own experience how to someone unfamiliar with the characteristics of a barium cloud, the rocket launches could appear to be objects moving closer and further away in the dark — and could even appear as almost nearby despite being a hundred kilometers up in the sky. Justus recalled an incident from one of his own experimental launches in the early 1960s: “An Atlanta woman saw a sodium vapor trail, launched one evening from Eglin AFB, about 600 km distant. She viewed the cloud through the bare branches of a deciduous tree, then called a local Atlanta TV station to report that a “UFO had landed in a tree at the end of her street’!”
Carter, as it turns out, might be the only president to run twice against fellow UFO viewers. He was the Democratic presidential nominee against two Republican challengers — incumbent Gerald Ford in 1976 and then California Gov. Ronald Reagan in 1980 — and both men had had their own experiences with UFOs. Ford led a congressional investigation into strange sightings in his home state of Michigan in the 1960s, and Reagan had encountered a UFO while flying in a Cessna Citation near Bakersfield, Calif., in 1974.
Reagan’s pilot that night, Bill Paynter, later recounted noticing a strange object several hundred yards behind their plane. “It was a fairly steady light until it began to accelerate. Then it appeared to elongate. Then the light took off. It went up at a 45-degree angle at a high rate of speed. Everyone on the plane was surprised,” he said. “The UFO went from a normal cruise speed to a fantastic speed instantly. If you give an airplane power, it will accelerate — but not like a hot rod, and that’s what this was like.”
Reagan was wowed: “It went straight up into the heavens.”
As Carter campaigned in ’76 against Ford, he promised he would open up the nation’s UFO secrets. “One thing’s for sure, I’ll never make fun of people who say they’ve seen unidentified objects in the sky,” he pledged in his original presidential campaign. “If I become president, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists.”
But, once in the Oval Office, Carter never followed up on his pledge. Whatever the government was hiding would stay hidden.
‘Here come the little green men again’
Four years later, when Reagan defeated Carter, his presidency ended up being fundamentally shaped by the intersection of UFOs and American culture. For much of his life, Reagan had been fascinated by science fiction and dramas of the skies, seeing the stories not so much as fiction but as a road map to the outer bounds of human imagination and future utopias. He loved the drama and mystery of the Kennedy-era space race, and the novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs about a Martian warlord named John Carter. His service in World War II had brought him into the motion picture unit of the Army Air Forces, and later as an actor, he’d starred in countless films focused on military operations, as well a couple of science fiction-oriented productions, including Murder in the Air, in which he played a government agent who is asked to impersonate a dead spy in order to destroy a U.S. Navy dirigible and stop a death ray.
Now, upon his election to the presidency in 1981, he had pulled together a space advisory council that included leading sci-fi writers, a team he’d kept in place even after the presidential transition was complete, and governed through anecdotes and experiences from movies. He had long loved the message of the 1951 invasion movie The Day the Earth Stood Still, that the nations of the world could set aside their difference and unite against a common foe. In the heady postwar era, he’d even joined the United World Federalists, a North Carolina-based utopian group that advocated for a single peaceful global government.
Such feelings of hope and optimism were sorely needed, as the Soviet Union appeared to be on the downslide, and fears of a nuclear war caused out of desperation persisted. Despite a hawkish first few years in office, Reagan had quickly intuited that in the nuclear age, as Armageddon loomed, the heroes were no longer the warriors — the heroes were the peacemakers. The Cold War, he realized, was like a Western — two quick-draw gunslingers facing off at high noon, but he knew that both would fall in any shoot-out. There would be no hero left standing once the ICBMs launched. Peace, instead, was the heroic option. And he wanted very much to be the hero on the global stage, just as he’d long been on screen. In 1983, influenced in part by his emotional reaction to a TV movie called The Day After that depicted the fallout of a nuclear Armageddon in graphic visuals, the president began a campaign for a new missile defense system called the Strategic Defense Initiative that was quickly nicknamed, pejoratively, “Star Wars.”
Reagan would also use the analogy about an alien attack in a speech to the United Nations, saying, “Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?” (Reagan’s frequent references to the alien invasions did not sit well with all his staff. According to Reagan biographer Lou Cannon, National Security Advisor Colin Powell “would roll his eyes and say to his staff, ‘Here come the little green men again.’”)
For Reagan, that stretching of the imagination — the intersection in a thought experiment of UFOs, Hollywood, and geopolitics — was just the nudge he needed to help push the Cold War toward a conclusion and the world toward a safer path.
‘We don’t know exactly what they are’
In the years since Reagan, his successors have continued to wonder what, if anything, is up there in the sky.
Most recently, in 2021, former President Barack Obama spoke about the mystery — what the government by then called UAPs, unidentified anomalous phenomenon — telling late night host James Corden, “When I came into office, I was like ‘All right, is there the lab somewhere where we’re keeping the alien specimens and spaceship?’ And you know, they did a little bit of research and the answer was ‘no.’ But what is true — and I’m actually being serious here — is that there’s footage and records of objects in the skies that we don’t know exactly what they are. We can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern.”
It was a remarkable statement and one that hinted at how long-standing — and real — the mystery of UFOs was, even to commanders in chief who, presumably, would have had access to answers if there were ones.
Misschien is dit verhaal voor de meeste mensen onbekend, maar het heeft gedurende tientallen jaren grote belangstelling gewekt bij ufo-experts en -toeschouwers.
Het echtpaar beweert dat ze in de nacht van 19 september 1961 een verblindend licht zagen terwijl ze over Route 3 naar huis reden. Ze dachten aanvankelijk dat het een vallende ster was.
Het echtpaar reed in Lincoln, New Hampshire. Nadat ze de auto hadden stilgezet en een verrekijker hadden gepakt om het vreemde object (dat geen vallende ster was) nader te bekijken, besloten Betty en Barney Hill weer op de weg te gaan. Het ruimteschip raasde achter hen aan en kwam steeds dichterbij.
Het echtpaar herinnerde zich dat ze door de ramen ongeveer tien mensachtige figuren zagen. Barney Hill beweert dat deze wezens door middel van telepathie met hen communiceerden.
De gebeurtenis vond plaats toen het vermeende ruimteschip in de buurt van de auto neerkwam. Bij het zien van de wezens herinnert Barney Hill zich dat hij in angst terug naar het voertuig rende en schreeuwde dat ze hen wilden vangen.
Terug in de auto startte Barney de motor weer en probeerde weg te rijden. Het echtpaar vertelt dat ze op dat moment een vreemde reeks ritmische piepgeluiden hoorde.
Eenmaal thuis bekroop hen echter een vreemd gevoel en merkten ze ongewone dingen op: kleine scheurtjes in Betty's jurk, een scheur in de riem van Barney's verrekijker en gaten in zijn schoen.
Het raarste wat ze merkten was dat ze een hiaat hadden in de rit naar huis. Ze herinnerden zich niets meer van een stuk van ongeveer 56 km van de reis direct na de ontmoeting. De herinnering aan wat ze gezien hadden was zo gefragmenteerd dat ze niet konden samenvoegen wat er gebeurd was.
Twee jaar na deze gebeurtenis ging het echtpaar naar een therapeut die regressieve hypnotherapie uitvoerde om hen te helpen zich de gebeurtenissen van die nacht te herinneren. Inmiddels hadden ze ingezien dat ongeveer twee uur uit hun geheugen was verdwenen.
Na veel regressieve hypnosesessies konden Betty en Barney Hill reconstrueren wat er gebeurd was. Ondanks dat ze tijdens de sessies gescheiden waren, kwamen hun versies van de gebeurtenissen aardig overeen.
In de aftiteling van de films beweert de regisseur dat het verhaal gebaseerd is op een reeks archiefstukken van de Amerikaanse luchtmacht. De Hills hadden zich onmiddellijk na het incident tot de autoriteiten gewend.
Onder hypnose vertelden Betty en Barney Hill hun therapeut dat de aliens hen hadden ontvoerd. Ze werden meegenomen naar hun ruimteschip en onderworpen aan proeven en experimenten.
Volgens de Hills namen de tweevoetige aliens met grijze huid en uitpuilende ogen haar- en weefselmonsters van verschillende lichaamsdelen met gereedschap dat leek op spuiten.
Betty en Barney Hill herinnerden zich dat de aliens hen, nadat ze verschillende monsters hadden verzameld, vrijlieten, waarna hun bewuste geheugen werd uitgewist.
Betty Hill slaagde er ook in een sterrenkaart te reconstrueren die de herkomst van de aliensaangaf. Uit deze reconstructie concludeerden deskundigen dat het ging om sterrensysteem Zeta Reticuli in het zuidelijke sterrenbeeld Raster, 39,2 lichtjaar van de aarde.
De zaak Hill was een van de eerste gevallen van gedocumenteerde ufo-waarnemingen. De archieven van de New Hampshire University bewaren nog steeds alle documenten en geluidsopnamen die tijdens de hypnosesessies en interviews zijn gemaakt.
In de laatste aflevering van een docuserie over de gebeurtenissen onthulde de therapeut die het stel behandelde zijn visie. Hij concludeerde dat hun vermeende ontmoeting met aliens te maken had met de vermeende sociale druk die ze ervaarden als interraciaal koppel, iets wat in een tijd slecht werd gedragen. De show, genaamd 'Ufo', werd in 2021 uitgezonden door streamingdienst 'Showtime,' zoals gemeld door
Dezelfde therapeut beweert dat hij zes maanden later van gedachten veranderde en concludeerde dat het echtpaar de waarheid sprak, zoals uit een fragment van de docuserie blijkt.
'Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience'
Barney Hill overleed in 1969, slechts acht jaar na het incident, maar zijn vrouw Betty overleed pas in 2004. Haar leven lang heeft ze uitgebreid gevochten om hun verhaal en het bestaan van aliens te bewijzen. Haar nicht, Kathleen Marden, schreef in 2007 een boek over haar tante: 'Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience'.
Of het waar is of niet, één ding is zeker: het verhaal van Barnie en Betty Hill blijft een mijlpaal voor de ufologische gemeenschap en een van de fascinerendste verhalen over waarnemingen van aliens.
Het universum verbergt veel mysteries. Een daarvan is of er intelligent leven aanwezig. Het volgende verhaal suggereert dat dit inderdaad het geval is en onthult daarnaast dingen die nog angstaanjagender zijn.
Volgens het boek 'The Expanding Case for the UFO' van Morris K. Jessup (een aan de University of Michigan opgeleide astronoom) heeft de Amerikaanse marine een experiment uitgevoerd dat bekend zou worden als het 'Philadelphia Experiment'.
Vermeend getuige van het incident was marinier Carl Allen. Hij beweerde eveneens te hebben gezien dat enkele bemanningsleden dood waren, versmolten met de scheepsromp.
Volgens zijn unificatietheorie ('theorie van alles'), zou een elektromagnetisch apparaat hiervoor verantwoordelijk kunnen zijn. De VS wilde oceaan kunnen oversteken zonder dat het door de vijandelijke schepen waargenomen zou worden.
Volgens het History Channel, zou Einstein een experiment hebben ontwikkeld waarbij een sterk elektromagnetisch veld werd geïnstalleerd op het schip dat het 'onzichtbaar' zou maken voor radars en mijnen. Maar beweerd wordt dat het experiment een heel ander effect had.
De film 'The Philadelphia Experiment' is gebaseerd op het verhaal en werd uitgebracht in 1984. Jaren later zou de film opnieuw voor controverse zorgen.
Alfred Bielek kwam met nieuwe getuigenverklaringen en claimde dat de film hem zijn ervaringen tijdens het experiment opnieuw deed beleven. Volgens hem werden ze niet alleen naar een andere plek geteleporteerd, maar hebben ze ook door de tijd gereisd.
Door de ophoping van zoveel energie zou er volgens Bielek een doorgangsportaal in de ruimte zijn ontstaan door welke UFO's naar onze planeet zouden kunnen komen.
Alfred Bielek ging zelfs verder en zei dat de Amerikaanse marine hier niet alleen weet van had, maar dat het eveneens een buitenaards wezen gevangen had weten te nemen.
Zij die niet in deze samenzweringstheorie geloven wijzen op objectieve feiten die het weerspreken. Voor hen die er wel in geloven, zijn de antwoorden op het marineschip zelf te vinden.
Volgens de verslagen is er geen buitengewone activiteit waargenomen en er is ook geen document dat kan bevestigen dat het schip in Norfolk is aangemeerd.
Het vliegtuig Natilus Kona, met een gemengde vleugel en momenteel uitgebreide tests in Californië, zal een versie hebben met nul koolstofemissie dankzij een samenwerking met het bedrijf Zeroavia.
Het is gepland dat de demonstrator Kona de grootste commerciële drone ter wereld zal worden. Met een spanwijdte van 26 meter wordt verwacht dat hij al in 2024 zal vliegen.
Als op afstand bediende vrachtdrone is hij ontworpen om te opereren op landingsbanen van maximaal 800 meter lang en zal hij in staat zijn om 3,8 ton aan nuttige lading over een afstand van maximaal 1.667 km in één vlucht te vervoeren wanneer hij wordt bediend met conventionele verbrandingsmotoren.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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