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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
JOANNA GILLAN Ten Incredible Underwater Discoveries That Have Captured Our Imagination
Ten Incredible Underwater Discoveries That Have Captured Our Imagination
Out of all the amazing archaeological discoveries made each and every day around the world, my favorites have got to be those that emerge from the depths of the ocean. I think there is something about the underwater world that captures our imagination – perhaps it is the curiosity and intrigue about what else may lie beneath the surface, or the idea that entire cities may be hidden on the ocean floor, out of sight and out of reach. Fortunately, underwater discoveries are not always out of reach and every year more incredible findings are made thanks to advancing technology in the field of marine archaeology. Here we present ten remarkable marine discoveries that have captured our imagination.
1. Artifacts Retrieved From Site of First Ever Ancient Naval Battle
In November, 2013, archaeologists announced the recovery of a treasure trove of artifacts off the coast of Sicily from the site of the first ancient naval battle ever discovered, including battering rams, helmets, armor and weapons dating back 2,000 years.
Roman helmet from the Battle of the Egadi Islands.
They are the remnants of the Battle of the Egadi Islands - the last clash from the first Punic War which took place in 241 BC – in which the Romans fought the Carthaginians in a battle that culminated from more than 20 years of warring as the Romans struggled to gain a foothold in the Mediterranean Sea. While the Carthaginians were much more powerful on the water, the Romans lay in wait trapping the Carthaginians and blocking off their sea route in a sudden attack. Up to 50 Carthaginian ships were sunk, killing up to 10,000 men. The Roman victory set them on the road for Europe-wide domination. The priceless horde of artefacts had lain undisturbed on the seabed at a depth of 100 meters (328.08 ft) for more than two millennia.
2. 2,000-Year-Old Intact Roman Medicinal Pill Found In Submerged Shipping Vessel
In June, 2013, a team of Italian scientists conducted a chemical analysis on some ancient Roman medicinal pills discovered in the Relitto del Pozzino, a 2000-year-old submerged shipping vessel which sank off the coast of Tuscany, revealing what exactly the ancient Romans used as medicine.
A front, profile, and rear view of one of the medicinal tablets.
The Roman shipwreck lay near the remains of the Etruscan city of Populonia, which at the time the ship foundered was a key port along sea trade routes between the west and east across the Mediterranean Sea. The Relitto del Pozzino was excavated by the Archaeological Superintendence of Tuscany throughout the 1980s and 90s, revealing a variety of fascinating cargo including lamps originating in Asia minor, Syrian-Palestinian glass bowls, bronze jugs, ceramic vessels for carrying wine and, of particular interest, the remains of a medicine chest containing a surgery hook, a mortar, 136 wooden drug vials and several cylindrical tin vessels, one of which contained five circular medicinal tablets. The tin vessels had remained completely sealed, which kept the pills dry, providing an amazing opportunity to find out exactly what substances were contained within them. The results revealed that the pills contain a number of zinc compounds, as well as iron oxide, starch, beeswax, pine resin and other plant-derived materials. Based on their shape and composition, scientists have suggested that the tablets were used as a type of eye medicine.
3. Incredible Discovery Of Boat Wreck In Croatia Dated To 3,200 Years
In March 2014, marine archaeologist and researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France, Giulia Boetto, announced the incredible discovery of a boat wreck in Zambratija Cove, Croatia, which was just dated to 1,200 BC. The unique and rare finding is a Bronze Age sewn boat, a type of wooden boat which is literally sewn together using ropes, roots, or willow branches.
Wreck of Zambratija, Istria. Observations on the hull.
The boat measures 7 meters (22.96 ft) in length and 2.5 meters (8.20 ft) in width and is a sewn boat, which was a technique of shipbuilding practiced in the Adriatic until the Roman era. The remains of the boat found in Zambratija Cove are incredibly well-preserved for its age, with stitching still visible in some areas and the frame largely undamaged. The different types of wood used to construct it have been identified as elm, alder, and fir, and tree ring dating is currently underway, which will provide the date the tree was cut to the nearest year. Ms. Boetto said that they hope to finalize a 3D model of the boat and, eventually, a complete reconstruction.
4. Elongated Skulls Found In Maya Underwater Cave
In January, 2014, a flooded sinkhole in southern Mexico that terrifies local villagers was explored by underwater archaeologists, who found the submerged cavern littered with elongated skulls and human bones. The underwater cavern, known as Sac Uayum, is a cenote located in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula.
A cenote is a natural pit resulting from the collapse of limestone bedrock that exposes groundwater underneath. They were sometimes used by the ancient Maya for sacrificial offerings. Local legend says that the mysterious cavern is guarded by a feathered, horse-headed serpent. Older residents of the nearby village of Telchaquillo tell stories of people seeing the serpent perching in a tree, leaping up, spinning around three times, and diving into the water. From the first day of diving archaeologists discovered that there may be a very real reason why the villagers fear the place. It appears something terrible took place there and perhaps knowledge of this was passed down over the centuries leading to the development of myths and legends. The team identified more than a dozen human remains. The bones bear no marks that would indicate cause of death, so the people probably weren't sacrificed. According to the researchers, the elongated skulls were intentionally flattened during infancy, a practice that archaeologists are still seeking answers for.
5. Swedish Divers Find 11,000-Year-Old Underwater Relics
Swedish divers made a unique and rare discovery in the Baltic Sea – Stone Age artifacts left by Swedish nomads dating back 11,000 years. Researchers uncovered a number of remnants that are believed to have been discarded in the water by Swedes in the Stone Age, objects which have been preserved thanks to the lack of oxygen and the abundance of gyttja sediment, which is sediment rich in organic matter at the bottom of a eutrophic lake.
It is extremely rare to find evidence from the Stone Age so unspoiled. Buried 16 meters (52.49 ft) below the surface, the team uncovered wood, flint tools, animal horns and ropes. Among the most notable items found include a harpoon carving made from an animal bone, and the bones of an ancient animal called aurochs, the ancestor of domestic cattle, the last of which died off in the early 1600s. Archaeologists are continuing the dig, and are now particularly interested to see whether there is also an ancient burial site in the region.
6. Mysterious 10,000-Year-Old Underwater Ruins In Japan
On the southern coast of Yonaguni, Japan, lie submerged ruins estimated to be around 10,000 years old. The origin of the site is hotly debated - many experts argue that is man-made, while more other scientists insist it was carved out by natural phenomena.
The unique and awe-inspiring site was discovered in 1995 by a diver who strayed too far off the Okinawa shore and was dumb-struck when he stumbled upon the sunken arrangement of monolithic blocks "as if terraced into the side of a mountain". The site consists of huge stone blocks which fit together perfectly, right angled joins, carvings and what appear to be stairways, paved streets, crossroads and plazas. Despite the unusual features displayed at Yonaguni, there remains some scientists, such as Geologist Robert Schoch of Boston University, who have studied the formation and who are adamant that the large blocks formed naturally as a result of tectonic movement.
7. The Controversial Underwater Structures Of Zakynthos
In June 2013, Greek archaeologists announced an amazing finding – an ancient underwater city in the gulf of Alykanas in Zakynthos, Greece. According to the Underwater Antiquities Department, the discovery included huge public buildings, cobblestone paving, bases for pillars and other antiquities. Of particular significance were the 20 stone pillar bases, all of which feature a “34 cm diameter incision”, which were probably meant for wooden columns. Preliminary observations led to the conclusion that the remains belonged to a large ancient public building, probably belonging to an important settlement in the ancient city’s port. However, in a strange twist, a study released in December claimed that the ‘artifacts’ are not remnants of an ancient city at all, but simply a unique natural phenomenon.
Disc and doughnut-shaped structures appeared to be architectural remnants of a city, but scientific analysis showed the formations to actually be a naturally occurring geological phenomenon.
8. The Perfectly Preserved Ancient Chinese Underwater City
The Lion City, otherwise known as Shi Cheng, is an ancient submerged city that lies at the foot of Wu Shi Mountain (Five Lion Mountain), located beneath the spectacular Qiandao Lake (Thousand Island Lake) in China. Officials have taken a renewed interest in the sunken city since discovering it in February 2014, that despite more than 50 years underwater, the entire city has been preserved completely intact, transforming it into a virtual time capsule.
The Lion city in China, similar to the lost city of Atlantis.
The Lion City was built during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 – 200 AD) and was once the center of politics and economics in the eastern province of Zhejiang. But in 1959, the Chinese government decided a new hydroelectric power station was required - so it built a man-made lake, submerging Shi Cheng under 40 meters (131.23 ft) of water. The Lion City lay undisturbed and forgotten for 53 years, until Qiu Feng, a local official in charge of tourism, decided to see what remained of the city under the deep waters. He was amazed to discover that, protected from wind, rain, and sun, the entire city complete with temples, memorial arches, paved roads, and houses, was completely intact, including wooden beams and stairs.
9. The 5,000-Year-Old Sunken City In Southern Greece
In the Peloponnesus region of southern Greece there is a small village called Pavlopetri, where a nearby ancient city dating back 5,000 years resides. However, this is not an ordinary archaeological site, the city can be found about 4 meters (3.12 ft) underwater and is believed to be the oldest known submerged city in the world. The city is incredibly well designed with roads, two story houses with gardens, temples, a cemetery, and a complex water management system including channels and water pipes.
In the center of the city, was a square or plaza measuring about 40x20 meters ( 131.23 x 65.61 ft) and most of the buildings have been found with up to 12 rooms inside. The design of this city surpasses the design of many cities today. The city is so old that it existed in the period that the famed ancient Greek epic poem ‘Iliad’ was set in. Research in 2009 revealed that the site extends for about 9 acres and evidence shows that it had been inhabited prior to 2800 BC. Scientists estimate that the city was sunk in around 1000 BC due to earthquakes that shifted the land. However, despite this and even after 5,000 years, the arrangement of the city is still clearly visible and at least 15 buildings have been found. The city’s arrangement is so clear that the head of the archaeological team, John Henderson of the University of Nottingham, and his team, have been able to create what they believe is an extremely accurate 3D reconstruction of the city.
The underwater remains and the digitally reconstructed pillars and walls of one of the buildings.
10. Ancient Egyptian city of Heracleion - on the border between myth and reality
The city of Heracleion, home of the temple where Cleopatra was inaugurated, plunged into the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Egypt nearly 1,200 years ago. It was one of the most important trade centers in the region before it sank more than a millennium ago. For centuries, the city was believed to be a myth, much like the city of Atlantis is viewed today. But in 2001, an underwater archaeologist searching for French warships stumbled across the sunken city. After removing layers of sand and mud, divers uncovered the extraordinarily well preserved city with many of its treasures still intact including, the main temple of Amun-Gerb, giant statues of pharaohs, hundreds of smaller statues of gods and goddesses, a sphinx, 64 ancient ships, 700 anchors, stone blocks with both Greek and Ancient Egyptian inscriptions, dozens of sarcophagi, gold coins and weights made from bronze and stone.
The team discovered a sunken statue of a pharaoh on the Mediterranean sea floor near the great temple of ancient Heracleion.
The Greek historian Herodotus (5th century BC) told us of a great temple that was built where the famous hero Heracles first set foot on to Egypt, and was named after him. He also reported of Helen of Troy’s visit to Heracleion with her lover Paris before the Trojan War. More than four centuries after Herodotus’ visit to Egypt, the geographer Strabo observed that the city of Heracleion, which possessed the temple of Herakles, is located straight to the east of Canopus at the mouth of the Canopic branch of the River Nile. However, until its discovery, Heracleion was just a place of legends.
Top image: Divers studying various underwater discoveries.
Senior military and intelligence personnel have consistently reported the presence of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in proximity to locations linked to nuclear power, weaponry, and technology across the United States for the past 75 years.
However, the U.S. is not the only country in which unknown aerial objects have been observed, and sometimes close to sites of national security significance.
“Canadians report seeing UFOs in the sky at a rate of 3 times a day,” says Chris Rutkowski, a Canadian ufologist and media expert. “There are about 1,000 UFO reports filed in Canada every year, and the number remains high.”
However, amidst this extensive reporting of the phenomena, another question arises: where are the official Canadian records involving UAP observed near nuclear power facilities?
Now, The Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF), a national and non-partisan charity with the mission to defend constitutionally protected rights and freedoms, is supporting a Canadian freelance investigative journalist, Daniel Otis, in his effort to appeal a decision made by Ontario Power Generation (OPG), involving the denial of access to records pertaining to UAP detected at or near nuclear power plants in Canada.
Daniel Otis’s UAP investigations, reporting on UAP activity, and social-political commentary on the topic have been extensively published in national outlets such as CTV News and Motherboard. Through his reports, Otis plays a vital role in enhancing Canadians’ understanding of how government agencies are addressing these enigmatic phenomena.
In support of his investigative work, Otis has submitted over 200 requests under federal and provincial freedom of information laws to various Canadian agencies, including the Department of National Defense, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and the Royal Canadian Air Force. Historically, these agencies have nearly always provided the records requested with information that poses a security risk redacted.
“For more than two years, I have used freedom of information requests to uncover case files, procedures, and briefing material about unidentified objects and lights in Canadian airspace,” Otis says. “While this might seem outlandish at first, I have obtained thousands of pages of relevant material, including 70 years of reports from Canadian pilots, soldiers, and police officers.”
Last year, OPG turned down Otis’s inquiry under Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act (FIPPA) for the supply of records concerning Unidentified Aerial Phenomena identified near Ontario’s nuclear power plants.
Otis launched the request based on an anonymous tip he received. Even though the existence of records was acknowledged, OPG initially refused to provide the copies, insisting on an exemption within FIPPA. This exemption states that records need not be disclosed if their revelation could reasonably be expected to seriously threaten an individual’s safety or health.
On March 2, 2023, during a meeting of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Natural Resources, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) officials were asked by Committee Vice-Chair and Member of Parliament Larry Maguire if the government shared any information it had on UAP or drone reports from nuclear power facilities throughout the country.
“The CNSC can report that there have been no reported drone intrusions or attempted intrusions at Canadian high-security nuclear facilities,” wrote Kathleen Heppell-Masys, Director General Directorate of Security and Safeguards, in a response on March 11.
She added that “All CNSC licensees, including operators of high-security sites such as nuclear power plants and Chalk River Laboratories, are required as conditions of their licenses and under NSC regulations to report on any attempted or actual breaches of security, or attempted or actual acts of sabotage at their sites. This requirement applies to any actual or attempted intrusion of the facilities by ‘drones’ including autonomous, semi-autonomous, and remotely piloted aircraft systems.”
“The excessive secrecy is absurd,” House of Parliament Member Larry Maguire told The Debrief. “It is my sincere hope the Chief Science Advisor’s Sky Canada Project will include specific recommendations on how information can be released into the public domain for further study and investigation.”
“By making information publicly available, it will help scientists and researchers analyze the data and cross reference it with other open-source material. We also need to see a scientific plan and best practices the government could adopt,” Maguire said.
Maguire told The Debrief that he had made his own inquiries about UAP sightings near Canadian nuclear facilities, to which officials provided lackluster responses.
“When I originally asked questions about incidents near nuclear facilities at the Natural Resources Committee, it was clear the department did not have a plan on how to investigate occurrences. Even though the Deputy Minister, who is now the Clerk of the Privy Council, said they would be willing to work with their American counterparts, I have seen no information to suggest it is happening.”
“It should also be noted the department said they had no records of incidences, while OPG is now willing to go to great lengths not to comply with this access to information request.”
After Otis appealed the decision to Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC), OPG raised several other dubious reasons that it cannot provide even redacted records. The reasons the cited include the constitutional division of powers, the federal Nuclear Safety and Control Act, and other related regulations.
However, OPG’s interpretation of the law is incorrect, as illustrated by the decision of New Brunswick Power, which is governed by the same constitution and federal regime as OPG, to provide Otis with records of UAP sightings at or near its nuclear plant.
“How many UAPs are associated with nuclear sites? It’s actually hard to say,” Rutkowski told The Debrief.
“I was asked a few years ago for a list of UAP near Canadian nuclear sites and it was quite long. But the problem is how to define a nuclear site and what does ‘near’ or ‘over’ one mean?”
One example Rutkowski gives is his Canadian UFO Survey, which he says now has almost 25,000 reports in it spanning more than three decades. “If we search the database for a specific location, such as Pickering, where a nuclear energy generating station is located, we get more than 50 reports! So in one sense, UAP are definitely associated with nuclear sites.”
“Since Pickering is near large population centers and is on an airline flight path, someone in southern Ontario who sees a UAP in the direction of Pickering might only see a light in the general area, not really directly over the nuclear site,” Rutkowski says. “The same is likely true for Chalk River, Bruce Point, etc.
“So, it might also be that UAP are only incidentally associated with nuclear sites.”
Rutkowski says that he has been told of security officials at nuclear sites that have observed unusual aerial phenomena, although such reports “are not routinely reported to me or to civilian organizations so it’s hard to say what they might be. I’d have to say that from experience, many would turn out to be misidentified aircraft or astronomical objects.”
“Nevertheless, I think that Otis’s requests should be given due consideration and that he should have access to UAP reports filed by security personnel working a nuclear sites,” Rutkowski said.
“Ontario’s freedom of information law is clear that the public has a right to access information from public institutions and exemptions must be limited and specific,” says CCF counsel Josh Dehaas.
“Mr. Otis has been more than reasonable in his request,” Dehaas adds. “He simply wants those parts of the documents that are not exempt from disclosure so that he can do his job and inform the public about the UFOs that have been reported at or near OPG’s nuclear plants.”
Presently, Otis is urging Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner to order and oversee the release of redacted records in this case.
“Ontario Power Generation, a multi-billion-dollar provincial Crown corporation, has put the weight of their legal team into fighting my request,” Otis said.
“By simply redacting and releasing records, we could achieve a reasonable outcome that protects sensitive personal and security-related information while providing important data that researchers and the public can use to help unravel the enduring mystery of sightings like these.”
Requests for a comment were sent to Ontario Power Generation by The Debrief, but no responses had been recieved from the company as of the time of publication.
Chrissy Newton is a PR professional and founder of VOCAB Communications. She hosts the Rebelliously Curious podcast, which can be found on The Debrief’s YouTube Channel. Follow her on X: @ChrissyNewton Or
EXCLUSIVE: CIA's secret office has conducted UFO retrieval missions on at least NINE crash sites around the world, whistleblowers reveal
EXCLUSIVE: CIA's secret office has conducted UFO retrieval missions on at least NINE crash sites around the world, whistleblowers reveal
The Office of Global Access (OGA) - a wing of the CIA - has played a central role in collecting alien spacecraft since 2003, sources tell
At least nine 'non-human craft' have been recovered by the US government – some wrecked from a crash, and two completely intact
The CIA has a 'system in place that can discern UFOs while they're still cloaked' and special military units are sent to salvage the wreckage, sources said
A secretive CIA office has been coordinating the retrieval of crashed UFOs around the world for decades, multiple sources told
One source said that at least nine apparent 'non-human craft' have been recovered by the US government – some wrecked from a crash, and two completely intact.
Three sources briefed on those alleged top secret operations told that the Office of Global Access (OGA), a wing of the Central Intelligence Agency's Science and Technology Directorate, has played a central role since 2003 in orchestrating the collection of what could be alien spacecraft.
The three sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity to avoid reprisals, have all been briefed by individuals involved in those alleged UFO retrieval missions.
Though the shocking claims sound like they come from a science fiction novel, they are part of a growing body of evidence suggesting the US government could indeed be hiding advanced vehicles that were not made by humans.
The Office of Global Access - a wing of the CIA - has played a central role in collecting alien spacecraft since 2003, sources tell
David Grusch - a former high-ranking intelligence official – is one of three military whistleblowers who testified under oath about UFOs. Grusch claims he has evidence of secret programs involving technology far surpassing the US's capabilities
In July Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer co-sponsored a bill to allow disclosure of 'recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence'
The same month, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer sponsored an extraordinary bill to allow disclosure of 'recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence' – which has now passed in the Senate.
Sources who spoke to shed light on how the CIA has allegedly coordinated the secret recovery and storage of these alleged crashed or landed UFOs.
Late CIA expert Jeffrey Richelson wrote in his 2016 book, The US Intelligence Community, that the Office of Global Access helped provide 'worldwide collection capability'
'There's at least nine vehicles. There were different circumstances for different ones,' one source briefed by UFO program insiders told 'It has to do with the physical condition they're in. If it crashes, there's a lot of damage done. Others, two of them, are completely intact.'
The source said the CIA has a 'system in place that can discern UFOs while they're still cloaked,' and that if the 'non-human' craft land, crash or are brought down to earth, special military units are sent to try to salvage the wreckage.
Another source with knowledge of the OGA's role said that they specialize in allowing the US military to secretly access areas around the world where they would usually be 'denied' – for example behind enemy lines.
'They are basically a facilitator for people to get in and out of countries,' the source said. 'They are very clever at being able to get anywhere in the world they want to.'
Multiple sources briefed on the OGA's activities told that most of its operations involve more conventional retrieval missions, such as stray nuclear weapons, downed satellites or adversaries' technology.
But they claimed some missions coordinated by the OGA have involved retrieval of UFOs.
'The task at hand is simply to get it into custody and protect the secrecy of it,' one source said. 'The actual physical retrieval is by the military. But it's not kept under military control, because they have to keep too many records. So they start moving it out fairly quickly into private hands.'
Documents published by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in December 2016 showed that the OGA was one of 56 offices in the CIA, with its chief and deputy making up two of a total 286 director-level officials in the spy agency.
An unclassified organizational chart published by the CIA in October 2015 lists the OGA among nine offices in the 'Science and Technology' wing of the agency.
Late CIA expert Jeffrey Richelson wrote in a 2016 book on the agency that the OGA was established in 2003, and cited a CIA description that it 'integrate[s] analysis, technology, and tradecraft to attack the most difficult targets, and to provide worldwide collection capability.'
Doug Wolfe helped set up the CIA's Office of Global Access in 2003 and served as its deputy director. He managed 'unwarned access programs that deliver intelligence from the most challenging denied areas' according to a short biography published by a conference he attended in 2017
Schumer's bill requires all government agencies to turn over evidence of any 'recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence' to a panel of experts, who can then choose to make the information public
One source claimed at least nine 'non-human craft' have been recovered by the US government – some wrecked from a crash, and two completely intact. A 3D rendering of a UFO
Wolfe's bio cryptically adds that he 'was responsible for leading and managing strategic, unwarned access programs that deliver intelligence from the most challenging denied areas' and 'served as program manager with responsibility for the end-to-end system acquisition of an innovative new source and method for the IC [Intelligence Community].'
Two sources told that the OGA coordinates with Special Operations Forces such as SEAL teams or Delta Force under the Pentagon's Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), or nuclear weapons experts such as the Nuclear Emergency Support Team (NEST), to collect the crashed or landed craft.
But another source, who has briefed members of Congress on alleged crash retrievals, said that NEST had not been involved in any of these operations.
A spokesperson for the agency also denied involvement.
'[NEST] personnel encounter materials from unknown origins on a regular basis,' a spokesperson said. 'In fact, one of NEST's missions is to help determine the origin of nuclear material interdicted outside of regulatory control or used in a nuclear device.
'During its operations, NEST has never encountered any material related to UAP.'
In a written statement, a JSOC spokesperson told 'We have nothing for you on this.'
A former SEAL team member told that they had been on operations coordinated by the CIA to retrieve high-value stray enemy weapons, and that they knew of colleagues who had been on similar operations where they recovered technology that appeared highly advanced – though not necessarily out-of-this-world.
'Absolutely that happens,' the ex-SEAL said. 'Even ordinance or a weapon that we've never seen, we recover and bring it back.'
One source said that the Air Force Special Operations Command's 24th Special Tactics Squadron, based at Pope Field Army Airbase in North Carolina, has also been involved in securing areas for UFO crash retrievals.
Sources said the CIA office then often hands the wreckage or material over to private aerospace contractors for analysis, where it is not subject to rigorous government audits and can be shielded with protections for trade secrets.
'The CIA is the portfolio manager or owner of the UAP [Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena] crash retrieval operation,' one source, who has shared their information with Congress, told
'The Department of Energy national labs are materials analysis contractors whenever recovered radioisotopes are involved but not always just radioisotope materials. The aerospace-defense industry are also contractors that specifically do not handle any recovered radioisotopes, but they handle the other non-radioactive material – and intact craft.'
Multiple sources said that many of the people involved in these programs may not even realize they are dealing with non-human craft, due to the intense security and compartmentalization of information in such top secret programs.
UFO whistleblower David Grusch appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast on Wednesday, repeating his claims of a secret US government program that is hiding crashed 'non-human' UFOs
In an interview on Wednesday with podcaster Joe Rogan, whistleblower David Grusch gave an example of engineers in the Manhattan Project of the 1940s not realizing they were working on fuses for the atom bomb that would eventually be dropped on Japan.
Late Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told the New Yorker in 2021 that top defense company Lockheed Martin was one of the private contractors holding potentially alien wreckage.
'I was told for decades that Lockheed had some of these retrieved materials,' he said.
As majority leader, Reid was one of the 'Gang of Eight', a select group of top lawmakers given access to the country's most closely held secrets too sensitive to share widely in Congress.
But even he was denied access to these alleged programs, he told the magazine.
'I tried to get, as I recall, a classified approval by the Pentagon to have me go look at the stuff. They would not approve that. I don't know what all the numbers were, what kind of classification it was, but they would not give that to me.'
Reid helped set up a new UFO investigation office in the Pentagon in 2008 to probe the regular encounters US military pilots and other armed forces members had with strange objects in the sky and sea.
In June, former top intelligence officer Grusch came forward with claims that while working for the Pentagon's UFO office he discovered the US had a secret program trying to glean new technology from multiple 'non-human' craft it had obtained, dating as far back as the 1930s.
The former National Reconnaissance Office staffer's claims were deemed 'urgent and credible' by the Intelligence Community Inspector General, whom Grusch says he gave documents evidencing his story, and introduced to around 40 witnesses involved in the alleged 'reverse engineering' UFO programs in July 2021.
The OGA is one of 56 offices in the CIA, according to documents published by the National Archives in 2016
The Office of Global Access sits inside the CIA's directorate of Science and Technology, one of five directorates at the agency according to a 2015 unclassified organizational chart
Earlier this year Senate Intelligence Committee ranking member Marco Rubio told TV news station NewsNation that he had spoken to some of these 'first-hand' program insiders, who allegedly worked to glean new technology from potentially alien captured craft.
'There are people that have come forward to share information with our committee over the last couple of years,' Rubio said in the June 26 interview.
'Some of these people still work in the government. A lot of them are very fearful. Fearful for their jobs, fearful for their clearances, fearful of their career. Some of them are fearful of harm coming to them.
'Most of these people, at some point or maybe even currently, have held very high clearances and high positions within our government.
'Some of these claims are things that are beyond the realm of what any of us has ever dealt with.
'If it's even partially true, then somebody's broken the law. There's been some violations. Because these things have to be disclosed to Congress.'
Top lawmakers appear to be taking seriously the claims of UFOs hidden in secret bunkers.
Senate leader Schumer co-sponsored a bill to create a review board with presidential-level powers, with the aim of uncovering and disclosing any non-human craft or even bodies, held by the US government.
Earlier this year Senate Intelligence Committee ranking member Marco Rubio said that he had spoken to some of these 'first-hand' program insiders, who allegedly worked to glean new technology from potentially alien captured craft
Senate leader Schumer co-sponsored a bill to create a review board with presidential-level powers, with the aim of uncovering and disclosing any non-human craft or even bodies, held by the US government
It requires all government agencies to turn over evidence of any 'recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence' to a panel of experts, who can then choose to make the information public.
The Senate has voted in favor of Schumer's bill. If passed in the House of Representatives, it will be added as an amendment to the annual military spending bill for 2024.
'The American public has a right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence, and unexplainable phenomena,' Schumer said in a July press release announcing the amendment.
Missouri Republican congressman Eric Burlison, part of an informal caucus of lawmakers campaigning for greater transparency on UFOs, told that the sources' claims gave him and his colleagues a lead to follow in their investigations.
'These are the kind of specific programs we've been trying to get the names of,' he said. 'It's been so difficult because we can't get that information with specifics from Grusch or from the [Intelligence Community] Inspector General.
'I can't confirm it's true. But it certainly gives us a trail to follow.
'I think that if it does exist, even if they give us no information beyond that, I think we owe it to the world to disclose that.'
I found this interesting structure and it really looks similar to that of the UK Stonehenge site. Except this mini version on the moon has its top circle of stones still on it. The site measures about 75 meters across, I got that from NASA saying the crater is 1.6km across. It's really not that mini, actually larger than the one in the UK, but both unique and really captures our imagination about what both structures are used for.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
This day in UFO history: The Mysterious Todmorden Encounter – Unraveling the Alan Godfrey UFO Abduction Case
This day in UFO history: The Mysterious Todmorden Encounter – Unraveling the Alan Godfrey UFO Abduction Case
In the serene township of Todmorden, nestled within West Yorkshire’s enigmatic landscapes, a perplexing event unfolded that still captivates UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike. The date was November 28, 1980 – exactly 43 years ago, a night that would etch itself permanently in the annals of UFO history, all thanks to the experiences of one Police Constable, Alan Godfrey.
Godfrey, a respected officer, embarked on what seemed like a routine patrol. His mission was straightforward — investigate the peculiar reports of cattle roaming a local council estate. Little did he know that his night would turn into a subject of extraterrestrial speculation.
As Godfrey navigated the damp streets of Todmorden, his attention was drawn to an anomalous sight — a bright, diamond-shaped object, suspended eerily above the ground. This was no ordinary aerial phenomenon; it was silent, massive, and unlike anything he had ever encountered. Attempting to communicate with his station, Godfrey found his radio unresponsive, adding to the surreal nature of the moment.
The object, described as 20 feet high and 14 feet wide, seemed to be exerting a strange force, affecting the surrounding environment yet making no sound. Godfrey, maintaining his composure, sketched the object in his police notebook, a document that would later become a key piece of evidence in his extraordinary tale.
In a bewildering twist, Godfrey experienced what he later described as a “jump in time.” One moment he was observing the object, and the next, he found himself driving further down the road, unable to account for approximately 30 minutes of his time. This gap in memory, coupled with a split boot and an unexplained red mark on his foot, deepened the mystery.
The intrigue intensified under hypnotic regression. Godfrey recalled a beam of light that rendered him unconscious, followed by waking up in a strange room, surrounded by small beings and a humanoid figure. This narrative, extracted from the depths of his subconscious, painted a picture of a possible extraterrestrial encounter.
The aftermath of this incident was a whirlwind of media attention, skepticism, and personal turmoil for Godfrey. His account, though met with ridicule by some, was also backed by corroborating reports of strange lights by other officers and locals. The incident not only challenged the credibility of a respected police officer but also stirred a national conversation about the possibility of extraterrestrial visitations.
Years have passed since that fateful night in Todmorden, but the enigma of Alan Godfrey’s encounter remains undiminished. Was it a brush with the unknown, a misinterpretation of natural phenomena, or something else entirely? The Todmorden encounter, as it came to be known, continues to be a beacon for UFO researchers and enthusiasts, a reminder of the unfathomable mysteries that might lie beyond our understanding.
As we delve into the depths of the unknown, stories like Godfrey’s serve as compelling narratives, challenging our perceptions and inviting us to ponder the vast, unexplored frontiers of our universe.
In a remarkable disclosure during a recent House Oversight Committee hearing on national security, a past incident involving an unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) at Vandenberg Air Force Base was brought to light. This incident, dating back to 2003, has resurfaced in the public domain, shedding new light on the enigmatic world of UAPs.
The Unusual Sighting
According to the testimony presented by Ryan Graves, a retired Navy pilot and the founder of Americans for Safe Aerospace, a group of Boeing contractors working near a launch facility at Vandenberg Air Force Base witnessed an extraordinary event. They reported seeing a gigantic, red, square-shaped object, estimated to be about 100 yards in size. This object emerged from the direction of the ocean, hovering at a low altitude over the facility for approximately 45 seconds before vanishing over the nearby mountains. The time was recorded as approximately 8:45 a.m.
Subsequent Developments
Graves further revealed that within 24 hours of this sighting, there were additional reports of similar occurrences on the base. Some of these reports included descriptions of objects displaying seemingly aggressive maneuvers towards the base’s security personnel. These incidents were not isolated occurrences but were part of a documented pattern, as confirmed by the accounts and records shared by the witnesses with Americans for Safe Aerospace.
The Hearing and Its Implications
This intriguing account was part of a broader discussion during the House Oversight Committee’s hearing. The hearing, focusing on UAPs (formerly known as UFOs), featured testimonies from various individuals, including retired Major David Grusch and former U.S. intelligence officer David Fravor. While some details were withheld, the overall aim of the hearing, as stated by Representative Tim Burchett, was to promote government transparency in dealing with such phenomena.
Reflecting on the Incident
The Vandenberg sighting stands out for its peculiar characteristics and the credible nature of the witnesses involved. The detailed descriptions provided by the contractors, along with the documented evidence, offer a compelling case for further investigation into this and similar incidents. While the UAP phenomenon remains shrouded in mystery, such accounts continue to spark curiosity and demand attention from both the public and scientific communities.
As our understanding of these phenomena continues to evolve, the Vandenberg incident serves as a reminder of the vast unknowns still present in our skies. The pursuit of knowledge in this field remains a challenging yet fascinating endeavor, as each new sighting provides another piece to an ever-expanding puzzle.
De NASA heeft de indrukwekkende donkere nevel, officieel gecatalogiseerd als SH2-63 en LBN 86, in de ‘Astronomieafbeelding van de Dag‘ in de schijnwerpers gezet
Deze nevel, bijgenaamd de Pijlstaartrognevel vanwege zijn kenmerkende vorm, bestaat uit gas en stof in lichte bruine tinten.
De afbeelding, benadrukt door NASA, is vastgelegd door Vikas Chander, gedurende 20 uur belichting onder de donkere luchten van Chili.
Graancirkels: wat weten we over dit mysterieuze fenomeen?
In de jaren tachtig en negentig doken overal ter wereld graancirkels op, wat angst en intriges over hun oorsprong veroorzaakte. Deze cryptische patronen lijken de afgelopen jaren echter verdwenen.
Laten we de geschiedenis, feiten en theorieën verkennen over dit mysterieuze fenomeen dat een milieukunstvorm inspireerde. Klik door de galerij om aan de slag te gaan.
In de jaren 1960 waren er talrijke UFO-waarnemingen in Queensland, Australië. Mensen beweerden cirkels te hebben ontdekt in moerasriet en rietvelden. Eén zo'n voorval deed zich voor in 1966 toen een aanzienlijke cirkel werd gevonden in het riet van een moeras in Tully, Queensland.
Vergelijkbare vindplaatsen zijn gedocumenteerd in verschillende delen van Australië, zoals Tooligie Hill in South Australia in 1971 en Navarre in Victoria in september 1972.
De oorsprong van graancirkels gaat echter veel verder terug. In 1678 werd van een groep cirkels die in Hertfordshire waren ontdekt, gedacht dat ze het werk van de duivel waren, omdat het onmogelijk leek dat een mens ze had kunnen maken;
Er werden verschillende verklaringen voor hun ontstaan geopperd. Sommigen geloofden dat UFO's verantwoordelijk waren, terwijl anderen een onbekende vorm van energie, mogelijk paranormaal, voorstelden als de schepper.
Verder onderzoek wees uit dat graancirkels in het Verenigd Koninkrijk niet willekeurig verspreid waren. Ze verschenen vaak in de buurt van wegen, bewoonde gebieden en oriëntatiepunten zoals de historische steencirkels van Stonehenge en Avebury.
In 1990 begon een team wetenschappers, de zelfbenoemde "cerealogisten", aan een onderzoek om het mysterie rond deze formaties te ontrafelen. Ze sloegen een kamp op op een heuvel in Wiltshire, uitgerust met detectoren voor warmte, licht en geluid. Hun doel was om elk bewijs vast te leggen van een UFO of een buitenaardse entiteit die verantwoordelijk was voor het maken van de graancirkels.
Operatie Blackbird omvatte samenwerking met de BBC en er werd in het gebied gepatrouilleerd door functionarissen van het Ministerie van Defensie. In de tweede nacht registreerde de bewakingsapparatuur knipperende oranje lichten in het aangrenzende veld. De volgende ochtend werden twee grote cirkels met parallelle lijnen ertussen ontdekt.
Tijdens het onderzoek van de cirkels werden een bordspel en een houten kruisbeeld ontdekt in het midden van één ervan. Onderzoeker Colin Andrews accepteerde de mogelijkheid dat de knipperende oranje lichten waarschijnlijk werden veroorzaakt door de warmtehandtekening van een hoaxer.
Colin Andrews informeerde de pers dat hun onderzoek was gehinderd door een grap, wat een tegenslag veroorzaakte. Hij benadrukte de ernst van hun werk en benadrukte dat de grap van korte duur was.
Volgens berichten hebben samenzweringstheoretici gesuggereerd dat het leger het bedrog heeft uitgevoerd om de onderzoekers minder geloofwaardig te maken.
In 1991 schokten Doug Bower en Dave Chorley de wereld toen ze beweerden dat zij degenen waren achter de graancirkels, beginnend in 1978. Ze lieten het proces zien van het creëren van een graancirkel met behulp van basisgereedschap zoals een houten plank, een touw en een baseballpet met een lus van draad om een rechte lijn aan te houden.
Bower en Chorley verklaarden naar verluidt dat ze beïnvloed waren door de gebeurtenissen in Australië in de jaren 1960. Ze namen de eer op zich voor alle graancirkels in Groot-Brittannië vóór 1987 en voor meer dan 200 graancirkels van 1978 tot 1991.
De onthulling van de cirkels van Bower en Chorley in de jaren 1990 leidde tot een toename van het aantal graancirkels. In 2009 meldde het tijdschrift Smithsonian dat deze geometrische ontwerpen in de loop der jaren groter en ingewikkelder zijn geworden. Anonieme cirkelmakers hebben met hun creaties New Age toeristen aangetrokken.
Volgens de publicatie zijn er sindsdien wereldwijd op verschillende locaties graancirkels waargenomen. In Zuid-Engeland, waar de meeste activiteit plaatsvindt, richten de cirkelmakers zich op koolzaad-, gerst- en tarwevelden.
Er zijn echter sceptici die betwijfelen of graancirkels uitsluitend door mensen zijn gemaakt. Physics World onthult dat biofysici opgezwollen stengels hebben geïnterpreteerd als bewijs dat de gewassen werden blootgesteld aan microgolven toen de cirkels werden gevormd. Deze ontdekking heeft geleid tot gepatenteerde methoden om de groei van gewassen te versnellen.
Na de bekentenis van Bower en Chorley ontstond er een gepassioneerde discussie tussen degenen die geloofden dat mensen verantwoordelijk waren en degenen die beweerden dat hun bekentenis niet elke cirkel kon verklaren.
Studies gepubliceerd in 1999 en 2001 vonden bewijs van straling op gewassen in graancirkelformaties, wat een raadsel is voor degenen die de cirkels toeschrijven aan door mensen gemaakte houten plankontwerpen.
Andere incidenten hebben eenvoudiger verklaringen. In 2002 maakten mensen melding van graancirkels in de buurt van Pike Lake in Saskatchewan, Canada. Later werd echter bevestigd dat deze formaties in feite mesthopen waren die door een nabijgelegen boer waren weggegooid.
Ook de cirkels die in de jaren 1960 in Australië werden waargenomen, zouden kunnen worden toegeschreven aan wallaby's die opium consumeerden. Volgens rapporten betraden deze buideldieren papavervelden die voor medicinale doeleinden werden gecultiveerd, consumeerden ze overmatige hoeveelheden van de gewassen en bewogen ze zich vervolgens in cirkelvormige patronen.
The Incredible Saga of Pat Brown’s Ongoing Alien Abductions Since 1988!
The Incredible Saga of Pat Brown’s Ongoing Alien Abductions Since 1988!
In the realm of UFO sightings and extraterrestrial encounters, few stories resonate as profoundly as that of Pat Brown, an African American woman whose life took an extraordinary turn starting in 1988. Her experiences, marked by both fear and spiritual awakening, offer a unique perspective into the enigmatic world of alien encounters. This article delves into the remarkable journey of Pat Brown, whose experiences challenge the conventional boundaries of reality and open up a dialogue about the possibilities that lie beyond our understanding.
The Beginning of a Mysterious Journey
Living a routine life as a telephone operator in a bustling Los Angeles suburb, Pat Brown’s world was as ordinary as it could be until a visit to her friend Denise in Prescott, Arizona. Skeptical of paranormal phenomena, Pat’s perspective took a sharp turn during this trip. It was here, in Denise’s home, that Pat first encountered beings from another world. Described as slender, iridescent entities that glowed with a whitish hue, these beings entered her room through the walls, marking the onset of Pat’s extraordinary experiences.
A Transformational Encounter
The pivotal moment in Pat’s journey occurred on Christmas Eve of 1992. This encounter was far more intense than her previous experiences. She awoke to find her room filled with gray alien beings. They paralyzed and transported her aboard their spacecraft, an experience that was both terrifying and transformative. This abduction marked a significant shift in her life, leading her to abandon her job as a telephone operator and embark on a new path as a healing massage therapist.
The Spiritual Shift
Despite the fear and confusion brought on by these encounters, Pat’s story took an unexpected turn towards the spiritual. Following a series of abductions, she received a telepathic message offering a ball of golden light for healing. This experience marked a dramatic shift in her encounters, transforming them from episodes of fear to profound spiritual experiences. Pat’s journey suggests a deeper connection between alien encounters and personal spiritual growth.
Redefining the Narrative
Pat Brown’s story is more than just a series of alien encounters; it’s a narrative that challenges our understanding of the universe and our place within it. Her experiences prompt questions about self-exploration, the existence of other dimensions, and the deeper meaning of our existence. Additionally, Pat’s story addresses the misconception that alien encounters are exclusive to certain races, emphasizing that these experiences transcend racial boundaries.
A Journey of Enlightenment
Pat Brown’s experiences with extraterrestrial beings transform from encounters of fear to enlightening spiritual revelations. Her journey offers a unique insight into the unexplained phenomena of alien encounters, challenging us to think beyond our conventional understanding of reality. As we continue to explore the mysteries of the universe, stories like Pat Brown’s serve as a reminder of the endless possibilities that exist beyond the known world.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
NASA Uses Two Worlds to Test Future Mars Helicopter Designs
NASA Uses Two Worlds to Test Future Mars Helicopter Designs
This video combines two perspectives of the 59th flight of NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter. Video on the left was captured by the Mastcam-Z on NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover; the black-and-white video on the right was taken by Ingenuity’s downward-pointing Navcam. The flight occurred Sept 16. NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS
Engineers will go beyond the ends of the Earth to find more performance for future Mars helicopters.
For the first time in history, two planets have been home to testing future aircraft designs. On this world, a new rotor that could be used with next-generation Mars helicopters was recently tested at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, spinning at near-supersonic speeds (0.95 Mach). Meanwhile, the agency’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter has achieved new altitude and airspeed records on the Red Planet in the name of experimental flight testing.
“Our next-generation Mars helicopter testing has literally had the best of both worlds,” said Teddy Tzanetos, Ingenuity’s project manager and manager for the Mars Sample Recovery Helicopters. “Here on Earth, you have all the instrumentation and hands-on immediacy you could hope for while testing new aircraft components. On Mars, you have the real off-world conditions you could never truly re-create here on Earth.” That includes a whisper-thin atmosphere and significantly less gravity than on Earth.
The next-generation carbon fiber rotor blades being tested on Earth are almost 4 inches (more than 10 centimeters) longer than Ingenuity’s, with greater strength and a different design. NASA thinks these blades could enable bigger, more capable Mars helicopters. The challenge is, as the blade tips approach supersonic speeds, vibration-causing turbulence can quickly get out of hand.
To find a space big enough to create a Martian atmosphere on Earth, engineers looked to JPL’s 25-foot wide, 85-foot-tall (8-meter-by-26-meter) space simulator – a place where Surveyor, Voyager, and Cassini got their first taste of space-like environments. For three weeks in September, a team monitored sensors, meters, and cameras as the blades endured run after run at ever-higher speeds and greater pitch angles.
A dual rotor system for the next generation of Mars helicopters is tested in the 25-Foot Space Simulator at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory on Sept.15. Longer and stronger than those used on the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter, the carbon-fiber blades reached near-supersonic speeds during testing. NASA/JPL-Caltech
“We spun our blades up to 3,500 rpm, which is 750 revolutions per minute faster than the Ingenuity blades have gone,” said Tyler Del Sesto, Sample Recovery Helicopter deputy test conductor at JPL. “These more efficient blades are now more than a hypothetical exercise. They are ready to fly.”
At around the same time, and about 100 million miles (161 million kilometers) away, Ingenuity was being commanded to try things the Mars Helicopter team never imagined they would get to do.
Fourth Rock Flight Testing
Ingenuity was originally slated to fly no more than five times. With its first flight entering the mission logbook more than two-and-a-half years ago, the helicopter has exceeded its planned 30-day mission by 32 times and has flown 66 times. Every time Ingenuity goes airborne, it covers new ground, offering a perspective no previous planetary mission could achieve. But lately, Team Ingenuity has been taking their solar-powered rotorcraft out for a spin like never before.
“Over the past nine months, we have doubled our max airspeed and altitude, increased our rate of vertical and horizontal acceleration, and even learned to land slower,” said Travis Brown, Ingenuity’s chief engineer at JPL. “The envelope expansion provides invaluable data that can be used by mission designers for future Mars helicopters.”
Limited by available energy and motor-temperature considerations, Ingenuity flights usually last around two to three minutes. Although the helicopter can cover more ground in a single flight by flying faster, flying too fast can confuse the onboard navigation system. The system uses a camera that recognizes rocks and other surface features as they move through its field of view. If those features whiz by too fast, the system can lose its way.
So, to achieve a higher maximum ground speed, the team sends commands for Ingenuity to fly at higher altitudes (instructions are sent to the helicopter before each flight), which keeps features in view longer. Flight 61 established a new altitude record of 78.7 feet (24 meters) as it checked out Martian wind patterns. With Flight 62 Ingenuity set a speed record of 22.3 mph (10 meters per second) – and scouted a location for the Perseverance rover’s science team.
The team has also been experimenting with Ingenuity’s landing speed. The helicopter was designed to contact the surface at a relatively brisk 2.2 mph (1 mps) so its onboard sensors could easily confirm touchdown and shut down the rotors before it could bounce back into the air. A helicopter that lands more slowly could be designed with lighter landing gear. So, on Flights 57, 58, and 59 they gave it a whirl, demonstrating Ingenuity could land at speeds 25% slower than the helicopter was originally designed to land at.
All this Martian Chuck Yeager-ing is not over. In December, after solar conjunction, Ingenuity is expected to perform two high-speed flights during which it will execute a special set of pitch-and-roll angles designed to measure its performance.
“The data will be extremely useful in fine-tuning our aero-mechanical models of how rotorcraft behave on Mars,” said Brown. “On Earth, such testing is usually performed in the first few flights. But that’s not where we’re flying. You have to be a little more careful when you’re operating that far away from the nearest repair shop, because you don’t get any do-overs.”
More About Ingenuity
Ingenuity began its life at Mars as a technology demonstration. It first flew on April 19, 2021, hovering 10 feet (3 meters) for 30 seconds. Four more flights in as many weeks added 499 seconds and saw the helicopter flying horizontally over the surface for 1,171 feet (357 meters). After proving flight was possible on Mars, Ingenuity entered an operations demonstration phase in May 2021 to show how aerial scouting could benefit future exploration of Mars and other worlds.
The Ingenuity Mars Helicopter was built by JPL, which also manages the project for NASA Headquarters. It is supported by NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley and NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, provided significant flight performance analysis and technical assistance during Ingenuity’s development. AeroVironment Inc., Qualcomm, and SolAero also provided design assistance and major vehicle components. Lockheed Space designed and manufactured the Mars Helicopter Delivery System.
At NASA Headquarters, Dave Lavery is the program executive for the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter.
News Media Contacts
DC Agle Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. 818-393-9011
NASA Tests its Next-Generation Mars Helicopter Blades
Artist illustration of three solar-powered Mars helicopters from NASA: Ingenuity (upper right), along with the proposed design for Sample Recovery Helicopter to be use on the future NASA-ESA Mars Sample Return Mission (foreground) and a concept for a future Science Helicopter (upper center). (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
NASA Tests its Next-Generation Mars Helicopter Blades
While NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter continues to break records for both airspeed and altitude while it explores Jezero Crater on the Red Planet, NASA engineers back on Earth are hard at work testing carbon fiber blades for next-generation Mars helicopters that could exceed the performance of Ingenuity on future missions to Mars, specifically with the planned Mars Sample Return mission that NASA hopes to accomplish sometime in the 2030s.
“Our next-generation Mars helicopter testing has literally had the best of both worlds,” Teddy Tzanetos, who is the project manager for Ingenuity and manager for the Mars Sample Recovery Helicopters, said in an official NASA statement. “Here on Earth, you have all the instrumentation and hands-on immediacy you could hope for while testing new aircraft components. On Mars, you have the real off-world conditions you could never truly re-create here on Earth.”
These off-world conditions on Mars include surface atmospheric pressure and surface gravity that is less than one percent and one-third of Earth’s surface, respectively. It is because of this significantly reduced surface pressure that Ingenuity’s rotations per minute (rpm) are between 2,400 to 2,900 rpm to achieve flight on the Red Planet. This is significantly higher than on Earth, as helicopters typically only need 500 to 600 rpm to achieve flight.
The Ingenuity Mars Helicopter incorporates four carbon fiber blades organized into two counter-rotating rotors, meaning that rotate opposite to each other, spanning 1.2-meters (4-feet) across with the aforementioned rotating speed of between 2,400 to 2,900 rpm (rotations per minute). Additionally, Ingenuity also weighs in at approximately 1.8 kilograms (4 pounds) on Earth, but with Mars having approximately one-third the gravity Ingenuity weighs only 0.68 kilograms (1.5 pounds) on the surface of the Red Planet.
April 2021 video discussing the design and development of Ingenuity.
For the next-generation Mars helicopters, NASA engineers at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena are constructing blades that are slightly more than 10 centimeters (4 inches) longer than Ingenuity’s blades, along with exhibiting a separate design and increased strength, as well.
“We spun our blades up to 3,500 rpm, which is 750 revolutions per minute faster than the Ingenuity blades have gone,” Tyler Del Sesto, who is the Sample Recovery Helicopter deputy test conductor at JPL, said in an official NASA statement. “These more efficient blades are now more than a hypothetical exercise. They are ready to fly.”
One goal of these next-generation Mars helicopters could be on the joint NASA-ESA Mars Sample Return mission slated to occur sometime in the 2030s. This mission will encompass three parts: sample collection, sample retrieval, and a return mission. It is the sample retrieval mission that will involve the most equipment, including two Ingenuity-class helicopters tasked with collecting samples with a robotic arm that are currently being placed on the surface of Mars in Jezero Crater by NASA’s Perseverance rover.
These sample retrieval helicopters will vary in design from Ingenuity in that they are planned to have a set of four wheels used to drive to the sample upon landing a few meters from them. Upon retrieval, the helicopters will fly to the Sample Retrieval Lander (SRL), which will then load the samples into the Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV), which will launch the samples to low Martian orbit where they will return to Earth for analysis. Currently, Perseverance has collected a total of 23 samples with the goal of collecting 38 samples in the end.
Artist illustration of the various components that will comprise the Mars Sample Return mission, which is slated for the 2030s. These components include NASA’s Perseverance rover (lower left, and currently on Mars), Sample Retrieval Lander (far right), two Ingenuity-class helicopters, Mars Ascent Vehicle, and the Earth Return Orbiter. (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
As noted, Ingenuity continues to break records for both altitude and speed as it has completed a total of 66 flights as of this writing, which far exceeds the original plan of five flights over the course of a 30-day mission that began on April 19, 2021. Thus far, Ingenuity has achieved a maximum horizontal distance of 704 meters (2,309.71 feet), which it achieved on its 25th flight on April 3, 2022, and a maximum altitude of 24 meters (78.7 feet), which it achieved on its 61st flight on October 5, 2023.
How will these next-generation Mars helicopters help improve the science and engineering performed on the Red Planet in the coming years and decades? Only time will tell, and this is why we science!
UFO “whistleblower” David Grusch continued his so-called “disclosure” campaign, Tuesday, appearing on an episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience.”
Former Air Force intelligence officer-turned-ufology’s new poster child for UFO disclosure, David Grusch, seemed to tell everyone what they wanted to hear during his latest interview with Joe Rogan. From the early days of UFO recovery, to calling out Congressmen, and making wild claims of “variety” of alien bodies, Grusch really did hit every talking point required by the UFO community.
But was any of it real? For my money, probably not. It’s not that I don’t trust Grusch. I don’t trust anyone or anything involved in the mainstream ufology world, because they’ve never actually done anything to back up a single one of their claims.
Here’s the pattern the UFO community use to keep people paying them to do work “revealing alien technology” that never sees the light of day:
find a poster child, an everyman with credentials who seems believable, to “reveal something shocking” about UFOs to the world;
get that guy to spout every single clause within UFO conspiracies, and add a few just for him;
get a few politicians and famouses to believe his testimony; and
send him on a world tour before retiring him for a younger, more appealing new poster child.
A lot of men think power comes from their words. It doesn’t. Power comes from action. Where is any of the action from the leaders of ufology? Other than the acts of starting organizations and nonprofits to fund their alleged “research.” If you’ve donated to one of these organizations, tell me what you got in return for your cash, other than more questions and zero answers?
Until I see a freaking spaceship land next to the White House, I will continue believing all these UFO celebs are just one giant psyop to distract us from what’s really going on in the world.
Alien Caught In Security Cam, Fresno, California, November 10, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Alien Caught In Security Cam, Fresno, California, November 10, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Nov 10, 2023
Location of sighting: Fresno, California, USA
This amazing raw cam footage was show to us by UFOvni2012 Youtube Channel. It shows an alien figure with a huge head moving around near some parked cars. The footage clearly shows a figure standing turning and walking off into the shadows. This is absolute proof that aliens walk among us.
Watch as this UFO enters the mouth of the volcano. This is Popocatepetl, the volcano that I have been reporting UFOs near on live cam for over ten years. Again we see another UAP that trys to mimic a meteor as it enters the mouth of the volcano. There is an alien base below this volcano, about 5 miles below the surface area. UFOs are not harmed by heat since most will travel faster than light, which allows time travel to be possible.
UFO Disguised As Meteor Over Chestertown, Kent County, Maryland Nov 24, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Disguised As Meteor Over Chestertown, Kent County, Maryland Nov 24, 2023, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting:Nov 24, 2023 Location of sighting: Chestertown, Maryland, USA
This object was recorded yesterday and it's just amazing how big it is. The object is a UFO that is trying to look like a falling meteor. However meteors have tails and this has no tail, no explosion, no other parts broken off. So, the evidence is there, it's a UFO.
Kinda smart of aliens to try to make UFOs look like something else right? Making it look like a meteor, cloud, sundog, ect just confuses the observer, but not me.
Now sure, we have never seen a rainbow on Mars before, mostly because NASA would not bother telling us about such similarities to Earth. But I took the two photos, put them together and yes, it is a full rainbow. When I changed the photos to natural normal Mars color which took away the red filter NASA uses to hide colors, it looked even more vibrant. This is the true Mars, the one NASA doesn't want you to see.
Now rainbows are only created from droplets of water, or moisture of some sort in the atmosphere, NASA would like you to believe there is not enough water on Mars for such an occurrence, and yet, the rover photo doesn't lie. It just records and sends. So, there is a lot more water on Mars than we thought.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Shocking Revelation: Telepathic Extraterrestrials at Ariel School – A UFO Encounter Beyond Belief!
Shocking Revelation: Telepathic Extraterrestrials at Ariel School – A UFO Encounter Beyond Belief!
In the realm of UFO sightings, few events have sparked as much intrigue and debate as the Ariel School incident. On a seemingly ordinary day in 1994, in a small school in Zimbabwe, an extraordinary event unfolded that would forever change the lives of those who witnessed it and ignite worldwide curiosity.
A Day Unlike Any Other: The Incident Unfolds
It was September 16, 1994, when 62 schoolchildren at Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, experienced something unprecedented. During a morning break, these students reported seeing a mysterious craft landing near their schoolyard, followed by encounters with otherworldly beings. This incident stands out not just for the number of witnesses but for the consistency in their accounts.
The Children’s Testimonies: A Chorus of Consistency
What makes the Ariel School sighting particularly compelling is the coherence among the children’s testimonies. Despite varying minor details, the core of their accounts shared remarkable similarities – descriptions of a silver craft, strange beings with large eyes, and a feeling of telepathic communication. These children, with no apparent reason to fabricate such a story, described their experiences with a sincerity that left researchers, teachers, and parents baffled.
The Ariel School incident quickly garnered international attention, drawing UFO enthusiasts, skeptics, and media from across the globe. For many, this event was a compelling piece of evidence of extraterrestrial visitation, a case study in the ongoing search for proof of life beyond Earth. Skeptics, however, pointed to the power of suggestion and mass hysteria as possible explanations.
Investigative Endeavors: From Cynthia Hind to Dr. John Mack
Notable figures in UFO research, such as Cynthia Hind, Africa’s leading UFO investigator, and Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack, took a keen interest in the case. Dr. Mack, known for his work on alien abduction experiences, conducted extensive interviews with the children, reinforcing the authenticity of their accounts. Yet, his involvement was not without controversy, as some criticized his methods and potential influence on the children’s recollections.
The Enduring Mystery and Its Impact
Decades later, the Ariel School incident remains an enigmatic chapter in the history of UFO sightings. It continues to be a subject of study and speculation, with documentaries and follow-up interviews revisiting the event and its impact on the witnesses. The incident has become a cornerstone case for those arguing for the serious examination of UFO sightings and the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
Reflections and Future Implications
The Ariel School sighting stands as a poignant reminder of the vast unknowns that surround us. It challenges our understanding of the world and encourages open-mindedness in the face of the unexplained. As we continue to explore the cosmos, both scientifically and through personal experiences, incidents like Ariel School keep the dialogue about UFO sightings vibrant and relevant.
The Ariel School UFO incident is not just a story of a momentary encounter; it’s a narrative that challenges our perception of reality and ignites our imagination about the possibilities that lie beyond our planet. It’s a testament to the enduring fascination with UFO sightings and the relentless human quest to understand the unknown.
Weetjes om mee uit te pakken bij vrienden, ook al zullen ze je waarschijnlijk voor gek verklaren. Deze 45 feiten klinken als leugens of nonsens, en toch zijn ze stuk voor stuk waar.
1. New York ligt zuidelijker dan Rome
Je hebt er mogelijk nooit bij stilgestaan, maar in Europa zou New York City zich in het zuiden van het continent bevinden. Zo ligt de Amerikaanse stad zelfs iets zuidelijker dan de Italiaanse hoofdstad Rome. De ligging van New York City zou ongeveer vergelijkbaar zijn met die van Madrid en Napels.
Brussel ligt overigens noordelijker dan om het even welke stad in de Verenigde Staten. Zelfs Quebec en Montreal bevinden zich meer in het zuiden. En Miami ligt zich ongeveer even zuidelijk als Zuid-Libië.
2. Tussen Noord-Korea en Noorwegen ligt slechts één land
Om van Noorwegen naar Noord-Korea te reizen, hoef je eigenlijk maar één land te doorkruisen: Rusland. In het uiterste noorden heeft het land van Kim Jong-un een kleine grens van enkele tientallen kilometers met Rusland. De meest nabijgelegen Russische stad is Vladivostok. In Lapland grenst Rusland voor een klein stukje ook aan Noorwegen.
Andere landen die enkel door Rusland van Noord-Korea gescheiden worden zijn onder andere Finland, Estland, Letland, Wit-Rusland en Oekraïne.
3. Als je met een vinger in je oor krabt, klinkt dat net zoals Pac-Man
Dit is een weetje dat je zelf even moet uittesten. Je zal inderdaad het geluidje van het populaire spelletje uit 1980 herkennen.
4. De naam ‘Jessica’ is door Shakespeare bedacht
William Shakespeare heeft niet alleen op de literatuur z’n stempel gedrukt. Hij bedacht met z’n werk ook enkele namen die vandaag populair zijn. Het beste voorbeeld is Jessica, een naam die historisch geen referentie heeft voor Shakespeare hem introduceerde in The Merchant of Venice. De naam is mogelijk wel afgeleid van de Hebreeuwse mannennaam Iscah.
Ook de naam Miranda zou mogelijk voor het eerst door Shakespeare gebruikt zijn. Al is die naam misschien ook van een Latijns woord afkomstig.
5. Anne Frank en Martin Luther King zijn in hetzelfde jaar geboren
In 1929 zijn twee figuren geboren die elk om hun reden in de geschiedenisboeken staan. Op 15 januari zag Martin Luther King het levenslicht. Hij is een van de beroemdste activisten in Amerika en werd in 1968 vermoord. Anne Frank is op 12 juni geboren en werd bekend dankzij haar dagboek dat ze bijhield terwijl ze tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Amsterdam was ondergedoken. Ze overleed in februari 1945.
6. Er zit minder tijd tussen het leven van Cleopatra en de uitvinding van de iPhone dan tussen Cleopatra en de eerste piramide
We associëren Cleopatra wel eens verkeerdelijk met de piramiden in Egypte. Ze was wel de koningin van het oude Egypte, maar zelfs voor haar waren de piramiden al verre geschiedenis. De eerste piramide zou rond 2700 voor Christus gebouwd zijn. Cleopatra werd in 69 voor Christus geboren.
De eerste iPhone is in 2007, zo’n 2.078 jaar later, gelanceerd. En dat is dus een slordige 600 jaar minder dan er tussen die eerste piramide en de tijd van Cleopatra verstreken is.
7. Rusland heeft een grotere oppervlakte dan Pluto
Het grootste land ter wereld is Rusland, maar wist je al dat het land groter is dan de totale oppervlakte van Pluto. Ooit was dat de verste bekende planeet uit ons zonnestelsel, maar na discussie over die status is bepaald dat Pluto een dwergplaneet is. Met een oppervlakte van meer dan 17 miljoen vierkante kilometer is Rusland groter dan Pluto.
8.Saoedi-Arabië importeert kamelen uit Australië
Het klinkt onwaarschijnlijk, maar Saoedi-Arabië begon in het begin van deze eeuw met het importeren van kamelen uit Australië. Sinds de negentiende eeuw lopen er ook Down Under kamelen rond, en sindsdien is hun aantal fors toegenomen. Saoedi-Arabië kampte dan weer met een tekort aan kamelen, aangezien het vlees van de dieren er gegeten wordt. Om aan de consumptie te blijven voldoen, moeten ze dus bij Australië aankloppen.
9. Nijlpaardenmelk is echt niet roze
Eén onwaarschijnlijk feit willen we hier toch even ontkrachten. Een hardnekkig gerucht op het internet luidt dat melk van nijlpaarden roze is. Die mythe blijft maar bestaan, mede omdat zelfs National Geographic zich ooit liet vangen en het gerucht via de sociale media verspreidde. Toch is de melk niet echt roze.
Nijlpaarden scheiden wel een soort zweet af dat onder invloed van de zon rood kan kleuren. Wanneer hiervan een beetje in de melk terechtkomt, kan die een rozig tintje krijgen. Maar voor alle duidelijkheid: de melk van een nijlpaard is net zoals andere melk gewoon wit.
10. De volledige naam van Barbie is Barbara Millicent Roberts
Iedereen noemt de bekende pop gewoon Barbie, maar haar officiële naam is Barbara Millicent Robert. En haar vriendje Ken heeft Carson als achternaam.
De cowboy uit Toy Story heet dan weer voluit Woody Pride. En het Koekiemonster uit Sesamstraat heet eigenlijk Sid.
11. Wortels waren vroeger paars
Bij een wortel denken we bijna automatisch aan de kleur oranje. Nochtans waren wortels oorspronkelijk paars. In Nederland werd vanaf het einde van de zestiende eeuw een zoete, oranje variant gekweekt. Deze oranje wortel kreeg vermoedelijk al gauw de voorkeur, omdat dit ook de kleur was het Huis van Oranje en van de strijd om onafhankelijkheid.
Maar voordien waren paarse wortels dus heel normaal, met zelfs variaties in geel en wit. Vandaag zie je restaurants terug uitpakken met deze rijkdom aan kleuren.
12. Een walvissenhart is zo groot dat een volwassen mens door de slagaders zou kunnen zwemmen
Walvissen zijn dieren met een groot hart. Letterlijk dan, want het hart van de kolossen van de oceaan is zo’n anderhalve meter lang, 120 centimeter breed en anderhalve meter hoog. Het weegt bovendien ongeveer 180 kilo.
Bij zo’n gigantisch hart horen ook enorm slagaders. Die zouden zelfs zo breed zijn dat een volwassen mens er doorheen zou kunnen zwemmen. Het hart van deze dieren wordt ook wel eens vergeleken met het formaat van een kleine auto. Het slaat overigens maar acht tot tien keer per minuut, en die hartslag zou onder water tot kilometers ver te horen zijn.
13. Je loopt twee keer meer risico om door een drankautomaat te worden gedood dan door een haai
De meeste haaien jagen helemaal niet op mensen, maar een ontmoeting loopt natuurlijk wel bijna altijd fataal af. Gelukkig is het aantal incidenten met haaien relatief beperkt. Enkele jaren geleden zette The Guardian vijf verrassende zaken op een rij die op basis van statistieken dodelijker zijn voor mensen.
Zo blijken in de Verenigde Staten vier tot zes keer meer mensen te sterven wanneer ze door een drank- of snackautomaat verpletterd worden. De apparaten richtten ook een pak meer verwondingen aan dan haaien.
De andere vier risico’s waar we voor moeten uitkijken: een slangenbeet (20.000 doden per jaar), bliksem (1.000 doden per jaar), verdrinken in bad, … en linkshandig zijn. Zo’n 2.500 linkshandigen sterven jaarlijks wanneer ze een voorwerp voor rechtshandigen moeten gebruiken.
14. Er zit meer tijd tussen de release van Home Alone en nu dan tussen die film en de maanlanding
Dit feit lijkt misschien verrassend aangezien de uitzendingen van Home Alone op het einde van het jaar bijna even standvastig zijn als het feit dat we dan Kerstmis vieren. De eerste film in deze franchise verscheen in 1990, en dat is intussen dus al meer dan 30 jaar geleden. De maanlanding dateert van 1969, met andere woorden ongeveer 21 jaar voor we met Kevin McCallister kennis maakten.
We kunnen er nog een schepje bij doen, want ook voor Home Alone 2 gaat deze rekensom op. Die verscheen in 1992, dus 27 jaar geleden en 23 jaar na de maanlanding. Over een paar jaar mogen we ook Home Alone 3 aan dit lijstje toevoegen.
15. Oxford University is ouder dan het Rijk van de Azteken
Een onwaarschijnlijk, maar historisch correct feit. Laten we beginnen met het rijk der Azteken. Dat bestond tussen 1200 en 1521 in het huidige Mexico. De laatste koning van dit volk kwam om het leven in de strijd met de Spaanse veroveraars, wat ook het einde van het rijk betekende.
De universiteit van Oxford bestaat al sinds 1096. Er zijn in elk geval bewijzen dat er in deze periode al les werd gegeven. Zeker in de loop van de twaalfde eeuw groeide het aantal studenten, omdat Engelse scholieren niet langer aan de universiteit van Parijs mochten studeren.
Enkel de universiteit van Bologna weerhoudt Oxford ervan om zelfs de oudste ter wereld te zijn. De Italiaanse instelling bestaat al sinds 1088. De universiteit van Cambridge werd pas in 1209 opgericht.
16. Frankrijk executeerde nog mensen met de guillotine toen de eerste Star Wars-film uitkwam
Dit feit is zo onwaarschijnlijk dat je er bijna het hoofd bij zou verliezen. De eerste film in de Star Wars-franchise kwam in 1977 in de bioscoopzalen. En dat is ook het jaar waarin Frankrijk voor de laatste keer iemand met de guillotine executeerde. Het apparaat waarmee vooral tijdens de Franse Revolutie bij duizenden ter dood veroordeelden het hoofd werd afgehakt, was ook in de jaren 60 en 70 van de vorige eeuw nog in gebruik. Tussen 1965 en 1977 zouden acht mensen op deze manier geëxecuteerd zijn.
In principe hadden er nadien nog een paar executies kunnen plaatsvinden, want pas in september 1981 schafte Frankrijk de doodstraf af. En de guillotine werd toen veroordeeld tot een plaats in de musea.
17. Het gordeldier baart bijna altijd identieke tweelingen
Gordeldieren zijn niet zo bekend bij het brede publiek, maar eigenlijk zijn het fascinerende wezentjes. Vooral hun voortplanting is interessant, want gordeldieren krijgen heel vaak identieke tweelingen. Sommige gordeldieren krijgen acht tot vijftien jonger per keer. En die groeien heel snel op, want na amper een jaar zijn ze al klaar om zichzelf voort te planten.
18.De eenhoorn is het nationale dier van Schotland
Heel wat landen hebben een nationaal dier dat ook echt een grote rol speelt in de natuur van de staat. Denk maar aan de kangoeroe in Australië, de springbok in Zuid-Afrika of de tijger in India. Maar de Schotten hebben lang geleden gekozen voor … de eenhoorn.
Dat mythische wezen bestaat natuurlijk niet echt, maar misschien is dat net de reden waarom het zo goed bij Schotland past. Eenhoorns worden immers beschouwd als de sterkste van alle dieren, wild en ontembaar.
19. Een aardbei is geen bes, maar bananen, avocado’s en watermeloenen zijn dat wel
Een aardbei, een banaan, een avocado en een watermeloen: welk van deze fruitsoorten is een bes? Onwaarschijnlijk: je zou denken aan een aardbei, maar dat is eigenlijk de enige in het rijtje die we geen bes mogen noemen. Mensen hadden duizenden jaren geleden al de neiging om bepaalde fruitsoorten bessen te noemen. Maar de wetenschap heeft hier pas later een definitie aan gegeven.
Bessen bestaan uit drie verschillende lagen, met in de binnenste laag de zaadjes. Dat is bij een aardbei niet het geval, maar je kunt die structuur wel herkennen in avocado’s, watermeloenen en zelfs bananen.
20. De laatste mammoet stierf duizend jaar na de bouw van de eerste Egyptische piramide
Intussen weten we dat de eerste piramide rond 2700 voor Christus gebouwd is. Toen waren de meeste mammoeten al uitgestorven, op een kleine groep na. In het oosten van Siberië wist een populatie tot 1650 voor Christus te overleven. Het rijk van de Egyptische farao’s bestond toen zelfs al 3.000 jaar. Uiteindelijk stierven ook deze laatste mammoeten, zodat we met zekerheid kunnen stellen dat Cleopatra de dieren nooit gezien heeft.
21. Er zijn in de hele wereld meer valse dan echte flamingo’s
Flamingo’s zijn een hype, die zodanig geëxplodeerd is dat er vandaag meer valse flamingo’s circuleren dan er echte vogels zijn. Zo zouden in het wild iets minder dan twee miljoen flamingo’s leven, terwijl er wereldwijd miljoenen valse exemplaren bestaat.
22. Nintendo bestaat al sinds 1889
Neen, dat is geen schrijffout in de titel. Toen Nintendo in 1989 de Super Nintendo-console uitbracht, bestond het bedrijf exact honderd jaar. In 1889 richtte Fusajiro Yamauchi Nintendo op als bedrijf dat speelkaarten produceerde. Nog voor Nintendo zich definitief op speelgoed begon te focussen, was het bedrijf onder andere bezig met het aanbieden van taxiritten en zelfs hotelletjes waar mensen een kamer konden boeken om seks te hebben.
In de jaren 70 evolueerde Nintendo dan naar een bedrijf dat videospelletjes maakte. Maar de roots van Super Mario liggen dus in een duister verleden waarover het bedrijf het vandaag niet meer zal hebben.
23. Als de zon niet groter was dan een witte bloedcel, dan zou de hele Melkweg even groot zijn als de Verenigde Staten
Deze vergelijking maakt vooral duidelijk hoe nietig onze planeet en onze zon eigenlijk zijn. Als je de zon zou verkleinen tot de schaal van een witte bloedcel en je het volledige sterrenstelsel op dezelfde schaal verkleint, dan zou de Melkweg de omvang van de Verenigde Staten hebben. En dus is onze zon niet meer dan een witte bloedcel in de hele VS.
En dat is enkel ons sterrenstelsel … In het volledige universum zouden er volgens schattingen minstens 100 miljard sterrenstelsel bestaan. En de kans is groot dat we dit cijfer eigenlijk nog mogen verdubbelen.
24. Will Smith is nu ouder dan zijn Uncle Phil was tijdens de eerste aflevering van The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Voor iedereen die in de 90s is opgegroeid, blijft The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air een symbolische reeks. Het was ook de doorbraak van Will Smith als wereldberoemd acteur. Onwaarschijnlijk, maar intussen is hij al 51 jaar oud. Dat is ouder dan zijn oom, Uncle Phil, in de allereerste aflevering van de serie. Acteur James Avery, die in 2013 overleed, was 45 jaar toen Will Smith aan zijn deur kwam aanbellen. Actrice Tatyana Ali, die de jongere Ashley speelde, is intussen ook al … 40 jaar!
25. We delen 60% van ons DNA met bananen
Ons lichaam bestaat uit drie miljard genetische bouwsteentjes, of basenparen. Dat maakt dat we maar voor een heel klein stukje verschillen van een andere persoon, en we allemaal voor 99,9% genetisch identiek zijn. Dat betekent ook dat we met andere levende organismen in de natuur veel genetische overeenkomsten hebben. Het meest verrassende is misschien wel dat we voor 60% hetzelfde DNA als een banaan hebben.
Minder verrassend is het feit dat we 96% van ons DNA met dat van chimpansees delen. Bij katten gaat het om 90%, en zelfs een muis heeft voor 85% dezelfde genetische structuur.
26. Voor de Tyrannosaurus Rex is de tijd van de Stegosaurus langer geleden dan de T-Rex voor de mens
We vergeten soms dat de mensheid nog maar heel kort over deze planeet loopt. Zo hebben de dinosaurussen er veel langer over gedaan. De Tyrannosaurus Rex, zowat de bekendste van alle dinosauriërs, leefde zo’n 60 tot 70 miljoen jaar geleden. Daardoor heeft de T-Rex ook een pak uitgestorven soortgenoten nooit gekend.
De Stegosaurus bijvoorbeeld, dat is de dinosaurus met grote puntige platen op zijn rug en een staart met stekels. Deze soort leefde zo’n 150 miljoen jaar geleden, een eeuwigheid dus voor de Tyrannosaurus Rex, die zelfs voor ons bijgevolg nog veel recenter is. De Stegosaurus moest in zijn tijd met een ander roofdier rekening houden: de Allosaurus.
27. Alaska is tegelijkertijd de meest noordelijke, westelijke én oostelijke staat van de VS
Een blik op de wereldkaart maakt meteen duidelijk dat Alaska de meest noordelijke en westelijke staat van de VS is. In theorie moet dit betekenen dat de meest oostelijke staat ergens aan de oostkust moet worden gezocht. En dan zou het meest oostelijke punt in de staat Maine liggen.
In de Stille Oceaan bevindt zich echter de eilandengroep Aleoeten, die officieel bij Alaska hoort. De eilanden strekken zich zover uit dat ze geografisch in de oostelijke hemisfeer liggen. En dus is Alaska eigenlijk ook de meest oostelijke staat van de VS. De meest zuidelijke staat is overigens Hawaï.
28. Pluto maakte sinds zijn ontdekking nog niet één volledige baan rond de zon
Officieel is Pluto intussen geen planeet meer, maar een onwaarschijnlijk feit is dat hij sinds zijn ontdekking in 1930 nog niet één keer volledig rond de zon is kunnen draaien. Pluto doet daar namelijk 248 aardse jaren over. De zon zou je op Pluto overigens niet echt kunnen zien, want de dwergplaneet staat veertig keer verder van z’n ster dan de aarde.
29. Een miljard seconden duren ongeveer 32 jaar
Wanneer je 32 jaar oud bent, zijn ongeveer één miljard seconden in je leven verstreken. Duizend seconden duren zowat 16 minuten, een miljoen seconden komen overeen met elf dagen. En voor duizend miljard seconden heb je ongeveer 32.000 jaar nodig.
30. Honing wordt nooit slecht
Zelfs na die duizend miljard seconden mag je nog steeds van een pot honing eten. Honing wordt namelijk nooit slecht. Het bevat een hoge zuurtegraad die zowat alles doodt dat zich in de honing zou willen nestelen. Enkele andere voedingsmiddelen die hooguit in de verre toekomst een vervaldatum hebben: witte rijst, suiker, zout en sojasaus.
31.Er zijn meer sterren in de ruimte dan zandkorrels op aarde
We weten intussen wel dat we in het hele universum bijzonder klein zijn, maar met deze vergelijking wordt duidelijk hoe klein. Er zouden in het hele heelal tien keer meer sterren zijn er zandkorrels in al onze woestijnen en op alle stranden ter wereld samen liggen. Natuurlijk gaat het om slechts schattingen, want zowel het tellen van zandkorrels als het berekenen van het aantal sterren is onbegonnen werk.
32. Er zijn meer bibliotheken dan McDonald’s-restaurants in de VS
De Verenigde Staten zijn dan wel een voedingsbodem voor grote ketens, toch zijn openbare bibliotheken ook nu nog talrijker. In totaal zijn er ongeveer 17.000 bibliotheken. Vorig jaar waren er ter vergelijking net geen 14.000 McDonald’s-zaken. De hamburgerketen kent overigens al een tijdje een hele lichte terugval in het aantal Amerikaanse restaurants.
Starbucks heeft misschien wel een kans om over een paar jaar meer zaken te hebben dan er in Amerika bibliotheken zijn. Nu al zit de keten aan bijna 15.000 filialen in de VS.
33. Voor iedere mens op aarde zijn er ongeveer 1,6 miljoen mieren
Het is onmogelijk om exact te weten hoeveel mieren er op aarde rondkruipen, maar ze zijn in elk geval met veel, minstens 100 biljoen. In een BBC-documentaire werd dan ook ooit gesteld dat het gewicht van alle mieren samen evenveel zou zijn als dat van alle mensen bij elkaar.
34. Een octopus heeft drie harten
Een octopus is niet alleen uiterlijk een bizar wezen, ook langs de binnenkant zijn de dieren bijzonder. Ze hebben namelijk drie harten: eentje pompt bloed doorheen het lichaam, en de twee andere pompen bloed naar de kieuwen. De reden hiervoor heeft wellicht te maken met de structuur van het bloed. Hun rode bloedcellen bevatten namelijk hemocyanine, dat rijk is aan koper, in plaats hemoglobine, dat rijk is aan ijzer. Dat maakt hun bloed overigens ook blauw!
Aangezien hemocyanine minder efficiënt is in het vervoeren van zuurstof, helpen de drie harten hiervoor te compenseren door bloed aan een hogere druk rond het lichaam te pompen.
35. Elke 5.000 baby’s wordt er eentje zonder anus geboren
Jaarlijks zien een pak baby’s zonder anus het levenslicht. In de meeste gevallen zit er een stukje huid in de weg of is de anus misvormd. Soms hebben deze kinderen nog andere aandoeningen, zoals problemen met de nieren. In de meeste gevallen is een chirurgische ingreep noodzakelijk.
36. Je kunt niet neuriën terwijl je je neus dichtknijpt
Nog eentje op uit te proberen: knijp je neus dicht en probeer te neuriën! Lukt het niet? Dat is normaal, want bij het neuriën sluit je je mond en verplaatst het geluid zich door je neus. Wanneer je die neus dichtknijpt, kan je dus onmogelijk geluid produceren.
37. Op Saturnus en Jupiter regent het soms diamanten
De grote gasplaneten van ons zonnestelsel hebben een bijzonder soort neerslag. Het regent er soms diamanten die groot genoeg zijn om in een ring te worden gedragen. Bij onweer wordt methaan omgezet in roet (koolstof). Dat stort vervolgens naar beneden, terwijl het verhardt. Eerst verandert het in grafiet, later in diamant.
Eigenlijk zijn dit zowat de hagelstenen van deze planeten, maar een lang leven hebben de diamanten niet. Ze smelten uiteindelijk weg in een vloeibare zee rond de hete kern van deze reuzen.
38. Als je een blad 42 keer vouwt, zou het dik genoeg zijn om tot aan de maan te reiken
Natuurlijk valt dit niet met een eenvoudig blaadje papier te bewijzen, maar het is wiskundig wel zo dat papier vouwen exponentieel werkt. Als je een blad twee keer vouwt, is het vier bladzijden dik. Doe je het drie keer is het acht bladzijden dik. Na twintig keer vouwen zou je al aan de top van de Mount Everest zitten. En bij de 42ste keer zit je aan de maan …
39. Als je een gat naar het midden van de aarde boort en er een boek in gooit, duurt het 38 minuten voor het boek de kern bereikt
Lange tijd was het idee dat het 42 minuten en 12 seconden zou duren om de kern van onze planeet te bereiken, maar een realistischer model heeft enkele jaren geleden berekend dat dit vier minuten sneller zou gaan: 38 minuten en 11 seconden. Natuurlijk blijft dit hypothetisch, want het is onmogelijk om een gat naar het centrum van de aarde te boren.
40. Meer dan de helft van ons lichaam is niet menselijk
Het aantal menselijke cellen in ons lichaam beperkt zich tot 43%. De andere cellen zijn bezoekers afkomstig van bacteriën en fungi. Vooral in de geneeskunde is dit belangrijke kennis, omdat het helpt om behandelingen voor allerlei ziekten te ontwikkelen.
41. Pindanoten groeien ondergronds en zijn daarom geen noten
Hoewel het woordje een onderdeel van de term is, zijn pindanoten officieel geen noten. Meer zelfs, we moeten pindanoten eerder als groenten bestempelen. Noten groeien immers aan bomen, terwijl een pindanoot onder de grond groeit.
We kunnen nog een stapje verder gaan, want ook walnoten, cashewnoten, pistachenoten en amandelen zijn in principe geen echte noten. Zij worden beschouwd als de zaadjes van de bomen waar ze aan groeien, wat hen dan weer in de buurt van fruit brengt.
42. Een schildpad kan uit zijn anus ademen
Sommige schildpaddensoorten die in het water leven, hebben tijdens de wintermaanden bijna geen energie nodig. Ze absorberen daarom zuurstof uit het water via oppervlakken van het lichaam waar bloedvaten worden blootgesteld. En dat blijkt vooral rond hun anus sterk het geval te zijn. In wetenschappelijke termen heet dit fenomeen overigens cloacale ademhaling.
43. Er zitten meer atomen in één glas water dan het aantal glazen water in alle oceanen ter wereld
Er zitten bijzonder veel moleculen in een glas water. In totaal zou je ruim duizend meer atomen in een glas water kunnen tellen dan het aantal glazen dat je met al het water uit de oceanen zou kunnen vullen.
44. De kans is bijna 100% dat je volgende glas water een molecule bevat die ooit door het lichaam van een dinosaurus is gepasseerd
Simpel uitgedrukt drinken we allemaal de urine van dinosaurussen. Slechts 0,01% van het water op deze planeet wordt door mensen en dieren opgedronken, en dat water loopt doorheen een cyclus.
Belangrijke opmerking: de dino’s hebben heel lang op deze planeet rondgelopen, de mens is er veel minder lang. Volgens de cyclus betekent dit dus dat ons drinkwater in principe nog geen moleculen kan bevatten die andere mensen ooit hebben opgedronken. Maar de kans is dus groot dat een dinosaurus dat wel gedaan heeft.
45. Op het moment van je geboorte was je heel even de jongste persoon ter wereld
Om af te sluiten nog een logische, maar toch onwaarschijnlijk straffe opmerking: we zijn allemaal ooit de jongste persoon ter wereld geweest. Al is het maar een fractie van een seconde. Volgens de globale statistieken worden er iedere seconde immers vier kinderen geboren. Dat zijn er 250 per minuut, 15.000 per uur en 360.000 per dag. Na 24 uur is een pasgeboren kind dus al lang niet meer een van onze allerjongste aardbewoners.
Het eerste elektrische “vliegende” schip ter wereld dat geschikt is voor passagiers wordt verwacht deel uit te maken van het openbaar vervoer vanStockholm in 2024.
Het futuristische ontwerp is van het Zweedse bedrijf Candela Technology AB.
De CEO van het bedrijf, Gustav Hasselskog, zei in een verklaring: “De P-12 is een platform dat een breed scala aan klanten zal bedienen.
“Of het nu gaat om vloten van het openbaar vervoer, VIP-diensten of particuliere klanten, het zal de manier waarop we reizen over water revolutioneren.”
Verwacht wordt dat de boot die boven het water lijkt te vliegen, zal helpen bij het aanpakken van het probleem van overvolle wegen en trage pendelreizen.
Hasselskog voegde toe: “Vaak is de snelste route over water.”
Het schip is 39 voet lang en kan ongeveer 30 passagiers vervoeren, met behulp van een hydrofoil om boven het water te blijven.
Een paar bladen tillen de boot uit het water en verminderen de weerstand met maximaal 80%, waardoor het stil kan opereren terwijl het een topsnelheid van 46 km/u bereikt, terwijl het tegelijkertijd een kleine golf van slechts 5 cm creëert.
The heart of the Milky Way revealed some of its secrets to theJames Webb Space Telescope(JWST) — and new images could help reveal more about the origin story of the universe.
Just 300 light years from the supermassive black hole that churns in the Milky Way’s center, there’s a hub of about 500,000 stars. JWST saw this place by peering 25,000 light-years from Earth, a relatively short distance by space standards. This proximity allows astronomers to see individual stars, including a nest, and gain data on how massive stars form. The image may help tackle a question of nature versus nurture, offering clues about how a cosmic environment impacts star formation. And some places, like the rose-colored cloud on the image’s right side, have never been seen before in this much detail.
“The galactic center is a crowded, tumultuous place,” Rubén Fedriani, a co-investigator of the project at the Instituto Astrofísica de Andalucía in Spain, said in a statement NASA published on Monday. NASA shares credit for the telescope with the Canadian Space Agency and the European Space Agency.
The Sagittarius C region, seen here in this NIRCam JWST image, is home to approximately 500,000 stars.
The star-forming region is called Sagittarius C, not to be confused with the name of the supermassive black hole near it, Sagittarius A*. Despite the neighboring chaos, the star nest is dense and abundant with massive protostars, including one juvenile already 30 times the mass of our Sun.
JWST’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) was able to peer through some, but not all, of Sagittarius C’s dense gas. In the image, a dark region signals where the material was so thick that NIRCam couldn’t see the background stars behind it. Appropriately, this place is called the infrared-dark cloud. And near where this cloud meets the vivid blue region, there’s a pink pocket. It’s a cluster of massive protostars.
“The cloud the protostars are emerging from is so dense that the light from stars behind it cannot reach Webb, making it appear less crowded when in fact it is one of the most densely packed areas of the image,” both space agencies wrote.
The cyan-colored wisps that take up half of the image are hydrogen, which is protostar-building gas that has struck and turned into charged particles.
“The image from Webb is stunning,” Samuel Crowe, the observation team’s principal investigator and an undergraduate student at the University of Virginia, said in the NASA statement. “And the science we will get from it is even better.”
Massive stars are critical to the evolution of the universe, since they produce heavy elements in their nuclear cores. This hard-to-see cradle of massive stars near the center of the Milky Way might be better — or worse — at making these special stars than other places in our home galaxy, like its extended spiral arms.
To find the answer, astronomers will continue searching for clues in the galaxy’s chaotic heart.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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