The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Is This A UFO? Outright Bizarre Skylights Caught On Video In Milan
Is This A UFO? Outright Bizarre Skylights Caught On Video In Milan
Italian residents in Milan are in complete confusion after a strange ring of lights were seen in the sky. Video published on social media showed the ring in thick clouds above the legendary city.
Some are speculating it’s potentially a UFO, while others are giving more simple explanations, saying the lights were Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites.
Well, apparently it was a light show from a Christmas village in Milan that created the visual in the sky, according to the Daily Mail. The lights were shot up using powerful lasers, but my whole thing is … why the creepy look? And why on earth does this sighting look eerily close to the lights that were spotted in Morocco — the ones seen just before the country was hit with an earthquake?
I don’t know … this story might have a “simple explanation,” but Lord have mercy, this whole thing is weird as hell.
It might have just been lasers, but I still can’t get over how bizarre everything is around this whole thing (like with the Morocco similarity), and Milan residents seem to think the same thing
Laser shows, earthquake lights (like, really, what the hell is an earthquake light?), we always got an explanation for everything. But I’m personally not taking any chances. These UFO sightings got me over here like …
David Grusch, former National Reconnaissance Office representative on the Defense Department's Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, testifies during the House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs hearing titled "Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency," in Rayburn Building on Wednesday, July 26, 2023.
(Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)
Before the start of the 2020s, almost anyone who admitted to a belief in UFOs (unidentified flying objects) or extraterrestrial visitors was dismissed as a crackpot. Yet since the start of the decade, the Pentagon has repeatedly and openly acknowledged that their own pilots have spotted and recorded images of UFOs (more specifically known as UAPs, orunidentified anomalous phenomena). The so-called Pentagon UFO videos — the initial clips of which were released to the public in 2020 — showed UAPs recorded in 2004, 2014, 2015 and 2019. Ever since, respected government officials and scientists have joined ordinary UFO enthusiasts in insisting that the proverbial truth must be out there.
But 2023 was arguably one the most important years for UAP developments, at least in terms of disclosures that didn't produce a smoking gun or things that were debunked. Here's a look back at what we learned.
01. NASA's first meeting confirming existence of UAPs
In June 2022, NASA announced the formation of an independent study group to weigh the evidence of UAPs and whether they indicate something more than strange weather phenomena or secretive military crafts. The 16-person group included experts from the aerospace aviation industry and academia, as well as former astronaut Scott Kelly. The panel disappointed many by concluding above all else that there is a need for more "high quality data," but even having NASA acknowledge the existence of UAPs was a major historic achievement.
"We steer between the rocks and the cyclone," panel chairman David Spergel, a widely respected cosmologist, said in a statement at the time. "We have a community of people who are completely convinced of the existence of UFOs. And we have a community of people who think addressing this question is ridiculous, everything can be explained."
02. The impressive UFO hearing by the US Congress
A trio of military officials met with a House Oversight subcommittee in July to discuss UAPs. It was a fruitful meeting, one that yielded a number of important revelations. One former intelligence official, David Grusch, claimed that so-called "nonhuman biologics" have been discovered from a crashed UAP. He also claimed to the assembled legislators that the Pentagon runs a progress to reassemble crashed UAPs by misappropriating funds and operating "above congressional oversight."
Then there was former Navy pilot Ryan Graves, who testified that both military and commercial pilots fear stigma and even professional repercussions when they report UAP encounters. Finally a former Navy commander, David Fravor, testified that in 2004 he and three of his fellow military pilots saw a white Tic-Tac shaped hovering between the Pacific Ocean and their jets, which vanished and immediately reappeared 60 miles away.
"The technology that we faced is far superior to anything that we had," Fravor said. "And there’s nothing we can do about it, nothing."
03. The less impressive UFO hearing held by the Mexican parliament
Not all of the UFO-related news in 2023 was promising. Just take the so-called "alien mummies" presented in Mexico, allegedly discovered by journalist and ufologist José Jaime Maussan Flota. The supposed extraterrestrials were revealed to the Mexican Congress in September. Maussan has twice before claimed to have found alien mummies, only to later be debunked, but despite this track record, Maussan was invited to present his findings to Mexican government officials.
Once there, he said he had discovered the pair of mummified aliens in a diatom mine in Cusco, Peru. Experts were unimpressed — including Graves, who was also invited to attend this conference. Graves later said that "yesterday's demonstration was a huge step backwards for this issue," adding that he was "deeply disappointed by this unsubstantiated stunt."
04. The US admits it receives dozens of UFO reports every month
When the Department of Defense's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (or AARO) in 2022, the new government agency's explicit goal was to investigate all UAP incidents. As the Pentagon disclosed when releasing its annual report in October, AARO has certainly been kept quite busy: The organization had received roughly 800 reports of UAP over the preceding six months, a major jump from the previous year. Although then-director Sean Kirkpatrick, a physicist, acknowledged that about half of these contain sufficient data that they can be ruled out as "mundane things," there is a small fraction — 2% to 4% — that require further investigation.
"There are ways to hide in our noise that always concern me ... It could just be a foreign entity. It could be a hobbyist. It could be anybody ... And those are the things that we have to look into," Kirkpatrick explained to CNN at the time.
05. The supposedly alien beads that weren't
In 2014, an object from outer space named CNEOS 2014-01-08 crashed into Earth at over 100,000 mph before exploding into fragments that landed in the South Pacific Ocean. A UFO by definition, CNEOS 2014-01-08 piqued the interest of the scientific community, with Harvard astronomy professor Dr. Avi Loeb suggesting in 2022 that it could be extraterrestrial technology. After leading an expedition to the seafloor in 2023 to retrieve CNEOS 2014-01-08, Loeb came back with "spherules" that he speculated were of "likely extrasolar composition." For a moment, it seemed as if the promise of CNEOS 2014-01-08 would be fulfilled — but then other experts came back with a very different conclusion.
Mysterious orbital reckon probes parked at restricted AFB in Australia
Mysterious orbital reckon probes parked at restricted AFB in Australia
The RAAF Woomera Range Complex (WRC) is a major Australian military and civil aerospace facility and operation located in South Australia, approximately 450 km (280 mi) north-west of Adelaide.
The WRC is comprised of both the Woomera Test Range (Air Force Test Ranges Squadron), RAAF Base Woomera (20SQN) and the Nurrungar Test Range The function of the Woomera Test Range (WTR) is to provide a specialised operations environment in support of directed whole-of-Defence activities for the testing of war materiel and, other directed activities in the wider National interest.
Now, if we take a look at the Woomera airport, using Google Earth then we see what looks like three mysterious metallic orbs with a diameter of about 3,5 meters each, parked at a restricted area of the airport (Coordinates: 31°08'56"S 136°48'21"E). See image above.
Google Earth images show that these orbs were parked there not so long ago.
As per information shared by our reader Eric, he suggests that the objects in question are orbital reckon probes.
Typically, these kind of probes are launched from Earth equipped with a suite of scientific instruments and tools intended for the study of atmospheric conditions and the composition of space, including other planets, moons, or celestial bodies.
Given the fact that these tic-tac-shaped objects are stationed in a restricted area where numerous tests are conducted, the question arises, assuming that these objects are orbital reckon probes, whether these advanced objects are deployed for sophisticated surveillance, potentially spying on military installations or warships.
Remarkably, these objects bear a striking resemblance to an orb-like entity previously captured by a U.S. military drone in the Middle East, a video of which was presented during a Pentagon hearing on UFOs a few months ago prompts questions not only whether these orbs are part of the mysterious tic-tac UAPs program but also of who is behind it.
Image above: Orb-like entity captured in the Middle East.
Image above: Are these orbs part of a UAP program?
De bouw van Tenacity is voltooid. Dit ruimtevaartuig van Sierra Space gaat goederen van en naar het ISS vervoeren en kan bij terugkomst landen op een landingsbaan.
Het internationale ruimtestation (ISS) – en de toekomstige opvolger – moeten continu bevoorraad worden. Daarvoor zijn er momenteel meerdere ruimtevaartuigen beschikbaar, zoals Northrop Grummans Cygnus en de H-II Transfer Vehicle van de Japanse ruimtevaartorganisatie.
Soms moet er ook materiaal terug naar de aarde worden gestuurd, maar de meeste bevoorradingsvaartuigen zijn daartoe niet in staat. Space X’s Dragon is een van de weinige die dat wel kan, en landt bij terugkomst in zee. Het Amerikaanse bedrijf Sierra Space komt nu met Tenacity, een ruimteschip dat bij terugkomst als een soort vliegtuig kan landen op een landingsbaan.
Vorige week maakte Sierra Space bekend dat de bouw van Tenacity is afgerond en dat het ruimtevliegtuig in de komende weken wordt verscheept naar NASA’s Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility in Ohio voor milieutests.
Hoewel Tenacity momenteel het enige ruimtevaartuig is dat zijn ruimtereis kan eindigen op een landingsbaan, konden NASA’s spaceshuttles die in 2011 met pensioen gingen dat ook al. Niet gek dus dat het uiterlijk van de Dream Chaser sterk lijkt op dat van de spaceshuttles.
Een ruimteschip dat de atmosfeer binnenkomt, heeft naast extreme hitte (ruim 1600 graden) ook te maken met een enorme versnelling en dus hoge g-krachten. Toch kan Tenacity die krachten beperken tot anderhalf keer de zwaartekracht (1,5 g), wat schade aan kwetsbare lading kan voorkomen. De vleugels spelen hierbij een belangrijke rol; ze creëren lift.
Bij een vliegtuig zorgt liftkracht ervoor dat het toestel in de lucht blijft en bij Tenacity dat het toestel afremt.
Eerste missie is al snel
Sierra Space heeft een contract met NASA voor de lancering van bevoorradingsmissies van het ISS met Dream Chaser-toestellen. En de eerste missie zou al ergens april 2024 kunnen beginnen.
De lancering zal dan plaatsvinden vanaf NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida aan boord van United Launch Alliance’s nieuwe Vulcan Centaur-raket. Bij terugkomst zal Tenacity landen op NASA’s Shuttle Landing Facility, waar de spaceshuttles vroeger ook landde. Daarna kan het ruimteschip opnieuw worden gelanceerd, volgens Sierra Space heeft de Dream Chaser namelijk een levensduur van minstens vijftien missies.
Autonome bevoorradingsmissies zijn slechts het begin voor de Dream Chaser-toestellen. In de toekomst wil Sierra Space ook mensen vervoeren met het vaartuig.
Bekijk hieronder een animatie van een lancering en landing van het ruimtevliegtuig:
These 11 Space Photo Award Winners Are Truly Out of This World
-These 11 Space Photo Award Winners Are Truly Out of This World
See the wispy aurorae, amazing star clusters, and picturesque planets that make this year’s Royal Museums Greenwich Astronomy Photographer of the Year contest.
For the past 15 years, England’s Royal Museums Greenwich has held an annual Astronomy Photographer of the Year contest, highlighting all the incredible nebulas, breathtaking gas clouds, awesome aurorae, and gobsmacking galaxies captured throughout the year. This year’s 11 winners encompass both professional photographers and amateur astronomers, and the shortlisted photographs are just as incredible.
If you’re inspired to see more, visit the Royal Museums Greenwich online and cast your vote for the People’s Choice Award for 2023.
Three European photographers — Marcel Drechsler, Xavier Strottner, and Yann Sainty — took 110 hours of exposure to see the Andromeda Galaxy in a whole new way. They discovered faint light from a massive sea of charged particles that were essentially hiding in plain sight.
The blue streak to the left of the famous galaxy is now named the Strottner-Drechsler-Sainty Object 1 (SDSO-1) after the amateur astronomy trio. This huge extragalactic plasma streak appeared in an Oxygen-3 telescopic filter, an unpopular choice for viewing space. The team tried their luck, seeing if they could add a new visual dimension to the popular astronomy target.
The result was “an absolute accident,” Drechsler said in an image description.
Photographer Angel An stood on a Himalayan ridge as the sky erupted in this transient luminous event (TLE) on May 20, 2022. A TLE is a rare phenomenon that happens high above thunderstorm clouds, and while scientists have some knowledge about them, there is plenty left to discover.
This particular TLE called a sprite, extended much higher than the upper edge of the photo, as the ethereal “sprites” danced like fireworks, according to the photographer.
A mosaic of 115 frames picked from out of 3,400, this photo captures a filament as it meanders in the shape of a question mark across the Sun’s richly textured surface. Photographer Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau imaged this solar quandary from Rafaela, Argentina, on October 1, 2022.
“If you zoom into the surface of the Sun, the image has a paint-like quality,” competition judge Sheila Kanani said in the image description. “I feel like I can see the brush strokes. There’s a sense of movement.”
Mars plays peekaboo behind a full Moon during the December 8, 2022, lunar occultation. The lunar ground rises and dips as its textures reach out towards the horizon. Captured by photographer Ethan Chappel in Cibolo, Texas, this image displays our only satellite’s gray, dusty color in sharp contrast with the rust-orange tones of the Red Planet.
“To capture the level of detail on Mars that you see here takes a huge amount of skill and practice,” competition judge Steve Marsh said in an image description.
“It’s always a different show every time,” photographer Monika Deviat says in an image description of her photo of this aurora borealis above Utsjoki, Finland, and capturing “a single moment of the dance” requires skill, one Deviat has been honing since starting out as a concert photographer.
One challenge is that a person's eyes at night aren’t adept at picking up colors. A camera, however, can capture them well — the photographer doesn’t rely entirely on their tool. Exceptional photographers like Deviat keep an eye skyward for interesting, sudden motion because the sequence that birthed this aurora strand lasted less than a minute.
Although usually pictured as a suffocating hellscape, Venus puts on a creamy, soft texture for this award-winning image.
The planet is easily seen from Earth with the naked eye, shining exceptionally brightly in the sky as it reflects visible light from the Sun. But on February 26, 2023, from Trowbridge, U.K., photographer Tom Williams elected to look at Venus in ultraviolet light, which highlighted the contrasts in Venus’ atmosphere from the ground.
As a shipwreck in Hentiesbaai, Namibia, sits along a treacherous Atlantic coastline on September 18, 2022, the weathered and beaten artifact is accompanied by incredible star trails — an amazing backdrop for photographer Vikas Chander.
“It is a hauntingly beautiful image that would be the perfect setting for a ghost story and is one of my favorites from this year’s competition,” judge Melissa Brobby writes in an image description.
This is “the heart of the Hydra,” which amateur astronomer Marcel Drechsler discovered when observing the sky from Ovalle, Chile, from March 2021 to April 2022. Drechsler is also part of the team behind the 2023 winning photograph of the Andromeda Galaxy.
Here, a pair of stars are surrounded by a common swaddle of dust and gas, called an envelope. More than 360 hours of exposure time were required to make this image, lasting around 100 nights over the course of about a year.
Sir Patrick Moore Prize for Best Newcomer 2023 Winner
Newcomer Aaron Wilhelm impressed the judges with this photo of the Lion Nebula, photographed from Santa Monica, California, in September 2022. “With subtle but varying colors across the whole palette, the dark, twisting lanes of dust are resolved in exquisite detail, and the stars are perfectly round with no hint of trailing,” Judge Steve Marsh said in an image description.
Wilhelm took almost 70 hours of data to capture these faint emissions near the border of the Cepheus and Lacerta constellations.
Resembles a galactic cavern, this amazing image almost seems to invite the viewer to crawl inside and take a look.
This is the Running Chicken Nebula, named for its faint central feature shaped like a bird mid-sprint. Photographers Runwei Xu and Binyu Wang took this image from El Sauce Observatory in Río Hurtado, Chile, on December 19, 2022.
Annie Maunder Prize for Image Innovation 2023 Winner
To create this image, John White passed audio through a receiver into an old speaker. Onto this device, White attached a petri dish with a blackened-out base. Then, this was filled with 3mm of water. The image seen here is the best shot out of about 100 White took as sound perturbed the water in a dark room where only a halo light shined — but this isn’t any ordinary sound.
These audio waves emanate from a black hole at the Perseus galaxy cluster’s center as the black hole emits pressure waves through abundant hot gas. NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory observed this twenty years ago, but NASA scaled the sound 57 octaves above its true pitch so human ears could hear it.
EXCLUSIVERetired US Army Colonel says secret UFO projects should be made public by October 2030 - to beat America's rivals and get ahead of a 'catastrophic' leak
EXCLUSIVE -Retired US Army Colonel says secret UFO projects should be made public by October 2030 - to beat America's rivals and get ahead of a 'catastrophic' leak
The revelations came amid an invite-only UFO gathering at Stanford University
But many at the exclusive event worried UFO disclosure may spark social unrest
Nearly two decades ago, a think-tank in Washington D.C. invited past and present government officials from the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Pentagon and elsewhere to debate the risks of revealing the truth about UFOs.
The 2004 event — according to a former CIA scientist who went public with the shocking story Friday — broke into working groups to weigh the positive and negative ramifications of declassifying America's top secret UFO programs.
Every working group according to that scientist, Dr. Hal Puthoff, came back with the same conclusion: the societal risks of UFO 'disclosure' were just too great.
But now, a host of Washington insiders are calling for a strategic 'campaign' to drag these alleged UFO reverse-engineering programs out into public view.
The Sol Foundation, a new nonprofit dedicated to exploring the broad implications of what are now called 'Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena' or UAP, convened its first ever symposium Friday, sponsored by Stanford University's School of Medicine
Sol's lofty goal, as described by its chief operating officer - the now famous UFO whistleblower and US Air Force and intel veteran David Grusch - is to 'open ourselves to a future where truth, unity, technological advancements and a deeper understanding of our existence converge'
The pivot emerged this weekend at an invite-only conference of former government officials, tenured physicists and other academic researchers, activists and reporters, held at Stanford University and attended by
The most explosive moments from the UFO event — the first ever symposium of the new nonprofit Sol Foundation, which is dedicated to exploring the broad implications of what are now called 'Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena' or UAP — came from recently retired US Army Colonel Karl E. Nell.
On Saturday, Col. Nell called for a 'UAP campaign plan' to compel transparency as well as 'a Manhattan Project' to successfully reverse engineer recovered UAP craft.
His stated goals, as heard by at the event, were nothing less than broad transparency on covert UAP programs 'on or before conclusion of the decade.'
In a later slide, Col. Nell projected his strategic hope that so-called 'disclosure' on the UAP issue would be complete by October 1, 2030, although he admitted his timeline targets were 'at risk' of falling behind.
The Sol Foundation's lofty goal, as described by the now famous UFO whistleblower and US Air Force veteran David Grusch, was to 'open ourselves to a future where truth, unity, technological advancements and a deeper understanding of our existence converge.'
Grusch delivered the concluding remarks for Sol's first ever symposium Saturday night, via a remote live video feed.
'Let us advocate for transparency, not for ourselves,' Grusch told the assembled attendees, 'but for the generations to come, as we embark on a journey toward a more enlightened and interconnected world.'
Ahead of his alarming and explosive UFO testimony to the House Oversight Committee last July, Grusch submitted a C.V. to Congress listing his current job title as the Sol Foundation's chief operating officer — but a spokesperson for Sol told that this was, at least, 'not the case now.'
'The Sol Foundation does not currently have a C-Suite. There is no COO or CFO,' Matt Barbet, who helps represent Sol on behalf of its contracted PR representation Freuds, wrote via email. 'This may have been incorrectly shared previously.'
Last June, Col. Nell staked his own reputation to Grusch's public testimony on UFOs, calling the UFO whistleblower 'beyond reproach' and vouching for Grusch's allegations of a secret, decades-long and illegal UFO crash retrieval and reverse-engineering program.
But the most explosive moments from Sol's two-day symposium came from retired US Army Colonel Karl Nell (left). Col. Nell called for a 'UAP campaign plan' to compel transparency as well as 'a Manhattan Project' to more successfully reverse-engineer recovered UAP craft
Col. Nell (above) called UFO whistleblower David Grusch 'beyond reproach' when Grusch's allegations of a secret, decades-long and illegal UFO reverse-engineering program became public in June. He said he wants to avoid 'catastrophic disclosure' on UAP initiated by a US rival
Col. Nell was one among a host of Washington insiders at Sol calling for a strategic 'campaign' to drag these alleged UFO reverse-engineering programs out into public view. He expressed the hope that the general public would compel their representatives in Congress on the issue
In one slide (above), Col. Nell projected strategic hopes that 'disclosure' on the UAP issue would be complete by October 1, 2030, although he admitted his timeline targets were 'at risk' of falling behind. Col. Nell was previously a 'modernization advisor' to Army Futures Command
Ahead of his testimony to the House Oversight Committee last July, Grusch submitted a C.V. to Congress listing his current job as Sol's COO - but a spokesperson for Sol told that this was 'not the case now.' Early data on Sol's non-profit status listed Robovision founder Jonathan Berte as the foundation's CFO. Per Sol, this is apparently also not currently accurate
Geneticist Dr. Garry Nolan, whose Stanford lab houses some of the world's most precise equipment for measuring the atomic and molecular structure of physical samples, is a co-founder of Sol and its executive director.
The group's sweeping mission statement, according to its website, is to develop policy around the believed 'broad consequences' of UAP 'for the future of science, technology, economy, politics, law, religion, culture, and all other human institutions and endeavors.'
To that end, the group's other co-founder, Peter Skafish, is an anthropologist focused on the social implications of humanity's potential (or already occurring) encounters with the 'non-human intelligences,' which Grusch has said pilot these UAP.
Due largely to Dr. Nolan's efforts, the Sol Foundation event was sponsored by Stanford University's School of Medicine.
Col. Nell's comments raised eyebrows among attendees, in no small measure because of the senior army official's final military posting.
Col. Nell was a 'modernization advisor' to the Army Futures Command engaged in the 'most significant Army reorganization since 1973' — which has spearheaded the development of remote-operated and unmanned robotic combat vehicles, AI projects and other advancements.
In recent months, whistleblowers with knowledge of a classified UFO 'reverse engineering' program have opted to testify to the Senate intelligence committee, in part over their reported mistrust of the Pentagon's new UFO office, dubbed AARO. Above, a page from Project 1794 declassified in 2012
Nobel Prize nominee and CIA scientist Dr. Hal Puthoff, who worked in the government's 2008-2012 UFO program called AAWSAP, once told that he had briefed Congress on classified information about UFO reverse-engineering programs
Chris Mellon, formerly with the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, told Sol he had recently spoken with someone still in the Defense Department. Mellon's source said that more revelations and more high-resolution images were coming soon
READ MORE: Pentagon UFO chief Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick will be REPLACED by end of 2023 as whistleblowers accuse him of lying to the public and ignoring witnesses
A candidate 'short list' has been interviewed to replace Dr. Kirkpatrick (above), current head of the US Defense Department's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), one ex-official told the The news comes as UFO whistleblowers, per one attorney, 'don't want to go to Sean's AARO' citing safety concerns. 'Really knowledgeable' UFO whistleblowers, 'people who've laid their hands on the equipment,' as this attorney aiding the whistleblowers told the 'never did trust Sean'
Col. Nell, now an aerospace executive, commanded at every grade level across decades of service including tours with the US Army Reserves, the DIA and US Space Command.
From 2021 to 2022, Col. Nell was assigned as the Army's dedicated liaison to the Pentagon's UAP Task Force.
After apologizing for framing his recommendations to citizen UAP advocates in military terms, Col. Nell detailed tactical 'lines of effort' he hoped the public, government officials and scientists might execute, in parallel, as part of a collaborative effort to advance scientific understanding of UAP.
Perhaps most ambitiously, Col. Nell expressed the hope of direct 'engagement' with the 'non-human intelligences,' or perhaps extraterrestrial beings, piloting UAP sometime in the next decade — a new 'interactive' era of 'scientific discovery.'
But, first and foremost, Col. Nell described his proposal as an effort to 'avoid catastrophic disclosure,' meaning a chaotic release of Earth-shattering revelations designed to sow discord, whether by independent actors or by one of the United States' foreign rivals.
In an echo of the 2004 think-tank exercise detailed by Dr. Puthoff earlier at this Sol event, multiple speakers at the conference floated potential dangers that could arise from future revelations about allegedly secret UAP programs.
Belgian artificial intelligence entrepreneur Jonathan Berte, founder of Robovision, looked to the late 19th century Industrial Revolution to suggest that tech breakthroughs from UAP could actually worsen climate change.
The discovery of oil during that period, Berte noted, actually led to a massive increase in coal mining, as older energy sources were pushed to their limits in an effort to build the hardware and equipment needed to exploit the new, emerging energy sources.
Berte suggested a similar Catch-22 could plague even the most utopian of new technologies or energy sources that may one day derive from UAP.
Another speaker, former Secretary of Defense for Intelligence official Chris Mellon, expressed similar worries about social unrest, economic turmoil and a possible international arms race that could follow further revelations on the UAP topic.
At one point, Mellon floated the possibility that 'disclosure' might change the behavior of UAP and whatever is controlling them, because they no longer have an incentive to hide and remain clandestine.
He worried further about how governments might overreact, causing an aggressive response from UAP and their alleged occupants.
Nevertheless, he described himself as in favor of further UAP disclosure.
Since helping leak three unclassified UFO videos to the New York Times in 2017 — sightings that remain unexplained to this day — Mellon has spearheaded efforts to compel the US government to investigate UFOs more seriously and more openly.
The former DoD official challenged the idea that the measured 'controlled disclosure' described by Col. Nell could occur at all, attributing the current state of affairs to similar principled stands by activist-insiders.
In fact, Mellon said that he had recently spoken with someone still within the Defense Department and that more revelations and more high-resolution images were coming soon.
'The US government is working on a declassification guide,' Mellon said, 'So with that there will be better imagery to be publicly released soon.'
'Maybe not 100 percent in focus,' he added, 'but better imagery.'
Former US Army Colonel Warns Of Catastrophic UFO Disclosure That May Spark Social Unrest
Former US Army Colonel Warns Of Catastrophic UFO Disclosure That May Spark Social Unrest
Are we on the verge of a catastrophic UFO disclosure? The year 2023 has witnessed significant progress in bringing the UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) matter to the attention of the United States Congress. Pentagon whistleblower David Grusch has dominated discussions throughout the year. His testimony before Congress has raised numerous questions about the secrets the U.S. government has allegedly kept since the dawn of UFO sightings. Grusch is convinced that the world has been kept in the dark about this phenomenon for the past 80 to 90 years.
In November 2023, the Daily Mail published a bombshell story discussing the impending UAP Disclosure. Retired US Army Colonel Karl E. Nell was invited to a Stanford University conference to present a “campaign plan” aimed at achieving greater transparency. He also discussed a “Manhattan project,” dedicated to reverse-engineering recovered UFOs/UAPs.
During the conference, Nell showcased slides indicating his hope for disclosure by October 1, 2030. In the slides, he argued his plan, if achieved, would see “Proper Oversight Restored,” “Catastrophic Disclosure Avoid,” and “Scientific Understanding Advanced.” More specifically, Nell advocated for “restoration of proper Federal government oversight over all UAP legacy (and ongoing) program efforts” and “transformative” research and technology programs.
Daily Mail information was based on the first-ever symposium of the new nonprofit Sol Foundation, a group that wants serious research into UFOs and their effects on the world. In 2004, in response to the Defense Intelligence Agency’s decision not to release classified information about UFOs due to the perceived threat to national security, the Sol Foundation was formed.
At this meeting, both Colonel Nell and a former CIA scientist named Hal Puthoff spoke. Puthoff said that in 2004, these important groups chose not to share information about UFO research with the public. Among the Sol Foundation’s other speakers were former U.S. Air Force veteran David Grusch, who testified before Congress earlier this year under oath that “the U.S. government is operating with secrecy—above Congressional oversight” over UAP.
Grusch told the symposium: “Let us advocate for transparency, not for ourselves, but for the generations to come, as we embark on a journey toward a more enlightened and interconnected world.”
At the Sol Foundation UFO symposium, Karl Nell called for a ‘UAP campaign plan’ to compel transparency as well as ‘a Manhattan Project’ to more successfully reverse-engineer recovered UAP craft
Grusch has the support of many individuals in authority who believe he is an authentic person. In the June 2023 edition of the Debrief, authors Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal mention Karl Nell, the retired Army Colonel and aerospace executive who worked with David Grusch and characterized Grusch as “beyond reproach.” Nell speaks highly of Grusch’s integrity and credibility in his role as the Army’s liaison for the UAP Task Force from 2021 to 2022.
Grusch left the government on April 7, 2023, in order, he said, to advance government accountability through public awareness. He remains well-supported within intelligence circles, and numerous sources have vouched for his credibility.
“His assertion concerning the existence of a terrestrial arms race occurring sub-rosa over the past eighty years focused on reverse engineering technologies of unknown origin is fundamentally correct, as is the indisputable realization that at least some of these technologies of unknown origin derive from non-human intelligence,” Karl Nell said.
Ross Coulthart’s insights into UAP disclosure present a compelling narrative, suggesting that there’s more to this phenomenon than meets the eye. With mounting pressure from various quarters, including politicians and the media, the quest for truth regarding UAPs seems poised to intensify in the coming days.
The urgency for UAP disclosure has persisted for a very long time. Roscoe Hillenkoetter, the third CIA director, wrote to Congress in 1960, pleading for UFO disclosure. This confirmed a cover-up and a government disinformation campaign aimed at ridiculing and stigmatizing the topic. (Source)
Perhaps Hillenkoetter’s best-known statement on the subject was in 1960 in a letter to Congress, as reported in The New York Times: “Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”
In his interview with NewsNation, journalist Ross Coulthart shed light on the Office of Global Access (OGA), a key entity where much of the coordination regarding the retrieval of unidentified crafts seems to be happening. He emphasized the seriousness of the matter, stating, “You’ve got to have an office to coordinate the retrieval of these craft.” While some may dismiss these claims as mere science fiction, his recent interactions with credible intelligence sources have solidified his
However, the scale of this phenomenon might be more extensive than what has been previously reported. Ross refuted claims that the U.S. only possesses nine such crafts. “I’m told that the United States has far more than nine craft,” he remarked, indicating that not all of them are intact. He further elaborated that JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) operators, primarily sourced from t he US Air Force special forces, are actively involved in retrieval missions.
A significant revelation from Ross’ sources is the recovery of what he terms as “biologics” — in simpler terms, Non-human Bodies. He shared, “We have recovered what David Grush euphemistically referred to as biologics. Alien bodies, non-human bodies.” This raises pressing concerns about the extent of knowledge the U.S. government possesses regarding non-human life forms.
Ross expressed fears of a potential “catastrophic disclosure” if the government remains tight-lipped. He believes that withholding such crucial information from the public and Congress might lead to unforeseen consequences. He stated, “I think it’s incumbent on the president and members of the executive to start thinking seriously,” emphasizing the urgency of the matter.
When posed with alternate explanations, like the involvement of foreign adversaries, Coulthart was quick to debunk such theories. He clarified that the evidence and statements from government officials indicate that these phenomena are not associated with known foreign technologies. This assertion raises eyebrows and places the focus squarely on what exactly the U.S. government knows but is not sharing.
Ross pointed out the notable shift in stance by certain senior Republican politicians. He questioned their motivations behind opposing legislation that seeks transparency regarding non-human intelligence technology. Coulthart’s skepticism was evident when he questioned, “If this is all nonsense, why would somebody of the incredible reputation and seniority of Chuck Schumer and Marco Rubio, associate themselves with legislation that specifically talks over 20 times about NHI nonhuman intelligence technology?”
Danny Sheehan has been publicly pushing for the disclosure or revelation of information related to UAPs. In other words, he believes that there should be more transparency from governments or other relevant authorities about these unidentified phenomena.
In his other interview with James Landoli on “Engaging The Phenomenon,” Sheehan, who was a former Chief Council for the United States Jesuit order, revealed intriguing details about his conversations with the head of the Vatican archives regarding the Vatican’s knowledge of extraterrestrial life. Sheehan shed light on his involvement in a groundbreaking initiative to address the theological and philosophical implications of the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence.
During the interview, James raised the topic of David Grusch‘s claim that the Vatican possessed knowledge of extraterrestrial phenomena. Sheehan discussed his access to the classified files of the Project Blue Book, where he encountered photos of UFO crash retrievals and concrete evidence of non-human piloted vehicles.
He proposed the formation of a task force involving all 54 major religious denominations to address the issue from a theological perspective. However, at that time, there was insufficient consensus, and the proposal was declined. Sheehan is currently working through his New Paradigm Institute to organize a global summit conference involving world religious leaders to discuss the recent recovery of an extraterrestrial spacecraft.
“The United States government is in possession of biological evidence and has actually taken into custody alive an extraterrestrial person. They’re keeping this secret, interrogating the being, and distorting the information to justify massive expenditures on weapon development under the guise of a perceived threat.”
– Daniel Sheehan.
Sheehan highlighted the Vatican’s acknowledgment of the possibility of extraterrestrial life. He referenced a formal statement issued by the Catholic Church on November 10, 2009, authorized by Pope Benedict. The statement, issued by Father Jose Gabriel Alfuz, a director of the Pontifical Observatory in Rome, recognized the increasing discovery of exoplanets and called for a global discussion on the philosophical and theological implications of the imminent discovery of extraterrestrial life.
Sheehan disclosed that the government was telepathically interrogating the extraterrestrial biological entity (EBO) in custody. Despite acknowledging the bizarre nature of the revelation, Sheehan stood by the credibility of the information, having interviewed individuals directly involved in the process. The EBO allegedly conveyed that a coalition of star systems in our galaxy monitors the evolution of life on different planets, including Earth.
“Pope Benedict had a formal statement issued by the Catholic Church, saying that with the discovery of more exoplanets, it has become clear that we will be discovering life elsewhere in the universe. This prompted the need for a global discussion on the philosophical and theological questions posed by the discovery of extraterrestrial life.”
– Daniel Sheehan.
Meanwhile, Lue Elizondo expresses support for efforts to increase transparency around UAPs. He indicates that there are ongoing efforts behind the scenes to achieve this transparency and that even if certain official channels face challenges or opposition, there are alternative methods and backup plans in place for disclosure. Elizondo emphasizes the importance of understanding the vulnerabilities and challenges faced in these efforts, suggesting a comprehensive strategy is in play.
Unveiling the Mystery: JFK, UFO Sightings, and a Nation’s Quest for Truth
Unveiling the Mystery: JFK, UFO Sightings, and a Nation’s Quest for Truth
The Unseen Skies: A Glimpse into the Unknown
The night sky has long been a canvas for humanity’s greatest mysteries and stories. Among these are the unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, that have captured the imagination and curiosity of many. From the eerie lights of Roswell to the intricate patterns dancing across the night sky, UFO sightings have become a staple of modern mythology. But what happens when these sightings intersect with one of America’s most profound tragedies—the assassination of President John F. Kennedy?
JFK and the Classified Cosmos
Just ten days before his untimely demise, President Kennedy penned a significant document, a request directed at the CIA to release classified UFO files. This memo, enveloped in the highest secrecy, has fueled endless speculation and theories. Did Kennedy’s keen interest in the unknown and his push for transparency lead to his assassination? This question forms the core of a narrative that intertwines a president’s curiosity with the nation’s most enigmatic phenomena.
Deciphering the Skies: A Presidential Quest
JFK’s assassination remains one of the most dissected events in American history. Amidst the myriad of theories, one stands out starkly—the possibility that his pursuit of UFO intelligence played a role in his murder. The declassified memo suggests a president eager to share knowledge of the unknown with NASA and, intriguingly, hints at a potential collaboration with the Soviet Union on space exploration. This revelation positions Kennedy as not just a leader, but as a visionary, seeking to bridge gaps and unravel the mysteries of the cosmos.
The Echoes of Roswell and Beyond
The narrative of UFO sightings doesn’t pause with Kennedy. It stretches back to incidents like Roswell and forward into the continuous reports from civilians and military personnel alike. Each sighting adds a layer to the complex tapestry of this ongoing mystery. As the public’s fascination grows, so does the demand for transparency and understanding. The question remains: What truths are soaring in the unseen stretches of our skies?
A Nation’s Quest for Truth
As the CIA prepares to release thousands of classified files relating to JFK’s death, the world watches, hoping for answers. Will these documents provide clarity, or will they deepen the enigma? The intersection of JFK’s assassination and the phenomenon of UFO sightings represents a unique confluence of mystery, policy, and science fiction, captivating the public’s imagination and demanding attention from scholars and skeptics alike.
Was JFK Murdered Because Of Classified UFO Documents? | NASA’s Unexplained Files
In this quest for understanding, the sky is not the limit but the beginning. As we continue to gaze upward, the mysteries of UFO sightings remain an ever-present reminder of our desire for knowledge and the untold stories of our universe.
Batteries could charge up by relying on a quantum effect known as indefinite causal order, whereby the laws of cause and effect are scrambled and power can move through the system quicker.
An artist's illustration of a particle in a quantum superposition.
(Image credit: agsandrew |
Quantum batteries of the future could gain charge by breaking the conventional laws of causality, research has shown.
Conventional batteries charge by converting electrical energy into chemical energy on the scale of vast numbers of electrons.
But in a new proof-of-principle experiment researchers have demonstrated how a weird quantum effect may lead to batteries that charge faster and with more efficiency by scrambling cause and effect, according to research Dec. 14 in the journal Physical Review Letters.
Causality, or the relationship between cause and effect, is not always straightforward in quantum mechanics, the strange rules that govern the world of the very small.
"Normally, if event A comes first and causes event B, it is assumed that B cannot in turn cause A at the same time," co-first author Yuanbo Chen, a physicist at the University of Tokyo, told Live Science. "However, recent advancements in theoretical physics propose that in certain frameworks, scenarios where 'A causes B' and 'B causes A' could simultaneously be true."
The principle of quantum superposition enables particles to exist in many different states at once, at least until they are observed and "pick" a state to land in.
Any property of a quantum object (such as its momentum, location, or, in the famed case of Erwin Schrödinger’s hypothetical cat, whether it’s alive or not) can exist in superposition — a probabilistic jumble of every possible state that only collapses into a definite outcome when the object is viewed.
This realization has led physicists to conduct all kinds of bizarre experiments that contradict our intuitive notions of what should be possible, including ones where a single particle can both exist and not exist in many different places at the same time.
But superposition doesn’t just mess with our intuitive sense of space, it scrambles our sense of causality too. In 2009, physicists used a device called a quantum switch to observe a phenomenon called indefinite causal order. By sending a light particle, or photon down a pair of diverging paths, the physicists caused it to split into two possible versions of itself — one which went down the first path, and the other the second.
Then, depending on the path the photon took, physicists applied two different processes in a different order depending on the path. The result was a photon that had its causality jumbled: it was in a quantum superposition where both orders of events were true.
"Say that we have two processes: A and B," Chen said. "With a quantum switch, you can create a superposition of (First apply A and then B) and (First apply B and then A)."
Chen and his colleagues wondered if they could incorporate this into a quantum battery, a proposed device that could theoretically store the energy of photons and charge faster than conventional electrochemical batteries.
They compared three charging methods: connecting two chargers to a battery sequentially, simultaneously, or in a superposition that made it impossible to tell the order of input.
Their calculations showed that the superposition method would enable a low-power, causally-scrambled charger to deliver more energy more efficiently than a conventional high-power charger.
They followed up their calculations with a proof-of-principle experiment using light. By sending photons through a quantum switch with two possible paths, the researchers split the light particles into two possible versions of themselves, each one traversing a different path.
Then, after subjecting the light to two inputs that would polarize them in a different order (A then B or B then A) based on the path they were on, the researchers measured the polarization at the end and found that the individual photons had been causally scrambled.
Having tested their protocol, the scientists say their next challenge is to create a physical quantum battery that can hold a charge. However, the first experimental evidence for a quantum battery was only published last year, so it may not happen any time soon.
"Given the current situation characterized by limited experimental efforts and ongoing theoretical exploration in the realm of quantum batteries, it is challenging to estimate a precise timeline for achieving conclusive outcomes," Chen said.
What is the mark of a genius? The ability to reach a solution through an unforeseen shortcut instead of a random walk or an elaborate effort.
In the late 1940s, the brilliant physicists Shin’ichirō Tomonaga and Julian Schwinger offered an operator method for calculating quantum electrodynamics, which was entirely different from Richard Feynman’s diagrammatic method. The two approaches appeared very different, until a 25-year old physicist, Freeman Dyson, had an Eureka moment and demonstrated in a 1949 paper that they are equivalent. The circumstances were unexpected.
In the spring of 1948, Dyson took a cross-country road trip with Feynman. Upon his return, Dyson went to Ann Arbor to spend six weeks with Schwinger. Subsequently, he left Michigan for another cross-country bus trip. Dyson referred to a “flash of illumination on the Greyhound bus,” where everything fell into place. He saw the equivalence of the two competing formulations that had evaded both Feynman and Schwinger.
I often tell my students and postdocs that scientific insights are not necessarily the product of hard work. Take a vacation … go to the movies … enjoy music. If at the end of it all, you’ll return with a brilliant solution to a problem that others were struggling with, your contribution is invaluable. Your intelligence is measured by the originality of your intellectual discoveries and not by the number of likes you get on social media.
What makes human intelligence so unique relative to animals? It is in its ability to promote knowledge exponentially fast. Natural selection is often set up through gradual zero-sum games in an environment that offers limited resources. Animals with better motor skills maintain territorial control more effectively than their competitors. This perspective changed drastically over the past century of human history. Modern science and technology now offer an infinite-sum game with unlimited resources. Whereas natural evolution was limited to Earth, humans launched spacecraft towards new domains of real estate within the solar system and beyond.
Human intelligence allows exponential growth of technological capabilities. Moore’s Law for the miniaturization of semiconductors applies to a broader range of technological capabilities, including 3D printing, drones, robotics, artificial intelligence and synthetic biology.
Without intelligence, unplanned progress is limited to random walks. For example, mutations sample by chance alternative designs of biological systems. Science is made efficient by design through constructive cooperation, as summarized in a 1675 letter by Isaac Newton to Robert Hooke: “if I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Sharing scientific and technological knowledge among individuals and groups makes the growth rate of knowledge proportional to the amount of existing knowledge. When the rate scales with the amount, growth is exponential.
Communication via language and mathematics is key to the exponential evolution of science and technology. Sharing information promotes its growth at a rate that is proportional to what is already known by the community.
It is reasonable to imagine that these traits are universal and likely also apply to alien species on exoplanets. If extraterrestrial gadgets can reach Earth, then the senders probably communicate with each other through a language. In other words: technological aliens communicate!
And if their technological growth is exponential as is ours, they could be far more superior if their technological age exceeds ours. When we encounter their gadgets we might be filled with religious awe, like Moses witnessing the burning bush which was never consumed and concluding that it was manufactured by a superhuman entity.
Humans exceeded the evolutionary level of chimpanzees not by developing better motor skills, but by developing rockets that can reach the Moon and Mars. Given this perspective, it is surprising that some of my colleagues insist that interstellar meteors must be stones. I refer to this perspective as “the stone age of science.”
Imagining what might lie beyond the solar system is a mark of intelligence. We know that 83% of the cosmic matter is not comprised of stones, but an unknown substance labeled “dark matter”. Our ability to consider alternatives to the familiar enables growth in our scientific knowledge. Those who insist on past knowledge will remain ignorant in the same way that chimpanzees never imagined landing on the Moon and non-avian dinosaurs never looked through telescopes in anticipation of a looming catastrophe from an asteroid impact.
Extending our ventures to interstellar space beyond the boundaries of the Solar system would be the next mark of human intelligence and ingenuity. Enrico Fermi asked: “where is everybody?” The answer may arrive as soon as we exit the Oort Cloud to interstellar space: “Welcome to the club of intelligent civilizations whose knowledge grows exponentially.”
Avi Loeb is the head of the Galileo Project, founding director of Harvard University’s – Black Hole Initiative, director of the Institute for Theory and Computation at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and the former chair of the astronomy department at Harvard University (2011-2020). He chairs the advisory board for the Breakthrough Starshot project, and is a former member of the President’s Council of Advisors onScience and Technology and a former chair of the Board on Physics and Astronomy of the National Academies. He is the bestselling author of “Extraterrestrial:The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth” and a co-author of the textbook “Life in the Cosmos”, both published in 2021. His new book, titled “Interstellar”, was published in August 2023.
In the 2023 July congressional UAP hearings, former US intelligence official David Grusch testified that the United States government has been concealing evidence of UFOs and indications of non-human intelligence. He claimed the government possessed retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin and he knows the location. Finally, the subject of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) is considered serious due to the lack of information about them and increasing military encounters. Meanwhile, UFO enthusiasts are waiting for the Pentagon to release a 23-minute video that will reportedly leave viewers “rattled.” Luis Elizondo claimed that it shows UFOs moving in a strange pattern.
It is more than 4 years since the New York Times article revealed the existence of the secret program (AATI) funded by the United States Army to investigate UFOs. Luis Elizondo ran the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATI) from 2007 to 2012. Since then, he has spoken about various incidents that happened to the US pilots and possibilities of alien existence.
Elizondo, who resigned from the Pentagon in 2017, has made several bold statements since then. His claims literally change the US government’s perspective on viewing UFOs. Moreover, he refused to talk more as he is afraid of being arrested.
In 2021, he stated to have seen the UFO footage, describing it as showing unidentified floating objects for 23 minutes. He made this revelation while talking to the YouTube channels Fade to Black and Witness Citizen UAP. During the talk, Elizondo revealed that the UFO video was extremely compelling.
According to Elizondo, the video is said to show multiple UFOs that are moving in ways and strange “patterns” that humans do not conventionally understand – with data recorded using US military systems.
Lue Elizondo was a former US Army intelligence officer who helped trace terrorists after 9/11. credit: The Sun
He also mentioned this video in his interview with GQ. He stated: “It was the overwhelming weight of evidence and data. I was talking to pilots routinely. There’s videos out there [in government, that the public haven’t seen] – there’s one that’s 23 minutes long. There’s another one where this thing is 50 feet away from the cockpit. I mean, it ain’t ours. We know that. Sometimes you just couldn’t believe it – you’d have seven or eight incidents in a single day. I’d get these emails from an admiral or a ship’s captain saying, ‘Lue, what do you want me to do? I can’t keep people below deck forever. These things are swarming my ship, they’re all over the place.’ That’s tough. I kept promising the cavalry was coming and I’d have answers for them and the cavalry never came. Senior leadership didn’t want to deal with it.”
While discussing the 23-minute UFO video, Elizondo mentioned that it is a very compelling footage. “I did not say what it was. I sent it out to some highly trained experts in the ISR (Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance) community. And when they came back to me, the title of the email was quote unquote ‘that UFO video’.”
He added: “It is definitive and its perplexing, every time you think you are like ‘thats what I am looking at’ – bang, it changes.” When quizzed by host Jimmy Church on the way the object moved, its speed and if it was “beyond our capabilities,” Elizondo said it was enough to make officials “raise our eyebrows and say woah.”
Here is the transcript of Luis Elizondo’s interview with Sean of Witness Citizen, where he talked about the 23-minute video and 50-foot photo:
Elizondo: You know, the problem is that this battle isn’t over. We won a major battle with the report coming out of the UAP report, it was historic like you said, in the very first sentence of the very first paragraph. It says this is a preliminary report which means there are other reports, you know, congratulations, you won, you got it, right? And then it said that there were 144 incidents and only one they were able to identify. By the way, that was only in the last year and a half, it was from November 2019 and forward. By the way, it only involved the navy, right, so yeah, so people say, well there was one from the Nimitz, okay.
Sean: That equipment sucks or… Elizondo: This is… well, so, you’ve got a lot of stuff happening, right? So, you know, we’re just now starting this journey together.
Sean: Yeah, you know, it is kind of overwhelming for a lot of people but I’ll tell you, the message is getting out there in the right way and the way that I kind of… uh… evaluate, that is talking to my wife because she’s not very into this stuff, so not that, she’s not against it, we did see something together but she’s not like me, she doesn’t have a podcast. But the news comes on, they talk about the report, I come home later, ask her about it, what was your takeaway? And she says, well, I guess they only identified one out of what a hundred something, and I’m like, yes…
Elizondo: Right. Sean: …That’s exactly right, honey. Elizondo: Exactly, by the way, some of these things were really, really close, so you know, you tell me. Sean: Wow, that’s crazy, yeah… Oh, when are we going to see that 50-foot-away pic? Elizondo: Oh, man, that’s not up to me, but yeah, there’s a couple there that will rattle you pretty good, um… Yeah, there’s one I won’t go into detail, but the video is about 23 minutes long, it’s pretty good, man, gotta get that popcorn and some 3D glasses and maybe some Coca-Cola or something…
In order to have a glimpse of what the Navy and Air Force might capture in their camera, see the video below by the U.S. Navy that has been recently released, showing the support ship Shahid Baziar, from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy, unlawfully towing the Saildrone Explorer. From this video, one may wonder how many high-quality UFO videos are in possession of the US Navy.
Elizondo clarifies that his job was never intended to study UFOs. It was to hunt terrorists and spies – and then use those same skills to hunt UFOs. “It’s the same thing,” he said. He further noted: “I didn’t care if it was supernatural technology, bottom line is there is something over controlled US airspace performing in ways we can’t – we’ve got to figure it out.” (Source)
He compared the growing push for disclosure on what the US knows about the mysterious craft to when mankind first came out of caves to look at the stars, or when man-made fire. He said the world may see a “paradigm shift” in our thinking – just like when the astronomer Galileo established the Earth was not the center of the Solar System. “They tried to persecute him, to put him to the death – but at the end [the revelation] didn’t disrupt society and it benefited the species,” Elizondo said.
EXCLUSIVEA bird, plane... or a UFO? Woman spots illuminous 'Tic-Tac' shaped object from her kitchen in Stockport - but experts think there might be a simple explanation
EXCLUSIVE - A bird, plane... or a UFO? Woman spots illuminous 'Tic-Tac' shaped object from her kitchen in Stockport - but experts think there might be a simple explanation
Karen Brown, from Stockport, was looking out of her kitchen window when she spotted the unidentified flying object (UFO).
Her photos show the illuminous oblong object – which, at first glance, looks similar to the famous white breath mint – bobbing around over the trees at night in September.
Experts are intrigued by the presence of aerial entities that look like the original 'Tic Tac' UFO seen in 2004 – but there could be a simple explanation.
Karen Brown, from Stockport, was looking out of her kitchen window when she spotted the unidentified flying object (UFO)
Photos show the illuminous entity bobbing around over the trees in the suburb of Heaton Mersey at night time
The first, described as looking like a square or triangle, had a hazy appearance and was changing shape and 'darting around the sky'.
Meanwhile, the second object – a much brighter white in colour and 'shaped like a Tic Tac' – kept vanishing and reappearing.
It's unclear if the 'Tic Tac' sightings by two different people in the same town are of the same object.
Mrs Brown told MailOnline: 'It was very strange that a lady in Stockport saw something at the beginning of October and I saw a similar sighting the beginning of September.'
Its brilliant white colour made it stand out in the British night's sky. It comes nearly two decades after the original 'Tic Tac' UFO was spotted in the US
Mrs Brown said she was 'really intrigued' by the mysterious phenomena which she snapped in Heaton Mersey
Earlier in 2023, a 'concerned citizen' shared her encounter with two unidentified flying objects (UFOs) from her back garden in Stockport
A bizarre face-shaped object changed colour while in the sky
According to the Defence and Security Media Advisory (DSMA) Committee, the matter falls under the remit of UK Space Command, who MailOnline has contacted for comment.
Nick Pope, a UFO expert formerly with the UK's Ministry of Defence, has called the presence of Tic Tac shaped objects in UK skies 'intriguing'.
'Any mention of a Tic Tac-shaped object performing unusual manoeuvres is particularly intriguing given the US Navy sightings of such objects,' he told MailOnline.
Another British UFO researcher, Philip Mantle, said: 'I see no reason why these photos are not of an aircraft or drone'.
'It's basically a light in the distance and the elongated shape is made by the unsteady hand of the photographer,' he told MailOnline.
'Why would two people in consecutive months spot the same thing? Well maybe aircraft are scheduled to take off at certain times and this is the flight path they take.'
When the original Tic Tac UFO was spotted nearly 20 years ago, it marked a seismic shift away from the entities being perceived as simply 'flying saucers'.
US Navy pilots were conducting a routine training mission with the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz off the Southern California coast in November 2004.
Aboard was US Navy Lieutenant Commander Alex Dietrich, who first noticed an unusual 'churning' of the ocean surface before seeing the Tic Tac UFO.
One of the most famous and unusual UFOs to date, spotted by the US Navy in 2004, was compared with the Tic Tac breath mint due to its white, oblong appearance (pictured)
The smooth, white oblong object flew at high speed over the water, maneuvering and accelerating in ways which seemed to defy the laws of physics.
'It appeared to respond in a way that we didn't recognise', Dietrich told Reuters in 2021, and seemed to lack 'any visible flight control surfaces or means of propulsion'.
'We don't know what it was, but it could have been a natural phenomenon in human activity,' she said. 'But the point was that it was weird, and we couldn't recognise it.'
US Department of Defense – otherwise known as the Pentagon – declined to comment on the recent Tic Tac images in the UK.
However, the usually secretive government branch has been more transparent about what it knows regarding UFOs in recent months.
A Pentagon document published in the summer revealed that the typical UFO has a round shape, usually spherical or an orb, with a white or silver colour.
The world's UFO hotspots are revealed - as Pentagon admits hundreds of objects have been spotted 'all over the world'
The US government is notoriously secretive when it comes to sharing what it knows about extraterrestrial life.
But in a possible bid for transparency, the Department of Defense has released a new document disclosing the 'world's UFO hotspots'.
It includes a map disclosing where the most sightings of unidentified objects have been recorded, based on reports between 1996 and 2023.
The map discloses where the most sightings have been recorded based on reports between 1996 and 2023 - naming Japan and the coasts of the US as particular hotspots
Among them Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan, the east and west coasts of the US including California, as well as parts of the Middle East.
Astronomers Find New Way to Detect Water Oceans and Alien Life on Rocky Exoplanets
Astronomers Find New Way to Detect Water Oceans and Alien Life on Rocky Exoplanets
Planets too close to their star are too hot (such as Venus), those too far, are too cold (like Mars), whereas planets in the habitable zone are just right. Whilst there has been much effort in identifying planets in the theoretical habitable zones of their stars, until now there was no way of knowing whether they truly have liquid water. Now, astronomers from the University of Birmingham, MIT and elsewhere have shown that if an exoplanet has a reduced amount of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere compared to neighboring planets, it suggests there is liquid water on that planet’s surface.
An artist’s impression of the super-Earth planet Ross 508b.
Image credit: Sci.News.
Astronomers have so far detected more than 5,200 extrasolar worlds. With current telescopes, they can directly measure a planet’s distance to its star and the time it takes it to complete an orbit.
Those measurements can help scientists infer whether a planet is within a habitable zone.
But there’s been no way to directly confirm whether a planet is indeed habitable, meaning that liquid water exists on its surface.
Across our own Solar System, astronomers can detect the presence of liquid oceans by observing glints — flashes of sunlight that reflect off liquid surfaces.
These glints, or specular reflections, have been observed, for instance, on Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, which helped to confirm the moon’s large lakes.
Detecting a similar glimmer in far-off planets, however, is out of reach with current technologies.
But MIT astronomer Julien de Wit, University of Birmingham astronomer Amaury Triaud and their colleagues realized there’s another habitable feature close to home that could be detectable in distant worlds.
“An idea came to us, by looking at what’s going on with the terrestrial planets in our own system,” Dr. Triaud said.
Venus, Earth, and Mars share similarities, in that all three are rocky and inhabit a relatively temperate region with respect to the Sun.
Earth is the only planet among the trio that currently hosts liquid water. And the researchers noted another obvious distinction: Earth has significantly less carbon dioxide in its atmosphere.
“We assume that these planets were created in a similar fashion, and if we see one planet with much less carbon now, it must have gone somewhere,” Dr. Triaud said.
“The only process that could remove that much carbon from an atmosphere is a strong water cycle involving oceans of liquid water.”
Indeed, the Earth’s oceans have played a major and sustained role in absorbing carbon dioxide.
Over hundreds of millions of years, the oceans have taken up a huge amount of carbon dioxide, nearly equal to the amount that persists in the Venusian atmosphere today.
This planetary-scale effect has left Earth’s atmosphere significantly depleted of carbon dioxide compared to its planetary neighbors.
“On Earth, much of the atmospheric carbon dioxide has been sequestered in seawater and solid rock over geological timescales, which has helped to regulate climate and habitability for billions of years,” said Dr. Frieder Klein, a researcher at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
The astronomers reasoned that if a similar depletion of carbon dioxide were detected in a far-off planet, relative to its neighbors, this would be a reliable signal of liquid oceans and life on its surface.
“After reviewing extensively the literature of many fields from biology, to chemistry, and even carbon sequestration in the context of climate change, we believe that indeed if we detect carbon depletion, it has a good chance of being a strong sign of liquid water and/or life,” Dr. de Wit said.
In the study, the researchers lay out a strategy for detecting habitable planets by searching for a signature of depleted carbon dioxide.
Such a search would work best for ‘peas-in-a-pod’ systems, in which multiple terrestrial planets, all about the same size, orbit relatively close to each other, similar to our own Solar System.
The first step the scientists propose is to confirm that the planets have atmospheres, by simply looking for the presence of carbon dioxide, which is expected to dominate most planetary atmospheres.
“Carbon dioxide is a very strong absorber in the infrared, and can be easily detected in the atmospheres of exoplanets,” Dr. de Wit said.
“A signal of carbon dioxide can then reveal the presence of exoplanet atmospheres.”
Once astronomers determine that multiple planets in a system host atmospheres, they can move on to measure their carbon dioxide content, to see whether one planet has significantly less than the others.
If so, the planet is likely habitable, meaning that it hosts significant bodies of liquid water on its surface.
But habitable conditions don’t necessarily mean that a planet is inhabited. To see whether life might actually exist, the authors propose that astronomers look for another feature in a planet’s atmosphere: ozone.
On Earth, plants and some microbes contribute to drawing carbon dioxide, although not nearly as much as the oceans. Nevertheless, as part of this process, the lifeforms emit oxygen, which reacts with the Sun’s photons to transform into ozone, a molecule that is far easier to detect than oxygen itself.
If a planet’s atmosphere shows signs of both ozone and depleted carbon dioxide, it likely is a habitable, and inhabited world.
“If we see ozone, chances are pretty high that it’s connected to carbon dioxide being consumed by life,” Dr. Triaud said.
“And if it’s life, it’s glorious life. It would not be just a few bacteria. It would be a planetary-scale biomass that’s able to process a huge amount of carbon, and interact with it.”
The team estimates that the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope would be able to measure carbon dioxide, and possibly ozone, in nearby, multiplanet systems such as TRAPPIST-1, a seven-planet system that orbits a bright star, just 40 light-years from Earth.
“TRAPPIST-1 is one of only a handful of systems where we could do terrestrial atmospheric studies with Webb,” Dr. de Wit said.
“Now we have a roadmap for finding habitable planets. If we all work together, paradigm-shifting discoveries could be done within the next few years.”
The study was published in the journal Nature Astronomy.
A.H.M.J. Triaud et al. Atmospheric carbon depletion as a tracer of water oceans and biomass on temperate terrestrial exoplanets. Nat Astron, published online December 28, 2023; doi: 10.1038/s41550-023-02157-9
UFO appears after plasma twister broke apart from the sun
UFO appears after plasma twister broke apart from the sun
A plasma twister in the sun's northern hemisphere broke apart on December 28, 2023 and hurled a spinning cloud of hot gas into space. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded its escape.
At first glance this tiny cloud may seem inconsequential. However, on its way out of the sun's atmosphere, it triggered magnetic instabilities that turned into a surprisingly large CME. The CME will not hit Earth.
Remarkable, right after the plasma twister's breakup, a substantial unidentified object emerged from the sun and shot into space.
Considering the history of similar objects passing near the sun, which were clearly not charged particles released from the sun we may wonder whether this object could be of extraterrestrial origin and if it could be linked to the earlier disintegration of the plasma twister from the sun?
Organic Molecules Come from the Universe’s Cold Places
Life, as we all know, is based on chemistry. Prebiotic chemical building blocks existed on our planet for a long time before life arose. Astrobiology and cosmochemistry focus on the formation of those building blocks. They also look at the role each played in creating all the life forms we know today.
For a long time, cosmo-chemists have known that organic molecules called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are quite plentiful in the Universe. Scientists consider them plausible prebiotic building blocks that likely played an important role in the formation of life on Earth. What’s not as well understood is their origin story. For a long time, scientists suspected that they formed in regions where temperatures get to around 1000 K. That would supply energy to promote chemical activity to create PAHs, such as in star-forming molecular clouds or circumstellar disks. It’s also possible they form as part of the processing of carbon-rich dust grains by nearby energy sources (such as stars).
However, based on recent studies of an asteroid and meteorite, it turns out that some PAHs formed in cold regions of space, too. In those regions, the temperature does not get much higher than 100 K. That finding opens up new pathways for understanding life’s chemical journey on other planets and celestial bodies.
Understanding These Organic Molecules
According to Professor Kliti Grice, a researcher at the Western Australia Organic and Isotope Geochemistry Centre at Curtin University, understanding these materials is a big step. “PAHs are organic compounds made up of carbon and hydrogen that are common on Earth but are also found in celestial bodies like asteroids and meteorites,” said Grice.
They’re spread throughout the interstellar medium and detected in galaxies across the Universe. Generally, they’re used as a tracer of cold molecular gas, which is where stars—and planets—begin their formation journey.
An image of an interstellar nebula with some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecular structures superimposed. These organic molecules exist throughout the Universe. Courtesy: NASA.
As such, scientists want to trace their path from space to Earth and compare space-based PAHs to Earth-based ones. That’s because PAHs are a very likely precursor to the kinds of materials that eventually lead to the formation of life. That makes their presence on other celestial bodies intriguing as scientists work to understand the formation and evolution of life.
Beyond Earth, PAHs account for about 30 percent of all carbon found in regions around stars, in molecular clouds, and on planets (and other bodies). On Earth, many PAHs exist in coal deposits and oil reservoirs. Plants burning (as in forest fires) also produce these compounds. They work their way into the soil and eventually end up in plants (among other things).
Organic Molecules and Rocky Bodies
Grice is part of an international research team that focused on pieces of asteroid Ryugu and the famous Murchison meteorite to figure out where their PAHs formed. The team started with an unusual chemistry project: burning plants. That’s because plants contain PAHs that form here on Earth. “We performed controlled burn experiments on Australian plants,” said Grice, “which were isotopically compared to PAHs from fragments of the Ryugu asteroid that were returned to Earth by a Japanese spacecraft in 2020, and the Murchison meteorite that landed in Australia in 1969. The bonds between light and heavy carbon isotopes in the PAHs were analyzed to reveal the temperature at which they were formed.”
The Murchison Meteorite, which fell to Earth in 1969. It contains organic molecules. Courtesy Basilicofresco, CC BY-SA 3.0
Using high-tech methods to study Ryugu and Murchison, the team found two sources of PAHs with slightly different characteristics. “The smaller ones likely formed in cold outer space, while bigger ones probably formed in warmer environments, like near a star or inside a celestial body,” according to Grice.
Ryugu is particularly interesting since it formed early in the Solar System’s history. A critical analysis of its chemistry found several PAHs. The team also detected organosulfides (compounds with sulfur). These all likely formed in very cold interstellar clouds. That means they predate the formation of the Solar System, making bits of Ryugu older than the Sun and planets.
PAHs on the Pathway of Life
Why are scientists interested in PAHs? Their role as precursor compounds for life is intriguing. The fact that they can exist out in space opens up avenues of research into life beyond Earth. In addition, their presence gives new insight into the bodies that contain them.
Research team member Dr. Alex Holman said that studying the isotopic composition of PAHs found in celestial bodies offers a glimpse of their formation conditions. “This research gives us valuable insights into how organic compounds form beyond Earth and where they come from in space,” Dr Holman said. Ultimately, in the search for life elsewhere in the Universe, understanding the chemical pathways it takes through different formation environments will be important information.
NASA Tests Out 3D-printed Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine!
Engineers at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, conduct a successful, 251-second hot fire test of a full-scale Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine combustor in fall 2023, achieving more than 5,800 pounds of thrust. Credit: NASA
NASA Tests Out 3D-printed Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine!
Looking to the future, NASA is investigating several technologies that will allow it to accomplish some bold objectives. This includes returning to the Moon, creating the infrastructure that will let us stay there, sending the first crewed mission to Mars, exploring the outer Solar System, and more. This is particularly true of propulsion technologies beyond conventional chemical rockets and engines. One promising technology is the Rotating Detonation Engine(RDE), which relies on one or more detonations that continuously travel around an annular channel.
In a recent hot fire test at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, the agency achieved a new benchmark in developing RDE technology. On September 27th, engineers successfully tested a 3D-printed rotating detonation rocket engine (RDRE) for 251 seconds, producing more than 2,630 kg (5,800 lbs) of thrust. This sustained burn meets several mission requirements, such as deep-space burns and landing operations. NASA recently shared the footage of the RDRE hot fire test (see below) as it burned continuously on a test stand at NASA Marshall for over four minutes.
While RDEs have been developed and tested for many years, the technology has garnered much attention since NASA began researching it for its “Moon to Mars” mission architecture. Theoretically, the engine technology is more efficient than conventional propulsion and similar methods that rely on controlled detonations. The first hot fire test with the RDRE was performed at Marshall in the summer of 2022 in partnership with advanced propulsion developer In Space LLC and Purdue University in Lafayette, Indiana.
During that test, the RDRE fired for nearly a minute and produced more than 1815 kg (4,000 lbs) of thrust. According to Thomas Teasley, who leads the RDRE test effort at NASA Marshall, the primary goal of the latest test is to understand better how they can scale the combustor to support different engine systems and maximize the variety of missions they could be used for. This ranges from landers and upper-stage engines to supersonic retropropulsion – a deceleration technique that could land heavy payloads and crewed missions on Mars. As Teasley said in a recent NASA press release:
“The RDRE enables a huge leap in design efficiency. It demonstrates we are closer to making lightweight propulsion systems that will allow us to send more mass and payload further into deep space, a critical component to NASA’s Moon to Mars vision.”
Meanwhile, engineers at NASA’s Glenn Research Center and Houston-based Venus Aerospace are working with NASA Marshall to identify ways to scale the technology for larger mission profiles.
The full, weird story of the quantum world is much too large for a single article, but the period from 1905, when Einstein first published his solution to the photoelectric puzzle, to the 1960’s, when a complete, well-tested, rigorous, and insanely complicated quantum theory of the subatomic world finally emerged, is quite the story.
This quantum theory would come to provide, in its own way, its own complete and total revision of our understanding of light. In the quantum picture of the subatomic world, what we call the electromagnetic force is really the product of countless microscopic interactions, the work of indivisible photons, who interact in mysterious ways. As in, literally mysterious. The quantum framework provides no picture as to how subatomic interactions actually proceed. Rather, it merely gives us a mathematical toolset for calculating predictions. And so while we can only answer the question of how photons actually work with a beleaguered shrug, we are at least equipped with some predictive power, which helps assuage the pain of quantum incomprehensibility.
Doing the business of physics – that is, using mathematical models to make predictions to validate against experiment – is rather hard in quantum mechanics. And that’s because of the simple fact that quantum rules are not normal rules, and that in the subatomic realm all bets are off.
Interactions and processes at the subatomic level are not ruled by the predictability and reliability of macroscopic processes. In the macroscopic world, everything makes sense (largely because we’ve evolved to make sense of the world we live in). I can toss a ball enough times to a child that their brain can quickly pick up on the reliable pattern: the ball leaves my hand, the ball follows an arcing path, the ball moves forward and eventually falls to the ground. Sure, there are variations based on speed and angle and wind, but the basic gist of a tossed ball is the same, every single time.
Not so in the quantum world, where perfect prediction is impossible and reliable statements are lacking. At subatomic scales, probabilities rule the day – it’s impossible to say exactly what any given particle will do at any given moment. And this absence of predictability and reliability at first troubled, and then disgusted, Einstein, who would eventually leave the quantum world behind with nothing more than a regretful shake of his head at the misguided work of his colleagues. And so he continued his labors, attempting to find a unified approach to joining the two known forces of nature, electromagnetism and gravity, with an emphatically not quantum framework.
When two new forces were first proposed in the 1930’s to explain the deep workings of atomic nuclei – the strong and weak nuclear forces, respectively – this did not deter Einstein. Once electromagnetism and gravity were successfully united, it would not take much additional effort to work in new forces of nature. Meanwhile, his quantum-leaning contemporaries took to the new forces with gusto, eventually folding them into the quantum worldview and framework.
By the end of Einstein’s life, quantum mechanics could describe three forces of nature, while gravity stood alone, his general theory of relativity a monument to his intellect and creativity.
NASA Astronauts are Trying Out the Starship Lunar Elevator
Image of NASA astronauts Nicole Mann and Doug “Wheels” Wheelock conducting recent training on a mock-up of the SpaceX human landing system (HLS) elevator system with the help of a technician.
NASA Astronauts are Trying Out the Starship Lunar Elevator
As NASA continues to ramp up efforts for its Artemis program, which has the goal of landing the first woman and person of color on the lunar surface, two NASA astronauts recently conducted training with a replica of SpaceX’s Starship human landing system (HLS), albeit on a much smaller scale. Given that Starship is 50 meters (160 feet) tall, and the crew quarters are located near the top of Starship, the HLS will need an elevator with a basket to transport crew and supplies from the crew quarters down to the surface. The purpose of this training is to familiarize astronauts with all aspects of this system, including elevator and gate controls and latches, along with how the astronauts perform these tasks in their bulky astronaut suits, which both astronauts wore during the training.
The two NASA astronauts who participated in the recent training are Nicole Mann and Doug “Wheels” Wheelock. NASA Astronaut Mann is a Colonel in the United States Marine Corps who was selected as a NASA astronaut in the 2013 NASA Group 21. Her spaceflight experience includes 157 days in space as part of Expedition 68 onboard the International Space Station (ISS) and being launched aboard the SpaceX Crew-5 mission. NASA Astronaut Wheelock is a Colonel in the United States Army who was selected as a NASA astronaut in the 1998 NASA Group. His spaceflight experience includes 178 days in space as part of STS-120 and later as part of Expedition 24/25 on the ISS and being launched aboard the Soyuz TMA-19.
As noted, Starship is 50 meters (160 feet) tall and 9 meters (30 feet) in diameter and capable of landing 100 tons (99,790 kilograms/220,000 pounds) on the lunar surface, which is in stark contrast to the Apollo lunar module that landed 12 men on the lunar surface during the Apollo program, which was only 5.5 meters (17.9 feet) tall and approximately 4.3 meters (14 feet) in diameter and a mass of 15,103 kilograms (33,296 pounds) with fuel.
Ironically, the original plan for landing astronauts on the Moon during the Apollo program was known as direct ascent that involved a single, large vehicle with a payload of 74,000 kilograms (163,000 pounds) landing on the lunar surface. While NASA was in favor of using the direct ascent method in early 1961 since spacecraft rendezvous and docking had not been performed in Earth orbit yet, this was later scrapped in favor of the lunar orbit rendezvous (LOR) mission mode that was advocated by NASA aerospace engineer, John Houbolt, who estimated this would significantly reduce the weight involved in such a landing approach. LOR not only successfully landed six Apollo missions on the Moon, but it was also responsible for saving the Apollo 13 crew when one of their oxygen tanks ruptured and the crew was able to use the lunar module as a lifeboat as they flew around the Moon and came back to Earth.
As NASA astronauts train for using the Starship HLS elevator someday, Starship has already conducted two flight tests—Ship 24 in April 2023 and Ship 25 in November 2023, respectively. While both flights ended in failure, Ship 25 officially passed the Karman Line, which is the traditional boundary of outer space. A third Starship test flight is currently scheduled to occur sometime in the first quarter of 2024, which also comes as the crewed Artemis II mission is gearing up for their 10-day mission orbiting the Moon in November 2024 and Artemis III currently scheduled to land astronauts near the lunar south pole sometime in 2025.
How will Starship HLS help future Artemis astronauts on the lunar surface in the next few years? Only time will tell, and this is why we science!
UFO Sightings and Nuclear Facilities: A Mysterious Intersection
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have long been a subject of fascination and controversy, sparking interest from conspiracy theorists, scientists, and governments alike. Among the myriad of reported sightings, one particularly intriguing pattern has emerged: the frequent association of UFOs with nuclear facilities. This article delves into the mysterious world of UFO sightings near nuclear installations, exploring incidents, implications, and the quest for understanding that continues to elude us.
Unraveling the Enigma: UFOs at the World’s Nuclear Doorstep
Historic Incidents: The Malmstrom AFB Encounter
In March 1967, an incident at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana sent shockwaves through the defense community. Robert Salas, a former U.S. Air Force officer, reported a UFO shutting down several Minuteman nuclear missiles. The object, described as a pulsating orange light, rendered ten ICBMs inoperative, a situation unprecedented in military history. This event is not an isolated case; it’s a scenario that has repeated itself at various nuclear sites worldwide, suggesting a deliberate pattern or message from an unknown origin.
A Global Phenomenon: From the US to the USSR
UFO sightings at nuclear facilities are not confined to the United States. Similar incidents have occurred globally, including a notable event in Ukraine in 1982, where a UFO reportedly initiated a missile launch sequence before abruptly stopping it. These recurring incidents across different nations and political climates indicate a global phenomenon that demands attention and understanding.
The Implications: Security, Technology, and Extraterrestrial Interest
National Security Concerns:
The presence of unidentified objects capable of disabling nuclear weapons systems raises profound security questions. If these objects are extraterrestrial or represent an unknown advanced technology, what are their intentions? Are they a threat, a warning, or a mere observation from a distant civilization?
Technological Marvels:
The technology implied by these sightings is far beyond human capabilities, particularly concerning speed, maneuverability, and the ability to interfere with electronic systems. Understanding this technology could leap forward in human scientific knowledge, potentially offering new energy sources, propulsion methods, or other revolutionary advancements.
Extraterrestrial Messaging:
Many, like Robert Salas, believe these incidents are a message about the dangers and moral implications of nuclear weapons. If an advanced civilization is monitoring us, it might be cautioning humanity about a path that could lead to destruction and urging a reevaluation of our most destructive technologies.
The Quest for Transparency and Understanding
Despite numerous credible reports and evidence, there remains a significant shroud of secrecy and dismissal around UFO sightings, especially those associated with nuclear facilities. Advocates for transparency, including military personnel and researchers, call for open investigations and government disclosure to understand the phenomena truly.
Coast to Coast AM: UFOs and Nuclear Facilities: An Investigation into Sightings and Incidents
The intersection of UFO sightings and nuclear facilities presents a compelling narrative that challenges our understanding of technology, security, and the potential for extraterrestrial life. As we stand at this crossroads of mystery and discovery, the quest for answers continues. It’s a journey that requires an open mind, rigorous scientific inquiry, and perhaps most importantly, a global conversation about our place in the universe and the choices we make for our future.
Earlier this year, scientists with the U.S. Department of Energyrevealed that unusual infrasonic phenomena had been detected emanating from the Earth’s upper atmosphere during high-altitude experiments involving sonic devices carried aloft with balloons. The exact source of these mysterious sounds had been undetermined at the time, and seemingly remain so today.
“[In the stratosphere,] there are mysterious infrasound signals that occur a few times per hour, Daniel Bowman, a Principal Scientist at Sandia National Laboratories, said in May about the unusual discovery, adding that “the source of these is completely unknown.” Pending further data, Bowman’s findings were the focus of a presentation he gave at the 184th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Chicago
The unusual stratospheric mystery Bowman and his colleagues are investigating is just one of many varieties of unusual sonic enigmas that have long baffled scientists. Reports of mysterious sounds date back several centuries and involve phenomena compared to mysterious humming, odd noises likened to blaring trumpets, thunderous “booms,” and even loud metallic scraping, which have been reported coming from the sky, from below ground, and even from within the depths of our oceans over the decades.
Examples include those discovered by Dr. Gordon J. F. MacDonald, an American geophysicist and former charter member of the president’s three-man Council on Environmental Quality, who uncovered a letter from 1906 that documented reports of booms that occurred seemingly in conjunction with foreshocks that preceded the Great San Francisco Earthquake of that same year. More than two decades earlier, similar reports were documented in Charleston, S.C. in 1883, while across the globe, reports of loud noises were documented along with the rain of a strange, ash-like substance over Queenstown, South Africa.
Not unlike the high-altitude infrasonic events detected by Department of Energy scientists earlier this year, the cause underlying the mystery sounds of the late 19th and early 20th century also remained undetermined. Curiously, many of them have also persisted over the decades, occasionally arousing the attention of scientists due to their perplexing—and often explosive—nature.
Among the most intriguing and widely reported sounds of unknown origin are the so-called “mystery booms” that have been logged for many decades, with occasional waves of activity that have often garnered widespread attention from the media. Between 1977 and 1978, more than 600 reports of mystery booms were documented along the east coast of the United States, with several of the incidents centered around southern New Jersey.
Bell Island, Newfoundland, the location of a famous high-energy boom in April 1978 (CC 4.0)
The frequency of reports around that time led to speculation about whether some variety of aircraft or weapons tests might be underway. It was even considered whether the booms had been precursors to a famous mystery explosion that occurred on Bell Island off the Newfoundland coast on April 2, 1978. The incident, explored by Canadian journalist Rick Seaward in a CBC television documentary later that year, was later determined to have been detected by the U.S. government’s Vela Satellite array, used to monitor nuclear testing and compliance with the 1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty.
Although the unusually energetic boom over Bell Island remained an outlier, many of the thundering noises reported around the same time were mild by comparison and could have had more conventional explanations. It was the opinion of Jeremy Stone, former president of the Federation of American Scientists, that many of the booms reported during the late 1970s were sonic booms from aircraft. The sudden cause of these booms had been due to flight paths made by the Concorde, a turbojet-powered supersonic passenger jet airliner, which remained in service between 1976 and 2003. Expounding on this theory, some argued that combining the sonic booms with unusual jet stream configurations occurring at the time could explain the rash of reports.
However, the sonic boom theory didn’t find favor with all the experts who examined the 1977 mystery boom wave. In opposition to his colleagues who supported the manmade origin of the booms, Dr. Gordon MacDonald, based on his previous research into historic occurrences of these phenomena, maintained that as many as 181 of the incidents had been more likely to have natural causes related to upper atmospheric weather phenomena.
Another wave of mystery booms occurred in southern California between 1991 and 1993, prompting investigations by MIT’s Lincoln Labs and researchers at Caltech. A paper by researchers Joseph E. Cates and Bradford Sturtevant examined whether correlations existed between seismic events and the boom reports, but ultimately concluded that sonic booms propagated from offshore operations of military aircraft were a more likely cause. However, the Caltech researchers were unsuccessful at correlating the specific source of the booms with any known military or other aircraft activity in the region.
Reports of mystery booms continue today, often occurring during colder weather periods (possibly in association with cryoseisms or “frost quakes”), and discussion surrounding the various underlying causes is as hotly debated now as in the past.
In the 1970s, William R. Corliss, an American physicist known for his interest in reports of anomalous phenomena in virtually every branch of the sciences, began his Sourcebook Project, an effort that resulted in several catalogs featuring accounts of odd happenings harvested mainly from scientific literature and periodicals. Many of the subjects in Corliss’s work had been previously documented by Charles Fort, one of Corliss’s chief inspirations. The obvious similarity between Corliss and Fort’s interests had inspired Arthur C. Clarke to refer to Corliss as, “[Charles] Fort’s latter-day–and much more scientific–successor.”
Probing beyond the bombastic reports of mystery booms, Corliss was successful at uncovering accounts of far subtler sonic mysteries. An example had been a series of reports collected by M. von Humboldt that appeared in the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal in 1819, which described sounds emanating from rocks along the banks of the Orinoco River that resembled, of all things, pipe organ music.
The Orinoco River in Venezuela (Anagoria/ CC 3.0)
A similar phenomenon in Greenland, dubbed “Ton der Dove-Bai”, was reported in August of 1932 by a French Expedition exploring the Scoresby Sound. This sound resembled a massive foghorn and had previously been reported by an expedition group who heard it eight times, spanning five different locations, both during the day and after the polar nightfall. Like some “mystery booms,” this sound may very well be a description of a variety of cryoseism resulting from the movement of glaciers, an idea first proposed by A. Dauviller in his 1934 Nature article, “Strange Sounds from Inland Ice, Greenland”, who at that time, compared it with a similar phenomenon he had learned of:
“Is this vibrating sound really caused by the detachment of icebergs or is it similar to the ‘desert song’, that strange musical note produced by the sand?” Dauviller wrote. “In fact, there is a close analogy between the fields of powdery dry snow of the inland ice and the fields of sand of the Arabian Desert.”
From the Outer Banks of North Carolina to Lake Seneca, New York, occurrences of loud booming sounds in various locales have led to popular legends about the so-called “Seneca Guns,” booming sands, and other names associated with sounds that occur where sand dunes are present.
“Under proper circumstances, sand dunes are capable of producing a variety of low-level whispering, whistling, singing, humming, or squeaking sounds, and less commonly, loud booming sounds,” wrote geologist David P. Hill with the U.S. Geological Survey. “The so-called ‘booming sands’ appear to be limited to large sand dunes with steep leeward faces in arid climates.”
According to Hill, rumbling noises have been reported as far away as several kilometers from the locations associated with “booming sands” and lasting for durations up to 15 minutes. Sometimes these sounds are also associated with seismic phenomena. “To produce booming sounds evidently requires very low humidity and loosely packed, quasispherical sand grains with high surface smoothness, although details of the process by which the acoustic emissions are produced remain poorly understood,” Hill wrote.
Another of the odd sonic phenomena documented by William Corliss involved what he called “natural melody” which involves “the production of musical notes and combinations thereof by the action of wind upon passive natural and artificial structures.”
Sounds reminiscent of musical tones were reported in nature dating as far back as the 2nd century AD, as described in the writings of Pausanias and his descriptions of the “tuneful waves” of the Aegean Sea. Other localities where musical sounds have been reported include Germany’s Black Forest and Mount Renalux, the Spanish Pyrenees, and the communes within Haute Saône along the Saône River in France.
Drawing reports mostly from the stories of world travelers, Corliss complained about the lacking data in scientific literature that documented such phenomena. “It is difficult to separate some of the music-makers in this category from musical echoes or analyzed sound,” Corliss noted. “[T]he initial sounds may be nonmusical in the case of analyzed sound, but small reflecting surfaces nearby quickly convert it into more pleasing tones.”
Sounds emanating from bodies of water have also occasionally been reported in various parts of the world. These have often been likened to music, or sometimes rumbling sounds that are reminiscent of a locomotive engine, although one intriguing example that appeared in the journal Nature in 1870 described a reverberating noise likened to the singing of cicadas heard by passengers on board a boat navigating the Tavoy river:
“One moonlit night in 1854, on board a steamer anchored near the Tavoy river (Tenasserim) we were struck by an extraordinary noise which appeared to proceed from the shore about a quarter of a mile off, or from the water in that direction. It was something like the sound of a stocking loom, but shriller, and lasted perhaps five or six seconds, producing a sensible concussion on the ear like the piercing scream of the cicada; and this gave an impression as if the vessel itself were trembling, or reverberating from the sound.” One of two Burmans on board said simply, the noise was produced by ‘fishes,’ but of what kind they did not describe. It was repeated two or three times.”
A similar observation that occurred decades earlier 1824, later published in Popular Science Monthly in 1883, describes a deep, musical droning that had similarly been attributed to the movement of fish below a sailing vessel:
“Lieutenant White, of our Navy, relates that, when at the mouth of a river in Cambodia in 1824, he and the crew of his vessel were struck by hearing extraordinary sounds, like a mixture of the bass of an organ, the ringing of bells, the guttural cries of a frog, and the tones of an enormous harp, which they heard around the bottom of their vessel. The interpreter said they were produced by a troop of a kind of fish.”
Although the circumstances involving most of these sonic mysteries point to the likelihood of prosaic explanations, several of them do remain somewhat mysterious—even after several decades of investigations into their potential causes—and may offer fresh grounds for scientific exploration into some of the enigmas about our natural world that have lingered into the twenty-first century.
This is an updated version of an article by the author originally sourced from, portions of which have been reprinted here with permission.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.