The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Dark Disk Over Medellin, Colombia is back again! Jan 2024, UFO Sighting News Video.
Dark Disk Over Medellin, Colombia is back again! Jan 2024, UFO Sighting News Video.
Date of sighting:January 2024
Location of sighting: Medellin, Colombia
Watch and you will see a dark thick disk over the city of Medellin, Colombia this week. The object caused people to pull over along the road, stop and record this strange dark craft in the sky. This is not the first time this UFO was ever seen in Medellin, its actually been recorded three other times and once by an airliner pilot a few years ago. Something special below Medellin, and I think there is an alien city 5km below the surface.
I found another alien anomaly on Asteroid Eros. It's an alien ship that measures 6km in diameter. The spaceship is near the astroid Eros and I also show 5 other discoveries that I have made over the years. This UFO is similar in size and shape of a few others that I have found in the past. Please watch the video and tell me your thoughts on my youtube channel video. The evidence that us the public is release is overwhelming the US gov and forcing them to release evidence of their own, so that they can say...we too are trying to reveal the truth about aliens and UFOs. But the truth is they don't want anyone to know yet, but the US gov is afraid, afraid that the pubic will expose the truth before the US Gov wants it released. I am forcing the US gov to reveal the truth.
Komen deze voorspellingen van Stephen Hawking daadwerkelijk uit? Stephen Hawking (1942-2018) stond bekend om zijn werk op het gebied van zwarte gaten en de algemene relativiteitstheorie. Maar de beroemde natuurkundige stapte vaak buiten zijn eigen onderzoeksveld en gebruikte zijn erkenning om te benadrukken wat hij zag als de grote uitdagingen en existentiële bedreigingen voor de mensheid in de komende decennia. Variërend van onderwerpen als buitenaardse wezens tot het einde van de wereld, haalden zijn uitspraken de krantenkoppen en bleken ze soms controversieel.
Nieuwsgierig? Lees hieronder enkele van zijn beroemdste voorspellingen.
De aarde verlaten Al tientallen jaren vertelt de theoretische natuurkundige de mensen dat ze moeten beginnen met het proces om zich permanent op andere planeten te vestigen.
De aarde verlaten Hawking beweerde dat de mensheid uiteindelijk het slachtoffer zou worden van een ramp die zo groot was dat we zouden uitsterven, misschien wel eerder vroeger dan later.
De aarde verlaten In 2016 vertelde hij de BBC het volgende: "Hoewel de kans op een ramp voor de planeet Aarde in een bepaald jaar vrij klein kan zijn, wordt het in de loop van de tijd steeds groter en wordt het een bijna zekerheid in de komende duizend of 10.000 jaar.
Andere planeten en zonnestelsels koloniseren Om het voortbestaan van de mensheid te garanderen, geloofde Hawking dat we andere planeten en zonnestelsels zouden moeten koloniseren.
Andere planeten en zonnestelsels koloniseren "Verspreiding is misschien het enige dat ons van onszelf redt. Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat de mens de aarde moet verlaten", zei hij in 2017 op een Noors wetenschaps- en kunstenfestival.
De opkomst van kunstmatige intelligentie Hawking zag de kansen van de vooruitgang op het gebied van kunstmatige intelligentie, maar waarschuwde ook voor de gevaren.
De opkomst van kunstmatige intelligentie In 2014 vertelde hij de BBC dat "de ontwikkeling van volledige kunstmatige intelligentie het einde van het menselijk ras zou kunnen betekenen".
De opkomst van kunstmatige intelligentie Hawking geloofde dat de kunstmatige basisintelligentie die tot nu toe was ontwikkeld al heel nuttig was gebleken. De technologie die hij gebruikte om te communiceren bevatte bijvoorbeeld een basisvorm van AI.
De opkomst van kunstmatige intelligentie Maar Hawking vreesde de gevolgen van geavanceerde vormen van machine-intelligentie die mensen zouden kunnen evenaren of overtreffen.
Genbewerking In zijn postume verzameling artikelen en essays 'Brief Answers to the Big Questions' voorspelde Hawking dat genetische manipulatietechnieken zullen leiden tot een ras van "supermensen".
Genbewerking "Ik ben er zeker van dat mensen in de loop van deze eeuw zullen ontdekken hoe ze zowel intelligentie als instincten zoals agressie kunnen veranderen," schreef hij.
Genbewerking "Zodra zulke supermensen verschijnen, zullen er aanzienlijke politieke problemen zijn met niet-verbeterde mensen, die niet in staat zullen zijn om te concurreren," schreef hij. "Vermoedelijk zullen ze uitsterven of onbelangrijk worden. In plaats daarvan zal er een ras zijn van zelfontwerpende wezens die zich steeds sneller verbeteren."
De grootste bedreiging voor de aarde In hetzelfde boek voorspelde Hawking dat de grootste bedreiging voor de aarde een botsing met een asteroïde is, net zoals de asteroïde die de dinosauriërs doodde.
De grootste bedreiging voor de aarde Daar hebben we echter "geen verdediging" tegen, schreef Hawking. Aan de andere kant zag hij de opwarming van de aarde als een meer directe bedreiging.
Klimaatverandering "Trump's actie [het terugtrekken uit het Akkoord van Parijs] kan de aarde over de rand duwen, om te worden zoals Venus, met een temperatuur van 250 graden en zwavelzuurregens," vertelde Hawking aan de BBC.
Klimaatverandering De Intergouvernementele Werkgroep inzake klimaatverandering (IPCC) van de VN waarschuwt ook voor het potentiële risico op het bereiken van omslagpunten in het klimaat, naarmate de temperaturen stijgen.
De aarde zal in een vuurbal veranderen Hawking theoretiseerde dat de planeet tegen 2600 in een gigantische vuurbal zou veranderen door overbevolking en energieverbruik. Dit zou de aarde onbewoonbaar maken.
De aarde zal in een vuurbal veranderen "Met de klimaatverandering, de dreigende inslagen van asteroïden, epidemieën en de bevolkingsgroei wordt onze eigen planeet steeds precairder," vertelde hij de BBC in 2017.
De aarde zal in een vuurbal veranderen Dit was een van de redenen waarom Hawking het idee verdedigde dat mensen zich permanent op andere planeten zouden vestigen.
Buitenaards contact Aangezien Hawking het grootste deel van zijn leven naar de ruimte heeft gekeken, is het niet verwonderlijk dat hij nadacht over de vraag of er andere levensvormen bestaan.
Buitenaards contact Er is zelfs een hele tak van wetenschap, SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) genaamd, die zich bezighoudt met het luisteren naar signalen van intelligente wezens elders in het universum.
Buitenaards contact In 2010 vertelde hij Discovery Channel: "Als buitenaardse wezens ons bezoeken, zou de uitkomst hetzelfde zijn als toen Columbus in Amerika landde, wat niet goed afliep voor de inheemse Amerikanen."
Het beste idee dat de mensheid zou kunnen uitvoeren Toen het tijdschrift Time hem in 2010 vroeg welke wetenschappelijke ontdekking of vooruitgang hij tijdens zijn leven zou willen zien, antwoordde Hawking met "kernfusie". Dit zou een nieuwe bron van koolstofvrije energie zijn, waarbij twee waterstofatomen samensmelten om een heliumatoom en veel energie te produceren.
Het beste idee dat de mensheid zou kunnen uitvoeren "Ik zou graag zien dat kernfusie een praktische energiebron wordt. Het zou een onuitputtelijke energiebron zijn, zonder vervuiling of opwarming van de aarde," zei hij.
NASA satellite images obtained late last year captured an odd-looking occurrence in the skies off the coast of eastern Russia, coinciding with an “anomalously low” temperature drop, the agency reported in a recent online posting.
Captured by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument on NASA’s Terra satellite, a series of odd parallel lines could be seen taking shape in cloud formations just east of Sakhalin Island, Russia’s largest island which separates the Sea of Okhotsk to its east and the Sea of Japan, which lays to the southwest.
Roughly the size of a school bus, the Terra satellite, launched in 1999, studies Earth’s climate through connections between the atmosphere and a range of planetary features that include land and sea. Equipped with five instruments capable of measuring different features of the Earth, Terra collects data that helps scientists gauge the impact of human activity on our planet, as well as how natural disasters impact human population centers and ecosystems.
Through the lens of its camera eye, the MODIS instrument visualizes every point on Earth every 1-2 days from its position in orbit, recording what it observes in 36 spectral bands, making it the most comprehensive of all the sensors on board the Terra satellite and tracking the largest array of our planet’s vital signs.
On December 28, 2023, Terra’s MODIS detected the odd formation of parallel lines of cumulus clouds over the Sea of Okhotsk. Striking in appearance, these unusual cloudy structures are a phenomenon well-known to atmospheric scientists.
Above: Cloud streets visible in the cumulus cloud formations off the eastern coast of Russia on December 28, 2023
(Credit: Michala Garrison/NASA Earth Observatory/EOSDIS LANCE/GIBS/Worldview).
Horizontal convective rolls, more commonly known as “cloud streets,” these odd-looking structures take shape in the troposphere as cool dry pockets of air make their way out over warm coastal waters, where they begin to acquire moisture rising from the sea. The resulting vapor condensation gives rise to cloud formation, whereas cooler portions of the surrounding air sink.
The atmosphere above Russia’s eastern coast is ideal for the formation of features like these, which generally appear in the same direction as the prevailing wind. Over the Sea of Okhotsk, the exceptionally cold northwest winds emerging from Siberia have been likened to a “factory” of ice and cloud formation, where temperatures on Sakhalin Island this time of year often plummet to as low as -6 degrees Fahrenheit (-21 degrees Celsius).
In the photos made available at NASA’s Earth Observatory page, Arctic stratospheric conditions were producing clouds featuring striking iridescent coloration.
“These ethereal polar stratospheric clouds develop in extremely cold conditions and were recently visible to observers at lower latitudes than usual,” wrote Lindsey Doermann in an entry on the Earth Observatory website describing the phenomenon in the NASA satellite images.
At the time the cloud streets appeared off the Russian coast, Arctic stratospheric temperatures had dropped extremely low (see above), according to data models produced by the space agency’s Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO).
Supporting NASA’s Earth Science mission, the GMAO provides modeling and data assimilation to help strengthen the information obtained from NASA satellite images, and to provide additional analysis and predictions about events occurring in the atmosphere, as well as on land and in the oceans.
Additional information about the formation of cloud streets can be found here, and further information about NASA’s Global Modeling and Assimilation Office can be found at the GMAO Research Site.
NASA has delayed humanity’s highly-anticipated return to the Moon, its Artemis II mission, to September 2025 from an original target launch of November 2024, citing the need for extra time to analyze why the space capsule’s heat shield created hazardous, burning debris upon re-entry to Earth during the Artemis I mission.
Hellish heat of about 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit engulfed NASA’s Artemis I Orion capsule on December 11, 2022, as it careened through Earth’s atmosphere at more than 24,000 miles per hour after visiting the Moon. But charred material unexpectedly flaked off Orion’s heat shield during a maneuver to slow the vehicle down. NASA officials say they didn’t expect the heat shield to burn and fall apart as much as it did.
At high speeds and high heat, debris can become a safety hazard. The space agency spent this past year analyzing the potentially hazardous debris, Amit Kshatriya, deputy associate administrator of NASA’s Moon to Mars Program, said during a media teleconference call on Tuesday. If the Artemis I Orion had a crew onboard, they wouldn’t have been in harm’s way, officials said on Tuesday. However, it could have posed a hazard if there was a crew onboard and it happened to be oriented in a different way. Because of this, Kshatriya said the team wants to fully understand why this debris happened in the first place and prevent it from occurring on future missions.
Hazardous debris is a known major safety risk for space launches. About a minute after the Space Shuttle Columbia launched in January 2003, the external tank released foam insulation. The debris struck the shuttle’s left wing, leaving a wound that likely contributed to the Columbia reentry disaster on February 1, 2003, which killed all seven crew members onboard.
The Artemis missions are NASA’s major push to establish an ongoing human presence on the Moon. Artemis II will be the first test of the vehicle that will send four astronauts — Reid Wiseman, Victor Glover, Christina Koch, and Jeremy Hansen — around the Moon’s farside and back. Artemis III is set to be the first Moon landing since Apollo (as long as no other country beats us to it). But that, too, is delayed. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said Artemis III won’t fly earlier than September 2026, a year later than originally planned.
“Safety is our number one priority,” said Jim Free, NASA Associate Administrator, at the press conference. “We will launch when we are ready.”
Samengevat. China kondigt plannen aan voor een eigen satelliet-internetnetwerk, vergelijkbaar met StarLink, met de bedoeling om wereldwijde dekking te bieden door 26.000 satellieten te lanceren, een onderneming geleid door staatsbedrijven.
Deze stap markeert een belangrijke ontwikkeling in de wereldwijde ruimtewedloop, waarmee China zichzelf als een dominante ‘ruimtemacht’ positioneert, in directe competitie met de Verenigde Staten. Die tonen bezorgdheid over China’s ruimteambities, wat leidt tot geopolitieke spanningen en concurrentie.
In het nieuws. China begint dit jaar met de bouw van een satelliet-internetconstellatie die de concurrentie wil aangaan met Starlink van Elon Musk.
Plannen omvatten de lancering van ongeveer 26.000 satellieten om wereldwijde dekking te bieden.
Staatsbedrijven leiden deze ontwikkeling, wat het militaire en commerciële belang van dit project onderlijnt.
Zoom in. Een specifieke lanceerlocatie is in aanbouw nabij de Wenchang Space Launch Site in Hainan.
Het plan is om ongeveer 1.300 satellieten, of 10% van het geplande aantal, te lanceren tussen 2024 en 2029.
De focus ligt op het ondersteunen van hoge snelheid 6G-communicatiesystemen, met een doelstelling om het project tegen 2035 te volooien.
Zoom out. Dit project is onderdeel van China’s bredere ambitie om tegen 2030 een ruimtemacht gelijkwaardig aan de VS te worden.
Naast satellieten omvat het plan ook het ontwikkelen van een eigen ruimtestation en Marsverkenningen.
Andere landen en bedrijven tonen bezorgdheid over China’s ruimteambities, wat leidt tot geopolitieke spanningen en concurrentie.
De Duitse overheid blokkeerde een ruimtevaartbedrijf in Shanghai – een grote aandeelhouder in een Berlijnse satelliet startup – om aandelen van andere houders te kopen.
De Amerikaanse lucht- en ruimtevaartgigant Boeing annuleerde een contract voor de verkoop van satellieten met een Amerikaanse startup nadat bekend werd dat een door de Chinese overheid gesteunde entiteit in het bedrijf had geïnvesteerd.
EXCLUSIVE - UFO whistleblower held secret talk with 'Wall St bigwigs' and CIA officials in Manhattan - where he claimed US was in possession of 40ft Tardis-like craft that was 'the size of a football field when you stepped inside'
EXCLUSIVE - UFO whistleblower held secret talk with 'Wall St bigwigs' and CIA officials in Manhattan - where he claimed US was in possession of 40ft Tardis-like craft that was 'the size of a football field when you stepped inside'
Former US intelligence officer David Grusch held a secrete UFO presentation
He revealed new details about the US's UAP retrieval program to 60 people
A UFO whistleblower shared new details of a Tardis-like craft in government possession during a secret meeting in New York City.
Decorated former Air Force intelligence officer David Grusch claims his sources worked on a 40-foot UAP that 'was the size of a football field' when they stepped inside, according to an attendee at the event.
The object could manipulate both space and time and use and could harness enough energy to power 70,000 homes a year, the source said. understands that guests included officials from the FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, tech entrepreneurs and Wall Street 'bigwigs.'
All in, Grusch gave the talk to 60 people at a penthouse in Manhattan, and photos were banned from the event.
David Grusch spoke to scientists, former military officials and current FBI members about the US's long-held UAP retrieval program, including a 40-foot-long UAP that 'was the size of a football field' when he stepped inside
The only information about the meeting was leaked by an anonymous attendee who took pictures of Grusch. has since verified that the meeting took place and was told by sources that Coinbase advisor John D'Agostino and high-powered attorney John J. Altorelli hosted the event.
Coinbase is a publicly traded company that operates a cryptocurrency exchange platform.
The two men are said to host monthly events at the penthouse apartment, focusing on different topics.
The leaker said: 'It was hosted by a Wall Street bigwig and his lawyer friend.
'It was sort of a small saloon-style talk. David also did it for free. Even went as far as to fly into NYC just for this.
'He had arrived only a few hours beforehand and then left 1st thing the next day.
'The idea was to get a group of both skeptics and believers from all these different walks of life for a talk regarding David and the things he has said.
'Most of the people who left had left as believers.'
The only information about the meeting was leaked by an anonymous attendee who took a chance by taking pictures of Grusch standing in front of the room and sharing slides on a television screen - photos were banned from the event
The former intelligence official then gave sworn testimony in front of Congress in July, where he and two other military whistleblowers shared details about firsthand encounters or knowledge about secret government programs involving technology that is 'non-human'
Grusch has made headlines since June 2023, when he claimed the Vatican is aware of the existence of non-human intelligences (NHIs) and helped the US retrieve a downed UFO from Italian dictator Benito Mussolini at the end of the Second World War.
The former intelligence official then gave sworn testimony in front of Congress in July, where he and two other military whistleblowers shared details about firsthand encounters or knowledge about secret government programs involving technology that is 'non-human.'
At the hearing, Grusch claimed the US has been in possession of UFOs since 'the 1930s' but said in New York that the government has taken 'part in a fair amount of crash retrievals before 1933,' according to the attendee's summary.
Grusch is also believed to have said that no more than 50 people know the full scale of the phenomenon.
During July's hearing, the former intelligence officer also suggested the US government has murdered people as part of the conspiracy to keep UFOs a secret.
And those claims were repeated during the recent presentation.
'Multiple people involved in not only his investigation but also his fellow peers in the UAP task force, such as Jay Stratton, were also threatened,' reads the post.
'He wouldn't go too much into it since it's an open investigation, but these people pretty much showed him that they could touch him or his family any time they wanted.'
'Multiple people involved in not only his investigation but also his fellow peers in the UAP task force, such as Jay Stratton (pictured), were also threatened,' reads the post
Stratton is the former head of the US government UFO task force. He and his chief scientist, Travis Taylor, spilled the secrets of their official probe into a swarm of objects (pictured) that buzzed around a fleet of eight Navy ships off the US West Coast in July 2019
Stratton is the former head of the US government UFO task force.
He and his chief scientist, Travis Taylor, spilled the secrets of their official probe into a swarm of objects that buzzed around a fleet of eight Navy ships off the US West Coast in July 2019.
Speaking at AlienCon in Pasadena on March 5, Stratton and Taylor said their investigation left them fearing Russia or China could have achieved incredible drone battery technology – but ruled out quadcopters launched from submarines that somehow evaded the Navy's best radar just miles from the mainland.
Grusch is also claimed to have revealed that one of the US's adversaries was set to disclose their non-human intelligence to beat America to the punch.
Attendees of the secret event were also allowed to ask questions following the presentation.
While the exact questions are not known, it is believed they asked what aliens may look like and where they are from in the universe.
Grusch shared that the world would not be surprised to hear extraterrestrials look the typical gray and that 'there is also a chance that they are extra-dimensional,' according to the anonymous attendee's post.
'That it could also just seem this way because of the technology they use rather than them being actual extra-dimensional beings,' they continued.
Grusch is also said to have revealed he and other officials were taught how to track UAPs in the atmosphere - there is a unique frequency or signature that the craft gives off.
'Apparently, it was the only private non-government talk he had done so far,' the individual shared in the Reddit post that has since been deleted, likely due to cameras being barred.
'As for how I feel about everything after hearing him speak.
'He is extremely smart, I mean, he has an almost unbelievable memory and knowledge about intel laws and other things that have to do with UAPs.
'My opinion is that he is the real deal.
'Almost everyone left that night fully believing what he was saying or, at the very least, that HE believed what he was saying as the truth.'
‘It would take about a billion years to cross from one side of the Milky Way galaxy to the other,’ Loeb said
Harvard Professor of Science Avi Loeb talks about alleged alien, UFO sightings
Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb has called the bluff on alien sightings on Earth. In a recent interview with GB News, the expert explained that almost all biological creatures would not be able to complete the journey to our planet from afar. “It would take about a billion years to cross from one side of the Milky Way galaxy to the other,” Loeb said, adding, “Given that, I don’t think any spacecraft that would arrive to us from another star would carry biological creatures.”
This comes after the many alleged UFO sightings in recent years. Delving further into the topic, Loeb explained that it would be next to impossible for an extraterrestrial being to survive the innumerable grim conditions in space. “They wouldn’t survive the journey being bombarded by very energetic particles in interstellar space for so long,” Loeb said.
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“It’s more likely, if they are autonomous, they have an artificial brain, artificial intelligence. We have already developed that on Earth, we haven’t launched it to space, but that would be the next step,” Loeb added.
Drawing a link between AI and travelling through space, the Bull Moose Project policy director, Ziven Havens, said, “There is a possibility that AI will open up space travel both for manned and unmanned vehicles by reducing costs and increasing safety,” as per Fox News. “The possibilities are truly endless, and that makes the future of AI more exciting.”
However, Loeb also stressed that the government should be more open with their data on UFOs with scientists, allowing for intensive research. “The government monitors the sky for national security purposes,” he said. “Whereas scientists [and] astronomers, for example, look at small regions of the sky at very distant sources of light. If something flies overhead, astronomers ignore it. If there is something over there, it’s the government that would be the first to notice it,” Loeb continued.
“As a scientist, I respond to evidence. That’s what we are waiting for: the government to disclose what it knows. … It’s really important for me because I’m trying to find the evidence myself, but the government can save me a lot of time,” he added. “Why should I spend decades of my life looking for something when the government already has it?”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Coast to Coast AM Delves into UFO Phenomena with Garrett M. Graff
Coast to Coast AM Delves into UFO Phenomena with Garrett M. Graff
Coast to Coast AM, a night-time radio talk show, is renowned for its in-depth exploration of paranormal and unexplained phenomena, often featuring experts and researchers from various fields. In a recent episode, the show delved deep into the world of UFOs and national security with journalist and historian Garrett M. Graff, a Pulitzer Prize finalist known for his meticulous research and insightful analysis.
Graff, in his discussion on Coast to Coast AM, brought to light the intricate web of congressional hearings, governmental actions, and the renewed investigations into Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) by the Pentagon. One of the key highlights of his exploration was the attention given to a statement made in 2020 by former CIA director John Brennan. Brennan’s remarks about unexplained sky phenomena underscored the complexity and seriousness with which these incidents are now being regarded, moving beyond the realm of adversarial technology and entering a space of greater unknowns.
In an era where the existence of extraterrestrial life is a subject of growing interest and debate, Graff’s reflections on the mathematical probability of such life forms bring a new perspective. He points to the abundance of habitable planets as a statistical backing for the potential of extraterrestrial life, suggesting that the odds may be more in favor of alien life than previously thought.
UFOs and National Security: Beyond Adversarial Technology
The conversation on Coast to Coast AM also revisited some of the most credible UFO cases in history. Graff discussed the famous 1964 encounter of police officer Lonnie Zamora, an incident that has stood the test of time as a significant and unexplained UFO sighting. Additionally, he delved into the intriguing case of Capt. Thomas Mantell in 1948, whose pursuit of a supposed UFO ended tragically, with later revelations connecting the incident to a Navy research balloon, as reported in Project Blue Book.
Graff’s insights offered to the Coast to Coast AM audience a blend of historical perspective and current developments in the field of UFO research. His analysis presents a world where the lines between national security, scientific inquiry, and the search for extraterrestrial life are increasingly intersecting. This episode of Coast to Coast AM not only illuminated the past but also shed light on the ongoing efforts to understand and confront the mysteries that continue to hover in our skies.
Strange 'Ebani-Jellyfish' UFO seen on thermal camera
Strange 'Ebani-Jellyfish' UFO seen on thermal camera
Investigative journalists Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp obtained and are revealing for the first time - footage of a military filmed UAP incursion within a United States joint operations base. This UAP of unknown origin displayed transmedium capability - and has been officially designated by the United States intelligence agencies as a UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena).
Event description: An incursion by an object of unknown origin was filmed using Thermographic / Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) for a durational period at a United States joint operations base in Iraq on October 2018 (night).
The object moved through a sensitive military installation - and eventually traversed over a body of water, where it actuated a controlled descent - submerging into the water.
After an observational period of about seventeen minutes - the UAP reemerged from the body of water and shot-off at an extreme rate of speed - beyond the optical scope of the observation platform.
The UAP displayed transmedium capability:
The UAP was filmed entering the water with a controlled descent. The UAP emerged from the water about seventeen minutes later and orientated into a sudden and rapid directional flight - beyond the optical range of the platform monitoring it.
The UAP displayed low observability:
The UAP was not visible with Night Vision (IR) and appeared to jam the targeting capability of the optical platform.
The UAP displayed:
Positive lift - without the normally associated aerodynamic means for lift and thrust. The signatures typically associated with the propulsion maneuvers observed - were absent.
Note: Could it be an Ebani?
Limited information exists regarding these UAP types. Could the unidentified object possibly be an Ebani? An Ebani is an organic (biological) entity that resides in our atmosphere. It seemly remains invisible to the naked eye, which could account for its detection solely on thermal cameras. The fact that the entity not only flies through the air but also submerges underwater for approximately 17 minutes before resurfacing and swiftly soaring away, indicating intelligent and deliberate movement.
Video 1: The Jellyfish UFO.
Video 2: On Twitter (X) Jeremy Corbell discusses the strange 'Jellyfish' UFO.
Metallic sphere filmed near George Air Force Base – 2024 UFO sighting
Metallic sphere filmed near George Air Force Base – 2024 UFO sighting
In the quiet expanse of Adalanto, California, a recent UFO sighting has captured the attention of enthusiasts and skeptics alike. The event, strikingly captured in a daytime video, presents a compelling case for unidentified aerial phenomena in proximity to George Air Force Base, a detail that adds an intriguing military angle to the narrative.
The video, posted online by a local resident, showcases what appears to be a metallic sphere gliding effortlessly through the sky. According to the uploader, his father, who witnessed the event firsthand, estimated the object to be approximately 8 to 12 feet wide (nearly 3 meters in diameter). This size estimation, while seemingly small, aligns with a growing number of reports involving metallic spheres.
What sets this sighting apart is not just its proximity to a military base but also the object’s behavior. Witnesses describe the sphere moving with a freedom that defies conventional aircraft capabilities. This observation culminated in a breathtaking moment where the object reportedly “shot off in the blink of an eye,” a characteristic movement pattern reported in other UFO incidents.
This Adalanto sighting draws parallels to other famous cases of metallic spheres in the sky. Recent years have seen a surge in such reports, with similar incidents recorded globally. Notably, these objects often demonstrate advanced aerial capabilities, such as abrupt acceleration and sudden changes in direction, challenging our understanding of current aviation technology.
The proximity to George Air Force Base raises inevitable questions about the possibility of military involvement or knowledge. Historically, UFO sightings near military installations have led to speculation about secret aircraft testing or advanced surveillance technology. However, the erratic nature and speed of this object seem to push the boundaries of known military capabilities.
As with many UFO sightings, the lack of definitive answers leaves room for speculation and debate. The Adalanto incident, recorded in broad daylight and near a military site, provides a unique case study in the ongoing investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena. Whether these sightings are evidence of extraterrestrial visitation, undisclosed military technology, or something else entirely, remains one of the modern era’s most compelling mysteries.
Latest UFO sightings, this event marks another intriguing addition to a growing database of unexplained aerial occurrences. As we continue to explore the skies, the quest for understanding these mysterious sightings becomes ever more fascinating and complex.
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Is the remote viewing real? The subject is very controversial for scientists to study but James H. Lee, an award-winning financial advisor suggested that it has the potential to make a meaningful contribution to the professional futurist′s toolbox. This particular technique is well-discussed in the declassified CIA files where psychic abilities were used to spy on Soviet Russia and track down its military activities under Project Stargate.
RV was real, CIA admitted it
The first test of the project was conducted in the 1970s at the US Army base in Maryland. Basically, this highly classified project was about the mind-reading of the enemies, so the CIA started recruiting people who claimed to “have powers of extrasensory perception (ESP) to help uncover military and domestic intelligence secrets.” (Source)
In the CIA declassified file, it was detailed how Uri Geller could replicate things drawn by a researcher in another sealed room. As the US government was getting benefits from this program, they continued funding it.
One of the remote viewers named Angela Dellafiora Ford revealed her physics powers on the CBS News program “48 Hours.” In 1989, she was asked by the army to psychically track down the location of one man. She located the man in Lowell, Wyoming, and then he was arrested 100 miles west of a Wyoming town called Lovell.
In 2021, John Greenewald, Jr.’s Blackvault published approximately 2,700 pages of the declassified documents provided by the CIA, involving UAP/UFO information. One document that staggered ET hunters was about Mars.
The document titled “Mars Exploration May 22, 1984,” basically centers around a subject that made use of astral projection which helped him observe ancient alien life on Mars. In this document, there is a transcript, where a subject named Joseph McMoneagle, a retired US Army veteran was given an envelope prior to the interview and asked not to open it until the interview ended. According to the CIA’s own documents, the unnamed psychic described “The planet Mars. Time of interest approximately 1 million years B.C.” (Source)
He claimed to identify that he saw pyramid-like structures on the Red Planet. The subject also added that he witnessed alien life forms on the Martian surface.
[Subject]: I’m seeing, ah… It’s like a perception of a shadow of people, very tall… thin, it’s only a shadow. It’s as if they were there and they’re not, not there anymore. [Monitor]: Go back to a period of time where they are there. Sub:Um… (mumble) It’s like I get a lot of static on a line and everything, it’s breaking up all the time, very fragmentary pieces. Mon: Just report the data, don’t try to put things together, just report the raw data. Sub: I just keep seeing very large people. They appear thin and tall, but they’re very large. Ah… wearing some kind of strange clothes.
According to the date specified in the “Mars Exploration” memo, it was approved to be published only in 2000 although it was recorded in 1984, and McMoneagle was the only remote viewer to be working at that time. He wrote in his book “Mind Trek” about a similar incident mentioned in that memo.
Jacob Brogan, an assistant editor at the Washington Post tracked down and called McMoneagle. According to Brogan, McMoneagle told him that the request to visit Mars was not made by the CIA but by some unknown army person to him. (Source)
“Neither of us knew what we were working on. Our assumption at the time was that I was working on targets on Earth. I was not familiar with any pyramids on Earth that had such large rooms,” McMoneagle told him.
McMoneagle was confused why he had been asked by the army to explore Mars. He had no clue. He remembered one more incident when he was asked to examine the UFO. “The problem that I have with targeting UFOs and Mars and things like that is that there’s no real way to validate the information,” he said.
In an interview with Richard Thieme, a founder of ThiemeWorks, McMoneagle shared his experience on Project Stargate, UFOs, and ETs. He shared his encounter with the UFO in 1966, in which he got a radiation burn.
Richard Thieme asked him: “Is it all one thing, though? These are complex psychological processes – and you were burned physically in 1966. Is it all one thing? Do scriptural texts of folk documents about people encountering entities – can we connect that experience with an experience of the lights going on at night and you seeing a physical craft?”
McMoneagle replied: “I did a remote viewing in early 1980s, 82 or 83, where a UFO target was mixed in with other targets, so I had no idea it was a UFO target.” Over the years, as McMoneagle said, he was involved in about 450 missions. One of his favorites was in 1980 when CIA personnel captured a suspected KGB agent in South Africa. They wanted to know how the agent was communicating with the Soviet military. They put an envelope on McMoneagle’s desk, and without knowing anything of the man, McMoneagle told the CIA that the man liked to use a small pocket calculator. The calculator turned out to be a disguised short-wave radio. He retired from the Army in 1984 but continued to work as a Stargate consultant.
CIA Interdimensional Experiemnt
Robert Monroe (1915 –1995), another RV that had a striking history of remote viewing was probably the first RV hired by the CIA. One day in 1978, the CIA representatives contacted him. They wanted to implement his mind-expanding practice in attempt of sending soldiers into deep remote viewing sessions. Given Monroe’s extensive background and various patented applications, he was the perfect choice for this trailblazing operation. Hoping to obtain further credibility in the study of paranormal phenomena, he agreed to join them. (Source)
Since those involved were opening portals to other dimensions, researchers aptly named the assignment Gateway Process. According to declassified files, the program is “a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so as to alter consciousness, moving it outside the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space. (Source)
The participant then gains access to the various levels of intuitive knowledge the universe offers.” Discoveries listed in Commander Wayne M. McDonnell’s final analysis paper included detailed information about the nature of reality. Investigators ascertained we live in a holographic universe and waking life is a projected electromagnetic matrix.
To enter the unearthly realms, headphone-donning voyagers sat in isolated darkness while listening to various tones at specific hertz. The participants had no contact or communication with one another. After their journey was finished, the volunteers would report what they experienced with staff members.
According to Robert, subjects would often encounter interdimensional entities. Most frequently, they witnessed reptilian humanoids. The viewers referred to the uncanny creatures as “the alligators” due to their crocodilian features. Curiously, Monroe was already quite familiar with the unsettling breed. During countless expeditions, he observed identical saurian creatures. For over thirty-five years, the etheric investigator gathered insight about these startling beings.
It's the first time written slips linked to the ancient calendar have been found in a tomb.
Each of the wooden slips is marked with Chinese characters that relate to the traditional Tiangan Dizhi astronomical calendar. Perforations on their edges suggest they were once tied together.
(Image credit: Chongqing Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute)
Archaeologists in China have unearthed a mysterious set of rectangular wooden pieces linked to an ancient astronomical calendar. The artifacts were discovered inside an exceptionally well-preserved 2,000-year-old tomb in the southwest of the country.
Each of the 23 wooden slips is about an inch (2.5 centimeters) wide and 4 inches (10 cm) long and displays a Chinese character related to the Tiangan Dizhi, or "Ten Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly Branches" — a traditional Chinese astronomical calendar established during the Shang dynasty, which ruled from about 1600 B.C. to about 1045 B.C.
Archaeologists think one of the slips may have represented whatever was the current year and that the other 22 slips could have been used to specify any particular year in the ancient calendar, according to a translation of a story on the China News website, an agency run by the Chinese government.
Circular perforations at the edges of each slip suggest they were once tied together.
However, it's not yet clear how the set of calendrical wooden slips would have functioned, an expert told Live Science.
This is the first time such objects have been found in an ancient tomb, although the practice of writing characters on strips of wood or bamboo was common in China before the invention of paper.
The wooden slips and many other artifacts were discovered earlier this year in a tomb in the Wulong district, about 870 miles (1,400 kilometers) southwest of Beijing, archaeologists from the Chongqing municipal government told the Global Times — which is also run by the Chinese government.
The tomb contains a written list of all the burial items, which also states that it was built in 193 B.C. That places the tomb during the time of the Western Han dynasty, which ruled much of China from 206 B.C. to A.D. 9; it was followed by the Eastern Han dynasty, which ruled until A.D. 220, and together they are considered a "golden age" when many Chinese traditions were established.
Archaeologists and university students started working at the site in the Wulong district in March this year.(Image credit: Chongqing Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute)
Archaeologist Wang Meng said the tomb was the best-preserved wooden-chamber tomb ever found in China's southwest.
Project leader Huang Wei told the Global Times that the tomb also contained more than 600 cultural artifacts, including lacquerware bowls, boxes, jars and plates. It also held bamboo utensils and musical pipes, spears and cooking tripods made from copper, wooden figurines, as well as pottery and bronze objects.
Calendar mystery
Astronomer Ed Krupp, the director of the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles and author of "Echoes of the Ancient Skies: The Astronomy of Lost Civilizations" (Dover, 2003), who was not involved in the Wulong discovery, told Live Science that while the Tiangan Dizhi calendar is mainstream — it is used in Chinese astrology, for example — the wooden slips found in the Wulong tomb were unusual.
As well as the mysterious wooden slips, more than 600 cultural artifacts were found inside the tomb and indicate that a high-status person had been buried there.
(Image credit: Chongqing Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute)
The hundreds of artifacts buried in the tomb include ornate objects of pottery, copper, bronze, wood, bamboo and lacquerware, such as this plate.
(Image credit: Chongqing Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute)
Archaeologists said the tomb was undisturbed and most of the artifacts are undamaged, although they needed cleaning after so long underground.
(Image credit: Chongqing Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute)
As well as recovering the artifacts buried in the ancient tomb, archaeologists have carefully mapped and photographed its interior.(Image credit: Chongqing Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute)
"The wooden slips with calendric notations are significant as the first and only known example of that kind of inscription on that kind of object," he said in an email.
But it doesn't appear that the set of wooden slips could have functioned as a calendar; instead, it seems they could have been used to reference any year of the 60-year calendrical cycle, he said.
"If so, they are not 'books,' but objects used to highlight a particular year," he said. He noted the similarity to a practice followed at a Taoist temple in the Chinese city of Suzhou, where each year in the cycle is represented by a statue that is specially marked when it becomes current.
Krupp said that the finds from the Wulong tomb showed that a person of high status had been buried there. "The artifacts interred with the deceased are numerous and very, very fine," he said. "This is rich, expensive material."
An “anomaly” that followed shortly after a successful launch on Monday–one that seemingly set the stage for the first soft landing of a spacecraft on the Moon in more than 50 years–brought an ambitious space mission carrying human remains to a premature end yesterday.
Shortly after separating from a United Launch Alliance (ULA) rocket early Monday morning, Peregrine, a lunar lander built by Pittsburgh-based space company Astrobotic, began to receive telemetry data from NASA’s Deep Space Network, as its avionics, propulsion, and control systems all began to power on.
As Peregrine reached its fully operational state, everything appeared to be on track for the spacecraft as it began its ascent toward the Moon.
Then, something unexpected happened.
Shortly after entering its operational state, “an anomaly occurred” as the Peregrine team became aware of a system malfunction that prevented them from being able to control the spacecraft’s ability to achieve a stable sun-pointing orientation.
“The team is responding in real time as the situation unfolds,” read a mission update posted on the company’s X account, “and will be providing updates as data is obtained and analyzed.”
As the Peregrine team worked to try and determine the cause of the problem, the situation began to look increasingly dire. All indications pointed to a complication arising from the spacecraft’s propulsion system which, if confirmed, would likely end Peregrine’s mission before it ever came close to landing on the lunar surface.
“As the team fights to troubleshoot the issue, the spacecraft battery is reaching operationally low levels,” the company wrote in a subsequent update yesterday at 11:04 AM. As the spacecraft was nearing a brief communication outage, an improvised attempt to reorient the spacecraft’s solar panels was undertaken, aiming to point them toward the Sun.
Following the reestablishment of communication with the spacecraft, the team learned that their attempt to point Peregrine’s solar array toward the Sun had been successful, allowing the spacecraft’s battery systems to charge as the Peregrine team’s Mission Anomaly Board worked to try and determine what was affecting the spacecraft.
Soon, it became evident that the anomaly had occurred due to a failure within the spacecraft’s propulsion system.
“We are grateful for the outpouring of support we’re receiving,” Astrobotic wrote in another candid mission update, thanking the community of professionals within the space industry who “unite in the face of adversity.”
Hours later at 4:12 PM, Astrobotic released an image from Peregrine, captured from the camera positioned above the spacecraft’s payload deck which provided additional confirmation that a propulsion system anomaly was the root cause behind the lander’s precarious condition.
With its solar array pointing toward the Sun, the spacecraft nonetheless was able to charge its battery, and the Peregrine team continued to carry out payload and spacecraft operations with the existing power stores.
“At this time, the majority of our Peregrine mission team has been awake and working diligently for more than 24 hours,” Astrobotic wrote in a subsequent update. “We ask for your patience as we reassess incoming data so we can provide ongoing updates later this evening.”
Shortly after 9:15 PM Eastern Time, Astrobotic shared what would be its final mission update of the day, confirming that an “ongoing propellant leak” had been causing Peregrine’s Attitude Control System (ACS) to malfunction, pushing its thrusters “to operate well beyond their expected service life cycles to keep the lander from an uncontrollable tumble.” Peregrine was given a best-case scenario of being able to maintain operations within a stable sun-pointing state for around 40 hours.
With the mission now effectively doomed, Astrobotic announced its aim was to continue to move Peregrine as close to the Moon as possible. However, once the spacecraft lost its ability to maintain its sun-pointing position, it would lose power at some point well before it reached its intended destination.
Still aboard the ill-fated spacecraft are several payloads that rank among some of the most unique ever to be sent to space. The cremated remains of humans that include several cast members from “Star Trek,” as well as DNA from former U.S. presidents, were all on board at the time the anomaly occurred, and presumably will remain adrift in space after Peregrine ceases operations.
The failed mission also raises significant questions for NASA, casting doubts on whether the American space agency will be able to safely rely on commercial partners to aid in reaching its scientific goals, particularly in advance of its plans to send humans back to the Moon in the years ahead.
Despite the mission failure, many took to social media to thank the company for its transparency on Monday as the propulsion system anomaly removed any possibility that Peregrine’s fuel stores would allow it to reach the Moon.
“Appreciate the prompt and transparent updates!” wrote another of the company’s followers on X, who added that it was “unfortunate that we have approximately 40 hours left but nevertheless, to get to this point is still a great accomplishment!”
As of Tuesday morning, no additional updates had been shared by Astrobotic on the company’s website or on social media.
There is a series of shooting down unidentified objects around the world that involves the United States. The military 2023 February UAP events are among the recent cases. Filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, along with investigative journalist George Knapp, has revealed a photograph of an object initially labeled as a “hostile drone” by the media. However, official statements from the United States, the UK, and allied intelligence agencies now confirm their inability to ascertain its origin, designating it as “unidentified.”
In episode 41 of Weaponized, Corbell and Knapp discuss UFO shootdowns covering both current events and historical perspectives. Corbell discusses events in 2019, specifically mentioning attempts to bring down over 100 UAPs on Navy warships using electromagnetic systems like the DRAKE (Drone Restricted Access Using Known Electromagnetic Warfare) Anti-Drone System.
In the episode, Jeremy Corbell provides details about a UAP event that took place in late summer 2021 off the coast of Japan involving the USS Milius. The USS Milius experienced a series of encounters with UAPs that exhibited similar behavior to the previously mentioned incidents near Navy warships. However, in this case, the UAPs were observed in a vast 300-mile radius of sea, with no other ships around.
Corbell further describes the frustrating attempts to take down the UAPs using electromagnetic techniques, noting that these efforts were once again ineffective. The UAPs displayed extreme maneuverability over four or five consecutive nights, with multiple objects present during a 5-hour window from 1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. or midnight to 4:00 a.m. The ship’s captain, out of frustration, reportedly instructed the crew to stop reacting to the UAPs and creating reports since there seemed to be no viable solution.
It’s a UFO, not a Hostile Drone!
Corbell and Knapp discussed an incident that happened in the Middle East, specifically in Syria on December 14, 2021. Corbell describes how the Royal Air Force, using a Typhoon fighter plane, reported shooting down a hostile drone, marking the first air-to-air firing by the Royal Air Force in 40 years. The media initially reported it as a terrorist drone, but there was a subsequent shift to calling it a “Mystery drone” as no terrorist group or nation claimed responsibility.
Corbell notes a significant discrepancy between public reporting and intelligence community products. He introduces an image, referred to as the “Syria Dome UAP,” associated with the event, and mentions that internally, the intelligence community labeled it as an UAP. Corbell emphasizes the importance of transparency and accurate reporting, pointing out that what is publicly disclosed differs from the information shared among allied nations within the intelligence community.
Corbell posts on X (formerly Twitter), “In a joint operation, a Royal Air Force Typhoon fighter jet engaged an unidentified aerial vehicle using an Advanced Short Range Air to Air Missile (ASRAAM). Initial media reports labeled the unidentified as a ‘hostile drone’ – however – internal intelligence products officially classify the aerial vehicle of unknown origin as a UAP – and maintain this designation. The UAP was not recovered.”
Liberation Times writes, “According to Corbell, the Five Eyes report was published months after the incident occurred and indicates that on 14 December 2021, an RAF Typhoon jet shot at one UAP using an ASRAAM missile. At the time, the incident was reported as the first enemy aircraft shot down by the RAF since the Falklands War in Argentina more than 40 years ago.”
Corbell continues, stating that Centcom (United States Central Command) has been tracking UAP for over 15 years, and the frustration lies in the lack of proper reporting and handling of these incidents within the chain of command. He notes that in conflict zones, there is a tendency to shoot at anything within a certain proximity to ground troops or bases, especially if it appears to have a payload. However, the issue arises in the lack of recovery or proper handling after such engagements.
Further, in the episode, Corbell reveals the image of an object that he called the “Syria Dome UAP.” He says, “This image… is the one that was historically fired upon. It is referred to as a ‘terrorist drone,’ exhibiting a peculiar appearance. Whatever it may be, it is classified as a UAP within the intelligence community. This is not something that has been identified.”
Corbell notes that there were two of these unidentified devices, and when the Royal Air Force engaged with them, firing an Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile (ASRAAM), one of the objects managed to evade and escape the scene. Corbell emphasizes the intelligence control exhibited by these objects, suggesting that they were not under random or autonomous flight.
Corbell admits uncertainty about whether the fired missile hit the object or if it made contact with the ground. He underscores the discrepancy between the public narrative, which presented the incident as involving a terrorist drone, and the internal classification within the intelligence community, where it is recognized as a UAP. The point is reiterated that the public is not receiving the full and accurate information about these encounters.
George Knapp shares his perspective on the image, stating that, in his extensive experience, he has seen various images of drones, both military and private, but finds the appearance of this particular object unique. He likens it to resembling a mushroom cloud, highlighting its distinctive and unconventional design.
Corbell said that the Five Eyes report indicates that the USAF militarily engages such craft if they are within a radius of ground troops and appear to carry a payload.
He told Liberation Times: “Unless observed with a possible payload, UAPs largely go ignored, as they are not part of the mission – this means that we lose the opportunity to study the phenomena and answer key questions, including 1) Who are the operators 2) Where do they originate from 3) How do they work? And 4) What is their intent?”
“I can confirm that there is frustration within the ranks of the U.S. military that UAPs with unique flight characteristics are being ignored. Worryingly, this critical information is not being reported up the chain of command properly – causing vulnerability to our troops and those of other nations.”
Previously on the Joe Rogan show, Corbell claimed that based on information from documents, the military fires upon UAPs within a certain proximity to ground troops, typically within 27 to 30 miles. The decision to engage is reportedly based on the perceived threat, with the military firing upon objects that appear to have a payload. The text also mentions that UAPs resembling cubes surrounded by spheres are not targeted, as they do not appear to have a payload.
Corbell suggests that the military has been firing Hellfire missiles at these UAPs, and there are reports of similar actions by countries like Russia and Syria. The text raises questions about the origin of these UAPs, as they are not believed to be assets of the countries engaging with them. Some UAPs are described, such as one resembling a jellyfish about the size of a coffee table.
“One of the UAPs that was fired upon looked like a jellyfish, about the size of a big coffee table, and domed. There is no known retrieval program in these war zones, and even if they did hit something, it’s unknown if they would be able to take it down. It’s possible that these UAPs could be balloons used by drug smugglers, but they have controlled flight, which is not a new phenomenon. There have been similar sightings of metallic spheres outpacing planes during World War II, with both sides thinking it was the other side’s technology.”
A while ago, Lue Elizondo, the former head of AATIP shared his thoughts on the UFO/UAP and how the Pentagon approaches the phenomenon from strictly national security perceptive. In an interview with Curt Jaimungal and Sean Cahil, Elizondo provides deeper insight into the Pentagon’s theories on why UFO/UAPs are routinely spotted around American, Russian, Chinese, and other nuclear-armed nations’ most secretive and sensitive nuclear assets.
Altijd al gedroomd van eens in de ruimte te verblijven? Dat kan waarschijnlijk al in 2027!
Het eerste commerciële ruimtehotel ooit, Voyager Station, wil in 2027 haar deuren openen. Het project biedt plaats aan 280 gasten en 112 bemanningsleden en wordt gepland door Orbital Assembly Corporation, een bouwbedrijf gerund door John Blincow. Het station wordt het eerste grote project van OAC en het eerste commerciële ruimtestation met kunstmatige zwaartekracht.
De bouw van de 50.000 vierkante meter grote Voyager-faciliteit zal in 2026 van start gaan, en OAC streeft ernaar om de eerste passagiers in 2027 in het hotel te verwelkomen. Het team legt uit dat het project mogelijk wordt gemaakt door een lage baan om de aarde.
Wat eet je in de ruimte?
OAC is van plan om traditioneel ‘ruimtevoedsel’ zoals gevriesdroogd ijs te serveren, terwijl ze ook streven naar recreatieruimtes voor activiteiten zoals basketbal, waarbij ze profiteren van de gewichtloosheid in de ruimte. Er zijn geen kamerprijzen bekendgemaakt, maar het team hoopt op een dag de kosten vergelijkbaar te maken met die van een cruiseticket. Het eerste element van het roterende hotel dat zal worden gebouwd, zal een centrale drukloze ringstructuur zijn die de docking hub zal bevatten. Een buitenste ringspant zal via een netwerk van spaken verbonden worden met de centrale ring en van daaruit zullen 24 woonmodules ontstaan.
One of the fascinating things about being a human in this age is that we can do more than wonder about other life and other civilizations. We can actually look for them, although there are obvious limitations to our search. But what’s equally fascinating is that we can wonder if others can see us.
Assuming that all civilizations who have begun to explore their surroundings are interested in finding other civilizations, then the question of who can detect who comes down to technology. It takes advanced technological tools to search for the technosignatures of other civilizations. It also takes technology to produce most of them. But what level of technology is needed on both sides of that equation?
The technology needed to produce technosignatures is not complex. We’ve had that technology for thousands of years. The Great Pyramids are proof of that. But what technology is needed to see them? And from how far away?
In new research published in the journal Acta Astronautica, a researcher associated with SETI poses the question, “Are we visible to advanced alien civilizations?” His name is Z. Osmanov, and he’s the author and co-author of multiple studies and articles on SETI and related topics.
“We considered the question of how our artificial constructions are visible to advanced extraterrestrial civilizations,” Osmanov writes. Osmanov explains how the universal laws of physics set the limits for detection and how more advanced civilizations can solve this problem. The maximum distance for detections is about 3,000 light-years, according to Osmanov, adding that “under certain conditions, Type-II advanced alien societies might be able to resolve this problem.”
What technologies are needed to receive our technosignatures?
The background for Osmanov’s work is the classification of civilization types called the Kardashev Scale, which is familiar to many readers. It’s the work of Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev, and it describes three types of hypothetical civilizations:
Type I Civilizations harvest, use and store all the energy on their planet.
Type II Civilizations directly consume their star’s energy with a Dyson sphere or something similar.
Type III Civilizations can capture all the energy available in their entire galaxy.
(Note that in the Kardashev Scale, humanity is about 0.75.)
A Type II civilization is one that can directly harvest the energy of its star using a Dyson Sphere or something similar. Credit: Fraser Cain (with Midjourney)
In his research, Osmanov ignores Type III civilizations and focuses on Types I and II. He asks a relatively straightforward question: “Can the artifacts of our technological society be visible and potentially detectable by the telescopes of ETs?”
Our technological artifacts are things like large engineering projects and satellites. A Type I or II civilization would recognize these things as technological artifacts if they could see them. According to Osmanov, the best way for an ETI to detect them is with reflected light, and that means high-powered optical telescopes with extreme angular resolution.
We’re busy building more powerful telescopes with greater angular resolution, and ETIs are probably working on it, too. ETIs more advanced than us are way ahead of us. “In this paper, we analyze how visible we are to advanced ETs, depending on their technological level.”
Osmanov says that ETIs will make use of interferometry to detect us. Astronomical interferometry uses two or more individual telescopes separated by distance to observe the same object at the same time. The data from the detectors is combined and processed. So rather than viewing something with the limited angular resolution of a single telescope, interferometry basically builds a “virtual” telescope—a telescope array—that is much larger than any physical telescope could be.
This aerial view shows the ESO’s VLTI, the Very Large Telescope Interferometer. It has a total of eight separate, movable telescopes that can all look at the same object, increasing the interferometer’s angular resolution. Image Credit: ESO
Osmanov calculates that for an alien civilization to detect the Great Pyramids of Giza, for example, the civilization would have to be no further away than about 3,000 light years. Because of the number of photons that would have to be sensed to see the Pyramids, the telescope would have to be extraordinarily huge. Only an interferometer could do it. “It is clear that the diameter of the telescope should be on the order of several million kilometres,” the author explains.
That eliminates Type 1 civilizations. “Such huge megastructures might be built only by Type-II civilizations but not by Type-I alien societies,” Osmanov writes.
But how can we know if any ETIs of Types II or III are within the 3,000 light-year range? Osmanov uses the well-known Drake Equation to determine that number. The Drake Equation is a probabilistic argument that thinkers can use to try to understand how many ETIs there might be in the Milky Way, but of course, there’s no absolute way of verifying its answers. It’s a thought experiment tool that keeps everyone on the same page when thinking about the question of ETIs.
In his calculations, the author determines the average distance among advanced civilizations. “As an order of magnitude, we assume that the civilizations are uniformly distributed over the galactic plane,” Osmanov writes. There would have to be something like 650 ETIs in the Milky Way for one of them to be close enough to detect our large engineering projects from the ancient world up to our medieval times. That includes things like the Pyramids and maybe other large constructions.
JAXA astronaut Koichi Wakata captured this image of the Great Pyramids from the ISS in February 2023. The most visible one is the Great Pyramid of Giza, built in the 23rd century B.C. Image Credit: Koichi Wakata.
The numbers are different when it comes to ETIs detecting our modern structures, because there hasn’t been enough time for the reflected light from these modern structures to propagate as far into space. There would have to be vastly more ETIs for one to be close enough to detect our modern structures, including satellites. “They can detect our modern constructions only if their total number in the MW is of the order of 106, which has been hypothesized by <Carl> Sagan,” Osmanov writes.
Of course, we have no way of knowing if there are any other ETIs or if one might have found our technosignatures. But the study does give context to the question and to thought experiments.
Barring first contact, all we have is thought experiments.
Hoe het klimaat op aarde verder ontspoorde in 2023: zes opvallende vaststellingen over een uitzonderlijk weerjaar
Hoe het klimaat op aarde verder ontspoorde in 2023: zes opvallende vaststellingen over een uitzonderlijk weerjaar
Artikel van Michaël Torfs
Al lang op voorhand konden we met zekerheid zeggen dat 2023 het warmste jaar ooit zou worden. Als een wielrenner die zo'n grote voorsprong heeft dat hij nog lang voor de aankomst al zegezeker is. Alleen is het in dit geval iets wat we liever niet zien.
"We hebben heel wat extreme situaties meegemaakt in 2023", weet klimatoloog Niels Souverijns (VITO). "De vingerafdruk van de klimaatopwarming wordt steeds duidelijker. Het is iets wat we misschien normaal gaan vinden, maar we moeten ons heel goed realiseren dat dit niet normaal is."
"We wisten dat dit rapport geen goed nieuws zou brengen", zegt Mauro Facchini van het klimaatobservatorium van de Europese Unie daarover. "De EU wil tegen 2030 55% minder broeikasgassen uitstoten. We weten wat ons te doen staat."
Als het gaat over de marges van het klimaat wereldwijd, rekenen we doorgaans met tienden van een graad of minder. In 2023 werden er verschillende nieuwe mijlpalen gezet met behoorlijk grote marges. In het jaarrapport staan heel wat details over 2023, dat op klimaatvlak een heel bewogen jaar was mede door het weerfenomeen El Niño. Wij pikken er 6 voor je uit.
1. Net geen anderhalve graad extra (maar het komt eraan)
2023 bleek uiteindelijk 1,48 graden Celsius warmer dan het gemiddelde van 1850-1900, de referentieperiode voor de VN-klimaatconferentie en het VN-klimaatpanel IPCC. Het was 0,17 graden warmer dan het vorige warmste jaar uit onze moderne geschiedenis, 2016.
Vorig jaar was het 12 maanden na elkaar dus net geen anderhalve graad warmer, maar eind januari of eind februari kunnen we wél aan 12 opeenvolgende maanden zitten die de drempel overschrijden.
Dat ligt symbolisch gevoelig, want de wereldleiders houden op de klimaatconferenties nog altijd vast aan een beperking van de opwarming tot die anderhalve graad - het gaat dan over een structurele opwarming op langere termijn (over verschillende jaren).
Door de opwarming onder anderhalve graad te houden, kunnen we de ergste gevolgen van de klimaatverandering proberen te voorkomen.
2. Twee dagen naar 2 graden extra (en dat is ongezien)
Vorig jaar was het op ongeveer de helft van de dagen minstens anderhalve graad warmer. Midden november waren er 2 dagen waarop het meer dan 2 graden warmer was. Dat is nog nooit eerder gebeurd en opnieuw een alarmsignaal.
Hoe meer de planeet opwarmt, hoe groter de weersextremen kunnen zijn - denk aan hevige regen, stormweer, of grote hitte met lange droge periodes.
Het hele jaar door kregen we berichten over hittegolven, overstromingen, droogtes en bosbranden uit verschillende hoeken. In Canada waren er grootscheepse en aanhoudende bosbranden. De CO₂-uitstoot door bosbranden lag vorig jaar 30 procent hoger dan het jaar daarvoor. Dat komt onder meer door de ongeziene natuurbranden in Canada waar het "worstcasescenario overtroffen werd".
Bovenstaande grafiek toont hoeveel warmer elke dag in 2023 verliep tegenover de pre-industriële referentieperiode. Tijdens de tweede helft van het jaar zaten we gemiddeld bijna constant boven de anderhalve graad (zie de iets donkerder band in het midden). In november waren er zelfs twee pieken boven de 2 graden.
"Die anderhalve graad die we in 2023 hadden en die enkele dagen met 2 graden zijn symbolische grenzen, omdat het drempels zijn die zijn afgesproken in het klimaatakkoord van Parijs, met de bedoeling om daaronder te blijven", zegt klimatoloog Niels Souverijns.
3. Tweede jaarhelft brak alle records, maand na maand (en dat kan blijven duren)
Vooral de tweede helft van het jaar brak alle records, mede door het losbreken van het weerfenomeen El Niño. Vanaf juni werd er elke maand opnieuw een warmterecord gevestigd.
De maanden september en oktober sprongen eruit met een bijzonder grote afwijking. Klimatoloog Wim Thiery (VUB) maakte voor oktober (+0,40 graden warmer dan warmste oktober voorheen) de vergelijking met de sprint in de atletiek, "alsof het wereldrecord op de 100 meter ineens met een volle seconde gebroken zou worden".
De voorbije maand december was ook weer de warmste ooit gemeten. De maand bleek maar liefst 1,78 graden Celsius warmer dan een gemiddelde december 150 jaar geleden.
Klimatologen verwachten dat El Niño zich nog zal doorzetten tot het einde van de lente, waardoor 2024 nog warmer zou kunnen uitvallen dan het voorbije jaar en een nieuw record zou kunnen vestigen. "2024 gaat zeker geen afkoeling kennen tegenover vorig jaar. De trend gaat zich doorzetten, en we mogen dus nog meer extremen en nog meer records verwachten", schetst Souverijns.
4. Oceanen waren nooit warmer (en dat heeft grote gevolgen)
Grote delen van de oceanen waren nooit warmer dan vorig jaar. Ook dat is een teken van de verdere opwarming. "We zien al een paar jaar een trend naar warmere oceanen, en dit jaar heeft het weerfenomeen El Niño (waarbij een deel van de Stille Oceaan warmer is dan anders, red.) er zeker niet bij geholpen", zegt Souverijns.
Oceanen slaan een groot deel van de extra warmte van de klimaatopwarming op, maar dat blijft niet zonder gevolgen. Boven de oceaan kunnen intense stormdepressies ontstaan. Warmer zeewater kan ook een intensere regenval veroorzaken, zoals vorige week nog bleek tijdens de overstromingen in ons land.
Dat het zeewater nooit zo warm was, bleek ook uit de verschillende mariene hittegolven in o.a. de Middellandse Zee, de Golf van Mexico en het Caraïbische gebied, de Indische Oceaan, het noorden van de Stille Oceaan en het noordelijke deel van Atlantische Oceaan.
"In Libië hadden we zware schade als gevolg van de "medicane" (de plaatselijke cycloon boven de Middellandse Zee, gevoed door het ware zeewater daar, red.) en bij ons hadden we de zware neerslaghoeveelheden van de voorbije twee maanden", zegt Souverijns.
Uit een studie in Nature bleek onlangs dat het aantal mensen dat is blootgesteld aan tropische cyclonen, zowat verdubbeld is tussen 2002 en 2019 (van 408 miljoen naar 792 miljoen). Dat komt voor het grootste deel door de klimaatverandering. Het gaat om 6 tot 12 procent van de wereldbevolking, onder meer in China, Japan, de Filipijnen, Taiwan en de VS.
De Duitse herverzekeraar Munich Re liet vandaag weten dat de schade door onweders in de Verenigde Staten vorig jaar op 66 miljard dollar ligt (ongeveer 60 miljard euro). In Europa ging het om 10 miljard dollar. Telkens gaat het om een absoluut record.
5. Nooit was het zee-ijs op Antarctica er zo slecht aan toe
De gevolgen van de opwarming zien we ook in de omvang van het zee-ijs aan de Zuidpool. Tijdens 8 verschillende maanden bereikte de omvang van het zee-ijs een laagterecord voor de tijd van het jaar.
De CO₂ blijft zich opstapelen in de lucht door de hoge menselijke uitstoot, en is nu naar 419 ppm (deeltjes per miljoen) geklommen, wat de steile klim van de vorige decennia bevestigt.
Voor methaan kwamen er 11 ppb (deeltjes per miljard) bij tot 1.902 ppb. Die stijging is hoog maar ligt iets lager dan de voorbije jaren. Methaan is een sterker broeikasgas dan CO₂, maar CO₂ blijft dan weer veel langer hangen en doorwerken, tot honderden jaren en meer.
De broeikasgassen: hoogste waarde in 800.000 / 2 miljoen jaar
Ook de concentratie van broeikasgassen in de wereldwijde atmosfeer bleef stijgen. Het gehalte aan CO₂ (koolstofdioxide) steeg verder door met 2,1 ppm (parts per million of deeltjes per miljoen). Het jaargemiddelde voor CO₂ (los van de seizoensvariaties) in de atmosfeer bedraagt nu 417 ppm. Dat is het hoogste niveau ooit gemeten door de mens en het is volgens Copernicus het hoogste in ruim 2 miljoen jaar tijd. De stijging tijdens het voorbije jaar ligt ongeveer op de gemiddelde koers, terwijl ze eigenlijk zou moeten afnemen als we de klimaatopwarming willen afremmen.
Onderstaande balkjes tonen hoe de gemiddelde jaartemperatuur op aarde in de voorbije 60 jaar afweek van het gemiddelde tussen 1850 en 1900 - de graad van opwarming valt op de verticale as aan de linkerkant af te lezen. Daar waar we rond het jaar 2000 nog aan een opwarming zaten van 0,6 tot 0,8 graden, was dat vorig jaar dus ongeveer 1,2 graden. (data Copernicus)
Noot:als we het hebben over de klimaatopwarming, kijken we naar een periode van 20 tot 30 jaar, omdat klimaat nu eenmaal een foto is van de langere termijn. Daarom spreken we van een klimaatopwarming van 1,1 graden Celsius momenteel, hoewel de realiteit van de voorbije vijf jaar toont dat we (voor die vijf jaar gemiddeld) al aan ongeveer 1,2 graden extra zitten.
United States government has UFOs of 'non-human origin' in its possession - whistleblower
United States government has UFOs of 'non-human origin' in its possession - whistleblower
Rachel Sadler
Photo credit: Getty Images
A whistleblower alleges the United States government has UFOs of "non-human origin" in its possession.
David Grusch, who is a veteran of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), claimed this information about "deeply covert programmes" has been hidden and that it's about "retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin".
"The existence of complex historical programs involving the coordinated retrieval and study of exotic materials, dating back to the early 20th century, should no longer remain a secret," he told The Debrief.
A claim he previously made to the US Congress was the existence of a decades-long "publicly unknown Cold War for recovered and exploited physical material". This included a competition with "near-peer adversaries" over the years to identify UFO crashes or landings and retrieve the material for exploitation or reverse engineering to "garner asymmetric national defence advantages".
In 2022, Grusch gave Congress hours of recorded classified information that included specific data about the materials recovery programme.
His investigation relied on extensive interviews with high-level intelligence officials, some of whom were directly involved with the programme. But Grusch claimed the operation was illegally shielded from proper Congressional oversight and he was targeted and harassed because of his investigation.
He said the craft recovery operations are still going on at various levels of activity and he knows the specific people involved.
"Individuals on these UAP [unidentified anomalous phenomena] programmes approached me in my official capacity and disclosed their concerns regarding a multitude of wrongdoings, such as illegal contracting against the Federal Acquisition Regulations and other criminality and the suppression of information across a qualified industrial base and academia," Grusch told The Debrief.
The US also has "non-human origin technical vehicles", with Grusch telling News Nation: "Call it spacecraft, if you will. It's probably not the right parlance. But no kidding, non-human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed."
He said the are "quite a number" of spacecraft from other species.
He isn't alone either. Intelligence officer Johnathan Grey told The Debrief that the "non-human intelligence phenomenon is real".
"Retrievals of this kind are not limited to the United States. This is a global phenomenon, and yet a global solution continues to elude us."
Grusch believes it was dangerous for this "80-year arms race" to continue in secrecy because it "further inhibits the world populace to be prepared for an unexpected, non-human intelligence contact scenario".
Grusch's claims come just days after a Pentagon chief admitted that unidentified "metallic orbs" have been found "all over the world".
Sean Kirkpatrick, director of a new UAP analysis office, said these objects are making "very interesting apparent manoeuvres".
"While we are still looking at it, I don’t have any more data other than that," he said.
"Being able to come to some conclusion is going to take time until we can get better-resolved data on similar objects that we can then do a larger analysis on."
The US government has recently centralised its system for reporting UFOs, and now the Pentagon receives between 50 and 100 reports a month. Although Kirkpatrick said just 2 to 5 percent of these are "really anomalous".
"For the few objects that do demonstrate potentially anomalous characteristics, AARO [All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office] is approaching these cases with the highest level of objectivity and analytical rigour," he said.
"AARO has shared these cases with the appropriately cleared NASA team members in order to discuss and help recommend potential scientific areas of study that NASA may want to take lead on."
Kirkpatrick added that AARO plans to deploy "dedicated sensors for typical UAP" sightings. This is equipment that is independent of the existing military defence sectors that have picked up evidence during their normal duties.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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