The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Noordwest-Europa zet zich schrap voor nieuwe storm: waar, wanneer en hoe hard zal ‘Isha’ toeslaan? En zal dit ook bij ons zijn?
Noordwest-Europa zet zich schrap voor nieuwe storm: waar, wanneer en hoe hard zal ‘Isha’ toeslaan? En zal dit ook bij ons zijn?
Na sneeuw komt .... storm, zo blijkt uit de weerkaarten voor het noordwesten van Europa. In een mum van tijd schakelen we over van winterweer naar een onstuimig herfstachtig weertype. Want een heuse stormdepressie, die intussen officieel de naam ‘Isha’ kreeg, ontwikkelt zich momenteel over de Atlantische oceaan. Meteorologen waarschuwen nu al voor de zware windstoten waarmee Isha gepaard zal gaan. De Britse en Ierse weerdiensten hebben code oranje voor wind afgekondigd en code geel voor de vele regen die zal vallen. Maar hoe zwaar zal de storm precies uitpakken? Waar en wanneer mogen we de meeste wind verwachten? En moeten ook wij vrezen voor Isha?
Samuel Helsen
“Een dooi zonder regen of wind, is niet waard dat ‘t eraan begint”, luidt een alom bekende weerspreuk. En actueler kan zo'n weerspreuk niet zijn. De weerkaarten zijn onverbiddelijk: de winterprik van afgelopen week wordt de komende dagen letterlijk weggewaaid en weggespoeld. We lijken over te schakelen van winter naar herfst.
De luchtstroming draait naar het zuidwesten en vanuit die hoek krijgt West-Europa de komende dagen te maken met aanvoer van zeer zachte zeelucht van over de Atlantische Oceaan. Op die manier zal de ene na de andere depressie richting onze contreien worden gestuurd die de nodige wind en regen met zich mee zullen brengen.
Het is vooral zondag en maandag uitkijken voor stormdepressie ‘Isha’. Deze storm bereikt zondag de westkust van Ierland en trekt vervolgens via de Britse Eilanden en Schotland de Noordzee op. Zondagnacht en maandag zal de storm ook de Benelux bereiken en vervolgens doorstoten naar Duitsland en Scandinavië.
Waar komt deze storm zo plots vandaan?
Het aankomende stormweer wordt veroorzaakt door een zeer sterke straalstroom. Dit is een grote luchtrivier op een hoogte van zo’n 10 tot 12 kilometer die depressies meesleurt in z’n kielzog en deze verder doet uitdiepen. De komende dagen is de straalstroom erg actief en bereikt deze windsnelheden tot tussen 240 en 280 kilometer per uur. Een sterke straalstroom staat bij ons garant voor onstuimig weer met veel wind.
De verhoogde activiteit van de straalstroom hebben we deels te danken aan de uitbraak van barre winterkou in delen van de VS en Canada. De uitstulping van de poolwervel met ijskoude lucht nabij de VS en Canada aan de andere kant van de oceaan staat in schril contrast met de nog steeds erg hoge temperaturen in de Atlantische oceaan en de bijhorende zeer zachte luchtmassa die zich boven de oceaan bevindt.
Dit scherp contrast tussen de erg koude en erg zachte lucht is de drijfveer voor het aansterken van de straalstroom, die op zijn beurt de motor is voor het ontstaan van de stormdepressies.
Hoe fel zal de storm tekeer gaan en waar mag men de meeste wind verwachten?
Storm Isha is een zuidwesterstorm en zal gepaard gaan met zware tot zelfs zeer zware windstoten op veel plaatsen in Noordwest-Europa. De storm bereikt als eerste de westkust van Ierland op zondag, waar de hoogste windstoten verwacht worden. Gemiddeld komt er zo’n 8 tot 10 beaufort te staan op zee en in de kustregio’s. Op dit moment wordt uitgegaan van windstoten die kunnen pieken tot 120 km/u. Een uitschieter naar 130 km/u is zelfs niet onmogelijk volgens sommige weermodellen.
Daarna raast het stormveld in de loop van de dag verder over het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Schotland. Ook daar is het vooral in de westelijke kustgebieden alsook in de hoger gelegen gebieden uitkijken voor windstoten tot 120 km/u. In het binnenland worden veelal windstoten verwacht tot 100 km/u. Daar waait de wind krachtig tot hard en in sommige gebieden stormachtig.
Zowel de Ierse als de Britse weerdienst kondigden al code oranje af op zondag en maandag voor de felle windstoten. “Er bestaat een kans dat er stroomuitval zal zijn”, luidt het. De storm zou ook een impact kunnen hebben op het verkeer. Er worden dan ook heel wat vertragingen en schrappingen verwacht bij het openbaar vervoer, het luchtverkeer en de ferrydiensten. Naast stormschade door wind is het ook opletten voor stormvloed met hoge golven. Op volle zee kunnen de golfhoogtes pieken tot wel 10 meter hoog en ook langs de westkusten zijn golfhoogtes mogelijk tot wel 7 meter hoog.
Tijdens de nacht van zondag op maandag trekt storm Isha dan de Noordzee op als een zware zuidwesterstorm met nog steeds gemiddeld 8 tot 10 beaufort. Vervolgens zal het windveld ook het vasteland bereiken van de Benelux, West-Duitsland en Scandinavië. Vooral op de Waddeneilanden en ook langs de kusten van Denemarken mogen ze ook windstoten verwachten tot 120 km/u volgende de laatste weerkaarten. Elders lijken de windstoten beperkt te blijven tot maximale waarden tussen 90 en 110 km/u. Tegen maandagavond lijkt het ergste gepasseerd en trekt de storm al afzwakkend verder het Europese binnenland in.
Het is trouwens niet alleen oppassen voor wind, want Storm Isha zal ook gepaard gaan met veel regen. Op sommige plekken langsheen de westkusten van Schotland, het VK en Ierland, alsook in het westen van Noorwegen kan er in totaal tot meer dan 100 liter water per vierkante meter vallen tussen zondag en woensdag. Hierdoor is er kans op wateroverlast.
Zal het ook bij ons stormen?
Ook wij mogen ons opmaken voor een onstuimige periode. Vooral zondagavond en tijdens de nacht naar maandag zal de wind fors in kracht toenemen met de doortocht van storm Isha. Zondag overdag staat er al een vrij krachtige wind. ’s Avonds en ’s nachts wakkert de wind verder aan tot zo’n 6 of tijdelijk zelfs 6 à 7 beaufort.
Dinsdag dient zich mogelijk al een volgende storm aan op de weerkaarten, genaamd Jocelyn
Daarmee zal het krachtig tot soms hard waaien. Momenteel wordt er uitgegaan van windstoten tot 90 km/u, maar sommige weermodellen berekenen tijdens het hoogtepunt van de storm zondagavond en maandagnacht zelfs windstoten tot 110 km/u. De kans bestaat dat ook het KMI hiervoor een code oranje zal afkondigen in ons land als deze voorspellingen aanhouden. Bij windstoten onder 100 km/u gaat het om code geel. Aangezien het om een zuidwesterstorm gaat zal de impact op onze kust gelukkig eerder beperkt zijn. Door de oriëntatie moeten we niet meteen vrezen voor stormvloeden. Wel is er een aanzienlijke kans op windschade door de stevige windstoten mogelijk.
Zondag nemen we ook afscheid van het zonnige en koude weer. Met de aanwakkerende zuidwestenwind zal de dooi razendsnel z’n intrede doen en mogen we opnieuw erg zachte temperaturen verwachten. We krijgen zelfs te maken met een heuse temperatuurschok. Op zondag schakelen we abrupt over naar zeer zachte subtropische lucht afkomstig van de Azoren. In de ochtend vriest het mogelijk nog licht, maar tegen de avond zal de temperatuur opnieuw dubbele cijfers bereiken. We halen dan rond 10 °C. Een temperatuurstijging van meer dan 10 °C in minder dan 24u. Dat is best opmerkelijk.
Is er nog stormweer op komst de komende dagen?
De komende dagen zal de winter ver te zoeken zijn. De maxima liggen met 12 of 13 °C rond zeer hoge waarden voor deze tijd van het jaar. Bovendien blijven we te maken hebben met een herfstachtig en vrij onstuimig weertype met regelmatig regenzones die de revue passeren en een stevig windveld.
Dinsdag dient zich mogelijk al een volgende storm aan op de weerkaarten. Deze zal de naam ‘Jocelyn’ dragen. Vooral Ierland, het VK en Schotland mogen zich dan opnieuw opmaken voor stevige windstoten. Volgens de laatste prognoses zou de storm zich vooral richten op de noordelijke delen van Ierland, het VK en Schotland met opnieuw potentiële windstoten tot 130 km/u. Ook bij ons blijft het onstuimig. Na een korte adempauze dinsdagochtend zal de wind dinsdagavond en woensdag opnieuw aanwakkeren met windstoten tussen 70 en 90 km/u.
Na woensdag lijkt het weerbeeld zich stilaan terug wat te stabiliseren. De onstuimige periode lijkt op het eerste zicht van korte duur. Mogelijk schakelen we later in de week over op stabieler weer onder invloed van een hogedrukgebied met ’s nachts lichte vorst en overdag ruim positieve temperaturen.
These patent applications relate directly to UAP observables, in that UAPs seem to defy the known laws of physics precisely by appearing to deploy unthinkable amounts of energy in small regions of space, manipulate gravity at will, and have little to no inertial mass. For this reason, many—such as Ariel Cohen, writing for Forbes—have speculated that Pais’s ostensible inventions may be a cover for reverse-engineered UAP technology, and the associated patents an attempt by the US Navy to stay ahead of China and Russia in the new arms’ race.
In this essay, I will argue that these speculations are based on a fundamentally wrong understanding of how the game of Intellectual Property Rights—or ‘IPR’ in short, which includes patents—is played. Whatever NAWCAD’s inventions are, they aren’t reverse-engineered UAP technology and almost certainly have no defense significance.
Although I am best known as a philosopher and scientist, I have spent almost 25 years in the high-tech industry doing technology strategy. I have been deeply immersed in the world of high-tech IPR, having even once co-founded a computer company—Silicon Hive, now part of Intel—that dealt in IPR licensing. As such, despite not being a lawyer myself, I am qualified to opine on patent matters.
A patent is a legal monopoly: it gives an individual or a company the right to be the exclusive exploiter of the patented idea for a limited period—usually 20 years—unless the individual or company in question chooses to license the patent to a third-party. The goal is to give companies an incentive to invest in Research and Development (R&D) without fear that its competitors will immediately benefit from the fruits of that R&D without having invested in it. Patent law is at the foundation of high-tech entrepreneurship for this reason. Without it, which company would invest billions in, say, inventing a new drug, just to see its key competitors reverse-engineer the drug and commercialize an identical, cheaper alternative within months?
But patents represent a trade-off. While giving their holders temporary monopoly power, they also force the inventors to publicly disclose the ideas in question. Indeed, patents—and even patent applications—are public documents by law, available on multiple searchable databases such as Google Patents. Moreover, not only do the inventors have to publicly describe their inventions, they must also do so in a manner that a “person skilled in the art”—that is, a minimally competent practitioner in the field in question—can, based on a patent’s text and diagrams alone, implement a working embodiment of the corresponding invention.
As such, patents are the opposite of industrial secrets. Before deciding whether to patent an idea, a company needs to weight its monopoly benefits against giving the competition a head-start; for this is exactly what a patent application does: it broadcasts to the world the lines along which a company is developing its technology.
Sometimes, the decision of whether to patent an invention or keep it a secret is straightforward. For instance, it may be impossible to hide an idea, either because it is a visible and advertised product feature—such as a fingerprint reader or facial scanner to unlock your phone—or because the product can be easily bought from a shop and reverse-engineered. In these cases, it’s best to patent the whole thing in advance, as the secret cannot be kept.
The opposite decision can also be straightforward: if the idea is not discernible in the end-product—for instance, when the invention is about a particular manufacturing method, as opposed to a product feature—it becomes very difficult to prove that the competition is illegally using it, and the patent cannot be enforced in practice. It’s then best to protect the method as an industrial secret instead.
Now, which of these scenarios applies best to military hardware and associated inventions? Well, unlike a mobile phone with advertised facial recognition technology, the key features of military hardware aren’t publicly announced or trivially discoverable; you can’t purchase a Chinese J-20 stealth fighter from a shop down the street to see how it is put together. So, if the Chinese were to steal the key inventions behind, say, the American F-22 fighter and use them in their J-20, we wouldn’t be able to take a J-20 apart to prove that it infringes American patents, would we? There is thus no reason to patent these inventions, even if we were to naively assume that Chinese courts—or the courts of any other state, for that matter—would enforce international IPR law above their national security interests and defense industry.
Indeed, the value of patents is entirely based on their enforceability—i.e., the assurance that patent infringers will be prosecuted and the IPR law adequately applied. This holds, by and large, in the corporate world, as companies can incur large financial penalties for infringing IPR.
But such is not the case in the defense world. Do you believe that China would prosecute their own defense contractors if the latter were to use more advanced, patented American technologies in their missiles and aircraft? Do you believe that, if the key inventions behind, say, the F-35 or the B-21 were laid out neatly, explicitly, and very publicly in the “preferred embodiment” section of a patent application, other countries wouldn’t immediately leverage that free knowledge in their own aircraft and air defense systems? Countries routinely break international law by spying on each other so to steal each other’s military secrets; do you think they would abide by international IPR law in the case of patents?
When it comes to defense, the way to protect technology is through industrial secrecy, not patents. The latter are public how-to books on the implementation of key ideas, which would just hand over to the competition one’s key military secrets. As such, the US Navy is not procuring patents for Pais’s inventions to prevent the Chinese from using them; to think so is preposterously naïve. If anything, the patent applications do precisely the opposite: they tell the Chinese, step by step, how to implement the inventions.
Patents can, in principle, be used by American defense contractors as legal weapons against each other, in their mutual competition for government contracts, under the overarching jurisdiction of US law. The Navy, too, could conceivably use patents as pricing leverage against defense contractors. But even in these cases, the more consequential and game-changing ideas would not be patented because, again, patents are public documents that broadcast to the world how key (military) technology can be advantageously implemented; one just doesn’t do that for ideas that could change the outcome of a war.
If I know this, then so do the Chinese and any other minimally competent state actor. As such, Pais’s patents aren’t a ruse to throw the Chinese or the Russians off course either. For both the Chinese and the Russians will know that, if the Americans are filing for patents on, say, a certain gravity drive technology, then that’s a blind alley. No player will broadcast a how-to document on the implementation of their key military technologies to the world, and all players know this.
I have heard some speculate that, by filing for those patents, the Navy is preemptively stopping others—Chinese, Russian, or otherwise—from being granted similar patents. Let us pretend for a moment that any third-party patent would place a limit on what the American defense industry is allowed to pursue in the interest of national security; even then, this hypothesis, too, betrays a fundamental lack of understanding of patent law.
To get a patent, a party indeed needs to show that it was the first to come up with the idea in question (the so-called “priority date” in patent law). Any previous publication of the idea (called “prior art” in patent law) invalidates a patent application and can even invalidate the patent itself, even after it has been granted. However, any publication can constitute prior art, not only previous patents. In other words, for the Navy to preempt third-party patents on Pais’s inventions it didn’t need to file for patents; it could have simply published those ideas in any form, which would have been much easier than pursuing patent applications.
Indeed, companies often use specialized “defensive publication” journals, such as Questel, to dump inventions they don’t consider valuable enough to patent, but which they still want to be free to use themselves, and thus want to prevent others from patenting. Doing these defensive publications is much faster, simpler, and cheaper than filing for a patent, as the former entails no examinations, no need for viable embodiments, proof of feasibility, lawyer fees, recurring taxes, etc.
The case of Danish inventor Karl Krøyer, often featured in patent lore, is very illustrative of the point I’m trying to make. Mr. Krøyer invented a method for raising sunken ships by pumping buoyant bodies into the wreck until it becomes buoyant enough to float back to the surface on its own. He proceeded to file for a patent on this method. But, as it turns out, in a 1949 issue of the Donald Duck comic book, in a story called “The Sunken Yacht,” a wreck is raised by stuffing it with ping pong balls. That comic book thus constitutes prior art that can invalidate Mr. Krøyer’s patent. Whether the Donald Duck story was actually used by the patent office to refuse the patent application or not is immaterial; the fact is, it could be used, for legally any publication—even a Donald Duck comic book—featuring the idea in question constitutes prior art. Therefore, no one files for a patent just to prevent others from getting that patent; it’s just not how the game works and NAWCAD obviously knows this.
Which leaves us with the question: Why, then, is the Navy pursuing Pais’s patent applications? It can’t be because they have military significance (if they did, the Navy would be keeping them a secret) and it can’t be because the Navy cares about what other countries are patenting (when it comes to national security, international IPR law matters not). What is left then?
It could be for something as simple as highlighting the relevance and potential value of NAWCAD’s work—making it visible through the media attention those unusual patent applications did get—to increase or protect funding. It could also be because of less-sensational but practical applications of some ancillary embodiments of the inventions outside defense—think of the energy industry, for instance—where patents do make commercial sense.
If you think these are too trivial or implausible reasons to justify the significant reputation risk the Navy has taken on by claiming the invention of gravity drives and inertial mass inhibitors, you will have to enter some tricky speculative territory. I prefer to refrain from that myself. What I am willing to do is to briefly comment on the effects the Navy’s claims have had, for such effects are observable facts, not speculation. And they may provide some hint about the goals of the patent applications to begin with.
As discussed in the foregoing, Pais’s patents are very unlikely to have had any effect on state actors such as China and Russia; both are very well aware of what I discussed above—none of which is polemical or disputed—and will entirely disregard the whole affair as a silly American sci-fi stunt meant for domestic consumption.
Where the patent applications clearly did have an effect is among people in the West who are not familiar with patent law and IPR practice; in other words, the regular folks on the streets of our towns. Many of those people may now be thinking that the UAP observables are not as magical and absurd as they seemed to be at first, for even we, mere human beings, are now producing seemingly credible inventions—endorsed by the Navy!—that can ostensibly replicate at least some of those observables. So maybe the UAP stories aren’t implausible after all, huh? Maybe there is something to them; something that makes good scientific sense and doesn’t force us into tricky mystical ideation.
Now that is a factual, culture-level effect of Pais’s patent applications. Was it deliberate? I don’t know, but I do know this: by choosing patent applications—which are intrinsically associated with technological breakthroughs in the popular psyche—the Navy ensured that they would get a lot of media attention; as they, in fact, did. Could the underlying goal of doing so be the benign wish to help prepare the collective psyche of Western societies for disclosure? Again, I don’t know, but this seems to be a less implausible explanation for such an unusual step than the alternatives.
Bernardo Kastrupis a Dutch philosopher, computer scientist, and the executive director of the Essentia Foundation. He has a Ph.D. in philosophy and another in computer engineering, and has worked as a scientist in some of the world’s foremost scientific laboratories. His main interests are metaphysics and philosophy of mind. He lives in Veldhoven, Netherlands. You can follow the authoron his personal website.
As we look up at the starry sky, countless celestial bodies silently peer down upon us. Most of these have been there for billions of years as stellar processes slowly unfold, starting from their birth until their final demise. Light from other celestial objects, though long vanished, has only recently reached us. In other instances, swift changes in the sky occur at timescales as short as seconds or minutes, like when a dwarf star momentarily flares up or when a human satellite crosses the field of view.
My team has been searching for objects that may have vanished. As an unexpected result of our searches, we found cases where multiple star-like objects (transients) appeared and vanished in a small image within an hour, and even more peculiarly, two of our brightest cases happened in July 1952, coinciding in time with the 1952 Washington D.C. UFO flyovers. But what have we actually found, and how do these two events potentially link to one another?
In the Vanishing & Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations (VASCO) project, our team has been dedicated to the search for celestial objects that vanished over the span of 70 years. In the grand scheme of cosmic time and the billions of years needed for a low-mass star to turn into a white dwarf, seventy years is only a fleeting moment in cosmic time. But 70 years is also much longer than the time needed for a satellite to pass through the telescope’s field of view. Our original objective was to search for a star that had vanished, with the hope of detecting instances where a star directly collapses into a black hole (failed supernova), an event predicted by supernova theoreticians. Alternatively, we were intrigued by the prospect of finding a star that vanishes entirely without a trace or explanation; a signature of a highly advanced civilization.
However, this task was far from straightforward. My colleague spent two years developing powerfulmethods [5] for sifting through the vast terabytes of image data involved. In parallel, we were (and still are) running a citizen science project together with scientists, amateur astronomers, and students primarily in Algeria and Nigeria, to search for these vanishing stars.
For our searches, we employed an object catalog sourced from the US Naval Observatory (USNO) together with archival images dating back to the early 1950s, captured at the Palomar Observatory in California. The images from Palomar predate the dawn of human space exploration. This night sky was pristine, and a far cry from today’s sky that is littered with tens of thousands of debris pieces from human satellites in orbits around the Earth, many producing flashes lasting fractions of a second as they reflect sunlight and tumble through space. These images we compared to the modern databases from Palomar Sky Survey, PanSTARRS, and the Gaia satellite in our quest to find disappearing objects.
We still haven’t found a single failed supernova candidate. However, our exploration has led us to a more intriguing discovery: several images where multiple star-like objects appear in a single snapshot of the sky, never to be seen again. In a specific instance [1], nine faint objects looking like stars were visible in an image captured on April 12, 1950, during a 50-minute exposure. However, they were absent in the image taken just 30 minutes earlier and in another image from six days later. We searched through all available archives in an attempt to locate the nine objects. We directed the world’s largest optical telescope, the Gran Telescopio Canarias, with its 10.4-meter aperture, to the locations where the transients had been. Nothing was found. The objects had simply vanished.
Given the faint nature of these objects and how close to the detection limit they were, we wondered whether these were spurious objects caused by some rare contamination with coincidentally star-like shapes (plate defects), possibly caused by secret atomic bomb tests, or if these phenomena were authentic observations. Artificial objects situated in high-altitude orbits, tens of thousands of kilometers above the Earth’s surface could potentially generate similar flashes as they tumble and reflect sunlight. But a flash could also be produced by the intrinsic light of an object.
To find further evidence of artificial objects outside Earth’s atmosphere, one can search for multiple transients that, additionally, are also aligned [2]. Satellite reflections can manifest as either a single flash or a sequence of consecutive flashes falling on a line, depending on variables like geometry, rotational speed, and the dimensions of our field of view. The exclusive use of pre-Sputnik catalogs further ensures that only non-human objects are included. A white paper describing this search for technosignatures in detail, including the accompanying statistical analysis, has undergone peer review and was published in Acta Astronautica in 2022.
Then we executed the search. We identified two candidates that were statistically significant and had unlikely alignments of transients and an additional three statistically weaker candidates (in total 5 candidates). Our best candidate, Candidate 5, had a probability of p ~ 0.0001 to exist by chance (see Figure 1 below). Regrettably, one journal after another declined to send our paper for peer review, informing us that the topic of the paper consistently fell ‘outside the scope of the journal’. Only one journal sent the paper to referees, which ended up being rejected after several confusing rounds. The paper remains on the arXiv preprint server.
Meanwhile, our team continued its search efforts. One year ago, my colleague presented the team with a case that he had uncovered during the automated searches[5]. The image showed three bright and beautiful objects looking just like stars in a POSS-I image from the 19th of July 1952 that appeared and vanished within a plate exposure [3] (see Figure 2 below). The three bright objects seemed as real as Betelgeuse itself. We explored a gravitational lensing hypothesis, considering the possibility that a massive foreground object could bend the passing light so that three images appear only to vanish moments later. Perhaps, a supermassive black hole located just a few light-years from Earth, with a mass ten times that of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, could explain the triple transient? We were not convinced. The article was recently published in MonthlyNotices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Figure 2. The left image shows three transients on the 19th of July 1952 in the First Palomar Sky Survey. The right image shows the same star field in the Second Palomar Sky Survey, about 30 years later. This image is an adaption of the images in Solano, Marcy et al., 2023.
Let us have a closer look at the time period of the observations. July 1952 was a very special month in Washington D.C. Between July 12th and July 29th, 1952, a multitude of UFO sightings occurred over Washington D.C. in the United States involving radar-visual sightings in simultaneous observations, and even circumstances where aNavy pilot wasauthorizedto shoot down an object (with some debris collected). The highest number of sightings took place during two weekends: July 19th – 20th and the weekend of July 26th – 27th, 1952.
An official record from the National Archives of Australia reveals that while the average monthly number of UFO reports of sightings between 1948 and 1951 was 15 per month, there were approximately 536 reports in July 1952. The US Air Force held a largepress conference at the Pentagon (the largest press conference since the end of World War II), claiming that the radar observations were caused by temperature inversions, citing a theory produced and promoted [6,7] by the astronomer and UFO skeptic Donald Menzel, who had the highest clearances within the National Security Agency in the United States. Further work cast serious doubts on Menzel’s explanation. Also, the US Air Force failed to explain the numerous eyewitness reports.
This is where things get fun. The three transients we found were, indeed, observed on the night of July 19th, 1952, which coincided with the first weekend of the Washington UFO flyovers – a coincidence first noticed by my friend David Altman. As scientists, we recognize that coincidences will occur from time to time, no matter how remarkable they may seem. Yet, I couldn’t help but wonder about whether any of the five top candidates in our previous 2022 arXiv paper could have been observed during the Washington flyovers.
Indeed, our absolute top candidate (Candidate 5, with a mere 0.0001% probability) was observed on July 27th, 1952, aligning with the second weekend (Author’s Note: In the arXiv paper and all presentations, including one I presented at the Sol Foundation event at Stanford University in October, 2023, and up until December 2023, I have quoted the wrong date of 28th of July 1952. The correct date for the XE141 plate, according to the STScI plate archive, is the 27th of July 1952). Ironically, our two most prominent and brightest cases of multiple transients coincided in time with the two weekends of the renowned Washington UFO flyovers.
What types of events might lead to the detection of multiple transients in plates from the same period? One possible explanation is that these transients are indeed UFOs. Another hypothesis is that high-altitude atomic bomb tests could have generated aurora-like phenomena over Washington. These events might have produced nuclear fallout in other regions of the vast country, which–perhaps–could be detected as false stars on the photographic plates. Perhaps, in this instance, Occam’s razor suggests that the first hypothesis requires less of a stretch.
A dataset that possibly could help to solve the mystery is the Digital Access to a Sky Century @Harvard (DASCH) project, which comprises digitized portions of HarvardCollegeObservatory’s photographic plate collection. The observatory’s plate collection consists of 550,000+ plates that played a pivotal role in cutting-edge astronomy research spanning over a century. Given that the Harvard Observatory is considerably closer to Washington D.C. than Palomar, it might possess valuable records from the time of the Washington D.C. UFO flyovers. As recently as a few weeks ago, the DASCH project came back online after a several years-long hiatus; a blessing to many astronomers.
Despite its numerous successes, Harvard’s photographic plate collection faced many challenges during its history. In the early 1950s, Harvard University chose to destroy a portion of its ownphotographic plate collection under the directive of its Director Donald Menzel who entered office in 1952. This story is carefully retold in the astronomer Dorrit Hoffleit’s autobiography, Misfortunes as Blessings in Disguise. Furthermore, Donald Menzel stopped Harvard’s observatory from conducting further photographic plate surveys of the sky in 1953. The latter event is now commonly referred to as the ‘Menzel gap‘. Constraints related to storage space and budgetary limitations were cited. Only fifteen years later, Harvard resumed its surveillance of the sky upon Menzel’s retirement.
This remarkable sequence of unusual events suggests that we investigate more photographic plates from the summer of 1952 to see whether there was a higher incidence of anomalous transients than in previous summers. We can also examine the sky as it looks today. With our new endeavor, the ExoProbe project, we will search for similar types of transient events in the modern sky; the hope is to find a case of such anomalous transients that can be carefully studied with today’s instrumentation. We will use a network of small telescopes equipped with high-resolution cameras that permit us to validate the finding in multiple telescopes immediately, locate the object in 3D (if inside the Solar System), and characterize it with a spectrum. Discovering such anomalous transients in modern data helps to circumvent the challenges posed by photographic plate surveys, including the inherent difficulty of tracking and locating these objects once they vanish.
There is undoubtedly a compelling necessity for exploring this mystery. With a bit of luck, maybe we can find statistical support for a connection between historical UFO sightings and multiple transients in photographic plates. If not, these peculiar coincidences may have to remain as intriguing anecdotes in our documentation of stellar history… and maybe that is just fine.
Beatriz Villarroel is the leader of the VASCO project, which incorporates more than 40 members in different countries. She is a researcher at the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (Nordita) in Stockholm.
Andruk, Matthew E. Shultz, Alok C. Gupta, Lars Mattsson,“Exploring nine simultaneously occuring transients on April 12th 1950”, 2021, Scientific Reports, 11, 12794.
Beatriz Villarroel, Enrique Solano, Hichem Guergouri, Alina Streblyanska, Lars Mattsson, Rudolf Bär, JamalMimouni, Stefan Geier, Alok C. Gupta, Vanessa Okororie, Khaoula Laggoune, Matthew E. Shultz, Robert A. Freitas Jr., Martin Ward,“Is there a background population of high- albedo objects in geosynchronous orbits around Earth?”, 2022, arXiv: 2204.06091
Enrique Solano, Geoffrey Marcy, Beatriz Villarroel, Stefan Geier, Alina Streblyanska, Gianluca Lombardi,Rudolf E. Bär, Vitaly N. Andruk, “A Bright Triple Transient that Vanished within 50 Minutes”, 2023, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527, 6312
Beatriz Villarroel, Kristiaan Pelckmans, Enrique Solano, Mikael Laaksoharju, Abel Souza, Onyeuwaoma Nnaemeka Dom, Khaoula Laggoune, Jamal Mimouni, Hichem Guergouri, Lars Mattsson, Johan Soodla, DiegoCastillo, Matthew Shultz, Rubby Aworka, Sébastien Comerón, Stefan Geier, Geoffrey Marcy, Alok C. Gupta, Josefine Bergstedt, Rudolf E. Bär, Bart Buelens, Christopher K. Mellon, M. Almudena Prieto, Dismas Simiyu Wamalwa, Martin J. Ward, “Launching the VASCO citizen science project”, 2022, MDPI’s Universe, 8, 561
Enrique Solano, Beatriz Villarroel, Carlos Rodrigo, “Discovering vanishing objects in POSS I red images using the Virtual Observatory”, 2022, Monthly Notices of the Royal AstronomicalSociety, 515, 1380
CHRIS SHARP: Get over it, UFOs DO exist… as the latest extraordinary sighting proves. Now the terrifying question: which power has the technology that has us baffled - and beaten?
CHRIS SHARP: Get over it, UFOs DO exist… as the latest extraordinary sighting proves. Now the terrifying question: which power has the technology that has us baffled - and beaten?
Is there anything social media naysayers won't conjure up to dismiss new footage of an unidentified anomalous phenomenon (UAP) flying above an overseas U.S. airbase in 2017?
Video of the mysterious floating object – dubbed the 'jellyfish' for its dangling tentacle-like appendages – was published last week by investigative journalists Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp.
The release has since unleashed a torrent of wild speculation from armchair debunkers. But there's good reason not to dismiss this disclosure so easily.
As a journalist covering the UFO beat, I regularly work with Corbell and Knapp who have been behind much of the groundbreaking reporting in this field.
Knapp is a two-time winner of the prestigious Edward R. Murrow journalism award.
In 1989, he famously revealed the still-controversial allegations of Bob Lazar, who claimed he was hired to reverse-engineer extraterrestrial technology at a secret Nevada site near a U.S base – a facility that has come to be known as Area 51.
Corbell, too, has earned his place among pioneering UFO reporters.
In 2021, Corbell published leaked footage of a spherical object - filmed by the crew of the U.S.S. Omaha - off the coast of Southern California. The oblong orb is seen flying into stiff headwinds before disappearing into the ocean.
Video of the mysterious floating object – dubbed the 'jellyfish' for its dangling tentacle-like appendages – was published last week by investigative journalists Jeremy Corbell (left) and George Knapp (right).
The duo have now released six pieces of footage showing potentially unexplainable UFOs over conflict zones in the Middle East.
For decades, the U.S. government has dismissed this journalism as conspiracy until 2017 when the Pentagon confirmed the existence of long-running secret programs that studied these strange occurrences.
Now as more and more UFO evidence surfaces, the government has no choice but to be more transparent. And it is in this spirit of openness that Corbell and Knapp step forward.
They hold no theories on what the 'jellyfish' UFO is, and - yet again - as no plausible explanations have emerged others have rushed to judgment.
Some proclaim the allegedly military-grade infrared footage recorded from a surveillance blimp shows a smudge on the camera lens - bird poop, perhaps.
The 'smudge theory' was soon rubbed out by sleuths who zoomed in on the object revealing that it rotated as it passed over Al-Taqaddum Airbase in central Iraq in 2017.
A lens smear would exhibit two dimensions. Only three-dimensional objects can appear to spin on video.
Another conjecture was that the 'jellyfish' is a cluster of balloons. An expert on infrared videos, Dave Falch, has seemingly burst that bubble.
Some proclaim the allegedly military-grade infrared footage recorded from a surveillance blimp shows a smudge on the camera lens - bird poop, perhaps.
Another conjecture was that the 'jellyfish' is a cluster of balloons. An expert on infrared videos, Dave Falch, has seemingly burst that bubble.
Falch's analysis is also supported by the accounts of anonymous first-hand military witnesses, who have reportedly spoken with Corbell and Knapp.
These witnesses, who have been trained to differentiate between harmless balloons, surveillance aircraft, and other, potentially dangerous, airborne objects, to this day cannot explain what they saw.
The world is left with no concrete answers, which can be an uncomfortable position for some. But if solving UFO mysteries were straightforward, the U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence apparatus wouldn't have found it necessary to create an entirely new unit in July 2022 - the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (ARRO) – to investigate them.
UFOs exist. Get used to it.
There are things in our skies, oceans and outside the atmosphere, which cannot be explained.
What the 'jellyfish' UFO footage doesn't show is what witnesses have reported to Corbell and Knapp: that the UFO is said to have descended into the nearby Habbaniyah Lake for 17 minutes, then re-emerged from the water and accelerated rapidly at a 45-degree angle until it disappeared from the frame.
If those claims are proven true, then the 'jellyfish' footage will be another piece of sobering evidence suggesting that the most powerful nation in history is not its most technologically sophisticated.
In 2021, Corbell published leaked footage of a spherical object - filmed by the crew of the U.S.S. Omaha - off the coast of Southern California. The oblong orb (above) is seen flying into stiff headwinds before disappearing into the ocean.
The duo have now released six pieces of footage showing potentially unexplainable UFOs over conflict zones in the Middle East. (Above) A metallic-looking orb flying over an Iraqi city was allegedly caught on video by a US spy plane.
Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe implied as much last year when he conceded that the U.S. government has a responsibility to scrutinize 'objects that demonstrate technologies that seem to defy the law of physics and capabilities that we don't have as the world's superpower.'
The situation is so concerning that Five Eyes – the intelligence alliance comprised of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States report – has published a classified report on the increased frequency of UFO encounters, according to Corbell's reporting.
Many in Congress, even Democratic Senator Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, have demanded more disclosure. But worryingly, some in the U.S. government may be turning back the clock on secrecy.
Following the declassification of three UFO videos in 2020, the U.S. Navy has explicitly stated that it will not declassify any more footage over 'national security' concerns. This week the Pentagon issued a statement on the 'jellyfish' UAP refusing to confirm or deny the authenticity of the video or whether it has been reported to AARO.
The public should push harder for answers. Whatever the 'jellyfish' is - it is, without a doubt, part of a broader discussion about transparency and trust.
As much as the doubters and government censors might wish it away as a smudge, the issue won't be wiped up so easily.
Author Christopher Sharp is the Founder/Editor-in-Chief of Liberation Times
Inside secret UFO briefing in DC: Congress finds 'many' claims about US government harboring aliens and spaceships 'have merit' after grilling top US spy watchdog
Inside secret UFO briefing in DC: Congress finds 'many' claims about US government harboring aliens and spaceships 'have merit' after grilling top US spy watchdog
America's top spy watchdog gave Congress a top secret UFO briefing Friday
'We've now made, I would say, progress on some of the claims Mr. Grusch has made in his complaint,' Democratic Florida Congressman Jared Moskowitz told reporters.
'Based on what we heard,' Rep. Moskowitz said, 'many of Grusch claims have merit!
America's top spy watchdog met with members of the House Oversight committee on Capitol Hill today (above). The meeting aimed to get to the bottom of last year's explosive charges alleging the existence of an illegal UFO crash retrieval program
Grusch's allegations were first made in detail via this classified formal complaint, a 'Disclosure of Urgent Concern(s); Complaint of Reprisal' filed to the office of the US Intelligence Community's Inspector General (IC IG) in May of 2022.
'I think this one [today's briefing] is going to lead to a lot of things,' Rep. Moskowitz said. 'There's a lot of new questions and a lot of new areas to ask and poke in.'
'I think everybody left there thinking and knowing that Grusch is legit,' said Republican Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett, Rep. Moskowitz's colleague on the House Oversight Committee, which spearheaded today's secret UFO conclave.
Burchett added, 'if they didn't think that before.'
The Tennessee legislator, who has become a strong voice calling for transparency on what officials now call 'unidentified anomalous phenomena' or UAP, did retain some of his criticisms, telling reporters 'by design this issue is very compartmentalized.'
'We've now made, I would say, progress on some of the claims Mr. Grusch has made in his complaint,' Democratic Florida Congressman Jared Moskowitz told reporters. 'Based on what we heard,' Rep. Moskowitz said, 'many of Grusch claims have merit!'
'It's not about little green men in flying saucers,' Burchett said steps from a 'Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility' or SCIF where the classified meeting was held.
'The issue is tens of millions of dollars,' he emphasized, 'on an issue that we've been told does not exist since 1947.'
Rep. Moskowitz, who has joined Rep. Burchett and others in the House UAP Caucus on what has become an bipartisan effort to get to the truth on these airborne mysteries, also acknowledged continuing bottlenecks with over-classification.
'Well, obviously, look: the process is extremely frustrating,' Rep. Moskowitz told reporters assembled outside the SCIF.
'But actually this is the first real briefing that we've had,' the congressman said, 'the first time we kind of got a ruling on what the IG thinks of those [Grusch's] claims.'
'I think everybody left there thinking and knowing that Grusch is legit,' said Republican Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett (left), Rep. Moskowitz's colleague on the House Oversight Committee, which spearheaded today's secret UFO conclave
'It's not about little green men in flying saucers,' Burchett said steps from a 'Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility' or SCIF (above) where the classified meeting was held
Republican Representative of Arizona Andy Biggs (above) arrives to attend today's closed-door intelligence briefing on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP)
The revelations came amid an invite-only UFO gathering at Stanford University. But, many speakers at the exclusive event expressed worry over the risk of social and economic upheaval. One former CIA scientist said that Washington insiders had deeply weighed both the positive and negative ramifications of declassifying America's top-secret UFO programs in 2004. They came to believe that the risks of UFO 'disclosure' were just too great.
'So this meeting, unlike the one we had previously [with the Department of Defense's office of the Inspector General], this one actually 'moved the needle.''
Despite these promising statements of forward momentum, it is unclear whether or not members of House Oversight were actually permitted to review Grusch's official classified IC IG complaint, or what hard facts they learned behind closed doors.
Last week, a source with direct knowledge of standard operations inside the US Intelligence Community's Inspector General's office (IC IG) told that a review of the complaint would be unlikely.
'I do not expect that to occur,' the source told
According to the's well-placed US intelligence community source, IC IG would likely endeavor to satisfy lawmakers while telling them as little as possible.
'The IG, when he goes and briefs Oversight, his job, between you and I, is going to be to make them feel as though they're getting information,' this source said, 'and basically tell them nothing.'
This source believes Attorney Thomas Monheim, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, and his staff would be forced to juggle the expectations of multiple competing congressional committees.
'He's in charge of what he's going to tell them,' the source told
'I would be very shocked if they hear the same things the Intel committees heard,' the source elaborated, 'not because he doesn't want to tell them — because they're Congress.'
'But because HPSCI [the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence] and SSCI [the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence] have probably said to him, 'Hey! We are your committees of jurisdiction, not Oversight,'' so this source advised.
Nevertheless, Rep. Moskowitz presented a carefully worded comment on the progress made by the committee and the roadmap ahead in their quest for answers about the govenment's closely held, long-rumored UFO portfolio.
'Let me just give you a hypothetical, because I am not going to share anything from a classified briefing,' the Florida congressman began.
'If someone makes ten claims, and then someone says, 'Well, we didn't look into all ten, because they weren't all in the report. But, hey, we found these six very credible,'' Rep. Moskowitz said, 'well, then you'd wanna go attack those six.'
Mysterious Burning Object seen over Charlotte, NC last night. Jan 19, 2024, UFO Sighting News. Whats going on In North Carolina?
Mysterious Burning Object seen over Charlotte, NC last night. Jan 19, 2024, UFO Sighting News. Whats going on In North Carolina?
Burning UFO making a hard right turn.
UFO in below screenshot over contrail of the other UFOs.
Date of sighting: Jan 19, 2024
Location of sighting:Charlotte, NC, USA
Guys this just in. A huge burning object was seen with long flames coming out of it over a city in North Carolina last night. The object or objects were seen flying low and leaving a smokey trail behind them. Very odd indeed. Clearly this is a burning UFO that is barely making back to an underground base somewhere in North Carolina. The object is one large object breaking apart. As of yet, the Carolina news has not talked about it or explained what it might be.
The Enigma of Post-WWII Alien Aeronautics: Unraveling the Secrets of Operation Paperclip
The Enigma of Post-WWII Alien Aeronautics: Unraveling the Secrets of Operation Paperclip
In the aftermath of World War II, amidst the ruins and reckoning, a new chapter of intrigue and technological pursuit began to unfold. This chapter, steeped in secrecy and speculative theories, revolves around the clandestine Operation Paperclip and its alleged connection to extraterrestrial technology and aeronautics.
Operation Paperclip: A Covert Endeavor
At the core of this enigmatic period was Operation Paperclip, a top secret program initiated by the United States government. Its primary objective was to recruit and leverage the expertise of former Nazi scientists, particularly in the fields of aeronautics, rocketry, and various other scientific disciplines. This strategic move was aimed at ensuring that the U.S. did not fall behind in the burgeoning Cold War technological race.
The Roswell Incident: A Catalyst for Conjecture
The narrative takes an intriguing turn with the 1947 Roswell incident, where a mysterious object crashed in the New Mexico desert. This event, reported by the Roswell Daily Record, sparked widespread speculation. While many believed the object to be of extraterrestrial origin, an alternative theory proposed that it was a product of the advanced aeronautical experiments stemming from Operation Paperclip.
Nazi Innovations and UFO Sightings
The theory gains traction from the fact that Nazi Germany was known for its unconventional aircraft designs. Notably, the Horten 229, a flying wing bomber, exhibited design elements that strikingly resembled descriptions of UFOs reported around the same period. This parallel has led some to speculate that what were perceived as extraterrestrial UFOs might actually have been misidentified experimental aircraft, developed by the very scientists recruited through Operation Paperclip.
Speculations and Unanswered Questions
The hypothesis that Operation Paperclip might have been instrumental in analyzing and possibly reverse-engineering recovered alien technology adds another layer of mystery. The notion is that if any alien crafts were obtained, the most adept minds in aeronautics and rocketry at the time – many of whom were part of Operation Paperclip – would have been called upon to study and understand these advanced technologies.
The UnXplained TOP SECRET Alien Aeronautics Program Launched After WWII (Season 6)
While the narrative connecting Operation Paperclip to alien aeronautics is compelling and intriguing, it remains largely speculative. The lack of concrete evidence and reliance on anecdotal accounts means that these theories continue to float in a realm between documented history and the corridors of conspiracy theories. The true extent of Operation Paperclip’s involvement in post-WWII aeronautics, and its possible intersection with extraterrestrial technologies, remains an enigmatic topic that continues to fascinate and provoke discussion.
The Beijing Sky Mystery: Unraveling the Truth Behind the Recent UFO Sighting
The Beijing Sky Mystery: Unraveling the Truth Behind the Recent UFO Sighting
The evening skies over Beijing and several other regions in China recently became the canvas for an extraordinary and mysterious spectacle. Residents were captivated by the sight of an unidentified flying object (UFO), leading to a whirlwind of discussions, theories, and intrigue. This article delves into the details of this enigmatic occurrence, exploring eyewitness accounts, expert analyses, and the eventual explanation that demystifies this celestial event.
The Sighting:
On a clear Sunday evening, just after 6 PM, residents across Beijing, Tianjin, Shanxi, and Shandong provinces witnessed an unusual phenomenon in the sky. Described as a glowing, isosceles triangle-shaped object with three distinct light sources, this UFO moved rapidly from west to east. The object stood out for its silence and the absence of flashing lights typical of aircraft. Eyewitnesses reported that it eventually dissipated like mist and disappeared without leaving a trace.
This event quickly escalated in prominence, becoming a hot topic on Chinese social media platforms like Weibo. With over 900,000 threads, people shared images and descriptions of the object, each adding to the tapestry of this aerial mystery.
Speculations and Theories:
The lack of immediate explanation led to a flurry of speculations. Some hypothesized extraterrestrial involvement, while others pondered secret military technology. The diverse descriptions – ranging from a “moving cloud-like object” to a luminous, non-flashing entity – only fueled the public’s curiosity and diverse theories.
Scientific Explanation:
The mystery began to unravel with insights from Wang Zhuoxiao, a researcher at Tsinghua University’s Centre for Astronomy Technology. He proposed that the sighting was likely the result of a SpaceX rocket launch, specifically for the Starlink satellite mission. This mission involved the deployment of 22 satellites into low-Earth orbit from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.
Wang explained the rocket’s trajectory, inclined at 53 degrees to the south, would have made it visible in northern China during sunset or before sunrise. Following the deployment of satellites, the rocket was programmed to jettison its excess fuel. This process can create a scattering of light around the rocket, forming a cloud-like appearance. The tumbling motion of the rocket for fuel disposal might also explain the changing shapes observed by the witnesses.
Supporting Wang’s explanation, an anonymous astronomer from the Beijing Planetarium agreed that the UFO was likely a rocket launched from the US. This theory was consistent with similar past events in northern China, where rocket clouds formed after spacecraft launches had been mistaken for UFOs.
The UFO sighting over Beijing and neighboring regions, initially shrouded in mystery and excitement, turned out to be an extraordinary display of human technological prowess rather than extraterrestrial visitation. This incident underscores the importance of scientific inquiry and critical thinking in interpreting unusual phenomena. While the allure of a UFO sighting captivates many, often the truth lies in the realms of our expanding technological and scientific understanding. The Beijing sky mystery, now solved, serves as a fascinating reminder of the wonders of our universe and human ingenuity in exploring it.
The exploration of Mars continues, with many nations sending robotic missions to search for evidence of past life and learn more about the evolution of the planet’s geology and climate. As of the penning of the article, there are ten missions exploring the Red Planet, a combination of orbiters, landers, rovers, and one helicopter (Ingenuity). Looking to the future, NASA and other space agencies are eyeing concepts that will allow them to explore farther into the Red Planet, including previously inaccessible places. In particular, there is considerable interest in exploring the stable lava tubes that run beneath the Martian surface.
These tubes may be a treasure trove of scientific discoveries, containing water ice, organic molecules, and maybe even life! Even crewed mission proposals recommend establishing habitats within these tubes, where astronauts would be sheltered from radiation, dust storms, and the extreme conditions on the surface. In a recent study from the University Politehnica Bucuresti (UPB), a team of engineers described how an autonomous Martian Inspection Drone (MID) inspired by the Inginuity helicopter could locate, enter, and study these lava tubes in detail.
The study was conducted by Daniel Betco and Sabina Ciudin, two aerospace engineers at the University of Bucharest Polytechnic, with the support of Petrisor Valentin Parvu, an associate professor with UPB’s Department of Aerospace Sciences. The paper that details their concept, “Autonomous Navigation for the Martian Inspection Drone,” recently appeared in Acta Astronautica. In it, they describe how guidance, navigation, and control operations could be developed for their MID concept, which would rely on a convolutional neural network (CNN) to ensure autonomy.
Martian lava tubes were first noticed by the Viking orbiters, that studied Mars between 1976 and 1980. The images acquired by these missions revealed many features that showed how Mars was once a very different place. These included flow channels, basins, and alluvial deposits that indicated Mars once had flowing water on its surface. The presence of these lava tubes was confirmed by subsequent orbiters like the Mars Odyssey, Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), Mars Express, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), which indicated that it was geologically active in the past as well.
As Betco and his colleagues told Universe Today via email, there are many things that make Martian lava tubes appealing to scientists. Much like lava tubes on the Moon, which are similarly large enough to accommodate entire planetary bases (or even whole cities), this includes natural radiation shielding and protection against the elements:
“In some instances, predicted surface values are reduced by as much as 98%. These lava tubes are of particular interest to astrobiology as they may preserve evidence of life on Mars by offering protection from UV radiation. Additionally, the caves could serve as a refuge for future human missions exploring Mars. Deeper locations within the caves could be utilized as a shield against micrometeoroids or as a heat insulator.”
There is also considerable research that suggests that lava tubes may contain water ice and even be a haven for Martian life (most likely in the form of hardy bacteria). This makes lava tubes a viable location for astronaut habitats, astrobiology research, and possibly permanent settlements. Many mission concepts have been proposed for exploring these lava tubes, including networked rovers and robotic snakes. However, the Ingenuity helicopter – a technology demonstrator that accompanied the Perseverancerover to Mars – effectively demonstrated that aerial vehicles could be the best option for exploring Mars.
As Betco and his colleagues indicated, this includes the lava tubes that run beneath its surface, which would be tricky for rovers to navigate. “Aerial vehicles are well-suited for lava cave exploration as they can move in any direction in three-dimensional space, allowing them to enter the lava tube for inspection,” they said. “In comparison, a rover is limited to two dimensions and would require a highly complex configuration to enter and navigate within a lava tube.”
Using the Ingenuity helicopter as their touchstone, the team produced a design for their Martian Inspection Drone (MID). But whereas Ingenuity relies on two coaxial rotors, their vehicle has an octocopter configuration with eight. The vehicle will also have a suite of advanced scientific instruments for inspecting the cave and lava tube interiors. It will weigh a maximum of 15 kg (33 lbs), making it significantly heavier than Ingenuity – which weighs just 1.8 kg (4 lbs). As they describe it, the MID will also rely on an autonomous navigation system and AI to ensure it can make decisions without human controllers:
“A foldable mechanism is proposed to occupy a smaller volume during launch. Its autonomous navigation relies on acquiring data from sensors such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, altimeters, and cameras, processing them to determine the position and attitude of the drone during flight. Another layer of autonomy is implemented through MID’s capability to make decisions regarding the next steps based on a trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model. This model offers the possibility to detect and inspect lava-tube entrances (pits).”
Looking to the future, it is clear that aerial vehicles will play a significant role in exploring extraterrestrial environments. This includes NASA’s Dragonflymission, the nuclear-powered quadcopter that will explore Saturn’s largest moon, Titan (starting in 2034). Other concepts, like solar-powered aircraft and fleets of balloons, are being considered as a possible means of exploring the cloud tops of Venus and deploying sample-return drones to the surface. An autonomous helicopter, said Betco and his colleagues, could drastically expand future exploration efforts on Mars:
“Our work’s potential implications lie in the efficient exploration of the Martian planet, as the drone offers the possibility to survey and inspect areas of interest without requiring constant human intervention. The development of MID contributes to the integration of artificial intelligence in Martian missions. Even though the technology is not quite ready for this, the lessons learned and technologies developed now will drastically benefit future exploration of the Red Planet.”
The team is currently working on implementing new capabilities that will allow their concept to inspect the insides of lava tubes using Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) techniques. If realized, similar concepts could be used to explore lava tubes and recesses on the Moon, Mercury, and anywhere else in the Solar System they are found.
Japan’s Moon Lander Touches Down, But Power Problem Mars Its Mission
Japan has become the fifth nation to land a functioning robot on the moon, but the mission could fall short of complete success due to a problem with the lander’s power-generating solar cells.
The Smart Lander for Investigating Moon, or SLIM, was launched along with an X-ray space telescope called XRISM from Japan’s Tanegashima Space Center in early September — and after weeks of in-space maneuvers, SLIM touched down today at 1520 GMT (10:20 a.m. ET Jan. 19, or 12:20 a.m. JST Jan. 20).
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency reported that the landing was successful. During a news briefing, Hiroshi Kuninaka, director general of JAXA’s Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, said the achievement marked “a major milestone” in Japan’s effort to send spacecraft to the moon, and eventually to Mars.
Kuninaka said SLIM was able to communicate with Earth and respond to commands. “However, it seems that the solar cells are not generating electricity at this point in time,” he said. “And since we are not able to generate electricity, the operation is being done using batteries alone.”
Mission controllers prioritized efforts to transmit the data stored on the lander back to Earth before the batteries ran out. SLIM was expected to lose power within hours if the solar panel problem couldn’t be fixed.
Kuninaka said the problem could have arisen because the solar cells weren’t properly aligned toward the sun. “We are trying to analyze the data that we’re gathering at this point in time and analyzing the status,” he said.
The lander was designed to make a precision touchdown near Shioli Crater, in a region of the moon not far from where the Apollo 11 and Apollo 16 landings took place more than 50 years ago. SLIM’s objective was to land within 100 meters (330 feet) of the targeted landing spot. The plan for an ultra-accurate moonshot explains why SLIM came to be called “Moon Sniper.” Kuninaka said mission managers would need “a little more time” to confirm how close SLIM came to the target.
He also said two mini-rovers, known as LEV-1 and LEV-2, were successfully deployed during SLIM’s descent to the surface. LEV-1 is built to capture imagery and record temperature and radiation levels as it hops around the surface. LEV-2 has the shape of a deformable sphere, and is designed to roll around the surface to take pictures.
“If LEV-1 and LEV-2 are functioning properly, then SLIM’s photos and images have been taken by LEV-1 and LEV-2. I believe such data is now being sent to us,” Kuninaka said.
Despite the power problem, SLIM’s successful landing was a welcome development for JAXA’s space exploration program. It added Japan to a short list of countries that have guided robotic spacecraft to soft landings on the moon — a list that also includes the U.S., Russia, China and India.
Other recent developments have demonstrated that putting a robot on the moon isn’t easy. This week, for example, Astrobotic’s Peregrine lunar lander fell back to Earth after a propellant leak ruled out a moon landing.
What Future Propulsion Technologies Should NASA Invest In?
Researchers consistently complain about how difficult it is to fund breakthrough research. Most funding agencies, especially governmental ones, think funding incremental, evolutionary technological steps is the way to go, as it has the most significant immediate payback. But longer-term, higher-risk research is necessary to provide those incremental steps 20-30 years in the future. And in some cases, they are required to underpin completely new things that other researchers want to do.
That is the case with space propulsion systems. Current mature technologies, mainly derived from chemical rockets, cannot provide the necessary force to allow for a gravitational lens telescope out in the Oort cloud, an interstellar probe, or a round trip to Mars that would take less than a year. But other technologies on the horizon could if only we spent more time and resources developing them. So a group of NASA and DoE engineers recently released a paper detailing some of those and where they think America’s space agency should direct its funding when developing new propulsion systems.
At the beginning of the paper, the authors lament that there hasn’t been any large-scale NASA investment in breakthrough propulsion technologies since the 1970s. And they’re right; the last significant effort was the Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application (NERVA) project, which wound down in the 1970s. Despite the lack of prototyping, plenty of ideas were put forward then. Just none have made them into hardware.
Those ideas can be broadly categorized into four different groups of systems: chemical propulsion, nuclear thermal propulsion, solar electric propulsion (SEP), and nuclear electric propulsion (NEP). The rest of the study aimed to determine what if any, significant advancements could be made in those four systems that could lead to them lowering the round-trip time to Mars to less than one year.
The authors discard chemical propulsion and nuclear thermal propulsion, stating that they are simply not cut out for the rapid technological changes that could enable their use for these game-changing propulsion systems. Chemical propulsion suffers from “the tyranny of the rocket equation,” as Isaac Arthur puts it. But nuclear thermal propulsion suffers from the same underlying problem – they must carry too much weight in propellants to be viable for truly ground-breaking speed increases.
That leaves solar electric propulsion and nuclear electric propulsion. The authors break down the current state-of-the-art technologies for each technology and calculate the weight per kilowatt of energy they produce. Neither looks particularly promising at the state of the art – with NEP coming in at 51 kg/kWe and various solar arrays that could drive a SEP system ranging from 5 kg/kWe up to 22.73 kWe. None of those weight/power tradeoffs would result in anything approaching a sub-one-year time to Mars.
But why stop there? The authors do a deep dive into potential technologies on the horizon, ranging from materials to photovoltaics, that could dramatically impact those calculated ratios. The paper concludes with “transformative” technologies that could decrease the kg/kWe to below one. In that case, an extensive enough power system can reasonably transport humans to Mars in between 50 and 100 days.
The researchers also looked at some early-stage propulsion concepts from NASA’s Institute for Advanced Concepts – including the ever-popular “pulsed nuclear” propulsion system, where a nuclear explosion is intentionally initiated behind the spacecraft to push it forward. These technologies are too early to be included in a deep-dive analysis, but they could lead to some promising alternative technologies.
To invest in those alternative technologies, the authors suggest NASA commit 1% of its Space Nuclear Propulsion budget to developing breakthrough technologies. At $45 million for FY2023, the whole budget isn’t exactly breaking the bank, and a mere $450,000 probably wouldn’t make too big of waves in the industry. But, it is undoubtedly better than what is currently allotted toward maturing these transformative propulsion technologies.
Early Galaxies Looked Nothing Like What We See Today
Talk to anyone about galaxies and it often conjurs up images of spiral or elliptical galaxie. Thanks to a survey by the James Webb Space Telescope it seems the early Universe was full of galaxies of different shapes. In the first 6 billion years up to 80% of the galaxies were flat, surfboard like. But that’s not it, there were others like pool noodles too, yet why they looked so different back then is a mystery.
Galaxies were first identified back in the 17th Century by French astronomer Charles Messier. He was a comet hunter who identified a number of fuzzy objects which he realised were not comets. He catalogued them in his famous catalogue of deep sky objects but it wasn’t until Edwin Hubble measure the distances to some of them in the 1920’s that they were recognised as galaxies.
Analysing images from the JWST survey known as the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science Survey, the team studied galaxies from a time when the universe was between 600 million and 6 billion years old. To their surprise they did not see the usual cosmic zoo of galaxies like spiral, elliptical and irregular galaxies. Instead they found that between 50 and 80% of the galaxies seem to be glattened in two dimensions.
Instead, the team found galaxies shaped like surfboards, pool noodles, frisbees and volleyballs. Among these new types, the surfboard shape was most common with the least common being the volleyball, sphere shaped galaxies. Interestingly too they foudn that the frisbee and noodle shaped galaxies became more common in the later era around 6 billion years.
The mass of the early galaxies seemed to be far less than the mass of galaxies we see today. It seems they had far less time to grow when compared to today’s galaxies which are far more massive. The team would have not been able to complete their work without the incredible sensitivity and resolution of the JWST.
The paper was authored by Viraj Pandya, a NASA Hubble Fellow at Columbia University. They went further to explore what category our own Milky Way galaxy would fall into if we could hop in a time machine and wind back time. They concluded it was likely to have been surfboard shaped galaxy, not too dissimilar to the spiral structure familiar to us today.
We have learned lots about galaxies over the years and images from Hubble has most certainly helped. The latest set of images from JWST have shown us that we still have lots to learn and as we delve deeper and deeper into space and further and further back into time we are only just starting to scratch the surface.
The Ice Sheet on Mars is Even Thicker Than Previously Believed
Maybe Mars isn’t as dry as we thought. ESA’s Mars Express has revealed new details about a region near Mars’ equator that could contain a massive deposit of water ice several kilometers deep. If it is indeed ice, there is enough of it in this one deposit that if melted, water would cover the entire planet up to 2.7 meters (almost 9 feet) deep.
But ice is just one explanation for the unusual features detected by the orbital spacecraft. Another is that this is a giant pile of dust several kilometers deep — although the dust would still need to have some ice mixed in.
Mars Express has been orbiting Mars since December of 2003 and back in 2007, the spacecraft studied the Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF), a large geological formation that includes wind-sculpted ridges and grooves, abrupt mesas, interspersed with smooth and gently undulating areas. The region extends intermittently for more than 5,000 km (3,100 miles) along the equator of Mars, extending from just south of Olympus Mons to Apollinaris Patera, with a smaller additional region closer to Gale Crater, where the Curiosity rover is exploring.
Various spacecraft in addition to Mars Express, such as NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey, have also detected subsurface ice, as much as 2.5 km (1.5 miles) deep.
Now, new data from Mars Express suggest layers of water ice stretching even further underground – the most water ever found in this part of the planet.
“We’ve explored the MFF again using newer data from Mars Express’s MARSIS radar, and found the deposits to be even thicker than we thought: up to 3.7 km (2.3 miles) thick,” said Thomas Watters of the Smithsonian Institution, USA, lead author of both the new research and the initial 2007 study, in an ESA press release. “Excitingly, the radar signals match what we’d expect to see from layered ice, and are similar to the signals we see from Mars’s polar caps, which we know to be very ice rich.”
Watters and his team say that if melted, the ice contained within the MFF would cover the entire planet in a layer of water 1.5 to 2.7 m deep, enough to fill Earth’s Red Sea.
But MFF’s windswept landscapes contains one of the most extensive deposits of dust on Mars, which is possibly the biggest single source of dust on Mars. Some studies determined the strange features in this landscape could have been formed by explosive volcanoes.
In the 2007 observations with Mars Express, the radar data showed the MFF to be relatively transparent to radar and low in density – two characteristics which would reveal icy deposits. However, scientists couldn’t rule out a drier possibility: that the features are actually giant accumulations of windblown dust, volcanic ash or sediment.
But the beauty of long-lasting spacecraft is that it provides the opportunity for multiple observations of a single region on Mars over many years, providing additional follow-up data for study.
“Here’s where the new radar data comes in! Given how deep it is, if the MFF was simply a giant pile of dust, we’d expect it to become compacted under its own weight,” said co-author Andrea Cicchetti of the National Institute for Astrophysics, Italy. “This would create something far denser than what we actually see with MARSIS. And when we modelled how different ice-free materials would behave, nothing reproduced the properties of the MFF – we need ice.”
The new results instead suggest layers of dust and ice, all topped by a protective layer of dry dust or ash several hundred meters thick.
We do know that massive stores of ice near the equator could not have formed in the planet’s present climate.
“This latest analysis challenges our understanding of the Medusae Fossae Formation, and raises as many questions as answers,” says Colin Wilson, ESA project scientist for Mars Express and the ESA ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO). “How long ago did these ice deposits form, and what was Mars like at that time? If confirmed to be water ice, these massive deposits would change our understanding of Mars climate history. Any reservoir of ancient water would be a fascinating target for human or robotic exploration.”
If this does turn out to be large stores of water ice, the MFF deposits would be an incredibly valuable resource for any future human exploration of Mars. These types of missions would need to land near the planet’s equator, due to landing constraints, and resources like abundant solar power, and more moderate temperatures. The presence of equatorial water ice could provide a steady supply of water for a future base on Mars.
US government responds to 'jellyfish UFO' filmed over base before submerging into water
US government responds to 'jellyfish UFO' filmed over base before submerging into water
Footage recently emerged showing a 'jellyfish UFO' supposedly flying over a US military base in Iraq in 2018 - and now the Pentagon has issued a statement in response
The 'jellyfish' UFO, supposedly filmed in Iraq in 2018
(Image: @JeremyCorbell/Twitter)
The US government has issued a statement in response to a video showing what has been dubbed the "jellyfish" UFO.
The video was shared by journalist Jeremy Corbell and appears to show a jellyfish-shaped object floating over a military base.
Corbell claims it was recorded over a US base in Iraq and dates back to 2018. He also said the object was officially designated as an "unidentified aerial phenomenon" (UAP) by the Pentagon.
Corbell claims the object was officially designated as a UAP by the Pentagon
(Image: @JeremyCorbell/Twitter)
Corbell said on X/Twitter: "An incursion by an object of unknown origin was filmed at a United States joint operations base in Iraq. The object was designated UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena), and was tracked for a durational period. The object moved through a sensitive military installation - and eventually traversed over a body of water, where it actuated a controlled descent - submerging into the water.
"After an observational period of about seventeen minutes - the UAP re-emerged from the body of water and shot-off at an extreme rate of speed - beyond the optical scope of the observation platform. The origin, intent and capability of the Anomalous Aerial Vehicle remains unknown. Official designation remains UAP."
The US Department of Defence has now responded, but refused to share details on "material that may have been leaked". The statement from spokeswoman Sue Gough reads: "We do not comment on the authenticity of alleged DOD material that may have been leaked. DOD takes public interest in unidentified anomalous phenomena seriously and is committed to openness and accountability to the American people.
"This commitment must be balanced with the department’s obligation to protect sensitive information, sources, and methods. To that end, AARO will provide updates to the public via its website as it resolves UAP cases, including sharing the analytic approach and method used for each case, as well as imagery, when approved for public release."
The Pentagon has previously released other videos leaked by Corbell and confirmed they were UAPs
Expert Ross Coulthart, special correspondent for NewsNation, said the Pentagon's response this time around was "very revealing for what it doesn't say".
"It doesn’t reveal a categorical denial," he told the news station. "It’s the last resort of governments and intelligence services when they don’t want to answer a question." He added that the video has proved to be a "very big issue" for the Pentagon.
Astronomers using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope have detected a small and vigorous black hole in GN-z11, an exceptionally luminous galaxy that existed just 420 million years after the Big Bang, more than 13 billion years ago. That this black hole with a mass of a few million solar masses even exists so early in the Universe challenges current assumptions about how black holes form and grow.
GN-z11, shown in the inset, is seen as it was 13.4 billion years in the past, just 400 million years after the Big Bang.
Image credit: NASA / ESA / P. Oesch, Yale University / G. Brammer, STScI / P. van Dokkum, Yale University / G. Illingworth, University of California, Santa Cruz.
Astronomers believe that the supermassive black holes found at the centre of galaxies like the Milky Way grew to their current size over billions of years.
But the size of this newly-discovered black hole suggests that they might form in other ways: they might be ‘born big’ or they can eat matter at a rate that’s five times higher than had been thought possible.
According to standard models, supermassive black holes form from the remnants of dead stars, which collapse and may form a black hole about a hundred times the mass of the Sun
If it grew in an expected way, this newly-detected black hole would take about a billion years to grow to its observed size.
However, the Universe was not yet a billion years old when this black hole was detected.
“It’s very early in the Universe to see a black hole this massive, so we’ve got to consider other ways they might form,” said Dr. Roberto Maiolino, an astronomer at the University of Cambridge.
“Very early galaxies were extremely gas-rich, so they would have been like a buffet for black holes.”
Like all black holes, the young black hole in GN-z11 is accreting material from its host galaxy to fuel its growth.
Yet, this ancient black hole is found to gobble matter much more vigorously than its siblings at later epochs.
GN-z11 is a compact galaxy, about one hundred times smaller than the Milky Way, but the black hole is likely harming its development.
When black holes consume too much gas, it pushes the gas away like an ultra-fast wind.
This ‘wind’ could stop the process of star formation, slowly killing the galaxy, but it will also kill the black hole itself, as it would also cut off the black hole’s source of ‘food.’
“It’s a new era: the giant leap in sensitivity, especially in the infrared, is like upgrading from Galileo’s telescope to a modern telescope overnight,” Dr. Maiolino said.
“Before Webb came online, I thought maybe the Universe isn’t so interesting when you go beyond what we could see with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.”
“But that hasn’t been the case at all: the Universe has been quite generous in what it’s showing us, and this is just the beginning.”
“The sensitivity of Webb means that even older black holes may be found in the coming months and years,” he added.
“We are hoping to use future observations from Webb to try to find smaller ‘seeds’ of black holes, which may help them untangle the different ways that black holes might form: whether they start out large or they grow fast.”
A paper on the findings was published in the journal Nature.
R. Maiolino et al. A small and vigorous black hole in the early Universe. Nature, published online January 17, 2023; doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07052-5
Want volgens ons huidige begrip omtrent het ontstaan en de evolutie van zwarte gaten zou dit exemplaar eigenlijk niet moeten bestaan.
Dat is te lezen in het blad Nature. De studie handelt over een zwart gat dat wetenschappers met behulp van ruimtetelescoop James Webb hebben ontdekt. Het zwarte gat dateert uit de periode kort na de oerknal; de astronomen zien het zoals het er slechts 400 miljoen jaar na het ontstaan van het universum uitzag. En daarmee gaat het zwarte gat de boeken in als het oudste zwarte gat dat astronomen tot op heden hebben gedetecteerd.
Hoofdbrekens Wat opvalt, is dat dit zwarte gat, dat al zo kort na de oerknal moet zijn ontstaan, vrij zwaar is: enkele miljoenen keren zwaarder dan onze zon. En dat leidt toch wel tot hoofdbrekens bij astronomen. Aangenomen wordt namelijk dat dergelijke superzware zwarte gaten – zoals we die vandaag de dag ook in het hart van onze eigen Melkweg vinden – miljarden jaren nodig hebben om zo zwaar te worden (zie kader). Maar zoveel tijd heeft het superzware zwarte gat dat nu in het jonge universum is ontdekt overduidelijk niet gehad. “Dus we moeten andere manieren gaan bedenken waarop superzware zwarte gaten kunnen ontstaan,” concludeert onderzoeker Roberto Maiolina nuchter.
Het ontstaan van superzware zwarte gaten Superzware zwarte gaten zijn zwarte gaten met een massa die honderdduizenden, miljoenen of zelfs miljarden keren groter is dan de massa van onze zon. Volgens de huidige standaardmodellen zien dergelijke zware zwarte gaten het levenslicht wanneer zware sterren aan het einde van hun leven ineenstorten. Een dergelijke gebeurtenis zou resulteren in een zwart gat dat ‘slechts’ enkele honderden malen zwaarder is dan onze zon. Maar gaandeweg kan zo’n zwart gat – bijvoorbeeld door omringende materie op te slokken – steeds zwaarder worden en uiteindelijk uitgroeien tot een superzwaar zwart gat. Maar dat kost tijd. Zo zou het zwarte gat dat wetenschappers nu met behulp van James Webb in het jonge universum hebben ontdekt, volgens deze theorie zo’n 1 miljard jaar nodig hebben gehad om zijn huidige massa te verkrijgen. Maar dat klopt duidelijk niet, want het zwarte gat was 400 miljoen jaar na de oerknal al superzwaar.
De ontdekking van dit superzware zwarte gat in het jonge universum dwingt wetenschappers duidelijk om na te gaan denken over andere manieren waarop superzware zwarte gaten kunnen ontstaan of evolueren. Misschien zijn sommige superzware zwarte gaten bijvoorbeeld bij hun ‘geboorte’ al wel groter dan tot voor kort voor mogelijk werd gehouden. Een andere mogelijkheid is dat sommige superzware zwarte gaten gewoon veel sneller kunnen groeien dan onderzoekers dachten.
Hongerig Dat het zwarte gat dat wetenschappers nu gedetecteerd hebben, hongerig is, staat vast (zie kader). Onderzoek heeft namelijk al uitgewezen dat het zwarte gat veel sneller materie opslokt dan zwarte gaten in latere tijden.
Hongerig zwart gat Het zwarte gat is misschien wel één van de meest mysterieuze en fascinerende fenomenen in het universum. Door de intense zwaartekracht van zwarte gaten kan niets aan hun greep ontsnappen. Zelfs licht niet. Hierdoor zijn zwarte gaten volslagen donker en in feite dus onzichtbaar. Dat wetenschappers ze toch kunnen detecteren, is te danken aan het feit dat de intense zwaartekracht van zo’n zwart gat van invloed is op de omgeving. Zo is het zwarte gat dat wetenschappers nu in het jonge universum hebben ontdekt, druk bezig om materie (gas) naar zich toe te trekken. Alvorens dat gas daadwerkelijk in het zwarte gat verdwijnt, begeeft het zich in een baan rond het zwarte gat en vormt daar een zogenoemde accretieschijf. Het gas in die schijf wordt heel heet en begint te gloeien. En die gloed hebben onderzoekers nu met James Webb gedetecteerd. En uit die gloed kunnen ze afleiden dat zich hier een zwart gat bevindt (dat vrij druk bezig is om gas naar zich toe te trekken).
In eerste instantie zorgt die vraatzucht ervoor dat het zwarte gat lekker kan groeien. Maar op lange termijn kan de zucht naar meer dit zwarte gat zomaar fataal worden, zo merken de onderzoekers op. Want als het zwarte gat te veel gas consumeert, gaat deze ook krachtige ‘winden’ – in feite een uitstroom van straling en geladen deeltjes – produceren die gas juist van het zwarte gat vandaan duwen. En daarmee duwt het zwarte gat zijn ‘voedsel’ als het ware weg, waardoor het zichzelf langzaam uithongert. Ook op het sterrenstelsel waar het zwarte gat deel van uitmaakt, heeft dit proces overigens een enorme impact. Want de krachtige ‘winden’ die het zwarte gat genereert, remmen de stervorming. Hierdoor worden er minder nieuwe sterren geboren, ‘vergrijst’ het sterrenstelsel en sterft het uiteindelijk een langzame dood.
Vervolgonderzoek Hoewel er dus aanwijzingen zijn dat het zwarte gat dat onderzoekers nu in het jonge universum hebben gevonden, actief en ook vrij snel aan het eten is, is daarmee zeker nog niet helemaal te verklaren hoe het zwarte gat in zo’n korte tijd zo zwaar is geworden. Meer onderzoek is nodig om uit te vogelen hoe een superzwaar zwart gat zo vroeg in de ontstaansgeschiedenis van ons universum kan bestaan. James Webb kan daar zeker bij helpen, zo verwacht Maiolino. Met deze zeer scherpe en gevoelige telescoop is een nieuw tijdperk in de astronomie aangebroken, zo stelt hij. “Voor Webb online kwam dacht ik dat het universum dat voorbij het gezichtsveld van ruimtetelescoop Hubble ligt, misschien niet zo interessant zou zijn. Maar dat blijkt helemaal niet het geval te zijn.”
Maiolino denkt dat James Webb gevoelig genoeg is om in de komende maanden en jaren nóg oudere zwarte gaten te spotten. Oftewel: zwarte gaten die nog korter na de oerknal zijn ontstaan. De hoop is dat James Webb daarbij ook op superzware zwarte gaten in wording (of in de groei) stuit en zo meer inzicht kan gaan geven in hoe sommige zwarte gaten in verbazingwekkend weinig tijd superzwaar kunnen worden.
Tegenwoordig kunnen we ons nauwelijks voorstellen dat er op Mars ooit rivieren stroomden. Maar de dorre, rode planeet zag er lang geleden heel anders uit. Astronomen hebben nu in kaart gebracht hoe lang het duurde voor dit water de Martiaanse valleien kon vormen.
“Mars is nu één grote woestijn, maar zijn oppervlak zit vol met bewijs dat er vroeger stromend water was. Er zijn bijvoorbeeld een soort rivierbeddingen zichtbaar. Hoe lang het duurde voor deze valleien zijn gevormd, zegt iets over de leefbaarheid op het vroege Mars, aangezien lange periodes van stabiel vloeibaar water meer bevorderlijk zijn voor leven”, zegt onderzoeker Alexander Morgan van het Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona.
De kraters als bewijs De valleien op Mars zijn meer dan 3 miljard jaar geleden ontstaan en vormen al lange tijd zo ongeveer het sterkste bewijs dat er ooit vloeibaar water was op de rode planeet. Eerdere studies toonden al aan dat er minstens tienduizenden jaren aan erosie nodig was voor er sprake was van zoiets als valleien, maar het aantal keer dat er water doorheen stroomde en dus de totale periode waarin de rivierbeddingen zich konden vormen, is nooit vastgesteld.
Om daar achter te komen keek Morgan naar de kraters op de rode planeet. “Ik gebruikte kraters die voor en na de valleisystemen zijn ontstaan om grenzen te kunnen stellen aan de periode waarin deze systemen zijn gevormd, dus deze nieuwe resultaten leveren een bovengrens van de tijdschaal op, waarin de Martiaanse valleien actief waren”, legt de wetenschapper uit. Hij komt tot een periode van honderden miljoenen jaren. “Uitgaande van wat we weten over de erosie op het vroege Mars, wijzen langere tijdschalen erop dat de condities die rivieren mogelijk maken alleen met grote tussenpozen bestonden, waarbij lange droge periodes werden afgewisseld met korte episodes van stromend water.”
Twee kampen Wetenschappers die het vroege Mars bestuderen zijn het overigens niet allemaal met elkaar eens. Er zijn twee kampen: de ene groep gaat ervan uit dat het er toen warm en nat was met een oceaan. Anderen denken dat het er koud en ijzig was met grote ijskappen. “In de afgelopen tien jaar zijn we er achter gekomen dat deze beschrijvingen veel te algemeen zijn. Het is niet echt logisch om te proberen om honderden miljoenen jaren aan klimaatgeschiedenis samen te vatten in twee woorden”, aldus Morgan.
Zoals er op de vroege Aarde ook ijstijden werden afgewisseld met warmere periodes, was ook op Mars het klimaat niet altijd hetzelfde. “Net als op onze planeet was Mars vroeger complex en varieerden de omstandigheden waardoor oppervlaktewater kon ontstaan. De Aarde heeft in zijn geschiedenis enorme klimaatveranderingen doorgemaakt. Twintigduizend jaar geleden nog lag wat nu Chicago is onder een halve kilometer ijs. Zo kwamen en gingen waarschijnlijk ook de omstandigheden die nodig waren voor stromend water op Mars”, legt de planeetwetenschapper uit.
Beetje warmte nodig De resultaten wijzen uit dat de rivieren op Mars maar heel langzaam erodeerden, vergelijkbaar met delen van de Atacama-woestijn in Chili. Een verklaring daarvoor is dat de erosie mogelijk werd tegengehouden door grote stenen in de rivierbedding, die niet verder afgebroken konden worden. Een andere verklaring is dat de rivieren erg onregelmatig stroomden, misschien maar 0,001 procent van de tijd. De rivieren op Mars zouden dan een groot deel van de tijd kurkdroog zijn geweest, maar actiever worden tijdens vulkanische activiteit of als de planeet dichterbij de zon stond, waardoor het er warmer werd. Dit soort lange termijnveranderingen kennen we ook op Aarde. Hier worden ze Milankovitch-cycli genoemd. Ze zijn bijvoorbeeld verantwoordelijk voor de laatste ijstijden op onze planeet.
“Op de korte termijn wordt de stroming van rivieren bepaald door neerslag of sneeuw die smelt. Maar over langere periodes worden ook de rivieren op Aarde beïnvloed door klimaatverandering”, legt de wetenschapper uit. “20.000 jaar geleden bijvoorbeeld waren er grote meren en rivieren in wat nu Nevada is. Martiaanse rivieren zouden op dezelfde manier hebben bestaan met variaties op de korte termijn door stormen of neerslag en op de lange termijn door veranderingen in de rotatie van de planeet en wijzigingen in zijn baan rond de zon.”
Wat zijn Milankovitch-cycli? Milankovitch-cycli zijn periodieke veranderingen van het klimaat doordat de baan van de Aarde en de positie ten opzichte van de zon ieder jaar een klein beetje verandert. Daardoor komt er meer of minder zonlicht op de Aarde, wat invloed heeft op de temperatuur.
De structuur – die voorlopig de veelzeggende naam ‘The Big Ring on the Sky‘ heeft gekregen – heeft een diameter van ongeveer 1,3 miljard(!) lichtjaar en een omtrek van 4 miljard lichtjaar.
De bizar grote structuur bestaat onder meer uit sterrenstelsels en is ontdekt door een studente aan de University of Central Lancashire, Alexia Lopez. Met de ontdekking van The Big Ring on the Sky is ze op een groot kosmologisch mysterie gestuit. Want structuren zo groot als The Big Ring on the Sky zouden eigenlijk – volgens de huidige theorieën – niet moeten bestaan.
Er is meer Wat het nog een tikje meer bizar maakt, is dat The Big Ring on the Sky niet de eerste bizar grote structuur is die Lopez ontdekt heeft. Twee jaar eerder ontdekte de studente namelijk al de Giant Arc on the Sky; een object dat 3,3 miljard lichtjaar breed is. En om het allemaal nog vreemder te maken, bevinden zowel The Big Ring on the Sky als de Giant Arc on the Sky zich in hetzelfde deel van het universum; ze bevinden zich op ongeveer dezelfde afstand van de aarde, in dezelfde tijd en staan slechts op 12 graden afstand van elkaar aan de hemel.
Onverklaarbaar “Geen van deze twee ultragrote structuren is met ons huidige begrip van het universum gemakkelijk te verklaren,” aldus Lopez. “En hun ultragrote omvang, opvallende vorm en het feit dat ze relatief dicht bij elkaar staan, moet ons iets belangrijks vertellen. Maar wat precies?”
Kosmologisch Principe Het is een raadsel. Allereerst natuurlijk omdat structuren van deze omvang volgens de huidige theorieën niet zouden moeten bestaan. Zo is daar het Kosmologisch Principe dat dicteert dat het universum isotroop en homogeen is. Volgens dit principe ziet het heelal er in alle richtingen hetzelfde uit en heeft het op iedere plek ook dezelfde eigenschappen. “Het Kosmologisch Principe neemt aan dat het deel van het universum dat we kunnen zien een vrij goed beeld geeft van wat we in de rest van het universum mogen verwachten aan te treffen. We verwachten dus dat materie als we het universum op een grotere schaal bekijken op een vergelijkbare manier verdeeld is.” Volgens dit principe ligt het niet in de lijn der verwachtingen om op één plek in het universum veel grotere structuren aan te treffen dan elders denkbaar worden geacht. Laat staan dat wetenschappers verwachten er twee te vinden, in hetzelfde deel van het heelal.
Limiet overschreden “Kosmologen hebben berekend dat de huidige theoretische limiet die aan de omvang van structuren gesteld kan worden, 1,2 miljard lichtjaar is,” vertelt Lopez. “Maar beide structuren zijn veel groter: De Giant Arc is bijna drie keer groter en de omtrek van de Big Ring is vergelijkbaar met de lengte van de Giant Arc. Afgaand op de huidige kosmologische theorieën hadden we niet verwacht dat structuren op deze schaal konden bestaan,” concludeert Lopez. En nu blijken er dus twee te zijn. “De Big Ring en de Giant Arc zijn twee enorme structuren en zelfs kosmologische buren, wat bijzonder fascinerend is.”
Hoe het bestaan van beide enorme structuren verklaard moeten worden, is dus volstrekt onduidelijk. “De identificatie van twee uitzonderlijke, ultragrote structuren die zo dicht bij elkaar staan, doet vermoeden dat ze samen een nog uitzonderlijke kosmologisch systeem vormen,” aldus Lopez, die de ontdekking van de Big Ring vorige week aankondigde tijdens een bijeenkomst van de American Astronomical Society. “De Big Ring en de Giant Arc vormen – zowel individueel als samen – een groot kosmologisch mysterie.”
Welcome to this week’s installment of The Intelligence Brief… here within the first weeks of 2024, we are already hearing about tantalizing hints that a major scientific discovery may be on the way. In our analysis, we’ll be looking at 1) why many experts seem very certain that the discovery of alien life will be confirmed sometime in 2024, 2) what we know about the potential evidence currently in-hand, and 3) why some aren’t so sure that it’s aliens… but there is more than enough reason to remain open to the possibility.
“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”
Podcasts: In podcasts from TheDebrief, this week on The Micah Hanks Program I provide a complete breakdown of what we know about the recent classified briefing lawmakers on Capitol Hill received from members of the Intelligence Community about UAP. Elsewhere, on The Debrief Weekly Report, MJ, Steph, and Kenna Castleberry look at blue light technology that can help you fall asleep, why you probably hate vegetables, and new research into dark energy. You can get all of The Debrief’s podcasts by heading over to our Podcasts Page.
Video News: In the latest installment of Rebelliously Curious, Chrissy Newton is joined by Paul Root Wolpe as they delve into the world of genetic engineering and the fascinating intersection of science, ethics, and the future of life. Also, check out the latest episode of Ask Dr. Chanceand all the other great content from The Debrief on our official YouTube Channel.
And now, it’s time that we shift our attention over to one of the most tantalizing questions humans have ever asked about the universe and our place in it… and whether an answer could finally be on the horizon.
“Have we just discovered aliens?” read the title of an eye-grabbing piece published by The Spectator on January 8, 2024.
Quoting respected members of the scientific community that included UK astrophysicists Maggie Aderin-Pocock and Becky Smethurst, as well as astronaut Tim Peake, all of whom seemed to strongly allude to a discovery currently still on the path toward peer review
“I think we are going to get a paper that claims to have strong evidence for a biosignature in an exoplanet’s atmosphere very, very soon,” Smethurst was quoted saying. “Let’s just say it’s on my bingo card for 2024.”
Peake had been even less ambiguous while speaking during a CNBC interview in the first days of the new year, where he said the prospects that alien life might have been discovered were looking increasingly good.
“Potentially, the James Webb telescope may have already found [it],” though also emphasizing that nothing conclusive had been released yet since scientists involved in the prospective discovery “don’t want to release or confirm those results until they can be entirely sure,” though adding cryptically that “we found a planet that seems to be giving off strong signals of biological life.”
In other words, if these observations are what they appear to be, then it seems like there’s a good chance that we may already be on course for a tremendous discovery this year; one that could potentially offer the most convincing evidence to date that life may exist on worlds beyond our own.
In the Spectator article, author Sean Thomas offered that the intriguing series of statements “suggests they are referring to the same thing: namely a scientific paper, probably British in origin… which will provide firm evidence of alien life on an exoplanet”.
Thomas sensibly guesses that the discovery—if such a discovery has indeed been made—will involve biosignatures detected in the atmosphere of an alien world that strongly points to the presence of conditions where life could thrive.
“These biosignatures might be combinations of methane and oxygen, or methane and CO2, and so on,” Thomas wrote, adding that speculations (apart from his own) were already being aired on social media, where UAP enthusiasts were already “claiming that this is merely stage one of ‘disclosure’,” and part of a bigger role-out we’re all destined to see in the months ahead as the powers that be finally clue the rest of us in on the reality that we are not alone.
However, as promising as the collection of cryptic statements curated by Thomas for The Spectator article had been, it wasn’t long before others were chiming in with what seemed to be far less enthusiasm about the idea that a revelation about strong evidence supporting the existence of alien life was on the near horizon.
Wasting no time weighing in on the matter, Eric Berger, the stalwart senior space editor at Ars Technica, was quick to pour some cold water on the alien life claims.
Reaching out to NASA about whether its James Webb Space Telescope had indeed made a discovery involving tantalizing biosignatures, Berger reported that the answer was essentially no, “But it was not a hard no.”
According to Knicole Colón, deputy project scientist for exoplanet science with the James Webb Space Telescope team, “JWST has not found definitive evidence of life on an exoplanet,” but it appears to be anticipated that observations made by the telescope could lead to “the initial identification of potential biosignatures that could make habitability more or less likely for a given exoplanet.”
Artist’s rendering of K2-18 b, an exoplanet suspected of being a location where alien life may soon be discovered
(Credit: ESA/Hubble/M. Kornmesser).
Adding a touch of context to the admittedly vague statement, Berger mused that “Colón is certainly referring to K2-18 b, an exoplanet 8.6 times as massive as Earth that is 120 light years from our Solar System,” an exoplanet which is likely to possess oceans similar to ours, and an atmosphere rich in hydrogen and, even more intriguing, dimethyl sulfide.
Why is the presence of dimethyl sulfide of such interest? Primarily because it is a compound that, as far as any Earthling know, is only produced in the presence of living organisms. So even in the absence of definitive proof of life on another world, if dimethyl sulfide has been found on K2-18 b, it’s the surest bet we currently have in terms of places where alien life is likely to be found… and that discovery—if confirmed—would truly be a game changer.
So while the answer to the question “have we just discovered aliens?” officially still remains inconclusive, it is certainly sounding like much closer to being “maybe” than a flat-out “no”… and if the current speculations we’re seeing are any indication, then 2024 is indeed already shaping up to be a historic year in terms of our understanding of the universe, our place in it, and answers to some of the greatest questions we have about the cosmos.
The entire reality of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) is extremely complicated, spread across numerous branches, and consciousness is somewhere entangled in this enigma, playing a significant role in understanding the phenomena. Human consciousness has become the subject of experiments, leading experts to believe that it is connected to UFOs.Astronomer Jacques Vallée developed an alternative hypothesis, suggesting that UFOs are part of a mechanism for controlling mankind.
In simple terms, “consciousness” is just an awareness of the human mind about its internal and external environment. For millennia, many have explained consciousness in psychology and scientifically. However, it is not entirely known how and where consciousness occurs and where it goes after life ends.
Neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander believes there is a scientific revolution happening that will completely change how we see the world. According to him, the brain is not the creator of consciousness but acts more like a filter that lets consciousness in. He argues that the brain does not control consciousness; instead, consciousness is the fundamental force that creates and governs the entire universe.
Dr. Alexander mentions evidence for things like reincarnation and past-life memories, suggesting that if you believe the brain produces consciousness, it can not explain these phenomena. He points out the mystery of quantum physics, where experiments show that consciousness plays a fundamental role, and our free will affects outcomes, challenging the idea that everything is determined by chemical reactions and the laws of physics.
He introduces the concept of the brain being a “reducing valve,” allowing certain conscious states to exist. According to him, quantum physics emphasizes the importance of the observer, suggesting that awareness of existence is a deep mystery. In essence, he believes that we are conscious despite our brains, and when our physical bodies die, our conscious awareness expands significantly.
Leslie Kean, a respected journalist says that there is a bundle of evidence that posits that the UFO phenomena are linked with an “Alternate dimension.” She believes UFOs could be connected to “the afterlife” and “near-death experiences” and could come from another “dimension.”
In a podcast with Chris Letho, Leslie said that there are two distinct aspects of the UFO phenomenon. The first one is the physical aspect, involving UFOs being detected on radar and approached by the military in a traditional, empirical manner. However, Kean also highlights the second, more enigmatic layer of UFO experiences.
Leslie told Lehto that she is increasingly sure there is a connection between the supernatural, near-death experiences, and unexplained sightings. She said, “Certainly, the more paranormal elements of the UFO phenomenon seem to have some relationship to what people describe in near-death experiences and other types of activities that take place in terms of just consciousness-related anomalous experiences that people have, which are very varied. There just is some kind of crossover air, and I don’t know what it is. I mean, there is the whole component of UFOs, which is just purely physical.”
Leslie speculates that there might be a connection between UFOs and some form of alternate dimension that exists beyond the boundaries of our five senses. This dimension, she suggests, may overlap with our own, providing a possible explanation for the mysterious and often inexplicable aspects of UFO phenomena.
CIA Experimented on Human Consciousness
CIA was profoundly interested in understanding human consciousness. Below is the shocking official CIA document on human consciousness that states: Consciousness is not a part of our body at all; it is stored in our brain but not considered a part of it. Our consciousness, or “us,” is its own being — a ghost version of ourselves.
The document discussed the technique dubbed “the Gateway Experience,” which was essentially described as a training system to bring enhanced strength, focus, and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres that would alter the consciousness, pushing it outside the physical space, escaping restrictions of time and space.
Basically, it was seen as a way to put minds in a different state of consciousness, controlling the human brain with the motive of interacting with non-physical aspects of reality. According to the CIA report, ranged from converting energy to heal one’s body to traveling across space and time to learn and access new information.
CIA approved testing for this under the eyes of US Army Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M McDonnell. The project was classified by the CIA until 2003, which allowed it to be accessed by anyone. In the 1980s, McDonnell was asked to work on the Gateway Experience project. This happened during a time when the United States was very curious about psychic research. The interest grew because the Soviet Union was also exploring things like psychokinesis and extrasensory perception (ESP) for their spy missions in the Cold War.
To test his new method, independent brain specialists studied people who tried it. Surprisingly, the results showed up clearly on brain scans. Both sides of the brain were working at the same strength and speed. This showed that Monroe’s work was helping people reach different states of awareness.
Bigelow: UFOs & Consciousness Are Linked
In this interview with Jeffrey Mishlove, American billionaire Robert Bigelow talks about the possibility of having out-of-body experiences, which can be artificially induced. He learned about this from an Air Force general who experienced it while undergoing a process called centrifuge training. In this training, individuals get into a device called a G-LOC at around 7 to 7.5 Gs (gravitational force) without any other equipment. They try to hold their breath and stay conscious before passing out.
According to the Air Force general’s account, he had an out-of-body experience during one of these sessions. After completing twelve sessions (although there are now rules limiting it to three), he stepped out of the centrifuge capsule, and instead of being in his body, he found himself above it. He could see his body getting out and walking down a hallway, being aware of activities in adjacent rooms and hearing conversations he should not normally be able to hear. This was not a near-death experience but an artificially induced one.
The general continued his out-of-body journey, going down the hallway to his office. He passed through walls, hovered near the ceiling, and observed his body opening doors and performing actions. The out-of-body experience ended when his body sat in the chair at his desk, and at that moment, his consciousness slammed back into his body.
“A related event occurs to modern fighter pilots when they experience intense G forces during extreme combat maneuvers. It has been reported that pilots will lose consciousness during maximum G forces and undergo a brief out-of-body state of consciousness. The U.S. military has conducted extensive research into this potentially dangerous phenomenon and has officially named the experience “G-LOC.” The popular television show Sightings did an entire segment on G-LOC-induced OBEs that was titled “Simulated Out-of-Body Experiences.” Several U.S. military pilots participated in an experiment where G-LOC was created in a NASA centrifuge. Each interviewed pilot reported that he had passed out and then described a detailed out-of-body state of consciousness.”
Bigelow is absolutely convinced that there is a presence of non-human intelligent life among us, perhaps there are other dimensions where such entities exist. He spent millions of dollars on this subject which allowed him to believe that [aliens] are here right in front of people. He even has his own close encounters.
In an interview with award-winning journalist George Knapp, Mr. Bigelow shared his own experiences that got him interested in life after death and UFOs. He discussed the possible connection between studying consciousness and UFOs, as well as the risks of trying to communicate with the unknown.
“That’s been mainly what I’ve been doing except for the skinwalker ranch thing for 20 years as the space world has been huge in my life to pursue the legitimate parochial kind of you know using fire engines rockets to get you there. We didn’t expect anything like this to happen and so there this is different. This is the holy grail and is different than the second holy grail. If the second one is ‘Beings’ (E.T.), then the first one: Is there any part of your consciousness that survives your bodily death? That’s a big deal. That’s a huge story. That’s gigantic.”
“Be a little careful about what you wish for. So on the face of it, communication sounds great and that by the way has been tried forever ever since the oracle of Delphi. I mean you can go back thousands of years and that’s been attempted. So It’s not now you know the last 100 years through electronics and using some kind of electrical apparatus to try to have some kind of communications. And you know communication can be at all different kinds of levels. There might be communication that just causes you an awareness.”
Mr. Bigelow’s investigative team, headed by Colm Kelleher, the institute’s scientific administrator and biochemist, documented their own paranormal events, according to a 2005 book “Hunt for the Skinwalker,” by Dr. Kelleher and Mr. Knapp.
Mr. Bigelow said he saw “interdimensional” forces at play through portals at certain paranormal hot spots like Skinwalker. But he also said he had frequently visited the ranch without experiencing the kind of chilling events others reported, as if some intelligence were selecting the people to act upon. “I slept like a log every single night,” he said. And no human was physically harmed, but he said he and other visitors often carried strange things home, like a sulfurous stink in a certain part of his house. His wife felt the presence of a faceless creature pressing down on her side of bed.
David Grusch made significant assertions regarding the NHI, stating that these entities might be extraterrestrial or interdimensional, or possibly both. Astronomer and UFO researcher Jacques Vallée states that UFOs and related events of a paranormal nature involve visitations from other “realities” or “dimensions.” The idea proposes that these alternate realities exist separately yet parallel to our own. In 1975 book “The Edge of Reality,” Vallée and Hynek considered the possibility of what they call “interlocking universes.”
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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