The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
AI Focused Three UFO photos Netal, South Africa July 17, 1956, UAP Sighting News. Video.
AI Focused Three UFO photos Netal, South Africa July 17, 1956, UAP Sighting News. Video.
Date of sighting: July 17, 1956 Location of sighting: Netal, South Africa
Guys this is awesome, all three of these photo from 1956 sharpen up with ai into a perfectly focused set of photos. It's just mind boggling how ai fixes the photos, not by adding what isn't there but by reading the pixelization and accurately recreating the real scene. This is 100% proof that eyewitness Elizabeth Klarer did in fact encounter a UFO on July 17, 1956 and it's amazing!
Scott C. Waring
Report states:
Her photo series of an "extraterrestrial spaceship" (as she called it) was taken in the presence of two witnesses whom she wanted to show the site of her first contact. With them she drove through the Zulu-Land, the foothills of the mighty Drakens-Mountains, when she noticed a flash of light between the mighty thunderstorm clouds. Immediately she stopped, left the car together with her companions, in her hand the Brownie Box Camera she had brought with her. A moment later she recognized the metallic disc in the dark-clouded sky, obviously slowly approaching. Immediately, like in a reflex action, Elizabeth shot seven photos before the disc suddenly shot away. In the same moment a thunderstorm started, a shower of hail went over the field. Elizabeth Klarer confirmed the authenticity of her photos in an notarized affidavit. She stood behind her story until she died in February 1994, in the age of 83 years.
AI Focused UFO Over Green Bay, Wisconsin Jan 2007, UAP Sighting News.
AI Focused UFO Over Green Bay, Wisconsin Jan 2007,UAP Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 2007
Location of sighting: Green Ba, Wisconsin, USA
Guys this was released back in 2007 on Reddit and as they said has never been debunked, so I wanted to go over it and look at it with ai which really cleared it up. The grainy photo suddenly became crystal clear and wow, you gota see the video for more.
Waaruit is de beschaving ontstaan? Een studie heeft misschien het antwoord gevonden in Turkije: het lijkt erop dat alles begon na de inslag van een oude komeet.
Gravures op de archeologische vindplaats Göbekli Tepe
Archeologen onderzochten gravures op een Turkse vindplaats die naar schatting 7000 jaar ouder zijn dan de Grote Piramide van Gizeh. In een poging om ze te interpreteren kwamen ze tot de conclusie dat ze de inslag van een oude komeet op aarde zouden kunnen voorstellen. Concreet gaat het om de archeologische vindplaats Göbekli Tepe, waarvan experts denken dat het de oudste zonnekalender op onze planeet zou kunnen zijn. Dit 12.000 jaar oude monument is de meest gedateerde architectonische constructie gewijd aan aanbidding die ooit is ontdekt.
Op de tempelachtige omheiningen van de site zijn complexe symbolen gegraveerd. Het onderzoeksteam verklaarde dat deze naar alle waarschijnlijkheid een weergave zouden kunnen zijn van een kosmische gebeurtenis die een keerpunt vormde voor de menselijke beschaving. Als dat zo is, zou dat betekenen dat de oude mensen astronomische informatie gebruikten om een zonnekalender te maken die vergelijkbaar is met de kalender die duizenden jaren later door de Grieken werd uitgevonden.
De impact van de komeet en de lunisolaire kalender
Time and Mind
Martin Sweatman, scheikundig ingenieur aan de Universiteit van Edinburgh, Schotland, en eerste auteur van het onderzoek, zei: "Het lijkt erop dat de inwoners van Göbekli Tepe scherpe waarnemers van de hemel waren, wat te verwachten was gezien het feit dat hun wereld was verwoest door de inslag van een komeet."
Na een dergelijke gebeurtenis lijkt het erop dat de Ouden gegraveerde V-vormige symbolen gebruikten om de individuele dagen op hun kalender aan te geven: door het tellen van de gravures identificeerden de onderzoekers 365 dagen op een van de pilaren, verdeeld in twaalf maanmaanden en 11 extra dagen. Sommige vogelachtige figuren hebben een V op hun nek en zouden volgens de auteurs godheden kunnen voorstellen. Als de interpretaties kloppen, zou dit monument de oudste lunisolaire kalender worden die ooit is ontdekt.
Een komeet begon de beschaving 13.000 jaar geleden
Time and Mind
Maar wat weten we over de hemelse gebeurtenis die dit alles heeft veroorzaakt? Onderzoekers geloven dat het prehistorische monument is opgericht ter ere van de dag waarop fragmenten van een komeet 13.000 jaar geleden op de aarde neerstortten. In feite lijkt een van de pijlers van de site de meteorieten van de Tauriden af te beelden, waarvan de stroom de regen van fragmenten zou hebben veroorzaakt die 27 dagen duurde.
Zo'n inslag rond 10.850 voor Christus zou een kleine ijstijd kunnen hebben ingeluid over een periode van meer dan 1.200 jaar, wat zou hebben geleid tot het uitsterven van verschillende diersoorten. Paradoxaal genoeg maakte de komeet “ruimte” voor het ontstaan van een beschaving in de Vruchtbare Halve Maan in het Midden-Oosten, die de overgang markeerde van jagen en verzamelen naar landbouw. Bovendien behield het monument millennia lang een prominente rol in de cultus van de beschaving, wat mogelijk zelfs leidde tot het ontstaan van een nieuwe religie. Zoals Sweatman uitlegde, kan de inslag van de komeet “de beschaving hebben aangewakkerd, een nieuwe religie hebben doen ontstaan en de ontwikkeling van de landbouw hebben gestimuleerd om het koude klimaat het hoofd te kunnen bieden. Het is aannemelijk dat de pogingen van de Ouden om vast te leggen wat ze zagen, de eerste stappen waren in de richting van de ontwikkeling van het schrift duizenden jaren later."
Volgens een onderzoek is het leven op onze planeet mogelijk ontstaan door een precies atmosferisch fenomeen: bliksem. Dit is hoe.
Oorsprong van het leven op aarde, het grootste mysterie voor de wetenschap
Hoe is het leven op aarde ontstaan en wat heeft het veroorzaakt? Het is een van de grootste vragen van de wetenschap, maar een nieuwe studie heeft misschien het antwoord gevonden. Volgens wetenschappers van Harvard heeft de bliksem die onze oerplaneet tussen de wolken trof mogelijk de elementen gegenereerd die noodzakelijk zijn voor het leven.
De wetenschap heeft zich altijd afgevraagd wat de oorsprong van het leven op aarde is en dit nieuwe onderzoek lijkt steeds dichter bij het antwoord te komen. Een eeuwenoude bliksemschicht kan de oorzaak zijn geweest, waaruit ieder levend wezen is ontstaan. Om het mysterie op te lossen, moeten we beginnen bij de basis: hoe zijn stikstof en koolstof ontstaan en wanneer verschenen ze in onze wereld? Er zijn in dit opzicht drie mogelijke hypothesen: ze werden getransporteerd door kometen en hemellichamen die op de aarde vielen, door onderwaterbronnen of door de bliksem die ons oppervlak trof.
Miller-Urey-experiment over de oorsprong van leven veroorzaakt door bliksem over de oorsprong van bliksem leven
Volgens het team van deskundige scheikundigen van de universiteit van Harvard ligt het antwoord precies in de bliksem: nadat ze de wolken en de aarde hadden geraakt, hebben ze mogelijk “hoge concentraties reactieve moleculen op lokaal niveau geproduceerd, waardoor er verschillende grondstoffen zijn ontstaan voor de opkomst en overleving van primitief leven wereldwijd.”
Dit is niet de eerste studie die deze theorie probeert aan te tonen: zelfs Harold Urey, de Amerikaanse Nobelprijswinnaar voor de scheikunde, volgde samen met zijn student Stanley Miller in 1953 hetzelfde experimentele pad. Destijds creëerden ze een elektrische boog om deze theorie na te bootsen. de bliksem, waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van een combinatie van ammoniak, methaan, waterstof en water, elementen waarvan men denkt dat ze de atmosfeer van onze jonge planeet vormen. Het resultaat was de productie van aminozuren, essentieel voor het voortbrengen van leven. Tegenwoordig geloven wetenschappers dat de oorspronkelijke atmosfeer uit stikstof en kooldioxide zou kunnen bestaan: op basis hiervan voerde het team van Harvard een nieuw experiment uit, waarbij dat van Urey en Miller werd bijgewerkt.
Heeft de bliksem leven teweeggebracht? Het nieuwe experiment
Door in het laboratorium een simulatie van blikseminslagen tussen de wolken en de aarde na te bootsen, binnenin een primordiale biosfeer, observeerden de wetenschappers de chemische reacties van deze atmosferische gebeurtenissen: het resultaat toonde een significante reductie van kooldioxide tot koolmonoxide en mierenzuur, terwijl stikstof werd omgezet in ammonium, nitriet en nitraat.
Uiteindelijk lijkt de bliksem de belangrijkste elementen voor de vorming van leven te hebben geproduceerd. Hoewel ze het leven niet direct creëerden, kunnen ze wel de voorwaarden hebben gecreëerd voor de ontwikkeling ervan. Als de atmosfeer van de jonge aarde inderdaad bestond uit niet-reactieve stikstofmoleculen, dan was de bliksem datgene wat ontbrak om de aanzet te geven tot de vorming van zaken die essentieel zijn voor het leven, zoals eiwitten en DNA. De zekerheid over wat er miljarden jaren geleden gebeurde, zal er echter misschien nooit komen.
The Ultimate Space Program Cover-Up: Unveiling Cold War UFO Secrets
The Ultimate Space Program Cover-Up: Unveiling Cold War UFO Secrets
The history of the Cold War is filled with intrigue, secrets, and a relentless quest for technological superiority. Amid this backdrop, new revelations suggest that the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union was not merely a competition to reach the stars, but also a smokescreen for one of the most extraordinary cover-ups in history: the existence of extraterrestrial beings and their advanced technology.
The Space Race: A Hidden Agenda?
During the Cold War, the rivalry between the U.S. and the Soviet Union extended far beyond Earth’s atmosphere. The race to space, marked by milestones such as the launch of Sputnik and the Apollo moon landing, was more than just a demonstration of technological and ideological superiority. Declassified documents from the era hint at a darker, more secretive purpose: the exchange of intelligence on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and their occupants.
The UFO phenomena became a significant concern for both superpowers. Reports of sightings and encounters were not just relegated to the fringes of society but were taken seriously by military and intelligence agencies. One of the most chilling accounts comes from a 1989 incident in Siberia, where a UFO allegedly retaliated after being shot down, resulting in the petrification of 23 Soviet soldiers. These soldiers were reportedly turned into a limestone-like substance, an event that remains unexplained and terrifying in its implications.
Operation Paperclip and the Cold War Tensions
The foundation for this clandestine competition can be traced back to the aftermath of World War II. With the collapse of Nazi Germany, both the United States and the Soviet Union scrambled to capture German scientists, engineers, and technological innovations. This effort was formalized in the U.S. through Operation Paperclip, which brought former Nazi experts to America, where they played pivotal roles in the development of the space program and military technology, including what would become NASA.
The Soviet Union, not to be outdone, initiated its own secret operation, absorbing thousands of German specialists to bolster its own technological capabilities. This transfer of knowledge and expertise fueled the Cold War arms race, including the development of intercontinental ballistic missiles and other advanced weaponry. But beyond the conventional arms race, there was an underlying competition to harness extraterrestrial technology, with both sides hoping to gain an insurmountable edge.
UFOs Over Washington and the Eisenhower Incident
The 1950s and 60s were a period of intense UFO activity. In 1952, a series of UFO sightings over Washington, D.C., caused widespread alarm. Radar operators detected unidentified objects that defied conventional explanations, and witnesses, including military personnel, reported strange lights and crafts maneuvering in ways that no known aircraft could replicate. The U.S. Air Force launched an investigation, ultimately attributing the sightings to weather phenomena, though many remain unconvinced by this explanation.
One of the most persistent rumors from this period involves President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Allegedly, Eisenhower had multiple secret meetings with extraterrestrials, facilitated by telepathic communication, at various military bases across the United States. While official documentation supporting these claims is non-existent, the story has been kept alive by testimonies from individuals who claim to have been involved or who heard about the meetings firsthand.
The Kingman Incident and the Alien Treaty
Further fueling the narrative of alien collaboration is the Kingman, Arizona incident of 1953. Reports from the time suggest that multiple UFOs crashed in the desert, with at least one intact craft recovered by the military. Eyewitness accounts describe the presence of alien bodies, some alive, at the crash site. Speculation abounds that this event was part of a larger exchange between the U.S. government and extraterrestrial beings, possibly involving the transfer of technology in return for certain concessions.
It is in this context that the so-called “Eisenhower Alien Treaty” is often discussed. According to some theories, Eisenhower, facing the growing threat of the Soviet Union and the need for technological superiority, entered into a secret agreement with these extraterrestrial visitors. This treaty allegedly granted the U.S. access to advanced alien technology, which would be critical in the ongoing Cold War.
President Kennedy and the Cover-Up
John F. Kennedy’s presidency, marked by its ambitious goals for space exploration, also intersects with this narrative. After a crucial meeting with Eisenhower in 1961, it is rumored that Kennedy was briefed on the alien treaty and the extent of the U.S. government’s interactions with extraterrestrials. Some believe that Kennedy shared details of these revelations with close confidante Marilyn Monroe, contributing to the many conspiracy theories surrounding their untimely deaths.
Kennedy’s vision for space exploration was not just about beating the Soviets to the moon; it was also about demonstrating American leadership in what was perceived as the next frontier of human achievement. However, if these theories hold any truth, Kennedy’s push for the Apollo program may have been motivated by more than just national pride—it could have been part of a broader strategy to integrate and deploy alien technology.
While much of this remains in the realm of speculation and conspiracy, the declassified documents and testimonies suggest that there may be more to the story of the space race than what is taught in history books. The possibility that the Cold War space race was a cover for deeper, more secretive interactions with extraterrestrial beings adds a fascinating layer to our understanding of this period.
As researchers and enthusiasts continue to investigate these claims, the truth behind the ultimate cover-up—if it exists—remains one of the most tantalizing mysteries of our time. Whether or not we will ever uncover definitive proof of these allegations, the story of the space race and its possible connections to alien technology will continue to captivate and intrigue generations to come.
Astronauten gestrand in de ruimte: hoe zullen ze overleven?
Astronauten gestrand in de ruimte: hoe zullen ze overleven?
Twee NASA-astronauten, Sunita “Suni” Williams en Commandant Barry “Butch” Wilmore, zijn onverwacht gestrand in de ruimte na een mislukte testvlucht van het Boeing Starliner ruimtevaartuig. In plaats van hun geplande terugkeer naar de aarde na acht dagen, worden ze geconfronteerd met een onzekere toekomst aan boord van het internationale ruimtestation (ISS).
NASA via Getty Images
De twee astronauten, beiden gepensioneerde marinekapiteins en ervaren ruimtevaarders, bevinden zich in een uitdagende situatie. Terwijl ingenieurs op aarde koortsachtig werken om de oorzaak van het probleem met het voortstuwingssysteem van het Starliner-ruimtevaartuig te achterhalen, blijven Williams en Wilmore optimistisch. Tijdens een persconferentie vanuit de ruimte in juli uitte Williams haar vertrouwen in de technische teams: “Ik heb een heel goed gevoel in mijn hart dat het ruimtevaartuig ons zonder problemen thuis zal brengen.”
Desondanks is het onzeker hoe lang het duo nog in de ruimte zal moeten blijven. Commandant Wilmore benadrukte het belang van de tests die nu worden uitgevoerd: “We vertrouwen erop dat de testen die we doen de testen zijn die we moeten doen om de juiste antwoorden te krijgen en om ons de gegevens te geven die we nodig hebben om terug te keren.”
Williams en Wilmore kwamen aan op 6 juni.
Foto: NASA
Leven zonder zwaartekracht
Voor Williams en Wilmore is het leven in de ruimte ondertussen een bijzondere ervaring. In het ISS, waar zwaartekracht geen rol speelt, ervaren ze geen verschil tussen liggen, staan of zelfs ondersteboven zijn. Slapen kan overal in het ruimtestation, of het nu op de vloer, muur of plafond is, omdat er geen gevoel van richting is. Het ISS biedt slaapstations ter grootte van telefooncellen, waar de bemanning in een slaapzak kan rusten.
Naast hun dagelijkse werkzaamheden aan reparaties en experimenten, zoeken de astronauten ook naar manieren om hun tijd in de ruimte nuttig te besteden. Zo genieten ze van het adembenemende uitzicht op de aarde vanuit het observatoriumdek van het station. Daarnaast kunnen ze gebruik maken van de fitnessapparatuur aan boord, zoals het Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED), dat hen in staat stelt traditionele oefeningen uit te voeren, zoals squats en bankdrukken, door gebruik te maken van vacuümtechnologie.
De Starliner kampt al even met technische mankementen. De capsule van Boeing had jaren geleden al op punt moeten staan.
Foto: Getty
De realiteit dringt door
Ondanks deze afleidingen blijft de harde realiteit van hun situatie aanwezig. “Die mantra die je hebt gehoord, ‘Falen is geen optie’, dat is waarom we hier nu blijven,” zei Wilmore eerder. De komende dagen zullen cruciaal zijn om te bepalen of Williams en Wilmore veilig naar de aarde kunnen terugkeren, of dat hun verblijf in de ruimte nog aanzienlijk langer zal duren.
Williams is een gewezen helikopterpiloot en Wilmore een gevechtspiloot.
Foto: Kyodo News
Recordbrekend verblijf?
Mocht het verblijf van Williams en Wilmore in de ruimte langer duren, dan zullen ze echter geen records breken. Het record voor de langste afzonderlijke ruimtevlucht staat op naam van de Russische kosmonaut Valeri Polyakov, die in 1995 maar liefst 437 dagen in de ruimte verbleef. Recente records zijn echter ook indrukwekkend: NASA-astronaut Frank Rubio keerde vorig jaar terug na een verblijf van 371 dagen in de ruimte.
With an eerie "The Twilight Zone" vibe and surreal cosmic elements, Stage 2 Studios and Serenity Forge's sci-fi video game called "Lifeless Moon" has arrived and we've got the odd launch trailer to share that highlights its immersive old-school storyline.
It's appears to be a trippy 3D action adventure release designed with platform stages that combine logic and puzzle-solving skills, where a pair of Apollo-era astronauts encounter a strangely familiar desert town during a dream-like expedition to the Moon.
"Lifeless Moon" and its blurred realities was just launched July 9, 2024 for Xbox One/X/S, PlayStation 4 and 5, Epic Games Store, and Steam.
Here's the official synopsis:
"What secrets will be unearthed on the moon?
"You cannot fathom what will come next in 'Lifeless Moon'. Reality itself unravels as the mysteries unfold, adding chaos to an already monumental mission. After stumbling upon a town on the moon that is eerily similar to one back on Earth, you are thrown into the middle of a much larger conspiracy. Venture through strange environments as you collect clues and decipher puzzles. The town is only the beginning of an unforgettable adventure across time and space.
"A sandy boardwalk, a cabin in the woods, and an ominous floating city in the sky are just a few of the peculiar stops along the way. Your surroundings may appear familiar, but nothing is as it seems. Reveal the truth behind these unique locations through environmental puzzle-solving and platforming. Gather documents and information in your journal during your lunar travels and piece together the origin of the many strange phenomena you encounter.
"You've uncovered a cryptic mystery on the moon. Confront a strange phenomenon, tap into its extraordinary powers, and overcome psychological challenges to reveal the truth."
"Lifeless Moon" acts as sort of a spiritual successor to Serenity Forge's "Lifeless Planet" from 2014, and its "Lost"-style narrative design was influenced by classic science fiction literature and films where lunar explorers face inexplicable anomalies in time and space. It's also a throwback to TV series like "The Outer Limits," which often depicted astronauts or test pilots facing disorienting situations, psychological experiments, and dangerous discoveries while on routine missions.
Serenity Forge's "Lifeless Moon" is available now on your favorite gaming platform.
Mars was once wet, but now its surface is desiccated. Its meagre atmosphere contains only a tiny trace amount of water vapour. But new research says the planet contains ample liquid water. Unfortunately, it’s kilometres under the surface, well out o
Mars was once wet, but now its surface is desiccated. Its meagre atmosphere contains only a tiny trace amount of water vapour. But new research says the planet contains ample liquid water. Unfortunately, it’s kilometres under the surface, well out of reach.
A 2018 photo of Mars during a dust storm, snapped by the Hubble Space Telescope. More than 3 billion years ago, the dusty red planet had oceans and rivers. That water disappeared, leaving only ice on the surface, most of it in the polar caps. A new analysis of Mars' interior suggests that much of the liquid water still exists in the pores of rocks 10-20 kilometers below the surface.
The question of what happened to Mars’ water is an enduring one. There’s ample evidence showing that water flowed across the planet’s surface, carving out river channels, creating sediment deltas, and filling lakes. It may even have had ocenas. The planet was likely warm and wet until around 3.8 billion years ago, during the transition from the Noachian Period to the Hesperian Period. Over time it lost both its thick atmosphere and its water.
The most widely accepted explanation for the water’s disappearance is that the planet’s magnetic shield weakened and that the solar wind blew most of the water away into space.
New research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) presents a new wrinkle in the Mars water mystery. Its title is “Liquid water in the Martian mid-crust,” and the first author is Vashan Wright, an assistant professor at UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
“Understanding the Martian water cycle is critical for understanding the evolution of the climate, surface and interior,” Wright said in a press release. “A useful starting point is to identify where water is and how much is there.”
Wright and his colleagues worked with data from NASA’s InSight lander, which was sent to Mars to study the planet’s deep interior. InSight aimed to understand not only Mars but also the processes that shape all rocky planets. The mission ended in December 2022 when the lander became unresponsive, but scientists are still working with its data.
During its mission, InSight gathered seismic data with SEIS, the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure. SEIS was sensitive to Marsquakes and meteorite impacts, and the seismic data is helping scientists understand Mars’ interior, including its core, mantle, and crust.
“Large volumes of liquid water transiently existed on the surface of Mars more than 3 billion years ago,” the authors write in their published research. “Much of this water is hypothesized to have been sequestered in the subsurface or lost to space.”
Seismic waves sensed by SEIS can help determine if some of Mars’ water is in the planet’s subsurface. When seismic waves travel through a planet, they reveal information about the inner structure and composition. There are different types of waves, and some can’t travel through liquids. That’s how scientists learned that Earth has a liquid core.
Wave velocities and directions also reveal a lot. Velocity and direction change when the waves reach boundaries like the one between a planet’s crust and its mantle. Waves also provide information about the density and elasticity of materials they pass through. Changes in wave speed also reveal information about temperature differences.
But conclusions don’t jump out of data and announce themselves. Researchers have to work their way through the data and try to interpret it. The Mars science community is doing just that, and this research is the latest part of the effort.
An artist’s concept of the InSight lander on Mars after the lander’s robotic arm deployed a seismometer (domed object to the left of the lander) and a heat probe directly onto the ground. The lander stopped recording data in 2022, but scientists are still mining the data for information about Mars’ interior.
Previous researchers have tried to constrain the conditions under the InSight Lander in Elysium Planitia. Scientists use the term upper crust to describe the depth down to about 8km and the term lower crust to describe the depth between 8 km and about 20 km. Some research from orbiters showed that the upper crust is like a cryosphere that contains abundant frozen water. Orbital images of recent meteorite impacts appear to show exposed ice.
But this new research goes against that. The authors write that seismic waves “in the upper 8 km beneath InSight is lower than expected for an ice-saturated cryosphere.”
Previous research also showed that the lower crust contains either highly porous mafic rock or less porous felsic rock. However, it was difficult to determine how much water was contained in the pores.
That’s where this research comes in.
“We assess whether Vs, Vp, and bulk density ?b data are consistent with liquid water-saturated pores in the mid-crust (11.5 ± 3.1 to 20 ± 5km) within 50 km of the InSight lander,” the authors write. Vs means the velocity of secondary seismic waves, Vp means the velocity of primary seismic waves, and pb means bulk density. The bulk density means the mass of a volume unit of rock including any liquid trapped in its pores.
According to the authors, the mid-crust is one of our identifiable layers under the InSight lander. It may even be global, but there is not enough data to conclude that yet.
However, the researchers did reach another conclusion: “A mid-crust composed of igneous rock with thin fractures filled with liquid water can best explain the geophysical data.”
If the InSight Lander location is representative of the rest of Mars, the approximately 11.5 km to 20 km deep mid-crust could hold an enormous amount of water. There could be enough to cover the entire planet in a layer of water 1 to 2 km deep. Of course, this is just a thought exercise since Mars’ wouldn’t be able to hold onto the surface water.
If the planet does hold such a vast amount of water, it won’t be of much use to human visitors trying to establish a presence there. Even on Earth, drilling only 1 km into the surface is difficult. It’s challenging to conceive of a way to drill 11 km deep on Mars.
But where there’s water, there could be life.
“Establishing that there is a big reservoir of liquid water provides some window into what the climate was like or could be like,” said co-author Michael Manga, a UC Berkeley professor of earth and planetary science. “And water is necessary for life as we know it. I don’t see why [the underground reservoir] is not a habitable environment.”
It may very well be habitable, but that doesn’t mean it’s inhabited. It is at least a possibility, though.
We’ve found life at a depth of 5 km within Earth’s crust. Could the same thing be possible on Mars?
Just like the water, an answer to that question is well out of reach. For now.
The pilots can be heard in the clip discussing different theories as to what they saw in the sky.
They said they initially thought they were 'aircraft' but these would show up on the radar.
The pair then considered drones but dismissed this theory as well as drones need to use the radar and don't have such bright lights.
Their final consideration was satellites but Captain Rudd was not convinced by this idea either due to the way they moved 'in various ways'.
However social media users reacting to the video were more sceptical of what the pilots saw.
One person posted in response to a version of the clip on Reddit: : 'As an airline pilot we see these lights just about every late night/early morning flight we do.'
The pilots described the objects they saw as being 'extremely bright' and 'moving freely' in the sky
They added: 'They always appear over the same part of the sky depending on the time and direction we are flying.'
Captain Ruud has 32 years of flying experience according to his Instagram account that has more than 130,000 followers.
He works for Max Air which is a Nigerian airline operating domestic and international flights.
The sighting comes after a Pentagon chief admitted last year that UFOs have been spotted 'all over the world'.
Physicist Dr Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the Pentagon's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), said: 'We see these ['metallic orbs'] all over the world, and we see these making very interesting apparent maneuvers.'
Dr Kirkpatrick presented AARO's latest findings to NASA's independent team of scientists and other experts who have been tasked with studying the UFO phenomenon in May last year.
She added that roughly two to five percent of around 800 cases their organisation constituted real and baffling anomalies.
A now-viral video shared by a Boeing 747 pilot flying from Saudi Arabia to Nigeria in early August allegedly showed three strange lights near the aircraft.
The footage was shared by Captain Ruud Van Pangemanan, who said the glowing orbs showed up around 30 minutes into his flight (the 20-minute mark in the video posted to YouTube). You can clearly see Pangemanan’s co-pilot, and he is transfixed on the aerial phenomenon, which looks sort of like a lighthouse beacon in the sky as it flashes in and out in the sky.
Whatever the objects are, Pangemanan said they didn’t show up on radar. Similarly, his team thought the lights might be drones, though these would also presumably show up on radar.
Pangemanan dismissed the idea that the lights were satellites or stars. But I feel like the latter may be close to the truth, as this is more like a spook light than a straight UFO. Unlike UFOs, spook lights are just giant balls of light that are said to hover off the ground. Science explains them as “ball lightning.” Do I think Pangemanan videoed ball lightning in the atmosphere? No. But I’m not sure he’s captured a UFO either.
My gut feeling, unlike more recent UFO sightings, is that this particular video is probably of something related to the recent meteor showers. Yes, these lights are a bit weird in the way they behave. But they just look like large fragments of exploding rock in our atmosphere.
I may be wrong; perhaps this is some type of military aircraft or possibly some type of cosmic event. But I feel like this is probably not legitimate. At least, I hope it isn’t.
If we want to go full tin-foil-hat and believe these are UFOs following Pangemanan fly to Nigeria then their behavior is somewhat disconcerting. Unlike most UFOs, which whiz through the skies in all sorts of directions, these ones seemed to hover, moving gradually. Almost like they’re watching.
And I really don’t like the idea of an interplanetary alien species taking the time to watch us humans as we go about our normal lives.
Pilots intercepted by mystery ‘UFOs’ that went under the radar during flight
Pilots intercepted by mystery ‘UFOs’ that went under the radar during flight
The pilots were flying from Saudi Arabia to Nigeria when they uncovered the 'UFOs'
Callum Jones
The remarkable moment a pair of pilots were intercepted by mystery 'UFOs' has been shown online, with many convinced they now believe as a result of the staggering footage.
Discussion surrounding UFOs has been going on for decades, and it's one that doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon.
While some stories are more plausible than others, it's harder to argue with video footage.
Captain Ruud Van Pangemanan recently posted a video to YouTube of two pilots flying a Boeing 747 from Saudi Arabia to Nigeria.
However, this flight was far from ordinary as the two pilots spotted objects that were described as being 'extremely bright' and 'moving freely' in the night sky.
Captain Ruud explains in the video titled 'UFO Intercept Captain Ruud Flight with Boeing 747' that the supposed 'UFO orbs' appeared around 30 minutes into the flight.
The pilots could not believe their eyes.
(YouTube/Captain Ruud Van Pangemanan)
There was nothing out of the ordinary going on before then, with Captain Rudd stating a 'normal take off and cruising' took place prior to the alleged sighting.
The video concludes with the pilot convinced he had seen a UFO.
"This is my experience of seeing something strange or UFO," he explained in the video.
The pilot continued: "What we see is still a mystery. Before that, we thought it was a light plane but it wasn't on our radar.
"We thought maybe it was a star but the stars didn't move. The UFO light shone for a long time and moved."
The initial assumption here is it's just another aircraft, though this would show up on the pilots' radar.
On this occasion, they say nothing was to be seen.
Drones was another idea floated by those in the aircraft, but this would show up on the radar as well.
The pilots were intercepted by mystery 'UFOS'.
(YouTube/Captain Ruud Van Pangemanan)
While we may not know for sure what the flashing lights were, a Pentagon chief did admit last year UFOs have been spotted 'all over the world'.
Physicist Dr Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the Pentagon's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, said: "We see these ['metallic orbs'] all over the world, and we see these making very interesting apparent manoeuvres."
The video has been viewed more than 100,000 times on YouTube, with many now believing in UFOs.
"My wife and I sit in our garden here in the uk. Every single night, if we have a clear sky, you will see lights travel across the sky that will suddenly grow bright, exactly what you see in this video. I am actually so happy that a pilot has confirmed what we see," one person commented.
While a second added: " These things are real, and reporting them may help to at least plot where they are most prevalent. This in turn alerts others to be cautious."
Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Captain Ruud Van Pangemanan
Chloride deposits are markers for early Mars’ aqueous past, with important implications for the understanding of the Martian climate and habitability. Using high-resolution color-infrared images captured by the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) onboard ESA’s Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), planetary researchers have performed a planet-wide search for chloride-bearing deposits in Terra Sirenum and other regions of Mars.
This CaSSIS/TGO image shows chloride-bearing deposits (purplish, scaley wave) in Terra Sirenum, Mars.
Image credit: ESA / TGO / CaSSIS.
“Mars is currently a desert world that used to be covered by rivers, lakes, and possibly oceans some 3.5 billion years ago,” said University of Bern researcher Valentin Bickel and his colleagues.
“A cold era began when Mars lost its magnetic field and could no longer hold its own atmosphere, leading to water evaporating, freezing, or becoming trapped within the surface.”
“As the water disappeared over time, it left mineral fingerprints on the surface.”
In the study, the researchers used a neural network to map potentially chloride-bearing deposits in CaSSIS images over a significant fraction of Mars.
They identified a total of 965 chloride deposit candidates with diameters ranging from 300 to 3,000 m.
“Most likely, those salt deposits formed from shallow ponds of water or brine that evaporated in the Sun,” the scientists said.
“People use a similar method to produce salt for human consumption in saltwater pools on Earth.”
“Very salty waters could have become a haven for life, a beacon for habitable places on Mars,” they added.
“High concentrations of salt allow water to remain liquid at temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees Celsius.”
“The chloride deposits in the picture above and its direct relation to liquid water make areas such as Terra Sirenum good targets for future robotic missions searching for signs of life.”
“Chloride-bearing terrain does not stand out in regular black-and-white images but shows up as a distinct purple hue in color-infrared images, making CaSSIS a unique tool to study the distribution of salts across Mars.”
“Our paper includes never-seen-before data that helps us better understand the distribution of water in Mars’ distant past,” they said.
“TGO continues to image Mars from orbit to understand its ancient past and potential habitability.”
“The spacecraft is not only returning spectacular images, but also providing the best inventory of atmospheric gases and mapping the planet’s surface for water-rich locations.”
“Understanding the history of water on Mars and whether it once allowed life to flourish is at the heart of ESA’s ExoMars missions.”
The team’s paper was published this month in the journal Scientific Data.
V.T. Bickel et al. 2024. A Global Dataset of Potential Chloride Deposits on Mars as Identified by TGO CaSSIS. Sci Data 11, 845; doi: 10.1038/s41597-024-03685-3
Large Language Models Pose No Existential Threat to Humanity, Scientists Say
Large Language Models Pose No Existential Threat to Humanity, Scientists Say
ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs), comprising billions of parameters and pre-trained on extensive web-scale corpora, have been claimed to acquire certain capabilities without having been specifically trained on them. These capabilities, referred to as emergent abilities, have been a driving force in discussions regarding the potentials and risks of language models. In their new paper, University of Bath researcher Harish Tayyar Madabushi and colleagues present a new theory that explains emergent abilities, taking into account their potential confounding factors, and rigorously substantiate this theory through over 1,000 experiments. Their findings suggest that purported emergent abilities are not truly emergent, but result from a combination of in-context learning, model memory, and linguistic knowledge.
Lu et al. suggest large language models like ChatGPT cannot learn independently or acquire new skills.
“The prevailing narrative that this type of AI is a threat to humanity prevents the widespread adoption and development of these technologies, and also diverts attention from the genuine issues that require our focus,” Dr. Tayyar Madabushi said.
Dr. Tayyar Madabushi and colleagues ran experiments to test the ability of LLMs to complete tasks that models have never come across before — the so-called emergent abilities.
As an illustration, LLMs can answer questions about social situations without ever having been explicitly trained or programmed to do so.
While previous research suggested this was a product of models ‘knowing’ about social situations, the researchers showed that it was in fact the result of models using a well-known ability of LLMs to complete tasks based on a few examples presented to them, known as ‘in-context learning’ (ICL).
Through thousands of experiments, the team demonstrated that a combination of LLMs ability to follow instructions, memory and linguistic proficiency can account for both the capabilities and limitations exhibited by LLMs.
“The fear has been that as models get bigger and bigger, they will be able to solve new problems that we cannot currently predict, which poses the threat that these larger models might acquire hazardous abilities including reasoning and planning,” Dr. Tayyar Madabushi said.
“This has triggered a lot of discussion — for instance, at the AI Safety Summit last year at Bletchley Park, for which we were asked for comment — but our study shows that the fear that a model will go away and do something completely unexpected, innovative and potentially dangerous is not valid.”
“Concerns over the existential threat posed by LLMs are not restricted to non-experts and have been expressed by some of the top AI researchers across the world.”
However, Dr. Tayyar Madabushi and co-authors maintain this fear is unfounded as their tests clearly demonstrated the absence of emergent complex reasoning abilities in LLMs.
“While it’s important to address the existing potential for the misuse of AI, such as the creation of fake news and the heightened risk of fraud, it would be premature to enact regulations based on perceived existential threats,” Dr. Tayyar Madabushi said.
“Importantly, what this means for end users is that relying on LLMs to interpret and perform complex tasks which require complex reasoning without explicit instruction is likely to be a mistake.”
“Instead, users are likely to benefit from explicitly specifying what they require models to do and providing examples where possible for all but the simplest of tasks.”
“Our results do not mean that AI is not a threat at all,” said Technical University of Darmstadt’s Professor Iryna Gurevych.
“Rather, we show that the purported emergence of complex thinking skills associated with specific threats is not supported by evidence and that we can control the learning process of LLMs very well after all.”
“Future research should therefore focus on other risks posed by the models, such as their potential to be used to generate fake news.”
Sheng Lu et al. 2024. Are Emergent Abilities in Large Language Models just In-Context Learning? arXiv: 2309.01809
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Mid-Crust of Mars May Contain ‘Oceans of Liquid Water’
An artist’s concept of the InSight lander on Mars after the lander’s robotic arm deployed a seismometer (domed object to the left of the lander) and a heat probe directly onto the ground. The lander stopped recording data in 2022, but scientists are still mining the data for information about Mars’ interior.
Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech
Mid-Crust of Mars May Contain ‘Oceans of Liquid Water’
New data about the Martian crust gathered by NASA’s InSight lander allowed geophysicists at the University of California San Diego and the University of California Berkeley to estimate that the amount of groundwater could cover the entire planet to a depth of between 1 and 2 km. It’s located in tiny cracks and pores in rock in the planet’s mid-crust, between 11.5 and 20 km below the surface.
A cutout of the Martian interior beneath NASA’s Insight lander. The top 5 kilometers of the crust appear to be dry, but a new study provides evidence for a zone of fractured rock 11.5-20 km below the surface that is full of liquid water — more than the volume proposed to have filled hypothesized ancient Martian oceans.
Credit: James Tuttle Keane and Aaron Rodriquez / Scripps Institution of Oceanography
“Liquid water existed at least episodically on Mars in rivers, lakes, oceans, and aquifers during the Noachian and Hesperian, more than 3 billion years ago,” said Dr. Vashan Wright from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego and colleagues.
“Mars lost its ability to host persistent bodies of liquid water on its surface after the planet lost most of its atmosphere during this time period.”
“The ancient surface water may have been incorporated in minerals, buried as ice, sequestered as liquid in deep aquifers, or lost to space.”
For the study, Dr. Wright and his colleagues used data that InSight collected during a four-year mission ending in 2022.
The lander collected information from the ground directly beneath it on variables such as the speed of marsquake waves from which scientists can infer what substances reside beneath the surface.
NASA InSight's first full selfie on Mars. It displays the lander's solar panels and deck. On top of the deck are its science instruments, weather sensor booms and UHF antenna. The selfie was taken on Dec. 6, 2018 (sol 10). The selfie is made up of 11 images which were taken by its Instrument Deployment Camera, located on the elbow of its robotic arm. Those images are then stitched together into a mosaic.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
InSight's white robotic arm and black handlike grapple deployed the first seismometer on another planet on December 19, 2018.
The data were fed into a model informed by a mathematical theory of rock physics.
From it, the researchers determined that the presence of liquid water in the crust most plausibly explained the data.
“Establishing that there is a big reservoir of liquid water provides some window into what the climate was like or could be like,” said University of California Berkeley’s Professor Michael Manga.
“And water is necessary for life as we know it. I don’t see why the underground reservoir is not a habitable environment. It’s certainly true on Earth — deep, deep mines host life, the bottom of the ocean hosts life.”
“We haven’t found any evidence for life on Mars, but at least we have identified a place that should, in principle, be able to sustain life.”
“Lots of evidence — river channels, deltas and lake deposits, as well as water-altered rock – support the hypothesis that water once flowed on the planet’s surface.”
A 2018 photo of Mars during a dust storm, snapped by the Hubble Space Telescope. More than 3 billion years ago, the dusty red planet had oceans and rivers. That water disappeared, leaving only ice on the surface, most of it in the polar caps. A new analysis of Mars’ interior suggests that much of the liquid water still exists in the pores of rocks 10-20 kilometers below the surface.
Credit: NASA / ESA / STScI
“But that wet period ended more than 3 billion years ago, after Mars lost its atmosphere.”
“Planetary scientists on Earth have sent many probes and landers to the planet to find out what happened to that water — the water frozen in Mars’ polar ice caps can’t account for it all — as well as when it happened, and whether life exists or used to exist on the planet,” the authors said.
“The new findings are an indication that much of the water did not escape into space but filtered down into the crust.”
“The new paper analyzed the deeper crust and concluded that the available data are best explained by a water-saturated mid-crust below Insight’s location.”
“Assuming the crust is similar throughout the planet, there should be more water in this mid-crust zone than the volumes proposed to have filled hypothesized ancient Martian oceans.”
Large Reservoir of Liquid Water Found Deep Below the Surface of Mars
The findings appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Vashan Wrightet al. 2024. Liquid water in the Martian mid-crust. PNAS 121 (35): e2409983121; doi: 10.1073/pnas.2409983121
Now this was just a few miles away from me. It was 96F that day so I didn't go out. But a person in my area caught it and shared it with everyone. It's a fantastic catch of a real UFO disguising itself as a cloud. The dimensions, size, color and smoothness all indicate it's a real UAP. When alien ships want to come closer to the surface of earth, they cloak as clouds, to fool the inferior humans below, who never suspect a thing.
A Facebook friend sent this into me today. A glowing disk seen over dark clouds in Taiwan last week. This looks very much like a light ship...a ship that was created by transcended beings that are now pure energy. It's a rare sight and the aliens like to come as close as possible to see humans and the Earths surface with their own eyes.
Van de meteorieten die de aarde sinds haar ontstaan hebben getroffen, slaagt een klein percentage erin het oppervlak van de planeet te bereiken, en wordt misschien zelfs door mensen gevonden. In de meeste gevallen beperkt het onderzoek zich echter tot de analyse van de compositie, en weinig anders. Het ontdekken van de exacte oorsprong van een meteoriet is niet eenvoudig, en daarom heeft een recent onderzoek liefhebbers en professionals verbaasd. Onderzoekers zijn erin geslaagd om een meteoriet te linken aan een gloed die zich voordeed in de atmosfeer... bijna 50 jaar geleden.
De vondst van de meteoriet… bijna 50 jaar geleden
Het is 1976 en Josef Pfefferle is een boswachter die de overblijfselen van een lawine bij het dorp Ischgl in Oostenrijk opruimt. Op een gegeven moment ziet hij echter een steen die heel anders is dan de andere die hij verwijdert: het is een zwarte steen ter grootte van een vuist en lijkt geen aardse oorsprong te hebben. Pfefferle besluit dit vreemde souvenir van zijn werk mee naar huis te nemen en bergt de steen 32 jaar lang op in een doos.
Het is nu 2008 en eindelijk, na het horen van het nieuws over een meteorietvondst, herinnert de bejaarde boswachter zich de vreemde steen die hij mee naar huis nam. Hij besluit de experts van de universiteit te raadplegen en die vinden de vondst inderdaad buitengewoon. Het is een meteoriet die, te oordelen naar de staat waarin hij bewaard is gebleven, niet in de oudheid op aarde moet zijn gevallen. Maar hoe begrijp je zoiets?
Op zoek naar de ruimtelijke oorsprong van de meteoriet
Gritsevich et al./Meteoritics & Planetary Science - 2024
Het onderzoek naar de meteoriet wordt uitgevoerd door een team van wetenschappers onder leiding van Maria Gritsevich van de Universiteit van Helsinki, die de resultaten publiceerde in het tijdschrift Meteoritics & Planetary Science. Gritsevich en haar collega's veronderstellen dat de meteoriet onlangs op aarde is gevallen, en dat er daarom ook videobewijs van de gebeurtenis zou kunnen zijn.
Om deze reden beginnen onderzoekers beelden te analyseren van 25 hemelobservatiecamera's in Zuid-Duitsland. Het lijkt een eenvoudige zoektocht, maar dat is slechts tot op zekere hoogte zo: in de afgelopen 50 jaar zijn er meer dan 2000 "vuurballen" waargenomen die meteorieten zouden kunnen zijn, maar welke trof Ischgl vóór 1976? Maria Gritsevich en haar team vinden bewijs van de inslag: een enorme flits die, laag aan de horizon, bij zonsopgang op 24 november 1970 de Oostenrijkse hemel verlicht. De meteoriet die Pfefferle vond is meer dan 50 jaar oud en heeft het grootste deel van zijn leven in een doos opgesloten gezeten.
De impact van de ontdekking op de studie van meteorieten
Als je het verhaal van de meteoriet van Ischgl leest, is het normaal om je af te vragen welk doel het dient om zijn ontdekking in verband te brengen met zijn oorsprong. Hoewel complex, is dit zeer belangrijk onderzoek, dat kan helpen cruciale informatie te begrijpen, zoals het gebied van het zonnestelsel waar het vandaan komt, zijn baan, zijn “verwantschap” met andere hemellichamen, enzovoort.
Toch is niet iedereen het erover eens dat de ontdekking van de meteoriet te wijten is aan de crash van 1970. Volgens andere wetenschappers had de door Pfefferle gevonden steen eeuwenlang op aarde kunnen wachten, goed beschermd door de gunstige omstandigheden in de Oostenrijkse Alpen. Wat de waarheid ook is, het is verbazingwekkend hoe je oude gegevens kunt raadplegen om antwoorden te vinden over gebeurtenissen die beginnen in het zonnestelsel en eindigen in een Oostenrijks bos, wachtend om gevonden te worden.
Towering over the Tibetan plateau, Mount Kailash stands as a majestic pyramid of rock and ice. This sacred peak transcends geographical boundaries, holding immense significance for Hinduism, Buddhism, Bon, and Jainism. For centuries, pilgrims have undertaken arduous journeys to circumambulate its base, seeking spiritual fulfillment and a connection to the divine. Beyond its breathtaking beauty, Mount Kailash harbors a multitude of unsolved mysteries that continue to intrigue and mystify. Join us as we delve into 20 enigmas that shroud this sacred mountain, fueling our imagination and sparking a deeper exploration of its secrets.
1. The Unexplored Summit: A Peak Untouched: Mysteries of Mount Kailash
Unlike most Himalayan giants that have succumbed to the will of determined climbers, Mount Kailash remains unconquered. No expedition has ever successfully reached its summit. Religious reverence for the mountain plays a significant role in this. Hindus believe it to be the abode of Lord Shiva, the destroyer and regenerator, and consider climbing it disrespectful. Similarly, Buddhists revere it as the earthly manifestation of Mount Meru, the mythical axis mundi. The challenging terrain, characterized by extreme weather conditions, steep icy slopes, and unpredictable crevasses, further discourages attempts. However, some believe a more profound reason lies behind the mountain’s inviolability. Legends whisper of an unseen force that prevents human intrusion, protecting the sanctity of the peak.
2. Vanishing Acts: Where Do They Go?
The legend of disappearances on Mount Kailash adds another layer of mystery. Stories abound of pilgrims and adventurers venturing onto the circumambulation route, the Kora, and simply vanishing. Search efforts often yield no trace, leaving behind a chilling sense of the unknown. Are these disappearances due to the harsh environment and treacherous terrain? Do they fall victim to accidents or succumb to the unforgiving elements? Or could there be something more at play? Some believe the mountain itself has a role, perhaps transporting those deemed unworthy to another realm. The truth remains shrouded in the mists that cling to the mountain’s slopes.
3. Magnetic Anomalies: Compasses Gone Wild
Modern technology seems to malfunction in the shadow of Mount Kailash. Reports from pilgrims and trekkers detail compasses spinning wildly or pointing in erratic directions. While some attribute this to unusual mineral deposits in the surrounding rocks, others believe it’s a sign of a powerful energy vortex emanating from the mountain itself. This supposed energy vortex is said to have a profound effect on those who visit, influencing their thoughts, emotions, and even their physical well-being. Science may offer explanations based on magnetic field variations, but for many, the experience remains deeply mystical.
4. The Face of Shiva: A Divine Illusion or Geological Wonder?
Legends associated with Mount Kailash are deeply intertwined with its physical characteristics. One such legend claims that a natural formation on the south face of the mountain resembles the face of Lord Shiva. As pilgrims circumambulate the peak, the light and shadow play create a captivating image, seemingly confirming the legend. However, is this a divine message etched into the mountain’s surface or a trick of light and perspective? Geological explanations point to natural rock erosion patterns, but for the faithful, it remains a powerful symbol of the mountain’s connection to the Hindu deity.
5. The Unmelting Snow Cap: A Perpetual Crown of White
Despite its high altitude and harsh climate, the snow cap of Mount Kailash appears to defy nature. Even during warmer months, when surrounding peaks lose their white mantle, Kailash remains crowned with pristine snow. This has sparked various theories. Some believe unusual weather patterns create a microclimate around the mountain, preserving the snow. Others propose the existence of a self-regulating mechanism within the mountain itself, ensuring a perpetual icy cap. The scientific basis for this phenomenon remains elusive, adding to the mountain’s mystique.
6. The Perfect Pyramid: A Creation of Nature or Man?
Unlike other jagged, snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas, Mount Kailash boasts an almost geometrically perfect pyramid shape. Its four near-equal sides and sharp ridges rise majestically towards the sky. This unique form has fueled speculation for centuries. Is it a marvel of nature, sculpted by millions of years of geological processes? Or could it be the work of an advanced civilization, a forgotten pyramid built for a purpose yet unknown? Theories abound, ranging from comparisons to the Egyptian pyramids to suggestions of extraterrestrial intervention.
7. The Mythical Mount Meru: Earthly Abode of the Divine
In Hinduism and Buddhism, Mount Kailash is considered the earthly manifestation of Mount Meru, the mythical axis mundi. This sacred mountain is believed to be the center of all physical and spiritual universes. It serves as a bridge between the earthly realm and the celestial heavens. Whether Mount Kailash is purely a symbolic representation of this cosmic axis or if it has a more literal connection to another dimension remains a mystery. For pilgrims, circumambulating the peak is akin to journeying around the entire cosmos, a powerful act of devotion and spiritual purification.
8. The Alignment with Mount Fuji: A Bridge Across Continents?
Some researchers have noted an intriguing alignment between Mount Kailash and Mount Fuji in Japan. These two sacred peaks, separated by thousands of kilometers, are said to be positioned on a ley line, a hypothetical line of energy that connects various geographical locations with spiritual significance. This alignment could be purely coincidental, a result of our planet’s spherical geometry. However, some believe it holds deeper meaning, suggesting a connection between seemingly disparate cultures and their reverence for mountains as sacred places. Could these peaks be anchors for a vast energy grid that encircles the Earth? The answer remains elusive, but the possibility sparks the imagination.
9. The Singing Sands: A Symphony of the Natural World?
The remote region around Mount Kailash is known for its vast sand dunes. Travelers report hearing strange sounds emanating from these dunes, often described as a low humming or a melodic chanting. Some attribute these sounds to the wind whistling through the sand grains, creating a natural resonance. Others believe the sand itself possesses mystical properties, causing it to “sing” under certain conditions. The true nature of these sounds remains a mystery, adding to the otherworldly aura surrounding Mount Kailash.
10. Celestial Connections: A Gateway to Other Realms?
Legends associated with Mount Kailash often weave a narrative of celestial connections and portals to other realms. The mountain is said to be a point of convergence for cosmic energies, where the veil between dimensions is thinnest. This belief has led some to speculate that the peak serves as a gateway to otherworldly abodes or higher planes of existence. While such ideas may seem fantastical, they highlight the deep human fascination with the unknown and the potential for sacred mountains to act as bridges between the physical and the spiritual.
11. The Footprint of Shiva: A Divine Mark on the Earth
A natural rock formation near Mount Kailash bears a remarkable resemblance to a giant footprint. For Hindus, this is a powerful symbol, believed to be the footprint of Lord Shiva himself. The presence of this formation reinforces the mountain’s association with the deity and serves as a constant reminder of his presence in the region. Whether this is a divinely placed mark or a product of natural processes is a matter of interpretation. For pilgrims, it’s a tangible connection to the divine, a sign that they walk in the footsteps of their god.
12. The Lakes of Yin and Yang: A Duality Reflected in Nature
Two sacred lakes lie nestled near Mount Kailash: Rakshas Tal (Lake of Demons) and Manasarovar (Mind Lake). These lakes are believed to represent Yin and Yang, the opposing and complementary forces that exist in the universe. Rakshas Tal, with its dark, brackish water, embodies the destructive and chaotic aspects of nature. Manasarovar, with its crystal-clear, turquoise water, represents purity, creation, and compassion. The proximity of these lakes and their contrasting qualities highlight the interconnectedness of all things and the balance that exists within the cosmos.
13. The Unexplored Caves: Secrets Waiting to be Unveiled?
Numerous caves dot the landscape surrounding Mount Kailash. These hidden chambers have remained largely unexplored, their depths shrouded in mystery. Legends abound about these caves, some believed to hold hidden treasures or be the dwelling place of mythical beings like yetis or kinnaras (celestial musicians). The harsh environment and the spiritual significance of the caves have deterred extensive exploration. However, the possibility of these caves holding secrets from the past or harboring unique ecosystems fuels the imagination and beckons future exploration.
14. The Language of the Stones: A Code Waiting to be Cracked?
Some researchers have proposed that the rock formations and natural patterns around Mount Kailash may hold a hidden language or set of symbols waiting to be deciphered. These patterns could be remnants of an ancient civilization or a form of communication left behind by a higher intelligence. Deciphering this “language” could unlock secrets about the mountain’s history, its purpose, or even the origins of humanity. While this theory remains highly speculative, it highlights the enduring human desire to find meaning in the natural world and to connect with the past through symbols and patterns.
15. The Energy Vortex: A Conduit for Spiritual Transformation
Mount Kailash is often described as a powerful energy vortex, a place where the earth’s energy field intensifies and interacts with the human body in profound ways. Pilgrims report experiencing heightened states of awareness, increased clarity of thought, and a deep sense of peace while circumambulating the mountain. Some believe this is due to the mountain itself acting as a conduit for spiritual energy, facilitating a connection to something greater than oneself. While the scientific basis for such claims remains elusive, the undeniable impact that Mount Kailash has on many visitors suggests a powerful force at play. Perhaps it’s a combination of the mountain’s majestic presence, the demanding physical journey, and the deep faith of the pilgrims that creates this transformative experience.
16. The Sacred Sounds: A Symphony of the Divine
Many pilgrims report hearing unusual sounds during their circumambulation of Mount Kailash. These sounds can range from ethereal chanting to melodious music, often described as beautiful and otherworldly. Some believe these sounds are a manifestation of the mountain’s energy, a way for it to communicate with those who are open to receiving its message. Others attribute them to the natural world, the wind whistling through the rocks or the calls of unseen birds. Regardless of the source, these sounds add to the mystical aura of Mount Kailash and contribute to the sense of awe and wonder experienced by pilgrims.
17. The Changing Colors: A Play of Light or an Illusion?
Some visitors to Mount Kailash report witnessing the mountain change colors throughout the day. The peak, typically a stark white or gray, is said to shift through hues of gold, pink, and even purple depending on the time of day and the angle of the sunlight. While this phenomenon could be attributed to the interplay of light and shadow on the snow and rock, some believe it’s a sign of the mountain’s inherent dynamism, a way for it to reveal its hidden beauty to those who are worthy. The ever-changing nature of Mount Kailash reflects the impermanence of all things and the constant flux of the universe.
18. The Legends of Shangri-La: A Paradise Lost or a Realm Unseen?
For centuries, the mythical paradise of Shangri-La has captivated imaginations. This hidden utopia, said to be a place of eternal youth and peace, has been variously located in the Himalayas. Some believe the region around Mount Kailash is the true home of Shangri-La, its entrance veiled by the mountain’s mystical energies. While the existence of such a physical paradise remains unproven, the legend speaks to humanity’s yearning for a perfect world and the potential for sacred mountains to serve as gateways to these idealized realms.
19. The Unexplained Lights: A Glimpse into the Unknown?
Reports of strange lights appearing in the night sky near Mount Kailash have fueled speculation about UFO activity or other unexplained phenomena. These lights, often described as orbs or streaks of colorful light, have been witnessed by pilgrims and trekkers alike. While some dismiss them as natural phenomena like meteors or ball lightning, others believe they are signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life or evidence of interdimensional travel. The unexplained nature of these lights adds to the mystery surrounding Mount Kailash and reinforces its reputation as a place where the veil between worlds might be thin.
20. The Personal Transformation: A Journey Within
Perhaps the greatest mystery of Mount Kailash is not something external or readily explained. It lies in the profound personal transformation experienced by many who undertake the pilgrimage. The arduous journey, the breathtaking scenery, and the deep spiritual significance of the location all contribute to a transformative experience. Pilgrims often report a renewed sense of purpose, a deeper connection to their faith, and a greater understanding of themselves. This internal transformation is the ultimate takeaway from a journey to Mount Kailash, a testament to the mountain’s power to influence not just the physical landscape, but also the human spirit.
A Beacon of Mystery and Wonder
Mount Kailash stands as a powerful symbol of the unknown, a place where the boundaries between the physical and the spiritual blur. The 20 mysteries we have explored are just a glimpse into the mountain’s enigmatic aura. Whether you approach it from a religious perspective, a scientific one, or simply as a place of breathtaking beauty, Mount Kailash has the power to inspire, challenge, and transform. The journey to unravel its secrets is an ongoing one, a testament to humanity’s enduring curiosity and our desire to connect with something greater than ourselves.
Mount Kailash – “Precious Jewel of the Eternal Show”.
Rising at an elevation of 6656 meters, Mount Kailash is the most mysterious and sacred mountain in the world. It is the highest peak of Kailash Range which spread in Tibet, Nepal and India. Also, it is a part of the Trans-Himalaya in the Tibetan Autonomous Region of China.
Due to the surroundings of mountains, it is like a majestic creation of nature.
Mount Kailash lies around the origin of the four longest rivers of Asia the Indus River, Sutlej, Brahmaputra and Karnali River.
Strangely but its shape is like the pyramid of Egypt. Therefore, it is known as the “Biggest Man-made Pyramid”. It is rated as “Pillar of the World”. And like this, there are many interesting things about Mount Kailash that will surprise and force you to visit this mystic creation of nature. So grab a cup of tea and take a look at the 13 unsolved mysteries of Mount Kailash:
13 Unsolved Mysteries of Mount Kailash:
1: Who lives at Kailash?
The Hindus consider the Kailash Parvat is the abode of great Lord Shiva and his wife Parvati. While the Tibetan Buddhist believes that Kailash is the abode of the tantric meditational deity Demchog.
And Jains consider the Kailash as the site at which their first Tirthankar attained nirvana. But Bon believes it is a sacred mountain and center of the world and home of all gods.
All of them have a different perspective about who lives at Kailash and that makes it more mysterious and sacred. But hikers from the world goes over oh their for doing parikrama. Back to Top
2: Geographical location of Kailash Parvat
According to some strange disbelief, axis Mundi is the center of the earth and the connection between the physical world to the spiritual world.
It is on the axis of the earth and to keep all living beings alive it maintains the atmosphere. Its location is in synchronization with all other ancient monuments in the universe and earth poles. And it is located at an exact 6666 km from the monument of Stonehenge.
3: Why No One Able to Climb at Mount Kailash?
Mount Kailash is a sacred mountain in all four religions and trekking at the top could hurt the religious sentiments of people. The fear of trespassing the sanctity of the mountain and disturbing the divine energizes residing there makes it unclimbable as according to Hindus Mount Kailash is the abode of Lord Shiva.
Even though number of people tried to climb on Kailash Parvat but till now no one gets succeeds. According to a scientific hypothesis, the mountain keep changes its position for those who want to climb it. Afterward, many people’s journeys have failed to climb its peak.
Till the 21st century, no one reaches the peak of Mount Kailash. Keeps changing position make it more strange and scary.
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4: The Mysterious shapes of Manasarovar and other lakes
The word Manasarovar comes from Sanskrit and a combination of two words Mans means mind and Sarovar means lake.
Mansarovar lake is famous for its amazing beauty and the color of the water that changes blue from around the shores to emerald green at the center.
Located southeast of Mount Kailash, Lake Manasarovar is rated as the adobe of Purity. According to legends before it creating on earth, its image was incepted in the mind of Bharma.
This lake is very sincere and calms irrespective of weather.
The Manasarovar lake is the highest freshwater lake in the world but strange as well because of its round shape and its twin named Rakshas Tal Lake which is located next to it.
Rakshas Tal is also known as the devil’s lake while Manasarovar lake is known as God Lake. Rakhast Tal lake is one of the biggest saltwater lakes in the world. And its shape like the moon.
The other two lakes represent solar and lunar forces, bad and good energy respectively.
5: Time Travel on Kailash Parvat
Many passengers reported that time travels quickly around the Kailash Parvat which is not witnessed anywhere in the world.
Many Hikers have reported that they feel like their nails and hairs are growing quickly within 12 hours. But in the normal environment, the same growth of hair and nails takes 2 around week time.
This is very strange, isn’t it?
6: Man-Made Pyramid
According to a Russian theory, “Mount Kailash could be the biggest ancient Man-Made pyramid, the center of an entire complex of the smaller pyramid (100 in total) and is linked with Pyramid of Giza and Teotihuacan.
Mount Kailash could be the center of the world that connecting other monuments or sites from where the paranormal activates have been observed.
7: Importance of Kailash Parikrama
Kailash Parvat is one of the most mysterious, religious and sacred mountains in the world. The one circumambulation (Parikarma) of Mount Kailash symbolizing the phases of life, death, refinement, and resurrection.
Jains and Buddhists refer to this circumambulation as Kora and Hindus refer as parikrama. A single circumambulation is equaled to the one turn of the wheel of life that will clean away the guilt of whole life. But the circumambulation of Kailash Parvat is very difficult and dangerous.
8: The magical Gauri Kund
Gauri Kund that is also known as Lake of Compassion, a water body that lies in transit while going on downwards from Dolma.
This lake is famous as Parvati Sarovar where goddess Parvati had procured her child Ganesha.
According to Hindus Scripture, Goddess Parvati had framed her child Lord Ganesh from the cleanser foam of her body and breathed life into it.
9: A link between Earth to Heaven
According to Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism Mount Kailash could be the gateway to heaven. And Vedas also describe the same that Mount Kailash is a link between earth to heaven. If we consider the story of Mahabharata then Pandavas along with Draupadi are believed to have achieved moksha.
10: Om Parvat
Om Parvat is another interesting mystery, as the snow falls on the peak and takes the shape of OM.
11: Formation of Swastika
During sunset, the mountain is said to cast a shadow, which has a striking likeness to the religious symbol of Swastika, which is rated as an auspicious sign by Hindus.
12. The Yam Dwar
Yam Dwar is one of the most prominent destinations in the Kailash Manasarovar Yatra which is situated in Tarboche 30 minutes drive from Darchen.
The meaning of Yam Dwar is “The Gateway of God of Death”. It is also known as Chorten Kang Ngyi which means two legged stupas in Tibet.
Yam Dwar is more associated with heaven and the soul.
13. No Mortals allowed to climb atop Mount Kailash
According to some ancient text, no one allowed to climb at the top of Mount Kailash. And who dare to climb to see the face of God will be put to death. And due to its religious significance, government don’t allow anyone to climb it.
10 Interesting Facts About Mount Kailash:
1. The Russian Theory
The biggest mystery of mount Kailash is its Shape. According to Russian scientists, it’s not a mountain rather than it’s a Man-Made Pyramid.
2. Twin Lake
There are two lakes surrounding mount Kailash – The first one is Mansarovar or the God Lake and the second one is Rakshas Tal or the devil lake. Many ancient texts claim that Mount Kailash stands as the balance between the two and teach us that there isn’t any evil external to us; we are the evil.
3. Who Climb at Mount Kailash?
The interesting fact about Mount Kailash that it has never been climbed by anyone apart from a person named Milarepa. There are many stories claimed that mystic Tibetan seer and poet name Milarepa is the only person who successfully climbed atop of Mount Kailash.
4. Source of 4 Major River
The origin of the four most religious rivers of Asia lies around 50 KM radius of Mount Kailash and in four different directions:
Through west flows the great Ganges.
Through south flows the great Karnali.
Through east flows Maa Brahmaputra.
And through north flows river Indus.
5. Place of Ultimate Nirvana
Jain claims Mount Kailash as Mt. Asthapada and believe that their religious originator, Rishadev, achieved Nirvana – State of Happiness or Another form of Moksha.
6. Ancient Monasteries and Caves
As per the Buddhists and Hindus scriptures, around Mount Meru inside the existing caves and ancient monasteries the blessed sages live in their material and unpretentious bodies. Only few lucky ones can see them.
7. Kailash Parikarma
Every year, a number of pilgrims come Tibet for Pilgrimage to the sacred mount Kailash (Kailash Parikarma) but only some of them able to finish outflank the Mount Kailash.
8. Journey of Lifetime
Mount Kailash is one of the most sacred places in the world and known as the Navel of the Universe. Therefore, it attracts many scholars and researchers from all over the world. And Mount Kailash provides a spiritual, enriching, unique and truly rewarding journey of a lifetime.
9. Kang Rimpoche:
Buddhism religion has a special religious connection with Mount Kailash. For them, it is known as Kang Rimpoche or “Precious One of Glacial Snow”.
10. Four faces:
Mount Kailash has four different faces and each of them aligned with four directions. According to Puranas, it is a spiritual center of the earth and also says that each face is made of Gold, Ruby, Lapis Lazuli and Crystal. Back to Top
Here is the list of strange mysteries of mount Kailash: So come; visit the abode of the Gods (Lord Shiva and Parvati) and receive their blessings! And share it with your friend.
Most Frequently Asked Questions About Mount Kailash
Q1: Why no one has climbed mount Kailash?
It’s not that mountaineers from different part of the world have not tried to climb the mount Kailash but they couldn’t because according to some strange believes the mountain keeps changes its position for them who wants to climb it. Truly there is something which not be understandable for common men.
Q2: Is anyone climbed mount Kailash?
Yes, Buddhist monk, Milarepa is said to have climbed atop Mount Kailash.
Q3: What is inside Mount Kailash?
According to Hindus Mount Kailash is the adobe of Lord Shiva but Tibetan Buddhists believe that Kailash is the abode of the tantric meditational deity Demchog. Jains consider the Kailash as the site at which their first Tirthankar attained nirvana. But recently Russain put has an idea that Mount Kailash could be the biggest ancient man-made pyramid.
Q4: Does Lord Shiva live in Mount Kailash
Yes, according to Hindus Kailash Parvat is the adobe of great Lord Shiva and his wife Parvati. And the death of Atheists and Adharmis proved that Mount Kailash is not a normal mountain that can be climbed. According to Russian Research, Mount Kailash is the center of the earth and could be the biggest man-made pyramid.
Q5: Can Plane fly over Mount Kailash?
No, no planes can fly over Mount Kailash. If you talk about scientific reason then the main reason is the elevation of the Himalayan Mount range which is around 30000 ft and the highest cruising altitude that is allowed to planes is around 25 to 35000 ft. And there could be another reason as well like supernatural theories, India-China relation and many more.
Q6: How old is Mount Kailash?
The Kailash range is around 30 million years old.
Q7: Is Mount Kailash a Pyramid?
Yes, according to the Russian report Mount Kailash could be the biggest Man-Made pyramid and the center of the earth.
Q8: Why is Mount Kailash sacred?
Mount Kailash is one the most sacred place in the world not for only one religion but for all 4 religions Hindu, Buddhists, Jain and Bon. Hindus considered this is the home of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati while Tibetan Buddhists believe that Kailash is the abode of the tantric meditational deity Demchog. Jains consider the Kailash as the site at which their first Tirthankar attained nirvana.
Mystery at Mount Kailash: Strange ancient anomaly found near the summit
Mystery at Mount Kailash: Strange ancient anomaly found near the summit
Mount Kailash is a mountain in Ngari Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region of China. It lies in the Kailash Range of the Transhimalaya, in the western part of the Tibetan Plateau. The peak of Mount Kailash is located at an elevation of 6,638 m, near the trijunction between China, India and Nepal.
In Tibetan Buddhism, Mount Kailash holds a special place as the Axis Mundi, or the center of the universe. Imagine it as the heart of everything, where heaven and earth meet. This sacred mountain isn't just a random peak; it's like the cosmic hub, connecting different realms together.
In the year 1999, an expedition of Russian Scientists led by Dr Ernst Muldashev claimed that Mount Kailash is too perfectly shaped for a natural mountain. They have discovered that the top of Mt. Kailash is actually a man-made vacuum pyramid. It is surrounded by more than 100 other small pyramids. According to preliminary estimates, the direct height of the pyramid complex is between 100 and 1,800 meters, while the Egyptian pyramid is only 146 meters
It is also believed to be the site of Lord Shiva, the god of destruction and rebirth as well as where the first human beings were created.
According to the legend Shiva has left a giant footprint on the summit of the mountain. Despite extensive searches, no concrete evidence of this footprint has ever been found.
While exploring Mount Kailash on Google Earth, I spotted a large, unusual anomaly near the summit. It resembles two hands, each with four visible fingers, positioned opposite each other and seemingly carved into the rock.
Could these huge hands be a kind of a 'footprint' of Shiva that people have been searching for?
As for climbing up the summit, some daring mountaineers have attempted to do so, but with no luck. It also is said that who climb Mount Kailash age quickly. The time that human takes to age two weeks only take 12 hours in the mountain. Numerous hikers have detailed that they feel like their nails and hairs are developing rapidly within 12 hours.
Trekking all the way up to the peak of Mount Kailash is held to be a forbidden act among Hindus for the fear of trespassing the sanctity of the mountain and disturbing the divine energies residing there.
Even planes don't fly over Kailash as Mount Kailash is said to possess a mysterious magnetic anomaly that disrupts navigational instruments and disrupts compass readings. This phenomenon has puzzled scientists with no concrete explanation offered to date.
Coordinates: 31° 4'4.83"N 81°18'24.47"E
Mount Kailash is still a mystery. The unconquered peak remains wrapped in myths, legends, and spiritual tales.
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