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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
When most people hear the phase “angel hair”, they immediately think of the classic pasta dish, but for the avid UFO enthusiast, it takes on an entirely different meaning.
The strange material known as “angel hair”–a light, cobweb-like substance that reportedly sometimes falls from the sky during UFO sightings–has been considered to be somewhat of a fringe element of Fortean phenomena, but this doesn’t mean that occurrences of angel hair have been rare; in fact, since 1947, there have been well over 200 documented cases of this gossamer-like substance being found in direct connection with UFO sightings.
The strange substance nicknamed angel hair is a feathery light material of unknown composition. Ufo being of light angel in campinas brazil▬ovni ser de luz angel en campinas brasil 28052015. Angel hair is a rather strange phenomenon that is directly related to ufos, this is an introductory video to understand and deal with this issue. Angel's hair these days after a ufo sighting is a scarce commodity. Angel hair or siliceous cotton is a sticky, fibrous substance reported in connection with ufo sightings.
So what exactly is angel hair? It has been generally described as being fibrous and silk-like, with a remarkable consistency that on one hand can be strong and resilient, but then in an instant can dissipate into the air like fog or smoke.
Some ufologists believe that angel hair is left behind as some sort of “exhaust” from alien spacecraft, similar to carbon emissions that are produced by an automobile. Scores of eyewitness reports describe unidentified flying objects including cigar-shaped aircraft, disks and silver spheres emitting this bizarre substance, particularly after moments of rapid acceleration or complex aerial maneuvers.
The substance will slowly drop to the ground, often landing on fences, wires or trees in the area, many times covering large areas at a time. In fact, there have been several reports of angel hair covering power lines for miles on end, or blanketing several square miles of land at a time.7
One report from October of 1957 describes how an area of New Mexico was draped in strands of angel hair that reached up to 50 feet in length apiece, and covered a total area of roughly 110 miles. This bizarre phenomenon is often classified as being a close encounter of the second kind, since the substance typically makes some type of physical contact with the environment.
According to a vast number of reports, one of the most interesting properties of angel hair is its ability to demonstrate sublimation, which is the ability of the substance to change directly from a solid to a gas, essentially bypassing the liquid stage altogether.
It has been described in various instances as both fine and coarse, having a consistency similar to cotton, but it often dissipates as it is being physically handled. The most commonly reported color for angel hair is white, but it has also been observed in other instances as being silver, gray, black, and even translucent.
There seems to be no one particular cause for the phenomenon, but there is an inextricable link between UFO sightings and angel hair, with roughly 57% of all angel hair cases being tied to UFO reports in some way. In addition, eyewitness accounts representing virtually every corner of the globe generally agree on both the look and the consistency of this odd substance.
There have been several cases where angel hair was not only recovered from alleged UFO sighting areas, but it has also been examined in scientific laboratories. The substance has been examined by professionals from a wide range of disciplines, with the general consensus being about the same: Nobody is quite sure what this stuff is made of.
Prominent biologists, chemists, fiber technicians, toxicologists, engineers, and so forth have all sought to gain insight into the composition of this strange substance, but to little avail. Common elements such as boron, magnesium, silicon, potassium, and calcium have been discovered in samples of angel hair, with the most notable element being boron due to its noted usage in nuclear technology.
Boron is commonly utilized as a buffer that shields and controls nuclear reactions, a fact that has prompted many researchers to speculate that angel hair may be the by-product of some type of nuclear-powered propulsion system.
Some skeptics have claimed that angel hair is nothing more than the webbing produced by ballooning spiders, which are known for producing large blankets of silk webs that are often pulled aloft by the wind.
Interestingly enough, all of the samples of angel hair that have been studied in laboratories have lacked a primary ingredient that is necessary for spiders to manufacture their webbing: Protein.
The “ballooning spider theory” also does not account for the fact that angel hair often sublimates on contact, which is almost the complete opposite of what happens when physical contact with a spider’s web occurs.
While the phenomenon of angel hair definitely leaves quite a bit of room for speculation, its correlation to UFO sightings cannot be easily dismissed. In light of all that is still not known about this unique substance, it would be beneficial for more members of the UFO and scientific community to devote more time and resources towards conducting serious research of this mysterious phenomenon.
De Bermuda Driehoek: Mysterie, Mythes en Realiteit
De Bermuda Driehoek: Mysterie, Mythes en Realiteit
De Bermuda Driehoek, een gebied in de Atlantische Oceaan dat wordt begrensd door Miami, Bermuda en San Juan, Puerto Rico, is berucht om de vermeende verdwijningen van vliegtuigen en schepen. Dit onderzoek verkent de oorsprong van het fenomeen, de historische context, het aantal geregistreerde verdwijningen, en de verschillende hypothesen en verklaringen die zijn voorgesteld om dit mysterie te verklaren. Daarnaast wordt het onderscheid tussen fictie en realiteit onderzocht, evenals de rol van scepticisme in de publieke perceptie van de Bermuda Driehoek. Dit werk beoogt een objectieve analyse van de feiten en mythes rond dit intrigerende onderwerp.
De Bermuda Driehoek, ook wel de "Demonen Driehoek" genoemd, is een mythische zone in de Caribische Zee, is al decennia lang het onderwerp van fascinatie en speculatie, is een gebied dat al tientallen jaren de verbeelding van mensen over de hele wereld prikkelt. Het idee van een plek waar schepen en vliegtuigen mysterieuze verdwijningen ondergaan, heeft geleid tot talloze boeken, films en documentaires. Maar wat is de waarheid achter de legende? Omringd door de eilanden Miami, Bermuda en Puerto Rico, wordt dit gebied vaak geassocieerd met mysterieuze verdwijningen van schepen en vliegtuigen.In deze dissertatie zullen we de mythes en feiten rondom de Bermuda Driehoek onderzoeken en beoordelen of er een rationele verklaring is voor de vermeende verdwijningen.
Terwijl sommige verhalen de fantasie prikkelen en tot de verbeelding spreken, zijn andere verklaringen geworteld in realiteit en wetenschap. De grens tussen mysterie en feit vervaagt hier, waardoor de Bermuda Driehoek een intrigerend fenomeen blijft dat onderzoekers, avonturiers en curiosa blijft aantrekken. Wat is de waarheid achter deze legendarische plek? Ontdek de dunne lijn tussen fictie en realiteit.
Het Bermuda Mystery: Feit of Fictie?
Wat is de Bermuda Driehoek?
De Bermuda Driehoek is een onofficieel afgebakend gebied in de Atlantische Oceaan, dat loopt van Miami (Florida) naar Bermuda en San Juan (Puerto Rico). De grenzen van de Driehoek zijn niet exact gedefinieerd, maar de meeste definities omvatten een oppervlakte van ongeveer 1.1 miljoen vierkante kilometer. Het gebied is beroemd geworden door een aantal mysterieuze verdwijningen van schepen en vliegtuigen, die vaak worden toegeschreven aan vreemde omstandigheden en onverklaarbare gebeurtenissen.
De Bermudadriehoek, een term die vaak wordt gebruikt om een gebied in de Atlantische Oceaan aan te duiden, heeft vele mensen gefascineerd en in verwarring gebracht. Dit gebied, dat zich uitstrekt tussen Miami (Florida), San Juan (Puerto Rico) en Bermuda, is beroemd geworden vanwege de vele mysterieuze verdwijningen van schepen en vliegtuigen die zich hier zouden hebben voorgedaan. Hoewel de Bermudadriehoek vaak wordt geassocieerd met paranormale verschijnselen en allerlei theorieën over buitenaardse wezens en verloren beschavingen, is de werkelijkheid vaak minder spectaculair. In dit artikel zullen we dieper ingaan op de geschiedenis, de mythen en de wetenschappelijke verklaringen omtrent de Bermudadriehoek.
Geschiedenis van de Bermudadriehoek
De mythes rondom de Bermudadriehoek begonnen in de vroege 20e eeuw. Een van de eerste vermeldingen van mysterieuze verdwijningen in dit gebied vond plaats in 1918, toen het Amerikaanse vrachtschip USS Cyclops zonder enige waarschuwing verdween. Er was geen enkel spoor van het schip of zijn bemanning. Dit incident wekte de nieuwsgierigheid van de publieke opinie en legde de basis voor de latere mythes over de Bermudadriehoek.
In de jaren '50 en '60 van de 20e eeuw begonnen schrijvers en journalisten het fenomeen verder te verkennen. Een van de bekendste boeken over dit onderwerp is "The Bermuda Triangle" van Charles Berlitz, gepubliceerd in 1974. Berlitz stelde dat de verdwijningen te maken hadden met vreemde krachten en zelfs buitenaardse activiteiten. Dit boek droeg bij aan de populariteit van de theorieën over de Bermudadriehoek en zorgde ervoor dat het onderwerp steeds meer aandacht kreeg in de media en de populaire cultuur.
20 Engste Dingen Die Zijn Gebeurd In De Bermuda Driehoek
Mythen en Legenden
De Bermudadriehoek is omgeven door tal van mythen en legenden. Van buitenaardse ontvoeringen tot onderwaterbases van Atlantis, de verhalen variëren van het ongelooflijke tot het ongelooflijke. Een van de meest populaire theorieën is dat er een soort magnetisch veld in de Bermudadriehoek bestaat dat de navigatie-instrumenten van schepen en vliegtuigen verstoort. Dit zou de reden zijn voor de verdwijningen.
Een andere theorie suggereert dat er onderwatergassen zoals methaan zijn die, wanneer ze vrijkomen, de drijvende kracht van een schip kunnen verminderen, waardoor het zinkt. Dit idee werd ondersteund door wetenschappelijke studies die aantoonden dat methaan uit de zeebodem kan ontsnappen en luchtbellen kan vormen die schepen kunnen laten zinken.
Historisch Overzicht
De oorsprong van het mysterie rond de Bermuda Driehoek gaat terug tot de 19e eeuw, toen de eerste meldingen van verdwijningen werden genoteerd. In 1918 verdween het Amerikaanse vrachtschip USS Cyclops met 309 mensen aan boord. Dit incident markeerde een van de eerste grote verdwijningen in het gebied. In de jaren '40 en '50 werden de verhalen over de Bermuda Driehoek verder verspreid, vooral na de verdwijning van vijf vliegtuigen van het zogenaamde "Flight 19" in 1945. De populariteit van het fenomeen nam toe na de publicatie van Charles Berlitz's boek "The Bermuda Triangle" in 1974, dat veel mythen en speculaties voedde.
Aantal Verdwijningen
Het exacte aantal verdwijningen in de Bermuda Driehoek is moeilijk vast te stellen, maar schattingen variëren van tientallen tot honderden. Volgens sommige bronnen zijn er meer dan 1.000 incidenten geregistreerd. Veel van deze verdwijningen kunnen echter worden verklaard door menselijke fouten, slechte weersomstandigheden of technische storingen.
Hier zijn tien voorbeelden van mysterieuze verdwijningen in het Bermuda-driehoek:
Flight 19 (1945): Vijf bommenwerpers van de Amerikaanse marine verdwenen tijdens een trainingsvlucht. Ondanks een uitgebreide zoektocht werd er nooit iets van het vliegtuig of de bemanning teruggevonden.
USS Cyclops (1918): Dit Amerikaanse marineschip verdween zonder enige waarschuwing met 309 mannen aan boord tijdens een reis van Barbados naar Baltimore. Nooit werd het wrak gevonden.
Mary Celeste (1872): Hoewel niet direct in het Bermuda-driehoek, heeft deze spookachtige zeilboot wel verbanden met de regio. Het schip werd gevonden met intacte lading, maar de bemanning was spoorloos verdwenen.
Douglas DC-3 (1948): Dit passagiersvliegtuig verdween met 32 mensen aan boord tijdens een vlucht van New York naar Miami. Ook hier werden er geen wrakstukken gevonden.
Ellen Austin (1881): Dit schip vond een verlaten zeilschip in de Bermuda-driehoek. Toen ze probeerden het schip te slepen, verdween het mysterieuze schip opnieuw zonder een spoor achter te laten.
Flight 441 (1954): Een andere passagiersvlucht die verdween in de Bermuda-driehoek. Het vliegtuig had technische problemen en verdween van de radar.
The Witchcraft (1967): Dit jacht verdween kort na het melden van een lekkage. Toen de autoriteiten arriveerden, was het schip volledig verdwenen, terwijl er geen sporen waren van een ongeluk.
Star Tiger (1948): Dit passagiersvliegtuig verdween tijdens een vlucht van de Bahama's naar Florida. Ondanks meerdere zoekacties werd er niets gevonden.
The Carol A. Deering (1921): Dit zeilschip werd verlaten gevonden aan de kust van North Carolina. De bemanning was verdwenen zonder enige uitleg.
Vliegtuig van de Bahamas Air (1991): Een klein vliegtuig met drie mensen aan boord verdween terwijl het op weg was van de Bahama's naar Florida. Geen enkel spoor werd ooit gevonden.
Deze gevallen illustreren de mysterieuze en vaak onverklaarbare verdwijningen in het Bermuda-driehoek, wat bijdraagt aan de mythen en legendes rondom deze regio.
Hypothesen en Verklaringen
Er zijn talloze hypothesen en verklaringen voorgesteld voor de verdwijningen in de Bermuda Driehoek. Enkele van de meest prominente zijn:
Natuurlijke Oorzaken: Veel sceptici wijzen op de rol van natuurlijke verschijnselen, zoals snelle veranderingen in het weer, sterke stromingen en onderwatergeologie, zoals methaanhydraten die explosies kunnen veroorzaken.
Menselijke Factoren: Menselijke fouten, zoals navigatiefouten en onervarenheid van de bemanning, worden vaak genoemd als redenen voor de verdwijningen.
Buitenaardse Activiteit: Sommige populaire theorieën suggereren dat buitenaardse wezens betrokken zouden kunnen zijn bij de verdwijningen, hoewel er geen wetenschappelijk bewijs voor deze claims is.
Tijdportalen of Dimensies: Een andere speculatieve theorie is dat de Bermuda Driehoek een soort tijdportaal of toegang tot andere dimensies zou zijn.
Fictie of Echt?
De vraag of de Bermuda Driehoek een werkelijk mysterie is of eerder een product van fictie en sensatiezucht, blijft een onderwerp van debat. Het is duidelijk dat de media en de populaire cultuur een grote rol hebben gespeeld in het vormgeven van het imago van de Bermuda Driehoek. Vele verhalen zijn aangedikt of zelfs uitgevonden om een mysterieuzer beeld te schetsen.
De Bermudadriehoek, een mysterieuze regio in de Atlantische Oceaan, heeft al tientallen jaren de verbeelding van mensen over de hele wereld gevangen. Gelegen tussen Miami, Bermuda en Puerto Rico, staat deze driehoek bekend om het vermeende verdwijnen van schepen en vliegtuigen onder mysterieuze omstandigheden. Maar is het fenomeen echt of slechts fictie?
Een van de meest besproken gevallen is dat van het vliegveld van Flight 19, een groep van vijf torpedo-bommenwerpers die in 1945 tijdens een trainingsmissie verdwenen. De piloot meldde dat zijn kompas niet werkte en dat hij in de problemen zat. Ondanks een uitgebreide zoekactie werden de vliegtuigen nooit gevonden. Dit incident heeft bijgedragen aan de mythe van de Bermudadriehoek, maar veel experts wijzen op de mogelijkheid van menselijke fout en slechte weersomstandigheden als de werkelijke oorzaken.
Wetenschappers hebben verschillende theorieën gepresenteerd om de mysterieuze verdwijningen te verklaren. Sommigen suggereren dat onderwatergassen, zoals methaan, kunnen leiden tot plotselinge zinkingen van schepen. Anderen wijzen op de invloed van de sterke stromingen en het onvoorspelbare weer in het gebied. Hoewel deze verklaringen plausibel zijn, blijft de fascinatie voor de Bermudadriehoek bestaan.
Het is belangrijk om te benadrukken dat niet alle verdwijningen in de Bermudadriehoek onverklaarbaar zijn. Veel incidenten kunnen worden toegeschreven aan natuurrampen, menselijke vergissingen of technische storingen. De mythe van de Bermudadriehoek is dan ook een mix van waarheid en fictie, versterkt door populaire cultuur en sensatieberichten.
Kortom, de Bermudadriehoek blijft een intrigerend onderwerp, maar het is essentieel om kritisch te blijven en feiten van fictie te scheiden. De realiteit is vaak minder spannend dan de legendes die eromheen zijn opgebouwd.
Bewijzen en Scepticisme
De Bermudadriehoek, een gebied in de Atlantische Oceaan dat wordt omringd door de punten Miami, Bermuda en Puerto Rico, heeft de afgelopen decennia veel aandacht gekregen vanwege de vermeende verdwijningen van schepen en vliegtuigen. Dit fenomeen heeft geleid tot talloze speculaties, theorieën en zelfs mythen. In dit artikel onderzoeken we de bewijzen en het skeptische perspectief met betrekking tot de Bermudadriehoek.
Het fenomeen van de Bermudadriehoek werd populair in de jaren '50, toen schrijver Vincent Gaddis het gebied in zijn boek "Invisible Horizons" noemde. Sindsdien zijn er vele verhalen verschenen over mysterieuze verdwijningen, waaronder die van het vliegtuig Flight 19 in 1945 en de USS Cyclops in 1918. Deze incidenten hebben bijgedragen aan het mystieke imago van de regio. Voorstanders van de mythe wijzen vaak op statistieken die suggereren dat er een ongebruikelijk aantal ongelukken plaatsvindt in dit gebied, en dat schepen en vliegtuigen onder mysterieuze omstandigheden verdwijnen.
Echter, sceptici wijzen op verschillende factoren die de vermeende geheimzinnigheid van de Bermudadriehoek kunnen verklaren. Ten eerste is het belangrijk op te merken dat de Bermudadriehoek een van de drukste scheepvaartroutes ter wereld is. Het gebied is een kruispunt voor internationale scheepvaart en luchtvaart, wat betekent dat er simpelweg meer kans is op ongelukken. Statistieken die het aantal incidenten in de Bermudadriehoek vergelijken met andere gebieden, tonen vaak aan dat er niet significant meer verdwijningen plaatsvinden dan in andere drukke zeegebieden.
Daarnaast zijn er tal van natuurlijke fenomenen die de verdwijningen kunnen verklaren. De oceaan in dit gebied is diep en onvoorspelbaar, met sterke stromingen en plotselinge weersveranderingen. Onderwaterkanalen en gasuitstoot uit de zeebodem kunnen bovendien leiden tot gevaarlijke situaties voor schepen. Sommige onderzoekers wijzen ook op de mogelijkheid van menselijke fouten en technische storingen als oorzaak van de ongelukken.
Een ander argument dat sceptici aanvoeren, is dat veel van de verhalen over verdwijningen sterk overdreven of zelfs verzonnen zijn. Veel van de populaire boeken en documentaires over de Bermudadriehoek hebben de neiging om sensationele verhalen te benadrukken en belangrijke details te negeren. Wanneer de feiten zorgvuldig worden onderzocht, blijkt dat veel van de incidenten minder mysterieus zijn dan ze lijken.
Toch blijft de fascinatie voor de Bermudadriehoek bestaan. De combinatie van echte tragedies, speculaties en het menselijke verlangen naar het onbekende maakt het een intrigerend onderwerp. Ondanks het gebrek aan wetenschappelijk bewijs voor de bovennatuurlijke theorieën, blijven mensen zich afvragen wat er werkelijk aan de hand is in deze mysterieuze wateren.
In conclusie, de Bermudadriehoek is een gebieden dat zowel fascineert als tot scepsis aanzet. Terwijl er ongetwijfeld ongelukken plaatsvinden, suggereren de meeste wetenschappelijke analyses dat de oorzaken veelal te vinden zijn in natuurlijke en menselijke factoren, eerder dan in mysterieuze krachten. De waarheid over de Bermudadriehoek lijkt minder spectaculair dan de mythen die eromheen zijn ontstaan.
Wetenschappers en sceptici wijzen vaak op het gebrek aan fysiek bewijs voor de mysterieuze verdwijningen. Veel van de verhalen zijn gebaseerd op anekdotisch bewijs en zijn vaak niet goed gedocumenteerd. Het Amerikaanse kustwacht en andere autoriteiten hebben herhaaldelijk verklaard dat er geen ongewone activiteit in het gebied is. Scepticisme is essentieel voor het analyseren van deze verhalen en het onderscheiden van feiten van fictie.
De Bermuda Driehoek blijft een fascinerend onderwerp dat zowel onderzoekers als het grote publiek blijft intrigeren. Hoewel er veel speculaties en mythes zijn, is het belangrijk om kritisch te blijven en te kijken naar de feiten. Veel van de vermeende verdwijningen hebben logische verklaringen, en het mysterie van de Bermuda Driehoek kan in veel gevallen eenvoudig worden teruggebracht tot menselijke fouten en natuurlijke oorzaken. Desondanks blijft het een onderwerp dat de verbeelding prikkelt en uitnodigt tot verder onderzoek.
The Bermuda Triangle Explained
Wetenschappelijke Verklaringen
Hoewel de mythen rondom de Bermudadriehoek vaak sensationeel zijn, zijn de meeste wetenschappers het erover eens dat de verdwijningen in feite kunnen worden verklaard door natuurlijke oorzaken. De Atlantische Oceaan is een van de drukste scheepvaartroutes ter wereld, en het gebied staat bekend om zijn onvoorspelbare weersomstandigheden, waaronder tropische stormen en orkanen. Deze extreme weersomstandigheden kunnen zeker bijdragen aan scheeps- en vliegtuigongelukken.
Daarnaast zijn er ook menselijke fouten en technische storingen die een rol spelen bij de incidenten in de Bermudadriehoek. De combinatie van een hoge verkeersdichtheid, onvoorspelbare weersomstandigheden en de mogelijkheid van menselijke vergissingen maakt het gebied kwetsbaar voor ongelukken. Het aantal incidenten in de Bermudadriehoek is niet groter dan in andere drukbevolkte gebieden van de oceaan, en veel van de verhalen zijn door de jaren heen overdreven of gedramatiseerd.
De Huidige Situatie
Tegenwoordig is de fascinatie voor de Bermudadriehoek nog steeds aanwezig, maar de meeste mensen zijn zich bewust van de wetenschap achter de mythes. Documentaires en boeken blijven het onderwerp verkennen, en hoewel de meeste wetenschappers de verhalen over de Bermudadriehoek als mythes beschouwen, blijft het gebied een populaire bestemming voor toeristen en avonturiers.
Een van de redenen waarom de Bermudadriehoek zo intrigerend blijft, is omdat het een bron van mysteries en vragen oproept. De onbekende aspecten van de oceaan, de geschiedenis van de verdwijningen en de verhalen van moedige zeelieden en piloten blijven de verbeelding prikkelen. Het is een plek waar wetenschap en mysterie elkaar ontmoeten, en dat is wat het zo aantrekkelijk maakt voor velen
Is de Bermudadriehoek echt gevaarlijk?
De Bermudadriehoek is een fascinerend onderwerp dat eeuwenlange nieuwsgierigheid heeft gewekt. Hoewel de mythen en legendes vaak sensationeel zijn en soms tot het ongelooflijke leiden, is het belangrijk om te kijken naar de feiten en wetenschappelijke verklaringen. De meeste verdwijningen kunnen worden toegeschreven aan natuurlijke oorzaken, menselijke fouten of technische storingen. De aantrekkingskracht van de Bermudadriehoek ligt niet alleen in de mysteries die het omringt, maar ook in de manier waarop het ons herinnert aan de kracht van de natuur en de noodzaak van voorzichtigheid in onze interacties met de zee. Of het nu gaat om een zeereis door de Bermudadriehoek of gewoon om het lezen van een boek over het onderwerp, het blijft een onderwerp dat ons blijft boeien en ons uitnodigt om de mysteries van de wereld te verkennen.
Middle Atmosphere of Mars is Driven by Gravity Waves, New Research Suggests
Middle Atmosphere of Mars is Driven by Gravity Waves, New Research Suggests
Atmospheric gravity waves play a crucial role in driving latitudinal air currents on the Red Planet, particularly at high altitudes, according to a new study by University of Tokyo planetary researchers.
This image from the Emirates Mars Mission shows Mars and its thin atmosphere.
“On Earth, large-scale atmospheric waves caused by the planet’s rotation, known as Rossby waves, are the primary influence on the way air circulates in the stratosphere, or the lower part of the middle atmosphere,” said University of Tokyo’s Professor Kaoru Sato, co-author on the study.
“But our study shows that on Mars, gravity waves have a dominant effect at the mid and high latitudes of the middle atmosphere.”
“Rossby waves are large-scale atmospheric waves, or resolved waves, whereas gravity waves are unresolved waves, meaning they are too fine to be directly measured or modeled and must be estimated by more indirect means.”
“Not to be confused with gravitational waves from massive stellar bodies, gravity waves are an atmospheric phenomenon when a packet of air rises and falls due to variations in buoyancy. That oscillating motion is what gives rise to gravity waves.”
Due to the small-scale nature of them and the limitations of observational data, planetary researchers have previously found it challenging to quantify their significance in the Martian atmosphere.
So Professor Sato and her colleagues turned to the Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System (EMARS) dataset, produced by a range of space-based observations over many years, to analyze seasonal variations up there.
“We found something interesting, that gravity waves facilitate the rapid vertical transfer of angular momentum, significantly influencing the meridional, or north-south, in the middle atmosphere circulations on Mars,” said study’s first author Anzu Asumi, a graduate student at the University of Tokyo.
“It’s interesting because it more closely resembles the behavior seen in Earth’s mesosphere rather than in our stratosphere.”
“This suggests existing Martian atmospheric circulation models may need to be refined to better incorporate these wave effects, potentially improving future climate and weather simulations.”
The team now plans to investigate the impact of Martian dust storms on atmospheric circulation.
“So far, our analysis has focused on years without major dust storms,” Professor Sato said.
“However, these storms dramatically alter atmospheric conditions, and we suspect they may intensify the role of gravity waves in circulation.”
“Our research lays the groundwork for forecasting Martian weather, which will be essential for ensuring the success of future Mars missions.”
The study appears in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.
Anzu Asumi et al. Climatology of the Residual Mean Circulation of the Martian Atmosphere and Contributions of Resolved and Unresolved Waves Based on a Reanalysis Dataset. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, published online March 6, 2025; doi: 10.1029/2023JE008137
ndering of Earth's twin -- Earth 2.0 -- and alien life. Depositphotos.
For decades, we’ve been sending messages into space, listening for signals, and scanning distant worlds in search of extraterrestrial life. So far? Silence. But what if that changes? What if, in the next two decades, we find undeniable proof that we are not alone? Some scientists believe that moment is closer than ever—and it could transform humanity forever.
With breakthroughs in exoplanet research, Mars exploration, and cutting-edge telescopes capable of detecting chemical traces of life, experts say we may be on the verge of one of the greatest discoveries in human history. But while many are eager for an answer, others fear the consequences. Are we truly ready for first contact?
The Search for Extraterrestrial Life: Where Are We Looking?
Humanity’s fascination with alien life is nothing new. Ancient civilizations gazed at the stars and imagined celestial beings. But, as explained by Popular Mechanics, the real search began in the 20th century when scientists first attempted to detect radio signals from space.
One of the earliest efforts, Project Ozma, aimed a massive radio telescope at nearby stars, hoping to catch an artificial signal. Decades later, in 1977, researchers detected a strange, powerful burst of radio waves from deep space—the famous “Wow! signal.” It was a moment of excitement, but it was never repeated, and its origins remain a mystery.
Now, with new tools and techniques, scientists have refined their search. Instead of waiting for signals, they’re actively analyzing exoplanet atmospheres for biosignatures—chemical markers that hint at life. They’re also examining Martian soil, scanning ice-covered moons like Europa, and even hunting for industrial pollutants on alien worlds that could suggest the presence of advanced civilizations.
The big question: what happens if we find something?
Are We Prepared for the Consequences of Discovery?
The impact of finding extraterrestrial life—whether microbial or intelligent—would be staggering. Governments, scientists, and even philosophers have debated what such a discovery would mean for religion, society, and our place in the universe.
If we find simple life (bacteria, microorganisms) on Mars or an exoplanet, it would suggest that life is common in the cosmos. That alone would be groundbreaking.
If we detect an intelligent signal, the implications would be far more profound. Should we respond? Would they even understand us? And what if they’re not friendly?
Stephen Hawking famously warned against broadcasting our presence, fearing that an advanced civilization might not have our best interests at heart. Others argue that any civilization capable of interstellar travel is likely peaceful—otherwise, they would have already wiped themselves out.
The Next 20 Years and Why Scientists Are Optimistic
The search for alien life is no longer a fantasy—it’s a serious scientific endeavor with real, measurable progress. Here’s why experts believe we could get an answer within the next two decades:
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)is scanning the atmospheres of exoplanets, looking for gases like oxygen, methane, and carbon dioxide that could indicate biological activity.
NASA’s Perseverance roveris collecting Martian rock samples that will be brought back to Earth, possibly containing fossilized evidence of ancient life.
SETI’s latest projectsuse AI and machine learning to analyze vast amounts of data, detecting patterns that humans might miss.
New space missions to Europa and Enceladus, two icy moons with subsurface oceans, will probe for possible life beneath their frozen crusts.
With all these advancements, scientists believe we’re closer than ever to answering the age-old question: Are we alone?
What If We Find Nothing?
Of course, there’s another possibility—what if, after decades of searching, we come up empty?
Some scientists worry that a lack of evidence could lead to a loss of public interest and funding. But others argue that even a negative result tells us something important: either life is extraordinarily rare, or we’re looking in the wrong places.
If no signals or biosignatures appear, some researchers suggest looking for technosignatures—evidence of advanced alien technology, such as massive energy structures (Dyson spheres) or artificial light on distant planets.
One thing is certain: whether we find life or not, the search itself is shaping our understanding of the universe.
Scientists agree that the next 20 years will be crucial. Whether it’s a fossil on Mars, an unexpected biosignature in an exoplanet’s atmosphere, or a radio signal from deep space, one discovery could change everything.But the real question isn’t if we’ll find alien life. The real question is: what happens next?
Alien life: are we about to find it?
Humans Will Meet ALIENS Within a FEW YEARS! Former NASA Scientist Reveals
"100%" Aliens Have Already Arrived -Dr. Garry Nolan & Alex Klokus | SALT iConnections New York
China is taking deep-sea exploration to a new level with the construction of an advanced research station 1.2 miles below the South China Sea. This facility, expected to be operational by 2030, will serve as a permanent underwater base for energy research, marine ecology studies, and seismic monitoring. But beyond science, it could significantly strengthen China’s geopolitical position in one of the most contested maritime regions in the world.
At the core of this mission is methane hydrate, an ice-like compound that contains vast amounts of natural gas. If China successfully extracts this resource, it could reshape global energy markets. However, concerns remain about the environmental risks of methane release and the potential geopolitical consequences of this project.
Unlocking a Potential Energy Revolution
Methane hydrates—also known as “flammable ice”—are frozen deposits of natural gas trapped within water molecules. When burned, they release 50% fewer carbon emissions than coal, making them a more efficient alternative to traditional fossil fuels.
China first discovered large methane hydrate reserves in the South China Sea in 2015, and three years later, successfully extracted samples. This new deep-sea station will allow scientists to monitor methane seepage, track tectonic activity, and refine extraction techniques in real-time.
However, methane is also a potent greenhouse gas that could accelerate climate change if unintentionally released. Developing a safe extraction method will be essential before this resource can be commercially viable.
Advanced Deep-Sea Monitoring
The research station will integrate into a four-dimensional monitoring system, consisting of:
Autonomous submersibles for real-time methane tracking
Seabed observatories to study ecosystem changes
Surface ships and drilling vessels for data collection
China’s Mengxiang drilling vessel, capable of reaching the Earth’s mantle
The station will be positioned in the Qiongdongnan Basin, a large cold seep zone in the northwestern South China Sea. These cold seeps—where natural gases escape from the seafloor—are home to over 600 marine species and hold significant deposits of rare minerals.
By establishing a permanent presence in this resource-rich region, China is positioning itself at the forefront of future deep-sea energy exploration.
Geopolitical and Economic Impact
Beyond energy research, China’s deep-sea facility could provide an economic and strategic advantage in the South China Sea. The region is a critical maritime trade route and the site of ongoing territorial disputes involving Vietnam, Taiwan, and the Philippines.
A permanent underwater research base allows China to:
Strengthen territorial claimsunder the pretext of scientific research
Secure access to rare-earth metals, cobalt, and nickel—essential for electronics and renewable technologies
Additionally, the facility will enhance seismic monitoring capabilities, improving early warning systems for earthquakes and tsunamis in the region.
If China develops a reliable method for extracting methane hydrates, it could establish itself as a dominant player in global energy markets. However, the risks remain significant. Uncontrolled methane release could lead to severe environmental consequences, and the geopolitical implications of a permanent deep-sea base could heighten regional tensions.
China Builds WORLD'S FIRST Deepwater Space Station 2,000 Meters Under the Sea
Stunning: China is building the world’s first deepwater ‘space station’ 2,000 meters below the sea!
Beijing Building South China Sea Deepwater 'Space Station' | WION Fineprint
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Richard Dolan Explores USO Hotspots: Unveiling the Mystery Beneath Our Oceans
Richard Dolan Explores USO Hotspots: Unveiling the Mystery Beneath Our Oceans
The study of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) has intrigued researchers and the public for decades, but a lesser-known counterpart—Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs)—has remained in the shadows. Richard Dolan, a well-respected historian in the UFO research community, is shedding light on the mysterious phenomenon of USOs. His work uncovers more than 700 cases, highlighting their presence in specific locations across the globe. One of the key questions he explores is: Why do certain areas seem to be hotspots for USO activity?
USOs: The Hidden Mystery Beneath the Waves
USOs are essentially UFOs that either originate from or submerge into bodies of water. Unlike conventional aircraft, these objects demonstrate transmedium capabilities—moving seamlessly from air to water with no apparent resistance. While UFOs have been documented extensively, reports of USOs remain less discussed, despite their frequency and military encounters.
Dolan’s research presents a comprehensive historical analysis, with cases spanning centuries. His meticulous study covers military records, personal testimonies, and historical accounts, painting a detailed picture of unidentified objects beneath the seas. His first volume on USO history spans from early recorded sightings to 1969, with subsequent volumes covering later periods.
The Caribbean: A USO Hotspot | The Richard Dolan Show
Key USO Hotspots and Theories Behind Their Presence
Dolan’s findings point to several global hotspots where USO activity is particularly concentrated. These locations include:
Catalina Island, California– This region has been a long-standing hotspot for both UFO and USO sightings. Reports detail strange crafts moving in and out of the ocean, with notable cases such as a 1982 family boating trip that encountered a large, fast-moving yellow object beneath the water.
Puerto Rico’s Waters– According to Dolan, Puerto Rico surpasses most locations in terms of USO activity. There have been numerous reports of unidentified crafts emerging from the depths, often near military installations.
The Gulf of Mexico – A location that has witnessed encounters involving giant submerged objects, including a 2017 case where a 200-foot-wide craft was seen emerging from the ocean near an offshore supply vessel.
Shag Harbor, Canada– The site of a well-documented 1967 USO crash event, where Canadian and U.S. military divers reportedly investigated an unidentified object that submerged and later departed from the area.
Baja California, Mexico – Home to historical cases such as an 1892 sighting by a hydrographic survey team that documented a large glowing object moving from the ocean to land.
Possible Explanations for USO Activity in These Areas
Several theories attempt to explain why these specific locations seem to attract USO sightings:
Military Interest: Some researchers speculate that USOs are monitoring naval operations, particularly around military testing zones and deep-sea submarine routes.
Environmental Monitoring: Dolan suggests that some encounters may indicate an interest in Earth’s ecosystem, with objects appearing in ecologically rich or endangered areas, such as the Amazon River or heavily polluted waters.
Underwater Bases: A widely speculated theory is that these objects originate from hidden underwater bases, possibly built by advanced non-human intelligence.
Transmedium Technology: The ability of these objects to move between air and water without resistance suggests propulsion technology far beyond human capabilities, possibly involving gravity manipulation or energy field propulsion.
Historical Cases and Government Involvement
Dolan’s research highlights cases dating back centuries, demonstrating that USOs are not a modern phenomenon. Notable historical accounts include:
1492 – Christopher Columbus’ Sighting:Columbus recorded an unusual light rising and falling above the ocean just before reaching the New World.
1825 – British Navy Report Near Hawaii: A bright orange sphere reportedly emerged from and re-entered the ocean, baffling experienced naval officers.
1951 – Graham Bethune’s Navy Encounter: A U.S. Navy pilot witnessed a bright craft rising from the water while flying near Greenland, with official documentation supporting the event.
Operation Mainbrace (1952): A NATO naval exercise that led to multiple UFO and USO sightings, with photographic evidence reported.
Government agencies, particularly military organizations, have been keenly aware of these incidents. Declassified documents reveal that pilots, naval officers, and scientists have reported encounters with underwater anomalies. Despite the compelling evidence, official responses remain vague, often attributing sightings to natural or experimental military phenomena.
The Future of USO Research
Dolan’s research emphasizes the importance of historical analysis to understand the evolving nature of the USO phenomenon. His extensive documentation highlights the transition from daytime sightings in the early 20th century to predominantly nighttime encounters in later decades. This shift suggests an adaptation on the part of the observed objects, possibly in response to increased human technological capabilities such as sonar and satellite surveillance.
As interest in USOs grows, researchers are calling for greater transparency from military and governmental institutions. Advances in underwater exploration and sensor technology could provide further insight into these mysterious objects. Whether USOs represent extraterrestrial activity, undiscovered marine phenomena, or hidden government projects, one thing remains clear—our oceans continue to harbor some of the greatest unsolved mysteries of our time.
Richard Dolan’s deep dive into the USO phenomenon presents a compelling case for further investigation. His work suggests that certain locations around the world, such as Catalina Island and Puerto Rico, are of particular interest due to the frequent and well-documented appearances of these mysterious objects. Whether they are monitoring human activity, safeguarding environmental concerns, or merely existing undetected, USOs remain one of the most fascinating subjects in the realm of unexplained aerial and underwater phenomena. Dolan’s research serves as an important foundation for future inquiry, urging scientists and investigators to look beneath the waves for answers.
Centuries Of USO Cases - What Are They Doing Under The Waves? - Guest: Richard Dolan
USOs The Counter Narrative. The Richard Dolan Show
Puerto Rico's ASTONISHING USOs | Richard Dolan Show
How big it is: 7,926 miles (12,760 kilometers) wide
How old it is: 4.5 billion years
How fast it moves around the sun: 67,100 mph (30 km per second)
Earth is our home planet, and it's the only place in the universe where we know for certain that life exists. Earth formed over 4.5 billion years ago from a swirling cloud of gas and dust squished together by gravity. That same cloud gave rise to our entire solar system, including our star, the sun. Keep reading to learn more about Earth's different layers, its atmosphere, and what makes the "blue planet" unique.
Earth is made out of different layers, and those layers get hotter and more pressurized the deeper you go. The first layer is the crust, a thin outer shell that extends about 18 miles (30 km) below the planet's surface. The next layer, the mantle, stretches about 1,800 miles (2,900km) below Earth's surface. The mantle contains both magma, or molten rock, and slowly-moving solid rock. Earth's innermost layer is called the core. The outside of Earth's core is made from molten nickel and iron that can reach temperatures of 9,000 degrees Fahrenheit (5,000 degrees Celsius). In the inner core, the pressure is so massive that the ultra-hot metal turns solid. The moving metals in Earth's core create the planet's magnetic field.
A diagram showing Earth's crust, mantle and core. (Image credit: FoxGrafy via Shutterstock)
Where is Earth located?
Our planet sits in a small corner of the Milky Way galaxy, 25,000 light-years from the galaxy's center. Our solar system lives on a minor arm of the Milky way called the Orion Spur. The Orion Spur branches off from the Sagittarius Arm, one of the galaxy's two major spiral arms.
Earth's circumference is 24,901 miles (40,075 km), making it the largest rocky planet in the solar system. Our planet orbits 93 million miles (150,000 km) away from the sun. This puts Earth in a so-called "Goldilocks zone," where the temperature is just right for liquid water to exist on the surface.
What is Earth's atmosphere?
Our planet's atmosphere is mostly made of nitrogen. The next biggest element is oxygen, and there are also small amounts of argon and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, plus trace amounts of other gases. The atmosphere has four layers. The troposphere is the layer closest to the surface of the Earth. Next is the stratosphere, which is where commercial airplanes fly. Further out is the mesosphere, and after that, the thermosphere, which begins the transition into outer space.
Human activity has a huge effect on climate and weather in Earth's atmosphere. By making carbon dioxide, which traps heat from the sun, human industry is causing global warming.
A diagram showing the different layers of Earth's atmosphere.(Image credit: BlueRingMedia via Shutterstock)
What makes Earth special?
A few important characteristics make Earth unique and hospitable for life. The presence of liquid water, relatively mild temperatures, and an oxygen-rich atmosphere all help support life on Earth. Earth is also the only planet in our solar system known to have plate tectonics, or pieces of the crust that move around and smash into each other. Increasingly, scientists believe that plate tectonics may have also been key to the development of life on Earth.
Earth is tilted on its axis, meaning that sunlight falls unevenly on the planet over the course of the year. This tilted axis is why Earth has seasons, and it creates the planet's three major climactic zones: the polar regions in the Arctic and Antarctic, the middle temperate zones, and the tropical regions.
Earth's tallest point above sea level is the peak of Mount Everest, at 29,032 feet (8,849 meters). A crescent-shaped trough at the bottom of the western Pacific Ocean known as the Mariana Trench is the deepest spot on our planet, extending down to 36,037 feet (10,984 m).
The Nile is the longest river in the world, winding for 4,132 miles (6,650 km) through northeastern Africa. Lake Baikal in Russia is the largest and deepest freshwater lake, containing 5,521 cubic miles of water (23,013 cubic kilometers) — it holds as much water as all five North American Great Lakes combined.
Earth pictures
(Image credit: Roberto Machado Noa via Getty Images)
Planet Earth
A satellite image of Earth from space.
(Image credit: FrankRamspott via Getty Images)
Earth has seven continents: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and Antarctica.
(Image credit: MARK GARLICK/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY via Getty Images)
Our galaxy
Earth is situated in the Milky Way galaxy.
(Image credit: Vadim Sadovski via Shutterstock)
Solar system
Earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system.
Scientists Confirm the Antarctic Ozone Hole Is Disappearing—Here’s What That Means for the Future of Our Planet
Scientists Confirm the Antarctic Ozone Hole Is Disappearing—Here’s What That Means for the Future of Our Planet
The ozone layer sits between 15 and 30 kilometers (9.3 to 18.6 miles) above the Earth's surface and acts as a shield, absorbing the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation.
For decades, the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica symbolized one of humanity’s greatest environmental challenges. New research confirms that our collective efforts to reduce harmful emissions are working, and the ozone layer is on track to fully recover within the next decade.
A study led by researchers at MIT provides the most statistically robust evidence yet that the ozone layer is healing. While previous research suggested a positive trend, this is the first study to confirm, with 95% confidence, that the ozone hole is shrinking due to the reduction of ozone-depleting chemicals.
Susan Solomon, a leading atmospheric scientist and co-author of the study, highlighted the significance of these findings. “For years, we’ve seen qualitative evidence suggesting recovery. This is the first time we’ve been able to quantify it with high certainty,” she explained. “The conclusion is clear: the ozone hole is closing, and it proves that global cooperation can solve environmental crises.”
The Role of the Montreal Protocol
The ozone layer sits between 15 and 30 kilometers (9.3 to 18.6 miles) above the Earth’s surface and acts as a shield, absorbing the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation. In the late 20th century, scientists discovered that synthetic chemicals—primarily chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)—were depleting ozone molecules, creating a massive hole over Antarctica.
These chemicals, once widely used in aerosol sprays, refrigeration, and industrial solvents, released chlorine atoms when exposed to sunlight in the stratosphere. This process accelerated ozone destruction, particularly over Antarctica, where extreme cold and polar stratospheric clouds intensified the effect.
In response, 197 countries and the European Union signed the Montreal Protocol in 1987, banning CFCs and other ozone-depleting substances. This agreement is widely regarded as one of the most successful environmental policies in history.
Why the Antarctic Ozone Hole Was the Most Affected
Antarctica’s unique atmospheric conditions made it particularly vulnerable. During winter, the polar vortex traps ozone-depleting chemicals, and when spring arrives, sunlight triggers reactions that rapidly break down ozone molecules. This is why the ozone hole peaks in size each September as temperatures begin to rise.
Over the last decade, scientists noticed signs of improvement, but natural atmospheric fluctuations made it difficult to determine whether the recovery was a direct result of policy measures or just temporary variability. This new study removes all doubt—ozone levels are rising, and the healing process is progressing as expected.
The Ozone Layer Could Fully Recover by 2035
With 15 years of observational data now available, researchers are confident that the Antarctic ozone hole could disappear completely by 2035 if current trends continue.
“By then, we might witness a year where there’s no depletion at all in the Antarctic. Some of us will live to see the ozone hole gone entirely, and that’s something humanity accomplished together,” Solomon noted.
This milestone not only marks a victory for environmental science but also serves as a powerful reminder that global cooperation can reverse even the most daunting ecological threats.
Russian fisherman reels in bizarre ‘Alien-Like’ fish
Russian fisherman reels in bizarre ‘Alien-Like’ fish
In the depths of the ocean, where countless strange fish and creatures dwell in perpetual darkness, they remain unseen, unless unexpectedly caught. This was the case during an expedition by a Russian deep-sea fisherman, who was stunned when he reeled in a bizarre creature that strikingly resembled an alien’s head.
The eerie catch was made by Roman Fedortsov during an expedition in the northern Pacific Ocean.
The fisherman shared the video of the strange creature with his followers, with viewers comparing the bulbous fish to an extraterrestrial or even Krang, the villain from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Fisherman Fedortsov has previously made headlines thanks to other weird and wonderful catches which you can view at Dailymail.
Despite its eerie appearance, the fish was not an alien or a mutant but rather a species known as the smooth lumpsucker, a deep-sea fish recognized for its distinctive, gelatinous look.
Fisherman horrified after catching baffling ‘alien’ animal from the ocean depths
Fisherman horrified after catching baffling ‘alien’ animal from the ocean depths
NASA-astronauten komen na verbazingwekkende reis van 272 dagen in de ruimte eindelijk naar huis
Na negen maanden in de ruimte keren NASA-astronauten Butch Wilmore en Suni Williams eindelijk terug naar de aarde. Dat zal later deze maand gebeuren, want hun vervangers worden volgende week al in het Internationaal Ruimtestation (ISS) verwacht. Wilmore en Williams vertrokken in juli 2024 naar de ruimte voor een missie van acht dagen, maar verbleven door onvoorziene omstandigheden uiteindelijk 272 dagen in het ruimtestation.
Butch Wilmore en Suni Williams moesten onverwacht langer in de ruimte blijven door technische problemen. Hun capsule kreeg motorproblemen en was niet meer veilig om mee terug te keren. Nu, 272 dagen later, zijn er twee plaatsen vrijgekomen op de terugvlucht van astronaut Nick Hague, die voor een andere missie in het Internationaal Ruimtestation zat. Daardoor kan het duo terugkeren naar huis.
Barry 'Butch' Wilmore, Nick Hague van Crew-9 en Sunita Williams.
Foto: NASA
Politieke bemoeienis
Het onverwachte langere verblijf van de twee astronauten zorgde voor wereldwijde aandacht en bezorgdheid. President Trump suggereerde zelfs dat ze “praktisch verlaten zijn in de ruimte door de regering van Biden.” De astronauten benadrukken dat ze niet vastzitten en willen hun tijd in de ruimte niet politiseren. “Vanuit ons standpunt speelt politiek hier helemaal geen rol”, vertelt Butch Wilmore tijdens een persconferentie. “We kwamen hierheen en we waren voorbereid om lang te blijven, ook al hadden we gepland om kort te blijven. Dit is wat we doen in de menselijke ruimtevaart.”
Tijdens het langere verblijf hielden de twee zich bezig met honderden experimenten, 3D-printen en ruimtewandelingen. Williams verbrak zelfs het record voor de meeste tijd gespendeerd aan ruimtewandelingen door een vrouw met een verbluffende 62 uur en 6 minuten. En hoewel het duo ernaar uitkijkt om binnenkort hun familie te omarmen, is hun gevoel voor avontuur sterker dan ooit.”
Samen met NASA-astronaut Nick Hague en de Russische astronaut Alexander Gorbunov keren Butch Wilmore en Suni Williams later deze maand terug naar de aarde. “We komen naar huis. Daar kijken we naar uit”, laat Wilmore weten.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Dr. Steven Greer Exposes UFO Misinformation: Calls Luis Elizondo a “Master of Disinformation”
Dr. Steven Greer Exposes UFO Misinformation: Calls Luis Elizondo a “Master of Disinformation”
The field of ufology has long been rife with controversy, debates, and conflicting narratives. A recent clash between two prominent figures—Dr. Steven Greer and Luis Elizondo—has drawn significant attention. Dr. Greer, a well-known advocate for UFO disclosure, has accused Elizondo, a former Pentagon official and UFO investigator, of being a “master of disinformation.” According to Greer, Elizondo’s public statements align with a covert agenda designed to manipulate public perception of extraterrestrial activity.
The Core of Dr. Greer’s Allegations
Dr. Steven Greer asserts that the UFO narrative being presented by figures like Elizondo is carefully crafted to promote the idea of an alien threat. He claims that certain government-affiliated individuals aim to mislead the public into believing that extraterrestrials pose a danger, a notion that he strongly opposes. Greer emphasizes that this alleged disinformation campaign is not merely a misunderstanding but an intentional effort to control public perception and justify future actions under the guise of national security.
Greer highlights historical instances such as cattle mutilations and alien abductions, arguing that these events were not the work of extraterrestrials but rather covert human operations. He suggests that misinformation has been systematically fed to the public for decades to construct a fear-based narrative about extraterrestrial beings.
The Broader Implications of Misinformation
One of Greer’s primary concerns is how misinformation influences lawmakers, researchers, and the general public. He warns that many individuals, including government officials, approach the UFO topic with a genuine desire to uncover the truth but are misled by deceptive narratives.
Greer references insights from intelligence sources, stating that high-level operatives within agencies such as the CIA have been aware of the disinformation strategy for years. He claims that powerful groups have long been orchestrating a false alien threat to manipulate global populations, potentially leading to heightened military spending and increased control over civil liberties.
A Clash of Perspectives in the UFO Community
Luis Elizondo is widely recognized for his role in the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which investigated unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). His involvement in bringing classified UFO information to public attention has made him a central figure in modern UFO discussions. However, Greer challenges Elizondo’s credibility, arguing that his disclosures serve a hidden agenda rather than genuine transparency.
While Greer acknowledges that he does not personally know Elizondo or hold any personal animosity toward him, he insists that Elizondo’s statements align with the goals of what he calls the “cabal” that seeks to maintain secrecy and mislead the public.
The Struggle for Truth in Ufology
Greer’s stance reflects the broader challenges within the UFO research community—determining what is real, what is fabricated, and who can be trusted. He warns that the truth is often stranger than fiction and that those who expose classified information risk being discredited or dismissed.
Ultimately, Greer maintains that the real danger is not extraterrestrial beings but the manipulation of the UFO narrative for political, economic, and strategic purposes. He urges individuals to approach the topic with skepticism, seek out credible sources, and question the motivations behind widely promoted UFO disclosures.
Dr Steven Greer Calls UFO Expert Luis Elizondo a "Master of Disinformation" (Part 6)
The debate between Dr. Steven Greer and Luis Elizondo is emblematic of the larger struggle over UFO disclosure. Greer’s accusations highlight concerns about misinformation and government secrecy, while Elizondo continues to be a key figure in public UFO discussions. As the conversation around unidentified aerial phenomena continues to evolve, it remains crucial for researchers and the public to critically analyze the information being presented and consider multiple perspectives before drawing conclusions.
Humanoid robots typically struggle to stand up after being knocked over, but new AI-powered research from China brings us one step closer to the rise of the machines.
Researchers in China and Hong Kong have developed a newartificial intelligence (AI) learning framework that teaches humanoid robots to stand up from an idle position incredibly quickly regardless of position or terrain.
While the research has yet to be submitted for peer review, the team released their findings Feb. 12 on GitHub, including a paper uploaded to the arXiv preprint database, alongside a video demonstrating their framework in action.
The video shows a bipedal humanoid rising to stand after lying on its back, sitting against a wall, lying on a sofa and reclining in a chair. The researchers also tested the humanoid robot's ability to right itself on varying terrains and inclines — including a stone road, a glass slope and while leaning against a tree.
They even attempted to disrupt the robot by hitting or kicking it while it was trying to get up. In every scenario, the robot can be seen adjusting to its environment and is shown successfully standing up.
This remarkable ability to get knocked down and then get up again is thanks to the system called "Humanoid Standing-up Control" (HoST). The scientists achieved this with reinforcement learning, a type of machine learning where the agent (in this case the HoST framework) attempts to perform a task by trial and error. In essence, the robot takes an action, and if that action results in a positive outcome, it is sent a reward signal that encourages it to take that action again the next time it finds itself in a similar state.
Rising to the occasion
The team's system was a little more complicated than that, using four separate reward groups for more targeted feedback, along with a series of motion constraints including motion smoothing and speed limits to prevent erratic or violent movements. A vertical pull force was also applied during initial training to help direct the early stages of the learning process.
The HoST framework was originally trained in simulations using the Isaac Gym simulator, a physics simulation environment developed by Nvidia. Once the framework had been sufficiently trained on simulations, it was deployed into a Unitree G1 Humanoid Robot for experimental testing, the results of which are demonstrated in the video.
"Experimental results with the Unitree G1 humanoid robot demonstrate smooth, stable, and robust standing-up motions in a variety of real-world scenarios," the scientists wrote in the study. "Looking forward, this work paves the way for integrating standing-up control into existing humanoid systems, with the potential of expanding their real-world applicability."
Getting up might seem second nature to we humans, but it's something that humanoid robots have struggled to replicate in the past, as you can glean from a montage of robots falling over and being unable to return to an upright position. Teaching a robot to walk or run like a human being is one thing, but to be useful in the real world, they need to be able to handle challenging situations like stumbling, tripping and falling over.
Scientists with the company Colossal have created genetically engineered "woolly mice" with thick, golden-brown hair and fat deposits similar to those of cold-adapted woolly mammoths.
The Colossal "woolly mouse" has fur similar to the thick hair that kept woolly mammoths warm during the last ice age.
(Image credit: Colossal)
Scientists have created genetically engineered "woolly mice" with fur similar to the thick hair that kept woolly mammoths warm during the last ice age.
The biotechnology company Colossal Biosciences unveiled images and footage of the woolly mice on Tuesday (March 4). The adorable rodents mark a milestone in Colossal's project to bring back woolly mammothsby 2028, the company said in a statement shared with Live Science.
"We actually just started this work in mice in September [2024]," Ben Lamm, Colossal's co-founder and CEO, told Live Science. "We didn't know they were going to be this cute."
Colossal scientists plan to eventually "resurrect" woolly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius) by first editing cells from the mammoths' closest living relatives, Asian elephants (Elephas maximus), to create elephant-mammoth hybrid embryos with shaggy hair and other woolly mammoth traits. But before the researchers can start working with elephants, they must test the relevant gene edits and engineering tools in mice, which are easier to keep and quicker to breed.
Colossal Create “Woolly Mouse” On Path To De-Extinct The Woolly Mammoth
"A mouse model is super useful in this case, because unlike elephants [whose gestation lasts about 22 months], mice have a 20-day gestation," Beth Shapiro, an evolutionary biologist and chief science officer at Colossal, told Live Science.
The short gestation period enabled researchers to design, clone and grow the woolly mice in just six months, Lamm and Shapiro said. Colossal scientists described the results in a study that was uploaded to the preprint database BioRxiv March 4. The study has not been peer reviewed.
Fluffy rodents
To create the woolly mice, the researchers modified seven of the rodents' genes, six of which were related to fur texture, length and color. The scientists selected these genes by screening for DNA sequences that control hair growth in mice and have evolutionary links to sequences that gave woolly mammoths shaggy hair.
"We haven't taken mammoth genes and put them into a mouse," Shapiro said. "We've looked for the mouse variants of the genes that we think are useful in mammoths and then created mice that have many of these edits simultaneously."
Most of the edits "switched off" genes that are usually active in mice. For example, the scientists blocked a gene called FGF-5 that regulates hair length, resulting in mice with fur that is three times longer than standard laboratory mice.
Woolly mice have longer, wavier and thicker hair than standard mice. (Image credit: Colossal)
The team also gave the mice mutations that existed in woolly mammoths, resulting in wavier fur than normal mice. Woolly mammoths had a truncated version of a gene called TGF alpha, as well as a mutation in the keratin gene KRT27, which the scientists incorporated into woolly mouse DNA.
The researchers used three genetic engineering techniques to add the edits into a single organism, including a technology called multiplex precision genome editing, which enables researchers to edit several DNA sites at once with high precision.
"It's definitely a proof of concept that you can incorporate multiple mutations into a single mouse and make its hair look like mammoth hair," Vincent Lynch, an evolutionary biologist and associate professor at the University at Buffalo who is not involved in the Colossal research, told Live Science.
Colossal scientists also focused on a gene that regulates fat metabolism and fatty acid absorption in mice. Woolly mammoths thrived in frigid temperatures in part thanks to fat deposits beneath their skin, so the team attempted to confer the same deposits onto mice by editing the associated DNA sequence.
Colossal will conduct experiments to test the cold tolerance of its woolly mice in the coming months. (Image credit: Colossal)
But the effects of this insertion are unclear, Lynch said. "I guess they expected the mouse to have more or less body fat," he said, adding that the physical outcomes are likely too small to observe.
It's still unclear whether the genetically modified mice can tolerate colder conditions than standard mice, but Colossal scientists say they will test this in the coming months. "We know that the edits are in there, so now we just need to test what level of cold tolerance it confers," Lamm said.
While woolly mice are a step closer to the goal of bringing woolly mammoths back, there are still significant hurdles to overcome. For example, the technology involved in engineering the woolly mice is very advanced, but it's a far cry from what will be needed to get similar results in elephants, Lynch said. Mice have naturally dense hair, but that is not the case in elephants, meaning the technical challenge will be much greater, he said.
"Elephants have fur, but the density of the hair is much less than other mammals, so even if they could make those mutations in an Asian elephant [...] it's just going to be really sparse," Lynch said. "So what you need to do, actually, is a bunch of additional genome editing to somehow find a way to increase the density of the hair."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
UFO expert gives disturbing four-word warning about contacting aliens
UFO expert gives disturbing four-word warning about contacting aliens
He also shared what he believes aliens look like
Gerrard Kaonga
A UFO expert has given the low-down on the possibility of aliens contacting planet Earth.
While UFO simply means 'unidentified flying object' and can apply to just about anything in the sky, aliens are a completely different ball game.
This different ball game seems to be right up the alley of UFO expert and author Malcolm Robinson, as he has been studying them for over 45 years.
Speaking to the Daily Star, he shared some stark warnings about aliens and their place in the universe.
Keep your eyes on the skies...
Getty Stock Image)
Most notably, Robinson had a rather dark and ominous prediction for if we ever make direct contact with aliens - they ‘don’t come in peace’.
Speaking to the UK publication, the specialist said: "Whilst a large proportion of UFOs can be explained away as having natural explanations, only a few remain, and it is to that small one percent that I and my colleagues worldwide are trying to get to the bottom.
"What is in no doubt, is that the UFO enigma is real, very real, it has been with us throughout time.
Disappearance of Frederick Valentich Documentary LOST UFO DOCUMENTARY (1989)
"We see this in Renaissance paintings and old cave paintings, these strange shapes and entities."
Unfortunately, Robinson also shared a dire warning about what aliens could want from us.
He added: "They have an agenda for sure, we can but speculate.
"I wouldn't say they are peaceful, due to the thousands of UFO abductions worldwide."
But what do these extra-terrestrials even look like? Well, Robinson has an answer for that as well.
Aliens... the films had it right apparently
(Getty Stock Image)
Conveniently enough, it seems pop culture has been pretty accurate in its depictions.
He continued: "Witnesses state that they are seeing what we call 'Greys'.
"[These are] small childlike creatures, about three to four feet in height with bluey-grey translucent skin, large pear-shaped heads with inky black wrap-around eyes. No sign of any genitalia.
"These small greys are the most commonly reported entities seen in close proximity to UFOs."
Robinson also explained that while many people have their doubts about aliens existing, once upon a time he felt the same way.
He said that he became immersed in the world of UFOs at the age of 20 when he hoped to prove all sightings were nonsense but ultimately failed.
"I started out to disprove these subjects as I honestly felt that there was no validity to UFOs," Robinson added. "How wrong was I!"
So there you have it, aliens might be coming, and they probably won’t be friendly, more to follow...
Abducted By ALIENS (UFO Encounters of the 4th Kind) | Full HD
Extraterrestrial Incidents: Top 10 Mysteries | Free Documentary
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
De Geheime Oorlog van Groot-Brittannië: De vermeende topgeheime Britse missies in het naoorlogse Antarctica.
De Geheime Oorlog van Groot-Brittannië: De vermeende topgeheime Britse missies in het naoorlogse Antarctica.
Antarctica, het meest afgelegen en onherbergzame continent op aarde, heeft altijd een aura van mysterie en speculatie om zich heen gehad. Sinds het midden van de 20e eeuw zijn er tal van verhalen en geruchten ontstaan over geheime militaire operaties en ontdekkingen die door verschillende landen, inclusief het Verenigd Koninkrijk, zouden zijn uitgevoerd in deze koude uithoek van de wereld. Dit artikel onderzoekt de vermeende topgeheime Britse missies in de naoorlogse periode, met een focus op de vraag of deze verhalen feitelijk onderbouwd zijn of slechts fictie.
1. Historische context
1.1 De Koude Oorlog en Antarctica
Na de Tweede Wereldoorlog ontstond de Koude Oorlog, een periode van politieke spanningen tussen de Verenigde Staten en de Sovjetunie. Deze geopolitieke rivaliteit leidde tot een verhoogde interesse in strategische gebieden over de hele wereld, waaronder Antarctica. De ontdekking van mineralen en andere natuurlijke hulpbronnen in deze regio droeg bij aan de strategische waarde ervan.
1.2 De Britse aanwezigheid in Antarctica
De Britse aanwezigheid in Antarctica gaat terug tot de 19e eeuw, met belangrijke expedities zoals die van James Clark Ross en Ernest Shackleton. Na de oorlog vestigde het Verenigd Koninkrijk zijn claim op een aanzienlijk deel van Antarctica, wat leidde tot het oprichten van verschillende onderzoeksstations, zoals het Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey (FIDS).
2. De geruchten over geheime militaire operaties
2.1 De oorsprong van de geruchten
De geruchten over geheime Britse operaties in Antarctica zijn ontstaan in de jaren '50 en '60, toen de Koude Oorlog in volle gang was. In deze periode werden er verschillende theorieën gepromoot die suggereerden dat de Britse overheid betrokken was bij clandestiene activiteiten in Antarctica, variërend van militaire oefeningen tot het zoeken naar buitenaardse technologie.
2.2 Populaire theorieën
Enkele van de meest voorkomende theorieën omvatten:
Verkenning van buitenaardse technologie: Sommige verhalen beweren dat Britse wetenschappers en militairen in Antarctica op zoek waren naar overblijfselen van een verloren beschaving of buitenaardse technologie.
Geheime militaire basissen: Er wordt gesuggereerd dat er geheime militaire basissen zijn opgericht om strategische voordelen te behalen tijdens de Koude Oorlog.
Onderzoek naar ongekende natuurverschijnselen: Geruchten over experimenten met weersverandering of andere natuurverschijnselen hebben ook de ronde gedaan.
3. Onderzoek naar de feiten
3.1 Documentatie en archieven
Om de waarheidsgetrouwe basis van deze geruchten te onderzoeken, is het noodzakelijk om archieven en documentatie van de Britse overheid, militaire instellingen en wetenschappelijke organisaties te analyseren. Een aantal belangrijke documenten uit de Koude Oorlog zijn inmiddels vrijgegeven, maar veel informatie blijft geclassificeerd.
3.2 Betrouwbare getuigenissen
De getuigenissen van voormalige militairen, wetenschappers en onderzoekers die actief waren in Antarctica kunnen ook waardevolle inzichten bieden. Veel van deze individuen hebben echter beperkte toegang tot informatie en zijn vaak gebonden aan geheimhoudingsverklaringen, waardoor het moeilijk is om de volledige waarheid te achterhalen.
4. De rol van de media en populaire cultuur
4.1 Sensationalisme in de media
De rol van de media in het verspreiden van verhalen over geheime operaties in Antarctica kan niet worden onderschat. Sensationele verhalen en complottheorieën hebben de publieke belangstelling aangewakkerd, wat heeft geleid tot een cultuur van speculatie en wantrouwen ten opzichte van officiële verklaringen.
4.2 Fictie versus feit
Films, boeken en documentaires hebben bijgedragen aan het mysterie rondom Antarctica. Werken zoals "The Thing" en boeken over buitenaardse beschavingen hebben de verbeelding van het publiek aangegrepen en de geruchten verder aangewakkerd. Het is essentieel om fictie van feit te scheiden bij het analyseren van deze verhalen.
5. Conclusies
De vraag of er daadwerkelijk geheime Britse operaties in Antarctica hebben plaatsgevonden, blijft vooralsnog onbeantwoord. Hoewel er aanwijzingen zijn dat het Verenigd Koninkrijk actief was in de regio na de Tweede Wereldoorlog, zijn er geen concrete bewijzen die de meest sensationele claims ondersteunen. De combinatie van geopolitieke belangen, de aantrekkingskracht van het onbekende en de invloed van populaire cultuur blijft een voedingsbodem voor speculatie.
6. Aanbevelingen voor verder onderzoek
Voor een diepgaander begrip van de situatie in Antarctica en de rol van het Verenigd Koninkrijk is het noodzakelijk om verder onderzoek te doen. Dit omvat:
Het analyseren van vrijgegeven archieven en documenten.
Het interviewen van voormalige onderzoekers en militaire leden die betrokken waren bij de operaties in Antarctica.
Het kritisch evalueren van mediarepresentaties en populaire cultuur.
7. Bronnen
Archiefdocumenten van het Britse Ministerie van Defensie.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties over onderzoek in Antarctica.
Interviewverslagen met voormalige leden van expeditieteams.
Dit artikel biedt een overzicht van de geruchten en speculaties rondom de vermeende geheime Britse operaties in Antarctica. Hoewel veel van deze verhalen intrigerend zijn, blijft de werkelijke waarheid vaak buiten bereik, verscholen achter de geheimhouding van overheden en de schaduw van de Koude Oorlog. Verdere studie en onderzoek zijn essentieel om de mysteries van Antarctica te ontrafelen en om de grens tussen fictie en werkelijkheid te verkennen.
Ancient Aliens: 5 SHOCKING Mysteries Beneath Polar Ice
Scientists Find Evidence of Vehicles From Tens of Thousands of Years Ago
Scientists Find Evidence of Vehicles From Tens of Thousands of Years Ago
"There's nothing this old."
Image by Getty / Futurism
Uncannily preserved in the sands of New Mexico, archaeologists have discovered the oldest evidence yet of a vehicle used by humans: drag marks, along with footprints, left in the ground that have been dated to 22,000 years ago.
Typically comprising two wooden poles held in each hand at the front, and intersecting at the back in a V or X-shape, a travois would have been pulled across the ground, carrying meat, game or other supplies. Their usage is well-known to scientists — but this is by far the oldest example, predating the invention of the wheeled vehicle in Mesopotamia by some 17,000 years, according to researchers.
"There's nothing this old," study author Matthew Bennett at the University of Bournemouth told New Scientist.
The ancient runnels, as the authors describe them, were discovered in the dried mud of a bygone lake in White Sands National Park in New Mexico, hidden by sediment for untold ages, and finally exhumed by a chance mix of natural erosion and careful excavation by researchers.
"The drag-marks extend for dozens of meters before disappearing beneath overlying sediment," explained Bennet in a writeup for The Conversation. "They clip barefoot human tracks along their length, suggesting the user dragged the travois over their own footprints as they went along."
Rarely were they found in isolation, with the researchers discovering other tracks of footprints nearby all heading in the same direction. In many cases, based on their size, the prints were left behind by children.
"We believe the footprints and drag-marks tell a story of the movement of resources at the edge of this former wetland," Bennett wrote in The Conversation. "Adults pulled the simple, probably improvised travois, while a group of children tagged along to the side and behind."
To New Scientist, Bennet added that while travois were often pulled by animals like horses in other cultures, the White Sands discovery only indicated human usage. It's possible some of the marks were left by dragging firewood, "but this does not fit all the cases we found," Bennett wrote in his Conversation essay.
But perhaps the discovery's most staggering implication is that humans may have crossed into the Americas much earlier than commonly believed, with dominant theories — which are being increasingly challenged — holding that nobody made the trek until around 15,000 years ago.
"The peopling of the Americas debate is a very controversial one, but we're fairly confident about the dates," Bennett told New Scientist. "The traditional story is that the ice sheets parted and they came, but you can come through before the door closes, too."
The Blue Ghost spacecraft has taken its first images of the lunar surface as Firefly Aerospace and NASA celebrate a successful moon landing.
Firefly Aerospace's Blue Ghost lander captured a sunrise on the moon.
(Image credit: Firefly Aerospace)
The Blue Ghost's lunar lander has captured a sunrise on the moon and other stunning images after its successful touchdown on the lunar surface early on Sunday morning (Mar. 2).
Blue Ghost landed in an enormous basin in the northeastern part of the moon's near-side at 3:34 a.m. EST, NASA announced in a statement. The space agency is working with commercial space exploration company Firefly Aerospace, which is leading the mission, to learn more about the moon and test new technologies on the lunar surface for future space exploration. Blue Ghost is only the second private lunar lander ever to park on the moon, after Intuitive Machines' Odysseus craft touched down in Feb. 2024.
After Blue Ghost's successful landing, Firefly Aerospace CEO Jason Kim said in a statement that Firefly was "literally and figuratively over the Moon." Blue Ghost Mission 1 to the moon, or "Ghost Riders in the Sky," is the first of Firefly's three planned missions to our nearest celestial neighbor that will run until 2028.
"With annual lunar missions, Firefly is paving the way for a lasting lunar presence that will help unlock access to the rest of the solar system for our nation, our partners, and the world," Kim said.
Blue Ghost launched from the NASA Kennedy Space Center on Jan. 15. The mission previously captured a trove of photos on its way to the moon. The latest snaps come after Blue Ghost made its landing inside Mare Crisium, a lunar basin more than 480 kilometers (300 miles) wide, according to the NASA statement.
Despite reaching the moon a full year after Intuitive Machines' Odysseues lander, Firefly Aerospace claimed it's the first commercial company to "successfully land on the moon" after Blue Ghost softly touched down and still stands upright and stable. Last year, Odysseus ended up face-planting the moon while snapping one of its legs in the process. (This stumbled landing only partially affected the mission's success, Live Science previously reported.) Intuitive Machines aims to return to the moon with its Athena lander on Thursday (Mar. 6), Live Science's sister site reported.
Blue Ghost's first Image on the surface of the Moon.(Image credit: Firefly Aerospace)
The top deck of Blue Ghost's lunar lander with Earth in the background.
Firefly Aerospace and Intuitive Machines are part of NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services program. NASA has said that by working with American companies it is supporting the creation of a "lunar economy" that will help prepare for the next generation of space explorers.
Blue Ghost has 10 NASA instruments in its lander that will operate on the moon's surface for about 14 Earth days (one lunar day). NASA technology will test subsurface drilling equipment, deep sample collection, radiation tolerant computing and more, according to the space agency.
"The science and technology we send to the Moon now helps prepare the way for future NASA exploration and long-term human presence to inspire the world for generations to come," Nicky Fox, an associate administrator at NASA, said in the statement.
Firefly’s Blue Ghost captures amazing moon view during lunar orbit maneuver
For years, astronomers believed they had a solid theory about wherefast radio bursts (FRBs) come from. But a newly detected signal just shattered that assumption. A powerful FRB has been traced to a tiny, faint dwarf galaxy located more than halfway across the observable Universe—an environment completely unlike the massive star-forming galaxies these bursts are typically linked to. This discovery rewrites what we thought we knew about these mysterious space signals.
First Fast Radio Burst Traced to an Ancient Galaxy!
A Discovery That Defies Expectations
FRBs are one of the most puzzling cosmic events ever recorded. These powerful, millisecond-long bursts of radio waves release as much energy as 500 million Suns, yet their origins remain a mystery. Some FRBs occur just once, while others repeat, making them slightly easier to study.
Until now, astronomers believed that FRBs mainly originated from large, active galaxies where dying stars collapse into highly magnetized neutron stars called magnetars. However, the discovery of FRB 20190208A in a weak, dim dwarf galaxy challenges that theory.
Astronomers have long observed that fast radio bursts tend to come from large, active galaxies brimming with star formation, reinforcing the idea that most originate from magnetars—highly magnetized neutron stars left behind after massive supernova explosions. However, the discovery of FRB 20190208A in an extremely faint, low-mass galaxy turns that expectation on its head. This particular host is one of the smallest ever identified in connection with an FRB, making the finding all the more unexpected and forcing scientists to reconsider what kinds of environments can produce these cosmic signals.
FRB 20190208A was first detected in February 2019. Between 2021 and 2023, astronomers spent 65.6 hours observing its location using radio telescopes. During that time, they caught two additional bursts, allowing them to precisely identify its source.
At first, they found nothing—no visible galaxy in the region. But deeper scans with the Gran Telescopio Canarias changed everything.
The faintness of the galaxy made it difficult to determine its exact distance, but based on how the FRB’s radio waves dispersed as they traveled, scientists estimated that the signal had been traveling for around 7 billion years—making it one of the most distant FRBs ever recorded.
An artist's impression of an extremely magnetic massive star on the cusp of forming a magnetar.
The fact that FRB 20190208A came from a small, faint dwarf galaxy raises big questions. Most stars in the Universe exist in larger galaxies, yet more repeating FRBs have been found in dwarf galaxies than in massive ones. This could mean that the unique conditions in these galaxies—such as lower metallicity—play a key role in producing these powerful bursts.
The discovery of FRB 20190208A suggests we may need to rethink how and where these cosmic bursts originate. It also highlights the need for next-generation telescopes capable of capturing even fainter sources across the Universe.
The discovery of FRB 20190208A underscores how difficult it can be to definitively match a fast radio burst to its origin. Pinpointing these bursts demands both razor-sharp precision from radio telescopes and deep-space imaging capabilities from the most advanced optical observatories. Without both, many FRBs may remain frustratingly untraceable.
SETI Talks: Mysterious Radio Signals in the Milky Way
UFO Lands On Roof Then Takes Off Over Brick, New Jersey, March 2, 2025, UAP Drone Sighting News.
UFO Lands On Roof Then Takes Off Over Brick, New Jersey, March 2, 2025,UAP Drone Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 2, 2025
Location of sighting: Brick, New Jersey, USA
The UFO landed on the roof and slowly took off, fully knowing a person was watching and recording it not far away. This shows that aliens do want to be seen, do want to be recorded, and do want to be known.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states: At 9:33pm, I recorded these videos and photos in Brick while facing north at an angle of roughly 25-30 degrees. As the drone or UAP flew overhead, I was able to capture one photo. Its size was substantial, and its altitude was lower than that of any standard airplane I have seen. This is still happening over here.
US Presidents security military jets encounter UFOs over US President's Golf Course. Notice they don't call them drones! UFO UAP Sighting News.
US Presidents security military jets encounter UFOs over US President's Golf Course. Notice they don't call them drones! UFO UAP Sighting News.
US Presidents security military jets encounter UFOs over US President's Golf Course. Notice they don't call them drones! They call them UAP. "This is the President's (POTUS) Combat Air Patrol (CAP) at Mar-a-Lago, with an Ohio Air National Guard (ANG) F-16 encountering an unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) in their area. NORAD (Huntress) on frequency 228.900 instructed to stay away from them."
Guys they don't call them drones, they call them UAP, which insinuates it's an alien craft and its dangerous because they were warned by the NARAD to avoid the UAP!
Scott C. Waring
Utah, USA
VIDEO| Mysterious Drones Spotted Flying Over Trump’s Golf Course, Military Locations in New Jersey
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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