The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Mystery radio signals are coming from a part of space never seen by scientists before
Mystery radio signals are coming from a part of space never seen by scientists before
A red and white dwarf star are orbiting tightly – and creating odd signals(Picture: Getty)
For ten years, Earth has been at the receiving end of mysterious radio emissions every two hours.
After more than a decade, the source of these signals has finally been identified, nearby the Big Dipper.
A new research paper published in Nature Astronomy points to a red dwarf and white dwarf star, which are orbiting so tightly that their magnetic fields are sending out radio signals whenever they collide, which is every two hours.
The discovery is surprising to scientists, who previously had only managed to attribute radio blasts to neutron stars.
Dr Iris de Ruiter, who led the study, said: ‘We worked with experts from all kinds of astronomical disciplines.
‘With different techniques and observations, we got a little closer to the solution step by step.’
The signal was not sent by aliens but was emitted from a star-forming galaxy called ‘SDSSJ0826+5630’, when the universe was only 4.9 billion years old.
What makes this radio signal special is that it’s at a specific wavelength known as the ’21 cm line’.
‘It’s the equivalent to a look-back in time of 8.8 billion years,’ said Arnab Chakraborty, a cosmologist and co-author of a study on the detection.
It was the first time this type of radio signal has been detected at such a massive distance.
Strange-looking pulses which lasted about 300 milliseconds each were noticed by Manisha Caleb, a lecturer at the University of Sydney.
‘The flash had some characteristics of a radio-emitting neutron star. But this wasn’t like anything we’d seen before,’ she said.
A neutron star is the collapsed remains of a massive supergiant star. Apart from a black hole, they are the smallest and densest stellar objects known to man.
But, where are the best places to go if you wanted to spot a UFO? American non-profit organisation the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) has a bank of data revealing, they feel to be, the most credible or interesting cases.
The organisation said these reports tend to be from ‘trained observers such as pilots, reports of anomalous structured craft seen at close distances, and reports with interesting and clear video or photographic evidence’.
Many of these cases stem back to the 1990s, and are posted in the author’s own words. So, where are the UFO hotspots around the world?
UFO hotspots from around the world (Picture:
1. The United States
Naturally, the US made the top of the list with a whopping 133,682 apparent UFO sightings across the country dating back to 1995.
The state with the most viewings is California, with 16,399 ‘credible’ cases since the mid-90s, and the fewest number of viewings were around the capital, the District of Columbia, with only 155 cases.
In California, reported shapes often take the form of mysterious ‘lights’ or orbs.
One case as recent June 15 in Richmond reported three pink orbs glowing in the sky. The witness wrote: ‘Three orbs in a line coming up from the ground.
‘Was heading East on I-80 and saw three pink lights in a column. The lowest of the lights looked to be hovering just above the ground and the highest was probably 100-200ft in the air and the middle was directly in between the other two. They weren’t moving or blinking but eventually all three dimmed and went out.’
This photo of a flying saucer was taken by Paul Trent over his farm in McMinnville, Oregon (Picture: Bettmann Archive)
Another case report, from Minnesota, in 2008, details a cigar-shaped UAP.
The witness wrote: ‘Small white cigar-shaped object, low in sky, hovered for 2 minutes, then disappeared, no trail.
‘Two friends and I were golfing on the 10th hole at North Links golf course, and there was a clear blue sky. As we looked forward into the sky, one of us noticed a white, cigar or tampon-shaped object sitting in the sky, no wings, obviously not a plane or helicopter, and there was no smoke or jetstream coming from the object. It was probably about 500 yards or so away in the sky.
‘We sat stunned, asking each other, “What could that possibly be, besides a UFO?”
‘No one wanted to tee off, because we wanted to wait to see what happened with the foreign craft.
‘After about two minutes, the craft gradually got smaller for about 10 seconds, and then completely disappeared like it went into stealth mode, again, no smoke or anything, it just vanished.
‘Within minutes of seeing the craft, a small army-type plane was flying in the same general area where we had seen the craft. We kept looking for the next two hours of golf, but no reappearance occurred.’
The organisation noted that the witness chose to remain totally anonymous and provided no contact information.
A lot of UFOs are seen from a distance (Picture: Getty)
2. Canada
Still in North America, the people of Canada have compiled 5,973 UFO sightings dating back to 1995. With a large number like this, NUFORC has split case reports by province, and revealed the highest number of reports came from the province of Ontario, with 2,547 reports.
The fewest reports came from Prince Edward Island, with 27 ‘credible’ reports.
In the province of New Brunswick, in the town of Bouctouche, two observers reported that they saw a disk-like object. The witnesses wrote: ‘On May 17, 2021, I was driving my friend home as I noticed lights in the sky and told my friend about it.
‘It was a line of lights – seems like stars, but was not – and then it faded away. We were 30 seconds from my friend’s house, so I rushed to park and got out of the car to see if we could see more.
‘We started looking up and suddenly saw an oval-shaped flying object that was moving. We noticed it was passing in front of two stars. It also looked like it had windows, but was very low on lighting around, we could only spot it because of window lights on the objects.
‘We could see it floating for like a good 30 seconds before we lost track of it.’
UFOs have even been spotted mid-flight (Picture: Getty)
3. The UK
The UK is another well-known hotspot for UFOs, and has racked up 3,439 cases that date back to 1996.
The reports appear across the country. One witness in Birmingham, in September 2009, said: ‘South Birmingham 11.40am, clear sky gold flat object a few feet square with slight bend.
‘On Sunday morning, while taking a coffee after some light housework –my wife was at morning work. I witnessed something exceedingly weird off the back patio.
‘I have no belief in UFOs – laws of physics dictate against it – and have always explained away anything unusual as helicopter lights etc but not this time, I’m afraid.
‘I observed a crazy sighting which I cannot figure out.
‘It looked like a piece of gold vellum paper, slightly folded as if hovering in the wind. It was sunny so I could have been catching the Sun. I also considered a butterfly.
‘However, it became apparent that the size was wrong for a butterfly, and paper, it was not – because the object proceeded to move out across the park at supernatural speed, with increasing velocity. I was completely dumbstruck and offer no explanation. I’m employed as a physics engineering technician.’
These apparent encounters can leave people feeling uneasy (Picture: Getty)
Over in Ciliau Aeron, Wales, a report in 2018 told of a sphere-shaped, house-sized, UFO that hovered above the valley. The witness reported: ‘I opened the back door at 6am to let the dogs out.
‘I looked across the fields to where I have a view of the Aeron Valley. It was very dark, but I immediately saw what I thought was a house on fire about half a mile away.
‘I watched for a minute, planning to call 999. Then, the “fire” moved to the west a few hundred metres behind some trees. I realised it was a large sphere, the size of a house and seemed to churn or pulsate with its “fire”.
‘It was extremely bright and white/yellow in colour. Then it stopped where it hovered for a minute and then flew the other way to the east where it continued past its original position, all the way along the valley until out of sight. Just before it went out of sight, a bright red light appeared on the top half of the sphere.
‘It travelled in a straight path, sometimes behind trees at the speed of a car. It also had “sparks” flying out of it like molten metal falling to the ground. It didn’t make a sound. I believe it to have been something not of our Earth.’
4. Australia
On the other side of the world, there is one surprising country that has quite a few sightings of UFOs. In Australia, data from the NUFORC revealed there have been 961 sightings since 1996, and some echo other reports from elsewhere in the world.
In 2023, one witness in New South Wales reported a triangular UFO, with white lights that was moving fast and silently.
It seems triangle UFOs are in fashion (Picture: Getty)
The report said: ‘Standing in my suburban backyard at 6:45pm EST looking at the stars facing West.
‘I saw the object as it passed directly overhead heading in a south westerly direction. The object was triangular in shape with approximately 10 lights on the forward two sides and 3 on the rear side. The lights were white and not flashing. Stars were blacked out within the triangle as it passed over.
The object appeared to be the size of a football field in width and there was no sound whatsoever. It appeared to be quite close.
‘I lost sight of the object as it passed over a hill to the south west. The object was visible to me for approximately 20 seconds.’
Triangular objects seem to be a popular shape for a UFO down under – another report in 2018 in Victoria spoke about a solid metallic object that was around five feet on all sides.
The witness wrote: ‘It was in the middle of the day, I was sitting on an oval [an Australian Football field] with my friend and I look up and see a giant metal triangle hovering without moving a bit away from us, not to far away, maybe half an oval away.
‘It looked like it was solid metal and after a few seconds of hovering in the same spot it zoomed away very fast over the tree line. It was a nice sunny day without any wind. It definitely wasn’t a drone or a weather balloon. The metal didn’t look bendable and looked like a solid triangle just in the sky.’
Many UFOs have bright lights (Picture: Getty)
5. India
While we hear of many cases from countries like the US and the UK, we rarely hear of reports from countries such as India. However, according to the NUFORC, there are 502 ‘credible’ cases that stem back to 1999.
In 2010, a woman in the city of Alwar saw a UFO hovering overhead for around five minutes. She reported the object looked like a disk, and featured lights, as well as an aura or a haze surrounding it.
She wrote: ‘At 6:21pm, I was playing with my kids at the rooftop of our row house in Alwar city of Rajasthan State in India. Suddenly I saw a white and silver color saucer sparkling in the sky. It was moving in a zigzag way, it was moving towards the east and then suddenly changed direction to the north.
‘I told my parents and kids to also look and we all saw the object for around 5 minutes as it was moving very slowly and everybody was surprised to see the same thing. We tried to capture the picture of the object in our mobile phone camera but as the object was distant, we were not able to capture it.
‘Let me also say it was clear sky that day but suddenly we saw a rapid change in weather and after three hours a thunderstorm and lightning happened. I am not sure but this might be linked to this flying object.’
She wrote: ‘To add to my credibility I am a post graduate in science and a mother of two kids.’
The apparent UFOs are spotted across the globe (Picture: Getty)
In 2021, a witness in Jalpaiguri reported a hockey stick-shaped UFO that had lights, as well as an aura or haze.
They wrote: ‘It looked like a hockey stick oscillating like a pendulum. The two crafts suddenly collided and there was light which moved northwards.
‘I was playing with my friends and we suddenly noticed something in the sky quite far above. There was a shrill sound for a matter of a few seconds. Most thought it to be a jet aircraft or a shooting star but I thought it was something else.
‘Then as we looked carefully we saw as if something like a hockey stick was upside down and it was showing oscillatory movement. Suddenly the two crafts of the same sort collided and a streak of light was emitted. Then we all thought it was a UFO.
‘We were amazed and the crafts were separated for around 20 minutes. Suddenly they collided and the light streak started moving straight towards the north eastern direction continuously for around another half an hour and it was of the same size quite unlike the common thing that we know.
‘Though we all understood that it was going far, however the size of the light streak didn’t decrease. Suddenly, in an absurd way again the light disappeared and nothing else was seen. We had no mobiles or cameras then and we were alone.’
Some apparent UFOs have been spotted on camera (Picture: Getty)
6. South Africa
Another UFO hotspot on the list is the country of South Africa. According to the data, the country has 211 reports that date back to 1997.
But despite the smaller number of cases, they are still just as eerie. One witness reported seeing a UFO over a rhino sanctuary in Klerksdorp, which has a no-fly zone.
The witness wrote: ‘I have some very weird footage for you from South Africa, captured at 4am by my son on a high security rhino farm with state of the art security systems, including radar – which was how the object was detected in the first place – and night sight cameras.
‘They could not identify the object on camera, and as it is a no fly zone, they dispatched a team of rangers, but no lights and no sound was heard by the team, so they could not locate anything as it was still dark.
‘The object was not travelling in a straight line, and it changed course as well. Hard to determine the height of it, as it looked high at some stages, and very low at other stages. This is definitely not a drone of some kind, and the shape seems to move on the top of the object as if scanning or something.
‘Just very very weird.’
Some alleged UFOs move in a jagged fashion (Picture: Getty)
Another report came through of an apparent UFO sighting in Cape Town near the harbour. The alleged UFO had lights, and was in the shape of a triangle.
The witness reported: ‘South Africa also got UFOs.
‘I just left the restaurant called Panama Jacks Seafood in Cape Town Harbour and took a photo of my wife in front of the massive harbour cranes and lights. I handed her the camera back and she put it back in her handbag. As we looked up for the last time at the enormous cranes [we saw] 3 x orange lights in a perfect triangular shape.
‘They held formation in distance from each other, but were kind of erratic in movement, much the same way as a stingray fish would swim. Came from the ocean direction and passed over or left of Table Bay Mountain. I tried to get them on my Blackberry Cell phone camera but I could not find them on the screen. Sorry!’
7. Ireland
Back in Europe, another UFO hotspot country that might be unknown, is Ireland. The country has reported 189 cases which date back to 1998.
But despite being half a world away, the organisation revealed reports that also talked of a flying object moving in a zigzag pattern. One witness from Dublin in 1998 wrote of a strange light spotted with an aura nearby. The report said: ‘I was looking out my bedroom window staring at the stars when suddenly one moved.
‘At first I thought it was a satellite but it was zigzagging, jerking, moving in circles, and changing direction. I called my father and my brother and we went outside to look at it better. It stopped moving for a while then started moving again. I stayed there observing it for another 20 mins before I went inside again. When I got upstairs I couldn’t see it anymore…’
UFOs have been a figure of science fiction for decades
(Picture: Getty)
A more recent report from 2019 told of an apparent UFO that seemed to scan the sky with lasers.
The report said: ‘At first it was just one blue glow in the clouds.
‘The glow would get stronger and then dim a little. Afterwards it moved and at stages bluish/white lights came through the clouds. Very hard to describe but the best example I can give is when you see a sci-fi movie where a robot or gadget 3D scans something with lasers.
‘These lights would light up the clouds but when they were visible they’d beam out one direction then change very quickly to another direction. They shot out at every angle too.
‘After maybe two minutes there were two blue glows behind clouds. Both moved rapidly from one point to another with flashing lighting up clouds as they stopped. When I could see the beam, it looked as though it came from a central point and spread out into a few beams like I said as though it was quickly scanning then moving.
‘Sorry I know it’s really hard to put into words this episode, but I didn’t know where or who else to report this to as I feel very uneasy about it all.’
But where do the alleged UFOs go? (Picture: Getty)
8. Brazil
Brazil isn’t well known for being a UFO hotspot, but since 1997, there have been 153 sightings dating back to 1997, according to the NUFORC.
In 2015, one person reported seeing a tear-shaped UFO in Florianopolis.
The witness said: ‘I was driving to class, when I looked up to see the sky and saw a lime green light, shaped like a teardrop, travelling really fast, and vanishing seconds later.
‘I’m positive it wasn’t a weather balloon or a drone, it appeared to be really high and the shape may be due to its velocity.’
Six UFO Reports This Week From Around The Globe, March 2025, UAP Sighting News.
Six UFO Reports This Week From Around The Globe, March 2025, UAP Sighting News.
Guys, you gota see this! I put together the six most interesting reports I discover this week and shared it in this short video for you. Each is unique and shows a different style of UFO or craft and each has different reasons for us to believe it's real. Hope you like it.
Mysterious sphere seen over Newtok, Alaska 3/21/25, UFO UAP Sighting News. 👽🛸👽
Mysterious sphere seen over Newtok, Alaska 3/21/25, UFO UAP Sighting News. 👽🛸👽
Date of sighting: March 21, 2025
Location of sighting: Newton, Alaska, USA
Now this is in one of the most isolated places in all of America, Alaska. Similar unexplained spheres have been seen all over the world, often smaller and following planes, over neighborhoods and even hovering over people at Dome of Rock. These entities are not flesh and blood like us, but a higher state of existence. This one, wanted to be seen and remembered. Something big is coming.
Scott C. Waring - Utah, USA
💫Eyewitness states:
I was walking with few of my friends and this appeared, whatever it is. It was cool. It appeared out of nowhere. It was getting closer and closer, it went above us. Passed a little bit and disappeared.
James Webb-ruimtetelescoop legt “kosmische tornado” vast
De James Webb-ruimtetelescoop heeft een ster in wording vastgelegd, omgeven door een pluim van gas en stof. Op de achtergrond is een spiraalvormig sterrenstelsel te zien.
Het beeld is samengesteld uit verschillende foto’s die de telescoop maakte in het infrarood. De pluim bevindt zich op 625 lichtjaar van de aarde in een van de dichtstbijzijnde gebieden van ons Melkwegstelsel waar sterren worden gevormd.
NASA schrijft in een persbericht dat het “een gelukkig toeval” is dat de pluim en het sterrenstelsel samen op de foto staan. In 2006 werd hetzelfde gebied gefotografeerd door de Spitzer-telescoop. Toen werd het een “kosmische tornado” genoemd.
De James Webb-ruimtetelescoop werd in 2021 gelanceerd als opvolger van Hubble. Webb is de grootste en krachtigste telescoop die ooit de ruimte in gestuurd is.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Massive cigar-shaped UFO caught during thunderstorm in Tucumán, Argentina
Massive cigar-shaped UFO caught during thunderstorm in Tucumán, Argentina
On the night of February 23, 2025, residents of Tucumán, Argentina witnessed an astonishing sight during a violent thunderstorm. As a powerful lightning bolt tore through the sky, it briefly illuminated a massive, cigar-shaped object hovering in the storm’s center.
Eyewitnesses described the object as dark, elongated, and solid, standing in stark contrast to the swirling storm clouds around it. Unlike a natural weather phenomenon, the shape appeared structured and deliberate, leading many to speculate that it was a UFO of intelligent design, possibly of extraterrestrial origin.
It is not clear whether the object was struck by the lightning but there have been reports of UFOs being hit by lightning yet remaining unaffected, suggesting they may either harness or withstand immense energy levels.
Some researchers believe that certain UFOs absorb energy from lightning as a means of propulsion or power generation. In past cases, similar sightings have been reported in the presence of electrical storms, further fueling theories that such crafts may recharge their systems using natural energy sources.
It is known that theoretical physics explores the concept of extracting energy from electrical phenomena, such as Tesla’s ideas about wireless energy transmission. If an advanced civilization mastered this, lightning could be a viable energy source.
The Proof Is Out There: Strange Cigar-Shaped UFO SHOCKS Pilot (Season 4)
Passenger Filmed A Cigar-Shaped UFO In Italy, What Happened Next Is Still Unexplained
SIX CIGAR SHAPED UFOs Spotted on The Image Elon Musk Tweeted. Solar Warden Space Fleet ?
UFO Sighting in Daytona Beach – Orbs of Light Emerge from Ocean! (March 2025)
UFO Sighting in Daytona Beach – Orbs of Light Emerge from Ocean! (March 2025)
The coast of Daytona Beach, Florida became the stage for a mysterious encounter on March 17, 2025, as glowing orbs of light were captured rising from the ocean and hovering silently above the waves. The event has quickly gained traction among UFO sightings enthusiasts and skeptics alike.
A local witness submitted several video clips showing the strange phenomena: large, bright orbs appearing to emerge directly from the water, then hovering in formation just above the surface. The lights flicker, pulse, and move in ways that don’t resemble conventional aircraft, drones, or flares.
“I couldn’t believe what I was seeing,” the witness said. “These orbs looked like they came out of the ocean itself. They just floated there, glowing, in complete silence.”
Daytona Beach is known for its stunning coastline and popular spring break scene—not unexplained UFO activity. However, this sighting has sparked new theories about underwater UFOs (USOs) and what might be lurking beneath the ocean surface.
This incident adds to the growing list of UFO sightings in 2025, especially along coastlines and near water. Could these lights be evidence of something otherworldly—or is there a more earthly explanation?
🎥 Watch the actual footage below and decide for yourself.
Was Göbeklitepe een Oude Tempel van Menselijke Offers?
Was Göbeklitepe een Oude Tempel van Menselijke Offers?
Göbeklitepe, de oudste tempel ter wereld, is ongeveer 12.000 jaar oud. Het werd gebouwd door jagers-verzamelaars in de pre-keramische Neolithische periode, voordat het schrift en het wiel werden uitgevonden. Göbeklitepe heeft de geschiedenis van de menselijke beschaving herschreven.
In juli 2018 werd het gebied opgenomen op de UNESCO Werelderfgoedlijst, waardoor het steeds meer reizigers en geschiedenisenthousiasten uit de hele wereld begon aan te trekken. Het Turkse Ministerie van Toerisme en Cultuur heeft 2019 uitgeroepen tot het Jaar van Göbeklitepe, met meer dan een miljoen verwachte bezoekers.
Göbeklitepe ligt in het zuidoosten van Turkije, nabij de stad Şanlıurfa. Het terrein bestaat uit een reeks enorme stenen cirkels die zijn opgebouwd uit grote T-vormige kalkstenen. Deze stenen zijn versierd met complexe reliëfs van dieren zoals leeuwen, vogels en slangen, en ze zijn geplaatst op een manier die duidt op een diep religieus of spiritueel belang. De site biedt niet alleen een venster naar de religieuze praktijken van de vroege mensheid, maar ook naar hun sociale structuren en levenswijze.
De ontdekking van Göbeklitepe heeft archeologen en historici verrast, omdat het bewijst dat complexe rituelen en sociale samenlevingen al bestonden voordat de mens begon met landbouw. Tot nu toe werd aangenomen dat de ontwikkeling van landbouw leidde tot de opkomst van religieuze praktijken en sociale hiërarchieën. Göbeklitepe daagt deze opvatting uit en suggereert dat religie en gemeenschapsvorming een centrale rol speelden in de levens van de mensen die deze monumenten bouwden.
De site is niet alleen van archeologisch belang, maar heeft ook invloed op de hedendaagse cultuur en het toerisme in Turkije. Bezoekers worden aangetrokken door de mysterieuze geschiedenis en de indrukwekkende architectuur van de tempel. Er zijn plannen om het gebied verder te ontwikkelen als toeristische bestemming, met musea en educatieve centra die de rijke geschiedenis van Göbeklitepe en zijn betekenis voor de mensheid uitleggen.
Met de erkenning van Göbeklitepe als een UNESCO Werelderfgoedlocatie, wordt de noodzaak benadrukt om deze unieke site te beschermen en te conserveren voor toekomstige generaties. Het is een herinnering aan de vroegste dagen van de menselijke beschaving en biedt ons een glimp van de spirituele en sociale leven van onze voorouders. De impact van Göbeklitepe op ons begrip van de menselijke geschiedenis is enorm en het blijft een bron van fascinatie en onderzoek voor zowel wetenschappers als het grote publiek.
Göbeklitepe is daarmee de belangrijkste archeologische vindplaats ter wereld. Het is een kleine heuvel aan de horizon, 15 kilometer ten noordwesten van de stad Urfa in Zuid-Anatolië. Urfa, ook wel "de stad van profeten" genoemd, is verbonden met de bijbelse Abraham (sommigen beweren dat Urfa de stad Ur was die in de Bijbel wordt genoemd) en stond bekend om het herbergen van de Heilige Mandylion.
Urfa, dat ook wel bekend stond als Edessa, ligt aan de rand van het regenachtige gebied van de Taurusbergen, de bron van de rivier die door de stad stroomt en samenkomt met de Eufraat. Urfa was (en is nog steeds) een oase, wat zou kunnen verklaren waarom Göbeklitepe in de buurt is gebouwd.
Een levensgroot standbeeld van kalksteen, gevonden in Urfa, bij de vijver die bekend staat als Balikli Göl, is gedateerd op 10.000 – 9.000 voor Christus, waardoor het de oudste bekende stenen sculptuur is die ooit is gevonden. De ogen zijn gemaakt van obsidiaan.
Balıklı Göl, ook bekend als de Urfa Man, is het oudste standbeeld van natuurlijke grootte dat goed bewaard is gebleven in de menselijke geschiedenis.
(CC BY-SA 4.0)
Sommigen geloven dat Göbeklitepe een belangrijke stap was in de evolutie van religie en de menselijke verbinding met God - dat het het begin van de beschaving markeert en mogelijk de wortel is van de drie grote monotheïstische religies ter wereld. Göbeklitepe is een uitgestrekte verzameling van stenen structuren gebouwd door jagers-verzamelaars uit de Steentijd. De bouw begon ongeveer 12.000 jaar geleden en duurde ongeveer 2.000 jaar.
T-vormige pilaren die mensen symboliseren, gevonden in Göbeklitepe Een typische structuur bestaat uit een cirkel van staande pilaren, gemaakt van stenen tot wel 20 voet (6,1 meter) hoog. Deze pilaren wogen elk tot wel 20 ton (9,1 kwintaal) en waren allemaal uit een massief blok graniet gehouwen. Ze werden eruit getrokken en enkele honderden voeten verplaatst met alleen houten hefbomen.
De pilaren werden vervolgens verticaal opgericht in een basis die in het gesteente was uitgehakt. Sommige onderzoekers schatten dat dit de samenwerking van vele clans zou hebben vereist – misschien wel 500 mensen tegelijk – om zowel de bouw te verzorgen als de bouwers van voedsel te voorzien.
Elke cirkel heeft een diameter van ongeveer 30 voet (9,1 meter). Eén cirkel heeft 12 stenen rondom de omtrek en twee stenen in het midden. Slechts enkele van deze cirkels zijn tot nu toe opgegraven en de site is al enorm. Elke cirkel heeft twee massieve T-vormige pilaren in het midden van de cirkel.
De T-vormige pilaren van Göbeklitepe.
(muratart / Adobe Stock)
Opgestapelde stenen dienen als een muur om deze cirkel tot een omheining te maken. Kleinere pilaren omringen het gebied. Sommigen denken dat deze T-vormige pilaren ooit een rieten dak of ander materiaal ondersteunden; anderen geloven dat ze mensen symboliseren. Dit is wat ik ook geloof dat de bouwers van Göbeklitepe wilden doen: de aandacht van de goden, boven de sterren, trekken om met hen te communiceren. De meeste beeldhouwwerken op de pilaren zijn van dieren. Maar er zijn ook pilaren die antropomorf zijn of de vorm van een mens hebben. Dit was een project dat vergelijkbaar was met de bouw van de piramides in Egypte. Maar het bouwen met stenen die tonnen wegen begon hier in Göbeklitepe, lang voordat Egypte of Engeland met Stonehenge begon.
Wat was de reden achter… Waarom werd dit enorme project gebouwd?
Eén ding is duidelijk voor de opgravers — deze plek was geen woonplaats. Er zijn geen tekenen van voedselopslag of landbouw en het heeft geen duidelijke functie. De missie moet puur religieus zijn geweest. Het is uitgeroepen tot de oudste bekende structuur die als tempel is gebouwd.
Mijn kijk op het mysterieuze Göbeklitepe, dat vele geheimen herbergt, is als volgt:
Een van de belangrijkste veranderingen in de geschiedenis van de mensheid vond ongeveer 12.000 jaar geleden plaats in het gebied tussen de rivieren de Eufraat en de Tigris. De mensheid begon net over te stappen van een levensstijl van jagers en verzamelaars naar een sedentair leven - van jagen en verzamelen naar landbouw en productie.
Deze transitieperiode duurde misschien enkele eeuwen of zelfs een millennium. Aanvankelijk waren ze getuige van een zaadje uit een vrucht dat uit de aarde groeide en bloeide als een proces van wedergeboorte! Dit zou de reden kunnen zijn geweest dat ze begonnen hun doden te begraven en hoopten op een wedergeboorte op het juiste moment.
Verschillende soorten goden met bovennatuurlijke krachten onderbraken hun dagelijks leven met klimaatveranderingen en natuurrampen. En er was één ding waarvan ze zeker waren: dat ze de goden moesten behagen, zich moeten gedragen zoals de goden wilden dat ze zich gedroegen.
Nieuwe Beelden en Verse Inzichten van Karahan Tepe en Göbekli Tepe Het Enigmatische H-Symbool dat Göbekli Tepe, de Priesterlijke Macht en de Dierenriem verbindt Om het leven van hun dierbaren te redden - om hun overleden familieleden weer geboren te zien worden - en om te beginnen met landbouw, geloofden de mannen dat ze met alle goden een akkoord moesten sluiten.
Ze dachten dat ze de goedkeuring van bovennatuurlijke krachten nodig hadden om over te schakelen naar een sedentair leven en te beginnen met landbouw. Wanneer zou het regenen, wanneer zou het stormen of hagelen, of alles op zijn kop zetten met aardbevingen? Zou de zonnegod, de maangod of andere goden, die soms leken te straffen en mensen bang maakten, hen toestaan te boeren, te cultiveren en te oogsten?
De Goedkeuring van de Goden voor de Landbouw Zoeken Mannen probeerden de goden te sussen om hun woede te vermijden en hen tevreden te houden. Toen de goden hen bestraften met natuurrampen, waarbij vele levens verloren gingen wanneer ze boos werden, zochten de mannen een manier om de goden te verzoenen, door sommigen van hun eigen soort te doden om de woede van de goden af te wenden, in de veronderstelling dat de goden tevreden waren wanneer deze mensen of dieren werden geofferd.
(Van links) De geschenkdraagt houdt in zijn handen een menselijke kop; (Van rechts) Pilaar 43 met laag reliëf van een ithyphalisch hoofdloos individu.
(Credits: Dieter Johannes, Klaus Schmidt en Nico Becker/Göbekli Tepe Archive/Duitse Archeologische Instituut, DAI)
Moesten ze de goedkeuring van de goden verkrijgen voor landbouw toen ze overstapten naar permanente nederzettingen? Zouden ze in staat zijn om de goden tevreden te stellen en de gewassen te oogsten als ze dieren en mensen – de jongsten en mooiste – zouden offeren in rituelen en ceremonies?
Misschien waren de tempels van Göbeklitepe tempels voor sacrale rituelen die voortkwamen uit deze ideeën! Wie weet, misschien was het echt zo…
Misschien vertellen de dieren- en mensenbotten, die onze aandacht trekken tussen de vondsten, en de bier- of wijnkruiken – mogelijk gebruikt in rituelen – ons hier iets over, wie weet? Wat de waarheid ook moge zijn, de tempels van Göbeklitepe, waarvan de geheimen nog niet volledig zijn ontdekt, herschrijven de geschiedenis van de mensheid.
Oude site van Göbeklitepe in Turkije, de oudste tempel ter wereld.
(Teomancimit / CC BY-SA 3.0)
De Goden omkopen! Mensenoffers werden door veel oude culturen beoefend. Mensen werden op rituele wijze gedood op een manier die bedoeld was om een god of geest te behagen of te verzoenen. Droogtes, aardbevingen, vulkaanuitbarstingen, enzovoort werden gezien als tekenen van woede of onvrede van de goden, en offers zouden de goddelijke toorn moeten verlichten.
De mensen van die prehistorische tijd, die een osse levensstijl met landbouw wilden beginnen, geloofden dat ze de toestemming van de goden moesten vragen door enkele van hun geliefden te offeren. Offer betekende dat de mens een geschenk aan de goden deed en een geschenk in ruil daarvoor verwachtte. Ze hakte menselijke hoofden af, ontdeden de schedels van vlees en maakten ze schoon, en hingen ze onder een hoek zodat ze naar de goden keken.
Ze wilden dat de goden eerst de enorme, mensachtige pilaren zagen, dan de geofferde mensen, vooral de jonge en mooie – en zo verzoend werden, waardoor toestemming werd verleend voor vestiging en landbouw onder goede natuurlijke omstandigheden, geen storm of hagel maar overvloedige regen en zonneschijn... Het verduidelijken van wat de goden wilden was het geheim.
Menselijk offer is niet alleen een rituele handeling die is ontworpen om de goden te sussen, de toekomst te voorspellen of geluk en welvaart te brengen aan degenen die het offer brengen. Menselijk offer vereist de uitwisseling van een leven - vrijwillig of niet - in ruil voor bovennatuurlijke hulp of voor een groter doel. En bij deze tempels werden ook andere, levenloze offers gedaan.
Een opmerkelijke vondst was een kalkstenen beeldje, aangeduid als de 'geschenkdrager', een knielende figuur die een mensenhoofd in zijn handen draagt, waarvan de ogen en neus zichtbaar zijn.
Bouw D pilaar. Afbeelding van de 'Gift Bearer' in Göbeklitepe.
(Afbeelding: Duits Archeologisch Instituut – DAI / Auteur geleverd)
Veel Botten, Maar Geen Begravingen in Göbeklitepe Er zijn een aanzienlijk aantal gefragmenteerde menselijke botten gevonden, maar het bewijs van menselijke begravingen ontbreekt in Göbeklitepe. Een verklaring hiervoor is dat deze specifieke variant van onthoofding en schedelmodificatie verbonden was met activiteiten die specifiek zijn voor de Göbeklitepe-locatie.
Het is de oudste site waar bewerkte schedels zijn gevonden, en recent zijn er fragmenten van drie gemodificeerde menselijke schedels ontdekt in Göbeklitepe. Schedelbewerking is het resultaat van meerdere snijacties, niet gerelateerd aan ontkleed of het afscheren van de schedel, aangezien ontkleed gepaard moet gaan met andere soorten snijmerken op de schedels, en afscheren kan worden uitgesloten op basis van het ontbreken van typische markers.
Alle schedels die op de site zijn gevonden, vertonen opzettelijke diepe insnijdingen langs hun sagittale assen. In een van deze gevallen is ook een geboorde perforatie aangetoond. Deze bevindingen zijn opmerkelijk omdat ze het allereerste osteologische bewijs van een ritueel offer leveren.
Schedels met markeringen die zijn gevonden op Göbeklitepe suggereren rituelen.
(Science Magazine / YouTube)
Omdat er geen tekenen van genezing konden worden vastgesteld, zijn de aanpassingen waarschijnlijk kort na de dood uitgevoerd, wat een sterk bewijs is voor ons om te geloven dat het om een offer ging. Schedels werden niet eerder dan in de perimortemfase bewerkt; deze observatie wordt bevestigd door microscopische analyses: snijmarkeringen worden gekenmerkt door scherpe randen, wat betekent dat het bot werd doorgesneden terwijl het nog elastisch was, dat wil zeggen, in een vroeg stadium van ontbinding.
Een opmerkelijk kenmerk van een van de gevonden schedels is de geboord perforatie in het linker pariëtale bot, waarvan de positie zorgvuldig is gekozen zodat de schedel verticaal en naar voren gericht kan hangen, kijkend naar de goden wanneer hij wordt opgehangen. De geboord perforatie aan de bovenkant van de schedel wordt gebruikt om de schedel met een koord op te hangen. Beitels werden gebruikt voor stabilisatiedoeleinden, om te voorkomen dat het koord wegglijdt.
Een van de drie gevonden schedels behoorde tot een individu van 25 tot 40 jaar oud, dat waarschijnlijk meer vrouwelijk dan mannelijk was. Deze stukjes bewijs hebben geleid tot de interpretatie van Göbeklitepe als een centrum voor offers van vroege jager-verzamelaarsgroepen die leefden rond Zuidoost-Anatolië.
De mensen die zich verzamelden in deze tempels woonden niet permanent in dat gebied en wilden dat de tempels veilig bleven tot hun volgende bezoek. Er is ontdekt dat deze tempels door de bouwers onder de grond verborgen werden om ze te beschermen tot de volgende offerceremonie – misschien tot het volgende oogstseizoen!
Een model van het Göbeklitepe-opgravingsgebied wordt tentoongesteld in de Neolithische zaal van het Şanlıurfa Museum.
(CC BY-SA 4.0)
Volgens een recente studie reisden de voorouders van de mensen die Stonehenge bouwden naar het westen over de Middellandse Zee voordat ze Groot-Brittannië bereikten. Onderzoekers in Londen vergeleken DNA dat was geëxtraheerd uit neolithische menselijke resten die in Groot-Brittannië zijn gevonden met dat van mensen die in dezelfde periode in Europa leefden.
De neolithische bewoners lijken van Anatolië (het huidige Turkije) naar Iberië te zijn gereisd voordat ze hun weg naar het noorden maakten. Misschien is de recent ontdekte Dolmen de Guadalperal (ook wel het Spaanse Stonehenge genoemd) bij het Valdecanas-reservoir in Spanje - waarvan ook wordt aangenomen dat het een plaats is waar religieuze rituelen werden uitgevoerd - een ander voorbeeld dat was gecreëerd door de mensen die van Göbeklitepe naar Stonehenge reisden.
Ze bereikten Groot-Brittannië rond 4000 v.Chr. Stukken menselijke botten in de bodem van niches achter de stenen pilaren op de site, zoals die ontdekt in Göbeklitepe, en de enorme hoeveelheid dierenbotten die op de site zijn gevonden, suggereren dat hier regelmatig rituele offers plaatsvonden.
Er is misschien een parallel met de veel latere site bij Durrington Walls, dicht bij Stonehenge, in Wiltshire, Engeland. Gedateerd rond 2600 v.Chr. was Durrington Walls een enorme rituele houten cirkel waar enorme hoeveelheden dierenbotten, voornamelijk van varkens en runderen, zijn ontdekt.
Dus misschien waren al deze tempels de plekken van offers om de goden te behagen en hun toestemming te vragen… en dit was hoe de mensheid probeerde over te stappen van 'jagen en verzamelen' naar 'landbouw en productie'.
Bovenste afbeelding: Göbeklitepe in Turkije, de oudste tempel ter wereld.
A hypothetical Advanced Alien Civilization Type III Kardashev Scale. Artist’s Illustration.
When we think about searching for alien life, most people imagine Earth-like planets orbiting distant stars, bathed in the warmth of their suns and perhaps hosting oceans of liquid water. But what if we’ve been looking in the wrong places all along?
A growing number of scientists, including world-famous astrophysicist professor Avi Loevb believe that we should be expanding our search—not for life, but for technosignatures, the telltale signs of advanced technology. As Professor Loeb explains, some of the best candidates might be frozen worlds, far from the traditional habitable zone.
We typically assume life must exist in a “Goldilocks zone”—not too hot, not too cold—where water can remain in a liquid state. But nature rarely sticks to our expectations. Saturn’s moon Titan, for example, is frigid, with surface temperatures hovering around 90 Kelvin (roughly -180°C). Yet NASA’s upcoming Dragonfly mission, launching in 2028, will explore this icy moon for signs of life in its methane lakes.
Even colder worlds—icy moons and rogue planets drifting without a star—might host liquid water oceans beneath their frozen crusts. But here’s the twist: if intelligent life ever arose in such hidden oceans, it might never look up to see the stars. As Loeb puts it, without a sky, would they ever dream of building rockets?
While biological beings like us need warmth, water, and protection, artificial life doesn’t. Robots and probes don’t care about temperature, atmosphere, or even sunlight. This is exactly why some scientists suggest that the best places to look for advanced civilizations may not be hospitable planets—but the uninhabitable ones.
Loeb says we should think about it: a civilization far older than ours might have sent autonomous machines across the galaxy. These machines could land on any solid surface, including icy rogue planets or barren moons, and start building. They wouldn’t need a breathable atmosphere or a warm climate. All they’d need is raw material.
And because light takes tens of thousands of years to travel across the galaxy, these probes would need to operate independently—like scouts establishing a technological foothold for civilizations that may no longer even exist.
Where should we look?
Here are some prime targets in the search for technosignatures:
Rogue planets: These are planets that drift through space without orbiting a star. They’ve been found using gravitational microlensing and may actually outnumber stars in our galaxy.
Icy moons: Moons like Europa, Enceladus, and Titan may have subsurface oceans and mineral-rich surfaces—ideal for machines to operate or harvest resources.
Airless rocky planets: Planets like those in the TRAPPIST-1 system, with multiple rocky worlds packed into a small space, could offer plenty of landing spots for robotic explorers.
Technosignatures could be anything from artificial radio bursts to unusual surface structures, energy emissions, or even planetary surfaces altered by mining or construction. Think of them as cosmic archaeological sites—clues left behind by visitors from long ago.
And if we find such a clue? We might not understand who sent it, or why, but like detectives at a crime scene, we could begin piecing together a story from what was left behind.
What if the senders are long gone?
It’s possible that we’re looking not for neighbors—but for ghosts of civilizations past. We might uncover robotic artifacts or technological ruins on dead planets, long after their creators vanished.
But even then, the discovery would change everything. It would tell us that we’re not alone, that someone else reached the stars before us, and perhaps offer a glimpse of what lies ahead in our own future.
In the words of astrophysicist Avi Loeb, exploring these possible robotic visitors might feel like stepping out of Plato’s cave—trying to understand the world beyond by studying only the shadows it leaves behind. If we ever do stumble upon a relic, it may not just reveal an ancient traveler—it may inspire us to become one.
The Kardashev Scale: Type I to Type VII Civilizations
The Most Advanced Civilization That Scares Scientists
The Civilization So Advanced, Even Scientists Are Terrified!
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Scientists release the most detailed images ever of the first stars and galaxies
Scientists release the most detailed images ever of the first stars and galaxies
By measuring the faint traces of the cosmic microwave background—light that’s traveled more than 13 billion years to reach us—researchers have reconstructed the state of the universe when it was just 380,000 years old.
The most detailed view yet of the universe’s earliest light has just been revealed—offering a rare look at the moment the cosmos began to take shape. Captured by a global team of scientists using the Atacama Cosmology Telescope(ACT) in Chile, this new dataset brings us closer to understanding how the first stars and galaxies formed, and what they can tell us about how fast the universe is truly expanding.
By measuring the faint traces of the cosmic microwave background—light that’s traveled more than 13 billion years to reach us—researchers have reconstructed the state of the universe when it was just 380,000 years old. These new images go beyond previous efforts in both precision and depth, offering a critical benchmark in a field where every detail counts.
Scientists Capture the Most Detailed View of the Universe’s Earliest Light The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel
But this breakthrough isn’t just about looking backward—it’s also about resolving a tension that’s been growing louder in the world of cosmology: how fast is our universe expanding, really?
A universe written in light
What these new images show is nothing short of extraordinary. The data reveals early clouds of hydrogen and helium collapsing under gravity—structures that would later evolve into the very first galaxies.
The observable universe stretches almost 50 billion light-years in every direction
Its mass equals nearly 1,900 zetta-suns—roughly 2 trillion trillion times the mass of our Sun
Only 100 zetta-suns represent “normal matter”—hydrogen, helium, and the elements we’re made of
The rest is split between dark matter (500 zetta-suns) and dark energy (1,300 zetta-suns)
By examining the cosmic microwave background in unprecedented high definition, researchers have validated a straightforward model of the universe—effectively dismissing a wide range of competing theories. Credit: ACT Collaboration; ESA/Planck Collaboration.
Professor Erminia Calabrese, who led the analysis, explained that this level of precision allows us to “trace the seeds of all cosmic structure,” from galaxy clusters to the atoms in our own bodies.
The battle over the Hubble constant just got hotter
At the heart of modern cosmology lies one of its most uncomfortable problems—the Hubble tension. That’s the name scientists have given to the growing disagreement between two different ways of measuring the expansion rate of the universe.
One method, using nearby galaxies, suggests the universe is expanding at around 74 km/s/Mpc. But measurements from the cosmic microwave background give a lower rate—around 67 km/s/Mpc.
This new data from ACT backs the lower value, and with more precision than ever before. According to Calabrese, the team examined dozens of alternate models that might explain a faster expansion, but “none of them fit the data.”
The implication? Some of the most radical theories trying to explain this discrepancy may now be off the table.
This marks the final release of ACT’s data after nearly two decades of operation. Since 2004, it has played a central role in shaping our picture of the early universe. Now, attention is shifting to the Simons Observatory, a next-generation facility set to continue this work with even greater resolution.
For researcher Hidde Jense, who worked on the final phase of ACT’s data analysis, the project represents the culmination of years of effort. “ACT has been my cosmic laboratory during my Ph.D. studies. It has been thrilling to be part of the endeavor leading to this refined understanding of our universe,” he reflected.
New Jellyfish UFO in Iraq – March 2025 | Mirrors 2018 US Military Sighting | UAP News, Mind Blowing!
New Jellyfish UFO in Iraq – March 2025 | Mirrors 2018 US Military Sighting | UAP News, Mind Blowing!
Date of sighting: March 20, 2025
Location of sighting: Saladin, Iraq
Watch this video carefully and you will immediately notice that there is a similarity to the old 2018 UFO. Its bigger than a person, but at one point as its flying past some telephone pole wires, you can see it almost looks like a person from a certain angle. Very odd, and if this is alien ai craft then they do not need to conform to shapes that humans see as important.
Drone Almost Hits Plane Over Tampa, Florida March 21, 2025, UFO UAP Sighting News.
Drone Almost Hits Plane Over Tampa, Florida March 21, 2025, UFO UAP Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 21, 2025
Location of sighting: Tampa, Florida, USA
Drones, we hear a lot about them been seen over many states and over half of Americas military bases, but what we don't know is...what the hell are they? If the US gov is refusing to shoot them down or reveal the truth, then you can bet these craft are alien flown. Not all mind you, but many of them are. Watch closely and you will see a drone actually move toward the passenger plane and then makes a sudden drop to avoid it.
Mysterious Jellyfish-Shaped UFO Spotted Over Saladin, Iraq – March 21st, 2025
Mysterious Jellyfish-Shaped UFO Spotted Over Saladin, Iraq – March 21st, 2025
A strange and mesmerizing UFO sighting has captured the attention of skywatchers and internet users alike. On March 21st, 2025, a jellyfish-shaped UFO was seen hovering low over the rooftops in Saladin, Iraq – and yes, there’s video footage to prove it.
The unidentified flying object appeared to float gracefully above the buildings, with a glowing, semi-transparent body and trailing tendrils reminiscent of a deep-sea jellyfish. The surreal sight was captured by a local resident and quickly shared online, adding to the growing list of UFO sightings in 2025.
Saladin, a region rich in history and known as the birthplace of the legendary Muslim leader Salah ad-Din (Saladin), rarely makes headlines for extraterrestrial activity – until now. Located in north-central Iraq, this area blends ancient heritage with modern mystery, making this sighting even more compelling.
Witnesses described the object as “otherworldly” and “eerily silent.” Some speculate it could be advanced military tech or a weather phenomenon, but others believe it could be genuine evidence of alien life.
This unusual UFO sighting adds to the wave of recent reports from around the globe, keeping the question alive: Are we truly alone in the universe?
🎥 Watch the full video below and decide for yourself.
Jellyfish-Shaped UFO Caught on Camera Over Iraq – March 2025
Video allegedly captures mysterious ‘jellyfish’ UAP over U.S. military base in Iraq
Leaked US military vid shows ‘Jellyfish’ UFO over Iraq, Jeremy Corbell, 2018
UFO caught on cam: When 'Jellyfish' UAP flown over US military base in Iraq | Global Rewind 2024
Artistieke weergave van een Nighthawk die over een vulkaan vliegt.
Krediet - D Loya & P Lee.
Inleiding De verkenning van Mars heeft een nieuwe dimensie gekregen met de succesvolle vlucht van de Ingenuity, een kleine quadcopter die bewezen heeft op een andere planeet te kunnen opereren. Gedurende meer dan 72 vluchten heeft deze helikopter de verbeelding van fans van ruimteverkenning over de hele wereld weten te vangen. Echter, verschillende factoren hebben de mogelijkheden van deze missie beperkt, en onderzoekers bij NASA zijn van mening dat ze het beter kunnen doen. Twee artikelen gepresenteerd op de recente Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, gehouden van 10 tot 14 maart in The Woodlands, Texas, en geleid door Pascal Lee van NASA Ames en Derric Loya van het SETI Institute en de Colorado Mesa University, beschrijven een toepassingsscenario voor de nog in ontwikkeling zijnde helikopter, die ze Nighthawk noemen.
NASA onthult ontwerp voor grotere Mars-helicopter genaamd Mars Chopper...
Noctis Labyrinthus: Een Unieke Verkenningslocatie Er zijn tal van interessante plaatsen op Mars te verkennen, maar één gebied springt eruit voor fans van Marsverkenning. Dr. Lee is ongetwijfeld een van die fans, aangezien hij de oprichter is van het Mars Institute, een non-profitorganisatie die zich richt op onderzoek naar de Rode Planeet. De locatie die eruit springt, is Noctis Labyrinthus – het Labyrint van de Nacht.
Noctis Labyrinthus is om verschillende redenen interessant, maar een van de belangrijkste is de geografische locatie. Het ligt ingeklemd tussen Valles Marineris aan de oostkant en Tharsis, de enorme schildvulkaan, aan de westkant. Een specifieke locatie, bekend als Noctis Landing, in het oosten van het gebied, is regelmatig voorgesteld als een potentiële landingsplaats voor toekomstige bemande missies.
Fraser bespreekt het gebruik van hulpbronnen op Mars - waarvan Noctis Labyrinthus er veel kan bevatten.
Echter, het terrein van Noctis Labyrinthus is uitermate uitdagend. Het bevat duinvelden, oude lavastromen, gigantische rotsblokken en zelfs diepere kloven. Met andere woorden, het is geen plek waar een rover effectief zou kunnen navigeren.
De Voordelen van Een Helikopter Een helikopter daarentegen zou wel effectief kunnen opereren. Veilig landen in het gebied kan lastig zijn, maar een helikopter kan boven het tumult zweven, alleen landen wanneer hij een veilige plek vindt en tegelijkertijd dramatische luchtfoto's kan maken.
Waarom zou men dan niet gewoon Ingenuity of een vergelijkbare helikopter gebruiken? Dit is de kern van een van de gepresenteerde artikelen, en het antwoord ligt in drie specifieke redenen:
Afhankelijkheid van een Rover: Ingenuity is afhankelijk van een rover (Perseverance) om communicatiesignalen terug naar de aarde te relayen, en rovers zijn niet bijzonder nuttig in Noctis Labyrinthus.
Beperkte Hoogte: Ingenuity kan slechts een hoogte van ongeveer 25 meter boven de grond bereiken, wat onvoldoende is om enkele obstakels in het gebied te omzeilen – de auteurs schatten dat minstens 100 meter boven de grond nodig is.
Onvoldoende Stuwkracht: Ingenuity zou niet genoeg stuwkracht hebben om te vliegen in de minder dichte Martiaanse atmosfeer in de regio, althans niet gedurende het grootste deel van het jaar. En het zou zeker niet genoeg stuwkracht hebben om een payload van 3 kg te vervoeren, zoals de auteurs dat zouden willen voor hun wetenschappelijke missie.
Fraser bespreekt het leven en de erfenis van Ingenuity - de eerste helikopter op Mars.
De NASA Mars Chopper: Nighthawk Dat is waar de NASA Mars Chopper om de hoek komt kijken. Het wordt ontworpen als een op zichzelf staande drone van SUV-grootte, die in staat is een wetenschappelijke payload van maximaal 5 kg tot 3 km per dag te vervoeren. Dit sluit veel beter aan bij de wetenschappelijke doelen van het team voor Nighthawk. Ze verwachten een payload van 3 kg die bestaat uit een kleurencamera, een nabij-infraroodcamera en een neutronenteller die ook als waterdetectie-instrument dient.
Nighthawk wordt verwacht ongeveer 300 km te reizen tijdens zijn primaire wetenschappelijke missie. Het zal op zoek gaan naar aanwijzingen voor potentiële waterafzettingen en de evolutie van dit deel van de Rode Planeet bestuderen. Een "lichte tonafzetting," of LTD, is van bijzonder belang nabij de Relict-gletsjer, die veel water zou kunnen bevatten, dichter bij de evenaar dan de bekende afzettingen nabij de polen.
NASA’s Mars Chopper Concept (Animatie)
Toekomstige Missies en Ondersteuning Er zijn al veel missies die hopen gebruik te maken van de Mars Chopper, hoewel Nighthawk zich onderscheidt als een zeer goed doordacht plan en al de steun heeft van een van NASA's vooraanstaande Mars-wetenschappers. Momenteel is er geen vaste datum voor de voltooiing van de nieuwe Mars Chopper. Terwijl de ontwikkeling voortgaat, zullen missiestrategen ongetwijfeld beginnen te kijken naar architecturen zoals Nighthawk om te bepalen waar de nieuw ontworpen enorme drone als eerste zal gaan.
Conclusie De ontwikkeling van de Nighthawk is een veelbelovende stap in de richting van geavanceerdere en effectievere verkenning van Mars. Met de mogelijkheid om boven uitdagend terrein te vliegen, biedt deze nieuwe helikopter een unieke kans om belangrijke wetenschappelijke gegevens te verzamelen en meer te leren over de geologie en potentiële hulpbronnen van de Rode Planeet. De toekomst van Marsverkenning lijkt veelbelovend, en de Nighthawk kan wel eens een cruciale rol spelen in de ontdekkingen die nog komen gaan.
Door de unieke kenmerken van Noctis Labyrinthus en de wetenschappelijke doelen die met de Nighthawk kunnen worden bereikt, kunnen we ons een dieper begrip van Mars voorstellen en de mogelijkheden voor toekomstige bemande missies verder verkennen. De vooruitgang in technologie en ontwerp zal niet alleen onze kennis van de Rode Planeet vergroten, maar ook ons begrip van de mogelijkheden voor leven en de toekomst van menselijke verkenning in ons zonnestelsel.
Toekomstige Richtingen in Marsverkenning De ontwikkeling van de Nighthawk en de toepassing ervan in gebieden zoals Noctis Labyrinthus biedt niet alleen technische uitdagingen, maar opent ook de deur naar nieuwe wetenschappelijke vragen. Wat kunnen we leren over de geologische geschiedenis van Mars door het bestuderen van deze unieke landschappen? Hoe kunnen we de gegevens die door de Nighthawk worden verzameld gebruiken om onze modellen van de klimaatverandering op Mars te verbeteren?
Bovendien kunnen de bevindingen van de Nighthawk ook implicaties hebben voor de zoektocht naar leven op Mars. Door het identificeren van waterafzettingen en het bestuderen van de chemische samenstelling ervan, kunnen wetenschappers beter begrijpen waar leven zou kunnen zijn ontstaan of waar het nu aanwezig zou kunnen zijn. De combinatie van geavanceerde technologie met gedegen wetenschappelijk onderzoek kan ons helpen de mysteries van de Rode Planeet te ontrafelen.
In de komende jaren zullen de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van Marsverkenning en de rol van de Nighthawk ongetwijfeld een belangrijke impact hebben op ons begrip van Mars en de mogelijkheden voor toekomstige menselijke verkenning. De inzet van nieuwe technologieën en methoden zal ons helpen om de uitdagingen van Marsverkenning aan te gaan en ons dichter bij ons doel te brengen om het leven en de geschiedenis van deze fascinerende planeet te begrijpen.
UFO Lawyer's Alien Confession - Danny Sheehan - Debriefed (Video)
UFO Lawyer's Alien Confession - Danny Sheehan - Debriefed (Video)
In this 13 March 2025 published video, host Chris Ramsay talks with renowned attorney and constitutional scholar Danny Sheehan for a deep dive into UFO disclosure, government secrecy and the legal battles shaping our understanding of the unknown. From his work on the Pentagon Papers to defending whistleblowers in the UAP sphere, Sheehan unpacks the realities behind classified programs, crash retrievals, and what they mean for the future of disclosure.
0:00 Intro 8:29 The Role of a Public Interest Lawyer in UAP Disclosure 16:25 Deathbed Confession: Project Blue Book Insider Speaks 24:10 The J-Rod Connection & Underground Alien Coalitions 32:21 President Carter’s Secret UFO Inquiry & CIA Roadblocks 38:54 Crash Retrievals & Tracing Alien Symbols 46:11 The Vatican, Jesuits & Hidden UFO Archives 55:23 The Mormon Intelligence Connection & Secret Recruiting 1:06:39 Scientology, Intelligence Agencies & Extraterrestrial Conflict 1:22:00 Remote Viewing, Mind Control, and Telepathic Experiments 1:36:01 The UFO Agenda: Good vs. Evil Alien Civilizations 1:52:25 Gorbachev, Nuclear Disarmament, and Cold War Secrets 2:06:57 The Controlled Disclosure Act: Funding and Subpoena Power 2:12:00 Aerospace Corporations & The Fight for Secret Patents 2:16:11 Citizens for Disclosure: How to Get Involved 2:25:19 Tracking Black Budget Documents & Following the Money 2:31:00 Vetting NHI Contactees & The Psychological Stress Evaluator 2:37:12 Meditation, Telepathy & Conscious Contact with ETs 2:45:07 Legal Tactics: Subpoenas, Depositions & The Fight for Truth 2:48:06 Legal Strategy: Challenging Corruption in the Justice System 2:55:40 Discovering Meditation & Transcending Consciousness 3:06:24 Telepathic Communication & Sentient UFO Craft 3:12:42 Psionic Assist Technology: Military Experiments Gone Wrong 3:16:24 Upcoming Whistleblower Disclosures & Legal Implications 3:23:01 Constitutional Law & The Balance of Power in Surveillance 3:29:27 The Future of Humanity: Free Will, Ethics & Global Cooperation 3:30:26 Closing Thoughts: A Call for Transparency & Public Involvement
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
New Evidence! The Shocking Truth About the Pyramids, Atlantis, Lemuria, Stonehenge! (Video)
New Evidence! The Shocking Truth About the Pyramids, Atlantis, Lemuria, Stonehenge! (Video)
In this 16 March 2025 video, host Anrit Sandhu talks with Freddy Silva who unveils the hidden history of ancient civilizations, inclusing revealing the lost knowledge embedded in sacred sites worldwide.
Were temples and pyramids more than just monuments? Did the ancients possess a deep understanding of energy fields, frequencies and the laws of nature which modern science is only beginning to grasp? From levitating stones to electromagnetic hotspots, Freddy explores how ancient cultures harnessed unseen forces to manipulate reality.
He shares personal experiences with sacred sites where the veil between worlds is thinnest, encounters with knowledge keepers and evidence of a parallel civilization that predated recorded history. He challenges mainstream archaeology, exposing why history keeps getting rewritten and why powerful institutions suppress paradigm-shifting discoveries.
This conversation is a journey through forbidden science, spiritual evolution and the realization the ancients may have left behind a blueprint for a more enlightened future.
00:00 The Power of Sacred Sites 05:12 Earth’s Energetic Centers 08:08 Scientific Evidence of Sacred Sites 10:59 Aboriginal Perspectives on Sacred Sites 14:15 Mainstream Acceptance of Spiritual Knowledge 15:16 Media Representation of Ancient Sites 19:20 The Nature of Sacred Sites 26:56 Understanding Earth’s Energies and Currents 42:43 Cycles of Human Experience and Spiritual Renaissance 50:04 Connecting Ancient Civilizations and Modern Understanding 57:51 Unearthing Ancient Maps and Knowledge 01:00:03 The Value of Indigenous Perspectives 01:02:13 Exploring Humanity’s Origins 01:05:14 Mindfulness and Connection to Nature 01:13:49 Understanding Ley Lines and Telluric Currents 01:19:59 Clearing Energies and Sacred Spaces 01:26:13 Transformation Through Service 01:32:14 Technology: Evolution or De-Evolution? 01:36:43 The Role of Sacred Spaces in Personal Growth 01:39:34 Humanity’s Challenges and the Seeds of Change 01:44:14 Connecting with Sacred Sites and Nature 01:48:25 The Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations and Their Lessons
Alien Being Explains UFO Propulsion & Telepathy - Lacerta Files Part 1-3 (3 Videos)
Alien Being Explains UFO Propulsion & Telepathy - Lacerta Files Part 1-3 (3 Videos)
A Conversation With a Real Alien – Lacerta FilesPart 3
This is a 20 March 2025 published video.
In this episode, we dive deeper into the Lacerta Files, exploring the science of propulsion: technology beyond our understanding and the mysteries of telepathy. If this account is real, what does it reveal about hidden knowledge, advanced physics, and the true nature of consciousness?
Is telepathy an innate ability? How do their crafts manipulate gravity and time? Let’s break it down.
A Conversation With a Real Alien – Lacerta Files Part 1
This is a 21 February 2025 published video. Is this the most Controversial Alien Interview ever?
In 1999, an anonymous Swedish researcher claimed to have conducted a series of interviews with a being named Lacerta—an alleged reptilian entity living among us. These documents, known as The Lacerta Files, describe an underground civilization, hidden knowledge about Earth’s history, and a radically different perspective on human origins.
But is this just an elaborate hoax, or could there be truth hidden within these words?
In Part One, we break down the first segment of the Lacerta interview, analyzing its claims, the implications, and whether any of it holds water. From advanced physics to secret underground networks, this document has fascinated—and divided—researchers for decades.
Conversation With a Real Alien – The Lacerta Files (Part 2)
This is a 7 March 2025 published video. Today I continue reading through Part 2 of the first interview with a female Reptilian Being who calls herself LACERTA.
This week's science news was largely dominated by the return of two NASA astronauts from the International Space Station, whose planned eight-day mission ended up lasting 286 days.
Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams lifted off from Florida's Cape Canaveral Space Force Station on June 5, 2024, but not long into the mission helium leaks, along with a number of other issues, were discovered on their Boeing Starliner spacecraft.
Starliner had already suffered years of delays, and although it was later suggested the pair would have been fine to return home on the suspect vessel, the risk to their safety was considered too great. As such, it wasn't until 5:57 p.m. ET on Tuesday (March 18) that the astronauts finally splashed down near the coast of Florida, after hitching a lift aboard a SpaceX Dragon capsule.
While much of the attention on them focused on the duo being "stranded" in space, it's not a sentiment the pair shared. In a conversation with CNN's Anderson Cooper, they explained how mission extensions are sometimes just part of the job.
"We come prepared, we come committed. That is what your human spaceflight program is: It prepares for any and all contingencies that we can conceive of, and we prepare for those," Wilmore told Cooper. "We don't feel abandoned. We don't feel stuck. We don't feel stranded."
A new study details how human ancestors mixed with a mystery population 300,000 years ago. (Image credit: Alamy)
In a study published Tuesday, researchers presented a new method of modeling genomic data, called "cobraa," that has enabled them to trace the evolution of modern humans (Homo sapiens).
They found that the ancestors of all modern humans split off from a mystery population 1.5 million years ago and then reconnected with them 300,000 years ago. This unknown population contributed 20% of our DNA and may have boosted humans' brain function.
"The fact that we can reconstruct events from hundreds of thousands or millions of years ago just by looking at DNA today is astonishing, and it tells us that our history is far richer and more complex than we imagined," study co-author Aylwyn Scally, a geneticist at the University of Cambridge, said in a statement.
The oldest lake on Earth is 25 million years old. (Image credit: Tatyana Andreyeva via Shutterstock)
Just like the mountains, lakes on Earth can be ancient, or more than 1 million years old. There are only 20 ancient lakes on the planet, but which is the oldest?
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument maps the night sky from the Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope in Arizona. (Image credit: KPNO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/B. Tafreshi)
Astronomers studying the largest-ever map of the cosmos have found hints that our best understanding of the universe is due a major rewrite. The analysis, which looked at nearly 15 million galaxies and quasars spanning 11 billion years of cosmic time, found that dark energy — the presumed-to-be constant force driving the accelerating expansion of our universe — could be weakening.
Or at least this is what the data, collected by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), suggest when combined with information taken from star explosions, the cosmic microwave background and weak gravitational lensing. If the findings hold up, it means that one of the most mysterious forces controlling the fate of our universe is even weirder than first thought — and that something is very wrong with our current model of the cosmos.
Scientists have developed new blood tests that can detect early chemical signatures of cancer. For diseases like pancreatic cancer, that could lead to earlier diagnosis and a better prognosis. (Image credit: CSA Images via Getty Images)
Around four years ago, now 77-year-old John Gormly went for what was supposed to be a routine blood test. But the results were life-changing.
The test suggested Gormly had colon cancer, which a colonoscopy later confirmed was Stage 2, meaning the cancer had spread through the wall of the colon but not to his lymph nodes.
"I thought [my doctor] was wrong," Gormly, CEO of a construction company near Newport Beach, California, told Live Science. "I go, 'Nah, I don't feel anything.' But there it was. It was real; the colonoscopy showed it."
Gormly was one of the first patients to take a newly approved test called Shield, which its makers say can detect colon cancer from a blood sample. After his diagnosis, Gormly had surgery to remove the tumor and was back at work within 10 days.
"Liquid biopsies" like the one that detected early cancer for Gormly are now coming to market. Could they lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment?
Something for the weekend
Something for the weekend
If you're looking for something a little longer to read over the weekend, here are some of the best long reads, book excerpts and interviews published this week.
As you can see in the clip below, both creatures appear perfectly comfortable with the transport situation. Perhaps some sort of symbiotic relationship?
Marine mystery of octopus riding shark - YouTube
An octopus has been spotted catching a ride from an unlikely marine friend: a superfast shark. Researchers captured a video showing the orange-hued octopus clinging to the back of a large shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) as it swims. This "sharktopus" was spotted in the Hauraki Gulf off the northern coast of New Zealand's North Island during a December 2023 research trip.
The Great Architects of Mars: Is the Keyhole Structure Artificial?
Humans have a long history of altering their environment by producing an extensive lexicon of geometric and pictographic earthworks. One of the first major discoveries of geoglyphic formations was the mysterious Nazca lines in Peru. These formations were left unseen for centuries as travelers unwittingly trampled over this sacred text. The world was not aware of these odd linear features, such as this Trapezoid (Figure 1,) until the 1930s, when trans-Andean aviators began flying over the arid Nazca plateau. Pilots saw a vast assortment of lines that formed images of different types of geometric patterns and animals scattered across this ancient landscape.
Archaeologists believe that many of these early formations were created by some of our earliest cultures to establish memorials or monuments for worship and sacred ritual. Astronomers speculate that many of these mounds and linear formations may have been created to represent prominent constellations or to mark important planetary and solar alignments.
The creation of geoglyphic art works may also have been produced as territorial markers establishing tribal boundaries that could be seen from a high vantage point, such as a surrounding hill side or a distant mountain peak. Still, others believe they were constructed for no other reason than to communicate with the gods above, or be seen by the watchful eye of extraterrestrials.
(Figure 1) Trapezoid, Peru.
(Google Earth).
In the 1820’s Carl Friedrich Gauss, a well-known German mathematician, had the idea of creating an immense geometric landform to communicate with extraterrestrials. He proposed the construction of an enormous diagram depicting the Pythagorean Theorem, also known as the 47th Problem of Euclid in the thick Siberian forest.
The proposed landform would consist of one large right triangle and three squares cut into the dense pine forest. Once the imprint was complete, wheat would be planted inside each of the cleared areas to provide a contrasting color to the pine trees. This massive agricultural imprint would be so large it could be seen from the Moon or Mars. Gauss believed that a complex geometric image of the Pythagorean Theorem would demonstrate the existence of intelligent life on Earth and get the attention of alien observers. His proposed geometric landform was never realized.
(Figure 2) Proposed Pythagorean Theorem diagram (Circa 1820) by Carl Friedrich Gauss.
(Graphic drawing by the author).
Whatever rational we use to consider or reject the idea of constructing such enormous geoglyphic formations here on earth, it is clear that mankind’s obsession with transforming his environment and producing pictographic or geometric monuments is a long held human tradition. Perhaps these early builders also contemplated the idea of constructing a visual “marker” that could be seen from space by a watchful eye in the sky and establish contact between two worlds.
This vary question of finding a “marker” on another planet was addressed by a group of mainstream scientists in a 2014 book entitled; Archaeology, Anthropology, and Interstellar Communication. The report, which was led by astrobiologist Douglas A. Vakoch, included NASA and SETI scientists along with archeologists and anthropologists, determined that the observation of rock art and sculptural carvings on a planetary surface should be considered as possible examples of extraterrestrial communication. The authors make the case that scientists may have difficulty identifying “manifestations of extraterrestrial intelligence” because they might “resemble a naturally occurring phenomenon.” This leaves the door open for the idea that an unknown, lost civilization could have left us a message on Earth or our moon or even on Mars that we are totally unequipped to understand or even recognize.
The Exclamation Mark
On January 11, 2011 the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) spacecraft acquired an image of something unusual within the Syrtis Major hemisphere of the planet Mars. sitting in an area known as Libya Montes. The on board HiRISE camera snapped an image of what appeared to be an odd wedge-shaped formation with an attached circular dome (Figure 1). The HiRISE image ESP_020794_1860 was taken in the early afternoon with an exceptional resolution of 50 cm per pixel. The official release on the University of Arizona web site included a caption that accompanied the image, which referred to this odd, geometrically-shaped formation as an “exclamation mark” Traditionally, the basic shape of a conjoined wedge and dome formation is commonly referred to as a keyhole.
The formation was brought to my attention during the summer of 2013 by a colleague of mine at the Society for Planetary SETI Research, Greg Orme. Soon after down loading the image and examining it up close, I posted an article about it on The Cydonia Institute’s discussion board tilted Keyhole – Exclamation Mark on Mars, with a link to the original image. Its reception was overwhelming and the Keyhole structure quickly became the new hot topic of numerous YouTube videos and online news articles. Many of the reports actually published parts of my article along with my drawings without any mention of me or The Cydonia Institute. The Keyhole was everywhere.
Excited with the discovery and all the attention it was getting, I performed an extensive search of the NASA archive and I found two additional images of the keyhole structure that were taken three years earlier, during the winter of 2007.
The first image of the Keyhole structure was acquired by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE spacecraft in November with its smaller context camera (CTX). The image P14_006672_1836_XN_03N267W was taken during mid-morning, with a resolution of 5 pixels per meter (Figure 2).
(Figure 2) Keyhole structure. Detail of MRO HiRISE
CTX image P14_006672_1836_XN_03N267W (2007).
The second image of the Keyhole structure was taken by the Mars Odyssey THEMIS camera, which again captured the entire structure. The narrow-angle image V26406033 was taken in December, during the early afternoon, with a lower resolution of approximately 17 meters per pixel (Figure 3).
(Figure 3) Keyhole structure. Detail of Mars Odyssey
THEMIS image V26406033 (2007).
The wedge and dome-shape of the keyhole structure is easily seen in both images, which are similar in tonality. It sits alone within a flat terrain with sun light hitting the western side of the wedge form and the dark shadows giving form to its southeastern side. The MRO HiRISE CTX image provides more detail and shows the ribbed texture of the dome and the sharp edge of the wedge is more defined.
George Hass is the founder and premier investigator of the Mars researh group known as The Cydnonia Institute. A member of the Society for Planetary SETI Research, he is the author of The Great Architects of Mars: Evidence for the Lost Civilizations on the Red Planet, and has written multiple peer-reviewd science papers related to anomalous formations on the surface of Mars. He has appeared on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and on the History Channel's Ancient Aliens, The Proof is Out There, and The UnXplained with William Shatner. He lives in Waterford, Virginia.
George J Haas discusses his two books; his newest, The Great Architects of Mars, dazzling pictures
Bases 157 George Haas Part 1 Architects of Mars
MARS Keyhole Pyramid Structure - Spider Plants Exposed. 4K. ArtAlienTV
Ancient Aliens: STRANGE STRUCTURE DISCOVERED ON MARS (Part 1) (Season 16) | History
The World's Oldest Impact Crater Has Been Found in Australia
The World's Oldest Impact Crater Has Been Found in Australia
By Evan Gough
The researchers found large conical shatter cones within the Pilbara Craton in Western Australia. They're visible evidence of a meteorite impact 3.5 billion years ago. Credit: Chris Kirkland, Curtin University
The surfaces of the Moon, Mercury, and Mars are easily visible and are littered with impact craters. Earth has been subjected to the same bombardment, but geological activity and weathering have eliminated most of the craters. The ones that remain are mostly only faint outlines or remnants. However, researchers in Australia have succeeded in finding what they think is the oldest impact crater on Earth.
Their research, "A Paleoarchaean impact crater in the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia," is published in Nature Communications. The lead authors are Christopher Kirkland and Professor Tim Johnson, both from Curtin University in Australia. The Pilbara Craton is one of only two pristine Archaean sections of crust and is the subject of much geological research.
Impactors were more common in the distant past, especially large ones. In the Paleoarchaean era, which spans from about 3.6 to 3.2 billion years ago, the Solar System was much more chaotic than it is now. There were more asteroids and debris in orbit around the Sun, and more of them crashed into the planets and the Moon. Earth didn't escape this fate, and ancient impacts affected how the continents formed, shaped the environment, helped make Earth habitable, and affected the overall conditions of the planet.
"Before our discovery, the oldest impact crater was 2.2 billion years old, so this is by far the oldest known crater ever found on Earth," Professor Johnson said.
"We know large impacts were common in the early solar system from looking at the Moon. Until now, the absence of any truly ancient craters means they are largely ignored by geologists," said Johnson. "This study provides a crucial piece of the puzzle of Earth's impact history and suggests there may be many other ancient craters that could be discovered over time."
The crater was excavated by a meteorite striking Earth at more than 36,000 km/h. The crater is more than 100 km wide, and the powerful impact would've affected the entire globe with flying debris. At the time, the only life was microbial and constrained to water.
The impact could have had a long-lasting effect on the Earth, helping shape the planet into what it is today. There's an ongoing scientific discussion about ancient impacts and their effect on the planet's crust. Some think these giant impacts could have initiated deep mantle plumes and subduction zones.
There's some evidence that giant impacts could've created mantle plumes and subduction zones.
Image Credit: Koppers et al. 2025. Mantle plumes and their role in Earth processes. Nat Rev Earth Environ.
Some scientists go even further and wonder if these large impacts could be responsible for Earth's continents.
"The role of meteorite impacts in the origin, modification, and destruction of crust during the first two billion years of Earth history (4.5–2.5 billion years ago; Ga) is disputed," the authors write. "Whereas some argue for a relatively minor contribution overall, others have proposed that individual giant impactors (>10–50 km diameter) can initiate subduction zones and deep mantle plumes, arguably triggering a chain of events that formed cratons, the ancient nuclei of the continents."
Cratons are the large, stable parts of Earth's crust and upper mantle, known as the lithosphere. As the continents moved around, sometimes merging and sometimes rifting, cratons survived. Scientists call them the 'seeds' of continents.
Many scientists think that Earth's ancient rocks formed above mantle plumes. Others think that the oldest rocks formed because of plate tectonics. In both cases, the formation is driven by heat from the planet's interior. However, Johnson and his colleagues are pursuing a different idea.
In a 2022 paper, Johnson and fellow researchers proposed that the heat necessary to form cratons and continents came from an otherworldly source: impacts. Impactors many kilometres in diameter could've delivered the heat. "Giant impacts provide a mechanism for fracturing the crust and establishing prolonged hydrothermal alteration by interaction with the globally extensive ocean," they wrote. Massive mantle melting from the impact would've created a thick nucleus that eventually formed a continent, they explained.
They were talking specifically about Australia's Pilbara Craton, the "best-preserved Archaean (4.0–2.5 billion years ago (Ga)) continental remnant."
Based on that, Kirkland, Johnson, and their fellow researchers knew where to look for evidence. While much of the evidence they had was microscopic, like zircon crystals and spherules, they wanted something more visible to convince other geologists. They knew what the evidence would look like: shatter cones. Shatter cones are rare and form in only two situations: in bedrock under impact craters or nuclear explosions. In both cases, there's an extremely powerful shock.
As Johnson explains in The Conversation, they went to the Pilbara for two weeks of fieldwork in 2021. Remarkably, they found shatter cones on the first day.
This image shows some of the shatter cones the researchers found in the study region.
Credit: Tim Johnson, Curtin University
"Our observations showed that above the layer with the shatter cones was a thick layer of basalt with no evidence of impact shock. This meant the impact had to be the same age as the Antarctic Member rocks, which we know are 3.5 billion years old," Johnson and his colleagues wrote in The Conversation.
This schematic shows the geological layers in the study area, the Antarctic Creek Member. "We speculate that the carbonate breccias represent the lithified and hydrothermally-altered products of impact-related deposits," the authors explain.
Image Credit: Kirkland et al. 2025
The Antarctic Member is a complex, mostly metasedimentary layer located in the central East Pilbara Terrane in Western Australia. This type of rock is first formed from solidified sediments. Then, it is buried under subsequent rock layers and subjected to heat and intense pressure, turning it into a metamorphic rock. Since the layers above it are unshocked, the researchers can date the impact.
This map from the published research shows the region's geology in detail. The study area is marked with a red star. The dashed lines are where spherules have been found in the region.
Image Credit: Kirkland et al. 2025
These findings are clear evidence of ancient impacts, which scientists were almost certain must have occurred just as they did on other Solar System bodies. They also offer evidence that ancient impacts formed cratons and, hence, led to the formation of continents. However, it's too soon to conclude that this is how things happened. It needs more research. This discovery will also likely drive further investigation into other ancient terranes on Earth for evidence of shatter cones.
Ancient impacts could have shaped our planet beyond geology. Some research shows that these ancient impacts could have given life an initial nudge. Their impacts provided long-lasting heat in the form of systems of hydrothermal vents. This allowed hot water to interact with rock, which could've created environments rich in chemistry and minerals. Scientists think these elements are critical for the emergence of life.
“Uncovering this impact and finding more from the same time period could explain a lot about how life may have got started, as impact craters created environments friendly to microbial life such as hot water pools," Professor Kirkland said.
"It also radically refines our understanding of crust formation: the tremendous amount of energy from this impact could have played a role in shaping early Earth's crust by pushing one part of the Earth's crust under another or by forcing magma to rise from deep within the Earth's mantle toward the surface," Kirkland added.
"It may have even contributed to the formation of cratons, which are large, stable landmasses that became the foundation of continents," he concluded.
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