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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Archaeologists find 'extraterrestrial metal' in 2,700-year-old cemeteries
Archaeologists find 'extraterrestrial metal' in 2,700-year-old cemeteries
Archaeologists have discovered 'extraterrestrial metal' in ancient burials in Poland.
They uncovered four artifacts, three bracelets and a pin, containing a metallic iron found only in meteorites.
The pieces were pulled from two Early Iron Age cemeteries, dating between 750 to 600 BC, in southern Poland.
The team used different techniques, including X-rays to peer inside objects and another that uses a beam of electrons to create high-resolution images of objects, to determine the elemental composition of the artifacts.
The results showed high concentrations of smelted ore and meteoric iron that appeared to have come from a single space rock.
The high nickel levels in the iron suggested the jewelry was made from an ataxite meteorite that feature a mirror-like finish.
The researchers also said that the mixing of the iron sources was likely done on purpose to create patterns on the pieces.
If the hypothesis can be proven, it would make these artifacts the the oldest known version of patterned iron.
Archaeologists identified four artifacts from ancient cemeteries that feature iron from a meteorite
Using fallen meteorites to fashion objects was a common practice thousands of years ago, as a similar artifact was found in the tomb of Tutankhamun.
Meteorite iron is found in certain types of stony meteorites, composed mainly of silicates - a salt made of silicon and oxygen.
The discovery was made in Poland's Częstochowa Museum collection by Polish and French scientists who analyzed burial objects from two early Iron Age graveyards, Częstochowa-Raków and Częstochowa-Mirów.
Researchers analyzed the jewelry in the 1960s, but the artifacts were reanalyzed by Professor Albert Jambon a meteorite specialist from Sorbonne University and Dr Karol Dzięgielewski from Jagiellonian University.
'This modest number of specimens nevertheless forms one of the biggest collection of meteoritic iron products at one archaeological site worldwide, they shared in the study.
The team studied a total of 26 artifacts, including bracelets, ankle rings, knives, spearheads, and necklaces, housed at the museum.
Using several analytical techniques, they were able to determine the artifacts' elemental distribution and material composition, reported.
This allowed them to identify four pieces were at least partially composed of meteoric iron.
The pieces were pulled from two Early Iron Age cemeteries, dating between 750 to 600 BC, in southern Poland
While only four of the artifacts contained meteoric iron, researches said the discovery is on par with some from ancient Egypt where archaeologists have found troves of pieces dating back 5,000 years
The bracelets were pulled from Częstochowa-Raków cemetery and the pin from Częstochowa-Mirów.
While only four of the artifacts contained meteoric iron, researches said the discovery is on par with some from ancient Egypt where archaeologists have found troves of pieces dating back 5,000 years.
Because the type of meteorite used, the team believes the iron was locally sourced.
'We can conclude that there is a high likelihood that there was a witnessed fall rather than a lucky find,' said Dr Jambon.
'Iron meteorites may be large (hundreds of kg), but this may actually be a problem.
'Large pieces are not workable, and you need to separate small pieces (less than one kg), which is hardly possible with the tools of the Iron Age (see, e.g., the pieces of iron worked by the Inuits).'
Researchers in Spain made a similar discovery in 2024, finding artifacts were made with 'alien metals' 3,000 years ago
Researchers in Spain made a similar discovery in 2024, finding artifacts were made with 'alien metals' 3,000 years ago.
Scientists conducted a new analysis of the Treasure of Villena, a hoard of 59 gold-plated objects found in 1963, finding two objects featured meteoric iron.
A gold-coated cap and bracelet contained the extraterrestrial material from a meteor that crashed into Earth one million years ago, according to the team's estimates.
The artifacts were discovered by archaeologist José Maria Soler in December 1963, while he and his team were excavating a dry river bed called the 'Rambla del Panadero' - about seven miles from Villena.
The study explained that meteorite iron is found in certain types of stony meteorites, composed mainly of silicates - a salt made of silicon and oxygen.
'Since they come from outer space, are composed of an iron-nickel alloy with a variable nickel composition greater than five percent by weight,' researchers wrote.
'They also contain other minor and trace chemical elements, cobalt being one of the most significant.'
Many Ancient Civilizations Destroyed by Catastrophes, Says Maverick Researcher
Randall Carlson is a geological researcher and renegade scholar with extensive knowledge of ancient mythology, sacred geometry, and the Earth’s history of catastrophes. For over four decades he has been relentlessly pursuing the truth about the history of this planet and its human inhabitants, and his independent and interdisciplinary approach to knowledge synthesis has put him firmly outside the mainstream as a thinker and a theorist.
The breadth and scope of Randall Carlson’s research is immense, and one of his most startling theories that ancient civilizations across the world, such as the Egyptians, Sumerians, Mayans, and Megalithic builders, all had access to a universal system of advanced knowledge. He asserts that this knowledge was not confined to one specific culture, but instead was a shared inheritance passed down through generations.
This idea points to an origin story for human society and culture that predates known history, stretching far back into the remote mists of what we mistakenly refer to as “prehistory.” When researchers are willing to evaluate the evidence without prejudice or fear of being sanctioned by the academic gatekeepers, Carlson argues, the amazing truth about our past becomes obvious.
Randall Carlson links his ideas to Plato’s account of Atlantis, a story relayed by Solon, an Athenian statesman who traveled to Egypt around 600 BC. According to Solon, Egyptian priests spoke of an advanced civilization, Atlantis, which existed 9,000 years before his time and met its demise in a catastrophic event.
Moving back 9,000 years from Solon’s era, the suggested timeline places Atlantis’s destruction at approximately 11,600 years ago—a time Carlson believes is profoundly significant.
As Carlson points out, this date aligns with findings from geology and climatology that mark the end of the Younger Dryas, a period characterized by sudden cooling followed by rapid warming. Carlson argues that this connection is not coincidental; rather, it serves as evidence that Plato’s Atlantis may have been a real civilization that was lost in a major cataclysm.
Map of the Younger Dryas and its impact on climate in Europe and the surrounding region.
From Carlson’s perspective, Plato’s story of Atlantis plus the geological evidence indicate a shared ancient knowledge that civilizations may have inherited from this glorious but lost era. And his analysis of the legend of Atlantis sets the template for his larger analysis of the planet’s history as a whole, which has included many catastrophic events that had a profound impact on the people living on earth at those times.
Catastrophes and the Disappearance of Historical Records
Carlson’s theory addresses a fundamental question: if anatomically modern humans have existed for at least 150,000 years, why do we lack a continuous historical record of their civilizations? He attributes this absence to repeated catastrophic events that effectively erased entire societies and their accumulated knowledge, leaving virtually nothing behind for archaeologists to find (except perhaps on the ocean floor, where ancient flooding would have left ruins and artifacts hidden but preserved under the earth’s seas).
According to Carlson, modern human skeletons dating back 150,000 to 180,000 years confirm that people of equivalent intelligence to contemporary humans lived through these vast time spans. The lack of surviving records, he states, is due to the overwhelming scale of the destruction caused by these cataclysms. He has identified at least 16 significant catastrophes that have taken place over the last 150,000 years—events powerful enough to dismantle civilizations entirely. He warns that if such disasters were to occur today, modern industrial society would be equally vulnerable to obliteration, potentially leaving behind only minimal traces of its existence for future generations to find.
Cosmic Cycles and the Great Year
Carlson ties these catastrophic events to cosmic cycles, particularly the concept of the Great Year—a 25,920-year cycle corresponding to the Earth’s axial precession. He believes that ancient cultures, including those that built the pyramids and megalithic structures, understood these cycles and encoded their knowledge into their architectural and mythological traditions.
He further suggests that certain disasters, such as the onset of the Younger Dryas around 12,900 years ago, are connected to these cosmic cycles. He theorizes that the Earth’s movement through space influences the periodic arrival of cosmic materials, such as asteroids and comets, into the inner solar system. This process, he posits, follows a predictable rhythm, much like the precessional cycles observed in ancient traditions. Carlson contends that early civilizations recognized these patterns and attempted to warn future generations by preserving this knowledge in their myths, sacred geometries, and monumental structures.
Exposed ice sheet in the Garwood Valley of Antarctica, the type of thick sheet that would have covered huge sections of the planet following the onset of an ice age.
One of the main challenges in proving the existence of these lost civilizations is the lack of surviving physical evidence. Carlson attributes this scarcity to the sheer magnitude of past disasters, which would hae been truly epic. If modern civilization were to face an event of similar proportions, he theorizes, much of its technological and historical record would be wiped out, leaving only scattered remnants that would be extremely difficult to find.
He illustrates this concept by pointing to modern disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. These events, though localized, caused immense destruction. Carlson extrapolates from these examples, asking what would happen if a disaster were 100 times, a 100 times, or even a 1,000 times more severe. He concludes that such large-scale catastrophes could erase nearly all traces of our civilization, burying it or sweeping it out to sea—just as he believes happened in the past, probably many times.
While discovering the remains of these ancient civilizations presents an immense challenge, Carlson is hopeful that modern tools like Google Earth will help researchers identify patterns of destruction and remnants of ancient landscapes that might otherwise go unnoticed. These tools, he argues, provide an opportunity to piece together the effects of these ancient upheavals and uncover evidence of lost worlds.
Significant Catastrophic Events in Human History
Carlson identifies several major events that he believes would have inevitably wiped out ancient human civilizations. Some of the most impactful include:
Toba Supereruption (~72,000 BP): A massive volcanic eruption in Sumatra that likely triggered a volcanic winter, reducing human populations to critically low numbers.
Heinrich Events (Various Dates): Iceberg discharges into the North Atlantic, disrupting ocean currents and triggering abrupt climate changes, occurring around 65,000, 52,000, 39,000, and 23,000 years ago.
Younger Dryas Climate Catastrophe (~12,900 to 11,700 BP): A period of severe cooling, possibly linked to a cosmic impact, which coincides with the proposed timeline for Atlantis’s destruction.
Late Wisconsin Ice Age (~26,000 BP): The peak of the last Ice Age, affecting global climate and human migration patterns.
End of the Wisconsin Ice Age (~10,000 BP): Marking the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to the rise of early agricultural civilizations.
Burckle Crater Event (~4,320 BP): A proposed meteor impact in the Indian Ocean, potentially connected to flood myths from various cultures.
Australian Megafauna Extinctions (~40,000 BP to ~26,000 BP): A mass extinction event possibly caused by a combination of human activity and climatic changes.
Greenland Blitz (~104,000 BP): A proposed climatic event that Carlson links to significant environmental shifts in the region.
Salien Climate Shift (~144,000 BP): A large-scale climate change event that he believes influenced early human development.
Osis Events (~52,000 BP and ~8,400 BP): Speculative catastrophic events that may have played a role in shaping early civilizations
Illustration from a book written in 1552 by Hans Burgkmair der Jüngere depicting the great flood written about in Genesis, which from Randall Carlson’s perspective would represent a mythologized version of a flood that wiped out civilization after the end of the last ice age.
Based on his decades of research, and the work of other rogue researchers like his good friend Graham Hancock, Carlson is convinced that ancient civilizations were not only aware of catastrophic cycles, but also sought to preserve their knowledge for future generations. He believes that their myths, sacred geometries, and monumental structures serve as a record of past events and a warning of periodic cosmic destruction.
With each disaster, civilizations were wiped out, forcing survivors to rebuild from a near-primitive state. Despite the loss, Randall Carlson contends that fragments of this ancient knowledge endured, passed down through traditions, oral histories, and architectural legacies. By studying geological evidence and ancient records, Carlson suggests that we may yet uncover the lost wisdom of these early civilizations, learning the secrets of creation as we anticipate and prepare for future cosmic events.
Top image: Illustration of the landscape of the great lost city of Atlantis.
Saturn’s moon Titan is one of the most fascinating celestial bodies in our Solar System. Unlike any other moon, Titan possesses a thick atmosphere, liquid lakes, complex organic chemistry, and even a hidden subsurface ocean that could potentially harbour life. These unique characteristics make it a prime target for future space missions.
Titan is often compared to early Earth, as its dense nitrogen-rich atmosphere and organic-rich surface provide a glimpse into the conditions that may have led to life on our planet. With the Cassini-Huygens mission revealing stunning insights about its terrain and weather patterns, and NASA’s upcoming Dragonfly mission poised to explore it further, Titan remains at the forefront of planetary exploration. In this article, we explore five reasons why Titan stands out as the most intriguing moon in the solar system.
A Thick Atmosphere Unlike Any Other Moon
One of Titan’s most distinctive features is its dense atmosphere, which sets it apart from other moons in the solar system. Titan’s atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen (about 95%) with traces of methane (around 5%). This composition is remarkably similar to Earth’s atmosphere, making Titan one of the most Earth-like bodies in our solar system in terms of atmospheric conditions.
Infrared views of Titan’s surface made from data by the VIMS instrument. Credit: University of Arizona/LPL
Titan’s thick atmosphere gives it an orange haze that obscures its surface from direct view. This haze is caused by photochemical reactions in the upper atmosphere, where sunlight breaks down methane into more complex organic molecules. The presence of such an atmosphere makes Titan an excellent natural laboratory for studying atmospheric processes, weather patterns, and potential prebiotic chemistry.
Unlike the thin atmospheres found on other moons, Titan’s atmospheric pressure is about 1.5 times that of Earth’s at sea level. This means that if a human were to stand on Titan’s surface, they wouldn’t require a pressure suit – only an oxygen mask and protection from the cold. The atmosphere also supports weather patterns, including methane rain, seasonal changes, and even massive storm systems that resemble those found on Earth. This dynamic climate makes Titan an extraordinary candidate for future exploration.
A World with Liquid Lakes and Seas
Titan is the only known celestial body in the solar system, apart from Earth, to have stable liquids on its surface. However, instead of water, these lakes and seas are composed of liquid methane and ethane. The most notable of these bodies of liquid are Kraken Mare, Ligeia Mare, and Punga Mare, located in Titan’s northern hemisphere.
A Geologic map of Titan made with data from the Cassini-Huygens mission. Credit: Arizona State University/JPL
The Hydrological Cycle on Titan
Titan’s hydrological cycle is similar to Earth’s water cycle but operates with hydrocarbons instead of water. Methane and ethane evaporate, form clouds, and eventually precipitate as rain. This cycle plays a crucial role in shaping Titan’s landscape, creating river channels, shorelines, and even seasonal weather patterns. The presence of these liquid reservoirs raises intriguing questions about the possibility of exotic life forms that could survive in liquid methane rather than water.
A Complex Organic Chemistry Resembling Early Earth
Another compelling reason why Titan is so intriguing is its rich organic chemistry. Scientists believe that Titan’s atmosphere and surface processes closely resemble conditions on early Earth before life emerged. The Cassini-Huygens mission provided detailed insights into Titan’s atmospheric chemistry, revealing the presence of complex organic molecules, including hydrocarbons and nitriles, which are essential building blocks for life.
Implications for Prebiotic Chemistry
Titan’s environment provides a unique opportunity to study prebiotic chemistry – the chemical processes that might have led to the emergence of life. The interactions between sunlight, methane, and nitrogen in Titan’s atmosphere result in the production of tholins, complex organic compounds that could play a role in the development of life. By studying Titan, scientists hope to gain a better understanding of how life might arise elsewhere in the universe.
A Subsurface Ocean That Might Harbor Life
While Titan’s surface is dominated by ice and hydrocarbon lakes, evidence suggests the existence of a vast liquid water ocean beneath its icy crust. This subsurface ocean is believed to contain water mixed with ammonia, which acts as an antifreeze, allowing the ocean to remain in a liquid state despite Titan’s frigid temperatures.
Titan’s core and subsurface ocean. Credit: NASA
Comparison with Other Ocean Worlds
Titan is not the only moon suspected to harbour a subsurface ocean – Europa and Enceladus also have hidden oceans beneath their icy shells. However, Titan’s ocean is unique because of its potential interaction with the organic-rich surface. If material from the surface can mix with the subsurface ocean, Titan could have the necessary conditions for life to develop. The presence of a liquid water ocean beneath an organic-rich environment makes Titan an extremely promising target for astrobiology.
Future Missions That Could Unlock Its Mysteries
Titan’s unique characteristics make it a prime target for future space missions. One of the most anticipated upcoming missions is NASA’s Dragonfly, a drone-like rotorcraft designed to explore Titan’s diverse landscapes and search for signs of prebiotic chemistry.
Titan’s surface in images from the Huygens probe. Credit: NASA
What Dragonfly Will Explore
Scheduled for launch in the late 2020s, the Dragonfly mission will land on Titan and travel across its surface, investigating dunes, lakes, and potentially even cryovolcanic regions. The mission’s primary goal is to study Titan’s chemistry and assess its habitability. By directly sampling the organic compounds and surface materials, Dragonfly could provide groundbreaking insights into the building blocks of life beyond Earth.
Dragonfly will also help scientists understand Titan’s meteorology, geology, and potential subsurface interactions. Since Titan’s atmosphere is dense and gravity is low, the drone will be able to fly efficiently, covering long distances to explore multiple sites. This mobility will allow NASA to study various environments and compare their chemical compositions.
The Cassini Mission and Its Impact on Our Understanding of Titan
NASA’s Cassini-Huygens mission, which explored Saturn and its moons from 2004 to 2017, played a crucial role in expanding our knowledge of Titan. The Cassini spacecraft performed over 100 flybys of Titan, using radar to penetrate the thick atmosphere and map the moon’s surface.
The most groundbreaking event was the Huygens probe landing in 2005, the first successful landing on Titan. The probe transmitted data for over 90 minutes, revealing a world with river channels, icy pebbles, and an atmosphere rich in organic compounds. Cassini’s radar also confirmed the existence of methane lakes and provided evidence for Titan’s subsurface ocean.
The Cassini mission fundamentally changed our understanding of Titan, showing it to be one of the most Earth-like worlds in the solar system and a key target for future exploration.
Frequently Asked Questions
Could Humans Survive on Titan?
While Titan’s atmospheric pressure is hospitable, its extreme cold (around -290°F or -179°C) and lack of oxygen make it inhospitable for humans without specialized equipment. However, its dense atmosphere and low gravity make it a relatively easy place to land and explore compared to other celestial bodies.
What Makes Titan Different from Europa and Enceladus?
Europa and Enceladus are known for their subsurface oceans and potential hydrothermal activity. However, Titan stands out due to its thick atmosphere, surface lakes, and complex organic chemistry, making it a unique target for studying both atmospheric and prebiotic processes.
How Does Titan’s Weather Compare to Earth’s?
Titan experiences methane rain, seasonal weather changes, and wind-driven dunes, all of which resemble weather patterns on Earth. However, instead of water, methane dominates the climate, creating a fascinating and alien environment unlike anything else in the solar system.
The Mysteries of Titan – Why Saturn’s Moon is Unlike Anything in Our Solar System
Why Titan Is Saturn’s Most Intriguing Moon
The Bizarre Characteristics of Titan | Our Solar System's Moons: Titan
Well that’s ruined all my lectures! I’ve spent years talking about space and a go to fact is the red colour of Mars. It’s been long believed that it was caused by the same chemical process that creates rust on Earth, a new paper suggests this is not the case! The team of researchers simulated conditions of Mars in a lab and now think a chemical called ferrihydrite, an iron oxide that contains water. It now looks like the planet’s characteristic red colour is due to a time when Mars was covered in water!
Mars, often called the Red Planet is the fourth planet from the Sun. With a thin atmosphere composed mostly of carbon dioxide, Mars features a stark landscape of vast plains, huge volcanoes including Olympus Mons (the largest in our solar system), and deep canyons like Valles Marineris. Its surface has evidence of ancient rivers and lakes, suggesting Mars once had conditions that could have been suitable for microbial life. Its extreme temperature changes and frequent global dust storms are typical of this harsh world.
Mars seen before, left, and during, right, a global dust storm in 2001. Credit: NASA/JPL/MSSS
The distinctive red colour goes back centuries; the ancient Egyptians called Mars ‘Her Desher’ which translates to ‘the Red One’, the Romans named it after the God of war and the Chinese called it ‘the fire star.’ Even Babylonian records that go back to 2000 BC noted its red colour. In 1610, when Galileo first observed Mars through a telescope, he confirmed its planetary nature but also noted a more red/brown hue. This was largely due to the poor quality optics of the day and it wasn’t until optics improved that its red colour was observed in all its glory.
A bust of Galileo at the Galileo Museum in Florence, Italy. The museum is displaying recovered parts of his body. Credit Kathryn Cook for The New York Times
A team of researchers led by Dr Adomas Valantinas from Brown University in USA have published a paper in Nature Communications that has analysed the red colouration of Mars and challenge the common view that it’s a rust like material that is responsible. They used data from a number of different Mars missions from NASA’s Reconnaissance Orbiter to ESA’s Mars Express and ExoMars (which has the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System onboard.) The data from the orbiters was supported by data from various rovers too and further supplemented by analysis of artificial Mars-like materials in a laboratory.
An artist’s illustration of the Mars Express Orbiter above Mars. Its MARSIS instrument has been updated so it can study the moon Phobos. Image Credit: Spacecraft: ESA/ATG medialab; Mars: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
The analysis, which included experiments and measurements at the University of Grenoble, Brown University and the University of Winnipeg revealed the presence of Ferrihydrite. Not only was it present in the Martian dust, it seemed to be widespread across the Martian landscape. Ferriydrite is an oxyhydroxide mineral (one that contains oxygen, hydrogen and at least one metal.)
The widespread discovery of ferrihydrite on in Martian dust helps us to understand more about the geological history of Mars and its potential habitability. The existence of the ferrihydrite tells us that there were once cooler, wet conditions on Mars since that is a neccessity for the formation of the mineral. It’s an exciting discovery because its one more reason to believe that Mars was once a hospitable world.
The team are keen to learn more and are now waiting for Martian samples to study directly and for that, they are waiting for the Perseverance rover. It has been systematically collecting core samples of Martian soil from the Jezero Crater and storing them in titanium tubes ready for transport home. Once the team has these, they will be able to check whether their theory about ferrihydrite is correct.
We’re all fascinated with alien life. What if we told you scientists are on their way to proving it?
A groundbreaking study published in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences has demonstrated that cutting-edge laser technology can detect fossilized microbes in minerals similar to those found on Mars. This means that if life once existed on the Red Planet, we may now have the tool to identify its remains.
The center stage of this discovery is a laser-powered mass spectrometer, a spaceflight-ready instrument capable of analyzing rocks at an incredibly fine scale.
Scientists recently tested it on Earth by examining gypsum deposits in Algeria, which are similar to Martian sulfate minerals. The result? Fossilized microbial filaments, along with biosignatures, strongly suggest life once thrived in these environments.
If this laser technology can be integrated into future Mars rovers, it could revolutionize the search for extraterrestrial life.
Detecting ancient microbes with lasers
A mass spectrometer determines the chemical composition of a sample by ionizing its particles and measuring their mass.
The version used in this study takes it a notch ahead by incorporating laser ablation technology, making it more precise and adaptable for space missions. So, how does this technology work?
A high-energy laser is fired at a rock sample, causing a small portion to vaporize. This process is known as laser ablation, it removes only a tiny fraction of the material allowing it to analyze samples with little to no thermal damage.
The vaporized material is then ionized, meaning the atoms are electrically charged.
The mass spectrometer sorts and measures these ions, having the ability to identify their composition down to a micrometer scale.
Scientists then look for specific biosignatures, such as the presence of carbon, minerals associated with biological activity, such as dolomite or clay, and microscopic fossil structures.
Before sending this technology to Mars, scientists needed to prove that it could detect ancient life here on Earth. They chose gypsum samples from the Sidi Boutbal quarry in Algeria, a region rich in sulfate minerals that formed during the Messinian Salinity Crisis when the Mediterranean Sea partially dried up. This event left behind mineral deposits similar to those found on Mars.
Using the mass spectrometer and high-resolution optical microscopy, scientists discovered long, twisting fossil filaments embedded in the gypsum. These filaments were surrounded by dolomite, clay, and pyrite – minerals known to form in the presence of microbial life.
Dolomite typically requires either biological activity or extreme temperatures and pressures to form, thus its presence within the gypsum strongly suggests that microbial life played a role in its development. This strengthens the case that similar signatures on Mars could indicate ancient life.
What this means for Mars exploration
“Our findings provide a methodological framework for detecting biosignatures in Martian sulfate minerals, potentially guiding future Mars exploration missions,” said Youcef Sellam, PhD student at the Physics Institute, University of Bern, and first author of the study in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences.
By proving that a laser-powered mass spectrometer can successfully detect fossilized microbial life in Earth’s sulfate material, this research lays the groundwork for using similar technology on Mars. If future rovers or landers are equipped with this advanced tool, they could analyze Martian sulfate deposits in real-time, searching for biosignatures that might confirm life once existed on Mars.
Beyond its implications for astrobiology, this study also marks a significant milestone for Algeria, as it is the first research of its kind to use an Algerian terrestrial analog for Mars. Sellam, who dedicated the study to his late father, expressed pride in bringing planetary science to his home country.
As technology advances, one thing is becoming clear – if life ever existed on Mars, we now have the tools to find it.
The Perseverance rover firing its Supercam laser on Mars. Scientists are developing a new laser that will search for fossilized evidence of ancient Martian life. Image Credit: NASA/JPL/Thales
According to Darwin, life on Earth may have first appeared in warm little ponds. This simple idea is also a cornerstone in our search for the origin of life. The ponds were rich in important chemicals, and when lightning struck, somehow, it all got going.
If the idea is correct, the same thing may have happened on Mars. If it did, and if fossilized evidence of microbes on the planet exists, a new laser could find it.
We may never know exactly how life started. It appeared to start about 4 billion years ago on Earth, confined to water for about 3 billion, until our planet developed a UV-blocking ozone layer.
If life ever appeared on Mars, it also likely occurred billions of years ago when the planet was warm and wet. There’s a strong possibility that it was also confined to water for a long time. If it did, then ancient sediments could hold fossilized evidence of microbes.
NASA’s Perseverance rover landed in Jezero Crater, an ancient paleolake with deep sediments, in an attempt to detect evidence of ancient life. Jezero also contains an ancient river delta, an excellent place for sediments to collect and potentially preserve microbial evidence.
Perseverance carries a laser as part of its Supercam instrument, an improved version of MSL Curiosity’s Chemcam instrument and laser. Supercam analyzes rocks and soils and searches for organic compounds that are biosignatures of ancient microbial life.
Now, scientists are working on a new laser that could detect microbial fossils on Mars. The device will examine gypsum deposits for signs of these fossils. The device has already been tested in Mars-analogue gypsum deposits in Algeria.
“Our findings provide a methodological framework for detecting biosignatures in Martian sulfate minerals, potentially guiding future Mars exploration missions,” said Sellam. “Our laser ablation ionization mass spectrometer, a spaceflight-prototype instrument, can effectively detect biosignatures in sulfate minerals. This technology could be integrated into future Mars rovers or landers for in-situ analysis.”
Sellam is referring to sulphate minerals, including gypsum, left behind when bodies of water dry up. The minerals precipitate out and collect as deposits, as has happened repeatedly in the Mediterranean Sea during the Messinian salinity crisis.
“The Messinian Salinity Crisis occurred when the Mediterranean Sea was cut off from the Atlantic Ocean,” said Sellam. “This led to rapid evaporation, causing the sea to become hypersaline and depositing thick layers of evaporites, including gypsum. These deposits provide an excellent terrestrial analog for Martian sulfate deposits.”
We know something similar happened on Mars because gypsum deposits are plentiful. Since these deposits form rapidly, there’s a chance for fossils to be preserved before they can decompose.
“Gypsum has been widely detected on the Martian surface and is known for its exceptional fossilization potential,” explained Sellam. “It forms rapidly, trapping microorganisms before decomposition occurs, and preserves biological structures and chemical biosignatures.”
Gypsum deposits on Earth have been extensively studied for evidence of microbes.
These images, taken from separate research into gypsum deposits on Earth, show different types of microbial colonization in gypsum deposits. Panels B and C, for example, show zones rich in algal cells. More info here. Image Credit: Jehlicka et al. 2025.
“Prokaryotic communities are often found dwelling within modern evaporites, such as gypsum, forming in sabkhas, lacustrine, and marine terrestrial sediments,” the authors explain in their paper. “They mainly participate in carbon, iron, sulphur, and phosphate biogeochemical cycles, extracting water and using various survival strategies to avoid ecological stresses. Consequently, investigating these fossil filaments may enhance our comprehension of the cryptic conditions that led to the formation of the Primary Lower Gypsum unit during the Messinian Salinity Crisis, the biosignature preservation potential of gypsum, and the possible preservation of such fossils in ancient, hydrated sulphate deposits on Mars.”
Detecting evidence in Earth’s gypsum deposits is relatively simple. However, doing it on Mars is rife with challenges. Since scientists already know that Mediterranean gypsum deposits hold evidence of life, Sellam went to test the method there.
Sellam and his co-researchers tested their method at the Sidi Boutbal (SB) quarry in the Lower Chelif basin in Algeria. “The Chelif Basin is one of the largest Messinian peripheral sub-basins, characterized by an elongated and ENE–WSW oriented structure spanning over 260 km in length and 35 km in width,” the authors explain in their paper. The quarry contains gypsum deposits that are tens of meters thick.
These figures from the research show gypsum deposits in the Mediterranean, including the Sidi Boutbal quarry in Algeria, where the researchers tested their method. The black stars in C, D, and E show the sampled gypsum unit. Image Credit: Sellam et al. 2025.
The researchers used several methods in their work, including optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and spatially resolved laser ablation mass spectrometry (LIMS). These aren’t new technologies, but combining them into an instrument that can be carried by a rover is new.
In their tests in Algeria, the researchers used a miniature laser-powered mass spectrometer, which can analyze the chemical composition of a sample in detail as fine as a micrometre. They also sampled gypsum and analyzed it using the mass spectrometer and an optical microscope. Many natural rock formations can mimic microbial fossils, so they followed criteria to distinguish between potential microbial fossils and natural rock formations. Microbial fossils display morphology which is irregular, sinuous, and potentially hollow.
In their paper, the authors report finding “a densely interwoven network of brownish, sinuous, and curved fossil filaments of various sizes.”
A is an optical microscope image of permineralized filamentous microfossils, and G is a scanning electron microscope of the same microfossils. Image Credit: Sellam et al. 2025.
Their method also detects the presence of chemical elements necessary for life, carbonaceous material, and minerals like clay or dolomite, which can be influenced by the presence of bacteria. “The inner layer of the filament is morphologically and compositionally distinct from the gypsum, mainly composed of Ca, S, O, and traces of Si,” the authors write.
This is a Scanning Electron Microscope and Energy Dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX) spectrum of the same area. Red shows the predominant mineral, blue shows clay minerals, and yellow shows the inner layer of the fossil filaments. Image Credit: Sellam et al. 2025.
The authors found not only fossil filaments, but also dolomite, clay minerals, and pyrite surrounding the gypsum they were embedded in. This is important because their presence signals the presence of organic life. Prokaryotes supply elements that clays need to form and also help dolomite form, which often forms in the presence of gypsum. The only way that dolomite can form without life present is under high pressures and temperatures. To scientists’ knowledge, those conditions weren’t present on early Mars.
This is interesting progress, but there’s still lots of work to do.
It starts with identifying clay and dolomite in Martian gypsum. Along with other biosignatures, this indicates that fossilized life is there. If the system can identify other chemical minerals, that would help, too. Ultimately, finding organically formed filaments at the same time would be solid evidence that the planet once supported life.
“While our findings strongly support the biogenicity of the fossil filament in gypsum, distinguishing true biosignatures from abiotic mineral formations remains a challenge,” cautioned Sellam. “An additional independent detection method would improve the confidence in life detection. Additionally, Mars has unique environmental conditions, which could affect biosignature preservation over geological periods. Further studies are needed.”
If this method proves to be reliable, it’ll have to wait a while before being implemented.
The ESA’s Rosalind Franklin rover will launch to Mars in 2028. It will look for subsurface chemical and morphological evidence of life. Its instruments have already been chosen. Other nations and agencies have missions to Mars in the planning and proposal stages, but none of them are full-featured rovers like Curiosity and Perseverance.
However, another rover mission to Mars in the future is almost a certainty. Maybe this technology will be ready to go by then.
“Although the Messinian Salinity Crisis, during which the Primary Lower Gypsum formed, remains only partially understood, future astrobiological investigations on Mars should consider hydrated sulphate deposits as promising indicators of ancient Martian environmental conditions. This contribution underscores that hydrated sulphates serve as archives of biological history on Earth and potentially on Mars, should evidence of past life be found,” the authors conclude.
China’s Tianwen-2 Is About to Launch. Here’s What We Know About Its Target Kamo’oalewa
Researchers study enigmatic asteroid Kamo’oalewa, as China’s first asteroid sample return mission moves toward launch.
China is about to get in to the asteroid sample return game. The CNSA (China National Space Administration) has recently announced that its Tianwen-2 mission has arrived at the Xichang Space Center. The mission will launch this May, on a Long March 3B rocket with the agency’s first solar system exploration mission of the year.
The mission was originally named ZhengHe, after a 15th century explorer. Tianwen-2 is a follow-on to China’s Tianwen-1, the nation’s first successful Mars orbiter-lander mission. Set to launch this coming May, Tianwen-2 will perform an ambitious first: not only will it explore asteroid 469219 Kamo’oalewa, but it will head onward to Comet 311P/PanSTARRS, in a first-ever asteroid-comet exploration mission for the agency.
A Tantalizing Worldlet
Certainly, asteroid Kamo’oalewa is an intriguing space rock. An Apollo Group Near Earth Asteroid, Kamo’oalewa is a rare quasi-satellite of the Earth. Discovered on the night of April 27th, 2016 from the Haleakala Observatory, the asteroid received the provisional designation 2016 HO3. The formal name means ‘oscillating fragment’ in the Hawaiian language. The asteroid currently fluctuates from being a quasi-satellite and horseshoe orbit between the Sun-Earth L1-L2 and L4-L5 Lagrange points, respectively. One day—perhaps a 100 million of years or so in the future—Kamo’oalewa may ultimately strike the Earth or the Moon.
A reddish object, Kamo’oalewa is either an S- or L-type asteroid, about 40 to 100-meters in size. The asteroid also bears a striking spectral resemblance to Apollo 14 and Luna 24 soil returns, suggesting it may in fact be ejecta from the impact that formed the Giordano Bruno crater on the Moon. The farside crater is thought to be about 4 million years old.
Giordano Bruno crater on the lunar farside. Credit: NASA/LRO
Following Asteroid Kamo’alewa
A recent study out of the European Space Agency’s Near-Earth Objects Coordination Centre (NEOCC) entitled Astrometry, Orbit Determination and Thermal Inertia of the Tianwen-2 Target Asteroid (469219) Kamo’oalewa is looking to better understand the tiny world ahead of the mission’s arrival. Specifically, the study looks to refine the orbit of the asteroid, and understand how the Yarkovsky and YORP (Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack) effects act on the orbit and rotation of the asteroid over time. The Yarovsky Effect is the result of how sunlight alters the path of small asteroids over time, as they absorb solar energy and re-emit it as heat. YORP is a similar phenomena, but includes the scattering of sunlight due to the shape and surface structure of the asteroid. Kamo’oalewa is a fast rotator, spinning on its axis once every 27 minutes. This will add to the challenge of grabbing a sample.
“We observed Kamo’oalewa and precisely measured its position in the sky,” lead researcher on the study Marco Fenucci (ESA/ESRIN/NEO Coordination Centre) told Universe Today. “Thanks to these new measurements, we were able to determine the Yarkovsky effect with a signal-to-noise ratio of 14, and the overall accuracy of the orbit was improved.”
Our best view yet of asteroid Kamo’oalewa. Credit: ESA/NEOCC/Loiano Astronomical Station
The study used current observations from the Calar Alto Observatory in Spain and Loiano Astronomical Station based in Italy, as well as pre-discovery observations found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) from 2004. These were especially challenging for the team to incorporate, as SDSS used a unique drift scan method to complete images. Also, an NEO asteroid like Kamo’oalewa has a relatively fast proper motion against the starry background. These two factors presented a challenge to pinning the asteroid’s time and location down in earlier images.
An Enigmatic World
“Thanks to the accurate measurement of the Yarkovsky effect on Kamo’oalewa, we were able to estimate the surface thermal inertia,” says Fenucci. “Our best estimate indicates that the thermal inertia is smaller than that of Bennu and Ryugu (the target for JAXA’s Hayabusa2 mission). A low value of thermal inertia is usually due to the presence of regolith on the surface of the asteroid. The presence of regolith was not expected on such fast rotators.”
Certainly, the tiny world is worthy of further scrutiny. Any information will be handy leading up the Tianwen-2’s arrival. Like NASA’s OSIRIS-REx, which sampled asteroid 101955 Bennu in 2020, Tianwen-2 will use a touch-and-go sample technique, in addition to an anchor-and-attach method to acquire its samples of asteroid Kamo’oalewa.
“Kamo’oalewa will be the smallest asteroid visited by a spacecraft, and also the one with the shortest rotation period,” says Fenucci. “In terms of composition, the spectrum is similar to that of S-type asteroids, for example, Itokawa or Eros.” The reddish aspect of the asteroid in the visible-to-near infrared part of the spectrum, however, remains a mystery. “This is a typical feature of lunar regolith,” says Fenucci. “However, this particular feature can also be caused by space weathering. The Tianwen-2 mission should give an answer to the question of the origin of Kamo’oalewa.”
Tianwen-2 Mission Timeline
Currently rendezvous with the asteroid is set for 2026, with a departure in 2027. The CNSA team hopes to nab about 100 grams of Kamo’oalewa, about the mass of medium-sized apple. After that, the mission will dispatch its return capsule on Earth flyby in late 2027. Then, it will head onward to explore periodic comet 311/P PanSTARRS. The mission will reach the comet in 2034.
China has certainly taken a prudent, incremental path to space exploration. CNSA’s Chang’e program has returned samples of the lunar near and far side. Tianwen-1 was successful at Mars, scoring a combination orbiter, lander and rover on the Red Planet, all in one mission. China also has long term plans to combine these proven techniques in a Mars sample return mission of their own. This could launch as early as 2028.
It will be exciting to see asteroid Kamo’oalewa up close, as Tianwen-2 attempts to unravel the origin story for this elusive world.
China's Tianwen-2 Asteroid Mission #space #astronomy #china #tianwen2 #spacenews #spacenewstoday
It’s been almost three decades since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Since then, information from the former USSR has flowed more freely. One of the perhaps unforeseen advantages—at least to UFO enthusiasts—was the plethora of suddenly available UFO and alien reports that had piled up in secrecy throughout the Cold War years.
Here are just ten such reports. Had the Soviet Union still have been in existence today, the following accounts would very likely still be in a sealed vault deep behind the Iron Curtain.
10. Soldiers Turned To Stone In Ukraine
Without a doubt, one of the most intriguing and outlandish UFO claims from the Soviet era are the those regarding an incident that saw a number of Soviet soldiers reportedly turned to stone.[1]
The date of the actual incident is unclear, although it is thought to have happened during the late 1970s or early 1980s. The report states that a silver saucer-shaped object appeared over a Soviet military unit that was training in Ukraine. Although it doesn’t state whether the action was intentional or accidental, a surface-to-air missile was launched at the object, bringing it crashing to the ground.
Five beings with “large heads and large black eyes” exited the craft and then, in front of the soldiers, began to merge into one sphere-shaped object. This new object began to grow, becoming brighter as it did so. An uncomfortable buzzing noise also filled the air. Suddenly, in a blinding flash, the sphere-shape was gone, and the soldiers caught in the glow—23 in all—were instantly turned into “stone poles.” Only two soldiers, who weren’t caught in the glow, survived.
The remains of the UFO, as well as the “petrified soldiers,” were taken to Moscow for research.
9. The Claims Of Oscar Linke
The account of Oscar Linke from Soviet-controlled Germany became known to the Western world via a CIA report titled ” ‘Flying Saucers’ in East Germany,” obtained upon Linke’s “escape” from the East to the West and detailing an incident thought to have taken place in the summer of 1952.[2] The CIA themselves took the bulk of the report from a Greek newspaper article.
As Oscar was riding home on his motorcycle, his 11-year-old daughter Gabriella sitting in the carriage beside him, he suddenly felt a “pull” on the vehicle. Realizing a tire had blown, Linke brought the bike to a halt. After inspecting the damage, the pair began to push the bike down the road. During this, Gabriella spotted something moving in front of them.
Telling his daughter to remain with their bike, Oscar went forward to get a better look. In front of him, at a distance of around 40 meters (130 ft), were two humanoid figures dressed in “shiny metallic clothing.” Behind them was an object “like a huge frying pan,” with a black cone-type tower in the middle of it. He moved closer, eventually causing the beings to look in his direction. Upon noticing him, they scampered into their craft, which began to rotate quickly before rising at great speed.
8. Arkady Ivanovich Apraksin
What is perhaps most interesting about our third entry is that the apparent one-time heroic Russian fighter pilot Arkady Ivanovich Apraksin doesn’t technically exist—at least, according to Soviet thinking and the recorded version of history, he doesn’t.[3] His exploits are largely known to us in the West initially due to UFO researcher Dr. Felix Zigel, and then more recently through UK UFO investigator Timothy Good.
According to their research, Apraksin was highly decorated for his services in World War II, receiving the Red Star award, the Red Banner award, and the Patriotic War First Class award. Following the end of the global conflict, Apraksin would be one of the Soviet regime’s top test pilots for its secret military aircraft.
It was during one of these test flights in June 1948 that he would witness a “cucumber-shaped” craft that emitted “cones of light” from its body. He would attempt to engage the vehicle, but one of the cones of light hit his plane and disabled it immediately. A statement was prepared by his superiors, and he was ordered to take six weeks’ leave from duty. By May 1949, however, he was again testing aircraft for the Soviets. As he was racing through the air at around 15,000 meters (49,000 ft) from the ground, his plane suddenly became caught in one of the cones of light as the same UFO from before appeared nearby. He would eventually manage to bring his plane to an emergency landing around 80 kilometers (50 mi) from his base.
Following this encounter, Apraksin was sent for “evaluation” and would ultimately be declared “Group One Disabled,” which ruled him out of any active military duty. Shortly after, it would seem he vanished from the system entirely.
7. The Yaroslavl Sightings
In the early 1930s, there were reports of several strange sightings in and around Russia’s Yaroslavl province. Locals would suggest these strange sightings were connected to the 1928 crash of a strange craft into the icy waters of Lake Vedlozero before its sinking to the dark depths below the thick sheet of ice.
In the years that followed, regular sightings of creatures with “thin arms and legs” were made along the banks of the lake. Some would report these beings to be wearing outfits made from a shiny silvery material. There were also further sightings of strange objects hanging over the region before vanishing in a flash of light. On one occasion, a “gel-like” substance was found on the ground following such a sighting. Some reports even go as far as to speak of contact between these creatures and small, isolated villages.[4]
According to UFO researchers who have ventured to this part of the world in modern times, many residents will state to having regular “interference” with their televisions and radios. Whether or not this is connected to the events of the 1930s is open to debate.
Intertwined with legends and folklore that date back centuries are the many accounts from the so-called “Valley of Death” in Siberia that runs along the Upper Vilyuy River. Those who have ventured into this region have reportedly become suddenly ill (sometimes fatally). Recently, in 2013, Michale Visok led a team into the heart of the Valley of Death, investigating the apparent existence of “cauldrons” that were said to be the remains of ancient alien technology.[5] They would have to abandon the project due to the sudden onset of intense illness with similar symptoms to radiation poisoning.
According to the legends, the entire region was host to a great battle in antiquity that would see “balls of fire” being thrown from the ground at huge ships in the air. These flames came from “cauldrons” that would rise up from within the Earth. Their description sounds similar to anti-aircraft guns. During this battle, an explosion “louder than any heard before” would completely destroy the region and all life in it. The descriptions are similar to those of a nuclear explosion, which, incidentally, might explain the reason why anyone who does venture into the Valley of Death becomes ill shortly after.
5. The Caucasus Mountains Abduction
In the summer of 1948, in a small village in the Caucasus Mountain regions of Russia, a young brother and sister would fall asleep in a field overlooking the cows grazing in the sunshine. The sister, along with her friend, lay in the sunshine in order to get suntans. The young boy, however, would walk to a spot that was in the shade. He was awoken shortly after to the sound of a “piercing whistle” and the sight of a huge silver object that resembled an “upside down plate” hovering over him.[6]
Scared but curious, he remained where he was, watching the events unfold. The craft would land a short distance from him. Shortly after, a doorway opened, and three humanoid beings emerged from the disc. They made their way to the young boy, took his hand, and led him to their otherworldly vehicle. As he climbed on board and walked down a corridor, the door shut behind him. He was led into a separate room which featured four cages made from “metallic rods.”
One of the cages contained a rather large bear. The others, however, had human beings inside. In one sat a disheveled naked woman, in another were three Caucasian men, and in the third was a “man of Slavic descent.” It was with this last man that the young boy was placed. While the Caucasian men were calm and apparently engaged in some kind of prayer, the woman was screaming hysterically. The bear, meanwhile, was becoming increasingly agitated and pacing in his small enclosure.
A table was “brought out of the wall” and one of the Caucasian men was placed on it. The three alien beings then proceeded to conduct a live dissection of the man, eventually placing the pieces of his cut-up body into a medical box before “washing down” the area to remove the blood. They then left the room.
The young boy and the Slavic man, who revealed his name to be Sasha, would temporarily escape their cages, but they were caught by the aliens. Eventually, after revealing to Sasha and the boy that their experiments were to study life on Earth, particularly humans following the atomic blasts of World War II, they would reach a deal with Sasha. He would go with them to their planet, as long as the two other men, the woman, and the young boy were released. Apparently, these terms were acceptable to the aliens, who did as they said they would. Although the young boy would not see the extraterrestrials again, he would receive a strange, random visit from several military personnel with a man in civilian clothes a few years later. The young boy wouldn’t answer any of the man’s questions, however, and they soon left, but not before ordering him to “not tell anyone” of their conversation.
4. The Recovery Of The Lake Balkash Crash
According to declassified KGB files, hundreds of people apparently witnessed a “silver disc” drop from the sky and into Lake Balkash.[7] The incident occurred at some point in 1963, although the exact date is uncertain. Within hours, a retrieval team had secured the wreckage and transported it to a secret underground facility in Slepnogorsk.
The leader of the Soviet Union at the time, Nikita Khrushchev, was made aware of the situation, and several days after the incident, he would make a discreet visit to the location to inspect the remains for himself and be briefed by Soviet scientists looking to understand and reverse-engineer the craft.
The incident is far from the only claim of recovered UFOs in the former Soviet Union. The previous year, for example, in 1962, two disc-shaped craft crashed and were recovered. The first came to the ground in Semipalatinsk, with the remains transported to a facility in Zhitkur. The second crashed in the largely unpopulated northern regions of Russia, and a recovery team would take the wreckage to a location somewhere in Moscow.
In recent years, many former high-ranking Soviet officials have gone on record, making public statements concerning such incidents as well as the activities at the infamous Kapustin Yar, regarded by most as the Soviet version of Area 51.
Ukraine has several notable UFO sightings and apparent alien encounters on record. Perhaps one of the most interesting took place in Odessa in 1971.[8] According to the story, a young woman known as “Masha” would travel to Odessa from Crimea to go on a tour of the catacombs of the city.
During this tour, she suddenly heard the cries of a young child and went to see where they were coming from. Realizing she had quickly separated herself from the group, she continued to search for the source of the crying. Then, she felt a “kick” to her head and remembered nothing else.
Several days passed, and Masha’s disappearance sparked a large search of the town. Then she reappeared at the entrance to the catacombs. A group of tourists would take her to the authorities, and she was soon on her way back to Crimea.
Once back at home, however, Masha’s parents noticed a distinct change in her. She was reclusive and distant. Even more bizarre, it was discovered that she was in the early stages of pregnancy, although she didn’t know how or when the child could have been conceived. Nevertheless, she went ahead with the pregnancy and brought up the child, a boy, as she would have done any other. However, it was obvious that he was “different” from other children his age. He was highly intelligent and had no interest in child-like activities, preferring instead to read books vastly ahead of his age.
Perhaps strangest of all was his sudden decision as a young man to take a trip to the same catacombs his mother had two decades earlier. He would venture into the walkways as part of a group of tourists. Somewhere during the trip, he simply disappeared. Nobody could recall when they last saw him, and he was never heard from again. Nor was his body ever found.
2. The Topolovka Forest Crash
During a geological excursion in the forests near Topolovka in 1966, geologist Oleg Ivanovich and the rest of his team made the decision to camp down for the night after one of their horses ran into trouble in swamp mud. Shortly after they settled down for the evening, a huge explosion brought them from sleep, and all around them were flames. It appeared that the entire forest was on fire. The intense heat and thick smoke would force the entire team into a nearby river as their only means of escape.
As daylight broke, they could see the flames had died somewhat, although small areas were still burning significantly. They also noticed that their equipment was behaving strangely as they attempted to locate the source of the explosion. Their radios were all dead, and compass needles would simply spin wildly. The men also reported experiencing unexplained sensations of “powerlessness.”
They would eventually, however, locate what appeared to be the remains of a downed aircraft which resembled “two washbasins set face to face.”[9] Some of its lights were still flashing, although the UFO was most definitely ruined. A doorway was open, out of which poured thick, black smoke. There also appeared to be a “tentacle” halfway out the doorway. The men would eventually move away from the site and begin their journey out of the forest before it became too dark to do so. As they did, though, they witnessed five military helicopters heading in the direction of the downed craft.
Suspecting the helicopters were part of a secret recovery team, Ivanovich would lead a small crew to the area the following day. As he expected, the craft was no longer there. However, all around the crash site were human footprints and signs of intense activity. What’s more, these prints and indentations were fresh and had been made within the last 24 hours, according to the geologist.
Incidentally, the group did take several photographs of the crippled craft, none of which came out. They would offer that this was likely due to an increase in radiation at the crash site, which also explained the erratic behavior of their navigation equipment.
1. Glimmering Jellyfish’ Over Petrozavodsk
At around 4:00 AM on September 20, 1977, dockworkers in the town of Petrozavodsk would witness a “blinding light” head in their direction from over Lake Onega. Witnesses would later state that as the craft came closer, it looked like a “glimmering jellyfish.”[10] Furthermore, upon stopping and hovering in the same spot for several minutes, it would send out “several ultra-thin beams of light,” as if searching for something or preparing to launch an attack.
After 12 minutes, the lights dimmed, and the object “transformed into a bright semicircle” before moving back in the direction it came at an intense speed. The dockworkers watched the object grow smaller in the distance before seeing it turn upward and punch a “burning red hole in the clouds.”
Soviet authorities would ultimately assume the incident was connected to some Cold War technology of the United States. The sheer amount of witnesses to the event, however, and the increasing number of Soviet citizens and academics alike whose interest in the UFO phenomenon was only getting stronger, meant this explanation largely fell on deaf ears. The Soviets would ultimately launch an official, albeit secret, investigation into the incident.
Russia ufos' secrets revealed Alien documentary full length UFO documentary history channel
Russian UFO - The Secret KGB Files - Documentary
WHEN RUSSIANS Shot Down An ALIEN Craft - CIA Declassified Document
Did The Soviet Union Discover Aliens In The Deepest Lake In The World? | UFOs: The Lost Evidence
Just about everyone reading this has probably heard of alleged UFO crasheslike the Roswell incident. Or maybe you’ve even heard of the one at Kecksburg in Pennsylvania, or perhaps the alleged crash in the Black Forest in Germany in 1936. However, there is an absolute plethora of other claims, with numerous witnesses to boot, of other UFO crashes on record.
What’s more, reports of wrecked flying saucers have come in from all over the planet, and they’ve occurred over a broader range of history than you might have guessed. Here, then, are ten lesser-known claims of crashed alien craft from other worlds!
On the evening of January 29, 1986, a strange, red sphere suddenly appeared in front of hundreds of witnesses in the skies over the small mining town of Dalnegorsk, on the southeasternmost side of the Soviet Union. After moving steadily over the village for several moments, it suddenly began to fail and would ultimately crash into the Izvestkovaya Mountain—known to many as “Height 611” or “Hill 611.”[1]
Witnesses would report hearing an explosion and witnessing intense burning and flames around the apparent crash site. Before official investigators could examine the scene, several locals ventured up to the crash site the following day. Although they found obvious evidence of a disturbance, and likely intense heat judging from the burned-out tree stump and vegetation, they didn’t see or recover any actual wreckage. They did, however, discover strange “rock-like” pieces that had a metallic feel and look to them. They would hand these over to the chief investigator, Valeri Dvuzhilni of the Far Eastern Committee for Anomalous Phenomena.
When investigators examined the grounds more thoroughly, they would discover tiny metallic “droplets,” ranging in size from 2 to 5 millimeters. When these were later examined, they had a most complex inner structure of metallic fibers, along with gold thread and coverings of quartz crystal. Although tiny, these strange droplets, or the material that made them, was of obvious complex and intelligent design.
Furthermore, the burned-out tree stump was found to have melted on one side (presumably the side nearest to the heat of the crash site). The burning of the wood produced carbon, and it would have taken heat in excess of 3,000 degrees Celsius (5,432 °F) to melt such carbon. The case remains unexplained, although Dvuzhilni would theorize the possibility that the intense heat was not flames for the majority of the incident but repairs, which allowed the craft to take off before the locals arrived at the scene.
9. The Salta Case
Not only was there an alleged UFO crash in Salta, Argentina, on the afternoon of August 17, 1995, witnessed by dozens of people, but one of them was a civil aviation pilot who would take to the air in the immediate moments following the sudden appearance, crash, and explosion of a strange silver disc.[2] Tony Galvano was having lunch at the time when an extremely bright metallic object roared out of the sky before suddenly falling to the ground and exploding in a flurry of flames and black smoke. Some reports even suggest that seismic activity was recorded over 320 kilometers (200 mi) away.
Galvano would immediately run to his Flystar airplane in order to take to the skies and get a better look at what was happening and, more specifically, what had just crashed down to the ground. However, his initial attempts were thwarted by the thick, black smoke that not only made it impossible to see any activity on the ground but also made it dangerous to fly. He returned to the airfield. He would, however, take off on another reconnaissance mission two days later.
When he did, he saw an obviously disturbed area where a craft had crashed and skidded for a short distance before coming to a grinding halt. As well as disturbance to the land itself, Galvano observed that the trees and bushes were also significantly damaged. Some of them had even been ripped from the ground, their roots showing completely.
Galvano would return to the site again several weeks later with other volunteer searchers from the area. On this occasion, however, they were approached by armed men in black suits who drove to the site in heavy-duty black SUVs. They immediately stated that they were taking over the search effort and that Galvano and the others were all to go home. Galvano began to protest before one of the men stated ominously, “Forget it, Galvano, what’s coming down is very heavy.”
8. The Megas Platanos UFO Crash
An apparent UFO crash occurred in the early hours of September 2, 1990, in the picturesque, sun-blessed setting of Megas Platanos in Greece.[3] It was just after 3:00 AM when six bright lights began to approach the village. However, one of the lights was moving much more erratically than the others. As several witnesses watched, all spread out across the area and thus witnessing the events from different vantage points, the unsteady light suddenly came crashing down to the ground below.
A shepherd, Trantos Karatranjos, watched the object impact the ground from around 500 meters (1600 ft) away. He would recall how there was an immediate burst of flames, which then spread quickly to nearby vegetation. As this was happening, the five other craft were hovering overhead, as if watching events unfold. Suddenly, two of them came down to the ruined vehicle. The fires were now no longer burning. The glowing craft would continue to descend and ascend once more, seemingly in turns as if there was some kind of repair operation taking place. This operation, whatever it was, would continue until dawn.
By the time residents would venture to the crash site with the onset of daylight, they were shocked to find scorch marks but no crippled craft. They did recover some wires and metallic remains, many of which would disappear with the locals as “souvenirs.” According to later reports made to UFO investigators, there was a distinct Greek military presence in the area in the days that followed. They would even issue an official statement saying that the “UFO” was actually a Soviet satellite.
An almost forgotten UFO crash in Las Vegas on the evening of April 18, 1962, was actually tracked by US military radar right the way across the United States.[4] The aerial anomaly would enter New York airspace before making its way across Kansas, Colorado, Arizona, and Nevada, where it would ultimately crash to the ground.
Fighter jets were scrambled from Luke Air Force Base just outside of Phoenix, Arizona. According to reports, the craft initially “came down” in the town of Eureka in Utah (causing a temporary blackout) before rising quickly into the air again. As it approached Las Vegas, it vanished from the radar screens. According to whistle-blower reports and eventually declassified documents, many UFO researchers had reason to believe that the craft came down inside the grounds of Nellis Air Force Base, which, incidentally, resides near Las Vegas.
What is certain is that at the time of the alleged crash, many reports were flooding into the switchboards of the police departments and aviation authorities alike, telling of a strange, red glow in the sky. Many would also report a sudden noise that sounded very much “like an explosion.”
The official explanation offered from the military was that the sightings were nothing more than meteors. They would also largely suppress their tracking of the craft across the country, instead treating them as individual “state sightings.” This would sever connections and allow the meteor explanation to take hold more firmly.
6. The Kingdom Of Lesotho Incident
The independent nation of the Kingdom of Lesotho, which is bordered by South African land on all sides, was subject to a downed UFO on the evening of September 19, 1995.[5] Peter Lachasa, a South African farmer, would suddenly hear a “strange sound” overhead at around 9:15 PM. He would also notice how his cattle were suddenly spooked and unsettled. Then, he heard a sound that was unmistakably an explosion.
He quickly made his way outside to investigate. He saw that several of his neighbors who had land bordering his were also watching events unfold. One of these neighbors would later state that the object hit the ground and gave off “a series of blinding flashes” as it exploded. Along with several of his neighbors, Lachasa would approach the crash site, but the intense heat forced them to maintain a certain distance from it. Lachasa, though, thought he might have seen an occupant inside the ruins. And what’s more, it could have been moving. He contacted the authorities in case there were indeed survivors.
By the time police arrived, they would go back to the crash site once more. Despite the previous heat and flames, now there didn’t appear to be any significant damage to the craft. The police would make a report, unsure of what to do since the object was on private land. However, shortly after midnight, the South African military would arrive. They claimed to have permission from the Lesotho Ministry of Defense to recover the craft on their behalf. They secured the scene, keeping any nonmilitary personnel away from the area. They would work through the night, and by dawn, the craft and any evidence of its presence was no longer there. Its whereabouts are unknown.
5. UFO Crash In Nebraska
The earliest UFO crash on our list comes from Dundy County in Nebraska on June 6, 1884. That evening, with the Sun setting but still with adequate light to continue rounding up his cattle, farmer John W. Ellis and several hired workers would suddenly witness an extremely bright light making its way across the skies.[6] As it appeared, a “terrific whirring” sound became increasingly loud in their ears. As the men watched the object, they quickly realized it was coming down to the ground. They continued to watch until the impact and inevitable explosion occurred.
After waiting for several moments, the men cautiously approached the vehicle to investigate further. According to a report in the Nebraska Nugget newspaper, Alf Williamson (one of the witnesses) would suffer intense burns from getting too close to the craft.
According to subsequent reports that would appear over the following years, including one in The Nebraska State Journal in 1887, the men were of no doubt that the object was a “nuts-and-bolts” airborne vehicle. It was made, according to their report, from a “metal of an appearance like brass.” However, when they tried to move it, they were shocked at how “remarkably light” it was, even though the exterior was a strong as any known metal at the time.
4. The Prohladnyi Incident
According to reports that were released following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, at around 11:00 AM on August 10, 1989, a squadron of MiG-25s were scrambled to meet a UFO flying over the city of Prohladnyi near the Caucasus Mountains.[7] If their reports are to be believed, the UFO was hit by a ground-to-air missile and crashed somewhere in the mountains.
A Mil Mi-8 helicopter was sent out to locate the object. A disc-shaped craft was soon located near Nizhniy Chegem. A retrieval team was sent to the area, which was soon cordoned off and under military lockdown.
The retrieval team would transport the object to the nearby Mozdok Air Base. According to the reports, the KGB would oversee a specially pieced together investigation team to attempt to reverse-engineer the apparent alien technology. At the same time, the KGB would employ a typical Cold War cover-up operation.
As a further twist to this affair, a crew of three alien occupants were discovered within the remains of the craft. Two of them were dead on discovery. The third, while alive, would die shortly after. If we are to believe the account, the three dead aliens are preserved somewhere in a top-secret location, most likely Kapustin Yar, the Soviet version of Area 51.
3. The Howden Moors Crash
Perhaps one of the most intriguing alleged cases of a crashed UFO took place on the evening of March 24, 1997, over the Howden Moors between South Yorkshire and Derbyshire in England.[8] At just after 10:00 PM, reports began to come in from the public that there was a low-flying aircraft over the moors. However, these reports would soon turn into ones of bright flashes, loud booming noises, and “several plumes of black smoke” rising from somewhere in the woodlands of the open countryside.
Several search operations from several different police counties were launched, both on foot and in the air. These would continue through the night. The main concern was that a light aircraft or a helicopter had come down. However, no survivors or any wreckage was discovered during the search, which would go on until well into the following day. At one stage, no-fly zones were put in place, an action which some later UFO researchers would find to be suspicious—particularly when there were commercial airliners “stacking” as a result.
Despite all of this activity, the sudden official word from the UK military was that there was no crash at all. It had simply been a mistaken sighting—despite the plethora of reports from the general public. Soon, rumors began to circulate from the many volunteer searchers. The most prominent came from a unit of Yorkshire Water workers who happened to be in the area. They would claim to have seen a wrecked pile of metal in a clearing. They would also report that there was a “military presence” there. What’s more, this military presence was loading “body bags” onto a Sea King helicopter. When the military were confronted with this, they claimed they were merely moving “equipment!”
Despite the official explanation of mistaken reports, many UFO researchers still consider the crash authentic, and an explanation remains elusive.
2. The Wilsthorpe Beach Incident
A bizarre incident presumed to be a downed UFO occurred in September 2009, although no witnesses actually saw the crash itself.[9] However, the events that would unfold are almost a textbook crash story. An unnamed retired couple, in their seventies at the time, would witness 30 to 40 strange objects hanging in the air over the North Sea for around 90 minutes. It was around 11:00 PM, and the married couple were getting ready for bed when they noticed the strange aerial show from the bedroom window of their seafront home.
After they watched the UFOs until just after midnight, the strange objects began to shoot straight upward. Not quite sure what they had seen, the couple believed the show was over and went to bed.
However, the next morning, they would awake to the sound of heavy-duty military helicopters descending on the beachfront. Two Chinooks off-loaded droves of military personnel. The entire beach was under lockdown. Some of the soldiers were moving up and down the beach in specific ways with metal detectors, as if searching for metallic objects. Then came the sound of bursts of automatic gunfire. Quickly followed by explosions.
When UFO investigators would request information on the military presence that morning, even asking outright if a UFO had crashed on the beach or in the sea, they were told it was a “routine military exercise.” One particular UFO researcher, Paul Sinclair, wasn’t at all satisfied with that explanation and continues to investigate the case.
1. The Bolivia Crash
On the mountain range near Bermejo, Bolivia, near the border with Argentina, thousands of people would witness a UFO crash and explode into flames.[10] It was just after 4:15 PM on May 6, 1978, and according to reports, the “supersonic bang” was heard up to 240 kilometers (150 mi) away and even cracked windows within a 48-kilometer (30 mi) radius.
While residents on the Bolivian side contemplated whether the object was meteor or something more otherworldly, the Argentinian authorities had mobilized their military onto the mountainous border range to search for the mystery object. This search would apparently take weeks.
Eventually, the Bolivian Air Force would discover the crash site but were unable to land to investigate further. The next thing anyone knew, the Argentinian press had announced that the Argentinian Air Force had made the discovery. And what’s more, NASA was sending investigators. However, instead of NASA, two “off-duty” US Air Force employees arrived, with instructions to transport the craft to the United States.
From here, the trail goes, likely purposely, murky, with several versions of where the UFO and any occupants might be. It would appear, though, that something definitely did crash and that the United States government and/or military had a great interest in it.
10 Astonishing Real UFO Crash Incidents From History
Top 10 UFO Incidents That Have Still YET to be Explained
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Ufology in Chile: The best destinations for the sighting of UFOs
Ufology in Chile: The best destinations for the sighting of UFOs
By: Chile Travel
Are we alone in the universe? Since the beginning of history, anomalous phenomena fascinate and frighten. Paradoxical feeling that causes man to generate various theories about what is beyond, placing ufology in Chile – and the whole world – as one of the tendencies of conspiracy that has more followers.
Is there life on other planets? What happens in the other galaxies? Are we the only thinking civilization in the sky? When we realize that the universe is infinite and that the earth represents a tiny part in the cosmos, it is logical to believe that it is possible that there is extraterrestrial life, and in countries like ours, located at the end of the world, they become the perfect scenario to find the best destinations for UFO sighting.
And it is the geographic location of Chile and, above all, its pristine skies that have given life to an exponential development of astronomy in the last decades, deploying large observatories and astronomical centers that have been a valuable contribution to science and astronomy globally, they also generate optimal places to view unidentified valuation objects (UFOs).
In this way, the history of UFO sightings in Chile is very long and goes back to time immemorial. It is believed that the pre-Columbian civilizations had contact or believed in other civilizations outside of this land. Hundreds of movies have made us dream of tender, kind or malignant and destructive beings that take unimaginable forms worthy of Hollywood.
However fantastic it may seem, the development of ufology in Chile has given life to associations and groups that are dedicated to deny and / or analyze and scientifically investigate this type of phenomena. For example, the Agrupación de Investigaciones Ovniológicas de Chile(Group of ufological investigations of Chile), Universe Geu Chile, Marcc Ufo and the ufological crusade called FARO are communities of Chilean travelers devoted to gather amateur ufologists.
However, not all are amateur groups, in 1997 the CEFAA was created, a Committee for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena. An official body of the General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics, DGAC, which studies anomalous aerial phenomena that occur in the airspace of responsibility of the Republic of Chile and that extends for 32 million square kilometers, from Arica, by the north between 120º and 131º degrees west and up to the South Pole.
Due to the numerous cases of sightings reported by the crews of commercial, private, sports and institutional aircraft and the ordinary public. This interdisciplinary committee receives the cases, studies them and generates a report, drawing conclusions that are generally scientifically explainable. The main objective of this organization is to safeguard the security of the airspace and to educate the community about the myths and reality of these sightings.
Along with that, Chile has been chosen as one of the best places in the world to observe sightings and has witnessed innumerable curious and enigmatic phenomena throughout its long and narrow geography.
According to Jim Bobson, an American who has accumulated more than 30 years of traveling experience in 80 countries, he has shared with the famous magazine Forbes the 8 best places in the world to “hunt” UFOs. Chile is in the number one spot, followed by the United States and Australia.
THE UFOs Route
According to the traveler, our country is one of the destinations where UFO sightings occur most frequently. In the article that expands on ufology in Chile, the author recommends the commune of San Clemente, a town near the Maule Valley as a site of unforgettable encounters.
In 2008, an official UFO tourism route was created in this area, which includes places where there have been famous cases of UFO sightings. The most outstanding place is the Enladrillado geological platform, where it is possible to observe some 200 volcanic blocks supposedly installed by ancient civilizations. Some ufologist even assure that these blocks serve like landing platforms for extraterrestrial ships.
Other studies have determined the three “hottest” zones to spot UFOs in Chile: first of all is the Cajón del Maipo, an area surrounded by great mountains that has been the cradle of several sightings. The most famous and commented was the mountaineer Claudio Pastén, who in 1997 supposedly saw a huge light settling in the water and leaving two strange beings of great stature.
After much research, a television channel determined that the encounter had been real. The Cajon del Maipo has for some time been transformed into a encounter point for these amateur flying saucers fans, attributing even a UFO’s landing strip to the triangular lagoon that lies behind the mountains that surround the El Yeso Reservoir.
Like the American traveler, the followers of the ufology in Chile agree that San Clemente is a special place for sightings, the great majority of the inhabitants of the place have said to have seen flying lights and even to have perceived “Humanoids” walking through the town. They also say that in the mountains surrounding the National Reserve Altos de Lircay have seen phenomena that experts have failed to decipher.
The third recommended place for this type of sightings is the enigmatic Valle del Elqui. Beside of being famous for being a spiritual center that invites to be reborn and to be healed, it is said that between its mountains a portal to another dimension hides.
This Valley and its surroundings have witnessed strange events such as the fall of an unknown object in the mountains of Vicuña in 2013, which dozens of people testified to having seen it zigzag in the sky before crashing into a mountain.
Another case that is remembered is that of the city of Paihuano, when in 2008, while the president of the Republic dictated a speech at a high school in the town, attendees spotted a UFO that was immortalized by several in attendees.
However, the most famous event was the so-called “Chilean Roswell” of 1998. According to several witnesses, a UFO crashed on the Las Mollacas hill, in the same town near Coquimbo, a phenomenon that even moved the Chilean army and special envoys. from NASA who requested not to publish more information on the case.
Another fact that has marked the ufology in Chile, occurred in the early morning of May 2018, over the skies of Antofagasta the crew of six commercial aircraft simultaneously spotted three triangular light sources.
The official audios of the pilots were published and generated great commotion in the public opinion due to the confusion that these lights caused in the pilots. The specialists of the CEFAA assure that it could have been military planes doing secret maneuvers or boats that reflected their lights. However, when dealing with professional pilots who take the air route on a daily basis it is difficult to understand how they have never before faced a similar situation. This has been the most recent and public case of a UFO that could not be explained.
It is true that not everything that is perceived in the sky is a spaceship. Many strange things are seen, but 99% of the sightings have an explanation: satellite, meteorological phenomena or human artifacts, however there is a percentage that scientists can not explain and make us believe that, in fact, we are not alone in the universe.
The Proof Is Out There: Chilean UFO Spotted in the Clouds (Season 4)
UFO? Chilean Navy releases video of mysterious flying object
Van Boerenland tot Woestijnen en Berghellingen: Minder Bekende UFO-crashes van Over de Hele Wereld
Van Boerenland tot Woestijnen en Berghellingen: Minder Bekende UFO-crashes van Over de Hele Wereld
UFO-waarnemingen en -crashes zijn onderwerpen die vaak de fantasie prikkelen en tot speculatie leiden. Terwijl de meeste mensen bekend zijn met iconische incidenten zoals de Roswell-crash in de Verenigde Staten, zijn er tal van andere, minder bekende gevallen die zich over de hele wereld hebben voorgedaan. Dit rapport onderzoekt enkele opmerkelijke UFO-crashes die zich hebben voorgedaan in diverse omgevingen, van landbouwgrond tot woestijnen en bergachtige gebieden.
1990: F16 neemt 'ufo' in het vizier
Foto: Lukasz Golowanow
Maandenlang werd België in 1990 opgeschud door meldingen van eigenaardige voorwerpen die bij nacht het luchtruim doorkliefden. Het Belgische leger talmde eerst nog maar besloot uiteindelijk, onder druk van de vele meldingen, in actie te schieten. De burger mocht bij deze waarnemingen dan wel dromen van groene Marsmannetjes, toch vreesde de Belgische luchtmacht veeleer voor buitenlandse spionage.
Tijdens de nacht van 30 op 31 maart 1990 noteerden de radars van twee F16-jachttoestellen een eigenaardige stip. Na maandenlange studie had de luchtmacht haar bevindingen in een rapport bekendgemaakt. Het object vloog maar het kon in geen geval een vliegtuig zijn. Er is geen logische verklaring voor. Kortom een ufo!
De F16-radar noteerde boven Tubize, in de nacht van 30 op 31 maart 1990, een stip die zich tegen een zeer hoge snelheid in hoogte en richting verplaatste. Conclusie: Een Unidentified Flying Object (ufo)
De luchtmacht wist niet wat ze zag
Waren het buitenaardse wezens die de voorbije maanden door ons luchtruim raasden of waren het reflecties van meerdere aardse objecten die zeg maar half België tijdens de nacht van 30 op 31 maart 1990 hebben wakker gehouden? Het grote vraagteken blijft bestaan, ook na het rapport van de Belgische luchtmacht. Landsverdediging geeft toe dat haar vliegtuig- en grondradar wel degelijk 'iets abnormaal' hebben waargenomen tijdens de maartse nacht en ze voegt eraan toe dat ze het verschijnsel niet kan verklaren. Maar de luchtmacht wil uitdrukkelijk niet spreken van 'ufo’s' omdat de piloten niets hebben gezien met het blote oog.
Eind november 1989 wordt België wakker geschud: boven Luik en omstreken circuleren vreemde lichtgevende voorwerpen die omschreven worden als duistere driehoekige massa’s met onderaan wit-gele lichten en verder roodachtige ronde en pulserende lichtzones. Ongeveer 1 500 mensen merken dit op en ook SOBEPS (de Belgische vereniging voor de bestudering van ruimteverschijnselen) noteert de lichtende nachtduivels. Nog maanden daarna maken burgers met de regelmaat van de klok melding van rare vliegende en lichtgevende voorwerpen. België bevindt zich hierdoor in een echte ufo-gekte. Zijn het Marsmannetjes die ons komen bezoeken of is er iets anders aan de hand? Sommige waarnemers krijgen een redelijke verklaring. Zo kan men achterhalen dat een dicotheek in Halen (Limburg) oorzaak is van heel wat ufo-getuigenissen. De danstent lokt haar klanten met laserstralen en zogenaamde sky-tracers die van ver te zien waren.
Rare stippen
Ook luchtmachtkolonel Wilfried De Brouwer staat voor een raadsel. De mysterieuze stip was zeker en vast geen vliegtuig, maar wat dan wel?
Wanneer de stroom van (al dan niet juiste) waarnemingen blijft aanhouden, kan het Belgische leger niet langer werkloos toezien. Onze luchtmacht is niet zozeer bevreesd voor een invasie van 'groene mannetjes met een trechter op de kop (en varianten)', maar wel voor het feit dat buitenlandse machten ons luchtruim betreden om onze nationale defensie te bespioneren. Tijdens de nacht van 30 op 31 maart 1990 brengt de luchtmacht dan ook twee F16 jachttoestellen in gereedheid die, bij het minste vermoeden van een ongedefinieerd vliegend voorwerp, de lucht zullen worden ingestuurd. Uiteindelijk komt er een alarm waardoor de vliegtuigen het luchtruim in gestuurd worden. Op hun radar zien zij inderdaad enkele rare stippen. Kolonel De Brouwer. lichtte het rapport over de waarnemingen toe: "Zowel de grondradar van Semmerzake als de radars in de F16-toestellen noteerden een stip. Die stip veranderde op het ogenblik dat zij op het radarscherm werd vastgelegd enorm snel van richting en hoogte: van 6 à 7 000 voet naar 11 000 voet in 15 seconden. Ze verplaatste zich zeer snel, tot 1 900 km per uur, zelfs sneller dan het geluid, zonder dat de geluidsmuur doorbroken werd. Er bestaat geen enkel vliegtuig dat deze parameters kan evenaren”.
Niet te definiëren
Het was dus geen vliegtuig dat de luchtmacht op haar radarscherm zag, maar wat dan wel werd waargenomen blijft ook voor het leger uiterst duister. Betekent dit dan dat een ufo in ons luchtruim circuleerde? “Dat durven wij niet stellen”, antwoordt kolonel De Brouwer. “Onze piloten hebben niets gezien met het blote oog, dus ook geen ruimtetuig. Wij kunnen alleen maar zeggen dat, als er iets in de lucht was, de bewegingen van dat voorwerp in ieder geval volledig verschillen van de parameters van een vliegtuig. Wij kunnen het 'ding' echter niet definiëren”.
Conclusie:Boven het Belgisch luchtruim bevond zich dus een Unidentified Flying Object (ufo)!
Woestijnlandschappen en hun geheimen
Verslag over het ongeïdentificeerde object in de Atacama-woestijn, Chili
De Atacama-woestijn in Chili is een van de droogste plekken op aarde, beroemd om zijn ongerepte landschappen en unieke ecologie. Deze uitgestrekte woestijn heeft echter ook een plaats in de geschiedenis van de UFO-fenomenen. In de jaren '70 kwamen er berichten naar voren over een ongeïdentificeerd object dat zou zijn neergestort in deze onherbergzame omgeving. Dit verslag onderzoekt de gebeurtenissen rond dit voorval, de context van de jaren '70, en de blijvende impact op de UFO-cultuur en het onderzoek naar buitenaardse levensvormen.
De Atacama-woestijn
De Atacama-woestijn strekt zich uit over een gebied van ongeveer 1.000 kilometer langs de noordkust van Chili en is bekend om zijn extreme droogte, met sommige delen die al meer dan 400 jaar geen significante neerslag hebben ontvangen. De woestijn is niet alleen een belangrijk ecologisch gebied, maar ook een hot spot voor astronomisch onderzoek. Astronomen waarnemen hier de sterrenhemel vanwege de heldere lucht en het gebrek aan lichtvervuiling.
De jaren '70: een tijd van verandering
De jaren '70 waren een periode van grote sociale en politieke veranderingen over de hele wereld. In Chili zelf was dit een tijd van turbulente veranderingen, met de staatsgreep in 1973 die het regime van de democratisch gekozen president Salvador Allende omverwierp. De daaropvolgende dictatuur onder Augusto Pinochet leidde tot een periode van repressie en mensenrechtenschendingen. Tegelijkertijd was de wereld in de ban van de ruimtewedloop, en het idee van buitenaardse levensvormen werd steeds populairder, mede door de voortgang van ruimtevaarttechnologie en de ontdekking van nieuwe planeten.
Het ongeïdentificeerde object
In het midden van de jaren '70, rond 1973, kwamen er verschillende meldingen binnen van een ongeïdentificeerd vliegend object dat boven de Atacama-woestijn zou zijn gezien. Lokale bewoners, vaak boeren of nomaden die in het gebied leefden, meldden vreemde lichten en geluiden in de lucht. Sommige getuigen beweerden zelfs dat ze een object in de lucht hadden zien crashen.
De verhalen over het voorval werden al snel een onderwerp van speculatie en sensatie. Er werden verschillende theorieën geponeerd, variërend van het idee dat het een geheim militair project was tot de mogelijkheid van een buitenaardse ruimtevaarder. Deze speculaties werden verder aangewakkerd door het feit dat de Chileense luchtmacht, het Ejército del Aire, enkele van deze meldingen serieus nam en onderzoek deed naar de incidenten.
Het onderzoek
In de nasleep van de meldingen startte de Chileense luchtmacht een officieel onderzoek naar het ongeïdentificeerde object. Ze verzamelden getuigenissen van lokale bewoners en analyseerden de fysieke sporen die mogelijk door de crash waren achtergelaten. In sommige gevallen werd gesproken over vreemde metaalachtige deeltjes die op de plaats van de waarnemingen zouden zijn gevonden.
Het onderzoek leverde echter weinig concrete resultaten op. De luchtmacht kwam tot de conclusie dat hoewel er zeker iets ongewoons was gebeurd, ze niet in staat waren om de oorsprong van het object te bepalen. Dit gebrek aan bewijs leidde tot een verdere verdieping van het mysterie en voedde de speculaties over UFO's en buitenaards leven.
Wetenschappelijke en culturele impact
De incidenten in de Atacama-woestijn werden niet alleen een onderwerp van nieuwsgierigheid, maar hadden ook een bredere impact op de UFO-cultuur. Het verhaal werd door verschillende documentaires en boeken opgepikt, wat leidde tot een groeiende interesse in het fenomeen UFO's in Latijns-Amerika. De Atacama-woestijn werd een symbool voor het mysterie van het onbekende, en veel UFO-enthousiastelingen begonnen het gebied te bezoeken in de hoop meer te leren over de vermeende crash.
Daarnaast inspireerde het voorval wetenschappers en onderzoekers om dieper te graven in de mogelijkheden van buitenaards leven. De combinatie van de wetenschap van de ruimte en de verhalen van UFO-waarnemingen droeg bij aan de ontwikkeling van de astrobiologie, de studie van leven in het universum.
De blijvende fascinatie
Jaren later blijft de Atacama-woestijn een centrum van nieuwsgierigheid en speculatie. Het idee dat er iets ongewoons in de woestijn is gebeurd, fascineert zowel wetenschappers als het grote publiek. De combinatie van de onherbergzame omgeving, de rijke geschiedenis van UFO-waarnemingen en de vooruitgang in de ruimtevaarttechnologie maakt het gebied tot een plek van blijvende interesse.
De verhalen over het ongeïdentificeerde object in de Atacama-woestijn zijn niet alleen verhalen van het verleden, maar ze blijven ook relevant in de hedendaagse discussie over buitenaards leven. Met de recente ontdekking van exoplaneten en de voortdurende zoektocht naar leven buiten de aarde, blijft de vraag of we alleen zijn in het universum een van de grootste mysteries van de mensheid.
De Atacama-woestijn in Chili, met zijn ongerepte schoonheid en extreme omstandigheden, heeft een unieke plaats in de geschiedenis van UFO-onderzoek en de menselijke nieuwsgierigheid naar buitenaards leven. Het ongeïdentificeerde object dat in de jaren '70 zou zijn neergestort, is een fascinerend voorbeeld van hoe het onbekende kan leiden tot speculatie, onderzoek en een grotere belangstelling voor de mysteries van het universum. Terwijl we verder kijken naar de sterren, blijven we ons afvragen wat er zich werkelijk heeft voorgedaan in die stille, uitgestrekte woestijn, en of we ooit de waarheid over de Atacama zullen ontdekken. De zoektocht naar antwoorden gaat door, zowel in de wetenschappelijke wereld als in de populaire cultuur, en het verhaal van de Atacama-woestijn zal ongetwijfeld nog vele jaren voortleven.
Berghellingen en mysterieuze verschijnselen
In de Himalaya, een van de meest onbereikbare gebieden ter wereld, zijn er ook meldingen van UFO-crashes. Een van de meest intrigerende verhalen komt uit Nepal, waar in de jaren '60 een vliegtuigachtig object zou zijn neergestort nabij de Annapurna-reeks. Lokale sherpa's meldden een vreemde geur en ongebruikelijke geluiden. Hoewel de Nepalese autoriteiten geen officiële verklaring hebben afgelegd, blijft het verhaal voortleven in de lokale folklore. Dit geval illustreert niet alleen de diverse locaties van UFO-crashes, maar ook hun impact op de lokale cultuur en mythologie.
Ep:349 | Pokhara UFO Crash: The Hidden Truth, Khampa Conspiracy, & Nepal’s Role | Sunil Ulak
Verslag over het vliegtuigachtige object in Nepal in de jaren '60
Nepal, een land dat bekend staat om zijn spectaculaire berglandschappen, rijke cultuur en diverse etniciteit, heeft door de jaren heen vele mysteries en legendes voortgebracht. Een van de meest intrigerende verhalen die rond deze prachtige Himalaya-regio circuleren, betreft een vliegtuigachtig object dat in de jaren '60 nabij de Annapurna-reeks zou zijn neergestort. Dit verslag onderzoekt de achtergrond van het incident, de mogelijke verklaringen en de impact ervan op de lokale bevolking en de bredere wereld.
De Annapurna-reeks
De Annapurna-reeks, onderdeel van de Himalaya, is een van de meest indrukwekkende bergketens ter wereld. Met de Annapurna I, die een hoogte van 8.091 meter bereikt, is het een populaire bestemming voor bergbeklimmers en avontuurlijke reizigers. De regio is niet alleen bekend om zijn natuurlijke schoonheid, maar ook om de rijke cultuur van de inheemse bevolking, die voornamelijk bestaat uit de Gurung, Magar en Thakali gemeenschappen. Deze mensen hebben een diepgaande verbinding met het land en hebben talloze verhalen en legendes over de bergen en de natuur.
Het mysterieuze voorval
In de vroege jaren '60, rond 1965, zou er volgens verschillende getuigen een vliegtuigachtig object zijn neergestort in de buurt van de Annapurna-reeks. De details van het incident variëren, afhankelijk van de bron. Sommige getuigen beschrijven het object als een groot, metalen voorwerp, terwijl anderen het beschrijven als een lichtgevend, vliegend object. De verhalen over het voorval werden in de lokale gemeenschappen doorgegeven en kregen al snel een mythische status.
De meeste verslagen over het incident zijn afkomstig van lokale inwoners en avonturiers die de regio bezochten. Een van de meest bekende getuigenissen komt van een Britse trekker die beweerde het object te hebben gezien tijdens zijn trektocht door het Annapurna-gebied. Hij beschreef hoe het object met een hoge snelheid uit de lucht viel en met een enorme knal neerstortte. Na de crash zouden er vreemde lichten en geluiden zijn waargenomen, wat leidde tot speculatie over de oorsprong van het object.
Mogelijke verklaringen
1. Militair experiment
Een van de meest geopperde verklaringen voor het mysterieuze voorval is dat het vliegtuigachtige object een militair experiment was. Tijdens de Koude Oorlog waren veel landen bezig met het testen van nieuwe technologieën, waaronder geavanceerde vliegtuigen en andere luchtvaartuigen. Het is mogelijk dat een van deze experimenten verkeerd is gegaan en dat het object in de Himalaya is neergestort. Dit zou de geheimzinnige aard van het voorval kunnen verklaren, omdat militaire operaties vaak omgeven zijn door geheimhouding.
2. UFO-theorieën
De UFO-theorieën zijn ook een populaire verklaring voor het incident. De beschrijvingen van het object als een lichtgevend voorwerp hebben geleid tot speculaties dat het mogelijk een niet-aardse ruimtevaartuig was. Dit idee is verder versterkt door de opkomst van de UFO-cultuur in de jaren '60, waarin veel mensen geloofden dat er buitenaards leven bestond en dat UFO's regelmatig de aarde bezochten. Hoewel er geen concreet bewijs is voor deze theorie, heeft het de verbeelding van mensen over de hele wereld aangespoord.
3. Natuurlijke fenomenen
Een andere verklaring zou kunnen zijn dat het voorval te maken had met natuurlijke fenomenen. De Himalaya-regio is bekend om zijn onvoorspelbare weersomstandigheden en krachtige stormen. Sommige deskundigen hebben gesuggereerd dat het object misschien een meteoriet of een ander natuurlijk fenomeen was dat door de atmosfeer viel. Dit zou ook de explosieve impact en de vreemde lichten kunnen verklaren die door getuigen werden waargenomen.
Impact op de lokale bevolking
Het verhaal van het vliegtuigachtige object heeft een blijvende impact gehad op de lokale bevolking en hun cultuur. Veel bewoners beschouwen het incident als een heilig of spiritueel teken, en het heeft geleid tot een toename van toerisme in de regio. Trektochten naar de Annapurna-reeks zijn populair geworden, en veel toeristen zijn nieuwsgierig naar het mysterieuze voorval. Lokale gidsen hebben het verhaal omarmd en gebruiken het als een manier om bezoekers aan te trekken en hen meer te vertellen over de rijke mythologie van de Himalaya.
Daarnaast heeft het voorval bijgedragen aan een gevoel van trots onder de lokale bevolking. Ze beschouwen het als een belangrijk onderdeel van hun culturele erfgoed en een bewijs van de mystieke en ondoorgrondelijke aard van hun omgeving. Dit heeft geleid tot een herwaardering van de verhalen en legendes die al generaties lang worden doorgegeven.
Wetenschappelijk onderzoek
Er is tot nu toe weinig wetenschappelijk onderzoek gedaan naar het vliegtuigachtige object en het voorval in de Annapurna-reeks. Veel van de informatie die beschikbaar is, komt voort uit getuigenissen en folklore, wat het moeilijk maakt om feiten van fictie te scheiden. Wetenschappers en onderzoekers hebben echter interesse getoond in het fenomeen, en er zijn enkele pogingen gedaan om de locatie van de vermeende crash te identificeren.
Toch zijn er geen concrete bewijzen gevonden die het bestaan van het object bevestigen of ontkennen. De afgelegen en moeilijk bereikbare ligging van de Annapurna-regio maakt het voor wetenschappers uitdagend om grondig onderzoek te doen. Het blijft dus een mysterie dat de gemoederen bezighoudt en de verbeelding van velen prikkelt.
Het verhaal van het vliegtuigachtige object dat in de jaren '60 nabij de Annapurna-reeks zou zijn neergestort, is een fascinerend voorbeeld van hoe mythologie en realiteit kunnen samensmelten. Of het nu gaat om een militair experiment, een UFO of een natuurlijk fenomeen, het voorval heeft blijvende invloed gehad op de lokale bevolking en hun cultuur. Het heeft geleid tot een hernieuwde interesse in de Annapurna-regio en heeft de nieuwsgierigheid van avonturiers en onderzoekers aangewakkerd.
Hoewel er tot nu toe geen definitieve antwoorden zijn gevonden, blijft het verhaal een intrigerend mysterie dat de geschiedenis van Nepal en de Himalaya verder verrijkt. Het herinnert ons eraan dat er nog veel te ontdekken valt in deze prachtige en ondoorgrondelijke regio, waar de grenzen tussen het bekende en het onbekende vaak vervagen.
Ancient Aliens: TOP 3 UFO CRASH SITES
Gevolgen en implicaties
De implicaties van deze minder bekende UFO-crashes zijn talrijk. Ze roepen vragen op over de oorsprong van de objecten, hun technologie en de mogelijke interacties met de mensheid. Bovendien benadrukken ze de noodzaak van verder onderzoek en openheid van zaken over dergelijke incidenten. De geheimhouding die vaak rond UFO-meldingen hangt, kan de publieke perceptie en het vertrouwen in overheidsinstanties ondermijnen.
Van landbouwgrond tot woestijnen en berghellingen, de wereld is gevuld met verhalen over UFO-crashes die wachten om ontdekt te worden. Hoewel de meeste aandacht uitgaat naar de bekende gevallen, zijn het deze minder bekende incidenten die ons een breder perspectief bieden op de fenomenen die zich afspelen boven onze hoofden. Door deze verhalen te onderzoeken, kunnen we niet alleen onze kennis van UFO's vergroten, maar ook de culturele en ecologische impact die ze hebben op de plaatsen waar ze landen. Verdere studie en open dialoog zijn essentieel om de mysteries van deze fenomenen te ontrafelen en te begrijpen wat ze voor de mensheid kunnen betekenen.
{ peter2011 }
25-02-2025 om 20:45
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
From Farmland to Deserts to Mountainsides: Lesser-Known UFO Crashes from Around the Planet
From Farmland to Deserts to Mountainsides: Lesser-Known UFO Crashes from Around the Planet
Most of us, even those outside of the UFO community, will almost certainly have heard of the Roswell UFO crash in July 1947, even if there is debate as to whether it was an otherworldly vehicle that crashed in the desert in New Mexico. The fact is, though, there are many other claims of vehicles from elsewhere crashlanding on Earth, and what’s more, these mystifying and baffling events are not at all limited to the United States but are on record in locations right around the planet.
As is usually the case with such a huge subject, while we will not have time nor space to explore every alleged crash of an alien vehicle – even briefly – we will examine some of the most intriguing and thought-provoking, not to mention some of the most credible. Ultimately, what will become apparent as we negotiate our way through these remarkable and enthralling cases is that something out of the ordinary has been taking place around the world for decades, if not longer, and it could very well be in our collective interests to find out what that something is.
A good place to start is with an apparent legitimate case of a downed UFO that came to light through forged documents. It is one of several intriguing cases investigated by the late British UFO investigator Tony Dodd. The account was detailed in Dodd’s book, Alien Investigator: The Case Files of Britain’s Leading UFO Detective, and is one that Dodd claimed was at least as important as the more famous Roswell crash that occurred four decades previously. Moreover, as well as the wreckage, which was seemingly recovered by the South African military, the craft’s occupants were also recovered, each of which was still alive.
According to Dodd, in the summer of 1989, an envelope with a South African postal mark arrived with him. Intrigued, he opened the envelope immediately, finding several documents inside from a sender who claimed they wished to remain anonymous out of fear for their safety. Dodd claimed that as soon as he saw the documents, he strongly suspected they were forgeries, not least due to several spelling errors within the text. However, although he couldn’t later explain why, he felt compelled to read them in their entirety. Unlike other forged documents he had seen during his time investigating UFOs, these contained a remarkable amount of detailed information. Not only did the documents provide details on the incident itself, but also detailed information about the make-up of the craft, as well as the two occupants. Eventually, Dodd spoke to several contacts in South Africa and the United States and told them of the information in the documents he had received. To his amazement, all of them came back, stating that the details were accurate.
According to the documents and the confirmation from Dodd’s contacts, on the evening of May 7th, 1989, an unidentified aircraft entered South African airspace. Moments later, several Mirage fighter jets were scrambled to investigate and intercept. Upon locating the object, they received orders to engage and open fire on the craft. Ultimately, the anomalous object crashed to the ground as a result of the aerial assault in the Kalahari Desert, around 80 miles from the border of South Africa and Botswana. Further according to the documents, only minutes later, a unit from the South African military was at the crash site, with a fighter jet having continued to circle the downed craft until they arrived. The documents described how the area immediately around the crash site was so hot that “sand and rocks had fused together!” Of more concern, many of the military’s electronic equipment malfunctioned or failed to work entirely, which was eventually discovered to be down to a massive increase in radiation in the area.
The object itself was made from a “polished, smooth, silver” material which had no visible seams or joins and was seemingly very hard and durable. Around the side were several unevenly spaced portholes, and what looked like landing gear was also visible, which suggested the craft was attempting to land when it ultimately crashed to the ground. There was also some kind of hatch visible that the unit eventually forced open and discovered two “crew members” inside, both of whom were still alive. Both were removed from the crippled craft. Each wore a “tight-fitting grey suit” and was between four and five feet in height. Their bodies appeared slightly frail, although, under their suits, their abdomens appeared ribbed and scaled. Their heads, meanwhile, were much larger than their frame suggested they should be, and their eyes were also particularly large. We might note that this description is what most of us would recognize as a grey alien.
The unit retrieved the wreckage, and, along with the two occupants, it was transported to a secret, unknown military base somewhere in South Africa. At some point, a short time after that, the object was sent on a “one-way passage to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base” in the United States.
Dodd was more than perplexed as to why someone had gone to the trouble of sending him forged documents of a genuine encounter. He persisted in correspondence with the mystery sender, eventually convincing them to travel to England to speak with him further. The witness eventually revealed himself as James Van Greunen, and it didn’t take long for Dodd to become convinced of his credibility. While staying with Dodd, Van Greunen received several heated phone calls from the South African Embassy, some of which were bordering on being threatening (phone calls, incidentally, that Dodd recorded). Moreover, as soon as Dodd had met Van Greunen at the airport he noticed that he was being followed. Now, he just needed to find out why he had sent fake documents to him in the first place.
Using further contacts, as well as contacting several military bases using codes and document names to gain the trust of the person he was speaking with as an “internal employee,” Dodd began to put together a bigger picture of these startling events. Moreover, different sources, unaware of each other, began corroborating each other’s statements and pieces of information.
Dodd eventually discovered that the South African government – fully aware of what they had and exactly who would be interested in it – quickly made a deal with the United States to “trade” the wreckage in return for “nuclear technology” – something which international law prevented them from owning. In a further twist, Dodd also discovered that it was American intelligence that had alerted the South African military about the object entering their airspace, which perhaps forces the question of who might have instigated the alleged trade for the wreckage.
There was, though, a further twist to the account. According to one of Dodd’s contacts in the South African military, while the two alien occupants were transferred to Wright-Patterson along with the wreckage, another, third alien – unknown to the Americans – remained at the undisclosed location in South Africa, with some reports stating this facility was called Camp 13 and was said to be located somewhere in the Kalahari Desert.
Several months went by before Dodd was able to meet with Van Greunen again, this time in Germany at a UFO conference he was speaking at. It was during this meeting that the full truth was revealed to Dodd as to why Van Gruenen had faked the documents he had sent to him. Ultimately, following Dodd’s talk, in a small backroom at the conference hall, Van Greunen revealed himself to be an amateur UFO researcher who had happened to have come into possession of top-secret documents through a friend in the South African military. This friend knew of Van Greunen’s interest in UFOs, and so managed to sneak the documents out for him to look out. However, while he was welcome to read the documents, he couldn’t keep them, nor could he make copies of them. After he had read them, his friend then snuck the documents back onto the base before anyone realized they were missing. Realizing he had been privy to a monumental case, Van Greunen then made up the documents from what he had managed to commit to memory, trying to make them appear as official as possible due to the serious nature of the content.
Despite the bizarre nature of the events that had led Dodd to investigate the alleged crash, he believed Van Greunen’s version of events. Even more so when he received several death threats following his speaking of the case publicly. Contacts told him that he was safe as long as he remained in the United Kingdom due to other governments not desiring any kind of political fallout from assassinating him in his own country. However, he was told – very seriously – that he should not travel to South Africa for any reason and that he should attempt to avoid traveling to France.
Just as unsettling was a warning Dodd received while in Arizona in the United States in 1991, where he was due to speak at a UFO seminar. One evening during the event, Dodd, along with his wife and two other UFO researchers also due to speak at the seminar, was enjoying a drink in one of the nearby bars. As they did so, two men dressed in smart suits approached their table. Each looked directly at Dodd, which caused the other two UFO researchers to leave. During the conversation that followed, Dodd received a warning that he should “be careful” about what he spoke about. The conversation lasted several minutes, and while the men remained polite throughout, they ultimately stated they would kill him if they were ordered to. Dodd met the two gentlemen the following morning, where they repeated their “friendly warning!”
As we might imagine , both the American and the South African governments deny any knowledge of the events. However, we should keep in mind how respected and credible Tony Dodd was regarded in UFO circles. We also know that the South African military take UFO sightings very seriously, most of which are classified as “Top Secret – Not To Be Divulged!”
Although it happened in the Kingdom of Lesotho, another UFO crash a little over half a decade later, in September 1995, also involved the South African military. In a twist to a bizarre incident, the crash site was within the farm boundaries of a South African citizen but on the land of Lesotho, an independent country from South Africa that borders it at all corners.
According to the account, at around 9:15 pm on September 15th, 1995, farmer Peter Lachasa heard a “strange sound” coming from the sky over his property just outside of Leribe, which not only disturbed the quiet evening but also his cattle and livestock, whose anxious cries he could hear from his home. Just as he was making his way to the window to look outside, he heard a “dull explosion,” which caused him to stop momentarily. Then, a moment later, he ventured outside. By the time he had done so, he could see that several of his neighbors had made their way to his property. They told him they had been watching a strange light for some time before it began to descend toward the Lesotho foothills. However, instead of landing, it appeared to crash into the ground, exploding and “giving off a series of blinding flashes!”
The group of neighbors, along with Lachasa, quickly made their way to the crash site, noticing a strange “electronic humming” sound as they did so. By the time they were within sight of the crippled vehicle, it was clear the strange sound was coming from the craft. They could see the object had a dull grey metallic exterior but other than that, the mangled remains combined with the intense heat made it difficult to make out any other details. In fact, the heat was so intense that several patches of dry grass began to burn despite being a considerable distance away from the burning wreckage. Although he wasn’t certain, at one point, Lachasa thought he saw something moving inside – perhaps an occupant – and he decided they had to report the crash to the authorities in case there were any survivors.
It was around 10:20 pm by the time Lachasa arrived at Leribe Police Department. He spoke with Sargent Thobo, who was the officer on duty that evening, telling him that a “strange aircraft” had crashed on his farm which could contain surviving crew members. Moreover, he required the police – or some other authority – to remove the wreckage as the events were profoundly disturbing his cattle. After taking details from Lachasa, Thobo, along with Constable Nandi, accompanied him back to his farm.
In their report, they stated that a “large, round, disc-shaped object lay within the boundaries of Mr. Lachasa’s farm!” This object, they estimated, was around 60 feet across and approximately 10 feet high. They couldn’t make out any windows or portholes, nor could they see any obvious point of entry into the strange vehicle. Although the site itself was ablaze, from their point of view a short distance away, the craft itself appeared to be largely intact.
At this point, realizing he was dealing with a truly out-of-the-ordinary situation, Thobo radioed back to the police department for advice. He was told to return to the station and prepare an immediate report, which he duly did. Then, around an hour after that, an official internal report was sent from the police department to a Lesotho government official, who, in turn, sent a report to the South African intelligence department. It seemed, without anyone realizing it, action was already underway to recover the remains of the craft.
According to leaked South African military reports, they received a report on the suspected crash from the Lesotho Ministry of Defense at precisely 17 minutes past midnight. The exact location of the crash site was given as the land of a cattle and livestock farmer near the Madibamasto River around eight miles west of Leribe. After confirming there was no military or civilian aircraft in the airspace, aside from the Air Force Puma helicopter that performed routine patrols along the South Africa/Lesotho border, two Alouette rescue helicopters were dispatched to the location. Just under three-quarters of an hour later, at just after 1 am, Captain Manie Louw reported back to base from his helicopter that he could see around 400 square meters of land that was “engulfed in fire!” However, much like the two police officers believed, the “disc-shaped metallic object” was completely undamaged. In response, Louw received orders to maintain a patrol over the immediate area.
As the Alouette helicopters patrolled the skies immediately above the crash site, a military retrieval unit was on its way, while a “sterile area” of a mile on all sides of the crash site was put into effect. At some point between 2 and 3 am, South African Intelligence had taken control of the operation, and by 3:47 am, the entire area was locked down. Just to demonstrate the seriousness of the situation, ground forces received permission to use lethal force in order to maintain security around the crash site. At 5:55 am – now the dawn of September 16th – the Foreign Technology Recovery Unit arrived at the crash site.
Leaked documents state that, as well as the craft itself, three occupants were discovered inside the downed vehicle (we might recall that there were said to be three occupants in the recovered craft from the Kalahari desert, perhaps suggesting a vehicle from the same intelligence!). Even more remarkable, all three of the crew members were alive. Further according to the report, the wreckage and occupants were taken to a top-secret “research unit” at Swartkop Air Force Base in Pretoria. The occupants would then undergo “extensive medical examinations” before being moved to “Delta-Level,” an alleged underground military facility.
Perhaps what makes the Paihuano UFO crash intriguing is that as well as it sharing many of the details that can be found in other UFO crash accounts, it has also been put forward by authorities, much like Roswell, that the incident was nothing more than a “crashed weather balloon!” Moreover, despite the object – whatever it was – landing in Chile, when recovery teams arrived in the region, many witnesses believed there was a “discreet American feel” to them.
According to the account, at around 4 pm on October 7th, 1998, multiple residents of the small village of Paihuano noticed the sudden appearance of a strange, disc-shaped object, approximately 50 feet in width - over the Las Mollacas hill. The object remained motionless for several moments before it suddenly rose into the air. Then, it made a sudden sharp turn that appeared to “split it in two!” The shocked and perplexed villagers looked on as the object then came crashing to the ground, one piece landing on top of the hill with the other landing a short distance behind it. After several moments, several of the villagers then descended on the crash site. From later reports given to reporters and UFO investigators by these locals, the object was of a solid, shiny silver metallic exterior that reflected the sun brilliantly and brightly.
The wreckage remained where it was undisturbed for several days following the crash. Interestingly or not, during this time, several minor earthquakes were registered. At the same time, several random blackouts hit the region and several of the neighboring towns experienced interference to their television and radio broadcasts.
After the object had been on the hill for two days, a military-type unit suddenly arrived, and, ultimately, they would retrieve and remove the wreckage.
It would later come to light through the efforts of several UFO investigators who traveled to the region that the Chilean military was more than aware of the incident and even sent a discreet unit on horseback to observe the crash site from a distance. After deciding they couldn’t reach the crash site on horseback, the unit returned and reported back. And it is at this point, it would seem, that a cover-up was put in motion.
From what investigators managed to find out, the unit’s communications had been intercepted by local police, who had issued orders for the unit to vacate the area. Shortly after they received these orders, another unit arrived – a “uniformed military” unit. This unit immediately cordoned off the area and then went about removing the wreckage. They then conducted interviews with as many of the villagers as they could, even speaking with residents of the nearby towns about what they had seen. Interestingly or not, during this time, several hotels in the region had a “sudden surge of American tourists” at their establishments.
Investigators also learned further details from local residents. A local goatherder, for example, who knew almost all of the routes in and around the restricted area of the crash site, claimed to have seen several black, unmarked helicopters in the region. He elaborated that these unmarked helicopters would “work tirelessly from midnight until the early hours of Friday, 9th March!” He further claimed that these helicopters carried away pieces of the wreckage in their military nets.
It appeared as though whoever was in charge of this recovery operation very much preferred to operate under the cover of darkness. Local researcher Patricio Diaz also spoke to several locals in the days and weeks that followed the incident and filed several intriguing accounts. Many of these villagers also spoke of a nightly helicopter presence in the area, as well as operations taking place on the ground.
One witness who spoke with Diaz was Omar Prieto, who managed one of the town’s tourist resorts. He claimed to have seen the wreckage “with his own eyes,” describing it as looking “something like the wing of a plane!” He further stated that after the initial surge of activity on Thursday evening (March 8th), all of the wreckage had seemingly been retrieved. All that remained at the crash site now was clear evidence of heavy-duty military trucks, as well as many boot marks from the personnel on the ground.
By Monday (March 12th), it appeared to those paying attention to the events that followed the crash that disinformation was being actively spread around the local community, and a cover-up was unfolding right under the local residents’ noses. Many villagers reported finding large stones that had been painted with a bright, silver paint that reflected the sun seemingly in an effort to convince locals that what they had seen was some kind of silver stone or rock, and not a metallic mechanical craft. Moreover, several apparent explanations were beginning to leak into the public arena. Arguably one of the strangest came from the El Tololo Astronomical Observatory, which offered that the “crashed UFO” was, in fact, an “out of control weather balloon!”
The Committee for the Study of Anomalous Air Phenomena (CEFAA), however, very publicly refuted this idea, pointing out that no weather balloon launches had taken place anywhere near the location at the time of the incident. Moreover, Gustavo Rodriguez (a high-ranking member of the CEFAA) also pointed out that he would have had to have been given 48 hours' notice of any such weather balloon flights, which he had not received.
There were, though, other potential explanations, at least as to why the object – whatever it was or wherever it came from – might have been in this specific area in the first place. Perhaps one of the most interesting details is that the soil in the region is said to be mineral-rich, specifically with valuable uranium deposits. What is interesting about this is that uranium often shows up in various ways in UFO reports. What’s more, uranium is also used in space travel in nuclear reactors and propulsion systems. As bizarre as it might sound to some, could it be that this otherworldly vehicle – as well as the many others that are reported in this part of the world – was attempting some kind of refueling mission when it crashed into the ground?
What is even more eyebrow-raising is that several months before the crash, in June 1998, there were tentative reports of what could be an earlier crashed UFO in the same region. According to reports, the village was awoken late in the night by a “deafening noise” that coincided with a bright flash that made it appear as though “night had turned into day!” At the same time, whether coincidence or not, the region also experienced a strange and intense storm. We might recall that in the hours following the UFO crash in October, the region experienced several small earthquakes. Could it be that the arrival of these otherworldly crafts – however they might be getting here – has atmospheric and seismic consequences here on Earth?
That something highly unusual occurred that afternoon in October 1998 is without doubt – after all, there were official explanations issued (even if most dismissed them). Of course, whether the object – if that is what it was – was a top-secret military vehicle (perhaps even an American one) or it was indeed a craft from another world remains open to debate. One other thing of interest to take note of here is that during the time of the encounters, joint military UNITAS exercises were taking place between none other than the United States and Chile. Make of that what you will.
Two decades previously, in May 1978, near the Bolivian-Argentine border, an incident unfolded that has been described by some as “South America’s most credible UFO crash incident!” Furthermore, it is yet another case that appears to not only show signs of a cover-up but also the discreet presence of the United States military and intelligence agencies in the immediate aftermath of the events, something that leaked and declassified papers appear to corroborate. Even more remarkable, and further adding credibility to the whole affair, was that there were multiple witnesses on both sides of the border.
Reports state that around 4:30 pm on May 6th, 1978, over the Tarija Department in Bolivia close to the border with Argentina’s Salta Province, a strange, shiny, cylindrical-shaped object came screaming out of the late afternoon skies with thick, black smoke “spewing” from it, and, ultimately, crash into the El Zaire Mountain close to the Bermejo River. The explosion was so loud that not only did people in the immediate vicinity hear it, but so did people over 100 miles away. Some of those closer – although still at least 30 miles away – suffered shattered windows to their homes, while others could clearly see thick, black smoke rising high into the sky.
Juan Hurtado, a Border Intelligence Agent, was just one of the witnesses to the bizarre events that May afternoon. He later stated that the object looked “like a huge wine container” that was “spewing smoke” into the air as it moved through the sky. He was standing with three other people at the time, all of whom also saw the object. Then, as it crashed into the mountainside, the impact was so strong that it threw him to the ground. He elaborated that it felt as though “the whole Earth trembled!” Another witness was Corporal Natalio Farfan Ruiz of the Bolivian military. He stated that as he watched the object zip across the sky, he “thought the end of the world was coming,” adding that he shuddered to think “what would have happened if the UFO had fallen on their houses” instead of crashing into the mountain.
As we mentioned earlier, there were witnesses on both sides of the Bolivian-Argentine border. Two of these were Argentinian border police officers Eduardo Salmon and Bienvenido Ortega. They were on patrol duty at a local football match that had attracted an unlikely crowd of several hundred people in the village of Aguas Blancas. Out of nowhere, they noticed a “luminous flash” appear overhead, causing them to look upward. When they did, they could see a metallic, disc-shaped object with thick smoke emanating from it. Moments later, a huge explosion was heard, and moments after that, thick black smoke was visible rising into the air. Only moments after the two Argentinian police officers first noticed the object streaking across the sky, back on the other side of the border in Bolivia, an engineer, Velez Orozco, saw the silver cylindrical object pass by, quickly followed by the huge explosion that he later stated was much louder than an explosion caused by a meteorite.
It wasn’t long before the Bolivian Air Force scrambled several fighter jets to the area in order to locate the crash site. They reported seeing what looked like a “rockslide” where the object had slammed into the mountainside. It was soon discovered that the crash site terrain was much more treacherous than they imagined, and while several search units were deployed to the region, only one, led by Major German Cellejas, reached the wreckage. Newspaper reports stated that Cellejas’ unit recovered a large “metallic-dull cylinder” that was approximately 15 feet long and significantly dented. Perhaps of more interest, though, it was also reported that “NASA would take charge” of the wreckage.
Whatever the truth of the matter, it would appear certain that something did suddenly come screeching out of the sky that afternoon in May 1978 and crash into the mountainside, triggering a huge explosion. Of course, whether that object was a vehicle from another world or not remains open to debate. There was, though, intense media interest in the case, not just in South America but around the world. And perhaps because of this, whether intentional or not, a certain amount of confusion began to surround the incident. For example, while some news stations reported a UFO crashing (with some even blatantly saying the object was an alien vehicle), others reported as fact that a meteorite strike was responsible for the explosive events. There were even discrepancies regarding where the object – whatever it was – had crashed to the ground, with some outlets offering it had crashed on the Bolivian side of the border (which it had) and others insisting it had crashed on Argentinian land.
As we mentioned a moment ago, it was reported that NASA would be taking charge of the wreckage, and only days after the incident, it was reported in media outlets that “NASA experts” had arrived in the region. Perhaps of even more interest – or indeed suspicion – were two American military officers who had arrived in the area “on vacation!” However, according to the journalist who photographed them at the airport, they appeared more like plain-clothed on-duty intelligence operatives. Rumors quickly began to spread that these American operatives and NASA experts had located and recovered several fragments of the wreckage, as well as a larger capsule, and had them discreetly taken out of the country on a United States Air Force Hercules cargo plane and back to the United States.
Corroborating these rumors were later-released documents from the United States that confirmed their operatives had played a part in recovery efforts of the wreckage, with the missions coming under the umbrellas of Project Moon Dust and Operation Blue Fly, both programs that officially recovered space debris such as Soviet satellites so they could be studied. However, it has been suggested, and is highly likely, that these projects were used to retrieve debris of an otherworldly nature – specifically, UFOs. Even more remarkable, due to these released documents, the two American “tourists” were eventually identified as Colonel Robert Simmons and Major John Heese, who both, incidentally, worked on Project Moon Dust. A CIA report also stated that the agency had received intelligence of a downed craft in Bolivia that the “Argentinian and Uruguayan radio stations are reporting on!” The document also suggests that the “Bolivian authorities have urgently requested assistance from NASA!”
A Freedom of Information Act request eventually revealed another interesting document, this one written by Colonel Robert Eddington of the State Department’s Bureau of Oceans, International Environment, and Scientific Affairs on May 18th, 1978, that stated they had “checked with appropriate governments” regarding the rumored crash and had found “no direct correlation with known space objects that may have reentered the Earth’s atmosphere,” although they were “continuing to examine any possibilities!” More intriguing, though, the document then went on to say that agents working in the US Embassy in La Paz should familiarize themselves with “State Airgram A-6343,” which would “provide background information and guidance for dealing with space objects!” It concluded that operatives working out of the Embassy should note “information pertaining to the pre-impact observations, direction or trajectory, number of objects observed, time of impact, and a detailed description (of the object), including any markings!” Needless to say, to say the agency was prepared in full to record details of anomalous objects would be an understatement.
As well as intelligence operatives, the region was also visited by multiple UFO investigators and journalists. Perhaps an unlikely pair was Charles Tucker of the International UFO Investigating Bureau and Bob Pratt of the National Enquirer. They conducted interviews with multiple witnesses, including several members of the Bolivian retrieval teams. Pratt even attempted to reach the crash site himself but was unable to do so due to the potentially deadly nature of the landscape. He did, though, come to some intriguing conclusions. He offered it was his belief that both the Bolivian and United States search efforts had proven fruitless, and that the object likely remained “buried under the landscape it created!” He also stated that a lot of misinformation had been spread regarding the incident, perhaps purposely so.
Although the account sounds outlandish to some, this particular case appears to be very credible, not least because of the consistency of the witnesses themselves, who, apart from each other, told almost identical versions of events. Moreover, many of these witnesses were in positions of authority, such as police officers or military personnel. Even more convincing, of course, are the many leaked and declassified documents concerning the strange events that day. However, while we know that something almost certainly did crash to the ground that afternoon in Bolivia, just what it might have been remains a mystery. Was it a genuine vehicle from another world, or could it have been a top-secret United States aircraft and does that explain their immediate presence in the region and knowledge of the incident? Several years later, though, new information surfaced regarding the incident.
According to CIA documents obtained by veteran UFO researcher Nick Redfern, there had been several more sightings in the region around the same time as the crash. According to one document, several “people in the San Luis and Mendoza provinces reported seeing a flying saucer squadron flying in formation!” Moreover, “the general region has had more than its share of reports of UFOs” during this same time. Even more remarkable is information Redfern relayed from fellow UFO researcher Leonard Stringfield, which he obtained just under a year later in June 1979. According to Redfern, Stringfield had been contacted by an Argentinian UFO investigator, Nicholas Ojedo, who claimed that he had come across reports of a “group of investigators who (had) vanished mysteriously in the area!” He elaborated that these same rumors suggested that “something big” had taken place and that a United States cargo plane had “carried something from the area!”
These claims of the wreckage – at least some of it – being transported out of Bolivia to the United States on an American military cargo plane were seemingly corroborated by another UFO researcher, Bob Barry. He claimed that a source in the CIA had confirmed to him that the flight had indeed operated when it was claimed it had. However, when Barry asked his source what exactly was on the flight, all he would respond is, “No comment!”
A little over a decade and a half later, this time in neighboring Argentina, again in the Salta province, yet another apparent vehicle from another world crashed to the ground. Much like the alleged crash in Bolivia, the events were witnessed by dozens of people, all of whom reported seeing a silver, disc-shaped object scream out of the skies and impact on the ground below.
On the afternoon of August 17th, 1995, at around 1:45 pm in the Serrania Colorado region of Joaquin V. Gonzalez, Tony Galvano – a commercial airline pilot - was eating lunch when he saw “a sort of flying saucer” that was a “bright metallic color” zip across the bright blue skies. As Galvano watched the object move across the sky, he noticed two smaller objects following it, which he quickly determined looked like missiles. Indeed, a moment later, these two objects impacted against the larger craft, and it suddenly “began to fail!” A moment later, it fell to the ground, and a second after that, a “powerful explosion” rang out, quickly followed by “intense seismic movement,” the aftershock of which was felt almost 200 miles away.
Moments later, multiple residents of the area noticed a “column of thick, black smoke” rising into the sky. At this point, many of the witnesses ran toward the apparent crash site in order to get a closer look. Galvano, on the other hand, ran towards a nearby airstrip where he quickly took to his Flystar plane, leaving the runway only moments later looking to investigate the crash site from the air. He made several rounds of the area but couldn’t locate the crash site due to the smoke. He eventually abandoned the mission and returned to the airstrip. Although he had only been in the air a short time, much had happened on the ground during that period.
Local radio stations were running reports of the incident, each one putting as many witnesses on the air as they could, each eager to tell what they had seen. All said that the object looked like nothing they had seen before, and all were insistent that it had been brought to the ground intentionally. Realizing that many people had witnessed the events, Galvano quickly organized a search of the area with several other members of the community. Their efforts, however, went unrewarded, and they were unable to locate the site. Two days later, however, Galvano would take to his Flystar aircraft once more – and this time, he would have luck on his side.
On this afternoon, with much better flying conditions, he quickly spotted an esplanade with what looked like an “impact print” on it that was around three miles long and at least 1500 feet wide. Given his knowledge of aviation and the consequences of potential crashing, it was clear to Galvano that the area had experienced some kind of “intense friction heat” from a “giant, heavy object!” He carefully lowered his altitude in order to get a better look. As he did so, he could see several of the heavy trees had been tossed aside by the impact, with some looking as though they had been completely ripped from the ground. Even more perplexing, there were strange markings on them “as if they had been sprayed with acid!”
Then, without warning and for no obvious reason, Galvano’s plane’s engine began to sputter and the aircraft began to lose altitude. He quickly realized the plane was failing and that he had no chance of guiding it back to the airstrip. Instead, he prepared for impact. The plane crash-landed on the mountainside, and although he was considerably shaken up and “battered” from it, he was essentially uninjured. He quickly freed himself from the plane and walked closer to the crash site, bending down to pick up some of the dirt below. When he brought the dirt closer to his face to inspect it, however, he claimed it appeared “like strange dust” and that he had “never seen anything like it!” The dirt was sent for analysis at the University of La Plata. It was found to contain 98 percent potassium and “two percent unknown material!” Incidentally, this substance level and ratio is not found anywhere on Earth.
Around two weeks after the incident, Galvano was leading several of the villagers in the woodlands around the crash site, looking for any other signs of debris. As they were doing so, several heavy-duty black all-terrain vehicles arrived seemingly out of nowhere and several heavily armed men in dark suits exited the vehicles. They informed Galvano and the rest of the group, in no uncertain terms, that they were taking over the search area and that they were to vacate the area immediately. After issuing these orders, despite protests, the men refused to acknowledge the group – except for one of them, who stated to Galvano that he should, “Forget it! What’s coming down is very heavy!” Although he wasn’t sure what was meant by that, it was something Galvano never forgot.
Even more unsettling, Galvano began to receive strange, mysterious phone calls in the days that followed the encounter in the woods. And while the person on the other end never spoke a word, the menacing silence was enough to tell Galvano that there was a very definite presence on the other end of the line. These phone calls often came late in the evening or even in the middle of the night, and they continued for several years. In fact, so disturbed was Galvano by these repeated silent phone calls that he temporarily left the area. He eventually returned several years later, still looking for answers to what had happened that afternoon in 1995.
Another mind-blowing encounter unfolded five years earlier on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean over Megas Platanos in Greece in the early hours of September 2nd, 1990. On the morning in question, at a little after 3 am, several people – mainly shepherds and local villagers – witnessed several brightly lit crafts moving across the sky in complete silence. As these different witnesses watched from their different vantage points, all became aware that one of the objects began moving erratically. One of the local shepherds – Trantos Karatranjos – stated to investigators that not long after the single object began moving erratically, it “crashed to the ground” in a freefall. He estimated that it came to the ground around 1500 feet from where he was standing. He could see flames seemingly coming from the object – flames that were spreading to the nearby bushes. He contemplated getting a little closer but quickly decided against it.
At this point, the remaining five objects had stopped their progression across the sky and were now hovering directly over the downed craft. After several moments, two of them began to descend calmly but with obvious purpose. They stopped a short distance above the crippled craft. Karantranjos suddenly realized that the flames were no longer visible and the fire had seemingly been extinguished, something he attributed to the two crafts that had descended. The strange events, though, were not over.
As the respective witnesses watched the events for the rest of the night until dawn, they saw the lights seemingly taking turns “diving” down toward the crash site from the sky and then back again. Although they were not at all sure what they were doing, their movements and actions appeared very purposeful. When investigators were told of this activity, they theorized that this was some kind of retrieval mission. In fact, while only several people witnessed the start of this strange encounter, many more local residents, waking early in order to go to work, witnessed this apparent alien rescue operation.
As daylight took hold, several of the locals decided to venture to the area of the bizarre activity they had witnessed during the night, and upon arriving, they discovered a dark, burned oval shape on the ground. Even stranger, the edges of the oval were extremely acute, “as if it had been made with a knife!” Moreover, they also saw multiple pieces of small “metallic remains” and “small wires,” some of which were taken home by the residents as souvenirs.
Things turned even more intriguing several hours later when the Hellenic (Greek) Air Force arrived at the location. They retrieved some of the small wires and metallic remains, taking them to an unknown destination. They later issued an official statement claiming that what had come down to the ground was a “Soviet satellite” or a “small plane!” Needless to say, those who had witnessed the events through the night dismissed this apparent explanation outright. They knew that they had witnessed something altogether stranger and potentially otherworldly than a satellite or small airplane.
There have also been several (at the very least) UFO crashes in more recent times, many of which are documented in the book Crash: When UFOs Fall from the Sky: A History of Famous Incidents, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups by Kevin Randle. Without a doubt, one of the most thought-provoking of these unfolded in May 2004 in Venezuela. According to UFO researcher Scott Corrales, who first put the account into the public arena, the extraterrestrial vehicle came to the ground close to the Raul Leoni Hydroelectric Station, approximately 90 miles from the Orinoco River.
According to Corrales’ investigation, several dam workers in the region reported seeing the bizarre object over the hydroelectric station. Their reports led to a full security alarm at the facility, with other residents later telling Corrales that they saw several black, unmarked helicopters in the area at the time of the supposed crash. In the days that followed – as we have seen in other UFO crashes in South America – a discreet “American presence” was noted in the region, with Corrales suggesting these tourists were most likely intelligence operatives. Also of interest, at the estimated time of the crash, a university in Caracas recorded “significant seismic activity” in the region. Rumors swirled that a military unit had managed to secure the crash site and remove the wreckage. Even more remarkable, it was claimed that at least one alien entity was recovered also. The case remains shrouded in secrecy.
Almost exactly four years later, at around 10 am on May 27th, 2008, a bizarre aerial object suddenly exploded over Phu Quoc Island just off the coast of Vietnam. The explosion sent debris scattering in all directions. Initial reports appeared conflicting, with some stating that the members of a commune on the island had retrieved the wreckage, while others insisted that a military unit had been dispatched to the island to recover the remains of the unknown object. A news article in the state-run Vietnam News Agency stated that officials had investigated whether the object could have been a commercial or military aircraft, but all of their aerial vehicles were accounted for. Moreover, they reported that residents in neighboring Cambodia had reported seeing what looked like a “fire in the sky” moving overhead a short time before the apparent explosion over the island.
Whatever the object might have been, one of the pieces of debris – a small piece of metal shrapnel – was examined. It was quickly noted that this piece of metal had strange symbols etched into it, very similar to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, a detail that often shows up in UFO closer encounter reports. It was claimed that the Vietnamese military recovered 14 pieces of significant debris, while various residents of the island also claimed to have secured pieces of the apparent craft. What the object might have been and just what happened to it, however, remains unknown.
Much more recently, on the evening of May 20th, 2021, “thousands” of people witnessed an anomalous object crashing to the ground in the municipality of Mage just to the north of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. According to an article on the crash, thousands of residents reported seeing multiple “glowing lights in the sky,” with many of them even managing to capture video footage of the strange glows. Many of these videos were quickly uploaded to social media and do indeed appear to show a “flashing, circular orange light moving through the night sky” before it came crashing to the ground. As we might imagine, while there were plenty of people who thought the videos in question showed an otherworldly craft, others believed they were seeing nothing more than a satellite returning to Earth, the orange glow possibly being the last reflection of the early evening sun. The incident, at least for now, remains a mystery.
As we can see, then, UFO crashes, if we accept that only a small percentage of such claims are true, happen much more than many of us might think. And we have only explored a small number of such cases on record. Indeed, to explore them all would take up an entire volume, perhaps even two. The fact is, if there is any truth to any of these claims, then it suggests that the government – predominantly, the American government – has not only one or two recovered alien vehicles but many of them, as well as it would seem, multiple occupants, some of whom were alive, at least at the time of recovery. Where are these vehicles and occupants now? What information has been learned from the presumed study of them? And what does this all mean for the collective reality of humanity? As usual, we are left with many more questions than answers and a lot to collectively contemplate.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Watch bizarre sky phenomenon: A result of geoengineering?
Watch bizarre sky phenomenon: A result of geoengineering?
Have you ever looked up and seen the sky split into two distinct colors, one side glowing red while the other remains a dull gray? At first glance, it may seem like a natural optical effect, but it is not!
Watch video of this bizarre sky phenomenon below.
This phenomenon has been observed before, and many believe it is not just a random occurrence. Instead, it could be the result of large-scale geoengineering projects, deliberate interventions in Earth's climate system. These efforts, often carried out under the guise of combating climate change, may actually be disrupting natural atmospheric processes.
Strange, unnatural-looking clouds, such as square formations and other unusual weather anomalies, may also be linked to these operations.
Additionally, the infamous chemtrails are a product of weather manipulation, involving the release of chemicals into the lower stratosphere. Proponents argue that these methods help mitigate global warming, but that is not true, these sprayings really doing more harm than good.
While mainstream narratives push the climate change (hoax) agenda and link climate change to human activity and greenhouse gas emissions, an increasing number of scientists step forward and explain that natural Earth cycles, particularly its position relative to the sun, play a significant role in climate shifts. They point to Milankovitch cycles—long-term variations in Earth's orbit and axial tilt, which have historically played a key role in global temperature changes.
Interestingly, it seems that some high-ranking government officials are beginning to question the effects of geoengineering. If action is taken to regulate or halt these practices, we may once again witness unaltered, natural skies. Until then, all we can do is observe, question, and seek the truth.
Wetenschappers van de Universiteit van Californië, Berkeley hebben op de planeet Mars sporen gevonden die erop wijzen dat er ooit zandstranden bestaan hebben, gevormd door de constante beweging van de golven van een grote oceaan.
Het gaat om uitgestrekte afhellende afzettingen in de ondergrond, met structuren die vergelijkbaar zijn met die van kustafzettingen op onze Aarde. “Dit impliceert dat er ooit een grote hoeveelheid water moet zijn geweest en ondersteunt de hypothese van een oceaan op de noordelijke laagvlakten van Mars”, schrijven de onderzoekers in het wetenschappelijk tijdschrift ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences’ (PNAS).
De sedimenten komen voor in de ondergrond van Utopia Planitia, een vlakte op de noordelijke helft van de planeet. Ze zijn 10 tot 35 meter dik en strekken zich uit over een ononderbroken lengte van 1,3 kilometer. Ze werden geïdentificeerd aan de hand van radargegevens van de Chinese Marsrover Zhurong.
De structuur, dikte en lengte van de afzettingen wijzen volgens de wetenschappers op het bestaan van een groot waterlichaam, dat er lange tijd moet hebben gelegen. Op aarde duurt het immers miljoenen jaren voor dit soort sediment ontstaat. De data doen ook vermoeden dat rivieren sediment naar zee transporteerden.
Er zijn in de loop der jaren al heel wat ontdekkingen gedaan die erop wijzen dat er ooit een grote hoeveelheid vloeibaar water moet zijn geweest op het oppervlak van Mars. Er is echter nog veel onduidelijkheid over de aard ervan en wat ermee gebeurde. Sluitend bewijs is er tot nu toe nog niet gevonden in de ondergrond.
“Situatie is ronduit zorgwekkend”: studie onthult verontrustende versnelling van gletsjersmelt en zeespiegelstijging
Wereldwijd krimpen gletsjers in een alarmerend tempo, met grote gevolgen voor onder andere de zeespiegelstijging. Sinds het begin van de 21ste eeuw zijn we maar liefst 6.500 miljard ton ijs kwijtgespeeld. Zo blijkt uit een recente studie in ‘Nature’ waar 35 teams van wetenschappers aan meewerkten. Glacioloog Lander Van Tricht licht de verontrustende resultaten toe. “De hoeveelheid ijs die jaarlijks verdwijnt, komt overeen met het totale waterverbruik van de wereldbevolking over een periode van dertig jaar.”
Martijn Peters
Wat zijn de wetenschappers precies te weten gekomen met hun onderzoek?
“Met behulp van sensoren en satellieten heeft het internationale team van wetenschappers het massaverlies van gletsjers in kaart gebracht”, vertelt de glacioloog. “Hun bevindingen waren allesbehalve positief. Wereldwijd hebben de gletsjers sinds de start van deze eeuw gemiddeld 273 miljard ton ijs per jaar verloren. In het tweede decennium (2012 - 2023) verliep dat veel sneller dan in de eerste tien jaar (2000 - 2011). Ze zagen een toename van 230 naar 310 miljard ton, dat is 36 procent meer. In totaal is het verlies aan ijs hallucinant. In de hele periode zijn we 6.500 miljard ton gletsjerijs kwijtgespeeld. Goed voor een zeespiegelstijging van net geen twee centimeter.”
Waarom zien we nu in de afgelopen jaren een versnelling van het smelten?
“Die toename is het gevolg van onze atmosfeer die opwarmt. Hierdoor krijg je meer smelt, maar ook minder sneeuwval. Ook regionale verschillen in het klimaat oefenen een invloed uit. Zo zagen de wetenschappers plots een hoge afname in het zuidwesten van Azië, waar er in vorige decennia zelfs een lichte toename van gletsjerijs was”, aldus dr. Van Tricht. “Slecht nieuws voor de klimaatsceptici die deze regio graag gebruikten als voorbeeld om te laten zien dat gletsjers helemaal niet kleiner werden, ook al was het een uitzondering op al de rest.”
“De enige regio waar de afname nog steeds plaatsvindt maar wat lijkt te vertragen, is IJsland en Scandinavië. Dit kunnen we toeschrijven aan afkoeling in de regio en een toename van winterneerslag in deze gebieden. De reden hiervoor zijn de onregelmatigheden die wetenschappers zien in de stromingen van de atmosfeer én de Noord-Atlantische Oceaan.”
Welke regio’s zijn er het ergst aan toe?
“Op basis van deze studie blijkt het ijsverlies het grootst te zijn in regio’s waar de gletsjeroppervlakte klein is. Zo zien we in Centraal-Europa een daling van 39 procent, in de Kaukasus 35 procent en in Nieuw-Zeeland 29 procent. In de top 5 van sterkste dalers staan verder nog Noord-Azië met 23 procent en West-Canada en de VS met 23 procent.”
“Dat betekent dus dat de gletsjers van onze Europese Alpen en Pyreneeën het meeste ijs hebben verloren. In 2022 en 2023 werden in de Alpen alle records gebroken. Alleen al in Zwitserland verdween in slechts twee jaar tijd maar liefst 10 procent van het resterende volume ijs. Het was een combinatie van uitzonderlijk warme zomers, weinig sneeuwval en Saharastof wat het extreme verlies veroorzaakte. Kijken we naar het grootste volumeverlies in totaal, dan staat Alaska op kop. Deze regio is goed voor een vijfde van het wereldwijde ijsverlies.”
Hoe ernstig is de situatie?
“De situatie is in sommige regio’s ronduit zorgwekkend te noemen. Want gletsjers zijn momenteel de tweede grootste bijdrager aan de wereldwijde zeespiegelstijging. Enkel het uitzetten van oceanen door de warmte van het zeewater doet beter. De gletsjers dragen zelfs momenteel meer bij dan de ijskappen van Groenland en Antarctica”, verduidelijkt dr. Van Tricht.
Als die verdwijnen heeft dat een grote impact op de landbouw en beschikbaarheid van drinkwater
“En dat is geen ver-van-mijn-bedshow voor ons. Want ons land dat relatief laag ligt, zal een stijgende zeespiegel zeker opmerken. De hele situatie is vooral slecht nieuws voor de kust, de haven en alle laaggelegen gebieden van België.”
“Maar de zeespiegelstijging is maar één kant van het hele verhaal. Het smelten van de gletsjers in de berggebieden heeft een enorme impact op de zoetwatervoorziening van de getroffen regio’s. Een voorbeeld hiervan is Azië, waar gletsjers in de late zomermaanden smeltwater leveren dat essentieel is voor irrigatie. Gletsjers zijn daar een natuurlijk reservoir dat water opslaat en dan later vrijgeeft als het nodig is. Als die verdwijnen heeft dat dus een grote impact op de landbouw en beschikbaarheid van drinkwater. Om je een idee te geven: de hoeveelheid ijs die jaarlijks verdwijnt op aarde, komt overeen met het totale waterverbruik van de wereldbevolking over een periode van dertig jaar. Dat is niet niks”, besluit de wetenschapper.
“Er is bij gletsjerverlies een duidelijk verschil tussen de korte termijn – de komende decennia dus – en de lange termijn. Zelfs als we erin slagen om de temperaturen te stabiliseren, dan nog zullen gletsjers blijven smelten op de korte termijn. Er zit wat vertraging op. Voor de Alpen is het bijvoorbeeld al over en uit. Daar verliezen we vrijwel alle gletsjers.”
“Op de lange termijn zal het verdere verlies sterk afhangen van hoe goed we onze uitstoot onder controle kunnen houden. Tegen 2100 (ten opzichte van 2015) wordt verwacht dat wereldwijd nog een kwart tot een derde van de gletsjermassa verloren gaat. En dat is bij een scenario met lage emissies”, zegt dr. Van Tricht. “Maar bij hoge emissies kan dat oplopen tot meer dan de helft. En de impact stopt natuurlijk niet plots in 2100 op magische wijze, maar gaat gewoon door. Ook in de eeuwen erna zullen gletsjers zich dan blijven terugtrekken.”
Kan een afkoeling de gletsjers nog doen aangroeien?
“Dat hangt er een beetje van af. Gebergtegletsjers kunnen terug aangroeien op de lange termijn als het aanhoudend weer kouder zou worden en er meer sneeuw valt. Maar bij ijskappen is dat anders. Die houden zich in leven omdat ze dik genoeg zijn en zo hoog genoeg rijken. Als ze wegsmelten moet het héél veel kouder worden als we terug ijsopbouw willen zien, omdat die van lager terug moet beginnen aan te groeien.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Secret UFO Crash: Whistleblowers Expose Government Cover-Up!
Secret UFO Crash: Whistleblowers Expose Government Cover-Up!
For decades, governments around the world have denied or downplayed encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). However, numerous whistleblowers, military personnel, and investigative researchers have come forward, exposing shocking details about secret UFO crashes, advanced alien technology retrieval programs, and the concealment of non-human biological entities. These revelations challenge our understanding of extraterrestrial life and raise serious questions about the extent of government secrecy on this issue.
The Roswell Incident: The Beginning of a Cover-Up
One of the most infamous UFO crashes in history occurred in 1947 near Roswell, New Mexico. Initially, the U.S. military announced the recovery of a “flying disc,” only to retract the statement and claim it was a weather balloon. Decades later, retired Lieutenant Colonel Jesse Marcel, who had been involved in the retrieval, came forward stating that the crash debris was not from Earth and had unique properties unknown at the time. Further investigations by nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman and others revealed testimonies from witnesses, deathbed confessions, and classified documents pointing toward an extraterrestrial origin of the crash.
Whistleblowers and Leaked Documents
Throughout history, various insiders have risked their careers and safety to disclose classified information regarding UFO crash retrievals. The Majestic 12 (MJ-12) documents, leaked in 1988, allegedly revealed a top-secret government program established to manage the recovery of alien craft. While skeptics dismiss these documents as a hoax, renowned researchers like Stanton Friedman argued that they contained authentic details of classified government operations.
Secret UFO Crash They Don’t Want You To Know About
One of the most controversial whistleblowers, Bob Lazar, claimed he worked at a secret facility called S-4, a subsidiary of Area 51, where he was tasked with reverse-engineering alien spacecraft. Lazar described seeing nine extraterrestrial crafts and revealed that the U.S. government had obtained an unknown element, later speculated to be Element 115, used for gravity propulsion. While critics question Lazar’s credentials, some of his claims align with other classified U.S. military projects and advancements in physics.
Military Encounters and Retrieval Teams
Numerous retired military personnel have confirmed the existence of specialized units tasked with retrieving downed UFOs. Sergeant Clifford Stone, a former U.S. Army member, claimed he was part of a covert crash retrieval team that recovered alien craft and bodies. According to Stone, the government had knowledge of at least 57 different extraterrestrial species, and some were interacting with humans.
Similarly, David Grusch, a former U.S. intelligence officer, testified before Congress in 2023, alleging that the U.S. government had retrieved non-human spacecraft and biological entities for decades. Grusch also stated that some individuals who attempted to disclose information were harmed or even killed to maintain secrecy. His testimony reignited public and governmental interest in UAPs, prompting further investigations.
Government Denials and Continued Secrecy
Despite compelling testimonies from military officials, pilots, and intelligence agents, governments continue to deny the existence of extraterrestrial craft and life. Agencies like NASA and the U.S. Department of Defense have reaffirmed that they have no verifiable evidence of alien encounters. However, leaked documents, radar footage, and firsthand witness accounts tell a different story.
Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the U.S. All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), acknowledged that military personnel frequently report sightings of metallic orbs and fast-moving UAPs. While he dismissed some claims as misidentifications, his acknowledgment of the phenomenon supports the argument that unexplained aerial objects are a reality.
Why the Secrecy?
Governments have long justified secrecy under the pretext of national security. If alien technology were revealed to the public, it could lead to global political instability, mass panic, and technological superiority concerns among world powers. Additionally, acknowledging extraterrestrial life would challenge religious and philosophical beliefs, fundamentally altering human understanding of our place in the universe.
Historical examples, such as the Manhattan Project (development of the atomic bomb) and breaking German military codes in World War II, illustrate that governments can and do keep secrets for extended periods. The secrecy surrounding UFO crash retrievals is likely no different, with highly classified operations ensuring the information remains hidden from public scrutiny.
The Future of UFO Disclosure
With increasing pressure from whistleblowers, journalists, and Congressional hearings, UFO disclosure is no longer a fringe topic. The U.S. government has begun declassifying some UAP reports, and high-ranking officials are now openly discussing unidentified aerial encounters. However, full transparency remains elusive.
The existence of covert crash retrieval programs, reverse-engineered alien technology, and extraterrestrial biological entities raises profound questions about humanity’s future. Are these revelations leading us toward a new era of transparency, or will the secrecy persist indefinitely? As whistleblowers continue to emerge and technological advancements make it harder to suppress evidence, we may soon have undeniable proof that we are not alone in the universe.
Until that day comes, it remains our responsibility to question, investigate, and push for the truth about the secret UFO crash they don’t want you to know about.
UFO whistleblower says U.S. recovered nonhuman "biologics" from crash sites
What really crashed in Roswell...? | ALIEN CRASH AT ROSWELL: THE UFO TRUTH LOST IN TIME
Nasa UFO report: What we learned from UAP study - BBC News
NASA's Curiosity rover has obtained the mineralogical and chemical data of ancient lake deposits at Gale Crater, Mars. The present study reconstructs water chemistry of the paleolake in Gale based on the Curiosity's data.
Scientists have searched for signs of water on Mars for decades, piecing together evidence from dried riverbeds, polar ice caps, and mineral deposits.
Now, six months after they uncovered evidence of a vast underground reservoir of liquid water, which according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) is enough to fill entire oceans on the surface, a new groundbreaking discovery is adding to the puzzle of its ancient watery past.
The data – obtained from the Zhurong Mars rover – suggests the Red Planet may have once been home to sunlit, sandy beaches with gentle, rolling waves, not that different from California’s Malibu Beach, Thailand’s Maya Bay, or Brazil’s famous Copacabana.
By evaluating hidden rock layers beneath Mars’ surface, the international research team, including scientists from Penn State, found strong evidence of an ancient northern ocean.
What the study reveals
According to Benjamin Cardenas, PhD, assistant professor of geology at Penn State and a co-author of the study, this is the strongest evidence yet that Mars once held a massive body of water and had conditions more favorable for life.
“We’re finding places on Mars that used to look like ancient beaches and ancient river deltas,” Cardenas says. “We found evidence for wind, waves, no shortage of sand – a proper, vacation-style beach.”
China’s Zhurong rover landed on Mars’ Utopia Planitia in 2021, and transmitted geological data in search of ancient water or ice. Equipped with a ground-penetrating radar, it could explore the planet’s subsurface and detect buried rock formations.
By analyzing the rover’s underground sedimentary deposits, the team reconstructed a more detailed history of the planet and uncovered rock layers resembling those found on Earth’s beaches.
These formations, known as “foreshore deposits,” slope downward toward what was once an ocean, forming as tides and waves transport sediments into a larger body of water.
“This stood out to us immediately because it suggests there were waves, which means there was a dynamic interface of air and water,” Cardenas adds. “When we look back at where the earliest life on Earth developed, it was in the interaction between oceans and land, so this is painting a picture of ancient habitable environments, capable of harboring conditions friendly toward microbial life.”
Shaped by water and time
Cardenas notes that when the team analyzed Martian data alongside radar images of Earth’s coastal deposits, they found striking similarities. He emphasized that the dip angles on Mars aligned closely with those characteristic of coastal sedimentary deposits on Earth.
After ruling out other possible origins for the dipping reflectors, including ancient river flows, wind, or volcanic activity, the team concluded that the consistent shape of the formations and the thickness of the sediments strongly suggest a coastal origin.
“We’re seeing that the shoreline of this body of water evolved over time,” Cardenas says, highlighting that Mars is far from a static snapshot of a planet, as many tend to believe. “Rivers were flowing, sediment was moving, and land was being built and eroded.”
Cardenas says that the sediments not only reveal Mars’ past landscape – a once much wetter world with a possible ocean covering the planet’s northern pole – but also provide key clues on where to search for signs of ancient life. They also shed light on Mars’ evolution, suggesting a warm, wet, and life-friendly period lasting tens of millions of years.
“The capabilities of the Zhurong rover have allowed us to understand the geologic history of the planet in an entirely new way,” Michael Manga, PhD, professor of Earth and planetary science at the University of California, Berkley, and the paper’s corresponding author says in a press release.
“Its ground-penetrating radar gives us a view of the subsurface of the planet, which allows us to do geology that we could have never done before,” Manga concludes. “All these incredible advancements in technology have made it possible to do basic science that is revealing a trove of new information about Mars.”
The study has been published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
NASA finds oceans of water on Mars, deep in Martian crust | WION Pulse
It might not be the most obvious place for a holiday.
But Mars was once home to sun-soaked, sandy beaches with gentle, lapping waves, according to a new study.
Recent data from the Zhurong Mars rover reveals the red planet might have boasted vast ancient oceans and sandy beaches, potentially supporting microbial life. This groundbreaking discovery, providing the clearest evidence yet, redefines our understanding of Mars as a once potentially habitable world.
Researchers have discovered evidence of a ‘vacation-style’ environment on the Red Planet, despite there being no visible liquid on the surface of Mars today.
An international team of scientists used data from China's Zhurong Mars rover to unearth hidden layers of rock underneath the planet’s surface that strongly suggest the presence of an ancient northern ocean.
The new research offers the clearest evidence yet that the planet once contained a significant body of water and a more habitable environment for life, the researchers said.
The Zhurong rover landed on Mars in 2021 in an area known as Utopia Planitia and sent back data on the geology of its surroundings in search of signs of ancient water or ice.
Unlike other rovers it came equipped with ground-penetrating radar which allowed it to explore the planet’s subsurface, using both low and high-frequency radar to penetrate the Martian soil and identify buried rock formations.
By studying the underground sedimentary deposits, scientists are now able to piece together a more complete picture of the planet’s history.
A hypothetical picture of Mars 3.6 billion years ago, when an ocean may have covered nearly half the planet. The blue areas show the depth of the ocean filled to the shoreline level of the ancient, now-gone sea, dubbed Deuteronilus. The orange star represents the landing site of the Chinese rover Zhurong. The yellow star is the site of NASA’s Perseverance rover, which landed a few months before Zhurong.
Researchers have discovered evidence of a ‘vacation-style’ environment on the Red Planet, despite there being no visible liquid on the surface of Mars today
Credit: Robert Citron
The new research offers the clearest evidence yet that the planet once contained a significant body of water and a more habitable environment for life, the researchers said
When the team reviewed radar data, it revealed a similar layered structure to beaches on Earth.
They noticed formations called ‘foreshore’ deposits’ that slope downwards towards oceans and form when sediments are carried by tides and waves into a large body of water.
When the team compared the Martian data with radar images of coastal deposits on Earth, they found striking similarities.
The dip angles observed on Mars fell right within the range of those seen in coastal sedimentary deposits on Earth.
The study also provides new information on the evolution of the Martian environment, suggesting that a life-friendly warm and wet period spanned potentially tens of millions of years.
‘We found evidence for wind, waves, no shortage of sand — a proper, vacation-style beach.’
The study also provides new information on the evolution of the Martian environment, suggesting that a life-friendly warm and wet period spanned potentially tens of millions of years
Professor Michael Manga, from the University of California, Berkeley, also contributed to the paper.
'The structures don't look like sand dunes,' he said. 'They don't look like an impact crater. They don't look like lava flows. That's when we started thinking about oceans.
'The orientation of these features are parallel to what the old shoreline would have been. They have both the right orientation and the right slope to support the idea that there was an ocean for a long period of time to accumulate the sand-like beach.'
The findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal.
LIVE 🔴 Mars: Life on the Red Planet | BBC Earth Science
Thutmose II Tomb DISCOVERED: First Egyptian Royal Tomb Discovery since 1922
Egypt-Museum. February 19th, 2025:
This week, archaeologists unveiled a momentous discovery—the long-lost tomb of Thutmose II of Ancient Egypt’s 18th Dynasty.
The tomb, belonging to Thutmose II, the fourth pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty and husband of the famed female ruler Hatshepsut, was unearthed by a British-Egyptian team led by Dr. Piers Litherland of Galashiels, Scotland. The grandeur of the burial site was immediately evident, with a vast staircase and an imposing descending corridor signalling the tomb’s royal significance.
Entrance to the tomb “When I came out, my wife was waiting outside, and the only thing I could do was burst into tears. When you come across something that you’re not expecting to find, it’s emotionally extremely turbulent, really.” Dr Piers Litherland, BBC Newshour Photograph by the New Kingdom Research Foundation
“And part of the ceiling was still intact – a blue-painted ceiling with yellow stars on it. And blue-painted ceilings with yellow stars are only found in king’s tombs,“- Dr Piers Litherland, an honorary research associate of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research at Cambridge University and the field director of the exploration, BBC Newshour
Accessing the burial chamber proved challenging. The team crawled through a narrow, 10-metre passageway, squeezing through an opening scarcely 40 square centimetres wide before reaching the inner chamber. Inside, they encountered a striking blue ceiling adorned with scenes from the Amduat, an ancient funerary text reserved exclusively for kings—confirmation that they had indeed entered the resting place of a pharaoh.
Thutmose II depicted at Karnak Temple
Definitive proof of Thutmose II’s burial came in the form of alabaster jar fragments inscribed with his name and that of Hatshepsut, marking the first objects ever linked to his interment. However, Dr. Litherland’s team theorizes that the tomb may have been flooded approximately six years after the burial, possibly prompting the relocation of its contents. The researchers believe they have identified a likely site for this secondary tomb, which may still contain untouched treasures.
“This discovery solves a great mystery of Ancient Egypt – the location of the tombs of the early XVIIIth dynasty kings. The tomb of this ancestor of Tutankhamun had never been found because it was always thought to be at the other end of the mountain near the Valley of the Kings. Initially we thought we might have found the tomb of a royal wife, but the wide staircase and the large doorway suggested something more important. The discovery that the burial chamber had been decorated with scenes from the Amduat, a religious text which is reserved for kings, was immensely exciting and was the first indication that this was a king’s tomb.”–Dr Piers Litherland
This discovery crowns more than 12 years of meticulous work by the joint team from Dr. Litherland’s New Kingdom Research Foundation and Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. Their efforts have previously led to the excavation of 54 tombs in Luxor’s western Theban mountain and the identification of over 30 royal wives and court women.
“This is the first royal tomb to be discovered since the groundbreaking find of King Tutankhamun’s burial chamber in 1922,” remarked Egypt’s Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Sherif Fathy. “It is an extraordinary moment for Egyptology and a profound step in our understanding of humanity’s shared past.”
The British-Egyptian team who unearthed the tomb of Thutmose II, led by Dr Piers Litherland, a Scottish honorary research associate of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research at Cambridge University and the field director of the exploration.
Thutmose II
Thutmose II ascended the throne of Egypt around 1493 B.C., yet his reign, when measured against the grandeur of his predecessors and successors, was a modest one. Born to Thutmose I and his secondary wife, Mutnofret, he solidified his position by wedding his half-sister, Hatshepsut, the esteemed daughter of Thutmose I and his Great Royal Wife, Ahmose. His rule was marked by minor military excursions, quelling disturbances in Nubia and the Sinai, but it left behind little in the way of enduring triumphs. His life was cut short around 1479 B.C., leaving behind a young heir, Thutmose III, born to his lesser wife, Iset, and a daughter, Neferure, by Hatshepsut.
The precise circumstances surrounding the death of Thutmose II remain shrouded in mystery, though it is widely believed that he perished not by battle or nefarious circumstance, but likely by natural causes and disease. His reign was brief, and evidence suggests he was of frail constitution, possibly plagued by a lingering illness that drained his vitality.
The mummy thought to be that of king Thutmose II
Examinations of what is believed to be Thutmose II’s mummified remains, discovered within the Deir el-Bahari Royal Cache (DB320) hint at a body weakened by malady, with some scholars proposing that he suffered from a chronic skin disorder, an infectious ailment, or even a hereditary affliction, thought to be the consequence of generations of royal intermarriage. Whatever the cause, his untimely demise around 1479 B.C.
With his passing, Hatshepsut first served as regent for the infant king, yet in time, she seized the throne for herself, boldly declaring her own divine right to rule. Many scholars suggest she found her late husband’s reign lacklustre, prompting her to forge a far more illustrious legacy. As one of history’s most formidable female pharaohs, she devoted herself to monumental architectural endeavours, the most celebrated of which was her resplendent mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahari – a masterpiece of design, and today a tourist hotspot which continues to proclaim her majesty for eternity.
Though officially a widow, whispers of a profound bond between Hatshepsut and her trusted advisor, Senenmut, have long intrigued historians. He wielded great influence within her court, overseeing many of her grand projects, and his depictions in proximity to her daughter, Neferure, suggest a role that transcended mere servitude. Whether love, loyalty, or ambition bound them together, his presence in her reign remains an enduring enigma of Egypt’s golden age.
Thutmose II, though his reign brief, carved a notable legacy in the annals of Ancient Egyptian history. As Pharaoh, he solidified Egypt’s power and influence, especially through his military campaigns in Nubia, which extended the empire’s borders. While his rule lacked the monumental construction projects of his predecessors, Thutmose II laid the groundwork for the grand achievements of his successors, most notably his son Thutmose III. His reign, though overshadowed by that of his famous offspring and widower, nonetheless contributed to the enduring prosperity of the Eighteenth Dynasty, blending military prowess with a steady administration.
Thutmose II was the late husband of the female pharaoh Hatshepsut.
It has often been claimed that this is the first royal tomb unearthed since Howard Carter’s legendary unveiling of Tutankhamun’s resting place in 1922. However, this assertion is not entirely accurate. Several royal tombs and kingly burials have, in fact, been discovered since Tutankhamun’s. Notable among these are the 2017 unearthing of the burial chamber belonging to a 13th Dynasty princess named Hatshepsut at the Pyramid of Dahshur, as well as the royal tombs of Tanis, which brought to light the so-called Silver Pharaohs, including Psusennes I.
Is there more to behold?
Speaking with the British publication The Observer, Scottish archaeologist Piers Litherland suspects he may have identified a second tomb belonging to Thutmose II.
February 23rd 2025:
The team: Mohsen Kamel, Rabee Eissa, Mohamed Abd el-Baset, Hanan Mahmoud, Sherif Abd el-Monneim, Nermeen Aba Yazeed, Amel Elweida, Ahmed Hassan, Judith Bunbury, Andreas Dorn, Kelly Accetta-Crowe, Caroline Sims, Aude Gräzer, and Bryony Smerdon, Mohamed Sayed Ahmed, Ashraf Omar, Heraji Said Mohamed, Shahat Mohamed el-Azab, Kairi Taher, Ahmed Abd el-Ahty, Ahmed el-Tairy. Photograph by the New Kingdom Research Foundation
Just days ago, the announcement of the discovery of Thutmose II’s tomb was announced. After over a decade of work by the New Kingdom Research Foundation and the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, it was in 2022 when the team led by Scottish archaeologist Dr. Litherland, finally came to the site of the tomb they had been searching for.
Discovered 3km west of the Valley of the Kings, and underneath a Theban Mountain waterfall, Litherland and his team, unearthed the debris filled and once flooded tomb of king Thutmose II, which is believed to have been emptied in antiquity, just six years after the pharaoh’s death and burial in 1479 B.C.
Yet, this discovery is but the beginning. Dr. Litherland has shared his compelling theory about what further treasures may lie hidden, awaiting the dedicated efforts of his team in the days to come.
“There are 23 metres of a pile of man-made layers sitting above a point in the landscape where we believe – and we have other confirmatory evidence – there is a monument concealed beneath,” Litherland told The Observer, he continued; “The best candidate for what is hidden underneath this enormously expensive, in terms of effort, pile is the second tomb of Thutmose II.”
Broken items with the cartouche of Thutmose II were discovered, leading the team to believe they had been broken during removal and relocation of the king’s burial. Photograph by Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities
Dr. Litherland revealed to The Observer, that for a year or so, he and his team have been diligently working to penetrate the thick strata of plaster and limestone, in hopes of uncovering the long-lost second tomb of Thutmose II. With unshakable conviction, Dr. Litherland believes that something, most notably the elusive second tomb of Thutmose II, lies hidden beyond these formidable layers, which preliminary evidence strongly suggests were intentionally constructed by human hands. He describes the layers—composed of mud plaster and tufa (a crumbly limestone)—as being “the size of a dining room table,” and asserts with certainty that they were crafted by Ancient Egyptian laborers. “Among the ash, we discovered the remnants of beer jars and the tips of chisels used by tomb builders,” he explains, “leaving no doubt that these layers are indeed the work of man.”
Dr. Litherland explains why additional steps were taken by the Ancient Egyptian workmen, which is currently what is slowing down the progress on the dig. According to Litherland, the workmen seem to have, “levered large portions of the cliff and made them crash down on top”. He went on to say that these pieces,“some as large as a car” were then “cemented in place using limestone plaster.” Sharing insight into the treachourus endevour the team have faced,Dr. Litherland then revealed, “We’ve tried to tunnel into it, we’ve tried to shave away the sides, but there are overhanging rocks, so it’s too dangerous,”
Three weeks ago, Dr. Litherland’s foreman Mohamed Sayed Ahmed, alongside his archaeological director, Mohsen Kamel, made the challenging decision to dismantle the entire structure which currently protrudes from the cliff. It is said they are currently approximately halfway through the process, “We anticipate completing the removal in about a month’s time,” Litherland remarked.
Why would Thutmose II require a second tomb?
The tomb of Thutmose II, discovered by Dr. Litherland and his team, as previously mentioned, was constructed underneath a waterfall of the Theban Mountain. To safeguard the tomb from the encroaching water, evidence suggests, the workmen applied layers of plaster and limestone flakes, thus shielding the tomb while simultaneously sealing and concealing the site from potential robbers.
Dr. Litherland explained to the media, that after crawling through a 35ft passageway with an only 15 inch gap at the top, the team came to the burial chamber, yet he was not at all surprised to discover that the chamber was desolate, “… [it] turned out to be completely empty. Not because it was robbed but because it had been deliberately emptied”, Litherland continued,“the tomb is situated in a poorly-chosen place beneath two waterfalls and at the bottom of a slope down which water would have (and did) pour in the much wetter weather of the 18th dynasty,”.
Such a finding, or lackthereof may be disapointing for some, alas, it only led more credence to Dr. Litherland’s theory that the tomb had been purposely emptied and the king was placed elsewhere – a place Dr. Litherland believes he knows where.
Ineni depicted on a hunt (top half of his body missing) within his tomb (TT81)
Dr. Litherland believes it likely that both of king Thutmose II’s tombs were designed by the renowned 18th Dynasty architect Ineni, who, in his tomb (TT81) biography, recounts his life and mentions that he had;
“excavated the high tomb of His Majesty, unseen and unheard by all,” while having to cope with “a most serious dilemma”.
Dr. Litherland speculates and shares his theory of Ineni taking it upon himself to build the king a second tomb in order to protect his late ruler and give the eternal rest to the king, of which Ineni may have felt he failed in providing. With the flooding of Thutmose II’s original tomb, Dr. Litherland theorises that Ineni felt compelled to right the wrong;“If Ineni was perceived as a failure for not providing what was expected—a secure final resting place for a king who, upon death, ascended as a god—he might have been in a state of considerable distress, determined to ensure that the second tomb would not suffer the same fate.” Litherland continues, “Ineni says in his biographies that he did a lot of clever things to hide the locations of tombs, including covering the tombs with layers of mud plaster, which he says has never been done before. This has not been remarked on ever, to my knowledge”.
“I reached old age of an honoured man, While I was daily in the favour of his Majesty. I was fed from the table of the king, With bread from the royal repast, And beer likewise, And fat meat, various vegetables and fruits, Honey, cakes, wine and oil.” Tomb of Ineni (TT81)
So, who is the mummy currently identified as Thutmose II?
Considering the lack of grave goods from king Thutmose II’s reign, it is safe to presume that, if a second tomb of the king exists, that it may just be filled with items left in tribute to send the king off on his way happily to the Afterlife. And if that is so, therefore it is likely that a mummy of the king may exist within the tomb too.
Little remains of Thutmose II, a lack of funerary items unearthed through the years of excavation lead some to propose, his funerary tribute may be buried with him.“..there are no burial goods of any sort relating to the burial of Thutmose II in any museum or private collection” – Dr. Litherland
Dr. Litherland believes that should the second tomb of Thutmose II be discovered, it is more than likely that the mummified body of the king should be still at rest within his safely sealed chamber. This leads us to wonder, who is the mummy idenfitied with Thutmose II, that was discovered in the Royal Cache of Deir el-Bahari in 1881.
It is generally accepted that Thutmose II reigned for approximately 13 years, ascending to the throne at a young age, likely around 18. His reign, relatively brief, ended with his death at around the age of 30. Litherland believes the body currently idenfitied as or better yet associated with Thutmose II is far too old to have been the king. He tells The Observer that, “He [Thutmose II] is described in Ineni’s biography as coming to the throne ‘the falcon in the nest’ – so he was a young boy”.
Is this really the mummy of Thutmose II?
Until the excavations progress further, we can only speculate and have fun sharing our theories and views until we discover what the future holds. Right now, to say the least, it is a very exciting time for Egyptology.
• We here at would like to congratulate the team and Dr. Litherland for such hard work that brings joy and education to millions across the world. Archaeologists can rewrite history with one find, and let’s hope we continue to discover new and “wonderful things” about our ancient past. •
This is a trending story, come back to our website to see more updates and articles as time goes on.
Although the media is reporting that this amazing discovery of the Tomb of Thutmose II is the first royal tomb discovered since that of Tutankhamun in 1922, it is not, it is not the first pharaoh discovered either. Below is a small preview of our article on the Silver Pharaoh, whose discovery was overshadowed by a world in turmoil.
Forgotten Discovery: The unearthing of the Silver Pharaoh during WWII
Jean Pierre Marie Montet (1885–1966) with the golden death mask of king Psusennes I
Amid the chaos and turmoil of World War II, as the world was gripped by conflict and uncertainty, a dazzling revelation emerged from the sands of antiquity—a discovery that would captivate archaeologists and historians alike. In 1940, in the remnants of Tanis, an ancient city shrouded in mystery within Egypt’s Nile Delta, French archaeologist Pierre Montet (1885–1966), unearthed a sanctuary of splendour belonging to the enigmatic “Silver Pharaoh”.
Unlike the famed golden treasures of Tutankhamun, these royal resting places gleamed with a silvery lustre, an opulence born from coffins and funerary masks crafted from pure silver—a metal once believed to be the flesh of the gods. Here lay Pharaoh Psusennes I, adorned in regal magnificence, his mask a vision of ethereal beauty, reflecting a silvery sheen that seemed to capture the light of the moon itself. The tomb, remarkably preserved and untouched by grave robbers, yielded a wealth of jewels, amulets, and exquisitely crafted artefacts, painting a vivid picture of Ancient Egyptian royalty and religious devotion.
The discovery was nothing short of extraordinary. It revealed the grandeur of the 21st and 22nd Dynasties—a period previously veiled in historical obscurity. As the world waged war, the sands of Tanis whispered of a forgotten era, shimmering with the legacy of the Silver Pharaohs, a testament to the splendour and resilience of Ancient Egyptian civilization.
Jean Pierre Marie Montet (1885–1966)
The Discovery of Thutmose II's Tomb Changes Everything
The Tomb of Thutmosis II: What We Know and What We Don't Know
Het betreft het lang verloren gegane graf van Thoetmosis II, waarvan men denkt dat het de laatste onontdekte koninklijke begraafplaats van de 18de dynastie is.
Archeologen hebben het graf van Thoetmosis II gevonden, de vierde farao van de 18de dynastie en echtgenoot van de beroemde koningin Hatsjepsoet. Deze ontdekking is baanbrekend: het is namelijk het eerste faraograf dat sinds de legendarische vondst van Toetanchamon door Howard Carter in 1922 is blootgelegd.
Graf Het graf werd opgegraven door een Brits-Egyptisch team. De indrukwekkende grandeur van de begraafplaats was onmiddellijk zichtbaar, met een majestueuze trap en een imposante afdalende gang die de koninklijke betekenis van het graf onthulden. “Een deel van het plafond was nog intact”, herinnert onderzoeker Piers Litherland zich. “Het was blauw geschilderd, met gele sterren erop. Dergelijke blauwgeschilderde plafonds met gele sterren komen alleen voor in koningsgraven.”
De ingang van de tombe van koning Thoetmoses II in Luxor, Zuid-Egypte, onthuld als de eerste koninklijke ontdekking sinds het graf van Toetanchamon in 1922.Beeld AFP / Egyptisch ministerie van Toerisme en Oudheden
Meer over Thoetmosis II Thoetmosis II besteeg de troon rond 1493 v.Chr. Zijn regering was relatief bescheiden in vergelijking met die van zijn voorgangers en opvolgers. Als zoon van Thoetmosis I en zijn tweede vrouw Mutnofret, verstevigde hij zijn macht door met zijn halfzus, Hatsjepsoet, te trouwen. Zijn heerschappij werd gekenmerkt door kleine militaire expedities en het onderdrukken van onrust in Nubië en de Sinaï, maar bracht weinig grote overwinningen voort. Zijn leven eindigde vroeg, rond 1479 v.Chr., waarbij hij zijn jonge zoon Thoetmosis III (geboren uit zijn minder belangrijke vrouw Iset) en dochter Neferure met Hatsjepsoet achterliet.
Het betreden van de grafkamer was allesbehalve makkelijk. Het team kroop door een smalle gang van 10 meter en wrikte zich door een opening van slechts 40 x 40 centimeter breed voordat ze de binnenkamer bereikten. Daar werden ze verwelkomd door een opvallend blauw plafond, versierd met scènes uit de Amduat, een oude funerale tekst die alleen voor koningen was bedoeld – het ultieme bewijs dat ze de rustplaats van een farao hadden gevonden.
Artefacten uit de tombe, waaronder fragmenten van albasten kruiken met de namen van Thoetmosis II en Hatsjepsoet
Voorwerpen Het onomstotelijke bewijs dat ze op het graf van Thoetmosis II waren gestuit, kwam in de vorm van scherven van een albasten pot met zowel zijn naam als die van Hatsjepsoet erop, de eerste voorwerpen die ooit aan zijn begrafenis konden worden gekoppeld. De onderzoekers vermoeden dat het graf ongeveer zes jaar na de begrafenis mogelijk is overstroomd, wat tot het verplaatsen van de inhoud zou hebben geleid. De onderzoekers denken een mogelijke locatie voor dit tweede graf te hebben gevonden, waar wellicht nog onaangeroerde schatten te ontdekken zijn.
Mysterie “Deze ontdekking ontrafelt een groot mysterie uit het Oude Egypte: het biedt de oplossing voor de eeuwenoude puzzel over de locatie van koninklijke graven uit de vroege 18de Dynastie”, zegt Litherland. “Het graf van deze voorouder van Toetanchamon was nooit gevonden, omdat men altijd dacht dat het aan de andere kant van de berg, dichtbij de Vallei der Koningen, lag. In eerste instantie dachten we misschien een graf van een koninklijke vrouw te hebben ontdekt, maar de brede trap en de grote deur wezen op iets veel belangrijkers. Het was enorm opwindend om te ontdekken dat de grafkamer versierd was met scènes uit de Amduat, een religieuze tekst die alleen voor koningen is bestemd – de eerste aanwijzing dat we een koningsgraf hadden gevonden.”
De mummie van Thoetmoses II, zijn graftombe en de plek in de buurt van de Vallei der Koningen waar alles ontdekt werd.Beeld AFP / Egyptische ministerie van Toerisme en Oudheden
Toegewijd werk Deze ontdekking is het resultaat van meer dan 12 jaar toegewijd werk van Litherland en zijn team. Eerder hebben hun inspanningen al geleid tot de opgraving van 54 graven in de westelijke Thebaanse bergen van Luxor en de identificatie van meer dan 30 koninklijke vrouwen en hofvrouwen. Maar deze nieuwe ontdekking spant toch wel de kroon. “Dit is het eerste koninklijke graf sinds de baanbrekende ontdekking van koning Toetanchamons tombe in 1922”, benadrukt de Egyptische minister van Toerisme en Oudheden, Sherif Fathy. “Een bijzonder moment voor de egyptologie en een belangrijke stap in ons begrip van het gezamenlijke verleden van de mensheid.”
Dood De omstandigheden rond de dood van Thoetmosis II blijven in nevelen gehuld. Het wordt echter algemeen aangenomen dat hij niet door een gewelddadige daad of ongeluk om het leven kwam, maar waarschijnlijk door ziekte of natuurlijke oorzaken. Zijn korte regering en aanwijzingen over zijn zwakke gezondheid suggereren dat hij mogelijk leed aan een langdurige aandoening die zijn energie had uitgeput.
Thoetmosis II’s mummie werd in 1881 ontdekt in de koninklijke begraafplaats van Deir el-Bahari, waar hij samen met andere farao’s uit het Nieuwe Rijk werd bewaard. Zijn mummie vertoont tekenen van zwakte en uitputting, wat suggereert dat zijn leven kort en waarschijnlijk door ziekte was gekenmerkt. Afbeelding: Egypt Museum
Onderzoek van zijn gemummificeerde resten toont aan dat zijn lichaam verzwakt was door ziekte. Sommige wetenschappers speculeren dat hij mogelijk leed aan een chronische huidaandoening, een infectieziekte of zelfs een erfelijke aandoening, mogelijk veroorzaakt door generaties van koninklijke huwelijken binnen de familie. Wat de precieze oorzaak van zijn vroege dood rond 1479 v.Chr. was, blijft echter een raadsel.
Na de dood van Thoetmosis II fungeerde Hatsjepsoet aanvankelijk als regent voor haar jonge stiefzoon, maar al snel greep ze zelf de macht en verklaarde haar goddelijke recht om te heersen. Veel wetenschappers denken dat ze de regering van haar overleden man als teleurstellend beschouwde, wat haar motiveerde om een veel indrukwekkender erfgoed te creëren. Als een van de krachtigste vrouwelijke farao’s uit de geschiedenis richtte ze zich op monumentale bouwwerken, waarvan haar majestueuze graftempel in Deir el-Bahari de meest iconische is.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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