The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
A Charlotte County, FL, witness is wondering what the “rocket-like” object was that moved over his home about 9:55 p.m. on March 14, 2014, according to testimony in Case 54707 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was outside in a front yard walking a dog when the object was first noticed. The case was reported to MUFON on March 15, 2014, and is currently under investigation by Florida MUFON.
“I noticed it because it looked like a rocket ship with a big flame going straight up,” the witness stated. “It looked like it was miles away. It seemed like it was ascending faster than our rockets, but I didn't think anything more until the big fire ball went out.”
Then the object appeared to stop gaining altitude.
“It stopped ascending about a mile or two up. Then it started flying north towards me very fast. In seconds it covered hundreds of miles flying over my house.”
The object moved overhead.
“When it was above me, it was a round object, glowing a dark orange color. I was waiting for the sound to catch up to it and was expecting a loud boom, but it never made a sound. I was confused and tried to make sense of it, but I've never seen anything or heard of anything move that fast. I'm still scratching my head in amazement.”
By Blaze Youngblood of the forum The Church of Mabus visit here for much more paranormal discussion.
People often question the connection between sasquatch and UFOs. Some won’t hear of it entirely. Is it really that unlikely that it could be a being dropped in from an alien craft, from another universe and planet?
Consider what facts are in place, some call them contradictions, I call them solid hints and evidence.
Fact – Sasquatch sightings have appeared on all 6 continents of the world. Most countries, all regions, climates, and elevations. They have different names, but all focus on the same concept of an ape-like man that has been undiscovered or unidentified by humanity.
Fact – Besides species of Swimming Birds, no animal species dwells on every continent on this planet not including Antarctica.
So the fact can be argued that no animal lives in all regions of the world, yet sasquatch sightings have been recorded on all continents. This, an animal that is very large on top of that. We aren’t talking about the size of a dart frog, but something the size of a bear or potentially larger.
To me, this further intrigues me into believing the possibility that it can be dropped off in different areas.
If we had the ability to explore other planets and clone our identities to fit in, how would we approach it?
I think the first thing that most would say is, disguise yourself to look like the planet’s natives, look like one of them. So if an alien vessel wants to explore our planet, first idea would be to look like another human and blend in.
In this there is a problem, other human interaction. If they look lke a white human male and drop off in the middle of Africa with violent and defensive tribes, they are likely to be captured or worse. If dropped into a city, you risk interaction. If you are exploring the planet you likely don’t know much about the planet, don’t know the language, don’t understand the nature of people.
So to avoid interaction what is the next idea?
Look like a predatory animal that is native to the planet instead.
If you are walking down your street and you see another attractive human that really is an alien, the likeliness of interaction is strong. If you are walking down the street and you see something that looks like a bear or a silverback gorilla, you will likely sense fear, not want to approach it and attempt to interact with it, but instead back off and let it alone.
An alien being releasing an animal that looks like a large predatory beast resolves two things, direct interaction from most humans, and gaining it’s objective in exploration of this planet. Both are achieved.
Sasquatch is elusive, rarely seen, yet seems to cover a vast amount of ground across Earth. Is it seen because it’s transported? If you had the ability to drop in at any point at any time to achieve a goal, wouldn’t you do so as well?
The concept isn’t silly attaching UFO’s and Sasquatch in the same conversation, it’s the more closed minded that are convinced that it is indeed just an undiscovered species of animal, nothing more. They know so many “facts” that changing their stubborn mind about it is near impossible. Knowing so much fact about something that hasn’t even been proven to exist can be damaging to the study.
It’s like in the Paranormal world and people who study it. EMF spikes are spirits communicating. “Orbs” are spirits manifesting themselves creating balls of light. Ghosts are more likely to create activity at night in the dark.
All of these theories have developed into fact for a lot of people, and it’s still not necessarily true. Maintaining an open mind and regarding this entire field of interest as an open possibility maintains integrity and intelligent discovery.
Bermudadriehoek verantwoordelijk voor verdwijning Boeing 777?
Bermudadriehoek verantwoordelijk voor verdwijning Boeing 777?
Het onderzoek naar de verdwijning van de Boeing 777 van Malaysia Airlines richt zich meer en meer op kwaad opzet. Er wordt rekening gehouden met een kaping, maar ook de bemanning wordt onderworpen aan een grondig onderzoek. Het gebied waar de Boeing kan zijn is ontzettend groot.
Hoewel er wordt gezocht naar het verdwenen vliegtuig in een gebied dat zich uitstrekt van Kazachstan tot het zuiden van de Indische Oceaan, is het erg onwaarschijnlijk dat het vliegtuig werd omgeleid via een noordelijke route, aldus de luchtvaartautoriteiten in Kazachstan.
Het lijkt wel alsof de onvindbare Boeing van Malaysia Airlines door een soort Bermudadriehoek in de oneindige leegte werd opgezogen. Losstaand van het feit dat die fatale meetkundige figuur duizenden kilometers verderop ligt en de meeste piloten het bestaan ervan zullen ontkennen, twitterde een Maleisische politicus enkele dagen na de verdwijning: “Nieuwe Bermudadriehoek ontdekt in Vietnamese wateren.” Veel mensen reageerden woedend op het bericht en de man bood kort daarop zijn verontschuldigingen aan.
Oppositiepoliticus Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin twittert over een nieuwe Bermudadriehoek.
Als vliegtuigen, schepen of zelfs personen van de aardbol verdwijnen, wordt snel teruggedacht aan de befaamde Bermudadriehoek, die sinds de jaren vijftig de wereld voor de gek lijkt te houden. De link tussen de huidige verdwijning en het gebied dat begrensd wordt door Florida, Puerto Rico en Bermuda is op het eerste gezicht ver te zoeken, maar ook bij de verdwijning van vlucht 447 van Air France in 2009 greep men terug naar die mogelijkheid, ook al lag de regio niet op de vluchtroute.
Sinds de jaren veertig en vijftig worden continu verdwijningen in het gebied aangegeven. De website verzamelt gegevens van verdwenen schepen en vliegtuigen in de regio. Volgens de website zouden er tussen 1945 en 2008 129 vliegtuigen vermist zijn geraakt in de Bermudadriehoek. In de loop der jaren werd naar mogelijke verklaringen gezocht voor verdwijningen in de Bermudadriehoek. Die gingen van paranormale activiteit, buitenaardse wezens, verbindingen met andere dimensies en tijdperken, afwijkingen in magnetische velden, piraten en het verloren continent Atlantis tot slecht weer en menselijke fouten.
Sommige onderzoekers zeggen dat vlucht MH370 is verdwenen boven een stuk oceaan dat vanaf de globe bekeken precies recht tegenover de Bermudadriehoek ligt. Niemand kan echter met zekerheid zeggen waar het vliegtuig precies is verdwenen. Nadat de communicatie met het vliegtuig werd verbroken, maakte het namelijk een scherpe bocht naar links, om daarna een nieuwe koers te vliegen, aldus de Amerikaanse zender ABC. Op voorhand zou de beweging zijn ingevoerd op de computer die het vluchtplan regelde.
Op YouTube zijn inmiddels beelden opgedoken van een veiligheidscamera waarop te zien is hoe de piloten van de verdwenen Boeing 777 met 239 passagiers de veiligheidscontrole op de luchthaven passeren. Het gaat om de laatste beelden van de piloten voor het vliegtuig van de radar verdween.
Last van elektroallergie? In dit dorp is wifi verboden
Last van elektroallergie? In dit dorp is wifi verboden
Tientallen mensen die naar eigen zeggen ziek worden van moderne technologie zijn verhuisd naar een Amerikaans dorp waar wifi verboden is. Ze proberen op deze manier te ontsnappen aan pijnlijke symptomen zoals een brandende huid, borstpijn en acute hoofdpijn. Deze mensen, die lijden aan elektroallergie, zeggen zich na de verhuizing stukken beter te voelen.
Sinds 2013 zijn er 36 mensen verhuisd naar Green Bank in de staat West Viriginia om mobiele telefoons, wifi-hotspots en tv- en radiosignalen te vermijden. Diane Schou legde bijna 1600 kilometer af om haar woning in Iowa te verruilen voor het geïsoleerde dorpje met slechts 147 inwoners. “Toen ik in Iowa woonde was ik altijd ziek. Ik had constant pijn,” vertelt Diane. “Steeds als iemand met een mobiele telefoon of wifi-apparaat in mijn buurt kwam, voelde ik hevige pijn. Sinds ik naar Green Bank ben verhuisd heb ik nergens meer last van.”
Green Bank ligt aan de voet van de Appalachen en valt binnen de National Radio Quiet Zone. In dit gebied zijn mobiele telefoons en wifi-apparaten verboden vanwege de aanwezigheid van één van ’s werelds grootste radiotelescopen, de Green Bank Telescope.
Uit schattingen blijkt dat één tot twee procent van de Nederlanders en bijna vier procent van de Britten en Amerikanen lijdt aan elektroallergie. Hoewel er zo’n 30 studies zijn gedaan naar het fenomeen, is Zweden het enige land ter wereld waar elektroallergie of elektrosensitiviteit te boek staat als medische aandoening.
Deborah Cooney was als onderdirecteur van een bank werkzaam in San Diego. Het voelde voor haar alsof ze ‘langzaam werd vergiftigd’. De 50-jarige Cooney zei dat ze last kreeg van elektroallergie toen in 2011 vlak naast haar woning honderden slimme meters werden geïnstalleerd. “Ik kon niet meer slapen en was steeds ziek. Ik kreeg ook last van hartkloppingen. Het was alsof ik langzaam werd vergiftigd,” zei ze. Zelfs haar kat Mimi werd ziek van de straling die volgens Cooney werd uitgezonden door de slimme meters. “Mimi was een doorsnee kat die altijd binnen zat, tot ze op een bepaald moment vaak buiten bleef en op den duur helemaal niet meer terugkwam.”
Om elektroallergie-klachten te verhelpen zou het helpen om de leefomgeving ‘op te schonen’, dat wil zeggen het verwijderen, vervangen of uitschakelen van de elektrische apparatuur die de overgevoeligheid veroorzaakt, of het gebruik van afschermmiddelen zoals beschermende kabels voor het lichtnet, of het creëren van een kooi van Faraday om de woonruimtes.
De Raad van Europa stelt in een rapport uit 2011 dat kinderen door elektromagnetische golven uit wifi en mobiele telefoons mogelijk worden blootgesteld aan gezondheidsrisico’s, ook wanneer het gaat om stralingsniveaus die onder de huidige drempels liggen. De Raad pleit voor een zeer voorzichtige omgang met elektromagnetische straling.
U.S. UFO Intelligence Leaks? Tough Road for Government
Image: Robert Hastings has interviewed 140 former U.S. military veterans about UFOs, including a case from Ellsworth Air Force Base, pictured.Credit: Wikipedia.
U.S. UFO Intelligence Leaks? Tough Road for Government
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Theres a 7 Foot Alien Knocking At My Door! A Reptilian Encounter (Photographs)
There’s a 7 Foot Alien Knocking At My Door! A Reptilian Encounter (Photographs)
(Before It's News)
A few weeks back I had a chance to interview a man from Olympia, Washington that claims that he was visited two nights in row by an alien in the middle of the night starting on March 13, 2013.
I originally came across the story on the MUFON reporting website. As I read through the description of the encounter I noticed that the submitter left a phone number in the description and I decided to send a text asking for more information on the story. To my surprise I actually got a response. I was asked to not mention his name or give any personal info in fear of losing his job. All I can say is that he works for the state of Washington. So I will just call him John from now on.
John responded to my text with a phone call and agreed to discuss his encounter with me over the phone. We had a good 45 minute conversation as he confided in me about the encounter. John said that he left his phone number in the submitted description thinking that nobody else would see it except the people from the website. John regretted that discussion telling me had many texts and phone calls from random people ever since. Here is the entire submitted description of the event.( I removed John’s phone number)
The night before last (3/13/13 I woke from a sound sleep with my back door knob rattling,it was approx 2am. I had just rented a little house in the country an it was my 3rd night there. There was a Alien staring at me through the window at the top of the old door on the back porch. As soon as the Alien saw that I was looking at him, it ran off. I was scared an shaking so I told my landlord the next morning an he giggled in dis-belief, he said if it comes back tonight then I should knock on his door an tell him. (He lives next door) It came back around 9:30pm 3/14/13, I was texting a friend when I saw it in the same window so I quickly started taking pictures, with my cell phone. I took approx 50 pic’s from all different angles an with it turning it’s head. I even got pictures of what appeared to be cloaking itself. very scary!!! I am still freaked out an I didn’t get much sleep last night. I had a feeling it was trying to lure me to the door, It was reptilian, it had eyes similar to the Grey alien everyone talks of but it had scales on it’s head and it’s shoulders. It also had bony spike shapes over his skull an all I saw were 3 fingers. It was approx 7 feet tall and looked strong. It just stared directly in my eyes, when I moved, His head moved. when his head turned I saw wrinkles on his neck, his nose was flat an he had no lips, “more like a lizard” It appeared to have projected images onto the glass, an was shape shifting! I know how this sounds, but I’m serious. He made a black spot appear in the center of his face an the spot looked like a beak(maybe owl) Then he shifted into what looked like a clown with a gift in it’s hands an the other that mostly freaked me out appeared to be of an old man (possible priest) an when it smiled the priest smiled too. I could tell it was just a projection on to the glass, because I could still clearly see him. I know how this sounds, as I hesitated telling anyone…But I have great pictures and a video that I took with my cell phone. I called my landlord over to share the story an pictures, He is a well known local Animal Veterinarian. He studied the pictures an they also freaked him out. He said he won’t walk his dog at night any longer. He explained what he saw in the photos that I took, an is very interested in learning about what I have witnessed. I do not know who to call or if I should call anyone, I have many pictures of it’s face changing shapes an very good pictures of the structures of it’s eyes, scales, an head. I don’t know how to take the images from my cell or I would email you a few, I can text the images. I am a bit scared from what I have seen, If you have any idea of what It was please contact me an tell me what I can do to keep it away. I am going to the local humane society to get a dog or two, I hope that will help. If your interested in talking, you may reach me on my cell: but please don’t tell anyone my name. I volunteer for the State of Washington an don’t want this to interfere with my job or my friends and family. I attached a few pictures of it shape shifting, a couple of the pictures are of it turning into what looked like a clown face, an the last image, You can clearly see it’s head (left) an it projecting a image of the old mans head (right) I have many more images. I hung curtains up today, so if it comes back tonight I will not be able to see it.
I also grabbed one of the submitted photos:
The original
Cropped and enhanced
When I showed these pictures to people most was able to see an alien and some where not able to see it without me pointing out some visible features, so I made a graphic to point them out.
Can you see it? I was able to see the image quite clear the first time I looked at it. There is definitely something there. John seemed very shaken about his ordeal when I talked to him on the phone. But he also seemed relieved to tell someone his story. He had not told to many people of the event and seemed glad to be able to tell somebody without them giving him that stare of disbelief. I will be the first to say some of John’s description of the encounter is pretty realistic and believable, and portions of it seems a little far fetched. Then again it may seem far fetched to us but most of us have not had an alien encounter like this so who is to say that its not the truth. I mean who sets the benchmark on what could be real and what isn’t when your visited by an alien? To be honest John’s testimony sounded pretty real and honest on the phone, very detailed with no hesitation.
John describes a 7′ reptilian type creature tan in color with large eyes and wrinkly scaly skin, with what seemed to be plates running horizontally up the middle of his head. Very large and powerful looking John said but did not seem aggressive, “it was more like he was trying to get my attention or lure me outside.” His eyes blinked from side to side very fast almost like a shutter.John describe how the alien mad grunting and whispering sounds but did not sound like recognizable speech. I asked John if he ever had any other experiences that he thought would be connected to his encounter.He said that when he was 8 or 9 years old he lived on a mink farm and his parents told him that he would sleep walk and they would find him in the field staring at the sky. This went on for a year or two but john doesn’t remember any of it.
John claims to have many more pictures of the encounter and has agreed to share them with me but he may have changed his mind. I am hoping John reads this article and he has a change of heart and goes through with his promise of sending me the images. If I do receive any more evidence for this story I will be sure to update it.
Theres a 7 Foot Alien Knocking At My Door! A Reptilian Encounter (Photographs)
There’s a 7 Foot Alien Knocking At My Door! A Reptilian Encounter (Photographs)
(Before It's News)
A few weeks back I had a chance to interview a man from Olympia, Washington that claims that he was visited two nights in row by an alien in the middle of the night starting on March 13, 2013.
I originally came across the story on the MUFON reporting website. As I read through the description of the encounter I noticed that the submitter left a phone number in the description and I decided to send a text asking for more information on the story. To my surprise I actually got a response. I was asked to not mention his name or give any personal info in fear of losing his job. All I can say is that he works for the state of Washington. So I will just call him John from now on.
John responded to my text with a phone call and agreed to discuss his encounter with me over the phone. We had a good 45 minute conversation as he confided in me about the encounter. John said that he left his phone number in the submitted description thinking that nobody else would see it except the people from the website. John regretted that discussion telling me had many texts and phone calls from random people ever since. Here is the entire submitted description of the event.( I removed John’s phone number)
The night before last (3/13/13 I woke from a sound sleep with my back door knob rattling,it was approx 2am. I had just rented a little house in the country an it was my 3rd night there. There was a Alien staring at me through the window at the top of the old door on the back porch. As soon as the Alien saw that I was looking at him, it ran off. I was scared an shaking so I told my landlord the next morning an he giggled in dis-belief, he said if it comes back tonight then I should knock on his door an tell him. (He lives next door) It came back around 9:30pm 3/14/13, I was texting a friend when I saw it in the same window so I quickly started taking pictures, with my cell phone. I took approx 50 pic’s from all different angles an with it turning it’s head. I even got pictures of what appeared to be cloaking itself. very scary!!! I am still freaked out an I didn’t get much sleep last night. I had a feeling it was trying to lure me to the door, It was reptilian, it had eyes similar to the Grey alien everyone talks of but it had scales on it’s head and it’s shoulders. It also had bony spike shapes over his skull an all I saw were 3 fingers. It was approx 7 feet tall and looked strong. It just stared directly in my eyes, when I moved, His head moved. when his head turned I saw wrinkles on his neck, his nose was flat an he had no lips, “more like a lizard” It appeared to have projected images onto the glass, an was shape shifting! I know how this sounds, but I’m serious. He made a black spot appear in the center of his face an the spot looked like a beak(maybe owl) Then he shifted into what looked like a clown with a gift in it’s hands an the other that mostly freaked me out appeared to be of an old man (possible priest) an when it smiled the priest smiled too. I could tell it was just a projection on to the glass, because I could still clearly see him. I know how this sounds, as I hesitated telling anyone…But I have great pictures and a video that I took with my cell phone. I called my landlord over to share the story an pictures, He is a well known local Animal Veterinarian. He studied the pictures an they also freaked him out. He said he won’t walk his dog at night any longer. He explained what he saw in the photos that I took, an is very interested in learning about what I have witnessed. I do not know who to call or if I should call anyone, I have many pictures of it’s face changing shapes an very good pictures of the structures of it’s eyes, scales, an head. I don’t know how to take the images from my cell or I would email you a few, I can text the images. I am a bit scared from what I have seen, If you have any idea of what It was please contact me an tell me what I can do to keep it away. I am going to the local humane society to get a dog or two, I hope that will help. If your interested in talking, you may reach me on my cell: but please don’t tell anyone my name. I volunteer for the State of Washington an don’t want this to interfere with my job or my friends and family. I attached a few pictures of it shape shifting, a couple of the pictures are of it turning into what looked like a clown face, an the last image, You can clearly see it’s head (left) an it projecting a image of the old mans head (right) I have many more images. I hung curtains up today, so if it comes back tonight I will not be able to see it.
I also grabbed one of the submitted photos:
The original
Cropped and enhanced
When I showed these pictures to people most was able to see an alien and some where not able to see it without me pointing out some visible features, so I made a graphic to point them out.
Can you see it? I was able to see the image quite clear the first time I looked at it. There is definitely something there. John seemed very shaken about his ordeal when I talked to him on the phone. But he also seemed relieved to tell someone his story. He had not told to many people of the event and seemed glad to be able to tell somebody without them giving him that stare of disbelief. I will be the first to say some of John’s description of the encounter is pretty realistic and believable, and portions of it seems a little far fetched. Then again it may seem far fetched to us but most of us have not had an alien encounter like this so who is to say that its not the truth. I mean who sets the benchmark on what could be real and what isn’t when your visited by an alien? To be honest John’s testimony sounded pretty real and honest on the phone, very detailed with no hesitation.
John describes a 7′ reptilian type creature tan in color with large eyes and wrinkly scaly skin, with what seemed to be plates running horizontally up the middle of his head. Very large and powerful looking John said but did not seem aggressive, “it was more like he was trying to get my attention or lure me outside.” His eyes blinked from side to side very fast almost like a shutter.John describe how the alien mad grunting and whispering sounds but did not sound like recognizable speech. I asked John if he ever had any other experiences that he thought would be connected to his encounter.He said that when he was 8 or 9 years old he lived on a mink farm and his parents told him that he would sleep walk and they would find him in the field staring at the sky. This went on for a year or two but john doesn’t remember any of it.
John claims to have many more pictures of the encounter and has agreed to share them with me but he may have changed his mind. I am hoping John reads this article and he has a change of heart and goes through with his promise of sending me the images. If I do receive any more evidence for this story I will be sure to update it.
A small robot type object was captured in a game cam photo somewhere inTexas.
I guess technically we cannot call this object a UFO because we have no proof that it can fly. This robot or droid looking object was captured on a game cam somewhere in Texas. The sighting was reported to the MUFON reporting sight on January 6, 2014. it was accompanied by a very short description.
Picture was taken by a game camera.
The object was not in the picture 30 seconds before or 30 seconds after.
You will also notice the date on the picture is January 6, 2013 but don’t let that take away from what was captured in this photo. In a post we did back in December 2013 “UFO Caught on game Cam in Fredricksburg, Texas” ( the date also did not match what was in the photo compared to the date of the event. This was explained that hunters don’t worry to much about setting the date because the cameras are usually checked daily and they have no need for the date to accurate.
The object in this photo has an almost UFO saucer type shape at the top with long jointed legs supporting it. Some people have suggested that this is a Star Wars toy called a “Chicken Walker” but I am not sold on that explanation. Below is a photo of a Star Wars Chicken Walker and you can clearly see that although similar they don’t quite resemble one another. The Chicken walker has a boxy shape compared to round saucer shape the robot like object in the photo from the game cam has. Even the legs are different.
If you look closely at the bottom of the droid you can see an appendage that almost looks like a camera or a probe pf some sort. I cannot tell you exactly what the object in this picture is but it certainly looks like some type of robot or droid to me. But it could be just some kind of pipe or valve sticking out if the ground.
An alien or spirit was caught on a trail cam while trying to get evidence of coon hunters trespassing on some private property in N. Georgia.
Alien or Spirit captured on Trail Cam N. Georgia
A home owner was observing lights in the woods at night. Law enforcement believed that the lights were from coon hunters hunting in the woods, which is very common in the area. After several complaints and not finding any coon hunters, the home owner set up a trail cam and caught this image the very first night.
The image shows an illuminated humaniod figure that has a stick or wand type object in it’s left hand. The figure also seems to have wings protruding from its back, or maybe wearing a cape of some sort.
Could this alien or spirit be entering our time and space through a Trans Portal or Energy Gate from an adjacent universe? Before you answer that question read this article that explains how this could happen and how real these Trans Portals can be. Click the link to read. Trans Portals & Energy Gates
There are claims of another photo of a similar figure captured in a different location with another camera. The photo may be in possession of a Ranger from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. If anybody comes across this picture we would like to see it.
What do you think was captured on this trail cam? Could this be an alien or spirit traveling through a Trans Portal or Energy Gate?
A bright beam of light is captured by a trail cam in Albuquerque, New Mexico on March 1, 2014.
The trail cam has become a great tool for capturing UFO sightings and strange anomalies even though they weren’t set up for that intended purpose.
This latest trail cam capture comes from Albuquerque, New Mexico. The report to the MUFON reporting site includes two pictures one of which shows a very bright beam of light coming down from the top of the picture to the ground. The deer at the left in the picture does seem to notice the strange beam of light but doesn’t seem to be spooked enough to run.
You will notice the date say 2013 in the photos, but just like in our other posts of trail and game cam UFO sightings these dates are hardly ever set correctly. The owner of the trail cam explains this in the description. If you would like to see other UFO sightings caught on cams like this one I will post the links at the bottom of this article.
Submitted description:
“This was taken by a trail camera in New Mexico in the mountains. Notice movement of deer on the left side of picture. There is a time stamp at the bottom of both pictures. The year reads 2012 but it was not set properly. It’s 2014. The camera is set to take pictures 3 seconds apart.”
A game cam captures one of the latest UFO sightings in Fredericksburg, Texas on December 15, 2013.
The witness has had sightings of a bright orb UFO since mid July. The UFO has been seen nightly ever since for the past 4 months. On December 15, 2013 his game cam that is set up about 800 yards away from his house captured these extraordinary photos of a UFO sighting over a time span of approximately 60 minutes or so.
Game Cam UFO Sighting Fredericksburg, Texas
The dates on these pictures are not correct as the witness explains in his description that he submitted to the MUFON reporting sight, as he has never bothered to set it. He states that the times however are correct.
Witness description that was reported to MUFON:
“The game camera is 70 yards from the power line where the orb is. By the way, the time shown in the photos is correct, however, I didnt bother to set the date. The actual date of the photos is 15 Dec 2013.
In the first photo, you can see the shaft of light (faintly) coming down from the top of the photo.
In the third photo you can see the orb has moved.
In the game camera, the first faint shaft of light appeared at 3:35:17. The light was gone by 4:41:00.
The game camera is about 800 yards north of my house.
In mid August I spotted the light about 600 yards south of my house in the neighbors property. It was moving at tree top level. There is a power line there also.
My aunt and I first saw the light in mid July. About a week later, a large glowing light (orb) to the west was seen and has been in residence nightly for the past four months. When the large light to the west was there, I didnt see the light you see in the photo. But, the large light hasn’t been around for the past four nights. I read several posts on the internet where people witnessed a large orb firing on a smaller one. Guess the orb in the photo thought it was safe to come back.
I had reported the large westerly orb to mufon in a previous post.”
I would assume that the UFO was completely silent because it does not seem to spook any of the animals seen in the photos. We will be keeping an eye on Fredericksburg, Texas and are hoping to get more fantastic UFO sightings from this cam.
Un scientifique de la Nasa affirme avoir trouvé des traces de vie extraterrestre fossilisïées dans les fragments d'une météorite, suscitant enthousiasme et scepticisme au sein de la communauté scientifique.
L'article de Richard Hoover, accompagné de photos prises au microscope de petites créatures ressemblant à des vers, a été publié vendredi dans le Journal de cosmologie américain.
Le scientifique a découpé en tranches des fragments de différents types de météorites, dites chondrites carbonées, susceptibles de renfermer de l'eau et des matiéres organiques, et les scrutées au microscope. Il a trouvé ce qui ressemble à des bactéries qu'il a appelées "fossiles autochtones" et dont il pense qu'ils proviennent non passé d'une contamination une fois que la météorite a frappé la Terre, mais bien de l'espace et d'organismes vivants contenus dans des comètes, météorites ou autres objets stellaires. "Les implications sont que la vie est partout et que la vie sur Terre pourrait venir d'autres planètes", �crit-il dans cette étude.
De telles recherches suggérant la présence de vie extraterrestre dans des météorites ne sont pas nouvelles et provoquent de vifs débats sur la fait de savoir comment ces organismes peuvent survivre dans l'espace et sur l'origine de la vie dans l'univers.
Richard Hoover est un "scientifique très respecté et un astrobiologiste à la réputation exemplaire à la Nasa", affirme le rédacteur en chef de la revue, Rudy Schild, du Centre pour l'astrophysique au Harvard-Smithsoniané. "Etant donné la nature controversée de cette découverte, nous avons convié 100 experts et convié plus de 5.000 personnes de la communauté scientifique à étudier cet article et proposer leur analyse critique", poursuit-il. Leurs commentaires seront publié entre le 7 et le 10 mars.
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Video: UFO recorded over Vancouver
Video: UFO recorded over Vancouver
We discuss a video that shows a UFO over Vancouver in Canada. We also discuss the 2014 International UFOCongress. That and other space and UFO news on this episode of Spacing Out!
Stories discussed in this episode:
- UFO on radar prompts Indian Air Force to scramble jet
While camping alone on the cliffs of Gay Head, Aquinnah, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts I made this observation. It was Bill Clinton’s birthday, as mine was the day before, so I guess we were both celebrating on the island…my accommodations were a bit more primitive than his I’d guess. To save money I drove my motorcycle to a secluded spot on Gay Head Cliff, looking out to No Man’s Island, an uninhabited island that had been used by the military for bombing practice, about a mile off shore. It was very dark, but a nice starry night. I had passed Clinton’s motorcade earlier that day and was just enjoying the solitude and peace of that beautiful island. The beach front lay before me at the bottom of the cliff; a clothing optional beach, very famous, was nearby and got extensive use on sunny summer days. The President had done a book signing that day in Vineyard Haven and may have been coming back from the beach when I saw his motorcade. It was late, about 1am, when I finally settled down, as I wanted to be as inconspicuous as possible; camping was illegal there. I had only a sleeping bag, which was enough for that nice weather. As I was looking out over the cliff to the SW I saw a fishing boat way off, a dragger, with all its very bright lights on, not moving so it seemed. Suddenly, to the right of the boat appeared a large, spinning, pinwheel kind of light, with reds, oranges, and yellows going round and round, going clockwise. It was just at the ocean surface and not far from the boat..I thought, those guys on the boat have to be looking at this light. It was kind of freaky watching, trying to figure out what it could be. It was not related to the boat at all. I watched it stay steady for about ten minutes when all of a sudden it just went out, like someone pulled a light switch…just gone. The boat was still in the same spot. I wondered whether it was still there with its light out or moving in the darkness with out lights. I kept watching but never saw the light again..I didn’t sleep much that night, wondering if it might find me there alone, miles from the nearest habitation. Just a weird and lucky observation for me. I wonder what the boat crew thought. I’d say the pinwheel was almost the size of the ship and that they were very near each other, relative to my position. Was it observing the boat? I don’t know. – MUFON CMS NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
In his usual wonderful style, HD has put together another exciting compilation of UFO sightings. Some of the best UFO sightings over the last few week are here on this video many of which are REALLY IMPRESSIVE captures!
I can’t help but wonder, as I hear the screams and fear in the background of some of these captures, just how people are going to react when the invasion of these “space enemies” finally happens. Well, as the Bible states, some will just fall dead at the sight of it.
*Sightings And Sources* Ovni u Osni (Ufo) sobre las playas de monte Hermoso en Argentina 14/1/2014 Increible video Source: sᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ
Publisher's Note:I found this article in my Google Alerts. It concerns an object spotted and phototgraphed by many people across Gloucester, UK. The article by citizenmike appeared on the Gloucester Citizen website. It is interesting in that many people have photographs but still don't know what the object was: aliens, ufos and meteors have been ruled out. Enjoy Dirk
Tongues are wagging as to what the object was that was caught on camera by people all across Gloucestershire.
More readers have submitted their own snaps of the mysterious sight.
Andrew Hill, from Tuffley, spotted the phenomenon from Haresfield Beacon. He said: “It looks like falling debris with fire or flames at the front of the trails.
“In the image there are four trails. I hope we will get some reason for this phenomenon soon.”
Reader Paul Hooper also wrote in to say that he was in South Worcestershire when he saw what looked like a ‘UFO falling to earth’.
Astronomer John Fletcher, who runs the Mount Tuffley Observatory from his Tuffley home, ruled out anything falling from space such as a meteor or UFO.
He said: “This is likely to be a distortion of a vapour trail from a jet airliner as it enters the twilight zone in the atmosphere.
“If it was a meteor then it would have been much faster. I can rule out it being anything falling from space.”
A 61-year-old Florida UFO witness has a conclusion for those studying UFO sightings – they're all ours, according to March 14, 2014, testimony in Case 54675 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness says he's always been interested in military aircraft – and he's seen some usual things over the years – objects that look like our aircraft – but don't behave like our aircraft.
“I've watched a B-58 Hustler hovering about 20 feet over some trees; for maybe six to eight seconds,” the witness stated. “I was maybe a hundred yards away. The B-58 Hustler does not hover.”
One object covered too much ground in too little time.
“I've seen a UFO flying from east to west, covering an estimated distance of 20 miles; in about eight seconds. It seemed to be anywhere from 500 to 1,000 feet long. It bounced up and down as it crossed the sky. It bounced up and down in the sky, like an A/C current sine wave. From peak to peak of its bounce, I'd say was maybe half a mile.”
One object looked like one of ours, but appeared to be altered.
“And I saw one UFO that looked basically like a Navy F-14 Tomcat with its wings folded for super-sonic flight. The similarity ended at where the engine intakes are on an F-14. It was like an F-14 without a cockpit; ascending and reflecting sunlight so much it almost hurt my eyes to look at it.”
Today is a sad day to report the passing of Dr. Roger K. Leir, we have lost a great family man, podiatrist and devoted ufologist. He will be greatly missed by all.
I was in my car yesterday when Richard Shaw phoned and told me.
“Have you heard?”
“Heard what I asked.”
“Oh, I guess you haven’t heard yet.” He paused for a moment and I heard in his voice that something was wrong. “Roger died yesterday of a heart attack…”
“What?” I said in disbelief, stunned by what I was hearing.
Richard continued letting me know that Roger had gone to the doctor because his ankle was flaring up again. He went into the bathroom and apparently had a heart attack while in there. Efforts to revive him failed.
I first met Dr. Leir or as Richard and I have come to call him between us, Uncle Roger, at a MUFON meeting in 1999. Nephilim had just been published and I went to the meeting to see author Barry Chamish, who had also written a book on the Nephilim. While there I was introduced for the first time to Dr. Roger Leir. I had heard about him and his recent extraction of an alleged alien implant. We talked for a while about UFOs and implants and then I asked him, what the implant looked like.
He reached into his coat pocket and produced a small vial and looking at me with an impish grin said, Here it is, want to take a look?
I was taken aback realizing that I was about to hold the implant myself. He popped the lid of the continuer and then let the implant fall into my open palm. That’s who Roger was. You never really knew what he was going to tell you or show you.
Roger was in all of the Watchers films, and is the focus of Watchers 7. He was the pioneer of implant removal and his commitment to the research in this field will be sorely missed. He was a friend and I will miss him.
The picture above was taken during the 17th implant removal. Roger assisted in the surgery.
Death is never convenient and the sting of it has wounded my heart.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.