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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
UFO sighting above North Kentucky on 18th June 2014
UFO sighting above North Kentucky on 18th June 2014
New amazing video footage of a strange UFO light recorded in the night sky above North Kentucky on 18th June 2014.
Witness said: I was out with my son’s and we got this ufo on video. This is the first time I have seen anything like this.
Unknown lights over Rancho Santa Margarita, California on 18th June 2014
Unknown lights over Rancho Santa Margarita, California on 18th June 2014
New interesting video footage of unknown UFO lights recorded in the night sky above Rancho Santa Margarita, California on 18th June 2014.
Witness said: I was driving with my girlfriend to her house in r.s.m. I saw a big glowing light over a hilltop in the distance ahead of us. Brighter than any light possible. We drove around the hill to get a closer look. It seemed to have moved further out in the distance. We pulled over next to the road where we saw 5 other people watching the same thing. (As we were standing there people kept driving up to see the same thing). There seemed to be a little bit of a green light coming of the top of it. It seemed to be saucer shaped with antenna or something coming off the top to emit the green light. When we pulled up a second one appeared a little higher just to the left of it. The UFOs were glowing extremely bright and slowly pulsating in brightness. We watched for about 20 minutes as both would randomly go dark and reappear and pulsate. Decided to give up and drive home after both went dark and were no longer visible. As we got to my house atop a big hill we looked out in the distance towards the beach and could see 2 extremely large mother ships. It couldn’t have been anything else because they had very bright white lights on the side of them in a row. One had 5 white lights and a little green one on the end just below the far right white light. The spot where we saw the UFOs was just over the hill in the Cleveland national forest area just east of Rancho Santa Margarita, California. Can pinpoint on map if needed to.
UFO over Eyrewell Forest, New Zealand on 20th June 2014
UFO over Eyrewell Forest, New Zealand on 20th June 2014
Witness said: Hi, can you UFO enthusiasts please take a look at this please. I am from the UK travelling around NZ staying on a rural property in Eyrewell Forest, Waimakariri. At around 16:45 today my hostess spotted this object in the sky, at first i thought it was just the first star of tonights sky but it was way too early. After about five minutes i decided to grab my camera from the house to get a video and photos. When i zoomed in on the object it looked different, a vertical poll in the sky omitting a bright light from the center, but to the naked eye could have passed for a star but it was moving (as in much faster than a star would of course). As you can hear in the video i stepped to the side to get a shot through the trees, this was simply to (hopefully) make it easy for debunkers to see the video is genuine. Is there a explanation? was the picture i got the result of some king of light distortion? A typical glitch of a cheap camera? The model of camera is ‘CANON digital IXUS 70′ it has 7.1 mega pixels, an on the projection shell of the lens it has 5.8-17.4mm 1:2.8- 4.9, just in case it makes a difference. I have a couple of pics and 3 more videos. Let me know what you think, thanks.
On March 30, 2000, the witnesses were travelling along the Klondike Highway from Whitehorse to the Village of Pelly Crossing, Yukon. The sky was clear with a glow of predawn blue. They were nearing the end of Little Fox Lake and came around a sharp right-hand bend near the base of a mountain. Upon coming out from the bend they could not believe their eyes. The witnesses saw a 30 to 40ft diameter saucer, hovering about 200 ft off the ground. It was described as a classic disc shape with a dome on top. The dome had two curved windows from which a blue light was shining. The car headlights dimmed and their tape deck stopped playing. Their watches stopped functioning:
UFO makes woman leery of night travel
by Stephanie Waddell
For Leah Isaac, a strange encounter with the third kind on March 30 made a believer out of the former skeptic. The episode, meanwhile, is attracting the interest of the American media.
“I can’t even travel at night anymore,” the Pelly Crossing resident told the Star in Whitehorse this morning.
Shortly after 5 a.m. on the day in question, Isaac was travelling to Pelly from Whitehorse along the North Klondike Highway with a friend when they came around a corner at Little Fox Lake to a sight neither had seen before.
About 15 to 22 metres (50 to 75 feet) away was a disc-shaped aircraft hovering about 60 metres (200 ft.) off the ground.
“It was silver and transparent,” she noted. “It was like a mirror. It was almost like you could see right through the craft.
“It’s so hard to explain because you never see that kind of material. It’s almost like you can see right through it.”
Inside the craft appeared a blue, turquoise colour, but she did not see a pilot nor anyone in the craft which she noted was “so advanced.
“I was really scared, but I was really shocked when I’ve seen it,” Isaac said. “We were both shaking.”
Isaac’s analog watch stopped, while another friend’s digital watch went into chrono mode, the truck’s tape deck stopped and the lights on her vehicle dimmed.
“Everything went dead,” she said.
Isaac reported the craft seemed to be somewhat confused at their presence. After about five seconds, it shot in front of their vehicle and stopped instantly on the left side of the road.
Isaac reported that she had never seen anything move so fast, and it made no noise.
“I think if it wanted to hurt us, it probably would’ve,” she said.
As Isaac kept driving through the experience, her eyes were peeled on the site, while her friends told her to “floor it.”
They took off after the craft disappeared and didn’t look back for fear that it would follow them. It was about five minutes before the watches began working again and 10 minutes before the tape player resumed working.
“I was driving really fast, as fast as I ever drove, and then when we stopped somewhere, we were just shaking.”
When they got to Pelly, they began laughing about the event and their reactions to it.
“I didn’t even watch where I was driving,” she said. “It’s just funny now that you think about it.”
Although Isaac and her friend had initially agreed not to tell anyone, before they got into Pelly, they changed their minds.
When Isaac arrived at her mother’s house in Pelly, she immediately drew a picture of the craft, wrote about it and began telling her mother the story.
“She was really excited, too.”
Isaac also contacted other friends and family that day to tell them about her experience. While some say she “has made up a good story,” others believe her. There have been numerous sightings around Fox Lake over the years.
“It’s reality. I’m just telling people what I’d seen.”
In the three weeks since the experience, she has spoken with the media, including a Los Angeles radio station, in hopes that others will come out with their own stories.
Although she’s still scared to drive alone at night, it has tweaked her curiosity and changed the way she views things.
“I think people should be aware of what’s going on in the Yukon,” she said. “There’s more sightings now than ever.”
Before the experience, she was skeptical of other life in the universe, but now she is curious to know what’s out there and has considered going back to the site early in the morning to see if she can find out more. She’s curious as to why the ship was lingering near telephone poles.
“Our universe is so big, there must be something out there,” she said.know what’s out there and has considered going back to the site early in the morning to see if she can find out more. She’s curious as to why the ship was lingering near telephone poles.
“Our universe is so big, there must be something out there,” she said. – Whitehorse Star (Yukon, Canada), April 20, 2000
There have been many close encounters with UFOs in the Yukon but it is not often that we get a report like this so soon after it occurs. The witnesses were interviewed about 15 hours after their experience. They were still in a state of shock, coherent, and sincere. For those who doubt accounts like this, I only wish they could hear the witnesses first hand. Their emotional state and what they had to say has left a deep impression on me. Many thanks to FOX4 for notifying us of this sighting, conducting the initial interview and for obtaining the witness drawing. Since this article has been published one of the witnesses has informed us that she does not mind having her identity disclosed. “I know what I saw” Leah Isaac states, “and I was a skeptic before!”
The Account:
Leah Isaac, a friend of hers, and a young boy (who was asleep) were travelling northbound along the Klondike Highway from Whitehorse to the Village of Pelly Crossing, Yukon. The sky was clear with a glow of predawn blue. They were nearing the end of Little Fox Lake and came around a sharp right-hand bend near the base of a mountain. Upon coming out from the bend they could not believe their eyes! To the right and about 300 ft (90 meters) away was a 30 to 40ft (9 to12 meters) diameter saucer, hovering about 200 ft (60 meters) off the ground! They observed it to be stationary for 4 to 5 seconds as they were travelling along the highway and then it shot across horizontally in front of their vehicle at an “incredible speed” and stopped instantly on the left side of the road. “Nothing can move that fast”, “in the blink of an eye” the witnesses described. It remained motionless for only another split second and shot off even faster in a different direction (basically performing a 90-degree turn and shooting off behind them). One witness thought it went right into the side of a mountain while the other thought it followed the mountainous skyline. “Come on, floor it, floor it!” shouted the friend to Leah. They continued northbound fleeing from the location and eventually pulled over about 20 minutes later. They were both visibly shaking. “We were more scared than excited, I think if it wasn’t so close it would not have been so frightening”, “It’s like we caught it by surprise when we came around the corner”, “it was so advanced”, “I’ll never be the same” were some of the comments by the witnesses.
The witnesses got a good look at the saucer. It was a classic disc shape with a dome on top. The dome had two curved windows or lights from which a beautiful ocean blue or aqua colored light was shining. The surface of the craft was difficult to describe. Some of the words the witnesses used were “mirror, silver, translucent, shiny, glassy, reflecting the color of the sky”. It was as though the UFO was trying to “camouflage against the background sky color”. “Had it been pitch black out I don’t think we would have seen the body of the craft, just the windows or lights” Leah remarked.
As the UFO streaked in front of their vehicle, the car headlights dimmed and their tape deck stopped playing. They both wanted to check the time of their sighting. However, Leah’s battery-operated analog watch stopped (at 5:00am) and the man’s digital watch went blank, and then got stuck in “chrono mode” and wouldn’t reset. A few miles down the road Leah tapped the face of her watch and it started working again. The man fiddled around pushing buttons on his digital watch and it started working as well, the time indicated was 5:12 am. They checked the tape deck and by all indications, John Fogerty should have been playing away. The tape hadn’t run out, the volume was on, and the lights on the cassette window indicated that the power was on. Other than the initial power drain, no additional problems were noted with the truck. The man figured that they managed to get the tape deck and watches functioning properly after they traveled a “couple of miles” past the UFO sighting location. The woman figured that about 5 minutes had elapsed when they managed to get their watches functioning and about 10 minutes until the tape deck started to work. Although the witnesses were travelling in a vehicle, no noise was heard emanating from the UFO.
Updated Information:
Leah Isaac was interviewed in Whitehorse and was asked to use reference objects (buildings around her) to help provide estimates of the closest approach and size of the UFO. These distances were measured and the following results were determined: At their closest approach the UFO was about 27 metres (90 feet) away and about 10 metres (34 feet) in diameter. The geometry gives a viewing angle of about 22 degrees of an arc.
Further investigation into this case is described in the IUR Journal (International UFO Reporter) Summer 2000 issue Vol. 25. No. 2. by Mark Rodeghier* and Martin Jasek.
*Mark Rodeghier is the scientific director of the Center for UFO Studies in Chicago. He has dedicated his UFO studies to cases where there had been interference with the vehicle’s electronics, such as this one that occurred at Little Fox Lake. To date he has catalogued some 500 such cases. He has the following to add regarding this case:
“I am definitely interested in more information on this report, as much as possible, both because it is a recent case and because very few vehicle interference reports have been studied in depth before. This is because they have been so infrequent–only somewhat over 500 have occurred worldwide since 1947–so any one investigator may only see one or two reports in a lifetime of UFO investigations. I have personally investigated only one report, although I have spoken with the witnesses in about a dozen other cases.
I can tell you that this case fits a pattern I first discerned about 20 years ago. That is, in most vehicle interference reports, the UFO is disk-shaped, about 30 feet in size, and comes quite close to the witness. It often moves in front of the vehicle, as it did at Little Fox Lake. Most cases also occur in isolated locations. The color blue is quiet common. It’s amazing to me to see this pattern repeating here in the year 2000.”
Mark Rodeghier and Martin Jasek continue to work on this case. Work includes obtaining the magnetic signature of the vehicle to assess if it had been magnetized. – Martin Jasek –
New footage has emerged showing what looks like a bipedal creature standing at the side of a road.
The video was recorded near Sundance in Utah and begins after a couple had turned their car around to take a closer look at something that they’d spotted at the roadside.
As the car headlights illuminate the trees at the side of the road a bipedal creature can be briefly seen standing between the trunks. It’s difficult to make out much detail in the low light but it certainly appears as though there is something there.
The couple backed their car up and drove past again but by this time the creature had disappeared. The footage has been gaining in interest since first appearing online three days ago but to date there has been no explanation for what it is that the couple had witnessed.
The mummified remains of an apparent strange humanoid creature has been found in Northern Germany near where the 3600 year old Nebra Sky Disk was found in 2001. The mummified remains have been described by the researchers as alien in appearance. Shown to have human and non-human characteristics. They observe that the creature would have stood between 3-3.5 feet tall. No outward sign of genitalia were found. The origin and abnormalities found in the remains has triggered intense investigation by German researchers.
The Nebra Sky Disk is a blue green bronze disk inlaid with gold symbols. It is the oldest accurate depiction of the night sky ever found. The first representation of the Universe in human history. The markings are generally recognized as the Sun and stars; including a cluster interpreted as the Pleiades. Two golden arcs along the sides, mark the angle between the solstices. A final addition was another arc at the bottom surrounded with multiple strokes interpreted as a Sun ship with numerous oars. Read more at Paranormics
The passenger pigeon is an odd case of extinction – it died out not centuries ago, but in 1914, within the lifetime of some people living today. Its extinction shocked the world, going from a population of billions to being hunted into extinction in a relatively short time. Once Martha, the last surviving passenger pigeon bid farewell at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, the world assumed they were gone for good, but perhaps not: The Great Passsenger Pigeon Comeback, the flagship project of genetics group Revive & Restore, aims to see to it that passenger pigeons fly among us once more.
To reach their goal, they intend to employ some genetic wizardry. “The goal of The Great Passenger Pigeon Comeback is to bring the passenger pigeon all the way back using the genome of the band-tailed pigeon and state-of-the-art genomic technology,” they wrote on their website. “The genomes of the two birds will be compared in close detail, to determine which differences are most crucial. The data and analysis will begin with the process of converting viable band-tailed DNA into viable passenger pigeon DNA.”
As complicated as that sounds, Revive & Restore says that the passenger pigeon “offers relative technical practicality for the scientific work of de-extinction.” The project also won’t be easy, likely costing millions of dollars and taking at least a decade to raise a sustainable population. Though some are bound to have ethical quandaries with the idea of de-extinction, others view it as a sort of retribution for the damage mankind has dealt to the planet.
“This was a real wake-up call for the public and frankly for scientists, too,” said Helen James, curator of birds at the Smithsonian’s Natural Museum of History. “Ornithologists studied birds and they didn’t really think of species becoming extinct.”
Presently, Revive & Restore is initiating research designs for the isolation and culturing of band-tailed pigeon primordial germ cells. This is expected to be the project’s greatest hurdle. – Daily Digest News
Mom charged with fatally poisoning son for posts on mommy blog
A young mother who documented her 5-year-old son’s persistent illness on social media was arrested Tuesday, accused of fatally poisoning him with sodium, WABC-TV reported.
Investigators said Lacey Spears was desperate for attention and used her son as a tool to make that happen by publicly documenting his condition.
Spears brought her son to Nyack Hospital in Rockland County on Jan. 17, reporting he was having seizures. Two days later, with no medical explanation, Garnett-Paul’s sodium levels rose to an extremely dangerous level.
Spears was sharing her son’s hospital room, and prosecutors said the mother administered sodium through the boy’s stomach tube. The boy was then transferred to the Westchester Medical Center, where he died.
“During the afternoon, that child goes from moderate to severe cerebral dysfunction,” prosecutor Doreen Lloyd said in court. “And as that is going on, this child’s sodium level is going up. It coincides with the actions of this defendant.”
The Westchester County district attorney says doctors there suspected Spears was harming her son and called New York state children’s services, which launched an investigation.
Spears, who pleaded not guilty, documented her son’s various health problems using a public blog.
Location: Jardinopolis, Sao Paolo, Brazil Date: December 27 2008
Time: 2100
Two local youngsters, Denilson and Rafael were playing in the Sebastian’s Chapel Square when they were surprised to see bright lights moving overhead heading towards a field close to the square. The lights seemed to be rotating around an ellipse form, and were red and blue in color; they suddenly descended and disappeared from sight. Feeling somewhat frightened the two friends ran to a nearby house where they told their two other friends, Carlos and Cristiano. The boys knew that it hadn’t been an airplane since there wasn’t any noise and the lights seemed to have performed a vertical descent into the field. The now four witnesses approached the field and could now see the lights on the grounds alternating colors from red to blue. Three of the boys were afraid to approach the field by Cristiano drove his scooter closer and illuminated the area with its headlights, as he did this, Carlos, Denilson and Rafael followed closely behind him. The boys could now see that the lights were suspended in mid-air in a diagonal position and under the lights they could see three or more “crouching” creatures on the field. The creatures were crouching in a horseshoe or U-formation and appear to be “communicating” with each other. The boys were extremely frightened, since they had never seen anything like that before. The boys were convinced that the creatures were not animals, since their behavior was totally different from that of typical farm animals that abounded in the area. The boys explained that the creatures were well-defined but when they changed their viewing angle they were able to see four and up to five creatures, giving some the creatures the appearance of being “invisible” and only becoming visible when the struck by the light rain that was falling at the time. When Cristiano shone his scooter headlight directly on the creatures they disappeared. They could only see the creatures when it was dark. In the darkness they still see the contours of their bodies. The boys estimated the creatures to have been about 1.20 meters in height, with large black oval-shaped eyes, lacking noses or ears, they had a round mouth and their color was dark gray. They hands with fingers but were unable to count how many fingers on each hand. All four youths gave identical description of the creatures. They observed the creatures for approximately forty minutes and during the time the boys noticed that the creatures appeared to be communicating among themselves. Suddenly they saw a red “laser point” on Carlos’s shirt, Rafael pointed it out to Carlos who became afraid, and he immediately lifted his arms in a way to demonstrate that he was no threat to them and that he was unarmed. At this point the witnesses could see a red beam of light that appeared to be emanating from a cylindrical shaped object on the field, there also appeared to smoke coming from the tip of the object. Terrified the four witnesses began leaving the area slowly concerned for their safety. The youths estimated that they had stood about 10 meters from the creatures. They arrived home afraid and nervous. Three days later the witnesses visited the site and found that the brush in the area had turned brown in color.
HC addendum Source: Milton Dino Frank Junior, Presidente do Centro de Ufologia Brasileiro
When I was nine years old , in the summer of 1989, I believe I lived in a small trailer park in Colorado Springs, Colorado with my mother. My mother was dating a man who lived down the street from us. One evening when we were at her boyfriend’s trailer, they had an argument that lasted late into the night, and at around 3am my mother awoke me so that her and I could walk home to our own trailer. Our place was directly down the street from my mother’s boyfriend’s place. Our trailer park had a few street lights, but not many, and I remember it was extremely dark out. I held my mother’s hand, and my eye focus was on my feet and the street before me. When we were about four trailers away from our own trailer, the street lit up all around me and my mother. We stopped and looked up, and directly above us was a large, round craft. I have no recollection of seeing it move up to us, it was just there. Because I was a child at the time, and had no sense of measurement, it’s hard for me to now say exactly how far above us the craft was, but I’m going to guess it hovered around 30 feet above us. It was close enough that it literally took up the whole sky; I couldn’t see anything beyond it. It didn’t move, it remained stationary above my mother and myself, and we stood motionless watching it in return–I have no idea for how long.
It was perfectly circular, and in the center were three, round white lights positioned in the shape of a triangle. The craft itself was a lighter gray color. There were rows of square, orange and green lights that curved with the round shape of the craft. I don’t remember exactly how many of the orange and green lights there were, or their exact configuration. It was like six or seven green lights in a row on one side, then a few orange lights in a row on another spot. I saw a lot of (I guess) tubing and mechanical looking stuff–I’m not sure how else to describe it. I’ve drawn a rough picture of the craft, but because I don’t understand all of the mechanics I was looking at, it’s a very basic interpretation of what I saw. There’s no way I’d be able to recreate it exactly; that would almost be like trying to draw a circuit board, or an engine. As far as my feelings and reactions to the craft; I first want to say that I don’t recall ever feeling any fear. It was more along the lines of fascination and curiosity. I never felt threatened at any time. The first thing I actually remember thinking and acknowledging was that the craft barely made a sound. It was just a slight humming, and the wind didn’t stir or anything. The air was all calm around me. That was something that seemed abnormal to me, as though seeing this thing in the first place wasn’t abnormal enough. It seems like the next thought process I remember was the actual realization of what I was looking at. I vaguely remember thinking something along the lines of, “They really are real”, and somewhere deep down, it’s almost like I remember feeling a form of happiness.
Almost like a familiar happiness; something I had felt before, or related to a feeling I had felt before. My memory of the craft itself pretty much ends about this time, so the memory of those last feelings are a bit muddy. Next thing I knew, me and my mother were walking up the porch steps to our trailer. My recollection comes back as I’m taking the first couple steps up the porch. I remember looking at the steps, my sight turned a bit to watch my mother’s feet go up the steps, then I looked at my hand which was being held in my mother’s hand still. I remember at that point looking up at my mother’s face; she looked straight ahead, and continued to walk to our front door. I remember thinking, “Why isn’t she saying anything? Does she know what just happened?” We get to the door and she puts the key in the lock, and it was at that point, before she turned the knob to open the door, that she looked down at me and asked if we just saw what she thought we saw. I just remember shaking my head, yes. She said that we shouldn’t tell anyone about it, and not to talk about it ever. We both went straight to bed, and I don’t believe either of us looked at a clock. Because of this last fact, I can’t say whether or not we lost any time, or if I simply lost my memory of the craft leaving and the walk home.
The next day it ended up being all over the local news and radio that somewhere around 200 people (I believe more than that, actually) had been calling in UFO sightings all throughout the night, many of whom lived in our general area of the city. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
OK…you say that you have psychic abilities. Your friends and associates snicker behind your back and call you crazy when you tell them about your gift. Maybe you witnessed a UFO or some other unexplained event and you need to let others know of your encounter…though you know that you’ll be subjected to ridicule. But never fear….there may be a rhetorical solution to your telepathic despair. The science of psychology may have finally figured out how to increase the probability of persuading others of supernatural events.
I recently read a new Journal of Language and Social Psychology study authored by University of East London researcher Anna Stone. You can download the free PDF from the website. The study suggests that people are more likely to believe what you’re saying is actually attributable to the paranormal if you don’t sound like an ignorant simpleton at the beginning of the tale. “The declaration of initial scepticism suggests that the narrator behaves rationally in basing his or her beliefs on empirical evidence and so counters potential accusations of foolishness and gullibility or being swayed by too little evidence,” Stone explains in the paper. “The presentation of the evidence that converted the narrator within the account itself offers the audience an invitation to go on the same journey from scepticism to belief along with the narrator.”
In other words, starting a narrative with an admission of your total belief in the supernatural doesn’t increase credibility.
Stone designed a simple experiment to prove what had previously only been a vague qualitative assertion. Subjects read a description of either a precognitive dream (the narrator predicted and prevented a car accident) or a telepathic experience (the narrator thought of an ‘old friend Sally’ and then learned about her hospitalization 30 minutes later) in three different conditions. In one, the narrator claimed to be skeptical of the paranormal before describing the event; in the second, the narrator said he or she didn’t have any interest at all; and in the third, the narrator admitted to being a vehement prior believer. Then, the subjects were asked a series of questions about whether they thought the event described really was paranormal, just a coincidence, or the product of narrator gullibility.
To gauge pre-existing beliefs about the paranormal, subjects also took the standard Australian Sheep Goat Scale (sheep are believers, goats are doubters). The undergraduate subject group, on average, was skeptical (the final results were statistically adjusted to incorporate this finding).
The skeptical condition significantly increased the likelihood that subjects would characterize the event as causally paranormal, even though the majority of the subjects rightly attributed it to coincidence.
So…according to this study, in order to increase your audience’s positive regard for you psychic ability or strange encounter, it’s best to begin the story stating that your a skeptic.
They were said to be tall over 6ft and oddly always exactly the same height. They were thin with very light skin, large odd blue eyes and either bald or wearing what looked to be wigs, but exactly the same wig and color on each man. They seemed to travel in pairs and wore sun glasses that covered the fact they did not seem to have eyelashes or eye brows.
I could not find any photos of the above mentioned until the day I found the You Tube of the incident that took place in a hotel lobby where two Men in Black individuals were caught on camera while questioning the people in the hotel lobby about someone in the hotel area who had recently reported a UFO sighing.
As I watched the video (I will send my sister the video for you to view on her blog) I realized at once who these men were and why they looked as they do.
I also realized and believe that along with my sister and a room full of people who worked in or had an extreme interest in science may have had contact years ago in a Yahoo chat room with one of these creatures.
In short I believe that the Men in Black are a certain type of alien visitor who are sent out after one of their crafts are accidentally seen or made contact with humans.
Surely there are many types of aliens that visit this planet that range from non-threatening to those who use us as experiments or harvest us for material they may need right through to heartless killers who simply do what they want with the humans they encounter.
The Men in Black I think are a specific type of alien who attempt to communicate with those who report seeing their crafts or catch them in their activities here on earth. I have no idea why they send out these duplicate looking robotic type beings to make these follow up calls but apparently that is exactly what they are doing.
Years ago an entire chat room full of people, who when web cam viewing first became available in chat rooms, all became familiar in this one Yahoo science based chat room with a man who called himself Sirius thinker or Sirius visitor.
He was the most unusual man we had ever seen. He was extremely thin with milk colored skin with huge eyes. I do not remember if they were brown or blue. He was completely hairless and extremely strange on all levels. He was extremely well educated in what seemed to be every level of science and seemed more like a wax robot then a man. His voice was not male or female but somewhere in between and very disturbing. He would creep out everyone who spent time talking to him and would avoid or refuse to answer questions about his appearance or private life.
This odd person made one last visit to this chat room very late one night where he simply stated he was returning to from where he came from as he finished his required time here and turned off his cam and that was that he was gone.
There were a few smart people who encountered this man in that chat room who somehow had a location on him that was narrowed down to a small town in Florida. A group of men decided this man was so unusual that they decided to join together and take a trip to visit this man as his manner, looks and knowledge was so odd they really felt he needed to be investigated. When they arrived at his last location they found a large plot of land in the middle of nowhere and not one sign of this man was anywhere to be found.
Once I viewed the hotel lobby video of the recent case of a visit from The Men in Black I knew exactly what our chat room friend had been and also believed that the ones caught on this video were two more just like him.
I think they are aliens who for reasons we may never understand are sent after the fact to areas where certain crafts and alien activity was seen and reported for reasons we do not understand. I do not think they harm people but of course we cannot be sure of anything as frankly we do not know who or what these being are or why they are here and even more confusing why they only seem to be seen after particular events are reported or certain Ufology information is involved.I do know that after viewing the video of the hotel incident and listening to those who did deal with the two Men in Black that day that we all need to pay attention to strange men dressed in Black who are twin like in appearance and to keep a great deal of distance between them and us at all times.
De NASA heeft groen licht gegeven aan een groep burgerwetenschappers om een meer dan 35 jaar oude ruimtesonde weer tot leven te wekken. De sonde ISEE-3 werd in 1985 herdoopt tot de International Cometary Explorer (ICE) en zal zich in augustus van dit jaar weer in de buurt van de aarde bevinden.
Men zal dan proberen het radiocontact met het ruimteschip te herstellen. Als dit lukt, hoopt men de satelliet op 1,5 miljoen kilometer van de aarde te positioneren om daar de originele missie te hervatten. Deze missie bestond uit het meten van de interactie tussen de zonnewind en het aardmagnetische veld. In 1985 en 1986 werd de missie van de satelliet plots gewijzigd. De satelliet bezocht toen twee kometen waaronder de komeet Halley.
Deze rubriek kwam tot stand in samenwerking met het Europlanetarium. Foto NASA
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Blik op de ruimte: Unieke foto's Mercuriusovergang
Blik op de ruimte: Unieke foto's Mercuriusovergang
Het Amerikaanse Marswagentje Curiosity heeft begin juni foto's gemaakt van een Mercuriusovergang. Tijdens een overgang beweegt een planeet voor de zon door, gezien vanaf een bepaalde locatie.
Het is de eerste maal dat dit waargenomen werd van op het Marsoppervlak. Aangezien Mars zich heel wat verder van de zon bevindt dan de aarde, was de planeet minder dan 1 pixel groot op de opnames maar toch zichtbaar.
Overgangen voor de zon zijn in de geschiedenis steeds zeer belangrijk geweest. Zo werden Venusovergangen bijvoorbeeld gebruikt om de onderlinge afstanden in ons zonnestelsel te bepalen. Met Mercuriusovergangen probeerden geleerden de diameter van de zon te bepalen.
Foto NASA Deze rubriek kwam tot stand in samenwerking met LOGO Europlanetarium
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Blik op de ruimte: Hubble op jacht
Blik op de ruimte: Hubble op jacht
Omdat de tijd begint te dringen voor de ruimtesonde New Horizons, zullen sterrenkundigen de Hubble ruimtetelescoop (HST) gebruiken om op zoek te gaan naar ijsdwergen buiten de baan van Neptunus.
New Horizons zal immers volgend jaar langs Pluto vliegen. Men heeft dus dringend voorstellen voor objecten nodig die als tweede doelwit voor de sonde kunnen dienen. De HST zal eerst een testprogramma uitvoeren om na te gaan of de telescoop eigenlijk wel gebruikt kan worden om dergelijke kleine objecten op te sporen.
Als de test succesvol is, dan zal een uitgebreid zoekprogramma opgezet worden
Foto NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute (JHUAPL/SwRI) Deze rubriek kwam tot stand in samenwerking met LOGO Europlanetarium
[The following are excerpts from the newly published “Forbidden Books of Heresy: Revealing the Secrets of the Gnostic Scriptures – From UFOs to Jesus’ Love of Mary,” by Sean Casteel. The two sections provide an overview of alien contact as expressed in ancient times, using scriptures from the Gnostic book “The Acts of John” and the apocryphal “The Second Book of Enoch.”]
There is no one face or personality for the Jesus described in the Gnostic scriptures, but instead a series of incarnations and embodiments that each serve a different purpose and lead the believer from one point of revelation to another, the various “masks” of the deity.
In part three of “The Masks of God,” entitled “Occidental Mythology,” Campbell relates an interesting story of Jesus in disguise from the Gnostic book called the Acts of John.
Joseph Campbell
The Messiah has just come from his desert fast of forty days,” Campbell writes, setting the scene, “and his victory there over Satan. John and James are in their boat, fishing. Christ appears on the shore. And John is supposed to be telling, now, of the occasion.”
The scripture commences.
“For when he had chosen Peter and Andrew, who were brothers, he came to me and James, my brother, saying, ‘I have need of you, come unto me.’ And my brother, hearing that, said to me, ‘John, what does that child want who is on the shore there and called to us?’ And I said, ‘What child?’ And he said again, ‘The one beckoning to us.’ And I answered, ‘Because of the long watch we have kept at sea, you are not seeing right, my brother James. But do you not see the man who is standing there, comely, fair, and of cheerful countenance?’ But he answered, ‘Him, brother, I do not see. But let us go and we shall see what he wants.’
“And so, when we had brought our boat to land, we saw him also, helping us to settle it; and when we had left, thinking to follow him, he appeared to me to be rather bald, but with a beard thick and flowing, but to James he seemed a youth whose beard had newly come. We were therefore, both of us, perplexed as to what we had seen should mean. And as we followed him, continuing, we both were, little by little, even more perplexed as we considered the matter. For in my case, there appeared this still more wonderful thing: I would try to watch him secretly, and I never at any time saw his eyes blinking, but only open. And often he would appear to me to be a little man, uncomely, but then again as one reaching up to heaven. Moreover, there was in him another marvel: when we sat to eat he would clasp me to his breast, and sometimes the breast felt to me to be smooth and tender, but sometimes hard like stone.
“Another glory, also, would I tell to you, my brethren: namely, that sometimes when I would take hold of him, I would meet with a material and solid body, but again, at other times, when I touched him, the substance was immaterial and as if it existed not at all. And if at any time he were invited by some Pharisee and accepted the invitation, we accompanied him; and there was set before each of us a loaf by those who entertained; and with us, he too received one. But his own he would bless and apportion among us. And of that little, every one was filled, and our own loaves were saved whole, so that those who had invited him were amazed. And often, when I walked with him, I desired to see the print of his foot, whether it appeared on the earth; for I saw him, as it were, sustaining himself above the earth; and I never saw it.”
An important point to make here: the description of Jesus as “rather bald” and “a little man, uncomely,” who never blinked and left no footprints but rather seemed to float above the earth as he walked, contains many elements of our present-day descriptions of the gray aliens of abduction literature. One is reminded that the gray aliens are universally described as bald and small in stature. Whether or not they are “uncomely,” meaning “unattractive,” is a matter of personal taste. The oval gray heads with unblinking black eyes are nowadays a ubiquitous cultural icon, and the gray aliens’ ability to float just above the ground as they “walk” is a very familiar feature of abduction accounts. Abductees are often conveyed to and from the waiting ships in this same manner.
The Apostle John concludes by saying, “And these things I tell you, my brethren, for the encouragement of your faith in him; for we must, at present, keep silence concerning his mighty and wonderful works, in as much as they are unspeakable, and, it may be, cannot at all be uttered or be heard.”
Campbell explains that this ancient view of a chameleon-like Jesus holds that Christ’s body, as seen by men, was “a mere appearance, the reality being celestial or divine, and its appearance, furthermore, a function of the mentality of the seer, not of the reality of the seen; a mere mask that might change but not be removed.”
The face and body of Jesus could be anything, anywhere, anyone, according to Campbell. It is understandable that the orthodox hierarchy would reject such a view of Jesus. A carefully choreographed game of “Now you see him, now you don’t” is a hard and elusive thing to grasp even in this supposedly more enlightened age, and a Jesus with a perpetually changing face doesn’t exactly fit one’s notion of “that old-time religion,” does it? But it is an enthralling mystery, nevertheless, and one worthy of continued contemplation by those seeking a truth not often told in the mainstream churches of our time.
The apocryphal Books of Enoch are a marvelous addendum to the Bible as we more commonly know it. We share in Enoch’s wondrous adventure as he travels to both heaven and hell, bearing witness to the innumerable mysteries and testifying always for the sake of the righteous as they battle, suffer and endure the wicked. The fall of the evil angels called The Watchers, who take earthly wives and breed a horrifying race of giants; the birth of Noah as a strange and supernatural child of the great unknown who utterly terrifies his father; the creation story told by God, which begins with God as a solitary figure creating the visible from the invisible, all combine to fascinate and enthrall the reader who takes up the Books of Enoch and joins the prophet on his fearsome ride through the cosmos. Space and time melt away, and the promise of an eventual paradise where there is no time becomes the goal of Enoch’s journey, and our own as well.
Article continues tomorrow Saturday June 21, 2014!
. . .
Suggested Reading
Forbidden Books of Heresy: Revealing the Secrets of the Gnostic Scriptures, From UFOs to Jesus’ Love of Mary
A new crop circle at Temple Farm, Sutton road, Nr Southend-on-Sea, Essex, UK, June 14, 2014 shows a remarkable design.
The crop circle shows the “Ingress Gaming Logo”!
What is Ingress?
According to Ianhfrancis, Ingress is Google’s reality game that uses Google Maps and augmented reality to create a game on your phone. Players fighting to control locations around the world.
The back-story of Ingress is that there is an alien race known as Shapers, which are seeding the world with Exotic Matter through the use of Portals around the globe.
The portals are located at various types of locations including works of art, libraries, post offices, places of worship, historic buildings, the Pyramid of Giza and more.
You have to choose a side: The Enlightened, who believe Exotic Matter and the Shapers are for the benefit of mankind and are trying to claim portals to bring more and presumably, the Shapers, to Earth, and the Resistance, who think The Shapers are malicious and are trying to claim portals to stop Exotic Matter from getting here.
Logo Ingress reality game.
London is Ingress central and the city may be the battleground between the game’s two fractions, the Enlightened who believe Aliens are using portals to transcend humanity to a higher state and the Resistance who would rather they asked permission first.
Both sides have the same goal, to claim portals or take portals from the other side. Claiming enough portals and linking them together creates Control Fields, which gives your side points through Mind Units.
Although it’s probably a marketing stunt, you may wonder whether it is a sign to a future event or a warning about Google’s dominant position in the world, the crop circle/game that reveals Google’s secret war to control London.
Video: Matthew Williams made with his Multicopter spectacular aerial photographs of the crop circle.
The 2014 Roswell UFO Festival is approaching quickly. Attendees at this year’s event will notice a few changes at the city’s centerpiece, the International UFO Museum and Research Center.
The museum is currently undergoing renovations. And with the festival just a couple weeks away, there is definitely pressure to have everything completed in time. But the museum’s manager, Mark Briscoe, isn’t worried. As he recently told KOB-TV News, “The pressure is on. It’s stressful, but we’ll get it done. We always do.”
New signage has been installed in front of the UFO museum. But the new marquee has yet to arrive. Inside, the museum has added a prop from the movie Aliens. This power loader was used by Sigourney Weaver’s character, Ellen Ripley, in her fight against the queen Xenomorph alien. Another movie prop will be revealed at the UFO festival. Briscoe teases, “This is from one of the first sci-fi movies ever made.”
The museum’s new power loader from Aliens. (Credit: KOB-TV)
KOB-TV reports that the museum also plans to add touch screens to its exhibits. But visitors will have to wait until next year to see that addition. Another developing project is taking place at a nearby vacant lot where a UFO park will be constructed. But that isn’t expected to be completed until the Fall.
This year’s festival features all of the activities attendees have come to expect at this event, such as the carnival, a light parade, and the popular alien pet contest. The festival also features lectures on various UFO-related topics, which take place at the museum and at the convention center. Open Minds’ Alejandro Rojas will present two lectures this year:
ETs and Religion – Friday, July 4 • 10 a.m. • Convention Center Exhibit Hall
UFOs and Governments – Sunday, July 6 • 4 p.m. • Convention Center Exhibit Hall
Maureen Elsberry and I will join paranormal pop culture expert Aaron Sagers for a round table discussion on Sunday, July 6 at 2 p.m. in the Convention Center Exhibit Hall about UFOs and extraterrestrials in Hollywood movies and their affect on popular culture.
The 2014 Roswell UFO Festival takes place July 4, 5, and 6 in downtown Roswell, New Mexico.
A black UFO seen with night vision equipment in Mexico resembles a TIE Fighter from Star Wars. That and other space and UFO news on this episode of Spacing Out!
In Nahuatl, Teotihuacan means ‘The City of the Gods’, or ‘Where Men Become Gods’.
Despite the towering reputation of Egypt’s Great Pyramids at Giza, the Americas actually contain more pyramid structures than the rest of the planet combined. Civilizations like the Olmec, Maya, Aztec and Inca all built pyramids to house their deities, as well as to bury their kings.
The best known Latin American pyramids include the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon at Teotihuacán in central Mexico, the Castillo at Chichén Itzá in the Yucatan, the Great Pyramid in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, the Pyramid at Cholula and the Inca’s great temple at Cuzco in Peru.
150.000 jaar oude buizen stellen Chinese wetenschappers voor raadsel
150.000 jaar oude buizen stellen Chinese wetenschappers voor raadsel
In een mysterieuze piramide in de Chinese provincie Qinhai bevinden zich drie grotten vol ijzeren buizen die naar een nabijgelegen zoutwatermeer leiden. De buizen, die ook aan de oever zijn gevonden, variëren in lengte en zijn soms niet groter dan een tandenstoker. Het vreemde is dat ze mogelijk zo’n 150.000 jaar oud zijn.
Het Geologisch Instituut in Peking heeft bepaald dat de ijzeren buizen ongeveer 150.000 jaar geleden zijn geproduceerd, aldus Brian Dunning van Als ze gemaakt zijn door mensen moet de geschiedenis wellicht worden herschreven. De leeftijd van de voorwerpen is vastgesteld aan de hand van thermoluminescentiedatering, waarbij de hoeveelheid licht wordt gemeten die vrijkomt uit materiaal na thermische stimulatie.
Persbureau Xinhua maakte in 2002 melding van de piramide en de pijpen, waarna een team wetenschappers naar het gebied werd gestuurd. Hoewel sommigen van mening zijn dat de buizen een natuurlijk fenomeen zijn, vertelde Yang Ji van de Chinese Academie voor Sociale Wetenschappen aan het persbureau dat de piramide mogelijk is gebouwd door intelligente wezens. Hij sloot niet uit dat buitenaardsen verantwoordelijk konden zijn voor het bouwwerk.
Volgens een andere theorie is de piramide gebouwd door prehistorische mensen die beschikten over inmiddels verloren gegane technieken. Rond het meer zijn ‘vreemd gevormde stenen’ gevonden die vanaf de grond omhoog rijzen als gebroken zuilen.
Het bestuur van Delingha in de provincie Qinhai liet de buizen analyseren door een lokale smelterij en meldde dat acht procent van het materiaal niet kon worden thuisgebracht. Liu Shaolin, de wetenschapper die de analyse uitvoerde, zei: “Dit maakt de vindplaats alleen nog maar mysterieuzer.”
Zheng Jiandong van de Chinese Administratie voor Aardbevingen vertelde de staatskrant People’s Daily in 2007 dat sommige van de buizen zeer radioactief waren. Hij zei dat ijzerrijk magma mogelijk via scheuren naar boven is gekomen en tijdens het stollen de vorm van buizen heeft aangenomen.
Xinmin Weekly meldde in 2003 dat de buizen gefossiliseerde boomstammen konden zijn. Wetenschappers zouden plantenresten hebben aangetroffen in monsters uit het gebied en ook zagen ze een soort groeiringen.
Where Do The UFO Flying Saucers Come From? What Do They Want?
Where Do The UFO Flying Saucers Come From? What Do They Want?
Where Do The UFOFlying Saucers Come From? What Do They Want?
The Strange Case of Gold Key’s “UFO Flying Saucers” Comic
I love flying saucers, especially the ones that appeared in the skies for the first three decades following Kenneth Arnold’s 1947 sighting of nine objects over Mount Rainier in Washington state. The saucers spotted in the skies in those days were not always saucers; they were just as likely to be cigars, triangles, glowing orbs, bat-winged monstrosities, spinning tops. But when they were saucers they were spectacular saucers: smooth, shiny, aluminum things that twinkled with lights, their pilots peeking from portholes that ringed their sides. The entities spied through the portholes or seen disembarking the craft were equally diverse; there were tall Nordics with peaceful philosophies, stinking lobster-clawed horrors, miniature men wearing antennaed spacehelmets; they were goblin-like, ape-like, angel-like. It was as if the Earth was being visited by craft from hundreds of planets, as if we were a key stop on some intergalactic highway, a tourist attraction for the stars.
In time, thanks to Stephen Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind and ET: The Extraterrestrial, thanks to Whitley Strieber’s Communion: A True Story, thanks to The X-Files, the craft and their occupants became standardized. The Roswell crash rose to prominence alongside the abduction narrative, each in its own way serving to stifle creativity, shaping the UFO storyline into a monolithic narrative that was foreign to it in the early days. Bug-eyed, big-headed, long-fingered Grays drove out the little green-men, the little barking women with silver hair, the robots with death-ray eyes. I start to lose interest when the encounters only happen in dark bedrooms or on military bases, when repressed memories call up terrors from the past, when government conspiracies become more important than the wonder of the unknown, when abductions replace chance encounters in the dark woods. But, even then, if a tale is wild enough, bizarre enough, weird enough, unbelievable enough I am still entranced, still captured by the power of the alien.
Of course, flying saucers aren’t what they used to be. Things have been pretty quiet for a long time now, the skies remarkably free of saucers and cigars. In the ‘90s Roswell was front and center; in the ‘80s it was abduction reports. Before that, in the long heyday of saucers that stretched from the late ‘40s to the mid-‘70s, it seemed that flying saucers were everywhere. UFO flaps swept the nation, from Washington state to Washington, D.C. Flying saucers and their alien pilots became a vibrant part of popular culture. They shimmered on drive-in movie screens and on living room television sets. They were on children’s lunchboxes and Saturday morning cartoon shows. They were in comicbooks.
When flying saucers first came on the scene in the late ‘40s, the Golden Age of comic books was waning and the superheroes who had defined that era were on the way out. Flying saucers flew their way into the new comic books that struggled into prominence in the ‘50s, especially those devoted to horror and science fiction. It wasn’t long, however, before costumed do-gooders returned with a vengeance. First came the rejuvenation of DC heroes like Green Lantern and the Flash in the late ‘50s, then the birth of the Lee/Kirby revolution at Marvel in the early ‘60s. Flying saucers flew in the skies along with these new heroes. The new Green Lantern was even granted his powers following an encounter with a crashed spaceship and its alien pilot. By the end of the ‘60s a new age of superheroes had dawned and the comicbook world would never look back.
Where Do The UFOFlying Saucers Come From? What Do They Want?
Where Do The UFOFlying Saucers Come From? What Do They Want?
Alongside the powerhouses that were DC and Marvel, a few smaller companies managed to stay alive by publishing non-superhero books. None was better at this than Gold Key Comics, an imprint of Western Publishing. Gold Key licensed Disney characters. They published comicbook versions of Star Trek and The Twilight Zone. They published original science fiction like Space Family Robinson, which preceded the Lost in Space television program, and Russ Manning’s amazing Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. And, when flying saucers made one of many comebacks in the late ‘60s, they published UFOFlying Saucers.
Despite what one may think, UFOFlying Saucers comics are, for the most part, not science fiction. They are instead graphic representations of supposedly true stories of UFO sightings and contacts with extraterrestrials. UFOFlying Saucers was not the first book in this unusual genre of “true” UFO stories. That distinction probably belongs to Al Feldstein’s Weird Science-Fantasy #26, from December 1954, which illustrated the UFO mystery with the help of best-selling saucer researcher Donald Keyhoe. Dell published four issues of Flying Saucer Comics in 1967. Neither of these earlier entries can match Gold Key’s version, however.
Not that UFOFlying Saucers was a runaway commercial success. Gold Key only published 25 issues over the course of the series, from 1968 to 1978. Half-way through the series, the title was changed to UFO Outer Space. Many of the later issues were reprints. It is also true that sometimes, maybe even most of the time, these comics were not very good, especially by today’s standards. The stories are short, hurried, and undeveloped. It is clear that they were meant to catch the eye of a kid caught up in the UFO craze and provide just enough entertainment to warrant the 15 cents expense (25 cents for the oversized first issue!). The lack of commercial and artistic success is not the end of the story, however, because even with that in mind there is still something special about these books, especially for fans of both comic books and flying saucers. (I refuse to believe that I’m the only one!)
First of all there are the painted covers. Gold Key produced some of the best covers in the history of comic books, presumably in an attempt to make their product stand-out from all of the other products on the newsstand, many of which featured more popular characters and titles. Their strategy certainly worked on me when I was a kid. I have been known to pass up Action for an issue of Magnus: Robot Fighter or The Phantom on the strength of the cover alone. Sometimes those painted covers just couldn’t be resisted. They were works of art. I don’t remember ever seeing UFOFlying Saucers at the newsstand and I think my memory serves me well on this; clearly, if I had seen one, I would have bought it.
Alongside the powerhouses that were DC and Marvel, a few smaller companies managed to stay alive by publishing non-superhero books. None was better at this than Gold Key Comics, an imprint of Western Publishing. Gold Key licensed Disney characters. They published comicbook versions of Star Trek and The Twilight Zone. They published original science fiction like Space Family Robinson, which preceded the Lost in Space television program, and Russ Manning’s amazing Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. And, when flying saucers made one of many comebacks in the late ‘60s, they published UFOFlying Saucers.
Despite what one may think, UFOFlying Saucers comics are, for the most part, not science fiction. They are instead graphic representations of supposedly true stories of UFO sightings and contacts with extraterrestrials. UFOFlying Saucers was not the first book in this unusual genre of “true” UFO stories. That distinction probably belongs to Al Feldstein’s Weird Science-Fantasy #26, from December 1954, which illustrated the UFO mystery with the help of best-selling saucer researcher Donald Keyhoe. Dell published four issues of Flying Saucer Comics in 1967. Neither of these earlier entries can match Gold Key’s version, however.
Not that UFOFlying Saucers was a runaway commercial success. Gold Key only published 25 issues over the course of the series, from 1968 to 1978. Half-way through the series, the title was changed to UFO Outer Space. Many of the later issues were reprints. It is also true that sometimes, maybe even most of the time, these comics were not very good, especially by today’s standards. The stories are short, hurried, and undeveloped. It is clear that they were meant to catch the eye of a kid caught up in the UFO craze and provide just enough entertainment to warrant the 15 cents expense (25 cents for the oversized first issue!). The lack of commercial and artistic success is not the end of the story, however, because even with that in mind there is still something special about these books, especially for fans of both comic books and flying saucers. (I refuse to believe that I’m the only one!)
First of all there are the painted covers. Gold Key produced some of the best covers in the history of comic books, presumably in an attempt to make their product stand-out from all of the other products on the newsstand, many of which featured more popular characters and titles. Their strategy certainly worked on me when I was a kid. I have been known to pass up Action for an issue of Magnus: Robot Fighter or The Phantom on the strength of the cover alone. Sometimes those painted covers just couldn’t be resisted. They were works of art. I don’t remember ever seeing UFOFlying Saucers at the newsstand and I think
Where Do The UFOFlying Saucers Come From? What Do They Want?
The covers represent some of the very best examples of UFO-related art produced during the flying saucer age, making it an exceptional shame that most of the creators of these comics are not credited for their work. Most commonly, as in the fabulous cover for the first issue, the UFOs are bright red saucers with glowing yellow lights, domed tops, and portholes. They fire beams at fleeing humans; they rise menacingly from the depths of the ocean; they raid high-voltage power lines to recharge their energy supplies. But the alien craft are not always saucers. They are rocket ships; they are bat-things; they are living jelly-fish from outer space! And, on nearly every cover, humans are in jeopardy, often shown running from the saucers or from the strange creatures that have descended from them.
And what creatures they are! Tiny green ogres force their human captives aboard their ship; a robot with glowing eyes terrorizes a boy and his dog; skull-headed creatures in red uniforms fire ray guns at their victims; big-browed technicians have a human victim in the cross-hairs of their evil rays; a scarecrow-like creature with webbed fingers rises from the cornfield to terrorize its victim. The aliens depicted here are a diverse lot. There are no black-eyed Grays in this crowd. Every depiction is of a different species.
The stories themselves are primarily based on classic stories that have been told and re-told in countless books and television programs through the years. They include the story of the 1897 Kansas cow-napping, the story of Kenneth Arnold’s flight that gave birth to the flying saucer craze, the story of the lights seen over Lubbock, Texas. Thomas Mantell’s crash is depicted in the story “The Pilot who Chased a UFO”. The 1948 Montgomery, Alabama sighting is here as well in “Incident over Alabama”. Likewise the 1952 Washington, DC sighting: “The Day they Buzzed Washington” and Lonnie Zamora’s Socorro, New Mexico sighting: “The Scare at Socorro”. The stories that I grew up reading, the ones that used to scare me to death, that still scare me if I think about them deeply, they are all here: the Incident at Exeter, the Maury Island Mystery, the Flatwoods Monster, the Men in Black, the Contact at Pascagoula. There is even a cautionary and prescient story devoted to the cult of Him and Her, later renamed Bo and Peep, who would lead their followers to suicide in the Heaven’s Gate tragedy of 1997. These stories are a match for the covers in terms of their depictions of the aliens and their craft. There are small aliens and giants among this crowd; robots and hairy beasts; purple-skinned, gold-skinned, green-skinned things. There are benign explorers here as well as terrible threats; friends of humanity stand alongside monstrous evils.
These books, these UFOFlying Saucers comics, are among the best re-tellings of the classic stories, stories that followers of flying saucers have read and re-read. There is something about the comic book format, limited though the art form is in most of the cases represented here, that gives life to the sightings in a way that words or the cheap television and movie special effects of the day never could. They are stories meant for comic books, four-colored in their essence.
I’m glad that I found these books. They make be believe in flying saucers again, even if I only discovered them many years after my childhood credulity and wonder had given way to boring old academic curiosity. They leave me amazed at the creativity of the human brain, at our ability to create new fantasies, to dream up both new threats and new opportunities. It is a thrill to see these stories that I know so well depicted here, a thrill to see the diversity of the saucers and the saucerians that was a hallmark of those early days, those days when space travel was new and exciting, when the cold war kept us watching the skies for dangers from above, when the threats seemed insurmountable but the possibilities seemed as limitless as the stars.
Where Do The UFOFlying Saucers Come From? What Do They Want?
Where Do The UFOFlying Saucers Come From? What Do They Want?
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Alvast bedankt voor al jouw bezoekjes en jouw reacties. Nog een prettige dag verder!!!
Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.