The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
UFO mania: NASA explains image showing alien on the Moon. You can also watch the press conference.
UFO mania: NASA explains image showing alien on the Moon. You can also watch the press conference
A video went viral this week capturing what seems to be an "alien" figure walking onthe moon.The short, eerie video showed images taken from Google Moon and zoomed in on what seems to be an extraterrestrial being.
Youtube user wowforreel posted the video and it instantly went viral and received more than 2 million views in less than a month. He believes that a creature is walking on the surface of the moon.
Wowforreel started investigating the video after receiving an online tip from another user called Jasenko where he speculates that an irregular shaped dark spot could probably be a shadow cast by someone or something standing on a massive object.
Anyone can view the "man on the moon" image on Google Moon at 27°34'26.35″N 19°36'4.75″W.
Accordingto the Examiner, it evenresemblesthe ancient Greek statue "Colossus of Rhodes" before its destruction from an earthquake in 226 B.C.
But NASA has announced otherwise stating it is just dust or even an eyelash collected on a film that took that image.
Watch the press conference from NASA.
According to Noah Petro, a deputy project scientist for the Lunar Renaissance Orbiter (LROC) mission that is currently in the moon's orbit, the images are probably taken from either Apollo 15 or 17 which were manned missions to the moon in 1971 and 1972.
Petro confirms this to Pix11 by pointing out that a current LROC does not reveal any lunar feature closely resembling that "man on the moon" image that could cause that pattern on the ground.
He said that his best guess is that something such as dust, an eyelash or even a scratch on the negative was on the film of that photo.
However, this phenomenon is likely attributed to pareidolia, a psychological response to seeing faces or anything that resembles anything human-like which is common to space photos.
Earlier this week, the Rosetta spacecraft captured a "human face" appearance as it entered the orbit of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet.
Dallas Chambers, a radio DJ for KISS FM 96.9 in Amarillo, Texas, captured a video of a UFO last night. He says several people were pulled over on the side of the road watching the “strange blue light dance around the sky of Amarillo.”
He says everyone “checking it out” was “stunned.”
Chambers also posted the video on KISS FM’s website, where he says he watched the light for “quite a while.” He also asks whether the object might have been an RC plane or helicopter.
Chambers writes, “I’d like to think it’s a UFO, and until someone comes forward saying it was them controlling an RC plane or something of that nature, that’s what I’m going to believe it is…”
CAIRO – Archeologists have found a tomb dating back to around 1100 B.C. south of Cairo, Egypt’s Antiquities Ministry said Thursday.
Antiquities Minister Mohamed Ibrahim said that the tomb belongs to a guard of the army archives and royal messenger to foreign countries. Ibrahim said the Cairo University Faculty of Archaeology’s discovery at Saqqara adds “a chapter to our knowledge about the history of Saqqara.”
Ola el-Egeizy of Cairo University said the tomb contains “very nice inscriptions” of the funerary procession and the afterlife of the deceased.
The tomb was found near another one dating back to the same period belonging to the head of the army that was discovered in the previous excavation season. That tomb was larger but much of what remains is mud bricks as “most of its stone blocks were stolen and many of them are in museums all over the world,” said el-Egeizy. Because of the blocks, archaeologists had long known that the tomb existed though it was not uncovered until recently.
Saqqara was the necropolis for the ancient Egyptian city of Memphis and site of the oldest known pyramid in Egypt.
Egypt’s vital tourism industry has suffered in the wake of the 2011 uprising that toppled autocratic leader Hosni Mubarak.
My girlfriend decided to go out to Millennium Park in Dorval, QC. It’s a nice park with an open area where you can sit and star gaze. My girlfriend placed the bed sheets and blanket that she brought with her right in the middle of the park. The moon was very bright and the sky was semi-polluted where you can still see the stars, but the sky wasn’t pitch black. After about 20 minutes of star gazing, my girlfriend pointed towards the south and said “Hey look, what is that?” I quickly looked where she was pointing only to see a very distinctive circular object. The UFO had a grey base which matched the color of the polluted sky, but it also had a “flaming” orange color on the outer edges all around. What was particularly strange about this UFO is that it was gliding, made no sound, and would change speeds. µ
The UFO was slow from the beginning, but started to gain bursts of speeds every second. It wasn’t a constant speed which was strange. There were plenty of planes flying around with big flashy lights and going at the same speed. The object we witnessed was going slower than the planes we were looking at, but has a very distinctive oval shape, and had an orange/flaming ring on the outside which definitely distinguished itself from any plane we saw. The UFO eventually glided out of sight and that was the last we saw of it.
What started out as a casual sightseeing trip to a historic castle in the Netherlands took a bizarre turn for one Dutch woman, who claims she may have spotted some kind of UFO.
Corrine Federer, 43, a business manager and amateur photographer, was visiting medieval Muiderslot Castle outside Amsterdam last month when she started taking pictures using her camera’s high-dynamic range, or HDR, feature.
“In order to create HDR images, you take three or more exposures at the same time, because you then overlap the images and it gives you the full spectrum of light,” Federer told The Huffington Post. [Top 10 Alien Encounters Debunked]
‘It was completely quiet out. The more I flipped through the frames, it was kind of creepy.’
- Amateur photographer Corrine Federer
Federer took dozens of photos that day, but it wasn’t until sometime later that she reviewed her HDR photos and saw a startling airborne shape in some of the images.
“It was a tubular-shaped object that had an S-shaped fin on it,” Federer said. “If it had been any type of missile, it would’ve had multiple fins, but facing the same direction. We heard nothing. It was completely quiet out. The more I flipped through the frames, it was kind of creepy.”
In HDR photography, several images are captured within a second, with each image using a different exposure level. The images are then combined to create a composite picture with a higher degree of clarity, depth and detail than would be possible with a single image.
Using photographic software, Federer was able to enhance the contrast in one of her images to reveal the object seen in the photo above.
Federer’s images were analyzed by Ben Hansen, a former FBI special agent and host of the Syfy Channel’s program “Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files.” He believes the images were not faked or manipulated.
“Having reviewed the raw files, there’s no overt indication that the photos have been manipulated with post-editing software,” Hansen told the Post. “The object’s appearance is internally consistent with the rest of the photo.”
Hansen, however, isn’t convinced that the photographs show an aircraft of any kind.
“If I had to place my money on it, I would say that we’re looking at insects,” he said. “We typically see many wing protrusions on insect rod cases, but they do come in the single pair variety, too. It all depends on the shutter speeds and motion of the insects.”
Indeed, insects are often the real culprit behind alleged UFO sightings, according to experts like Larry Engel, associate director of American University’s Center for Environmental Filmmaking.
Insects are a consistent problem for filmmakers and photographers, Engel told LiveScience, “especially with wide-angle cameras or small-format cameras, as each emphasizes or records objects, including dust and bugs, close to the lens.”
Other possibile explanations for the strange image captured in Federer’s photographs include an airplane, a missile test or a weather balloon.
Federer, however, believes it’s possible that the object she photographed could be some kind of UFO, even an extraterrestrial one. “I don’t find it unreasonable to believe that there’s another habitable planet somewhere that has started exploring space,” Federer told the Post. “Maybe they’re more advanced than we are and they’ve come by to see what’s going on here.”
Is de Amerikaanse staat Texas verleden week bezocht door een UFO? Op de sociaalmediasites plaatsten meerdere inwoners van Houston foto’s van een vreemde vliegende schotel. De vrij scherpe beelden tonen een ovaalvormig object met meerdere lichten.
Op een filmpje op Instagram is te zien hoe de UFO door de lucht beweegt. De lokale zender KPRC Houston wijdde een reportage aan het fenomeen.
“Het is gemakkelijk om te zeggen dat het buitenaardsen waren,” zei dr. Carolyn Summers van het Houston Museum of Natural Science. “De truc met UFO’s is om na te gaan of er een andere verklaring mogelijk is voor het vliegende object. Hoe meer mensen het hebben waargenomen vanuit alle mogelijke invalshoeken, hoe groter de kans dat we het kunnen identificeren. Maar er zullen altijd dingen gebeuren waarvoor geen verklaring is, alleen dat maakt het juist interessant.”
Leven in de ruimte? Zeeplankton aan buitenwand van het ISS gevonden
Leven in de ruimte? Zeeplankton aan buitenwand van het ISS gevonden
Aan de buitenzijde van het internationaal ruimtestation ISS zijn zeeplankton en andere micro-organismen gevonden. Dat heeft de Russische vluchtleider Vladimir Solovjov bekendgemaakt na een succesvolle ruimtewandeling van twee kosmonauten.
Volgens de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA hebben Aleksandr Skvortsov en Oleg Artemjev vijf uur en elf minuten in het luchtledige gewerkt. De twee hebben onder meer de Russisch-Peruaanse nanosatelliet NS-1 uitgezet, experimenten weggehaald en geplaatst, uitrusting geïnstalleerd en de buitenzijde van de spacemeccano geïnspecteerd. Aanvankelijk zou het uitstapje meer dan zes uur duren.
Russische missiecontrole ISS (ITAR-TASS)
Een grote verrassing was het nieuws van vluchtleider en ex-kosmonaut Solovjov dat tijdens experimenten afgelopen jaar sporen van zeeplankton en andere micro-organismen zijn gevonden aan de buitenzijde van het ISS. De piepkleine organismen weten te overleven ondanks de afwezigheid van zuurstof, de extreme temperaturen en kosmische straling. “De resultaten van het experiment zijn absoluut uniek,” zei Solovjov.
Hoe het zeeplankton zich aan het ISS heeft kunnen hechten kon Solovjov niet zeggen en moet volgens hem nader worden onderzocht, meldt het Russische persbureau ITAR-TASS. Er is geen plankton aanwezig op de lanceerbasis Bajkonoer in de steppen van Kazachstan. Gedacht wordt dat het zeeplankton via aardse luchtstromingen bij het ISS is aanbeland.
Vanwege de werking van de raketmotoren is de buitenwand van het ISS sterk vervuild geraakt. Vooral de ramen van het ruimtestation zijn toe aan een schoonmaakbeurt.
De Russische stad Mologa verdween in 1941 bij het opvullen van het stuwmeer van Rybinsk. In 1935 stelde Jozef Stalin de eerste plannen op. Na de aanleg van de stuwdam en de bouw van de waterkrachtcentrale kwam er een einde aan het bestaan van de stad.
In totaal moesten 130.000 mensen verhuizen. De meesten vonden een nieuw thuis in Rybinsk. Een aantal mensen weigerde echter de stad te verlaten. Ze sloten zich in hun huizen op, ketenden zich vast aan zware voorwerpen en verdronken samen met hun stad. Er waren ongeveer 300 mensen die op deze manier omkwamen, meldt de BBC. De stad Mologa zonk samen met 663 dorpen, 140 kerken en drie kloosters.
Resten van de stad Mologa (
Veel oud-inwoners van de stad varen ieder jaar naar dit ‘Russische Atlantis’. Als gevolg van de recente droogte is Mologa boven het water uitgekomen zodat oude straten, funderingen van de huizen en de grafzerken op het kerkhof weer zichtbaar zijn geworden.
“Hier bevond zich het café en daar waren de school en de kruidenierswinkel,” vertelde Nikolai Novotelnov, die de stad op 17-jarige leeftijd noodgedwongen moest verlaten, aan TV Tsentr. Hij legde bloemen bij de fundering van een kathedraal en nam bakstenen mee voor andere oud-inwoners.
Persbureau RIA Novosti meldt dat veel mensen die ooit in Mologa hebben gewoond, van plan zijn de reis terug naar huis te maken. Onderstaande video is in het Russisch, maar bevat beelden van de stad.
The main witness who was on vessel security watch on this night and another crewman had both previously seen fireballs crossing over the river. So, on this night he decided to wave his flashlight at it. It crossed to the center of the river, always to the same spot, where they anchored their gravel barges. It sat there for about 10 minutes, just a ball of fire, soon the fire dissipated and the witness saw a disc-shaped object about 30 meters in diameter with a dome on top and a smaller dome on the bottom. The color of the object was silver metallic and it had rotating amber and white lights with a small greenish light on the bottom. It hovered for about 2 minutes and then started moving towards their vessel (a US Army 65ft harbor tug). The disc then turned off its lights and stopped at approximately 10 feet from where the main witness was standing. For some reason he felt no fear. There was absolutely no noise as the upper dome started to shift revealing a window-like opening which covered 1/4 of the dome, an eerie green light illuminates the inside of the craft. Suddenly an occupant peers from the side of the window, then 2 more appear just looking at the witness. He waves at them and they wave back. This went on for about 5 minutes or so. The occupants were pointing at his uniform and rifle, so he put the rifle down. He described the humanoids as about 3.5ft in height, with bluish green skin, large eyes, not almond shaped, but round with bright green pupils, slender bodies with 4 digits on each hand. They resembled small children, with small ears, nose and mouth which never opened. They appeared to be using hand language and were pointing at different items.
The witness was trying to communicate but didn’t know how. So he gestured to them that he was going to get another crew member from below, so he went below and woke the skipper. The skipper didn’t know what the witness was trying to tell him so he came topside and the disk had moved around the rear of the vessel, and the skipper was about to “chew him out” when the disc moved forward. At this point the skipper began screaming and began grabbing for the rifle. The witness fought with skipper, preventing him from shooting at the disc and kept yelling at the occupants of the disc to get “out of range”. Just as soon as the disc moved away from the vessel, the skipper started calming down. The disc then moved up the river and suddenly disappeared at high speed.
A Texas witness at San Antonio reported watching a brilliantly lit UFO moving fast just east of Highway 281 north in the direction of Randolph Air Force Base about 9:30 p.m. on August 18, 2014, according to testimony in Case 59062 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was walking south on Stone Oak Parkway near the Arrow Hill Road intersection when an “extremely pure, brilliant white light” was seen in the sky. The witness quickly ruled out an airplane.
“I realized that the object was not a plane because it had no sound and the brilliant white lights remained as this object continued southward and out of sight,” the witness stated.
The witness was walking south on Stone Oak Parkway near the Arrow Hill Road intersection, pictured, when an ‘extremely pure, brilliant white light’ was seen in the sky. (Credit: Google)
“Logically I know I should not be so confident about the shape and size of the object because the object was against the night sky and the display of brilliantly bright, white lights which went around the object should have concealed the object. Regardless I was able to clearly make out the shape of the object.”
The witness believes the pilots of a passenger plane should have also seen the object.
“Just as the object left my sight a passenger plane approached the standard downwind leg on its approach to the San Antonio Airport. There is no doubt in my mind that the pilots would have seen this object in the night sky due to how bright the object was, and the speed in which it was traveling.”
The object made no sound and the brilliant white lights remained as it continued southward and out of sight. Pictured: Stone Oak Parkway near the Arrow Hill Road intersection. (Credit: Google)
San Antonio is the seventh most populous city in the United States and the second most populous city in the state of Texas, with a population of 1,409,019. Texas MUFON is investigating. Texas has a current UFO Alert Rating of 3 with a high number of recent reports nationally. Texas had 80 UFO reports in July 2014 – the 2nd highest reporting state – while California had 104 reports as the highest reporting state. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 150 or more reports for the month are rated an Alert 1; states with 100 or more reports are rated an Alert 2; 25 reports or more for the month are rated an Alert 3; 13 or more reports are rated an Alert 4; and those states with less than 13 reports for the month are an Alert 5.
I see the whole Ufology is dead meme is spreading around. Isn’t this suppose to be from dead rockers with peeling face paint on smack? Saying Rock is Dead? Ufology isn’t dead you just are from associating yourself with government spook factories like MUFON and from swimming around in circuses called Exopolitics. Ufology is doing fine you just need to break free from the chains of your own slavery…. If most of Ufology spent time with their heads in the books of the likes of old classic researchers like John Keel or Gray Barker or countless others. Instead of kissing the fat backsides of greasy headed suit wearing preppy goon Ufologists who think their poop don’t stink. Then Ufology might appear alive to you. The sightings and visitations are still happening. You are just part of the wrong clubs obviously. Maybe you might get inspired and Ufology would live. But instead you yell Ufology is dead while you suck on the teats of MUFON and other sold out corrupt Bigelowed institutions. My advice is bugger off and make your own path! Ufology lives! It’s just an old Frankenstein of a beast that likes to party once in a while and break away from the old sold out dinosaur jerks that think they control it.
Ghostly mosaic appears / disappears at Shrub Hill station, Worcester
Mystery surrounds the apparent sudden appearance, and disappearance, of a beautiful mosaic wall with arches at Worcester’s Shrub Hill Station.
London Midland says the baffling account, from a regular train passenger at the station, has left them scratching their heads.
Short of mentioning ghosts or a time slip to puzzle Dr Who, the station operators can only suggest that the witness saw the recently restored waiting room and was mistaken.
But the witness is quite clear on what she saw, and said that other passengers both saw and remarked on the stunning tiled wall, which no one, apparently, had seen before.
The sighting took place on the evening of Thursday, July 31.
Worcester passenger, Rosalyn Golds said: “I spotted something from the train window in Shrub Hill station, at the far end of the station, – the platform opposite the main exit side. It was an absolutely beautiful wall – sizable – of brightly coloured mosaic tiles in red and blue with arches built into it.
” It was highly unusual – I’ve never seen anything like it in a UK station – it was almost Mediterranean. It looked to have been recently uncovered firstly as it hadn’t been there previously; but also due to the strength of its colour. I’m not sure what it was – an old ticket office maybe? The passengers were commenting on how pretty it was and everyone assumed it was being restored.”
But she added: “The next day, however, it had been taken down! There is a gap in the wall where it was and some fencing left round it. I’d be surprised if it had been demolished simply as it really did look lovely.”
London Midland say that nothing can be removed from the Grade 2 listed station, and so the mystery deepens.
A London Midland spokesman, Gerard Burgess said: “We are scratching our heads here; we’ve no idea.
“The station is grade 2 listed so nothing can be put in or taken away. The only thing we can think of is that they spotted the restored waiting room but perhaps arrived back on a different platform maybe ?” – Worcester News
A woman saw a glowing UFO in the sky above Sacramento, California on two separate days.
The witness, Sunda Barker, was walking home on the afternoon of August 9 when she noticed a UFO in the sky. She describes the aerial object as gold and extremely bright. And she states, “It was beautiful. It was radiant. It was just unexplainable.” She immediately began taking photos of the UFO with her iPhone camera.
Barker claims she saw this golden UFO two days later.
Local ABC affiliate KXTV News 10 aired a news segment about Barker’s sighting. Reporter Damany Lewis explains that, in describing the aerial object, Barker “didn’t want to use those three initials: U.F.O.” Like many UFO witnesses, Barker is hesitant to refer to the mysterious object as a UFO because, as she explains, “everyone thinks I’m crazy.”
KXTV News 10 meteorologist Monica Woods suggests that what Barker witnessed was a Sun Dog. She describes this phenomenon as “a halo created when lights interact with ice crystals in the atmosphere.” – Open Minds
Archaeologists have just discovered Greece’s largest ancient tomb. As well as attracting international media attention, the find has also had high-level political interest within Greece – the country’s prime minister, Antonis Samaras, has already visited the dig.
The tomb is located near the ancient city of Amphipolis, and archaeologists have been excavating it for the last two years. While there are still plenty of questions unanswered (who it was made for for example), enough has been uncovered to show that this will be a spectacular site. It’s built on an enormous scale, with marble decoration and frescoed walls.
The tomb dates to the period 325-300 BC, and so is roughly contemporaneous with the end of the reign of Alexander the Great (who died in Babylon in 323 BC). But as the archaeologists have been stressing, romantics shouldn’t get their hopes up that this is the tomb of Alexander himself, the location of which is unknown, but was probably in Egypt. However, given the size and decor, the Macedonian tomb’s owner must have been high ranking and incredibly wealthy.
Anyone who has visited the marvellous royal tombs at Vergina (ancient Aigai, the original capital of Macedonia) will already know that this region of Greece stands out for its impressive burial monuments. But in southern Greece, the famous sites that draw tourists tend to be public and religious buildings such as temples. This discrepancy points to what’s so interesting about Macedonia, and what sets it apart from other parts of Greece. Read more at The Conversation
This video will show that the history of Egypt dates much farther back in time than Egyptologists admit. Rather than culture arising there 5000 years ago, add at least 7000 to that. The people that existed before the pharaohs we call the Khemitians, and they had advanced machining technology.
A woman saw a glowing UFO in the sky above Sacramento, California on two separate days.
The witness, Sunda Barker, was walking home on the afternoon of August 9 when she noticed a UFO in the sky. She describes the aerial object as gold and extremely bright. And she states, “It was beautiful. It was radiant. It was just unexplainable.” She immediately began taking photos of the UFO with her iPhone camera.
The golden UFO photographed over Sacramento. (Credit: Sunda Barker/KXTV)
Barker claims she saw this golden UFO two days later.
Local ABC affiliate KXTV News 10 aired a news segment about Barker’s sighting. Reporter Damany Lewis explains that, in describing the aerial object, Barker “didn’t want to use those three initials: U.F.O.” Like many UFO witnesses, Barker is hesitant to refer to the mysterious object as a UFO because, as she explains, “everyone thinks I’m crazy.”
KXTV News 10 meteorologist Monica Woods suggests that what Barker witnessed was a Sun Dog. She describes this phenomenon as “a halo created when lights interact with ice crystals in the atmosphere.”
An illustration demonstrating how Sun Dogs appear. (Credit: KXTV)
What do you think? Did Barker photograph a natural phenomenon on two separate days, or did she capture an unknown craft in the sky above Sacramento? Share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment below, or by posting on the Open Minds Facebook page.
"Nog 6000 plekken in Mexico waar iets bijzonders in de grond zit"
“Nog 6000 plekken in Mexico waar iets bijzonders in de grond zit"
Grote opwinding in Mexico vanwege de vondst van een Mayastad in het oerwoud. Hij ligt niet ver van de beroemde ruïne-stad Chalakmul in het zuidoosten van Mexico. Het gaat om een conglomeratie van grote gebouwen, gegroepeerd rond een aantal pleinen. Het zal naar verwachting nog wel een aantal jaren duren voordat toeristen erheen kunnen.
Waarom is de Mayastad nu pas ontdekt? “Ze hebben het gewoon over het hoofd gezien,” zei NOS-correspondent Cees Zoon in het Radio 1 Journaal. “Het zuiden van Mexico bestaat uit tropische jungle. Daar ligt veel onder verborgen. Ze hebben het geld niet om dat allemaal op te graven, dus dat gebeurt beetje bij beetje. Tegenwoordig krijgen de archeologen steun van satellietfoto’s die ze een beetje in de juiste richting duwen bij het zoeken.”
“Volgens officiële schattingen zijn er ongeveer 6000 plekken in Mexico waar nog iets van grote waarde en omvang in de grond zit,” ging Zoon verder. “Deze stad dateert uit de periode tussen 600 en 900. Het Mayarijk bestond uit een reeks stadstaten die elkaar ook gewoon bevochten.”
Het gekke is alleen dat veel van de steden verlaten zijn door de Maya’s zelf toen ze in grote bloei stonden, aldus Zoon. Lange tijd hebben archeologen en historici zich afgevraagd waarom ze hun steden verlieten. De gangbare theorie is dat het kwam door een combinatie van overbevolking en een tekort aan landbouwgrond.
De stad, die de naam Lagunita draagt, bestaat onder meer uit een ommuurd terrein voor het balspel pelota en een piramide van bijna 20 meter hoog. Eén van de opzienbarendste vondsten in de verdwenen stad is een gevelsteen met een figuur in de vorm van de bek van een monster, in de Mayareligie een symbool van de onderwereld.
Wetenschappers hebben een ongezien geologisch spektakel ontdekt in Taiwan. De riviercanyon van de Daan, die pas volledig gevormd was sinds 2008, is aan een ijzingwekkend tempo aan het verdwijnen. De geologen schatten dat de rivier de kloof binnen de vijftig jaar volledig opgeslokt zal hebben. Dat meldt de BBC.
Om de drie- à vierhonderd jaar wordt het westelijke heuvelgebied van Taiwan opgeschrikt door stevige aardbevingen. De kloof van de Daan is het gevolg van de Jiji-aardbeving, die in 1999 een tien meter hoge rots naar boven duwde. In 2004 begon de rivier die natuurlijke dam te overwinnen. Het water en materiaal dat langs de rivierbedding werd meegesleurd, sneden een nieuwe kloof uit die tegen 2008 1,2 kilometer lang en 20 meter diep was.
Geologen van het GeoForschungsZentrum in het Duitse Potsdam ontdekten dat de canyon nu met eenzelfde snelheid alweer aan het verdwijnen is. Ze denken dat de rivier, die geregeld zeer heftig buiten haar oevers treedt, de kloof binnen de vijftig jaar van de kaart geveegd zal hebben. Dit snelle proces zou kunnen verklaren waarom er geen bewijs overblijft van vorige aardbevingen in de regio.
Grand canyon De onderzoekers, die hun bevindingen publiceerden in het vakblad Nature Geoscience, zijn opgewonden over hun vondst. De formatie in Taiwan staat bekend als de Grand Canyon van de Daan en vertoont volgens geoloog Kristen Cook gelijkenissen met haar kolossale naamgenoot in Arizona. Deze ontdekking laat de wetenschappers toe in sneltempo gade te slaan hoe een formatie erodeert. "We verwachten dat het proces hetzelfde zal zijn als in de Grand Canyon, maar versneld", aldus dr. Cook.
Toen ze van 2009 tot 2013 aan de universiteit van Taiwan werkte, bezocht dr. Cook de vallei 51 keer. Elke twee maanden deed ze gedetailleerde GPS-metingen en ze maakte een time-lapsefilm. Twee keer per jaar mat ze de vorm van de hele canyon met een laserscanner.
17 meter per jaar Deze metingen onthulden de snelste erosie die geologen ooit zagen. De kloof wordt vanaf zijn stroomopwaartse uiteinde opgeslokt aan een tempo van 17 meter per jaar. Deze sneltreinvaart is een gevolg van de relatieve zwakte van het gesteente en de regelmatige overstromingen, veroorzaakt door tyfoons.
De wetenschappers identificeerden bovendien een volledig nieuw erosiemechanisme, dat ze 'downstream sweep' hebben genoemd, of stroomafwaarts wegvegen. Het proces ontstaat wanneer het al water van de brede riviervlakte plots als door een trechterhals in de kloof moet. Dat veroorzaakt scherpe bochten in de stroming, die het gesteente aan het uiteinde van de kloof meesleuren.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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