The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
In this video from Nathaniel Xavier, we see the lights of a UFO up in the clouds over Houston. Or is it just a reflection of a lamp post?
experimental U.S. spacecraft or even some other scientific device, but whatever it is, one man captured it.
After a rainstorm, there have been reported sightings of a UFO floating above Houston, Texas. Several images were being shared online over the following days, including two posted by Nathaniel Xavier, aka DJ Nayyz.
One photo shows a ring of lights in a cloudy night sky illuminated by the moon, and another shows similar lights in a dark night sky.
As these photos were shared around the Internet, several local media outlets covered the sighting.
“I think the trick in UFO’s is figuring out what else they could be. It’s easy to say that could be the aliens,” said Dr. Carolyn Sumners, vice president for astronomy at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, to KPRC News. “If it’s a real object and it looks like it is. The more people who see it in different directions, the more likely we are to figure out where it is, what it is and see if we can explain it,” Sumners said.
Nathaniel Xavier also shared a video on Instagram of the unidentified flying object over Houston.
One expert told the Houston Chronicle what he thought. Fletcher Gray, the volunteer chief investigator for the Texas chapter of the Mutual UFO Network, thought the mysterious circle of lights was a reflection from highway lights because the video was shot through a car window. Gray said, “It’s no more than light trapped in the side window.” He’s basically saying not to call Scully and Mulder just yet.
In the video, it does look like the lights disappear behind a cloud, which would prove Gray’s hypothesis wrong, but that too may be just a trick of the dim light. Whatever the truth may be, these photos and the video have people talking.
Witness said: My Mom and I were headed home from Red Bluff Ca headed north on I-5. We were almost to the Bowman road exit at the time the photo was taken. My Mom asked me to take a picture of the sunset. It was Aug 10, 2014 around 8:30 p.m. After turning on to Bowman Rd. heading west, I saw a bright light in the sky, but quickly lost track of it. I noticed the dates said Aug 11 on the pictures that i took on the way home. The rest of the photos that I took earlier that day were dated Aug 10. I notice it while tranfering pics from phone to pc. I checked the phone and the pc, they both had the right date and time on them.
Dit onverklaarbare geluid wordt al sinds 1991 in de Grote Oceaan gehoord
Dit onverklaarbare geluid wordt al sinds 1991 in de Grote Oceaan gehoord
In de Grote Oceaan wordt sinds 1991 een onverklaarbaar geluid gehoord, dat door de Amerikaanse meteorologische dienst NOAA ook wel Upsweep wordt genoemd. Het geluid kan niet worden toegeschreven aan bijvoorbeeld walvissen of schepen.
De Amerikaanse marine heeft nog nooit een dergelijk signaal opgevangen, aldus een artikel van New Scientist uit 2002. Upsweep blijkt niet gebonden te zijn aan een bepaald gebied, aangezien het geluid in de hele Grote Oceaan wordt gehoord.
In 1994 werd een piek gemeten, maar sindsdien wordt het geluid steeds zwakker, aldus de NOAA. In de herfst en de lente wordt het geluid iets sterker. Dit kan te maken hebben met de bron van het geluid, maar het kan ook zijn dat het zich gedurende die jaargetijden beter kan verplaatsen in het water.
In 1996 theoretiseerden Emile Okal van de Northwestern University in Chicago en Jacques Talandier van het Franse Atoomenergie Agentschap dat een bepaald soort vulkanische activiteit verantwoordelijk zou kunnen zijn voor het geluid.
Ze dachten dat het geluid werd veroorzaakt door zeewater dat in contact kwam met een grote hoeveelheid lava. De onderzoekers gebruikten seismometers om de herkomst van het geluid te bepalen. Ze concludeerden dat de bron mogelijk in de Zuidelijke Grote Oceaan is te vinden.
Christopher Fox van de NOAA dacht dat de beweging van het water een geluid kan voortbrengen dat doet denken aan het waaien van de wind. Of is het geluid misschien afkomstig van een onbekend zeewezen? Is het een geologische eigenaardigheid of een onontdekt fenomeen?
Aangezien 95 procent van de wereldzeeën nog niet verkend is, is de kans dat er iets nieuws wordt ontdekt erg groot. Mysterieuze geluiden diep in de oceaan hebben wetenschappers al eerder voor raadsels gesteld. In 1997 werd in de Grote Oceaan een geluidsgolf met een ultra-lage frequentie waargenomen, dat de Bloop werd genoemd. De NOAA ontdekte later dat het ging om het geluid van een ijsbeving.
800 meter onder het ijs van Antarctica wemelt het van leven
800 meter onder het ijs van Antarctica wemelt het van leven
In een meer diep onder het ijs van Antarctica is een zeer divers ecosysteem aangetroffen. Er is nu voor het eerst direct bewijs gevonden voor leven onder het ijs. Het meer, Lake Whillans geheten, bevindt zich op 800 meter onder de Antarctische ijskap.
Micro-organismen leven er al eeuwen zonder zonlicht of frisse lucht. Voor onderzoeker John Priscu is de ontdekking een verlossing. Het kostte hem en zijn collega’s 10 jaar en meer dan 10 miljoen dollar om te bewijzen dat het meer leven herbergt. Eind vorig jaar boorde hij door het ijs en kon hij monsters nemen van het meer.
Het water bevat ruim 4000 soorten microben. “Dat we leven vonden verbaasde me niet,” zei Priscu. “Maar dat het ecosysteem zo divers is wel.” De micro-organismen leven onder meer van mineralen zoals ijzer, dat afkomstig is van gesteente en in het water terechtkomt.
De omstandigheden onder de ijskap zijn zo extreem dat de nieuw ontdekte organismen worden gedwongen om ‘rots te eten’. Ze hechten zich aan mineralen en oogsten op die manier als het ware kleine hoeveelheden ammonium en stikstof.
Microbe uit Lake Whillans (Trista Vick-Majors)
“Dit is het eerste definitieve bewijs dat er niet alleen levensvormen, maar ook actieve ecosystemen onder de ijskap van Antarctica kunnen worden gevonden, iets waar we de afgelopen decennia alleen maar vermoedens over hadden,” zei hoofdonderzoeker Brent Christner van de Louisiana State University.
De onderzoeksresultaten kunnen bijdragen aan de zoektocht naar buitenaards leven in ons zonnestelsel. De manen Europa en Enceladus worden namelijk bedekt door een laag ijs, waar water onderdoor zou stromen. Volgens Priscu zijn de omstandigheden op de maan Europa vrijwel identiek aan die op Antarctica.
Onder de Antarctische ijskap bevinden zich meer dan 400 rivieren, stromen en meren, waarvan het Vostokmeer het bekendste is. Russische wetenschappers analyseren momenteel water uit dat meer. De ijskap van Antarctica bevat ongeveer 70 procent van de totale hoeveelheid zoet water op aarde.
DNA-onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat de organismen niet per ongeluk zijn meegebracht met de apparatuur. Het onderzoek is verschenen in vakblad Nature
U.S. expedition yields first breakthrough paper about life under Antarctic ice.
BOZEMAN– The first breakthrough paper to come out of a massive U.S. expedition to one of Earth’s final frontiers shows that there’s life and an active ecosystem one-half mile below the surface of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, specifically in a lake that hasn’t seen sunlight or felt a breath of wind for millions of years.
The life is in the form of microorganisms that live beneath the enormous Antarctic ice sheet and convert ammonium and methane into the energy required for growth. Many of the microbes are single-celled organisms known as Archaea, said Montana State University professor John Priscu, the chief scientist of the U.S. project called WISSARD that sampled the sub-ice environment. He is also co-author of the MSU author-dominated paper in the Aug. 21 issue of Nature, an international weekly journal for all fields of science and technology.
“We were able to prove unequivocally to the world that Antarctica is not a dead continent,” Priscu said, adding that data in the Nature paper is the first direct evidence that life is present in the subglacial environment beneath the Antarctic ice sheet.
Lead author Brent Christner said, “It’s the first definitive evidence that there’s not only life, but active ecosystems underneath the Antarctic ice sheet, something that we have been guessing about for decades. With this paper, we pound the table and say, ‘Yes, we were right.’”
Priscu said he wasn’t entirely surprised that the team found life after drilling through half a mile of ice to reach Subglacial Lake Whillans in January 2013. An internationally renowned polar biologist, Priscu researches both the South and North Poles. This fall will be his 30th field season in Antarctica, and he has long predicted the discovery.
More than a decade ago, he published two manuscripts in the journal Science describing for the first time that microbial life can thrive in and under Antarctic ice. Five years ago, he published a manuscript where he predicted that the Antarctic subglacial environment would be the planet’s largest wetland, one not dominated by the red-winged blackbirds and cattails of typical wetland regions in North America, but by microorganisms that mine minerals in rocks at subzero temperatures to obtain the energy that fuels their growth.
Following more than a decade of traveling the world presenting lectures describing what may lie beneath Antarctic ice, Priscu was instrumental in convincing U.S. national funding agencies that this research would transform the way we view the fifth largest continent on the planet.
Although he was not really surprised about the discovery, Priscu said he was excited by some of the details of the Antarctic find, particularly how the microbes function without sunlight at subzero temperatures and the fact that evidence from DNA sequencing revealed that the dominant organisms are archaea. Archaea is one of three domains of life, with the others being Bacteria and Eukaryote.
Many of the subglacial archaea use the energy in the chemical bonds of ammonium to fix carbon dioxide and drive other metabolic processes. Another group of microorganisms uses the energy and carbon in methane to make a living. According to Priscu, the source of the ammonium and methane is most likely from the breakdown of organic matter that was deposited in the area hundreds of thousands of years ago when Antarctica was warmer and the sea inundated West Antarctica. He also noted that, as Antarctica continues to warm, vast amounts of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, will be liberated into the atmosphere enhancing climate warming.
The U.S. team also proved that the microorganisms originated in Lake Whillans and weren’t introduced by contaminated equipment, Priscu said. Skeptics of his previous studies of Antarctic ice have suggested that his group didn’t actually discover microorganisms, but recovered microbes they brought in themselves.
“We went to great extremes to ensure that we did not contaminate one of the most pristine environments on our planet while at the same time ensuring that our samples were of the highest integrity,” Priscu said.
Extensive tests were conducted at MSU two years ago on WISSARD’s borehole decontamination system to ensure that it worked, and Priscu led a publication in an international journal presenting results of these tests. This decontamination system was mated to a one-of-a-kind hot water drill that was used to melt a borehole through the ice sheet, which provided a conduit to the subglacial environment for sampling.
Every day in Antarctica, he would tell his team to keep it simple, Priscu said. To prove that an ecosystem existed below the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, he wanted at least three lines of evidence. They had to see microorganisms under the microscope that came from Lake Whillans and not contaminated equipment. They then had to show that the microorganisms were alive and growing. They had to be identifiable by their DNA.
When the team found those things, he knew they had succeeded, Priscu said.
The Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (WISSARD) project officially began in 2009 with a $10 million grant from the National Science Foundation. Now involving 13 principal investigators at eight U.S. institutions, the researchers drilled down to Subglacial Lake Whillans in January 2013. The microorganisms they discovered are still being analyzed at MSU and other collaborating institutions.
Christner said species are hard to determine in microbiology, but “We are looking at a water column that probably has about 4,000 things we call species. It’s incredibly diverse.”
Planning to drill again this austral summer in a new Antarctic location, Priscu said WISSARD was the first large-scale multidisciplinary effort to directly examine the biology of an Antarctic subglacial environment. The Antarctic Ice Sheet covers an area 1 ½ times the size of the United States and contains 70 percent of Earth's freshwater, and any significant melting can drastically increase sea level. Lake Whillans, one of more than 200 known lakes beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet and the primary lake in the WISSARD study, fills and drains about every three years. The river that drains Lake Whillans flows under the Ross Ice Shelf, which is the size of France, and feeds the Southern Ocean, where it can provide nutrients for life and influence water circulation patterns.
The opportunity to explore the world under the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is an unparalleled opportunity for the U.S. team, as well as for several MSU-affiliated researchers who are part of that team and wrote or co-authored the Nature paper, Priscu said.
Christner, for one, was a postdoctoral researcher with Priscu and Mark Skidmore at MSU from 2002 through 2006. He is now associate professor of biological sciences at Louisiana State University. Jill Mikucki, now an assistant professor at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, was one of Priscu’s doctoral students. Skidmore is a glacial geochemist in MSU’s Department of Earth Sciences. Andrew Mitchell, now at Aberystwyth University in the United Kingdom, was a postdoctoral researcher with MSU’s Center for Biofilm Engineering. Alex Michaud and Trista Vick-Majors are currently earning their doctorates in Priscu’s research group at MSU. Other MSU people on the team were Education and Outreach Coordinator Susan Kelly and Project Manager John Sherve.
The fact that MSU was so involved reflects the fact that it is pioneering a new field of science, Priscu said. MSU is the common ancestor of many scientists who study life in and under ice.
“I always tell my students when they come into the lab that ‘We are inventing this field of science. It’s working on life in ice and under ice. This field has never existed before. We thought it up. You are pioneers,’” Priscu said.
Appreciative of the opportunity to participate in WISSARD, Vick-Majors said she saw bacteria under the microscope within an hour after the first sample of water was pulled out of Subglacial Lake Whillans. Within days, she saw proof that the bacteria were active.
“It was very exciting. It will be hard to top,” she said.
She added that, “If you want to do microbial ecology in Antarctic subglacial environments, John is probably the person you want to work with. I feel very lucky to have gotten the opportunity.”
Agreeing, Michaud said, “Some of the graduate students joke, ‘How do we top this?’ We can’t.”
But the students can build on their WISSARD experience and gain a deeper understanding of Subglacial Lake Whillans and other subglacial habitats, he said. It’s not about going out and finding more novel habitats.
Christner said the team that wrote the paper in Nature is the dream team of polar biology. Besides the MSU-affiliated scientists, the co-authors include Amanda Achberger, a graduate student at Louisiana State University; Carlo Barbante, a geochemist at the University of Venice in Italy; Sasha Carter, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California in San Diego; and Knut Christianson a postdoctoral researcher from St. Olaf College in Minnesota and New York University.
“I hope this exciting discovery will touch the lives (both young and old) of people throughout the world and inspire the next generation of polar scientists,” Priscu said.
Cigar – shaped UFO sighting over Michigan on 19th August 2014
Cigar – shaped UFO sighting over Michigan on 19th August 2014
Witness said: I was taking pictures with my Nikon D3100 camera using a 18mm-55mm lens to capture lightning strikes from a storm that was heading over my residence. The storm came in from the west and was moving east/southeast and I had my camera on continuous shooting. A lightning bolt was discharged from the wall cloud. It is the only time a lightning bolt came from this cloud and within a few seconds after the bolt struct, I managed to capture 2 pictures of this object. After taking approximately 145 photos of this storm, I saw 2 pictures with a cigar shaped object following the south end of the wall cloud. I did not see this object at all while shooting them. It was only visible after I reviewed my photos on my computer.
The object was a dull gray/black, solid body, no lights or windows. There were NO wings, tail or protruding areas coming from this object. The ends are rounded and fits the cigar shape perfectly. It was approximately 30-50 ft in length (estimate) and about 700-900 ft high (again, estimate) and it followed in back of the main wall cloud that contained high winds and rain. It moved to the east, along with the storm. It had moved hundreds of feet in less than 4 seconds. There were no airplanes or helicopters in this area mainly because of the storm that was approaching. The only noise that was heard was the storm itself. A few times my camera would NOT shoot to capture images. So gaps were as long as 5 seconds on some of the pictures. While most images of the storm and object were captured, fluently, I had to refocus a few times in order to get the camera to shoot some of the images (although no object was visible in those pictures).
I have included pictures of this object. Also sending the stretch between the first sighting of the object and a couple of in between pictures to show you a time sequence from the first picture of the craft to the last picture of it. Also included, are pictures of the readings on my camera at the time they were taken.
UFO sighting over Ketchikan, Alaska on 19th August 2014
UFO sighting over Ketchikan, Alaska on 19th August 2014
Witness said: I was on a small cruise ship touring in the Ketchikan area (the Tongass Narrows) with a group of co-workers and friends. At about 8:00 PM, I was taking some photos of the sunset with my iPhone. I took three shots of the sunset. The following evening, as I downloaded the photos to my computer, I noticed the bright light in the sky (upper left corner of all three photos at slightly different angles since the boat we were traveling was heading north or north-west as I was taking the sunset photos. I did not notice the bright light in the sky as I was taking the photos, yet the light object is clearly in the photo. Since I did not see the object directly at time of the photo, I cannot say that it was actually moving in the sky. On the photo the object or light appears oval of possibly disk shaped.
WOW!! Government Admits Working With UFO’s & Aliens May 6, 2013 – VIDEO – Roswell Incident is Real Roswell was-is real! I recall a nurse stating her whole family was sequestered in their kitchen with Army toting maching guns people threatening them that if they said anything about Roswell incident their whole family’s bones would be bleaching in the desert! You know……like the late McStay family was found in shallow graves in the desert! Family Missing Since 2010 Found in Shallow Desert Graves – Not Robbed – Possible Border Crossing ACOUSTICS COMMENT SAFETY BULLETIN ON MYSTERY Thanks to Ole Toddster WOW!! Government Admits Working With UFO”s & Aliens May 6, 2013
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In addition to: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : Sarah Vaughan – Autumn in New York – VIDEO : Thanks to YouTuber – jazzysclassicjazz2 :
Such was the Indian name of the site of Westboro, Massachusetts, and the neighboring pond was Hochomocko. The camp of the red men near the shore was full of bustle one day, for their belle, Iano, was to marry the young chief, Sassacus. The feast was spread and all were ready to partake of it, when it was found that the bride was missing. One girl had seen her steal into the wood with a roguish smile on her lip, and knew that she intended to play hide-and-seek with Sassacus before she should be proclaimed a wife, but the day wore on and she did not come. Among those who were late in reaching camp was Wequoash, who brought a panther in that he had slain on Boston Hill, and he bragged about his skill, as usual. There had been a time when he was a rival of the chief for the hand of Iano, and he showed surprise and concern at her continued absence. The search went on for two days, and, at the end of that time, the girl’s body was taken from the lake.
At the funeral none groaned so piteously as Wequoash. Yet Sassacus felt his loss so keenly that he fell into a sickness next day, and none was found so constant in his ministrations as Wequoash; but all to no avail, for within a week Sassacus, too, was dead. As the strongest and bravest remaining in the tribe, Wequoash became heir to his honors by election.
A year later he sat moodily by the lakeside, when a flame burst up from the water, and a canoe floated toward him that a mysterious agency impelled him to enter. The boat sped toward the flame, that, at his approach, assumed Iano’s form. He heard the water gurgle as he passed over the spot where the shape had glimmered, but there was no other sound or check. Next year this thing occurred again, and then the spirit spoke: “Only once more.”
Yet a third time his fate took him to the spot, and as the hour came on he called his people to him: “This,” said he, “is my death-day. I have done evil, and the time comes none too soon. Sassacus was your chief. I envied him his happiness, and gave him poison when I nursed him. Worse than that, I saw Iano in her canoe on her wedding-day. She had refused my hand. I entered my canoe and chased her over the water, in pretended sport, but in the middle of the lake I upset her birch and she was drowned. See! she comes!”
For, as he spoke, the light danced up again, and the boat came, self-impelled, to the strand. Wequoash entered it, and with head bent down was hurried away. Those on the shore saw the flame condense to a woman’s shape, and a voice issued from it: “It is my hour!” A blinding bolt of lightning fell, and at the appalling roar of thunder all hid their faces. When they looked up, boat and flame had vanished. Whenever, afterward, an Indian rowed across the place where the murderer had sunk, he dropped a stone, and the monument that grew in that way can be seen on the pond floor to this day. – Myths and Legends of Our Own Land – Complete
Spokane Valley, WA – 4/3/2014: That night my husband and I were sleeping when I started to get excessively warm. I went to kick off my blankets but found that I couldn’t move my legs. I tired to move my arms and had no luck. I was only able to move my head enough to see an entity standing at the foot of the bed. I turned my head and noticed two more standing along the side of the bed behind my husband and he had an obviously disturbed look on his face almost as if he could tell they were there. Our pom-chi dog was whining in her carrier where she sleeps, she’s normally really quiet and doesn’t wake us that often unless it is something serious. The entities stood there for what felt like half an hour before the slowly started to vanish.
I did not really see much of the object that they could have come in on because it was outside. It was kind of a triangle shape when it took off and had been hovering about 100-200 feet off the ground. Our cell phones didn’t work right for the entire day following and we’ve had electronic problems since the incident. The object moved south before going over the mountains.
My husband has no memory of anything that night or the morning after it happened but still remembers waking up with a paranoid feeling. – MUFON CMS
Supernatural ‘Jinn’ Seen as Cause of Mental Illness Among Muslims
It may be common for psychiatric patients who are Muslim to attribute their hallucinations or other symptoms to “jinn,” the invisible, devilish creatures in Islamic mythology, researchers in the Netherlands have found.
The findings demonstrate one way in which culture may influence how people perceive their psychotic symptoms, and could help Western psychiatrists better understand patients who have an Islamic background.
Moreover, in today’s connected world, patients may fuse the symbols from their own backgrounds with those of other cultures to explain their symptoms, study leader Dr. Jan Dirk Blom, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Groningen, told Live Science.
In Islamic mythology, Jinn, or djinn, are supernatural creatures made of smokeless fire. They are frequently found in Islamic folklore and are mentioned in the Quran, the religious text of Islam. Historically, they are portrayed as menacing creatures that can harm humans, or drive them mad. People in Muslim societies have traditionally seen jinn as the cause of mental illness and neurological diseases, especially epilepsy. Read more at Live Science
By understanding how lizards regrow tissue it may be possible to enable the same process in humans.
Imagine being able to regrow a missing arm after an amputation or being able to regenerate your spinal cord after an accident has left you paralyzed – it might sound impossible now but scientists may soon be able to come up with a way to make it actually happen.
The key is believed to lie in the way in which a lizard can grow back its entire tail – a scale of regeneration that is unheard of throughout most of the animal kingdom.
“Lizards are the most closely-related animals to humans that can regenerate entire appendages,” said lead author Kenro Kusumi. “We discovered that they turn on at least 326 genes in specific regions of the regenerating tail, including genes involved in embryonic development, response to hormonal signals and wound healing.”
The researchers believe that they have identified the unique genetic “recipe” for limb regeneration in lizards and that given enough time, the same processes could be enabled in humans as well.
“Lizards basically share the same toolbox of genes as humans,” said Kusumi. – Nature World News
Hey folks…things are coming together. Still much more to do…but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. Tell your friends & family that the ‘phoenix is rising’…and it’s name is Arcane Radio! ‘LIKE’ us at Arcane Radio Facebook
I can say beyond a shadow of doubt that the sighting of lights definitely was NOT a reflection and to offer that as a plausible explanation is pure nonsense. I live approximately 70 miles NW of Houston. Although Houston had rain, we had no rain that evening, Monday 8/11/14. I was not in a car and clearly saw the unidentifiable lights. From my vantage point I saw a ring of colored lights, some brighter than others, that appeared to be a round to oblong shaped ring of lights. The ring of lights seemed as if the ring was standing on edge and appeared to change shape as if the ring would partially rotate on a perpendicular axis in one direction to another and at one point seemed to tilt. The lights then just vanished and were no longer visible without apparent streaking away. I thought at first a helicopter or plane, but realized that clearly was not the case. I was driving down the read on my ranch cart heading in the direction of the object. The bright colored abnormal lights is what caught my attention just above a distant tree line. It was not a typical rotary nor fixed wing aircraft. Feelings, wonderment, wanted visually confirmation what I was seeing. The road is hilly as the geography. The objects became obscured by the tree line as the road changed.
Author and researcher Nate Riddle joins Dr. Rita Louise on Just Energy Radio where he discusses UFO activity in the Lone Star State of Texas. Included in the discussion is information about the recent UFO sighting over Houston, TX.
Op internet gaan indrukwekkende beelden rond van een acht meter diepe scheur in het noordwesten van Mexico, die zich uitstrekt over een gebied van meer dan een kilometer.
De scheur ontstond afgelopen week en heeft een gat geslagen in de snelweg tussen Hermosillo in de deelstaat Sonora en de kust, meldt Sky News. Automobilisten en boeren worden gedwongen om de kolossale geul heen te rijden.
Het filmpje van de scheur, op sommige plaatsen vijf meter breed, is gemaakt met een drone. Te zien is hoe voertuigen bij de geul stoppen, terwijl een groene tractor wegrijdt. Onder de drone bespreken mensen de situatie.
Geologen proberen de oorzaak van de scheur te achterhalen, zo meldt de krant El Imparcial. De burgerbeschermingseenheid bij natuurrampen meent dat de geul kan zijn veroorzaakt door een aardbeving die afgelopen zondag het gebied trof.
Uit een ander onderzoek van geologen van de Universiteit van Sonora is gebleken dat boeren in het gebied een waterkering hebben aangebracht die is gaan lekken. Experts vermoeden dat de bodem als gevolg van het opgeslagen water zacht is geworden en uiteindelijk is verzakt.
HERMOSILLO, SON.- The opening of a crack in a little over a mile long and up to eight feet deep became trending on Twitter, including users of this social network in Hermosillo.
The Friday evening event was recorded in the Suaqui Ejido Candelaria, located 81.3 km west of the city of Hermosillo, two hours away by car, and is 90 meters above sea level.
Alan Hernandez was the person who posted the images, finding the place the length and depth of the crack, which opened on a road leading to the aforementioned ejido The Jojobal vineyard near the Poblado Miguel Aleman.
Inhabitants of the area surrounding ranches said they had no record of an event of this kind in recent years. Photographs received dozens of comments and 50 retweets between Friday night and Saturday morning.
Among the comments made by users of this social network is argued that the movement of earth could have been the result of abundant rainfall previous hours, 68 mm, or caused by an earthquake in the area was recorded. – Expreso
Deputies confiscate 2,000 animals from Louisiana home
Officials in Louisiana made a startling discovery on Friday, finding approximately two thousand animals, the majority in poor condition, living at a home in Lawtell just west of Baton Rouge. The owner, 64-year-old Donald Lefleur, was arrested and charged with animal cruelty.
“(There were) dogs, cats, geese, chickens, pheasants, a little bit of everything. Also, snakes.” said St. Landry Parish Director of Administration, Jessie Bellard. Rabbits, peacocks, and turtles were also rescued. The stench alone could be smelled from the road. Tipped off from a caller out of New Orleans, Bellard said he immediately obtained a warrant after visiting the house and seeing the conditions inside.
“The smell was horrendous,” said Bellard. “The chickens were in some little crates and they lived in faeces until it built up so much they could jump out of the crate.” Bellard says around 100 chickens were roaming inside and 20 dogs were living in crates, some so small they could barely move. It took most of the day for crews to find and collect all the animals. Also found around the property, rotting carcasses and chickens eating other chickens.
But what Bellard found most shocking was Lefleur’s reaction to the seizure. “He was very surprised that we were going to take his animals,” said Bellard. “He didn’t think he did anything wrong.” Some animals are in such bad shape, they’ll have to be euthanized. But there is hope for others – albeit a long road to recovery. “The employees are going to have to make sure all animals are accounted for and documented and the veterinarians are going to be looking at the 4-legged animals,” said Bellard. Once they are treated and deemed healthy, they’ll be up for adoption or a foster home. – KLFY
Paricutin, The Volcano That Grew Out Of A Cornfield
Rarely do volcanologist get to watch the birth, growth, and death of a volcano. Paricutin provided such an opportunity. Paricutin is a cinder cone volcano located in the state of Michoacan, in Mexico, close to a lava-covered village of the same name. The volcano erupted on February 20, 1943, and continued erupting till 1952, during which it destroyed the villages of Parícutin and San Juan Parangaricutiro, burying both beneath ash and lava. San Juan Parangaricutiro’s church spire is all that remains of the village, poking out of the now solidified lava rock.
—Unlike most volcanoes, Parícutin volcano didn’t exist until that fateful day. This makes the volcano unique because it is one of the very few volcanoes whose birth has been witnessed by man. The volcano is located about 200 miles west of Mexico City, in the Michoacan-Guanajuato volcanic field, that contains about 1,400 volcanic vents. Paricutin is the youngest volcano to form in the Northern Hemisphere.
Jarrett tended to forget things when he was drinking.
He once forgot that he hated cheesecake and ate an entire President’s Choice chocolate cheesecake all by himself. The next morning when he’d heard what he had done, he threw it all up again. Not because he felt sick at the time, just because he was disgusted that he had eaten it in the first place.
Jarrett also loved dares when he was drunk. Giving them, taking them.
This obviously made for a very interesting and dangerous combination. . . .
The last day of classes before summer break there was a huge bonfire down by the lake. A bunch of us from film class went, and then we called our other friends, and they called their other friends, and soon enough the lakeside was packed.
Anybody could have picked Jarrett out of that crowd, party animal that he was. He was swinging around that bottle of tequila so much that I was surprised he could be that drunk, given that it was splashing out at an alarming rate. But that was Jarrett, and I wasn’t surprised to later find out that he had been drinking from a vodka filled water bottle during his last exam.
He was drunker than anyone else at the party and he wanted everyone to know it. He kept shouting out for contests, dares, anything, just to prove to us how manly he was.
The party started to peter out around 3 in the morning, and by 4, it was just seven of us, all sitting around the fire, some of us passed out, most of us minutes away. But not Jarrett… Tank that he was, he was still vertical, though barely. By 4:30, everyone was asleep except Jarrett, the hot blonde next to him, and me. I was laying back against a huge piece of driftwood, and just watched the whole thing play out.
I listened as the hot blonde asked Jarrett to go jumping off the pier. As he drunkenly slurred to her that it probably wasn’t a good idea. As she flirted back with him, then lifted up her sweatshirt and threw it to the ground. As she dared him.
I just watched.
Jarrett never learned how to swim.
They ran off, stumbling the entire way, and I just sat there and watched.
I was the only one Jarrett had ever told that he couldn’t swim. I guess he forgot that night.
And I just watched, paraplegic that I am, thanks to another one of Jarrett’s stupid dares. –
The writer later answered questions:
What happened when the others woke up?
Not much. No one really realized what had happened. The hot blonde had disappeared, she was pretty traumatized. I just pretended I had been asleep or passed out, like everyone else. It was a pretty clear cut-case to the cops of another teenager being an idiot.
What was the dare that injured you, If you don’t mind me asking?
Ski accident a few years ago. Jarrett thought it would be funny to dare me to go off-trail in front of our whole group – and once Jarrett gets an idea in his head, he sees it through. Was waiting for a couple hours until someone came to see why I didn’t make it out.
Multiple witnesses reported glowing orbs of lights in the night skies over North Carolina beaches this weekend. The UFO sightings, along with a couple pictures of the objects, were submitted to WWAY out of Wilmington, NC, who reported on the unusual objects.
Woozy Dell told WWAY that she spotted the lights Saturday night over Ocean Isle beach, where she is vacationing. “I thought that’s a strange light. Maybe it’s a helicopter light, and I was watching them go, and they sorta did like a half circle,” Dell said. She continued, “And then I saw another one come, and then I thought this is bizarre, and it got a little interesting.”
One of the images of the UFO provided by the witness. (Credit: Woozy Dell/WWAY)
Then more lights began to appear. Dell says, “So I saw two, and then I started seeing three, and then I started seeing four, and then I started counting them, because I thought, ‘My gosh. What is this?”
She described the orbs as “orangeish-red, but when it went back around it was white.”
The second image of the UFO provided by the witness. (Credit: Woozy Dell/WWAY)
The next day, Dell asked around to see if anyone else had seen the lights, and she says at least one person told her they had.
WWAY says they also received an email from another person who claims to have seen UFOs on Saturday at nearby Wrightsville Beach. This person said they were with a friend. In the email, the witness describes seeing similar strange lights at around 4 a.m. They watched the objects for around three hours. The witness says they thought the lights were planets at first, but then they began making “erratic motions.”
An excerpt of the email sent to WWAY about the UFO sighting at Wrightsville Beach. (Credit: WWAY)
WWAY contacted the Brunswick County dispatch, but were told dispatch had not received any reports of strange lights on Saturday
.Map of Wilmington. Ocean Isle Beach is at the marker on the bottom left. Wrightsville Beach is in the upper right. (Credit: Google Maps)
Dell says of her sighting, “It is certainly an unidentified object, and it was in the sky, and then went away, and it was, the lights, were so unusual that it was something you don’t forget.”
She also hopes to see the objects again. “I have to admit,” Dell laughed, “I did go out the next night looking. And tonight looks like a clear night, so…”
The latest oddity spotted by bloggers who follow the images coming from Mars rover Curiosity doesn’t take a lot of imagination to see. It really looks like a thigh bone. Well, some kind of bone.
According to UFO Blogger, the rover captured the image on Aug. 14. It’s the latest in a string of fossilized animals and other unexplained phenomena that bloggers have reported.
These sightings include an iguana, a cat, a dinosaur spine, two dinosaurs, a mysterious light, a toy boat, a half-human and half-goat face and a rock that popped up from one image to the next when the rover wasn’t on the move (see all the photos above). NASA itself was initially puzzled by that one but determined the rock changed position when the rover turned in place and pushed the rock.
Curiosity has been on Mars since Aug. 6, 2012. It completed its first Martian year — 687 Earth days — on June 24.
Photo By NASA
Bones on Mars?
The space watchers at say this image shot by NASA’s Curiosity rover on the surface of Mars shows what looks like a thigh bone.
Photo By TRUTHSEEKER on YouTube
Dinosaurs on Mars?
The space watcher “TRUTHSEEKER” on YouTube claims this image taken by the Mars rover shows two dinosaurs on the surface of the red planet.
Photo By TRUTHSEEKER on YouTube
Dinosaurs on Mars (highlighted)
Photo By NASA Rover Image
Light from a UFO on Mars?
YouTube user “UFOs and SpacE” claims this photo shows a light from a UFO landing on the surface of Mars. the image was captured by the Mars Rover in 2014.
Photo By NASA Rover Image
UFO Light on Mars?
The light can be seen in the upper right corner of the frame, above a line of Martian hills.
The light isn’t the first mysterious item spotted by the Mars rover.
Photo By NASA Rover Image
A cat on Mars?
A blogger who maintains the site “Mars Anomalies, UFO Sightings and More” pointed out the feline shape in a NASA Mars rover photo.
A team of scientists has discovered living microbes in a subglacial lake below Antarctica.
Researchers with the Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (WISSARD) project successfully drilled through the Antarctic ice reaching Lake Whillans in January 2013. After collecting both water and sediment cores, the team returned to the United States to test the samples. Researchers were surprised and thrilled to discover that, not only are microbes alive in the lake, but it is also an active ecosystem.
Drilling at Lake Whillans. (Credit: Reed Scherer, Northern Illinois University)
Researchers conclude that Lake Whillans is home to nearly 4,000 species of single-celled organisms.
This isn’t the first time scientists have recovered microbes from such an extreme environment. Researchers discovered 100,000-year-old microbes in the sediment beneath another subglacial Antarctic lake, Lake Hodgson, in September 2013. Another Antarctic lake, Lake Vida, was found to have “a diverse and thriving community of microbes” in November 2012. But the WISSARD team asserts that its microbes are the first organisms ever retrieved from a subglacial Antarctic lake because previous studies didn’t take enough precautions to eliminate the possibility of contamination.
Astrobiologists are very interested in life like these microbes that are able to live and thrive in extreme conditions. As New Scientist explains, “The finding is good news for astrobiologists hoping to discover life elsewhere in the solar system: in the ocean beneath the frozen surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa, for instance, or clinging on under the Martian polar ice caps.”
The team’s research is published in the journal Nature.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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