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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Rendlesham UFO incident: Sculpture to be installed at forest site
Rendlesham UFO incident: Sculpture to be installed at forest site
September 22, 2014 - A 'UFO' has been built to mark the spot where an alleged landing took place in one of the UK's biggest UFO mysteries.
In December 1980, there were reports of phenomena in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk near a United States Air Force base.
September 22, 2014 - A 'UFO' has been built to mark the spot where an alleged landing took place in one of the UK's biggest UFO mysteries.
In December 1980, there were reports of phenomena in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk near a United States Air Force base.
Two US servicemen claimed to have seen lights outside the perimeter fence at RAF Woodbridge.
Since then, many books and internet sites have been filled with conflicting theories about whether it was an alien visitation, a military aircraft, the beam from Orfordness Lighthouse or natural phenomena.
The Forestry Commission opened a UFO Trail in 2005 and placed three logs in a clearing where witnesses claimed a craft had landed and disappeared.
Rendlesham revealed: UFO expert A 'UFO' has been built to mark the spot where an alleged landing took place in one of the UK's biggest UFO mysteries. In December 1980, there were reports of phenomena in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk near a United States Air Force base. The Forestry Commission has created a metal interpretation of a UFO to add to its...
A sculpture is being installed at the site of the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident in Suffolk. The incident, which occurred in December of 1980, is now regarded as one of the biggest UFO mysteries in the UK, if not worldwide. Over a period of three nights, dozens of US serviceman from the nearby United States Air Force Base witnessed lights in the...
Wetenschapper: "Ik heb bewijs voor Bigfoot gevonden in Rusland"
Wetenschapper: “Ik heb bewijs voor Bigfoot gevonden in Rusland”
In Canada is men op zoek naar Sasquatch, in de Himalaya naar de yeti en in de Verenigde Staten naar Bigfoot. Maar wist je dat ook de Russen een versie van de verschrikkelijke sneeuwman hebben? Een Russische wetenschapper zegt dat hij aan de hand van een stuk bast kan aantonen dat de Almas zich schuilhoudt in de bossen rond Moskou.
“De Almas komt vrijwel over de gehele wereld voor,” vertelde Andrei Stroganov aan de Moscow Times. “Ik ben niet bang: ze zijn goedaardig en hebben onze bescherming nodig.” De biofysicus van de prestigieuze Landbouwacademie in Moskou zegt dat hij een stuk boomschors heeft gevonden in de buurt van Moskou dat sporen bevat van een grote primaat.
Horizontale krassen op de schors zouden afkomstig zijn van een poot met een doorsnee van zo’n 23 centimeter. Volgens Stroganov is het uitgesloten dat de sporen zijn achtergelaten door een beer.
Hij claimt de Almas ook gezien te hebben tijdens een recent bezoek aan Tsjeljabinsk in de Oeral, maar wilde niet ingaan op details. De onderzoeker gaat fragmenten van de schors onderzoeken in een laboratorium in Alabama, waar eventueel DNA-materiaal wordt geanalyseerd en een morfologisch onderzoek wordt gedaan.
Eerder dit jaar werd nieuw DNA-onderzoek gepubliceerd over het bestaan van Bigfoot. De haren die onderzoekers op 57 plaatsen over heel de wereld hadden gevonden kwamen echter overeen met die van koeien, paarden, honden, wasberen en beren.
Het onderzoek werd gestart vanwege het ongeloof van aanhangers van de Bigfoot-theorie dat serieuze wetenschappers zijn bestaan alleen maar zouden ontkennen zonder hier onderzoek naar te hebben gedaan. Een uitdaging die Oxford-onderzoeker Bryan Sykes maar al te graag aannam.
Twee haarmonsters uit Azië vertoonden wel overeenkomsten met een uitgestorven poolbeer uit de steentijd. Dat kan er op wijzen dat in dat gebied een nog onbekende beersoort rondzwerft.
In 1958 riep de Sovjetregering een speciale Almas-commissie in het leven om naar het wezen te speuren. Gedacht wordt dat de Almas zich ophoudt in de oblast Kemerovo in Siberië, de Kaukasus en de Oeral.
Er zijn verhalen bekend van Bijbelse personen die tot wel 900 jaar oud werden. Teksten uit verschillende culturen spreken van een levensverwachting die door moderne mensen onmogelijk wordt geacht. Sommigen wijten dit aan een foute vertaling, terwijl anderen zeggen dat de getallen een symbolische betekenis hebben. Historici vragen zich echter af of de levensverwachting van de mens in de afgelopen paar duizend jaar drastisch is afgenomen.
In het Oude Nabije Oosten werd een jaar gelijkgesteld aan de omlooptijd van de maan om de aarde (een maand) in plaats van de omlooptijd van de aarde om de zon (12 maanden), schreef Carol A. Hill in 2003 in het tijdschrift Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith. Na correctie zou Adam uit de Bijbel niet 930, maar 77 jaar zijn geworden. Maar dat zou ook betekenen dat hij al op 11-jarige leeftijd zijn zoon Henoch heeft verwerkt. En Henoch zou dan slechts 5 jaar oud zijn geweest toen hij zijn zoon Methusalah verwekte. “Getallen in Genesis kunnen zowel een echte (numerieke) als heilige (numerologische of symbolische) betekenis hebben,” aldus Hill.
De Koningslijst, die de namen van koningen geeft van voor de zondvloed, laat zien dat de levensverwachting van de mens door de jaren heen sterk is afgenomen. Voor de zondvloed werden mensen een paar honderd jaar tot wel meer dan 1000 jaar oud, zo blijkt uit de Koningslijst. In de Bijbel wordt eenzelfde beeld zichtbaar: Adam zou 930 jaar oud zijn geworden, Noach 500 jaar en Abraham 175 jaar.
Dwight Young van de Brandeis-universiteit in de Amerikaanse staat Massachusetts trof in de Koningslijst kwadraten aan. Hij stuitte vaak op 900, het kwadraat van 30; 625, het kwadraat van 25; en 400, het kwadraat van 20. Zijn onderzoek werd in 1988 gepubliceerd in het Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Mede-oprichter van de Church of God in Texas Arthur Mendez denkt dat de daling van de levensverwachting is te wijten aan de blootstelling aan straling of gifstoffen.
In het oude China werden mensen veel ouder dan nu. Acupuncturist Joseph P. Hou schreef in zijn boek Healthy Longevity Techniques: “Uit Chinese medische archieven blijkt dat een arts genaamd Cuie Wenz uit de Qin-dynastie 300 jaar oud is geworden. Gee Yule uit de Han-dynastie werd 280 jaar oud. De taoïstische monnik Hui Zhao stierf op 290-jarige leeftijd.”
In de Chinese encyclopedie van medische zaken zijn veel meer van dit soort gevallen te vinden. Er valt bijvoorbeeld te lezen over een taoïstische meester, Li Quingyuan, die 250 jaar oud is geworden. Dr. Hou schreef dat de sleutel tot een lang leven niet alleen moet worden gezocht in fysieke voeding, maar ook in mentale en spirituele voeding.
De Sjahnama (het Boek der Koningen), een Perzisch epos dat rond het jaar 1010 werd opgeschreven door dichter Ferdausi, verhaalt over koningen die 1000 jaar aan de macht waren.
In 1996 maakte India Today melding van Bir Narayan Chaudhary, een 141-jarige inwoner van het dorpje Tharu in Nepal. In de Kaukasus zouden mensen met gemak een leeftijd van 170 jaar bereiken.
“Mensen die zo oud worden leiden over het algemeen een nederig en eenvoudig bestaan en doen tot op zeer late leeftijd fysiek zwaar werk, vaak buiten de deur. Een voorbeeld is Shisali Nislinlow, een 170-jarige tuinier uit Azerbeidzjan die zich nooit haastte,” schreef dr. Hou. “Hij zei: ‘Ik haast me nooit. Ik verricht al 150 jaar fysiek zwaar werk’.”
Russische wetenschapper: “Kleine IJstijd in plaats van global warming
Russische wetenschapper: “Kleine IJstijd in plaats van global warming”
De wereld zal spoedig getuige zijn van een ‘mini-ijstijd’ in plaats van global warming, doordat de zonneactiviteit de afgelopen jaren is afgenomen. Dat vertelde een Russische wetenschapper aan persbureau RIA Novosti.
“In de afgelopen 17 jaar is de wereldtemperatuur niet gestegen. Sinds 1997 is er geen sprake meer geweest van opwarming. De bestralingssterkte van de zon neemt al sinds 1990 in rap tempo af. Sinds 1990 heeft de zon de aarde niet meer verwarmd zoals in het verleden,” zei astrofysicus Habibullo Abdussamatov van de sterrenwacht Pulkovo in Sint-Petersburg.
Volgens Abdussamatov kunnen we begin volgend jaar al in een mini-ijstijd terechtkomen. Een dergelijke mini-ijstijd duurt ongeveer 200 jaar, zei hij tegenover RIA Novosti. Hij voegde toe dat de temperatuur tijdens mini-ijstijden gewoonlijk met 1-1.5°C daalt.
“De gemiddelde temperatuur op aarde daalt met één tot anderhalve graad als we de afkoelingsfase ingaan. Dit gebeurt naar verwachting rond het jaar 2060,” zei hij. Abdussamatov vermoedt dat de afkoelingsfase ongeveer 45 tot 65 jaar zal duren, waarna de wereld rond het begin van de 22e eeuw weer enigszins zal opwarmen. Dit heeft volgens hem alles te maken met veranderingen in zonneactiviteit.
De wereld moet zich per direct voorbereiden op een ‘global cooldown’, zei hij. Politici en zakenmagnaten moeten de effecten van de volgende Kleine IJstijd op de industrie, landbouw en leefomstandigheden in kaart gaan brengen, stelde Abdussamatov.
“At Least 4 Known Alien Species Have Been Visiting Earth For Thousands Of Years” X Canadian Defence Minister Continues To Blow The Whistle
“At Least 4 Known Alien Species Have Been Visiting Earth For Thousands Of Years” X Canadian Defence Minister Continues To Blow The Whistle
I am well aware that just because somebody (no matter what their ‘position’) says something to be true, does not mean it’s true. Exceptions, however can be made if there is evidence that goes beyond their words and correlates with what they say. At the end of the day, you have to listen to what your heart tells you.
Paul Hellyer was the Canadian Minister of National Defense in the 1960′s during the cold war. He was responsible for combining the Canadian Air Force, Navy and Army into what is known today as the Canadian Forces. He was the highest ranking person (on paper) inside of the Department of Defence for Canada. The Honorable Paul Hellyer is the highest ranking person among all g8 countries to openly speak about UFOs and extraterrestrials.
He has been speaking about UFOs and extraterrestrials for quite some time now, and he recently made an appearance on RT news stating that there are at least 4 known alien species that have been visiting Earth for thousands of years.
Upon retirement, Hellyer began to blow the whistle on UFOs and extraterrestrials. His testimony is backed up by hundreds of other high ranking military and political personnel all over the world, including official documents released by dozens of governments worldwide that have officially acknowledged the presence of UFOs.
I think it’s also important to point out that the Canadian government recently acknowledged the fact that various federal agencies, including Transport Canada, the RCMP and the Department of National Defence used to track and investigate UFO sightings. (1) They claim to have stopped those programs, but that contradicts the defence minister’s (Hellyer) claims. There is good reason to believe, and a lot of evidence to suggest that some of these UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial space craft (not all military), and the activities of the agencies responsible for these programs goes far beyond just tracking of UFOs, but into contact with various extraterrestrial races, other classified technological developments and more.
Here is some of what Paul Hellyer has to say, for more you can watch the video clip below:
” In one of the cases during the cold war, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided that with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years. There’s been a lot more activity in the past two decades, especially since we invented the atomic bomb. They are very concerned about that and if we will use it again, because the whole cosmos is a unity and it affects not just us but other people in the cosmos. They’re very much afraid that we might start using atomic weapons again and this would be very bad for us, and them also.” – Paul Hellyer
“Many are benign and benevolent, and a few are not. They come from various places, for a long while I only knew about ones that came from different star systems, the Pleadies. There are extraterrestrials that come from Andromeda, and ones that live on one of Saturn’s moon’s. There is a federation of these people, and they have rules, one of them is that they don’t interfere with our affairs unless they are invited. They have accepted the fact that this is our planet, and we have the right to run it but they are very concerned, they don’t think that we are good stewards of our planet. We are ruining our planet, we’re doing all sorts of things that we shouldn’t be doing, and they don’t like that. They’ve made it clear, and they have given us a warning.” – Paul Hellyer
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. It is ironic that the US should be fighting monstrously expensive wars, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.” – Paul Hellyer
De Japanse bouwreus Obayashi wil tegen 2050 een ruimtelift bouwen, zo heeft de Australische televisiezender ABC gemeld. Indien het project een succes wordt, zal dit een revolutie in het reizen door de ruimte ontketenen en potentieel de wereldeconomie transformeren.
De ruimtelift zal 96.000 km moeten overbruggen naar een nieuw te bouwen ruimtestation. Door magnetische lineaire motoren aangedreven voertuigen zullen tot dertig mensen en vracht vervoeren tegen een kostprijs die maar een fractie is van die voor raketten, meent Obayashi. De reis zal zeven dagen duren.
Dat fantasie werkelijkheid wordt, heeft te maken met de ontwikkeling van koolstof nanotechnologie. Een grote internationale studie toonde in 2012 aan dat een ruimtelift een haalbare kaart is, maar best via internationale samenwerking te verwezenlijken is. Deskundigen menen dat een ruimtelift het einde kan inluiden van raketten die van op Aarde worden gelanceerd.
De specialisten menen ook dat een ruimtelift de energieproblemen in de wereld kan oplossen door grote hoeveelheden zonne-energie te kunnen leveren of ook een oplossing kan bieden voor het opslaan van nucleair afval. Ook ruimtetoerisme kan erdoor gediend zijn.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFO spotted over Portsmouth – and the MET Office says it ISN’T a cloud
UFO spotted over Portsmouth – and the MET Office says it ISN’T a cloud
Where did this unknown flying object come from? Mars?(Picture: Apex)
Many Portsmouth residents were surprised, even alarmed, to see what appeared to be a flying saucer over the south coast.
UFO sightings in the United Kingdom have been mostly left to crop circles but now we have our very own spacecraft sighting.
Cynics among us might say that it is only a queerly shaped cloud but Laura Young from The Met Office is left baffled: ‘After looking at the images, I can say the object is nothing to do with the weather.
‘It is not meteorological and is not a cloud.’
South coast resident Johnny Blackwell spoke of what he saw: ‘I don’t believe in UFOs, but when I saw this I didn’t know what it was.’
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
UFO joins air show in Chisinau, Moldova - The danger of UFOs during air shows!
UFO joins air show in Chisinau, Moldova - The danger of UFOs during air shows!
During an air show in Chisinau, Moldova on September 20, 2014, an onlooker photographed a strange object what looks like a disc-shaped UFO.
Image left: The object was hovering more closer then the low altitude plane.
It is not the first time a UFO is observed during an air show.
It has been found that when a UFO appears during an air show, in many cases this leads to an almost hit or a fatal crash of the stunt plane.
These objects are unknown and could be drones, remote controlled model airplanes or helicopters, birds or even extraterrestrial craft.
Image below: Unknown objects captured during two different air shows.
Two remarkable cases:
1. UFO Fly-bys at Chilean Ceremony.
It was taken by an onlooker in November, 2010 during the changing of the Air Force Command at El Bosque Air Base in Santiago, Chile.
2. UFO at Madrid air show
During the Madrid air show in May, 2013, a jet fighter crashes, probably caused by a UFO.
22-09-2014 om 00:05
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Massive Ocean discovered towards the Earths Core!
Massive Ocean discovered towards the Earths Core!
A reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans has been discovered deep beneath the Earth’s surface. The finding may explain where Earth’s seas came from, and lend some interesting evidence to the Hollow Earth Theory.
The water is hidden inside a blue rock called ringwoodite that lies 700 kilometres underground in the mantle, the layer of hot rock between Earth’s surface and its core. The huge size of the reservoir throws new light on the origin of Earth’s water. Many geologists think water arrived in comets as they struck the planet, but the new discovery supports an alternative idea that the oceans gradually oozed out of the interior of the early Earth.
“It’s good evidence the Earth’s water came from within,” says Steven Jacobsen of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. The hidden water could also act as a buffer for the oceans on the surface, explaining why they have stayed the same size for millions of years.
Jacobsen’s team used 2000 seismometers to study the seismic waves generated by more than 500 earthquakes. These waves move throughout Earth’s interior, including the core, and can be detected at the surface. “They make the Earth ring like a bell for days afterwards,” says Jacobsen. By measuring the speed of the waves at different depths, the team could figure out which types of rocks the waves were passing through. The water layer revealed itself because the waves slowed down, as it takes them longer to get through soggy rock than dry rock.
Jacobsen worked out in advance what would happen to the waves if water-containing ringwoodite was present. He grew ringwoodite in his lab, and exposed samples of it to massive pressures and temperatures matching those at 700 kilometres down.
Sure enough, they found signs of wet ringwoodite in the transition zone 700 kilometres down, which divides the upper and lower regions of the mantle. At that depth, the pressures and temperatures are just right to squeeze the water out of the ringwoodite. “It’s rock with water along the boundaries between the grains, almost as if they’re sweating,” says Jacobsen.
Jacobsen’s finding supports a recent study by Graham Pearson of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. Pearson studied a diamond from the transition zone that had been carried to the surface in a volcano, and found that it contained water-bearing ringwoodite, the first strong evidence that there was lots of water in the transition zone (Nature,
“Since our initial report of hydrous ringwoodite, we’ve found another ringwoodite crystal, also containing water, so the evidence is now very strong,” says Pearson.
So far, Jacobsen only has evidence that the watery rock sits beneath the US. He now wants to find out if it wraps around the entire planet.
“We should be grateful for this deep reservoir,” says Jacobsen. “If it wasn’t there, it would be on the surface of the Earth, and mountain tops would be the only land poking out.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
What Happened to the Sunken City of Cuba?
What Happened to the Sunken City of Cuba?
Just over a decade ago, a team of explorers were working on an exploration and survey mission off the western coast of Cuba when their sonar equipment picked up a perplexing series of stone structures lying some 650 metres below the surface. The structures appeared completely analogous against the barren ‘desert’ of the ocean floor and seemed to show symmetrically organized stones reminiscent of an urban development. A media flurry soon ensued with news sites sporting headlines such as ‘Atlantis Discovered in Cuba’ and ‘Lost City of the Caribbean Found’. However, the finding also attracted the attention of the government, national museum, and national geographic, who all made promises to investigate the strange sonar images. Now, ten years on, the story has disappeared into obscurity. What ever happened to the sunken ‘ruins’ of Cuba? Were they ever fully investigated? And why has the media fallen silent on this unusual discovery?
The discovery was first made in 2001 when Pauline Zalitzki, a marine engineer, and her husband Paul Weinzweig, owners of a Canadian company called Advanced Digital Communications (ADC), were working on a survey mission in conjunction with the Cuban government off the tip of the Guanahacabibes Peninsula in the Pinar del Río Province of Cuba. ADC was one of four firms working in a joint venture with President Fidel Castro's government to explore Cuban waters, which hold hundreds of treasure-laden ships from the Spanish colonial era. The team was using advanced sonar equipment to scan a 2 square kilometre area of the sea floor when they noticed a series of symmetrical and geometric stone structures resembling an urban complex.
Map showing location of supposed ancient city discovered by Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki. Image source.
Upon studying the sonar images, Zalitzki observed what appeared to be unusual formations of smooth blocks, crests, and geometric shapes. Some of the blocks looked like they were built in pyramid shapes, others were circular.
In July 2001, they returned to the site with geologist Manuel Iturralde, senior researcher of Cuba's Natural History Museum, this time equipped with a Remotely Operated Vehicle to examine and film the structures. The images revealed large blocks of stone resembling hewn granite, measuring about 8 feet by 10 feet. Some blocks appeared deliberately stacked atop one another, others appeared isolated from the rest. Zalitzki said that the images appeared to reflect the ruins of a submerged city but was reluctant to draw any conclusions without further evidence.
“These are extremely peculiar structures, and they have captured our imagination,” said Iturralde, who has studied countless underwater formations. “But if I had to explain this geologically, I would have a hard time.”
Estimating that it would have taken 50,000 years for such structures to have sunken to the depth at which they were said to be found, Iturralde added "50,000 years ago there wasn't the architectural capacity in any of the cultures we know of to build complex buildings." A specialist in underwater archaeology at Florida State University added "It would be cool if they were right, but it would be real advanced for anything we would see in the New World for that time frame. The structures are out of time and out of place."
In the media storm that followed the announcement of the discovery, news sites were quick to draw parallels with the fabled lost city of Atlantis. However, Zelitsky and Weinzweig were unwilling to make such comparisons. The story is myth, said Zelitsky. "What we have found is more likely remnants of a local culture," once located on a 100-mile "land bridge" that joined Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula with Cuba. Iturralde added that there are local legends of the Maya and native Yucatecos that tell of an island inhabited by their ancestors that vanished beneath the waves. Nevertheless, Iturralde does not discount the possibility that the rock formations are merely the result of the wonders of Mother Nature. “Nature is able to create some really unimaginable structures,” he said.
Despite hundreds of media outlets reporting on sunken cities, advanced civilizations, the lost city of Atlantis, and submerged ruins, there are others who are not so willing to accept this point of view. Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews from the debunking website Bad Archaeology, claimed that the depth of the alleged remains are the biggest problem for the sunken city proponents. During the Pleistocene, which was characterised by a series of ice ages, sea levels dropped significantly, but the maximum drop was around 100 metres.
“At no point during the Ice Age would it have been above sea level unless, of course, the land on which they stand has sunk. This is the claim made for Atlantis: according to Plato’s account, it was destroyed “by violent earthquakes and floods”. However, if we take Plato at his word – as we must if we assume Atlantis to have been an historical place – the violence of its sinking makes it improbable that an entire city could have survived plunging more than 600 m into an abyss,” writes Fitzpatrick-Matthews.
If we assume that he is right and that these stone structures do not reflect an ancient submerged city but are simply products of nature, then surely geologists and other scientists would be quick to jump on the finding and investigate what freakish event of nature caused such peculiar formations. Strangely, however, there have been no reported follow-up investigations and news outlets have gone deathly silent on the matter. What happened to all the promises from the government, national museum, National Geographic, and other scientists to carry out further surveys?
The quick dismissal of the story has led some to question whether there has been a suppression of information regarding the finding. However, Fitzpatrick-Matthews claims the story simply went cold and that in the end experts were not convinced that Zelitsky had really discovered a sunken city.
Featured image: Reconstructed Image taken from the sonar scan of the sea floor off the coast of Cuba.
- See more at:
21-09-2014 om 23:46
geschreven door peter
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UFO Sightings nuclear physicist Blows Cover On UFOs! New Update! May 3 2014
UFO Sightings nuclear physicist Blows Cover On UFOs! New Update! May 3 2014
Gepubliceerd op 3 mei 2014
Dr. J spoke to Stanton Friedman in this exclusive interview for Thirdphaseofmoon. The Godfather of ufology discussed why we aren't alone & why we can't be alone. And although people have been saying disclosure is right around the corner, in this day in age, it probably is. It is people like you, the viewer, coming forward to tell your UFO story or share your UFO video to the world that is creating awareness. Keep your eyes in the sky & your minds open. Check out Stanton Friedman's site at Also listen to Dr. J's show with all the top guests Thursdays 8-10 pm ET on studio A; call in to ask the guest a question or speak to the host at 818-923-1713. And don't forget Friday nights, speak to Blake Cousins & tell your story live 12am ET And if you have captured anything amazing, contact us via Skype or Facebook at thirdphaseofmoon & of course visit
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
De Melkweg in kaart: 219 miljoen sterren - HLN
De Melkweg in kaart: 219 miljoen sterren - HLN
Bron: ANP
UPDATE Een internationaal team van sterrenkundigen heeft 219 miljoen sterren in de Melkweg in kaart gebracht, de meest uitgebreide catalogus tot nu toe.
De catalogus is vandaag in het vakblad Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society verschenen. Het team maakte gebruik van de Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) op het Spaanse eiland La Palma. Daarmee kunnen sterren worden gespot die een miljoen keer zwakker schijnen dan met het blote oog te zien is. Het duurde tien jaar om de miljoenen sterren in kaart te brengen.
Sterrenkundigen schatten dat er minstens 100 miljard sterren in de Melkweg zijn. Vanaf de aarde is daar maar een klein deel van te zien. De Melkweg heeft een doorsnede van zo'n 100.000 lichtjaren. Eén lichtjaar is zo'n 10 biljoen kilometer.
De kaart is samengesteld onder leiding van Geert Barentsen van de universiteit van Hertfordshire in het Britse Hatfield.
De Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie Nasa betwijfelt of de krater in Nicaragua het gevolg is van een meteorietinslag dit weekend. Er was geen vuurbal te zien, aldus Bill Cooke, hoofd van de Nasa-afdeling voor meteorieten, maandag. Dit houdt dus de mogelijkheid open dat iets anders de krater in de buurt van de hoofdstad heeft veroorzaakt.
Volgens Nicaraguaanse bronnen sloeg in de nacht van zaterdag op zondag een meteoriet in op een bebost gebied in de buurt van de internationale luchthaven. Deze krachtige inslag veroorzaakte een krater van 12 meter diameter en 5,5 meter diep.
Astronomen hebben met de Hubble-telescoop een monsterlijk groot zwart gat ontdekt in een van de kleinste bekende sterrenstelsels. Dat meldt de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA vandaag.
De NASA ontdekte een van de kleinste en meest compacte sterrenstelsel ooit: 140 miljoen sterren binnen een diameter van 300 lichtjaar. In het midden van dat sterrenstelsel bleek een zwart gat te zitten dat bijna vijf keer zo groot is als dat in de Melkweg.
Een miljoen sterren "Als je in dit kleine sterrenstelsel zou leven, zou je 's nachts minstens een miljoen sterren kunnen zien met het blote oog", leggen de wetenschappers uit. Ter vergelijk: op aarde zijn er 's nachts zo'n 4.000 sterren zichtbaar.
De nieuwe vondst zou kunnen bewijzen dat 'dwergsterrenstelsels' afgescheurde delen zijn van grotere sterrenstelsels. "We kennen geen enkele andere manier waarop er zo'n groot zwart gat zou kan ontstaan in zo'n klein object", zegt astronoom Anil Seth van de Universiteit van Utah.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Passagier filmt UFO vanuit vliegtuig - HLN
Passagier filmt UFO vanuit vliegtuig - HLN
Bron:The Post Online
videoEen Welshman die even door het raam gluurde tijdens zijn terugvlucht van Griekenland merkte een vreemd voorwerp op. Hij zag sterke lichten en legde het verschijnsel vast met zijn smartphone. De man die anoniem wil blijven, zag naar eigen zeggen, nooit eerder in zijn leven zo'n felle lichten.
De 29-jarige uit Cardiff merkte het verschijnsel zo'n twintig minuten voor de landing op toen hij even naar buiten keek. "De lichten waren misschien een paar kilometer verwijderd van het vliegtuig. Het was verder pikkedonker, dus het is lastig te zeggen wat het precies was. De lampen waren heel erg fel, ik heb denk ik nog nooit zo'n fel licht gezien in mijn leven. Het was behoorlijk raar. Ik heb echt geen idee wat het is."
MH370 Eerst het slechte nieuws: van de op 8 maart verdwenen Boeing van vlucht MH370 van Malaysia Airlines is er nog steeds geen spoor. Maar de sonar-, radar- en satellietgegevens die het voorbije halfjaar zijn verzameld, hebben wetenschappers wel een berg nieuwe kennis van de Indische Oceaan bezorgd.
Op 22 september zal de zoektocht naar de verdwenen Boeing hervatten. 60.000 tot 70.000 vierkante kilometer bodem van het zuidelijke deel van de Indische Oceaan zal meter per meter onderzocht worden met geavanceerde apparatuur. Dat zal een enorme bijdrage betekenen voor de gegevens waarover de onderzoekers nu al beschikken.
"Het is zeer uitzonderlijk dat zo'n groot gebied onderzocht wordt, en zeker omdat het zo ver van de Australische kust ligt", vertelde dr Stuart Minchin van Geoscience Australia aan Discovery News.
Zoektochten met vliegtuigen, schepen en een geavanceerde onderwaterrobot leverden tot nu toe nog geen fysieke sporen van het verdwenen vliegtuig op. "Maar we vonden wel al zeebergen en vulkanen die nooit eerder in kaart gebracht zijn", zegt Minchin.
Tsunami's En dat is meer dan een louter wetenschappelijke meevaller. Die nieuwe kennis kan van groot belang zijn bij het voorspellen van zeestromen en tsunami's. Bovendien kan ze een beter begrip opleveren van het ontstaan van de continenten.
"Wetenschappers over de hele wereld zullen bijzonder geïnteresseerd zijn in deze informatie over een vrij onbekend deel van de oceaan", voorspelt Minchin. Geoscience Australia belooft dan ook alle gegevens wereldkundig te maken na afloop van de zoektocht naar de MH370.
Of die zoektocht ook nog een spoor van het vliegtuig zal opleveren, is heel onzeker. Verwacht wordt dat de operatie nog een jaar kan duren, mogelijk zonder resultaat.
Een heldere vuurbal die eerder deze maand in de hemel boven de Verenigde Staten voorbij 'flitste', was "zeer waarschijnlijk" een onderdeel van een Russische spionagesatelliet. Dat melden experts aan persbureau AP.
Boven het Rocky Mountains-gebied in de VS was te zien hoe het heldere object uiteenviel en langzaam richting het noorden bewoog. Tientallen inwoners van New Mexico tot Montana maakten een melding van de ongebruikelijke waarneming, die 's avonds op 2 september te zien was in de lucht. Ooggetuigen omschreven het verschijnsel als drie "stenen met gloeiende rode en oranje strepen". "Ze waren kleurrijk en snel, ik heb nog nooit zoiets gezien."
Ging het daadwerkelijk om een meteoriet of een ander hemellichaam? Nee, zeggen experts. "Een meteoriet zou veel te snel opgebrand zijn om vanuit zo"n breed gebied gespot te worden", legt Mike Hankey van de American Meteor Society uit aan AP.
Het was waarschijnlijk een onderdeel van een Russische verkenningssatelliet, die afgelopen mei gelanceerd werd, vertelt Charles Vick, een veiligheidsexpert bij militaire denktank Deze satelliet is ontworpen om foto's te nemen en terug naar aarde te sturen.
"Oogje in het zeil" Volgens John Pike, directeur van, wil Rusland "vliegtuigen, schepen, tanks, fabrieken, nieuwe voorzieningen van de inlichtingendienst, en dat soort dingen in de gaten houden". De satellieten zijn op zoek naar doelen voor nucleaire wapens, aldus Pike. "Ze zijn naar dezelfde dingen op zoek als onze spionagesatellieten."
Volgens Rusland is er echter niks aan de hand. "Onze satellieten functioneren naar behoren", laat Igor Konashenkov, woordvoerder van het Russische ministerie van Defensie, weten. "Men kan slechts gissen naar de gesteldheid van de vertegenwoordigers van die zogenaamde American Meteor Society toen zij een lichtgevend fenomeen identificeerden als een Russische militaire satelliet."
Geschat wordt dat er momenteel 98 spionagesatellieten in de ruimte zijn, gelanceerd door minstens zes landen, zegt Jonathan McDowell, een astronoom aan het Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. 37 daarvan zijn afkomstig van de VS, 30 van China, en slechts 3 van Rusland. "Het grootste deel van die satellieten is oud, en waarschijnlijk de helft is momenteel actief."
This spectacular video, was recorded in Russia a few months ago, concerns the sighting of a mysterious ball of light chasing a train along the way between Nizhniy Novgorod, Izhevsk.
Meticulous Visual Recreation Of Moon Landing Shows It Wasn’t A Hoax
Graphics giant Nvidia has used its latest GPU to debunk several common Apollo hoax arguments.
Well known for its range of high performance computer graphics cards, Nvidia has demonstrated its latest dynamic lighting technology by recreating the site of the famous Apollo 11 moon landing in an effort to prove that the event really happened.
In particular the company has focused on producing an accurate recreation of a well known photograph taken by Neil Armstrong showing Buzz Aldrin descending the steps of the lander while the area around him is engulfed in shadow.
Conspiracy theorists have long argued that this particular image is evidence that the landings were hoaxed because Aldrin, despite being within the shadowed area, is somehow brightly lit, indicating that there must have been some other light source situated nearby.
“We talked to a lot of experts in the field to re-create what happened on the moon that day,” said GeForce general manager Scott Herkelman. “We re-created perfectly what they made and how the reflection would look off the suits, duct tape [and] aluminum foil.”
By recreating the scene the team was able to demonstrate that Aldrin was actually being lit by sunlight that was bouncing off the surrounding lunar surface. “The sun is hitting the dust, and it’s illuminating the backside of the Apollo module and astronaut,” said Herkelman. Read more at io9
On Tuesday 22nd April 2008 I appeared on BBC London Radio with JoAnne Goode and Paul Ross to discuss mystery big cats around London, so what better way to celebrate reaching the fiftieth Saturday Strangeness installment than with another ‘big cat’ tale from the capital…
In the March of 1994 there were reports that a lioness was on the loose in North London and had been sighted by a Linda Bostock in broad daylight, who described the felid as having, “…short golden hair and big padded paws.” Of course, the elusive cat never showed up despite calls flooding in to the local police switchboard – echoing reports from 20th January in the same year around the Northolt area of West London, where sightings of a puma-like cat took place near the station. A Robert Delane claimed the animal, “…was three-feet tall and four-feet long with a velvety biscuit-coloured coat.”
Back at Winchmore Hill, residents jammed the police board with several sightings of the giant cat, which matched the same description of the Northolt prowler. More than thirty police officers swarmed upon the area and created more panic than what it was worth, as they paraded through the streets with megaphones warning parents to keep their children inside. Pets were also deemed at risk and pupils at the local schools were not allowed home until the matter was cleared up.
Of course, no lioness, or even a puma turned up. Despite a helicopter whirring in the skies over Palmers Green and marksmen from London Zoo lurking in the bushes with tranquiliser guns, the only thing that reared its head was the occasional domestic cat and a bull mastiff. There never was a lioness on the roam, but there most likely had been a puma, in fact there had been one for more than forty years, or certainly generations spawned from the original Surrey ‘puma’ which made its name in the ’50s and ’60s.
All the beast of Winchmore Hill did was prove how inadequte police investigations continue to be with regards to cat-flaps concerning mystery felids, and leaves us asking the question – who is the bigger threat, the puma or the police? – Londonist
The 1st house built in Bethlehem, PA was constructed on this site in 1741, to be later replaced by the Eagle Hotel in 1823. In 1922, Charles Schwab, president of Bethlehem Steel, decided he wanted more modern digs to live in and the Hotel Bethlehem was born. It even had running water!
But it came with more than hot and cold water. Over the years, people have reported being tapped on the shoulder by the unseen, bodiless voices have called out employee’s names, there are reported cold spots, and even sightings of unplugged vacuum cleaners gliding across the rugs (we wish we had one of those haunting our carpets!)
The Bethlehem was built over the site of the old Eagle Hotel, which was demolished to clear land. The bricks and mortar may be gone, but the Eagle’s legacy lingers; the guests and staff seem to have found a permanent home in its replacement building.
The oldest spook is Mrs. Brong, the wife of an innkeeper dating back to the Eagle Hotel days. She’s been spotted in the kitchen and the restaurant. They know it’s her because she’s barefoot, just as she liked to be in her flesh and blood days.
One famous spook that never checked out is that of actress and songbird of the 1890s, May Yohe. She grew up in the hotel that her grandfather once owned, and has been reported on the third floor gazing out a window, singing, playing the piano in the lobby, and in the exercise room reliving her childhood.
Francis “Daddy” Thomas, who lived in the hotel during colonial times, is another ghost that likes to play pranks on the staff in the boiler room. In fact, one engineer refuses to work in the area.But he’s a friendly guy who used to be early Bethlehem’s welcome wagon to visitors.
There’s also a woman dressed in Victorian garb that appears in the kitchen and floats out to the dining room, only to disappear. Ghosts of children have been reported playing throughout the Hotel, and another has been seen on the mezzanine – maybe a young May Yohe?
Some guests have requested room transfers because of the spectral shenanigans in the building. In room 932, for example, a couple saw a spook standing by the bed in his boxer shorts and undershirt. Another time, guests saw a man at their bed, and he wanted to know what they were doing in his room. EVPs recorded the voice of a spirit named Mary. Paranormal phenomena is commonplace; we particularly like the wallpaper changing color.
One set of potential spirits they won’t discuss is that of the five elderly guests who died in a fire there in 1989, caused by a faulty iron cord. – Reader Submission
Amid the search for technical explanations for the Thai Airways International (THAI) landing mishap at Suvarnabhumi airport, public curiosity has been stoked by a passenger’ s account suggesting divine intervention aided the emergency operation
A passenger claimed to the host of a radio programme to have spotted a woman thought to be a cabin crew member in a traditional outfit helping evacuate people from the A330-300 aircraft, which veered off the runway on Sunday night after arriving from China.
A traditional outfit is worn by female cabin crew during flight, but they typically switch to the airline’s skirt and blouse uniform before landing A THAI source said the passenger’ s story has bewildered airline executives and crew particularly those on board Flight 679.
The crew insisted none among them were wearing the traditional outfit when the accident took place The source said the passenger may have seen a guardian angel who “stepped in” to help.
An Airports of Thailand (AoT) source said some airport fire brigade and emergency response personnel claimed to have seen a woman in traditional spirit house dress shuffling into and out of their office, causing crackling in their radio transmissions.
The AoT source said Suvarnabhumi has seven spirit houses at the airport to ward off ill fortune
The first one is Sarn Thepparak, erected before the airport was inaugurated in 2006.
AoT former president Chotesak Artpawiriya said technical glitches and accidents at the airport persisted despite the presence of the spirit house He later ordered six more to be constructed
He recalled an incident in which a bomb disposal expert at the airport exhibited signs of being possessed by a deity The man said he was a wandering spirit called Phor Kae Ming who needed a home.
The last spirit house was constructed to be a dwelling place for the wandering spirit – Hungzai
Hi folks…Sean & I are attempting to advance the Arcane Radio brand on Stitcher Radio. I am asking my ‘Phantoms & Monsters’ readers to simply go to Arcane Radio at, listen to the podcasts and leave us a review. There are several upgrade plans in the works for Arcane Radio…including the addition of live broadcasting. Thanks again…Lon
Who is Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris? We are who we have been waiting for when it comes to alien contact. I am TJ Morris ET Contactee. The saying, “Don’t Shoot the Messenger” always comes to mind when I begin writing to those on the planet. So what in the world is alien contact? Is it me? Making life happen on a regular daily basis is important to me and others I know who do not live on this planet. Because I was chosen to raise awareness of consciousness about those above does this make me different? Am I so different than you? What in the world is alien contact?
Some who follow the archives kept by Dirk Vander Ploeg in his UFO Digest may know a small amount of my back story but I have never ever told the entire biography for a reason. You can probably figure the reason out without me sharing that part of me. However, each person’s truth is forever changing just like the one thing that remains constant in the universe is change. Now change is going to take on a whole new meaning for most humanoid sentient intelligent beings. For those who have not experienced their veil being lifted in this lifetime, it may not again in this lifetime. But, you may learn that for many it has already lifted and these beings are called “Awake to the shift that occurred on 12-21-12 for the Starseeds.” Oh I recognize that many people do not understand the logos and language and metaphors.
Epistemology is now a major part of being for truthseekers and those we call lightworkers. The communication of our truth is based on our own personal experiences and how they enhance the overall life forms on this planet. At one time those entities who are like us now had no ears to hear, and no tongue to speak. The fact that life is every changing and our truth and history is as well is what the future of Ascension Age is all about. The message about what in the world is alien contact will deal with those with whom I have come in contact with in what we call the alien world of contact. There are those who have agreed in some energy waves of essence that are here to support the change on the planet for all humanoid sentient intelligent beings. Change is good but not everyone who is alive on this planet thinks so. There are many who are scared of change. Those who have something to lose may be controlled with fear. Therefore, they may not want the change that is happening about alien contact.
The main change which is occurring about the fact that “Alien Civilizations Exist” has been a part of our back story for all humanoid sentient intelligent beings. We are not from here since we have souls. We are just visiting this planet. Those who come together in what we call dimensions, levels, realms, and waves do so by freewill and choice. Freedom and justice is what we desire no matter where we are among others of our kind. Also, we choose to be among our kind as we do not like to be lonely. We have developed a kindred spirit keeper in all of us that allows us to know of each other no matter how alone we feel. Feeling is an emotion that is instilled in all humanoids as sentient intelligent beings. The message I was sent here to share as my mission and even in some part as a soul purpose is about communication. Communication of what is good and right for the entire universe and even beyond regarding the “Cosmos Beings”.
Cosmos Beings have allowed us to share communication among ourselves in order to not be alone in this vast universe when it comes to what we now relate to as words. “In the beginning was the word and the word was without form.” This is about as far back in what humans call time. Humankind has been allowed to understand elements of all there is in what we now call theories or suspicions regarding the energy we term imaginations. Many great thinkers including Albert Einstein knew the importance of imagination. Look up all those in this lifetime who have been what we call “Game Changers”. I am one of those and it is a calling and election made sure in the other dimensions, levels, realms, and universes that recognize what we are and who we will become.
Alien contact comes in many forms and to the chosen we grasp for words to fit into the minds of those who are here on this planet to learn to exist, grow, live, and thrive in this biological environment. There is a nature’s God that those who came before allowed for us all to relate too. The universal laws and the principles of life allow for us all to recognize gender in all lifeforms. Some of us are self-aware. We are those called SIB. SIB is the acronym for sentient intelligent beings. Alien contact in this world is simply about awareness that alien civilizations exist and that we are all a part of this world about alien contact.
The big picture that everyone seeks as a microcosm inside this macrocosm is to increase their awareness of what it means to be loved. We all want to be recognized and validated as existing. Those who are SIBS who are in this life form as humanoids who will continue to grow and maintain sustainability will learn who they can define as those who are loved and will emulate that emotional bond to others of their own species. This is a natural affinity for the truth to belong to something much greater than one’s own self. Self is to be acquired as that which we all can relate too in one form or another called life forms from another place in space and in time. Welcome alien contact and embrace it in this world. The truth is out there and something wonderful is happening. I know because I am an ET Contactee. More later…TJ (Note-Exclusive for our ET friends of TJ Morris ET Contactee)
ACO LLCInformation Services
Agent-Consultant-Organizer TJ Morris dba ACIR -ACO LLC Theresa J Morris aka TJ Morris, Author, Entrepreneur, Speaker, and Radio Host shares her experiences in her books. Born Theresa Janette Thurmond, in Monroe, La now lives in Beaver Dam, KY USA with her husband-author, Thomas R. Morris. Theresa has Authors Club Organization and Associates Community Online as ACO. TJ has owned her own business ACIR since 1978. TJ specializes in metaphysics, parapsychology, paranormal, ufology genres and became a syndicated columnist for various magazines in 2007. Theresa has owned American News Magazine since 2004 and Anew News for ACIR-ACO Press as an Investigative Reporter. ACO Culture Club is for TJ's friends of Internet Culture in Cyberspace. Theresa has over 36 years experience as a Private Investigator, Legal Investigator, and U.S. Government, DOD, USN, GS, Contractor. Theresa is managing editor for publications and authors in Authors Club Organization, ACO. Education in Business Intelligence administration, former President/CEO of both profit and nonprofit corporations. TJ has traveled the world and loves people and animals. Advocate of art, culture, education. Member of BMI Broadcast Music Incorporated as Producer/Songwriter.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.