The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
I remember looking out my window in Billings, Montana. There were green hills and large open sky. I used to love watching the stars and so I did it often. We lived a little bit away from the center of the city so I could see many stars and there aren't too many people in Montana anyway.
My whole childhood was very spiritual because I have always been involved in finding the truth. I communicated with spirits, learned lessons, meditated and wrote in a dream journal. I learned to focus on something to try to absorb its energies. I looked into the sky at the moon and did this often just contemplating on how protective it is. That it is really the Earth’s wings that I am seeing.
Shooting Stars
There are many regular meteor showers throughout the year. There is a list of almost a hundred of them going all year long. These are the shooting stars that we see. A shooting star is a small, rapidly moving meteor burning up on entering the earth's atmosphere according to the dictionary. A shooting star is a breathtaking display of solar fireworks that is a magical sight to see.
Shooting Stars are commonly seen in the clear skies overhead and have been viewed in a positive light. Most people would gasp in excitement to see one and feel very lucky inside. There is not one person who could say that the flash of a meteor flying by us from outer space is not a visual masterpiece sent from the Heaven’s above and why not make a wish on one and watch it come true.
Falling Stars
Falling from the sky when I looked out of my window was what looked like a falling star. It was not something I had much knowledge of at the time I was a 12 year old girl. I looked towards the east and that is the direction where I saw it. I know that it was dark outside but when the star landed it made the whole sky glow an orange and purple color and then it looked like the colors of the dawn coming up and disappeared and the morning became so bright there was no shining star. It was an event that reminded me of that photo where Satan is falling from Heaven. I was already very knowledgeable in the occult by the age of 12 as I had a spirit guide that related every piece of information to me about my past lives and also how to have magic.
A falling star is a meteor or a shooting star. It is in my opinion one of the most magical artifacts that could ever come to Earth. Reports that meteors have created and destroyed life are common and Revelations in the Christian bible claims as the beast and a giant star from the Heavens come down is so powerful and what could be as powerful but a falling star that can create and destroy life, bring precious materials from outer space and rare beauty and energy. It is truly a cosmic and holy object.
UFO Sighting
Bright lights passing by so fast I cannot see where I am going The dawn coming as the night passed While I was sleeping and letting stars fall From Heaven
Neon glowing and I feel a beautiful emission Of energy loving changing forming growing, glowing ,reaping and sowing Angelic objects wings burning harvesting stars Lights from above Change me
Ragnarok is the cycle of energy. It is the time in Nordic legends that can be compared to the Christian apocalypse. The focus of Ragnarok is not on the ending of the universe but in its ending is a new beginning. Ragnarok lessons are that of the seasons changing and how all energy is transforming constantly.
Yggdrasil is the tree that is the center of the universe in Norse mythology. It is the absolute most magical tree in the universe. It is ancient and it has been around since the beginning of time. It is a tree that lives in outer space and connects to nine different planets.
A tree is understood to be the symbol for transformation between worlds as it grows from a seed in the water and then emerges its roots in the underground from their half of it lives in the above ground soaking up the sun and the moon. It is alive yet spiritual. It is also a symbol for family and a very powerful dream totem to have when lucid dreaming. Yggdrasil is an ash tree.
The birth of Christ was under a comet? Have you heard that miraculous leaders are born beneath cosmic objects, people sacrificed to this day underneath planetary alignments. Halley ’s Comet and the folklore surrounding. Well I am born the year of and legend says I will die the year of the comets return if my birth was in its presence. Mark Twain is a legend of time who knew this story and it came true and he was born and died on the passing. Many tell these histories. Will I?
Why are they so magical these holy lights? What sort of power do they really hold over us? They are so alive we can all see and they have affected us and they control things like fate and like destiny. The stars that we look up into the sky to view are not even existing in the same year or time frame that we are yet we see them. They birthed us onto Earth and they are ready to take us away. Abducting us all into the spirit world. We will all cross over.
Why do we die? I wish that we would stop dying and I guess the only way to wish for things like that is to wish on a star because only the gods in the Heavens can save us.
The upcoming 51st anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination and its connection to classified UFO files is discussed in a new video released by Third Phase of Phase on November 6.
The video,“UFO Sightings MJ-12: The Presidents Last Stand,” proposes the general public is opening up for the first time to the possibility that Kennedy had a genuine interest in UFOs and that this played a role in his assassination. Using historic documents – both those released through the Freedom of Information Act and those leaked unofficially by whistleblowers – it is proposed that Kennedy tried a number of different initiatives to gain access to classified UFO files. With a subscriber base of almost 200,000, the Third Phase of Moon video introduces a radical new perspective on the Kennedy Assassination to the US and world public.
The Third Phase of Moon video uses a combination of new film footage taken on the Big Island of Hawaii with the writer wherein my 2013 book, Kennedy’s Last Stand, is discussed, and archived footage of a 2009 lecture wherein documents concerning Kennedy’s efforts to gain access to classified UFO files are discussed. The video begins by discussing President Kennedy’s experiences in Post War Germany where he was a guest of the U.S. Secretary of Navy, James Forrestal, and toured captured Nazi UFO technologies. Kennedy’s war time knowledge of UFOs played a key role in his interest in gaining access to classified UFO files closely safeguarded by the CIA’s counter intelligence division, and a secretive organization called Majestic-12.
Kennedy’s efforts to do an end run against the CIA’s refusal to share classified UFO files is discussed, along with his efforts to gain access using his Commander in Chief powers when visiting U.S. military facilities. It is claimed that Kennedy shared some of the UFO secrets he had discovered with Marilyn Monroe. Monroe’s estrangement from Kennedy and attempt to reveal his UFO secrets through a planned Press Conference, is claimed to have played a direct role in her August 1962 death.
The Third Phase of Moon video finishes with Kennedy’s historic September 20, 1963 initiative announced at the United Nations General Assembly to collaborate with the Soviet Union in joint space and lunar missions. It is proposed that Kennedy’s space cooperation initiative was driven by a desire to have classified UFO files shared between the respective bureaucracies of the US and USSR.
This would have eventually ensured direct Presidential access to classified UFO files and programs. When it became clear on 12 November 1963 – after Soviet Premier Khrushchev finally accepted Kennedy’s space cooperation initiative – that Kennedy might succeed, a secret assassination directive called “Project Environment,” was implemented by the head of the CIA’s counter intelligence division. Ten days later, President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
The Hoia-Baciu Forest is situated near Cluj-Napoca, Romania and is often referred to as the Bermuda Triangle of the country and it has a reputation as world’s most haunted forest due to paranormal activity and unexplained events there.
Reports have included, ghost sightings, unexplained apparitions, guardian angels and faces appearing in photographs that were not visible with the naked eye, and in 1968, UFO sightings were reported.
The last reported UFO was filmed over Baciu Forest in 2002 by two Cluj residents who lived on the top floor of a building on the outskirts of the neighborhood Manastur. The UFO was caught on film for 27 seconds and were described as a cigar-shaped bright object in the sky with a length of about 50 meters.
In the forest there is a magnetic area 300 meters wide and electronic devices are known to malfunction when introduced into the area. Tests with measurement devices have revealed electromagnetic interference, magnetic anomalies, microwave, infrared and radioactive emissions all in the abnormal range.
People have been known to disappear, strange lights have been seen and people entering the forest and experiencing missing time.
Some paranormal investigators have associated all these strange activities and sightings with supernatural activity and believe that the forest is a gateway to another dimension.
Many objects called UFO sightings from different testimonies. But when it comes to NASA always happens “are reflections”, “space junk” or lens flaws… even “the altered psychological state” Astronaut.
In this video you will see three cases of unidentified flying objects, maybe Ebani’s, come out of the clouds and follow the external fuel tanks falling away from Space Shuttles after they achieved orbit.
Toen deze UFO verscheen boven Ilpendam is hij waarschijnlijk door niemand opgemerkt.
Toch is hij niet aan de aandacht ontsnapt omdat Google de UFO heeft weten vast te leggen.
Het is natuurlijk al meerdere malen voorgekomen dat Google met het maken van alle foto's vreemde objecten in de lucht weet vast te leggen.
Als deze worden ontdekt dan duurt het meestal niet al te lang voordat ze worden “weggepoetst”. Als je dus zelf wilt controleren of het klopt, raden wij je aan om niet al te lang te wachten.
Wat je nodig hebt is Google Earth en dan vervolgens kun je de volgende coördinaten kopiëren en plakken: 52°27'58.02"N 4°57'21.28"E
Boven een huis zie je dan een gloeiende UFO waaruit een lichtstraal lijkt te komen.
Wanneer je Streetview selecteert, zie je een donkere ovale UFO boven het huis.
Het is niet duidelijk wanneer deze opnames door Google zijn gemaakt, maar mocht iemand uit Ilpendam zich toch herinneren iets gezien te hebben dan horen we dat graag.
UFO Sightings Department of Defense Speaks To Thirdphaseofmoon Exclusive Report! UFO Disclosure, Whistle Blower Explains!
Thirdphaseofmoon is looking for the best UFO footage Shot by People Like you from Around The World! Upload your ufo Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!
Do Spirit Pond Inscriptions Show That the Holy Grail Was Taken to North America?
Forensic geologist, Scott Wolter, has put forward a radical new theory concerning a set of three inscribed stones found near Spirit Pond in Phippsburg more than 40 years ago. According to Wolter, the controversial stones are evidence that the Knights Templar fled Europe for North America after their persecution in 1307, bringing with them the Holy Grail.
The Spirit Pond rune stones, as they are often called, were found in 1971 by a Walter J. Elliott, Jr., a carpenter born in Bath, Maine. The stones, currently housed at the Maine State Museum, have been dismissed by some scientists as a hoax or a fraud, but others maintain that they are authentic and provide evidence of pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact and Norse colonisation of the Americas.
The mysterious stones measure about six by eleven inches. One stone features a rough map on one side and inscriptions on the other. The second stone bore a dozen letters on one side, and the third contained a long message of sixteen lines neatly inscribed on both sides of the stone.
Upon finding the stones, Walter Elliott took them to the Bath Maritime Museum, where director Harold Brown suggested that the marks might be in the Norse runic alphabet. Subsequently, the stones found their way to Einar Haugen, Harvard professor of Scandinavian languages and history. In his published evaluation, he was adamant the stones were a fraud and dismissed them as “gibberish”. Continue reading at The Epoch Times
Widow digs up husband’s body before dumping coffin on roadside
A grieving widow faces jail after exhuming the corpse of her dead husband before dumping his coffin on the roadside and attempting to smuggle his body across a border.
Verica Zunjic, 60, had driven 230 miles from her home in the town of Doboj, Bosnia, to Danilovgrad, Montenegro, where her husband Milograd was buried in a family plot.
It is thought that she had fallen out with her late husband’s family and wanted his resting place to be closer to home.
After sneaking into the graveyard where he was buried, she continued to exhume his body by digging up his coffin, before putting it in the back of her car and attempting to head home.
She had faced difficulty in closing the boot once her husband’s body was inside the vehicle and had consequently laid him on the back seat, hoping to tell border officials that he was sleeping.
However, fellow motorists became suspicious when Mrs Zunjic was spotted pulling over and opening the coffin, before putting her husband’s body in the car.
Her plan came undone when she was stopped by a police patrol a few miles down the road, after police were able to survey CCTV footage to identify the pensioner.
A police spokesman said: ‘When officers stopped her she denied any wrong-doing and said she was “just taking what was rightfully hers”.
‘Unfortunately, exhuming a corpse without official permission is illegal, no matter what the reasons.’ - Metro
The remarkable meeting of opposite extremes was organized to celebrate Guinness World Records Day.
Sultan Kosen of Turkey, the tallest man in the world at 2.51m in height, attended the event in London where he shook hands with Nepal's Chandra Bahadur Dangi, the world's smallest man who measures just 55 centimeters tall.
"I was very interested how tall he was going to be, about how far up my legs he would go, and of course once I saw him I realized how tiny he was," said Kosen who also holds the world record for the world's largest hands.
"Even though he is short and I am tall, we have had similar struggles throughout our lives and when I look into Chandra's eyes I can see he is a good man."
His counterpart Mr Dangi, who is now 74, barely reached his knees when standing up.
"I was very pleased to see the tallest man in the world, I was curious to meet my extreme opposite," he said. "I'm so pleased to be a Guinness record holder. Thanks to this I have visited many countries and met many people. I really love it."
Modern Russia's obsession with psychics and the occult
Modern Russia is, apparently, a hotbed of psychic activity. Recent reports have estimated that Russia's psychic industry is worth between $15 million and $2 billion. These aren't super-reliable figures, but that they exist at all indicates the scale of psychic devotion in Russia. A new book, by freelance journalist Marc Bennetts, explores the scale of this phenomenon — and the reasons behind it.
In a tweet advertising his book, Bennetts advertises stories of "Kremlin-backed psychics, 'resurrections' for $1,500 a corpse, [and] urban witches with too much make-up." His previous reporting on Russia's psychic underground, like this piece in Sabotage Magazine last year, certainly delivers some equally crazy stories:
"Town halls that had once hosted Communist Party meetings [and] now saw sorcerers armed with ouija boards attempting to conjure up Lenin's spirit." A Moscow witch who promised that her "mixture of psychic and magical abilities as yet unknown to science" could help a client land a promotion (maximum six year guarantee).
Since 2008, the Russian government has required an official license to advertise any services as "magic." In other words, the Russian state is formally licensing magicians, as well as any sorcerers, wizards, witches, or other characters who would like to sell themselves as performing magic. But it does not require a license to advertise "paranormal" services.
So why is this so prevalent?
The basic explanation offered by Bennets and others has to do with Soviet communism's collapse. Since the Warsaw Pact began falling apart in the late 80s, large numbers of Russians turned to psychic and spiritual beliefs to make up for the ideological void that communism left.
Take faith healer Anatoly Kashpirovsky, who first became famous in October 1989. Kashpirovsky "would appeal to viewers to place pots and pans full of water by their television sets during his show, so that their contents would be charged with healing properties by being exposed to his waves of telepathic energy," Radio Free Europe correspondent Tom Balmforth writes in Russia Profile. According to Balmforth, a 1990 poll found that 52.3 percent of respondents believed that Kashpirovsky's techniques could cure illnesses. - VOX
Murder makes Hong Kong 'haunted apartments' a hard sell
There's a grim phenomenon in the real estate market in Hong Kong: discounts of as much as 50 per cent for home-seekers willing to live in an apartment where a murder has occurred.
Unnatural deaths typically result in rental discounts of 10 per cent to 20 per cent and can be more than double that for sinister killings, according to Sammy Po, head of the residential department of realtor Midland Holdings. Chinese believe such places, known as "hung jaak," the Cantonese term for "haunted apartments," are unlucky, he said.
"The Chinese really do care" about living in these places, Po said.
The rent for a Wan Chai district apartment where police found two women's bodies on November 1, HK$29,000 (NZ$4,750) a month at the time of the murders, will probably drop by half when it's released from being a crime scene, cleaned and rented again, according to a director of the company that owns the unit, who didn't want his name or firm identified because he isn't permitted to speak publicly. The sales value of the unit in the luxury J Residence would decline from HK$9 million to HK$6m if it were sold immediately, the person said.
Hong Kong had almost 190 sites where an unnatural death took place, including murders and suicides, this year, according to a database compiled by
Squarefoot lists the date of the incident, the address, the district and a brief description of the death. Among recent listings were an apartment where an 18-year-old male student slipped a plastic bag over his head last month and jumped to his death; one where a middle-aged couple, plagued by financial troubles, committed suicide by inhaling burning coal smoke; and another where a mother was hacked to death by a mentally unstable neighbor while protecting her two daughters.
Hong Kong is certainly not the only place where home- seekers can be wary of a residence marred by tragedy. Nevertheless, in a comparably high-demand market like New York City, the stigma is less marked, according to Jonathan Miller, president of real estate appraiser Miller Samuel Inc. in Manhattan. Where sales inventory in the city is scarce and rents are near records, a crime or other negative event wouldn't have much effect on price, he said.
In Britain, a particularly notorious crime can cause a home to become unsaleable, requiring it to be knocked down and rebuilt, said Richard Sexton, a director at e.surv, the country's largest provider of residential property valuations.
"Equally, if it's a folklore situation, the U.K. can be different," he said. "The house with the friendly ghosts can sometimes be marketed that way as a positive."
Hong Kong property agents aren't required by law to disclose if a death occurred in a unit, but they should provide information when asked under the industry's code of ethics, according to the Estate Agents Authority, a government agency. Potential tenants or buyers should ask whether a suicide or homicide took place because there's no legal definition of a "haunted property," the agency said in an e-mailed response.
Hong Kong is otherwise Asia's priciest real estate market. Private residential rents hit a record high in August, reaching almost HK$25 a square foot, or HK$12,500 for a 500-square-foot apartment, according to Midland. Residential sales prices, which have more than doubled since the start of 2009, hit a record last month despite government measures to curb demand.
The city is the world's most expensive after London for multinational companies to base staff because of its real estate, according to property brokerage Savills Plc.
C S Group, a Hong Kong property-services firm, is auctioning a 550-square-foot "hung jaak" on Nov. 18 with a starting price of HK$3.18m, according to its website. An apartment of the same size in the same complex sold last month for almost 27 per cent more, or HK$4.33m, according to data from Midland.
"The demand is there, whether from investors seeking rent or for self use," said Alger Cheng, general manager of the group's auction department.
First-time homebuyers are also drawn to these cheaper properties, Midland's Po said.
Superstition and geomancy beliefs run deep. Hong Kong people also shun sites close to cemeteries, hospitals and churches, which can be considered unlucky. Buildings typically omit the fourth floor because the number is a homonym for the Chinese word for death. Property developers rely on feng shui, which translates as "wind and water," the Chinese practice of arranging the physical environment in harmony according to beliefs about energy and design.
"For those growing up in Hong Kong, feng shui is hammered into your mind, even if you don't believe or understand it," said Ng Wai-pok, a former lecturer of feng shui at the University of Hong Kong. "A large part of it is psychological, but there is also the metaphysical."
Expatriates tend to be less concerned with living in "haunted apartments," said Asif Ghafoor, founder of property- listing website
For them, "location is by far the most important thing," he said. - Stuff
It began in my childhood home on one ordinary night and not unlike any other. My family all went to sleep and as I had done many times before, I got out of bed in the middle of the night. I quietly took my blanket and laid on top of the heater vent in the hallway. The vent came up through the floor in the middle of the hall at the top of the stairs. It was centered between four bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor where I would often fall asleep. This time I was awakened by what I thought was a young boy standing at my feet smiling at me. He was about three feet tall with dirty blonde straight hair. I thought that maybe my sister Janet had been sitting and the child woke up wandering. But then I thought it was probably a dream. because that didn’t make sense. So I rubbed my eyes but the child was still there. I did it again only harder and again he was still there. I remember thinking that I had to wake myself up. I rubbed my eyes two more times, still there.
Only now because of the look on his face I started getting scared. It began to occur to me that this wasn’t what it seemed, so I ever so slowly stood up. He was looking right at me, and smiling with an uncanny knowing smile. Something in his expression seemed to me as if he was thinking “I know something about YOU!” Suddenly he started to move, he went around me from my right hand side to my left. As he passed, I followed him in through my mom’s open door at the end of the hall. There he stopped at the end of her bed while still looking at me. I slowly circled around him, making no quick or jerky moves. I didn’t want to arouse any suspicion of what I was about to do. I stood between him and the end of my mom’s bed. He was right under the hanging light switch. I was going to grab for the switch quick before he has a chance to react. “NOW!” I quickly pull the switch! The damn light blows out, but during the flash, I could see he or it was gone. I instantly leaped into my mother’s bed and frantically woke her so I could tell her. “Mom, Mom,” she’s like, “what’s the matter?” “I just saw a ghost at the end of your bed.” She says, “that’s because you’re so bad.” I was around 9 years old at the time and that was real encouraging. The next morning I told my brother but he didn’t believe me. He went upstairs with me to turn on the light, it was blown. “See, I wasn’t lying.” I first believed it was a ghost but later experiences brought me to the conclusion that it was more likely an extraterrestrial. 1982 ……
NEW HAVEN CONNECTICUT Now several years would pass and the next event would change me permanently. It was what I’ve heard referred to as a plasma UFO and now I began to think that someone was trying to get my attention. Now the first visual event of the little boy wasn’t a fluke anymore. Now I’m about 11 or 12 and WOW! What the hell is that in the sky, Venus? It must be a planet I thought. I’ve heard about these things before, colorful lights always turn out to be a planet. But it couldn’t be a planet because it’s too big and close and moving too weird. Let me back up about five minutes. I was just an average boy and there I was walking home as usual one summer night. When I got to my street one block from the shoreline I took a left at the Town Beach Park. It was a small dimly lit neighborhood park with a few picnic tables and a swing set area. My house was only four short blocks away. I walked another block where my street crossed the main road in and out of my neighborhood. There was never much traffic at night, except for area residents. When I crossed the street, something in the sky caught my eye. A very large multi-colored luminous cloud like object appeared. It was a clear star lit night with no clouds in the area. The object was about the same altitude as a low cumulus cloud so I would have to judge the size to be about a mile wide. It was slightly oval horizontally but not rounded. I would describe it as globular. It was what appeared to be a luminous plasma made up of about twelve different distinct but separate colors.
They were each somewhat globular as well, forming the whole. Each of the colors was changing shape and size while adjacent colors would either contract or expand in response. There were no borders between the colors and they were bright, saturated and fluorescent in appearance like neon. The overall size of the entire plasma cloud didn’t vary during the expansion and contraction of the individual colors. It was completely silent and as you can imagine, I was stunned frozen. It was both amazing and beautiful, but what was it? I’d never seen anything like it before or since and I’ve told the story so many times I can remember it like it was yesterday. I seemed perfectly centered from left to right, beneath it and it was about 30 degrees south from directly over my head. This placed it over the shore of the Town Beach. There was nothing on that side of the street so my view was unobstructed. After about 30 seconds, the thing just shot straight back and disappeared into a clear sky full of stars. Then suddenly, as quickly as it shot away, it came straight back to the same exact position and size with all the colors in the exact same places they were. It was only gone for about ten seconds. The speed was astonishing it took less than a second or about a second to travel the distance. From about a mile across to hundreds or even thousands of miles away in one second, WOW! It took no more than a second to return too. I remember thinking, “this is weird and I don’t think it’s from here” but here it was again. This time it hovered for another 10 seconds beautiful and silent. Then again shot away for another couple seconds before shooting straight back to the same position and size. It went back and forth at the same speed 3 more times each time staying for about a second before shooting off for the last time. It was as if it was showing off its speed or something. I stood there still frozen for about thirty more seconds waiting for it to return. Then suddenly I was jolted by the realization of what I just saw. I instantly started running home the last three blocks faster than I’d ever run before. When I got home heart pounding, out of breath, I frantically told my older brother Frank, “I just saw a UFO!” The next day, my brother told me that in the paper that other people reported it and that it was gases escaped from a test rocket.
That cover-story never sat right with me, I never heard of anyone testing rockets over populated New England towns. Anyway, since when does escaped gas take off and come back four more times before actually escaping? Now, what you should know is that the last contact was about a year ago which left physical marks on my person. Another thing is that a lot of very strange things have been happening to me since the first two contacts. These things probably number into the hundreds. However, it was the second encounter that altered my perception of reality. People have asked me if I was abducted, if it was aliens, if they did something to me? I don’t know if I was abducted I didn’t check the clock for missing time. I hadn’t heard the UFO missing time stories back then. From what I understand however from a contact investigator and from documentaries, altered reality and extraterrestrial contact go hand in hand. Many people who have reported encounters have also reported lingering or permanent altered realities. Increases in paranormal activity, increases in synchronicity, psi events and so on. Also it has made me much more open to spirituality. Anything to me is now possible including the possibility of a greater consciousness and higher states of existence. I also feel a silent invisible presence just observing me, an almost tangible entity just beyond my five senses. I know it’s there and I know it’s aware of that. I don’t know what it or they are or what it or they want but I can psychically sense an existence just beyond my physicality.
One of the very conscious conclusions I took away from this event was that I believe that whatever it was I saw in the sky, was there for ME! The way I was directly centered from left to right and the way it shot back and forth directly from my angle of vision are a couple of the things that years later would lead me to this conclusion. The accumulative effects of other anomalies before and after are other reasons. I also came to the conclusion that it wasn’t a craft but an entity. I believe from the rest of what has happened to me since, that there is an agenda I’m supposed to accomplish.
NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Deeper detail including the third contact and much more can be found in the newly published book “Sin Thesis” This article was written using excerpts from the non-fiction book “Sin Thesis” available at Amazon written by the author Robert Torres.
Traditionally, the Center identifies a given sighting by assigning to it the name of the nearest city, or other geographical feature or landmark. It the case of the cluster of sighting reports we received over the Hotline on the evening of March 15, l995, so many states and cities were involved, we are going to borrow a line from Shakespeare regarding the possible perils of that date…The first call we received was from Cannis City, FL, reporting that two males were walking along railroad tracks near that town and were stunned to see a luminous, white disc-shaped object streak across the sky, pass below or near several aircraft in the night sky, appear to ascend back up into the sky, and disappear to the north.
The report seemed to be sincere, and bore several of the hallmarks that the Center knows to be characteristic of legitimate reports. However, it was so much like so many other reports the Hotline receives on a regular basis that we were not yet alerted to the possibility that other reports were soon to follow…..The third call we received minutes later from a gentleman in Jackson, TN, who reported witnessing a blue-green “cloud of light” hovering in the night sky. He had seen it streak from the northwest beneath, he thought, almost solid overcast, hover for approximately 30 or 40 seconds, during which time he could almost see some kind of object apparently imbedded in the cloud of light. The object then began to drift generally to the southwest, the caller reported, at which time it belched out a large “cloud” of sparks, and then streaked southwest, quickly disappearing from sight. Minutes later, we received a call from a sergeant in the Missouri Highway Patrol communications headquarters in Jefferson City (“Troop F”). The officer had been on duty that night at his station on the east side of Jefferson City, when together with two Jefferson City police officers, he witnessed an intensely bright, green light hover in the sky over Jefferson City for approximately 5-7 seconds. The object began to descend slowly, at which point its color changed to yellow, and then it simply disappeared from sight instantly, like a light being switched off. The patrol officer reported that their “911” emergency dispatch telephone line had taken many reports from citizens regarding the same object, and one caller reported that his cellular phone and radio went dead while the object was near his vehicle. While I was speaking with the patrol officer, another call came in from a retired commercial airline pilot, who resides in Vienna, VA. He and his wife were driving back to their home in Vienna, just a few miles west of Washington, D.C., after having picked up their daughter at National Airport. Their daughter is an airline pilot for the same airline that her father had flown for, and from which he had retired. As they were driving west (at a heading of approximately 250 degrees magnetic) on Westford Avenue (?), approaching the exit for Chain Bridge Road, the father and daughter both simultaneously observed an bright object, apparently at some distance from them, streak down out of the sky almost directly ahead of them, descending at approximately 70-80 degrees from the horizontal plane. They both expected to observe some kind of explosion when the object reached ground level, but nothing happened! Rather than explode, the object simply disappeared from sight–uneventfully– when it reached the horizon… The next call came from Fairmont, WV, perhaps a hundred miles (or more) to the northwest of Vienna, VA. A young woman called to report that, after visiting with her mother in Westover, WV, she had just sat in the driver’s seat of her car to leave, when a bright light had streaked silently over her car at a breath-taking velocity. She added that as she glanced up at the light, she thought she could make out the outline of an “egg-shaped” object imbedded in the orb of bright light. The back portion of the object was bright yellow. Many other calls were received that night, and over subsequent days, regarding what appears to us to be the same sighting. Thousands (!) of calls reportedly were received by radio stations and “911” facilities in St. Louis, MO, after the object passed over that city, and we received two very convincing call from western Illinois, as well. In summary, it appears that one or more egg-shaped objects, radiating intensely bright green, blue-green, and yellow light, and periodically spewing out a cloud of sparks, streaked over at least seven states, stopping from time to time, and the whole event occurred in a matter of minutes!! I would like to close discussion of the case by extending congratulations to Mr. Tom Eckhardt, and the other UFO investigators, of the Acteon Group in St. Louis for their excellent investigation of this case. From our vantage point, their investigation and documentation of the events that occurred over their state on March 15 was second to none, and we are grateful for their wonderful written report regarding the incident.
J. Allen Hynek, a once UFO skeptic, began classifying the most compelling and promising scientific cases of UFO sightings and alien encounters. As he studied and categorized the various UFO/Alien cases, Hynek began to become less of a skeptic. It his research and expertise that led to the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which is considered to be one of the most accurate portrayals of alien/UFO eyewitness accounts in a fictional movie. Just about any investigator (UFO, Criminal, Paranormal, etc.) will tell you that the eyewitness account of an event is normally the most unreliable piece of evidence gathered during an investigation. Yet, often times, it is the only piece of evidence that investigators have to go on. Moreover, the more complex or traumatic an event is, the more difficult it is to rely on these accounts.
Additionally, it is even more difficult to categorize and organize these accounts into a coherent fashion which would allow others to study these accounts. This difficulty in categorization definitely holds true for eyewitness accounts of UFO sightings and alien encounters. The difficulty lies in how different each eyewitness account is from one another. As the UFO Casebook put it: “Witnesses to UFOs report many different shapes and sizes; from discs to cigars to triangles and almost anything you could imagine.” Such varying accounts make it almost impossible to categorize them into any sort of neat classification system. However, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a UFO skeptic, set out to do so.
According to Hynek, even though UFO sightings and alien encounters vastly differ from one another, there is usually some common thread that can tie various sightings/encounters together, such as distance, time of day, shape of object, etc. He began looking at eyewitness accounts under a new light. Once he made his break with the Air Force, the former skeptic began to study these various accounts on his own; still categorizing them in his home-grown classification system. To date, the Hynek system is the most widely used UFO/Alien sighting classification system. Also see the UFO Casebook article: The Hynek Classification System.
(N.Morgan) Area 51 has been a point of mystery and debate, as to whether it is real or what it’s true mission is. Many have come forward, from former military and other officials, claiming that not only does Area 51 exist, but that it is a housing unit for alien life forms and experiments. Located around a hundred miles north of Las Vegas is one of the most guarded and mysterious pieces of land in the U.S. called Area 51.Tours at Area 51 is prohibited without authorization, but people are always finding ways to enter beyond the gates. Author of the book “Area 51 Black Jets” Bill Yenne said that the term impossible can be applied to the effort in spying the highly guarded facility, but that is not always true. He explained that there have been prying eyes looking into the mysteries of Area 51.
Government was asked by curious individuals for many decades on the real activities inside the facility, but no reliable answer was provided. It slightly change last year with the official disclosure by the CIA of what the public had speculated for years, Area 51 exists. The declassified documents contain records on the development of advanced planes such as the U-2 spy plane from the late 1950s, SR71 Blackbird, and A-12. All these things were used to be classified and eventually declassified. However, Yenne said many other activities in Area 51 are still not officially disclose until today. Speculations about reverse engineering of alien technology and alien body experimentations are still up in the air despite the released of formerly classified documents by the CIA.
While the U.S. government, via the CIA, officially acknowledged the existence of Area 51 in 2013, curious individuals are not satisfied because that was all the government did and they said nothing about what is inside today. Every person that would cross the line into the facility without clearance is likely to be arrested by the federal officers or Lincoln County sheriff. There is a warning sign that the lethal force is authorized against someone who will be caught trespassing the area. So the general public continue to speculate and imagine what transpires inside Area 51.
The event took place in District Park, next to Energy Australia Stadium in Broadmeadow NSW at 19:40 AEST. While I was jogging in the park, I looked up at a 70 degree angle in a NE direction where a moving yellowish light shone at me and caught my attention. I stopped jogging, removed my earphones and stood there to observe this strange light. The stars were yet to be visible and the moon was large and bright. I was more aware of the sky that night because I knew the space station was going to be visible at approximately 20:10 AEST. I have previously observed satellites and the space station; this was neither. At first I thought it was a helicopter as the Westpac Rescue Helipad is right next to the park. When I realized there was no sound, I became more concerned. The light was rotating from left to right in sporadic motion while moving up and down as though searching or observing. When the light was directly above me I could see the light positioned on the side of a matte-black disc object approximately 40 meters in diameter and at a height of approximately 250 meters. I became terrified and fearful for my safety. The object continued on a general path of approximately 60 km/h towards SE direction, although moving in a jolted and intermittent motion. At 20:10 AEST the space station rolled across the sky as expected.
In a Nov. 19, 1965, Ontario Hydro Hydroscope article, system supervising engineer Jim Harris was at a loss to explain the incident. “It’s incredible! I would have said this was impossible if I hadn’t seen the evidence,” he said. Just two weeks before the blackout, on Sept. 22, 1965, in an article entitled “Many report seeing two UFOs,” the Gazette chronicled the activity near the power plants. “Dozens of persons Tuesday night watched two unidentified flying objects moving and hovering over this area for more than an hour,” the article stated. “The objects, bright lights which changed color, were below cloud level and remained at a fairly low level during most of the period they were observed. “Observers said the objects were not helicopters or conventional aircraft. At one point, about 8 p.m., the two objects, which had been widely separated when viewed earlier, approached each other on a collision course until they ‘teamed up’ and moved off close together toward Buffalo,” the article added. The objects were first sighted “on the Canadian side of the river, at a point opposite Lewiston.” In other words, over Queenston and the Sir Adam Beck plant. Among the witnesses named in the article were State Trooper John Riehl, Alden residents Roselle Simon and Leonard Butler, and V.D. Price and Raymond Bright, employees of the American Standard Division in North Tonawanda. “This was not a satellite. Satellites travel in straight lines and within a few minutes they are gone,” Bright told the Gazette. “This hung in the sky for about half an hour. It would move off in one direction and then stop. Then it would change direction and move off again.” The relationship between the blackout and reported UFO activity wasn’t lost on the scientific community. In a statement prepared for hearings held on the blackout by the Federal Power Commission, University of Arizona physicist Dr. James McDonald contended that magnetic fields accompanying UFOs could cause sudden power surges and could, theoretically, trigger a blackout. Writing about the event on April 2, 1968, Gazette reporter Joe Donaldson recalled the reports on the night of the blackout. “After the big blackout, spokesmen for the power firms denied a strange light was spotted over the Beck Station the night of Nov. 9. Since then, however, they have admitted that sightings were reported by hundreds of people,” the veteran newsman wrote. But gradually, the “broken two-dollar switch” theory as to the cause of the disaster became the accepted version of events. This would not mark the end of credible reports of UFOs in Niagara Falls, however. On Aug. 4, 1966, the Gazette reported “Bright, high-flying, fast moving objects observed during the night and similarly described by three Niagara Falls residents.” This time the witnesses were Mrs. George Haberle of the Parkway Apartments and 91st Street residents Russell Sorenberger and Bill Nelson. Ironically, attempts by the paper to reach Capt. Harry Meir, chief of operations and training at Niagara Falls Air Base, were unsuccessful because Meir had been in Erie, Pa., investigating another UFO report. Two Niagara Falls city policemen and a former Air Force radar chief had their own close encounters over a 48-hour period in August 1967. According to an Aug. 25, 1967, Gazette article, the two officers, Patrolmen Anthony Caraglin and David Greene, saw a pair of UFOs while patrolling at 19th Street and Mackenna Avenue. They filed an official report of the incident. “We saw two objects in the sky — one object went in an easterly direction then went northeasterly. As the object went out of sight it appeared to give off different colored lights. While the object was in sight it was a solid white light and appeared to be round. “Object Two was the same as Object One but went from south to north and went out of sight. Both objects were in view for approximately 15 minutes and appeared to be very high,” the report stated. Howard Kay of Youngstown was working at DuPont that night. An eight-year Air Force radar chief, he told the Gazette the object he saw over the Niagara River near Buffalo Avenue looked like “an inverted cereal bowl and was lit up.” Perhaps predictably, USAF Information Officer Thomas White said he knew nothing about the UFOs. “I have checked with the U.S. Air Force Station in Lockport, and the 763rd Radar Squadron there reports no objects logged by their radar screens at these times,” he told the Gazette. Eight months later, on April 2, 1968, no fewer than three NFPD patrolmen reported UFOs from two separate locations The pulsating lights hovered for nearly an hour in the vicinity of the Beck Station, the officers said. Patrolmen Thomas Shumway and William Wells watched the lights from Lewiston Road and Hyde Park Boulevard. “They were like something I had never seen before,” Shumway told the Gazette. “They were in formation and they were pulsating.” Shumway said the red, white and blue lights did not come from an airplane and were motionless until they suddenly shot away to the northwest at a tremendous rate of speed. At the same time, Patrolman Richard Adkins confirmed the lights were hovering across the Niagara River from the Robert Moses Power Plant and near the Beck Station. He said the lights were about 1,000 feet in the air and that, from time to time, a red streak of light would pass through the formation. While strange lights are still occasionally reported in the Niagara skies, it appears that 1965 to 1968 represented something of a golden age for UFO sightings here. And in the presence of so much documentation and credible testimony by trained observers, it seems difficult to deny that something was going on. What — exactly — the mysterious objects were will likely never be known. It is interesting to note that the Air Force employed a device to disrupt electrical power in the city of Belgrade during the Kosovo war. Could some early testing of a similar device have resulted in the 1965 blackout? –
Het onopgeloste mysterie van de 7000 jaar oude Obeid-hagedismensen
Het onopgeloste mysterie van de 7000 jaar oude Obeid-hagedismensen
Het gebied dat het huidige Irak inneemt is vrijwel hetzelfde als het vroegere Mesopotamië, het land tussen de Eufraat en de Tigris. De eerste complexe menselijke beschavingen op aarde ontstonden hier, die van de Sumeriërs.
Dit volk ontwikkelde het eerste schrift, de eerste voorbeelden van literatuur, de eerste geschreven wetten, de eerste steden en ook het wiel. Irak wordt daarom ook wel de bakermat van de beschaving genoemd.
Sumerië werd 7000 jaar geleden voor het eerst bewoond door een volk dat door archeologen wordt aangeduid als de Obeidiërs, naar het dorp al-Obeid waarvan resten zijn gevonden. Deze cultuur bracht de eerste nederzettingen voort op de vlakte van zuidelijk Mesopotamië.
De Obeidcultuur wordt gekenmerkt door grote dorpen die bestonden uit rechthoekige huizen met muren van in de zon gebakken baksteen en veel kamers. Kenmerkend voor deze cultuur was het mooie en kwalitatief goede bruin of groen gekleurde aardewerk dat beschilderd was met zwarte of bruine geometrische patronen.
Het is onduidelijk waar de Sumeriërs en de Obeidiërs precies vandaan kwamen. In al-Obeid, waar in 1919 voor het eerst opgravingen werden verricht door Henry Reginald Hall, zijn ongewone voorwerpen gevonden. Het gaat om menselijke figuren met de uiterlijke kenmerken van een hagedis. De meeste figuren lijken een helm en een soort schoudervulling te dragen.
Andere figuren houden een staf of scepter vast, mogelijk als een symbool van de Sumerische heerschappij. Sommige vrouwelijke figuren geven borstvoeding aan zuigelingen die vreemd genoeg worden weergegeven als een hagedisachtig wezen.
Het is niet bekend waar de figuren voor staan. Op basis van de houding die de figuren aannemen hebben archeologen vastgesteld dat het geen rituele objecten waren. Wel is duidelijk dat ze belangrijk waren voor de Obeidiërs.
De slang was in veel culturen een belangrijk symbool en stond voor een aantal goden. De Sumerische god Enki en de slang werden volgens schrijver William Bramley bijvoorbeeld gebruikt als symbool van de Broederschap van de Slang. Is er een link tussen het symbool van de slang en de ongewone voorwerpen?
Oog van gigantische zonnestorm richt blik op aarde
Oog van gigantische zonnestorm richt blik op aarde
De kans op een verwoestende zonnestorm neemt toe. Een gigantische en zeer actieve zonnevlek keert zich naar de aarde en dreigt zeer krachtige zonnevlammen uit te spuwen richting onze planeet. Dat kan grote gevolgen hebben voor onze elektronica, vliegtuigen en satellieten.
Het gaat om de grootste en meest actieve zonnevlek van de afgelopen 24 jaar. Mocht het tot een uitbarsting komen, kan dat leiden tot stroomuitval, verstoorde communicatie en schade aan satellieten.
Een zonne-uitbarsting gaat vaak gepaard met een hete plasmawolk, een zogeheten coronale massa-ejectie (CME), die een zware aanval doet op de magnetosfeer van de aarde. Volgens The Conversation kan een dergelijke uitbarsting enkele minuten duren en 100.000 keer het totale energieverbruik van de totale mensheid in een jaar tijd leveren.
Zo’n zonnevlam kan tot 100 miljard kilo wegen en spuwt gas de ruimte in met snelheden tot 1000 kilometer per seconde. De geladen deeltjes in de gaswolk komen vervolgens in botsing met het magnetisch veld van de aarde.
De huidige zonnecyclus is in 2008 begonnen en duurt ongeveer 11 jaar. Deze 24e cyclus zou zeer actief worden. In de buurt van het maximum zouden er vele intense uitbarstingen van gassen en straling kunnen zijn, maar die zijn tot nu toe uitgebleven.
Deze uitbarstingen kunnen gevaar opleveren voor instrumenten die zich in een baan om de aarde bevinden. Een leuker gevolg is het poollicht, dat mogelijk tot in onze gebieden zichtbaar is.
Roswell UFO researcher claims to have picture of aliens
Roswell researcher and author Tom Carey told the crowd at American University yesterday that he has the “smoking gun” to prove once and for all aliens are real. According to an article by WTOP in Washington, Carey claims to have a picture of an alien, but did not have the picture with him.
Carey has been researching the alleged crash a flying saucer in Roswell, NM since 1991. He is a co-author and researcher of a couple of books on the topic with his research partner Don Schmitt.
Don Schmitt and Tom Carey signing books and talking to visitors in the Roswell UFO Museum. (image credit: Alejandro Rojas)
He told the crowd that the images are on Kodachrome color slides and that their research on the legitimacy of the slides has been promising.
Carey says: “What’s interesting is, the film is dated 1947. We took it to the official historian of Kodak up in Rochester, New York, and he did his due diligence on it, and he said yes, this filmstrip, the slides are from 1947. It’s 1947 stock. And from the emulsions on the image, it’s not something that’s been Photoshopped like today. It’s original 1947 images, and it shows an alien who’s been partially dissected lying in a case.”
He also described what the slides show: “3 and a half to 4 feet tall, the head is almost insect-like. The head has been severed, and there’s been a partial autopsy; the innards have been removed, and we believe the cadaver has been embalmed, at least at the time this picture was taken.”
He says he received the slides from a couple in Texas. “The woman was a high-powered Midland, Texas, lawyer with a pilot’s license. We think she was involved in intelligence in World War II, and her husband was a field geologist for an oil company,” claims Carey.
The UFO community has been excited about the American University presentation, which was largely made up of very credible researchers. The event was a panel discussion called UFOs: Encounters by Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials. And American University described as including ” four prominent national figures,” and is based on the Honors Colloquium, Alien Contact: Science and Science Fiction, by professor and filmmaker John Weiskopf.
Investigative journalist Leslie Kean
The panel also included investigative journalist and author Leslie Kean. The title of the event was taken from her New York Times best-selling book UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record. Another panelist was Dr. Richard Haines, the co-founder of the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP), and is a former NASA researcher.
However, the WTOP article says the “The most riveting presentation of the night came from retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Charles Halt, one of the witnesses of a famous series of UFO sightings in England in 1980 known as the Rendlesham Forest incident.”
Apparently, WTOP did not think much of Carey’s claims, but it is hard to fault them since claims are all they were. It is difficult to get too excited when a UFO researcher says he has the “smoking gun,” but he can’t show it to you yet. I think the public often characterizes UFO research as a lot of spectacular claims, without spectacular evidence.
Leslie Kean was quick to distance herself from the alien pictures. On Facebook she wrote: “I had nothing to do with the Roswell part. Just want to make that clear.”
An alleged student that who was part of the honors course also commented on her Facebook explain why they added Carey to the panel. Brian Shin wrote: “I’m a student in the honors course. The Roswell section was deemed as a necessary balance in order to show different faces of the ufo investigation. While some could say that it could damage the integrity of what others are trying to accomplish, having Tom Carey acted as a immediate juxtaposition for those new to serious investigations into ufos. The judgments were left for the audience to make rather than the panel, by trying to make different parts of ufo investigation come together.”
Carey and Schmitt’s books are full of very interesting and credible testimony. Perhaps Carey would have been more convincing had he shared that information, which is not well known to the general public. Although many in the UFO community do believe Carey to be a credible researcher, the general public does not know him from the charlatans they hear about in the news.
Now the pressure is on for Carey to produce this amazing evidence. He says the images will be revealed early next year.
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Survols de nos centrales : et si ce n’était pas des drones ? - Magonie
Survols de nos centrales : et si ce n’était pas des drones ? - Magonie
Depuis le 5 octobre, les Français dorment à poings fermés, une bombe sous l’oreiller. Ils font tous le même rêve : d’inoffensifs drones survolent impunément d’inoffensives centrales nucléaires. Tout est sous contrôle et tout est mis en œuvre pour mettre rapidement fin à cette mauvaise plaisanterie… À NEXUS, quand il est question du nucléaire, on a le sommeil léger. Nous avons donc décidé de nous rendre sur place et d’enquêter auprès d’experts, de pilotes, de gendarmes et de témoins.
En comptant le survol de la centrale de Cattenom, en Moselle, dans la nuit du 10 au 11 novembre, on dénombre à ce jour 19 survols détectés depuis le 5 octobre dernier, sans qu’aucun n’ait donné lieu, officiellement, à une interception. Plus étonnant encore, aucune image n’a jamais été diffusée, les médias en étant réduits à passer en boucle le survol historique de Greenpeace ou des images d’archives des centrales sous un ciel désespérément vide.
Incroyable que personne n’ait eu le réflexe de sortir son mobile ou sa caméra pour capturer la moindre image de ces drones, non ? N’y a-t-il aucune trace radar, aucune anomalie captée par une caméra de surveillance ? Pourquoi aucun JT ne s’est-il risqué à reconstituer la trajectoire d’un de ces objets ? Même si EDF avait voulu interdire la diffusion d’images, rien n’empêche aujourd’hui le moindre témoin anonyme de poster son trophée sur la Toile. Seraient-ils impossibles à photographier ?
L’hypothèse ufologique
Plus le phénomène se prolonge et plus s’éloigne la piste de drones civils. Leur portée limitée, la difficulté à les piloter la nuit et sous les intempéries, la taille évoquée par certains témoins (2m, 6 à 7 m), leur silence (les drones civils produisent un bruit d’hélice), etc., laissent plutôt penser à des appareils militaires. Pourtant, les spécialistes que nous avons interrogés (lire plus loin) ne reconnaissent aucun modèle connu, civil ou militaire, dans les descriptions faites par les témoins. Une question vient alors à l’esprit : pourquoi parle-t-on de drone, alors qu’EDF lui-même fait à chaque fois état d’ »aéronef assimilable à un drone » ?
Parce qu’il est impossible, en France, d’oser parler d’ufos, d’ovnis ou de PANs (phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés) sans risquer sa crédibilité et sa carrière. Paradoxe : nous sommes pourtant l’un des seuls pays au monde à disposer d’un organisme d’État chargé de les étudier. Nous avons ainsi contacté au Cnes (Centre national d’études spatiales), à Toulouse, le Geipan – Groupe d’études et d’informations sur les phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés – qui a en charge officiellement le dossier ovni en France. Sa réponse est nette : « Nous n’avons pas été saisis. C’est EDF et les gendarmes qui ont repéré ces drones et les ont identifiés comme tels. Si un seul témoin lambda les avait vus, sans les identifier comme drones, le rapport d’observation serait arrivé sur le bureau du GEIPAN. » Dont acte !
5 novembre 1990
Cette piste ouvre pourtant d’intéressantes perspectives. Les connaisseurs savent que depuis une cinquantaine d’années, de nombreux ovnis ont été observés au-dessus d’installations nucléaires du monde entier (1). Les survols actuels ne sont pas sans rappeler la vague d’ovnis du 5 novembre 1990… il y a tout juste 24 ans (2). Ce jour-là, à partir de 18 h 30, des objets lumineux avaient été aperçus dans le ciel au-dessus de la France. On estime à plusieurs milliers le nombre de témoins français. À l’époque, on ne parlait pas de drones. Le Cnes conclura à la chute d’un étage d’une fusée russe et l’affaire sera classée. On avait pu lire que certains de ces « débris » projetaient vers le sol des faisceaux lumineux, comme c’est le cas de certains drones actuellement au-dessus de nos centrales . Mais une autre ressemblance nous a frappés : celle entre un croquis d’objet non identifié dessiné par un témoin de cette vague de 1990, à Vert-Saint-Denis (Seine-et-Marne), et le dessin que nous avons recueilli auprès d’un témoin du survol de Golfech (Tarn-et-Garonne), le 30 octobre 2014 (lire plus loin).
Ces deux événements ont-ils un lien ? En dépit des messages « rassurants » des autorités, le phénomène actuel est autrement inquiétant : les objets de 1990 se sont contentés de traverser l’hexagone d’ouest en est, ceux de 2014 montrent un grand intérêt pour notre parc nucléaire, point névralgique de l’approvisionnement énergétique de toute l’Europe, dont la dangerosité n’est plus à démontrer depuis Tchernobyl et Fukushima.
Témoignage : une image, enfin !
S’agit-il d’engins-espions ou militaires ? Nous avons interrogé des spécialistes de l’aérospatiale, de l’armement et de la sécurité nationale. Mais nous avons d’abord entendu un témoin du survol de Golfech (Tarn-et-Garonne). Nous devons ce témoignage à un enquêteur privé, Michel Turco. Le témoin est âgé d’une quarantaine d’années, il est ingénieur et réside à proximité de la centrale, sur laquelle il a une vue dégagée.
Le soir du 30 octobre, avec un ami, il remarque vers 21 heures environ, dans le ciel, un point lumineux intense. Il pense d’abord à une étoile, mais réalise aussitôt l’absence de corps stellaire aussi bas dans le ciel. La luminosité augmente, faisant penser à un projecteur d’avion « type Airbus ou Boeing, mais c’était trop bas pour que cela soit possible ». Les amis prennent une paire de jumelles, pour mieux voir les détails de cet objet. L’un regarde avec l’optique, l’autre à l’œil nu. Le phénomène est fixe durant une minute. Il semble être au-dessus de Donzac, commune très proche de la centrale, à environ 5 km des observateurs. L’altitude est estimée à 200 m, « pas beaucoup plus haut que les tours de la centrale », précise l’un d’eux.
L’objet prend des photos !
Quelques instants plus tard, le point commence à bouger à faible vitesse tout en pivotant sur lui-même, comme pour amorcer un virage. Une seconde lumière apparaît sur l’objet, comme un flash se déclenchant très rapidement en continu. L’un des témoins pense que des photos sont réalisées par cet appareil. L’objet bouge toujours et se dirige vers les observateurs, accélérant à une vitesse comparable à celle d’un avion de type Cessna. Lorsqu’il est à environ 500 m des observateurs, ceux-ci discernent surtout son gros projecteur de lumière blanche. Il semble s’immobiliser pendant environ 20 secondes. À ce moment, la silhouette de l’engin apparaît nettement aux deux amis : « Il avait la forme d’un avion ou d’un drone [ndlr : type drone américain, avion stylisé), ne faisant aucun bruit. On pouvait entendre un engin agricole sur un coteau à droite, mais rien venant de cet objet ». Le témoin principal souligne qu’il a pu voir « deux ailes longues », dont il estime l’envergure entre 6 et 7 m.
D’autres détails apparaissent aux jumelles : deux autres points jaune-blanc aux extrémités des ailes et le spot blanc à l’avant, toujours bien visible. Un autre point lumineux, rouge, situé sous l’objet se détache encore visuellement. L'engin continue alors sa trajectoire vers Agen avant de disparaître aux yeux des deux observateurs. Le témoin principal insiste sur un détail : « Les contours étaient flous, gris sombre ». En fait, cet objet n’aura pas cessé d’évoluer par phase de mouvements et d’arrêts, flashant régulièrement son environnement avec une sorte de spot avant, tout en émettant une lumière rouge ventrale et deux lumières jaune-blanc sur l’arrière.
L'avis d'un expert en aéronautique
Un expert en aéronautique à qui nous avons confié la description des témoins explique : « Un drone de 6 m, c’est très grand, il faut une lourde technologie embarquée. Le profil de l’objet ressemble à celui d’un aéronef furtif, comme certains drones US à turboréacteur. Un bruit très important se fait entende à la sortie de la tuyère. Cette lumière blanche à l’avant est curieuse. Une tuyère d’éjection émet une lueur rougeâtre due de la combustion interne (1 000° environ), une lumière blanche de combustion signifierait une température beaucoup plus importante. Le contour flou fait penser à un effet de rayonnement magnétique. C’est une hypothèse. Les autres lumières n’ont visiblement aucun intérêt, à part celui d’un camouflage pour passer pour un aéronef civil ».
Version officielle vs témoins civils
La presse locale a précisé que les gendarmes avaient bien suivi un drone sur 9 km, globalement dans la même direction que celle indiquée par les deux témoins. Mais la version officielle, celle livrée par les gendarmes, diffère totalement de celle des deux témoins : « Ce n’est pas un jouet, mais un drone pro à quatre hélices qui a été vu vers 21 h [le 30/10], d’une envergure de 60 cm! ». Ainsi, on peut s’étonner que la seule centrale au-dessus de laquelle deux témoins ont affirmé avoir aperçu un drone « non conventionnel » est aussi celle pour laquelle la presse locale a obtenu des descriptions précises des autorités. Les deux témoins civils de Golfech peuvent-ils s’être trompés à ce point ? Pour ce qui est des autres centrales, il semble que les témoins soient tous des agents d’EDF ou des gendarmes. Sauf information contraire, on ne parvient à obtenir de ces témoins-là aucun détail sur les directions, la motorisation et la taille desdits drones. Golfech semble avoir reçu en fait la visite d’un drone qui n’a rien de civil et qui dépasse le cadre du « droniste » amateur.
Creys-Malville : Un drone de 2 m
Le 3 novembre, vers 19 h 30, deux drones sont aperçus au-dessus du site de Creys-Malville (Isère). Un dispositif est aussitôt mis en place, comprenant notamment un hélicoptère de la section aérienne de gendarmerie de Bron (Rhône). Cette unité militaire est équipée d’un Eurocopter EC135 doté d’une caméra infrarouge pouvant filmer une plaque minéralogique à plusieurs kilomètres, couplée à un projecteur capable d’éclairer de nuit un stade de foot dans son intégralité. Le drone n’a pas été « retrouvé ». L’on sait seulement que l’un des deux appareils non identifiés mesurait deux mètres de diamètre. Le couple de drones se déplaçait dans le sens Sud-Nord.
L’avis d’un pilote
Un pilote d’avion connaissant bien la région nous confie : « L’affaire de Creys-Malville m’étonne. Au moment de l’observation, il faisait nuit, avec une météo très pluvieuse et venteuse. Pour se repérer dans la nuit avec ces conditions – avec un drone mesurant 2 m – il faut être à l’affût, et le pilote du système radio-télécommandé doit être super fort. Je ne connais pas un amateur de modélisme chevronné qui puisse faire voler son appareil avec des rafales de vent de 70 km/h. De plus, il y a un réel danger. Faire voler deux drones en simultané la nuit, c’est un exploit. À part les militaires utilisant le guidage satellitaire avec des engins très performants, je ne vois rien d’autre. Peut-on imaginer des petits malins ayant piraté des satellites GPS. C’est une option complexe ».
Les drones civils vendus dans les magasins de modélisme sont à structure carrée ou ovale. Ils mesurent de 30 à 90 cm de diamètre en moyenne, pour une épaisseur de 15 à 40 cm. Il ressemble à des sortes d’insectes, mais pas à des avions ni à des disques volants. Sans vraie ossature, ils sont munis de petites hélices et sont difficiles à piloter la nuit. Dans tous les cas, leur portée est limitée à quelques centaines de mètres. Ce sont des distances théoriques, car même équipé de petite caméra, il est recommandé de ne pas perdre le drone de vue pour éviter d’en perdre le contrôle. Certains sont équipés de GPS pour qu’ils restent en contact radio avec la télécommande. Les prix des drones civils varient de 150 à 2 000 euros en moyenne. Des jouets de moins de 10 cm peuvent coûter quelques dizaines d’euros.
« Nous n’avons aucune piste pour le moment », lançait le 2 novembre Ségolène Royal, ministre de l’Environnement, avouant ainsi que les autorités n’avaient pas identifié la source des survols illicites. Le 6 novembre, nous avons interrogé le secrétariat général de la Défense et de la sécurité nationale qui nous a renvoyé au communiqué officiel diffusé le 1er novembre, selon lequel « des survols de drones sont actuellement effectués de manière répétée et simultanée sur certains sites nucléaires de notre pays. L’objectif manifestement recherché par ce type de provocation organisée est de perturber la chaîne de surveillance et de protection de ces sites. L’ensemble des services de l’État, en charge de la sécurité et de la sûreté des points d’importance vitale, sont mobilisés depuis le début des survols pour identifier les responsables de ces actes et y mettre un terme ».
Le 30 octobre, Bernard Cazeneuve, ministre de l’Intérieur, indiquait que « des dispositions sont prises pour neutraliser les drones qui survolent illégalement les centrales nucléaires ». Plus de dix jours plus tard, ces dispositions n’ont pas démontré leur efficacité.
De son côté, l’armée de l’air tient à minimiser la menace éventuelle. Le colonel Jean-Pascal Breton, son porte-parole, souligne « qu’ils étaient de petite taille. Le niveau de menace n’est pas jugé significatif pour nous, pour générer la mise en place de dispositifs particuliers, autre que ceux qui sont mis en place actuellement ».
Dans un communiqué publié en interne chez EDF, on apprend que le site du CEA (Commissariat à l’énergie atomique), centre de recherche et d’innovations de premier plan au niveau européen, situé à Saclay dans l’Essonne, a également été survolé dès le 5 octobre, soit au tout début de la vague.
Vague de déni
Devant cette vague de drones, les autorités semblent s’enfoncer dans le déni. Quoi qu’il en soit, le phénomène aura mis en lumière, comme ont tenté de le faire auparavant des activistes anti-nucléaires, la vulnérabilité insoutenable de nos centrales. Il aura montré que le système de défense classique n’a pas tenu compte de certains scénarios… comme celui de phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés. Au milieu de toutes les interrogations que soulève cette affaire et quels que soient les responsables de ces intrusions, la question essentielle est peut-être : quelles peuvent être leurs motivations ? Nous sauver, nous espionner, nous surveiller, nous détruire ? Dans tous les cas, ils nous dominent.
Notes :
Y compris la neutralisation de missiles, lire les articles de Fabrice Bonvin dans NEXUS n° 59 et 76.
Voir l’article paru dans NEXUS n° 62 sur le sujet.
Croquis fournis par des témoins de la vague de 1990. Notez la ressemblance entre celui de la deuxième ligne, à droite, et celui fourni par le témoin de Golfech.
Croquis fournis par des témoins de la vague de 1990 — Magazine NEXUS
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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