The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
PICTURED: Amazing light display over Earth taken from International Space Station
PICTURED: Amazing light display over Earth taken from International Space Station
THIS jaw-dropping photo taken from the International Space Station (ISS) shows "one of the most incredible auroras" an astronaut has ever seen.
The stunning aurora captured from the ISS
The beautiful light show was captured by Terry Virts who who will soon come back to earth after six months on the ISS.
He photographed the natural bright red and green coloured light display as the station passed over the sea west of Australia.
Mr Virts posted the stunning shot on Twitter with the caption: "Flying away from one of the most incredible auroras I've seen, just west of #Australia."
The picture has been retweeted more than 1,300 times and favourited by around 1,700 people.
US astronaut Mr Virts has been a prolific tweeter while on the ISS, posting high-altitude shots of Delhi, the Ganges, and the Himalayas in recent days.
Another stunning shot of India taken by Terry Virts
I would have got an even better picture if I had made it with a camera two minutes earlier
Astronaut Terry Virts
The auroras, such as the Northern Lights which can be visible from Scotland, are usually only seen from high altitude but clearly the best view is from outer space.
Despite this, Mr Virts complained he would have got even better shots had he made it with a camera two minutes earlier.
Aurora comes from the Latin word aurora for "sunrise" or the Roman goddess of dawn.
They are caused by cosmic rays, solar wind and magnetospheric plasma interacting with the upper atmosphere of the Earth.
This causes their charged particles, mainly electrons and protons, to enter the atmosphere from above causing ionisation and excitation of atmospheric constituents, and subsequent light emissions.
De Groningse blogger Harry Perton maakt graag foto's van de natuur. Dinsdag ging Perton op pad in de Onlanden, het grensgebied tussen de provincies Groningen en Drenthe.
Bij thuiskomst bekeek de Groninger zijn foto's en ontdekte daarop een UFO. Perton schrijft op zijn blog: ,,Opeens flitste er iets. Ik dacht eerst mijn toestel, maar de flitskap stond niet omhoog. Ook zat er geen druppel op mijn lens. Ik besloot dat het een bliksem moest zijn geweest. Maar thuis zie ik wat vreemds op een van de foto’s die ik aan het eind van het bomenlaantje maakte."
De UFO is, zoals het woord al aangeeft, nog ongeïdentificeerd. Of het gaat om een meteorologisch verschijnsel, een meteoor, een vliegende schotel of iets anders, is dus nog niet duidelijk. Klik hier voor de foto van de UFO.
Spektakel boven de Matsloot:
Opeens flitste er iets. Ik dacht eerst mijn toestel, maar de flitskap stond niet omhoog. Ook zat er geen druppel op mijn lens. Ik besloot dat het een bliksem moest zijn geweest. Maar thuis zie ik wat vreemds op een van de foto’s die ik aan het eind van het bomenlaantje maakte:
In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Suzanne Hansen, Founding Director of UFOCUS NZ Research Network (New Zealand) publicly reveals the unique and compelling history of how she first met the soul of her son aboard a Grey ET spacecraft when she was only 8 years old and her son appeared as a “Ball of Light.”
In her interview, Ms. Hansen reveals that later in her life, after she was married and pregnant with her son, she was taken aboard a Grey ET spacecraft, where she met her son’s soul once more as “a Ball of Light.” On this occasion, her son’s Soul was inserted into her womb and her son’s body in a procedure by the Grey ETs, who also gave her deep information about the future positive social role her son would play on Earth. Throughout her life, Ms. Hansen states, her experiences with the Grey ETs were “transformational, purposeful, and positive.”
ExopoliticsTV interview with Suzanne Hansen: Grey ETs & the human soul
Corroborated by alien abduction expert Mary Rodwell, RN
Suzanne Hansen’s account is corroborated by Mary Rodwell, RN, who led Ms. Hansen through hypnotic regression sessions designed to help her recover her memories of her life-long experiences around her son’s Soul aboard Grey ET spacecraft.
Ms. Rodwell is “a world leader in alien abduction counseling. Mary Rodwell was featured in an SBS documentary alongside her son – a self-confessed UFO skeptic. Mary, a former nurse and midwife and clinical hypnotherapist founded ACERN in 1997 and has since investigated over 1600 cases of ET encounters worldwide. ACERN helps alien abduction victims deal with their traumas with the support of qualified medical doctors, psychologists and therapists.
“In the documentary My Mum Talks to Aliens, aired nationally in Australia, Mary Rodwell and her son are followed on their journey of discovery as they travel the country in pursuit of solid evidence of an alien presence on Earth.
“’I believe these advanced intelligences have been visiting this planet since the dawn of time, and I believe they’re here to assist evolution to another level,’ Ms. Rodwell said.”
View alien abduction expert Mary Rodwell, RN’s ExopoliticsTV corroborating interview
Readers can view alien abduction expert Mary Rodwell, RN’s ExopoliticsTV interview corroborating Suzanne Hansen’s experiences with Soul interactions on board Grey ET craft in this video.
Suzanne Hansen’s credibility as a UFO expert and activist
Suzanne Hansen has been a powerful and effective force in bringing about UFO and extraterrestrial disclosure in New Zealand. She is credited with helping bring about the recent disclosure of secret UFO and extraterrestrial files by the Defence Force of New Zealand on Wednesday, December 22, 2010. The New Zealand Defense Force released over 2,000 pages of reports by civilians, military personnel, and pilots, detailing unexplained aerial sightings (UAS)
UFO group reports New Zealand defence chief resistance to, final release of classified UFO documents
As this reporter wrote, Suzanne Hansen of New Zealand’s UFO Research, Support and Resource Network has publicly released official correspondence with Lt Gen Jerry Mataparae, Chief of Defence Force NZ following the decision by New Zealand’s Ministry of Defence to release previously classified details of UFO and extraterrestrial-related files.
Lt Gen Jerry Mataparae’s official correspondence indicates that he initially resisted release of the classified UFO documents, stating “’It would require a substantial amount of collation, research and consultation to identify whether any of that information could be released,’ and that he was not in a position to deploy staff to undertake that task, given other work priorities.”
The Ministry of Defence decision to release New Zealand’s classified UFO and extraterrestrial files was reported January 29, 2010.
In December 2009, fourteen months later the beginning of intensive communications with Ms. Hansen’s UFO group, Lt. Gen. Mataparae as Chief of Defence stated in a letter to UFOCUS NZ, “I am pleased to be able to inform you that two NZDF officers have begun the task of assessing classified files held in relation to this topic with a view to declassification. I would expect that files which are transferred to Archives New Zealand would be subject to extensive embargo periods in terms of access by the general public.”
UFO document release follows MOD Dec. 9 letter to UFOCUS NZ
The Ministry of Defence classified UFO document release followed Lt. Gen. Mataparae’s Dec. 9, 2009 letter to Suzanne Hansen.
Ms. Hansen states, “A Chief of Defence Force office spokesperson advised, ‘The declassification of the UFO files is now a ‘work in progress’ in conjunction with Archives New Zealand. The files must be amended to meet new requirements of the Privacy Act.’ The Defence Force will notify UFOCUS NZ when this process is completed later this year, and the research network will be given the opportunity of access to the files.”
Ms. Hansen states “UFOCUS NZ’s own archives contain credible and detailed UFO sighting reports from New Zealand pilots, air traffic controllers, and military personnel. In addition, the research network holds sighting reports from members of the public who experienced significant UFO sightings dating as far back as 1908. Some of these prominent cases were investigated by NZ Air Force personnel, and she is hopeful the MOD files may contain their reports.”
In a later communication to this reporter, Mr. Hansen stated, “The Chief of Defence originally supported the idea of declassification, but needed to confer with other officials regarding constraints and embargos. Some files will still remain under embargo.”
Suzanne Hansen’s statement
In preparation for this article, Ms. Hansen submitted the following statement to this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre:
Hi Alfred
Thanks. I have written up the accompanying description a little better for you: –
(1) During this experience at age eight, I was initially taken to a large room in which I ‘played’ with children of mixed species, using mind games to facilitate telepathic communications between us. The interesting thing is that I could ‘see’ the objects being produced by our minds, with both my mind (thoughts) and my eyes. You will notice a strange small bed in this drawing with a baby on it and a Grey beside it. In another regression session, Mary Rodwell regressed me to when I was 6 months old, where I could see myself lying on this small bed. I have nick-named it the ‘lullaby bed’ and a description of how and why this bed is used with human babies, and the technology involved, features in another chapter of my book.
(2) I was invited to accompany a Grey to a room where I was to meet another ‘child’. Here I am as an eight-year-old girl, during my first ‘official’ meeting with the ball of blue light, learning to relate to the soul of my future son through play. The Greys ‘observed’ from another area of the craft to see if we would be suited.
(3) At age 28, I was taken onboard craft for a ‘merging’ procedure, where the soul of my future son would enter my body, and that of my unborn child, for the first time. Two Grey-mixed-species entities comforted me, while a Grey began a procedure to lower my metabolism prior to the soul entering my body.
Images depicting Suzanne Hansen’s experiences aboard Grey ET craft
Images by artist Suzanne Hansen’s husband depicting her experiences aboard Grey ET craft can be accessed below.
Ms. Hansen writes:
Hi Alfred
I have attached three drawings of the 6 that accompany the two experiences I discussed – you can decide which you would like to use.
The first shows the large room in which I ‘played’ with children of mixed species, using mind games to facilitate telepathic communications between us. The interesting thing is that I could ‘see’ the objects being produced by our minds, with both my mind (thoughts) and my eyes. In another regression I did with Mary, I described being taught to project a hologram from my mind into the air in front of me. (A chapter of my book, called ‘The Test’, is devoted to this particular onboard experience.) You will notice a strange bed in this drawing, with a baby on it and a Grey beside it. I have nicknamed this the ‘lullaby bed’ and it also features in another chapter. Mary regressed me to 6 months old, where I could see myself lying on this bed, or piece of technology.
The second drawing shows me as an eight year old learning to relate to the soul of my future son, the blue ball of light, through play – chasing it around the room while the Greys ‘observed’ to see if we would be suited.
The third drawing shows the two entities (mixtures of Grey and another species) comforting me as a Grey begins a calming procedure to lower my metabolism prior to the soul of my son entering my body, and that of the unborn child.
I am very grateful to my husband, who is an artist, for doing draft drawings for my book. I sit with him for hours in order to get them as close as I can recall to the real thing.
Please let me know if you have any questions Alfred.
Kind regards
IMAGE A – Suzanne Hansen as child playing on Grey ET UFO
Credits: Suzanne Hansen
IMAGE B: Suzanne Hansen playing with the blue Ball of Light soul of her son on a Grey ET UFO
Credit: Suzanne Hansen
IMAGE C: Grey ETs calming Suzanne Hansen during soul enmeshment aboard Grey ET craft
Credit: Suzanne Hansen
Suzanne Hansen’s account of Soul interactions on board Grey ET craft
In her ExopoliticsTV interview, Suzanne Hansen starts by stating that at the age of 8 years she was taken by Grey extraterrestrials on board a Grey spacecraft and told that she would be meeting someone who would be “very important” to her in her life.
Ms. Hansen states that she had had UFO experiences with her family throughout her life, so that this particular experience was not that strange to her.
As an adult, Ms. Hansen began to have flashback experiences of this event with Grey ETs as an 8 year old, and contacted Mary Rodwell so as to hypnotic regressions and fill in the gaps in her memories.
Memories of visit with a “Ball of Light” on Grey ET ship
During the regressions with Mary Rodwell, Suzanne Hansen recovered memories of being taken aboard a Grey ET craft as a very young child. She was playing with a group of Grey and transgenic (hybrid) children. All of the play was telepathic. She recalls crafting holographic shapes in the air with other children and playing with the shapes as toys.
At one occasion when she was 8 years old, Ms. Hansen recalls, a Grey ET whom she felt was holding something back approached her. The Grey ET introduced her to a “Ball of Light” on the ship. Upon seeing the Ball of Light, Ms. Hansen felt confused about the Light.
The Grey ET asked her to look under his eyes. Ms. Hansen said that she felt three distinct streams of information coming from him.
The Grey ET first communicated that the Ball of Light was a friend, whom she would like to come and visit.
Secondly, the Grey ET communicated a full packet of visual information to her about the life of a child who was the Ball of Light. Ms. Hansen recalls turning cartwheels on the spacecraft room floor as she tried to relate to the Ball of Light.
Finally, the Grey ET communicated to her that she and the Ball of Light had know each other at the soul level for a long time in previous incarnations.
Merging with the Ball of Light
Over the years after this experience as an 8 year old on board the UFO craft with the Ball of Light, Mr. Hansen states she became familiar with the soul state. She developed a personal ability to communicated with persons who were in the after-life (or inter-life) and were in the soul state,
Ms. Hansen recovered the memories that, after her marriage and while pregnant with her son, she was take aboard a Grey ET craft.
On the craft, she recalls being escorted by a Grey ET (who was familiar because of his “frequency output”) down a corridor into a small room where she saw come unfamiliar medical equipment.
At that point, a shorter Grey ET came into the room, perhaps 4 feet tall, with the archetype of a “short Grey” and different in appearance to the other Greys in the room.
The soul merging procedure
It was at this point that a “merging procedure” began.
First, Ms. Hansen recalls, the Grey ET needed to retrieve some of her earlier memories of interacting with the Ball of Light. The Grey ET placed one hand over her forehead, and Ms. Hansen saw visual memories of her communicating as an 8-year-old child with a blue Ball of Light on a Grey spacecraft. She became tearful and emotional as she recovered these memories.
Ms. Hansen was then told that her son’s soul had been enhanced as a Ball of Light and its signature was more powerful and could cause her harm if a procedure were not undertaken to lower her metabolism.
At that point, Ms. Hansen recalls, about 18 Grey ET children entered the room to observe the soul merging procedure. She recalls they were chattering away, telepathically.
The Grey ET told her these children, who were on the way to growing up, were called “Watchers.” They appeared to be working with the Grey ET on a specific task.
Ms. Hansen recalls that at that point her metabolism was lowered. She was barely breathing and her body temperature was very low. Her voice was slow and quiet.
The blue Ball of Light then entered her body and the body of the fetus of her son in her womb.
Ms. Hansen recalls the metabolism of her body was then raised.
Information about her son’s future
Ms. Hansen recalls she was then given information about her son’s future, and about how the child would be educated both on board the Grey ET ship and in the human dimension on Earth. Her son was to receive this dual education for the benefit of mankind, she was told.
I asked whether her son was aware of all this. Ms. Hansen responded that her son as of this writing has no memory of being aboard the Grey ET craft. The Grey ETs have told her that when her son is in his mid-30s he will recover his memories (he is now in his mid 20s). Ms. Hansen has discussed this history of their prior interaction on the Grey ET ship with her son. He now has abilities such as psychic capacity and precognition.
Who are the Greys and what is their mission?
I ask Ms. Hansen what her understanding is of who the Grey ETs are, and what their mission on Earth is.
Ms. Hansen states that she is aware that there are many species of extraterrestrials now visiting Earth. Some of these species are working together.
It is a veritable minefield, she says, to understand fully what the mission of the Greys might be because some people’s experiences with Greys are fearful; some people’s experiences with Greys are transformational, etc.
Her experiences with the specific species of Grey ETs she encountered are purposeful and transformational, although she has had to work through a period of personal fear about the experiences.
Ms. Hansen says that her understanding is that souls are universal, and can chose to incarnate into a variety of species on different planets.
She says that a soul is a spiritual entity, and all of its incarnations appear designed to learn moral or evolutionary lessons.
Ms. Hansen states that she perceives that the Grey ETs cannot command the human race. There is too much chaos on this planet (Earth).
The Grey ETs way appears to be to work with souls who are ready to incarnate on a planet and approach its people with love and education.
When I ask Ms. Hansen if she knows how souls are created and now it is that souls come to be on Grey ET craft, Ms. Hansen demurs and states she does not know.
Suzanne Hansen states she is preparing a book on her life and experiences that will be available in 2011. For more information on her work, please click here.
Mary Rodwell’s corroborative interview
Mary Rodwell’s ExopoliticsTV interview above corroborates the events of Ms. Hansen’s recollection of her experiences on the Grey ET craft.
Ms. Rodwell adds case materials from her own research as an abduction researcher that is relevant to how human souls apparently have access to Grey ET ships in the form of Balls of Light.
Ms. Rodwell mentions the case of a 15-year old boy that saw two Balls of Light accompanying him during an encounter with Grey ETs. The 15-year old boy stated that the Ball of Light were the souls of “Dad and Grandfather” who were at the scene to assure the boy not to be frightened and to let him know that everything was “OK.”
Ms. Rodwell comments that this case illustrates that Grey ETs are working with human souls in a very tangible way, although they appear to be different intelligences.
The Grey ETs’ job
Ms. Rodwell concludes by saying that her abduction research has led her to conclude that a specific species of Grey ETs job includes:
(1) Gathering genetic information and materials on humans
(2) Healing procedures on humans;
(3) Cooperation between interdimensional intelligences, as evidenced by the cooperation between human souls and Grey ETs;
(4) Deepening of compassion and love, healing ability, and telepathic transfer of information by humans.
Of the 1600 abduction cases Ms. Rodwell has investigated, approximately 30% involved some level of trauma to the human abductee. The remaining 70% of cases do not involve trauma.
The medical and health inspections of humans by the Grey ETs appear to be for levels of pollution, toxins, and other harmful materials that relates to the planet’s problems.
Human souls common to extraterrestrials and earthlings
This reporter and Exopolitics researcher Alfred Lambremont Webre has developed a similar hypothesis to researchers Suzanne Hansen and Mary Rodwell that integrates extraterrestrials and the human soul and is based on empirical data.
The hypothesis corrorates and validates Ms. Hansen’s and Ms. Rodwell’s data and findings, and the plausibility and veracity of the case study reported in this article.
Based on extensive research findings in exopolitics, parapsychology, reincarnation studies, and hypnotic regression, this hypothesis postulates that an ecology of spiritual dimensions mirrors the parallel dimensions which science is now researching, and that include our known physical universe.
Empirical research on the inter-life demonstrates that a civilization of intelligent, evolving souls is apparently created in the spiritual dimensions. These souls in turn evolve and incarnate into various human or other forms on diverse planets in the known physical universe and other planets, for purposes of gaining moral lessons.
This hypothesis is supported by replicated data from hypnotic regression of multiple subjects’ inter-life memories.
The typology of intelligent civilizations
The dimensional ecology hypothesis of the multi-verse includes a new typology of extraterrestrial civilizations, based on empirical evidence confirming the existence of the following typologies of extraterrestrial civilizations and extraterrestrial governance bodies:
A. Solar system civilizations: Planetary civilizations in our own solar system, such as the intelligent human civilization living under the surface of Mars that reportedly enjoys a strategic relationship with the United States government.
B. Deep space civilizations: Intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations that are based on a planet, solar system, or space station in our galaxy or in some other location in this known physical universe. An example includes the 10 – 100 intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations that, according to a NATO report, have been visiting Earth for many centuries.
C. Hyper-dimensional civilizations: Intelligent civilizations that are based in dimensions or universes parallel to our own and that may use technologically advanced physical form and/or transport when entering our known universe.
D. Extraterrestrial governance authorities: Legally constituted extraterrestrial governance authorities with jurisdiction over a defined territory, such as the Milky Way Galactic Federation, which has been empirically located in replicable research.
A dimensional ecology
The dimensional ecology hypothesis that concludes we exist in a dimensional ecology consisting of an exopolitics dimension and a spiritual dimension was developed after extensive review of research in extraterrestrial studies, afterlife studies, reincarnation studies, and the results of hypnotic regression to recover inter-life memories.
The scientific data support the existence of an “exopolitics dimension,” which has been traditionally been called “the physical universe”, and which consists of parallel universes and dimensions including our own known universe.
This dimension is called the “exopolitics dimension” because souls from the spiritual dimension incarnate into the exopolitics dimension for experiences as physical beings on diverse planets, hence as diverse “extraterrestrials”.
In analyzing data from a large number of cases regarding hypnotic regression from inter-life memories, Webre extended the hypothesis that a community of human souls is developed in the spiritual domain to show that the community of human souls is reincarnating in complex patterns as extraterrestrials and earthlings. Hence human souls are common to extraterrestrials and earthlings.
What are the implications?
Our review of the impact of the dimensional hypothesis shows that humanity is being misinformed about the reality of its soul, of life after death, and the mechanisms of reincarnation.
Religions are a great source of scientifically erroneous information about the afterlife, based on texts which are apocryphal, and are yet are held sacred and a matter of faith.
Academic science prohibits the teaching of the reality of life after death, even though it is supported by empirical evidence. The scientific establishment thus perpetuates an erroneous view of human reality.
Religious wars (such as Christianity vs. Islam) are a result of this imposed ignorance. Science can demonstrate the true nature of the soul and its life both in the spiritual and exopolitical dimensions.
We can foresee a campaign to return science to the study and understanding of the soul, and to the supremacy of understanding over ignorance, where the sciences can demonstrate the true nature of the soul and its life in the spiritual and exopolitical dimensions.
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Un étrange phénomène lumineux dans le ciel
Un étrange phénomène lumineux dans le ciel
Les deux caméras d’un informaticien s’intéressant aux phénomènes Ovni ont enregistré un bâton lumineux pendant cinq secondes, lundi 27 avril à 5 heures
Quand il quitte son poste très sérieux de responsable informatique dans une école d'enseignement supérieur rochelaise, Jean-Christophe Doré a un loisir original : il s'intéresse aux phénomènes Ovni (Objets volants non identifiés) au sein de l'association UFO-sciences qui ?uvre pour une approche scientifique du sujet. Depuis octobre, il a installé une station de détection automatique : il a placé deux caméras (une qui filme en couleurs et l'autre en noir et blanc) sur le toit de son garage situé dans un faubourg de la ville. Braquées vers le ciel et munies d'un objectif fisheye, elles enregistrent tous les mouvements à 180 degrés (en demi-sphère) sur...
Quand il quitte son poste très sérieux de responsable informatique dans une école d'enseignement supérieur rochelaise, Jean-Christophe Doré a un loisir original : il s'intéresse aux phénomènes Ovni (Objets volants non identifiés) au sein de l'association UFO-sciences qui œuvre pour une approche scientifique du sujet. Depuis octobre, il a installé une station de détection automatique : il a placé deux caméras (une qui filme en couleurs et l'autre en noir et blanc) sur le toit de son garage situé dans un faubourg de la ville. Braquées vers le ciel et munies d'un objectif fisheye, elles enregistrent tous les mouvements à 180 degrés (en demi-sphère) sur 360 degrés.
Habituellement, elles filment des avions, météores, satellites ou encore des rayons ioniques. Mais, le 27 avril dernier, à 5 heures du matin, un étrange mouvement a été capté : « un phénomène lumineux se déplaçant de Breuil-Magné vers Soubise », explique Jean-Christophe Doré.
Trois altitudes possibles
Il a gardé une vidéo de 5 secondes qui montre que l'objet traverse des nuages. Il a donc effectué des recherches auprès de Météo France. Cette nuit-là, trois couvertures nuageuses ont été observées à des altitudes de 270 mètres, 1 400 mètres et 5 400 mètres.
Selon l'estimation faite par un pilote d'avion de sa connaissance et en attente de confirmation d'un autre expert, la deuxième hypothèse prévaudrait.
À partir de la trigonométrie, Jean-Christophe Doré s'est ensuite penché sur le calcul de la distance au sol selon les trois cas envisageables : l'objet serait passé à 270 mètres au-dessus du quartier du Petit-Marseille, ou à 1 400 mètres au niveau d'un axe Vergeroux-fleuve Charente ou bien encore à 5 000 mètres sur une trajectoire Saint-Laurent-de-la-Prée/Saint-Nazaire-sur-Charente. « Mais le plus embêtant reste la vitesse de ce phénomène », souffle l'informaticien en livrant les chiffres respectifs des trois hypothèses : « 360 km/h, 1 500 km/h et 5 000 km/h ». Autant dire que cela aurait occasionné un peu de bruit à 5 heures du matin et réveillé toute la ville.
Autre donnée : les radars civils n'ont rien enregistré. Jean-Christophe Doré se demande par ailleurs s'il existe un équivalent militaire en usage.
Sans bruit et volumineuse
Reste que les dimensions de ce bâton lumineux donnent aussi le tournis : 20 mètres de long à 270 mètres de haut, 100 mètres pour 1 400 mètres et 400 mètres pour 5 000 mètres ! En résumé, dans tous les cas et à des degrés divers : cette source est sans bruit, rapide et volumineuse. De quoi ravir ou faire frémir les amateurs de soucoupe volante et de films d'invasion extraterrestre…
Une explication rationnelle ?
Beaucoup plus rationnel et terre à terre, Jean-Christophe Doré estime que cette lumière dont il a effectué une pré-analyse spectroscopique avec un réseau de diffraction (lire ci-contre) « peut correspondre à une source lumineuse de led blanche (des phares d'approches d'avion), voire d'un météore. Mais plus vraisemblablement, il s'agirait d'une traînée lumineuse correspondant à une météorite beaucoup plus haute ». Ce mystère sera-t-il définitivement résolu ?
NASA's Plan To Make Cheap Spacecraft That Will Explore Distant Worlds
NASA's Plan To Make Cheap Spacecraft That Will Explore Distant Worlds
Right now, the cost of studying the atmosphere of a distant planet or moon is a multi-million dollar mission. But NASA is working to make space exploration way more affordable—using cheap, lightweight CubeSats.
The CubeSat, a spacecraft that is just 10cm by 10cm, has been enthusiastically adopted by citizen scientists, students, and budget-strapped researchers over the past few years. Even a high-end CubeSat with a sophisticated suite of sensors and communications gear usually costs just a few thousand dollars, and they can fly with everything from cameras to biology experiments.
In short, there’s a lot you can do with a CubeSat—as long as you only want to do it in low Earth orbit. Since CubeSats usually don’t have their own propulsion systems, launch vehicles have to drop them off between 160km and 2,000km above the Earth. And from the moment they arrive, their orbits begin to decay.
Jame Esper, a technologist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, is trying to change that.
The idea is pretty simple: Just add a module with propulsion and attitude control systems, so the CubeSat can move around once it’s in space. Add a shielding module to protect it from the heat of entering a planet’s atmosphere, too. NASA calls the project CAPE, or CubeSat Application for Planetary Entry Missions.
Esper and his team visualize launching CubeSat probes from spacecraft, then sending them out into the Solar System to study the atmospheres of targets like Jupiter or Saturn’s moon Titan. This would cost thousands of dollars, instead of the millions it usually costs to build and launch an interplanetary probe. Researchers could even drop a small fleet of CubeSats into Jupiter’s atmosphere to collect data from several locations. The the Micro-Reentry Capsule, or MIRCA, would shield the CubeSats as they plunged through the atmosphere, and their sensors would gather data and transmit back to Earth until the last moment.
CubeSats could even go beyond the solar system, by using small solar panels, or perhaps even a LightSail. In fact, there are lots of possibilities for propulsion. An interplanetary CubeSat could potentially use an ion propulsion system like the one that carried NASA’s Dawn spacecraft to Ceres, for instance, and several companies have been working on other tiny propulsion methods in recent years, following the growing interest in CubeSats.
So far, Esper hasn’t described these potential propulsion systems in much detail, but in a recent statement, he said that he hopes to find partners to work with on the CAPE service module after his team tests the micro re-entry capsule in a high-altitude balloon drop this summer. They’ll drop the module from a balloon 18.6 miles above Fort Sumner, New Mexico, and it will break the sound barrier on its way down to the desert floor. That drop will test MIRCA’s aerodynamic stability.
Next year, Esper and his team hope to test a CubeSat re-entry system by launching one from the International Space Station. If all goes well, these little devices could eventually be our vanguards to planets currently far beyond our reach.
The remains of a 200,000 year old advanced civilization found in Africa
The remains of a 200,000 year old advanced civilization found in Africa
The incredible discovery was made in South Africa, around 150 km west of port Maputo. There, we find the remains of a huge metropolis that measures, according to tests, around 1500 square kilometers. This ancient city is, according to researchers, part of an even larger community with about 10,000 square kilometers and is believed to have been constructed 160,000 to 200,000 years before Christ.
The region is somewhat remote and the “circles” have often been encountered by local farmers who assumed they were made by some indigenous people in the past. But, oddly, no one ever bothered to inquire about who could have made them or how old they were. This changed when researcher and author, Michael Tellinger, in association with Johan Heine, a local fireman and pilot who had looked at these ruins for years, decided to investigate them. Heine had the unique opportunity to see these incredible structures from the air and knew that their significance was not appreciated.
“When Johan first introduced me to the ancient stone ruins of southern Africa, he had no idea of the incredible discoveries we would make in the following years. The photographs, artifacts and evidence we accumulated, point towards a lost civilization that has never before been and precedes all others – not for a few hundred years, or a few thousand years … but many thousands of years.” – Tellinger
According to Tellinger, these discoveries are so incredible that It will need a complete paradigm shift in how we view our human history.
The surrounding geology is interesting due to the numbers gold mines located in the vicinity. Researchers have proposed that a vanished civilization from the distant past, could have lived and proposed in that part of the world while mining gold. They point to the Ancient Anunnaki:
The Anunnkai Timeline – Coming to Earth: (According to Sitchin)
450,000 B.C. After long wars, the atmosphere of Nibiru began to deteriorate and became a hostile place for life, The Anunnaki needed gold to repair their atmosphere. According to researchers, we can use gold nano particles to repair our damaged ozone layer.
445,000 A.C. The Anunnaki aliens landed on Earth and established their base in Eridu, wanting to extract gold from the Persian Gulf. They were led by Enki, son of Anu.
416,000 B.C. Gold production fell, which made Anu come to Earth. Beside him his other son Enlil arrived. Anu decided that mining would take place in Africa and promoted Enlil in charge of the Terran mission.
400,000 A. C. In southern Mesopotamia were seven developed nations. Among the most important were: “Sipar”, “Nippur” and “Shuruppak”. After the metal was refined, the ore was transported from Africa with ‘ships’ and sent into orbit.
You can take look at these incredible structures with Google Earth using the following coordinates:
Carolina: 25 55 ‘53.28? S / 30 16 ‘13.13? E
Badplaas: 25 47 ‘33.45? S / 30 40 ‘38.76? E
Waterval: 25 38 ‘07.82? S / 30 21 ‘18.79? E
Machadodorp: 25 39 ‘22.42? S / 30 17 ‘03.25? E
These incredible ruins mostly consist of stone circles, most have been buried in the sand and are only observable by plane or satellites. Some have been exposed to climate change that has removed the sand, revealing the walls and foundations.
“I see myself as someone quite open-minded but I admit that it took me over a year to figure it out, and I realized that we are actually dealing with the oldest structures ever built by man on Earth. The main reason for this is that we have been taught that nothing of significance has ever come from South Africa. Powerful civilizations all emerged in Sumeria and Egypt and other places. “- Tellinger
According to Telling: It shows that the Sumerians and even the Egyptians inherited all their knowledge from an earlier advanced civilization that lived at the southern tip of Africa more than 200,000 years ago… mining gold.
These were also the people who carved the first Horus bird, the first Sphinx, built the first pyramids and built an exact stone calendar right in the heart of it all. Adam’s Calendar is the flagship among millions of circular stone ruins, ancient roads, agricultural terraces and thousands of ancient mines, left behind by a vanished civilization which they now call the FIRST PEOPLE. These were the ancestors of all humans today with an advanced knowledge of energy fields through planet Earth.
They carved detailed images into the hardest rock, worshipped the sun, and are the first to carve an image of the Egyptian Ankh – key of life and universal knowledge, 200,000 years before the Egyptians came to light. Tellinger presents this groundbreaking new evidence in which is released in his latest book Temples Of The African Gods. It graphically exposes these discoveries and will undoubtedly be the catalyst for rewriting our ancient human history.
Barry resident Jeanie Rebane had an unusual UFO experience while driving last night. So moved by the event, she posted her drawing and her account of her experience on Facebook.
Double UFO Sighting Near Cardiff, Wales
Jeanie noticed two craft when she was driving down Salisbury road at 10:30pm last night. “I was about halfway down when suddenly this plane/craft/ufo with a wing span/s of nearly the width of the street, and so low it was just above the rooftops, was coming towards me. Then I saw there was another one just behind it that appeared to be following it. There was barely any noise and both were moving very slow. I was transfixed as they were so big, then they both glided off to the left over the houses at the top of Porthkerry Park. I couldn’t see any cabin or even the shape or body of plane just the huge big white lights, also it has smaller red lights (see drawing) underneath. It was awesome but freaky!”
Jeanie wondered if anyone else had seen anything like it? One of Jeanie’s Facebook friends, Carole Jenet, commented that she had seen them as well. “I saw them too and thought they were just two very, very strange planes. I was standing on the patio at 11pm, in Sunbury on Thames, on the river. I was facing south and these two planes/flying things came from behind me over the roof and headed towards the south coast. As we are near Heathrow I just thought they were huge planes of some kind, but we are not in the flight path here and there was no noise from any engines and the two were very low in the sky! What the hell were they?
Carole, who was staying with friends adds, “The lights were extremely bright on these things, far brighter than a normal plane.” carole speculated that they may have been Russian surveillance planes giving the UK the once over but as she says, “They were very slow moving and no noise!”
We’d be interested to know if anyone else had a similar UFO experience last night either in Cardiff or along the suggested flightpath towards London. …
Barry is near Cardiff, the capital city of Wales. Barry is famous for many things but the filming of Gavin & Stacey certainly put Barry and Barry Island on the map.
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One Earth Message to crowdfund our first words to aliens
One Earth Message to crowdfund our first words to aliens
New Horizon probe could carry Earth's message of greeting into deep space
A crowdfunding project is bidding to commandeer Nasa’s Pluto probe and send if off into deep space to meet extraterrestrials with a message from the people Earth.
The plan is to upload 150MB of data, contributed by the backers of the One Earth Message campaign, to the tune of around 100 images and about an hour of audio recordings to the New Horizons craft whose current mission is to explore the surface of the dwarf planet and its moon Charon which lie at the furthest reaches of our solar system.
The project needs to reach its $500,000 goal of funding to make it fly along with NASA’s green light for the digital transfer of the message. Suggestions for what’s included in the transmission are of a map of the world complete with photos linked and tagged to specific locations.
Hubble Telescope
"It's not simply a photo contest," the project’s leader, Jon Lomberg, told "It's a process that's going to find out what people want to send."
New Horizons is set to make the first-ever fly-by of Pluto on July 14. After its primary mission is complete, it will eventually head out into the Kuiper Belt - an asteroid belt-like region beyond our solar system - after which it’s hoped by Lomberg and his supporters that it may one day be found by an alien species possibly millions of years from now.
"We'll never know if this extraterrestrial audience that we're designing it for will receive it. But we do know that the people of Earth who participate, who play a role in it - it can literally change their lives."
The crowdfunding campaign is live on Fiat Physica just 3 per cent of the way towards its target but still 52 days left to draw in the pledges. You can support the project from as little as $5 but it’s a minimum of $50 to get your name written in the stars.
Many scientists today are opposed to the concept of God. Perhaps that's because modern science really can't stand infinity –– or the stage where a physical theory breaks down.
The ancient Indians and Greeks did not describe infinity with precise measurement, as current mathematicians try to do, but instead dealt with infinity as a philosophical insight. In Judaism, the Infinite Being (Ein-Sof) is often used romantically to represent eternal love or the “happily ever after.” Spiritual people accept as true that all life is contained within a vast field of infinite being.
Nevertheless, most materialists tend to believe in nothing. Mathematicians became skeptical of the notion of infinity in the late 1800s. John Wallis first used the notation ∞ for such a number in the 17th century. It was assumed by some physicists that no measurable quantity could have an infinite value. If an object of infinite value were to exist, any formula to calculate a transformed value would lead to an infinite result, which would be of no help since the result would be always the same. Infinity cannot be added to itself.
Since there were no experimental means to generate an infinite quantity, it was thought impossible for any physical body to have infinite mass or infinite energy. However, today there exist theoretical circumstances where the end result is infinity. One example is the description of black holes. The equations of the general theory of relativity allow for volume distributions of zero size, and consequently infinite mass. This is called a mathematical singularity.
Mathematicians are quick to point out that a singularity is the place where physical theories break down and modern science fails –– or encounters serious limitations. But need that be so?
In 1905, Albert Einstein published the theory of special relativity. Dealing with relative time dilation and length contraction, Einstein showed that the speed of light in a vacuum corresponds to infinity. Thus, when mathematical equations run into physical infinities, what would happen if ∞ were replaced with the speed of light? Maybe such formulas are still usable and do not break down.
Modern science has the same aversion to mathematical zero. The pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, Zeno of Elea, gave the earliest demonstrable accounts of mathematical infinity and showed that zero represents negative infinity. We can consider +∞ and -∞ as the same. The division of a physical quantity into smaller and smaller fractions (or infinitesimal quantities) also decreases without bound –– representing the concept of infinity.
If positive infinity can be replaced with the speed of light, what can be said of zero or negative infinity? Absolute zero is the temperature (-273.15C) at which all motion in matter stops and is believed to be impossible. While infinity is the fastest motion that a physical body can attain, zero is no motion at all. As a result, near-zero temperature represents a state of matter known as a Bose-Einstein condensate in which all bosons in matter fall into the same quantum state, also called a superatom. It is connected to the scientific principle of order and entropy (or disorder) according to the famous Second Law of Thermodynamics. But because a superatom is a non-thermal system, it is not subject to the second law –– and perfect order is equivalent to absolute zero.
Once we recognize that zero and infinity are not meager abstractions, but actually correspond to velocities of bodies in motion, we tend to see the world differently –– and readily bow to new possibilities. However, there also persists an uncompromising refusal to acknowledge the reality of infinity.
The German mathematician Georg Cantor published many papers related to infinity during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He identified the Absolute Infinite with God, but received pitiless condemnation. Henri Poincaré referred to Cantor's work as a disease infecting the discipline of mathematics. Leopold Kronecker described him as a charlatan and a corrupter of youth. Christian theologians saw Cantor's work as a challenge to the uniqueness of the infinite nature of God. As a result, the inventor of set theory suffered from chronic depression or bipolar disorder. Georg Cantor died in a mental institution where he had spent the final year of his life.
When I enlarged this UFO, I see that its really not a reflection. Its not made of light. Its a solid object that is in the sky. I feel that the UFO in the area was drawn there by the appearance of the rainbow and that the aliens were intrigued by it. This person was lucky enough to catch them in a digital photo, because the digital eye is capable of seeing light beyond the human eye spectrum. This UFO as you can see, can separate into two different ships. Good catch. SCW
News states (rough translation from Polish): UFO over Szczecin? Object (s) not to explain captured on PICTURE
We wanted to immortalize a beautiful rainbow, and photographed TO – wrote a letter to Szczecin readers with Warzymice.
I sent a photo taken on Sunday from the window of an apartment in Warzymicach.
We wanted to immortalize a beautiful rainbow that appeared in the sky, and in the evening, we watched effects, we pay attention to the object in the left corner of the photo. Certainly there was then no aircraft in the sky, otherwise it does not look like an airplane. Please each image to enlarge and look at the strange object. Maybe it’s actually a UFO over Szczecin?
Indeed, the object (or two objects) do not resemble anything that could be easily explained.
This is not a reflection of the lamp
In the early afternoon image as author, Mr. Marcus Warzymice, sent us another email, which refers to the critical comments that appeared on the forum under the text. He wrote:
I am the author of this photo and denies that the lamp was turned on when taking pictures. In addition, the images I took a few, and these “objects” are visible on only one. I do not know what it is, but certainly it is not a reflection of any lamp or light from the room, because any, was not included. Outside it was already very clear and sunny.
And he said to us Mr Maciej, who also took pictures of the rainbow in Warzymicach:
Hello, here are my pictures of UFOs, but the fact that the rainbow was beautiful and worthy of perpetuation.
Vreemde UFO waargenomen boven Siberische (Rusland) hot spot ( Video )
Er zijn plekken op aarde die zogenaamde UFO hotspots worden genoemd.
Lokaties waar vaker dan op andere onbekende vliegende objecten worden gesignaleerd.
Zuid Amerika is zo'n voorbeeld en dan vooral rondom de vulkanen zoals de Popocatépetl in Mexico.
Ook Rusland heeft zo zijn eigen UFO hotspots en de plaats Omsk in Siberië is daar één van. Niet alleen UFO’s, maar ook zaken zoals graancirkels worden daar veelvuldig gesignaleerd.
Op 15 mei van dit jaar nam een amateurfotograaf een aantal merkwaardige foto’s van een vliegende formatie lichten boven de Oblast (provincie) Omsk.
Dmitry nam de eerste foto toen hij rond één uur ’s middags op straat liep in de stad Tara, in de buurt van Omsk.
Een minuut later nam hij een tweede foto toen de lichten verdwenen achter de televisietoren.
Helaas heeft Dmitry niet meer foto’s genomen van dit bijzondere voorval.
De Engelse UFO expert Nick Pope heeft ook naar de foto’s gekeken en hij noemde ze fascinerend.
Hij oppert de mogelijkheid dat dit misschien ook te maken zou kunnen hebben met geheime militaire experimenten.
Een extra bijzondere samenloop is dat in Omsk een museum is waar zich een collectie langgerekte schedels bevindt die een aantal jaren geleden in een nabij gelegen woud werden ontdekt.
Ook hier wordt gezegd, net zoals in Peru en Mexico waar ook dit soort schedels wordt gevonden, dat men de schedel met opzet, bij leven, misvormde.
De meningen zijn hierover echter nogal verdeeld, met ook een grote groep die gelooft dat deze mensen van buitenaardse oorsprong zijn.
Wie weet zijn de UFO’s in Omsk en omstreken gerelateerd aan het feit dat daar al heel lang buitenaardsen op bezoek komen en/of gewoond hebben.
UFO Alien Abduction Case: Still Bothers Travis Walton
UFO Alien Abduction Case: Still Bothers Travis Walton
The most prolific abduction case in the history of ufology is the kidnapping case of Travis Walton, which happened more than 35 years ago. His disappearance has caused a hurricane of news controversy, reports, and skepticism. Throughout his entire adult life, Walton carried the emotional burden and the incident, for the most part, is his solo journey. Of course, there is no concrete evidence that an extraterrestrial spacecraft has abducted anyone. But it is beyond one’s control if one person claims that he or she has been kidnapped.
The Abduction Incident
The event began on November 5, 1975, Walton at 22 years old. He was employed by Mike Rogers, who had a contract for nine years with the United States Forest Service. Walton and Rogers were best friends. On November 5, after 6 p.m. Rogers and his crew said they saw a huge golden disc soaring above a shining and clearing brightly. The men in truck reported that Walton was below when the disc-shaped object began making noises. Walton rose his foot into the air, with his extremities outstretched. The 1978 book entitled “The Walton Experience,” Walton told his extraordinary experience. The book became a film in 1993 entitled “Fire In The Sky.”
The Abduction Details
He revealed his terrifying experience when “non-human” beings abducted him, and his fear and suffocation feelings have unfolded. He claimed that he saw the face of the non-human creature, which are smaller than people, which is hard to control. He even concluded that the size might be the reason they have given up.
Walton was declared missing for five days, and during that time, his co-loggers buddies have faced foul play suspicions. When Walton came back without knowing how long he stayed in the alien’s life, there were loads of intense investigation, including multiple physical, psychological and polygraph tests. To celebrate the 40th anniversary, Walton will be speaking in Arizona at the November Skyfire Summit.
Astronomers observe a supernova colliding with its companion star
Astronomers observe a supernova colliding with its companion star
A still from a simulation of a Type Ia supernova. In the simulation, a Type Ia supernova explodes (dark brown color). The supernova material is ejected outwards at a velocity ofabout 10,000 km/s. The ejected material slams into its companion star (light blue). Such aviolent collision produces an ultraviolet pulse which is emitted from the conical hole carved out by the companion star. Credit: Dan Kasen
Type Ia supernovae, one of the most dazzling phenomena in the universe, are produced when small dense stars called white dwarfs explode with ferocious intensity. At their peak, these supernovae can outshine an entire galaxy. Although thousands of supernovae of this kind were found in the last decades, the process by which a white dwarf becomes one has been unclear.
That began to change on May 3, 2014, when a team of Caltech astronomers working on a robotic observing system known as the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF)—a multi-institute collaboration led by Shrinivas Kulkarni, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Professor of Astronomy and Planetary Science and director of the Caltech Optical Observatories—discovered a Type Ia supernova, designated iPTF14atg, in nearby galaxy IC831, located 300 million light-years away.
The data that were immediately collected by the iPTF team lend support to one of two competing theories about the origin of white dwarf supernovae, and also suggest the possibility that there are actually two distinct populations of this type of supernova.
The details are outlined in a paper with Caltech graduate student Yi Cao the lead author, appearing May 21 in the journal Nature.
Type Ia supernovae are known as "standardizable candles" because they allow astronomers to gauge cosmic distances by how dim they appear relative to how bright they actually are. It is like knowing that, from one mile away, a light bulb looks 100 times dimmer than another located only one-tenth of a mile away. This consistency is what made these stellar objects instrumental in measuring the accelerating expansion of the universe in the 1990s, earning three scientists the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011.
There are two competing origin theories, both starting with the same general scenario: the white dwarf that eventually explodes is one of a pair of stars orbiting around a common center of mass. The interaction between these two stars, the theories say, is responsible for triggering supernova development. What is the nature of that interaction? At this point, the theories diverge.
According to one theory, the so-called double-degenerate model, the companion to the exploding white dwarf is also a white dwarf, and the supernova explosion initiates when the two similar objects merge.
However, in the second theory, called the single-degenerate model, the second star is instead a sunlike star—or even a red giant, a much larger type of star. In this model, the white dwarf's powerful gravity pulls, or accretes, material from the second star. This process, in turn, increases the temperature and pressure in the center of the white dwarf until a runaway nuclear reaction begins, ending in a dramatic explosion.
The difficulty in determining which model is correct stems from the facts that supernova events are very rare—occurring about once every few centuries in our galaxy—and that the stars involved are very dim before the explosions.
That is where the iPTF comes in. From atop Palomar Mountain in Southern California, where it is mounted on the 48-inch Samuel Oschin Telescope, the project's fully automated camera optically surveys roughly 1000 square degrees of sky per night (approximately 1/20th of the visible sky above the horizon), looking for transients—objects, including Type Ia supernovae, whose brightness changes over timescales that range from hours to days.
On May 3, the iPTF took images of IC831 and transmitted the data for analysis to computers at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, where a machine-learning algorithm analyzed the images and prioritized real celestial objects over digital artifacts. Because this first-pass analysis occurred when it was nighttime in the United States but daytime in Europe, the iPTF's European and Israeli collaborators were the first to sift through the prioritized objects, looking for intriguing signals. After they spotted the possible supernova—a signal that had not been visible in the images taken just the night before—the European and Israeli team alerted their U.S. counterparts, including Caltech graduate student and iPTF team member Yi Cao.
Cao and his colleagues then mobilized both ground- and space-based telescopes, including NASA's Swift satellite, which observes ultraviolet (UV) light, to take a closer look at the young supernova.
"My colleagues and I spent many sleepless nights on designing our system to search for luminous ultraviolet emission from baby Type Ia supernovae," says Cao. "As you can imagine, I was fired up when I first saw a bright spot at the location of this supernova in the ultraviolet image. I knew this was likely what we had been hoping for."
UV radiation has higher energy than visible light, so it is particularly suited to observing very hot objects like supernovae (although such observations are possible only from space, because Earth's atmosphere and ozone later absorbs almost all of this incoming UV). Swift measured a pulse of UV radiation that declined initially but then rose as the supernova brightened. Because such a pulse is short-lived, it can be missed by surveys that scan the sky less frequently than does the iPTF.
This observed ultraviolet pulse is consistent with a formation scenario in which the material ejected from a supernova explosion slams into a companion star, generating a shock wave that ignites the surrounding material. In other words, the data are in agreement with the single-degenerate model.
Back in 2010, Daniel Kasen, an associate professor of astronomy and physics at UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, used theoretical calculations and supercomputer simulations to predict just such a pulse from supernova-companion collisions. "After I made that prediction, a lot of people tried to look for that signature," Kasen says. "This is the first time that anyone has seen it. It opens up an entirely new way to study the origins of exploding stars."
According to Kulkarni, the discovery "provides direct evidence for the existence of a companion star in a Type Ia supernova, and demonstrates that at least some Type Ia supernovae originate from the single-degenerate channel."
Although the data from supernova iPTF14atg support it being made by a single-degenerate system, other Type Ia supernovae may result from double-degenerate systems. In fact, observations in 2011 of SN2011fe, another Type Ia supernova discovered in the nearby galaxy Messier 101 by PTF (the precursor to the iPTF), appeared to rule out the single-degenerate model for that particular supernova. And that means that both theories actually may be valid, says Caltech professor of theoretical astrophysics Sterl Phinney, who was not involved in the research. "The news is that it seems that both sets of theoretical models are right, and there are two very different kinds of Type Ia supernovae."
"Both rapid discovery of supernovae in their infancy by iPTF, and rapid follow-up by the Swift satellite, were essential to unveil the companion to this exploding white dwarf. Now we have to do this again and again to determine the fractions of Type Ia supernovae akin to different origin theories," says iPTF team member Mansi Kasliwal, who will join the Caltech astronomy faculty as an assistant in September 2015.
The iPTF project is a scientific collaboration between Caltech; Los Alamos National Laboratory; the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; the Oskar Klein Centre in Sweden; the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel; the TANGO Program of the University System of Taiwan; and the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe in Japan.
More information: A strong ultraviolet pulse from a newborn type Ia supernova, Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature14440
Did extraterrestrials create the human species? Ancient texts say Yes
Did extraterrestrials create the human species? Ancient texts say Yes
In many sacred ancient texts, we find stories that speak of the creation of man. Among the most important texts we have the Sumerian, which mention the creation of man and their creators, the Anunnaki, "Those who from heaven came to Earth."
There are several Bible verses that refer to the creation of Adam and Eve, which some believe are based on writings of Sumerian clay tablets that speak of "superior" beings which created the first human species. Genesis 1:26-27:
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
In other ancient texts, like the Popol Vuh which isknown as the sacred book of the Quiché, the great Maya family, the "powerful ones from the sky" created man.
In the Qur'an, One night in the month of Ramadan, in the year 610 CE, Muhammad suddenly came up with a story that angel Gabriel appeared to him and gave him revelations from Allah. Gabriel ordered Muhammad to read in the name of your god as stated in the following verses:
. Verse 96.1: “read in the name of god who created”; . Verse 96.2: “created man from a clinging substance”; . Verse 96.3: “read and your god, the most generous”; . Verse 96.4: “who taught by the pen”; . Verse 96.5: “Taught man what he did not knew”.
In Japanese creation myths, it is believed that, in ancient times, a heavenly couple descended from above, breeding on Earth, leaving their children on our planet and creating the Japanese people.
In 2002, with the discovery of the human genome, researchers indicated that humans have 223 genes that do not have predecessors in the genetic tree of evolution.
The answer to why only humans have had such an abrupt evolution from all the species on Earth might be answered by the numerous ancient texts that speak of how life was created. Why do we decide to ignore them? Because science does not agree with them?
According to other researchers that are more open-minded, it does not seem far-fetched that humans were created by an extraterrestrial civilization in the distant past, with the help of genetic engineering, something that would perhaps help explain the 223 "alien genes" present in our DNA.
Francis Crick an English biochemist, winner of the Nobel price, discovered in 1953 the DNA structure. He sustained that extraterrestrial beings discovered our world in the distant past and decided to create "intelligent" life on the planet. Another expert, Vsevolod Troitsky, proposed a theory that the Earth could be some sort of testing ground for other, so-to-speak superior beings.
There have been numerous books that speakof creation and that suggest alternative theories on how man came to be what he is today.
Researcher Zecharias Sitchin suggested that the Anunnaki came to earth in the distant past from their planet Nibiru and genetically engineered humans on Earth. This is not only proven by ancient scriptures found worldwide, but also by many paintings like the double helix of DNA, symbolized by two intertwined serpents.
The Ancient Giants of Nevada and the Mystery of Lovelock Cave
Was North America once inhabited by a race of giants? According to an old legend supported by several challenging archaeological finds, it is possible. Many Native American tribes tell stories about the long-forgotten existence of a race of humans that were much taller and stronger than ordinary men. These giants are described as both brave and barbaric and legends often mention their cruelty towards whomever they pleased. The Paiute, a tribe that settled in the Nevada region thousands of years ago, have an outstanding legend about a race of red-haired giants called the Si-Te-Cah. The ancestors of the Paiute described them as savage and inhospitable cannibals. In the Northern Paiute language, ‘Si-Te-Cah’ literally means ‘tule-eaters.’ Legend has it that the giants came from a distant island by crossing the ocean on rafts built using the fibrous tule plant. As odd as it may sound, this legend repeats itself all over the Americas, suggesting it might be an incomplete chronicle of a real event that happened long ago.
In Crónicas del Perú, sixteenth century Spanish conquistador Pedro Cieza de León recorded an ancient Peruvian tale about the origin of the South American giants. According to legend, they “came by sea in rafts of reeds after the manner of large boats; some of the men were so tall that from the knee down they were as big as the length of an ordinary fair-sized man.”
Could the giants of Peru and the Si-Te-Cah have been survivors of a massive cataclysm who took refuge on the American continent?
Legend tells that the Si-Te-Cah waged war on the Paiute and all other neighboring tribes, spreading terror and devastation. Finally, after years of conflict, the tribes united against the common enemy and began to decimate them. The last remaining red-haired giants were chased off and sought shelter inside a cave. The tribes started a fire at the cave entrance, suffocating and burning alive the Si-Te-Cah. Those driven out by the smoke were also killed.
The tribes then sealed off the mouth of the cave so that no one might set eyes on those who had once plagued their land. They were all but forgotten until a random event brought them back to light.
In 1886, a mining engineer named John T. Reid happened to hear the legend from a group of Paiutes while prospecting near Lovelock, Nevada. The Indians told him that the legend was real and the cave was located nearby. When he saw the cave for himself, Reid knew he was onto something.
Reid was unable to begin digging himself but news spread and soon, Lovelock cave was attracting attention. Unfortunately, the attention was profit-driven as guano deposits were discovered inside. A company started by miners David Pugh and James Hart began excavating the precious resource in 1911 and had soon shipped more than 250 tons to a fertilizer company in San Francisco. Any artifacts that might have been discovered were probably neglected or lost.
After the surface layer of guano had been mined, strange objects started to surface. This led to an official excavation being performed in 1912 by the University of California and another one took place in 1924. Reports told about thousands of artifacts being recovered, some of them being truly unusual.
Although their claims have not been verified (it comes as no surprise), sources said the mummified remains of several red-haired ancient giants were found buried in the cave. Measuring between 8 to 10 feet in height, these mummies have since been referred to as the Lovelock Giants.
Another intriguing find was a pair of 15 inch-long sandals that showed signs of having been worn. Allegedly, other unusually large items were recovered but have since been locked away in museum warehouses and private collection.
A piece of evidence that remains on-site until this day is a giant hand print, embedded on a boulder inside Lovelock Cave. We won’t go into further debate pertaining to this aspect and its implications.
Needless to say, this discovery has led many into believing the Paiute legend of the Si-Te-Cah might be more than just folklore.
Around the same time as the second Lovelock Cave excavation, another dig revealed a set of equally-disturbing finds. According to a 1931 article published in the Nevada Review-Miner, two giant skeletons had been found buried in a dry lake bed close to Lovelock, Nevada. The over-sized remains measured 8.5, respectively 10 feet in height and were mummified in a manner similar to the one employed by ancient Egyptians.
Another common trait between these mummified giant remains and the ones discovered as far south as Lake Titicaca is the presence of red hair. While some scientists believe the reddish color is a result of the interaction with the environment in which they were buried, the mummies verify the legends, which described the Si-Te-Cah and their kin as red-haired giants.
Proponents of alternative history believe these violent giants were none other than the biblical Nephilim, the forsworn offspring of the ‘Sons of God’ with the ‘daughters of men.’
If this is true, there’s little chance we might get to see any of the giant mummies. Those interested in keeping history secret will never disclose their location.
Mysterious Green Light Phenomenon appears above the Netherlands
Mysterious Green Light Phenomenon appears above the Netherlands
On Tuesday, Blogger Harry Clipperton a resident of the City Groningen in the Netherlands made some pictures of the nature which he wanted to post it on his blog.
After returning home, he noticed something strange in one of his pictures what looks like a strange green light phenomenon in the sky.
Harry writes on his blog Groninganus ”At first I thought it is a camera error, dirt or water speck on the lens but it is clearly not. I remember there was a kind of flash at the moment I took the pictures so I decided it must have been lightning or maybe it’s a UFO.”
We may wonder whether it is a natural phenomenon, a man-made secret laser or beam project, like the Norway Spiral or is it something supernatural.
There have been plenty of UFO sightings in the Grimsby area over the years.
A SURVEY revealing UFO hotspots across Britain has been unveiled – and surprisingly doesn’t include anywhere in Lincolnshire.
Falkirk, in Scotland, topped the bill in the list, which was created by property experts Rightmove from a survey of 30,000 people.
Meanwhile, Torquay in Devon was deemed to have the highest rate of ghost sightings while the London borough of Hackney is where, bizarrely, most people have unwittingly seen their neighbours naked.
Lincoln appears in 7th place on the ghost sightings list while nearby Hull managed 4th position in the top ten towns for nude neighbours.
To prove our area has had its fair share of strange lights in the sky, check out our interactive map of notable UFO incidents that have occurred over the years.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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