The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Over 100 jaar bestaat de mensheid niet meer...
Over 100 jaar bestaat de mensheid niet meer...
Volgens een gerenommeerde professor uit Australië is de mens over zo’n 100 jaar uitgestorven door overbevolking en klimaatverandering.
Tegelijkertijd zijn er nog meer alarmerende cijfers afkomstig van een onderzoek door de Engelse overheid. Daarin houdt het einde van het leven zoals wij dat kennen op in 2040.
Het was natuurlijk te verwachten dat we in de aanloop naar de grote VN vergadering in september de nodige voorprogrammering zullen krijgen.
Een nieuwe versie van de beruchte Agenda 21 die ongeveer alle aspecten van het leven op aarde zal omvatten.
Als reden/excuus voor de lancering van deze nieuwe wereldregering wordt de niet bestaande opwarming van de aarde gebruikt en dat de mens hiervoor verantwoordelijk zou zijn.
Zo is er de afgelopen week het propagandastuk uit het Vaticaan gelanceerd en komen er nu opeens “toevallig” ook allemaal andere alarmerende berichten.
Volgens de Australische wetenschapper, professor Frank Fenner, zal de mensheid over ongeveer 100 jaar waarschijnlijk niet meer bestaan vanwege overbevolking, vernietiging van het milieu en klimaatverandering.
Volgens de laatste cijfers bedraagt de wereldbevolking op dit moment 6,8 miljard mensen en zal het volgend jaar de 7 miljard passeren.
Fenner zegt dat hij probeert niet te pessimistisch te zijn omdat mensen bezig zijn om er wat aan te doen, maar dat ze dit iedere keer weer uitstellen. Hij zegt dat hij denkt dat de situatie onomkeerbaar is omdat de gevolgen voor de aarde sinds het begin van de industrialisatie te vergelijken zijn met het effect van een ijstijd of een komeetinslag.
Ter illustratie wordt dan het volgende staatje bijgevoegd waarop de explosieve bevolkingsgroei van de wereld duidelijk zichtbaar is.
Volgens Fenner staat klimaatverandering pas in de kinderschoenen en zal waarschijnlijk de oorzaak worden van ons uitsterven. Meer mensen betekent volgens hem minder natuurlijke hulpbronnen en meer oorlogen over voedsel.
Dan een tweede bericht, wat zo mogelijk nog alarmerender is, is afkomstig van de Engelse overheid. Die hebben hebben een wetenschappelijk onderzoek laten uitvoeren waaruit blijkt dat als wij niet heel snel van koers veranderen binnen dertig jaar de industriële beschaving zoals wij die kennen in elkaar zal storten.
Door rampzalige voedseltekorten, veroorzaakt door een combinatie van klimaatverandering, gebrek aan water, energiecrisis en politieke instabiliteit.
Wel wordt er geruststelling bij gezegd dat er in de wetenschappelijke modellen geen rekening is gehouden met dat mensen in die periode hun gedrag zullen aanpassen waardoor er een andere uitkomst kan ontstaan.
Doen wij helemaal niets dan is volgens dit onderzoek het zo rond 2040 afgelopen met de wereld zoals wij die kennen.
Waar we de komende tijd rekening mee moeten houden, is dat er nog talloze van dit soort alarmerende berichten zullen verschijnen. Allemaal gerenommeerde wetenschappers of overheden die de mensheid proberen wakker te schudden voordat het te laat is.
Probleem is dat dit soort propaganda altijd goed werkt. De mens wordt bedreigd in zijn voortbestaan, dus ja alstublieft een wereldregering om deze enorme problematiek op te lossen.
Er zal voortdurend worden gehamerd op dat er teveel mensen (zouden) zijn op deze wereld. Wanneer je de argumenten van bijvoorbeeld professor Fenner leest dan lijkt alleen een drastische oplossing van het lozen van een fiks deel van de wereldbevolking de enig mogelijke oplossing. Want, zo zegt hij, "het is al te laat".
Hoe meer je erop gaat letten, des te meer waarnemingen van UFO’s blijken er te zijn waarbij op de één of andere manierdimensieportalen om de hoek komen kijken.
Het is verbazingwekkend wanneer je een soort onweerswolk met weerlicht ziet, maar zonder de bijbehorende donderslagen bovendien UFO’s die er in en uit vliegen.
Er heeft zich weer een dergelijke waarneming voorgedaan in het Engelse plaatsje Spilsby in het graafschap Lincolnshire. Het gebeurde op 20 juni 2015 en de UFO die de getuige waarnam, zag er zo uit:
Dit is wat de getuige vertelt:
Deze ufo werd gisteravond door mij waargenomen rond tien uur ’s avonds. Excuses voor de slechte kwaliteit van de video en mijn taalgebruik. Ik probeerde zo goed mogelijk te filmen, maar ik wist dat mijn mobiel waardeloos was in verband met het weinige licht. Maar, ik had niets anders om de ufo te proberen vast te leggen.
De ufo werd twee keer gezien in een periode van 30 minuten. De eerste keer steeg hij op in de lucht en verdween. Een paar minuten later was hij terug, veel dichterbij.
De ufo bleef toen stationair in de lucht hangen. Toen ging hij een wolk binnen en vervaagde.
Het creëerde een geweldige weerlichtsstorm zonder donderslagen die wel drie uur lang duurde. Alleen de bovenkant van de wolken waar de ufo was verdwenen lichtten op door de krachtige bliksemflitsen. Een heel vreemde avond, om het maar zacht uit te drukken.
Hiermee de zoveelste waarneming die valt in de categorie: wolk, bliksem, moederschip en/of dimensieportaal.
Wanneer je dus de komende maanden vreemd uitziende wolken ziet, met veel bliksemschichten, dan is het raadzaam om je ogen goed open te houden, want de kans is groot dat je daar ook één of meerder UFO’s zult waarnemen.
NAvolgend de video-opname die zoals de maker al zei, niet echt goed is, maar voor de volledigheid:
"Piramide op Mars is bewijs voor buitenaards leven"
“Piramide op Mars is bewijs voor buitenaards leven”
UFO-jagers hebben op NASA-foto’s van Mars naar eigen zeggen een replica van één van de Egyptische piramides ontdekt. Ze menen dat de vondst bewijst dat de rode planeet ooit bewoond werd door een oude beschaving.
De ‘piramide’, die op 7 mei is vastgelegd door de Marsjeep Curiosity, zou erop wijzen dat Mars ooit intelligent leven herbergde. Volgens de sceptici gaat het om een ongewone rotsformatie.
Nagenoeg perfecte vorm
Het YouTube-kanaal Paranormal Crucible claimt dat ‘de nagenoeg perfecte vorm’ van het object laat zien dat het ‘is gebouwd door een intelligentie’. Niet iedereen is overtuigd. Sommigen wijzen op overeenkomsten met rotsformaties op aarde en zeggen dat de wind verantwoordelijk is voor de vorm van het object. Anderen zeggen dat de formatie nog geen halve meter hoog is.
Veel UFO-fans geloven dat NASA leven op Mars al decennialang verdoezelt. Sommigen geloven zelfs dat mensen in 1968 veilig op de planeet zijn geland en er nog steeds leven.
“De meeste van deze afbeeldingen zijn wazig en het grootste deel kan gemakkelijk worden verklaard,” zei schrijver Nigel Watson. “Het probleem is echter: hoe vaker NASA zulke dingen ontkent of verklaart, hoe meer mensen denken dat ze proberen de waarheid over buitenaards bezoek te verbergen.”
Er zijn in het verleden al vaak ongewone dingen op het Marsoppervlak ontdekt. In de 19e eeuw trof astronoom Percival Lowell kanalen aan op de planeet. Hij meende dat deze kanalen door intelligente Martianen waren gemaakt.
Op 25 juli 1976 fotografeerde Viking 1 de tafelberg Cydonia Mensa, die later bekend werd als het ‘gezicht op Mars’. De meeste wetenschappers schrijven dit soort waarnemingen toe aan pareidolie, een fenomeen waarbij iemand in willekeurige waarnemingen herkenbare dingen meent te zien. Anderen stellen dat de mogelijkheid van een beschaving op Mars niet moet worden uitgesloten.
Amazing daytime video of an Orb over Springtown, Texas
Amazing daytime video of an Orb over Springtown, Texas
Here’s one interesting footage of an bright unidentified flying object hovering in the sky above Springtown in Texas. This was taken on 23rd March 2015.
Witness report: Not much to it video says it all, it just stayed in the exact same spot the whole 30 minutes I was there and I just thought it was unusual as it did not move at all and I know air balloons move when the wind is blowing. But I kept an eye on it the whole time I was there working. And I have no idea what it was or I would not bother sending the video, I was downloading pictures from my phone to my computer when I even snapped that I had the video. This is not my first UFO sighting here in Texas, here at Runaway Bay, Texas I have witnessed several UFO sightings. Though this one was in Springtown there is a lot of strange things in our skies. I was attracted to it because of it’s shape and the fact it did not seem to move at all. The object never landed or as far as I know even disrupted anyone’s day, but I would like to know if anything was ever said about it.
World War Two Mystery: Uncovering Giant Alien Vessel
World War Two Mystery: Uncovering Giant Alien Vessel
If you are interested in the unidentified flying object phenomenon, you are probably familiar with the so-called “Foo Fighters” that existed during the Second World War. Foo Fighter is the term given to a circular, spherical, wedged or disc-like shape object that appears glowing and shiny. It also has a high degree of illumination and were seen by World War II flight crews or pilots. Throughout the years, no Foo Fighters were reported or known to have attempted or made any interaction, attack or contact. However, they were known for their high rate of agility and speed. Being faster than any identified aircraft as well as being extremely maneuverable, it has an extremely unconventional abilities like instantaneous deceleration and acceleration, rapid descent, and climbing and hovering in place.
Usually, they are paralleled aircraft and were seen mostly by aviators. Foo Fighters were perplexing balls of light. Theories range from alien probes to natural phenomena of a poorly understood nature, and from secret weapons of Nazi to secret devices of the Allies. While the stories are famous within the field of Ufology, less popular fall on the other flying machines during the Second World War. In such a case, it’s not about small light balls causing chaos and concern for pilots, but it is all about the massive alien spacecraft. Long before the U.S., England entered the war in what is known as Foo Fighters reported by the British on September 1941. Through regular sightings, except for a month in 1943, all sides continuing throughout the war.
On the U.S. side, even though sightings occurred at regular intervals before P-61 Black Widows deployment in Europe, it was the fighter pilots who regularly report seeing Foo Fighters. They usually describe it as an unknown object. The pilots of Black Widows finally coined the word Foo-Fighters – thanks to them!
I woke up disturbed and uncomfortable, no idea why. Went out on patio. Due to the two story townhomes around me I had a 100 ft wide view South unencumbered. I was facing South lighting a cigarette and saw the front point light and beginning of something dark metallic hover/flying on horizon. It was moving extremely slow and very low, and it was entering view from west edge of certain buildings that told me it was over the 59 Freeway area. It took at least 30 seconds for the entire object to go past.
The UFO was so big I did not have a full view of it, I watched the front to back go by, but the front was out of view by the time the back with 2 lights at corners passed. There was no sound. It was a like a football field in the air. I was shaking as I watched, and put my back against the building to try to hide. But I could not stop watching. For some reason I thought it was scanning everything. When it was gone from view, I went inside in a panic. Lost at what to do. Within 30 seconds I went back out and looked South again. It was extremely quite outside, and a tingly feeling in the winter air.
Then further in the distance another one came in to view followed by another one even further away. Same triangles with 3 lights at corners. I could see both of them in full view, so if they were as big as the first one then they were several miles away. They took about 60 seconds to clear from view, also moving West to East. It was Christmas Morning 3:20am on clock when I went back inside. There were no clouds, or other aircraft during this time. It was so bizarre, it has taken me 10 years to think to look and see if anyone else saw it. I had no idea where to report something like this, until I recently heard.
Mount Kailash is a legendary place in Tibet. With an impressive height of 6718 meters, Mount Kailash represents the axis of the world or the stairway to heaven for the people in the region.
Both Buddhists and Hindus, as well as older religions, recognize Mount Kailash as an ancient holy place. It is advised not to climb the mountain, since that would be sacrilege and bring misfortune.
Mount Kailash is indeed an axis, if only because it is the source of major Asian rivers like the Indus River. Its shape it remarkable and has led to speculations over the centuries. Russian researchers have even proposed that the top of Mount Kailash is actually a giant man-made pyramid from ancient times. If this is true, then human history has to be re-written. It is larger than any pyramid known today.
Perhaps the Buddhist legends about Mount Kailash gives the most interesting indication of its true significance. Buddhists believe that ‘their’ sorcerer Milarepa challenged the sorcerer of the Bön religion, Naro Bön-chung. There was a fierce superhuman battle, but both sorcerers turned out to be equally powerful. They then decided to race each other to the top of Mount Kailash. Now what is interesting is that one of them used some sort of magic drum to reach the top, while the other won by using ‘rays of the sun’.
What does this sound like, if we take it literally? Did one of these legendary figures use a spacecraft and the other some form of teleportation? What if these magicians were actually ancient aliens, using advanced technology that primitive humans could only explain by calling them ‘gods’?
Please compare the remains of Puma Punku, in an equally high place but on another continent. The ancient ‘gods’ favored high places and built installations there. Ezekiel was brought to see one of these places. Zeus lived on one. So what about Mount Kailash? Is it another node in a global grid, built with some alien technology that we cannot actually see and do not yet understand?
VIDEO: Fietser legt vreemde dansende lichten vast in de lucht boven Indiana, USA
VIDEO: Fietser legt vreemde dansende lichten vast in de lucht boven Indiana, USA
Een man die tijdens een fietstocht vreemde lichten in de lucht boven Indiana filmde, beweert dat ze bewijs zijn voor geheime overheidsexperimenten. Waarschijnlijk zijn het bijzonnen of parhelia geweest.
In een filmpje op YouTube is een brede lichtstrook te zien die tegen een ondergaande zon op en neer beweegt achter de wolken. De man pakte zijn telefoon en begon het ongewone licht te filmen. “Dit is vreemd!” zegt hij. “Wat is dat in vredesnaam?”
De getuige beweert dat de lichten bewijs zijn voor experimenten die worden gedaan met het High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), een Amerikaans legerproject. Het doel van HAARP is om de ionosfeer te bestuderen.
“Ik kwam thuis en ontdekte dat het HAARP wordt genoemd, een onderzoeksprogramma van de overheid,” schreef de man onder de video. “Aan het begin van de video zie je dat de straal even verdwijnt, een deel van de wolk naar boven beweegt, en daarna weer terugkomt.”
Volgens NASA veroorzaken bijzonnen of ‘ijshalo’s’ snelle veranderingen in de lichtinval boven wolken door de wisselwerking met ijskristallen. De ijskristallen vormen zich normaal gesproken als een bliksemschicht een elektrisch veld produceert. De lichten kunnen het beste worden gezien als de zon dicht bij de horizon is.
If you are not into UFOs, you will be one of those non-believers who commonly give critics to every strange object sighting seen by the witnesses. Once reported, it becomes 90% perfectly identifiable object to those who can easily identify between man-made and natural phenomena. However, the remaining 10% are objects that are unidentifiable.
At Murrells Inlet, a South Carolina witness reported seeing three mysterious black triangle objects gliding silently heading to Myrtle Beach. The event occurs about 9 in the evening in January. 20, 2015 when the witness ran an errand. The witness claimed that it was a calm and clear night. In fact, the stars were out, but quite dark. At first, there were three forms of lights approaching slowly. As they become weak, they become completely silent. The witness wondered if the odd triangular-shaped object was a form of military exercise but left doubt since there were no strobe lights and no engine noise of the wings. Unidentified flying objects vary in sizes, shapes and other characteristics that have recorded for thousands of years.
One of the strangest scenarios that happened during the appearance is the unusually quiet neighbourhood – no vehicle noise, barking dogs or any movement. As if everything was standing still and surreal. The strange sightings are not clear until they passed directly over the witness’ front yard – three identical black triangular shapes flying object hovering in an offset pattern.
The witness described the object as a round, oversized, stationary red light (basketball’s size), a small green light on the wing tip and white light on the left side. The white and green lights blinked alternately on and off in a steady pattern. As the strange sighting glided overhead, the witness snapped photos. Unfortunately, no images were caught as if the camera has blackened out. Can be this be explained as something man-made or natural?
Prachtige beelden uit ruimte van leven in ISS (en van ruimtecheeseburger) -
Prachtige beelden uit ruimte van leven in ISS (en van ruimtecheeseburger) -
videoDe astronauten aan boord van het Internationale Ruimtestation (ISS) hebben prachtige beelden gemaakt van de ruimte, onze planeet en hun dagelijkse bezigheden. Ze bieden zo een unieke blik op het leven aan boord van het ISS.
De NASA verspreidt de beelden voortaan ook in extra heldere 4K-resolutie (Ultra High Definition of UHD), iets wat onderzoekers nieuwe inzichten moet verschaffen in de experimenten die aan boord plaatsvinden.
In het filmpje zien we onder meer een grote storm boven de Aarde, een paradijselijke atol en een indrukwekkende zonsopgang. De shots aan boord tonen het dagelijkse leven van de astronauten: we zien hen onder meer een tortilla en een 'ruimtecheeseburger' eten. En dat laatste is wel heel speciaal in gewichtloze toestand.
videoBlogger Dmitry Pisanko ploegde door meer dan 95.600 foto's die het International Space Station (ISS) voor NASA maakte om ze vervolgens te monteren tot een epische HD-timelapse. Van de 110 gigabyte fotomateriaal maakte hij een film van veertig minuten. De hoogtepunten voegde hij samen tot dit fragment van vier minuten. Het beeld wordt begeleid door muziek van de populaire componist Ludovico Einaudi.
Zwevend boven de aarde legt het ISS de 's nachts oplichtende bewoonde wereld vast. De beelden tonen onder meer extreem onweer en indrukwekkend poollicht. Ook de ondergaande maan en de sterrenpracht ontbreken niet in de compilatie.
290 Million Year Old Human Footprint Found in New Mexico. Now What?
Is it possible that we have history all wrong? That the dates that conventional history is giving us regarding mankind are all incorrect? That humans lived on Earth much sooner that science originally thought so? With all of the recent discoveries that are being made, it certainly seems like a possibility. A Possibility that mainstream scholars seem to have a problem with, since that would mean our history book would need to be rewritten? The origin of man and the fundamentals of religions would change a lot, and that is something that mainstream scholars cannot possibly deal with.
At first this footprint might not seem like much, as you can probably come across it anywhere on Earth, but this is no ordinary footprint. You can obviously see the anatomy of it, it resembles a modern-day human foot, but the thing is, this footprint is fossilized and embedded into a stone that researchers believe is at around 290 million years old. That is a gigantic missing period of time that if proven to be accurate will change a lot of things in society as we know it today.
The discovery of the 290 million year old footprint was made in New Mexico by paleontologist Jerry MacDonald in 1987. In the vicinity of this mysterious footprint there are fossilized impressions of birds and other animals. The discovery of the human impression has left MacDonald particularly puzzled and not he or anyone who has seen and studied the impression has not been able to explain how this modern footprint could have been located in the Permian strata, which according to scholars dates from 290 to 248 million years, a time period which occurred long before man or even birds and dinosaurs existed on this planet, of course, that is according to modern science and scientific thinking.
Should we change the way we think and look at things? Or should we accept modern-day scientific thinking which suggests, there is no way that is a human footprint dating back 290 millions of years. It seems to be an ongoing debate between people who firmly believe that history is wrong, and those who point out that all of these mysterious findings are actually a hoax and have nothing to do with reality.
This 290 million year old footprint has been categorized by paleontologists as problematic as they do not seem to understand the way it got there, and better yet, who left it there. Basically some would say that to prove that this footprint which dates back 290 million years isn’t a fake, all we have to do is find something similar to it, and researchers have found numerous unexplainable things that can be connected with this footprint found in New Mexico.
In this image we see a similar footprint dating back millions of years, the only difference is that this footprint is gigantic and located in Africa.
Researchers have had mixed feelings about this footprint, and they don’t seem to try very hard to debunk it, nor have they argued about the authenticity of the footprint. According to most researchers, they comment on the matter saying that ” It just looks like a human footprint”. Well, it doesn’t only look like one, it clearly is one.
Dr. Micheal Salla has indicated that there is a Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex or MIEC, and that Earth is being assimilated by an alien agenda which also operates on Earth’s Moon.
The photo below is similar to many that I myself have seen. It appears that the Chinese who took the photo, have confirmed that aliens exist. The Chinese have probably been in contact with these aliens already.
That would explain why so many radio telescopes are searching for signals from aliens, and more being built as we speak, yet no reported signals from aliens were reported to the public.
The report stipulates:
“I was sent some pictures by a source who claims China will be releasing Hi Res images taken by the Chang’e-2 moon orbiter, which clearly show buildings and structures on the moons surface. He also claims NASA has deliberately bombed important areas of the Moon in an effort to destroy ancient artefacts and facility’s. Pictures yet to be released clearly show nuclear impact craters and building debris caused by explosions in an effort by NASA to destroy the truth. China is moving toward full disclosure of the Extraterrestrial reality, if these images and future ones are verified genuine then NASA should be investigated for fraud and treason. China will be releasing all the data and images from the Chang’e-2 in the coming weeks and months, lets hope this is the beginning of a new era.”
Source:The Canadian
Have you ever wondered why we haven’t returned to the moon again? The truth is that NASA is hiding a very dark secret from us
Is there an “Alien Base” on the Moon? More and more people are coming forward with stories that might prove this is true. Rumors say that there is an Alien Moon Base on the far side of the moon, the side we never see from Earth.
Did you ever wonder why the Moon landings stopped and why we have not tried to build a Moon Base? It does seem like a better and easier idea than a floating space station with no access to any raw materials or supplies? According to the NASA Astronaut Neil Armstrong the aliens have a base on the Moon and told us in no uncertain terms to get off and stay off the Moon!
Sound far fetched? Milton Cooper, a Naval Intelligence Officer tells us that not only does the Alien Moon Base exist but the U.S. Naval Intelligence Community refers to the Alien Moon Base as “Luna,” that there is a huge mining operation going on there, and that is where the aliens keep their huge mother ships while the trips to Earth are made in smaller “flying saucers”.
LUNA: The Alien base on the far side of the Moon. It was seen and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. A base, a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft described in sighting reports as mother ships exist there. - Milton Cooper
Date of sighting: June 20, 2015 Location of sighting: Spilsby, Lincolnshire, England
Eyewitness states: UFO Orange Orb Spotted at Spilsby, Lincolnshire , England 20th June 2015 9:50 pm to 10:10 pm “Spotted Last Night by Myself, Sorry for the quality of the Video & bad language also, I wanted it to come closer as I knew my mobile was crap at picking up the light as well as the quality, it is all I had to film it quickly though.. The UFO was seen Twice in the space of 30 mins, the first time rose into the air & Vanished, before coming back minutes later but much closer. The UFO then hovered into the air and became stationary, it then went into a cloud and slowly dimmed.. It Created a massive Lightning storm without thunder for 3 hours. Only The tops of the Clouds where the UFO had gone were lit up in powerful bursts of electrical lightning energy.. Very Weird Evening to say the least.”
What is this light jumping around in the clouds? This was filmed by during sunset, June 2015, in Greenwood, Indiana. One explanation for this are “ice particles high in the atmosphere gaining an electrical charge and shifting orientation”. Others think it’s HAARP.
Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal to Prophecy
No, the video is NOT all a seminar. You have no idea of how far ahead we’ve advanced when it comes to technology. How much more evidence does one need when incredible objects, that are extremely similar to each other, are filmed in the skies over earth, and in outer space, before the realities become evident to all? This video starts slow, but by the time you get to the end of it? You’ll know a lot more about life than you currently do. Made for content. Yes, there are certain particular clips that I’ve put into a few of my videos (short clips and very important for the public to know about aka nanobot technologies).
There are so many ancient artifacts from the past that still perplex us today. How did ancient civilizations create such intricate and advanced technologies? There are so many mysteries surrounding humanities past that we are finally becoming aware of. There seems to be a lot more going on than meets the eye…
1: The London Artifact - This artifact is speculated to be so extremely old that part of the wooden handle has turned to coal. Coal is known to take millions of years to form, so then how is this possible? How old could this strange artifact actually be?
2: The Fuente Magna Bowl - This is one of the most controversial artifacts in South America. It is a large stone bowl, similar to a container for making libations, baptisms or for purification ceremonies. Found by a villager near Lake Titicaca, the engraved writing lining the bowl is thought to be Sumerian!
3: The Hidden Character Stone - This stone is located in a scenic area in Zhangbu village, China. This incredible carving is thought to be a staggering 270 million years old?! There are different versions of the writing that essentially translates to “Communist Party of China”.
4: The Antikythera Mechanism - This is an incredible 2,000-year-old astronomical calculator built by ancient Greeks! This spectacular mechanism is far more advanced than anything that was built in the following ten thousand years or so. How did they have the knowledge to create something so intricate?
5: Lake Winnipesaukee Mystery Stone -The stone’s age, purpose, and origin are unknown. It was found in the late 1800s by a few working men digging a fence post. The carvings on one side of the stone show an image of corn and several other unknown figures. The other side is more abstract, featuring pictures of arrows, a moon, some dots and a spiral. What do you think these mean?
6: The Voynich Manuscript - This artifact is astonishing because it’s origins and language are completely unknown and is said to be the handwritten diary of an alien! Packed full of plant life, strange symbolism and diagrams, it is covered in a mysterious language that can’t be traced back to any known civilization.
I suggest doing some more researching into this particular fascinating artifact. See what the images make you think of and maybe you could decode it’s meaning!
7: The Giant Dinosaur Eggs - These are crazy fossilized eggs that were found in Russia with an unknown exact origin. We think they date way back to an amazing 60 million years ago! Scientists suggest it was laid by a very large prehistoric reptile, but the exact species that laid the eggs still remains a mystery…
8: The Baghdad Batteries - Alright this is a good one. These 2,000 year old batteries were found in Khujut Rabu just outside Baghdad. People were creating batteries that long ago?! These artifacts show that our people of the past were so much smarter than we give them credit for. These batteries were able to create a low current electrical stream to power – what exactly?
9: The Piri Reis Map - This is a strange world map designed in 1513 by Piri Reis. It was created far before any kind of aerial viewing technology existed. The map shows parts of the western coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and the northern coast of Antarctica. How is this possible?! Hot air balloons? Remote viewing? You be the judge!
10: The Stone Spheres of Costa Rica - There is an assortment of over 3,000 perfectly carved rounded stones. There is no solid explanation as to why, how, or when they were placed there. How did these balls get carved so smoothly without the use of any advanced technology? There is so much more going on in our world than we are being taught.
This year has been a year of spectacular discoveries in archaeology, from 4,000-year-old sunken ships, to enormous megalithic stones, mysterious man-made ditches, the oldest known examples of cave art in the world, a monumental tomb in Greece, and even a newly revealed pharaoh of Egypt.
Advances in technology also enabled the discovery of hidden Maya temples in the jungles of Mexico, hundreds more structures in the Stonehenge landscape, and new understandings of the human genome.
It is almost impossible to narrow down one year of magnificent findings to ten, so we have chosen to feature ten discoveries of 2014 that revealed striking new information about our ancient past.
10. 4,000-year-old sunken ship found in Turkey is among oldest in the world
An excavation at the port of Urla underwater archaeological site in Turkey revealed a sunken ship that is believed to date back 4,000 years. The surprising discovery is the oldest known shipwreck ever found in the Mediterranean, and is also among the oldest known shipwrecks worldwide.
The port of Urla, which served the ancient Greek settlement of Klazomenai, sunk following a natural disaster, probably an earthquake, in the 8th century BC, making the area popular for underwater research.
Numerous sunken ships have already been found in Urla, ranging from the 2nd century BC to the Ottoman period. Uncovering a ship that is believed to date back to around 2,000 BC, is incredibly rare and significant and an important milestone for archaeology.
9. Newly dated Asian cave drawings rewrite history of human art
A study published in October 2014, in the journal Nature, revealed that more than 100 ancient paintings of hands and animals found within seven limestone caves on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, are as old as famous prehistoric art in Europe.
The research showed that humans were producing rock art by 40,000 years ago at opposite ends of the Pleistocene Eurasian world.
Maxime Aubert, study lead and archaeologist and geochemist of Australia’s Griffith University, explained that before this discovery, experts had a Europe-centric view of how, when, and where humans started making cave paintings and other forms of figurative art.
However, the fact that people in Sulawesi were also producing art at the same time suggests that either human creativity emerged independently at about the same time around the world, or when humans left Africa they already had the capacity and inclination for art.
A study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences earlier this year revealed that a series of mysterious lines and geometric shapes carved into the Amazonian landscape were created thousands of years ago before the rainforest even existed.
The purpose of the massive earthworks and who created them remains unknown, and scientists are beginning to realise just how much there still is to learn about the prehistoric cultures of the Amazonand life before the arrival of Europeans.
The unusual earthworks, which include square, straight, and ring-like ditches, were first uncovered in 1999, after large areas of pristine forest was cleared for cattle grazing. Since then, hundreds of the earthen foundations have been found in a region more than 150 miles across, covering northern Bolivia and Brazil’s Amazonas state.
Until recently, it was believed that the earthworks dated back to around 200 AD. However, the latest study has revealed that they are, in fact, much older. Study author John Francis Carson, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom, explained that sediment cores had been taken from two lakes near the major earthwork sites.
These sediment cores hold ancient pollen grains and charcoal from long-ago fires, and can reveal information about the climate and ecosystem that existed when the sediment was laid down as far back as 6,000 years ago.
The results revealed that the oldest sediments did not come from a rainforest ecosystem at all. Rather, they showed that the landscape, before about 2,000 to 3,000 years ago, looked more like the savannahs of Africa than today’s lush rainforest.
The earthworks predate the shift from savannah to rainforest, which reveals that the creators of these ditches carved them before the forest moved in around them.
7. Largest known megalithic block from antiquity revealed at Baalbek
A new analysis conducted by the German Archaeological Institute at the ancient stone quarry of Baalbek/Ancient Heliopolis, in Lebanon, calculated the size and weight of an enormous monolith, and concluded that it is the largest known stone block ever carved by human hands.
Located at an altitude of approximately 1,170 meters in the Beqaa valley, Baalbek is known to have been settled from at least 7,000 BC, with almost continual settlement of the Tell under the Temple of Jupiter, which was a temple since the pre-Hellenistic era.
During the period of Roman rule, Baalbek was known as Heliopolis (“City of the Sun”), and housed one of the largest and grandest sanctuaries in the empire. One of the most awe-inspiring features of Baalbek are the incredible megalithic foundations of the Temple of Jupiter.
The temple was built on platform of stones that are among the largest building blocks seen in the whole world. How they were cut so finely and moved into place has defied explanation, particularly considering the blocks are known to have weighed over 1000 tons.
The gigantic blocks used in the foundations of the Temple of Jupiter came from a nearby quarry located around 800 meters (2,600 ft) from the temple.
The limestone quarry houses two massive building blocks that never made it to the temple – one weighing about 1,240 tons, and the other, known as the “Hajjar al-Hibla,” or The Stone of the Pregnant Woman, weighs about 1000 tons.
But the German archaeological team found a third building block next to the Hajjar al-Hibla stone and underneath it. Still partially buried, the monolith measures measures 19.6 meters (64 feet) in length, 6 meters (19.6 feet) in width, and at least 5.5 meters (18 feet) in height. Its weight has been estimated at 1,650 tons, making it the largest known stone block from antiquity.
6. 500,000-year-old engraved shell challenges previous beliefs about human ancestors
Research conducted on a mollusk shell, dated to between 430,000 and 540,000 years, found over a century ago on the Indonesian island of Java, revealed that it contains the oldest engraving ever found and that it was almost certainly etched by a Homo erectus, an early human ancestor that emerged around 1.9 million years ago and became extinct around 150,000 years ago.
The discovery challenged preconceived notions about human ancestors, showing that, like Homo sapiens, they produced abstract design or perhaps even an early form of written communication.
Josephine Joordens, a post-doctoral researcher at Leiden University in the Netherlands, and colleagues, published a paper in December 2014 in the journal Nature, revealing that the discovery provides evidence for symbolic activity and shows that “engraving abstract patterns was in the realm of Asian Homo erectus cognition and neuromotor control.”
While to many this may seem unsurprising, the finding challenges conventional perspectives about the evolution of human behaviour.
5. Oldest-known Human genome sequence sheds light on interbreeding with Neanderthals
A study published in the journal Nature in October 2014 revealed the DNA results from a 45,000-year-old leg bone from Siberia, producing the oldest genome sequence ever carried out for Homo sapiens – nearly twice the age of the next-oldest known complete modern human genome.
The results have helped pinpoint when Homo sapiens first interbred with Neanderthals, and adds more pieces to the puzzle of ancient human migration across the world.
The ancient leg bone was found in 2008 on the left bank of the river Irtysh near the settlement of Ust’-Ishim in western Siberia. The human femur was sent to the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, where testing was conducted.
The results revealed that the DNA of the “Ust’-Ishim Man” contained 2% DNA from Neanderthals, roughly the same proportion that can be found in modern Europeans today. This reveals that interbreeding between Neanderthals and modern humans must have occurred prior to the age of the Ust’-Ishim Man.
While previous estimates suggested the interbreeding may have occurred as early as 36,000 years ago, scientists have now revised their estimates to between 50,000 and 60,000 years ago.
The research team also compared the genetic sequence of Ust’-Ishim man with the genomes of 50 different groups of modern humans, Neanderthals, and Denisovans. The results indicated that this man was equally closely related to present-day Asians and to early Europeans.
This suggests that the population to which Ust’-Ishim man belonged diverged from the ancestors of present-day Europeans and Asians before, or around the same time, that these two groups separated from each other.
4. New Pharaoh Discovered in Egypt – Introducing King Seneb Kay
In January, 2014, archaeologists in Egypt discovered the burial place and the remains of a previously unknown pharaoh who reigned more than 3600 years ago.
The skeleton of King Seneb kay (also written Senebkey) were uncovered at South Abydos in Sohag province, about 500 kilometres south of Cairo, by a University of Pennsylvania expedition working with the government.
Never before heard of in ancient Egyptian history, King Seneb kay’s name was found inscribed in hieroglyphics written inside a royal cartouche – an oval with a horizontal line at one end signalling a royal name. King Saneb kay was found in a wooden sarcophagus inside a badly damaged stone tomb with no roof.
He was originally mummified but his body was destroyed by ancient tomb robbers and only his skeleton remained. No funerary goods were found in the tomb, which confirms it had been looted in ancient times.
“This was the first time in history to discover the king,”said Ali Asfar, Head of Antiquities for the Egyptian government.
3. Archaeologists Discover Two Long Lost Ancient Maya Cities in Jungle of Mexico
In an amazing discovery in the jungles of Mexico, archaeologists uncovered two ancient Mayan cities, including ruined pyramid temples, palace remains, a monster mouth gateway, a ball court, altars, and other stone monuments. One of the cities had been found decades ago but all attempts to relocate it had failed.
The other city was previously unknown and is a brand new discovery, shedding new light on the ancient Mayan civilization. Expedition leader Ivan Sprajc, of the Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU), explained that the finding was aided by aerial photographs of the tropical forest of central Yucatan in the state of Campeche, Mexico.
Some anomalies were noticed among the thick vegetation of the forest and so a team was sent in to investigate further. Archaeologists were stunned to discover an entire city in an area between the Rio Bec and Chenes regions, extending some 1,800 miles, which are characterised by their Classic architecture dating to around 600 to 1,000 AD.
Sprajc explained that both cities “open new questions about the diversity of Maya culture, the role of that largely unexplored area in the lowland Maya history, and its relations with other polities.”
2. Spectacular Macedonian tomb and human remains unearthed in Amphipolis, Greece
Archaeologists excavated a spectacular Macedonian tomb in Kasta Hill, Amphipolis, dating to the period of Alexander the Great (4th century BC), resulting in the discovery of human remains which are currently undergoing testing.
Kasta Hill lies in what was once the ancient city of Amphipolis, conquered by Philip II of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great, in 357 BC.
Experts have known about the existence of the burial mound in Amphipolis, located about 100km northeast of Thessaloniki, since the 1960s, but work only began in earnest there in 2012, when archaeologists discovered that Kasta Hill had been surrounded by a nearly 500-meter wall made from marble.
Several months ago, archaeologists discovered a path and 13 steps leading down from the surrounding wall. It was then that they uncovered a limestone wall protecting and concealing the entrance of the tomb of Amphipolis.
Behind the wall, archaeologists revealed two marble sphinxes, both headless and missing their wings, but these were recovered during excavations.
Bit by bit, the grand tomb began revealing the secrets that had lain hidden for 2,300 years, including two magnificent caryatid statues, a detailed mosaic depicting the Abduction of Persephone, and a secret vault containing a limestone sarcophagus with human remains. Archaeologists are due to announce the discovery of the tomb’s occupant in one month’s time.
1. Radar finds HUNDREDS more megalithic monuments, chapels, and shrines around Stonehenge
In a groundbreaking news release in September 2014, archaeologists revealed the results of a four-year-long project to map the hidden landscape beneath the surface of the Stonehenge environs, and what they found was nothing short of amazing.
Through their high-tech devices they could see a landscape teeming with burial mounds, chapels, shrines, pits, and other structures, which had never been seen before.
The biggest surprise was a 330 metre long line of up to 60 buried stone pillars, inside the bank of a large, bowl-shaped feature called Durrington Walls, Britain’s largest henge, which sits beside the River Avon.
The discovery dramatically alters the prevailing view of Stonehenge as the primary site in the landscape. Instead it presents the Salisbury Plain as a an active religious centre with more than 60 key locations where ancient peoples could carry out sacred rituals and fulfil their religious obligations.
“This is not just another find,” said Professor Vince Gaffney of the University of Birmingham. “It’s going to change how we understand Stonehenge.”
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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