The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Are WE the aliens and will extraterrestrials discover US? These scientists think so
Are WE the aliens and will extraterrestrials discover US? These scientists think so
ALIEN hunters are failing to find new life because it hasn’t evolved yet, and instead we should wait for extra terrestrials to find US.
Are we the aliens who others will discover one day?
Scientist Researchers Peter Behroozi and Molly Peeples, both of the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland, have suggested Earth-like planets are let to develop.
But when they do, humans will be seen as the aliens in the galaxy that a new extra-terrestrial species from another world will seek out.
The scientists looked at data from the Kepler and Hubble space telescopes to estimate Earth’s position on the timeline of habitable world evolution.
Although star formation has slowed down across the universe, and the amount of gas needed to form new stars in our galaxy the Milky Way is depleted, there is ample left out there.
The two calculated only 8% of potentially life-bearing worlds had formed at the same time or before Earth, meaning there is scope for the other 92% to develop.
Earth may be one of the most advanced planets
Are we alone? Scientists think it is possible at moment
Our main motivation was understanding the Earth’s place in the context of the rest of the universe. Compared to all the planets that will ever form in the universe, the Earth is actually quite early.
Scientist Researchers Peter Behroozi
The theoretical study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society has concluded it is quite possible after all that "we ARE alone", at the moment.
The duo discovered that outside the Milky Way most other galaxy systems have enough star making material for new solar systems to keep forming for an extremely long time even in cosmic terms.
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‘WTF': Mysterieus ruimteobject stevent af op de aarde
‘WTF': Mysterieus ruimteobject stevent af op de aarde
Een mysterieus stuk ruimtepuin zal op 13 november inslaan op aarde. Wetenschappers weten niet precies wat het is, maar vermoeden dat het door mensen is gemaakt. Het object heeft de naam WT1190F (kortweg WTF) gekregen.
Het object zal volgens NASA neerkomen in de Indische Oceaan, ongeveer 65 kilometer van het zuidelijkste puntje van Sri Lanka.
Het stuk ruimtepuin is ontdekt door de Universiteit van Tucson. Onderzoekers stonden in eerste instantie voor een raadsel. Pas toen astronomen het archief doorzochten, bleek dat het object ook in 2012 is waargenomen.
WTF? A newly discovered piece of space junk aptly named WT1190F will plunge to earth in Nov
Ze berekenden vervolgens de omloopbaan van het stuk ruimtepuin en kwamen tot de conclusie dat het waarschijnlijk gaat om een door mensen gemaakt object. “Dit museumstuk komt terug om ons schrik aan te jagen,” vertelde Jonathan McDowell van het Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics aan Nature.
Astrofysici menen dat het object zelfs afkomstig zou kunnen zijn van één van de Apollomissies. Misschien gaan we er nooit achter komen wat het was, aangezien WT1190F grotendeels in de atmosfeer zal verbranden en vervolgens zal neerplonzen in zee.
Verschillende laboratoria gaan het stuk ruimteschroot de komende dagen volgen. Er draaien nog 86 andere onbekende objecten rond de aarde. Voor het grootste deel gaat het om maansondes of onderdelen van raketten. Er zwerven ook tientallen kunstmatige objecten door de ruimte, waarvan er ongeveer 20 vanaf de aarde worden gevolgd.
Steeds meer aanwijzingen buitenaardse basis Baikalmeer, Rusland ( VIDEO )
Steeds meer aanwijzingen buitenaardse basis Baikalmeer, Rusland ( VIDEO )
De omgeving van het Baikalmeer gelegen in het verre Russische Siberië is een plek die met recht een UFO “hotspot” genoemd kan worden.
Er zijn talloze getuigen die een bemanning in gele pakken zagen verschijnen uit een geland ruimtevaartuig en zelfs filmmaker Steven Spielberg (ET) schijnt geïnteresseerd te zijn.
Als je als buitenaardsen actief bent op aarde met diverse zaken en je wilt zo min mogelijk opvallen dan doe je dit op locaties waar je niet zo gek veel mensen tegenkomt.
Een dergelijke locatie, naast bijvoorbeeld de Zuidpool, is de omgeving van de stad Oelan-Oede, gelegen in de uitgestrekte Siberische velden.
Oelan-Oede is een stad in Rusland, gelegen op 150 kilometer ten oosten van het Baikalmeer in Oost-Siberië. De stad ligt aan de rivier de Oeda, nabij de monding in de Selenga. Het is de hoofdstad van de autonome republiek Boerjatië en de op twee na grootste stad in Oost-Siberië. Oelan-Oede is een verkeersknooppunt aan de Trans-Siberische en Trans-Mongolische spoorlijn. Het huisvest een vliegtuig- en helikopterfabrikant. Tot 1934 heette de stad Verchneoedinsk.
Inwoners van deze stad zagen kortgeleden een wel heel vreemde verschijning boven hun stad zoals te zien op de volgende foto.
Als het vreemd uitziende object iets wordt uitvergroot dan wordt zichtbaar dat erboven twee kleinere UFO’s of orbs vliegen.
De schrik zit er goed in bij de inwoners van Oelan-Oede. Naast bovengenoemde waarneming gonst het op de sociale media van de berichten van mensen die ook vreemde dingen hebben gezien.
Zo was er een vrouw die met haar kind op straat liep en opeens een gloeiend object ontwaarde in de lucht boven haar. “Iets” met veel groene lichten en enkele rode en blauwe.
Ze stond samen met haar zoon en nog enkele mannen die toevallig langskwamen te kijken naar het mysterieuze object dat ineens verdween en toen weer zichtbaar werd, vlakbij. Volgens de vrouw maakte het een geluid zoals de motor van een auto.
"Eerst zeiden de mannen dat het een drone of iets dergelijks was. Toen bleef het vlak boven onze hoofden hangen en zagen wij een hele grote schotel met in het midden groene lichten. De mannen die eerst zeiden dat het een drone was waren inmiddels weggevlucht en hadden zich in een gebouw verborgen. Mijn zoon werd bang, greep mijn hand en wij renden weg. Ik had nooit gedacht dat zoiets echt kon bestaan”.
De omgeving rond het Baikalmeer is altijd al een zogenaamde UFO hotspot geweest. Een van de meest opvallende gebeurtenissen in die buurt vond plaats op 17 april 1987 in het plaatsje Kurma.
Een inwoner van het dorp Valery Rudentsov vertelt wat er gebeurde:
“We waren met 13 man. Rond ongeveer half één ’s nachts ging een van de jongens naar buiten de tuin in. Enkele seconden later roept hij ons om naar buiten te komen. Hij stond middenin de tuin en wees met zijn vinger naar de lucht”.
“Ongeveer 150 meter boven ons hing een geweldig grote vliegende schotel. Vanuit het centrum van de schotel kwam een soort paarsachtige lichtgevende straal. Aan de rand ervan kon je kleine patrijspoorten zien. De doorsnee van de schotel was ongeveer 70 meter”.
“We zagen het daar een hele tijd hangen en het leek zo dichtbij dat iemand voorstelde om het met stenen te gaan bekogelen”.
“Het weer was uitzonderlijk kalm, er kwam geen geluid van de schotel. Het was een raar soort stilte, terwijl we achter ons een hond in het dorp konden horen blaffen. We stonden als aan de grond genageld”.
“Het was volle maan en het zicht was zo goed dat niemand twijfelde aan wat wij daar zagen. Toen gleed de schotel als het ware weg van ons en verdween verderop in de heuvels. Nog nooit heb ik zoiets in mijn hele leven gezien”.
Het werd enkele jaren later op 16 mei 1990 nog vreemder in het dorp Kudara-Somon. Een inwoner van het dorp, Olga Federova, kan zich heel goed herinneren wat er gebeurde die dag.
“Op een gegeven moment werd alles geel. Mijn dochter kwam net thuis uit school en toen ik naar haar keek zag ik dat ook haar gezicht geel was”.
Volgens de dorpelingen was het mysterie vervolgens snel opgelost want klaarblijkelijk was er een UFO geland. De bewoners omschrijven het als iets dat een diameter had van ongeveer 30 meter en fel glansde alhoewel ze geen metaal als zodanig konden ontdekken.
Volgens een andere bewoner Margarita Tsybikova: “Er kwamen mensachtige figuren uit de schotel in glimmende pakken. Ze zagen eruit als mensen voor zover ik mij kan herinneren. Drie mensen in glimmende gele pakken. Ze leken echt op gewone mensen”.
Een andere dame uit het dorp Marina Zimireva is het daar grotendeels mee eens: “Voor mij was duidelijk dat we hier met mensen te maken hadden. Ze zagen er in ieder geval uit als mensen. Ze waren slank en ze hadden armen en benen. En ze liepen net zoals wij doen. Ze lieten ook voetsporen achter want die kon je later zien.”
Toen de vreemde wezens in de gaten kregen dat de mensen naar hen keken, gingen ze snel terug naar het ruimteschip en vertrokken.
Zo kun je in die regio het ene na het andere interessante verhaal horen. Iemand die dat ook heeft gehoord is Steven Spielberg. Naar verluid zou hij overwegen om een documentaire te maken over vreemde dingen die gebeuren rondom het Baikalmeer.
Een meer overigens waar op beelden gemaakt door satellieten soms vreemde cirkels vertonen in de sneeuw en het ijs van het meer.
Wanneer je daar rondrijdt, kan het dat je zomaar vreemde dingen in de lucht ziet vliegen zoals dat een aantal Russische mensen een aantal jaren geleden overkwam die onderstaande video maakten.
This unusual UFO was found by Streetcap1 of Youtube. It shows not one ship, but a large ship with a fleet of smaller ones near it. This photo comes when NASA announces that there is an unknown object near us about to hit Earth this week. They say its hollow and colder shaped and not natural. I do see a tube shaped UFO that NASA describes near it. This may be the UFO NASA is talking about. Strangely enough, NASA calls the UFO WT1190F or in other words...WTF. It hits us on Nov 14, 2015 at 2:20 PM. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: Object appears to be quite close to the camera. I turned this to see what it looked like from different angles - this seemed to be the right way up, but it could be upside down for all I know.
Huge UFO Hidden In Clouds Over Tijuana, Mexico On Oct 24, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Huge UFO Hidden In Clouds Over Tijuana, Mexico On Oct 24, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: Oct 24, 2015 Location of sighting: Tijuana, Mexico Here we have a UFO in the sky that is cloaked, but the sunset is causing it to reveal itself for a few minutes, due to the suns angle being 90 degrees to the UFO. UFOs often effect the appearance of the clouds or sky that they are in. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: Strange phenomenon in the sky The all-seeing eye 10/24/2015 incident in Tijuana Mexico
UFO Over New Brunswick, Canada Has Drone Orbs Oct 26, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Over New Brunswick, Canada Has Drone Orbs Oct 26, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: October 26, 2015 Location of sighting: New Brunswick, Canada One of the hardest things to determine with a UFO recorded at night it real? This UFO is real and I will tell you why. Some UFOs have tiny drone orbs that have many purposes like navigation, radar, scanning and so on. When you start and pause this video every second, you will see some orbs near it and in the same positions again and again in just a matter of seconds. The orbs are in a constant rotation around the UFO to protect the occupants. Yes, orbs means occupants in the craft. This my friends, is a 100% authentic and confirmed UFO. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: Objects, alien crafts, bright orbs caught in and around the skies of Saint John New Brunswick, Canada.
First Hand Dulce, New Mexico’s UFO Testimonials Makes An Amazing Story
First Hand Dulce, New Mexico’s UFO Testimonials Makes An Amazing Story
If you have been looking at documentaries on space aliens lately, UFO occurrence, space aliens, and film-making technology are interesting. It is an interesting topic when you are a believer or not that extraterrestrial life visited this planet. However, it will be possible these extraterrestrials are not severely hostile, but they are just overly interested in learning us human beings, and the life we know, in general, so we perceive them to be intruders, especially when you think of alien abductions and unusual implants and cattle mutilations. Dulce, New Mexico may be a place, but lately, it seems, the description is not conclusive. This was being reported by a person who is interested in knowing the realities taking place in human life. The person was fortunate to meet the Arden Tafoya family, and on the second day, he learned that New Mexico is a place where residents became a witness to different strange sightings. Arden is the son of Raleigh Tafoya, who happens to be a highly respected Police Chief of Dulce.
The persons reiterated the report from his wife’s friend whereby a silent and massive delta-shaped object that is capable of emitting bright lights is seen passing in a group of 50 to 75 people when they celebrate Jicarilla Apache. This celebration is for young boys and girls. After sundown, the massive object appeared an hour or so after their traditional meals had ended and after the shamans had finished their dances and chantings. Another event recounted was during the daytime when a saucer-shaped hat possesses a silver object was being seen at around 11 a.m. However, the biggest and most impressive sighting occur in May of 2004 when families were celebrating the feast on a Jicarilla Apache campground, situated in a place near J-33 and J-40.
With regards to the witness’s conclusion to all sightings in Dulce, they are implausible because they were from first-hand eyewitnesses to the events.
Researchers Expect A UFO To Crash On Earth In November
Researchers Expect A UFO To Crash On Earth In November
Researchers expect a piece of space junk to plummet towards Earth in November, but they don’t have any idea of what is that exactly.
The space object called WTF1190F, is expected to land in the Indian Ocean, approximately 40 miles off the southern tip of Sri Lanka on November 13 at 6:20 UTC.
It could measure up to 7ft long. It comes from either a recent lunar mission or an Apollo program craft that has remained in space for over 40 years.
The object is expected to provide relatively small impact throughout its course until landing. Rather than threatening life on Earth, the object will offer scientists a once in a lifetime opportunity to observe the unknown object.
The trajectory of WTF1190F was first calculated in 2012. University of Arizona-based Catalina Sky Survey astronomers rediscovered the unknown object earlier this month.
Near Earth Object astronomers at the European Space Agency (ESA) are carefully monitoring the space junk’s path.
According to ESA, the object poses very little risk to people, but could greatly help scientists improve their understanding of how any object, be it natural or man-made, interacts with the atmosphere of Earth.
Independent astronomy software developer, Bill Gray, said that the space junk was moving in an elliptical orbit. Based on its movement, the object is likely hollow inside. The number of space junk that orbit the Earth and moon is unknown, but WT1190F is uncommon.
Gareth Williams, a Minor Planet Centre’s astronomer in Cambridge, said that the strange object was thought to be one of only around 20 man-made objects tracked in distant orbit. And the reason the object propelled on a collision course with Earth is still a mystery.
Astrophysicist Jonathan McDowell of Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics based in Cambridge, Massachusetts said that WTF1190F is likely a piece of space history. While the junk is probably coming from recent missions, it can also be a piece from an Apollo Mission more than four decades ago.
If WTF1190F is a piece of man-made rocket, it will be first man-made junk to return Earth independently.
An up close image of an Oval Shaped UFO coming from the side of the mountain. I captured several in only 2 photographs on this day and I took many pictures…I have a few others that show something but not as clear as these two.
Disc shaped UFO to the left up close shown below
Oval shaped UFO in Heat Map below
2nd Photographs shows several. I saw absolutely nothing this day. But I can say I remember hearing
what sounded like airplanes flying over and saw nothing!
5 Things That Would Happen If We Ever Found Intelligent Alien Life
5 Things That Would Happen If We Ever Found Intelligent Alien Life
The search for extraterrestrial life has been in the public consciousness for decades, but what would happen if we actually succeeded? Later this month, a NASA-funded initiative called the 100-Year Starship Project (100YSS), which is dedicated to achieving interstellar travel within the next century, will hold its annual symposium, which will specifically discuss the aim of finding "Earth 2.0," including what would happen to society if we ever actually found an Earth-like planet with an alien civilization.
"What would happen if we could identify it [as Earth 2.0]? How does that change us?" asked Mae Jemison, a former NASA astronaut and the principal for 100YSS, in a piece for The Atlantic.
Strict protocols would come into play
In 1997, SETI infamously had a false alarm that they found intelligent alien life, which was immediately picked up by the New York Times and blown completely out of proportion. After that incident, SETI created specific protocols for astronomers who believe that they have discovered alien life, in order to ensure that the information is properly verified and disseminated to the public through controlled channels.
First, the astronomers are supposed to verify to the best of their ability that the signals are not coming from any natural phenomenon, and then have it verified independently by someone outside of SETI. They should then inform astronomers in other nations, as well as the Secretary General of the UN, so the information can be dispersed through scientific and accredited public media outlets.
Someone would ruin the surprise on Twitter
But this is the 21st century, so the astronomers admit that none of these protocols would ultimately be followed. They would try, of course, but in the age of information, it would inevitably leak before it had been verified and released in a controlled manner. Blogs, Twitter, Reddit, and every other unofficial news authority would pick up on the story way earlier than intended. SETI director Seth Shostak said of the premature 1997 NYT leak, "There is no secrecy in SETI," and there is even less privacy now.
"The protocols are as much fiction, in some sense, as the movie portrayals. The story will break in a very messy way," said Shostak. "I don't think there's any way to control the media."
It would break the Internet
And once the news broke, it would spread like wildfire. We would probably all have trouble getting on social media that day, but no one would experience more technical issues than the SETI Institute. But this isn't necessarily a bad thing, as once the information is verified, SETI very much wants it to be widely known:
"You want that information to be as widespread as possible," said former SETI director Jill Tarter. "If we were to make a discovery at the SETI institute, I don't think there's any way we could keep our website up or our phones working from the onslaught of people trying to get information."
The public reaction would closely mimic the movie Contact
Would the public be open to the discovery of alien life, or would they be fearful of an alien invasion? Paul Ziolo, a professor of psychology at the University of Liverpool and a regular presenter at the 100YSS symposiums, specifically cited the film Contact, which was partially inspired by Tartar's life and career, as a realistic portrayal of the disparate public reactions to such a discovery.
"It's a massive range from paranoia to jubilation to despair," Ziolo said. "For some people, anything from outside is going to threaten power structures. For others, it's the gods they've been waiting for."
We would have a reason to believe in the longevity of human civilization
While the public reactions would vary, scientists would likely be optimistic about confirmed signals from an advanced civilizations, as it would give them more hope for the future of humanity:
"If we succeed at detecting another technological civilization, that success helps tell us that on average, technological civilizations can survive for a long time," said Tartar. "The very act of success [in hearing from another planet] tells us that we can have a long future. I think that's the most amazing impact that contact would have, even if we never figure out how to interpret whatever information we receive."
Halloween Asteroïde rakelings langs aarde ( VIDEO )
Halloween Asteroïde rakelings langs aarde ( VIDEO )
Volgens een professor van de New York University bevinden wij ons toch niet in zo’n veilige periode voor wat betreft asteroïden als dat eerst werd gedacht.
Een vreemde verstoring in de Oort Wolk is ervoor verantwoordelijk dat er juist in deze periode een regen van asteroïden en kometen onze kant op komt.
Iets waar wij al jaren over schrijven, blijkt nu ineens een hot topic onder wetenschappers en dat is dat er meer en meer asteroïden onze kant op komen en ze steeds dichterbij de aarde langs scheren.
Zo ook aankomende week een asteroïde die met Halloween (31 oktober) vlak langs de aarde scheert.
Een volgens de NASA 'spookachtige' meteoriet scheert naar verwachting tijdens Halloween rakelings langs de aarde. De enorme asteroïde werd onlangs ontdekt door astronomen.
Volgens de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie is er sinds 2006 geen asteroïde zo dicht bij onze planeet in de buurt geweest. Het gevaarte zal echter nog steeds 499.000 kilometer van ons verwijderd zijn. De asteroïde, die volgens NASA tussen 280 en 620 meter groot is, zal op 31 oktober met een snelheid van 125.528 kilometer per uur aan ons voorbij razen en zal niet met het blote oog zichtbaar zijn. Wie een telescoop heeft zal de meteoroïde wel kunnen zien.
Volgens recente onderzoeken door wetenschappers verkeert onze planeet in veel groter gevaar dan oorspronkelijk werd gedacht.
In deze onderzoeken hebben ze vastgesteld dat wij cycli meemaken van 26 miljoen jaar waarbij de aarde wordt gebombardeerd door asteroïden en dat deze gebeurtenissen overeenkomen met massauitroeïngen gedurende de afgelopen 260 miljoen jaar.
Deze catastrofale gebeurtenissen worden gelinkt aan de bewegingen van de zon met bijbehorende planeten door een bepaald gebied van de Melkweg.
In de onderstaande grafiek is te zien dat de inslagen van meteorieten de afgelopen 260 miljoen jaar overeenkomen met de massauitroeiïngsmomenten die de aarde heeft gekend. De pijlen geven die aan op tijdlijn.
Volgens wetenschappers is een verstoring in de Oort Wolk verantwoordelijk voor een periodieke regen van kometen en asteroïden in het gebied waarin wij als aarde bivakkeren.
Waar wetenschappers echter toch wel verbaasd over zijn is dat de laatste keer dat wij een catastrofale regen van asteroïden meemaakten ongeveer 11 miljoen jaar geleden was. Waaruit dan zou moeten volgen dat wij ons nu in een veilige periode zouden moeten bevinden.
Dt schijnt nu toch niet het geval te zijn volgens de geoloog professor Michael Rampino. Er is, zo zegt hij, bewijs dat er de laatste paar miljoen jaar een ongewoon hoge activiteit van kometen is geweest en dat de omloopbaan van sommigen wordt verstoord.
De professor van de New York University wijt deze verstoringen aan zwarte materie; waarschijnlijk omdat hij niets anders kan bedenken.
Dus, we hebben bewijs door onderzoek dat massauitroeiïngen meestal hebben plaatsgevonden door inslagen van meteorieten zoals dat gebeurde aan de Mexicaanse kust bij Yucatan zo’n 65 miljoen jaar geleden. Een inslag waarvan men zegt dat deze onder andere verantwoordelijk is voor het uitsterven van de dinosaurus.
Daarnaast hebben we het bewezen feit, dat ondanks dat we in een veilige periode zouden moeten zitten gezien het verleden, dit toch niet het geval is vanwege “een verstoring”. In de buurt van de Oortwolk, toevallig dezelfde plek waar eenaantal Spaanse astronomen enkele jaren geleden claimden een zogenaamde bruine dwergplaneet te hebben ontdekt.
Uiteraard wordt dat niet genoemd door professor Rampino als mogelijke oorzaak van de verstoringen rond de Oort Wolk.
Ondertussen is het enige dat wij zelf kunnen doen het NASA advies opvolgen en bidden dat de Halloween asteroïde niet op het laatste moment van gedachten verandert en besluit de aarde met een bezoek te vereren.
Backdropped by rugged Earth terrain, the International Space Station is featured in this image photographed by an STS-130 crew member on space shuttle Endeavour after the station and shuttle began their post-undocking relative separation. Credit: NASA
The International Space Station (ISS) is the most complex international scientific and engineering project in history and the largest structure humans have ever put into space. This high-flying satellite is a laboratory for new technologies and an observation platform for astronomical, environmental and geological research. As a permanently occupied outpost in outer space, it serves as a stepping-stone for further space exploration.
The station flies at an average altitude of 248 miles (400 kilometers) above Earth. It circles the globe every 90 minutes at a speed of about 17,500 mph (28,000 kph). In one day, the station travels about the distance it would take to go from Earth to the moon and back. The space station can rival the brilliant planet Venus in brightness and appears as a bright moving light across the night sky. It can be seen from Earth without the use of a telescope by night sky observers who know when and where to look. The ISS AstroViewer website tracks the orbit of the space station in real time.
Starting in 2015, changes to the ISS were performed to prepare the complex for commercial spacecraft, which will begin arriving as early as 2017. Two international docking adapters will be added to the station. Additionally, an inflatable module from Bigelow Aerospace is scheduled to arrive in 2015.
Current plans call for the space station to be operated through at least 2020. NASA has requested an extension until 2024, but that proposal was complicated by a deterioration of U.S. relations with Russia in 2014 concerning Russia's military activities in Ukraine. Discussions to extend the space station's lifetime are ongoing among all international partners.
During the space station's major construction phase, some Russian modules and docking ports were launched directly to the orbiting lab, while other NASA and international components (including Russian hardware) were delivered on U.S. space shuttles. [Rare Photos: Space Shuttle at Space Station]
The space station, including its large solar arrays, spans the area of a U.S. football field, including the end zones, and weighs 861,804 lbs. (391,000 kilograms), not including visiting vehicles. The complex now has more livable room than a conventional five-bedroom house, and has two bathrooms, a gymnasium and a 360-degree bay window. Astronauts have also compared the space station's living space to the cabin of a Boeing 747 jumbo jet.
Crew size
A six-person expedition crew typically stays four to six months aboard the ISS. The first space station crews were three-person teams, though after the tragic Columbia shuttle disaster the crew size temporarily dropped to two-person teams. The space station reached its full six-person crew size in 2009 as new modules, laboratories and facilities were brought online.
With a full complement of six crewmembers, the station operates as a full research facility. In recent years, technology such as 3-D printing, autonomous Earth imaging, laser communications and mini-satellite launchers have been added to the station; some are controlled by crewmembers, and some controlled by the ground. Additionally, there are dozens of ongoing investigations looking at the health of astronauts staying on the station for several months. [Related: Weightlessness and Its Effect on Astronauts]
Crews are not only responsible for science, but also for maintaining the station. Sometimes, this requires that they venture on spacewalks to perform repairs. From time to time, these repairs can be urgent — such as when a part of the ammonia system fails, which has happened a couple of times.
Spacewalk safety procedures were changed after a potentially deadly 2013 incident when astronaut Luca Parmitano's helmet filled with water while he was working outside the station. NASA is also testing technology that could supplement or replace astronaut spacewalks. One example is Robonaut. A prototype currently on board the station is able to flip switches and do other routine tasks under supervision, and may be modified at some point to work “outside” as well. [Infographic: Meet Robonaut 2, NASA's Space Droid]
If the crew needs to evacuate the station, they can return to Earth aboard two Russian Soyuz vehicles docked to the ISS. Additional crewmembers are transported to the ISS by Soyuz. Prior to the retirement of NASA's space shuttle fleet in 2011, new space station crewmembers were also ferried to and from the station during shuttle missions. In 2017, NASA expects to replace most Soyuz flights with SpaceX's crewed Dragon spacecraft and Boeing's CST-100.
Crews aboard the ISS are assisted by mission control centers in Houston and Moscow and a payload control center in Huntsville, Ala. Other international mission control centers support the space station from Japan, Canada and Europe. The ISS can also be controlled from mission control centers in Houston or Moscow. [Photos: Space Station's Expedition 32 Mission]
The ISS is slated to host its first one-year crew in 2015-16, with NASA's Scott Kelly and Roscosmos' Mikhail Kornienko. The agencies have expressed interest in running more one-year missions in the future, but have not made a commitment to date.
Facts about the International Space Station
The ISS solar array surface area could cover the U.S. Senate Chamber three times over.
ISS has an internal pressurized volume of 33,023 cubic feet, or equal that of a Boeing 747.
The solar array wingspan (240 feet / 73 meters) is longer than that of a Boeing 777 200/300 model, which is 212 feet (64.6 m).
Fifty-two computers control the systems on the ISS.
More than 115 space flights were conducted on five different types of launch vehicles over the course of the station’s construction.
The ISS is almost four times as large as the Russian space station Mir, and about five times as large as the U.S. Skylab.
Some 3.3 million lines of software code on the ground supports 1.8 million lines of flight software code.
About 8 miles (12.8 km) of wire connects the electrical power system.
In the International Space Station’s U.S. segment alone, 1.5 million lines of flight software code run on 44 computers communicating via 100 data networks transferring 400,000 signals (e.g. pressure or temperature measurements, valve positions, etc.).
Main U.S. control computers have 1.5 gigabytes of total main hard drive storage in the U.S. segment. Modern PCs have about 500-gigabyte hard drives.
The entire 55-foot robot arm assembly is capable of lifting 220,000 lbs., which is the weight of a space shuttle orbiter.
The 75 to 90 kilowatts of power for the ISS is supplied by an acre of solar panels.
Additional reporting by Elizabeth Howell, Contributor
SETI’s Telescopes Now Listening In On ‘Star With Alien Megastructure’
SETI’s Telescopes Now Listening In On ‘Star With Alien Megastructure’
The search for signs of life in a mysterious star system has now officially begun, brought on by what appears to be a huge “Alien Megastructure” next to a star!
This has to be one of the most intriguing stories about space for a very long time, in fact its a tad surprising that NASA hasn’t tried stopping this story from getting out into the public domain, unless this is part of the ‘Drip feeding of Disclosure”.
The Astronomers leading with this area of research have already asked SETI for help with their powerful Radio Telescopes, of which they are now already pointing towards the direction of the unusual star. SETI’s Text Allen Telescope Array (ATA), a system of radio dishes about 300 miles (483 kilometres) northeast of San Francisco are now being used to hunt for signals coming from the vicinity of KIC 8462852, a star that lies 1,500 light-years from Earth.
It’s important to remember that When a planet orbits a star, the star’s brightness will usually only dip by about approximately 1 percent, but whatever is passing erratically by KIC 8462852 is causing it to dim by up to 22 percent. Something very, very big is out there, and scientists have offered up everything from a huge mass of comets (NASA like to highlight this idea!) to aliens, as very possible explanations as to what this could be.
All eyes to the sky!
There is clearly no way of confirming at this very moment in time WHAT this huge ‘megastructure’ is but one thing is for sure leading Scientists and Astronomers are taking this VERY seriously! The leading researchers are already on the case, with the announcement that the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) which is an array of 42 radio telescopes which are based in California, US, has already started focussing in on the mysterious star, which is located about 1,500 light-years from Planet Earth. The BIG question is will ‘they’ tell us the truth if they do ever have it confirmed that this could be Alien Technology!? Doubt it.
Advanced Aliens responsible for the apparent huge Alien Megastructure round a Star 1500 light years away!?Art by Raphael@
This all started with NASA’s Kepler space telescope found that the star KIC 8462852 dimmed oddly and dramatically several times over a few years. These ‘dimming events’ were far too significant to be just caused by a lone planet going across the star’s face. Leading researchers say, and other possible explanations, such as an enormous dust cloud, just don’t add up at all.
NASA and other leading agencies have confirmed that they believe that all this is, is a potential swarm of Comets which have possibly been sent careening toward KIC 8462852, possibly after a gravitational jostle by a passing star. But Astronomers have also confirmed that the strange signal Kepler saw had been caused by huge structures built by an Advanced Alien civilization — using their resources to drain/use the stars immense amount of energy.
KIC 8462852 has got SETI very excited and if anything it has brought them back into the ring of discovery. The Alien hunters confirmed:
“We are looking at it with the Allen Telescope Array,” said Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute in Mountain View, California.”
“No problem with that; I think we ought to, for sure,” Shostak told But, he added, people “should perhaps moderate their enthusiasm with the lessons of history”
Back in the 1960s, when the first pulsar signals (fast-spinning, superdense stellar corpses that emit beams of high-energy radiation) were discovered, some leading scientists at the time interpreted them as possible alien transmissions being sent across space!
“So history suggests we’re going to find an explanation for this that doesn’t involve Klingons, if you will,” Shostak said of the KIC 8462852 mystery”
“But until such an explanation is found, the intelligent-aliens hypothesis will still be on the table, even if the ATA and other instruments like it come up empty. The lack of a detectable signal, after all, does not establish that KIC 8462852 is a lifeless system” said Seth Shostak.
Shostak then went on to say:
“It almost doesn’t matter where you point your telescope, because there are planets everywhere,” Shostak said. “If there’s somebody out there, there are going to be so many of them out there that I do think there’s a chance”
Could this huge megastructure by a Dyson Sphere left by an advanced Alien Civilisation?
U.I.P SUMMARY– Whilst writing this post it has been confirmed that Scientists are VERY close to confirming whether this is some kind of massive Alien Structure which is being used by Alien Beings, or perhaps beings that have once been and gone – lets not forget that this star may support lifeforms that do not emit signals we can pick up. Or it could be that this may once have hosted a civilization that has since gone extinct, leaving the strange megastructure as a sort of eerie HUGE monument.
But the big question is if they do discover that this is an Alien structure of some sort will they actually confirm this with us straight away? Of course they wont, that is the simple answer to this question. It is clear though that this is a rather exciting find. Something us guys have noticed is NASA’s ‘silence’ throughout this, as if they are non-committal as to what this could be, if anything SETI appear to be the ones in control with this – which speaks volumes about what they believe this could very well be!
Who knows perhaps this structure is used to fire out the ET’s into deep space, possibly even reaching us!?
A stunning Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) report on Prime Minister Medvedev’s agenda at the World Economic Forum (WEF) this week states that Russia will warn President Obama that the “time has come” for the world to know the truth about aliens, and if the United States won’t participate in the announcement, the Kremlin will do so on its own.
The WEF (The Forum) is a Swiss non-profit foundation, based in Cologny, Geneva and describes itself as an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
The Forum is best known for its annual meeting in Davos, a mountain resort in Graubünden, in the eastern Alps region of Switzerland. The meeting brings together some 2,500 top business leaders, international political leaders, selected intellectuals and journalists to discuss the most pressing issues facing the world, including health and the environment.
Medvedev is scheduled to open this years Forum where as many as 50 heads of government, including Germany’s Angela Merkel and Britain’s David Cameron, will attend the five-day meeting that begins on 23 January.
Critical to note about this years Forum is that the WEF, in their 2013 Executive Summary, scheduled for debate and discussion a number of items under their X Factors from Nature category, and which includes the “discovery of alien life” of which they state: “Proof of life elsewhere in the universe could have profound psychological implications for human belief systems.”
Equally critical to note is that Medvedev, after completing a 7 December 2012 on-camera interview with reporters in Moscow, continued to respond to reporters and made some off-air comments without realizing that his microphone was still on. He was then asked by one reporter if “the president is handed secret files on aliens when he receives the briefcase needed to activate Russia’s nuclear arsenal,” Medvedev responded:
“Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet… Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country… More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called Men In Black… I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic.”
Western news sources reporting on Medvedev’s shocking reply about aliens stated that he was “joking” as he mentioned the movie Men In Black, which they wrongly assumed was a reference to the 1997 American sci-fi adventure comedy about two top secret agents battling aliens in the US.
Medvedev, however, wasn’t referring to the American movie but was, instead, talking about the famous Russian movie documentary Men In Black which details many UFO and alien anomalies.
Where Western news sources quoted Medvedev as saying “More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called ‘Men In Black,’” his actual answer was, “You can receive more detailed information having watched the documentary film of the same name.”
The reason(s) for Western propaganda news outlets deliberately distorting Medvedev’s words become apparent after his shocking statement, and as evidenced in just one example of their so called reporting on this disclosure of alien life already being on our planet where the title of one such article was “Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev makes a crack about aliens, and conspiracists promptly lose their minds.”
If anyone is “losing their minds” about aliens, it must be pointed out, it is certainly not Russia, but the Vatican, which in November 2009 announced it was “preparing for extraterrestrial disclosure”.
Equally, and apparently, “losing their minds” are US government officials themselves, such as former Pentagon consultant Timothy Good, and author of Above Top Secret: The Worldwide U.F.O. Cover-Up, who in February 2012 stated that former President Dwight Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens who were ‘Nordic’ in appearance and wherein a ‘Pact’ was signed to keep their agenda on Earth secret.
With the recent discovery in the Russian city of Vladivostok of a 300-million-year-old UFO tooth-wheel, and scientists, astronauts and YouTube users reporting increasingly strange happenings on the moon, the European Space agency reporting their discovery of a 1,000 ancient river on Mars, and UK and Sri Lanka scientists saying they now have “rock solid proof of alien life” after finding fossilized algae inside meteorite, the only ones who seem to be truly “losing their minds” are the Western, especially American, propagandists who for decades have covered up one of the most important stories in all of human history that “we are not alone.”
A retired police officer is appealing for fresh witnesses to come forward to help with a new book attempting to unravel the mysterious Rendlesham UFO incident.
Rendlesham Forest where the 1980 UFO sightings took place.
John Hanson is working with retired American air force officer, Colonel Charles Halt – who was deputy base commander of the twin USAF bases at Woodbridge and Bentwaters at the time of the incident in December, 1980 – on the project.
Mr Hanson, who lives in the West Midlands, believes there are still people yet to come forward who may have vital evidence – or who saw strange phenomena which may or may not be connected to the events in Rendlesham Forest.
He said a recent appeal had indeed elicited new memories from people in Suffolk.
He said: “One man from Bury St Edmunds, near the British Corporation Sugar works, told me he and his wife had seen a cone-shaped object, hovering above his front garden in December 1980, which is of interest, as we have other sightings from the Bury St Edmunds locality, not too far away from the same factory.”
Col. Charles Halt (Retired) with John Hanson (left) and David Bryant (centre) in Rendlesham Forest to explain the 1980 UFO sitings.
Mr Hanson, co-author of a series of UFO books entitled Haunted Skies, also wants to contact local former DJ Gary Collins, ex-Pc David King and Pc Brian Creswell, one of the original officers that attended the scene.
He said: “I hope people will get in touch if they saw anything around the time of the incident – or can put me in touch with any of these people – as this forms part of our social history, whatever you may think about such matters, and should be recorded.”
After the 1980 incident, Col Halt prepared a memo to the Ministry of Defence describing “unexplained lights”, and recorded what became known as the Halt Tape – a documented investigation in the forest, during which he saw mysterious lights like those witnessed by airmen Jim Penniston and John Burroughs two nights earlier.
In 2010, Col Halt signed an affidavit claiming the encounter was extraterrestrial and that it had been covered up by the Government.
Anyone who can help should call John Hanson on 0121 445 0340, email or skype john.hanson108.
The space agency has revealed a reworked color scheme for the Space Launch System heavy-lift booster, removing the paint from one major component, while adding "racing stripes" to another.
The new appearance was rolled out on Thursday (Oct. 22) with the announcement that a critical design review (CDR) had been completed. The review is a milestone toward the Space Launch System's (SLS) first test flight, targeted for 2018. [Photos: NASA's Space Launch System for Deep Space Flights]
"We've nailed down the design of SLS," said Bill Hill, the deputy associate administrator for NASA's development of exploration systems. "We've successfully completed the first round of testing of the rocket's engines and boosters, and all the major components for the first flight are now in production."
Billed as the most powerful launch vehicle ever built, the SLS is NASA's first rocket to be specifically designed to support astronaut-crewed missions beyond low Earth orbit since the Saturn V that launched astronauts to the moon 45 years ago.
And it was with that iconic booster in mind that NASA first represented the SLS with a similar black-and-white motif when it announced the rocket in 2011. Now, the design is exposing its more colorful core.
"The program concluded the core stage of the rocket and launch vehicle stage adapter will remain orange," a NASA statement described, noting orange is "the natural color of the insulation that will cover those elements."
The burnt orange-color foam is the same that was used to insulate the space shuttle's large external fuel tank. Back in 1981, NASA painted the first two of those tanks white to protect against ultraviolet radiation, but chose to forego the coating on subsequent missions to save on the weight of the paint.
The new SLS art also includes stylized orange and gray markings on the vehicle's two side-mounted boosters.
The solid rocket motors are built from the same casings that flew with thespace shuttle, but are now one segment longer (for a total of five) to provide the additional thrust needed to launch the more massive SLS.
The look of the rocket's exterior was just one of the details confirmed by the critical design review (CDR).
The CDR examined the first of three configurations NASA plans for the rocket, referred to as "Block 1." The Block 1 will have a 77-ton (70 metric tons) lift capability powered by the twin boosters and four RS-25 engines, the latter also reused from the space shuttle. The next planned upgrade of SLS, the 1B, uses a more powerful upper stage with a 115-ton (105 metric tons) lift capacity.
The Block 2 SLS will add a pair of advanced solid or liquid propellant boosters to offer a 143-ton (130 metric tons) lift capacity. In each configuration, the SLS will use the same core stage and four RS-25 engines.
"This review gives us confidence that we are on the right track for the first flight of SLS and using it to extend [the] permanent human presence into deep space," said Hill.
Thirteen teams of engineers and aerospace experts took 11 weeks to review more than 1,000 documents and more than 150 gigabytes of data as part of the process.
When first announced in 2011, NASA’s Space Launch System sported a Saturn V-inspired color scheme, as seen at left. Credit: NASA
The CDR was the last of four reviews that examined SLS concepts. The next step is design certification, which will occur in 2017 after manufacturing, integration and testing is complete. The certification will compare the actual final product to the rocket's design.
The final assessment, the flight readiness review, will take place just prior to the rocket being ready to launch.
"This is a major step in the design and readiness of SLS," stated John Honeycutt, SLS program manager. "Our team has worked extremely hard, and we're moving forward with building this rocket. We are qualifying hardware, building structural test articles and making real progress."
A separate CDR, now underway, is reviewing the design of the Orion spacecraft, the astronaut-carrying capsule that will launch atop the SLS. NASA has said it will be ready to launch its first crewed Orion and SLS mission by 2023.
Is There Another Advanced Civilization Living Beneath Our Feet?
Is There Another Advanced Civilization Living Beneath Our Feet?
As science and science fiction join, we begin to decipher the ancient mysteries of the human experience. If entities exist under the surface of our planet, they would not live in volcanic rock but in advanced spaceships meant to generate essential life habitat. Are tectonic plate shifts an act of their doing, or a truly natural part of earth?
Theories about the Hollow Earth usually include a central sun, aliens, and legendary subterranean cities and civilizations that some open minded people believe could link science and pseudoscience, but only if discovered physically. In ancient times, this idea of subterranean realms seemed arguable, and it became associated with the image of “places“ such as the Christian Hell, the Greek Hades, the Jewish Sheol or the Nordic belief of Svartalfheim.
However in modern times, with both sides of the Arctic and Antarctic regions melting down at an accelerated rate, the truth behind this enigma and its allegorical connections to other genesis or creation myths in the tale of humanity’s journey on planet Earth could soon be revealed.
According to the Hollow Earth theory, our planet is either fully hollow or otherwise contains a massive interior space. There are allegedly races that live in underground cities beneath planet Earth. Often enough, these dwellers of the underground are more technologically advanced than we humans are on the surface. Some think that UFO’s are not from other planets, but are fabricated by strange beings from the inside of our planet.
Throughout time, some people have claimed that they encountered these mysterious beings from the ground, some even wrote detailed reports of the meetings or even books regarding the way they were greeted and taught.
An interesting description of such an encounter comes from John Cleves Symmes Jr, an American officer, trader and lecturer who introduced the concept of openings to the inner world of the poles. He declared that:
"The Earth is hollow, and habitable within; containing a number of solid concentric spheres, one within the other, and that it is open at the poles 12 or 16 degrees; I pledged my life in support of this truth, and I am ready to explore the hollow, if the world will support and aid me in the undertaking.“
Symmes’ Hollow Earth theory described the world as consisting of five concentric spheres, with our outer earth and its atmosphere as the largest. He saw the Earth’s crust as being around 1000 miles thick, having an Arctic opening about 4000 miles wide, and an Antarctic opening measuring around 6000 miles wide. He suggested that he managed to enter this underground realm because the curvature of the rim of the polar openings were gradual enough that it would be possible to enter the Inner Earth without being aware of the passage. He stated that because of the centrifugal force of Earth’s rotation, the planet would be flattened at the poles, and thus have ample passage into the Inner Earth.
Symmes also claimed that this inner surface of the concentric spheres in his Hollow Earth would be lit by sunlight reflected off of the outer surface of the next sphere and would be livable, being a “warm and rich land, stocked with thrifty vegetables and animals if not men.“ He ultimately concluded that the Earth, as well as every celestial orbicular body that existed in the universe, visible or invisible, which partook in any degree of a planetary type, from the smallest to the greatest, are all established, in a greater or lesser degree, in a compilation of spheres.
Symmes wasn’t the best lecturer. He felt uncomfortable as a public speaker. Still, he preserved. He started making disciples and soon his ideas began to take shape into the public’s minds. The book Symzonia appeared in 1820 and has often been associated with him. It describes the voyage of Captain Seaborn from 1817 who set out for the South Pole in order to prove the theory of an internal world, published by Captain John Cleve Symmes. Afraid of the attitude of his crew, he does not fully inform them of his desire, hiring them rather for a commercial journey in the South Seas. The crew discover the internal continent, which is named Symzonia in honor of Symmes.
The new world appears to be of a garden paradise, consisting of:
[…] gently rolling hills within an easy sloping shore, covered with verdure, checkered with groves of trees and shrubbery, studded with numerous white buildings and animated with groups of men and cattle, all standing in relief near the foot of a lofty mountain, which in the distance reared its majestic head above the clouds.”
The internals are described as a peaceful race, their power emanating from the people. They were led by a “Best Man“ and a council of one hundred, elected for their modest and exemplary merit. The most fundamental characteristic of the internals was their simple life style, as they despised material gain and sensual pleasures.
They lived equally, without the desire for wealth or carnal pleasures, while producing only what is needed for the society. The society is described as living for the unified good and prosperity of all of their people. This fairness applied even to their diet, for they were vegetarians. Because of the contrast between the principles and values of the two races, the “Best Man“ orders Seaborn to leave this paradise inside the Earth, along with his crew, as described:
It appeared that we were of a race who had either wholly fallen from virtue, or were at least very much under the influence of the worst passions of our nature.”
Even though Symmes and his disciples were not able to reveal completely palpable evidence for their claims, there must be more than a grain of truth in it as countless people experience visions of this inner place and gain some kind of spiritual guidance towards it.
In our current state of understanding, we realize that planet Earth holds a lot of mysteries waiting to be uncovered. The earth is said to be almost eight thousand miles in diameter, and the deepest excavations ever attempted only reached half a mile below its surface. We are, therefore, extremely ignorant of the nature and structure of the interior of this vast mass the earth holds and might remain so unless those intraterrestrial beings decide to make the first step towards us.
When will they break the ice and uncover the truth?
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UFO Did Crash In Roswell And Aliens Were Found: Confirms Man Who Walked On The Moon
UFO Did Crash In Roswell And Aliens Were Found: Confirms Man Who Walked On The Moon
NASA astronaut who once walked on the Moon says he STILL believes a UFO with aliens DID crash in a US desert before the government covered it up and wants the world to know the TRUTH!
Former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell was one of six key people involved in the release of a new ‘smoking gun’ image said to show one of the aliens that died in the crash near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.
The picture is now widely believed to have been false or a hoax….
But despite the mess that was the ‘Roswell Slides’ event last week not changing history at all in the quest for extra terrestrial life as it had suggested it would, Edgar STILL remains adamant that more than one alien landed at Roswell nearly 70 years ago – and some of them were captured alive and could still be alive somewhere to this day.
“The truth about it is that it was real. I was there when the Roswell incident took place. I was on my way to college and had just graduated high school.
“One day, it was in the Roswell Daily Record, which was a newspaper in Roswell, about an alien spacecraft that had crashed, and the next day that it had been denied by the Air Force, saying that it was a weather balloon.
“I believed that and went off to college.
“Many years later, after I had been to the moon and came back, I went out to Roswell to give lectures, talk and meet people I knew since I was a kid.
“Many of the people I knew, along with descendants of the people who had been involved in the Roswell incident, told me their stories.” He said.
Edgar confirmed that the descendants included the son of an undertaker who provided “coffins for the alien bodies” and the son of a sheriff who “kept traffic away from the crash site” and helped keep the area secure from prying eyes!
Mr Mitchell who actually was meant to attend the 6,000-audience conference in Mexico for the recent Roswell Slides” event but actually appeared via video link, saying at 84 he was far too old to travel that far (perhaps a change of heart!?).
Edgar recently spoke of why the authorities have kept “alien visitations above top secret” during an interview with HighCountry News ahead of another UFO conference this month.
Speaking about the now panned and completely debunked ‘alien’ image, Mr Mitchell added:
“They’re certainly not human – looks like what the little greys look like.”
Mr Mitchell stated a very wise comment and also said that we do not know what beings are in the Universe because our planet is like a grain of sand on a huge beach.
Mr Mitchell was the sixth man to walk on the moon as part of the Apollo 14 mission in 1971.
Mr Mitchell also added:
“A family friend who was a major in the United States Air Force told me it was all real.
“I got the stories from all of these various people into my head when I came back from the moon, and I then went to the Pentagon and told them my story about that and said, give me your opinion.
“The admiral who I spoke to said, ‘I don’t know anything about it, but I’m going to find out.’
“He went out to New Mexico and checked all around, came back and told me, ‘Your stories are quite correct and all real.’”
Edgar was also keen to confirm that the US government found dead and live aliens on board the crashed craft at Roswell!
Apparently, the US Government covered up the Roswell incident because they did not know if the ‘visits’ were hostile and also did not want Soviet Russia discovering about it….and possibly stealing any potential knowledge or technology!
Edgar told how governmental agencies in the US did not know at all what to do with the alien crashed saucer and its “superior technology” for fear of it getting into Soviet hands and being used against them one day!
“The best course of action was to just lie about it, and keep it to themselves. They labeled it ‘above top-secret,’ and that created the long running iron curtain separating a secret group within the government, and the American public.” He said.
Mr Mitchell also made a shocking statement that he had been made aware of “many UFO visits to Earth during his career with NASA” with each and every one covered up!
Please check out an intriguing video with Edgar below:
When the monster back hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy belched out an exceptionally high number of powerful X-ray flares last year, it made astronomers wonder — is this a sign that the beast chowed down on a passing gas cloud, or is this lack of cosmic etiquette typical for black holes?
The black hole at the center of the Milky Way, known as Sagittarius A* (Sgr A* for short), is typically very quiet – it doesn't eat a lot of material, and there is relatively little light that radiates from the region around it. Which is why the apparent uptick in bright X-ray flares came as a surprise to scientists.
Could the bright flares seen in August 2014 have been caused by a gas cloud that passed too close to the black hole, and become an unsuspecting snack? And if that is the case, what does it tell scientists about what exactly happens to material that falls into a black hole? Alternatively, are these types of flare clusters typical of black holes, and an example of scientists' limited understanding of these mighty beasts? Upcoming observations may shed some light on these dark objects. [Images: Milky Way's Monster Black Hole Shreds … Something.
Bright flare activity increases
Packing a double punch of observational power, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton space telescope have been observing Sgr A* (pronounced "Sagittarius A-star") on and off since 1999. In the last three years, the total coverage time has increased thanks to a series of dedicated observation campaigns.
For long stretches, Chandra's detectors would see only "quiescent" X-ray activity from Sgr A*, and then, suddenly, a bright flare would appear. The center of the Milky Way is one of the most densely populated regions of the galaxy, and the view between Earth and Sgr A* is blocked by stars and gas clouds. The Chandra scientists cherished the light that managed to make its way to their detectors, according to Daryl Haggard, an astrophysicist at McGill University in Montreal, who studies the black hole using Chandra data.
Haggard is a co-author on a new study suggesting there was a two- to threefold increase in the number of bright flares emitted by Sgr A* beginning in August 2014 and extending through November 2014 (the paper does not show an overall increase in the flare rate). In one particularly active period, five bright X-ray flares burst forth from Sgr A* in a time frame that would typically see only one. One of the flares, seen in September, was three times brighter than any other flare detected from that region. The new paper looked at 15 years of Chandra and XMM-Newton data, as well as data from the SWIFT space telescope, in an effort to show that the increase was not merely a result of greater observation time.
What was happening to cause the increase? According to the new research, there are two leading ideas.
G2, the mystery object
The first hypothesis involves a controversial object called G2. In 2011, a group of astronomers using the Very Large Telescope in Chile announced that this cosmic daredevil was going to make a very tight swing around Sgr A*. What would happen during this close approach was a subject of hot debate, because scientists couldn't say for sure what G2 was – a pure dust cloud or a compact object surrounded by a dust cloud.
If G2 is a solid object, then it should have swung around Sgr A* without being pulled past the event horizon, beyond which nothing, not even light, can escape. But if it is pure gas, scientists predicted that the gravity of the black hole would smear it like a wisp of smoke, and a sizable amount of material would become lunch for Sgr A*. That would, theoretically, produce an increase in the light emitted from the region around the black hole, because when material falls into a black hole it accelerates rapidly, causing it to radiate light.
That means that if G2 is a dust cloud, it could have provided scientists with the first real-time, short-term observation of a black hole eating. To watch one of the most monstrous cosmic creatures in the universe devour a meal right in our own backyard would be an unrivaled opportunity for scientists. It would tell them about how black holes grow over their lifetimes, and provide new insights into the strange physics that takes place near the edge of these extreme gravity wells. Imagine a scientist who is trying to study lions in the wild, but never getting to see them hunt and devour their prey — G2 might finally let scientists watch Sgr A* in action.
The excitement was a palpable lead-up to G2's close approach to Sgr A*. Andrea Ghez, an astrophysicist at the University of California at Los Angeles and one of the scientists who confirmed the existence of Sgr A*, said it was one of the "most watched events in astronomy in my career."
Chandra saw nothing, nor did any of the other telescopes observing at the time.
Stefan Gillessen, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany and one of the lead proponents of the gas cloud theory, argued that G2 might still be a pure gas cloud, but that the dynamics of how and when it would be pulled into Sgr A* were different than originally predicted. Scientists don't fully understand how material might behave around a black hole.
The new suggestion that Sgr A* released an increased number of bright flares in late 2014 could be the missing light show, according to Gabriel Ponti, a research fellow with the Max Planck group and the lead author on the new paper. Perhaps the material from G2 took longer than expected to fall toward the black hole and radiate.
"A year or so ago, we thought [G2] had absolutely no effect on Sgr A*, but our new data raise the possibility that that might not be the case," Ponti said in a statement from Chandra. [Black Holes of the Universe in Images]
A long monitoring campaign of the Milky Way's supermassive black hole has revealed some unusual activity. Typically relatively quiet, the black hole (called Sagittarius A*) had an increase in bright X-ray flares in mid-2014. The timing of this surge coincided with the close passage of the mysterious G2 object near the black hole. Astronomers will continue to observe the black hole to ascertain the true nature of the increase in brightX-ray activity. Credit: NASA/CXC/MPE/G.Ponti et al; Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss
Ponti cautions that the new research cannot confirm the connection between the flare activity and G2 — there's no evidence to show that it isn't just a coincidence. Plus, the paper points out that observations in infrared light seem to show that G2 has survived its trip around Sgr A*, suggesting it is not a pure gas cloud.
This doesn't rule out the possibility that some of the gas from G2 was pulled into the black hole, but it means scientists would have to have a new model for how much gas could be syphoned from G2. And that raises the question of how quickly material moves through the region around a black hole, and around Sgr A* in particular. Does it flow down to the black hole's gaping maw in a smooth, quickly moving stream, like cream moving through coffee? Or is it slow, like molasses across asphalt? If this burst of flare activity is due to G2 passing by, it would suggest that material falls very quickly, according to Haggard. In fact, it would suggest that material is basically in free- fall as it gets closer to the black hole's event horizon. [The Strangest Black Holes in Space]
The likelihood of a G2 connection to the increased flare activity "seems tenuous to me," Haggard told She prefers an alternative possibility — that black holes normally exhibit "flare clustering," or bursts of activity that vary from the "average" behavior they exhibit most of the time.
Ponti writes in his blog post for the Chandra website that other black holes that accrete matter at a similar rate to Sgr A* (but which are millions of times less massive) also show "long-term modulation in their flaring properties." (Another factor to consider is that an object called G1, spotted before G2 and with a similar physical appearance, approached Sgr A* at a similar distance in 2001, but there was "no particular evidence for anything unusual happening as a result of G1's passage." However, he also notes that "the X-ray monitoring was much sparser" at the time.)
The largest X-ray flare from the Milky Way's supermassive black hole has been detected. Chandra caught this flare, which was 400 times brighter than the black hole's usual output, in September 2013. Researchers also saw a second large X-ray flare a little over a year later. Credit: NASA/CXC/Amherst College/D.Haggard et al.
Scientists are still trying to understand why black holes like Sgr A* might release flares in periodic clusters, rather than evenly over time. It could have to do with how the gravitational pull of the black hole destroys matter that falls toward it, perhaps breaking it up into clumps, like a string of pearls that then fall in one after the other, each creating their own flare. It could also have to do with the magnetic properties of the black hole.
The Event Horizon Telescope, a worldwide network of radio telescopes, is currently dedicated to studying the monstrous beast that lives at the heart of Earth's galactic home. No data has come out of the project yet, but the collaboration may provide the best-ever images of a black hole.
"At present, we don't know whether the observed variation has anything to do with G2 or not and we are eager to know what the new data collected in 2015 will tell us," Ponti wrote in a blog post on Harvard University's Chandra website.
The object known as G2 may not have provided a snack for Sgr A*, the way so many people hoped it would. But it is nonetheless a fascinating object, potentially something that astronomers have never seen before. Ghez's group of researchers at UCLA have proposed that it may be two stars that merged into one, and they're wondering if these types of merged stars are typical around Sgr A*, and why.
Sgr A* is the nearest example we have of one of the most captivating creatures in the universe: An object with a gravitational pull so powerful it can bend light, or stop it from ever escaping. There are black holes in the universe that are brighter than entire galaxies, and others that are almost completely invisible. Scientists still aren't sure if falling into a black hole would involve being shredded into long strips like spaghetti, or crushed by all the material that ever fell in before. The flares detected by Chandra and XMM provide clues about what happens to those that enter the cosmic lion's den.
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