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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
To See Deep into Space, Start Deep Underground (Op-Ed)
To See Deep into Space, Start Deep Underground (Op-Ed)
By Constance Walter, Sanford Underground Research Facility
The Davis Cavern on the 4850 Level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility was once home to Ray Davis's Nobel Prize-winning solar neutrino experiment. The cavern has been enlarged, the walls coated in a spray-on concrete (shotcrete) and outfitted for the Large Underground Xenon (LUX) experiment.
Constance Walter is the communications director for the Sanford Underground Research Facility. She explores the stars vicariously through the physics experiments running nearly a mile underground in the former Homestake Gold Mine. She contributed this article to's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.
In 1969, Neil Armstrong fired my imagination when he took "a giant leap" onto the moon. I was 11 years old as I watched him take that first step, and like millions around the world, I was riveted to the screen. Today I wonder how I would have reacted if the news anchor had simply described this incredible moment. Would I have been so excited? So inspired? So eager to learn more? I don't think so. It was seeing the story unfold that made it magical, that pulled me into the story.
How we see the world impacts how we view it: That first glimpse of outer space sparked an interest in science. And although I didn't become a scientist, I found a career in science, working with researchers at Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota, explaining the abstract and highly complex physics experiments in ways the rest of us can appreciate. It isn't always easy. Ever heard of neutrinoless double-beta decay? Probably not. If I told you this rare form of nuclear decay could go a long way in helping us understand some of the mysteries of the universe, would you get the picture? Maybe. The words are important, but an illustration or animation might give you a better idea.
Kathryn Jepsen, editor-in-chief of the physics magazine Symmetry, captured this need for the visual in this way: In trying to create images for her readers, she is never sure if her intent is what readers "see" in their mind's eye — so she works with illustrators, videographers and photographers to create the images she wants them to see. "Videos and animations show them exactly what we want to get across," Jepsen said.
And such visualizations can be profound. Take a look at this operatic animation from Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Created using simulations run on the supercomputers at the National Center of Computational Sciences, it shows the expected operation of the ITER fusion reactor. The video clearly outlines the objectives of the experiment, but the animation allows greater understanding as to how the fusion reactor could be used to create energy.
Digging deep into science bedrock
The Sanford Lab has many stories to tell: complex research experiments, a Nobel Prize, and a 126-year history as a mine, to name a few. We write stories for a newsletter called Deep Thoughts, the Sanford Lab website and other publications. But we don't rely solely on words. Photographs and video play a big role in how we present the lab to the world.
Researchers at Sanford Lab go deep underground to try to answer some of the most challenging physics questions about the universe. What is the origin of matter? What is dark matter and how do we know it exists? What are the properties of neutrinos? Going deep underground may help them answer these fundamental questions about the universe. [Where Is All the Dark Energy and Dark Matter?]
Here's how: Hold out your hand. On the Earth's surface, thousands of cosmic rays pass through it every day. But nearly a mile underground, where these big physics experiments operate, it's more than a million times quieter. The rock acts as a natural shield, blocking most of the radiation that can interfere with sensitive physics experiments. It turns out Sanford Lab is particularly suited to large physics experiments for another reason — the hard rock of the former Homestake Gold Mine is perfect for excavating the large caverns needed for big experiments.
The Davis Cavern on the 4850 Level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility was once home to Ray Davis's Nobel Prize-winning solar neutrino experiment. The cavern has been enlarged, the walls coated in a spray-on concrete (shotcrete) and outfitted for the Large Underground Xenon (LUX) experiment.
From 1876 to 2001, miners pulled more than 40 million ounces of gold and 9 million ounces of silver from the mine. In the beginning they mined with pickaxes, hammers and shovels — often in the dark with only candles for light. As they dug deeper, they brought wagons and mules underground to haul ore. Some animals were born, raised and died without ever seeing the sunshine. By the early 1900s, Homestake was using locomotives, drills and lights. By the early 1980s, the mine reached 8,000 feet, becoming the deepest gold mine in North America, with tunnels and drifts pocketing 370 miles of underground. At its heyday, Homestake employed nearly 2,000 people, but as gold prices plummeted and operation costs soared, the company began decreasing operations and reducing staff.
Finally, in 2001, the Barrick Gold Corp., which owned the mine, closed the facility. Five years later, the company donated the property to South Dakota for use as an underground laboratory. That same year, philanthropist T. Denny Sanford donated $70 million to the project. Since then, the state has committed more than $45 million in funds to the project. Early on, South Dakota received a $10 million Community Development Block Grant to help rehabilitate the aging facility.
Part of the glamor of using Homestake to build a deep underground science laboratory was its history as a physics landmark. Starting in the mid-1960s, nuclear chemist Ray Davis operated his solar neutrino experiment 4,850 feet underground (designated the 4850 Level) of Homestake mine. Using a 100,000-gallon tank full of perchloroethylene (fluid used in dry cleaning), Davis looked for interactions between neutrinos and the chlorine atoms, believing they would change into argon atoms.
Far from the mining activity, Davis worked for nearly three decades to prove the theory developed with his collaborator John Bahcall, professor of astrophysics in the School of Natural Sciences at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. The two proposed that the mysteries of the sun could be examined by measuring the number of neutrinos arriving on Earth from the sun. By the 1970s, Davis proved the theory worked; however, there was a slight problem: Davis found only one-third of the neutrinos predicted based on the standard solar and particle physics model. This led to the solar neutrino problem.
"The solar neutrino problem caused great consternation among physicists and astrophysicists," Davis said years later. "My opinion in the early years was that something was wrong with the standard solar model; many physicists thought there was something wrong with my experiment."
Scientists at underground laboratories around the world wanted an answer to this riddle. Eventually, the mystery was solved by researchers in two separate experiments: one at SNOLab in Canada, the other at the Super-Kamiokande Collaboration in. As it turns out, neutrinos are pretty tricky characters, changing "flavors" as they travel through space, oscillating between electron, muon and tau neutrinos. Davis's detector was only able to see the electron neutrino.
In 2002, Davis's groundbreaking research earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics — energizing physicists to lobby for a laboratory on the hallowed ground at the abandoned Homestake Mine. (This year, Takaaki Kajita of Super-Kamiokande and Arthur McDonald of SNOLab shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for their discoveries of neutrino oscillation.)
A one-of-a-kind (incredibly deep) hole
Because of the site's rich physics history and unique structure, South Dakota and many scientists lobbied to have a billion-dollar deep underground laboratory at the mine, as deep as 7,400 feet — and in 2007 the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) selected it as the preferred site for a proposed Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL).
But in 2010, the National Science Board decided not to fund further design of DUSEL. Physicists, citizens and politicians immediately began seeking other funding sources, and in 2011, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), through the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, agreed to support ongoing science operations at Sanford Lab, while investigating how to use the underground research facility for other longer-term experiments.
Today, Sanford Lab hosts three large physics experiments nearly a mile underground on the 4850 Level.
The Large Underground Xenon (LUX) experiment, is looking for dark matter, which makes up most of the matter in the universe, but has yet to be detected. We can't see or touch dark matter, but we know it exists because of its gravitational effects on galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Scientists with LUX use a vessel filled with one-third of a ton of liquid xenon, hoping that when a weekly interacting massive particle, or WIMP, strikes a xenon atom, detectors will recognize the signature. In October 2013, after an initial run of 80 days, LUX was named the most sensitive dark-matter detector in the world. [Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Mystery Explained: A Reader's Guide (Infographic)]
LUX watertank just before it was filled with 70,000 gallons of deionized water.
The Majorana experimentbrings us back to that obscure-sounding neutrinoless double-beta decay. Neutrinos, among the most abundant particles in the universe, are often called "ghost" particles because they pass through matter like it isn't there. Scientists with the Majorana experiment hope to spot the rare neutrinoless double-beta decay phenomenon, which could reveal if neutrinos are their own antiparticles.
The inner copper shielding for the Majorana Demonstrator experiment is actually made of two layers of copper. The outermost layer is the purest copper that can be purchased commercially. The inner layer of copper is the purest in the world. It was "grown" by electroforming in a lab underground at Sanford Lab.
The answer to this question could help us understand why humans — and, indeed, the universe — exist. Majorana needs an environment so clean it was built almost entirely out of copper, electroformed deep underground, and it uses dozens of detectors made of enriched germanium crystals (76Ge) in its quest. The detectors are built in an ultraclean "glove box," which is purged periodically with nitrogen gas, to ensure not even a single speck of dust will touch the highly sensitive detectors. When completed, the strings of detectors are placed inside a copper vessel that goes into a layered shield for extra protection against the environment.
CASPAR (Compact Accelerator System for Performing Astrophysical Research) researchers are studying the nuclear processes in stars. Essentially, the goal is to create the same reactions that happen in stars a bit "older" than our sun. If researchers can do that, it could help complete the picture of how the elements in our universe are built. The experiment is undergoing calibration tests and will go online in early 2016.
But can you see the science?
Do you have a picture in your mind of each of these experiments? Is it the right picture? It's not easy. Writers want the public to clearly understand why the science is important. And so we look for images that will complement our stories.
Delicate work assembling the Majorana cryostat is done inside a glovebox. The cryostat contains strings of hockey puck shaped germainium detectors.
Matt Kapust is the creative services developer at Sanford Lab (the two of us make up the entire communications team). Since 2009, Kapust has been documenting the conversion of the mine into a world-leading research laboratory, using photography and video to record each stage of construction and outfitting.
"Video is one of the most important tools we have in our tool belt," Kapust said. "As content developers, we need to find creative ways to explain esoteric science concepts to mainstream audiences in ways that get them excited about science."
Film is important for other reasons, as well. "Massive science projects like the ones we have at Sanford Lab are not privately funded, they are not corporate run," Kapust said. "They are funded by the public and need public support. Film's mass appeal allows us to tell the stories in new ways and generate that widespread support."
Sanford Lab receives $15 million year for operations each year from the DOE. In addition to the $40 million given to support the lab in 2007, South Dakota recently gave the lab nearly $4 million for upgrades to one of the shafts. The individual experiments receive millions of dollars in funding from NSF and DOE, and a proposed future experiment, the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility and associated Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (LBNF/DUNE) is expected to cost $1 billion. All of this comes from taxpayers. And they want to know where their money is going — and why.
Our stories, if we do them right, create excitement and spur the public's collective imagination — I mean, we're talking about possibly discovering the origins of the universe! When you think about it in those terms, a picture — or video — could be worth a million words, or a billion dollars.
Nailing down neutrinos
Kapust points to that billion-dollar experiment as an example. LBNF/DUNE, currently in the planning stages, will be an internationally designed, coordinated and funded collaboration that will attempt to unlock the mysteries of the neutrino.
Billions of neutrinos pass through our bodies every second. Billions. They are formed in nuclear reactors, the sun (a huge nuclear reactor) and other stars, supernovae and cosmic rays as they strike the Earth's atmosphere.
In particular, researchers with LBNF/DUNE want to more fully understand neutrino oscillations, determine the mass of these ghostly particles, and solve the mystery of the matter/antimatter imbalance in the universe. To do this, they will follow the world's highest-intensity neutrino beam as it travels 800 miles through the Earth, from Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois, to four massive detectors on the 4850 Level of Sanford Lab. And should a star go supernova while the experiment is running, the researchers could learn a lot more.
Depiction of the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility/Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.
Credit: Fermilab
LBNF/DUNE will be one of the largest international megascience experiments to ever occur on U.S. soil. The sheer scale of the experiment is mind-boggling.
For example, the detectors are filled with 13 million gallons of liquid argon, an element used in the SNOLab experiment that discovered neutrino oscillation. And more than 800,000 tons of rock will be excavated to create three caverns — two for the detectors and one for utilities. Each cavern will be nearly the length of two football fields.
That will require a lot of blasting, and engineers at Sanford Lab want to document the test blasts for a couple of reasons: They want a graphic representation of what the blast will look like and they hope to catch any visual appearance of dust going down the drift. The huge experiment is being built near existing experiments and dust could have a negative impact. Capturing the event on video could help them determine better ways to blast the rock to route the dust away from other sensitive physics experiments. As the experiment moves forward, our team will document each stage. We can't bring visitors underground, but we can show them our progress.
Katie Yurkewicz, head of communications at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), said, "If words are our only tools, it can be extremely difficult (if not impossible) to get people to that 'Aha!' moment of understanding. Video and animations are invaluable in communicating those complex construction and physics topics."
In our field, it's important to seek the expertise and interest of other communicators and the media. "We often rely on documentary filmmakers, news organizations and public broadcasting to help us tell our stories," Kapust said, citing RAW Science, the BBC and South Dakota Public Broadcasting among those entities. "It's important for us to be able to work with these groups because we have limited resources. We need the assistance and networking opportunities they offer."
In May 2015, a team from PRI's Science Friday arrived at Sanford Lab to do a story about LUX and the search for dark matter. The team spent three days filming underground and on the surface. They interviewed scientists, students and administrators. The story was told on radio, of course, but the program also included a 17-minute video on Science Friday's website. The radio program used sound, tone and words to great effect. But the video takes viewers onto the cage and down the shaft, into a modern, well-lit laboratory, and on a locomotive ride through the dark caverns of the underground. (Science Friday submitted the video for competition in the RAW Science Film Festival, which takes place Dec. 4-5 in Los Angeles.)
Setting the scenes
Producing film at Sanford Lab isn't easy. Trips underground require careful planning, and even a trip action plan, part of a log that keeps track of everyone working underground. Should an emergency arise, the underground will be evacuated; the log ensures everyone gets to the surface safely. Because we are required to spend a lot of time underground, we undergo regular safety training that adds up to several hours a year.
For every trip, we don restrictive clothing — hardhats as a safety measure and coveralls to keep dust from our clothing — then take an 11-minute ride in a dark cage, or elevator, to laboratories nearly a mile down. We lug our heavy lighting, sound and camera equipment with us, and shoot video in tight spaces. If we forget something, we can't turn around and go back — the cage only runs at certain times of the day. Bringing our lunch is a definite must. Once underground, we enter the cart wash area, where we remove our coveralls, don clean hardhats, and clean all of the equipment with alcohol wipes — we don't want to bring any dirt into the lab. Finally, we put booties over our shoes, then enter the laboratory area. One big perk? There's an espresso machine and a panini press.
Recently, we did a story about the innermost portion of the six-layered shield around the Majorana Demonstrator project. The shield gives the experiment extra protection from the radiation that permeates through the surrounding rock, especially radon, which can create noise in the experiment. The inner shield is special — it was made with ultrapure electroformed copper grown on the 4850 Level of Sanford Lab. We interviewed physicist Vincent Guiseppe, the mastermind behind the shield, inside the deeply buried class-100 clean room where all the work is done. Despite our precautions, we couldn't go into the clean room without putting on a "bunny suit": Tyvek clothing that includes a hood, booties, two pairs of gloves and a face mask, and we had to maneuver carefully as the research continued around us. It was a challenge, but it was worth it to get the story and a stunning image of the shield.
Randy Hughes works in a cleanroom machine shop nearly one mile underground. He machines all the copper parts for the Majorana Demonstrator experiment.
While the lunar landing inspired my generation to look to the cosmos — and inspired me to want to fly to distant planets, see the Milky Way from a distant galaxy, and learn the secrets of the universe — none of us expected to be looking up from nearly a mile underground. But with the right mix of sights and stories, science is inspiring a new generation, while searching for answers to universal questions using tools that are only now reaching for the stars.
Follow all of the Expert Voices issues and debates — and become part of the discussion — on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. This version of the article was originally published on
Pluto's Mysterious 4 Mile Wide Circle Inside Of Crater
Pluto's Mysterious 4 Mile Wide Circle Inside Of Crater
Published on Feb 27, 2016
This one has fascinated me since I first saw Keith Laney's version of it on his website during Richard C. Hoagland's radio show I was a guest member of the imaging panel on. Since then I have came across it again and wanted to share it with you all and get your take on it. We joked about it looking like a huge radio telescope similar to the new one being finished in China called the FAST telescope. I make these videos for you all and would LOVE to hear what you think this is? I tried to keep it short and sweet. The full NASA image has a lot of anomalies in it and if you let your eyes adjust to this whole image it will blow your mind. The focus is on the circular area inside the crater. What about you? What do you think it looks like or could be? WUITS Article w/ Enhanced Images:
Astrophotographer Giuseppe Petricca took this image about two minutes prior to the start of the full totality phase of the Supermoon total lunar eclipse on Sept. 27, 2015.
A turquoise light tints the blood moon in this stunning skywatcher shot from Pisa, Italy.
Astrophotographer Giuseppe Petricca took this image about two minutes prior to the start of the full totality phase of the supermoon total lunar eclipse on Sept. 27, 2015.
The total lunar eclipse of Sept. 27, 2015 occurred when the moon was at perigee (the point in its orbit when it is closest to the Earth), better known as a "supermoon." For Petricca, the event was one of striking colors. [See more amazing total lunar eclipse photos by skywatchers]
"There are obviously the reddish and brownish tones of colors, but near the lower border we can clearly see a bluish/turquoise tone," Petricca told in an email.
Normally, during an eclipse, sunlight that manages to reach the surface of the moon is scattered as it passes through Earth's atmosphere, resulting in the reddish colors seen on the lunar surface. The bluish tone comes from sunlight passing through the Earth's ozone layer.
The image is an integration of 100 (on 200) shots with my Reflex Camera Canon 700D combined with a Samyang Catadrioptic 500mm f/6.3 Lens.
To see more amazing night sky photos submitted by readers, visit our astrophotography archive.
Editor's note: If you have an amazing skywatching photo you'd like to share with us and our news partners for a possible story or image gallery, send images and comments in to managing editor Tariq Malik at
Hillary Clinton with Laurance Rockefeller at the JY Ranch, Jackson Hole, Wyo., August 21, 1995. Clinton is carrying the book Are We Alone: Philosophical Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life by Paul Davies.
(Photo: National Archives)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton recently made unusual comments regarding the existence of extraterrestrials during an editorial board meeting with New Hampshire’s Conway Daily Sun. “Yes, I’m going to get to the bottom of it,” said Ms. Clinton when questioned on the subject by reporter Daymond Steer. “I think we may have been visited already. We don’t know for sure.”
Ms. Clinton also indicated that her campaign chairman John Podesta had great interest in the UFO phenomenon. “He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out,” said Mr. Clinton. “One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.”
Mr. Podesta, who served as chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and advisor to President Barack Obama, has a spoken publicly about the issue in the past. “It’s time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark, on the question of government investigations of UFOs. It’s time to find out what the truth really is that’s out there,” said Mr. Podesta during a news conference at the National Press Club in 2002. “We ought to do it, really, because it’s right, because the American people, quite frankly, can handle the truth, and we ought to do it because it’s the law.”
To get a sense of the history behind Ms. Clinton’s statements, the Observer spoke to D.C.-based extraterrestrial lobbyist and head of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), Stephen Bassett, who we interviewed last September and who was recently profiled in The Washington Post.
What was your initial reaction to Hillary Clinton’s remarks to the Conway Daily Sun?
Throughout 2007, PRG worked to bring the Rockefeller Initiative and the extraterrestrial presence issue into the presidential campaign. This effort failed to draw out Senator Clinton, but may have helped to generate questions asked at the October 30 Democratic primary debate in Philadelphia of Congressman Kucinich, Senator Obama and Governor Richardson.
Eight years later, Secretary Clinton’s remarks in New Hampshire represent a breakthrough moment in American political history. Twenty-three years after her husband’s administration was engaged by Laurance Rockefeller to release all UFO documents in government files and grant amnesty to government witnesses, Secretary Clinton has finally spoken to the extraterrestrial presence issue.
Daymond Steer’s questions marked an important milestone, but it is only the beginning of the questions that need to be asked and will be asked of Secretary Clinton and all the presidential candidates.
Is there a chance these comments were meant as a joke?
The nature of the now-institutionalized truth embargo on the extraterrestrial presence issue is such, that however serious you might be, you must smile when you speak to the subject.
Anyone with an ounce of political sense would understand that no chairman of the leading candidate (John Podesta) and no former president and spouse of that candidate (President Clinton), during a campaign that will ultimately spend as much as $2 billion dollars of donated money, is going to publicly speak to the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomena issue—that is, unless they have to. If they smile and dance a bit in the process, that is to be expected.
Were you pleased with how the media picked up the story?
The media response to the Daily Sun story has been extensive. A review of various Google search listings indicates coverage by as many as 250 foreign language venues, 200 local U.S. radio/television stations and over 100 English language venues. It is notable, however, TheNew York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times didn’t cover this story and the Drudge Report did not link to it. PRG found this to be both remarkable and disappointing.
What is your ideal scenario for the media’s approach to the truth embargo and disclosure?
Simple. More reporters, including some from top tier political media, ask Secretary Clinton direct questions about the Rockefeller Initiative and her involvement therein. She provides serious answers, hopefully without smile or smirk. This triggers more questions to President Clinton, John Podesta, Governor Bill Richardson, Secretary Leon Panetta, Mack McLarty and Webster Hubbell. These gentlemen give truthful and serious responses. This triggers another round of questions directed to the Pentagon, CIA and the U.S. Air Force, along with questions to the private principals of the Rockefeller Initiative.
What about responses from other presidential candidates?
There has been no response, which raises a most interesting question. Since 1993, the Republican Party and many conservative media venues have been well aware of the Clinton team’s connection to the UFO/ET issue. Despite intense partisan hatred for the Clintons, the Republican candidates and conservative media have never used that connection to gain political advantage.
If the extraterrestrial presence issue was completely without merit, it is inconceivable this would be the case. This would lead one to conclude the very truth of the matter prevents such partisan attacks.
Do you think Hillary Clinton’s history regarding the Rockefeller Initiative factored into her statement?
Of course it did. It is the primary reason she is commenting at all. The same goes for John Podesta and [former] President Clinton.
How does Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta tie into all this?
It is PRG’s view, John Podesta is the central figure in the unfolding events leading to a Disclosure event under a Democratic president. He is the only Rockefeller Initiative principal who has served President Clinton (advisor, chief of staff), President Obama (transition chairman, advisor) and Secretary Clinton (advisor, campaign chairman).
In 2002 and 2003 Mr. Podesta called for the release of UFO documents in government files. In 2010, he reiterated this theme in a foreword to the book UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record by Leslie Kean. He was featured in the 2011 documentary Secret Access: UFOs on the Record. In 2015, Mr. Podesta also issued provocative Twitter messages well covered by national and international media.
Are there any other figures from the Clinton administration or Hillary Clinton’s campaign that were involved with the Rockefeller Initiative?
PRG possesses documents confirming President Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Webster Hubbell, the late Dr. John Gibbons and the late Congressman Steven Schiff were directly involved. PRG is also quite certain Chiefs of Staff Leon Panetta and Mack McLarty, Secretary Bill Richardson and Vice President Al Gore were aware of the Rockefeller Initiative. In addition, there were 16 private citizens involved, 12 of which are still living.
Why has it taken so long for this issue to be brought into an election?
The government-imposed truth embargo conceived between 1947 and 1953 that remains in effect to this day, although much weakened, has been very successful. The only president to have brought the issue up during his campaign was Jimmy Carter in 1976. I was the first balloted congressional candidate to speak to the issue in 2002. Dr. Joseph Buchman was the second balloted congressional candidate to do so in 2008.
There is good analogy for this. For 51 years, the U.S. government imposed an embargo on the nation of Cuba. Most Americans knew there was an island south of the Florida keys called Cuba; they just couldn’t go there. Now they can. All of which is to say President Obama has one more embargo to end before he leaves office.
Would you say Hillary Clinton is the best candidate to ensure the full disclosure of extraterrestrial activity on Earth?
Yes, due to the historical connection to the issue.
In a previous interview with the Observer, you said “Barack Obama will be the disclosure president.” Do you still believe that?
Yes. The American people should not have to wait one more day for the truth embargo to end. No one knows who will be the next president or what they will do when they enter the White House. Therefore, PRG seeks the embargoes end now, meaning Barack Obama will be the disclosure president.
What are you and your organization doing now to continue this fight for disclosure?
Not a fight—an advocacy process. One should not pick fights with nuclear powers. PRG will continue to inform the political media and the U.S Congress regarding the Rockefeller Initiative, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure and the need for new, comprehensive congressional hearings. PRG will put particular emphasis on Secretary Clinton and the other presidential candidates. PRG is also seeking opportunities to address the subject on any and all network and cable news talk shows.
Robin Seemangal focuses on NASA and advocacy for space exploration. He was born and raised in Brooklyn, where he currently resides. Find him on Instagram for more space-related content: @not_gatsby
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Controversial 5,500-Year-Old Sumerian Star Map Of Ancient Nineveh Reveals Observation Of Köfels’ Impact Event
Controversial 5,500-Year-Old Sumerian Star Map Of Ancient Nineveh Reveals Observation Of Köfels’ Impact Event – Did ancient Sumerians observe and record the impact of the Aten asteroid over 5,000 years ago?
For over 150 years scientists have tried to solve the mystery of a controversial cuneiform clay tablet that indicates the so-called Köfel’s impact event was observed in ancient times.
The circular stone-cast tablet was recovered from the 650 BC underground library of King Ashurbanipal in Nineveh, Iraq in the late 19th century.
Long thought to be an Assyrian tablet, computer analysis has matched it with the sky above Mesopotamia in 3300 BC and proves it to be of much more ancient Sumerian origin.
The tablet is an “Astrolabe,” the earliest known astronomical instrument. It consists of a segmented, disk-shaped star chart with marked units of angle measure inscribed upon the rim.
The Ashurbanipal library was the first of its kind in history. The king collected as many clay tablets, containing various sources of knowledge, in this library. It had thousands upon thousands of pieces, a lot of which are housed at the London and various other museums around the world.
Unfortunately considerable parts of the planisphere on this tablet are missing (approximately 40%), damage which dates to the sacking of Nineveh. The reverse of the tablet is not inscribed.
Still under study by modern scholars, the cuneiform tablet in the British Museum collection No K8538 (known as “the Planisphere”) provides extraordinary proof for the existence of sophisticated Sumerian astronomy.
The controversial cuneiform clay tablet has been translated for the first time.
Raising a storm in archaeological circles, they re-translated the cuneiform text and assert the tablet records an ancient asteroid strike, the Köfels’ Impact, which struck Austria sometime around 3100 BC.
The giant landslide centred at Köfels in Austria is 500m thick and five kilometres in diameter and has long been a mystery since geologists first looked at it in the 19th century.
The conclusion drawn by research in the middle 20th century was that it must be due to a very large meteor impact because of the evidence of crushing pressures and explosions.
But this view lost favor as a much better understanding of impact sites developed in the late 20th century.
In the case of Köfels there is no crater, so to modern eyes it does not look as an impact site should look. However, the evidence that puzzled the earlier researchers remains unexplained by the view that it is just another landslide.
So what is the connection between the sophisticated Sumerian star chart discovered in the underground library in Nineveh and mysterious impact that took place in Austria?
The Sumerian star map shows people observed and recorded Köfels’ impact more than 5,500 years ago.
Examination of the clay tablet reveals that it is an astronomical work as it has drawings of constellations on it and the text has known constellation names. It has attracted a lot of attention but in over a hundred years nobody has come up with a convincing explanation as to what it is.
With modern computer programs that can simulate trajectories and reconstruct the night sky thousands of years ago the researchers have established what the Planisphere tablet refers to. It is a copy of the night notebook of a Sumerian astronomer as he records the events in the sky before dawn on the 29 June 3123 BC (Julian calendar).
Half the tablet records planet positions and cloud cover, the same as any other night, but the other half of the tablet records an object large enough for its shape to be noted even though it is still in space.
The astronomers made an accurate note of its trajectory relative to the stars, which to an error better than one degree is consistent with an impact at Köfels.
The observation suggests the asteroid is over a kilometer in diameter and the original orbit about the Sun was an Aten type, a class of asteroid that orbit close to the earth, that is resonant with the Earth’s orbit.
This trajectory explains why there is no crater at Köfels. The in coming angle was very low (six degrees) and means the asteroid clipped a mountain called Gamskogel above the town of Längenfeld, 11 kilometers from Köfels, and this caused the asteroid to explode before it reached its final impact point. As it traveled down the valley it became a fireball, around five kilometers in diameter (the size of the landslide).
Around 700 BC an Assyrian scribe in the Royal Place at Nineveh made a copy of one of the most important documents in the royal collection.
Two and a half thousand years later it was found by Henry Layard in the remains of the palace library. It ended up in the British Museum’s cuneiform clay tablet collection as catalogue No. K8538 (also called “the Planisphere”), where it has puzzled scholars for over a hundred and fifty years. In this monograph Bond and Hempsell provide the first comprehensive translation of the tablet, showing it to be a contemporary Sumerian observation of an Aten asteroid over a kilometre in diameter that impacted Köfels in Austria in the early morning of 29th June 3123 BC. Read more
When it hit Köfels it created enormous pressures that pulverized the rock and caused the landslide but because it was no longer a solid object it did not create a classic impact crater.
Mark Hempsell, discussing the Köfels event, said: “Another conclusion can be made from the trajectory. The back plume from the explosion (the mushroom cloud) would be bent over the Mediterranean Sea re-entering the atmosphere over the Levant, Sinai, and Northern Egypt.
“The ground heating though very short would be enough to ignite any flammable material – including human hair and clothes. It is probable more people died under the plume than in the Alps due to the impact blast.”
In other words, the remarkable ancient star map shows that the Sumerians made an observation of an Aten asteroid over a kilometer in diameter that impacted Köfels in Austria in the early morning of 29th June 3123 BC.
Of all the fringe interest groups orbiting the landscape of American politics, there are perhaps none quite as maligned as those committed to uncovering the truth about extraterrestrial life. In recent elections, these UFO advocates have mostly laid low, ignored—if not openly mocked—by politicians seeking higher office. But as the 2016 race gets officially underway, alien hunters are starting to wonder if this election might be different.
The group got some high-profile encouragement last month from none other than Hillary Clinton. In an interview with a small New Hampshire newspaper, the Democratic presidential candidate promised that, if elected, she would share whatever information exists about the government's contact with extraterrestrials.
"I'm going to get to the bottom of it," Clinton told the Conway Daily Sun. "I think we may have been [visited already]. We don't know for sure."
The comment may have been tongue-in-cheek, but it was enough to excite the diehard skeptics who have been fighting, unsuccessfully for more than half a century, to get the government to disclose what it knows about aliens. For this group, the remark seemed to confirm long-held suspicions that Clinton is sympathetic to its cause—suspicions rooted in her 90s-era ties to UFO activists like Laurence Rockefeller, and in her relationship to campaign chairman John Podesta, a noted skeptic who has called for greater government transparency around the alien question, and whose influence Clinton cited in her interview.
"He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out one way or another," Clinton told the newspaper. "Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51."
Regardless of whether Clinton meant for any of this to be taken seriously, the interviewsignaled to alien hunters that the 2016 presidential election could be a significant one for their movement—marking the first time since the other Clinton was in office that the topic of extraterrestrial contact might be broached by politicians on the national level.
A 1995 photo of then-First Lady Hillary Clinton embracing billionaire philanthropist Laurence Rockefeller, a well-known UFO activist. Photo via the William J. Clinton Presidential Library
Beyond the UFO skepticism and government conspiracy theories, the election is also being watched by another group of alien hunters—namely scientists involved in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI, a global research field dedicated to scanning the cosmos for signs of alien life.
Since its inception, the scientific search for extraterrestrial intelligence has been plagued by politics. NASA's own SETI program, developed in the mid-1970s, was a frequent target of politicians who saw its mission—"to bag little green fellows," as one senator put it—as a joke and a waste of taxpayer dollars. It was permanently defunded in 1993. While NASA continues to fund research into the search for extraterrestrial life, the money now mainly goes to the field of astrobiology, with research focused on looking for microbes and other unintelligent life forms. Officially at least, the government is no longer interested in the search for thinking beings like us.
"SETI is very political, or has been in the past," said Seth Shostak, senior astronomer and director of the SETI Institute, a California-based nonprofit that conducts research on the "origin and nature of life in the universe." "Politics was extremely important when I joined the SETI Institute—it killed the NASA efforts."
Inthe absence of government funding, SETI research in the US has relied on private donations, which tend to be sporadic. While a $100 million infusion from Russian billionaire Yuri Milner last year has given the field a measure of legitimacy, and assured future research, the lack of federal recognition means that SETI continues to exist outside of mainstream scientific circles.
"When somebody is studying something that doesn't have any obvious practical implications, [Congress] tends to think it is a waste of money," Shostak told me. "That's exactly wrong. Basic research is the kind that pays off in the long term—far more than the applied research."
There is little indication that will change under the next president. Most of the leading 2016 presidential candidates from both parties have voiced general support for NASA, and they have called for directing more federal resources to space exploration (the notable exception is Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, who has voted in the past toslash NASA's budget). But Shostak is skeptical that any of this would translate into support for a revamped SETI program at the space agency.
"It isn't a matter of 'let's vote for this person because they're interested in SETI,'" he said. "You're not going to find anybody like that."
In the absence of direct support for SETI research, SETI researchers say they are looking for candidates who show broad knowledge and support of scientific endeavors. "Anyone you elect to high office should have some knowledge of science," Shostak said. "So many of [the 2016 candidates] don't seem to have much knowledge of science, and that's distressing because of much greater considerations than SETI."
Shostak and his colleagues have also noted that making contact with intelligent alien life will have immense political repercussions here on Earth. Given that many SETI proponents believe this is likely to happen in our lifetime, they are looking at the 2016 presidential contenders for indications of how they might handle a post-contact world.
"One would expect individual SETI proponents to be generally supportive of those parties and candidates who have voiced strong support for a solid science agenda," said Paul Shuch, executive director of the SETI League, a grassroots group that promotes private SETI research and education.
"Since SETI is a multinational cooperative endeavor," Shuch continued, "we—as individuals—would tend to oppose those factions and candidates in all countries who would be likely to exhibit nationalistic tendencies to restrict the free flow of information."
Paradigm Research's Hillary Clinton ET flag. Photo courtesy of Stephen Bassett
Of course, UFO activists who believe aliens have already made contact have more pressing concerns—namely, getting the government to end what disclosure advocate Stephen Bassett, Washington's only registered UFO lobbyist, calls the "truth embargo" on information about extraterrestrials.
"The extraterrestrial issue is perfectly analogous to the Cuban embargo," said Bassett, who works on behalf of the disclosure advocacy group Paradigm Research. "People knew there was an island down there, they knew there was a Cuba—they just couldn't go there. It's very much what happened with the extraterrestrial issue. Every year more and more people know that this phenomenon is not human, it's extraterrestrial, but they can't go there."
Like the Cuba embargo, Bassett said, the government's insistence on withholding information about extraterrestrial contact from the public seems increasingly anachronistic, and no longer justifiable as a national security concern. The issue, he explained, is trying to convince politicians that the problem even exists in the first place.
"This extraterrestrial advocacy movement has a problem that no other advocacy movement in history has had," Bassett said. "This movement is about something the government has claimed doesn't exist at all."
Bassett may have found an ally in Podesta. A consummate Washington insider who served as chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and as a special counselor to President Barack Obama, Podesta is a well-known X-Files fanatic who has publicly defended the public's right to know "what the truth is that's really out there," as he put it in a forward to the 2010 book UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record. Last year, as he was leaving the Obama administration, Podesta ignited the UFO blogosphere by tweeting that his "biggest failure in 2014" was "once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files."
Stephen Bassett, Washington's only registered UFO lobbyist. Photo courtesy of Bassett
Podesta hasn't shied away from this position in his new role heading Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign. "Notwithstanding the fact that serious scientists, military leaders, business people, and average citizens are interested in the subject of intelligent life in the universe, political leaders tend to worry about whether they will be lampooned if they broach the subject," he told me in an email. "I, on the other hand, am interested in just making the universe great again."
While Bassett seems to have gotten behind Podesta—and by extension, Hillary— not all disclosure activists agree that Clinton would be an ally in the Oval Office, with some citing her less than stellar record on government transparency as a possible red flag. But Podesta seems confident that, on this issue at least, his candidate will follow through on revealing government secrets. "She promised me she would!" he wrote in his email.
"Look, I believe that the government, in the name of transparency and openness should declassify and release information in regards to unidentified aerial phenomena," Podesta continued. "Obviously, there have been decades of speculation about what, if anything, is contained in these files. I'm confident that the American people can handle the truth."
“They’re here, aren’t they?” said Fox Mulder, to his secret informant, known only to viewers as Deep Throat.
“Mr. Mulder,” began the old man, in a reprimanding tone, “They have been here for a long, long time.”
As many of you know, the X-Files revival starts soon (the new six episode mini-season, which begins on January 24, picks up, appropriately, 13 years after the X-Files went off the air).
For those of you who don’t know, the X-Files was one of the most popular US TV series in the 1990s, at its height averaging 20 million viewers per episode.
The main protagonist Fox Mulder, is an FBI agent whose sister was taken from their room when he was a kid, in what Mulder believed was an alien abduction. This fueled his lifelong obsession with the paranormal and uncovering the truth about UFOs, Extraterrestrials, and a global conspiracy.
I watched the show religiously with friends, staying in on Friday nights when it first came on, before it got really popular and moved to Sunday nights. Years later, when I became an executive producer on the documentary Thrive: What On Earth Will It Take, made by Foster Gamble and Kimberly Carter Gamble (which involved UFOs), I started to do a little research on this subject on my own.
So, just in time for the X-Files revival, here are 5 things you may not know about the UFO phenomenon that inspired the X-Files:
1. The X-Files wasn’t purely science fiction, according to Chris Carter.
Like many others fans, I took the X-Files to be “simply” an original work of science fiction from the show’s creator, Chris Carter. While the series is fiction, Carter himself will tell you that that many of the elements are based on real-life accounts.
When I started to investigate on my own, I started to meet people in the UFO community and started asking questions. The stories I heard sounded a lot like what I had seen in the X-files: bright unexplainable lights, triangular craft, missing time, even implants.
In fact, I was told by a mutual friend that Chris Carter discouraged his actors from attending science fiction conventions because the X-Files wasn’t purely science fiction. This is particularly true of the early episodes that involve UFO sightings: If you re-watch the very first X-files episode, Pilot, you’ll see that it says, “The following story is inspired by actual documentedaccounts” at the beginning of the episode.
I actually met Chris Carter last year, before they started filming the new season, at a UFO-related conference, and it was clear that he was continuing to research what people had to say on this subject — and it seems that some of the newer conspiracy theories will play a big role in the X-Files revival.
2.Myth: Only people who wear tinfoil hats and tabloid reporters take UFOs seriously.
One of the persistent myths about UFOs is that people who believe in them are a “fringe” group who “live off the grid” and wear “tinfoil hats”. After having been to a dozen UFO events and meeting hundreds of UFO witnesses, I haven’t seen a single tinfoil hat (OK I saw one but that was for the benefit of reporters who wanted to take a photo of “weird UFO people”).
In fact, I have met intelligent people from all walks of life — scientists, engineers, people who worked for NASA, to independently wealthy businessmen and women. The only commonality I could find was confidence in what they’ve seen and experienced, and a strong belief that the “truth is out there” and that it should be investigated more seriously.
There are many well-known people who have had UFO sightings, and many who support finding out the truth. In Los Angeles, Dan Akroyd is a well known proponent of UFO research. (See Dan Akroyd Unplugged on UFOs).
John Podesta, who served as an advisor to President Obama and Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton, has been very vocal about his interest in the subject and his desire to get the truth out, a process known to UFO enthusiasts as “Disclosure”. John Podesta tweeted in 2014 that his biggest regret in working for the Obama White House was that he was unable to secure disclosure of top secret UFO files.
Hillary Clinton, was recently asked about UFOs by a reporter in Conway, New Hampshire while campaigning there. Mrs. Clinton said she believed we might have been visited by aliens in the past, and that if elected president, she would get to the bottom of it.
And UFOs are not just for tabloids. Leslie Kean, a serious investigative reporter, received a copy of a report from retired French generals that said that they believed the UFO phenomena was real and should be investigated seriously (called the “COMETA” report). Kean’s book, UFOs: General, Pilots ,and Government Officials Go On the Record, is a great book for those who know nothing about the phenomenon or are inclined to dismiss it out of hand. There have been many pilots, many members of the military, and many other government officials who have been willing to speak on and off the record and Ms Kean does a great job of presenting about this phenomenon. It’s a shame that this myth is so prevalent that many “serious” scientists and engineers won’t even take the time to read books like Ms Kean’s.
3.Myth: There is no evidence of UFOs.
Many skeptics say there is no evidence that UFOs exist. They’re not quite right.
First of all, let’s start with the tons of photographic evidence — photos of odd “unidentified” objects flying over both rural and urban landscapes. The next argument skeptics make is that these pictures are all photoshopped — a charge that doesn’t hold up when the photos are from the 60’s and 70’s — I’ve seen some of these older photos, some taken by the members of the military, and they are very convincing. Moreover, when there are multiple witnesses that corroborate the photographic evidence (like in the Phoenix lights incident — more on this one below), the skeptic’s view that they must all be doctored doesn’t really hold-up.
And then there are literally thousands of eyewitness reports –ranging from places like O’Hare airport to Rendlesham Forest in the UK (in a famous military sighting).
If that isn’t enough evidence for you, Emeritus Professor of applied physics at Stanford, Peter Sturrock has studied reports and asserts there is “physical evidence”: “radar”, Professor Sturrock tell us, counts as physical evidence of UFOs.
One such well-known incident over Alaska in 1986, where a Japan Air Lines pilot, Kenju Terauchi, was flying near Mt. McKinley when he reported seeing a UFO that was “dazzlingly bright, which stopped in mid air, followed them, and otherwise shot around them …”. Terauchi said there was no way an airplane could have done that.
John Callahan, the FAA Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations branch, had the data from this incident, which covered more than a half hour. Callahan has testified many times about what he saw, “As far as I’m concerned, I saw a UFO chase a Japanese 747 across the sky for over half an hour on radar.”
If that’s still not enough to convince you that there is “some” evidence, in the abduction area, there have been physical objects (known as “implants”) that have been pulled out of abductees bodies. X-rays also count as physical evidence too. In some cases where doctors surgically extracted the implants, the metallic objects somehow evaporated; in other cases they were able to preserve them and found that they have unique “anomalous” structure, some were meant to be housed inside the human div and were only stable when implanted!
Whether you believe in aliens or not, these implants had to have been placed there by someone. The question is who? It’s unlikely abductees would have the surgical skill to put them there themselves — so who put them into their bodies? This question remains unanswered. In the original X-files, implants were a not insubstantial part of the story. Whenever the government got ahold of one, as at the end of the first episode of the X-Files, in a scene reminiscent of Raiders of the Lost Ark (or Warehouse 13 for younger syfy fans), they put it away in the midst of a giant government warehouse, to be lost forever in bureaucracy.
4.Myth: Sightings only happen in the countryside, only in the US, and only since we started flying airplanes.
Again, these are myths. There have been anomalous objects reported in the sky well before the modern era of airplanes, going back to the 1500s and beyond. In their wonderful book, “Wonders in the Sky”, Jacque Vallee ad Chris Aubeck have catalogued these sightings. Jacquee Vallee, a long time French UFO researcher, was in part the inspiration for the French scientist in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, made by another UFO believer, Stephen Spielberg. In one of the most famous pre-airplane incidents, in 1561 a number of spheres and disks, which were red, blue, and back, were seen to come out of two vertical cylinders over Nuremberg, Germany. The residents of the town reported that these objects seemed to be fighting each other — there’s even a well-known drawing of this image.
In recent times, one of the most famous mass sightings was the Phoenix Lights. In 1997, an estimated more than 10,000 people saw a set of triangularly arranged lights not just hovering but moving over the Phoenix metro area from North to South. There were numerous photographs of the incident, and a great book (along with a documentary) by Lynne Kitei, M.D., called called The Phoenix Lights.
At first, Arizona Governor Fife Symington III made fun of the sighting and the military tried to dismiss the lights as “military flares”. But this theory didn’t hold water — the lights stayed equidistance apart, as if they were part of a single, large craft. Later, the Governor admitted that he was lying, and that he too had seen some kind of large anomalous craft in the sky that night. You don’t have to take my word for it — you can go interview people who were living in Phoenix in 1997. One witness told me she looked up, and the stars dimmed and then weren’t visible — it was definitely some type of large craft and not individual flares.
There have been other mass sightings, in Mexico City, in Russia, in South America, and elsewhere. UFO sightings are not a modern phenomenon, they are not a US-only phenomenon. UFOs are a global phenomenon, and as his secret informant told Agent Mulder at the end of the second episode of the X-Files, “They have been here … for a long long time.”
5. Are UFOs top secret military craft that defy gravity?
In the second episode of the X-Files, Deep Throat, and in many episodes later in the series, witnesses at the edge of military bases see UFOs at night performing maneuvers that seem to defy the laws of inertia and gravity.
These scenes are actually based on many eyewitness reports of objects and lights that hold stationary in the sky, have no apparent sound, then “jump” horizontally or vertically to a new position in the blink of an eye. The fact that these sightings have occurred often near military bases has led many, particularly in the skeptic and scientific community, to assert that UFOs are really top secret military craft that the public does not know about.
This of course, begs the question, do we have top secret military craft that can defy the known laws of physics and gravity? If so, why doesn’t the so called “scientific community” know about the science between how these craft work, why are they being hidden, and why aren’t they more curious about them?
A respected NASA scientist, Paul Hill, decided to collect reports from eyewitnesses during his 25 years working for the space agency. He wrote a book (which he wasn’t allow to publish while working for NASA), called “Unconventional Flying Objects: A Scientific Analysis” that was later published by his daughter, in which he categorized these maneuvers (“sudden reversal of direction”, “acute angle turn”, etc.)
If these are top secret military vehicles, where did they get the basic design and aeronautic principles from? This “top secret” military craft has been reported to be disc-shaped, and can seemingly defy both inertia and gravity. This has led the UFO community to say these top-secret craft have “anti-gravity” technology. Where did it come from?
Mark McCandlish, an accomplished aerospace illustrator, was baffled when a friend in the military told McCandlish that he’d stumbled into a hanger that had a round, bell shaped craft that was hovering over the ground. It sounds like a scene out of Independence Day, not just the X-Files. McCandlish, who has illustrated top secret military aircraft based on descriptions for the covers of magazines like Popular Science, drew the components of the ARV, or Alien Reproduction Vehicle, as it’s been called, and his drawings are readily available on-line. It resembles many reports of UFOs, including rumors of the Nazi Bell — new type of bell-shaped flying craft that the Nazis were supposedly working on at the end of World War II.
Is The Truth Out There?
As in the X-Files series, many of these facts are unknown to the general public, or they are ridiculed by so-called “experts”. In fact, the entire premise of the TV series was that a scientist, a medical doctor, Dana Scully, was brought in to de-bunk Mulder’s “unscientific” theories. As she became more involved in the investigations, she came upon more and more items that could only be classified as “unexplained” and was forced to question her own views about science and the universe.
Professor Sturrock of Stanford, who did research on the attitudes of astronomers and members of the American Institute of Aeronautic and Astronautics (AIAA) found that the more time people spent reading this subject, the more they would come to the conclusion that there needs to be more serious scientific study of UFOs. Even many members of the AIAA had seen anomalous “unidentified flying objects” but would only admit this if they were kept anonymous. Why? Because it’s not a “fashionable” area for university research to get funding, and simply telling what you saw truthfully is not acceptable in most academic and scientific circles these days.
Similarly, too many of my friends in the scientific and engineering circles, tend to dismiss UFO lore and stories as simple “crazy stories by crazy people” without having done any research of their own. The less research they’ve done, the more likely they are to dismiss UFOs out of hand. It’s very easy to ridicule or demean a group of people on the internet — but if you take the time to get to know the people that are making these claims, like Dana Scully in the X-Files, you might just find that The Truth is Out There!
While we wait for the new episodes of the X-Files revival on January 24th, I’ll leave you with another great quote from the second episode of the X-Files:
“Mr. Mulder, why are those like yourself, who believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life on this earth, not dissuaded by all the evidence to the contrary?” asked the secret informant.
“Because,” began Fox Mulder, pausing for a second, “ … all the evidence to the contrary … is not entirely dissuasive.”
The old man nodded to Mulder in acknowledgement, and walked away quietly.
U.K. Airspace - Still Open to Unidentified Attack?
By Pat Regan
(Copyright 2016, Pat Rega - All Rights Resrved)
<Edited by Robert D. Morningstar>
MoD: in 2009 they closed their defensive UFO hotline, meaning lots of potential threats to our airspace failed to ever be properly analysed and recorded.
Nick Pope stated at that time:
“From the Fifties to the present day, MoD received around 12,000 UFO reports. While most were misidentifications of ordinary objects and phenomena, around 5% remained unexplained.”
The following ‘North West UFO Research’ (a UFO monitoring focal pointy that I previously set up) data will explain that situation, for anyone who missed story in 2009.
This is how it went…Shock in the UFO community as the MoD’s UFO investigation service shuts down. North West UFO Research (NWUR) update
Reports filtered into the press on December 4th 2009
Information concerning how to report a UFO sighting to the MoD has recently been compromised with the shutdown of the MoD UFO facility.
This move is the result of an internal re-organisation within the Ministry of Defence and there will be no alteration to existing MoD policy relating to UFOs explaining that the Ministry of Defence has stopped investigating reported sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in the UK. A telephone number and email address which allowed the public to report sightings for examination was closed on 1st December after the MoD decided the service was an "inappropriate use of defence resources."
The closure of this facility was revealed in a Freedom of Information request released via the MoD website. The report explained that the MoD had dealt with more than 12,000 reports since it launched the reporting service in 1950; including 135 last year. The service had cost approximately £50,000 a year to operate and was based at RAF Command in High Wycombe.
In an announcement, the MoD stated:
"The MoD has no opinion on the existence or otherwise of extra-terrestrial life."
"However, in over fifty years, no UFO report has revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom."
"The MoD has no specific capability for identifying the nature of such sightings. "
"There is no defence benefit in such investigation and it would be an inappropriate use of defence resources. Furthermore, responding to reported UFO sightings diverts MoD resources from tasks that are relevant to defence. "
"Accordingly, and in order to make best use of defence resources, we have decided that from the 1 December 2009 the dedicated UFO hotline answer-phone service and e-mail address will be withdrawn. MoD will no longer respond to reported UFO sightings or investigate them.”
They however added that the ongoing programme to release departmental files on UFO matters to the National Archive will carry on.
Of course that will also eventually dry up because the MoD are not we presume logging any more data of this issue.
Pat Regan of NWUR addresses the issue below:
I was not very surprised when I heard this astonishing news as my own experience with the MoD has been one of them showing indifference. They were quite content to largely ignore my requests to investigate UFOs pictured flying close to RAF warplanes, consequently what more can I say? This agency is in existence to protect our sovereign air space and this latest revelation appears to leave the back door wide open for any form of unknown attack on the UK. The MoD’s position therefore seems to be that if an object is unidentified then they are not really interested. The MoD says: "There is no defence benefit in such investigation and it would be an inappropriate use of defence resources.” This is absolute nonsense! Can anyone believe such authoritarian apathy is these times of terrorist incursion?
Today, we are hearing of more unexplained sighting of mystery objects in our skies than ever before yet the MoD are washing their hands of the issue. This action, or perhaps I should say “none –action,” is simply too bizarre for words! I asked Nick Pope what he thought about the closure, he stated: “Having worked on the UFO project from 1991 to 1994 I am sorry to see MoD disengage in this way. I believe that where evidence suggests that UK airspace has been penetrated by an unidentified object, this must automatically be of defence interest and should be investigated properly. Indeed, I am sure that sightings from pilots and uncorrelated targets tracked on radar will continue to be looked at, albeit outside of a formally constituted UFO project.”
Nick continued:
“From the Fifties to the present day, MoD received around 12,000 UFO reports. While most were misidentifications of ordinary objects and phenomena, around 5% remained unexplained.
Pat Regan added:
"Apparently the MoD’s UFO facility is being axed ”to save money. This is absurd as the staff members who have worked herein will most likely just be reassigned to other duties within the department. This closure therefore is false economy, a subterfuge to conceal authoritarian lethargy toward a vital issue and it will possibly be only a question of time until mounting public pressure demands that the MoD reopen this unique facility. We need to know what is flying though our skies – not ignoring the question."
"We shall remain vigilant and keep watching the skies. I also continue to urge the media to report the many public UFO sightings that come in. Now that the MoD has 'dropped the ball' we have to rely on the press to find out what is flying through our skies. Moreover, in these times of serious terrorist inroads this is not a joking matter. "
Today, we are presumably left with the same situation. Potential threats to our airspace go unrecorded and it is up to the media and the public themselves to shout out if and when they spot anything strange in our skies. This seems a very odd way to run any proper defensive system!
In the last week of March 2011, I was relaxing at home smoking a cig after a small meal when I notice a bright object in the sky over Newark airport NJ. At first I studied the object and observe closely because of its brightness. I was expecting a plane. What I saw was a large orb in a circular shape and extremely bright acting in a bobbing motion and what it seem to do was move in a very short distance fast. I thought It was a plane at first but it’s speed and movements planes can not do. It was to big and to bright. It then moved a short distance further north and closer to Manhattan in the sky of 14th street and the Hudson river.
Its movements were unlike any plane I see fly at night. Bobbing at times and at times staying completely still. No sound what so ever. I was a little excited but focused enough to realize this is something I have never experienced before. I live in a 24 story building with an open view of lower Manhattan east to west skyline. My windows face approx 270 degrees south west. I can view the open skies over Newark airport N J and lower Manhattans Hudson River. 14th street east to west view. I asked my friend who was standing behind me to view this light and its large bright circular orb shape. It seem like it was completely still. No sooner then I asked him what can it be it moved straight up counter clockwise and stopped at ten o’clock. It moved in a large space of the sky in a moment.
To describe this in seconds is to much time. That’s right, It made a large question mark in reverse in the sky of NJ. What seem like just over the sky of 14th street Hudson river. I was jumping in my apartment realizing I had no recording device. It was parked at 10 o’clock bobbing slightly. It then moved from 10 o’clock to 5 o’clock releasing a ashy light before stopping. This ashy light glowed and slowly faded into the clear no cloud sky.
At this point it started to move like a stone skipping on water moving very fast going east toward long Island. It came over west 14th street toward east 14th street’ over the east river toward Brooklyn and all the way out toward Long Island. I lost sight of this UFO as it passed directly over my window. I GOT A EXCELLENT CLOSE UP VIEW AS IT PASSED MY WINDOW GOING EAST. My windows face West only. The duration of this experience lasted about 3 to 5 minutes wide awake with company.
The CIA has released thousands of declassified documents on flying saucers, aliens and other unexplained phenomena.
'We've decided to highlight a few documents both skeptics and believers will find interesting,' the agency said on its website.
The post continued: 'Below you will find five documents we think X-Files character Agent Fox Mulder would love to use to try and persuade others of the existence of extraterrestrial activity.'
All of the documents are dated from the late 1940s to the 1960s, but were top-secret until now.
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Unexplained happenings: The CIA recently released files from its archives investigating reports of alien and UFO sightings. The organization said the declassified documents will interest both believers and skeptics
Investigations: Some of the documents do not find an explanation for the reported UFO sightings, but also do not have evidence they happened in the first place
One of the files attached to the post is a document from East Germany in 1952, where agents were called to investigate what witnesses described as a 'huge flying pan'.
The object was said to have a diameter of about 15 meters, according to the document.
Similar flying saucers were also spotted in North Africa and Spain, the report said.
'The picture [of the object] shows a diagonal stripe of diminishing width and lighter in shade than the sky over the dark bulk of a building cornice,' it was noted.
Included with some of the documents were three pictures of the alleged extraterrestrials.
One of the photos - taken by British student Alex Birch in 1962 - claimed to show a group of flying saucers flying over the city of Sheffield in the UK.
Flying saucer: This picture of an unexplained flying object was taken over Passoria, New Jersey in July 1952
A police officer stands near to his patrol car outside the town of Socorro, New Mexico where a flying saucer was spotted in 1964
Some of the pictures taken at the scene of the incident, for which no explanation has been offered
However the photo was proven to be a hoax.
The files also detail a case of flying saucers that were spotted over what was formerly Belgian Congo.
The document reveals that two 'fiery discs' were seen over a uranium mine, and that the discs had 'glided curves and changed position many times'.
It then adds: 'Suddenly, both discs hovered in one spot and then took off in a unique zigzag flight to the north east.
'A penetrating hissing and buzzing sound was audible to onlooker below. The whole performance lasted 10 to 12 minutes.'
Subject - Flying Saucers: This is one of the documents released by the organization investing sightings, dated October 5, 1952
The CIA has released thousand of top secret UFO files from its archives. One of the documents is seen here, showing a sketch of a 'flying saucer'
An aircraft was then set to investigate the object, and got with meters of the saucer and according to the pilot, the inner core of it remained totally still while the a knob opening could be seen from the outside.
The pilot then gave up his pursuit when the 'disc' appeared to disappear.
Also contained in the files is the case in Socorro, New Mexico in 1964, when police officer Lonnie Zamoraspotted a large flame rise from the ground and pierce the sky above a remote patch of desert.
He went to investigate and found a shiny object the size of a sedan perched on the hilltop, which was oval in shape and aluminium in color.
The object then began to rise into the air and then sped away from him over the mountains and disappeared.
One of the files attached to the post is a document from East Germany in 1952 (pictured in part), where agents were called to investigate what witnesses described as a 'huge flying pan'
One of CIA documents even gave a 10-point list on what to do if someone were to spot a purported UFO, which was posted to Twitter.
'Take several pictures of the object; as many as you can. If you can, include some ground in the picture of the UFO,' the agency advised.
However the CIA seemed to side more with Agent Dana Scully, the character played by Gillian Anderson, who for the entire succession of the cult Sci Fi series denounced her belief in the supernatural.
In releasing the documents, the CIA said they were proving that 'there is a scientific explanation for UFO sightings'.
The CIA even tweeted a list of what to do in the event of sighting a possible UFO. It tagged The X-Files, Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny in the post
The CIA has always denied having any proper intelligence about aliens.
But it has often organized scientific panels to discuss the nature of these allegedly alien objects.
The scientists typically concluded that 'the subject UFO is not of direct intelligence interest', the website RT reported.
The release of the documents coincide with the long-awaited return of The X-Files on Sunday.
The beloved show was rebooted by the Fox Network after 10 years, with its two original stars reprising their roles.
Stephen Bassett, executive director of the Paradigm Research Group, who is campaigning for the US government to admit aliens are visiting Earth, told The Mirror that the CIA appears to have used the return of The X-Files to their benefit.
'It appears the CIA used the revival of the X-Files franchise as a convenient time to remind the public the agency has, in fact, engaged the extraterrestrial presence issue in the past,' Bassett told the newspaper.
'Post-disclosure the CIA will have substantial public relations issues as it has played a significant role in maintaining the truth embargo over six decades.
'These recent postings could have an inoculative effect in service to the agency's future PR strategy.'
They're back: Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) are drawn back into the world of the X-Files in this still from the new season of the show
Agents Scully and Mulder are seen here in a still from season seven of The X-Files, which aired in May 2000
The X-Files releases the first minute of the new season
First French UFO files, then the British UFO files, the FBI Vault and recently the Kennedy disclosure. And now files from the prominent security agency rediscovered (never been reported in main stream media), the NSA, saying they have received alien messages, could the enlightenment period that the Mayans said would happen in 2012 actual be the revelation that we have visitors.
NSA had released to the public domain formerly classified UFO X-files HERE, but which had never got media attention.
This one small step, yet ‘Giant Leap For Mankind’, is best described as a ‘treasure trove’.Of the documents we have assessed so far, we are particularly interested in NSA Technical Journal Vol XIV No 1 with FOIA Case number 41472 which has been titled ‘Key To The Extraterrestrial Messages’.The document authored by a Dr. Campaigne, presented a series of 29 messages received from outer space in “Extraterrestrial Intelligence”.
The article is described as developing a key to understand these alien messages.
If the penny hasn’t dropped yet, This now unclassified document not only confirms the presence of extraterrestrials, but that the US Government has received deep space transmissions from a civilization outside our own solar system !
The following is transcribed from Page 21, Appendix:
Recently a series of radio messages was heard coming from outer space. The transmission was not continuous, but cut by pauses into pieces which could be taken as units, for they were repeated over and over again. The pauses show here as punctuation. The various combination have been represented by letters of the alphabet, so that the messages can be written down. Each message except the first is given here only once. The serial number of the messages has been supplied for each reference.
The following is a copy of the original document as found on the National Security Agency website. You can view the original document at the following location:
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UFO Hunters ‘Discover’ Crashed Alien UFO Drone In NASA Mars Rover Photo
Enhanced Image Of Alleged Crashed UFO Drone On Mars (Image via Paranormal Crucible/YouTube)
UFO Hunters ‘Discover’ Crashed Alien UFO Drone In NASA Mars Rover Photo
Online alien and UFO hunters claim they have sighted a UFO drone in a photo of the Gale Crater region of Mars captured by a NASA Mars rover. According to the YouTube UFO hunter Paranormal Crucible, a photo of the Martian terrain snapped by a Mars rover — presumably Curiosity — on Sol 64 shows an object that looks like a metallic chunk of machinery dumped on the Martian surface. Paranormal Crucible notes that the discovery was first made a few years back. But in a new set of photos uploaded to YouTube on November 1, 2015, the UFO hunter revisits the remarkable discovery that set the entire online UFO community buzzing with excitement when it was first discovered. This time around, Paranormal Crucible attempts to “clean up the photo” by enhancing features of the alleged metallic object that could help UFO researchers gain fresh insights and “shed new light” into its nature and construction. UFO Sightings Daily editor Scott Waring points out that the “cleaned up photo” gives a “new perspective” by enhancing features that give clues about what the object looked like when it was made, and what it was probably used for.
“I really like his cleaned up photo of the object and his new perspective. It gives us a chance to look at it as it was when it was made, and how it might have been used.”
Scott Waring agrees with Paranormal Crucible that the photographic evidence suggests an object of “intelligent design,” photographed presumably by Curiosity rover, in the Gale Crater region.
According to Paranormal Crucible, “In my opinion this object is an extraterrestrial drone possibly built by the indigenous Martian populace or perhaps it was deployed by an off world alien species who were exploring the Martian surface.”
However, other UFO enthusiasts who have studied the image claim that the object could be part of a bigger spacecraft, such as a component of a spacecraft’s engine or propulsion system.
Is This A UFO Drone Crashed On Mars? (Image via NASA)
Regardless, UFO and Mars anomaly hunters are unanimous that millions of years ago, Mars was home to indigenous alien races with advanced culture and civilization. While some Mars anomaly hunters believe that the ancient civilizations reached sufficient levels of scientific and technological development to build flying machines and possibly space ships, others insist that ancient Mars civilizations attained only modest standards of scientific and technological development.
UFO Bloggers: Alien UFO Drone Found Crashed On Mars (Image via Scott Waring/UFO Sightings Daily)
But all anomaly hunters agree that ancient Martians created a young bustling civilization that generated sufficient “noise” to attract the attention of hostile aliens possessing advanced nuclear technological culture. The hostile aliens wiped out the bustling Mars civilizations by detonating a series of powerful thermonuclear devices.
Enhanced Image Of Alleged Crashed UFO Drone On Mars (Image via Paranormal Crucible/YouTube)
These startling claims about Mars civilization were first made by a U.S. physicist, Dr. John Brandenburg, who obtained his Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis.
In a paper, titled “Evidence of Massive Thermonuclear Explosions in Mars Past, The Cydonian Hypothesis and Fermi’s Paradox,” presented at the 2014 Annual Fall meeting of the American Physical Society Prairie Section in Monmouth, Illinois, Brandenburg argued that data from gamma ray spectrometry conducted by NASA orbiters show evidence of radiation fallout consistent with two massive nuclear explosions on Mars. The explosions occurred on two sites on Mars where two civilizations — the Cydonian and Utopian — flourished millions of years ago, according to Brandenburg.
“Taken together, the data requires that the hypothesis of Mars as the site of an ancient planetary nuclear massacre must now be considered. Fermi’s Paradox, the unexpected silence of the stars, may be solved at Mars. Providentially, we are forewarned of this possible aspect of the cosmos.”
Mars anomaly hunters claim that evidence of eroded archaeological remains on Mars — including technological artifacts — support Brandenburg’s claim that Mars was the site of bustling ancient civilizations and culture.
UFO hunters have reported discovering remains of crashed UFOs on different sites on Mars.
In March, Mars anomaly hunters Mars Moon Space Photo Zoom Club (MMSPZC) reported sighting a flying saucer UFO abandoned on rugged Martian terrain in the Aram Chaos region of the planet.
In August, 2015, Waring reported that he sighted in a photo of the Martian terrain, snapped by NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover, a black object that looked like a space shuttle.
Some UFO enthusiasts compared the alleged spacecraft to a Star Destroyer from the Star Wars movie franchise.
ENVIRONMENTAL SPACE SCIENCES was a book taught at the Air Force Academy and written by Professor and Colonel who was the Commander of the SPACETRACK Radar Site at Shemya, Alaska. He was the originator of the Space Science Course at the USAF Academy. Col. Carpenter was kind enough to send Eastern MUFON the book he edited and wrote with six other officers. Most of the book pertains to science of space, the sun, planets, plasmas, magnetic fields, radiation, meteors, planets, space dust, Cosmo chemistry, the planets and moons. George Filer copied this chapter manually for you the reader, because I felt it was of importance, so I hope you enjoy it. All the chapters are of interest to the Ufologist, such as the Search for Extraterrestrial Life, but most important is:
Credible observers reporting incredible objects,”
said USAF General J. A. Samford in the year 1952… and his comment is still true today. Honest and intelligent people are still reporting strange objects that are difficult, and sometimes impossible, to relate to known physical phenomena. Enough attention has been brought to this serious problem that the US Government officially took action on two separate occasions. The first time was when it was thought that UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) might possibly be evidence of the technological capability of a foreign, but Earth based, power, In reaction to that possibility, the US Air Force Foreign Technology Division located at Wright Patterson Air Force Base) was given the tough job of determining whether or not the mysterious UFOs were a threat to the security of the United States. Unfortunately, many people thought that the job was to determine exactly what the UFOs were. In the years which have followed, the Air Force has been unjustly maligned for supposedly “covering up” the “real truth” about UFOs. In actuality, the Air Force did precisely the job to which it was assigned. . . it determined the extent to which the UFOs threatened national security. The extent was found to be zero! However, the public was so unhappy with the lack of any real conclusions as to the nature of the UFOs, that the Government took further actions to resolve the issue. The extent was found to be zero! However, the public was so unhappy with the lack of any real conclusions as to the nature of UFOs, that the Government took further actions to resolve the issue. As one of those actions, in 1966 it contracted for an independent scientific study to determine the real nature of UFOs. This chapter does not restrict itself to only that study but instead covers the UFO problem from a broader view.
Unidentified Flying Objects
Part of the broader view is to recognize that, in any scientific endeavor, the first step is to acquire data. The second step is to categorize the data (to portray it in systematic fashion) so that any existent relationships revealed, and the third step is to form the hypothesis. The hypothesis so formed are then tested by using them to develop and carry out experiments that yield more data. The new data are then used as a new starting point for the entire process, and the process is repeated over and over until (hopefully) adequate understanding is achieved. The UFO phenomenon frustrates this approach because the data taken so far exhibits both excessive variety and vagueness. The vagueness is caused in part by two things: (1) lack of preparation by the observer and (2) lack of timeliness by the investigator. The observer leaves his home, in only rare cases anticipating an encounter with a UFO. Photographs are overexposed or underexposed, and rarely in color. And very few people carry around a radiation counter or a magnetometer. On the other hand, the investigator may have all these tools and more with him but he arrives after the phenomena have vanished. In addition to the foregoing problems, there is a very high level of “noise” in the data. The noise consists of mistaken reports of known natural phenomena, hoaxes, reports by unstable individuals and mistaken removal of data regarding possible unnatural or unknown natural phenomena (by overzealous individuals who are trying to eliminate all data due to known natural phenomena).
An example of this type of elimination is revealed on page 141 of the ‘Bantam edition of the Condon Report (the report on the Government financed scientific study referred to earlier and headed by Dr Edward U. Condon). In one paragraph a sighting is describes as follows: Observers in the CAA (now FAA) control tower saw an unidentified dark object with a white light underneath, about the ‘shape of an automobile on end.’ That crossed the field at about 1500 feet and circles as if to come in for a landing on the E-W runway. This unidentified object appeared to reverse direction at low altitude, while out of sight of the observers behind some buildings, and climbed to about 200-3000 feet, heading away from the field on a 120-degree course. Then it went into a steep climb and disappeared into the overcast.” The Condon Report agreed with the Air Force view that this was a case of a small, powerful private plane, which almost landed at the wrong airport.
However, Dr James E. McDonald of the University of Arizona became curious about the explanation. He contacted the observers personally and found that the foregoing report was in error. The UFO did not go out of sight behind any buildings. Instead, it stopped and hovered in the air for 20 seconds or more, during which time the two observers took a good look at it with a pair of 7x binoculars. At that time the UFO was over a landmark, approximately 3,000 feet east northeast of the tower. It in no way resembled an aircraft. Both of the observers were surprised to learn that there was a Condon Project . . . no one from the Project had contacted them to verify the Air Force file data on this case. Thus, a Report, which comments strongly against many other people for not adequately investigating UFO reports before repeating them, is itself open to criticism for exactly the same thing. Such unfortunate actions raise questions as to the validity of the Report’s conclusions.
As has been just shown so dramatically, it requires considerable care to recognize and acquire valid data. In addition, those data, which do appear to be valid, exhibit an excessive amount of variety relative to the statistical samples, which are available. This has led to very clumsy classification systems, which in turn provide quite infertile ground for formulation of hypothesis.
The very first problem you encounter, when attempting categorize data, is deciding which data pertains to the matter of interest. After all, you don’t wish to include mistaken information, which pertains to a different phenomenon. Such an action could block any chance at understanding. Therefore, you must remove all non-relevant information from your database. After that has been done to the best of your ability, you must then select a system for categorizing the remaining data. Unfortunately, no effective system has yet been devised for UFOs, although a number of such systems have been proposed. The net result is that almost all UFO data are either treated in the form of individual cases, or in the forms of inadequate classification systems. However, these systems do tend to have some common factors, and a collection of these factors follows:
Physical Characteristics
Size; shape (disc, square, ellipsoid, football, etc.) Color or colors, luminosity.
Number of UFOs, formation of UFOs, location (altitude, direction, etc.) patterns of paths ( climbing, zig-zagging, etc.), flight characteristics (wobbling, fluttering, etc.) time duration, periodicity of sightings, avoidance, hostility, curiosity or inquisitiveness, touch ground.
Associated Effects:
Ground disturbance (standing peaks on surface of water, dust stirred up, leaves moved, etc.). re-action to acceleration, (cars shoved backwards, etc.)
Radiation (burns, induced radioactivity etc.) Electromagnetism (compass, radio, ignition systems, etc.) . Sound (none, hissing, humming, roaring, thunderclaps, etc.) Vibration (weak, strong, slow, fast) Smell (ozone or other odor) Flame (how much, where, when, color) Smoke or cloud (amount, color, persistence) debris (type, amount, color, persistence) Inhibition of voluntary movement by observers, . Sighting of “creatures” or “beings”
After Effects:
Depressed or flattened areas, Burned areas or animals, Dead or “missing animals”. Mentally disturbed people, Missing items.
There are very few cohesive theories as to the nature of UFO’s. Those theories that are advanced do not always take into account the evidence that UFO’s are a global phenomenon, which may have persisted for many thousands of years. Such persistence is well reported, and will be commented upon shortly. Of course, the more ancient the reports the less sophisticated the observer. Not only were the ancient observers lacking the terminology necessary to describe complex devices (such as lasers or helicopters) but they were also lacking the concepts necessary to understand the true nature of such things as television, spaceships, rockets, nuclear weapons and radiation effects.
To some, the most advanced technological concept was a war chariot with knife blades attached to the wheels. By the same token, the very lack of accurate terminology and descriptions leaves the more ancient reports open to considerable misinterpretation and much more may be unintentionally read into such reports than is actually there. Therefore, if a theory does not account for the existence of UFOs over a long period of time, that does not mean that the theory is automatically wrong. On the other had, a UFO theory which does not account for the worldwide sighting of UFOs is almost certain to be in error.
As examples of some ancient and world wide evidence of UFOs, we might start with the discovery made by Tschi Pen Lao of the University of Peking. He discovered astonishing carvings in granite on a mountain in Hunan Province and on an island in Lake Tungting. These carvings have been evaluated as 47,000 years old, and they show people with large trunks. Some consider those trunks to be evidence of beings wearing breathing apparatus; however, do not forget that humans often in the past , have represented their gods as animal heads on human bodies.
Only 8,000 years ago, rocks were sculpted in the Tassili plateau of Sahara, depicting what appeared to be human beings but with strange round heads (helmets? or “sun” heads on human bodies?) And even more recently, in the Bible, Genesis (6:4) tells of angels from the sky mating with women of Earth, who bore them children. Genesis 19:3 tells of Lot meeting two angels in desert and his later feeding them at his house. The Bible also tells a rather unusual story of Ezekiel who witnessed what has been interpreted by some to have been a spacecraft or aircraft landing near the Chebar River in Chaldea (593 B.C.).
Even the Irish have recorded strange visitations. In the Speculum Regali in Konungs Skuggsa (and other accounts of the era about 956 A.D.) are numerous stories of “demonships” in the skies. In one case a rope from one such ship became entangled with part of a church. A man from the ship climbed down the rope to free it, but was seized by the townspeople. The Bishop made the people release the man, who climbed back to the ship, where the crew cut the rope and the ship rose and sailed out of sight. In all of his actions, the climbing man appeared as if he were swimming in water. Stories such as this makes one wonder if the legends of the “little people” of Ireland were based upon imagination alone.
About the same time, in Lyons (France) three men and a women supposedly descended from an airship or spaceship and were captured by a mob. These foreigners admitted to being wizards, and were killed. (No mention is made of the methods employed to extract the admissions.) Many documented UFO sightings occurred throughout the Middle Ages, including an especially startling one of a UFO over London on 16 December 1742. However, we do not have room to include any more of the Middle Ages sightings. Instead, two “more-recent” sightings are contained in this section to bring us up to modern times.
In a sworn statement dated 21 April 1897, a prosperous and prominent farmer named Alexander Hamilton (Le Roy, Kansas, U.S.A.) told of an attack upon his cattle at about 10:30 PM the previous Monday. He, his son, and his tenant grabbed axes and ran some 700 feet from the house to the cow lot where a great cigar-shaped ship about 300 feet long floated some 30 feet above his cattle. It had a carriage underneath which was brightly lighted within (dirigible and gondola?) and which had numerous windows. Inside were six strange looking beings jabbering in a foreign language. These beings suddenly became aware of Hamilton and the others. They immediately turned a searchlight on the farmer, and also turned on some power which sped up a turbine wheel (about 30 ft diameter) located under the craft. The ship rose, taking with it a two-year old heifer which was roped about the neck by a cable of one-half inch thick, red material. The next day a neighbor, Link Thomas, found the animal’s hide, legs and head in his field. He was mystified at how the remains got to where they were because of the lack of tracks in the soft soil. Alexander Hamilton’s sworn statement was accompanied by an affidavit as to his veracity. The affidavit was signed by ten of the local leading citizens.
Thus, UFO sightings not only appear to extend back to 47,000 years through time but also are global in nature. And despite the occasional hoaxes , there does exist a large body of information that appears to be valid. However, it is very difficult to advance a theory that is well supported by the erratic, and often apparently unrelated, data.
In any event, the theories that have been advanced can be collected into five groups. These are:
a. Mysticism b. Psychological Phenomena c. Advanced Technologies d. Natural Phenomena e. Aliens
It is believed by some cults that the mission of UFO’s and their crews is a spiritual one, and that all materialistic efforts to determine the UFO’s nature are doomed to failure.
Psychological Phenomena
Some have suggested that all UFO reports were the results of pranks and hoaxes, or were made by people with unstable personalities. This attitude was particularly prevalent during the time period when the Air Force investigation was being operated under the code name of Project Grudge.
A few airlines even went as far as to ground every pilot who reported seeing a “flying saucer.” The only way for the pilot to regain flight status was to undergo a psychiatric examination. There was a noticeable decline in pilot reports during this time interval, and a few interpreted this decline to prove that UFO’s were either hoaxes or the result of unstable personalities. It is of interest that NICAP (The National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) even today still receives reports from commercial pilots who neglect to notify either the Air Force or their own airline.
Hoaxes have been perpetrated on numerous occasions but we will not discuss any of them in this subsection. All of us are aware that this undesirable situation exists. What we may not be aware of is that some cases are difficult to ascribe as being in either the mistaken hoax categories.
There are a number of cases which we could use to illustrate that point. One such case is the Socorro, New Mexico sighting made by police Sergeant Lonnie Zamora.
Sergeant Zamora was patrolling the streets of Socorro on 24 April 1964 when he saw a shiny object drift down into an area of gullies on the edge of town. He also heard a loud roaring noise which sounded as if an old dynamite shed located out that way had exploded. He immediately radioed police headquarters, and drove out toward the shed. Zamora was forced to stop about 150 yards away from a deep gully in which there appeared to be an overturned car He radioed that he was investigating a possible wreck, and then worked his car up onto the mesa and over toward the edge of the gully. He parked short, and when he walked the final few feet to the edge, he was amazed to see that it was not a car but instead was a weird egg shaped object about fifteen feet long, white in color and resting on short, metal legs. Beside it, unaware of his presence were two humanoids dressed in silvery coveralls. They seemed to be working on a portion of the underside of the object. Zamora was still standing there, surprised, when they suddenly noticed him and dove out of sight around the object. Zamora also headed the other way, back toward his car. He glanced back at the object just as a bright blue flame shot down from the underside. Within seconds the eggshaped thing rose out of the gully with “an earsplitting roar.” The object was out of sight over the nearby mountains almost immediately, and Sergeant Zamora was moving the opposite direction almost as fast when he met Sergeant Sam Chavez who was responding to Zamora’s earlier radio calls. Together they investigated the gully and found the bushes charred and still smoking where the blue flame had jetted down on them. About the charred area were four deep marks where the metal legs had been. Each mark was three and one half inches deep, and was circular in shape. The sand in the gully was very hard packed so no sign of the humanoids’ footprints could be found. An official investigation was launched that same day, and all data obtained supported the stories of Zamora and Chavez. It is rather difficult to label this episode a hoax, and it is also doubtful that both Zamora and Chavez shared portions of the same hallucination.
Advanced Technologies
A few individuals have proposed that UFO’s are actually advanced weapon systems, and that their natures must not be revealed. Very few people accept this as a credible suggestion.
Natural Phenomena
It has also been suggested that at least some, and possibly all of the UFO cases were just mis-interpreted manifestations of natural phenomena. Undoubtedly this suggestion has some merit. People have reported, as UFO’s, objects which were conclusively proven to be balloons (weather and skyhook), the planet Venus, man-made artificial satellites, normal aircraft, unusual cloud formations, and lights from ceilometers (equipment projecting light beams on cloud bases to determine the height of the aircraft visual ceiling). It is also suspected that people have reported mirages, optical illusions, swamp gas and ball lightning (a poorly-understood discharge of electrical energy in a spheroidal or ellipsoidal shape…some charges have lasted for up to fifteen minutes but the ball is usually no bigger than a large orange.) But it is difficult to tell a swamp dweller that the strange, fast-moving light he saw in the sky was swamp gas; and it is just as difficult to tell a farmer that a bright UFO in the sky is the same ball lightning that he has seen rolling along his fence wires in dry weather. Thus accidental mis-identification of what might well be natural phenomena breeds mistrust and disbelief; it leads to the hasty conclusion that the truth is deliberately not being told.
One last suggestion of interest has been made, that the UFO’s were plasmoids from space…concentrated blobs of solar wind that succeeded in reaching the surface of the Earth. Somehow this last suggestion does not seem to be very plausible; perhaps because it ignores such things as penetration of Earth’s magnetic field.
The most stimulating theory for us is that the UFO’s are material objects which are either “Manned” or remote-controlled by beings who are alien to this planet. There is some evidence supporting this viewpoint. In addition to police Sergeant Lonnie Zamora’s experience, let us consider the case of Barney and Betty Hill. On a trip through New England they lost two hours on the night of 19 September 1961 without even realizing it. However, after that night both Barney and Betty began developing psychological problems which eventually grew sufficiently severe that they submitted themselves to psychiatric examination and treatment.
During the course of treatment hypnotherapy was used, and it yielded remarkably detailed and similar stories from both Barney and Betty. Essentially they had been hypnotically kidnapped, taken aboard a UFO, submitted to two-hour physicals, and released with posthypnotic suggestions to forget the entire incident. The evidence is rather strong that this is what the Hills, even in their subconscious, believe happened to them. And it is of particular importance that after the “posthypnotic block” was removed, both of the Hills ceased having their psychological problems.
The Hill’s description of the aliens was similar to descriptions provided in other cases, but this particular type of alien appears to be in the minority. The most commonly described alien is about three and one half feet tall, has a round head (helmet?), arms reaching to or below his knees, and is wearing a silvery space suit or coveralls. Other aliens appear to be essentially the same as Earthmen, while still others have particularly wide (wrap around) eyes and mouths with very thin lips. And there is a rare group reported as about four feet tall, weight of around 35 pounds, and covered with thick hair or fur (clothing?). Members of this last group are described as being extremely strong.
If such beings are visiting Earth, two questions arise: 1) why haven’t they attempted to contact us officially? The answer to the first question may exist partially in Sergeant Lonnie Zamora’s experience, and may exist partially in the Tunguska meteor discussed in Chapter XXIX. In that chapter it was suggested that the Tunguska meteor was actually a comet which exploded in the atmosphere, the ices melted and the dust spread out. Hence, no debris. However, it has also been suggested that the Tunguska meteor was actually an alien spacecraft that entered the atmosphere too rapidly, suffered mechanical failure, and lost its power supply and/or weapons in a nuclear explosion. While that hypothesis may seem far fetched, sample of tree rings from around the world reveal that, immediately after the Tunguska meteor explosion, the level of radioactivity in the world rose sharply for a short period of time. It is difficult to find a natural explanation for that increase in radioactivity, although the suggestion has been advanced that enough of the meteor’s great Kinetic energy was converted into heat (by atmospheric friction) that a fusion reaction occurred.
This still leaves us with no answer to the second question: why no contact? That question is very easy to answer in several ways: 1) we may be the objects of intensive sociological and psychological study. In such studies you usually avoid disturbing the test subjects’ environment; 2) you do not “contact” a colony of ants, and humans may seem that way to any aliens (variation: a zoo is fun to visit, but you don’t “contact” the lizards); 3) such contact may have already taken place secretly; and 4) such contact may have already taken place on a different plane of awareness and we are not yet sensitive to communications on such a plane. These are just a few of the reasons. You may add to the list, as desired.
Perhaps this is a good time to discuss another case, which also deals with aliens, although this time the case has to do with the ancient past. Let us discuss and intriguing story in one of the oldest chronicles of India . . .. the Book of Dzyan.
The book is a group of “story-teller” legends which were finally gathered in manuscript form when man learned to write. One of the stories is of a small group of beings who supposedly came to Earth many thousands of years ago in a metal craft which orbited the Earth several times before landing. As told in the Book “These beings lived to themselves and were revered by the humans among whom they had settled. But eventually differences arose among them and they divided their numbers, several of the men and women and some children settled in another city, where they were promptly installed as rulers by the awe-stricken populace.
“Separation did not bring peace to these people and finally their anger reached a point where the ruler of the original city took with him a small number of his warriors and they rose into the air in a huge shining metal vessel. While they were many leagues from the city of their enemies, they launched a great shining lance that rode on a beam of light. It burst apart in the city of their enemies with a great ball of flame that shot up to the heavens, almost to the stars. All those who were in the city were horribly burned and even those who were not in the city – but nearby – were burned also. Those who looked upon the lance and the ball of fire were blinded forever afterward. Those who entered the city on foot became ill and died. Even the dust of the city was poisoned, as were the rivers that flowed through it. Men dared not go near it, and it gradually crumbled into dust and was forgotten by men.”
“When the leader saw what he had done to his own people he retired to his palace and refused to see anyone. Then he gathered about him those warriors who remained, and their wives and children, and they entered their vessels and rose one by one into the sky and sailed away. Nor did they return.”
Could this foregoing legend really be an account of an extraterrestrial colonization, complete with guided missile, nuclear warhead and radiation effects? It is difficult to assess the validity of that explanation…just as it is difficult to explain why Greek, Roman and Nordic Mythology all discuss wars and contacts among their “Gods.” The immediate thought is that each group recorded their parochial view of what was actually a global conflict among alien colonists or visitors? That concept is chilling. . .but it (the Book of Dyzan) is not true! The entire foregoing legend is a modern day hoax that was concocted in 1965 –1966. It did not appear in the Book of Dyzan as claimed. But even if it had , that would not change things, for the Book of Dyzan is itself thought to be a hoax. The book was apparently first written in 1886 by an occultist. The reason for including this hoax at this point in this chapter is show you, in a way that you will remember, that just because someone tells you that something is true does not make it really true. You must be skeptical of all information presented both by UFO buffs and UFO detractors. As of right now there is no conclusive evidence for either side.
We have already considered some of the reasons aliens might not be too eager to contact us humans but there is another reason that ought to be brought out also. The reason is that contacting humans is downright dangerous. Think about that for a moment! On the microscopic level our bodies reject and fight (through production antibodies) any alien material; this process helps us fight off disease but it also sometimes results in allergic reactions to innocuous materials. On the macroscopic level (psychological and sociological) we are antagonistic to beings that are “different”. For proof of that, just watch how an odd child is treated by other children, or how a minority group is socially deprived, or how the Arabs feel about the Israelis (Chinese vs Japanese, Irish Catholic vs Irish Protestants.) In applying this concept to the treatment of aliens let me point out that in very ancient times, possible extraterrestrials may have been treated as Gods but in the last two thousand years, the evidence is that any possible aliens have been ripped apart by mobs, shot and shot at, physically assaulted, (in South America there is a well documented case)and in general treated with fear and aggression.
In Ireland about 1,000 AD, supposed airships were treated as “demonships.” In Lyons, France, “admitted” space travelers were killed.
More recently, on 24 July 1957 Russian anti-aircraft batteries on the Kouril Islands opened fire on UFO’s. Although all Soviet anti-aircraft batteries on the Islands were in action, no hits were made. The UFO’s were luminous and moved very fast.
We too have fired on UFO’s. About ten o’clock one morning, a radar site near a fighter base picked up a UFO doing 700 mph. The UFO then slowed to 100 mph, and two F-86’s were scrambled to intercept.
Eventually one F-86 closed on the UFO at about 3,000 feet altitude. The UFO began to accelerate away but the pilot still managed to get within 500 yards of the target for a short period of time. It was definitely saucer shaped. As the pilot pushed the F-86 at top speed, the UFO began to pull away. When the range reached 1,000 yards, the pilot armed his guns and fired in an attempt to down the saucer. He failed, and the UFO pulled away rapidly, vanishing in the distance.
This same basic situation may have happened on a more personal level. On Sunday evening 21 August 1955, eight adults and three children were on the Sutton Farm (one-half mile from Kelly, Kentucky) when, according to them, one of the children saw a brightly glowing UFO settle behind the barn, out of sight from where he stood. Other witnesses on nearby farms also saw the object. However, the Suttons dismissed it as a “shooting star”, and did not investigate. Approximately thirty minutes later (at 8:00 PM), the family dogs began barking so two of the men went to the back door and looked out. Approximately 50 feet away and coming toward them was a creature wearing a glowing silvery suit. It was about three and one-half feet tall with a large round head and very long arms. It had large webbed hands, which were equipped with claws. The two Suttons grabbed a twelve-gauge shotgun and a .22 caliber pistol, and fired at close range. They could hear the pellets and bullet ricochet as if off of metal. The creature was knocked down, but jumped up and scrambled away. The Suttons retreated into the house, turned off all inside lights, and turned on the porch light. At that moment, one of the women who was peeking out of the dining room window discovered that a creature with some sort of helmet and wide slit eyes was peeking back at her. She screamed, the men rushed in and started shooting. The creature was knocked backwards but again scrambled away without apparent harm. More shooting occurred (a total of about 50 rounds) over the next 20 minutes and the creatures finally left (perhaps feeling unwelcome?) After about a two hour wait (for safety), the Suttons left too.
By the time the police got there, the aliens were gone but the Suttons would not move back to the farm. They sold it and departed. This reported incident does bear out the contention though that humans are dangerous. At no time in the story did the supposed aliens shoot back, although one is left with the impression that the described creatures were having fun scaring humans.
Almost all-scientific efforts to date have been small scale; that is, one or two people would work on an idea, usually without either adequate time or resources. Such efforts are commendable, but rarely very successful. The nature of the problem is that adequate data can only be obtained by a large-scale effort by many investigators, and, with adequate data, real progress is almost impossible to make. We will discuss three small-scale efforts here. They are 1. ORTHOTENY (i.e., UFO sightings fall on “great circle” routes). 2. The Moon ILLUSION, and 3. The frequency plot.
Orthoteny looked promising for a time. At first, plots of sighting seemed to verify the concept but recent use of computers has suggested that even random numbers yield “great circle” plots as neatly as do UFO sightings.
On the other hand, the “moon illusion” appears to be a solid advance in knowledge. Jacques and Janine Vallee have taken a particular type of UFO — namely those that are lower than treetop level when sighted — and plotted the UFO’s estimated diameter versus the estimated distance from the observer. The result yields an average diameter of 5 meters with a very characteristic drop for short viewing distances. This behavior at the extremes of the curve is well known to astronomers and psychologists as the “moon illusion.” The illusion only occurs when the object being viewed is a real, physical object. Because this implies that the observers have viewed a real object, it permits us to accept also their statement that these particular UFO’s had a rotational axis of symmetry. Please not though that a real, physical object does not have to be an artificial phenomenon… instead it can be natural phenomenon.
Another, less solid, advance made by the Vallee’s was their plotting of the total number of sightings per week versus the date. They did this for the time span from 1947 to 1962, and then attempted to match the peaks of the curve (every 2 years 2 months) to the
times of Earth-Mars conjunction (every 2 years 1.4 months). The match was very good between 1950 and 1956 but was poor outside those limits. Also, the peaks were not only at the times of Earth-Mars conjunction but also roughly at the first harmonic (very loosely, every 13 months). This raises the question why should UFO’s only visit Earth when Mars is in conjunction and when it is on the opposite side of the sun. Obviously, the conjunction periodicity of Mars is not the final answer. As it happens, there is an interesting possibility to consider. Suppose Jupiter’s conjunctions were used; they are every 13.1 months. That would satisfy the observed periods nicely, except for every even data peak being of different magnitude from every odd data peak. Perhaps a combination of Martian, Jovian, and Saturnian (and even other planetary) conjunctions will be necessary to match the frequency plot…if it can be matched.
A more practical possibility was raised by Lt. Col. Raymond Kelley (USAF, Ret). He pointed out that any civilization of aliens was more likely to be controlled by budgetary constraints than by physical location of the area of interest. He suggested that Economists might be able to tell a great amount about the possible aliens’ financial structure by examining the fluctuations in sightings. To that suggestion we should also add the possibility of religious constraints upon business and travel. Further data correlation is quite difficult.
There are a large number of different saucer shapes but this may mean little. For example, look at the number of different types of aircraft which are in use in the U. S. Air Force alone.
It is obvious that intensive scientific study is needed in this area; no such study has yet been undertaken at the necessary levels of intensity needed. Something that must be guarded against in any such study is the trap of implicitly assuming that our knowledge of Physics (or any other branch of science) is complete. An example of one such trap is selecting a group of physical laws, which we now accept as valid, and assume that they will never be superseded. Five such laws might be:
1. Every action must have an opposite and equal reaction.
2. Every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force proportional to the product of the masses and inversely as the square of the distance.
3. Energy, mass and momentum are conserved.
4. No material body can have a speed as great as c, the speed of light in free space.
5. The maximum energy, E, which can be obtained from a body at rest is E=mc2, where m is the rest mass of the body.
Laws numbered 1 and 3 seem fairly safe, but let us hesitate and take another look. Actually, law number 3 is only valid (now) from a relativistic viewpoint; and for that matter so are laws 4 and 5. But relativity completely revised these physical concepts after 1915, before then Newtonian mechanics were supreme. We should also note that general relativity has not yet been verified. Thus we have the peculiar situation of five laws which appear to deny the possibility of intelligent alien control of UFO’s, yet three of the laws are recent in concept and may not even be valid. Also, law number 2 has not yet been tested under conditions of large relative speeds or accelerations. We should not deny the possibility of alien control of UFO’s on the basis of preconceived notions not established as related or relevant to the UFO’s.
Only two medium scale scientific efforts have been carried out. The first effort was a 2 year long study
carried out by scientists and engineers of Battelle Memorial Institute in statistical analysis of 2,199 UFO reports. The second effort was the previously mentioned, Government-financed study headed by
Dr. Edward U. Condon at the University of Colorado. Condon’s group concentrated on an intensive case by case analysis of a relatively small number of UFO reports (about 90).
Unfortunately, credence in that effort’s scientific detachment was damaged by Condon’s ill-advised statement (made when the project was just starting); “It is my inclination right now to recommend that the government get out of the business. My attitude right now is that there’s nothing to it.” Condon did not change his mind during the project . . . and he has been the subject of criticism for apparently not taking part in any field efforts.
Another point, which weakens the credence placed in that effort, in that effort is that the final report on the project went to great length to chastise others foe not researching the cases adequately, yet the Report show that Condon’s group was guilty of that also (as discussed earlier in this chapter). Furthermore the Report was written in such a fashion so as to make the final statistics difficult to obtain. That might have been accidental but it looks strange when very positive conclusions are claimed on the basis of a two-thirds sample.
Most people may not realize it but out of about 90 cases, at least 31 (and possibly 34) were left in the unknown category. Such an action is peculiar for the same branch of science that identified the positron on the basis of very few samples compared to the electron samples available. Please do not misunderstand what I am saying. The Condon Reports conclusions may well be correct . . . but they may also be quite wrong. The evidence does not seem to warrant the formation of firm conclusions at this time.
Perhaps the last thing to weaken credence in the Report was Condon’s statement (within the Report) that “Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are so far from the sun that they are too cold for life to exist there.” Any good astronomer can tell you that Condon’s statement is only true for Pluto. There is one good thing that the project did accomplish though. It performed the first cut at sifting the data so that valid data would be available for correlation studies. However, not enough total data has yet been sifted to permit reliable research on correlation (such as the “moon illusion” work, or the study to be discussed next).
Despite the lack of large amounts of thoroughly sifted data, scientists and engineers at Battelle Memorial Institute (not using the Condon Report’s data) have conducted a detailed statistical analysis. That statistical analysis produced extremely interesting results; it was based on 2,1999 UFO reports, each of which was individually and carefully evaluated (but not investigated) and categorized. The distribution of UFO sighting reports among the selected categories was as shown below in Table 33-1
Category Number Percent
Unknown 434 19,7 Insufficient Information 240 10.9 Astronomical 479 21.8 Aircraft 474 21.6 Balloon 339 15.4 Other 233 10.6 TOTAL 2,199 100.0%
The first two categories contain those sightings whose causes could not be identified. (It is more than curious that the percentage of the first two categories adds up to 30.6% . . .essentially the same as remained unidentified in the Condon Report.) The first category of the two—the UNKNOWN category—consists of sightings where the description of the object and its maneuvers could not be fitted to the patterns of any known phenomenon. Almost 20% of the reports fell in the UNKNOWN category!
The second category consists of sightings, which did not have adequate information to disallow identification as a common object or known natural phenomenon. The next three categories (astronomical, aircraft, balloon) are self-explanatory. The last category consists of birds, hoaxes, searchlights on clouds, etc. It should be emphasized again that the UNKNOWNS were not categorized that way because of insufficient information. The 2,1999 UFO sightings reports were also grouped as to the quality of the sightings, as shown in Table 33-2. Below.
Quality Group ALL UNKOWNS INSUFF. INFO No. % of TOTAL No. % of GROUP No. % of GROUP
An exciting discovery revealed in Table 33-2 is that, the better the quality of the report, the greater the probability that the report will be classified as UNKNOWN. That finding is totally contradictory to the often-stated authoritarian position that adequate information would enable every report to be explained as an Earth-generated phenomenon. Further statistical analysis of the characteristics of the UNKNOWN versus the KNOWNS yielded another exciting result. The result was that there was a less than 1% probability of the UNKNOWN and KNOWN observations being of the same types of things.
However, it must be re-emphasized the study did not have the benefit of data sifted on a case by case basis. Therefore, the results should not be relied upon too heavily. Furthermore, even if the results are completely valid, other explanations are possible without invoking sentient aliens. But . . . the results are still quite provocative.
As pointed out earlier, the case by case approach of Condon is an excellent way to sift data so that valid data can be made available for further work. This approach could be uses as the first phase of a massive effort identify perhaps 2000 cases for further work. Then, correlation studies could be performed on that remaining data, as was done at Battelle. It is possible that such studies might reveal more information about the UFOs . . . it is also possible that they might not. After all, there might not be anything to learn. However, because of the “Condon Report’s poorly-supported conclusions, it is doubtful that any such effort will be made in the near future.
One of the strongest arguments against the UFOs being spacecraft is that no known propulsions system can operate the way the UFOs are supposed to. However, remember that mankind has a lot to learn, and that there may well be many propulsive systems possible of which we know nothing as yet. For example, there is a force, which to the best of my knowledge has not yet been named. It is produced by a high frequency, high voltage electric field (with a strong gradient) when it interacts with a charge particle or plasma. Also to the best of my knowledge, this force has not been investigated by any large organization. Yet, it would seem that something like that force would be required to propel any possible alien spacecraft, which exhibits the UFO characteristics.
From available information, the UFO phenomenon appears to have been global in nature for almost 50,000 years. The majority of known witnesses have been reliable people who have seen easily explained natural phenomena, and there appears to be no overall positive correlation with population density. The entire phenomenon could be psychological in nature but that is quite doubtful. However, psychological factors probably do enter the data picture as “noise.” The phenomenon could also be entirely due to known and unknown phenomena (with some psychological “noise” added in) but that too is questionable in view of some of the available data.
This leaves us with the unpleasant possibility of alien visitors to our planet, or at least of alien controlled UFO’s. However, the data are not well correlated, and what questionable data there are suggest the existence of at least three and maybe four different groups of aliens (possibly at different states of development). This too is difficult to accept. It implies the existence of intelligent life on a majority of the planets in our solar system, or a surprisingly strong interest in Earth by members of other solar systems.
A solution to the UFO problem may be obtained by the long and diligent effort of a large group of well financed and competent scientists, unfortunately there is no evidence suggesting that such an effort is going to be made. However, even if such an effort were made, there is no guarantee of success because of the isolated and sporadic nature of the sightings. Also, there may be nothing to find, and that would mean a long search with no profit at the end. The best thing to do is to keep an open and skeptical mind, and not to take extreme positions on any side of the question.
The images were not in the textbook and are placed to help the reader understand the information.
Filer’s Files #9 2016 We’ve Lost Many Men and Planes to UFOs - PART I
Strange craft filmed on February 10, 2016 over Felixstowe, England
Filer’s Files #9 2016 We’ve Lost Many Men and Planes to UFOs - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: General Chidlaw,We Have Lost Many Men Trying To Intercept UFOs, Quietly Star Wars is being Built, Peru – Crashed UFO, Chosen: Chronicles of an Alien Abductee.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, India, Ireland, Mexico, Turkey, and England, and North Wales in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Major George A. Filer III ret.
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
We Have Lost Many Men Trying to Intercept UFOs
General Benjamin Chidlaw told investigators, `We have stacks of reports about flying saucers. We take them seriously when you consider we have lost many men and planes trying to intercept them.” Commander Air Defense Command 1951 to 1955.
Timothy Good writes, “The destruction or disappearance of military aircraft during interceptions of UFOs continued apace.” As General Benjamin Chidlaw, former commanding general of Air (later Aerospace) Defense Command told Robert C. Gardener (ex USAF) in 1953: “We have stack of reports of flying saucers. We take them seriously, when you consider we have lost many men and planes trying to intercept them.”
Leonard Stringfield, the former Air Force intelligence officer was told by a reliable source in the 1950s that the “Air Force was losing about a plane a day to the UFOs.” Stringfield was reliably informed. According to US Defense Department figures, from 1952 until the end of October 1956, there were 18,662 major accidents of military aircraft, broken down as follows:
Year -Air Force – Navy Losses
1952 2,274 2,086
1953 2,075 2,325
1954 1,873 1,911
1955 1,664 1,566
1956 1,530 1,358
Of this astonishing accident total, most involved fast new jets (such as those scrambled in UFO interceptions), of which 56.2 per cent were found to be caused by pilot error; 8.1 per cent by ground-crew or other personnel failure; 23.4 per cent by failure of parts and equipment in the aircraft; 2.8 per cent by various ‘unsafe conditions’, and –9.5 per cent (1,773) were due to ‘unknown factors’. Thanks to Timothy Good’ book, “Need to Know” P.172
Quietly Star Wars is being Built
The largest and most expensive weapons program in the US defense budget costing 8.5 Billion dollars plus are the National Missile Defense (NMD) program. It is designed to develop and deploy an operationally effective weapons system to protect the United States against limited ballistic missile threats, including accidental or launches from rogue nations like North Korea or Iran. We can speculate the NMD program may also be designed to be used against UFOs?
The above photograph was shown with various NMD photographs and the cruiser USS Lake Erie that detected, tracked, and destroyed a mock two-stage ballistic missile within two minutes of the ballistic missile launch. Shown above I speculate is part of the system intercepting objects in space. Part of this NMD system is the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System, that includes US Naval space and ground forces that include other countries such as Turkey, Romania, Poland and Japan.
In September, the Obama administration confirmed that Romania would host the first deployment of Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) land-based interceptors and that Poland would host the next site in 2018. Turkey and Bulgaria may play a role as well, according to administration officials, who are seeking to soothe Russian concerns by inviting Moscow to join U.S.-NATO missile defense plans… Turkey has agreed to have a radar site.
Russian officials fear the system could be used to intercept Russian long-range missiles aimed at the United States or even used to launch nuclear warheads at Russia.The Pentagon has acquired the use of seven military bases in Bulgaria and Romania, immediately after both countries were formally inducted into NATO. Washington has also transformed Georgia on the eastern shore of the Black Sea into a military outpost on Russia’s southern border and has similar designs on Ukraine.
Whether on land or at sea, the SM-3 continues to excel in testing. In 2014, the SM-3 Block IB was successfully launched for the first time from an Aegis Ashore testing site in Hawaii. The program has more than 25 successful space intercepts, and more than 240 interceptors have been delivered to U.S. and Japanese navies. Current plans call for buying a total of 52 Block IBs per year for the next several years. In September 2015, it was reported that the Department of Defense’s planned to buy a total of 396 Block IBs.
SM-3 Block IB The SM-3 Block IB has an enhanced two-color infrared seeker and upgraded steering and propulsion capability that uses short bursts of precision propulsion to direct the missile toward incoming targets. It became operational in 2014, deploying for the first time on U.S. Navy ships worldwide.
Aegis Missile Defense Destroyer
SM-3 Block IIA The next-generation SM-3 Block IIA is being developed in cooperation with Japan and will be deployable on land as well as at sea. It has two distinct new features: larger rocket motors that will allow it to defend broader areas from ballistic missile threats and a larger kinetic warhead. North Korea’s and China’s development of a long-range intercontinental missiles threatens both Japan and the US.
SM-3 Block IIA is the centerpiece of the European missile defense system, and Raytheon Company began flight testing in 2015 to keep the program on track for 2018 deployment at sea and on land in Poland. Theoretically, SM-3 could also be used against UFOs although some have electromagnetic protection.
The United States plans to buy 182 Block IIA interceptors solely for the European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA).[8] These missiles, to be deployed at the Polish and Romanian Aegis Ashore sites (up to 24 each) and on the four U.S. Navy destroyers now based in Spain, would support the EPAA though 2040. With a Block IIA lifetime of twelve years, not all of these would be deployed simultaneously, with the total deployed at any one time likely between 96 and 144.
Currently eleven U.S. Aegis Ships are forward deployed at Yokosuka, Japan, seven of which are BMD capable. In addition, it can be expected that Japan, which is co-producing the Block IIA, will deploy a substantial number of them on its eight planned Aegis BMD capable ships, although I do not include these in my count here.
Peru – Crashed UFO Was Hit by Something
Marine Corps Lance Corporal John Weygandt, who was part of the Disclosure Project, was sent to Peru in March 1997, to provide perimeter security for a radar installation that he was told tracked drug traffic aircraft in Peru and Bolivia. He states, “About midnight, while I was on guard duty, Sergeant Allen and Sergeant Atkinson told me, an aircraft crashed and they need us to go and secure the crash site.” Early that morning we drove six Hummers close to the crash site just when it started to get light. Well, we found the area real easy because there was a huge gash in the land where something had crashed. Everything was burned and it was as if something had almost cut warm butter with a knife. It was like something on fire or had some kind of energy like a laser had cut it. It was really strange. I was in the front with Sergeant Allen and Sergeant Atkinson and we were ten or twenty meters ahead of everyone else. We were the first ones to see this thing. It had gone up the hill and then off in the side of the ravine and ridge. This was a 200-foot ridge, of solid rock. A huge craft was buried at a 45-degree angle in the side of the cliff there at the ridge. It was straight up and down. ‘
The craft was dripping a greenish-purple syrup-like liquid. The liquid was everywhere and fluctuated like it was alive and changing to a different shade of greenish purple. The craft was humming like a bass guitar and had a slowly turning light. Most of the craft seemed buried into the cliff but vents, like a fish gill were on the back.
The liquid got on my clothes and ate holes in them and burned off some the hair on my arms. There were three holes in the ship that may have been hatches that were not flush with the main body of the craft. There was another hatch the same width and diameter of the top hatch and it was kind of crooked to the side and it was half-open. I didn’t see any lights or anything coming out of it but I felt this… presence. It is real strange. I think the creatures calmed me. It was weird and I think they were trying to communicate with me, like, I guess, telepathically. The Corporal estimated the craft was ten meters in width and about 20 meters in length and shaped like something between an egg and a teardrop. The skin of the craft had bumps and notches and appendages on it. It was really organic and almost like art. It looked like something that could be made in a shop. It looked like it could have been handmade but out of what materials I do not know. It was definitely nothing like titanium. It looked like metal but there was no reflection. The sun was shining on it and I could see the different shades of the craft and it didn’t reflect anything. Suddenly the Sergeants were yelling at me to get the hell out of there.
After we climbed back up, the Department of Energy people were there. They knew about it so I don’t know why we went there still to this day. But anyway, I was arrested and cuffed, both hands down. I had all my gear taken from me by men in black cammies who threatened me, subdued me, and put me on a cot. They had no nametags. At the crash site there were about thirty of these guys wearing hazard suits.
I had been told aircraft were flying in and out of the atmosphere at mach ten plus. When you have objects that reenter the atmosphere, then stop on a dime, then turn around, and go exactly the opposite direction – that is somewhat strange. Meteors don’t do that. The craft was not from Earth. I knew that when I looked at it. I wondered if those facilities were built for the intent to track UFO’s and their cover was to track drug aircraft. They had laser range finders and all kinds of high tech stuff that I have never seen before. They [the laser range finders] looked like big telescopes and some sort of Command Center manned by a multi –national force. So these craft were tracked from this particular radar and were logged. I’m confident that when I saw the aircraft, it had been hit by something. Something had taken it out.
Editor’s Note: Corporal Weygandt described a craft damaged by enemy action, either ours or an opposing alien force. His testimony on Page 274 of “Disclosure: Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets” by Steven Greer M.D. is excellent and indicates lethal deadly force was being used against alien intruders during the Clinton Administration. We can assume this war continues.
Chosen: Chronicles of an Alien Abductee
Byron W. Lacy has written an excellent book that should be read by everyone, because you may also be an abductee. He personally denied he was an abductee for fifty years despite many unexplained miracles and strange phenomena in his life. Do you have the feeling something is not right, this book will help solve your concerns.
He remembers the helplessness and fear that a five-year-old would feel when he is first visited by extraterrestrials? How about the look on his parents’ faces when he confesses his alien encounter? This is Byron W. Lacy’s firsthand account of what modern science insists is only folklore. He feels he was sent here on a mission and writes on Page 38:
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Filer’s Files #9 2016 We’ve Lost Many Men and Planes to UFOs - PART II
Filer’s Files #9 2016 We’ve Lost Many Men and Planes to UFOs - PART II
Sightings in the United States
Arizona Alien Encounter
Phoenix — Lon Strickler report, “I received an inquiry on Wednesday from an elderly woman in the Phoenix suburb of Surprise; She witnessed two humanoid beings standing outside her bedroom window on December 21, a few days before Christmas 2015. I called and talked to the witness Thursday night in an attempt to gather more details. I am presenting this case to the readers and other investigators as a means of gathering additional data and knowledge about these beings. The witness was extremely alarmed by the incident and she is desperately seeking answers. She woke up about 1:30 am. I glanced out my bedroom window, and this is what I saw: Two gray short people like figures with cone heads. The tallest stood four feet tall, and the smallest one about three feet stood directly in front of the taller one. They just stood motionless. I looked, and then looked again, as I have never seen anything like this EVER! I set on the edge of my bed and I just kept looking at them. They didn’t move. Neither one of them had facial features at all. It appeared to me they had something over their heads to hide their appearance. I didn’t let my dog out, as I didn’t know what could happen. I laid back down in bed, I went to sleep! I didn’t awake until the next morning 8:30 am. 7 HOURS? I called the police a week or so later. They just told me to go to the ER or to call the Crisis Center. About a week later I went to my church, the priest didn’t believe me, or didn’t want to discuss, this alien encounter! I have done a lot of research online, and these Greys, with cone heads have been seen before, and are described as I have described them. I have never believed in UFO’s or Paranormal sightings, or have I ever viewed any web site on my computer until after I encountered these two Grey little people looking in to my bedroom window.
This was not a dream! I was completely awake! No medicine I take has any side effects, that would cause me to hallucinate! I am a senior citizen, I am living alone. This has scared me. They have not come back! I worry that they might come back. I have so many questions. I also called CH 113 EWTN TV. The person I talked to at EWTN didn’t believe me and did not want to discuss the matter. Please e-mail me. I have not told my friends or family. Please help me with answers I have. I pray daily that I never see them again! I called the witnessed and received more specific details…though most of it was personal. She did state that these beings wore full-length cloaks that were the same color (grayish-brown) of the cone-like covering over the head and face. The cone was more like a helmet. She also stated that she never sleeps more than 3 hours without waking…but she slept for an uninterrupted 7 hours, which she states she has never done before or since.
There was a NUFORC reported UFO sighting over Surprise, AZ the same night of the encounter: In some respects, these beings remind me of the descriptions for the ‘Teros’ species…a supposed Earth underground dwelling race of humanoids with cone-shaped heads. They do have human-like facial features, so this may have been a face covering of some type. They are also referred to as ‘Sunaynans’…’The Yearly Ones,’ an ancient race that parallels Arizona legends. Thanks to Lon Strickler NOTE: The above image is the witness rendering. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ Website
California Lights
Los Angeles — Jump to the end of this video and you will see that this person caught an alien drone that decided to check out this balloon on February 14, 2016. Alien orbs are AI drones that record everything that passes their area. This one slowed down enough to get a fantastic capture of it.
It’s actually not round, but tear drop shaped with edges and a monumental catch by UFO researcher Maria Argote. Thanks to Scott C. Waring Website
Colorado Disc
Rocky Ford— We observed red and white lights in a row appearing to be part of a craft on February 16, 2016. It hovered at a distance changing position but staying at the same altitude. It would come in with one to two bright white lights, which appeared to be part of a reflective surface. Six or more red lights would be added in a straight row. They would fade out then reappear at different positions. The lights were near the radio tower. A tree in the foreground was between me and the tower bracketing the lights. We watched the sighting for 35 minutes. The white lights were bright and the brightest lights in the sky. My feeling are that we saw a large hovering object a distance away emitting bright lights that showed a reflective surface with more lights appearing that were red. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Orb
Cape Coral— Bright light like orbs were seen in the west on February 11, 2016. First, there were two and one disappeared.
The second traveled north very slow then turned west and in a flash was gone. I could see it speed off in flight path.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Hawaii Power Loss
Koneohe Bay — My daughter looked up and observed a huge ball of light in the night sky on February 19, 2016over the Hawaii Marine Base where she lives with her husband whom is in the military police. She watched for a bit, as it was so much bigger and brighter than everything else was in the sky. That is when it started pulsing and moving around. It would get dim, then extremely bright repeatedly as it maneuvered around. She realized it was a mile away in the sky. She then became amazed so she called a neighbor and the cell phones went to static. When her friend walked over, she also saw the object as well. After 15 minutes, it flew off and immediately the entire island lost ALL power.
Then they witnessed aircraft circling the areas. She is a bit un-nerved but excited. She also saw a similar UFO three months ago. This was NOT an aircraft she is familiar with seeing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maine Orb
Durham — I had gotten up at midnight, and as always, before returning to bed, I looked up at the clear night sky on February 22, 2016. The object was immediately noticeable as it was very bright and much larger than surrounding stars.
Unmagnified, it looked like a white orb. I got my cell phone, set it to telephoto, and snapped a couple of shots. The shape was orb like, with a sort of notch out of it. The object got smaller and farther away as I watched and gave up and went to bed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Massachusetts Orb
Boston— I was taking some pictures of a beautiful sunset near Constitution Beach in East Boston on February 20, 2016 at 5:10 PM. When I got back home, I showed the pictures to my wife and we noticed a little object on one picture. We said, “That looks like a Flying Saucer.” So, we saw the next picture and that object was right there again in a different place. The object is on the first four pictures out of 14.
The object is moving from the center of the photo it’s on top of the sun also you can observe a halo on it. In the second, the object is on the right hand side of the picture and the next two photos the object is on the left hand side of the photos in a lapse of time of two seconds. So checking the info on the photos all four were taken at 5:10 PM, within a minute. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Disc
Gerald — I was driving home from work heading down Highway 50 towards Gerald Union on February 17, 2016.
I saw a translucent glowing disc zip across the road and disappear in the tree line.
Then, I noticed a glowing light on the road in front of me. I slowed down and took this picture as it was descending. I actually got close to the light physically. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Humanoid
Manchester — I was in bed resting, and frequently awaken between the hours of two to four am. I was lying on my back when I noticed to my left the White Light Being. He looked humanoid but tall and thin. With no sound the being reached into my left chest area; I did not feel any pain, pressure or discomfort. That lasted about five minutes. The being removed its hand from my left chest and stood there for two minutes and then vanished. I only saw a solo being and no craft. I felt fine the next few months, however; a strong intuitive urge kept hounding me to get to the cardiologist. Again, I had no chest pains or anything.
I to got an EKG and they ordered a stress test, then read the test and they informed me of my dyer health condition. So, I was rushed into the hospital to prep me for a triple bypass and a replacement Aorta valve. I was born Bicuspid instead of Tricuspid. It was a triple bypass and an Aorta valve replacement; they joked and said a two for one operation deal since they sawed my chest opened.
My take and feelings on this incident was the White Light Being made temporary repairs for me to not have a heart attack or stroke ahead of time. The doctors were saying you are so lucky because the bicuspid one valve was completely clogged and your heart valves for the bypasses were clogged in bad shape that I got into the hospital at the right time. It was a miracle. All the while, the White Light Being made adjustments to give me the time and the strong intuition to get into the hospital to save my life. I have the closest image of the White Light Being I could find anywhere and a photo of a man sleeping like I would have that night. PS I do not dream of being in my bedroom. When I dream I dream of going vast distances, seeing other things, never did I have a dream of myself in my bed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Lights
Akron— I was going to the restroom and this light caught my eye out the window towards the south on February 12, 2016. I looked out and noticed it was not moving and the lights were pulsing. I texted my brother who came over and he also saw the object. To the southwest, a long and V shaped object appeared with white lights.
There was a blue/green light on the bottom center. It moved upwards, then descended and disappeared. I took a picture and my phone flashed, as it moved closer to my house and scared the heck out of me. My brother also took a picture. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oklahoma Disc
Tahlequah — I was headed home with my husband and decided to take a picture of some clouds on December 9, 2016.
I was driving down Indian Road when I snapped the two photos.
I did not see anything before or after but there was an unknown object only in the second photo that had to be moving fast.
I am starting to think that I am crazy. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Cylinder
Kecksburg–On February 16, 2016, I took several pictures in the same area of the sky. I do not recall having seen anything in the sky. I am unsure if there was any known aircraft traveling through the area at that time. The object seen in the picture is white with a grey cloud/mist surrounding it. It has a rectangle/cigar shape. I cannot tell of its motions or actions since it appeared only in the picture. Upon seeing it in the picture, I wondered if there were any airplanes at the time the picture was taken, but I have no recollection of having seen anything in the sky. I have the original picture as well as two in which I zoomed in on the object and saved as a screenshot, all three of which I am sending with the report. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee Orb
Sevierville— We were on a weekend trip and these pictures were taken one immediately after the other from the back deck of a mountain top cabin while taking pictures of the sunbeam on February 19, 2016
There was no sound and the object wasn’t noticed until we reviewed the pictures.
We blew them up and couldn’t believe or explain what we were seeing. It was quite creepy.
Thanks to MUFON CMS Note: Object left of the sun may be a lens flare.
Washington Orbs
Seattle — At 4:30AM, I went outside to smoke a cigarette in our back parking lot on February 23, 2016. I was observing the stars and looked directly overhead to see a bright as the moon delta shaped object at about 45+ thousand feet. It flew north to south over the roof of my apartment. It was huge about the 1/5 the size of the moon or looked to be. It then faded to black as blackness moved over it until it disappeared and could not be seen against the blackness off the sky.
I was in shock, I just saw delta shaped object with the darkness covering it up from the back to the front even though it was going forward.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Convincing Triangle UFO
Stanhope Gardens — Early evening sitting on my patio at 18:40 PM, on December 16, 2013 I noticed a small black object hovering in the sky to the north. At first, I thought it may be a kite but it just hung there. I grabbed my iPhone and took three photos at different magnifications.
I watched the object for a while and then went back inside. Next time I came out it was gone. “The Phoenix Incident” had a triangular craft being pursued by an F-15 and it reminded me of my photo. I really do not know what it was but it was weird to just be hovering in the sky. Photos are untouched and taken with an iPhone 5. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ Website
Jervis Bay— On Tuesday February 9, at around 2:40 PM, and getting washing when I saw something to the southeast, which caused me to do a double take. I saw a slate grey elliptical aircraft emerge from fog and disappeared back into it. There are no zeppelins or blimps active in this region of Australia and there was no fog on Tuesday afternoon. The sighting lasted no more than twenty seconds. I also felt a sense of unease, and foreboding, which lingered for much of Tuesday afternoon. Earlier in the day, I had passed Jervis Bay and saw the Navy was conducting maneuvers. I glimpsed a small aircraft of some kind, and was prepared to dismiss the incident as a trick of the eyes. Friday night, I took a look at MUFON to see tributes to Edgar Mitchell and read news of a UFO incident in America similar to mine. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Brazil Lights
Santa Catarina – A bright formation of lights changed formation and shape.
Discovered in photos taken on February , 2016 on the grounds of Cachoeira Seca in Camburiú in Santa Catarina Brazil. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Orbs
Toronto— At sunrise on 11th & 12th of October 2015, a radiating “object” in the shape of a large diamond appeared. The color as witnessed was in an old tone.
Photographic evidence and close-ups are attached in this report that shows different rotating-changing shapes in all kinds of hues. It changed from white to pink to green to near metallic to blue and so forth. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Toronto — At about 7:10 PM on February 17, 2016 in my apartment faced towards the north side, right in front of Taylor Creek Ravine. My mom witnessed what seemed to be an extremely bright helicopter. It looked very much like a white star, but was far away, and at a high altitude. It looked like it changed directions descending toward my building. I ran to the bedroom and was mesmerized by what appeared to be a glowing triangle with three distinct flashing lights of blue, red, and white. I saw it up close, maybe within 400-500 feet asking myself; is this real? My mother was right beside me, to confirm that my eyes were not playing tricks on me. It looked 30 feet on each side moving extremely fast. I can say for sure that it was NOT an airplane, or helicopter. I saw it perfectly that it was a defined triangle with lights. I lost sight of this object when it moved south and up. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Cuba Many Documented Alien Craft Sightings
On March 16, 1950, Captain Miguel Murciano of the Compañía de Aviación Cubana reported having timed the progress of an unknown object over Antilla Airport on the island’s eastern edge. The strange object, he said,” was traveling at extraordinary speeds at five thousand feet “covering eight degrees in sixteen minutes” – Captain Murciano the object at 10:15 AM, during a flight from Santiago de Cuba to Antilla. All crewmembers and passengers saw the object agreeing it was not an airplane. Dr. Sergio Cervera of the Comisión Investigadora de Fenómenos Aéreos (CIFA) compiled a list of significant UFO-related cases in Cuba going as far back as the 1930s. Dr. Cervera’s notes for the year 1952 include a sighting by fifty witnesses in the village of Candonga when, a very bright light began zigzagging, and engaged in a cosmic ballet for an hour.
In 1953, Lt. Waldo Martinez, in the Cuban army, was driving a jeep toward the city of Trinidad when his vehicle’s engine shut down. It was then he noticed a powerful green light flying past his jeep, landing some 200 meters away. The object’s lights dimmed as the jeep regained its power and Mr. Martinez and his passengers resumed their journey. This CE-2 included the discovery of a burned circle on the ground, measuring some sixty feet across.
Researcher Orestes Girbau mentions an unusual event that took place on July 5, 1959 in the Bay of Matanzas when 30 Boy Scouts and their leaders had gone out on a hike at 9:30 AM. The entire troop ran toward the beach watching an object, which emerged from the sea and was only a few meters over the surface. The object was oval-shaped glowing disk or top that leveled off and rose straight up at an astonishing rate of speed, vanishing into the blue in less than 15 seconds.”
Once settled down, the witnesses agreed that the object was metallic in appearance and silver in color. Two anglers who watched report was wingless and between 20 and 26 feet in diameter and noiseless
Bangalore — I have received your emails for five years and have been interested in UFOs for 30 years. Sunset photography is my hobby and I often travel from Bangalore to Mysore for duty. Every evening I took thousands of photos and the best ones are published in my facebook page. Facebook
This photo was taken on February 3, 2016 at 5.53 pm, in a moving train as is usual every day. This object is far or distant I cannot analyze. Please examine this and give a review. If it is far away, it is definitely a UFO, if it is only 15 feet away it is a falling tree leave. Thanks to MUFON CMS VijaMK
India’s River Low Water Reveals Amazing Sight
The recently reduced river in Karnataka has been showing strange rock formations that have been leading many people to go to its edges and stare in wonder. Part of the reason is the fact that these have historical meaning to the Hindu population. Commonly known as Shiva Ling, the symbols and rock formations that are becoming noticeable are said to be hints that long ago aliens walked amongst us. There are plenty of conspiracies over the symbols and what their “true” meaning is. In modern culture, they are meant as strength and power, but many believe that it could be a sign that aliens have come long ago, and these are signs that they are going to return. Whatever you believe, they’re a sight to see. SEE THE VIDEO HERE >>Website
Ireland Orb
It was sunny day; we wanted to take a selfie. Then we saw a bright object in the photo that at first we thought was the light of the sun.
I immediately took another photo on February 19, 2016.
After one minute, the orb changed again and we took another photo, Because of the sun, we couldn’t see third photo.
It was changed again but it had something like wings. They were fourth picture it disappeared
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico Lights
Puerto Vallarta — My wife, my two children and I sat at a table on the second floor of La Posta Restaurant looking at the sunset on February 13, 2016. We had clear view of the ocean when an orange glow appeared on the horizon after the sun set. At first, we thought it was an airplane but it hovered, and then shot up over a mile in two seconds. It came back down at the same speed to stop and hover on the horizon again. It then flew southwest, stopped, followed a similar path in the opposite direction heading northwest then came back in the same location where it hovered again before shooting upward and disappeared. I was convinced this was a UFO based on its behavior. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Philippines Disc
Calapan City — My girlfriend took the kids to the beach about on January15, 2016, in middle of the day as she usually does, noticed an object, and took a video. She brought the cam recorder because she has spotted the object around the same area roughly once a month. She also stated that when it appears it is always in front of the sun. I was not present but watching the video, it seems to change shape or reflect and/absorb light. I also noticed what I think looks like a thin red line maybe a light across the object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Turkey Light
Tekirda— When I was at home, my mother said she saw a light in sky from our window. I took the orange-yellow light’s picture.
It waited in sky for 2-3 minutes. Then it moved into space…
My English is not good, but I can tell in Turkish to the MUFON National Director of Turkey…
Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Cylinder
Felixstowe– The object was seen for about 5 minutes, it was very light color on February 10, 2016. There is a plane leaving a contrail flying under it suggesting it is flying at a very altitude and is huge. Thanks to MUFON CMS
United Kingdom North Wales
Llandudno— Robert and Susie Hale are asking if aliens are making visits to the Llandudno area? They have seen UFOs several times in the last year. Their first experience was when they saw and unusual Easter egg-shaped object in the sky above their home in March. It seemed to glide before making sudden jumping maneuvers, changed shape into a sphere, and sped away.
Three weeks later, the couple was walking on a footpath on the slopes of the Orme, when they spotted a vivid ball of light hovering above the cliffs. Robert said, “Previously we had been skeptical about UFOs but these sightings made us think perhaps they do exist, so we started to keep a look out for anything else unusual.” In July, above Cwm Mountain, they saw a charcoal-colored triangular shaped craft without markings made a low-pitched humming noise as it sped off. On August 25, also above Cwm Mountain, they again saw an Easter egg-shaped object, this time with what seemed to be a spherical object suspended beneath it.
“It came right overhead, making a very low humming noise and then flew off,” said Robert. “It’s very strange.” said Robert. “We don’t know where to go for the answers.” Moreover, Susie said, “We never used to believe in these things but we are seeing them so often that we’ve changed our minds.”NOTE: The above image is CGI. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ Website
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Giant skeletons of an unidentified human race have been excavated around the world, lending credence to the strange stories of Nephilim in ancient texts.
According to the book of Genesis, Nephilim were beings present on the earth during the time when the “sons of God” mingled with the “daughters of men.” It says they were “the heroes of old, men of renown.”
In May of 1912, an archeological dig overseen by Beloit College, uncovered more than two hundred burial mounds near Lake Delavan, eighteen bizarre skeletal remains were found, of what appeared to be a lost race of giants.
As originally reported in the May 4th,1912 edition of the New York Times, the skulls of these seven to nine-foot skeletons were elongated, with protruding nasal bones and long, pointed jaw bones.
The January 13th,1870 edition of the Wisconsin Decatur Republican, reported that two giant, well-preserved skeletons of an unknown race were discovered near Potosi, by workers digging the foundation of a saw mill near the bank of the Mississippi river.
One skeleton measured seven-and-a-half feet, the other eight feet. The skulls of each had prominent cheek bones and double rows of teeth. A large collection of arrowheads and “strange toys” were found buried with the remains.
Are these the Giants the Bible & many other civilizations have in their history and painted on their walls?
Many have accused the Smithsonian Institution of covering up these discoveries, locking the giant skeletons away, and depriving the public of their findings.
Richard J. Dewhurst reveals in the radio interview below, that North America was once ruled by an advanced race of giants, but also, that the Smithsonian Institution has been actively suppressing the physical evidence for nearly 150 years.
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Orb-UFO Recorded While Doing the Most Unexplained Thing
Orb-UFO Recorded While Doing the Most Unexplained Thing
The UFO phenomenon is real and it doesn’t necessarily involve alien crafts. From what we’ve seen so far from different recordings of these mysterious objects, they take different shapes and sizes and some of them even appear to be of organic nature. Today I’ll highlight an interesting example of what we call an ‘orb-UFO’.
Surprised over Spokane Valley, Washington, the glowing orb hovered over the city and performed some sort of bizarre ritual. It kept pulsating until a smaller orb emerged out of it and after that it turned off its lights and vanished into the night. What you are about to see is a clear example of ‘orb-UFO,’ a sighting that has become really common these days. This small buggers are very agile and can perform maneuvers that defy our laws of physics.
They are usually seen in a pair of two, but singular appearances were also reported. Common traits of these orbs are the dip in brightness they perform, as well as the formidable movement speed at which they can travel. Another particularity, as you will see in the video below, is the orb’s ability to multiply. Whatever this thing is doing remains unexplained, but it’s sure to put the most intriguing aerial spectacle.
The man who recorded this offered his testimony in Case 53762 of MUFON. He claims that soon after he stepped outside onto the back porch at about 7 PM, he noticed a strange object in the sky that appeared to change its color from yellow to red, and then orange.
I traveled towards our house northbound, stopped, and changed direction to the east,” the witness said. The object stopped, flashed very brightly several times and then discarded something. There was glowing discharge from the bottom of the object. Object lost brightness intensity and then slowly went away.
According to the witness, this was not the first time when the mysterious orb had made its presence noticed.
This was the second time I have seen the same object do the exact same thing in nearly the same place. The first sighting was slightly farther southeast and farther away. This time it was closer.
MUFON Washington State Director James E. Clarkson who investigated the case, offered some additional useful information in his report:
There is no known natural phenomenon that would produce what is visible. Further, there were radar anomalies present in the area that may correspond to what was taken on the video recording. The argument can be made for an unknown type of aerial military craft, but the weather and location do not seem appropriate for a military exercise.
According to our analysis, these peculiar orbs could be organic beings coming from within the Earth, but we do not exclude the possibility of an artificially-intelligent drone piloted by its own will. I know it might sound a little bit out of this world, but these appearances are something real and many people across the world have seen and even recorded them. Although certain anomalies were shown by ground radars, they remain literally untouchable because of the advanced technological means they possess.
Their purpose is also unknown, but considering that no harm has been done to people so far, it’s likely that they come in peace. The orb UFOs are usually drawn by large crouds, so there is evidence suggesting they might have some kind of interest in humans. Can we relate them to the increasing number of abductins worldwide, or are they rather the scouting devices of a far more advanced species of ET or intraterrestrials? Until more evidence surfaces, the above mentioned remains only a theory, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and I’m extremely curious to see where it leads to.
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Three astronauts who served on the Apollo 10 mission dating back to 1969 — before Apollo 11's first manned moon landing — were terrified to hear radio transmissions similar to music during the radio-free mission while traversing the far side of the moon.
They were cut off from the Earth for about 60 minutes but still could hear radio sounds through their headsets after they entered lunar orbit. Astronauts were puzzled whether to report about the incident to NASA.
The released transcripts contained "strange, otherworldly music coming through the Apollo module's radio," the Science Channel series "NASA's Unexplained Files" found out.
The astronauts on board Apollo 10 can be heard talking about the "whistling sound
"You hear that? That whistling sound? Whooooooooo!" one of them says. Another astronaut said: "It sounds like, you know, outer space-type music."
"Well, that sure is weird music," one astronaut says. "Boy it got quiet, didn't it?" one can be heard.
Apollo astronauts debated the necessity to tell Mission Control about the strange music minutes before they regained radio contact with Earth.
"It's unbelievable", "Shall we tell them about it?", "I don't know. We ought to think about it," they questioned.
"The Apollo 10 crew was very used to the kind of noise that they should be hearing. Logic tells me that if there was something recorded on there, then there was something there," Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden says on the Science Channel program. "NASA would withhold information from the public if they thought it was in the public's best interest."
The recordings remained classified in NASA's archives until 2008, prompting an ongoing discussion regarding the nature and origin of the "outer space-type music."
"If you're behind the moon and hear some weird noise on your radio, and you know you're blocked from the Earth, then what could you possibly think?" The Huffington Post quoted Worden as saying ( via ).
Some astronauts assume the music could belong to aliens. "These noises some of them are really weird, they even sound un sub conditional like strange alien speech."
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Bigger than Roswell: Top Secret CIA docs unearth hidden UFO encounters
Bigger than Roswell: Top Secret CIA docs unearth hidden UFO encounters
Real life X-Files from the 1950’s describe a number of strange encounters with otherworldly beings and mysterious flying craft
Highly classified documents regarding UFOs and Alien life have emerged from the 1050’s exposing shocking truth about alien UFO’s visiting our planet.
The shocking truth about alien life and alien spacecraft are detailed in a catalogue of ‘unexpected’ highly classified documents from the CIA, detailing encounters with flying saucers and Aliens.
The reports, which go back decades, describe witnesses who were left stunned by the complexity and capabilities of fast-moving spacecraft through the skies. Among the details of alien spacecraft are descriptions of enigmatic encounters with beings not from Earth, and mysterious noises which have been recorded from space.
The mysterious accounts are considered as unprecedented by many and are considered to be far more important than what occurred in Roswell.
A declassified file from 1952 provides the sworn testimony of former mayor of Gleimershausen in Germany, Oskar Linke who describes how he spotted two beings in metallic clothing standing next to a huge spaceship.
“The object rose to a horizontal position,” he said, “turned toward a neighboring town, and then disappeared from the heights and forests.”
He added: “I would have thought that both my daughter and I were dreaming if it were not for the following element involved.
“When the object had disappeared, I went to the place where it had been.
“I found a circular opening in the ground and it was quite evident that it was freshly dug, it was exactly the same shape as the conical tower,” testified Linke.
The declassified documents note that many other people from the area reported and sam the same comet-like object in the sky.
Another file which has been made available to the public describes yet another incredible UFO encounter that took place over a uranium mine in what was then, the Belgian Congo. The two fiery disks glided in what is described as ‘elegant curves’, before abruptly stopping in mid-air, and taking off in a zig-zag fashion.
Former Commander Pierre, the pilot who flew after the two ‘alien’ objects from an airfield located near Elisabethville, modern-day Lubumbashi even sketched the objects trying to depict what he witnessed.
According to Commander Pierre – who is described as being a “dependable officer” – both objects moved an incredible speed of around 900mph.
However, the reports are numerous. Another interesting account took place in Barcelona when a strange object soaring over Spain was seen while emitting mysterious flashes of light. According to Valentin Garcia, a journalist who witnessed the mysterious encounter: “The newspaper office was soon flooded with telephone calls from people who had seen the object.”
In following weeks, more sightings of a similar object were seen over Algeria and Tunisia and Meknes, Taourirt and Casablanca in Morocco.
However, not only has the CIA admitted recording UFO sightings and unexplained phenomena that could not have been caused by any known force on planet Earth. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has also admitted we have been ‘visited’ in the distant past.
According to a document made available from the FBI archives found here, we have been visited by beings from ‘other’ dimensions. According to reports and “Declassified” documents, we have been visited by numbs extraterrestrial species, some of these, are not only from other planets but from other dimensions. Some of these beings originate from an ethereal plane coexistent with our physical universe. These “entities”, that could “materialize” on our planet appeared as giant translucent figures.
“The bodies of the visitors, and the craft, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter…” (source)
You can access the declassified CIA documents by clicking here.
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Based On A String of Mysterious Sightings, Researchers Believe a Major Alien Invasion is Happening Right Now Covertly
Based On A String of Mysterious Sightings, Researchers Believe a Major Alien Invasion is Happening Right Now Covertly
Researchers within the UFO community are sounding the alarm about what they believe is a subtle covert alien invasion taking place on our planet right now. Reports suggest they might be onto something.
Recently the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), which is the world’s oldest and largest UFO investigative organization has received a number of disturbing reports from across the United States in which numerous witnesses have sighted and filmed giant orbs hovering over the sky and seemingly releasing smaller orbs that then fall to the ground.
This has led some researchers to believe that a covert alien invasion is currently underway and, much like the war methodology of earthly conflicts, are busy infiltrating their targeted “enemy” to make their conquest easier.
Three cases reported and documented by MUFON, Case numbers 52942, 52934 and 52930 demonstrate this potential invasion through a sighting in which a stealth orb UFO was observed dropping a “landing pod” pod over Boise, Idaho which you can see in the video below;
Although the video itself is not incontrovertible evidence at all, this sighting was reported by all three of the unrelated witnesses.
In the first of the three independent reports, Case number 52934, a witness was driving home with his wife when he looked up and saw a mysterious glowing red UFO in the sky;
“It caught my eye because I am always looking up for strange lights… I asked my wife what she thought and she recommended that we pull over – so I did.”
After observing the strange craft, for several minutes the witnesses decided to rush home and fetch their video camera. They then began filming in time to capture the glowing orb drop an orb to the Earth’s surface;
“Got home, ran inside, grabbed my camera and got it into view just in time to see it drop another orb, but this one was flashing.”
A second witness,Case number 52930 reported the exact same incident;
“This really freaked me out… I watch the sky all of the time and have never seen anything like this before.”
A third witness. Case number 52942 made a similar report;
“We told some family members and my brother in law saw it on his way home after it was split in two… This left us with a very odd feeling as it was so unusual and hoping we get an answer.”
This, however, is not an isolated incident.
The Inquisitr reported last week that a witness saw an almost identical incident, filed as Case number 53762, where he witnessed an UFO with a bright orange-red glow dropping another orb that landed on our planet;
“The object stopped, flashed very brightly several times and then discarded something. There was glowing discharge from the bottom of the object. The object lost brightness intensity and then slowly went away.”
You can view this sighting in the video below;
Another sighting, also reported by the Inquisitr, was once again almost identical. So what is going on here? Is there a planned methodical invasion taking place? Or are they already here as many of the ancients believed and simply moving forward with a full on take over? Or is this all just paranoia and fantasy? Please comment below to share your thoughts.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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