The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
De homo sapiens sterft uit... Maak kennis met de cyborg
De homo sapiens sterft uit... Maak kennis met de cyborg
Nathalie Pérez
Zeg jij nee tegen een chip in je brein waarmee je sneller kunt denken en werken? Wil jij geen sterkere ledematen als je eigen armen en benen versleten zijn? Zeg maar jawel, want ook jij wordt een cyborg!
Een cyborg is gedeeltelijk mens en gedeeltelijk machine. Al vanaf het begin van de Science Fiction films en series zien we regelmatig cyborgs op het witte doek. RoboCop is een cyborg, Iron Man is cyborg en Darth Vader uit Star Wars is ook een cyborg. In de toekomst lopen we cyborgs misschien wel gewoon tegen het ‘lijf’ op straat. En wie weet.. worden we er zelf een, zodat we nét wat beter kunnen denken, werken, ons voortbewegen en bouwen. Die toekomst is nabij, want cyborgs zijn al volop in de maak!
Nieuwe organen, pacemakers en gerepareerde zintuigen De wetenschap komt steeds met nieuwe dingen om ons lichaam sterker en beter te maken. In principe wordt het nu alleen nog voor medische doeleinden gebruikt, bijvoorbeeld als je hart niet goed meer werkt of als je invalide bent. Je krijgt dan een pacemaker of een prothese. Op dit moment wordt er ook gewerkt om nieuwe organen te maken voor mensen waarvan het eigen orgaan niet (meer) goed functioneert. Voor die kunstorganen worden synthetische stoffen gebruikt die vervolgens in het lichaam geïmplementeerd worden. Een stukje kunststof smelt samen met het lichaam en het lichaam kan er langer tegenaan. Verder is er voor slechthorenden en doven de Cochlear en zijn wetenschappers aan het werk om blinden elektroden in het netvlies te geven waardoor ze weer kunnen zien. Met de wetenschap kunnen we dus flink aan het lichaam en de zintuigen sleutelen. Alleen ben je dan niet meer alleen mens; je bent deels gefabriceerd en dus een cyborg.
Protheses besturen met je brein Zo leven er al duizenden mannen en vrouwen met een pacemaker bij hun hart. En krijgen mensen die bijvoorbeeld door een ongeluk een deel van hun been of arm kwijt zijn een prothese. Protheses zijn steeds minder goed van een echte armen en benen te onderscheiden. Sommige protheses smelten zelfs helemaal samen met het zenuwstelsel, waardoor de drager ze kan besturen met het brein. Gewoon alsof het een eigen arm of been is, met eigen bestuurbare vingers en tenen. Natuurlijk is bewegen nog niet zo gemakkelijk en soepel als bewegen met een echt menselijke ledemaat; het begin is gemaakt en dat betekent ook geen fantoompijn meer in de toekomst!
Jesse Sullivan leert zijn bionische prothese te besturen – DEKA Research and Development & The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
Voor de mensen die liever geen stalen arm aan hun lichaam laten monteren, is er een robot die je kunt besturen met je eigen gedachtes via een chip in je brein. De mogelijkheden door deze uitvinding zijn werkelijk eindeloos, want als we in de toekomst organen, weefsels, huiden etc. kunnen namaken, kunnen er levensechte robots gebouwd worden die je gewoon zelf kunt besturen via een ingebouwd chipje. Eigenlijk hoef je dan zelf niet eens meer de deur uit, als je daar geen zin in hebt.
Verlamde vrouw bestuurt robotarm met haar gedachtes – Nature Videos
Beter met meer vingers Natuurlijk willen we wél zelf blijven bewegen en de deur uit gaan (meestal dan). Kunnen we dan misschien béter bewegen met wat elektronische toevoegsels? Met een pacemaker, prothese of robotarm verleg je namelijk niet de grenzen van de mens. Een robotarm is dan wel sterker dan de arm van een mens, en een pacemaker kan in combinatie met een nieuw, synthetisch hart misschien wel honderden jaren meegaan; deze uitvindingen geven je geen éxtra functies. Als je toch een cyborg wordt, wil je natuurlijk ook iets extra’s kunnen of iets beter kunnen. Protheses (bionische protheses) geven wel die extra functionaliteit. Je kunt dan met prothese beter functioneren dan met een normaal lichaamsdeel. Zo kreeg drummer Jason Barnes, die zijn onderarm verloor door elektrocutie, een speciale robotarm om mee te drummen. Hij kan nu dingen, die een normale drummer echt niet kan…
New Scientist
Met robotonderdelen, en dus als een cyborg, kunnen we in van alles beter worden! Maar heel bewonderenswaardig is zoiets nou ook weer niet, vindt wetenschapper Kevin Warwick, beter bekend als captain cyborg. “Ik wil onze mogelijkheden niet uitbreiden en verbeteren. Ik wil ons nieuwe mogelijkheden geven.” Warwick is sinds 1998 al bezig om zichzelf om te toveren tot een mens met extra functies, een cyborg dus. Want je bent toch past écht cyborg als je dingen kan die je als gewoon mens nooit zou kunnen en waarvan je misschien nooit zou durven denken dat je ze ooit zou kunnen.
Gedachtecommunicatie Een droom van Warwick – waar hij zijn hele ziel en zaligheid in gooit – is om telepathisch te communiceren met zijn vrouw. “Met gedachtecommunicatie kunnen we onze hele manier van communiceren veranderen,” vertelt Warwick aan Onze communicatie via taal is eigenlijk heel traag. “Gedachtecommunicate zou een veel rijkere vorm van communicatie zijn. Het kan een hoop misverstanden uit de weg ruimen en het zou onze intelligentie ontzettend verbeteren.”
In de film Transcendence maakt wetenschapper Will Caster een kloon van zichzelf die hij vervolgens uploadt met zijn eigen gedachten, ervaringen, herinneringen en zelfs gevoelens. Het is goed mogelijk dat we over niet al te lange tijd onszelf daadwerkelijk kunnen klonen en ons brein via een computer kunnen uploaden. Als dit lukt, kunnen we oneindig lang leven.
Warwick stopte in 1998 voor het eerst een chip in zijn lijf. De siliconenchip in zijn arm stond in verbinding met een computer, waardoor Warwick in de hallen en kamers van zijn universiteit alle deuren, lichten en computers kon bedienen door gewoon zijn vinger te bewegen. Nu vinden we dit in 2015 niet meer zo bijzonder, al kan zo’n chip in je brein je ook voorzien van allerlei informatie, je een immens geheugen geven en van je eigen brein een razendsnelle denkmachine maken. Met een chip in je brein kun je het brein een flinke uitbreiding geven. Maar Warwick wilde meer. Hij gaf zichzelf in 2002 een chip waarmee zijn zenuwstelsel verbinding maakte met een computer. Zijn vrouw kreeg er ook een. De informatie van het ene zenuwstelsel stuurde de computer door naar het andere zenuwstelsel. De vraag was of het brein deze informatie van een ander brein kon implementeren. “Dat kan,” vertelt Warwick. “We zijn nu zover dat onze zenuwstelsels met elkaar kunnen communiceren, als in een soort morse code. Heel apart en natuurlijk ook heel intiem. De volgende stap is de elektronen bij onze hersenen plaatsen, waardoor onze breinen met elkaar in verbinding staan. Hopelijk kunnen we dan communiceren in emoties, kleuren en gevoelens,” zegt Warwick.
Extra zintuigen De gekste proef die Warwick op zichzelf heeft uitgevoerd was met het Utah Array implantaat. “Het was erg grappig om uit te proberen om als een vleermuis ultrasonische zintuiglijke informatie op te nemen. Het lukte, en mijn brein kon de nieuwe soort informatie gebruiken. Met een blinddoek om kon ik dingen voelen. Mijn collega’s kwamen met een bord op me af en dat was wel eng. Ik voelde dat er iets snel op me af kwam, maar ik zag niets.”
Ons brein is dus daadwerkelijk in staat om allerlei andersoortige prikkels te gebruiken als (zintuiglijke) informatie. Ons brein kan zich daarop aanpassen. Hierbij eindigen onze mogelijkheden niet bij zien, horen en voelen. We kunnen ingewikkelde informatie ook direct ‘weten’. Gedachtes, emoties en gevoelens kunnen in een fractie van een seconde bij je binnenkomen. Misschien hoeven we hierdoor in de toekomst helemaal geen moeite meer te doen om onze gedachtes, meningen en gevoelens onder woorden te brengen. Je kunt elkaar als cyborg, met een chipje in je brein, gewoon van alles toezenden. Telefoons? Whatsapp? Dat is straks zo 2015…
Interview Kevin Warwick De foto bovenaan dit artikel is gemaakt door JD Hancock (cc
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Bestaat er een aardachtige planeet op 16 lichtjaar van de aarde?
Bestaat er een aardachtige planeet op 16 lichtjaar van de aarde?
Tim Kraaijvanger
Astronomen stellen in een nieuw paper dat er op zestien lichtjaar van de aarde mogelijk een leefbare exoplaneet bestaat. De bevindingen zijn gepresenteerd in een nieuw paper op Aangezien het paper nog niet is geaccepteerd voor publicatie in een wetenschappelijk tijdschrift – vaak op basis van een peer review – moeten we nog even wachten op de daadwerkelijke bevestiging.
De nieuwe exoplaneet maakt deel uit van het systeem Gliese 832. Dit is geen onbekend planetenstelsel, want Gliese 832B en Gliese 832C kennen we al. Gliese 832B is een gasplaneet, die iets kleiner is dan Jupiter. Gliese 832C is een superaarde, die vijf keer zo zwaar is als onze planeet. Deze exoplaneet draait op een afstand van 0,16 astronomische eenheden om de moederster Gliese 832. Aangezien 1 astronomische eenheid gelijk is aan de afstand tussen de zon en de aarde, is 0,16 AE erg dichtbij. Daar moet wel bij gezegd worden dat de moederster Gliese 832 een zwakke ster is in vergelijking met onze zon. Deze rode dwergster straalt minder licht en warmte. Toch is het op Gliese 832C waarschijnlijk te warm voor (intelligent) leven. De exoplaneet stond in 2015 wel op de zevende plek in de top tien van aardachtige exoplaneten.
De nieuwe exoplaneet is nog niet direct waargenomen. Astronomen Suman Satyal, J. Griffith en Z. E. Musielak beweren in het paper dat er wel bewijzen zijn dat er een derde planeet bestaat tussen de banen van Gliese 832B en Gliese 832C.
Model Het gat tussen Gliese 832B en Gliese 832C is opvallend groot: ruim 3 AE, oftewel zo’n 500 miljoen kilometer. Dit is ongebruikelijk, zo blijkt uit analyses van andere zonnestelsels. De astronomen hebben een model gemaakt, waarbij ze een planeet tussen Gliese 832B en Gliese 832C plaatsen. Wat blijkt: zo’n systeem is heel stabiel.
Gliese 832B & Gliese 832C Als er een exoplaneet bestaat tussen Gliese 832B en Gliese 832C, dan is deze planeet even zwaar als één tot vijftien aardes en draait deze planeet ergens tussen de 0,25 AE en 2 AE om Gliese 582. Aangezien de leefbare zone rondom Gliese 832 eindigt op een afstand van ongeveer 0,28 AE, is er een ruimte van 0,03 AE over waar een aardachtige exoplaneet kan gedijen. Maar als alles op de juiste plek valt, dan is het jackpot!
Buitenaardse wereld bezoeken Met deze informatie kunnen astronomen gericht op zoek gaan naar een derde exoplaneet om Gliese 832. Wie weet bestaat deze exoplaneet echt en dan kunnen we in de verre toekomst misschien wel een bezoekje brengen aan deze buitenaardse wereld. Met het ruimtevaartuig van Stephen Hawking zou het zo’n 80 jaar kosten om Gliese 832 echt te bezoeken.
Nieuw apparaat vangt energie van klotsend oceaanwater op
Nieuw apparaat vangt energie van klotsend oceaanwater op
Tim Kraaijvanger
Ingenieurs werken aan een nieuw apparaat, dat gebruikt kan worden om de energie van oceaanwater op te vangen. Aangezien er meer dan één miljard kubieke kilometer aan oceaanwater beschikbaar is, kan dit heel interessant zijn.
Het apparaat Triton bestaat niet uit bewegende onderdelen, zeggen de onderzoekers van Oscilla Power. “Wanneer de golven tegen het apparaat beuken, verandert de magnetische polariteit in het metaal, dat we gebruiken om elektriciteit op te wekken”, zegt onderzoeker Meagan Parrish. Deze elektriciteit wordt opgevangen dankzij de flexibele kabels.
Op dit moment is de ontwikkeling van Triton nog in een vroege fase. Het is namelijk de vraag of het apparaat de gigantische krachten van een oceaan kan weerstaan. Het zou natuurlijk jammer zijn als Triton bij de eerste de beste storm al uit elkaar valt. Vandaar dat ingenieurs nu bezig zijn met proeven en het perfectioneren van het ontwerp.
Als alles volgens plan verloopt en Triton ooit echt geïntroduceerd wordt, dan kan één apparaat 2.000 huishoudens van stroom voorzien. Triton kan namelijk 600kW stroom produceren. De mensen van Oscilla Power spreken zelf over 500 huishoudens, maar dat is gebaseerd op het gemiddeld verbruik van een Amerikaans gezin en dat is ongeveer vier keer meer dan wat een Nederlands of Belgisch gezin verbruikt.
Wat vind jij van het idee? Deel je mening onder dit artikel!
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Project SERPO – The Exchange Program with Aliens from Zeta Reticuli (Part I)
Project SERPO – The Exchange Program with Aliens from Zeta Reticuli (Part I)
“First let me introduce myself. My name is [Request Anonymous]. I am a retired employee of the U.S. Government. I won’t go into any great details about my past, but I was involved in a special program.”
Thus began the first in a series of lengthy messages received in 2005 by a UFO discussion group moderated by a former U.S. Government employee by the name of Victor Martinez. The source of the messages requested that his identity remain undisclosed for fear of being prosecuted or even worse. And he had good reason, for calling the nature of his disclosures sensitive was an understatement.
According to the anonymous source, in the early 1950’s the government initiated Project Serpo, a top secret program intended to open communication channels between mankind (represented, of course, by the U.S. Government) and a race of extraterrestrials from Serpo, a planet located in the Zeta Reticuli star system.
Zeta Reticuli is a binary star system in the southern constellation of Reticulum. Although both stars are similar in size to our own sun, spectral analysis shows they are much younger, at around 2 billion years of age. Whether this interval is enough for a highly intelligent, spacefaring species to develop is not up to us to decide. Furthermore, the aliens inhabiting Serpo originated elsewhere in the galaxy.
The incident that led to this interplanetary connection was none other than the Roswell crash. Or, should I say–crashes, because there were two of them: one southwest of Corona, New Mexico and the other near Pelona Peak, which is a rock’s throw away from Datil, NM.
The crash involved two extraterrestrial aircraft. The Corona site was found a day later by an archaeology team. This team reported the crash site to the Lincoln county Sheriff’s department. A deputy arrived the next day and summoned a police officer. One live EBE [extraterrestrial biological entity] was found hiding behind a rock. The entity was given water but declined food. The entity was later transferred to Los Alamos,” the anonymous source wrote.
It’s interesting to note that the entity accepted water. This seems to suggest it might have shared a biology similar to our own and also cements the idea that life on Earth might have originated elsewhere in the universe. The EBE’s refusal to ingest food might have had cultural bases rather than physiological ones. Or maybe it wasn’t hungry enough.
Eventually the Roswell Army Air Field was notified of the crash and promptly intervened. After a thorough examination of the Corona site, all evidence was loaded onto flatbed trucks and carried away to an undisclosed location. A total of six extraterrestrial bodies were recovered and transported to the Los Alamos National Laboratory because the facility had a (then) recently-developed cooling system that allowed scientists to preserve the bodies for subsequent research.
The live alien was kept under strict surveillance at the same facility. Picture this: you’re being held captive by a decidedly inferior species, you’re the sole individual of your kind on an alien planet and the governing powers house you under the same roof as your fallen and frozen brethren. Now that’s adding insult to injury!
Another two years would pass until the second crash site would be discovered. It’s reasonable to expect that no survivors were found but the wreckage containing invaluable technology and desiccated bodies were whisked off to Sandia Army Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
In the meantime, the live EBE had already established a means of communication with the scientists and top brass and we can assume they were very eager to know what he had to say. Yes, he, because his species also had male-female gender division.
The alien revealed the name of his homeworld: Eben. Its location was, like the title says, in the Zeta Reticuli star system. He also informed scientists about the various instruments and ultra advanced technology on board the two downed spacecraft. You can envision the power and demonstration hungry military officials pressuring the translators to squeeze more out of their extraterrestrial captive.
Until his death in 1952, the alien version of Robinson Crusoe (one that never gets to make a living on his own, but is rather captured by the savages) continued to provide information regarding the items inside the two spaceships. If we weren’t so understanding, we could probably blame him for all the triangle-shaped UFOs zipping silently above our heads. At least part of those must be man-made and operated, albeit using technology reverse-engineered from these early UFO crashes. Did you honestly believe aliens are responsible for all the sightings?
Before he died, the EBE managed to set up one of the communication devices present aboard one of their vehicles and contact his homeworld. The humans who oversaw this procedure must have been sitting on the outer edge of their seats until the response came back.
But back it came and things eventually turned out way better than they could have hoped for. They Ebens agreed to come visit! The date was set for April 1964 and, showing that punctuality is a must-have trait of advanced civilizations, they touched ground somewhere near Alamogordo, New Mexico. They unceremoniously retrieved the bodies of their kin and engaged in information exchange with the earthlings via a translation device. English was the chosen language, because they were the visitors and courtesy knows no planetary boundaries.
For the betterment of mankind, the Ebens agreed to set up an exchange program. Twelve members were carefully selected for the mission: 8 USAF, 2 U.S. Army and 2 U.S. Navy. Two of them were doctors, three were scientists, two were linguists, two of them handled security, two were pilots and the last one was the leader, an Air Force Colonel.
All of them were given alternate identities and they were effectively erased from all military and civilian records. It was as if they never existed in the first place and that made them ideal candidates for a mission from which they might never return. The 12 went through six months of rigorous training and were given the order to maintain contact with Earth via the already-established communication links.
As per their agreement, the aliens returned in 1965 and left one of their own behind shortly before whizzing lifting up the brave dozen. Their mission was supposed to last ten years, during which regular communication had to be maintained. But the best-laid plans of mice, men and aliens often go astray. The team’s transmissions to Earth HQ were sporadic at best and didn’t always include the greatest of news. Three years into their stay, one doctor and one of the security personnel died. Pneumonia and injury sustained from a fall were the culprits.
Five years after they’d left, communication stopped altogether. The U.S. Government was in the dark regarding Project Serpo, of which they had had such high expectations. But then, in 1978, three years after the agreed-upon return date, the Ebens came back and dropped off seven men and one woman. Two were dead and two had decided to remain behind.
They were placed in quarantine for a whole year during which they had plenty of time to debrief their superiors. As a matter of fact, the complete account they brought back is said to have numbered around 3,000 pages.
According to the crew members, the cosmic journey to Eben lasted only 9 months, despite the distance of 39 light-years that separates us from them.
Although it already had a name, the crew nicknamed the planet Serpo, hence the name of the top-secret project. With a diameter of 7,200 miles, it was slightly smaller than Earth. It had two moons, the day was 43 earth hours long and it revolved around its star in 865 earth days. The Eben Solar System numbered six planets. The Ebens had established bases on the one that was nearest to Serpo (nicknamed OTTO) but it was a lifeless world.
Silus, another of the planets in their Solar System had its own native lifeforms but none were intelligent. The Ebens mined it for minerals their homeworld lacked.
On Serpo, the heat was extreme (by human standards) and it took the crew a long time to adjust. Water was readily available but food was a problem. The team only brought enough food with them to last for two years so they eventually had to resort to eating native cuisine. At first, it caused them gastrointestinal problems but they eventually adapted. The human body is one versatile machine.
Arkansas witness drives away from hovering triangle UFO
Arkansas witness drives away from hovering triangle UFO
Arkansas witness drives away from hovering triangle UFO
An Arkansas witness at Malvern did not stop during a close encounter with a silent, hovering triangle UFO more than 150 feet wide, according to testimony in Case 75545 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Witness illustration. (Credit: MUFON)
The witness was driving along a dirt road heading toward a friend’s home about “one hour before sundown” on December 15, 2015, when the incident occurred.
“It was hovering low above the trees just past my destination,” the witness stated. “Ilaid eyes on it for 30 seconds, but kept driving out of fear.”
The object had unusual lighting.
“The two bright blue headlights were pointed straight at me like two square eyes. I knew it could see me.”
Downtown, Malvern, Arkansas. Malvern is about 20 miles southeast of Hot Springs, Arkansas. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
But the witness soon lost sight of the object.
“As I got closer, the treeline blocked my view or their view thankfully. An hour or so later after dark, I saw the afterburners of a military fighter jet heading south with no lights on the bottom or anywhere else. I calculated the object to be about 150-200 feet wide. I don’t know how long it sat there.”
Arkansas MUFON is investigating this case which was reported on March 31, 2016. Malvern is a city in and the county seat of Hot Spring County, Arkansas, population 10,318. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Ask any ufologist when strange lights were first seen by the residents of Phoenix and they wouldn’t hesitate to tell you it was somewhere around 8:30 pm on March 13, 1997. However, the correct answer might be earlier, by at least 88 years!
According to similar articles in the March 10, 1909 edition of the Arizona Republican and the March 18th edition of the Bisbee Daily Review, “strange lights” were seen over Camelback by Phoenix residents on March 9th. The light was described as being “about the size of a ten-cent piece held at arm’s length” and it “swayed to and fro and then remained stationary.”
“It was too high in the heavens to be the light from a fire on Camelback or one of the other peaks,” the newspapers reported. The light created quite a stir throughout the community and the time it first appeared and the duration of the sighting were carefully recorded as“14 minutes of 8, and blazed up for about 6 minutes.”
“Many varied theories were evoked” to try to explain this “peculiar light” and they ranged from bad to worse:
“One of the oldest inhabitants gave his opinion that the ball of fire held suspended between heaven and earth was a meteor or an asteroid that had become entangled, as it were, in the earth’s atmosphere, very much the same as a fly becomes enmeshed in the strands of a cobweb.”
Another bizarre explanation was described by the articles:
“The Star of Bethlehem theory had its supporters, but others argued that Bethlehem was not in that direction, and that the star, when it appeared, would not be seen perching on the top of Camelback.”
Bisebee Daily Review March 18, 1909. Click to enlarge.
The Republican article offered more details and another wild theory:
“Others of the younger generation were of the opinion that it was the lantern of some marooned aeronaut who had anchored his sky boat to a cactus on account of the high wind.
“The attention of the police was called to the phenomenon and the entire force climbed to the top of the City Hall. The light was plainly visible but none of the learned ones could explain satisfactorily its presence.”
What an exciting night it must have been as Phoenix residents watched in amazement as this light “blazed” over Camelback, while the entire police force rushed to the top of City Hall! And how similar would the reaction of the inhabitants be 88 years later!?
While no explanation could be found for this mass sighting, not all newspaper reports of strange lights were as mystifying, although you wouldn’t know it from some accounts. The Bisbee Daily Review ran a short piece on September 7, 1909, describing “a strange light” in the western sky that had the “habit of appearing about 7 p.m. After that it drifts slowly away till it finally drops behind the White Tank mountains. The strange light has been doing this every night for the past week.”
The Arizona Republican ran a similar article, but also pointed out that Venus was a prominent feature in the western sky during this time, so the mystery was solved. Using the Stellarium program for Phoenix for early September 1911, I confirmed that Venus did appear in the western sky in the evening and set about an hour later in the vicinity of the White Tank mountains.
Bisbee Daily Review Sept 7, 1909
While these September sightings were resolved, another incident in April of 1911 defied explanation as a bright light appeared beneath the clouds for thirty minutes. In the April 16th edition of the Arizona Republican, the following appeared:
“A Strange Light—Many persons last night shortly before nine o’clock and until sometime after saw a curious light in the northwestern sky moving in that direction toward the horizon. It was in view about half an hour. The light was a bright one and seemed to move about like a searchlight. The only suggestion offered was that it was a dirigible balloon. A huge meteor at an immense distance would have apparently moved as slowly but the light could not have been a meteor for that part of the sky was obscured by light clouds at a great distance. The moving light was plainly this side of them.”
On November 15, 1918, the Arizona Republican featured an article with the headline, “Strange Search Light Illumines Country, Mystifies Credulous.” The article described a “strange searchlight of great power and penetration,” which “lighted the country east of Phoenix on Wednesday night. So strong were the rays of this strange light that they were thrown into windows of houses more than a mile away with such intensity that persons were enabled to read by the light.”
At the same time, “the electric lights were out in Phoenix” and the “street railway service was interrupted.” The official explanation for this blackout and the powerful searchlight, with which people could read over a mile away, was that “one of the wires of the high power transmission line in the Wilson district was burned in two, and the current was made to feed a powerful improvised searchlight.”
While not in the Phoenix area, and even earlier sighting was mentioned in the August 14, 1897 edition of The Argus: “A strange light was seen moving in the sky at Tombstone the other evening. It was visible for at least fifteen minutes. The airship theory has been revived.”
Arizona Republican Nov. 15, 1918.
Of course, the years 1896-97 saw numerous mysterious airship sightings across the country. While many credible people saw these “airships,” the August 28th edition of The St. Johns Herald couldn’t resist poking fun at the witnesses by inferring that such sightings corresponded to lightning bug season.
What were these strange lights seen in 1909, 1911, and 1918? The year 1909 was an active one for sightings in the Hudson Valley of New York and New England, and indeed it was during my research into this wave of sightings that I came across these Phoenix cases. As no planes were yet flying at night or carrying lights, any conventional explanations would be limited to some type of balloon or dirigible. Further research would be needed to determine if anyone in the Phoenix area had any type of balloon or lighter-than-air craft that was equipped with a powerful searchlight and batteries, which would have been very heavy. It is not likely for that time period, but the possibility should be explored.
In the meantime, we may need to push back the timeline of the first appearance of the Phoenix Lights from 1997 to at least 1909, and continue the search for other such cases.
UFOs hounding the ISS: NASA finally speaks over 'aliens at space station'
UFOs hounding the ISS: NASA finally speaks over 'aliens at space station'
NASA has finally spoken out following a flurry of claims from conspiracy theorists that alien space craft are monitoring the International Space Station (ISS).
There have been repeated claims UFOs are monitoring the ISS
The US space agency usually stays tight-lipped on the subject - due to the increasing number of seemingly outlandish claims about unidentified flying objects captured on live stream cameras mounted on the space station - but this only appears to fuel further the cover-up conspiracy theories.
Because NASA allows anyone to view the real-time cameras, which point out towards space by going online, many alien chasers devote hours to watching them looking or evidence of alien space craft.
Another anomaly on the livestream put forward as proof of aliens online
NASA has now joined the debate and categorically denied it ever purposefully shuts off the live stream, or that any UFOs or alien craft have ever been detected from the ISS.
The station regularly passes out of range of the Tracking and Relay Data Satellites used to send and receive video, voice and telemetry from the station
NASA spokeswoman
Tabatha Thompson, a NASA spokesperson, told that video feeds losing transmission have occurred before and are an occupational hazard.
She said: "The station regularly passes out of range of the Tracking and Relay Data Satellites used to send and receive video, voice and telemetry from the station.
“For video, whenever we lose signal video comes down on our higher bandwidth, called KU. The cameras will show a blue screen indicating no signal or a preset video slate, depending on where you are watching the feed.”
Asked if NASA personal had any hand in stopping the video transmission, she said “no.”
Have NASA spotted a UFO
Mon, November 2, 2015
Stunning images from the International Space Station
ISS Nasa live cam cuts after 'suddenly locking on to mystery glowing UFO'
NASA also confirmed the theory of UFO hoax buster Scott Brando, revealed by yesterday, that the alleged UFOs are the result of camera lens flares.
A NASA spokesperson added: "Reflections from station windows, the spacecraft structure itself or lights from Earth commonly appear as artefacts in photos and videos from the orbiting laboratory.”
Alien hunters remain convinced NASA intentionally cuts off the camera safer UFOs appear and the explanations are all part of a global cover up.
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Hillary Clinton tells 'alien abductee' national security could block UFO truth bid
Hillary Clinton tells 'alien abductee' national security could block UFO truth bid
US PRESIDENTIAL hopeful Hillary Clinton has conceded she may be blocked from revealing if the truth about alien visitations is "out there" if it is deemed to compromise national security.
Mrs Clinton, and her campaign manager John Podesta, have been claiming for months she will open the so-called top-secret X-Files if she makes it into the White House.
But, taking part in a radio talk show with a man who claims he was abducted by aliens, she accepted she could be blocked.
The Democrat frontrunner was campaigning in East Harlem, New York, when she took part in the Power 105.1 Breakfast Club.
Asked by one of the show's hosts, Lenard McKelvey - also known as Charlamagne the God - who believes he was abducted by aliens several times, if she would really deliver on her quest for truth about UFOs and the top-secret military base Area 51 in the Nevada desert, she said simply, “I am.”
However, she added a caveat that she will not be able to release any files that are closed due to national security.
She said: "I mean, if there’s some huge national security thing and I can’t get agreement to open them, I won’t, but I do want to open them because I’m interested.”
She was also pressed on whether she believes in aliens, adding: "I don’t know. I want to see what the information shows.
"But there are enough stories out there that I don’t think everybody is just sitting in their kitchen, making them up.
"I think that people see things. What they see, I don’t know. But we have got to try to give people information. I believe in that.”
The disclosure movement has long called for the release of all information about UFOs and alleged alien visitations from world governments, and is huge in the USA, where many sightings are reported.
It has led to some speculation Mrs Clinton may be just paying lip service to secure millions of voters across the country.
I mean, if there’s some huge national security thing and I can’t get agreement to open them, I won’t, but I do want to open them because I’m interested.
Hillary Clinton
Alejandro Rojas, editor and contributing writer for Open Minds magazine and, said in an article about the radio show: "There has been a lot of debate as to why Clinton keeps discussing UFOs when asked.
"Typically, politicians gloss over the topic or make a joke of it. However, she has repeatedly answered confidently that she intends to look into the matter.
"The cynical view would be that Clinton has no interest in the topic, she is just pandering for the 'UFO vote'.”
But he said that politicians who previously dabbled in the issue had damaged their campaign, so she may have a genuine interest.
But, UFO expert Lee Speigel believes the “UFO vote” could number in the millions.
A 2012 National Geographic survey found 36 per cent of Americans believe extraterrestrials have visited Earth, while a staggering 80 per cent think the US government is covering this up for fear of the potential impact on society.
The cryptic site (right) and an alien from a hoax Roswell video
Alien hunter websites have been sent into overdrive after the mysterious discovery was made on Google Maps.
The claimed 'crash site' is around 70 miles from Roswell in New Mexico, where UFO legend has it that a flying saucer crashed in July 1947, and the US military covered it up.
The markings on the ground, seen in Google images, also include some that have been described by some conspiracy theorists as "Nazi occult symbols".
There are several long-standing conspiracy theories about Hitler and the Nazis experimenting with the occult and making contact with aliens in secret bases, including in the Antarctic, which have fuelled speculation about the new discovery.
Pseudo-science and archaeology website Ancient Origins has picked up on the images.
Its website said: "People have claimed that the enigmatic symbol found near Roswell is the result of Nazi occultism and even alien worship, due to its proximity to Roswell, where one of the most famous UFO sightings in history occurred."
But Ancient Origins concluded the patterns were more likely made by the US Air Force as target practice for bombers.
It would not be the first time this has happened.
In 2007, the US Navy was forced into an embarrassing apology after satellite imagery exposed how the Coronado Naval Amphibious Base in San Diego had been designed in the swastika shape.
But others believe the Roswell symbols have been there much longer.
Ancient Origins added: "However, this theory isn’t widely accepted by everyone, as there are many people who believe that the enigmatic symbols spread across the land of New Mexico, date back hundreds of years."
People have claimed that the enigmatic symbol found near Roswell is the result of Nazi occultism and even alien worship, due to its proximity to Roswell, where one of the most famous UFO sightings in history occurred.
Ancient Origins
Adding to the mystery is the fact the patterns are also close to the top-secret Area 51 US military base in the Nevada desert - where alien conspiracy theorists claim the "Roswell crashed UFO" was hidden away in 1947.
Scott C Waring, editor of, is not one to sit on the fence when it comes to proof of aliens.
In a blog posting he took the leap from speculation to say it was a sign pointing out a hidden underground alien base.
While others wondered why a hidden base would have such an unusual "X marks the spot" highlighting it, he said it was to warn oil drillers to steer clear and avoid the cavernous dwelling.
He blogged: "This is not a symbol of Hitler's Nazis, but is the ancient buddha symbol that means pure goodness.
"Also in the writing in the rectangle above is alien symbols, very similar to those found at the Roswell UFO crash on small metal beams and parts.
UFO Festival in Roswell
Mon, July 6, 2015
Thousands of alien hunters flocked to the world's ET capital to celebrate the 20th UFO Festival in Roswell. Here's a look at some of the festivities.
"So you ask why are aliens writing in the middle of New Mexico?
"There are thousands of oil rigs in this location.
"This is a warning to humans not to damage their base underground."
Even dedicated followers of Mr Waring were not convinced.
Juz Staina posted in response: "I'm a bit surprised with your aviation background you didn't look at all the bombing ranges from back in the war mate, the reason I say this for the first time ever is the battleship is marked for where main guns are and bridge, also the swastika obviously has been added to resemble the basic aiming systems the bombers would have.
"This is the first time in two years I haven't 100% agreed mate!"
Six lights appeared in the skies over Hythe and Folkestone on Sunday morning, and remained there for half an hour.
It had been thought that maybe the lights were caused by flares being shot, but the Ministry of Defence has denied the use of any activity in the area during the period.
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Cow Being Abducted By UFO Over Montana, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Cow Being Abducted By UFO Over Montana, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 29, 2016 Location of sighting: Montana, USA For a long time, farmers of cattle across the planet had to deal with animal mutilations and all the evidence points to most of the incidents having really happened and that the animals were surgically opened, with parts missing. I am currently looking for the person who posted these photo, till then, what do you think? Scott C. Waring News states: Unbelievable Montana, USA 29/02/2016 Cattle mutilation (also known as bovine excision[1]) is the killing and mutilation of cattle under unusual, usually bloodless and anomalous circumstances. Worldwide sheep, horses, goats, pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, deer and elk have been reported mutilated with similar bloodless excisions, often an ear, eyeball, jaw flesh, tongue, genitals and rectum are removed. Since the time that reports of animal mutilations began, various explanations have been offered ranging from natural decomposition and normal predation, to cults and secretive governmental and military agencies, to a range of unscientific speculations including as cryptid predators (like the Chupacabra), and extraterrestrials. Mutilations have been the subject of two independent federal investigations in the United States.
SIRIUS: from Dr. Steven Greer – Original Full-Length Documentary Film (FREE!)
SIRIUS: from Dr. Steven Greer – Original Full-Length Documentary Film (FREE!)
The Earth has been visited by advanced Inter-Stellar Civilizations that can travel through other dimensions faster than the speed of light. They use energy propulsion systems that can bring us to a new era. Humans have also developed these systems, but those in power have suppressed them in order to keep us at the mercy of fossil fuels. It is time for you to know…and this documentary will let you in. Please enjoy “Sirius” for FREE and share with your friends and family.
AND … if you are as passionate about disclosure as we are, please consider supporting our next documentary entitled “Unacknowledged : An Expose of the Greatest Secret in Human History” . . . as Dr. Steven Greer, the father of the Global Disclosure Movement, is thrilled to announce the ultimate campaign that ends illegal UFO and Free Energy Technology secrecy once and for all and embraces the beginning of a new civilization on Earth.
An Arizona witness at an airport in the Tempe-Phoenix area reported watching a chevron-shaped UFO under 500 feet, according to testimony in Case 75640 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was outside at the airport “disposing of trash” about 9 p.m. on March 1, 2016, when the incident occurred.
The tower at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
“The lights were what I noticed at first,” the witness stated.“They were white and formed a chevron shape that allowed me to notice the shape of the object. It was very large as it passed beside me. I was near the tower, so I knew it was high, but not too high as for me not to get an idea how large this object was.”
There were other possible witnesses to the UFO.
“The planes at Terminal 4 were lined up and nothing was moving. I was in total disbelief that it was happening. It made no noise at all.”
Aerial view of Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The witness described the object’s movement.
“As I observed the object,it travelednortheast over to the Sky Train Station. I lost view of the lights then. It was darker than the sky with the exception of the lights emanating from the bottom where it was black.”
The witness did not feel afraid.
“I didn’t feel anything but shock as I pondered what had just taken place. The lights where I was dumping the trash had a nonfunctional light. It was not changed until a few days later. So I knew a glare would not have affected what I had seen. The tug I had used to drive there was off so no other light source was close enough to hamper my vision. This event lasted just about five minutes or so. I felt calm and no sense of danger or apprehension afterwards. Just a sense of wonder and amazement that something so huge could travel in the air and not make any noise.”
Arizona MUFON Field Investigator Valerie Edwards is investigating. The witness provided one illustration with the report, which was filed on April 6, 2016.
Witness sketch. (Credit: MUFON)
Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport services both Tempe and Phoenix. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Hillary tells morning radio show UFOs still on agenda
Hillary tells morning radio show UFOs still on agenda
As we all know, Hillary Clinton has been campaigning in New York, and on Monday, while in East Harlem, she sat down with the Power 105.1 Breakfast Club. One of the hosts, who believes he may have been abducted by aliens, asked if she was really going to tell the truth about UFOs. Hillary said, “I am.”
This is one of several times Clinton has confirmed her earlier statement that if she is president she will try to declassify files on UFOs. However, she does add the caveat that she will not be able to release any files that are closed due to national security.
The Power 105.1 Breakfast Club talk UFOs with Hillary Clinton. From left: DJ Envy, Charlamagne tha God, Hillary Clinton and Angela Yee. (Credit: Power 105.1 Breakfast Club/YouTube)
She told the Breakfast Club, “I mean, if there’s some huge national security thing and I can’t get agreement to open them, I won’t. But I do want to open them because I’m interested.”
When asked if she believes in UFOs, Clinton replied, “I don’t know. I want to see what the information shows. But there are enough stories out there that I don’t think everybody is just sitting in their kitchen, making them up. I think that people see things. What they see, I don’t know. But we have got to try to give people information. I believe in that.”
The Power 105.1 Breakfast Club is hosted by Charlamagne tha God, DJ Envy and Angela Yee. Charlamagne is the host who asked about UFOs, and when he did, Yee was quick to point out that Charlamagne had his own sighting and may have been attacked. Charlamagne confirmed that he believes he may have been abducted several times.
There has been a lot of debate as to why Clinton keeps discussing UFOs when asked. Typically, politicians gloss over the topic or make a joke of it. However, she has repeatedly answered confidently that she intends to look into the matter. Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, says he looked into them and did not find anything.
The Power 105.1 Breakfast Club talk UFOs with Hillary Clinton. From left: DJ Envy, Charlamagne tha God, Hillary Clinton and Angela Yee. (Credit: Power 105.1 Breakfast Club/YouTube)
The cynical view would be that Clinton has no interest in the topic, she is just pandering for the “UFO vote.” In the past, the strategy of answering UFO questions straight forward has been detrimental. When presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich was asked during a presidential debate in 2008 about a UFO sighting he claimed to have had with Shirley MacLaine, his answer was met with laughter. Some feel this moment seriously damaged his campaign.
If talking UFOs is damaging to a presidential campaign, then maybe she really does have an interest in UFOs. As we have written about before, there is some evidence that she had discussions about UFOs with the late Laurance Rockefeller, who was a family friend and advocate of serious UFO research.
However, Lee Speigel of the Huffington Post argues in an article about these recent statements that the “UFO vote” could number in the millions. He references a 2012 National Geographic survey which showed that 36% of Americans believe extraterrestrials have visited Earth, and 80% believe the U.S. government is keeping information on UFOs hidden from the public.
As Speigel points out, “That’s a lot of potential, UFO-friendly, registered voters.”
An Australian witness near Melbourne reported watching and videotaping a triangle-shaped UFO with circular, colored lights, according to testimony in Case 58119 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness stepped outside for a cigarette at 8:20 p.m. on July 15, 2014, when a craft of unknown origin was seen.
“It was emitting lots of different colors and was hovering in one spot,” the witness stated.“The thing that made me notice it is that I’ve never seen such displays of color and hovering/movements of this object in other airborne craft such as planes and helicopters.”
Cropped and enlarged still frame #1 from the witness video. (Credit: MUFON)
The witness watched the object for more than an hour.
“I observed it for a long time. It would hover in one spot blinking different color light patterns, and then it would move straight down, sometimes sideways in a rapid motion, or slowly at other times.”
The witness decided to try and photograph the object.
Cropped and enlarged still frame #1, enhanced version, from the witness video. (Credit: MUFON)
“I kept trying to take photos of it on my iPhone which wasn’t giving me very good results. I went inside the house to get my partner to come outside to show her this object. She got her Nikon camera with a zoom lens, and did her best to get the camera to focus on this object, which was proving difficult. She managed to take a few photos that came out really well which showed a triangular-shaped object with lights along the edge. It was not possible to judge the shape of the craft with the naked eye. I also tried to take video footage on my iPhone. It was difficult to hold the phone perfectly still, and I ended up resting my arm on a table in order to hold the phone as still as possible. I also tried to include the clothes line as a reference point and to be able to judge the objects movements.”
Cropped and enlarged still frame #2 from the witness video. (Credit: MUFON)
The object then began to move away.
“After observing it for some 80 minutes, the object slowly moved lower and lower and away from my vantage point until I could no longer see it over the trees. It was difficult for me to tell whether it landed somewhere or just disappeared over the horizon. During the sighting I was puzzled and kept trying to imagine what it could possibly be, as I had never seen anything resembling what I observed.”
Justin Busuttil investigated for MUFON International and closed this case as an Unknown.
“The witness has provided numerous photographs and video footage of a triangle-shaped object illuminated by colored, circular lights which changed color over Glen Huntly, Victoria,” Busuttil stated in his report.“The witness was in his backyard at the time of the event so he could smoke a cigarette. The object was also witnessed by the witness’s partner who took a number of the photographs provided.”
Cropped and enlarged still frame #2, enhanced version, from the witness video. (Credit: MUFON)
The MUFON report included photo analysis.
“Analysis of the photographs provided shows the object as being triangular in shape and illuminated by a number of circular lights that change colors (red/green/blue). The object does not resemble any known commercial aircraft or any conventional military aircraft. Investigation has identified another report made to the Victorian UFO Action (VufoN) where a sighting was reported by an independent witness whose description and photographs provided which support the account. The object appears to be solid, it appears to be moving and not stationary, and has not been able to be identified. There is no evidence or indication the witness has falsified his account of the event or the photographs provided.”
Editor’s note: The still images are closeups of the object being recorded by hand, so they most likely do not accurately reflect the shape of the object. The witness admits it was hard to hold the phone still. Shaking can be seen in the video. That would mean that the images, which are stills from the video, are distorted from motion blur. This sort of blur could make a single light, or a couple of lights, look like a group of lights. You can see this effect yourself by trying to make a video with your phone of a point of light while holding your phone with your hand. Then zoom in on a still of the object in your video.
This race which I called ''Krishna Race'' is part of Andromeda Council. They are benevolent,peaceful and loving.
'A blue man' (his name is Amrishtad)told of how his people had lived on Earth. They had lived in India in a community right in the town but their area was surrounded by a tall wall. Sometimes, he said, humans would climb up the wall to sit on the wall and look at the blue people, and the blue man had thought that it was nice to see them.
He describes his home world as a beautiful divine Kingdom and Paradise. His people have tried to make this world of Earth into a paradise, he tells me. They have been here to share what they have.
He says about Inca/Mayan temples, the dark stone pyramids that we are all familiar with. The blue people stood there, dressed in a head down that placed a fan of feathers across the head. His clothes were like made of belts about the arms and upper body, and he wore a skirt and anklet belts and bare feet. He was ornaments in gold.
The blue people had arrived first to the Inca/Mayan temples. Then the Draconians arrived and started to sacrifice the humans, humans who have no scales.
He told about his people coming from a world that is like a beautiful Paradise, and they've only come here to Earth in ancient times to share that paradise with us humans. First they came to India, and brought with them their scrolls and the symbolism of the golden eagle with the swastika. Originally, the swastika was a Hindu religious symbol. It was only once the Draconians came to Earth and started the Hitler Nazi thing, the Draconians were jealous and felt challenged and threatened by the power of the Blue People, and so as the Draconians have a thing for power symbols and symbolism, they stole the Blue People symbolism of the swastika and the golden eagle, changed it around a bit and made it their own. Mostly as a means of taunting the Blue People, and trying to strip them off their power.
But the Blue People were benevolent Kings in our worlds. The Blue Gods then came to South America to some of the Mayan or Incan civilizations, and became their Blue Gods. According to the story line, the Blue People would have gone to India first, and later to South America. All was well in the Inca/Mayan civilizations, until the Draconian super lords arrived again, to steal their power and to make it their own kingdom.
Krishna Race from their Kingdom of Paradise world wish to come to Earth again.
Note: Amrishtad only showed the temples and isn't know whether those were Incan or Mayan.
China Reveals That a Massive Alien Outpost and Mining Facility is Operating on the Moon
China Reveals That a Massive Alien Outpost and Mining Facility is Operating on the Moon
Ever wondered why no one has set foot on the Moon for decades? And why there’s no permanent outpost already established there? Is it because the Moon is not a viable celestial body to harness, or maybe because all of the above mentioned are already happening, but we are not being told about it?
The answer to these questions may be easier than first anticipated, but complex at the same time. Dr. Michael Salla has pointed out that there is a military industrial extraterrestrial complex (MIEC) on the surface of our ‘natural satellite’, and there’s a strong possibility of an alien regime currently operating on the moon in tandem with humans.
To support his claims and those of many others, the Chinese have released an intriguing photo of what appears to be an artificial complex operating on the lunar surface. The image represents yet another confirmation of secret operations carried out up there, and it may also reveal that the Chinese government has been in touch with otherworldly visitors. That, in turn, would also explain why China has been investing massively in radio telescopes.
The following report will bring further clearance into this matter:
“I was sent some pictures by a source who claims China will be releasing Hi Res images taken by the Chang’e-2 moon orbiter, which clearly show buildings and structures on the moon’s surface. He also claims NASA has deliberately bombed important areas of the Moon in an effort to destroy ancient artefacts and facilities.
Pictures yet to be released clearly show nuclear impact craters and building debris caused by explosions in an effort by NASA to destroy the truth. China is moving toward full disclosure of the Extraterrestrial reality, if these images and future ones are verified genuine then NASA should be investigated for fraud and treason. China will be releasing all the data and images from the Chang’e-2 in the coming weeks and months, let’s hope this is the beginning of a new era.“
There’s a chance that the world governments have a secret pact to exploit the moon for its minerals. This pact may be signed by other ET species residing in the Universe, which could explain why this alliance has a secretive nature. However, since greed is a common trait among humans, there shouldn’t be long until someone is excluded out of this alliance, and eventually disclose this secret project to humanity.
Countless rumors speak of an alien base located on the dark side of the moon – the side we never get to see, and it’s no secret that, in 2009, NASA publicly bombed a portion of the moon for unclear reasons. Other leaked images originating from NASA’s headquarters reveal different structures found up there that are likely to be artificial in nature.
Among the most renowned people to speak of this Moon conspiracy is Milton Cooper, a Naval Intelligence Officer who disclosed that the US Navy Intelligence Community knows of the alien base. The term used to describe it is “Luna,” and according to Cooper, its main objective is to mine the underground for certain materials. He also speaks of a massive mother ship found in the vicinity of the moon used by the aliens to store up materials, and also travel to Earth in small “flying saucers” found on the main ship.
“LUNA: The alien base on the far side of the Moon. It was seen and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. A base, a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft describing in sightings reports as mother ships exist there,” Milton Cooper revealed.
So, is it possible that what the Chinese revealed is in fact a small fraction of the mining operation facility called Luna? After all, it strongly resembles the drilling devices used by our own species, and there is no one to debunk it as being a natural formation.
For everyone who sees space as the final frontier, is a specific voyage that has opened new doors to discovery. NASA, one of the leading space discovery arenas, is one that has helped to provide new insights to those interested in space. Not only is this a part of the current events, but also invites discovery into the events that are designed to help with the discovery of the history of space science. Unidentified Flying Objects had long been the subject of conspiracy theories in which governments are intentionally concealing the alien existence by removing physical evidence of their presence. There are versions of this story; while others overlap with various other conspiracy theories, some are exclusive.
In a footage, it shows the appearance of a diamond-shaped object nearby the space station. The footage was broadcast live by NASA. However, the live feed was cut suddenly as the object appears to focus. The shocking video has sent UFO hunters and conspiracy theorists into meltdown. Despite being far, it looks massive. As the clip continues, the strange object appears to grow larger.
Suddenly, the screen suddenly turns blue. As soon as the feed restarts, it shows the space station focusing on a different angle. Supposed if the new angle covers up the spacecraft, it failed because the object can still clearly be seen. Therefore, the change of camera shows the existence of the object and not just on the lens. According to Youtube uploader, it is a form of the unexplained object. In an interview, he saw a UFO at the station. The strange object has a diamond-shaped and is changing its shape. Speaking over the footage, when you play this footage quickly, it looks like the object changes its position. NASA was established more than 50 years ago and has been a world leader in studies of our home planet.
Here are new photos of a 8-shaped object hovering high in the sky above Edmonton in Alberta, Canada. This was photographed on 19th April 106.
Witness report:It came so close we all could make out the shape of it the ascended. We, a group of us where sitting at the picnic table talking when one of our group noticed an object approaching from the south east, so I went to my apartment a got my digital camera, when I returned the group where telling me that when it was overhead they could make out the shape of it, which was in a figure eight and solid black in color, I asked where it was and they pointed it out to me just north east of us now. so I started talking picture of it at max zoom of 126x and then it stopped moving and started going up and down in one spot for about five minutes then changed directions and started climbing higher and headed east out of sight. I have pictures but one of them is the clearest.
A color scan of the original computer printout of the "Wow!" signal as detected by the Big Ear Radio Observatory in 1977. Credit: Big Ear Radio Observatory and North American Astrophysical Observatory (NAAPO)
The story behind the famous "Wow!" signal has an eerie quality that has inspired countless science fiction alien encounters and is often lauded as one of the strongest pieces of evidence that we are, in fact, not alone in the universe.
However, its "alien intelligence" authenticity has been questioned since that fabled night on Aug. 15, 1977 at 10:16 p.m. ET when astronomer Jerry Ehman used the Ohio State University’s Big Ear radio telescope to sweep the skies for signals that may have originated from an extraterrestrial civilization.
On that night, Ehman found something. And since that night, astronomers have been trying to figure out what it means.
While pointed in the direction of 3 star systems named Chi Sagittarii, in the constellation of Sagittarius, Big Ear detected a 72 second radio wave burst, a signal far stronger than background noise. On the observatory’s computer printout, Ehman circled the burst with the infamous annotation "Wow!"
This excitement wasn't an overstatement, it was this kind of signal he was looking for, the kind of signal astronomers thought a technologically-capable alien civilization would produce.
The Big Ear printout contains a bunch of apparently random numbers and letters, but Ehman’s red pen circles a cluster of digits "6EQUJ5" with other circles around a "6" and "7" on separate columns. This particular code first uses the numbers 1-9 and then the alphabet A-Z to denote signal strength. As the burst suggests, the signal strength hit "6" and then blasted through the letters reaching a peak of "U" before subsiding back into the numerical scale at "5." There was then a slight wave trailing the main signal (hence the circled "6″ and "7"). The wave profile of the "Wow!" signal is graphically envisaged here.
However, since that day in 1977, a detection of a signal of that strength has not been replicated. Even after the SETI Institute was founded in 1984, and countless efforts have been made to find another radio burst like the "Wow!" signal, astronomers have been faced with silence in the cosmos; a problem that has only served to intensify the Fermi Paradox unease.
Now, Antonio Paris of St Petersburg College, Fla., an ex-analyst of the US Department of Defense, hopes to solve the mystery and he suspects that an entirely different cosmic phenomenon is to blame.
In an interview with, Paris says that his investigative background sent him on a mission to find another possible explanation for the "Wow!" signal and he tracked down two "suspicious" comets that may have been in the vicinity of Chi Sagittarii on Aug. 15, 1977. Interestingly, these comets, called 266P/Christensen and 335P/Gibbs, were only discovered in 2006 and 2008, so weren't considered as possible reasons for the signal in 1977 as no one knew of their existence.
But what have comets got to do with errant radio bursts?
The "Wow!" signal was recorded in the 1420MHz radio frequency band. It just so happens that cosmic neutral hydrogen naturally radiates at this frequency — it is therefore an abundant signal that is commonly used in astronomy. This is no coincidence; through alien-hunting logic, should there be an extraterrestrial species wanting to make contact, what frequency would they use? Firstly, as we only have ourselves to use as an alien template, we have to assume that hypothetical aliens will likely use radio waves. Secondly, if they are using radio waves to communicate with us, they would likely use a frequency that other intelligent aliens would be naturally tuned into. 1420MHz is the "universal water cooler," where intelligent life could check into and potentially chat.
The bummer is, however, that comets contain copious amounts of hydrogen in their atmospheres. Say if the "Wow!" signal was actually caused by the chance passage of a comet through the radio telescope's field of view, packing a powerful radio surge?
In 2017, Comet 266P will once again orbit in front of Chi Sagittarii and Comet 335P will do so the following year and Paris wants to test this hypothesis. Unfortunately, existing radio telescopes are already booked, so he has to buy or build his own radio antennae in time for the cosmic encounters. He has a crowdfunding campaign set up to raise the $20,000 he needs and is most of the way there.
It may be a long shot, but as is the way with many astronomical studies, all possible phenomena need to be ruled out before a discovery is made and, should Paris' experiment prove the "Wow!" signal was in fact caused by interference by an undiscovered comet, the universe will get quieter once again, making the Fermi Paradox even more bewildering.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
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