The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Wanneer een gezin uit de Engelse stad Bolton met vakantie gaat naar Griekenland hebben ze een beveiligingssysteem bij hun eigen huis geïnstalleerd omdat in de buurt veel inbraken voor komen.
Ze gaan op 15 augustus 2016 online in Griekenland omdat de camera, waar ze op afstand verbinding mee hebben, een beweging had waargenomen en was geactiveerd.
Diane Veard uit de Engelse stad Bolton ging naar Griekenland met haar partner en drie kinderen voor een vakantie.
Bij het hun huis was een beveiligingscamera geïnstalleerd die geactiveerd werd door beweging en klaarblijkelijk was dit op 15 augustus 2016 het geval en kregen ze een seintje dat de camera was geactiveerd, waarna ze in Griekenland online gingen om via de camera te kijken.
De camera had een bij het huis rondsluipende man met zaklantaarn waargenomen die waarschijnlijk door de lichten die aanfloepten op de vlucht ging, alhoewel dit niet bij het verhaal wordt verteld.
Enige tijd later ging de camera op 11:20 weer aan en wat er toen volgde is te zien op de video hieronder.
Niet alleen gingen de lichten weer even aan en uit, maar in de achtergrond zie je een vreemd object door de lucht vliegen.
Het is een wit licht dat in de achtergrond achter een paar huizen verdwijnt om even later weer tevoorschijn te komen. Maar, dan maakt deze UFO opeens een bocht en vliegt de ander kant op.
Het gezin plaatste de video op de sociale media waar al snel een verklaring voor het vreemde licht werd gevonden, want het moest wel een meteoriet zijn.
En het had misschien door kunnen gaan voor een meteoriet, ware het niet dat het object op een gegeven moment een draai maakt van bijna 180 graden en in tegenovergestelde richting gaat vliegen.
Wanneer je naar de beelden kijkt, dan zie je dat, wat dit object dan ook moge zijn, het onder een vorm van intelligente besturing staat.
Het lijkt een beetje op de ronde UFO’s die we veel zien tegenwoordig en het lijkt alsof het een soort verkenningsvlucht uitvoert.
Misschien is er wel een andere verklaring voor en dan horen we dat graag.
Een spectaculaire UFO-opname die al in april van dit jaar gemaakt is in China, dringt pas nu in het Westen door.
Het is een prachtige video waar de mensen op een snelweg nabij Kanton stoppen, uit de auto stappen, naar de lucht staren en hun camera’s grijpen.
Soms worden er hele mooie UFO-opnames gemaakt die laten zien dat een grote groep mensen in de ban is van iets dat plotseling in de lucht verschijnt.
De volgende beelden zijn afkomstig van ufoloog Scott Waring die zegt dat alhoewel deze opname al in april gemaakt is, deze tot nu toe nog niet buiten Azië is vertoond.
Het is rond kwart voor vier in de middag als automobilisten op een snelweg in de buurt van de Chinese stad Kanton iets vreemds in de lucht zien vliegen. Volgens Scott die zelf in Taiwan woont en wel een aardig woordje Chinees verstaat, zeggen de mensen die de video hebben gemaakt dat er een “Fay-de-aya” (ufo) in de lucht te zien is en dat ze snel moeten uitstappen.
Al snel komt het verkeer compleet tot stilstand aan beide kanten van de weg en staart iedereen vol ongeloof naar de hemel. Zij die een mobiele telefoon hebben, beginnen met filmen en iedereen is heel erg verbaasd en ook een beetje angstig.
Wanneer je naar kijkt naar de video, dan zie je aan het einde dat de menigte opeens in paniek raakt en wil wegvluchten.
Volgens Scott is dit iets dat wel vaker bij Aziatische volkeren voorkomt, omdat die nu eenmaal geneigd zijn sneller in paniek te raken door onbekende dingen dan wij westerlingen.
Verder zegt Scott dat het ook heel moedig is van degene die dit heeft gefilmd om het op internet te plaatsen omdat je in China voor de meest vreemde dingen zomaar gearresteerd kunt worden.
Al met al is dit een fantastische opname van iets wat duidelijk geen vliegtuig of een drone is en er bovendien in slaagt om de lokale bevolking schrik aan te jagen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
De weermannen en vrouwen die bij ons op televisie het weer moeten voorspellen, praten over vliegtuigstrepen alsof dat een normaal onderdeel van ons leven is.
Dat dit niet zo hoort te zijn, bewijst een UFO boven Parijs die in korte tijd een enorme chemtrail doet oplossen.
Door het regelmatig vermelden en laten zien van foto’s met daarop vliegtuigstrepen zijn weermensen druk bezig met het programmeren van de bevolking.
Het is een fenomeen dat wordt veroorzaakt door vliegtuigen en volgens de weerman van RTL zelfs door schepen, hoort bij ons dagelijks leven en is zeker niet iets om ons druk over te maken.
Vervolgens laten we een mooi plaatje zien van een satellietopname waar je de chemtrails ziet hangen in de bekende rasterpatronen zoals die worden veroorzaakt door vliegtuigen.
Maar, ho, wacht even, volgens onze weerman worden bovenstaande chemtrails niet veroorzaakt door vliegtuigen, maar door schepen.
En om dat aan te tonen, laat hij het volgende plaatje zien.
Dus, de bekende rasterpatronen die worden veroorzaakt doordat vliegtuigen langs bepaalde airways/luchtroutes vliegen, zijn nu ineens de schuld van schepen.
Dat is knap, want dan zouden ook al die schepen een rasterpatroon moeten varen.
Wat ze niet laten zien op de televisie zijn beelden zoals die hierna volgen en die gemaakt zijn in Parijs op 26 september 2016.
Ook daar, net als hier, enorme chemtrails en dan verschijnt er opeens een ronde UFO in beeld.
Maar, wat heel bijzonder is, is dat na verloop van tijd de chemtrail rondom de UFO begint op te lossen.
De man die het geheel heeft gefilmd zegt het volgende:
“Ik dacht eerst dat het een drone of een helikopter was. Maar na het observeren van dit object gedurende een minuut of tien kreeg ik het vermoeden dat het misschien toch niet menselijk was. Het voerde vreemde bewegingen uit, dan weer heel snel en dan weer heel langzaam, zonder dat er een bepaald patroon te herkennen was.
Toen de UFO zich opeens in de richting van een enorme chemtrail bewoog, pakte ik snel mijn camera en probeerde het object te filmen.
Het bleef voor de chemtrail hangen en begon het langzaam te vernietigen. Het leek alsof het de chemtrail langzaam aan het “opeten” was. Ik was totaal sprakeloos.
Ik kan er nog steeds niet over uit dat ik zoiets heb weten vast te leggen. De chemtrail werd echt letterlijk “doorboord”. Ik ben er niet 100 procent zeker van dat dit gebeurd is door het object, maar ik weet zeker dat er een verband is tussen de UFO en de chemtrail.
Een dergelijke grote chemtrail kan niet zomaar vanzelf verdwijnen zonder aanleiding. En alleen een klein deel van de chemtrail wordt vernietigd, net het gedeelte rondom de UFO.
Nadat de UFO de chemtrail had “aangevallen”, begon het achterwaarts te bewegen en vloog weg in westelijke richting. Het verdween behoorlijk snel.
Natuurlijk komt bovenstaande niet in het nieuws, want chemtrails "bestaan niet". Maar, gelukkig worden er steeds meer mensen wakker en daarom hierbij nog een deel uit een eerder artikel:
Het Nederlandse publiek kun je tenslotte van alles wijsmaken.
Mensen maken vervolgens foto’s van de lucht, sturen ze op naar weerwebsites zoals die deze dan met een beetje geluk publiceren.
Zo stonden daar afgelopen week ook de volgende twee foto’s op:
Beelden die men klaarblijkelijk normaal vindt en waar weinigen verder van wakker liggen. Een lezer schreef dat de inzittenden van dit specifieke vliegtuig wel heel ziek moeten zijn geworden vanwege het bizarre gezigzag.
Wat er gebeurt wanneer burgers wakker worden en zich zorgen maken over wat er allemaal over hun hoofden wordt gesproeid, bleek vorig jaar zomer in Californië.
Er was door bezorgde mensen in Mount Shasta een vergadering belegd, waar meer dan 400 mensen naartoe kwamen.
Naast gewone burgers waren daar ook een scala aan professionals die kwamen getuigen zoals piloten, neurologen en wetenschappers. Ze verklaren unaniem dat wat er boven onze hoofden gebeurt, niet normaal is.
Al diegenen die nog steeds denken dat het onschuldige vliegtuigstrepen zijn die uren en soms dagenlang blijven hangen, doen er goed aan om te luisteren naar de experts in onderstaande video.
Navolgend een van onze zuiderburen die in gewone (Vlaamse) mensentaal eigenlijk precies hetzelfde vertelt als wat de geleerde koppen in bovenstaande Engelstalige verhandeling vertellen.
Location: Trianteika, Agrinio, Greece Date:7th Oct 2016 Submitted by
Witness report:
Three hours before the time of the sight, a thunderstorm lasted for One Hour. Electricity went out a couple of times and the lights turned on and off rapidly for 5-10 seconds mid-storm. Next three hours was normal rain. When the sight started, a similar-sized Unidentified Flying Object appeared in the sky, which seemed to have been falling down to earth. At the last 30 seconds, I went to get a camera so I could film it, but the UFO’s Red Sphere, which seemed like flames, were put out. The size of the UFO was similar to the Moon’s size, but could not be sure of it’s distance from the place. It seemed to be close to 3km-5km from us. The UFO seems similar to this but with a key difference, and that is that it was alone, without any other UFOs near it, and it had a smoke trail behind it.
Mysterious Light That Seemingly Sucking Up Chemtrail Raises Alien UFO Speculation
Mysterious Light That Seemingly Sucking Up Chemtrail Raises Alien UFO Speculation
The unidentified flying object sighting video over Paris may have shown a technique from extraterrestrial for clearing Earth’s skyline.
The UFO has been caught on the camera apparently absorbing what is left behind by an aircraft engine. The video shows chemtrail disappearing behind a white light that seemingly moved smoothly through them.
After all the chemtrail close to the white light vanished, it just zipped off and disappeared as well.
The video, posted by YouTube username WTFflow, was reportedly taken on September 28.
The witness claims that he was watching a strange looking light in the sky moving across the sky at variable speeds around his house during the sunset.
At first, he thought it was a helicopter or drone, but he started suspecting the object not to be human-made after five to ten minutes.
WTFflow got his camcorder out and started recording the chemtrail and was surprised by what he observed.
He said that the object hovered in front of the chemtrail and slowly sucked it up.
Indeed, he saw the chemtrail was being somewhat consumed progressively. He was left stunned.
WTFflow is convinced there’s a link between the disappearance of chemtrail and the UFO. He explains that only a small portion of the trail gets erased, just around the object, but it was still a significant part of the trail that disappeared for no reason.
Hey says that the UFO or light moved backward after it absorbed the trail and flew to the west in his opposite direction until it vanished quickly.
Some viewers online are convinced the light could be a UFO, but others say the video is faked using CGI. Another user says that what is shown in the video is a photoshop blurring manipulation.
Memorial University of Newfoundland student, who works on his Ph.D. in folklore, is investigating the mystery surrounding the UFO crash incident 49 years ago in Shag Harbour.
Noah Morritt is different from most UFO enthusiasts who went to the small village. He is less interested in the UFO itself and more in the effect of the mysterious event in the town.
On October 4, 1967, many people in Shag Harbour noticed a light drop from the sky that hovered over the water and eventually disappeared into the harbour. Most of the witnesses assumed a plane had crashed.
According to Morritt investigations, RCMP officers in the area also reported a plane had crashed in the water. However, no airplanes were reported missing, and no wreckage was ever discovered. Divers were sent into the harbour in hopes to find remnants, but they all came up with nothing.
The mystery led to changes in Shag Harbour. A group of volunteers, called the Shag Harbour UFO Incident Society, is focusing on the promotion and preservation of materials connected to the crash.
The small town now has a mini museum that showcases the incident and home to the annual UFO symposium.
Tourists flock to the alleged crash site to get a closer look.
Morritt has stayed in Shag Harbour for five weeks in his research about the incident and how people in the area responded to it.
He said that most residents consider the UFO crash story as part of the history of their town, but would still like answers about what transpired in 1967.
Morritt said the object that allegedly crashed into the harbour has been elusive, so there’s desire for closure.
Laurie Wickens was one of those who witnessed the strange event, and like many other witnesses, she still likes answers to what took place.
Wickens said they always thought it was an airplane, but after thinking it over again, they realized that there was nothing conventional that could fly that slowly.
The UFO symposium this year included a bus tour for the first time that traced the route Wickens and other witnesses followed after seeing the lights from the UFO back in 1967.
The bus tour ended on the shoreline of the harbour where witnesses stopped and observed the lights hovered over the water.
Wickens, who is one of the organizers of the event, said 28 people took part of the tour. The tour, according to Wickens, was a test for next year 50th anniversary of the incident in Shag Harbour.
Noah Morritt hopes to come back for the 50th anniversary with his doctoral thesis rough draft.
Static Camera Captures A Metallic Looking Item And Odd Looking UFO
Static Camera Captures A Metallic Looking Item And Odd Looking UFO
A static camera allegedly captured a robot-like object and a UFO in separate images on the same day. Paranormal investigators are now looking at this claim.
The pictures were sent to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) for further analysis.
The witness who chose not to be named described the first object as metallic and has a human-like form, which allegedly vanished when the next photo was snapped within the same minute.
The witness claimed that the pictures he sent to the organization dedicated to UFO investigation are taken on a Moultrie trail camera. He said the wind had been blowing and the camera snapped multiple photos.
The unnamed witness was reportedly deleting photos when the human form caught his attention. He estimated it to be less than 200 feet from their house.
On the first picture, the human form is on the right side, and the second photo shows it is gone.
Around seven hours later, the same camera captured a rocket-shaped UFO. The witness described it to be too big to be a bird, and the shape was something he did not see before. The thing in the sky is also in the right of the picture.
Ball of Light Seen Going Up and Down Over Block of Flats In Russia
Ball of Light Seen Going Up and Down Over Block of Flats In Russia
A ball of light was captured on video doing an up and down movement over a high-rise building in Moscow. Recorded using a mobile phone camera, the video has been viewed thousands of times after being posted online.
According to the Russian media, the UFO that can be seen moving up and down was enormous and brilliant.
Russian officials sought for comment have not released any official statement on the matter, but some claim it wasn’t the first time such light had been sighted.
Vasya Mirny says that this kind of UFO appears quite often in Moscow and that she had seen it twice this year. She adds that these UFOs are even more frequent in other cities of Russia.
Fellow social media user says since she has no idea of this thing hovering in the sky, UFO is the first thing that comes to her mind.
However, others are convinced it is just a part of outdoor lighting used for party or other events and that nothing unusual about this video.
Leaked E-Mails Of Hillary Clinton Reveal Discussions On ETs, UFOs, and Space Wars
Leaked E-Mails Of Hillary Clinton Reveal Discussions On ETs, UFOs, and Space Wars
An alleged email from an Apollo 14 astronaut and the sixth man to walk on the moon, Edgar D Mitchell, which was reportedly received by the chairman of Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign, John Podesta, was published online through WikiLeaks website.
Founded in 2006 by Julian Assange, the website reported that the mail was received in August last year. The email reveals that Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Podesta were intending to have a Skype conversation about the potential space war.
Mr. Mitchel reportedly warned his acquaintance that extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) would not tolerate military violence in any forms on Earth or in space.
However, Mr. Mitchel still described the ETI as nonviolent despite them apparently being intolerance.
“We’re arguably closer than ever to war in space. Most satellites orbiting Earth belong to the US, China and Russia. And recent tests of anti-satellite weapons don’t exactly ease the scare factor.
It sounds like science fiction, but the potential for real-life star wars is real enough.”
Mr. Mitchell wrote that war in space is about to happen. He noted that the U.S., China, and Russia own most satellites orbiting Earth. The recent tests of anti-satellite weapons do not exactly help to ease the scare factor, Mr. Mitchell further wrote. He added that though it sounds like science fiction, the potential for star wars in real life is real enough.
Mr. Mitchell’s email includes multiple online articles on the war in space possibility from various sources.
He said that last summer, Deputy Defense Secretary Robert O Work talked to Congress about space war and President Barack Obama requested $5 billion for 2016 space defense.
He noted that GPS, surveillance, and communications all depend on satellites, which can be disabled without missiles as stated by the Scientific American. Breaking antennas or spray-painting is enough to disable them.
Mrs. Clinton has been linked to UFOs and extraterrestrials in many instances.
She has vowed to open the U.S. secret X-Files if she wins in her presidential bid in November.
Mr. Mitchell died in a hospice at the age of 85 in February this year.
Live Cam Recording Shows Apparent UFO Flying Out Of Erupting Volcano
Live Cam Recording Shows Apparent UFO Flying Out Of Erupting Volcano
The sensational claim that there are alien races maintaining bases inside volcano has surfaced once again. A footage allegedly showing a UFO zooming out the side of an erupting volcano causes this claim to come back to life anew.
The recent UFO footage was taken from the live stream on the evening when the Colima Volcano erupted.
YouTube channel Streetcap1 said in a video titled “UFO Leaves Colima Volcano Real-Time Streaming” said that it warps on out there.
The video shows an oblong object emerging from either the side or behind the volcano, before seemingly flying up at around 45-degree angle.
One UFO enthusiast viewer said that the UFO in the video is about to leave the side of the mountain when the eruption took place. The commenter described the UFO as cigar shape, much like many past UFOs seen on live cams around Mexican volcanoes.
UFO researchers, who believe that aliens have bases for their spacecraft inside volcanoes, speculated the UFO took a side path since it could not leave through the mouth because of an eruption. They claim that extraterrestrials choose the inside of volcanoes for secret bases of their equipment and UFOs as humans are likely least to explore these places.
WikiLeaks Reveals Sensitive Emails Mentioning UFOs and Roswell Crash Incident
WikiLeaks Reveals Sensitive Emails Mentioning UFOs and Roswell Crash Incident
Newly leaked emails show Blink 182 former co-lead vocalist was in recent contact with John Podesta about UFOs. Tom DeLonge sent emails to Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta at least twice. He wrote about their mutual interest in more government disclosure about the UFO phenomenon that possibly involved extraterrestrials.
WikiLeaks, which recently released the emails this month, also reveals that Mr. Podesta participated in a documentary produced by Mr. DeLonge. However, it is not established whether Mr. Podesta replied to the messages.
Mr. Podesta worked at the highest levels of government during the administration of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. When Mr. Podesta left the Obama administration in 2015, he stated that his biggest failure was not securing the disclosure of American UFO files. He has long expressed interest in the subject and advocated more government disclosure on classified UFO files.
Mr. DeLonge writes in his email in 2015 that he would introduce Mr. Podesta to two people involved in their sensitive topic. Mr. DeLonge thinks Mr. Podesta would find the two very important people interesting as both were in charge of most fragile divisions handling DOD issues and Classified Science. Mr. DeLonge describes them as A-Level officials.
WikiLeaks also published another email from Mr. DeLonge in 2016 about a former military official who was in charge of all the stuff. The email reveals that the ex-military official and his men shipped the crashed UFO in Roswell to the laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. General McCasland was in charge of this lab for many years, according to the email.
Mr. DeLonge is yet to reply to a request for a comment.
Daytime footage of a triangular-shaped formation over Toronto, Canada
Daytime footage of a triangular-shaped formation over Toronto, Canada
Here’s one new video of an unidentified flying objects in triangle formation hovering in the daytime sky above Toronto in Canada. This was filmed on 24th September 2016.
Watch Actual Footage Of A UFO Apparently Traveling 120 Times Faster Than A Plane On Earth
Watch Actual Footage Of A UFO Apparently Traveling 120 Times Faster Than A Plane On Earth
Many UFO researchers say that a UFO sighting video in New Zealand is the best evidence that space aliens exist.
Many witnesses already filed reports of their sightings to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) for investigation. In fact, some of them were featured on television series and documentaries.
Earlier articles have featured England and Colorado regarding separate UFO appearances. An unnamed witness on board a jet plane captured a photo of a UFO between the island of Ireland and England. A witness on YouTube also shared a video of a UFO appearance in Chesterfield, England.
However, recently, some UFO enthusiasts and hunters believe the video showing a UFO hovering in the sky above New Zealand could be the best proof so far of space alien life here on Earth. The actual footage of a zooming aircraft was released by a morning news TV program in New Zealand. The said aircraft was allegedly moving at 120 times faster than a typical airplane.
The report also revealed that an airline tracker’s radar caught the flying object and gave it an ID name of ZED-KG-DG. Many viewers of the video commented that it is indeed moving so fast and way faster than any known military aircraft.
One UFOlogist and blogger said that he tried to check the FAA website to look for ZED-KG-DG, but failed to find it on records. He suspected that this is one of those instances wherein the U.S. government deliberately hides substantial proof of extraterrestrial with the help of the FAA.
Here’s one really interesting footage of an unidentified flying object hovering in the sky above Bodrum, a city on the Bodrum Peninsula, Turkey. This was filmed on 7th May 2016.
Witness report:
i was sitting in the house. i have a body through the sky bright. i output balcony. i save and video. kites be called body light before thought. because there seemed to queue. kites shines i ind. frequent loss after body that, back is, that color change around that any black body of i sees through black out bodies. then i noticed that the place de light cýsmým ol. and around the ray he had gezen. i sees and sea ray of moving on de. he would cling on black sea industry recording a difference before you begin approximately 5 minutes light i have the last 31 seconds before the cýsmý.kaybol could save video. lost and latest he did not seem to be afraid again. i ended the bender camera registration.
NASA has released images of a UFO landing on the crater edge of the moon. These pictures have increased speculations that space UFOs indeed exist.
The images were reportedly captured on July 20, 1969, during the Apollo 11 mission. However, only recently, these unique photos were noticed to show an unidentified flying object.
YouTube channel Paranormal Crucible posted a video featuring this UFO sighting.
Some viewers suggest that the said UFO is just a NASA missile released to terminate any alien base on the Moon. Others agree that this is a missile but not from NASA but coming from the space aliens.
It is still unknown who took the photos, but it could be either Neil Armstrong or Buzz Aldrin during their mission on the moon.
If this missile is proven to be an aircraft controlled by extraterrestrial intelligence, then NASA and the people should take extra precautions in exploring further evidence of alien existence.
As of this writing, no confirmation was made about the identification of the object, buy still many have suggested that it is a UFO.
UFO & Paranormal Research Society of Australia (UFO-PRSA) gather on a regular basis to talk about UFO sightings,alien abductions, and other unexplained phenomena.
Guest speakers, including scientists, authors, ufologists, hosted the group in public meetings held once a month at the Campbelltown Arts Centre.
Members of the group are composed of students, lawyers, and retirees who share one common belief and that is the truth is out there.
Mainstream media usually disregard theories that extraterrestrials are out there.
One member said there’s evidence that ETs have already come to Earth and this evidence is publicly available. All people should do is to look for it, the member added.
The group said that people should know what is going on instead of waiting for the government to pull the cover over the eyes. It claimed that astronauts and pilots are now coming out of the woodworks.
Another member, who is a Sydney public servant, believes aliens have been visiting her since she was nine-years-old.
The anonymous UFO believer said that she saw a gray humanoid in her room behind the wardrobe with about the same height as her when she was a child. She claimed that she wasn’t afraid of it because it was her friend that just wanted to be with her.
Author of “Contact Down Under: A Century of UFO sightings in Australasia and the Western Pacific,” researcher Moira McGhee believes aliens do exist and that they even have sexual intercourse.
She said they received reports of men being abducted and women have their way with them. There are reports too of women having their eggs taken.
Former lawyer Moira believes in alien life but admits that most ET evidence is difficult to prove or explain.
Moira explains in her book that researchers don’t need to agree with everything people say, but the worst thing researchers can do is to close their mind. Moira adds that researchers should believe anything is possible, but should also have a big dose of skepticism.
Even one of alien-related reports is true; it will surely change humanity forever, says Moira.
A huge boomerang-shaped UFO was spotted and filmed in Dunedin. The witness, who doesn’t want to be named, estimated it to be about 200 to 300 feet across and appeared to be escorted by three other flying objects.
The witness reported his sighting to Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), which is filed as case 41685. According to the report, the sighting started at around 8:40 p.m. while driving southbound on Keene Road, just north of Sunset Boulevard. The witness was with two other persons when the incident took place.
As the reporting witness drove along, he and his companions saw mysterious lights in the sky. The witnesses got a better look of these lights as they got closer to them. It was the time they realized that the lights were coming from four large aerial objects.
The driver witness pulled over, and the two other witnesses started watching the aerial activity in amazement at the side of the road. The reporting witness managed to take a video of the spectacle, but his mobile phone video produced a poor quality result.
The witness claimed that the boomerang-shaped UFO was the largest among the four mysterious objects. It had four lights that were blinking, and others were constantly shining.
The second UFO flew about 20 feet to the left of the largest UFO in a wingman position. The third one was trailing the boomerang UFO at about half-a-mile at a distance. The fourth one appeared tethering with bright white strobe.
Moments later, the boomerang-shaped flying object started releasing orbs, which were dimly visible in the night sky and vanished a few seconds later after being launched.
Footage Shows What Looks Like A Giant UFO Traveling Across The Sky Above California
Footage Shows What Looks Like A Giant UFO Traveling Across The Sky Above California
Amazing footage has been shared online showing an apparent massive spaceship traveling in a cloud cover.
Apparently recorded on October 10, 2016, in California, the video shows a spaceship look alike object flying across the sky in a cloud formation that seems to move with it.
Many viewers see it as unidentified flying object uncloaking itself. They say it looks like a flat circular plate hiding in the cloud. Some note that the clouds are moving around the UFO and since the center is lower than the rest of the UFO, it is being exposed.
They also gave a reason why the outer edge is also exposed. They say it is because the craft itself is moving at a slightly different speed than the cloud it is in.
Other viewers further suggested a reason why the UFO becomes visible for few minutes. They say that heavy winds and the perfect angle of the sun hitting the UFO cause it to become visible.
Amazing video of UFOs over Las Vegas, Nevada 11-Oct-2016
Amazing video of UFOs over Las Vegas, Nevada 11-Oct-2016
Here’s one interesting footage of an unidentified flying object flying over Blue Diamond Hills near Las Vegas, Nevada.
Witness report:
I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of October 11, 2016. I was able to get both the camcorder and night vision cameras on this object. I wasn’t sure if it was on a distant mountain or if it was in the air until it began to move towards the city. It traveled in a level horizontal path which tells me it was in the air. It would be impossible for it to be on the ground because the hills back there are so uneven and there are no perfectly straight roads in that area.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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