The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Cassini presenteert: één van de beste foto's van Pandora
Cassini presenteert: één van de beste foto's van Pandora
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Eerder deze week kwam Cassini dichter bij de maan van Saturnus in de buurt dan ooit. Het resulteert in een prachtige close-upfoto.
De foto is bijzonder. Slechts zelden hebben we het maantje in zo’n hoge resolutie kunnen bewonderen.
Ruimtesonde Cassini maakte de foto van Pandora op 18 december. Toen scheerde de sonde voor de derde keer langs de buitenste randen van de hoofdringen van Saturnus. Daarbij passeerde de sonde ook Pandora. Op het moment dat Cassini dit fraaie kiekje maakte, was deze zo’n 40.500 kilometer van Pandora verwijderd. Nog niet eerder kwam de sonde zo dicht bij het maantje in de buurt.
Pandora doet qua vorm nog het meeste denken aan een aardappel. Met een gemiddelde straal van zo’n 40 kilometer is het een klein maantje. Pandora is te vinden nabij de F-ring en doet er zo’n 15,1 uur over om een rondje rond Saturnus te voltooien. Het maantje is een slordige 142.000 kilometer van de gasreus verwijderd.
Hubble spot kerstverlichting in satellietstelsel van de Melkweg
Hubble spot kerstverlichting in satellietstelsel van de Melkweg
Tim Kraaijvanger
Bij jou thuis brandt de kerstverlichting een paar weken per jaar, maar in en rondom de Melkweg zijn nevels het hele jaar verlicht. Zo ook NGC 248 in de Kleine Magelhaense Wolk, een dwergstelsel net buiten de Melkweg.
Hubble heeft een schitterende foto gemaakt van de emissienevel NGC 248. Het object is in 1834 ontdekt door de Britse astronoom John Herschel. Helaas is de Kleine Magelhaense Wolk (inclusief NGC 248) alleen vanaf het zuidelijk halfrond zichtbaar, dus je moet op vakantie naar Australië of Zuid-Afrika om het dwergstelsel een keer met eigen ogen te zien.
NGC 248 door de ogen van Hubble.
Eigenlijk bestaat NGC 248 uit twee nevels. De objecten zijn samen zestig lichtjaar hoog en twintig lichtjaar breed. Ze zijn in september 2015 gefotografeerd door Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys. Het is ongelofelijk hoe scherp NGC 248 is gefotografeerd, aangezien de afstand tot de Kleine Magelhaense Wolk 200.000 lichtjaar is.
Het is belangrijk dat we satellietstelsels, zoals de Kleine Magelhaense Wolk, observeren. Veel sterrenstelsels zijn als dwergstelsels begonnen en zijn later – o.a. door samensmeltingen – gegroeid en veranderd in spiraalstelsels. “Daarbij is het belangrijk om te kijken naar de verdeling van stof, want uit stof ontstaan sterren”, vertelt Dr. Karin Sandstrom van de universiteit van Californië. De grote stof- en gaswolken van NGC 248 gloeien in rood licht en zijn daardoor gemakkelijk te zien.
Heb jij een spinnenfobie? Dan kun je beter niet naar Mars gaan. Op deze planeet zijn gigantische spinnen van honderden meters groot te zien. Tenminste, dat lijkt zo.
De zogenoemde Mars-spinnen ‘kruipen’ al lange tijd over het Marsoppervlak, want ze duiken ook op oudere foto’s op. Het gaat om donkere vlekken met daaromheen dunne lijntjes. Deze lijntjes lijken de poten van een spin te zijn.
Gelukkig zijn het geen echte spinnen, maar ontstaan deze spinnen in de lente als het koolstofdioxide-ijs verdampt. Het oppervlak van de rode planeet bestaat namelijk uit droog ijs. In de lente verdampt de koolstofdioxide aan de onderzijde van een ijslaag, waardoor de druk oploopt en er een barst ontstaat in de laag daarboven. Het CO2-gas ontsnapt en neemt stof mee naar boven. Hierdoor ontstaat er een donker lijnenpatroon, dat vanuit de ruimte te zien is.
Van baby-spin naar volwassen spin NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter heeft het ontstaan van een spin op de gevoelige plaat vastgelegd. “We zien nu voor het eerst hoe de baby-spinnen groeien en uiteindelijk transformeren in grote spinnen”, zegt onderzoeker Ganna Portyankina van de universiteit van Colorado. “De spinnen zijn vooral in duingebieden te zien, dus we weten niet of ze groter worden of dat ze verdwijnen onder verplaatsend zand.”
Vijf verschillende landschapskenmerken op Mars: van een baby-spin (a) tot tot een reuzenspin (c) tot een compleet veld met spinnen (e). Allemaal het gevolg van het verdampen van CO2-ijs.
Klik hier om een GIF-animatie te zien van de groeiende spinnen. Let op, deze afbeelding is vrij zwaar.
Droog ijs: alleen op Mars “Het grootste deel van Mars lijkt op de Amerikaanse staat Utah, alleen dan zonder vegetatie”, vervolgt Candice Hansen van het Planetary Science Institute in Tucson (Arizona). “De Mars-spinnen zijn echter uniek.” Dit komt omdat droog ijs van nature niet voorkomt op aarde.
Tien jaar Gelukkig draait de Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in een baan om Mars om alle seizoensveranderingen te spotten. Het ruimtevaartuig observeert de rode planeet nu al zo’n tien jaar. “Hierdoor kunnen we veranderingen makkelijk volgen”, aldus projectwetenschapper Leslie Tamppari van NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “We zijn nog steeds verrast over het feit hoe dynamisch Mars is.”
De bekende ster Betelgeuze heeft in het verleden mogelijk een zonachtige ster verorberd. Betelgeuze is één van de bekendste sterren aan de nachthemel en is te zien in het sterrenbeeld Orion.
Betelgeuze fascineert wereldwijd miljoenen (amateur-)astronomen. Dit komt mede doordat de ster op het punt staat om te exploderen. De opgezwollen rode reus kan ieder moment imploderen en dus transformeren in een supernova. Het woordje ‘ieder moment’ moet je overigens met een korrel zout nemen, want de supernova-explosie kan morgen plaatsvinden, maar ook over 10.000 jaar.
Betelgeuze in infraroodlicht. De gasschillen zijn duidelijk te zien.
Astronomen van de universiteit van Texas beweren nu dat de ster een bijzondere geschiedenis heeft gehad. Zo zou Betelgeuze een zonachtige begeleider hebben opgeslokt. Dit verklaart waarom de ster nog redelijk snel om zijn as draait, namelijk 53.900 kilometer per uur. “Dat is 150 keer sneller dan andere sterren die geen begeleider hebben”, zegt astronoom J. Craig Wheeler.
Uit computermodellen blijkt dat Betelgeuze ruwweg 100.000 jaar geleden zeer waarschijnlijk een zonachtige ster heeft opgegeten. Dit betekent dat de beroemde rode ster in Orion oorspronkelijk een dubbelster was. De begeleidende ster heeft de rotatiesnelheid van Betelgeuze flink verhoogd om daarna samen te smelten met de reusachtige gasbol.
Gaswolken Volgens Wheeler slingerde Betelgeuze tijdens het opslokken van de zonachtige ster veel gas in de ruimte met een snelheid van 36.000 kilometer per uur. Deze gaswolken zijn op infraroodfoto’s nog steeds zien, zoals op de foto hierboven. Het verklaart waarom Betelgeuze omringd is door uitdijende gasschillen. Weer een mysterie opgelost, zo lijkt het.
Geen problemen voor ons Gelukkig hoef jij je geen zorgen te maken dat Betelgeuze de aarde gaat opslokken of dat wij sterven als de ster explodeert. Er is namelijk sprake van een buffer van ruim 600 lichtjaar. Stel dat de rode reuzenster op korte termijn explodeert, dan verschijnt er tijdelijk een tweede zon aan de hemel, maar verder heeft het geen gevolgen voor aardbewoners.
The military has claimed they have no interest in UFOs and say they do not investigate UFO cases. However, through the Freedom of Information Act, investigators have uncovered several documents that would indicate UFOs have been of interest, and that the most important files were most likely never made public.
Regardless of whether one believes the UFO phenomenon is real or not, what is clear from the Air Force’s own records is that they have taken at least a hand full of UFO reports seriously since 1969, despite claims to the contrary, and they do not seem to feel obligated to share this information with the public. We at Open Minds feel differently, and will continue to bring you our findings and share with you the findings of others digging for the UFO information the Air Force seems reticent to share.
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Baby 'Spiders' on Mars Expand Across Sand Dunes (Photos)
Baby 'Spiders' on Mars Expand Across Sand Dunes (Photos)
By Samantha Mathewson, Contributor
A NASA Mars probe may have snapped rare baby photos of the Red Planet's bizarre "spiders."
The images, captured by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), show small, erosion-carved cracks in Red Planet sand dunes. The features may be infant versions of the similar-looking but larger Martian channel-networks that have been dubbed spiders, a recent study suggested.
"We have seen for the first time these smaller features that survive and extend from year to year, and this is how the larger spiders get started," study lead author Ganna Portyankina, of the University of Colorado Boulder said in a statement. "These are in sand-dune areas, so we don't know whether they will keep getting bigger or will disappear under moving sand." [Latest Photos from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter]
The spiders have been spotted only near the Martian south pole. During Mars' southern winter, carbon dioxide ice caps cover this area. When the ice thaws in the spring, deep troughs are carved into the terrain. The crevices vary in size, and multiple channels generally converge at a central point, creating surface features that resemble giant arachnids.
The new images, which MRO took with its High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera, allow scientists to chart the year-to-year growth of the potential baby spiders for the first time ever, NASA officials said.
HiRISE images captured over the span of three Martian years (which is equal to about 5.7 Earth years) show a growing network of branching channels on sand dunes. While these channels appear to be relatively small, they may help scientists learn more about how the larger spider features form, NASA officials said.
In fact, based on the rate at which the smaller channels have grown over the last three Martian years, researchers estimate it would take more than 1,000 Martian years to sculpt a typical spider feature, said the study, which was published Sept. 22 in the journal Icarus.
Similar grooves have previously been spotted on sand dunes near Mars' north pole; however, those features lasted no longer than a year, as surrounding sand filled them in. The newly reported channels, on the other hand, have grown year to year and formed a branching pattern that closely resembles full-scale spider terrain, NASA officials said.
"There are dunes where we see these dendritic [or branching] troughs in the south, but in this area, there is less sand than around the north pole," Portyankina said in the statement. "I think the sand is what jump-starts the process of carving a channel in the ground."
Sandy terrain is soft enough to be carved by the thawing carbon dioxide, but in order for the channels to persist and expand from year to year, the underlying ground must be relatively hard. Otherwise, loose sand refills the carved terrain and the channels cannot grow into the full-scale spiders observed near Mars' south pole, NASA officials said.
"The combination of very high-resolution imaging and the mission's longevity is enabling us to investigate active processes on Mars that produce detectable changes on time spans of seasons or years," MRO deputy project scientist Leslie Tamppari, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said in the NASA statement. "We keep getting surprises about how dynamic Mars is."
Mystery of 'Alien Megastructure' Star Testing Astronomers' Creativity
Mystery of 'Alien Megastructure' Star Testing Astronomers' Creativity
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
SAN FRANCISCO — Astronomers may have to think a little harder to solve the mystery of Boyajian's star.
In September 2015, Yale University's Tabetha Boyajian and her colleagues reported that the star KIC 8462852 has dimmed dramatically multiple times over the past seven years, once by an astounding 22 percent.
NASA's planet-hunting Kepler space telescope spotted these dimming events. But the brightness dips of "Boyajian's star," as it has come to be known, were far too significant to be caused by an orbiting planet, so astronomers began thinking of alternative explanations. [13 Ways to Hunt Intelligent Alien Life]
Researchers have come up with many possible causes for the dimming, including a swarm of broken-apart comet fragments, variability in the activity of the star itself, a cloud of some sort in the interstellar medium between Kepler and Boyajian's star, and, most famously, an orbiting "megastructure" built by an alien civilization to collect stellar energy.
Researchers are testing these hypotheses to the extent possible. For example, the $100 million Breakthrough Listen initiative is using the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia to hunt for signals coming from Boyajian's star, which lies about 1,500 light-years from Earth.
The Green Bank observing run will wrap up next month, said team member Jason Wright, an astronomer at Pennsylvania State University. (Other research groups have used different instruments to search for signs of intelligent aliens around Boyajian's star, coming up empty to date.)
Wright has spent a fair bit of time over the past 15 months pondering what's happening with Boyajian's star; indeed, he's lead author of a recent study outlining the various possiblities.
The mystery has only deepened since Boyajian and colleagues' September 2015 paper. Early last year, for example, astronomer Bradley Schaefer of Louisiana State University determined that, in addition to the periodic brightness dips, the star dimmed overall by about 20 percent between 1890 and 1989. This result was bolstered by another 2016 study, which found that Boyajian's star dimmed by about 3 percent between 2009 and 2013.
Wright has said that the interstellar-cloud explanation seems the most likely of the proffered hypotheses. But he's not betting on it. "That would have to be some crazy interstellar cloud," he told here last week at the annual fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
Researchers may have to dig deeper to figure out exactly what's causing the strange dimming of Boyajian's star, Wright said.
"I think it's very likely that we haven't heard the right answer yet — that I haven't heard the right answer yet, anyway," he said.
An ecosystem of tiny, cold-resistant phytoplankton living beneath the surface of icy waters near the north pole plays an integral role in the planet’s carbon cycle. And NASA is shooting giant freakin’ laser beams at it.
The tiny plants exist in a fluctuating “boom and bust” life cycle. The laser experiment recently found that even small environmental changes could heavily influence the cycles, which is a huge deal, because the tiny phytoplankton represent the base-level of the entire coastal and oceanic ecosystem’s fragile food web. Oh, and they also suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere through photosynthesis. Essentially, if they die, we could all die.
“It’s really important for us to understand what controls these boom-and-bust cycles, and how they might change in the future so we can better evaluate the implications on all other parts of the food web,” Michael Behrenfeld, a marine plankton expert at Oregon State University in Corvallis said.
Typically, NASA and other oceanographic or conservation organizations study phytoplankton levels by measuring light that reflects off of the ocean plants with various satellite sensors. But those sensors don’t work for crap in polar regions, where dark skies and constant cloud cover limit the light that the satellites can pick up. So NASA decided to bring its own light in 2006 — the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization, or CALIOP, that is, yep, essentially a giant laser beam coming out of a satellite (called CALIPSO), which looks like this:
Like the Death Star, except not like the Death Star because it doesn't kill anything.
If CALIOP sounds familiar, it’s because the technology it uses, LIDAR, is one of the most common systems used to help self-driving cars navigate.
“CALIOP was a game-changer in our thinking about ocean remote sensing from space,” Chris Hostetler, a research scientist at Langley said. “We were able to study the workings of the high-latitude ocean ecosystem during times of year when we were previously completely blind.”
CALIPSO, the satellite that carries CALIOP, launched in 2006, so the current results come off of nearly a decade of data. The takeaway is that as global warming tears through the polar ice caps, the ecosystem of phytoplankton is going to change as well. The plankton’s boom and bust cycle, as researchers described it, has an effect on every species in their ecosystem.
Phytoplankton is the base of several aquatic food webs. In a balanced ecosystem, they provide food for a wide range of sea creatures including whales, shrimp, snails, and jellyfish.
The new results found that boom cycles only last as long as the plankton’s growth rate is accelerating — meaning as soon as their growth rate becomes stagnant, the whole web of predators behind them in the food chain quickly catch up, ending the boom, and causing a “bust.” Once the plankton are gone, the larger chain starts to die off again too, to regulate. But in polar regions around Antarctica, the boom and bust cycles were tied to the ice cap coverage, not to year-to-year growth rates — which means as the ice dies, so too does the ocean ecosystem.
“The take-home message is that if we want to understand the biological food web and production of the polar systems as a whole, we have to focus both on changes in ice cover and changes in the ecosystems that regulate this delicate balance between predators and prey,” Behrenfeld said.
Boeing Is Developing Laser Pods for U.S. Fighter Jets
Boeing Is Developing Laser Pods for U.S. Fighter Jets
Boeing has won a $90-million contract to research, develop, and deliver a laser pod for the U.S. Air Force over the course of the next five years.
High-energy lasers are ideal for defense as they can destroy missiles before they are close enough to cause any damage to people or structures.
The U.S. Air Force has granted aerospace company Boeinga $90-million contract to research, develop, and deliver a laser pod by December 15, 2021. That pod is likely the Self-Protect High Energy Laser Demonstrator (SHiELD), which would be integrated into the U.S. Air Force’s fourth-generation fighter fleet.
Development of high-energy lasers as weapons kicked off in 1996 when U.S. and Israeli contractors led by global security company Northrop Grumman teamed up to develop Tactical High Energy Lasers (THELs), and the technology has been progressing since.
Boeing makes sense as a partner for the military in the SHiELD project as it is one of the organizations leading that innovation. Its Directed Energy Systems arm is dedicated to high-energy laser research and development, and in 2014, they designed the High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator (HEL-MD), a defense aid that uses a high-energy laser to track, target, and destroy objects even when they’re traveling at high speeds.
Unfortunately, self-destruction is one of the biggest threats to the human species. As overall technology progresses, warfare technologies advance with it. Using high-energy lasers to destroy oncoming threats offers a highly advantageous benefit: distance. The military can obliterate a missile, for example, before it gets close enough to inflict any damage to people or vehicles. The solution is also a low-cost, low-risk alternative to using fighter planes to combat threats.
Based on the demonstrations of these laser pods, it’s not hard to imagine that similar technology may be the answer if we’re ever faced with an impending comet collision doomsday. It’s been a common theme in video games, and in fact, a paper authored by a team led by Jonathan Campbell of NASA’s Advanced Space Flights Projects in 2002 suggested exactly that: a laser-based defense.
As part of a study called the Small Magellanic Cloud Investigation of Dust and Gas Evolution, astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have captured an image of two glowing hydrogen nebulae in the Milky Way’s dwarf satellite galaxy. The image, captured using Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), show the two “festive” looking nebulae, located so close to each other that they are referred to by one collective name — NGC 248.
The glowing red appearance of NGC 248 is most likely the result of intense radiation of its central stars heating up hydrogen in their surroundings. Scientists believe that the Small Magellanic Cloud, located roughly 200,000 light-years from Earth, contains many such glowing hydrogen nebulae, and that studying these can help better understand the birth and evolution of stars in galaxies.
“Astronomers are using Hubble to probe the Milky Way satellite to understand how dust is different in galaxies that have a far lower supply of heavy elements needed to create dust,” NASA said in a statement accompanying the image. “The Small Magellanic Cloud has between a fifth and a tenth of the amount of heavy elements that the Milky Way does. Because it is so close, astronomers can study its dust in great detail, and learn about what dust was like earlier in the history of the universe.”
The Hubble Space Telescope was launched aboard NASA’s space shuttle Discovery on April 24, 1990. Since then, it has not only captured photos of an unimaginable number of truly spectacular nebulae and galaxies, it has also peered back over 13 billion years to look at our cosmos in its infancy, giving us, as NASA aptly put in an earlier statement, “a front row seat to the awe inspiring universe we live in.”
Most recently, Hubble snapped an image of the IC 5201 — a barred spiral galaxy over 40 million light-years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Grus. The image, which reveals a bar of stars slicing through the center of IC 5201 — a feature visible in two-thirds of all spiral galaxies in the observable universe — was also captured using the ACS.
Bizarre Antimatter Emits Same Light As Regular Matter
Bizarre Antimatter Emits Same Light As Regular Matter
By Charles Q. Choi, Live Science Contributor
For the first time, physicists have shown that atoms of antimatter appear to give off the same kind of light that atoms of regular matter do when illuminated with lasers, a new study finds.
More precise measurements of this emitted light could unearth clues that might finally help solve the mystery of why there is so much less antimatter than normal matter in the universe, researchers say.
For every particle of normal matter, there is an antimatter counterpart with the same mass but the opposite electrical charge. The antiparticles of the electron and proton, for instance, are the positron and antiproton, respectively.
When a particle meets its antiparticle, they annihilate each other, giving off a burst of energy. A gram of antimatter annihilating a gram of matter would release about twice the energy as the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. (You don't have to worry about antimatter bombs popping up anytime soon; researchers are very far from creating anywhere near a gram of antimatter.)
Scientists would like to learn more about antimatter to see if it behaves differently from matter in a way that could help solve the puzzle of why the universe has so little antimatter.
One key set of experiments would involve shining lasers on antimatter atoms, which can absorb and emit light much like atoms of regular matter. If antihydrogen atoms emitted a different spectrum of light than hydrogen atoms, such spectral differences could yield insights on other ways matter and antimatter differ, the researchers said.
Now, for the first time, scientists have used lasers to carry out a spectral analysis of antihydrogen atoms.
"I like to call this the Holy Grail of antimatter physics,"said study co-author Jeffrey Hangst, a physicist at Aarhus University in Denmark. "I've been working for more than 20 years to make this possible, and this project has finally come together after many difficult steps."
The researchers experimented with antihydrogen, which is the simplest atom of antimatter, just as hydrogen is the simplest atom of regular matter. Antihydrogen atoms each consist of one antiproton and one positron.
Creating enough antimatter for researchers to examine has proven highly challenging. To create antihydrogen atoms, the researchers mixed clouds of about 90,000 antiprotons with clouds of about 1.6 million positrons (or antielectrons), yielding about 25,000 antihydrogen atoms per attempt using the ALPHA-2 apparatus, which is an antimatter generation and trapping system, at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland.
After the researchers create the antihydrogen atoms, "you have to hold on to them, and that's very difficult," Hangst told Live Science. Antihydrogen is electrically neutral, which means that it cannot be held in place using electric fields, "and you have to keep it away from matter, so it has to be kept in high vacuum," he said. In addition, antimatter is best kept at temperatures close to absolute zero (minus 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit, or minus 273.15 degrees Celsius), so it is slow-moving and easier to hold on to than antihydrogen atoms.
Then, they shone a laser on the antihydrogen, which caused the atoms to give off light. The scientists then measured the spectrum of light that antihydrogen gave off with a precision of about a few parts in 10^10 — that is, a 1 with 10 zeroes behind it. In comparison, researchers can currently measure these properties of hydrogen to a precision of a few parts in 10^15. "We want to measure antihydrogen with the same precision as hydrogen, and we see no reason why we can't do that in the future," Hangst said.
Currently the spectrums of light from hydrogen and antihydrogen look alike.
However, measuring antihydrogen with greater precision might ultimately reveal differences between matter and antimatter that could solve the mystery of the missing antimatter and lead to revolutionary changes in the Standard Model. "This is really game-changing work," Hangst said.
The scientists detailed their findings online Dec. 19 in the journal Nature.
UFO reported hovering over Florida residential neighborhood
UFO reported hovering over Florida residential neighborhood
A Florida witness at Gainesville reported “a very large, black triangle” UFO hovering over a residential area, according to testimony in Case 80933 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Witness illustration.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness was returning home from a family dinner on December 11, 2016, when the object was seen hovering about 500 feet over nearby homes.
“It had large white, solid lights on each of the three corners of the craft and a pulsating red light on what appeared to be the rear,” the witness stated. “We could actually see framework or something on the side facing us, which indicted it wasn’t a smooth surface, but rather a metallic structure.”
Witness illustration.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness then drove north into the subdivision while watching the object.
“It made a turn toward the northeast and, after a few seconds without making a sound, it ascended to a tiny point in the sky in an instant. At the moment it took off into the sky, the sky seemed to bend around the lights of the craft. Before, during and after the sighting we could see normal aircraft in the sky, as there is a close-by small, commercial airport. I cannot imagine no one else, particularly pilots, didn’t see this craft. It was enormous.”
The low flying UFO quickly moved away until it was a tiny point in the sky. Pictured: Gainesville, FL.
(Credit: Google)
Gainesville is the county seat and largest city in Alachua County, Florida, population 127,488. Florida MUFON Field Investigator Carl Paulson investigated and closed this case as an Unknown.
Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Hillary Clinton’s seemingly assured rise to the height of American power veered off track for a number of regrettable reasons, though the FBI’s late and ultimately unfounded revival of her esoteric email scandal was arguably the coup de grâce. It’s ironic, then, that an investigation intended to expose state secrets may have denied the American people their chance at one of the greatest acts of government transparency in history.
Viewers of Jimmy Kimmel Live! got a glimpse of what might have been last March, when Clinton was unexpectedly candid during an otherwise tightly scripted presidential campaign. “I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible,” she said. “If there’s nothing there, let’s tell people there’s nothing there. If there is something there, unless it’s a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public.”
Clinton was talking about how, as leader of the free world, she would try to gain access to and publicize top-secret government information about UFOs—a family obsession that stretches back to her husband’s time in office, when The X-Files was part of Fox’s Friday-night lineup, wacky tabloids flanked supermarket checkout lanes and didn’t dare endorse presidential candidates, and Art Bell’s late-night radio show, Coast to Coast AM, spooked listeners with supposedly true stories about little green men.
Back in 1995, the Clinton administration received an invitation to meet with billionaire Laurance S. Rockefeller at his Wyoming ranch. An environmental activist and founder of the American Conservation Association, Rockefeller was also a pioneer of venture capitalism—the first to front seed money to Apple. But, that day, his business with the president had to do with one of his more idiosyncratic passions: aliens. He reportedly provided President Clinton with documents containing evidence of a wide-ranging government conspiracy to keep information regarding unexplained aerial phenomenon hidden from the public. What was actually said during that private retreat remains a mystery, though it produced an official photo that has left conspiracy theorists salivating for decades.
At first glance, the image is innocuous: Rockefeller and Hillary Clinton are bedecked in amusingly ranch-appropriate gear—he in a charming straw hat, she in hiking boots and a sweatshirt. Along with her jacket, Clinton carries a book, which is angled against her body, obstructing the title. When conspiracy theorists figured out it was Are We Alone?: Philosophical Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life by physicist Paul Davies, they turned the photo into an icon worthy of preservation in the Clinton Presidential Library and Museum. Davies’ tome is an acclaimed bestseller that’s essentially a guide explaining how the discovery of alien life would reshape everything from religion to science to, yes, politics. And unlike the infamous 1992 cover of the Weekly World News, which famously depicted Bill shaking hands with a cone-handed companion, Davies’ work is entirely grounded in reality.
While this topic might appear to be quarantined to the tin foil-hat-wearing fringe, there may be no bigger advocate for UFO file disclosure than John Podesta, one of Washington, D.C.’s preeminent power players. The founder of the Center for American Progress, Podesta served as the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, after stints as counselor to President Barack Obama and chief of staff to President Bill Clinton. Still an influential voice in politics and policy, Podesta also happens to be openly obsessed with Area 51, the 1947 Roswell, New Mexico, crash site of either a spaceship or weather balloon, depending on who you ask.
Podesta’s die-hard enthusiasm led to an appearance on a SyFy channel special proposing that aliens are not only real, but that they visit Earth regularly. He’s also a huge fan of The X-Files, who hosted weekly watch parties in the first Clinton White House and celebrating his 50th birthday with an X-Files theme. His stance on unsealing those files is deadly serious: In 2002, he took part in a press conference organized by the Coalition for Freedom of Information at which he declared, “It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon." The day he left Obama’s White House in February 2015, his first public statement was a tweet with a crucial hashtag: “Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files. #thetruthisstilloutthere cc: @NYTimesDowd.”
Podesta’s comments clarify why the declassification of decades-old documents matters right now. “It would immediately create the biggest political legacy in history,” says Stephen Bassett, who rose to both fame and skepticism in the 1990s as Washington, D.C.’s first (and only) registered lobbyist focused exclusively on pressuring the government to disclose classified UFO documents.
Such a move would be one of those great presidential moments, akin to the space race that transformed President Kennedy into a historically significant leader.
Such a move would be one of those great presidential moments, according to Bassett, akin to the space race with the Soviet Union that transformed President Kennedy into a historically significant leader. The American public’s frustration with unbreakable walls of government secrecy is real and urgent, inspiring everything from the movie JFK to the birther movement. Despite their reputations for cloak-and-dagger methods, both Bill and Hillary have been eager to shine a light on potentially “dark secrets,” which Bill discussed in a 2005 speech in Hong Kong:
“I did attempt to find out if there were any secret government documents that reveal things [about UFOs], and if there were, they were concealed from me, too. I wouldn’t be the first president that underlings have lied to or that career bureaucrats have waited out ... But, if so, they successfully eluded me, and I’m almost embarrassed to tell you I did try to find out.”
In October, the whole world discovered that Podesta was involved in official preparations for galactic war when WikiLeaks exposed his emails with former astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell about the U.S. Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space. And earlier this year, the National Security Agency revealed that Russia was involved in hacks on the Democratic National Committee. Hillary Clinton called the first WikiLeaks data dump “an attack on the international community” in 2010. But it isn’t an attack if the government dumps its own data first.
In an interview earlier this year, Podesta rekindled hopes that such an effort would be high on Clinton’s agenda, telling political reporter Steve Sebelius that he had convinced Clinton to disclose much of the classified information on UFO phenomenon. “It’s time to find out what the truth really is that’s out there,” he said. “We ought to do it because it’s right. We ought to do it because the American people, quite frankly, can handle the truth. And we ought to do it because it’s the law.”
Now, with Trump in office, instead of setting a precedent for a government that has moved beyond covert Cold War tactics into an unprecedented era of openness, we are transitioning to an administration with an unsettling fondness for a Russian president who spent decades as a KGB operative. Radio show Coast to Coast AM, still on the air, though now hosted by Art Bell’s maligned rival George Noory, described Donald Trump’s “stunning victory” in a post-election blog post as “a devastating blow to the UFO disclosure movement.” It’s a sentiment echoed by Bassett, who says that he has no plans to lobby a Trump administration to declassify the UFO files. Instead, he’s looking to redirect his efforts elsewhere.
“I’m packing up my shop and moving to Europe,” he said. “The British and Vladimir Putin are sitting on the same classified intelligence. I’d prefer it to be an American who makes history, but getting the truth out there is the most important thing.”
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UFO Sighting In Sebastian Excites Local Enthusiasts
UFO Sighting In Sebastian Excites Local Enthusiasts
A green object was seen in the sky over Sebastian. (Photo: Duffie Almeida Fattey)
SEBASTIAN, Florida – A UFO was captured by a Sebastian resident when she was taking pictures of the clouds on Wednesday near the Indian River.
At first glance, the object appears to be a lens flare. But upon further investigation, the Unidentified Flying Object shows up in other images without the flare (see picture below).
“I was just taking pictures of the clouds and sun and noticed it,” Duffie Almeida Fattey said in a statement. “Then, 15 minutes later I went out and took more pictures.”
The object appears to be bright green, and the size is unknown. There are a lot of theories on what it might be. It can’t be the moon since it was on the opposite side of the planet at the time these photos were taken.
The object in the photo can’t be a meteor because they usually leave a tail and carry streaks, and meteors only last a few seconds. This UFO was in the sky for several minutes.
There have been other sightings in Sebastian reported to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), which is an American-based non-profit organization that investigates cases of alleged UFO sightings.
The first report of a UFO in the area was on January 4, 2015, when two red glowing objects suddenly changed direction, according to MUFON.
The second incident was reported on May 6, 2015, after several residents spotted a “metallic long inverted cross like shape” that made no noise.
MUFON received the third report of a UFO sighting in Sebastian on February 3, 2016, after witnesses saw a well-formed contrail that made a tight zig-zag flight pattern, into a loop. The UFO then appeared to go straight up with two black forms on each side.
There must be an explanation for this sighting. In the meantime, we’ll just accept it as a Christmas greeting.
Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell talks about his documentary, 'Moonwalker', which profiles NASA astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell and his fascination with the paranormal.
Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell makes his livingseeking out the ExtraOrdinary; that seemingly gratuitous capitalization perfectly encapsulating his mission to–as he puts it–“force us to reconsider the fabric of our own beliefs” and consider an atypical alternative. His approach is to undermine attempts to discredit unorthodox opinions by way of discrediting the opinion holders themselves.
This investigative journalist and documentarian believes that the key to opening minds to a radical viewpoint is to filter the message through credible sources; highly regarded, successful, smart individuals whose very presence compels an audience to, at the least, hear them out.
Corbell demonstrates this method in his documentary, Moonwalker, which profiles the late Dr. Edgar Mitchell. In this iteration, the credibility lies in Mitchell’s credentials: NASA astronaut, aeronautical engineer, Lunar Module pilot of Apollo 14, and the sixth person to walk on the moon. Less credible were the theories he developed over the course of his career; Mitchell was outspoken in his conviction that aliens exist, that they have visited earth and that governments cover this fact up. He also believed in parapsychology and remote healing, which he claimed cured him of cancer.
Corbell was one of the last people to interview this enigmatic figure before he died at age 84 in February 2016. His documentary focuses on Mitchell’s involvement in Ufology and ExtraTerrestrial intelligence.
OMNI: What first triggered your deep fascination with the UFO phenomenon?
Jeremy Corbell: It was 1989, and I was 13 years old. I remember sneaking a radio into bed so I could stay up late and surf the airwaves. I hid under my sheets and kept the volume low, as to not get caught staying up late on a school-night. I found a station broadcasting, to me at the time, a random interview. The questions were being asked by a Nevada-based reporter, George Knapp. He was interviewing and investigating the claims of a former government physicist named Bob Lazar. At that time, no one had heard of Lazar outside of scientific circles. Today, Lazar is famous–the only reason anyone knows of Area 51 is because of Bob. His story eventually became global news. OMNI actually did an extensive article on Lazar about five years after he came forward with his story (OMNI MAGAZINE, APRIL 1994).
What drew me into Lazar’s story was his description of how flying saucers actually worked. The story goes, Lazar was stationed at a top-secret sub-base of Area 51 in Nevada called S4 and was tasked by a branch of the United States government with reverse-engineering a Non-Terrestrial propulsion system. He later discussed a power-source he examined (an isotopically stabilized version of Element 115) and the Anti-Matter Reactor harvested from one of the saucers. He even went into great detail on how these machines (at least the one he personally worked on) traversed space-time. His story was mind-blowing. It tantalized the imagination and provided potential proof that we were being visited by non-human intelligences and our government had actually recovered, or been given, some form of alien technology.
The propulsion technology Lazar described was so counterintuitive, it literally flipped my script. He talked about wave guides and gravity wave amplifiers. He explained that Gravity was a wave and how, like any wave, it could be amplified. The concept of amplifying and directing gravitational waves had huge implications; if you distort gravity, you are also distorting time-space. All three (gravity / space / time) are intimately connected.
In essence, traditional propulsion is like shooting a bottle rocket into the sky – it’s pretty straightforward. What Lazar was describing was far more sophisticated. Imagine that time-space is like a waterbed, and on that waterbed you place a bowling ball. Anywhere you press your fist on the bed, the bowling ball will fall towards your fist. Essentially, this is what happens when you distort space-time with a powerful and directed gravity wave. You’re not really flying, rather, you’re falling towards your destination.
This was the moment, this one interview when I was 13 years old, something powerful ignited inside of me and I began my journey towards seeking the truth. A sort of bizarre quest to personally find answers to these big questions. I wanted to know if there were other intelligent and technologically advanced lifeforms. More importantly, I wanted to know if they were visiting Earth and, if so, what is the purpose of these visitations? After all, it takes only ONE of the millions of witness reports to be true for the whole egg to crack. Just one. And those are some good odds. On that evening with my radio, my curiosity was weaponized. There was no turning back. I wanted answers. And now, decades later, I’m satisfied I have found some of those answers.
How would you define science fiction? Is it related to science?
Many things we once considered to be Science Fiction have evolved into Science Fact. I think about that every time I get in an airplane or FaceTime my wife on my iPhone. Existing at this moment in human history is similar to a surrealist Salvador Dalí mashup of The Flintstones & The Jetsons.
On one hand, we are still in the Stone Age; we have a Fred Flintstone mentality, propelling vehicles with our bare feet and square stone wheels. For the most part, we don’t utilize our available technology for the good of the Earth and Humankind. We prioritize profit over need and caution over evolution. It takes individuals like Elon Musk (who has the vision and means) to embark on a personal crusade to alter the way we think and consume energy–it’s astounding! We seem to be behind the curve in many fundamental ways; it takes pioneers in each critical sector of human evolution to begin the revolution of how we relate to our world.
On the other hand, we’ve made some enormous technological leaps that at one time seemed like science fiction. In just the past five years alone we've made mind-boggling strides even George Jetson would be astonished by. We now know Gravity is a wave, functional nanotechnology on the atomic scale is a reality and atomic printing is the future of production. We’ve created (unstable) Element 115 in minute amounts using particle accelerators and sent particles of light into the past and retrieved them (like a rudimentary version of WonkaVision). We’ve achieved instantaneous binary communication through the pairing of quarks with implications so vast, breaking the speed of light is only a byproduct footnote. Additionally, current scientific analysis seems to suggest that we live in a holographic Multiverse. A world built from data, where any particular moment contains the entirety of all cause and effect reactions simultaneously and in infinite combinations both temporally and physically. Through the study of quantum mechanics, we understand physical reality directly responds to our personal consciousness; the Universe literally adapts its fundamental laws and manipulates matter in relation to our awareness. If this Science Fact doesn’t sound like Science Fiction, like Werner Herzog, I’ll eat my own shoe.
What was your initial impression of Edgar Mitchell’s controversial claims, and how did your opinion and belief evolve over the course of your interactions with him?
When I first met Dr. Mitchell, I was mainly interested in his experience of being the 6th man to walk on the Moon. He was a hero to me; he was a MOONWALKER for Christ sake! How cool is that? Only a handful of people can say they walked on another celestial body and looked back at the Earth’s globe. Dr. Mitchell’s other claims were almost auxiliary to my desire of speaking with him. Once we began filming, however, I found the rabbit hole to go quite deep.
Dr. Mitchell was a very precise man; he was clear, eloquent and direct. Initially, I desired to learn what he thought of Bob Lazar’s claims and to confirm some confidential information I had been given that only Dr. Mitchell could confirm. Once we got past those basic points, I was exposed to a deeper, more philosophic side Dr. Mitchell had to share. You have to understand, Dr. Mitchell didn’t tow the line in any area of his life; he was a sort of Space Cowboy. A pioneer among mortals. Dr. Mitchell had seen some shit and was willing to talk about it. A moment that particularly sticks out is when we discussed a seminal moment he had when in-route back to Earth during his Apollo 14 mission. He described it to be spiritual in nature and explained he had a cosmic experience upon his decent that forever changed his belief structure. He likened it to a game of pickup-sticks; he said everything he thought he knew about the Universe was thrown in the air and scattered about. Ever since, he’d been picking up those pieces and trying to make sense of it all. When he explained this experience to me, man to man, person to person, I couldn’t help but be affected.
Dr. Mitchell was a believer. He had personally witnessed what we call The Paranormal due to his work at S.R.I. (Stanford Research Institute). He was also briefed on the reality of UFOs by military and intelligence officers; people who were in the position to know. Dr. Mitchell, like me, simply didn’t have the luxury of disbelief by the time I met him. That is something both he and I agreed on adamantly.
How much creative input in your documentary Moonwalker did Dr. Mitchell demand, and how much did you ultimately afford him?
None. Dr. Mitchell trusted me. Because he knew some of the individuals I was working with and he watched a few of my films prior to us meeting, I believe he took a leap of faith that I wouldn’t distort his words. On the other hand, I pushed him on topics; I didn’t want to leave any stone unturned in our sessions together. It wasn’t always comfortable interviewing Dr. Mitchell and there were times when you could see his temper rise.
From the beginning, I made it clear to Dr. Mitchell I wanted to share my footage with the global public. He was all in, he wanted to talk. He deeply believed humanity had a “need to know” and a “right to know” about UFOs and what Dr. Mitchell called The Coverup. After all, he had seen firsthand how information was compartmentalized and hidden from the public, he wanted no part of it. He explained from a military standpoint, the UFO Phenomenon poses a significant threat. It’s a National Security problem, and has always been treated as such. He was adamant on the fact that our nations best kept secret is that we are being engaged by other advanced intelligences and he spoke about how the public has been kept in the dark for decades on the topic. He was very matter-of-fact about that. We discussed the two main reasons for the veil of secrecy. One, no Department Of Defense in the world is willing to admit to its citizens that craft of unknown origin are traversing our skies with impunity. Two, they are so advanced, both technologically and with their maneuverability, we have zero control or recourse. We postulated the reasons for The Coverup, the first being how the uncertainty caused by this reality could be panic invoking to the public. The second is simply that we want to have a technological advantage over other nations. With a technological advantage, we will remain a dominant military superpower.
Dr. Edgar Mitchell was intelligible, so it’s my job to present my film footage with the same clarity. With my work I aim to show who Dr. Mitchell was as an individual, as well as accurately depict the narrative he conveyed to me. That’s my mission, and I’m honored he gave me the opportunity to do so.
What is the most compelling evidence you have come across in support of the existence of extraterrestrial beings?
Some of the best evidence for the uneducated on this topic is the documentation of mass-sightings such as the Phoenix Lights event in 1997 and the Battle of Los Angeles incident in 1942, an event my Grandmother was eyewitness to. Also, the Ariel School Mass UFO Experience in 1994 where 62 children in South Africa had a bizarre and fascinating close encounter; This event was investigated and documented by the BBC and Dr. John E. Mack, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
There have been many mass-sightings over the past decades. It’s a great departure point for conversation because they are hard to deny, especially when you have both civilian and military witnesses coming forward telling the same story from completely different vantage points. Because you have eyewitness accounts from credible individuals and trained observes mixed with photographic and digital data (such as ground and air radar), it becomes difficult to dismiss the event as mass hallucination or trickery.
In fact, I’m working on a case right now that sits right in the sweet zone. I was provided insight and access to information of a recent military event that is not public at this time. It has all the points of interest that I like to focus on, things I can prove, and top notch corroborating witnesses with footage to back up the claims. It was a recent event, and has to do with scout-craft docking with USOs (Unidentified Submerged Objects). It’s a very important and complex case that I believe will be revelatory, once I make it public. That’s all I will say about it at this time.
Truthfully, however, the most compelling evidence I have encountered has been in private, speaking with concerned individuals within the Military Industrial Complex and intelligence communities who want the truth exposed. These conversations have provided me with my best evidence, and my most solid leads as a journalist.
What is the most popular counterargument to that evidence?
The most popular counterarguments to denying the UFO reality are pretty obsolete by this point in history. We are learning new things every day about the nature of reality and our place in the Universe. It’s hard to deny that life is homogeneous throughout the cosmos, from both a philosophic and scientific standpoint; Scientifically, it’s beyond improbable. From the Drake Equation to the Fermi Paradox, people will always debate the possibility of visitation, but if they’re genuinely curious to know the truth, they should spend a little more time looking skyward.
The idea that other Earth-like planets in the goldilocks zone have been nourishing life far longer than here on Earth seems to be easy to grasp for most. I believe the concept of space-time travel is what's most difficult for the majority to comprehend - this is what first attracted me to Bob Lazar’s explanation of how craft are making interstellar trips. The public tends to speak blindly about the UFO topic and in part, that’s by design. We have been taught to ridicule and mock the concept of all things extraterrestrial, embedded quite intentionally into our culture. The truth is stranger than fiction, and it’s quite easy to begin to get a grasp on it if one simply takes the time.
What is the central message of your oft-cited call to “weaponize your curiosity”?
My message is transparent. Ideas are weapons. Your thoughts are extraordinarily powerful. Your questions can act as ammunition to obliterate obstacles standing in the way of knowledge. It’s fucking simple.
If extraterrestrial life does indeed exist, what would need to happen for government bodies and the general public to accept it?
I don’t have a clue. Proof to one person is not proof to another. I feel if any one person sincerely looks at the mountain of documentation that is available on the subject, it’s an undeniable conclusion we are not alone. We have been and are being visited, taunted or educated by some sort of non-human intelligence. And that’s just the starting point. It’s a matter of personal prejudice to hold the belief that humans are the pinnacle of intelligence and technological advancement in our ever-expanding Multiverse. It’s an ego-driven conclusion or a fear-based assumption that goes against basic logic and common sense. I have personally been satisfied beyond a shadow of a doubt that The Phenomenon is real. Our conversation needs to be elevated to the next level.
However, ultimately the architects of the secrecy are the visitors themselves. If they wanted to reveal themselves, they would reveal themselves. It’s quite possible the truth of the matter is so damn strange, we can’t even see it.
Which piece of science fiction features the most accurate representation of aliens?
Science fiction would have to be Star Trek. In fact, I did an interview with Eugene Roddenberry about UFOs and the future of humanity. It has yet to be released, but it’s fascinating. His father was a genius, and Eugene is a chip off the old block.
However, if you want an accurate representation of aliens, how about a film funded completely by the CIA on the subject of UFOs and ET contact titled UFOs: Past, Present, and Future? (narrated by Rod Serling) released in 1974. This little known piece of cinematic history was an attempt from inside the intelligence community to make up for the Project Blue Book debacle. It was presented to test the climate of thought on the topic of UFOs with the public. The film describes an actual landing of craft with beings entering Holloman Air Force Base in 1964. By the way, there is actual footage of this landing - so I would say that it’s a pretty accurate film.
I had the opportunity to question Dr. David Robarge (Chief Historian for the CIA) and and Eugene Poteat (Senior CIA Scientific Intelligence Officer, responsible for programs at Area 51) about the film. My mentor in journalism, George Knapp, was hosting a panel at the Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas. A few decorated CIA men were assembled to talk about the great achievements that were made at Area 51, such as the Stealth Fighter, The SR-71 Blackbird, etc. I asked Dr. Robarge if he was aware the CIA funded UFOs: Past, Present, and Future?. He denied having knowledge that the funding was generated by his agency. However, the film WAS backed by the CIA, and it’s awesome. You should watch it. You can see me interviewing the CIA chaps here.
Are we as a society moving toward being comfortable discussing this? (Especially with the continuing trend of big-budget sci-fi films to this nature.)
Yes. Clearly we are. In 2013 my company and business partner, Reuben Langdon, produced an event called 'The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure'. Reuben is really the unsung hero in getting that event to happen, and Dr. Mitchell was actually our opening speaker at the hearing. It consisted of forty researchers along with military/ agency/ political persons of high-rank and station coming together at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to testify to six former members of the United States Congress about events and evidence indicating an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.
It was a historic event. We made the footage available (in multiple languages) to allow these brave testimonies to become part of the public record on the topic of UFOs. If that doesn’t open the doors to conversation, nothing will. You can watch all of the testimony here.
The WikiLeaks release occurred while your film was still in production. How did you capitalize on that last-minute development to facilitate your film’s positive reception?
I’m doing an interview with OMNI.
How does the WikiLeaks play into the overall narrative that you conveyed in your film?
We will have to wait and see. I’m still editing my footage, and the Wikileaks situation was both good and bad for the UFO topic. It was no secret that John Podesta and the Clintons have been trying to open the books on the UFO reality for quite some time. Podesta has petitioned at the National Press Club for the cause and both Hillary and Bill Clinton have openly talked about their interest and intent regarding UFOs and exposing the truth to the American people. As it stands, I’m not going to hold my breath that the WikiLeaks will be a Hail Mary towards Disclosure. Unfortunately, there are forces far beyond political powers controlling the information. It’s up to curious-minded individuals to educate themselves personally.
How has your exploration into the paranormal influenced your appraisal of science fiction from both an enjoyment perspective and in terms of its utility for scientific research?
Two investigations stick out in my mind; first is Skinwalker Ranch. George Knapp and Colm Keller wrote a fascinating book about the bizarre and profound paranormal activity on a seemingly otherworldly ranch in Utah. The ranch sits on sacred Native American land and has a long history of being an epicenter for UFO and paranormal activity. George was the only reporter ever allowed on the ranch to cover the story; Colm is a revered scientist employed by Bigelow Aerospace (owned by billionaire Bob Bigelow). There will be more coming out about Skinwalker Ranch in 2017.
The next investigation that really pushed the envelope of my consciousness is about a guy I call Nano Man. He’s a military-funded nanophysicist that peruses cutting-edge nanotechnology with the sole purpose of helping humans become Extraterrestrials. I have filmed and produced two episodes in the series so far. The first is about a mysterious meta-material he believes “was not created here on Earth.” I took it to NASA's Ames Research Center to see what was up with this alleged Off-World (alien) nano-robotics that Nano Man described as 'Utility Fog' (a term from Science Fiction). In the second episode, I turned my lens on an advanced propulsion system he calls The SpaceDrive. He believes this strange propulsion system may provide hard, physical proof for the existence of the Multiverse (a four-dimensional or higher reality). The discovery would revolutionize not only our understanding of the known Universe and the physics that govern it, but would also exponentially expand the possibility of humanity becoming an interstellar spacefaring civilization.
So basically … I’m already living in a sci-fi movie. I don’t know what else to say. You can watch my Nano Man series here.
Consider the portrayal of UFO and ETI in conventional science fiction as opposed to what your research points out. What are the key differences in these proposed realities?
You gotta love the movie E.T., but what we are dealing with is far more complex and, unfortunately, it may be far more sinister. Most films on the subject are based on actual encounters and some films have actually done a great job at expressing the complexity of the UFO problem. In fact, there has been a great deal of guidance given to those in Hollywood who portray ETIs and UFOs in cinema. I know many military men who were tasked, from time to time, to “advise” for films on behalf of our military and intelligence industry. The Abyss, Close Encounters, Fire In The Sky, Contact, even the television show Stranger Things, were all born from a confirmed event or they referenced actual events.
The one aspect of the UFO problem that I have not seen properly transferred to film yet, is the concept that UFOs are only a symptom of a much greater reality. That concept is so deeply transformative when realized, it’s hard to imagine capturing the feeling with cinema.
You published a video clip called "Bending Spoons" in which Edgar Mitchell tries–and fails–to teach you to use psychokinesis. What was your experience like doing that? Have you tried again?
No. In the film clip you see Dr. Mitchell attempting to teach me to bend spoons with my mind. Apparently, I’m the worst psychokinetic spoon-bender on the planet. I’m OK with that. The backstory is in his work at S.R.I. (Stanford Research Institute) circa early 1970s. He was telling me about what they learned from the experiments they pursued there and about some CIA-funded work being done at that laboratory that he was a part of. Dr. Mitchell personally experienced a multitude of manifestations of The Phenomenon at that time. For example, as they would scrutinize Uri Geller and interrogate his methods, shit just got weirder and weirder apparently. Dr. Mitchell said it got to a point where objects were materializing and de-materializing in the lab. At one point, a miniature flying saucer materialized and was floating around the room. During this era, Dr. Mitchell started to ask questions about if our consciousness somehow influenced the manifestations of The Phenomenon. He went on to create the Institute of Noetic Sciences in 1973 in pursuit of questions like this.
In the end, because I failed so powerfully at melting metal with my mind, Dr. Mitchell told me to “Keep my day job” and signed a hilarious letter to bring back to my wife as a trophy of my failure. He had a great sense of humor.
How would you describe Dr. Mitchell’s attitude toward his position of black sheep among his NASA peers. Did he celebrate his deviation from the norm, or did he harbor resentment or frustration at his naysayers?
Dr. Mitchell was a confident man and I don’t think he gave a shit what anyone thought. He was pissed at NASA on some level, pissed at those who fought to keep the UFO reality a secret. He also had his secrets. He kept some Moon rocks hidden in his home safe (right next to his psychokinetically-bent spoons). No, I don’t think he gave much of a shit what people thought of him.
How do you believe he should be remembered? (Or even, how did he want to be remembered?)
Dr. Mitchell was an explorer. A pioneer. But above all else he was a humanitarian and a seeker of truth. There have been many great men and women who were courageous enough to tell the truth about UFOs, and I’m confident there will be many more in the future. However, sadly, no one can replace Dr. Edgar Mitchell - 6th man to walk on the Moon. The man wore space-boots for Christ sake… those are huge shoes to fill. I can say this with absolute certainty, Dr. Mitchell’s curiosity was weaponized on his decent back to Earth from his Apollo 14 mission. It was the moment that forever changed his life. I can only hope others make the same leap, take risks and make meaningful moves in their lives.
You had the unique opportunity to be the last person to interview Edgar Mitchell. What were his last words to you?
Honestly, I think they were “God Dammit!” I woke him up from a nap to get a final release signature before having to jump on a plane back to Los Angeles from Miami. I don’t think he liked being woken up. It’s funny though, it’s not his last words that are important, it’s the way he opened his home and heart to me. That, I will always remember. And his dog Cutie. He loved that dog (who is featured in my film). Cutie got more treats than there are stars in the heavens above.
How has your research influenced your personal belief system and values?
It has transformed them entirely. It has completely altered my worldview. I went out to find the truth and ended up finding so much more. I went from understanding the UFO problem as a nuts and bolts issue, to seeing the issue as a much larger paradox. I realized the UFO Phenomenon is only one manifestation of a much larger reality. It’s hard to describe in words and that’s why I make films about it. I tell the whole story in a lecture you can watch here.
What does it take to be a black sheep? Can we all aspire to take on a ‘black sheep’ persona? Should we?
It takes courage. And the answer is yes. Break from the fold. Shake things up. Stir the pot. Bend the rules. And if you’ve got anything to confess, come to me about it. Part of being an investigative filmmaker is spilling secrets, the other is knowing when to hold them. I’m good at doing both.
What would you like your viewers to take away from the film?
That depends on what you’re seeking to find. We see what we’re looking at, and we hear what we are listening for. If my audience gets a glimpse into who Dr. Mitchell was and what he was passionate about, that’s enough for me.
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VIDEO: Waarom ik in UFO’s geloof (en jij dat ook zou moeten doen)
VIDEO: Waarom ik in UFO’s geloof (en jij dat ook zou moeten doen)
De Amerikaanse schrijver Ben Mezrich gaf onlangs een TED-lezing over UFO’s en andere onverklaarbare fenomenen, meldt de Boston Globe.
Hij had het onder meer over de vliegende schotel die in 1947 op een ranch bij Roswell in New Mexico neerkwam. Het leger zei later dat het een weerballon was, maar Mezrich is sceptisch.
“Ik ben van mening dat wat er is neergestort bij Roswell hoogstwaarschijnlijk niet van hier was,” zei hij.
Heel vreemd
Mezrich sprak over een hulpsheriff uit Colorado die onderzoek heeft gedaan naar UFO-waarnemingen en bizarre gevallen van veeverminking.
“Bij die koeien waren alle organen weggehaald,” zei Mezrich. “Het is heel vreemd allemaal.”
Hij merkte ook op dat Hillary Clinton had beloofd om zoveel mogelijk UFO-stukken vrij te geven als ze president zou worden. “Dat gaat nu helaas niet gebeuren,” aldus Mezrich.
Ondergrondse legerbases
“Deze stukken bestaan echt,” zei hij. “Maar om de één of andere reden wil de overheid ons niet vertellen wat er bij Roswell is gebeurd.”
Zijn reis bracht hem van Roswell en Area 51 naar het Pentagon, geheime ondergrondse legerbases en corporaties die onderzoeken dwarsbomen en proberen over te nemen.
Verduisteringen mysterieuze ster stellen onderzoekers voor raadsel
Verduisteringen mysterieuze ster stellen onderzoekers voor raadsel
Het licht van een nabijgelegen ster wordt op een onverklaarbare manier verduisterd, schrijft de Britse krant Independent.
Pas geleden werd ook al zo’n vreemde ster ontdekt. Men speculeerde toen dat de periodieke helderheidsdipjes werden veroorzaakt door een ‘buitenaardse megastructuur’.
Astronoom Jason Wright zei dat KIC 8462852, ook wel Tabby’s ster geheten, verduisterd zou kunnen worden door een ‘zwerm megastructuren’.
“Ik kom hier maar niet uit,” zei hij. “Hoewel het zo interessant en zo gaaf is, is het tegelijkertijd volstrekt onbegrijpelijk.”
Als een ster zwakker wordt, betekent dat doorgaans dat er een planeet of ander hemellichaam omheen draait.
Rond de pas ontdekte ster, RIK-210 geheten, draaien echter geen grote ruimteobjecten.
In het geval van RIK-210 wordt niet gesproken over ‘buitenaardse megastructuren’.
Onderzoekers denken dat het vreemde gedrag van de ster wordt veroorzaakt door een deeltjeswolk die gevangen zit in het magnetisch veld van de ster.
De ster bevindt zich op een slordige 472 lichtjaar van de aarde.
Aangezien het lastig is op zo’n grote afstand waarnemingen te doen, kan het onderzoeksteam nog niet met zekerheid zeggen of de helderheidsdipjes daadwerkelijk worden veroorzaakt door een wolk in de magnetosfeer.
Wel hebben de onderzoekers uitgesloten dat de ster onderdeel uitmaakt van een dubbelstersysteem. Rond de ster draaien ook geen planeten.
Het is nog steeds onduidelijk wat de oorzaak is van het vreemde gedrag van Tabby’s ster, die wordt onderzocht door SETI.
Onbekend object
Net als in het geval van RIK-210 wordt licht tegengehouden door een nog onbekend object rond de ster.
Het zou kunnen gaan om een Dysonbol, een megastructuur die rond een ster is geplaatst door buitenaardse wezens.
Het onderzoek over RIK-210 is gepubliceerd op preprintserver arXiv.
EmDrive: China claimt doorbraak in onderzoek naar ‘onmogelijke’ motor
EmDrive: China claimt doorbraak in onderzoek naar ‘onmogelijke’ motor
Dit stukje technologie lijkt bijna te mooi om waar te zijn. De EmDrive is een motor die wordt aangedreven door elektromagnetische straling in een vacuüm.
Sinds 2010 doen zowel de Verenigde Staten als China uitgebreid onderzoek naar deze ogenschijnlijk onmogelijke motoren. China claimt nu een doorbraak te hebben bereikt.
Dr. Chen Yue van de Chinese academie voor ruimtetechnologie (CAST) liet weten dat China niet alleen een EmDrive succesvol heeft getest, maar dat er ook al wordt geëxperimenteerd met een prototype in de ruimte, aan boord van ruimtestation Tiangong-2.
Duizelingwekkende snelheden
Door de afwezigheid van zwaartekracht en wrijving in de ruimte, kan de EmDrive duizelingwekkende snelheden bereiken.
Een EmDrive kan kwetsbaar zijn voor bijvoorbeeld straling uit de ruimte en om die reden is het belangrijk dat de motor aan boord van een ruimteschip zoals de Tiangong-2 wordt getest.
EmDrives zijn uitermate geschikt voor ruimtereizen omdat er niet hoeft worden bijgetankt. Er is ook geen opslagtank nodig voor brandstof, wat veel gewicht en ruimte scheelt.
Buiten het zonnestelsel
In theorie kan de motor worden gebruikt voor bijvoorbeeld een bemande Marsmissie of ruimtesondes die naar een plek buiten het zonnestelsel gaan.
Als China in staat is om EmDrives te installeren in haar satellieten, zouden ze een stuk goedkoper worden en veel langer meegaan.
Voorbij de planetoïdegordel
De huidige EmDrive produceert een stuwkracht van 1,2 millinewton per kilowatt, terwijl de gemiddelde satelliet 0,1 tot 1 newton nodig heeft.
Met een werkende EmDrive kan China sondes met gemak tot ver voorbij de planetoïdegordel sturen.
White Light UFO Over Mountain In Slovakia On Dec 19, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
White Light UFO Over Mountain In Slovakia On Dec 19, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Dec 19, 2016 Location of sighting: Slovakia
Just a few days ago, this glowing UFO was seen over a mountain top in Slovakia. UFOs tend to be seen over volcanos, like those in Mexico, and mountains, like those in Colorado. I myself recorded a similar UFO here in Taiwan, just a week after it was also seen in China. It glows as bright as the moon. Its huge, and just suddenly appears, then after 15 minutes its just gone! Absolutely mind blowing to know...they are watching you as you are watching them. Hey, I will include the video I took in 2013, here in Taiwan...right over my apartments...never saw it before and never saw it again. Scott C. Waring
UFO With Green Trail Over Homes Near Huntington Beach, California, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
UFO With Green Trail Over Homes Near Huntington Beach, California, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: 7-20-2013, but reported this week. Location of sighting: Huntington Beach, California, USA Source: MUFON #81084 Here is an interesting report that was just sent into MUFON today. A dark UFO disk was moving around above the eyewitnesses neighbourhood and the UFO was making a green trail behind it. Now this concerns me because it appears to be a UFO that is spraying something over the neighbourhood. This may be another alien experiment...something that will effect their health, probably mental health and either improve or worsen their lives. If this UFO was damaged which caused the smoke, it would have landed somewhere. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
It was my birthday at my house. I was taking out the kitchen trash. It was approximately 11am, July 20th 2013. I walked out of the exterior garage mandoor on the W side of my house. I immediately heard a low rumble mixed with a hissing like noise above me to the west. I looked up to see what I first thought was a passenger plane on fire. there are many airports nearby and it was not unusual to see planes in the airspace this object was in. within a second or two, I was startled because i had realized this was no plane. it was a dull silver domed object with orange lights around its middle. I thought I could see a small spire like portrusion out of the top of the object. it was a typical domed ufo looking craft.
In fact, that was one of my first conscious thoughts... Wow. My first real UFO sighting and it couldn't be a more typical looking UFO! It was obvious to me that this craft was in trouble. I saw no flame or intense burning/glowing but could see some sort of fluctuating vapor trail being left. The vapor trail didn't seem to be coming from any particular vent or place on the craft. The vapor seemed to almost enshroud the craft and then slip off and fall behind. The rate of the vapor coming off seemed to vary slightly. It would leave a trail and dissipate withing a few seconds. The color was both disconcerning and facinatingly beautiful.
My first thoughts were that it was highly poisonous or radioactive. the rumbling hiss seemed to increase in intensity coinciding with the billowing emerald green shimmery misty vapor or smoke this craft was leaving in its wake. I felt the object was approximately a mile from me when I first observed it. It was directly above me and to the West when I first caught sight of the object, travelling in a South or SW trajectory. It's speed was that of a landing passenger plane. And it's size seeemed to be about as wide as a school bus is long. Maybe 35-40 feet wide at it's center. It was a particularly clear and sunny, beautiful morning day. I could see the object in very clear detail. I saw no markings, windows or anything on the domed surfaces both on top and below. I saw no markings on the central saturn-ring of the object. I saw what looked like a dull orange light in the short (maybe 2-3foot) spire atop the craft. It could have been the extream rush of adrenahlin but I became so overwhelmed with emotion upon seeing this object that I rememeber feeling very faint, and close to throwing up my breakfast. Fighting off the swirling thoughts (fear, excitment, shock, awe, worry, dread, mania, etc...) I remembered my cell phone camera. I remember almost ripping the pocket of my jeans trying to get my phone out. I brought the phone / camera up to my face level and shot three photos. the first was my finger in the way of the lens. the second and thrid shot are attached with this report. I believe my phone at the time was a Samsung S2... I may have had my S5 by then but I'd have to look that up. I can if it matters. the elapsed time between when i first noticed the object and when I managed to start taking photos was probably 10-15 seconds.
The object travelled in a straight line heading S - SW. This would have been from my right to left. It seemed to me to be flying directly above Beach Blvd/Hwy 39, which was the major street near me. It was flying towards the ocean which was approx 3 miles away to the South.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.