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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
1985-The Abduction of Whitley Strieber
1985-The Abduction of Whitley Strieber
Whitley Strieber is one of the most well known UFO researchers in the area of alien abduction, and alien implants. His well known book, "Communion" is a UFO classic. It was also made into a movie by the same name.
In upper state New York over the 1985 Christmas holidays, Strieber was staying in his isolated cabin with his wife and son. At this time, Strieber was already a well know writer. He had become somewhat suspect of potential intruders, and had recently installed a high tech alarm system in the cabin.
At approximately 11:00 PM on the 26th of December, he activated the system, and the family retired for the night. After a couple of hours, he was awakened by an unusual sound. He felt that the security of his cabin had been breached. He was soon shocked to see a creature in his bedroom.
After this, the next thing he knew he was sitting in the woods which surrounded his cabin. His memories of what had occurred were fragmented. Eventually, to reestablish memories of that night, and understand what had really happened, he would undergo regressive hypnosis by Dr. Donald F. Klein.
The hypnotic regression would uncover many of the details of his experience. He recalled that he had been "floated" out of his bedroom and into a waiting UFO. He would see four different types of alien beings, one a small, robot type of being, secondly, a short, stocky type, the third was very slender and weak looking.
It had mesmerising black eyes that slanted, and the last being had black, button eyes.
He was subjected to medical testing by these aliens. One of these was the insertion of a needle into his brain, and another involved an object being inserted into his rectum. The beings took a blood sample from him by making an incision in his finger.
The recounting of the most bizarre facts, caused Dr. Klein to diagnose Strieber with "temporal lobe epilepsy."
This condition can cause one to have hallucinations. Strieber did not accept the diagnosis, and recounted his abduction as a real event. He would eventually establish a foundation as a support group for alien abductees.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Ancient Egyptian Papyrus reveals extraterrestrials visited Egypt in the past
Ancient Egyptian Papyrus reveals extraterrestrials visited Egypt in the past
It is believed that the Tulli Papyrus is the best evidence of ancient flying saucers in the distant past, and for some reason, historians have questioned its authenticity and meaning. Like many other ancient texts, this ancient document tells an incredible story, one that could change the way we look at our past, our future and present.
It is believed that this ancient document, which in fact isn’t a papyrus actually, offers the earliest citation of flying saucers on the planet. The Tulli “papyrus” is a translation of a modern transcription of an ancient Egyptian document.
According to this ancient text, the Pharaoh that ruled over Egypt was Thutmose III, and this mass UFO sightings happened around 1480 BC. It was recorded in history as a day of great importance, a day that something unexplainable occurred.
Before going any further into the subject, here is the translation of the text according to R. Cedric Leonard:
“In the year 22, of the third month of winter, sixth hour of the day […] among the scribes of the House of Life it was found that a strange Fiery Disk was coming in the sky. It had no head. The breath of its mouth emitted a foul odor. Its body was one rod in length and one rod in width. It had no voice. It came toward His Majesty’s house. Their heart became confused through it, and they fell upon their bellies. They [went] to the king, to report it. His Majesty [ordered that] the scrolls [located] in the House of Life be consulted. His Majesty meditated on all these events which were now going on.
After several days had passed, they became more numerous in the sky than ever. They shined in the sky more than the brightness of the sun, and extended to the limits of the four supports of heaven […] Powerful was the position of the Fiery Disks.
The army of the King looked on, with His Majesty in their midst. It was after the evening meal when the Disks ascended even higher in the sky to the south. Fish and other volatiles rained down from the sky: a marvel never before known since the foundation of the country. And His Majesty caused incense to be brought to appease the heart of Amun-Re, the god of the Two Lands. And it was [ordered] that the event [be recorded for] His Majesty in the Annals of the House of Life [to be remembered] for ever.”
This incredible and historical event was described as being silent, but with incredible views of mysterious flying disks highly reflective, shining like the sun. According to this ancient text, the departure of the otherworldly visitors was marked by a mysterious event, as fish rained down from the heaven.
Even though this ancient text does not mention whether the ancient Egyptians did in fact establish contact with the otherworldly visitors, it is nonetheless a very important day in history, both for humanity and the ancient Egyptian Civilization.
It is important to mention that it is very unlikely that the ancient Egyptians misinterpreted these “fiery disks” with some sort of astronomical or weather phenomena. The Ancient Egyptians were experienced and gifted astronomers, and by the year 1500 B.C., they were already experts in the field, meaning that they would have described an astronomical phenomena in a much different way. Also, in this ancient documents, the “fiery disks” are described as they changed directions in the sky, so we know that these objects didn’t fall, but remained in the Egyptian Sky.
To understand this ancient story and its history, the ancient text would need to be studied, regrettably, today, the original papyrus is gone. Researcher Samuel Rosenberg requested from the Vatican Museum an opportunity to examine this precious document to what he got the following reply: ” The Papyrus Tulli not property of Vatican Museum. Now it is dispersed and no more traceable.”
Is it possible that the Tulli Papyrus is in fact located in the archives of the Vatican Museum? Hidden on purpose from the people? If so, why?
Is it possible that this is one of the best recorded ancient UFO encounters in history? And if so, is it possible that these otherworldly visitors influenced the ancient Egyptian civilization as Ancient Astronaut theorists believe?
If astronauts are going to make it on long duration space missions, they’re going to need some veggies.
For the first time since the end of NASA's Apollo missions to the moon, there is serious talk of sending humans beyond low earth orbit. NASA has been courting ideas for journeys to the moon and eventually Mars, while SpaceX is hell bent on being the first to get boots on the Red Planet. These ambitious plans present a host of technical challenges, however, particularly when it comes to food. This is why researchers at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida have turned themselves into space farmers—without leaving Earth.
Up until 2015, the fare for astronauts aboard the International Space Station was limited to the dehydrated, freeze-dried foods that would be delivered aboard cargo resupply missions. Not only are these foods lacking in the taste department, but at $10,000 per pound, it's also incredibly expensive to ship freeze-dried spaghetti to low earth orbit. The goal, then, is to figure out how to produce food in space. This idea had its first proof of concept in August of 2015, when astronauts aboard the ISS were treated to a rare delicacy: fresh lettuce that was grown in space.
That lettuce was made possible by NASA's vegetable production system, otherwise known as Veggie, one of the handful of approaches the agency is taking to offset food transport costs and provide astronauts with a nutritious diet on long duration space missions. During a recent visit to Kennedy Space Center to view the SpaceX launch to the ISS, I stopped by NASA's labs to see how researchers are continuing to develop techniques to farm in microgravity.
Onate shows off the clay chips that are used as a growing medium in NASA's Advanced Plant Habitat.
Image: Daniel Oberhaus/Motherboard
My first stop was to visit Bryan Onate in his lab, where he is part of a team of researchers working on developing NASA's Advanced Plant Habitat. A prototype of the APH, which looks like a big, high-tech microwave, arrived at Kennedy last November and is basically the equivalent of MIT's food computer, but especially designed for the space requirements of the ISS.
Inside the habitat, a number of Arabidopsis, a type of flowering plant related to cabbage, were growing under an array of LED lights. The researchers are able to control a number of variables in the growing chamber, including oxygen and nutrient levels, and can even measure the temperature of the individual leaves of the plant. However the main perk of the APH is that the control of these variables is automated by a computer system the researchers have accurately, albeit awkwardly, named PHARMER—the Plant Habitat Avionics Real-Time Manager in Express Rack.
The APH is experimental—Onate described it as the "Veggie's big brother," and like the Veggie system that is currently on board the ISS, it is used to explore optimum growing conditions for various types of vegetables. The new advanced plant habitat will be sent to the ISS to take over for Veggie on two upcoming commercial resupply missions. According to Onate, one of the main goals of APH research on the space station is to recover some of the plants grown in space, bring them down to Earth, use their seeds to grow plants at Kennedy, and then ship seeds from those plants to the space station to see if they're still viable after the transition between terrestrial and microgravity environments.
Bryan Onate and the Advanced Plant Habitat Prototype.
Image: Daniel Oberhaus/Motherboard
The next stop was Kennedy's large environmental control chambers. These look like sterile walk-in refrigerators and are used to replicate all the environmental variables found on-board the ISS, such as humidity or CO2 levels—the only variable that can't be replicated is microgravity. These chambers served as a ground control for the vegetables that were grown on the ISS as part of the Veggie program so that the researchers could compare how microgravity affects the plant growth when compared with terrestrial conditions. I visited during the final hours before Friday's harvest of the Chinese cabbage, the fifth and most recent vegetable crop to be grown aboard the ISS.
According to researchers I spoke with on site, the experiment has so far been a resounding success. The astronauts on the ISS have been able to grow enough lettuce to make a small salad and the Chinese cabbage will likely be greeted with enthusiasm by the astronauts because it has more flavor than the red lettuce that had previously been grown.
"In microgravity, your taste sensation is dulled so astronauts like to have things a little bit spicier, sharper," one of the researchers told me. "So this is why we are growing Chinese cabbage: it grows fast, has great nutrient levels and also performed very well on our taste tests."
My final stop was to a small, unremarkable room with a metal work table in its center and potted plants crammed into small gaps of shelving space around the walls.
"What we're doing here is looking for the long duration aspects of food production, the next steps after veggie and APH," said Ralph Fritsche, the Kennedy food production project manager. "APH is really a research platform and Veggie was kind of the first steps of trying to grow crops, but the focus of the research in this room is to develop something that's actually going to supplement the crew's diet."
The ground control for the Chinese cabbage that was harvested on the space station on Friday.
Image: Daniel Oberhaus/Motherboard
As Fritsche pointed out, growing small batches of lettuce on the ISS is great, but so far NASA hasn't managed to produce enough plant matter to really make eating lettuce anything more than a novelty for the crew. To actually produce vegetables that will supplement the crew's freeze-dried diet, both on the ISS and eventually on the surface of Mars, Fritsche and his colleagues have to figure out a way to mass produce vegetables in space.
This is trickier than it sounds for a number of reasons. In the first place, water flows differently in space. On earth, water will be pulled towards a plant's roots, but in space, water will ball up and not be distributed evenly for the plant. Also, since liquids tend to ball up in microgravity, this also prevents effective oxygen flow to the plant. According to Fritsche, NASA is working on a couple of solutions to this problem of oxygen and water systems for plants in microgravity. One is an active system which essentially pumps water to the desired locations within a grow area.
The other is passive and based on a 3D printed nylon substrate that NASA has developed with researchers at Utah State. This is basically a cube that is made up of a bunch of densely packed triangles. Seeds are then placed on top of this cube and water is allowed into the system. Nylon is hydrophilic so the structure attracts the water and because of the way the cube is designed, the water disperses to the corners of the triangles and is kept there by surface tension. This allows for even distribution of water droplets for the plant's roots, as well as allowing air to flow to the plant through the vacant space in the triangles that make up the substrate.
"If we get good results after testing this in parabolic or suborbital flight, we'll try to fly this to the space station," said Fritsche.
Some microgreens grown in Fritsche's long duration food production lab.
Image: Daniel Oberhaus/Motherboard
According to Fritsche, growing vegetables on the surface of Mars will be slightly less problematic than growing them in orbit. Even though Mars only has about a third of the gravity found on Earth, for the purposes of space farming and figuring out things like water flow, it is essentially the same.
Still, Fritsche and his colleagues want the most bang for their buck, which means figuring out how to maximize the amount of plant matter that can be grown in confined areas like those that are found on the space station and eventually, Martian greenhouses. This has led them to explore microgreens, which is an umbrella term for regular vegetables that are eaten long before they're mature, usually just a few weeks after sprouting. Since these vegetables are so small, grow relatively fast, are nutritionally rich and full of flavor, they make the most sense for supplementing astronaut's diets.
Fritsche imagined a future in which technologies like the 3D printed plant substrate and the APH automated farming system are combined to provide future Martians with a buffet of fresh microgreens. But despite the promise of combining NASA's farming technologies, he said it is unlikely that astronauts will ever be able to entirely ditch freeze-dried cuisine.
"I don't think we're going to get to a point that you're going to be able to offset the bulk of your nutrition with something you make on the way to Mars or the Moon," Fritsche said. "The key is that there are certain nutrients that degrade over time to the point you kind of have to make them along the way. Really what we're looking at is nutritional support, but I think it's likely that astronauts will continue to bring the bulk of food with them."
Watch: Eerie footage of 'UFO' flying over Dublin suburb
Watch: Eerie footage of 'UFO' flying over Dublin suburb
The video was recorded by a Dublin Live reader
This video shows eerie footage of what some people are claiming to be a UFO flying over Leopardstown in Dublin this evening.
The video was recorded by a Dublin Live reader, who did not want to be named, but said he saw a green light flying over Leopardstown.
He said: "I was driving home and at Leopardstown I saw this bright light flying over me.
"I thought nothing of it but when I got home my Italian students who are staying with me told me they had seen a light flying beside Bray Head and they recorded it."
Despite claims it's an alien spacecraft, our reader added: "It's probably just a drone, but it does look very strange."
The Irish Aviation Authority were unavailable for a comment on Sunday.
Although UFO sightings are down from their peak years, voyagers from space are still among us, and there's video over Champaign to prove it.
The skies here have had decades of brightly lit flying objects, to go by News-Gazette clippings.
That flying saucer parked just south of Champaign? Sorry, that's the State Farm Center. But the Foo Fighters, who took their name from what Air Force pilots in World War II called UFOs, did play there in 2000 and 2005.
The big boom for UFO spottings started in 1947, said Mark Rodeghier, the director of the Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies in Chicago. There were many reports during the 1950s and 1960s, with some going back in Illinois to 1897.
Rodeghier, who said he's skeptical of many reports, has advanced degrees from the University of Illinois-Chicago. He started studying UFO events in college in the 1970s.
The sightings have changed in many ways, he said.
"Years ago, we had reports of objects looking like disks. That's much less common now. Reports have tended to come in on triangle-shaped objects since the 1980s," Rodeghier said.
"I can't tell you why there is this change to a triangle spottings. You don't hear of many flying squares, since they're not aerodynamic."
Also, abduction cases have declined somewhat, he said.
"People report lots of weird things that have happened to them: sleep paralysis, hidden trauma, dissociation," Rodeghier said.
"Just because things are unexplained does not mean they are caused by aliens."
Some of these feelings were so vague because "for many years people had experiences, but nothing to organize their thoughts around."
Then came books and movies about alien abductions.
"When abduction reports became prominent, people said, 'I literally didn't know what happened until I read this book.' It gave them an idea," Rodeghier said.
The News-Gazette hasn't reported on alien abductions, but the files are rich with stories of flying objects — sometimes with credible witnesses, as when Champaign police officers Richard Van Etta and John Hall both reported seeing lights hovering, in 1967.
They took a sceptical approach, guessing it was the moon — only to spot the moon in another part of the sky. Their reports were independently added to those from throughout Champaign that night.
Staerkel Planetarium Director David Leake said the night skies are full of lights.
"I talked several times with a lady who said a light was following her, but it was always right after sunset," he said.
"We assumed it was Venus, which is the third-brightest object in the sky after the sun and moon. When Venus passed between the sun and the Earth and ventured into the morning sky, the reports stopped."
He also viewed a "throbbing light" that someone captured on video.
"To me, it was pretty obvious that the point of light they were shooting was bright, but given it was dark around it, the camera's auto-focus was going back and forth trying to get a proper focus, hence the 'throbbing' light," Leake said.
If you search the words Champaign and UFOs, what comes up the most is a 1997 video, which can be seen at sites including
The low-tech video, which has audio of viewers shouting in amazement, purports to be a series of inexplicable lights moving north from the Town Center apartments near Market Place toward Rantoul.
An archive called posted a description of the video as "A fleet of mystery UFO lights." The site often debunks reports, but did not offer commentary on the 1997 incident.
Sam Maranto, the state director for the Illinois chapter of the Mutual UFO Network, has looked at the video but doesn't have a conclusion.
"It is interesting, but I can't find anything more about it," he said.
Some video commenters argued that they were probably planes headed to Chanute Air Force Base, while others noted that even before the base closed in 1993, the runways had long been shut down.
Maranto and Rodeghier stress the level of research in their work; both organizations build databases from the sightings.
"We're not a bunch of crazies," Maranto said. "This is a scientific study."
He said he didn't go out looking to be in the unusual field.
"This interest found me. I had my first sighting in 1959, in the Fox Lake area, and it scared the bejeebers out of me," he said of the childhood sighting.
Robert Idleman saw something in 1969 — and lived to tell about it
1969 saw a Close Encounter of The Weird Kind.
A witness, Robert Idleman of Champaign, remembers the 1969 event as summer shocker, weeks before the first moon landing on July 20.
Many people saw the UFO, including a deputy sheriff on graduation night 1969, Idleman said:
Near Mahomet, "there were four of us. It was very dark. We noticed a blip in the sky, pulsating. We had the nervous Nelly of our group who freaked out saying it was a UFO. We laughed, but in watching it, it actually came closer," Idleman said.
"In one instance, it was blipping far away. Next it was blipping closer. We got out of there fast."
No beer was involved in this incident, he hastened to add.
Near some Mahomet gravel pits, the UFO returned, Idleman says.
"Again it was almost instantaneous. The thing was again right over us. We went about 90 (mph) to Champaign, hearts pounding. As we approached a farm (near First Street), we saw the thing again moving to the south. As soon as it left, the electricity came on at the farmstead."
Idleman said the UFO spotting was near the end of an era of multiple sightings:
"This was a good area for the UFO during the '50s. But by 1969, it had calmed. Anybody that would admit it was nuts. Especially long-haired ne'er do wells" like himself at the time.
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UFO sightings have reached an all-time high
UFO sightings have reached an all-time high
By: Emily Drooby, Buzz60
Statistician and PhD candidate Sam Monfort compiled all of the data from the National UFO Reporting Centre and found that more people than ever have spotted UFO's in the recent years.
The number, which has been rising since the 1980's, hit an all-time high in 2010 with about 45,000 yearly sightings.
Sightings between 1990 and 2000 rose dramatically by nearly 30 thousand yearly sightings.
The data also shows that USA has the most sighting by far at almost 300 times greater than the global median.
But these sighting are no longer all about the UFO's. Instead, according to Monfort, lights are now the most popular way these sightings take form with a saucer 'flying' into second place.
Now that NASA has found seven Earth-size planets that could actually have alien life, these sightings could possibly increase.
Underneath Venus’ acid clouds, UFO hunters claim, rests a permanent structure that seems to suggest the planet was not only visited in the distant past – it was deemed secure enough to house massive outposts!
Today, Venus is a hellhole. Although its size and composition has earned it the nickname of Earth’s Sister, the reality is you wouldn’t last 3 seconds on its surface. Calling Venus’ climate unpleasant would be a gross understatement.
With surface temperatures high enough to melt lead and an atmospheric pressure 90 times greater than what we have here, Venus would be near the bottom on your list of exotic vacation spots. Come for the thrills, stay for the sulphuric acid rains! Just to drive the point home, the longest a man-made probe’s ever survived on its surface was a little over two hours. The Soviet Venera 13 landed, took a few photos and measurements and then succumbed to the infernal conditions.
But, astronomers determined, Venus wasn’t always this way. Like Mars, it is almost certain at one point in the distant past, Venus had a much lighter atmosphere and oceans of liquid water on its surface. It got the way it is today because of global volcanic eruptions and a runaway greenhouse effect. As CO2 and other greenhouse gasses accumulated in the atmosphere, temperatures rose, water turned to steam and the planet’s habitability index dropped below the threshold.
Recently, alien hunters have spotted an enormous, apparently stationary structure underneath Venus’ thick layer of acid clouds. Responsible for the discovery is Tyler Glockner, self-entitled conveyor of the “exposure of the alien phenomenon.”
The video he uploaded to YouTube shows what looks like an enormous curving band that stretches along a portion of the planet’s circumference.
Glockner added: “Maybe this is something else all together. Some sort of massive structure hidden in the clouds. Or possibly a grouping of something. All coming together to form this giant band. […]”
“You always hear about Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto but you really don’t hear about Venus. Maybe there’s something about this planet they don’t want us to know.”
The scientific community was quick to dismiss Glockner’s hypothesis because caution saved the scientist’s career. If prominent figures suddenly started backing every outrageous claim involving aliens, their credibility would drop lower than Venus’ real estate value.
Their explanation for the unusual band on the planet is gravity waves. Not to be confused with gravitational waves (ripples in space-time), gravity waves form when there is a difference in the atmospheric pressure of two neighboring regions. Think of clouds going over a mountain and you’ve got a pretty good picture.
“Gravity waves are an atmospheric phenomenon we often see in mountainous parts of Earth’s surface. Crudely speaking, they form when air ripples over bumpy surfaces,” French astrophysicist and atmospheric climate expert Jean-Loup Bertaux told Fox News. “The waves propagate upwards and grow larger and larger until they break below the cloud top and forms a wave,” he added.
If there’s one thing Venus is known for, it has to be strange cloud formations. So while gravity waves could potentially account for the weird structure, there is no proof it was actually caused by a mountain.
The planet’s strange history parallels our present and its present might foretell ours. Mankind sent only a handful of probes to Venus’ surface and to be completely honest, our knowledge of our next door neighbor is superficial. Taking this into consideration, it would be unwise to claim there are no alien relics on Venus. Until we succeed in mapping its surface (and we might never get to), there is plenty of room for sensible speculation.
At the end of the day, Glockner remains convinced what he saw on Venus is proof of ancient (or even present) alien habitation. He says gravity waves only last for a few days before dissipating. On the other hand, the strange band has been there for a while and shows no signs of disappearing anytime soon.
It’s been nearly 50 years since Robert Salas was a young missileer stationed at Malmstrom Air Force Base and, on a mid-March night in a silo near Roy, became an unwitting witness to history.
Awake and alert underground in the early morning while his commander rested in a two-person compartment where men manage missiles, Robert was alerted by security guards up top.
“They told me about strange lights in the sky,” Robert says. “I thought they were pulling my leg.”
About 10 minutes later the phone rang again.
“This time he was clearly frightened, extremely frightened,” Robert says. “He was looking right at the thing, a glowing red object, oval-shaped and some 40 feet in diameter, and it was hovering above the front gate.”
UFO now believed to be H2O
UFO captured? Clancy man believes he proves they exist
It was March 1967. When the Montana missiles malfunctioned.
Salas has written two books about this: “Faded Giant” and “Unidentified, The UFO Phenomenon.”
He considers them nonfiction to be sure.
THERE WERE TWOstrange incidents just days apart nearly 50 years ago when missiles in the midst of Montana were rendered temporarily inoperable. Robert, who came to Great Falls in 1966 after graduating from the Air Force Academy, was there on one of the harrowing nights.
It’s called the Oscar Flight, in reference to the name of the site.
“I was shocked,” he says.
And what happened the next day, he says, was even more stunning.
He was asked – basically ordered, he says - by commanders to sign a non-disclosure document in which he pledged to never talk about the incident.
“That haunted me,” Robert says. “It haunted me for a long, long time.”
Because, he says, the truth is this:
“It was an unidentified flying object that nobody could explain. To this day,” he says. “The Air Force investigated this secretly, I believe through 1972. I think this thing was not of this earth. I’m convinced it was not built here, because it was able to send signals to each of our missiles separately. The guidance and control equipment was upset in each one.”
ROBERT UNDERSTANDSpeople are skeptical about UFOs. But undeniably there is a history of such sightings in Montana, particularly in this part of the state.
In 1950 there was an incident reported at the Great Falls ballpark that’s been the subject of many studies. Hence the ballclub is now called the “Voyagers,” the mascot of which is a warm and funny creature that makes people of all ages smile.
Not that Robert considers his work any laughing matter.
“This,” he says, “is a real phenomenon. It’s not science fiction. The public and public media has kept it pretty much in the laugh track of reporting. It hasn’t been taken seriously. But I’ve got a lot of evidence that shows it truly did happen. And also involving the Air Force investigation and basically the whitewashing of the whole thing.”
He says the decision to remain silent bothered him for decades, for the rest of his military service and subsequent working career in the public sector. Then one day in 1994 he came across a book by Timothy Good called “Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-Up,” and about 300 pages in discovered a paragraph stating that UFOs were involved in a missile shutdown in 1967.
That’s the night he was on duty. The Air Force had declassified the information.
Since then, Robert has been on a mission.
“Ever since I’ve been committed to revealing the reality of this phenomenon,” Robert says. “This is something the public needs to know and believe in. The public needs to know that it’s true and that there has been an ongoing cover-up. That’s why I’m committed.”
Montana Album: Multi-Sports; aliens and firearms
LIVING NOW INCalifornia, Robert is still an active investigator. He says UFO sightings have occurred many times in the last 50 years, including a 2010 incident at Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyo., when 50 Minuteman nuclear missiles mysteriously malfunctioned.
“The Air Force,” Robert says, “is in denial.”
But why?
“Well, I can tell you a couple reasons,” he says. “No. 1 these objects can do some pretty fantastic things and it would have military applications if they were able to recover an object and deconstruct it. They consider the technology they’ve gleaned from them (very significant), and I’m confident they’ve recovered many of these items.
“Another issue is that it’s an international cover-up. UFO incidents been going on for many, many years, and there must be an international group, in intelligence, obtaining this information and sharing it. The other aspect of why they keep it a secret is because it’s political capital between nations.”
Robert resigned his Air Force commission in 1971 because, he says, “Vietnam got too much for me to stomach.”
That’s not to suggest he isn’t patriotic.
“I consider myself a patriot,” he says. “Even though I’m convinced there are cover-ups going on that the public needs to know about. I think a good patriot is someone who influences people’s right to know.”
MANY BELIEVE, of course, in heaven and hell. In angels and spirits. And in an afterlife. So perhaps it is naïve for people to be convinced there could not be life among the stars and beyond?
And maybe, just maybe somebody was trying to tell us something by shutting down those missiles in 1967. A statement against war, perhaps.
“Exactly,” Robert says. “I think this was a message, just a message. Because they did not damage the equipment. It wasn’t like they destroyed the weapons. It was just a weapon. I believe we have got to get rid of nuclear weapons because they’re so dangerous.”
Of course in the present political climate this is very much an issue.
“We’re starting another nuclear arms race,” says Robert, referring to his perception of the new administration in Washington.
WE LIVE IN SUCH PRISTINEcountry, the middle of Montana, where one envisions the landscape unaltered for centuries.
That is, until the fenced missile silo facilities are noticed.
President John F. Kennedy is said to have famously referred to the Malmstrom missiles as the country’s “Ace in the Hole.”
Roberts laughs.
“Well, at the time we considered the communist countries a threat to us,” he says. “But times change.”
ROBERT HASN’T BEENback to Great Falls for five or six years. To think that 50 years has passed since the incident that changed his life, he says, is sobering. Talk about unsolved mysteries.
“I’ve been making video clips and will publish them on YouTube,” he says. “I guess that’s the way I’ll celebrate this 50-year anniversary.”
What would Robert say to folks who continue to scoff at his conclusions?
“I’d say they should do their homework before making such statements,” Robert says. “Not only myself, but multiple Air Force officers have come forward talking about similar incidents. So it’s not just me talking about this.
“There is good evidence and plenty of documents and testimony that support the phenomenon.”
Northern lights appear regularly in our part of the world. And some 50 years ago men from Malmstrom were witnesses to lights not necessarily out of the north that, Robert Salas believes, were not of this world.
The takeaway, Robert Salas believes, is this:
Perhaps we all should be mindful we’re not alone.
“Exactly,” Robert says. “That’s exactly right.”
Mansch On Montana, dedicated to personalities and places that make living in the Treasure State so interesting, appears Mondays in the Tribune. Scott Mansch can be reached at 791-1481 or
Wetenschappers hebben voor het eerst aanwijzingen voor de aanwezigheid een gesteenteplaneet in een binair stersysteem gevonden, zo staat vandaag te lezen in het vakblad Nature Astronomy.
Binaire zonnestelsels, zoals in Star 'Wars', zijn geen zeldzaamheid. Dat ze een planeet herbergen ook al niet. Maar het ging tot nu toe om koude en gasachtige planeten zoals "onze" Jupiter.
Binair systeem SDSS 1557 op ongeveer 1000 lichtjaar van ons lijkt evenwel anders te zijn. Voor het eerst zijn er immers in een tweezonnenstelsel brokstukken van asteroïden gevonden, legt Steven Parsons van de Universiteit van Valparaiso uit. Indien brokstukken zich groeperen in een grote gordel is dit een teken dat er daar planeten ontstaan, zelfs al zijn die onmogelijk te zien.
Planeten vormen zich immers door het aaneenklitten van gesteente-achtige objecten als asteroïden en meteorieten.
Jay Farihi van het University College in Londen is er zodoende naar eigen zeggen zeker van dat er zich in SDSS 1557 een gesteenteplaneet heeft gevormd. Al is dit, gezien de effecten van de gravitatie van de twee sterren, een gecompliceerd proces dat voorheen als onmogelijk werd geacht.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Planeet aarde als slavenkolonie
Planeet aarde als slavenkolonie
Door Pieter Stuurman: De wereld is een slavenkolonie. Die slavenkolonie wordt gerund en beheerd door één misdaadsyndicaat. De populatie van de kolonie bestaat uit twee soorten mensen: de eigenaren, en de slaven.
Uiteraard vereist het runnen van zo’n misdaadsyndicaat een organisatiestructuur. In de huidige situatie is het syndicaat daarom onderverdeeld in een aantal afdelingen, elk met een eigen functie.
– Het strategisch topmanagement
Hier bevindt zich de top van het syndicaat. Het zijn de eigenaren ervan. Hier worden de strategieën ontwikkeld die de macht en rijkdom van deze top moeten vergroten. Daarnaast wordt hier bepaald hoe de andere afdelingen moeten functioneren. Die andere afdelingen werken als instrumenten ten bate van de macht en rijkdom van deze top. De leden komen met enige regelmaat bij elkaar in de vorm van “denktanks” zoals de Bilderberggroep. Alleen in deze groep is de volledige agenda van het syndicaat bekend.
– Het uitvoerend management
Dat zijn de regeringen van de wereld. Zij zijn de uitvoerende organen van het syndicaat. Deze afdeling vaardigt (op bevel van het topmanagement) de regels (wetten) uit, voert de dagelijkse controle over de slaven, bestuurt het geweld dat op de slaven losgelaten wordt (leger, politie) en int de belastingen die indirect bijdragen aan het verdienmodel van het syndicaat. Het is het dagelijks management en het dient als incassobende, slavendrijver en bestraffer. Deze afdeling vormt een potentieel risico omdat ze beschikt over wapens. Dit risico wordt onschadelijk gemaakt door deze afdeling volledig afhankelijk te maken van het topmanagement door middel van onaflosbare schulden.
– Het commercieel management
Dat is het monetair/kapitalistische systeem. Dit is het uiteindelijke verdienmodel van het syndicaat. Hier wordt zoveel mogelijk waarde die de slaven met hun arbeid leveren, geconfisqueerd door het syndicaat. Deze afdeling gebruikt daarbij de instrumenten banken en rechtspersonen (NV’s, BV’s etc.) waarvan het topmanagement eigenaar is. Hier wordt zowel vrijwel alle arbeid geleverd door de slaven (werknemerschap) als vrijwel alle opbrengst daarvan afgenomen van de slaven. Het middel dat wordt ingezet is geld/schuld.
– Het PR-management
Deze afdeling houdt zich bezig met perceptiemanagement. Het doel is te voorkomen dat de slaven beseffen dat het syndicaat bestaat en wat de werkelijke aard ervan is. Het middel dat hiervoor gebruikt wordt, is liegen. Het doel van liegen is de slaven te laten geloven dat de afdelingen van het syndicaat (en het syndicaat zelf) niet de bedoeling hebben om op de slaven te parasiteren, maar ze te beschermen. Deze afdeling kennen we onder de noemer: media.
De bovenstaande afdelingen moeten natuurlijk bemand worden. Het syndicaat verleent hiervoor privileges aan een aantal slaven. Die privileges variëren van een bescheiden inkomen als ambtenaar, tot een topinkomen in de bancaire sector, of van lokaal bestuurder tot enige bescheiden macht als politicus etc.
In ruil voor die privileges, nemen deze slaven een afgebakende taak op zich. Veruit de meeste van deze slaven zijn zich er niet van bewust dat ze deel uitmaken van het misdaadsyndicaat. Ze overzien alleen hun eigen taak en geloven een eerzaam beroep te hebben.
De topslaven zijn zich daar vaak meer bewust van, maar hun beloning is dusdanig groot dat het belang van positiebehoud groter is dan de roep van het geweten. Slaven met een gezond ontwikkeld geweten, komen voor deze posities niet in aanmerking.
Deze organisatie van het misdaadsyndicaat functioneert op zich prima, maar kent een aantal kwetsbaarheden. Ten eerste werken er bij de verschillende afdelingen betrekkelijk veel mensen. Die moeten allemaal bestuurd worden en dat is niet erg efficiënt. Ten tweede kan het syndicaat alleen voortbestaan zolang de slaven niet beseffen dat het om een misdaadsyndicaat gaat. Dat maakt het hele systeem kwetsbaar voor plotselinge bewustzijnsgroei onder de slaven.
Om die reden, wil het strategisch topmanagement (tevens de eigenaren van het syndicaat) het met minder submanagement gaan doen. Daarnaast wil het minder afhankelijk worden van het geloof van de slaven. Het moet eenvoudiger, efficiënter en (voor de eigenaren) veiliger.
Om deze redenen, moet de organisatiestructuur op de schop. Het nadeel daarvan is dat de slaven gehecht zijn aan deze structuren, en daarom een eenzijdige verandering niet zomaar zullen accepteren. De oplossing hiervoor is het opzettelijk creëren van problemen (crisis) en het hiermee scheppen van een situatie van “overmacht”. En die overmacht moet vervolgens maatregelen rechtvaardigen die zonder die overmacht niet aanvaard zouden worden.
Maatregelen zoals directe individuele elektronische controle over het gedrag van alle slaven en een nieuw elektronisch verdienmodel (100% centraal gecontroleerd, digitaal geld) dat tevens het geweld van het uitvoerend management grotendeels overbodig maakt. De slaven kunnen dan immers bij ieder ongewenst gedrag, individueel en volautomatisch uitgesloten worden van de toegang tot voedsel en andere zaken die een levensvoorwaarde zijn voor die slaven. Zonder te kunnen teruggrijpen op anonieme contante betaling. Niet gehoorzamen betekent dan niet eten.
Daarnaast is het uitvoerend management (regeringen) nu erg versnipperd en dus is het besturen ervan omslachtig. Dit moet dus worden samengevoegd tot één afdeling (één wereldregering, met één wetgeving, één leger etc.)
Op dit moment is er dus een reorganisatie gaande binnen het misdaadsyndicaat. Dit om te voorkomen dat het “wakker worden” van de slaven het einde van het syndicaat zal betekenen.
Dit brengt echter wel een risico met zich mee: door alle veranderingen, zouden de slaven versneld tot ongewenste inzichten kunnen komen. Bijvoorbeeld het inzicht dat ze slaven zijn. Gerund door een misdaadsyndicaat. En dat ze zich – vóór de voltooiing van de reorganisatie – daarvan bevrijden. Ze zijn immers in een overgrote meerderheid en alleen hun geloof houdt ze gevangen….
Naast de vele verhalen over een mogelijke nep buitenaardse invasie zijn er natuurlijk ook nog de echte buitenaardsen.
En wanneer er voor het eerst formeel contact gemaakt gaat worden, hoe zal dit er dan uit zien?
De overgrote meerderheid van de aardse bevolking heeft nog nooit contact gehad met buitenaardsen en heeft dan ook geen flauw idee wat ze zich daar bij moeten voorstellen.
Iemand die dat wel heeft, is Darryl Anka. In de jaren '70 heeft hij een zogenaamde close encounter gehad met buitenaardsen.
Hoe dat in zijn werk ging en wat er uit resulteerde, het fungeren als kanaal voor de buitenaardse Bashar, is te zien en horen in de volgende korte video:
De boodschappen van Bashar worden inmiddels door duizenden mensen wereldwijd gevolgd, omdat zij van mening zijn dat deze zoals die worden doorgegeven door Darryl Anka, echt zijn en zij daar veel van kunnen leren.
Inmiddels is er een fascinerende documentaire gemaakt getiteld: First Contact. Een documentaire die de positieve gevolgen laat zien van buitenaards contact en vragen stelt zoals “Waarom zijn we hier?” en “Wat is het doel van ons bestaan?” en “Hoe past buitenaards contact in ons leven?”
De film verkent niet alleen de potentiële positieve impact van ET contact voor onze samenleving, maar de-mystificeert kanaliseren, het middel dat Darryl gebruikt om te communiceren met het interdimensionale wezen. First Contact zal niet alleen kijkers verbazen met schokkende ooggetuigen en wetenschappelijk bewijs, maar de film zal ook verschillende vragen verkennen die we al millennia aan onszelf stellen: Waarom zijn we hier? Wat is het doel van het bestaan? Waar gaan we heen?
Bashar antwoordt deze vragen door middel van kanaliseren en legt uit hoe het universum werkt en hoe elk persoon de realiteit creëert die zij ervaren, begeleid door state-of- the-art graphics. Sinds de afgelopen decennia, duizenden individuen over de hele wereld hebben geluisterd naar Bashar's berichten en hebben de kans gehad om dit toe te passen op de principes van hun leven om de realiteit te creëren die ze willen.
Mensen die graag deze film willen zien, kunnen op 22 maart aanstaande terecht in Gorinchem.
Op woensdag 22 maart vertoont Vue Gorinchem eenmalig de fascinerende docu-film First Contact. De voorstelling start om 19.00 uur. Daarna is er tijd & ruimte voor napraten in de bar van de bioscoop. Tickets zijn €9,50 en zijn te koop aan de kassa, via de telefoon (0183-631058) en online via de website.
UFO Over Dublin, Ireland On Feb 26, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Over Dublin, Ireland On Feb 26, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting:February 26, 2017 Location of sighting: Dublin, Ireland News Source: Glowing orbs have been seen all around the world this week. It may be orb shaped due to the focus of the camera causing a distortion. The camera is a lower quality and its focus is poor. Had the quality been better, its shape may have been more disk shaped. Scott C. Waring Dublin News states: This video shows eerie footage of what some people are claiming to be a UFO flying over Leopardstown in Dublin this evening. The video was recorded by a Dublin Live reader, who did not want to be named, but said he saw a green light flying over Leopardstown. He said: "I was driving home and at Leopardstown I saw this bright light flying over me. "I thought nothing of it but when I got home my Italian students who are staying with me told me they had seen a light flying beside Bray Head and they recorded it." Despite claims it's an alien spacecraft, our reader added: "It's probably just a drone, but it does look very strange." The Irish Aviation Authority were unavailable for a comment on Sunday.
Bizarre Video Seemingly Shows A Near Collision Between A UFO and Air Force Jet
Bizarre Video Seemingly Shows A Near Collision Between A UFO and Air Force Jet
A video that apparently shows a UFO nearly colliding with a jet created a buzz among UFO enthusiasts online. It was reportedly shot last Friday in Puerto Varas during a series of stunts by Chilean high aerobatics squad above a crowd.
Hundreds of people gathered on the ground to witness the Halcones Fach’s military planes aerial stunts. While one of the military aircraft zoomed upwards, a mysterious disc appeared out of nowhere.
Astonishingly, the video shows the UFO almost collide with the Air Force jet as it flashes across the sky.
After the bizarre event, some witnesses took to social media and online forums to share their UFO sightings near the plane during the military aerial demonstration.
The footage has been posted to YouTube and racked up thousands of views with many commenters speculating over the object’s identity.
While many believe it is a spaceship, others think it might have been a passing bird, a meteorite or another plane.
One person claims he saw the same UFO in the sky just recently.
Some commenters noticed that there were actually two UFOs appeared during the event.
Speculations on the existence of extraterrestrial life went high recently after NASA officially announced the discovery of a solar system with Earth-like planets. The TRAPPIST-1 is estimated to be 39 light years away, but finding aliens may not need going that far as they could be in our backyard.
UFO sighting reports are at an all-time high, according to Sam Monfort. The US Ph.D. student used the data from the National UFO Reporting Center to collate reported sightings of UFOs, which have sprung up significantly since the 1980s.
In his data visualization blog, he plotted yearly sightings from 1910 to 2010, where sightings top 45,000 around the world.
The details of UFO sighting reports have also changed over time.
One of the earliest accounts of UFO sightings took place in 1905 from Portland, where a sphere UFO descended from the clouds buzzing.
Claims from witnesses seeing other shapes started to pop up later, with saucers dominating in numbers until the 1990s as strange lights became the most famous.
The doctoral student of human factors and applied cognition in Virginia talks about a July 4th effect where sightings rise significantly after 2008 on the U.S. Independence Day, which could be attributed to fireworks lighting up the sky.
The George Mason University student also created a map of the globe with UFO sightings per ten million people. Areas in deep shade of red have over 25 sightings per 10 million people, and these include North America, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Europe.
The vast majority of reported UFO sightings take place in the United States, which recorded around 2500 per 10 million people. The nation’s western states Washington and Montana, as well as northeastern states Maine and Vermont, are places in the country with most reported UFO sightings.
The launch took place at Launch Pad 39a - the same pad that men went to moon from and from which the last Shuttle was launched.
During the landing process, at 0.10 seconds in the video, an unknown round-shaped object appears and passes the Falcon 9 rocket.
We all remember when an explosion destroyed a rocket at a space base in Cape Canaveral, Florida, United States. The explosion occurred during routine tests of Falcon 9, the rocket of the SpaceX aerospace company owned by Elon Musk
We all remember when an explosion destroyed a rocket at a space base in Cape Canaveral, Florida, United States. The explosion occurred during routine tests of Falcon 9, the rocket of the SpaceX aerospace company owned by Elon Musk The space agency confirmed that there was an anomaly in the takeoff zone. Indirect statement of UFO presence?
Now during the descent of the spacex rocket an anomaly has been videotaped that you can see in the video below.
King of the “Contactees”: The bizarre UFO saga of George Adamski.
King of the “Contactees”: The bizarre UFO saga of George Adamski.
In November 1952, a man named George Adamski, a Polish-born, California-bred ranch owner and operator of a burger stand, claimed that he and several friends were walking in the desert near Desert Center, California when an alien spacecraft swooped down and landed near them.
Adamski claimed he went off alone and encountered a second ship, out of which clambered a golden-haired alien named Orthon. Supposedly from the planet Venus, Orthon came with a message of peace, warning Adamski of the dangers of nuclear war. After he got back in his ship and flew away Adamski and his friends said they took plaster casts of Orthon’s footprints–ostensibly to prove he was really there.
Adamski further claimed that he returned to the landing site a few weeks later, on December 13, 1952. As the Venusians’ ship descended to meet him, he took a photograph of it–the first clear picture ever of a flying saucer, which would eventually become easily the most famous photo of a UFO. The following year Adamski began publishing books about his experiences with the “space brothers.” In Flying Saucers Have Landed, published in 1953, and Inside the Space Ships, published in 1955, Adamski waxed eloquent about the fabulous civilization of the Venusians, who wanted to bring peace to Earth. Jesus Christ, according to Orthon, was one of these emissaries. When they wanted to, the Venusians could pass as humans, and Adamski said he met some of them in various Southern California bars.
As pop culture material, flying saucers were big in the early 1950s. Sightings of “unidentified flying objects” went viral in the years after World War II, and with grandiose claims being made by government and private industry about technological progress, they did not seem so far-fetched. There was also a great deal of anxiety about nuclear warfare and nuclear weapons. The bombing of Hiroshima in 1945, the badly-botched Bikini Atoll tests the next year, and the USSR’s acquisition of the bomb in 1949 deeply affected the psyche of Americans. The mix of these two elements–fascination and fear–made Adamski’s message of peace, demanded by extraterrestrial visitors, essentially go viral. Adamski’s books were best-sellers and suddenly people all over America, and some in Britain, were coming forward claiming that they too had been “contacted” by Venusians and other races of aliens.
There were a number of problems with Adamski’s claims. For one thing, Venus, where he said was the “space brothers’” home planet, in reality was totally inhospitable to any life, much less life that resembled Earthlings closely enough to go to bars in Southern California. The temperature on Venus is hot enough to melt lead and its carbon-dioxide atmosphere was full of sulfuric acid rain. This was not unknown to scientists in 1954 even though it would be several more years before space probes reached the planet. Furthermore, his “proof” was pretty shaky. A photographic expert examined the December 1952 photo and said it wasn’t a flying saucer at all. It was a streetlight. Its exposed “landing gear” was actually light bulbs. Even Adamski’s own witnesses–the people who had been with him for various sightings–told contradictory stories. In short, Adamski made up the whole thing.
That Adamski was a fraud was evident just by looking a bit into his background. A drifter who supported himself in the early years mostly by manual labor–though he was in the Army during World War I–Adamski got into the occult in California in the 1920s, forming something called the Royal Order of Tibet. Aside from whatever dubious spiritual benefits the Order conferred, it also afforded him an opportunity to make wine. This was during Prohibition, and one of the few exemptions was for religious orders that used wine for sacramental purposes. The Royal Order of Tibet was very small, but it wound up making a lot of wine–enough, conveniently, to provide Adamski a profitable business. This business ended when Prohibition was repealed in 1933. At that point, according to one witness, Adamski said that he had to get into “the flying saucer crap.” Also, it turned out his accounts of journeys through the solar system with the Venusians were eerily similar to a science fiction novel that was ghost-written for him in 1949, three years before he claimed he ever met Orthon.
The flying saucer crap, as it turned out, paid very well. In addition to selling hundreds of thousands of copies of his books, Adamski charged money to give lectures on his adventures with the Venusians and their philosophy, Eventually he had a paid staff and took vacations in Mexico. In 1959 Adamski was punk’d by two UFO skeptics who wrote a fake letter to him on FBI letterhead suggesting that the U.S. government knew all about the Venusians and supported his claims. It was a prank of course, but for the rest of his life Adamski claimed the letter “proved” the government was behind him. He also claimed he received a special medal from the Pope–which turned out to be a cheap souvenir available for sale in the Vatican–and at one point that he was dating an attractive female alien. He died in 1965.
Adamski was obviously a fake, but tell that to the legions of fans who did–and some who still do–support him and believe his claims are literally true. Adamski almost single-handedly began the “contactee” movement, people who claim personal involvement with aliens who have come to Earth in UFOs, usually communicating spiritual, personal-transformation or political messages. The eagerness to believe with which many people approach these claims is evident in the number of people who still believe the literal truth of oft-proven hoaxes like the Gulf Breeze sightings of the 1980s, or the “Voice of Vrillon” prank from 1977. Silly though his claims were, George Adamski remains a prophet of the bizarre UFO subculture, even now almost 50 years after his death.
The sighting took place in Longview, Texas on October 26, 2015, at approximately 20:50 P.M. When the witnesses saw the triangular craft quietly gliding “above Texas neighborhoods, unaware to the masses,” they immediately knew they had tofilm it.
One and a half minutes into the video, another triangular UFO made a silent entry into the picture and when they slowly distanced themselves, the guys filming the video jumped in the car and drove to a better vantage point.
Since the video is described as [Raw chase footage], the next three minutes are a mix of blurry, shaky footage and Guns N’ Roses. Whoever needs to complain about this must first understand that a certain amount of excitement accompanies UFO sightings and even professional hunters make mistakes. However, the video has two very good portions of footage at the beginning and near the end that make up for the shaky middle.
The UFO manages to cover a lot of ground (technically, sky) during the video. Coupled with its apparent size, the drone hypothesis seems to deteriorate. With what details can be gathered from the footage, the object fits the description of a classic triangle UFO. It is hard to discern whether this craft was built and operated by extraterrestrials or a military prototype such as the TR-3B.
As usual, the sighting sparked controversy on the internet, with users chipping in with their opinions on the matter.
“This is a few hours from where the Cash-Landrum incident happened,” one Reddit user commented. “I wonder if there is a military base in the area.”
The Cash-Landrum incident is one of the best documented UFO sightings to occur in the United States, one that left its witnesses in a state of shock and with palpable physical evidence.
Classified as a close encounter of the second kind, this incident involved Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum and her seven year-old grandson Colby. The three of them were traveling on an isolated road to their home in Dayton, Texas when they encountered a huge diamond-shaped object hovering above the treetops. The UFO spewed flames and emitted a large amount of heat; it was enough to make the metal parts of the car so hot they were painful to the touch.
Shortly after the object ascended, a number of 23 military helicopters zoomed over the witnesses’ heads in apparent pursuit of the UFO.
The aftermath of the incident saw Cash fall ill and her symptoms were consistent with radiation poisoning. Large, painful blisters appeared on her body and she bagan losing patches of skin and clumps of hair.
We have strong evidence that these patients have suffered secondary damage to ionizing radiation. It is also possible that there was an infrared component as well.” – MUFON radiologist who examined the patient.
Could this notorious incident have any connection to the recent Triangle UFO sighting?
It is possible. The fact that the diamond-shaped UFO was closely followed by a squadron of unmarked military helicopters could attest to the presence of a nearby secret base. The UFO itself could have been a prototype they were testing out and for whatever reason they decided to see the effects of an interaction with humans.
If this is the case, the area might be home to a number of other anomalies and we should be on the lookout for skywatchers’ videos and testimonies.
RUSSIAN military shot down a UFO before they were attacked and killed by the surviving aliens, it is sensationally claimed in a declassified CIA report.
Files describe several aspects previously classified about agency activities, including paranormal and UFO investigations The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has just made available on its website nearly 13 million pages of secret documents, making up about 930,000 previously classified files. The availability of this online material for quick reference by anyone is being salted as a very important step for researchers in recent human history. Much of this information has actually been available since the mid-1990s.
Rumors that lasted many years, where the Russians had the first contact with the gray aliens, and this fact supposedly occurred in 1942.
Now this document declassified by the cia reveals that an extraterrestrial ship was shot down by the Russians and that its extraterrestrial occupants killed some of the Russian soldiers
Since the dawn of ages, throughout cultures and civilizations, there have always been those who were considered enlightened. Prophets, Messiahs, and Sages throughout history have been able to tap into the eternal energy of the universe, bringing forth ancient wisdom of the cosmos and creation and bestowing upon all who would listen the understanding of our very existence. Some were ridiculed and others were murdered for what seemed to be, at the time, irrational views.
Take for example Jesus Christ. He was known to be one of the most radical of enlightened masters in history. To onlookers, a man walking around telling everyone that he was the son of God would have seemed so irrational and ‘blasphemous’ that just speaking the words “I and my father we are one” had already made him a prime subject for public scrutiny.
In the life and times of Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama), we understand that his teachings were very radical, in the sense that they did not fall into the mainstream of Buddhist regime. This lead to his closest disciples writing down accounts of his teachings and hiding away many of his direct works prior to Buddha being poisoned to death.
Thankfully, we are at the point in history where, through advancement of technology and scientific observation, we can finally bridge the gap between spiritual philosophy and scientific reality.
1. Galaxies Are Alike To A Human Brain
In a study released in 2012 in the journal Nature’s Scientific Reports, physicist Dmitri Krioukov of San Diego’s University in California found that, according to a computer simulation, the universe may grow like a brain. “Natural growth dynamics are the same for different real networks, like the Internet or the brain or social networks,” he explains. The study suggested that(1) fundamental laws may govern the growth of systems large and small, from the electrical firing between brain cells and growth of social networks to the expansion of galaxies.
2. Binary Codes
While working on the equations pertaining to the superstring theory – a scientific theory that aims to explain all the forces in nature through the vibration of theoretical strings — theoretical physicist James Gate Jr. at the University of Maryland discovered something very interesting: computer code. Yes, according to Gates there were patches of 0s (off) and 1s (on) embedded in the equations — a sort of pulsing binary code that runs our computers. What is interesting is that this leads us to understand that what we experience may just be the product of signals from a virtual reality generating computer network broadcasted by an entity from the edge of space.
Pao Chang, a spiritualist, thinks that our reality is, in fact, a mere illusion. In his book, entitled Staradigm, he presents an interesting take on how reality works:
The core structures of reality work similar to how a computer works. A computer communicates and operates through the use of binary codes, which are codes that consist of ones (on) and zeros (off). Binary codes are very simple but with the right combinations they can help computers create magnificent things.
3. Golden Ratio
The golden ratio has been found in pine cones, seashells, and even in Leonardo Davinci’s paintings, but in an exciting discovery by researchers at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, fractal patterns and golden ratio pulses were found to exist in stars. They made the discovery using the Kepler Space Telescope. The researchers were studying a specific kind of star known as RR Lyrae variables that are unlike normal stars in that they expand and contract. With each expansion and contraction the star’s brightness increases and decreases dramatically, a process known as pulsing.
What the researchers found next was the most astonishing. The stars in the study have been found to be pulsating in accordance with the golden mean. This finding is the first time the golden ratio has even been identified in space. Although the sample of stars in this study was quite small, the researchers noticed an intriguing pattern among the four stars with pulsation frequencies close to the golden ratio. Each of these stars exhibited fractal behaviour in a never-ending pattern that repeats on continuously smaller scales.
“That suggests there might be a pattern,” Linder says. “What we need is more data.” An example of a fractal is a jagged coastline, which reveals more and more wiggles in its outline as you zoom in from any vantage point. “It’s the same with the frequencies in these stars,” Linder says. “As we lower the threshold we see more and more frequencies.”
4. Time & Space Are An Illusion
5 Sweet and Simple Words: Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.
Space and time are not independent variables in our universe but rather agglomerate into the space-time continuum. In essence, space is dependent upon time and time is dependent upon space, a concept which shatters our idea of a definite reality and the universality of time altogether. So, both space and time, in fact, turn out to be mere illusions dependent upon the spatial location and movement of nothing but the observer. Past, present, and future are not fixed but rather are just an accumulation of spatial variables.
5. Quantum Mechanics & The Double Slit Experiment
In the experiment, a beam of electrons fired through a slit and at a screen replicated a wave-like pattern instead of a material splatter.
However, more interestingly, when this same beam of electrons was observed, it behaved as something consisting of solids, meaning that the electron already had several probable quantum events before the observation took place. It could have bounced off the screen, passed from either slit, passed from both slits, or just went over the screen. These probabilities were represented by the wave. However, when an observation took place the wave collapsed into one material reality — meaning that any physical event is a product of nothing but observation!
According to Erwin Schrödinger, every possible outcome of an event exists as a combinative wave form before this wave collapses into a material manifestation upon observation. The type of manifestation depends upon its probability and the point in the space-time continuum at which the observation is made.
In conclusion, we need to change the paradigm, from saying, “God created the universe,” to “God is the universe.”
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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