The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Recently released remote sensing photography of NASA’s Operation IceBridge mission in Antarctica led to a fascinating discovery when images revealed what some experts believe could be the existence of a possible ancient human settlement lying beneath an impressive 2.3 kilometers of ice.
The intriguing discovery was made during aircraft tests trials of NASA’s Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) lidar technology set to be launched on the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) in 2017, that aims to monitor changes in polar ice.
“There’s very little margin for error when it comes to individual photons hitting on individual fiber optics, that is why we were so surprised when we noticed these abnormal features on the lidar imagery,” explains Nathan Borrowitz, IceBridge’s project scientist and sea ice researcher with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
“As of now we can only speculate as to what these features are but the launching of ICESat-2 in 2017 could lead to other major discoveries and a better understanding of Antarctica’s geomorphological features” he adds.
Although NASA scientist Nathan Borrowitz claims the infrared images are definitely intriguing, other experts claim they are clearly the proof of ancient human engineering
A human settlement buried under 2.3 km of ice
Leading archeologist, Ashoka Tripathi, of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Calcutta believes the images show clear evidence of an ancient human settlement beneath the ice sheet.
“These are clearly features of some sort of human-made structure, resembling some sort of pyramidal structure. The patterns clearly show nothing we should expect from natural geomorphological formations found in nature. We clearly have here evidence of human engineering. The only problem is that these photographs were taken in Antarctica under 2 kilometers of ice. That is clearly the puzzling part, we do not have any explanation for this at the moment,” he admits.
“These pictures just reflect a small portion of Antarctica’s total land mass. There are possibly many other additional sites that are covered over with ice. It just shows us how easy it is to underestimate both the size and scale of past human settlements,” says Dr Tripathi.
Remnants of a lost civilization
Historian and cartographer at the University of Cambridge, Christopher Adam, believes there might be a rationnal explanation.
The map of Turkish admiral Piri Reis in 1513 AD shows the “ice less” coastline of Antarctica
“One of histories most puzzling maps is that of the Turkish admiral Piri Reis in 1513 AD which successfully mapped the coastline of Antarctica over 500 years ago. What is most fascinating about this map is that it shows the coastline of Antarctica without any ice. How is this possible when images of the subglacial coastline of Antarctica were only seen for the first time after the development of ground-penetrating radar in 1958? Is it possible Antarctica has not always been covered under such an ice sheet? This could be evidence that it is a possibility” he acknowledges.
« A slight pole shift or displacement of the axis of rotation of the Earth in historical times is possibly the only rational explanation that comes to mind but we definitely need more research done before we jump to any conclusion.”
ICESat-2 (Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite 2), part of NASA’s Earth Observing System, is a planned satellite mission for measuring ice sheet mass elevation, sea ice freeboard as well as land topography and vegetation characteristics, and is set to launch in may 2017.
Suspicious UFO captured on camera by Danish Fisherman
The footage, uploaded to YouTube by the channel Section 51 2, shows a distant shot of a giant hovering rhombus-shaped UFO with a separate bright orb moving around it.
It is seen to rise into clouds above as if disappearing through a portal to another dimension.
The Section 51 2 website claims it was filmed in November 2016 by Danish fishermen.
However, it includes no real details about the alleged sighting.
An article accompanying the video on the Section 51 2 website makes no further reference to the alleged sighting in the video.
It instead discusses a 2011 sighting over the North Sea.
It is likely the video is a clever hoax made using CGI technology.
You guys are doing a great job with the CGI, I hope one day you guys could make a vid of ufos fighting and stuff.
YouTube viewer
"We have benevolent ET friends who are serious about helping clean up our mess - starting with the ocean. be happy."
But, Section 51 2 has been outed by serious UFO investigators and hoax busters as regularly using GCI effects to add extraordinarily clear-looking UFOs to its videos.
The website and channel features on many UFO investigators "blacklists" of so-called UFO sites to avoid because of its alleged use of hoaxes, which "discredit genuine research".
The 'about section' on its website suggests it broadcasts genuine footage, saying: "Sometimes we have no words to explain what we see, sometimes we can see that it's just hoax.
"The purpose of Section 51 is to make you ask yourself these questions about UFOs... Many UFO reports from soldiers exist all around the world but some people want to hide the truth.
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Two Identical UFOs Filmed Over Florida and New York
Two Identical UFOs Filmed Over Florida and New York
Various reports suggest that a significant number of people witnessed a UFO in Homestead, Florida on February 15, 2017. The UFO was so mysterious as an aircraft mechanic with many years in aviation could not explain the video of the alleged mass UFO sighting.
Interestingly, a second video showing the same UFOs surfaced on March 3, 2017, and made the rounds online. The unnamed witness was in his room fixing the blinds. He usually looked out of his window to see the moon. He was surprised to see lights beaming from a distance. The sighting took place in Jamaica, NY.
The witness was sure they were not airplanes because he had been seeing planes from a distance during the night and he knew they did not beam as bright or as big as the mysterious lights that he could not explain.
The witness went on to say that he noticed the objects many months, but not paid attention to it as he thought they were just from the JFK airport on the right side.
Airplanes or helicopters are a regular sight around the area with JFK airport stationed nearby.
The witness also initially thought they were just motorbike headlights that appeared flashing when a tree was in front of them while the wind blew the leaves around. He observed on the last beam of light on the right side continually drifted off to the right and reappeared a few seconds again.
The witness claimed to be into cosmology, and his UFO sighting could be his wonderful, amazing discoveryyet.
Eyewitness Baffle To See An Apparent Decloaked V-Shaped UFO
Eyewitness Baffle To See An Apparent Decloaked V-Shaped UFO
TV News recently presents the UFO case seriously, and the MUFON investigator appears to handle it very well. It has been reported that UFO can materialize out of thin air, not by magic but by decloaking technology.
Debunking a UFO sighting is not that easy as most think. It needs evidence and not just mere words to do such thing. Without proof, debunking is just a bluff to make false news and profits to those networks who want to earn money out of it.
The annual UFO sighting report in Mutual UFO Network in Houston average around 80 speculated sightings. The data did not include the ones that are not reported. Fletcher Gray, one of the renowned UFO experts, offers a reason why most UFO sightings are not involving UFOs. However, there’s one case that baffles him big time.
An orange light was spotted over the Katy territory, coasting around. Tourists in the ground speculated it was a UFO. Gray said that it was glinting as it traveled during that time in the sky.
This researcher at Cambridge has a PhD and still had to take time to prove why the Nazi Antarctic UFO base is a hoax.
Before we get into this let's make one thing clear: the secret Nazi UFO base in Antarctica doesn't exist. The Nazis did go to Antarctica, but they didn't stash priceless European art in a subterranean Antarctic lair where they also happened to be developing flying saucers. That would be a totally insane thing to believe.
But as recently as 2016, articles mentioning the possible existence of this very thing can be found in tabloids like The Mirror, which reported on a possible Nazi UFO under Antarctic ice, as well as The Daily Star, which suggested that the Nazi UFO base may have ties to the giant alien ice pyramids under Antarctica.
In the age of Fake News and flat earthers, it's not hard to see how an outlandish idea could retain currency. But it's remarkable persistence over the half century prompted Colin Summerhayes, a prominent marine geologist and oceanographer at Cambridge, to write a 21-page, peer-reviewed paper outlining all the reasons why the Nazis totally didn't build a secret Antarctic base. Published a little over a decade ago in the quarterly academic journal Polar Review, Summerhayes' paper is an interesting survey of the paranoid conspiracy theories that began with a secret Nazi mission to Antarctica in January, 1939.
Seal of the Nazi Antarctic expedition. Image: Summerhayes, et al.
Months before the outbreak of World War II, Nazi Germany sent a small expedition to Antarctica aboard a vessel called the Schwabenland. According to Summerhayes, the expedition was prompted by German fears about being cut out of the whaling industry by Norway and Britain, which made large claims to portions of the Antarctic continent. So the Nazis launched their own expedition to Antarctica with the intention of claiming some of the seventh continent for themselves and establishing a base for the German whaling fleet there.
Although this would end up being the Nazi's only visit to Antarctica, rumors of a secret Nazi base harboring Hitler and his inner circle near the South Pole began to spread immediately after the end of the war. The occasion of these rumors was the arrival of a German U-boat at an Argentine naval base in July, 1945, two months after the Nazis surrendered. Newspapers around the world picked up a fallacious Argentine news report that the U-boat had carried Hitler and other ranking Nazis out of Germany to the secret base on Antarctica.
Unrecognized Nazi claim on Antarctica, known as New Swabia. Image: Wikimedia Commons
The initial report of this rumor, spread by a Hungarian exile Ladislas Szabo who was living in Argentina at the time, was propped up by a book published by Szabo two years later titled (based on, it seems that even the bureau had its suspicions about the escape of the Nazi leader). Szabo's rumors only continued to pick up steam, and eventually in which Hitler did in fact die in a Berlin bunker, but his ashes and other Nazis treasures had been transported to Antarctica where they were stashed in a "very special natural ice cave in the Muhlig-Hofmann Mountains."Hitler is Still Alive recently declassified FBI files warped into a story
Despite the fact that many captured Nazis offered irrefutable evidence to the contrary of these claims, the rumor of Hitler's Antarctic base persisted. This was, in part, due to a covert Antarctic mission carried out by the US military in 1947 called Operation Highjump, as well as the well-documented British military presence in Antarctica throughout the war. According to conspiracy theorists, both the United States and Britain unsuccessfully attacked the secret Nazi base multiple times in the late 40s, but only succeeded in destroying it by dropping three atomic bombs above the base in 1958.
Ultimately, however, Summerhayes isn't convinced. Although he does acknowledge that "there is an element of truth in all these tales," the evidence doesn't seem to add up to a secret Nazi base in Antarctica.
In the first place, there is a pretty exhaustive recap in both German scientific literature and recovered wartime documents of the 1939 expedition to Antarctica. While these documents do outline the marine science and mapping efforts of the mission, there is no indication at all that the Nazis had ever decided on a fitting location for an Antarctic base, much less had begun to build one. As Summerhayes points out, when Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen built a small hut in Antarctica in 1911, it took them 14 days and required the use of 80 dogs.
By contrast, the German expedition was only in Antarctica for a month, and spent most of its time going up and down the coast collecting marine samples and launching planes to do surveying work. There is also no evidence that the ship had motorized equipment or dogs on board, which would've made the task of ferrying supplies around the Antarctic nearly impossible, especially to build a massive underground complex where there were "hangars for strange planes" and bunkers for the development of advanced weaponry.
A (non-Nazi) research outpost in Antarctica. Image: Daniel Oberhaus
And what about Operation Highjump, the secret mission launched by the US in Antarctica, supposedly to take out the Nazi base? The largest expedition to ever go to Antarctica, Operation Highjump consisted of 4700 men, 33 aircraft, and 13 ships—which certainly sounds like an invasion of sorts. While this was undoubtedly a military exercise, its stated purpose was to train the US Navy to operate in freezing, polar conditions in preparation for a possible war with the Soviet Union in the Arctic
Okay, Summerhayes, but how do you explain the Nazi UFOs in Antarctica, huh? These claims, first advanced in UFOs: Nazi Secret Weapon, a 1975 book published by a Canadian neo-nazi publishing house, are derived from baseless reports that four American aircraft were shot down by Nazis during Operation Highjump. This tied in with an esoteric, post-war Nazism described in the 2002 history of occult Nazism, Black Sun, in which "flying saucers were in fact German super-weapons that had been developed and tested during the Third Reich."
According to Black Sun, this technology which was "supposedly shipped to safety in the Arctic, South America, and Antarctica" and "by the late 1970s, neo-Nazi writers were claiming that the 'Last Battalion,' a massive Nazi military force of highly advanced UFOs, was in possession of a vast tract of Antarctica." Despite the claims made in the neo-Nazi tract that American planes were shot down over Antarctica by Nazi flying saucers, Summerhayes concludes "that the idea that Germans defended themselves with flying saucers from a secret base" to be "pure fantasy," if for no other reason than the only plane lost during the American expedition to Antarctica crashed on the other side of the continent from the location of the supposed Nazi base.
Sure, fine. But why drop three atomic bombs on Antarctica if there wasn't Nazis there? Although there were three atmospheric nuclear explosions in the Southern hemisphere 1958, they were not over Antarctica—in fact, they were about 1500 miles north of the continent.
Summerhayes was able to thoroughly debunk the existence of an Antarctic Nazi UFO base, but the fact that the rumor persists a decade later should come as no surprise. In the era of pizzagate and fake news, we know all too well that the seduction of conspiracy will always trap at least a few believers who are willing to accept the apparent absurdity of a story, so long as it means that all the dots are connected.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (2 Stemmen) Categorie:NIEUWS VAN JAN ( NL)
Avant de partir explorer Mars, les êtres humains ont encore quelques ajustement à faire : le ravitaillement, entre autres. Des scientifiques ont peut-être trouvé la solution : faire pousser des patates sur la planète rouge. Oui, comme dans Seul sur Mars.
Une première expérimentation menée par le très sérieux Centre international de la pomme de terre au Pérou a donné des "résultats préliminaires encourageants".
Menés entre le 14 février et le 5 mars à Lima, les tests ont été réalisés dans des conditions atmosphériques censées être semblables à celles de la planète Mars, reproduites sous un dôme baptisé CubSat. Les pommes de terre ont poussé dans une terre extraite du désert de la Pampa de la Joya, dans le sud du Pérou, où le sol est ce qu'on peut retrouver sur Mars. Ce n'est donc pas un hasard si la NASA envisage de construire dans cette région un centre d'expérimentations martiennes, comme il en existe déjà aux Etats-Unis, en Antarctique et en Russie.
Le fait qu'il y ait une croissance possible dans des conditions comme celles de Mars est une phase importante de cette expérienceJulio Valvidia Silva, astrobiologiste péruvien
Un cube hermétique, des conditions extrêmes
« Si ces cultures peuvent résister aux conditions extrêmes auxquelles nous les exposons dans notre CubeSat, elles ont de bonnes chances de croître sur Mars, précise Julio Valdivia-Silva de l’UTEC. Nous ferons plusieurs séries d’expériences pour savoir quelles variétés de pommes de terre résistent le mieux. Nous voulons savoir quelles sont les conditions minimales dont une pomme de terre a besoin pour survivre. »
Si ces cultures résistent, elles ont de bonnes chances de croître aussi sur Mars
Dans ce cube, qui abrite un environnement hermétiquement fermé, le tubercule est alimenté en eau, enrichie de nutriments. La température et ses variations suivent celles observables sur Mars, de jour comme de nuit. De même, les niveaux de pression atmosphérique, d’oxygène et de dioxyde de carbone sont constamment surveillés pour imiter ceux de la planète rouge. Un lot de capteurs et une caméra permettent de surveiller la croissance du tubercule.
Selon les observations de Walter Amoros, spécialisé dans la culture de pommes de terre au CIP, ce féculent présenterait des propriétés génétiques idéales pour résister à des environnements défavorables. En amont de l’expérience à l’intérieur du cube, les chercheurs avaient déjà utilisé le sol d’un désert situé dans le sud du Pérou pour prouver que les tubercules pouvaient s’y développer malgré la sécheresse.
Les patates bientôt au menu sur Mars ?
"Si les tubercules peuvent tolérer les conditions extrêmes auxquelles nous les exposons ici, cela offre une bonne opportunité pour qu'elles poussent sur Mars", estime Julio Valdivia Silva, astrobiologiste péruvien lié à l'agence spatiale américaine.
"Le fait qu'il y ait une croissance possible dans des conditions comme celles de Mars est une phase importante de cette expérience", a-t-il ajouté. Elle est prévue pour durer cinq ans. Et permet déjà de savoir qu'on ne mourra pas de faim à 76 millions de kilomètres de la Terre.
MEET the people whose lives were forever changed when they encountered what they believe was an alien spacecraft.
The story as it was reported in The Dandenong Journal.
At 6am on April 6, 1966, Clayton South became host to one of Australia’s most intriguing mysteries when more than 200 school students witnessed an unidentified flying object.
It was Australia’s largest mass UFO sighting.
More than half a century later and a select group of witnesses will share their story at Victorian UFO Action’s event Westall — The Witnesses Speak.
Sue Savage, who now lives in Springvale North, was 13 at the time of the encounter; she was in science class at Westall High School when a fellow student ran into the class room shouting “there is a flying saucer outside”.
Mrs Savage said she and her classmates went out to the corner of the schoolyard and looked up in awe.
“(The UFO) was like two saucers … one on the bottom and one turned upside down on the top,” Mrs Savage said.
“Some people say there was just one but I reckon there were three.
“They were hovering over the trees and then went down into the trees and disappeared for a minute or two then rose back up, sort of banked on its side and then took off at a 1000 miles per hour.”
Westall witness Suzanne Savage at the Clayton South UFO park which was built in memory of the 1966 sighting. Picture: Valeriu Campan
Mrs Savage said the encounter left a lasting impression on her.
Since then she has had a keen interest in astrology and UFOs and has had to deal with many sceptics.
“We were too young to be sceptics — we know what we saw,” she said.
“It really makes me very angry to hear people say there’s nothing else out there and I know there is.
“Even mum and dad both said it was a load of rubbish and I told my children years later and they thought I was crazy until the first reunion was held and they realised (how many witnesses there were).”
Kevin Hurley was 21 at the time of the incident and rode his bike to the school from Murrumbeena after being alerted to the UFO sighting.
Mr Hurley never saw a UFO but he walked through tall grass to the spot behind the trees where the students said the UFO touched down for a couple of minutes.
“I saw a whole lot of people in a group huddle, they were all looking at the ground and there in 2ft high grass was a big perfect circle of absolutely flattened and twisted grass,” Mr Hurley said.
“In that circle there were three distinct impressions where the grass has been penetrated down to the dirt.”
Mr Hurley returned to the site the next day with a group of friends but said it was cordoned off and a military officer ordered him off the area.
James Rigney from Victoria UFO action said these first-hand accounts were what people who came to the event could expect to hear.
The Dandenong Journal ran with coverage of the incident on its front page for consecutive issues and Nine News also reported the story on its 6pm bulletin.
The film canister containing the Channel 9 footage from the incident has since been found empty in the station archives.
Witnesses believe there has been a cover-up.
In 2013, the UFO returned to Westall in the form of a playground build by Kingston Council.
Westall — The Witnesses Speak will include the showing of documentary, Westall ’66: A Suburban UFO Mystery, a presentation from amateur investigator Shane Ryan and a Q and A panel with up to 12 witnesses.
It will take place at Kingston Arts Centre, 64 Parkers Rd, Parkdale, on April 2 from 12pm-5.30pm.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Three Glowing Lights Seen Over Ontario, Canada On Feb 27, 2017, UFO Sighting News.
Three Glowing Lights Seen Over Ontario, Canada On Feb 27, 2017, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Feb 27, 2017 Location of sighting: Barrie, Ontario, Canada Source: MUFON #82604 This UFO was seen over Ontario last week. It does have three lights which could mean its a TR3B military craft, but its hard to tell at night. Sometimes similar UFOs have been reported to suddenly split up and shoot away in opposite directions. I wonder if this would have happened if the eyewitness had watched longer? Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
I pulled onto my street heading home and i noticed 3 bright lights in the sky. 2 red and one white flashing very fast. I recorded it for a few seconds from my car, until the video went out of focus, then pulled into my driveway and went inside to tell people to come look. My borther in law came outside and seen it as well. I started to record again and as i did it changed its white light to red and began pulsating slowly with the other 2 lights now turned off. It then flickered its lights and changed the red pulsating light back to white, continued to pulsate, and then went back to flashing again for the remainder of the time i watched. It eventually vanished.
This UFO showed up over Mount Shasta, a famous religious mountain where many have claimed to see people surrounded by an aura around there body. Many who have climbed the mountain trails have said they encounter beings along the way that claimed to be from an underground city below the mountain that is over 12,000 years old! One appeared to be Saint Germain. (click here on more info on that encounter). This UFO over the mountain was there to pick up and deliver goods, supplies and passengers to this ancient city. I am sure you have heard of these stories before. I myself first heard about them over 35 years ago.
BREAKTHROUGH: Seven planets were discovered as part of a new star system
The space agency made the huge announcement last month, with experts calling the discovery of Trappist -1 one of the most important developments in the hunt for aliens.
Three of the planets discovered are thought to contain pools of water, suggesting life could be thriving.
The Kepler telescope has been observing the new star system since December and the new data gives scientists a more detailed look at the planets.
REVEALING: The new data helps scientists better understand Trappist-1
HUGE: NASA announced the Trappist-1 discovery last month
Geert Barentsen, K2 research scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center, said: "Scientists and enthusiasts around the world are invested in learning everything they can about these Earth-size worlds.
"Providing the K2 raw data as quickly as possible was a priority to give investigators an early look so they could best define their follow-up research plans.
"We’re thrilled that this will also allow the public to witness the process of discovery."
Trappist -1 was discovered by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope with help from ground-based machinery.
Talking about the discovery, NASA's associate administrator Thomas Zurbuchen said: "This discovery could be a significant piece in the puzzle of finding habitable environments, places that are conducive to life.
“Finding a second Earth isn't a matter of if but when."
Did an extraterrestrial object wipe out Paleo-Americans? Traces of platinum at US archaeological sites suggest an asteroid or comet might have caused disappearance of Clovis people
Did an extraterrestrial object wipe out Paleo-Americans? Traces of platinum at US archaeological sites suggest an asteroid or comet might have caused disappearance of Clovis people
Researchers analyzed 11 archaeological sites associated with Clovis peoples
The Clovis peoples arrived in Americas more than 13,000 years ago and mysteriously disappeared 12,800 years ago
Around the same time, more than 35 ice-age animals went extinct
Scientists found traces of platinum from California to the Carolinas and Virginia
Platinum is common in extraterrestrial objects such as asteroids and comets
North America experienced mini ice-age called 'Younger Dryas' around this time
Evidence suggests Clovis people were maybe wiped out by comet-like object
Traces of platinum discovered at archaeological sites across the US may help scientists determine why the Clovis people disappeared thousands of years ago.
Platinum is found in asteroids and comets, which has led researchers to speculate that an extraterrestrial object could explain the disappearance.
The Clovis people, who inhabited the modern-day contiguous United States more than 13,000 years ago along with beasts such as the mastodon and mammoth, disappeared 12,800 years ago. More than 35 ice-age animals also went extinct.
An extraterrestrial object such as an asteroid (pictured) or comet could have struck North America around 12,800 years ago, when the Clovis peoples disappeared and 35 ice age animals went extinct
The contiguous United States had been inhabited by the Clovis people, pictured in a drawing battling a woolly mammoth, more than 13,000 years ago
Researchers from the University of South Carolina, whose work was published in Scientific Reports, found 11 Clovis sites from California to the Carolinas and Virginia had platinum, which was previously found in Greenland in 2013.
Archaeologist Albert C. Goodyear told WLTX: 'We found in our study from California to the Savannah River, higher than ordinary concentrations of platinum.'
While no impact site has been found, platinum's dating coincided with the 'Younger-Dryas' period, a sort of mini ice-age lasting 1,400 years that began 12,800 years ago, Science Daily reported.
The study's lead author, Christopher Moore, said: 'Platinum is very rare in Earth's crust, but it is common in asteroids and comets.'
Moore added: 'The presence of elevated platinum in archaeological sites is a confirmation of data previously reported for the Younger-Dryas onset several years ago in a Greenland ice-core.'
Clovis sites from California (pictured as 1) to the Carolinas and Virginia (pictured 5-11) yielded traces of platinum
The Clovis peoples were known for the fine-fluted stone points they made for weapons, pictured. For a time, they were believed to be the first peoples in the Americas
He said that unlike the dinosaur extinction 65million years ago which was caused by a large extraterrestrial object impact, the Younger-Dryas impact would have been caused by a smaller one.
Questions such as how exactly peoples and animals would have been affected by such an environmental change remain, and the study concludes that more research into the theoretical impact is necessary.
The Clovis people were a prehistoric Native American group of hunter-gatherers who, for 40 years, were assumed to have been the first people to arrive in the Americas.
An archaeologist at the El Fin del Mundo Clovis site in northwestern Mexico excavates the culture which mysteriously disappeared 12,800 years ago
The Clovis people shared the land with ice-age animals such as the woolly mammoth, pictured, and the mastodon. Such animals are now extinct
These early humans were distinguished by the fine-fluted stone points they made for weapons.
But in early 2016, anthropologists in Southern Chile discovered a completely different type of a much older stone tool technology believed to be up to 19,000 years old.
David Meltzer, a Southern Methodist University archaeologist, said: 'There is compelling evidence that Clovis was preceded by an earlier and possibly separate population.'
Dr Horace Drew, 61, was just 10 years old when he allegedly saw an unidentified, silver, windowless craft hovering in the sky near his suburban home, in Jacksonville, Florida. The encounter lasted only moments but led to a lifelong fascination with the extraterrestrial.
"I saw a UFO, so I knew they were real from an early age," Dr Drew told
The scientist, who holds a PhD in Chemistry from Caltech, the California Institute of Technology, and worked for CSIRO as a molecular biologist, has been researching crop circles and aliens for 20 years. Dr Drew relocated to Australia in the 1980s but most of his work has taken him overseas, predominantly to Europe.
"They're quite rare in Australia," he said.
He, along with many conspiracy theorists, believe crop circles are the work of aliens or human time travellers. Sceptics say most are probably man-made.
A crop circle is typically defined by standing wheat stems that have been flattened in the shape of a circle or more complex pattern. They tend to appear mainly in developed Western or secularised countries - including Japan.
The cause of many of the circles is unknown despite various natural and unorthodox explanations having been put forward. Some crop circles have been proven to be hoaxes.
Crop circles in Paris, France. Photo / Getty Images
But according to Dr Drew, a number are legitimate and contain puzzles that can be decoded and linked to time travel and alien life.
He told he had visited about "two dozen crop circles" around the globe in his career. Typically, they were between 50-500m in length, he said.
"For the past 20 years I have been studying UFOs or crop circles. Just as other mainstream scientists study conventional subjects," Dr Drew told guests at the March UFO & Paranormal Research Society of Australia (UFO-PRSA) seminar in Sydney on Wednesday night.
"This has led to at least one major breakthrough the discovery of a more advanced binary code than our computers currently use."
Dr Drew claimed that aliens or human time travellers have been leaving the crop circles on Earth as messages to "us or themselves".
Dr Drew said he was one of a handful of scientists around the world who had worked to successfully decode some of the messages in crop circles.
According to him, some crop circles provide general descriptions of the future.
"Other crop (circles) show schematic images of the future for astronomical or human events," he said.
He said some of the decoded messages read: 'Much pain but still time. Believe. There is good out there'; 'Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises'; 'We oppose deception. Conduit closing'.
Dr Drew has developed at least two theories as to the purpose of the circles by reading their "advanced (version of) binary codes".
"One theory is that they are trying to introduce themselves to us peacefully, like we do using bubbles with dolphins," he said.
"When (humans) want to talk with dolphins we put little bubble circles under the ocean with a generator. We watch the dolphins come up and play and investigate, and we study them.
"This is called the 'dolphin communication project'."
He said the dynamic between the way humans interact with dolphins and whales was likely comparable to how extraterrestrials communicate with us.
"Barack or Trump have never said to a dolphin: 'take me to your leader I want to sign a treaty with you'," he said.
"And (the extraterrestrials are) not interested in making a treaty with us.
"They are ahead of us like we are ahead of the dolphins and the whales."
His second theory was that the messages "are not even for us".
Crop circle near Avebury, Wiltshire. Photo / Getty Images
Dr Drew said human time travellers from the distant future could be creating the circles as directional markers, to help them navigate "in their distant past, which is our present".
"There are definitely humans living there in about 5000 years with time travel capability," he said.
"They're coming back and flying all over Earth.
"They seem to just say 'this is a certain day' and mark it.
"So the trouble is we don't know space time physics enough to understand what's happening. It's beyond our knowledge.
"Maybe they don't want us to know about it. It might be just for them."
It's a theory shared by many in his field of work.
Dr Drew said the circles appeared to be created by an "unknown energy that heats the crops up".
"It's like microwave energy but is something beyond earth's science," he said.
"It can pattern the wheat.
"No one sees or hears anything and that's why its so hard to prove. If there's a craft, it's silent, noiseless."
But there's nothing to fear, according to him.
"Don't be afraid," he said.
Telling the difference between a real crop circle and a hoax is like differentiating between an original painting and a fake, according to Dr Drew.
"There are some things to look for," he said.
Crops that are bent "halfway up" their stems, rather than on the ground ,is one telltale sign "cereologists", or someone that advocates paranormal explanations of crop circles, look for to determine that it's not a hoax.
"You can't absolutely prove a crop circle wasn't a hoax but you can give a high probability and judgment," he said.
"If there's a hoax the word of it gets around very fast, people are aware, people are not that easily fooled."
In 1991, English pranksters Doug Bower and Dave Chorley took credit for most of the crop circles across southern England made since 1978. They were inspired by the Tully "saucer nest" case in Australia, where a farmer found a flattened circle of swamp reeds after observing a UFO.
Using basic tools including a plank of wood, rope, and a baseball cap fitted with a loop of wire to help them walk in a straight line, they said they made complex crop circles in England - which others then copied all over the world into the 1980s.
They made a circle for journalists, which was later declared authentic by a cereologist.
They then revealed their hoax to the world, spurring on even more copycats.
Dr Drew said there was a lot of scientific evidence to show that some crop circles were made by human time travellers or extraterrestrial beings. "Laboratory results on plant or soil samples taken from a crop circle in Brazil in October of 2016 show that it was formed by unknown sterilising images," he said.
The earliest mention of a crop circle dates back to the 1500s. A woodcut from the time showed a "mowing devil" making the pattern.
Earlier this month, US TV host Jimmy Kimmel asked former US President George Bush if he went through "secret files, the UFO documents" when he was in office.
But instead of laughing off the question, the former commander in chief replied: "Maybe."
Mr Kimmel then asked him if there were "any great secrets you know that you can't share with people?"
"Yeah, there are," Mr Bush said. "But I'm not telling you."
Many conspiracy theorists and some scientists, including Dr Drew, argued that Mr Bush's comments indicated the US government knows much more about extraterrestrial life than it has publicly revealed.
"The politicians are scared they'll lose votes if they talk about it," Dr Drew said.
He said international media had also played a part in causing the public to doubt the legitimacy of crop circles and aliens.
But according to him, its important for humans to keep seeking answers.
"The ET visitors have technologies which would benefit us greatly, for example, how to make safe, clean energy without burning oil, coal or gas," Dr Drew said.
"Ultra-fast propulsion systems, based on gravity and inertia, could carry us safely to distant planets or stars.
"We may also need to upgrade our planetary defences soon, to protect against ET's who may not be friendly."
There's still a lot more to be understood but Dr Drew's hope is that he one day gets a closer look at what was inside the UFO he believes he saw as a child.
"I'd like to meet (the extraterrestrials or human time travellers) in person," he said.
"But I don't think they're going to do that.
"Whichever scientific team is doing this I don't think we're supposed to have full knowledge of it because it will interrupt their program, whatever they're doing."
The internet is in love with the latest image of Saturn's moon Pan. People tag it as the ravioli moon, UFO moon, and more. However, Pan is not weird at all, and here's why.
( NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute )
NASA has revealed its closest-ever photos of Saturn's moon Pan. The images were taken by the Cassini spacecraft that flew by the tiny moon on March 7.
The Cassini probe did a close-approach at a distance of just 15,268 miles. This close distance has allowed it to capture images of Pan that clearly reveal its geology and shape.
Pan Is A Ravioli-, UFO-, Empanada-Shaped Moon
Pan is only 12 miles across and this month's encounter is not actually the first for NASA. It was first spotted in 1990 by SETI researcher Mark Showalter using the images captured by the Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1981. The moonlet is named after a Greek mythological god of nature and the forest, a creature that resembles a man with a goat's hind legs and hooves.
Pan is very small and has an average radius of only 8.8 miles. It orbits Saturn at a distance of 83,000 miles in a region known as the Encke Gap on the planet's A-ring.
(Photo : NASA-JPL/Caltech)
The latest images have captured the attention of the internet. Pan has been called the ravioli moon for obvious reasons. It doesn't end there as Pan is also being compared to other things.
National Geographic compares Saturn's tiny moon to a flying saucer and naturally tags it as a UFO moon.
Ars Technica likens Pan to a walnut... because why not?
After ravioli, UFO, walnut, we get other fascinating takes such as comparing Pan to a pan-fried dumpling or empanada.
Ravioli also rhymes with guacamole so why not include half avocado on the list.
Pan Is Not The Only Weird Thing In Space
We're only starting to discover what's around us. In space, Pan is surely not the only oddly shaped moon or heavenly body we have seen so far.
Another moon of Saturn, Atlas, resembles its sibling. Atlas is just a flatter version of the ravioli-shaped tiny moon.
Tech Times reported before about the planet's Death Star Moon and this one does not need an explanation where it got its name.
Then, there's also the potato-shaped Prometheus moon of Saturn.
(Photo : NASA-JPL/Caltech)
We also have the small moons of Mars known as Phobos and Deimos, names that literally translate to fear and panic, respectively.
But, UK UFO expert Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, believes he knows what is causing the crop in sightings - and it is from outer space.
Venus has been visible in the night sky since the start of the new year and he believes it is the planet which is behind the huge rise in claims.
Mr Watson said: "The latest crop of UFO videos in the UK and Europe might well be due to the current brightness and visibility of Venus in our night skies.
"It not only looks strange to human observers but when videoed can appear even odder due to lens reflections, autofocusing and the motion of the camera that can give the illusion a stationary object is darting about."
The green UFO filmed in Salento, Italy, that may just be Venus.
He pointed to a video on YouTube entitled "A Real Huge, Silent, Triangular UFO Hovering Nr Bitterne, Southampton, Hants, UK" which was posted this month.
He said: "It looks impressive but could well be Venus and reflections on a window."
Mr Watson also looked at footage of a green UFO taken in Salento, Italy, at around 8pm on January 9 by Lucio Margiotta and posted on Facebook.
He said: "The light in the sky that turns into a ring of light looks impressive, but much of the mystery was probably caused by the smartphone used to video this event.
"It is noteworthy that the distant light only turns into a halo when Lucio Margiotta zooms in on it, which suggests that the autofocus system of the camera is distorting the light to produce this unusual effect.
"Other independent witnesses said they also saw this light, but without further details we can only assume at this stage that the video is just a product of the smartphone technology rather than the product of aliens intent on surveying our planet in preparation for the day they finally reveal themselves to us."
There have also been reports in local media of people believing there as a spaceship over Watford earlier this month, when Venus was visible near the moon.
Mr Watson's theory appears to be backed by an report from September 2015.
Then we reported how a man recorded a series of bizarre shapes when he zoomed in on what he knew to be Venus over New York.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Two decades later, 'Phoenix Lights' remains a mystery
(FOX 10 Phoenix)
Two decades later, 'Phoenix Lights' remains a mystery
By FOX 10 Phoenix
It's a date many people will remember, as it is the night the so-called "Phoenix Lights" event took place. 20 years ago. In the two decades since that mysterious night, there have been lots of theories over the light's origins.
Some say it was military flares.
Some say it was hot air balloons.
Those who believe in the theory that extraterrestrial beings were behind the Phoenix Lights also endure ridicule from skeptics who say otherwise.
The sightings that night would become the subject of a book, as well as a documentary, by Phoenix physician Lynne Kitei. She was a witness to the Phoenix Lights. She saw the lights from her Paradise Valley home, and snapped some photographs.
"I have no idea what they were," said Kitei.
It took Kitei seven years to come forward. Those who first talked about the Phoenix Lights suffered because of it. Former Phoenix City Councilwoman Frances Barwood was the first public official to draw attention to the Phoenix Lights. Now living near Prescott, Barwood asked about the sights at a City Council meeting, weeks after the lights appeared.
"I asked if anybody knew what this object was and could we check into it," said Barwood. "I was met by a whole bunch of stares."
Aardappelen kweken om te overleven op Mars: Matt Damon deed het ons al voor in 'The Martian'. Maar mogelijk kan het ook in werkelijkheid, zo concludeert een onderzoek van het International Potato Center in Peru na een jaar experimenteren.
De wetenschappers in Lima zetten een reeks experimenten op touw waarbij ze de omstandigheden op de rode planeet zo goed mogelijk probeerden na te bootsen. Verschillende aardappelsoorten werden uitgezet. Bedoeling was niet enkel te onderzoeken of de mens in de - verre - toekomst de knollen zou kunnen kweken op Mars, maar ook welke soorten het best geschikt zijn om op aarde in barre klimatologische omstandigheden te kweken.
Het aardappelcentrum werkte samen met ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA en gebruikte grond uit de Pampas de La Joya, een woestijn in het zuiden van Peru. Die grond, droog en rijk aan zout, lijkt het felst op wat er zich in de bodem van Mars bevindt. Daarbovenop werd een hermetisch afgesloten ruimte gebouwd, de zogenaamde CubeSat. Die kan extra voeding aan de grond toevoegen en de temperatuur, luchtdruk, en het zuurstof- en koolstofdioxidegehalte regelen om de omgeving op Mars zo goed als mogelijk na te bootsen. Ook op Mars zouden de aardappelen enkel in een afgesloten serre gekweekt kunnen worden.
Niet alle aardappelvariëteiten bleken tijdens het experiment even succesvol. Maar de wetenschappers konden wel een soort die het goed doet in een zoute en harde omgeving ook in de CubeSat tot volwaardige aardappelen laten uitgroeien.
"Als de aardappelen de extreme condities waaraan wij ze onderwerpen, kunnen weerstaan, is er een goede kans dat ze ook op Mars kunnen groeien", zegt Julio Valdivia-Silva van het onderzoekscentrum.
Wie de aardappelen live wil zien groeien, kan trouwens terecht op de livestream van het Potato Center:
Een konijnenhol op het Engelse platteland heeft geleid naar een eeuwenoud gangenstelsel. De grot werd door fotograaf Michael Scott op camera vastgelegd.
Het ondergrondse stelsel werd ontdekt door een boer vlakbij het dorpje Shifnal, in de buurt van de stad Birmingham. Archeologen denken dat de grot werd gebruikt door late volgers van de Orde van de Tempeliers, een christelijke kruisridderorde die vocht ten tijde van de kruistochten in het Midden-Oosten in de 12de eeuw.
Het stelsel ligt amper één meter onder de grond en bestaat uit tientallen smalle gangetjes. Bogen die zijn uitgehouwen uit zandsteen houden de boel overeind. De enige manier om toegang te krijgen tot de grot is via het konijnenhol. Het gangenstelsel lijkt volledig intact.
Waarvoor de grot werd gebruikt en hoe oud het stelsel precies is, is nog onduidelijk. Archeologen van Historic England beschrijven de ondergrondse ruimte als een zogenoemde 'grotto': een natuurlijke of aangelegde grot die wordt of werd gebruikt door de mens. Ook denken ze dat de grot werd gebruikt voor het uitvoeren van rituelen van zwarte magie.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Deze mysterieuze moordzaak werd nooit opgelost: “Alien neergeschoten bij Amerikaanse vliegbasis”
Deze mysterieuze moordzaak werd nooit opgelost: “Alien neergeschoten bij Amerikaanse vliegbasis”
We schrijven 18 januari 1978. De politie van de Amerikaanse staat New Jersey wil toegang tot de McGuire Air Force Base.
Boven die basis en boven de nabijgelegen basis Fort Dix zijn eerder op de avond UFO’s waargenomen. Maar de politie was niet alleen op zoek naar vreemde lichten in de lucht.
De politieagenten lieten weten dat een militaire politieagent die op Fort Dix was gestationeerd een onbekend object over zijn auto had zien vliegen.
Hij trapte in paniek op de rem, waarna er voor zijn auto een klein wezen met een groot hoofd, zwarte ogen en een dun lichaam opdoemde.
De agent stapte uit en richtte zijn wapen op het wezen. Hij gaf het de opdracht op de grond te gaan liggen en toen het niet reageerde, begon hij te schieten.
Het gewonde wezen vluchtte en rende naar McGuire, waar het op een landingsbaan op de grond in elkaar zakte en stierf.
Blauwe baretten
De soldaat die op wacht stond, sergeant Jeff Morse (waarschijnlijk een pseudoniem), liet de politie toe op de basis om naar het wezen te zoeken.
Ze troffen al snel het levenloze lichaam van het wezen aan. Het gebied werd afgesloten, waarna plotseling een groep legerofficieren arriveerde.
Op een afstandje keek Morse toe hoe de groep blauwe baretten, die hij nog nooit eerder had gezien,de leiding nam.
Grijsbruine kleur
UFO-onderzoeker Leonard Springfield interviewde Morse, die niet dicht genoeg bij het wezen stond om gezichtskenmerken of handen en voeten te kunnen onderscheiden.
Hij herinnerde zich wel dat de huid van het wezen nat en glimmend was en een grijsbruine kleur had. Het deed hem denken aan de huid van een slang.
Morse keek toe hoe de blauwe baretten de alien besprenkelden met een vloeistof en afdekten met een wit laken. Het werd vervolgens in een grote metalen container met blauwe letters geplaatst.
Vervolgens werd het wezen in een C-141 vrachtvliegtuig geladen en naar Wright-Patterson Air Force Base overgebracht.
Morse en de politieagenten kregen te horen dat ze gelijk zouden worden ontslagen als ze ooit over het incident zouden spreken.
Twee dagen later werden Morse en enkele andere getuigen overgevlogen naar Wright Patterson waar ze werden verhoord.
“Ze zeiden dat ik mijn mond moest houden,” verklaarde Morse jaren later. “Ik ondertekende een formulier waarna ik de rest van mijn leven zwijgplicht had.”
Toen Morse toch met de andere getuigen begon te praten, werden ze overgeplaatst naar het buitenland. Zo kwam Morse terecht in Okinawa.
Tot op de dag van vandaag wordt hij naar eigen zeggen constant bedreigd. Het leger is heel ver gegaan om hem de mond te snoeren.
Morse kreeg bijval van majoor George Filer, die destijds als inlichtingenofficier was gestationeerd op McGuire.
Hoewel hij die bewuste avond niet getuige was van het incident, hoorde hij er de volgende ochtend over.
In een interview met Katelynn Raymer en David Ruppe van ABC News zei Filer: “Onze veiligheidspolitie trof de alien aan het einde van de landingsbaan dood aan. Ze vroegen mij om de generale staf in te lichten.”
Filer merkte op dat de twee bases er alles aan deden om iedereen stil te houden.
Hoewel hij niet kon bewijzen dat het ging om een alien, was iedereen ervan overtuigd dat er sprake was van een UFO-landing en dat één van de bemanningsleden was gestorven.
De doofpot rond dit en andere incidenten is zo diep dat de betrokkenen bang waren hun baan te verliezen of zelfs vreesden voor hun leven.
Schoot een militaire politieagent die avond een alien neer? Waarschijnlijk zullen we het antwoord op die vraag nooit te weten komen.
In 1960 verschenen er diverse nieuwsberichten in kranten en ook een artikel in Time waarin bekend werd gemaakt dat een mysterieuze “donkere” satelliet was ontdekt in een baan om de aarde.
De Amerikanen werden nerveus omdat ze dachten dat het een nieuwe Russische spionagesatelliet was en de bevolking kreeg de indruk dat de leiding geen idee had over wat er nu eigenlijk boven hun hoofden gebeurde.
Het wordt wel eens het best bewaarde geheim van onze tijd genoemd. Een mysterieuze 12.000 jaar oude satelliet die ergens in een baan om de aarde zweeft en zo af en toe weer eens ergens op duikt.
Voor mensen die niets weten over de achtergrond van de Black Knight Satelliet eerst en deel uit een eerder artikel:
In 1960 verschenen er diverse nieuwsberichten in kranten en ook een artikel in Time waarin bekend werd gemaakt dat een mysterieuze “donkere” satelliet was ontdekt in een baan om de aarde.
De Amerikanen werden nerveus omdat ze dachten dat het een nieuwe Russische spionagesatelliet was en de bevolking kreeg de indruk dat de leiding geen idee had over wat er nu eigenlijk boven hun hoofden gebeurde.
Deze verwarring duurde ongeveer drie weken, totdat het Ministerie van Defensie plotsklaps met een verklaring kwam: het waren de overblijfselen van een satelliet die ze al een tijdje kwijt waren.
In die tijd geloofde men nog wat overheden vertelden dus ging iedereen weer rustig slapen. Maar, verhalen over deze vreemde satelliet gaan al veel verder terug dan de jaren zestig. Er zijn berichten dat het in de jaren twintig en dertig van de vorige eeuw al ouderwetse radiogolven uitzond op de korte golf.
Deze berichten werden in die tijd opgevangen door een groep Noorse en Nederlandse onderzoekers die bezig waren met een onderzoek naar het effect van echo’s. Eén van de berichten waar zij niets mee gedaan hadden, werd later ontdekt door de Schotse auteur en astronoom Duncan Lunan. Hij wist dit bericht te ontcijferen en er kwam uit dat de satelliet toebehoorde aan buitenaardsen uit het sterrenstelsel Epsilon Boötes, dat ze op de zesde planeet in hun stelsel woonden en dat die één maan had. Er gaan ook verhalen dat dit weer ontkend zou zijn, maar het werd wel gepubliceerd in 1973 in het tijdschrift Spaceflight.
Volgens de auteur John Keel, die het boek Disneyland of the Gods heeft geschreven, was het object vele malen groter dan wat Amerika of Rusland in de ruimte zou kunnen brengen.
En toen op 3 september 1960, zeven maanden nadat de satelliet voor het eerst door de radar was ontdekt, werd het vastgelegd op de gevoelige plaat door een camera die stond opgesteld bij de Grunman Aircraft Corporation. Mensen op de grond hadden het af en aan gezien gedurende enkele weken. Ze beschreven het object als rood gloeiend en in een baan van oost naar west rond aarde. De weinige satellieten die toen in de ruimte waren, bewogen echter in een baan van west naar oost.
De snelheid van het apparaat was ook drie keer groter dan die van een normale satelliet. Er werd een comité opgericht om er onderzoek naar te doen, maar de resultaten daarvan zijn nooit bekend gemaakt.
Toen de satelliet werd ontdekt in 1960 vond men het belangrijk genoeg om de toenmalige president Eisenhower midden in de nacht wakker te maken. Een satelliet waarvan de leeftijd wordt geschat op minimaal 12.000 jaar, op een hoogte van bijna 40.000 kilometer, net onder de Van Allen Gordel.
De Black Knight satelliet is één van de best bewaarde geheimen van de tegenwoordige tijd.
Is deze Black Night Satelliet misschien iets meer dan alleen maar een satelliet. Is het een soort moederschip die in een baan om de aarde draait en af en toe verkenners op pad stuurt?
Enkele dagen geleden werd er door de bekende Youtube gebruiker Streetcap1 een bijzondere ontdekking gedaan bij het ISS, International Space Station.
Vlakbij het ISS werd door hem een onbekend donker object waargenomen:
Misschien is de Black Knight een soort ruimteschip van onze verre voorouders de Anunnaki die het destijds in een baan om de aarde hebben “geparkeerd”.
Hebben ze dit schip nu weer geactiveerd en fungeert het als een soort verkenningsobject om te zien wat ze straks bij hun terugkeer kunnen verwachten?
Er zijn zelfs de afgelopen jaren aanwijzingen dat het Vaticaan zich voorbereidt op de komst van een buitenaards ras, dus wie weet.
Los van wie of wat daar bij het ISS rondhangt, opmerkelijk is natuurlijk wel dat ook al die vreemde objecten die in de loop der tijd bij het ISS zijn gesignaleerd, volkomen worden genegeerd.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Alvast bedankt voor al jouw bezoekjes en jouw reacties. Nog een prettige dag verder!!!
Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.