The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
An international team of German and Egyptian researchers has recovered an astonishing eight-meter quartzite statue which was found in a pit in a neighborhood in the Egyptian capital city of Cairo. According to the Cultural Ministry, if the statue is what the archaeologists suspect it to be then it might just be one of the most significant discoveries in Egyptian history.
The intricately crafted statue, which clearly depicts a ruler, was found in the region which once lay in the shadows of the temple of Ramses II in the ancient city of Heliopolis, which lies in the east of modern day Cairo. According to the head of the Egyptian archaeological team, the archaeologists are currently completing their research and excavation of the site in order to confirm who the statue depicts.
The archaeologists have not yet found any inscriptions on the statue which would definitively identify who the ancient king was. However, they are almost certain that the statue depicts Ramses II who founded the extraordinary sun temple which used to stand in this particular area.
Researchers say that the sun temple, which was destroyed during the Greco-Roman age, was one of the largest and most intricate in Egypt as well as being one of the holiest and most culturally significant sites in the age of the ancient Egyptians. According to Dietrich Raue, the head of the German team, the ancient Egyptian people believed that Heliopolis was the home of the sun god which meant that not even the pharaohs and their families were permitted to build their residences there.
The sun temple was one of the most important architectural projects undertaken by Pharaoh Ramses II which is considered by experts to have been one of the most powerful and respected rulers of the ancient Egyptian civilization. He was the third ruler of the nineteenth dynasty and was best known for his expansionist military endeavors across the continent of Africa. Under the reign of Ramses, the ancient Egyptian empire grew to encompass territory from Syria in the east to Sudan in the south. His military prowess led to his successors referring to him as the ‘great ancestor.'
According to the archaeological team, they will extract remaining pieces of the statue and then begin the painstaking task of restoring the ancient structure to its former glory. It is expected that the statue will be placed in the entrance of the Grand Egyptian Museum in 2018.
The use of machines rather than hand tools to produce goods is thought of as having started in the 1700s and 1800s in Europe, as opposed to in much earlier times. However, there was more, perhaps much more use of machinery in the past than is commonly believed.
Recently, some new evidence has appeared that the feat of building the Egyptian pyramids was accomplished largely with machine tools. While one could argue that each block was cut simply with bronze chisels, many of the blocks seem to have been cut with circular saws, perhaps of a type that was turned by a hand crank and not a more sophisticated source of power.
Even though the great pyramid took twenty years to build, the cutting of more than two million large blocks into such precise shapes seems more likely to have been done with saws than with chisels. It would arguably not have been possible to complete the task in only twenty years without the use of more advanced tools.
Egyptologist Brian Foerster has made it his life's work to study the use of machine tools in ancient Egypt. The use of technology such as tube drills for cutting holes into rock is well argued for. Many such perfect circular holes are found in stones made of Basalt, which is said to be too hard for simple bronze hand tools to cut.
The distances that very large stones were moved, up to 500 miles from where they were cut, also seems unfeasible unless the Egyptians had more technology than is commonly believed. Many large stone objects that are thought of as having non-mechanical purposes curiously resemble gears and other mechanical components. Could the ancient Egyptians have made large gears out of stone, and, if so, for what purpose?
There is also some evidence of even more advanced technology such aircraft and electric lighting. Electric lighting is not as difficult to believe as it might sound. Electric batteries were actually occasionally constructed in the ancient world, that is not disputed. What the electricity was used for is not known. Perhaps, lighting could be imagined. Brian Foerster's book, "Lost Ancient Technology of Egypt", discusses the subject in more detail.
Tom Delonge, the front man for bands such as Blink 182 and Angels & Airwaves, has been very vocal about an important message that he intends on releasing within the next sixty days regarding the UFO phenomenon. Before you start laughing or scratching your head, realize that this is a serious article.
The punk front man has been involved in a mysterious project and has sent some emails to Hillary Clinton that have been discovered by WikiLeaks. The rock star had also been speaking to numerous military officials via email as well. In these emails, Delonge had stated that he was in communication with extra terrestrials and that he was aware of his phone being tapped.
Delonge had also said that he was under surveillance by a group of "shady officials." Delonge said that there's some information that he could not mention, but there was a lot that he could touch on, and that we could expect a major announcement in the 60-day timeframe that he laid out for us. He had also said that he had been under scrutiny from these shady officials due to his fame and how his status had brought him a status of notoriety regarding the UFO phenomenon that he had involved himself with.
Delonge also said that with regards to the existence of UFOs and the leak of his correspondence with Clinton and the military, that WikiLeaks had "messed some stuff up." Perhaps the controversial site took offense with what Delonge had to say. Maybe the group that was watching Delonge and tapping his phone was Mr. Assange's group? Some people do not like to be criticized, especially when it puts their credibility into question.
Either way, all we can do is wait to hear what Tom Delonge has to say. From rock star to conspiracy theorist. It's quite fascinating.
During the fundraising event for his son Jeb Bush's presidential campaign, George Bush Sr. left the audience embarrassed after answering a UFO question by one of the activists / journalists.
The response left the audience and the reporters completely taken aback. Hoping to help his son Jeb Bush with the presidential campaign, George Bush, along with his other son and former US President George W. Bush Jr., have campaigned to try to bring the Bush family back to the White House , But some experts believe that this type of incident could cost the election.
During the fundraising event, a man in the audience raised a strange question, which led to an even more startling response from the former president and director of the CIA.
The man asked George Bush Sr. when the U.S. government would tell Americans the truth about UFOs, and Bushreplied before the questioning was stopped by the organizers of the event: "Americans CAN NOT Face the Truth. "
Aliens have deactivated British and US nuclear missiles, say US military pilots
Aliens have deactivated British and US nuclear missiles, say US military pilots
Aliens have landed, infiltrated British nuclear missile sites and deactivated the weapons, according to US military pilots.
The beings have repeated their efforts in the US and have been active since 1948, the men said, and accused the respective governments of trying to keep the information secret.
The unlikely claims were compiled by six former US airmen and another member of the military who interviewed or researched the evidence of 120 ex-military personnel.
The information they have collected suggests that aliens could have landed on Earth as recently as seven years ago.
The men's aim is to press the two governments to recognise the long-standing extra-terrestrial visits as fact.
They are to be presented on Monday 27 September at a meeting in Washington.
One of the men, Capt Robert Salas, said:
"The US Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it."
He said said he witnessed such an event first-hand on March 16, 1967, at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana which housed Minuteman nuclear missiles.
Capt Salas continued:
"I was on duty when an object came over and hovered directly over the site.
"The missiles shut down - 10 Minuteman missiles. And the same thing happened at another site a week later. There's a strong interest in our missiles by these objects, wherever they come from. I personally think they're not from planet Earth."
Others claim to have seen similar activity in the UK.
Col Charles Halt said he saw a UFO at the former military base RAF Bentwaters, near Ipswich, 30 years ago, during which he saw beams of light fired into the base then heard on the military radio that aliens had landed inside the nuclear storage area.
He said:
"I believe that the security services of both the United States and the United Kingdom have attempted - both then and now - to subvert the significance of what occurred at RAF Bentwaters by the use of well-practised methods of disinformation."
The site was then the base of the US 81st Tactical Fighter Wing.
Capt Bruce Fenstermacher, a former US Air Force officer, also claims he saw a cigar-shaped UFO hovering above a nuclear base in Wyoming in 1976.
The U.S. Air Force's X-37B space plane is just eight days away from setting a record on its current clandestine mission.
If the robotic vehicle stays aloft until March 25, it will break the X-37B mission-duration mark of 674 days, which was established back in October 2014.
It's unclear whether that will actually happen, however; the Air Force is tight-lipped about most X-37B payloads and activities, including touchdown plans. [The X-37B's Fourth Mystery Mission in Photos]
"The landing date will be determined based on the completion of the program's on-orbit demonstrations and objectives for this mission," Capt. AnnMarie Annicelli, an Air Force spokeswoman, told via email when asked when the current mission might end.
The U.S. Air Force's robotic X-37B space plane, known as the Orbital Test Vehicle, is shown here in a 2009 photo at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. An X-37B spacecraft is currently flying the fourth classified mission for the U.S. Air Force.
The uncrewed X-37B (also known as the Orbital Test Vehicle, or OTV) looks a lot like NASA's now-retired space shuttle, only much smaller. The X-37B is just 29 feet (8.8 meters) long and 9.6 feet (2.9 m) tall, with a wingspan of about 15 feet (4.6 m). Two of the vehicles could fit inside a space shuttle's payload bay.
The Air Force is known to have two X-37Bs, both of which were built by Boeing. These twin craft have flown four missions to date. OTV-1 launched on April 22, 2010, and landed on Dec. 3 of that year, spending 224 days in orbit. OTV-2 started on March 5, 2011, and wrapped up on June 16, 2012, after 468 days in space. OTV-3 launched on Dec. 11, 2012, and landed on Oct. 17, 2014, after circling the Earth for more than 674 days.
The U.S. Air Force's X-37B space plane launches atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket on May 20, 2015. The liftoff kicked off the X-37B program’s fourth mission.
Credit: United Launch Alliance
All four X-37B flights have launched from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, and the first three landed at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. But the Air Force has been working to consolidate X-37B launch and landing activities on Florida's Space Coast, and that vision includes bringing the vehicles down at the Shuttle Landing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center (KSC), which is next door to Cape Canaveral. [The X-37B Space Plane: 6 Surprising Facts]
Rumors have swirled that OTV-4 will land at KSC, but that's all they are at the moment — rumors. Capt. Annicelli declined to confirm or refute such speculation.
"While the program has the capability to land at either KSC or Vandenberg, the landing location is determined by a variety of factors," she said.
Because of the secrecy surrounding the X-37B program, some people have speculated that the vehicle is a space weapon. But the Air Force has always vigorously contested such claims, saying that the space plane is simply testing technologies and helping researchers conduct in-space experiments.
"Technologies being tested in the program include advanced guidance, navigation and control, thermal-protection systems, avionics, high-temperature structures and seals, conformal reusable insulation, lightweight electromechanical flight systems, advanced propulsion systems and autonomous orbital flight, re-entry, and landing," the Air Force's X-37B fact sheet states.
A good buddy of mine and former squadron mate, Dave “Sex” Fravor, has one of the most bizarre aviation stories of all time. It is a story that stretches credibility, so I’ll start off by building up Dave’s bona fides.
For what it’s worth, I know him personally — very well. We flew A-6s together for a cruise back in the Dark Ages before he matriculated into the Hornet world. He’s a funny guy. Smart and sharp witted, with a typical fighter pilot’s overestimation of his skills. (He’d read the SHB article and assured me his was way better than anything Nasty could do. I called B.S.–pretty standard.) In the air, though, Dave was all business, as professional as it gets.
It’s easy to get a sense of who and what he is because his squadron was featured on the 10-part miniseries Carrier that aired on PBS. You get an excellent and accurate impression of him from his screen time as Commanding Officer of VFA-41.
VFA-41 ‘Black Aces’ CAG jet on its takeoff roll at MCAS Miramar, heading out to perform of the many Centennial of Naval Aviation fly-by’s.
On the morning of 14 November 2004, Dave and his WSO launched into the clear blue Southern California sky about a hundred miles southwest of San Diego. Their Call Sign was FASTEAGLE 01. His wingman and WSO launched just after them in FASTEAGLE 02. They climbed overhead the ship and rendezvoused in normal fashion before setting off to their assigned work area in the open ocean south of USS Nimitz. Normal day, normal ops for the pre-deployment work up cycle they were in the middle of.
The Nimitz Carrier Strike Group had been on station for a few weeks already, working to integrate the operations of the carrier with her various support ships, including the Ticonderoga Class Guided Missile Cruiser, USS Princeton. As far as Dave was concerned, it was a standard day in a normal work up cycle. Another step in the long journey in preparing the ships of the Strike Group and the planes of the Air Wing to work harmoniously for their upcoming combat deployment.
What Dave didn’t know was for the past several days, Princeton had been picking up some bizarre returns on their Death Star-worthy SPY-1 radar. On several occasions beginning 10 November, the Fire Control Officer and the extremely experienced Fire Control Senior Chief had detected multiple returns descending from far above the radar’s scan volume–somewhere higher than 80,000 ft. The targets, dubbed Anomalous Aerial Vehicles (AAVs), would drop from above 80K to hover roughly 50 feet off the water in a matter of seconds.
Always over the same spot, a Lat/Long about 30NM off the coast of Baja, roughly 70nm southwest of Tijuana. At the time, the SPY-1 was the most sophisticated and powerful tactical radar on the planet. With it, they were able to track these AAVs while they descended, hovered and then zipped away at speeds, turn rates and accelerations faster than any known friendly or threat aircraft. Impossibly fast.
VFA-41 ‘Black Aces’ CAG resting on the ramp after a sortie during Air WingFallon.
Once the Air Wing’s planes arrived aboard Nimitz, the Fire Control team on Princeton saw an opportunity to use those assets and eyeballs to help solve the AAV mystery.
At the same time FASTEAGLE flight was wrapping up its scheduled training, the CO of Marine Hornet squadron VMFA-232, Lieutenant Colonel “Cheeks” Kurth, was completing a post-maintenance check flight not too far away. He was the first fast-mover contacted by Princeton. The communication was strange and intriguing. He was asked to investigate an unidentified airborne contact. This wasn’t a terribly unusual request while a Strike Group was in transit or deployed far from home waters, but it was more than a little strange practically in sight of the San Diego Homeport. To add to the unusual communications, he was queried as to what ordinance he had on board.
While Princeton was communicating with Cheeks, they were also attempting to hand off their AAV contact to the Air Wing’s E-2C Hawkeye, also airborne at the time. The crew from VAW-117 had been providing intercept control for FASTEAGLE flight during their training. Princeton now wanted the E-2 to guide the Super Hornets to an intercept with the AAV contact, currently hovering over their favorite spot, but now about 20,000 feet over the ocean.
The AAV returns had not been strong enough to show up on the E-2’s broad sweep, but once they focused their radar on the coordinates Princeton directed them towards, they managed a faint contact. The radar returns from the contact weren’t enough to generate a target track however, so Princeton cut the E-2 from control and contacted FASTEAGLE directly. Though he was unable to lock up the AAVs, the E-2 controller remained on frequency and listened to the entire ensuing evolution.
As Cheeks approached the spot he was being vectored to, Princeton advised him to stay above 10K as the section of Super Hornets were approaching the target. His radar picked up the FASTEAGLE two-ship, but no other contacts. A moment later Princeton directed him to “skip it” and return to the ship. Since he was so close, he decided to fly over the action and sneak a peek.
The sea was calm, almost glassy smooth and it was late morning on a beautiful SoCal day. Perfect conditions. As Cheeks flew over the spot he saw a disturbance on the surface of the ocean. A round section of turbulent water about 50-100 meters in diameter. It was the only area and type of what he called, “whitewater” describing that it looked as if there was something below the surface like a shoal or what he’d heard a ship sinking rapidly would look like.
He overflew the disturbance and circled back in the direction of Nimitz without ever seeing what caused the water to froth. As he turned away, which happened to be the moment the Super Hornets converged on the location, the whitewater cleared and the ocean surface returned to its smooth state. The spot of the previous disturbance was completely indiscernible.
A few thousand feet below him, Dave had gone though the similar surreal experience of being asked by Princeton if the FASTEAGLE jets were carrying any ordnance. Dave’s baffled WSO reported that all they had were two captive-carry training missiles. They were given bearing and range vectors to a set of coordinates and told to investigate an unknown aerial contact over that spot.
With no further information on the contact, they descended to the low 20s and scanned with radar, picking nothing up. Neither plane in this flight was carrying a FLIR pod, which limited the type of sensors they could search with; but, both planes were brand new–in Dave’s words, “They still had that new car smell.” The APG-73 radars were both new and had performed perfectly during the previous hour’s training. Yet the screens from both planes were clean all the way to the point Princeton called “Merge plot!”
A cigar-shaped UFO over Los Angeles in 2012. (Image Courtesy:
All four aircrew were eyes out from this point forward. The first unusual indication Dave picked up was the area of whitewater on the surface that Cheeks was looking at over his shoulder as he flew away. He remembers thinking it was about the size of a 737 and maybe the contact they had been vectored on had been an airliner that had just crashed. He maneuvered his F-18 lower to get a better look. As he was descending through about 20K he was startled by the sight of a white object that was moving about just over the frothing water. It was all white, featureless, oblong and making minor lateral movements while staying at a consistent low altitude over the disk of turbulent water.
Dave put FASTEAGLE 02 into high cover passing through about 15K and she and her WSO witnessed the events from a perfect vantage point. Dave continued his dive lower towards the object, now also attempting to slave the radar through his HMCS to achieve a short range lock. No luck. His intention was to pass the object close aboard at about 350 kts, but as he got closer he noticed that the AAV had oriented one of its skinny ends towards him, as if, in his words, “It had just noticed us” and it was now pointing at them.
The AAV then began to rise from its hover. The object, which he would later describe as a while tic-tac, rose in right 2-circle flow about a mile cross-circle from Dave’s Hornet. BFM instincts took over and Dave dug nose-low to cut across the bottom of the circle. As he was looking at the AAV and pulling his nose up to bear, the tried again to slave his radar via the HMCS. Again, the APG-73 was unable to lock on the white, fighter-sized flying object now just a couple of thousand feet away and closing.
All through these maneuvers, Dave’s WSO was broadcasting the real-time events of the intercept to Princeton. The radar operators in the E-2 listened on the secure net to what sounded like one of the hundreds of intercepts they had heard over the years. With the notable exception that the aircrew’s voices were more stressed and the verbiage to ID the target was unlike anything they had heard before.
A Super Hornet from VFA-41 ‘Black Aces’ sitting on the ramp at NAS Fallon.
In his debrief comments, Dave, his WSO and the two other crews stated the object had initially been hovering like a Harrier. They described it as uniformly white, about 46 feet long (roughly fighter-sized), having a discernible midline horizontal axis (like a fuselage) but having no visible windows, nacelles, wings or propulsion systems.
As Dave was pulling for nose-on and trying to get a dogfight lock with his radar, the AAV tightened its turn, “lift vector on, then aft” as Dave described, passed behind his tail and accelerated away at multi-Mach speed. Dave immediately queried Princeton for a snap-vector but the SPY-1 radar had also lost the contact. The first calls from Princeton were “picture clean.” A few moments later Princeton came back with, “You’re not going to believe this, it’s at your CAP.” Princeton had picked up the AAV hovering at 24K at the assigned Lat/Long Dave had used earlier during training as his orbiting point.
Though low on gas, the FASTEAGLE flight swung through the CAP position to try and pick up the AAV again. They saw nothing more on their way back to Nimitz. Even the 100 meter circle of turbulent ocean water had disappeared. That spot was now indistinguishable from the rest of the sea’s surface. Asked later, Dave reported that he had not seen anything on or below the surface of the ocean that may have caused the turbulent circle of water. It had existed when they had first visually acquired the tic-tac, then was gone when they circled back a few minutes later.
Back on Nimitz after recovery, the four crew headed down to the paraloft to remove their gear. The next four crews from VFA-41 were getting dressed for their training mission to the same area, using the same assigned Lat/Longs as CAP points. Dave and his crewmembers passed on what they had seen to the new guys and reminded them to get tape if they could.
By the time the new crew launched, rendezvoused and checked in with the E-2 for control, it was early afternoon; 1500. The planes separated, with one heading to that same southern CAP location. They were cruising along at 20K and 300kts, max endurance. Again, the jet, radar and also, this time, the FLIR were spanking new and operating perfectly.
The WSO first picked up a contact on the radar around 30nm away while it was operating in the RWS scan mode. He checked the coordinates and it was indeed hovering at their precise CAP point. He attempted several STT locks, to no avail. Later, in the debrief, he explained that he had multiple telltale cues of EA.
The target aspect on the track file was turning through 360 degrees along with some other distinct jamming indications. In the less precise scan mode, the return indicated that the object was, in the WSO’s words, “A few thousand feet below us. Around 15-20K– but hovering stationary.” The only movement was generated by the closure of the fighter to the CAP location.
The WSO resorted to the FLIR pod on board, slaving it to the weak track the RWS mode had been able to generate. He recorded the following sequence to the on-board recorder. Using the IR mode, he was able to lock onto the AAV. It showed up on his screen and on tape as a white object in a black background hovering with no known means.
The IR camera did not detect roiling hot gasses blasting from below the AAV, as they would with a Harrier or a helicopter. It was simply hanging in midair. He switched to the TV mode and was able to again lock the FLIR onto the object while still trying, with no luck, to get a STT track on the radar. As he watched it, the AAV moved out of his screen to the left so suddenly it almost seemed to disappear. On the tape, when it is slowed down, the object accelerates out of the field of view with shocking speed. The WSO was not able to reacquire the AAV either in RWS or with the FLIR.
Somehow the tape made its way to YouTube. A few years after the incident, when first telling me the story, Dave pointed me to the link. It was unremarkable without the background information. But folded into context it was amazing, especially the slow-mo of the dot accelerating out of screen. For years I told the story to friends and showed them the video as punctuation.
However last month when I called Dave to refresh my memory before sitting down to write this bizarre encounter, he informed me that the video had been removed from YouTube. He told me that a government agency with a three letter identifier had recently conducted an investigation into the AAVs and had exhaustively interviewed all parties involved.
All of the seven flight crew, including 6 aircrew from VFA-41 and Cheeks from VMFA-232. The Fire Control Officer and Senior Chief from Princeton, and the radar operator on the E-2. They even queried the crew of the USS Louisville, a Los Angeles-class Fast-Attack submarine that was in the area as part of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group who reported there were no unidentified sonar contacts or strange underwater noises on that day.
I’m not sure what to make of these events. I’ve loved the story since first listening because it is so crazy. I had never given aliens or UFOs much thought. It was a waste of my CPU power to mull a question like that. If they wanted to make contact, they would. If they wanted to observe from a distance, then they would be impossible to discern given the assumed high technology required to visit.
But now I was faced with credible witnesses. Not crackpots wearing foil hats but people I knew and people who were from my world. There were multiple, corroborating platforms that detected the AAVs using varied sensors. And, of course, the eight eyeballs that actually got a visual on the white tic-tac as Dave maneuvered to merge with it. He doesn’t have to be a stranger to you either. Watch him on the PBS series, Carrier, and generate your own opinion of his professionalism and sanity.
Then send me your best design for an aluminum foil hat…
Two days ago a secret server of Wikileaks was used to upload a huge amount of data coming from an unknown source. Apparently, all the document and files were marked with metatags that contained references to the legendary Black Knight satellite.
This mysterious object was discovered by Nikola Tesla back in 1932. He was convinced that this was an alien object put in earth's orbit to monitor mankind's evolution.
Yesterday a Youtuber's account got hacked, and this video was uploaded that contains footage of the Black Knight Satellite being shot down. The weapon that was used was an anti-matter warhead according to the Wikileaks documents.
It's unclear who gave the order to bring down this extraterrestrial craft. In the video, we also catch a glimpse of the secret aircraft that carried out the attack. After the impact, several escape pods are launched back into space.
In this stage, we can only speculate on the reason why the Black Knight Satellite was shot down.
Was it about to signal it's creators to come to earth? Was the Black Knight Satellite regarding the boundaries of space for humans that have the ambition of interplanetary traveling?
In de bergachtige regio in het noorden van Pakistan heeft een laagvliegende meteoriet woensdagavond voor paniek gezorgd bij de plaatselijke bevolking. Dat hebben lokale verantwoordelijken laten weten.
Het incident deed zich voor omstreeks 21 uur plaatselijke tijd (17 uur Belgische tijd). De inwoners van de stad Gilgit en de aangrenzende districten Ghizer en Diamer zagen plots een onbekend voorwerp door de lucht klieven en de hemel oplichten. Volgens een getuige liepen heel wat inwoners de straat op. De verschrikte toeschouwers zagen het object in de bergen verdwijnen en hoorden enkele seconden later ontploffingen. Op sociaalnetwerksites wemelde het al snel van getuigenissen van mensen die het object hadden gezien of er een foto van hadden genomen.
Ook de plaatselijke autoriteiten bevestigden inmiddels dat er in de drie districten een vreemd object werd waargenomen. "Volgens ons onderzoek gaat het om een meteoriet die op lage hoogte vloog. Het vermeende geluid van een explosie is waarschijnlijk te wijten aan de meteoriet die door de geluidsmuur breekt", luidde het. Nog volgens de autoriteiten is de meteoriet niet neergekomen in het gebied, maar heeft hij verder koers gezet richting Afghaans grondgebied en de Wachan-corridor, een extreem afgelegen regio.
Meteorieten zijn brokstukken van een hemellichaam die niet volledig verpulverd werden bij het doorkruisen van de atmosfeer. Ze zijn erg gegeerd bij wetenschappers omwille van de schat aan informatie over het ontstaan van het zonnestelsel die ze mogelijk in zich dragen. Het is op dit moment niet duidelijk of de waargenomen meteoriet uiteindelijk ergens is neergekomen, dan wel volledig uiteen is gevallen alvorens de grond te bereiken.
A multi-tiered, brilliant UFO-shaped lenticular cloud over Mt. Tasman, New Zealand.
Have you ever spent a lazy day on a blanket in the middle of a summer meadow, staring up at the sky, watching the clouds drift by, and imagining them take the shapes of familiar things?
There’s even an organization, The Cloud Appreciation Society, devoted to the activity of cloud gazing. When their February 2017 cloud of the month turned out to be a flying saucer-shaped lenticular cloud, it absolutely inspired us to seek out more of these breathtaking images of clouds from around the world that have caused people to report seeing alien visitors.
The Weather Channel has referred to lenticular clouds as “Mother Nature’s UFOs.” These altocumulus lenticularis clouds ― appearing to our senses as disc-shaped objects ― often form in mountainous regions where stable moist air flows upward and then, when it becomes colder, it descends, forming a disc-like cloud that can appear to hover in the air.
They’re also seen in non-mountain areas, formed by the strong winds resulting from a storm front.
We’ve gathered some remarkable images here that might make you think twice about whether people have been lucky enough to capture amazing UFO pictures, or the more credible explanation of lenticular clouds.
UFOs Or Lenticular Clouds?
Mt. Tasman, New Zealand
A brilliant, multi-tiered lenticular cloud.
Antarctic Peninsula
A lenticular cloud formation over the Lemaire Channel on the Antarctic Peninsula in Antarctica.
Jokulsarlon Glacial Lagoon of Vatnajokull glacier under majestic lenticular clouds, Iceland.
Mt. Rainier, Washington State
A lenticular cloud floats over Mount Rainier at sunrise. Washington, USA.
Mt. Fuji, Japan
Fujiyoshida is a town located in the northern area of Mt. Fuji and considered as one of the best places to admire the beauty of the mountain. Fujiyoshida is the gateway for climbing Mt. Fuji via the Yoshida trail, the most popular trail to the summit
Queens, New York
Umbria, Italy
Lenticular cloud over Castelluccio di Norcia, Umbria, Italy.
Image copyrightCOLOMBIAN POLICEImage captionColombian police retrieved the object and took it to a police station
Farmers living in central Tolima province in Colombia say they were terrified when an object they took to be a UFO crashed in a field on Sunday.
"It was smoking and a strange liquid was leaking from it," a resident of the small town of San Luis said.
Police have since identified the object as an internet balloon developed by X, a company founded by Google, to boost the signal in rural areas.
It is not yet clear what caused the balloon to crash.
'From outer space'
Tolima police commander Jorge Esguerra denied previous reports on Twitter and local media which had described the object as a satellite.
Image copyrightTWITTERImage captionSome locals assumed the "strange object which fell from the sky" was a satellite
"It's a technological device used by Google which moves around and is held aloft by a balloon," he explained, adding that it formed part of X's Project Loon.
X, which was formerly known as Google X, is using the devices to extend internet connectivity to people in rural and remote areas by having the balloons, which travel on the edge of space, relay the signal.
Google's Project Loon superpressure balloons have already flown millions of kilometres around the
The balloons are filled with helium before being sent more than 60,000ft high into the stratosphere
But many people in the rural area near San Luis where it crashed said they were convinced it was something more sinister.
"We all thought it was a UFO or the remains of a space craft," locals told El Tiempo newspaper.
It is not the first time a Project Loon balloon has crashed.
In February 2016, one came down at a tea plantation in Sri Lanka during a test flight.
Image copyrightGOOGLE
Superpressure balloons are made out of tightly sealed plastic capable of containing highly pressurised lighter-than-air gases.
Image copyrightGETTY IMAGESImage caption A similar crash happened in Sri Lanka last year
Dr Horace Drew, 61, was just 10 years old when he allegedly saw an unidentified, silver, windowless craft hovering in the sky near his suburban home, in Jacksonville, Florida. The encounter lasted only moments but led to a lifelong fascination with the extraterrestrial.
“I saw a UFO, so I knew they were real from an early age,” Dr Drew told
The scientist, who holds a PhD in Chemistry from Caltech, the California Institute of Technology, and worked for CSIRO as a molecular biologist, has been researching crop circles and aliens for 20 years. Dr Drew relocated to Australia in the 1980s but most of his work has taken him overseas, predominantly to Europe.
“They’re quite rare in Australia,” he said.
He, along with many conspiracy theorists, believe crop circles are the work of aliens or human time travellers. Sceptics say most are probably man-made.
A crop circle is typically defined by standing wheat stems that have been flattened in the shape of a circle or more complex pattern. They tend to appear mainly in developed Western or secularised countries — including Japan.
The cause of many of the circles is unknown despite various natural and unorthodox explanations having been put forward. Some crop circles have been proven to be hoaxes.
But according to Dr Drew, a number are legitimate and contain puzzles that can be decoded and linked to time travel and alien life.
He told he had visited about “two dozen crop circles” around the globe in his career. Typically, they were between 50-500m in length, he said.
“This has led to at least one major breakthrough the discovery of a more advanced binary code than our computers currently use.”
Dr Drew claimed that aliens or human time travellers have been leaving the crop circles on Earth as messages to “us or themselves”.
Sightseers visit an incorporated oversized crop circle in a cornfield, not far from the small community of Mammendorf near Munich, southern Germany, on August 3, 2016. The crop circle had a diameter of 180 metres.
Picture: AFP / Christof StacheSource:AFP
Dr Drew said he was one of a handful of scientists around the world who had worked to successfully decode some of the messages in crop circles.
According to him, some crop circles provide general descriptions of the future.
“Other crop (circles) show schematic images of the future for astronomical or human events,” he said.
He said some of the decoded messages read: ‘Much pain but still time. Believe. There is good out there’; ‘Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises’; ‘We oppose deception. Conduit closing’.
Dr Drew has developed at least two theories as to the purpose of the circles by reading their “advanced (version of) binary codes”.
“One theory is that they are trying to introduce themselves to us peacefully, like we do using bubbles with dolphins,” he said.
“When (humans) want to talk with dolphins we put little bubble circles under the ocean with a generator. We watch the dolphins come up and play and investigate, and we study them.
“This is called the ‘dolphin communication project’.”
He said the dynamic between the way humans interact with dolphins and whales was likely comparable to how extraterrestrials communicate with us.
“Barack or Trump have never said to a dolphin: ‘take me to your leader I want to sign a treaty with you’,” he said.
“And (the extraterrestrials are) not interested in making a treaty with us.
“They are ahead of us like we are ahead of the dolphins and the whales.”
His second theory was that the messages “are not even for us”.
Dr Drew said human time travellers from the distant future could be creating the circles as directional markers, to help them navigate “in their distant past, which is our present”.
“There are definitely humans living there in about 5000 years with time travel capability,” he said.
“They’re coming back and flying all over Earth.
“They seem to just say ‘this is a certain day’ and mark it.
“So the trouble is we don’t know space time physics enough to understand what’s happening. It’s beyond our knowledge.
“Maybe they don’t want us to know about it. It might be just for them.”
It’s a theory shared by many in his field of work.
A crop circle once appeared in field of wheat at Clay Hill, Warminster, Wiltshire. The site, made famous by UFO sightings in the 60s and 70s, had crop circle experts baffled over the 200 foot design.
Dr Drew said the circles appeared to be created by an “unknown energy that heats the crops up”.
“It’s like microwave energy but is something beyond earth’s science,” he said.
“It can pattern the wheat.
“No one sees or hears anything and that's why its so hard to prove. If there’s a craft, it’s silent, noiseless.”
But there’s nothing to fear, according to him.
“Don’t be afraid,” he said.
Telling the difference between a real crop circle and a hoax is like differentiating between an original painting and a fake, according to Dr Drew.
“There are some things to look for,” he said.
Crops that are bent “halfway up” their stems, rather than on the ground ,is one telltale sign “cereologists”, or someone that advocates paranormal explanations of crop circles, look for to determine that it’s not a hoax.
“You can’t absolutely prove a crop circle wasn’t a hoax but you can give a high probability and judgment,” he said.
“If there’s a hoax the word of it gets around very fast, people are aware, people are not that easily fooled.”
Scientist Dr Horace Drew said he took this photos in a “newly found crop” circle at Etchilhampton near Decizes, England in July, 2012. “About 25 per cent of fallen wheat stems inside the picture were bent by unknown energies,” he told a conference on Wednesday.
In 1991, English pranksters Doug Bower and Dave Chorley took credit for most of the crop circles across southern England made since 1978. They were inspired by the Tully “saucer nest” case in Australia, where a farmer found a flattened circle of swamp reeds after observing a UFO.
Using basic tools including a plank of wood, rope, and a baseball cap fitted with a loop of wire to help them walk in a straight line, they said they made complex crop circles in England — which others then copied all over the world into the 1980s.
They made a circle for journalists, which was later declared authentic by a cereologist. They then revealed their hoax to the world, spurring on even more copycats.
Scientist Dr Horace Drew has been researching crop circles and aliens for 20 years.
Dr Drew said there was a lot of scientific evidence to show that some crop circles were made by human time travellers or extraterrestrial beings. “Laboratory results on plant or soil samples taken from a crop circle in Brazil in October of 2016 show that it was formed by unknown sterilising images,” he said.
The earliest mention of a crop circle dates back to the 1500s. A woodcut from the time showed a “mowing devil” making the pattern.
An aerial view shows people strolling through a crop circle on a field near Mammendorf, southern Germany, on July 26, 2016. The pattern had a diameter of 180 meters.
Picture: AFP / Sven Hoppe.Source:AFP
Earlier this month, US TV host Jimmy Kimmel asked former US President George Bush if he went through “secret files, the UFO documents” when he was in office.
But instead of laughing off the question, the former commander in chief replied: “Maybe.”
Mr Kimmel then asked him if there were “any great secrets you know that you can’t share with people?”
“Yeah, there are,” Mr Bush said. “But I’m not telling you.”
Many conspiracy theorists and some scientists, including Dr Drew, argued that Mr Bush’s comments indicated the US government knows much more about extraterrestrial life than it has publicly revealed.
“The politicians are scared they'll lose votes if they talk about it,” Dr Drew said.
He said international media had also played a part in causing the public to doubt the legitimacy of crop circles and aliens.
But according to him, its important for humans to keep seeking answers.
“The ET visitors have technologies which would benefit us greatly, for example, how to make safe, clean energy without burning oil, coal or gas,” Dr Drew said.
“Ultra-fast propulsion systems, based on gravity and inertia, could carry us safely to distant planets or stars.
“We may also need to upgrade our planetary defences soon, to protect against ET’s who may not be friendly.”
There’s still a lot more to be understood but Dr Drew’s hope is that he one day gets a closer look at what was inside the UFO he believes he saw as a child.
“I’d like to meet (the extraterrestrials or human time travellers) in person,” he said.
“But I don’t think they're going to do that.
“Whichever scientific team is doing this I don’t think we’re supposed to have full knowledge of it because it will interrupt their program, whatever they're doing.”
The item is simple. It may make you want to use a certain “Ancient Aliens meme.”
It is listed under Tuesday and reads:
7:44 p.m.: A man reported seeing a UFO drop people off on a mesa near Farmington Hill, just south of Durango
It’s unclear if additional details were released. Real talk: If you saw this, email
The crime blotter had some other great items too, from a “man and a woman getting naked and being inappropriate in the 200 block of East Fourth Avenue” to “twenty five cows” on the loose on County Road 321 and finally:
10:24 p.m.: A man accidentally called 911 while resetting his Apple watch at Purgatory resort.
You can see the full blotter in all its glory here. Thanks for the laugh, Durango Herald:
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Disc UFO caught on camera moving out of bay
Disc UFO caught on camera moving out of bay
A Canadian witness at Port Greville reported discovering a disc-shaped object moving out of a local bay and shooting into the sky after watching video previously shot in the area, according to testimony in Case 82086 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Witness image #1.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness was at the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, staying at a friend’s beach cottage on August 6, 2016, when the incident occurred.
“I was watching a fairly intense lightning storm roll into the mouth of the bay off the Atlantic,” the witness stated. “We were waiting for our bar-b-q to finish and I began to film the storm hoping to get some good footage of the lightning as I waited.The storm was still a good 20 minutes away, but the lightning was going straight down into the water almost everytime and I continued to film for about two minutes.”
Witness image #1 closeup.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness captured nothing out of the ordinary except for one very close double flash of lightning and an immediate loud bang.
“I put my camera away,ate supper as the storm passed overhead, and thought nothing more of it until two or three days later when I was going through the video.I watched it normally and saw nothing, got to the end and hit pause during one of the lightning strikes.Took a screenshot for Facebook and continued to scroll backwards very slowly going from lightning strike to lightning strike and taking screenshots.”
Witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
But then the witness noticed something unusual.
“As I got to the very first seconds of the video, during the double lightning bolt and bang, I could see a disc-like object the size of a semi-trailer flying out of the bay on an angle at an unimaginable speed across the sky through the double flash and up into the clouds with a bang and whirly wind tunnel echo sound.”
Witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
The object was captured all within a single second on video.
“But with determination and brain surgeon fingers, I was able to get screenshots of it within that second.I have some unbelievable video and even more unbelievable pictures.I’ve spent almost eight months seeking help and getting nowhere. I pray you people take me seriously and show interest because this is real.”
Witness image.
(Credit: MUFON)
Bay of Fundy
(Credit: Google)
MUFON Canada Field Investigator David Delaney is investigating. The witness included five images with the report, which was filed on February 15, 2017. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Amerikaanse ex-marineofficier ‘zag ingang naar geheime basis op Antarctica’
Amerikaanse ex-marineofficier ‘zag ingang naar geheime basis op Antarctica’
Een voormalige Amerikaanse marineofficier zou op Antarctica de ingang naar een geheime UFO-basis hebben gezien. Dat schrijft de Daily Express.
Hij deed zijn onthulling tegenover onderzoeksjournaliste Linda Moulton Howe van Ze zegt meerdere keren te hebben gesproken met de klokkenluider, die zich Brian noemt.
Brian (59) was naar eigen zeggen onderdeel van een bemanning die door een no-flyzone boven Antarctica vloog en daar UFO’s, aliens en een ingang naar een basis heeft gezien.
Topgeheime projecten
Hij zei dat hij tussen 1983 en 1997 gestationeerd was op het continent en verschillende keren ‘zilverkleurige schijven’ heeft gezien boven het Transantarctisch Gebergte.
Hij claimde dat mensen en aliens er samenwerken en dat er topgeheime projecten worden uitgevoerd.
De ingang bevindt zich volgens hem op enkele kilometers van de Zuidpool. Hij zei ook dat een groep wetenschappers een week lang vermist was en doodsbang terugkeerde.
Zeer groot gat
Bij Marie Byrdland raakten de wetenschappers vermist. De bemanning waar Brian deel van uitmaakte moest de groep opsporen.
Toen de wetenschappers weer opdoken ‘weigerden ze te spreken en zagen ze er bang uit’.
“We zagen een zeer groot gat in het ijs,” zei Brian. “Je kon er zo een LC130 [Hercules] in vliegen.”
“Er werd onder de bemanningsleden gesproken over de mogelijkheid dat er een UFO-basis bij de Zuidpool was,” vervolgde hij.
Hoewel Moulton Howe een Emmywinnende tv-producent en onderzoeksjournalist is, hebben sommigen zo hun bedenkingen bij de onthullingen.
“Antarctica wordt vaak genoemd als plek waar UFO-activiteit is, maar het bewijs is in dit geval gebaseerd op geruchten en informatie van anonieme of onbetrouwbare bronnen,” reageerde schrijver Nigel Watson.
“NASA-astronaut zag dode aliens op beelden UFO-incident bij Roswell”
“NASA-astronaut zag dode aliens op beelden UFO-incident bij Roswell”
Een NASA-astronaut zag op beelden van de UFO-crash bij Roswell lichamen van aliens, zo wordt volgens de Daily Express geclaimd.
De Amerikaanse astronaut Ellison Onizuka, die omkwam bij de ramp met de spaceshuttle Challenger, zou dit tegenover voormalig NASA-ingenieur Clark C. McClelland hebben verklaard, die er vervolgens een artikel over schreef.
In juli 1947 verklaarde het Amerikaanse leger in een persverklaring dat er resten van een gecrashte vliegende schotel waren gevonden in de woestijn.
Area 51
De dag erop volgde een nieuwe verklaring, waarin stond dat het ging om een beschadigde weerballon van de Amerikaanse luchtmacht.
Later zeiden getuigen dat ze lichamen van aliens hadden gezien in het gecrashte toestel. Zij claimden ook dat wrakstukken naar de topgeheime basis Area 51 in Nevada waren gebracht.
McClelland was naar eigen zeggen verbaasd toen Onizuka hem vroeg naar zijn mening over intelligent buitenaards leven.
Verrassende video
Tijdens een training op vliegbasis McClellan in Californië kregen Onizuka en andere piloten van de luchtmacht een verrassende video te zien, aldus McClelland.
“Onizuka schrok toen er een medische onderzoeksruimte werd getoond waarin kleine lichamen op een soort tafel lagen,” zei hij.
“Deze kleine vreemde wezens zagen er mensachtig uit en leken op de wezens die werden beschreven door vermeende getuigen van het Roswellincident in 1947,” vervolgde hij.
“Ze hadden grote hoofden, grote ogen en dunne lichamen, armen en benen,” klonk het. “Ze leken niet van de aarde te komen.”
Onizuka vertelde McClelland naar verluidt dat de piloten na de film niet mochten spreken over wat ze hadden gezien.
“Hij speculeerde dat het mogelijk een test was om te kijken hoe ze zouden reageren op de beelden,” stelde McClelland.
“Misschien was het een psychologische test van de luchtmacht om te kijken hoe ik zou reageren als ik een buitenaards wezen zou zien,” zei Onizuka tegen hem.
Het tweetal besloot het onderwerp later nog eens te bespreken, maar op 28 januari 1986 kwamen Onizuka en zes andere astronauten om het leven.
NASA-veteraan McClelland beweerde in 2015 dat hij op beelden in het Kennedy Space Center een 2,7 meter lange alien had gezien die in een spaceshuttle stond te praten met astronauten.
Hij claimde ook een ruimteschip te hebben gezien vlak bij de spaceshuttle. “Ik herken een ruimteschip wanneer ik er één zie,” zei hij. “Aliens lopen rond op onze aarde.”
Astronomen onderzoeken mysterieus object in de ruimte
Astronomen onderzoeken mysterieus object in de ruimte
In 2012 ontdekten astronomen een vreemd object in de ruimte dat groter en zwaarder is dan Jupiter.
Ze weten nog steeds niet wat het is. CFBDSIR 2149-0403 is geen exoplaneet en draait niet om een ster.
Het is ook geen bruine dwerg, een object met een massa die kleiner is dan een ster, maar groter dan een gasreus.
Nieuwe klasse
Nieuw onderzoek wijst uit dat het object, dat zich op een afstand van zo’n 100 lichtjaar bevindt, in geen enkele classificatie past.
Het object blijkt na het onderzoek nog vreemder dan gedacht. We hebben hier mogelijk te maken met een nieuwe klasse hemellichamen.
Astronomen van de Franse Université Grenoble-Alpes hebben CFBDSIR 2149-0403 de laatste jaren nauwgezet gevolgd met meerdere telescopen en ontdekten dat het object weinig zwaartekracht uitoefent en een hoog gehalte aan metalen bevat.
Minder zeker
Na de nieuwe waarnemingen zijn ze minder zeker over de massa van het object, wat betekent dat ze niet met zekerheid kunnen zeggen wat het is.
Is het een zeldzame soort planeet of bruine dwerg? Of misschien iets heel anders?
“CFBDSIR 2149-0403 is een atypisch substellair object,” concludeerde hoofdonderzoeker Philippe Delorme.
“Het is een vrijzwevende planeet of een zeldzame bruine dwerg die rijk is aan metalen. Of een combinatie van beide,” zei hij.
Op beelden van de NASA ruimtetelescopen komen de laatste tijd steeds vreemdere zaken voor.
Zo is er iets ontdekt wat lijkt op een planeet vlakbij de zon en wordt het 's avonds in de Alpen lichter in plaats van donkerder door een vreemde onbekende lichtbron.
NASA heeft verschillende telescopen die in de ruimte vliegen en van daaruit zijn veel betere beelden te maken dan dat die vanaf de aarde gemaakt zouden kunnen worden.
SOHO is een ruimtetelescoop die de Zon observeert. Het is een samenwerkingsproject van de ESA en de NASA. De afkorting SOHO staat voor Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (Nederlands: "Zon- en heliosfeerobservatorium"). Toch wordt deze ruimtesonde niet alleen gebruikt om de Zon te observeren. Er zijn namelijk ook al meer dan 1000 kometen met SOHO gevonden.
SOHO bevindt zich in een baan met een halve lange as van ongeveer 660.000 km rond het Lagrangepunt L1, dat zich op ongeveer 1,5 miljoen km van de Aarde in de richting van de Zon bevindt. Omdat hij geen baan om de Aarde of de Zon beschrijft is SOHO een ruimtesonde en geen satelliet.
Op de volgende afbeelding is goed te zien waar dat punt L1 zich bevindt.
Deze telescoop heeft enkele dagen geleden de hiernavolgende opname gemaakt. De grote donkere cirkel in het midden is de zon en linksonder daarvan zie je in het opgelichte gedeelte duidelijke een donkere cirkelvorm.
Wanneer je dit vergelijkt met de grootte van de zon, dan spreken we hier over een enorme planeet, dat wil zeggen, vele malen groter dan de aarde.
Dat zich daar iets bevindt is duidelijk, maar niet wat het is. In de hiernavolgende video wordt dieper ingegaan op de mogelijkheid dat het een enorm ruimteschip zou kunnen zijn die energie komt tanken bij de zon zoals we dat in het verleden al vaker hebben gezien.
Anderzijds zou dit net ontdekte object ook een planeet uit het mini zonnestelsel Nibiru kunnen zijn, omdat deze ook in de buurt van de zon wordt waargenomen.
Ongetwijfeld zullen een aantal van de volgende foto’s verklaard kunnen worden als lensflares of bijzonnen, maar er komen er steeds meer en ook steeds vaker zien mensen een tweede zon met het blote oog.
Een ander fenomeen dat zich momenteel voor doet en dat we kregen opgestuurd via een lezer (dank!) is dat het in de Alpen 's avonds lichter wordt in plaats van donkerder en dat dit wordt veroorzaakt door een andere lichtbron dan de maan.
Op de volgende afbeelding zie je de maan zoals die door een webcam ’s avonds om 21.00 uur wordt vastgelegd. Niets bijzonders, normale opname.
Dan, op dezelfde dag, dezelfde webcam, maar een half uur later. Helemaal bovenin is nog net de maan te zien, maar wat verschijnt daar in beeld: de zon? Om half tien ’s avonds nadat het al donker was?
De video die hierna volgt, staat vol met voorbeelden in de Alpen waar dingen toch niet helemaal zijn zoals ze eigenlijk horen te zijn.
Misschien zullen er voor alle of enkele bovengenoemde zaken “logische verklaringen” zijn, maar het lijkt alsof er iedere week meer vreemde dingen gebeuren op onze planeet.
Wij kennen onze eigen geschiedenis niet. Want anders zouden we met hele andere ogen naar de wereld van vandaag aankijken.
Ongeveer 12.000 jaar geleden vond er een verschuiving plaats van de aardkorst waardoor het continent Atlantis verdween onder het ijs van Antarctica.
Zij die geloven in de komst van een vreemde planeet in ons zonnestelsel die voor heel wat verstoringen op aarde gaat zorgen, worden door de mainstream in het vakje "aluhoedje" geplaatst.
Dat is jammer, want daardoor zullen in de toekomst veel mensen volkomen onvoorbereid zijn op de dingen die gaan komen.
Eén van de kenmerken van wat een passage van de planeet Nibiru kan veroorzaken, is een fysieke verschuiving van de polen, iets wat ook wordt afgedaan als volkomen onzin.
Toch was het niemand minder dan Albert Einstein die kort voor zijn dood het voorwoord schreef voor het boek "The Earth’s Shifting Crust" van de Amerikaanse historicus Charles H. Hapgood. In dat boek stelt Hapgood dat er ongeveer 12.000 jaar geleden een dusdanige verschuiving van de aardkorst heeft plaatsgevonden dat er hele continenten zijn verplaatst.
Als gevolg daarvan ligt het vroegere Atlantis nu op de plek die wij Antarctica noemen en dat verklaart ook waarom er tot nu niet echt overblijfselen zijn gevonden.
Hapgood studeerde voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog af aan Harvard, tijdens de oorlog werkte hij voor de CIA en daarna als verbindingsofficier tussen het Witte Huis en het Ministerie van Oorlog. Dit betekent dat Hapgood waarschijnlijk ook toegang had tot bronnen die wij gewone stervelingen niet hebben.
Iemand die doorborduurde op de theorie van Hapgood is Jean Seimple. Hij claimt ontegenzeglijk bewijs te hebben gevonden voor Atlantis onder het ijs van Antarctica.
De Griekse filosoof Plato (427-347 v.Chr.) was, zover als nu bekend is, de eerste die over Atlantis schreef. In een van zijn dialogen vertelt het personage Critias dat zijn grootvader het verhaal over Atlantis rechtstreeks van de grote Solon (638–558 v.Chr.) vernomen zou hebben. Hoe het land eruitzag, is door Plato bij monde van deze Critias in detail beschreven. Onder andere was er op het eiland een tempel gewijd aan de god Poseidon, de god van de zee. Het eiland Atlantis lag buiten de Middellandse Zee, dus nog verder dan de Zuilen van Hercules (de Straat van Gibraltar).
In de volgende video toont Jean Simple aan dat Atlantis het huidige Antarctica is, waar hij zelfs de stad Acropolis weet te lokaliseren.
Wanneer je het ijs weghaalt en op basis van de gegevens van satellietten het landschap eronder bekijkt, dan komt dit bijna exact overeen met hoe Plato dit beschreef.
Seimple laat verder zien hoe de bouwers van de piramides in Egypte de exacte locatie aangaven van het verloren continent Atlantis en zelfs de hoofdstad Poseidopolis.
Naast de bouwers van de piramides geeft ook de bekende Greenwich meridiaan de precieze locatie van de hoofdstad van Atlantis aan.
Het is niet voor niets dat sommige wetenschappers stellen dat er zo’n 12.000 jaar geleden enkele enorme asteroïden zijn ingeslagen op aarde waardoor er een plotselinge klimaatveranderingen optrad.
Het blijft voor hen speculeren wat er precies gebeurde rond die periode, maar dat er iets heel heftigs was, schijnt wel vast te staan.
En waarschijnlijk moeten we de originele zondvloed ook rond die tijd zoeken. Menigeen kent het verhaal van Noach uit de bijbel, maar er zijn talloze van dat soort verhalen die vele malen ouder zijn.
Het Atrahasis-epos is een oeroud, Babylonisch epos dat vooral bekend is vanwege het zondvloedverhaal dat erin verteld wordt. Dit zondvloedverhaal is ongeveer hetzelfde als dat op het elfde tablet van het Gilgamesj-epos en vertoont ook grote overeenkomsten met het latere verhaal in de Bijbel. Het begint als volgt:
"Toen de Goden in plaats van de mensen, het werk deden, de lasten droegen, werd de last voor de Goden te groot, Het werk te zwaar, de inspanningen te veel, De grote Annunki lieten de Igigi, zeven keer die hoeveelheid werk doen, Anu hun vader was koning."
Het universum is in het verhaal verdeeld in drie delen. De god Anum regeert in de hemel, Enlil op aarde en Enki in het onderaardse water.
Enlil dwingt de mindere Igigi-goden al het werk te doen, maar na veertig jaar komen ze in opstand en belegeren ze de tempel van Enlil in Nippur. De god Enki stelt voor om mensen te scheppen en die het werk te laten doen. Samen met de moedergodin Mami wordt dit uitgevoerd.
Op een gegeven ogenblik zijn er zoveel mensen dat ze met hun lawaai de god Enlil uit zijn slaap houden. Deze besluit via de god Namtar de mensen een plaag te sturen. Dankzij de vrome Atrahasis houdt deze op. Na een tijdje maken de mensen echter weer te veel herrie naar de zin van Enlil. Ditmaal straft hij ze met een hongersnood. Deze wordt door de mensheid overleefd. Dan besluit Enlil drastischer maatregelen te nemen. Hij stuurt een zondvloed op de mensen af. Dit deel van het verhaal vertoont grote parallellen met de Bijbel. Atrahasis bouwt een rieten ark en overleeft zo met zijn familie en een aantal dieren de zondvloed.
Het epos geeft ook een beeld van de ecologische problemen waarmee de Sumerische cultuur te kampen had, ondanks -of dankzij- de bevloeiïngswerken van koningen als Entemena van Lagash.
Het heeft er alle schijn van dat een vorige passage van het mini zonnestelsel Nibiru zo’n 12.000 jaar geleden voor een fysieke verschuiving/omkering van de polen heeft gezorgd, waardoor het complete continent Atlantis onder het ijs verdween.
Het zou ook een logische verklaring kunnen zijn voor de vele zondvloedverhalen die je in alle oude culturen uit het Midden Oosten tegenkomt.
De bekende onderzoeker van de Soemerische kleitabletten, Zacharia Sitchin, komt tot de conclusie dat dit zonnestelsel iedere 3.600 jaar bij ons langskomt. Het één sluit het ander natuurlijk niet uit en de ene passage zal misschien veel heftigere gevolgen hebben dan een andere. Bovendien zullen tijdsberekeningen nooit exact zijn en zijn enkele duizenden jaren natuurlijk helemaal niets in de lange geschiedenis van onze planeet.
Wanneer Charles Hapgood het goed had met zijn boek over een verschuiving van de aardkorst ongeveer 12.000 jaar geleden dan moet dit veroorzaakt zijn door iets heel groots en heftigs. En dan blijven er niet zo gek veel opties over. Je kunt zeggen wat je wilt van Albert Einstein, maar niet dat deze op zijn achterhoofd was gevallen. Als deze man net voor zijn dood een voorwoord schrijft voor het boek van Charles Hapgood, dan kun je er zeker van zijn dat het geen sprookjesverhaal is.
Er zijn ook anderen die op afwijkende basis tot soortgelijke conclusies komen als Hapgood. Een voorbeeld daarvan is te bekijken in de navolgende video. Wij kunnen de bronnen hiervan niet goed verifiëren, maar de informatie komt in grote lijnen wel overeen met het bovenstaande wél goed onderbouwde verhaal.
UFO Caught During Sunset Over Fort Worth, Texas On March 17, 2017, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Caught During Sunset Over Fort Worth, Texas On March 17, 2017, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 17, 2017
Location of sighting: Fort worth, Texas, USA
News source: MUFON #82683
Sunset is the most common time of the day for UFO sightings to occur. The angle of the sun, person and UFO cause the craft to stand out remarkably well.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
I went outside, I noticed a weird lead/gray thing spinning in sky, took pic, then noticed a big NEW PLANET in background, WTF. and another something in sky.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.