The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
SECRET SPACE PROGRAM: Is this UFO video proof of fabled top secret US spy craft the TR-3B?
SECRET SPACE PROGRAM: Is this UFO video proof of fabled top secret US spy craft the TR-3B?
UFO investigators claim a legendary alleged top secret US spy craft, developed using alien technology, may have been caught on video camera.
It does have three lights which could mean its a TR-3B military craft, but its hard to tell at night.
Scott C Waring
"Two were red and one white, flashing very fast.
"I recorded it for a few seconds from my car, until the video went out of focus, then pulled into my driveway and went inside to tell people to come look.
"My brother-in-law came outside and saw it as well."
The witness said they started recording again and "its white light changed to red and began pulsating slowly with the other two lights now turned off".
They added: "It then flickered its lights and changed the red pulsating light back to white, continued to pulsate, and then went back to flashing again for the remainder of the time I watched.
In the meantime sent the footage to UFO investigator Scott Brando, who is renowned for exposing hoax and misinterpreted pictures and videos.
He said many reported so-called triangular UFOs turn out to be just aircraft navigation or landing lights.
He said: "The three lights could be related to aircraft, but it's really hard to identify it as airliner or military aircraft.
"In this case I can only say that those three lights could be related to navigation lights by a plane or a different aircraft."
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Donkere materie had vroeger niet zoveel in de melk te brokkelen
Donkere materie had vroeger niet zoveel in de melk te brokkelen
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Nieuw onderzoek suggereert dat het mysterieuze goedje nu invloedrijker is dan in de jonge jaren van het heelal.
Dat concluderen astronomen in het blad Nature. Ze baseren zich op een onderzoek naar de rotatie van zes zware sterren vormende stelsels op zeer grote afstand van de aarde.
Eigenlijk is donkere materie door onderzoekers ‘bedacht’ om te kunnen verklaren waarom snel roterende sterrenstelsels niet uiteenvallen. Of donkere materie echt bestaat, is onduidelijk. We kunnen het immers niet zien. Het bestaan ervan is alleen af te leiden uit het zwaartekrachtseffect dat het op zichtbare materie heeft. Overigens zijn lang niet alle onderzoekers ervan overtuigd dat donkere materie bestaat. Vorig jaar stelde de Nederlandse hoogleraar Erik Verlinde nog dat donkere materie niet bestaat en dat we het ook niet nodig hebben om te verklaren waarom snel roterende sterrenstelsels niet uiteenvallen.
Donkere materie Sterrenstelsels roteren. En vrij snel ook. Zo snel dat je eigenlijk zou verwachten dat ze uiteenvallen. Maar dat gebeurt niet. Hoe kan dat? Onderzoekers wijten het aan donkere materie: een onzichtbaar goedje dat dienst doet als een soort ‘superlijm’ en voorkomt dat snel roterende sterrenstelsels uiteenvallen (zie kader).
In het jonge heelal In dit nieuwe onderzoek bestudeerden wetenschappers roterende zware sterren vormende stelsels die ver van ons verwijderd zijn. Omdat het licht van deze sterrenstelsels miljarden jaren moet reizen alvorens het ons bereikt, zien we deze sterrenstelsels nu zoals deze er 10 miljard jaar geleden, oftewel in de tijd van het jonge heelal, uitzagen. Uit de waarnemingen van de onderzoekers blijkt dat deze sterrenstelsels op een belangrijk punt afwijken van de spiraalstelsels zoals we die in het huidige heelal zien. De buitenste delen van de sterrenstelsels uit het vroege heelal draaien namelijk veel langzamer dan de delen dichter bij de kern. Het suggereert dat er minder donkere materie aanwezig is dan verwacht.
Hier zie je een schematische weergave van draaiende schijfstelsels in het vroege heelal (rechts) en in het moderne heelal (links). De nieuwe waarnemingen suggereren dat zware sterren-vormende stelsels in het voege heelal minder sterk beïnvloed werden door donkere materie (rood ingekleurd), omdat donkere materie nog minder geconcentreerd was. Daardoor draaiden de buitenste delen van de verre sterrenstelsels minder snel dan dezelfde delen van sterrenstelsels in het lokale heelal.
Afbeelding: ESO / L. Calçada.
Kleine rol voor donkere materie “Verrassend genoeg zijn de rotatiesnelheden in de sterrenstelsels niet constant, maar nemen ze naar buiten toe af,” vertelt onderzoeker Reinhard Genzel. “Dat heeft waarschijnlijk twee oorzaken. Allereerst worden de meeste van deze vroege zware sterrenstelsels gedomineerd door normale materie, en speelt donkere materie een veel kleinere rol dan in het lokale heelal. Op de tweede plaats waren de schijven van deze vroege stelsels veel turbulenter dan de spiraalstelsels die we in onze kosmische nabijheid zien.”
En hoe verder we teruggaan in het verleden, hoe sterker de door Renzel beschreven effecten tot uiting komen. Het suggereert dat het gas zich drie tot vier miljard jaar na de oerknal al had georganiseerd in platte, draaiende schijven, maar dat de omhullende halo’s van donkere materie zich nog over een veel groter volume uitstrekten. Het zou betekenen dat donkere materie miljarden jaren meer tijd nodig had om zich te verdichten en pas veel later een dominante rol ging spelen in het universum. Het is in lijn met eerdere waarnemingen die aantoonden dat vroege sterrenstelsels veel gasrijker en compacter waren dan de huidige sterrenstelsels.
Twee missies naar de grootste gasplaneet van ons zonnestelsel stonden tot vandaag op losse schroeven. Nu is bekend geworden dat een Europese missie doorgaat, terwijl de Amerikanen hun missie naar Jupiter schrappen.
Eerst het slechte nieuws. NASA gaat geen lander op de maan Europa plaatsen. Vorige maand presenteerde een speciale onderzoekscommissie nog een mooi rapport over hoe zo’n missie eruit ziet, maar het is afgeschoten door president Trump. Overigens ligt dit in de lijn der verwachting, want de Amerikanen hebben al een andere missie naar Europa goedgekeurd: de Europa Clipper. Deze ruimtesonde zal 45 scheervluchten langs Europa maken en onderzoeken waar de maan uit bestaat en of er leven mogelijk is in de onderzeese oceaan.
Het budget voor de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie daalt al jaren. In 1966 ging 4,4% van het nationale budget naar NASA, dit jaar is dat nog maar een half procent. Volgens de voorlopige prognose trekt president Trump de lijn van de afgelopen jaren door. Er komen dus geen grote bezuinigingen voor NASA, maar er komt ook niet veel geld bij. Het budget voor 2018 is iets meer dan 19 miljard dollar.
Artistieke impressie van ESA’s JUICE-ruimtevaartuig
En dan het goede nieuws: ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer-missie gaat (nog steeds) door. De Europese ruimtevaartorganisatie meldt dat de laatste hindernissen zijn genomen en dat er nu echt wordt begonnen met de constructie. In 2022 wordt dit ruimtevaartuig gelanceerd. In 2029 komt JUICE aan bij Jupiter. Er volgt dan een 3,5 jaar durend onderzoek, waarbij de ruimtesonde de turbulente atmosfeer van de gasplaneet in kaart brengt. Ook onderzoekt JUICE de enorme magnetosfeer, Joviaanse manen en de donkere ringen om de planeet. Aan boord van JUICE vinden we de beste instrumenten. Denk hierbij aan meerdere camera’s, een hoogtemeter, een radarinstrument en sensoren om de magnetische velden en geladen deeltjes te monitoren.
De meren op Saturnus' maan Titan 'bubbelen' misschien
De meren op Saturnus' maan Titan 'bubbelen' misschien
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Experimenten suggereren dat stikstof zich soms uit de met methaan en ethaan gevulde meren weghaast en daarbij ontstaan..bubbels. Heel veel bubbels.
Dat stellen onderzoekers van NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Ze baseren zich op experimenten waarbij ze de omstandigheden op het oppervlak van Titan simuleerden.
Stikstof Uit de experimenten blijkt dat grote hoeveelheden stikstof opgelost kunnen worden in het extreem koude methaan dat op Titan uit de hemel komt vallen en zich in rivieren, meren en zeeën verzamelt. Maar wanneer dat methaan vervolgens geconfronteerd wordt met een verandering in temperatuur of luchtdruk of samenstelling, kan het stikstof het hazenpad kiezen. Het verlaat de oplossing dan heel snel, net zoals koolstof dat doet wanneer je een fles frisdrank opent. Het resultaat? Bubbels!
Onderzoekers dromen van een ruimtemissie naar Titan en fantaseren al over een robotische sonde die in een meer van Titan plonst en er vervolgens rond gaat varen. Bubbels in die meren kunnen een bedreiging vormen voor zo’n ‘bootje’.
Mix van ethaan en methaan Die bubbels kunnen bijvoorbeeld ontstaan als methaan zich mixt met ethaan, zo legt onderozeker Michael Malaska uit. “Onze experimenten tonen aan dat wanneer methaanrijke vloeistoffen zich mengen met ethaanrijke vloestoffen – bijvoorbeeld tijdens een heftige regenbui of wanneer een methaanrivier uitkomt in een ethaanrijk meer – de stikstof minder goed in staat is om in de oplossing te blijven.” Dat methaan- en ethaanrijke vloeistoffen zich wel eens mixen op Titan is niet zo heel vergezocht. Waarnemingen van ruimtesonde Cassini toonden eerder al aan dat de samenstelling van Titans meren en zeeën van plaats tot plaats verschilt. Op sommige plekken domineert het methaan, terwijl elders ethaan overheerst.
Magische eilanden Wellicht kunnen de bubbels een groot mysterie op Titan oplossen. We hebben het over de zogenoemde ‘magic islands’. Kleine vlekken in zeeën op Titan die op beelden die Cassini van de maan maakte, opduiken en weer verdwijnen (om soms vervolgens opnieuw op te duiken). Onduidelijk is nog wat deze eiland-achtige vlekken zijn. Sommige onderzoekers denken dat het om golven gaat. Maar een andere optie is dat het een verzameling bubbels is.
Hier zie je Ligeia Mare, een zee op Titan. In deze zee is een ‘magic island’ gedetecteerd. Het ontstond ergens tussen 2007 en 2013 en was in 2015 weer een eind weg. Mogelijk gaat het dus om een eilandje ‘bubbels’.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech / ASI / Cornell.
Of er daadwerkelijk bubbels in de zeeën van Titan ontstaan en of zij ook verantwoordelijk zijn voor de magic islands kan later dit jaar nog duidelijk worden. Dan scheert Cassini namelijk voor de allerlaatste keer langs Titan. En tijdens die scheervlucht laat de sonde zijn radarbundel over de maan glijden. Als er dan ‘magic islands’ gespot worden, kan hun helderheid verraden of het om bubbels gaat.
Enceladus' oceaan ligt mogelijk dichter bij het oppervlak dan gedacht
Enceladus' oceaan ligt mogelijk dichter bij het oppervlak dan gedacht
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Door ruimtesonde Cassini verzamelde gegevens suggereren dat de oceaan op de zuidpool slechts enkele kilometers onder Enceladus’ ijzige korst ligt.
Enceladus is één van de manen van Saturnus. De maan is bedekt met een kilometers dik pak ijs. Onder dat dikke pak ijs gaat hoogstwaarschijnlijk een vloeibare oceaan schuil. Nieuw onderzoek – gebaseerd op gegevens die ruimtesonde Cassini tijdens een scheervlucht langs Enceladus verzamelde – suggereert nu dat die oceaan veel dichter aan het oppervlak ligt dan gedacht.
Warmer “De observaties (van de zuidpool, red.) voorzien ons van een uniek inkijkje in wat er onder het oppervlak gebeurt,” vertelt onderzoeker Alice Le Gall. “Ze laten zien dat de eerste paar meters onder het oppervlak van het gebied dat we bestudeerden veel warmer zijn dan gedacht.” De onderzoekers maten temperaturen van zo’n 50 tot 60 Kelvin. Dat is koud, maar wel warmer dan verwacht. “Op sommige plaatsen zelfs tot wel 20 Kelvin warmer dan we verwacht hadden.”
Niet aan het oppervlak De gedetecteerde warmte lijkt zich te bevinden onder een veel koudere ijslaag, aangezien de temperatuurafwijking alleen werd waargenomen wanneer onderzoekers het gebied bestudeerden met instrumenten die de temperaturen onder het oppervlak konden meten. Instrumenten die zich beperkten tot het meten van de temperatuur aan het oppervlak detecteerden in exact hetzelfde gebied geen vergelijkbare temperatuurafwijkingen.
In het hart van deze afbeelding zie je duidelijk de ‘tijgerstrepen’ van Enceladus: vier warme breuken in de ijzige korst van de maan. Boven en rechts van de strepen zie je het gebied dat de onderzoekers bestudeerden. In de gele gebieden is de temperatuurafwijking het grootst. Je ziet dat die gebieden boven de tijgerstrepen liggen.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Space Science Institute / A. Lucas
Tijgerstrepen De temperatuurafwijkingen bleken bovendien het grootst te zijn boven drie ‘tijgerstrepen’ op het oppervlak van Enceladus. Dit zijn breuken in de ijzige korst van de maan. In 2005 zag Cassini door dergelijke tijgerstrepen water- en ijsdeeltjes ontsnappen: een eerste aanwijzing dat Enceladus een oceaan herbergde. Wat nu echter opvalt, is dat de temperatuurafwijking het meest uitgesproken is boven tijgerstrepen die op dat moment niet actief waren, oftewel geen water- en ijs spoten. Dat deze ‘slapende’ breuken boven een warme, ondergrondse zee liggen, bewijst volgens Le Gall het dynamische karakter van Enceladus’ geologie. Ze wijst erop dat de maan in het verleden op verschillende locaties meerdere perioden van activiteit heeft gekend.
Getijdenwerking Maar waar komt de op de zuidpool waargenomen warmte nu eigenlijk precies vandaan? “Deze kan niet alleen verklaard worden door belichting door de zon en in nog mindere mate door de warmte van Saturnus, dus er moet een extra warmtebron zijn.” Mogelijk houdt die ondergrondse warmtebron verband met de ovaalvormige baan die Enceladus rond gasreus Saturnus trekt. Deze baan brengt de maan soms heel dicht bij Saturnus en voert deze soms ook ver weg van de gasreus. Op het moment dat de afstand tussen de maan en gasreus klein is, trekt Saturnus met zijn zwaartekracht sterk aan Enceladus, waardoor de maan iets uitrekt. Als de maan eenmaal wat verder van de gasreus verwijderd is, ‘ontspant’ deze weer. Dat getouwtrek zorgt niet alleen voor breuken aan het oppervlak, maar ook voor frictie in het hart van Enceladus en daarbij ontstaat warmte. In dit scenario wordt de dunne ijskorst in het zuidpoolgebied van Enceladus sterker vervormd door getijdenwerking dan andere delen van de maan, waardoor dus juist in dit gebied meer warmte ontstaat en ondergronds water vloeibaar wordt gehouden.
Twee kilometer? De onderzoekers onderzochten slechts een klein deel van Enceladus’ zuidpoolgebied. Het gaat om een strookje van ongeveer 500 kilometer lang en 25 kilometer breed. Le Gall en collega’s achten het echter zeer aannemelijk dat hun waarnemingen representatief zijn voor het gehele zuidpoolgebied. Het zou betekenen dat het hele gebied op enkele meters onder het oppervlak warmer is dan gedacht. En dat de oceaan veel dichter aan het oppervlak ligt dan onderzoekers aannamen. Mogelijk ligt deze slechts 2 kilometer diep. Dat is in lijn met recent onderzoek dat vorig jaar verscheen. De studie suggereerde dat de ijskap van Enceladus een gemiddelde dikte heeft van 18 tot 22 kilometer, maar naar de zuidpool toe dunner wordt (dunner dan vijf kilometer).
Als de oceaan daadwerkelijk zo dicht aan het oppervlak ligt, is dat goed nieuws. Het suggereert namelijk dat we deze oceaan gemakkelijker kunnen bestuderen dan gedacht. “Als Enceladus’ ondergrondse zee echt zo dicht aan het oppervlak ligt als deze studie suggereert dan kan een toekomstige missie naar deze maan die uitgerust is met een radarinstrument dat door het ijs heen kan ‘kijken’ de oceaan wellicht detecteren.”
Bill Nye was posed the question: why should we bother going to Mars when we haven't taken care of the problems on our own planet yet?
He gave a very thoughtful answer that spoke to the human sense of adventure and discovery.
Ever since Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk revealed his plans to make humankind an interplanetary species by getting to Mars, the world’s attention has been taken over by this fascination for the Red Planet. SpaceX, however, wasn’t the first to have plans for a mission to Mars. In fact, there have been such plans since the 1950s.
With all the attention Mars is getting, a concerned citizen, Sam, asked resident Science Guy Bill Nye: “Why are we trying to live on Mars and re-create Earth there by making an atmosphere and soil and water we can drink and such? Why can’t we take those ideas, that motivation and direct it at our own planet that we clearly need the help with? Why is it easier to start fresh on another planet than to get people talking about our own?”
Bill Nye found the question interesting and relevant. He admitted that getting to Mars and making it habitable isn’t going to be easy: “People, first of all, just don’t grasp the scale of it. It’s a planet. It’s a whole planet,” he said. He also reminded viewers that water, food, and air are non-existent, which would pose many problems.
Nye explained that taking care of our own planet and getting to Mars aren’t two exclusive goals. He credits our desire to visit the red planet to humanity’s sense of exploration, which has pushed us forward over the past centuries. His goal is to establish a scientific research base on Mars, much like our bases in Antarctica.
More than that, however, is how getting to Mars would change our world, especially, “If there’s something alive on Mars, and we could prove it,” Nye said, “it would probably change the world.”
“It would be astounding if we found something still alive there,” he emphasized. “If we make this discovery of life, it would not have been done by an individual. It would be done by a society [which] invested its intellect and treasure in this quest.” He closed by saying that finding life “would affect the way each and everyone of us feels about what it means to be a living thing in the cosmos; what it means to have this place in space.” Finding life on Mars would certainly make the universe less lonely. Thanks, Bill!
Wetenschappers: “Aliens gebruiken mogelijk gigantische radiozenders om door de kosmos te reizen”
Wetenschappers: “Aliens gebruiken mogelijk gigantische radiozenders om door de kosmos te reizen”
Twee wetenschappers van de Harvard-universiteit hebben verklaard dat mysterieuze radioflitsen uit verre sterrenstelsels mogelijk bewijs zijn voor aliens die door de kosmos reizen.
Snelle radioflitsen zijn extreem felle flitsen die bestaan uit radiogolven en slechts een duizendste van een seconde duren.
De eerste werd 10 jaar geleden ontdekt. Sindsdien zijn er in totaal 17 gedetecteerd met behulp van telescopen op aarde.
Wetenschappers denken dat iedere dag duizenden van dit soort radioflitsen de aarde passeren.
“Het leek erop dat de eenvoudigste verklaring was dat ze afkomstig zijn van sterren in de Melkweg,” vertelt Abraham ‘Avi’ Loeb aan de Huffington Post.
“Maar toen werd één van de snelle radioflitsen gelinkt aan een klein sterrenstelsel op ongeveer een miljard lichtjaar,” vervolgt hij.
Buitenaardse beschavingen
Dat betekent dat deze flitsen van de rand van het heelal komen en helderder zijn dan wat dan ook.
Loeb en collega Manasvi Lingam besloten te onderzoeken of snelle radioflitsen mogelijk het gevolg zijn van de activiteit van buitenaardse beschavingen.
“Omdat er veel meer sterrenstelsels zijn dan alleen de Melkweg, zou je verwachten dergelijke fenomenen vaker buiten de Melkweg te detecteren dan erbinnen,” aldus Lingam tegenover de krant.
Gigantische radiozenders
De twee wetenschappers speculeren dat snelle radioflitsen kunnen worden geproduceerd door gigantische radiozenders die andere beschavingen gebruiken om van het ene naar het andere sterrenstelsel te reizen.
Een door zonne-energie aangedreven radiozender ter grootte van een planeet zou genoeg energie opwekken om een interstellair ruimteschip aan te drijven, suggereren ze.
“We schatten dat een gemiddeld sterrenstelsel hooguit 10.000 van zulke beschavingen herbergt,” verklaart Lingam. “Waarschijnlijk valt het werkelijke aantal lager uit.”
Loeb zit in de adviescommissie van het Starshot-project, dat erop gericht is een ruimteschip naar de ster Alpha Centauri te sturen.
Het idee is om krachtige lasers vanaf de aarde te richten op dunne zeilen die meer dan 1000 sondes bevatten.
Dat is niet hetzelfde als de radiogolven die mogelijk worden gebruikt door aliens, maar het verkennen van de ruimte gaat in babystapjes.
“Veel mensen denken de waarheid in pacht te hebben,” zegt Loeb. “Ze denken dat we speciaal zijn, dat er verder niets in de ruimte is.”
“We moeten ons niet laten leiden door vooroordelen. We moeten waarnemen,” vervolgt hij. “Als we iets ongewoons zien, moeten we rekening houden met de mogelijkheid dat het kunstmatig is.”
Witnesses of Melbourne high school UFO sighting speak out
Witnesses of Melbourne high school UFO sighting speak out
Aaron Langmaid, Herald Sun
HOVERING above a Melbourne high school, the sight of three spherical objects defied gravity and all belief.
For the first time in more than half a century, a panel of eye witnesses hope to shed light on the enduring Aussie mystery — and one of the world’s most baffling UFO cases.
Hundreds of people reported the bizarre scene as it played out above Westall High School, Clayton South on April 6, 1966. Authorities at the time warned locals not to discuss it and critics have since written it off.
But five decades on, those who saw the objects and a perfect circle of flattened grass left behind, remain convinced.
Joy Clarke, was among the students who ran from class and spotted three objects in the sky.
“It took a while for me to comprehend what I was actually looking at because I had never seen anything like that before,’’ she said.
Suzanne Savage, Kevin Hurley, Paul Smith, Joy Clarke and Marilyn Smith. Picture: Tony Gough
The Year 8 student was one of the few to have her picture taken inside the circle of flattened grass that the object apparently left behind. It was burnt and destroyed by army officers the following day.
Amateur detective Shane Ryan, who led an investigation for the documentary Westall ‘66 said the bizarre incident had plagued the minds of those who saw it.
“We live in an odd society where there is interest in UFOs and the mysteries of life but when a person comes forward to talk about an experience often they find it hard to be listened to or believed,’’ Mr Ryan said.
“This was an important case on the world stage because it was a mass UFO sighting in broad daylight.’’
He said the objects were clearly identifiable and not what locals were used to seeing in the sky around Moorabin airport.
At least one landed and was on the ground for several minutes.
A panel of eye witnesses hope to shed light on the mystery
“Whatever it was — there was a very strong response from government to it,’’ Mr Ryan said.
He said police, ambulance and fire units all headed to the site. But civil defence and military units were also dispatched.
Air force personnel reportedly knocked on the door of the school science teacher days later, warning him that if he spoke about what he saw his “career in Victoria would be over’’.
Another student who was taken away from the scene in hysterics was never seen again.
And after decades of denial, last year one of the few surviving policemen who responded on that day admitted he had been at the scene but still refused to talk about what he saw.
“There was absolutely a cover up,’’ Mr Ryan said.
“The resolution of this story hinges on a death bed confession.’’
Mr Ryan will be guest speaker alongside the panel of witnesses assembled for the first time next month.
A newspaper tear out from the Dandenong Journal covering the 1966 UFO mystery.
Westall — The Witnesses Speak, Sunday April 2. Tickets:
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Canada Eyewitness Sees UFO Over Water during Storm, Feb 2017, UFO Sighting News.
Canada Eyewitness Sees UFO Over Water during Storm,. Feb 2017, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: Feb 15, 2017 Location of sighting: Bay of Fundy, Main, Canada A very interesting MUFON case came in this week. About a UFO seen over the bay and during a lightning storm. The UFO was causing the lightning so it could recharge from it. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
I was watching a fairly intense lightning storm roll into the mouth of the bay off the Atlantic,” the witness stated. “We were waiting for our bar-b-q to finish and I began to film the storm hoping to get some good footage of the lightning as I waited.The storm was still a good 20 minutes away, but the lightning was going straight down into the water almost everytime and I continued to film for about two minutes. I put my camera away,ate supper as the storm passed overhead, and thought nothing more of it until two or three days later when I was going through the video.I watched it normally and saw nothing, got to the end and hit pause during one of the lightning strikes.Took a screenshot for Facebook and continued to scroll backwards very slowly going from lightning strike to lightning strike and taking screenshots. As I got to the very first seconds of the video, during the double lightning bolt and bang, I could see a disc-like object the size of a semi-trailer flying out of the bay on an angle at an unimaginable speed across the sky through the double flash and up into the clouds with a bang and whirly wind tunnel echo sound. But with determination and brain surgeon fingers, I was able to get screenshots of it within that second.I have some unbelievable video and even more unbelievable pictures.I’ve spent almost eight months seeking help and getting nowhere. I pray you people take me seriously and show interest because this is real.
Viral Video Shows Crystal Clear UFOs Over Pyramids
Viral Video Shows Crystal Clear UFOs Over Pyramids
An amazing video of seemingly showing three crystal clear UFOs floating above ancient pyramids of Giza has made the rounds online. Uploaded to YouTube, the footage shows a crowd of tourists enjoying the incredible sight of the ancient world while the three strange, triangular aerial things hover above.
The footage can be considered as one of the clearest UFO sightings ever recorded on video.
Most UFO sighting recordings are either blurred or too shaky.
However, Youtube poster give any additional details about the video, but the description of the video states that it was recorded in April 2016 and the UFOs remained visible for four hours.
Section 51 2 website features the alleged UFO sighting video, but no further reference provided. It instead discusses the alleged ancient document Tulli Papyrus, which reveals that flying saucers, depicted as circles of fire, appeared above pyramids in around 1500 BC.
The article also touches the ancient astronaut conspiracy theory, which claims that our ancestors built the pyramids with the help of an advanced race of aliens thousands of years ago.
However, many viewers believe that the video is a deliberate hoax created using CGI technology.
Critics say that if this thing actually happened, then it would likely be the news for mainstream media all over the world and not only to one website.
Intelligent life forms may be able to travel across three reportedly habitable planets in a "Goldilocks zone" orbiting a newly discovered dwarf star, according to a Cornell University report published this week. The system of exoplanets, dubbed "Trappist-1" by NASA after the federal agency discovered the region in late February, includes seven exoplanets — and one of the most likely possibilities for extraterrestrial life.
The three exoplanets included in the region are within such a short distance of each other that it wouldn’t be unrealistic to assume aliens were capable of "interplanetary panspermia," Manasvi Lingam and Abraham Loeb, co-authors of the report, noted in their research. Panspermia is when the same life forms created somewhere else in the universe are able to initiate life on other planets.
Though entirely theoretical, the authors behind the research said Trappist-1 could provide the first-known capability of life traveling across planets in outer space. Aliens conducting interplanetary travel may not look anything like humans, though.
Harvard University researchers said the most likely life forms hopping across the three cosmos were tiny bacteria attaching themselves onto meteors covered in hydrogen and water. Those microorganisms may be able to go dormant for extended periods of time while performing interplanetary panspermia, though it remains unclear whether they'd actually be able to survive the journey from one exoplanet to the next included in Trappist-1.
The three exoplanets featured in the "Goldilocks zone" were named "E," "F" and "G," in consecutive order based on their distance to the dwarf star each orbits.
Cornell University researchers weren’t only convinced life forms existed in Trappist-1. They may have already traveled to each of the three exoplanets.
"It would not be surprising to find the same forms of life on all three habitable planets near Trappist-1," Loeb told New Scientist in an interview Monday. "Because these distances are so close, a lot more different kinds of species, microbial or otherwise, could migrate from one planet to another."
And now YouTube channel SecureTeam 10 believes crash sites and space craft wreckages that “cover” the moon’s surface are evidence that aliens really did exist there at some point.
The footage points to mysterious circular shapes that appear to be partially buried in the surface of the moon.
UFO hunter Tyler Glockner believes they are alien space ships.
SHOCKING: The partially buried space ships could be evidence of alien war UFO experts claim
UFO hunter claims there are 'mobile alien bases' on the moon
Using footage from fellow alien investigation channel Streetcap1, the video focuses on one “saucer” positioned on its own “in the middle of a very barren piece of land”.
“Could this be a rock or an asteroid?” Tyler asks.
“It could be that. But I think what Streetcap was pointing out was the almost perfect cylinder shape of this thing.
“If there were beings out there that had these advanced craft why do they seem to be crashing their ships all the time?"
ALARMING: The video points out the disc shape and drag marks along the surface of the moon
He argues there may have been a huge war millions of years ago on our moon.
“At some point in the distance past there was some sort of war or cataclysm that caused these ruins and unknown debris to be littered across the moon.
“This is why the moon is so heavily bombarded with craters and many of these aren’t craters at all – but instead are the remnants of nuclear explosions,” Tyler says.
THEORY: A whistleblower claims he saw an alien base in the Antarctic
The former US Naval officer said he was on duty when he came across the mystery structure buried into the ice.
Conspiracy theorist and journalist Linda Moulton Howe interviewed the whistleblower, named only as Brian, in a series of fascinating YouTube videos.
The retired petty officer, 59, claimed to have been seen UFOs, aliens and a giant hole in the ice as he flew through a "no fly zone" in Antartica.
“The only thing we saw going over this camp was a very large hole going into the ice”
Alien whistleblower
The retired petty officer, 59, claimed to have been seen UFOs, aliens and a giant hole in the ice as he flew through a "no fly zone" in Antartica.
He allegedly made the bizarre sightings between 1983 and 1997 when he was stationed with the Antarctic Development Squadron.
In the interviews he made shocking claims about top-secret contact between humans and aliens.
MoD expert Nick POPE on aliens: Government knows "more than they let on"
In an email to Mrs Howe, 75, he said: "Another unique issue with South Pole station is that our aircraft was not allowed to fly over a certain area designated five miles from the station.
"The reason stated because of a air sampling camp in that area.
"This did not make any sense to any of us on the crew because on two different occasions we had to fly over this area.
"The only thing we saw going over this camp was a very large hole going into the ice. You could fly one of our LC130 into this thing.
"Talk among the flight crews was that there is a UFO base at South Pole and some of the crew heard talk from some of the scientists working with and interacting with the scientists at that air sampling camp/large ice hole."
Brian said the hole was five to ten miles from the South Pole.
He also claimed a group of scientists went missing for a week and returned refusing to speak about what they had seen.
Mrs Howe, who has been awarded for her paranormal investigations, said she was contacted several times by the whistleblower.
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UFO close encounters highest across Hinckley and Bosworth
UFO close encounters highest across Hinckley and Bosworth
The truth is out there - in Barwell and Earl Shilton
Barwell and Earl Shilton have been singled out as hotspots for UFO sightings.
Reports of strange objects in the sky, gathered by The Hinckley Times and listed on a sky-watchers’ website, suggest the two neighbourhoods see the most sub-space activity of any location in Leicestershire.
A new article on history and heritage blog The Leicester Chronicle brings together a series of sightings going back to 1706.
Blogger Thomas Kirkup reckons the location of the town and village, close to one another and near to Hinckley but largely surrounded by open countryside, is the key factor in the swathe of flying object spots.
According to his research, Earl Shilton and Barwell is the county’s prime UFO country, with the largest number of sightings reported by locals.
Glowing objects and bright white balls of light were seen in the skies as reported in The Hinckley Times in May last year and March 2015.
Even more cases of eerie ethereal phenomenon are listed on the LUFOIN - Leicestershire UFO Investigation Network.
One weird happening in particular was observed by various witnesses across Earl Shilton, Barwell and Leicester Forest East on May 25 last year at around 10pm.
Six people in different locations were fascinated by a blue glowing object, hovering low over the ground and apparently accompanied by the smell of sulphur.
One man said: “I was heading back from delivering a spa pool at a customer’s when I turned onto Station Road and I saw a brilliant blue light passing over Earl Shilton.
“It was low, about 100 feet off the ground and about 20 foot wide by about ten foot high, it was moving in a zigzag pattern.”
Another recalled: “I was walking the dogs last night when we saw a very bright blue craft in the sky over Elmesthorpe.
“It wasn’t a meteor as it was moving controlled.
“I’m lost as to what it was as it wasn’t an aeroplane and not a chopper or drone.
“There was only a humming noise I could hear, and a mouldy egg smell as it passed over.”
A model of a ufo created by Colin Saunders for a story going into The Hinckley Times
The smell was also detected by a third witness who said: “I saw a car-sized blue cut diamond UFO flying low over Barwell heading towards the village centre.
“There was a putrid smell in air as it passed over.”
Meanwhile another woman said: “My husband and I both noticed a bright blue, diamond-shaped aircraft in the sky hovering above the rugby ground near Beggars Lane, Leicester Forest East.
“It was shooting a red beam towards the ground.”
Listings on the LUFOIN page feature a host of sightings from 2016 which range from hovering cylinder-shaped objects to a trio of domed objects appearing following streaks of light.
Colours are usually white, green or blue.
On a nationwide website the most recent report in the area originates from Newton Linford in November last year.
The account recalls it was getting light, a motorist and her daughter saw ‘a kind of tailing egg shape’ in the sky, seeming to disappear then alter appearance.
A model of a UFO and a graphic illustration of how it would look supplied by Colin Saunders
Last year Hinckley Times reader Colin Saunders described his experience of seeing a UFO on the old Fosse Way in 1999.
An ex aerospace engineer, he created a model of the object he saw in the skies near Hinckley.
■ If anyone has seen anything unusual in the sky reports can be made to LUFOIN. Personal details remain confidential.
Today, we know dark matter as a mysterious, elusive presence in our universe, exerting a gravitational pull on our Milky Way and other galaxies. But in an unexpected twist, scientists are now learning dark matter was far less of a powerful presence in the early days of the universe than we once thought.
In a study to be published Thursday in Nature, as well as three accompanying papers in the Astrophysical Journal, an international team of researchers found that 10 billion years ago, the galaxy was dominated by baryonic or “normal” matter, which constitutes what makes up the gas, dust, stars, and planets in our universe today.
Today, dark matter, which does not emit, absorb, or reflect light, has a greater influence on our universe. It interacts with normal matter only through gravity, and it’s responsible for the rotation speeds in spiral galaxies.
“If you take a textbook case of a nearby spiral disk, there are large amounts of dark matter present that causes the rotational speeds to be high, even far from the galaxy center,” coauthor Stijn Wuyts of the University of Bath tells Inverse.
The team used telescopes to measure the rotation curves of six massive galaxies. Since these galaxies were so distant, it was like looking back in time 10 billion years ago, when stars were still forming.
This chart shows observations of six distant galaxies. The left column shows the distribution of the total surface brightness. The right column shows the velocity map. The galaxies show a rotation pattern, with blue areas moving towards the observer and red parts moving away.
But in early galaxies, researchers observed that the outer regions of the galaxies were spinning slower than central regions — meaning less dark matter than expected was present, and dark matter played a smaller role. These early galaxies were also more turbulent than spiral galaxies today. Two further studies of 240 star-forming galaxies supported these findings.
“From the peak epoch of galaxy formation 10 billion years ago to the present day, the reconstruction of this evolutionary path will be something we will be able to do more accurately,” Wuyts says.
Three to four billion years after the Big Bang, the gas in galaxies condensed into flat, rotating disks, while large dark matter halos surrounded them. Before, these halos were more spread out, but after billions of years, the dark matter has condensed and now has a larger effect on the rotation of many modern galaxies, like our Milky Way.
These findings have three possible implications. One is that because normal matter was more influential in the early universe, galaxies today have central regions that are rich in normal matter.
“It’s driven by the fact that galaxies in the young universe have so much gas in them, the gas that later in their lives will be used to form stars,” Wuyts says.
In addition, these findings imply that the winds driving out from the center of the galaxies may have altered the distribution of dark matter.
There’s also a speculative third possibility that the current hypothesis of dark matter may be incorrect. Perhaps the dark matter particle is lighter or not a particle at all, or perhaps it’s similar to black holes.
“We are learning that the situation is more complicated than people had assumed as far as dark matter is concerned, so we need to consider why that is,” lead author Reinhard Genzel of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany tells Inverse. “If this might lead to a recognition that the dark matter paradigm needs to be rethought, that would be pretty sensational, but we need to first be conservative.”
The team saw the first hints of dropping rotation curves eight years ago, showing that dark matter was not as influential in the early universe. It continued to gather more evidence using data from other galaxies. In the next phase of their research, scientists plan to study galaxies with lower masses to help them better understand our universe’s origins.
“What I would predict is people will be very suspicious,” Genzel says. “That’s the nature of science. This is not what we would’ve expected. Other people will have to check it. In the meantime, the theorists hopefully will start thinking about the various options we’ve discussed and give us ideas on what we’ll do next.”
Abstract:In the cold dark matter cosmology, the baryonic components of galaxies - stars and gas - are thought to be mixed with and embedded in non-baryonic and non-relativistic dark matter, which dominates the total mass of the galaxy and its dark matter halo. In the local Universe, the mass of dark matter within a galactic disk increases with disk radius, becoming appreciable and then dominant in the outer, baryonic regions of the disks of star-forming galaxies. This results in rotation velocities of the visible matter within the disk that are constant or increasing with disk radius – a hallmark of the dark matter model. Comparison between the dynamical mass and the sum of stellar and cold-gas mass at the peak epoch of galaxy formation ten billion years ago, inferred from ancillary data, suggest high baryon factions in the inner, star-forming regions of the disks. Although this implied baryon fraction may be larger than in the local Universe, the systematic uncertainties (stellar initial mass function, calibration of gas masses) render such comparisons inconclusive in terms of the mass of dark matter. Here we report rotation curves for the outer disks of six massive star-forming galaxies, and find that the rotation velocities are not constant, but decrease with radius. We propose that this trend arises because of a combination of two main factors: first, a large fraction of the massive, high-redshift galaxy population was strongly baryon dominated, with dark matter playing a smaller part than in the local Universe; and second, the large velocity dispersion in high-redshift disks introduces a substantial pressure term that leads to a decrease in rotation velocity with increasing radius. The effect of both factors appears to increase with redshift. Qualitatively, the observations suggest that baryons in the early Universe efficiently condensed at the centres of dark matter halos when gas fractions were high, and dark matter was less concentrated.
Supermassive black holes sit at the center of nearly every massive galaxy situated in the universe. Scientists don’t know how supermassive black holes form, but a new paper in published Monday in the journal Nature Astronomy, illustrates a theory crazy enough to perhaps work.
The running hypothesis is that black holes are born out of the collapse of a star, which can eventually suck up enough mass that they grow into supermassive black holes (SBHs). That process is thought to take billions of years, but scientists have already catalogued some SBHs that date back to 13.8 billion years in age — also the age of the universe. This would mean that some SBHs, if not all, form much more quickly than scientists originally suspected.
“The collapse of the galaxy and the formation of a million-solar-mass black hole takes 100,000 years — a blip in cosmic time,” Zoltan Haiman, an astronomy professor at Columbia University, said in a press release. “A few hundred-million years later, it has grown into a billion-solar-mass supermassive black hole. This is much faster than we expected.”
Two things are absolutely necessary for an SBH to form: A ton of mass, and gravitational force. Going by these two rules of thumb, Haiman came up with a new hypothesis back in 2008. What if the SBHs weren’t being created from within their host galaxies, but being fed by neighboring ones?
Haiman believed that if a huge nearby galaxy could pump enough radiation into a smaller galaxy that already hosted a black hole, the radiation could split molecular hydrogen into atomic hydrogen, stopping the galaxy from forming new stars and ultimately forcing it to collapse under the gravitational pressure of the black hole. Thus, the black hole would suck up that mass and quickly become an SBH.
To test this hypothesis, Haiman collaborated with John Regan at Dublin City University in Ireland. Together they simulated this process by crunching numbers on a supercomputer, running through different variations of fluid dynamics, gravity, and radiation. Their findings, published the new paper, proved that with just the right combination, this process could indeed create an SBH.
“The nearby galaxy can’t be too close, or too far away, and like the Goldilocks principle, too hot or too cold,” John Wise, co-author of the study and associate astrophysics professor at Georgia Tech, said in the press release.
There is still much more to understand about SBHs before drawing any conclusions. But with the help of the James Webb Space Telescope, which will be launched by NASA next year, to confirm this theory, the team is hoping it might have finally solved this longstanding mystery once and for all.
Mankind is a species with amnesia. The veil of time has obscured a lot of ancient knowledge and technology. Luckily some ancient stone carvings, statues and art works offer us the of understanding some of these forgotten tools.
In Mesopotamia, the cradle of modern civilization, the symbol of the mysterious handbag is shown in countless stone carvings and statues, dating back as far as 10.000 bc. The handbag motif is featured prominently in their sacred artwork.
The Sumerians depicted the so called Annunaki carrying what seems to be a handbag. These Annunaki were called the Nephilim in the Bible. The object is linked to the archetype of "The Tree of life" which connects to heaven and the underworld. It was said it connected all forms of creation.
In ancient Egypt, we can see the Ankh symbol being carried in a very similar way. The Ankh was the symbol of life. Could it be that the Ankh symbol and the symbol of the handbag are one and the same?
In Mexico, the handbag symbol can be found on many historical sites and is depicted in their most sacred works of art.
In Indonesia, we find the same handbag featured in multiple stone carvings. How did this handbag symbol become a world wide phenomenon? And more importantly, what did it represent? Did it contain secret knowledge offered by the gods as some myths claim? Was it some form of secret technology that we have forgotten?
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The Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week
The Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week
By Live Science Staff
Each week we uncover the most interesting and informative articles from around the world, here are 10 of the coolest stories in science this week.
Minuscule extremophiles
When tardigrades dry out, they retract their legs and heads, transitioning into a form called a "tun." This image shows a scanning electron micrograph of six tardigrades in their tun state.
Credit: T.C. Boothby
Microscopic, blobby-bodied tardigrades — also known as "water bears" — are famed for their ability to survive in extreme conditions, even appearing to come back from the dead.
Now, a new study reveals that special proteins coded into tardigrade DNA may be the secret to the creatures' resuscitation superpowers. [Read more about the superpowers.]
Setting high records
The U.S. Air Force's robotic X-37B space plane, known as the Orbital Test Vehicle, is shown here in a 2009 photo at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. An X-37B spacecraft is currently flying the fourth classified mission for the U.S. Air Force.
Credit: U.S. Air Force
The U.S. Air Force's X-37B space plane is just eight days away from setting a record on its current clandestine mission.
If the robotic vehicle stays aloft until March 25, it will break the X-37B mission-duration mark of 674 days, which was established back in October 2014. [Read more about the near record.]
Cheesy prints
3D-printed cheese can hold its own against regular processed cheese, pictured here.
Credit: Binh Thanh Bui/Shutterstock
Any way you slice it, cheese is considered by many to be a favorite food, whether cut into cubes as a snack, grated over pasta, layered in a sandwich or melted as a topping for pizza.
In a recent study, scientists 3D-printed cheese and conducted a series of tests evaluating its texture, resilience and "meltability," to see how this cheese from the future would stack up — on a structural level — against regular processed cheese. [Read more about printable cheese.]
Doomsday films
A mushroom cloud forms after a nuclear weapons test dubbed Operation Hardtack-1 - Nutmeg in May 1958 on Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.
Credit: LLNL
After decades spent slowly disintegrating in high-security vaults, thousands of historic films of U.S. nuclear weapons tests have been salvaged, including some that have been newly declassified. The incredible footage shows enormous mushroom clouds ballooning over the horizon in what could be a doomsday flick.
About 6,500 of the films have been located so far, and now, an initial collection of 64 videos, all showing tests conducted by the LLNL, have been made available online. [Read more about the declassified footage.]
First time users
By monitoring subjects as they undergo adolescence, researchers could gain new insights into how marijuana affects developing brains.
Credit: Sean Gallup/Getty Images
The chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in marijuana is known to trigger responses in brain regions related to thinking, perception, coordination and memory, and to have a lasting impact on users when taken frequently over time.
"We don't really know what happens to a first-time user — we don't know if one use will change the brain and make you more vulnerable to taking other drugs, for example," Weiss told Live Science.[Read more about pot brain.]
Hungry, hungry arachnids
A jumping spider, Phidippus mystaceus, feeding on a type of fly called a nematoceran.
Credit: David E. Hill/Peckham Society, Simpsonville, South Carolina
Each year, about 27 million tons of spiders consume somewhere between 440 million and 880 million tons of insects, new research finds.
Spiders are a very successful group of arthropods. They're found everywhere from deserts to grasslands to forests to Arctic tundra. More than 45,000 individual species have been identified so far, Nyffeler and Birkhofer wrote. Scientists estimate that there are around 131 spiders per every square meter of land on the globe, and in some places up to 1,000 individuals in that area (about the size of a single mattress). [Read more about their voracious appetites.]
Health and climate change
Climate change is poised to affect the health of Americans in every part of the country, a new report says.
But few Americans are aware of the impact climate change has on health, according to the report. Only about a third of Americans can name a specific way climate change affects people's health, according to the report. [Read more about climate change's affects.]
Life without the EPA
A coal-burning power plant near Bismarck, North Dakota, on July 30, 2013.
Credit: Andrew Burton/Getty Images
Acid rain devouring New England forests. Homes built on toxic sites. Unswimmable rivers and cities cloaked in smog. The United States looked very different before the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) arrived, but a recent Congressional bill calls for the agency's abolition.
X-ray tomographic picture (false colors) of fossil thread-like red algae.
Credit: Stefan Bengtson
Scientists have discovered what may be the world’s oldest plant-like fossils, found in sedimentary rocks in central India. The preserved specimens are estimated to be 1.6 billion years old, and contain structures like those found in red algae.
The two types of fossils that researchers recently identified resembled red algae — one specimen was composed of filaments and another was made of more robust structures. The ancient specimens are 400 million years older than previous fossil algae discoveries, and hint that multicellular life evolved on Earth far earlier than was once thought. [Read more about the oldest fossils.]
Round tomb
The tomb's entranceway is located on the south wall of the tomb. It was blocked off with bricks 1,000 years ago. Images of two servants can be seen flanking the entrance.
Credit: Courtesy of Chinese Cultural Relics
A 1,000-year-old circular tomb, whose walls are decorated with colorful murals, has been discovered in Datong City, in northern China.
The murals on the walls show servants, cranes and numerous articles of clothing that hang on several stands, their colors still vibrant despite the passage of a millennia. [Read more about the vibrant murals.]
Doomsday Films: Footage of Nuclear-Weapons Tests Declassified
Doomsday Films: Footage of Nuclear-Weapons Tests Declassified
By Kacey Deamer, Staff Writer
A mushroom cloud forms after a nuclear weapons test dubbed Operation Hardtack-1 - Nutmeg in May 1958 on Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.
Credit: LLNL
After decades spent slowly disintegrating in high-security vaults, thousands of historic films of U.S. nuclear weapons tests have been salvaged, including some that have been newly declassified. The incredible footage shows enormous mushroom clouds ballooning over the horizon in what could be a doomsday flick.
In total, an estimated 10,000 films were created of nuclear weapons tests between 1945 and 1962, according to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). For the past five years, a team of researchers led by LLNL weapon physicist Greg Spriggs has been collecting the footage to scan, reanalyze and declassify, before the films fully decompose.
About 6,500 of the films have been located so far, and now, an initial collection of 64 videos, all showing tests conducted by the LLNL, have been made available online. [Top 10 Greatest Explosions Ever]
Spriggs said he and his team are in a race against time to collect and scan the films, because the decomposition process could render the footage unusable.
"You can smell vinegar when you open the cans, which is one of the byproducts of the decomposition process of these films," Spriggs said in a statement."We know that these films are on the brink of decomposing to the point where they'll become useless. The data that we're collecting now must be preserved in a digital form, because no matter how well you treat the films, no matter how well you preserve or store them, they will decompose. … We got to this project just in time to save the data."
Beyond the historical significance of the films, the LLNL researchers said footage of the nuclear tests can also help post-Cold War-era scientists better understand the impact of nuclear weapons and determine whether the aging U.S. nuclear deterrent — nuclear weapons intended to deter other countries from nuclear attacks — is safe, secure and effective.
By comparing the restored footage to the original data sheets for each test, Spriggs found that some of the published data was incorrect. When the tests were conducted more than half a century ago, researchers had to rely on "eyeball measurements" of the nuclear test's fireball and shockwave, according to the LLNL researchers, from each frame captured. Tests were filmed by multiple cameras at different angles to capture around 2,400 frames per second, the researchers said, and about 1,000 analysts were needed to do the work. Now scientists use computers for such analysis, with programs able to take exact measurements from each frame captured.
"We were finding that some of these answers were off by 20, maybe 30, percent," Spriggs said. "We've also discovered new things about these detonations that have never been seen before. New correlations are now being used by the nuclear forensics community, for example."
The videos released thus far range from footage of bomb tests that show the resulting mushroom clouds to videos of underground tests that evaluated bomb detection and potential containment. For example, one of the videos released shows the "Tesla" test of Operation Teapot, which was the first successful test by the LLNL (then called the University of California Radiation Laboratory), according to the Nuclear Weapons Archive.
Another of the videos released, of the "Rainier" test of Operation Plumbbob, shows footage of the violent shock waves caused by an underground nuclear explosion. According to the Nuclear Weapons Archive, the Rainier test occurred on Sept. 19, 1957, at the Nevada Test Site, when a nuclear weapon was fired into a tunnel on the side of Rainier Mesa.
It will take about two more years to finish scanning all of the films, Spriggs estimated, and analyzing and declassifying the footage will take even longer. The ultimate goal of the project is to ensure nuclear weapons are not used in the future, he said.
"We hope that we would never have to use a nuclear weapon ever again," Spriggs said. "I think that if we capture the history of this and show what the forces of these weapons are and how much devastation they can wreak, then maybe people will be reluctant to use them."
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