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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
CASE CLOSED? Has the Rendlesham 'alien UFO' mystery finally been SOLVED?
CASE CLOSED? Has the Rendlesham 'alien UFO' mystery finally been SOLVED?
EXCLUSIVE: Britains's most perplexing UFO mystery may finally have been solved after an astrophysicist investigated the 37-year-old unsolved case.
Case closed: The new book sheds light on a theory that the UFO was not alien in origin.
Andrew Pike, a qualified astrophysicist, writer and broadcaster specialising in astronomical anomalies and the history of science, has penned a new book questioning just what could have happened at two US Air Force bases by Rendlesham Forest, near Woodbridge, Suffolk, in December 1980.
The Rendlesham File – Britain's Roswell? is a detailed scientific study of the astonishing three-day period witnessed by US Military personnel.
The Rendlesham legend, which took place around neighbouring bases RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters, has been dubbed Britain's Roswell, in a nod to the mystery of the UFO crash said to have taken place outside the town in New Mexico, USA, in July 1947.
The UK suspected alien event saw three US officers based at RAF Bentwaters claim a "triangular-shaped craft" landed in neighbouring woods in the early hours of December 26, 1980, after seeing a strange series of lights in the sky and forest.
Due to high interest in the case, the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) investigated and concluded Orford Ness lighthouse had been responsible for what was seen over the two nights in terms of glowing orbs.
However, this has not satisfied most UFO investigators, failing to explain claims of the UFO being on the ground on the first night.
Mr Pike concludes in the book that the bizarre lights seen may have been a natural phenomena known as plasma or ball lightening, rather than coming from an alien UFO.
Ball lightning is an unexplained atmospheric electrical phenomenon following reports and video footage of luminous, bright spherical objects from tiny to several metres in diameter that move around in the air.
Mr Pike also suggests that the sightings of a triangular craft may have been down to secret military steal craft experiments using microwave technology, rather than anything of extraterrestrial origin.
Mr Pike wrote in the conclusion of his book: "The answer to the Rendlesham Forest Incident appears to depend on whether a nuts and bolts craft existed at all, the area’s geophysical features and the history of secret experimental research.
"Whereas sightings involving unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) are regularly reported in an area known for its natural balls of light such as earth lights and plasma-like effects, they were certainly unusually intense during the incident.
"It also appears that a general increase in activity has been occurring since the time of World War Two and the development of microwave-based radar and other research in the area.
"Until then every event traced was significantly less than the ones occurring since secret research moved in and started experimenting.
"This has been supported by similar trends in other areas involving radar and microwave communications. This does not appear to be a coincidence."
The expert said there seemed to be a decrease in sightings in the area since all the publicity surrounding the case.
He said: "A similar situation occurred back in the 1950s when ufologists were regularly spotting the U-2 spy plane in the area and the powers-that-be had to relocate it.
"I believe microwave science fits the data well to enhance what might have otherwise been just another outbreak involving balls of light."
Getty*Nick Pope
UFO MYSTERY: Former MoD investigator Nick Pope (pictured) reviewed the case.
The answer to the Rendlesham Forest Incident appears to depend on whether a nuts and bolts craft existed at all, the area’s geophysical features and the history of secret experimental research.
Andrew Pike
Mr Pike said research to transfer power and information to drones using microwaves and driving them with microwave beams was also significant.
He said: "If some descriptions of a triangular craft seen by civilians and the drawings of a craft seen in Rendlesham Forest by airman Jim Penniston are correct, both might suggest a drone similar to those involving stealth technology and the avoidance of radar imaging developed in places like Area 51; in particular a design known as Hopeless Diamond involving a series of triangular sections bolted together to deflect radar.
"Even if we remove the flying triangle craft from the equation, which appears to have been happening with changing airmen reports over recent years, we still have an area rich in microwave beams for other purposes, as well as natural balls of light which can, and do, interact when frequencies, and other environmental conditions, are just right.
"These two events of a triangular craft and increased activity of balls of light may, or may not, have been connected or running in parallel but appear to be a problem area for the powers-that-be."
The men first noticed lights and then a UFO "on the forest floor", and could not account for a 40 minute period while searching in the woods when their communication systems went "off air".
The three - John Burroughs, Bud Steffens, and James Penniston - later told of feeling "static" as they observed the object's flashing lights and hieroglyphic-like markings.
Former Colonel Charles Halt, 77, the most senior witness, who was base deputy commander at the time, was not present during the first encounter, but was told the next morning and investigated that night after officers shouted: "It's back, the UFO's back."
He went to investigate with a team who found three 1.5inch "impact holes," damage to the canopies of trees and "higher radiation levels" in the "landing" area.
UFO publisher Philip Mantle, of Flying Disk Press, said: "The Rendlesham File is the first book written about these events by a UK academic.
"It takes an unbiased scientific look at the UFO sightings in question and puts all of the information under the microscope.
"Is there a scientific explanation for these UFO sightings or are they truly the result pf something that is yet beyond our scientific capabilities?"
Nick Pope is a former Ministry of Defence (MoD) officer who investigated the UFO phenomena, including the Rendlesham case.
He said: "This well-researched and eminently readable book significantly enhances our knowledge of the UK's best-known and most compelling UFO incident.
"Pike comes at the story from the perspective of being an astrophysicist, and his scientific approach is a welcome one, and one that's far too seldom seen in ufology.
"Given Pike's specific areas of expertise - which include plasma physics - I was particularly interested in his insightful analysis of the MoD intelligence assessment of the UFO
phenomenon that's colloquially known as Project Condign."
In September, researcher Russ Callaghan shocked the UFO community with a new theory that the Rendlesham UFO could have actually been a top-secret US Air Force training capsule, used as a dummy run for missions to pick up satellites that reentered earth, as exclusively revealed by
Mr Pike's work has appeared in many specialist publications including UFO Magazine (UK), UFO Data Magazine, Uri Geller’s Encounters, Alien Encounters, The Unopened Files, the Internet magazines and as well as on television and radio in both the UK and USA.
The Rendlesham File – Britain's Roswell?, is available from Amazon and Flying Disk Press.
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETNASA heeft onze hulp nodig. De ruimtevaartorganisatie zoekt een nieuwe naam voor planetoïde 2014 MU69, een kleine ijswereld voorbij Pluto.
’(486958) 2014 MU69′ is een cubewano, een planetoïde in de Kuipergordel buiten de baan van Pluto. Het object werd in 2014 ontdekt met de Hubbletelescoop, en kreeg toen zijn nogal onfortuinlijke naam. De planetoïde ligt op 6,5 miljard kilometer afstand van de aarde, en bestaat misschien zelfs uit twee objecten die samenkleven of rond elkaar draaien.
Op zich is zo’n vreemde cijfer- en lettercombinatie als naam niet uitzonderlijk, maar nu ruimtesonde New Horizons de planetoïde gaat onderzoeken - en de naam dus veel in de pers zal komen - vindt NASA dat het tijd is voor een naamsverandering.
Wil je zelf ook een gooi doen naar de nieuwe naam? Dan kan je deelnemen aan de wedstrijd die NASA uitschreef voor 2014 MU69. Hier kan je tot 1 december een poging wagen, of stemmen voor andermans voorstel. Het gaat wel om een voorlopige bijnaam voor de miniplaneet; als de ruimtesonde in 2019 voorbijvliegt, zal 2014 MU69 dan een officiële naam krijgen.
WETENSCHAP & PLANEET Wat als de grote vulkaanuitbarsting van 1815 zich deze eeuw voordeed? Dan zouden de gevolgen voor ons weer nog verwoestender zijn, een gevolg van de klimaatverandering.
Onderzoekers van het National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in de VS namen de grote uitbarsting van de Tambora in Indonesië tweehonderd jaar geleden als ijkpunt. Die deed zich voor in april 1815 en geldt als de zwaarste vulkaanuitbarsting van de laatste eeuwen. Europa en Noord-Amerika kenden het jaar nadien geen zomer, zo sterk deed de uitbarsting de temperaturen overal dalen.
Lees ook
Bijna 100 nieuwe vulkanen ontdekt onder ijskap van Antarctica, maar zijn ze ook gevaarlijk?
Uitbarsting in 2085
Wat als een gelijkaardige uitbarsting zich in 2085 zou voordoen? Dan zou die een veel grotere impact op de wereldwijde temperatuur en neerslag hebben dan tweehonderd jaar geleden, zeggen de onderzoekers in Nature Communications. De temperatuur zou veel sterker dalen en er zou veel minder neerslag vallen.
In 2085 zullen de oceanen meer gelaagd zijn dan in 1815. Daardoor kunnen ze de klimaatimpact van vulkaanuitbarstingen minder temperen.
In 2085 zullen de oceanen meer gelaagd zijn dan in 1815. Daardoor kunnen ze de impact van uitbarstingen minder temperen
“We hebben ontdekt dat de oceanen een zeer grote rol spelen bij het matigen, en ook het verlengen, van de afkoeling van de oppervlakte die door de uitbarsting van 1815 werd veroorzaakt”, zegt hoofdauteur John Fasullo. “De vulkanische schok is niet meer dan een schok – een schok die gedurende bijna een jaar voor afkoeling zorgt. Maar de oceanen veranderen de tijdschaal. Ze dempen de aanvankelijke afkoeling en spreiden haar ook over verschillende jaren.”
Honderdduizend doden
Bij de uitbarsting van de Tambora kwam een enorme hoeveelheid zwaveldioxide in de bovenste laag van de atmosfeer terecht. Daardoor ontstond een aerosollaag die overal ter wereld het zonlicht tegenhield.
Door de uitzonderlijk koude zomer van 1816, die heel wat oogsten deed mislukken, stierven wereldwijd meer dan honderdduizend mensen.
Getemperd door oceanen
Maar de afkoeling toen werd nog getemperd door de oceanen. Het wateroppervlak koelde af, het koudere water zonk, waardoor warmer water kon stijgen en zo meer warmte in de atmosfeer bracht. Toen de oceanen aanzienlijk afgekoeld waren, begon de aerosollaag te verdwijnen, waardoor de zon de aarde weer kon bereiken. Ook bij dat opwarmingsproces speelde de oceaan een temperende rol. In 2085 zullen de oceanen veel minder kunnen temperen. Door de opwarming van de aarde kunnen de warmere bovenste oceaanlagen zich nu al minder makkelijk vermengen met het koudere water eronder. Bij een sterke afkoeling door een vulkaanuitbarsting zou het afkoelende water gevangen zitten aan de oppervlakte: het kan niet meer zakken omdat er een warmere laag onder zit.
Bij een uitbarsting zoals die van de Tambora zou het aardoppervlak gemiddeld 1,1 graad Celsius afkoelen, 40 procent meer dan in 1816
1,1 graad afkoelen
Bij een uitbarsting zoals die van de Tambora zou het aardoppervlak daarom gemiddeld 1,1 graad Celsius afkoelen, 40 procent meer dan in 1816. Maar de onderzoekers benadrukken dat het moeilijk is om de afkoeling exact te voorspellen, aangezien hun studie rond een beperkt aantal simulaties draaide.
Kan zo’n afkoeling dan de opwarming van de aarde niet afremmen of onderbreken? Neen, zeggen de NCAR-experts. Daarvoor is de gesimuleerde afkoeling te klein. Tegen 2085 kan de aarde al 4,2 graden zijn opgewarmd. Dan maakt die tijdelijke daling van 1,1 graad Celsius nauwelijks verschil.
Wars can be wellsprings of unsolved mysteries and unexplained phenomena on top of all the death, with bizarre, puzzling tales blooming up out of the battle torn earth and scattered amongst the landscape of fighting and killing. Most often overshadowed by the historical records and news of politics, battles and intrigue permeating war, these cases have nevertheless managed to flit about the periphery of these tragedies. One of the most intense, horrific wars of human history certainly has its own dark patches of weirdness haunting it, and World War I is pervaded by all manner of strange phenomena and bizarre tales.
World War I broke out across our planet between the years of 1914 and 1918, and spread like a disease from a diplomatic crisis in Europe to infect all the world’s great economic powers of the time with the determination to kill, who were inexorably drawn in to what would be one of the most voracious, bloodiest, and costliest wars in all of history, and which mostly eventually devolved into more or less a battle of attrition and marked the rise of horrific, brutal trench warfare. The world was engulfed in warfare at the time, waged between the Allies, eventually consisting of the Russian Empire, the French Third Republic, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, as well as the United states, Japan, and Italy, and their enemies the Central Powers, including The German Empire, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. The carnage that ensued would ultimately change the map of our world, dissolve the German Empire, Russian Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, and leave an estimated 16 million people dead and large swaths of the landscape in ruin, and it is here from this storm of bloodshed that some decidedly weird accounts originate.
By far one of the more widely circulated and well-known purported strange occurrences of World War I supposedly happened during the bloody Battle of Mons, in Belgium, in 1914, in which the British Expeditionary Force met the advancing German 1st Army in ferocious battle on the French border, at first managing to drive the enemy back somewhat but ultimately suffering heavy casualties at he hands of the well-trained, well-equipped and more numerous enemy forces. In August of 1914, suffering a great toll under the withering assault by the persistent, overwhelming Germans and hobbled by the withdrawal of their French Fifth Army allies, the British decided to finally retreat. It was then that some rather mysterious and wondrous reports of some decidedly odd things are said to have happened.
Troops in the trenches of World War I
As the British fell back under fierce, unrelenting enemy fire, English soldiers claim that various mysterious apparitions began to appear to them over the battlefield. The surreal, ghostly entities were variously described as angels, bowmen, or even St. George himself or St. Michael holding a great glowing sword, and in one case even Joan of Arc, and they were all said to descend down between the retreating British and their enemies to allow them a safe escape. Descriptions that came in varied, with some soldiers swearing they had seen literal angels prowling through the gloom of smoke and battle, others saying that they had been mighty and colossal angelic figures that loomed high over all they surveyed like mountains, while still others claimed to have seen just roving bright lights, but all who saw these mysterious apparitions credited them with thir survival.
One retreating British unit claimed that they had been joined by a spectral army of bowmen who were described as looking as if they had come from the time of Agincourt 500 years before, and which lashed forth with a rain of shadowy arrows upon the Germans. It was even claimed that German prisoners would later corroborate these claims, saying that they had been confronted by ancient looking warriors wielding bows and dressed in armor. Hundreds of dead Germans were allegedly found later strewn about the battlefield with no visible physical wounds, leading to suspicions that some sort of poison gas had been used. Another report told of giant winged entities that bloomed out of the smoke to frighten the Germans away as the British skittered off to safety. One report was relayed to a nurse by an injured corporal, who claimed:
Quite plainly in mid-air a strange light which seemed to be quite distinctly outlined and was not a reflection of the moon nor were there any clouds. The light became brighter and I could see quite distinctly three shapes, one in the center having what looked like outspread wings. The other two were not so large, but were quite plainly distinct from the center one. They were above the German line facing us. We stood watching them for about three-quarters of an hour. All the men with me saw them. I have a record of fifteen years’ good service, and I should be very sorry to make fool of myself by telling a story merely to please anyone.
Angels of Mons
In other reports lost soldiers told of glowing angels both male and female and dressed in white appearing to them to guide the way, and in still others there was talk of strange amorphous clouds of flickering light that spread out to block the retreat of the enemy or spook the horses of their cavalry to send them running away in fear. In most cases light bathed beings would fan out and chase off the German enemies in some fashion. Many captured Germans would later allegedly concur that something strange had been going on, reporting seeing the entities themselves roaming about, and claiming that they were unable to be shot and killed with their conventional weapons. Reports of these specters were so common at the time that they became a worldwide media sensation, and were seen by many as a sign from God, a heavenly force sent in to save them from the darkness of defeat. Indeed, the British lost far fewer men than they had any right to during the battle, which was seen as evidence that it was all true. Before long, the reports of the “Angels of Mons,” were being heavily used by Allied media to illustrate that theirs was a righteous cause condoned by God Himself in the face of the evil Germans and their sinister cabal.
Of course, there has been much debate as to the veracity of these reports, and it does seem a little convenient that they should come at a time when Allied morale in the face of their ruthless enemy was low. It has also been pointed out that this could have all been put down to mass hallucinations and hysteria fueled by all of the death, tiredness and fear that was flying about during the fighting, bolstered by religious superstition and strong, desperate hope for some sort of savior. Further complicating matters is the fact that although such reports were widely circulated at the time, most of them could not be tracked to any concrete source, and later attempts to actually find any live firsthand witness were mostly met with failure, with the military saying that their identities were being protected and leading many to suspect that the whole story of the Angels of Mons could have been designed and carried out as morale boosting propaganda bolstered by unfounded rumors amongst the soldiers, after which it spun off into myth and legend. Whatever the case may be, it is all quite the bizarre story indeed, and still manages to capture the imagination to this day.
Another story of ghostly forces fighting can be found within the pages of James Wentworth Day’s 1954 book Here are Ghosts and Witches. In the account, Day describes a very peculiar experience in November of 1918 at Bailleul, Flanders. He claims that he and another witness, a Corporal Jock Barr, witnessed spectral French and German soldiers atop a hilltop who seemed to be reenacting a World War I cavalry battle from 1914. Throughout the whole violent, eerie encounter there was no noise and the ghosts did not seem to actually harm each other. When locals were asked about the incident they simply said that around that time of year the spectral forces would always come out, do battle, and then vanish. Although this is all presented amongst supposedly real ghostly occurrences, it is uncertain just how much veracity the account holds, as Day was well known for his love of spooky folklore and his propensity for exaggeration.
Reports of ghosts or apparitions of some sort appearing on the battlefields of World War I in the darkest hours are plentiful. In one account from the battlefield of Mons, two British soldiers lie dying in the bloody muck beneath them claimed that as they were wounded and helpless they spied the ghostly form of an old woman dressed in a bonnet and a bright blue skirt stalking about and always seeming to wander right into their line of fire. At first they thought they were going mad until a third soldier claimed to see the woman too, and chillingly stated that it was his dead mother and that he believed she had come for him. Just as he made this unsettling revelation he is reported to have been blown to bits by shrapnel.
While in this case it seems the ghost was their to collect her son’s soul, there are other accounts of benevolent dead family members, comrades, or friends appearing in battle to offer help as well. One rather sensational account printed in the Liverpool Echo was a sighting made by an entire company of men, who swore that their dead commanding officer had appeared to them on the battlefield. The officer in question had sustained grievous injuries from a grenade blast in a prior battle, including two missing arms blown from his body, from which he would die on the way to the hospital, yet nevertheless suddenly appeared before the company commander, who walked forward to get a better look before the apparition vanished. Startled and disbelieving his own eyes, the officer frantically rushed along a trench to the company headquarters, where he asked if anyone else had seen the dead man too. One of the men responded:
See whom? Do you mean the Colonel? Yes, we saw him, standing still, looking down the trenches just here; we looked at him for fully a minute, and suddenly HE WAS NOT THERE. Can’t make it out at all. All of the men saw him too, and I don’t know if you noticed it or not but he had BOTH his arms.
Another such ghostly account comes from a soldier’s letter home, in which he described having his life saved by the ghost of his mother. The soldier claimed that in the heat of battle his mother had appeared and urged him towards her. As the dumbstruck soldier had shambled in her direction, not knowing what to make of what he was seeing, an artillery shell hit near where he had been standing before his sighting. The soldier wrote, “Had it not been for you, I certainly would have been reported missing. You’ll turn up again, won’t you, mother, next time a shell is coming?”
In still another account a soldier claimed that he had been apparently saved by the spectral presence of his deceased brother. On this occasion, in April 1917, a soldier in the 42nd Battalion of the Canadian Black Watch, a Corporal Will Bird, was fast asleep on the cold, hard dirt floor of a dugout at Vimy Ridge, in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France. The area was the location of the 1917 Battle of Vimy Ridge, fought between Canadian and German forces. Bird woke to a pair of hands gently shaking him, which he thought at first to be those of a squad mate, but upon opening his eyes he was instead greeted by the visage of his brother, Steve, who had died while serving with the Canadian Expeditionary Force in France in a battle a couple of years earlier.
The dead brother allegedly urgently beckoned Will to follow him, which he did. He followed the ghostly apparition over the scorched, bombed out moonscape of the no man’s land until they reached the husk of a destroyed building on the fringes of the battlefield wasteland. At this point, the dead brother Steve took a long, thoughtful look at Will and then vanished into thin air. Scared, puzzled, and exhausted, Will did not have the inclination to make his way all the way back to his own dugout, and instead slept there in the ruins. When he awoke a few hours later he reportedly started his journey back to his group, but when he arrived he found a bombed out shell where the dugout had been and body parts strewn all about by the men who had been “dismembered beyond all recognition.” No one had survived, except Will that is, because he hadn’t been there, led off into the dark away from danger by his dead brother. Bird would later on in life write a book about the experience, called Ghosts Have Warm Hands.
These last two accounts were written of by the author, historian and military researcher Tim Cook, who has compiled many such spooky, supernatural cases during the war into a study in in The Journal of Military History. According to Cook, such cases were not so unusual among these scared men in a bloody, scary land far from home. He thought such stories were born of fear and uncertainty, mixed with the death all around them, and these tales could not only boost morale and offer a ray of hope in the otherwise deep dark oblivion of the ravenous war they faced, but also give them something they could try and make sense of among all of the senseless carnage. Cook says of such paranormal accounts during World War I:
As a threshold borderland, the Western Front was a place for such spectral thinking and haunting, where the strange was made ordinary, where the safe was infused with danger, where death was natural and life fleeting. The unnatural, supernatural, uncanny and ghostly offered succour to some soldiers, who embraced these ‘grave beliefs’ to make sense of their war experience. It was a common response for some soldiers who lived in a space of destruction and death. As I read the memoirs, letters, and diaries of soldiers I kept encountering the uncanny, the supernatural, and even the spectral.
Or maybe they were just ghosts? Who can say? The poet Robert Graves gave several of his own personal accounts of ghosts, one of which occurred in June of 1915 as he had dinner with his fellow troops at Béthune, in Northern France. As they ate, Graves says that he saw an old comrade of his, a Private Challoner of the Royal Welch, standing there at the window smoking a cigarette, which was odd since Challoner was very dead at the time, having been killed at Festubert the previous month. Shocked, Graves ran outside but saw no one there, merely a cigarette butt still smoldering on the ground. He would later say of the strange encounter, “I could not mistake him or the cap badge he wore; yet no Royal Welch battalion was billeted within miles of Bethune at the time.”
Graves would have another brush with the paranormal when he was on leave in Wales, where he was staying with a woman who had lost her son in battle. Graves stayed in the son’s room, which was reportedly left exactly the way it had been when the doomed soldier had gone off to fight, with fresh clothes and even cigarettes left out every day by the grieving mother as if he would return at any time. As creepy as this was, Graves agreed to sleep in the room, but he would later regret it when he was constantly awakened at night by inexplicable bangs, thuds, knocks, and raps emanating from the floor and walls around him. The following day Graves decided that he had had enough, and later said of the bizarre evening, “In the morning I told my friend “I’m leaving this place. It’s worse than France.””
If any of these accounts are real, then it shows that perhaps some of the dead linger on about the places of their violent deaths, and other reports seem to suggest that other mysterious and even evil forces can linger there as well, perhaps suckling and feeding off of the potent fear and madness of war. One strange account comes from the paranormal writer Dennis Wheatley, who also happened to have served on the Western Front during World War I. In his 1973 book The Devil and All His Works, Wheatley describes a strange and frightening experience he had during the war he claims happened as he and his unit took up shelter in the abandoned ruins of a bombed out mansion after the fierce fighting at the Battle of Cambrai. Apparently the decrepit, burned out building was a ghoulish affair to begin with, with bloodied German uniforms scattered about, apparently discarded there by the troops who had occupied it. One night Wheatley claims that he was working after dark building a makeshift mess when he was gripped by a profound, inexplicable dread that forced him to retreat from the premises, and he would later proclaim that it had been a demon which he referred to as “an elemental,” which he believed had been attracted to the strife, death and violence of the location.
A similar story comes from the book An Onlooker in France 1917-1919, and was told by the war artist William Orpen, who in November of 1917 was at the battlefield of Somme to work on a painting of nearby Thiepval Wood. Although the fierce battle had ended more than a year before, the area was still apparently littered with human remains and the stench of decay, its soil permeated with the blood of the fallen and signs of the carnage everywhere. As he painted, Orpen claimed that he was constantly beset with the heavy, stifling feeling of being watched, and a strange unshakable sense that there was a force or presence there with him. He also said that although it was midday and sunny, the day nevertheless had a dark pall over it, some quality of murkiness as if viewed through darkened glass. After being steadily unsettled by all of this for several hours, he claimed that he had then been rushed by an unseen hostile force, which sent the startled artist flying backwards to hit his head on the ground. When he came to his senses the ghostly presence was gone. He too believed that he had been attacked by some demon or supernatural entity that was drawn to and feasting upon the lingering death there.
Besides angels and ghosts, some really strange phenomena during World War I are really hard to truly classify. One account is the disappearance of an entire regiment at Gallipoli, Turkey in 1915. in August of this year, the British 5th Norfolk Regiment, also known as the Sandringhams, marched into the hellish Dardanelles campaign of the war. Made up of mostly soldiers employed by the estate of King Edward VII and led by the land agent Frank Beck, the regiment proceeded to march into battle and vanish without a trace. In later decades, some veterans would claim that between six and eight “loaf shaped clouds” had descended over the soldiers during the battle, which hovered over the troops before producing a fog which the battalion marched right into and never emerged from, with the strange objects then rising up into the sky to apparently take the whole contingent of over a hundred men with them. Turkish authorities would later claim that they had had nothing to do with the disappearance or the fate of the men. It is a case which I have covered here at Mysterious Universe before, and although it may be more wartime legend it is fascinating nevertheless.
Forces fighting at Gallipoli
While it is unclear as to just what happened to “The Vanished Battalion,” or whether it was UFOs or just a spooky bit of war folklore, it is not the only far out story of unidentified flying objects from the war, and just about as dramatic is that time the Red Baron shot down a flying saucer. Wait, what? Let me explain. The so- called Red Baron was the German ace pilot Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen, who was both renowned and feared for his unrivaled flying skills, often considered to be “the ace of aces” and racking up at least 80 air combat victories. In the book UFOs of the First World War, by Nigel Watson, there is a curious account that seems to show that human pilots were not the only one the Red Baron hunted down and engaged. The story goes that as he was flying over the Belgian trenches in the spring of 1917 with fellow pilot Peter Waitzrick, the Baron spotted an unidentified object that was described as “an upside down silver saucer with orange lights” hovering in clear blue skies. After a moment of awe, fear and wonder, the Red Baron did the human thing and opened fire upon it, and Waitzrick, who reportedly saw the whole thing, described what happened next thus:
We were terrified because we’d never seen anything like it before. The Baron immediately opened fire and the thing went down like a rock, shearing off tree limbs as it crashed into the woods.
It gets even weirder still. As they passed over the wreckage two humanoid figures were supposedly seen to climb out of the otherworldly wrecked craft and scurry off into the trees, after which they were not seen again. Waitzrick would keep the whole bizarre story to himself until 80 years later, in 1999. There are certainly some suspicious aspects of the whole tale, not the least of which is that Waitzrick chose to come out with his amazing experience after 8 decades of silence to The Weekly World News, which many readers will recognize as perhaps not the most trustworthy of news publications. Also, the planes they were piloting were claimed to be Fokker triplanes, which is odd since these planes would not be used in the war until some months after the alleged event, in August of 1917. Perhaps Waitzrick just didn’t know anyone who would take his story seriously and didn’t know any better so it just happened to be that the Weekly World News picked it up, and perhaps with the planes his memory after nearly a century was not what it once was, but one thing he seems to be quite sure of is that the infamous Red Baron shot down a UFO, saying:
There’s no doubt in my mind that the Baron shot down some kind of spacecraft from another planet and those little guys who ran off into the woods were space aliens of some kind.
The Red Baron, Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen
Other UFOs encountered during World War I are the so-called “Flaming Onions” which were typically described as glowing green balls that would zip around, do flips, and very often chase aircraft, easily outpacing and outmaneuvering them but not actually attacking in any way. This strange phenomenon was purportedly seen throughout the war by both sides of the engagement, and it always terrified those who experienced it. One theory as to what the Flaming Onions were is that they might have been flares fired by the Germans, but flares typically do not actively chase aircraft and seasoned pilots can usually recognize flares as such. They remain a curious unexplained mystery of the war.
Besides spaceships and weird lights, another baffling aerial phenomenon reported during the war began with a very strange sighting made by a Lieutenant Frederick Ardsley as he was on a morning patrol in northern France on January 9, 1918. As he flew along, another biplane of the same make and model as his own positioned itself next to him, and when he looked to see who was in the cockpit he was surprised to see a beautiful woman with long flowing blonde hair blow him a kiss and do a Can Can dance in her cockpit before swiftly flying away. Ardsley attempted to chase the mysterious pilot, but she was reportedly a far superior pilot and was able to easily lose him. Unbelievably, the mystery woman would show up at other times during the war and engage German pilots, usually easily beating them and shooting them down and sighted by both pilots and civilians alike. Some reports even say that her plane was impervious to bullets or that she would vanish into thin air. She came to be known as “Lady Sopwith” or “The Valkyrie,” and became legendary. No one knows who she was or whether this is all just another wartime myth.
Another inexplicable account is the strange phenomenon of the zombie-like ghouls of the No Man’s Land of the war. These ghoulish maniacs were said to haunt the empty tracts of war-torn land between sides, where no one dared to tread, where they prowled about looking for new victims. They were mostly said to be deserters who had wandered off into this crater blasted wasteland, and these defectors of all nationalities are said to have banded together out in the blood-soaked moonscape of the No Man’s Land to live underground in dim tunnels, where they went insane began to emerge to kill, loot, and eat the fallen. Some thought they were not even human at all, but rather some sort of revenants or demons from Hell itself, but whatever they were the end result was always the same; these ghoulish creatures raiding fresh corpses to take their equipment and feast on their flesh, or even by some accounts attacking and killing soldiers from both sides of the fight.
No Man’s Land in World War I
One of the most sensational accounts of these mysterious figures was given in the book The Squadroon, and describes a whole platoon of soldiers walking across No Man’s Land only to be grabbed from below by unseen forces and pulled down one by one as if sucked into the earth itself amidst screams of pain and terror until there was no one left and no sign that anyone had been there at all. It has also been variously reported that the Allied forces took this threat seriously, going so far as to gas the whole area in a bid to kill off the freakish marauding thugs. I have written of this phenomenon in much more detail here at Mysterious Universe before, and although it stinks of a war legend born from the chaos of the battlefield and exaggerated at best, it is all still rather disturbing and spooky nonetheless.
From the depths of our darkest, shameful pieces of history, from among the fighting and death there often spring many such tales of the unexplained, yet the nature of the untamed chaos of war often makes it difficult to know which are perhaps factual and which are merely the mutated progeny of tired and addled minds consumed, demented and twisted by atrocities and fear. Peering through the fog of war it is often hard to differentiate fact from fiction, and the lines between where reality begins and feverish fantasy begins can become blurred. Making matters more complicated is that accurate records are often not kept of these anomalies, instead being spread through word of mouth and second of third hand accounts, and concrete sources can be elusive, not to mention the fact that these soldiers were there to fight, not chronicle the unexplained, making these oddities more of a distraction for them than anything else. These alleged events have become faded and obscured by history. It is quite possible we will never know to what extent any of these tales are real, but they continue to lurk there between the pages of history books, intriguing yet evasive as they stay in the shadows.
Any headline containing the words “tiny human brains,” “implanted” and “rats” can’t be good news, even if the implanting is being done by some of the most famous and reputable labs in the world. Yet that’s what’s going to be discussed (and probably argued about in the break-outs, bathrooms and bars) when 21 papers on tiny human brains or organoids are presented at the upcoming annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience taking place in Washington, D.C., November 11-15.
The news comes from the journal STAT, which gives a detailed introduction to the scientific and medical innovations and ethical dilemmas that preceded these studies. Human brain organoids are blobs of human brain tissue grown from stem cells. They’re tiny and allegedly non-thinking but they react like human brains and have been used for drug testing and studies on brain diseases. The ethics of implanting them in non-human vertebrates will certainly be discussed since there is currently no ban on it but plenty of controversy.
I don’t feel smarter. Whose brain did you give me?
STAT looked at two of the more interesting and controversial studies. One was conducted by Fred “Rusty” Gage, a top neurobiologist at the famous Salk Institute. Gage led a team that performed what is believed to be the first reported vascularization – connecting the human brain organoid to a rat’s circulatory system. If that weren’t enough, they were able to see neurons from the human brain organoid send signals that were received and processed by the host rat’s brain.
Paging Dr. Frankenstein. Stat quotes legal scholar and bioethicist Hank Greely of Stanford University:
“[These advances are raising the question] of whether you are creating something human-ish that you have to take seriously in terms of according it dignity and respect — and figuring out what that even means.”
Human-ish? Is that a medical or a legal term?
Another study, led by University of Pennsylvania neurosurgeon Dr. Isaac Chen, implanted human cerebral organoids into the secondary visual cortex of the brains of 11 adult rats. The organoids survived for two months and connected naturally to the rat brains. When a light was shined in the eye of a rat, neurons fired in the human brain organoid. That’s not just connection … that’s integration.
Be the human … be the human.
Before jumping to unethical conclusions, Chen points out that his ultimate goal is to integrate healthy human brain organoids into damaged or diseased human brains to treat physical problems caused by accidents or stroke and eventually schizophrenia and autism.
However (there’s always a ‘however’ and in this case there are plenty of them), animal testing is being done first and no one has any idea if even a small number of human neurons implanted in a rat brain will give it human consciousness or advanced intelligence.
The cat … or in this case, the brain … is already out of the bag and on its way to being in many more rat skulls in the not-too-distant future. Should a moratorium be placed on this type of research until tests can be done using computer modeling or robots? Is it ethical to put human brain organoids in a robot?
Whatever the case, we need to put these ideas into new horror movies before the rats take over Hollywood. Or have they already?
On the morning of October 23, Exopolitics long-time source JP (a pseudonym) was once again instructed to look up into the sky by a nearby covert operative where he saw a rectangle platform shaped UFO.
He used his camera phone to take five photos of the UFO. He then noticed that he had missing time and when he tried to recall what had happened he had memory flashes of being inside the flying rectangle he had just photographed.
It seems the military use antigravity rectangle UFOs to carry out special abduction and mind control operations!
People were flocking near Chilbolton radio telescope in Hampshire, the UK on Tuesday, August 21, 2001, to see two crop formations. Featuring a large number of small pixels, both looked very impressive, especially the view from above.
One formed a human face and the other represented a radio transmission that Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) sent from the Arecibo radio telescope in 1974. According to the witnesses, the Arecibo formation was created on August 20. The two formations were 200m apart in the same field.
The interpretation of the human face came from researcher and writer Wayne Herschel. In his analysis, the face looks like an Egyptian Sphinx and Viracocha. However, the Mars Face could be the most thought provoking resemblance.
The Arecibo in the northern coast of Puerto Rico contains a natural disc-shaped hole in the rock. Inside the bowl is a 100-feet diameter radio telescope, the largest one in the world.
Some modifications performed to the transmitter in 1974, allowing it to broadcast up to 20 terawatts. SETI decided to transmit an encoded message to the heavens as an inaugural test of those modifications or improvements. The signal was directed to the globular star cluster M13, estimated to be 25,000 light years away and consisted of around 300,000 stars in the constellation of Hercules.
Transmitted on November 16, 1974, the message consisted 1679 pulses of binary code (o’s and 1’s), which needed only a little under 3 minutes to transmit on a 2380MHz.
The reason for 1679 is down to mathematics. The number is the unique product of two prime numbers, 23 and 73. The people behind the decision of the number assumed that any lifeform with enough intellect would look for unique, universal constructs, such as binary digits, chemical element frequencies, and prime numbers.
Only the two prime numbers 23 and 73 produce 1679 when multiplied together, so there can only be one way to arrange the signal if converted it into a matrix grid – 23 squares by 73 squares. The pattern in Chilbolton crop field was decoded as:
“Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises.
Much pain, but still time. Believe there is good out there.
We oppose deception. Conduit closing. 0x07″
The 0x07 is a binary code that means a bell sound or a sound of an old typewriter.
More information about how to decode or decipher mathematically sophisticated designs from crop circle formations can be viewed in the video below.
Top Cities When It Comes To UFO Sightings In The U.S.
Top Cities When It Comes To UFO Sightings In The U.S
The saying ‘the truth is out there” has been popularized by the sci-fi series “The X-Files.” The thousands of UFO sightings across the United States only show that many people are still looking.
According to the data from 2001 to 2015, Phoenix emerged as the leading UFO hotspot among the list of the top cities in the U.S.
The data is pulled from Cheryl Costa and Linda Miller Costa’s book “UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America 2001-2015.” The book was published in March 2017, compiling data and analysis for over 100,000 sightings of UFOs reported during the first 15 years of the 21st century.
Writer Cheryl Costa noted that Phoenix might be the most prevalent American place for UFO sightings possibly because of the Phoenix Lights phenomena two decades ago.
Thousands of witnesses say they saw a formation of five lights in a V-shaped and another in a triangular formation in 1997. The incident took place in Phoenix, Arizona and Sonora, Mexico. The lights reportedly produced no sound. The American Air Force claimed the second group of lights were just flares from A-10 Warthog aircraft. Phoenix is being followed by Las Vegas, Seattle, Chicago, and Portland.
Below is the list of U.S. cities that have the most UFO sightings.
City // UFO Sightings
Phoenix: 929 Las Vegas: 639 Seattle: 616 Chicago: 562 Portland: 528 Los Angeles: 525 Tucson: 480 San Diego: 477 Houston: 466 Denver: 429 Austin: 426 New York City (Manhattan): 418 Orlando: 390 Springfield: 380 Albuquerque: 376 Miami: 375 Philadelphia: 338 San Antonio: 334 Columbus: 327 Jacksonville: 326 Sacramento: 316 San Francisco: 310 San Jose: 308 Myrtle Beach: 305 Dallas: 294 Kansas City: 294
Enceladus’ hidden ocean is kept warm by porous core
Enceladus’ hidden ocean is kept warm by porous core
Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus is one of the most promising places in the solar system for extraterrestrial life. Buried under miles and miles of ice lies a warm ocean that stretches across the whole body. Recent observations, like those performed by Cassini before it perished, suggest that geysers emanate from hotspots, capable of warming the ocean long enough for some form of life to appear. Now, in a new study, scientists have come just a tad closer to understanding Enceladus’ dynamics after they found evidence that suggests the moon’s core isn’t rocky but rather porous.
Artist impression of plumes gushing out of Enceladus’ south pole.
Credit: NASA.
The resourceful Cassini spacecraft explored Saturn and its moon Enceladus for 13 years. A few months back its mission came to an end and NASA engineers instructed the craft to make a suicide jump into Saturn’s atmosphere. NASA thought it’s best to destroy the craft in a controlled fashion then risk having Cassini crash into Enceladus, contaminating the moon in the process.
When Cassini first arrived in Saturn’s system in 2004, NASA scientists marveled when they learned tall geysers were ejecting material hundreds of miles into space from the south pole. Eventually, scientists learned that there is a huge liquid ocean on the little moon and that the tall plumes are made of water-ice mixed with traces of carbon dioxide, ammonia, methane and other hydrocarbons. We also know that the ocean is convecting, meaning it’s active.
Heated from the core
The geysers erupt from cracks present on the moon’s southern polar region. These cracks are known as “tiger stripes” — parallel depressions that are 100km long and 500m deep. According to temperature readings made by Cassini, the tiger stripes are hotter than the rest of the icy crust. So, what’s the heat source?
Scientists are aware that tidal heating can explain some of the heat on the small moon, which is only 241 km (150 miles) in diameter. However, NASA has calculated that the power required to keep the geysers active is in the order of 5GW — enough to power the city of Chicago — and tidal heating can account for just a fraction of that.
In the new study, researchers at the Université de Nantes, France, have accounted for the missing heat. According to their study published in Nature Astronomy, Enceladus’ tiny core is not solid but rather porous.
The mushy core takes in water from the ocean, which the French researchers calculated it comprises 20% of the core’s mass. The tidal forces associated with the pore water are now more than sufficient to explain how Enceladus’ heat is generated. The researchers are careful to note that the porous core is not really like a sponge but rather more like sand or gravel.
The team led by Gael Choblet found heat dissipation from the core is not homogeneous, but rather appears as a series of interlinked, narrow upwellings with temperatures in excess of 363K (85°C). The computer model suggests that the hotspots are mainly concentrated at the south pole, in agreement with actual observations. Since the heat is concentrated on just one side of the moon, it’s natural to have enhanced hydrothermal activity which explains the hydrogen in the plumes.
One interesting finding is that the internal tide produces enough heat to warm Enceladus’ ocean for billions of years to come, with important consequences for the prospect of finding extraterrestrial life there. The moon itself is only a hundred million years old. By the most recent estimates, life here on Earth took about 640 million years to appear so if we’re to take this at reference, Enceladus still has a long way to go. Just as well, life might already be presented since the conditions there could be far more hospitable than the hell early Earth must have looked like.
A new book by science writer Sarah Scoles profiles radio astronomer Jill Tarter, a pioneer in the search for intelligent life beyond Earth. Even if you haven't heard of Tarter, you might know the fictional alien hunter she inspired — Ellie Arroway, from the movie "Contact," which was based on the book by Carl Sagan. The character was based on Tarter, who was a driving force in what became known as SETI, or the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Tarter helped transform SETI from a somewhat dubious field in the 1970s to a more organized effort that is accepted by the mainstream scientific community today.
"She kind of fell into SETI work," Scoles told Scoles' book, "Making Contact: Jill Tarter and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence" (Pegasus Books), was published earlier this year. Scoles said early SETI efforts faced serious scientific, political and financial challenges, causing the field to move forward in fits and spurts. Although Scoles acknowledges that scientists work together to build up and establish their fields, she said Tarter served a unique and perhaps irreplaceable figure.
"I'm not confident that there would have been another person who would have picked up the pieces and started over," Scoles said. "[Tarter's] willingness and ability to persevere in the face of all that is not something that a lot of people would have done." [50 Years of Listening for Aliens: Q & A With SETI Pioneer Jill Tarter]
"Making Contact: Jill Tarter and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence" (Pegasus Books, 2017).
Credit: Pegasus Books
A nontraditional life
Born in New York in 1944, Tarter (born Jill Cornell) spent her childhood with a father who encouraged her to dream, according to Scoles' book. Despite growing up in time where traditional gender roles were more regimented, she decided at a young age to be an engineer.
"Why do you want to take calculus? You're just going to get married and have babies," Tarter recalls a high school guidance counselor telling her. (She managed to do all three.) When she completed Cornell University's five-year undergraduate engineering program in 1965, she was the only woman out of 300 students.
Tarter's father, who told her she could accomplish anything as long as she worked hard enough, died when Tarter was 12. Her mother, who had encouraged her daughter toward more feminine roles, continued to provide her with quiet support after her father passed away, according to Scoles' book.
"I think that her mom being forced into this nontraditional role [of a single mother] maybe made her more accepting of [a nontraditional role for] her daughter," Scoles said.
And while her father had pushed young Jill to fulfill her dreams, "what she learned from her mom were the practicalities of how to work hard and get things done," Scoles said. "Her mom was the practical complement to her dad's dreaminess."
In addition to her bachelor's degree in engineering physics, Tarter earned a master's degree from the University of California at Berkley, followed by a doctorate in astronomy in 1975. During her junior year at Cornell, she married Bruce Tarter. Between undergraduate and graduate school, she gave birth to their only child, a daughter, Shana.
Her marriage to Bruce struggled under the weight of her growing responsibilities. Eventually, the two divorced, and Tarter married fellow radio astronomer William "Jack" Welch.
The probability of success
Early in her career, Tarter came across a paper in the scientific journal Nature on the need to hunt for signals from advanced alien civilizations, according to Scoles. "The probability of success is difficult to estimate, but if we never search, the chance of success is zero," the paper read.
The idea sparked her imagination, and Tarter quickly became a proponent of SETI. The young field suffered a lot of blowback from scientists, according to Scoles, as researchers tried to determine if hunting for signals from alien civilizations was a serious scientific pursuit or a waste of time.
As a woman in astrophysics, which was (and continues to be) a male-dominated field, Scoles said it might have been easier for Tarter to get started in the fringe field "because she was already kind of a fringe character just by being a woman in this particular science." While some scientists may have been reluctant to enter the search for alien signals, Scoles said that Tarter wasn't as concerned because she was already unusual.
"There was a lot less stigma attached because everyone was already [saying], 'What [is] that girl doing?'" Scoles said.
Not long after its 1971 publication, Tarter received the NASA-sponsored Cyclops report, a 250-page document on humanity's ability to hunt for intelligent extraterrestrial life that was instrumental to SETI. According to Scoles' biography, Tarter didn't put the report down for two days. When she finished, she knew she wanted to be part of the search.
Tarter joined the Search for Extraterrestrial Radio Emissions from Nearby Developed Intelligent Populations (SERENDIP), a project headed by fellow astronomer Stuart Bowyer, who had given her the Cyclops report. Today in its sixth iteration, SERENDIP hunts for signals from advanced civilizations by piggybacking on existing radio astronomy observations.
In 1984, Tarter wrote the charter for the SETI Institute, a nonprofit research organization. According to Scoles, the organization started out as a way to save NASA money, since the agency was funding the bulk of SETI research at the time. By separating them from the government, scientists could fundraise and accept donations while also applying for research grants that used federal funds. The divide also allowed SETI researchers to pursue what Scoles called "risky projects [that] NASA and the National Science Foundation didn't approve of but which turned the heads of the public and a few key philanthropists."
The institute proved a lifesaver once NASA began decreasing its budget for SETI research in the late 1980s. Tarter spent 1989 lobbying in Washington, D.C. Although some senators thought hunting for signals from other civilizations was "a fine idea," others found it irrelevant, since results couldn't be guaranteed in what Scoles called "a politically relevant time frame." In late 1993, the hunt for other civilizations was cut from NASA's budget. In her book, Scoles said the SETI Foundation is what saved SETI.
Today, the SETI Foundation not only hunts for signals from alien civilizations but also studies newly discovered exoplanets, hunts for hardy extremophiles on Earth that could give clues about how extraterrestrial life could evolve, and even studies our own planet.
Under Tarter's guidance, the SETI Institute built the Allen Telescope Array, relying on private donations to create a radio telescope that could hunt for signs of radio communications being transmitted by an intelligent alien civilization. The initiative to build a dedicated SETI array came from a series of 1997 workshops Tarter participated in, and culminated in the birth of 42 radio antennas, positioned in the Cascade Mountains in Northern California. The array began observations in October 2007. When funding dried up for the project, the array was sold to SRI International, a scientific nonprofit organization that uses it to probe objects orbiting Earth. Tarter negotiated evening use of the array for the SETI institute.
By the 1990s, Tarter had become a crusader for the cause, juggling both the science of the growing field and the challenges of politics and funding.
Tarter retired as director of the SETI Institute's Center for SETI Research in 2012, but she has continued to share her enthusiasm for the hunt. She's presented TED talks about SETI and been a guest on numerous podcasts. In 2004, she was named one of Time's 100 most influential people in the world.
"She's become more public in the last 10 to 15 years," Scoles said. "I feel like more people have heard of her now than before she was retired."
In researching the biography, Scoles said she spent a lot of time with Tarter, whom she describes in her book as "a fierce, stubborn, smart woman who asked big questions about the universe and didn't hear 'No' as 'No' but as 'Keep trying.'"
The key to Tarter's success, Scoles said, was her flexibility.
"Gradually, it became clear that she couldn't exactly set the path for how her life was going to go," she said. "She just became open to possibilities and, I guess, prepared for them.
"She was willing to abandon her own schedule for herself and see opportunities as they presented themselves rather than sticking very rigidly to a plan she had made before," Scoles said.
An irreplaceable asset
Tarter's work in the hunt for extraterrestrial communications put her in contact with the well-known scientist and public figure Carl Sagan. According to Scoles' book, Tarter was surprised that their few brief professional meetings were enough to earn her a starring role in "Contact." Scoles said that the character of Ellie Arroway — in both the book and subsequent film — is very similar to Tarter.
"I think that, aside from the fact that [Arroway] finds aliens in the movie, it's pretty accurate to [Tarter's] personality," she said.
It was this movie that set Scoles on the path to becoming a radio astronomer when she was 12.
"I didn't know radio astronomy existed until I watched that movie," Scoles said. "I thought it was so cool that there was a science where you were essentially looking at space, but at the parts you couldn't see, and that there were some who were using it to look for aliens. That was like a double whammy of very cool things I didn't know people did for jobs."
Scoles studied radio astronomy at Agnes Scott College in Atlanta, serving an internship at Green Bank Observatory after her first year. Green Bank's radio telescopes was one of the first to hunt for SETI signals, and during her internship, Scoles stayed in the former house of SETI pioneer Frank Drake. Although Scoles ultimately decided to pursue a career communicating about science and astronomy, she credits "Contact" with kicking off her interest in the field.
"I think a lot of people had experiences like me," she said. "[Contact] inspired a lot of people of a certain generation."
Her fictional fame isn't something Tarter shies away from, Scoles said. When she asked the scientist how it felt to have such a well-known alter ego, she said that Tarter seemed glad to think that the movie inspired so many people to pursue a career in science.
By advancing the hunt for extraterrestrial life before there was even proof of planets existing beyond Earth's solar system, Scoles said that Tarter helped prepare researchers for a time when thousands of worlds would be known to exist around other stars. Her role as a researcher, combined with her ability to maneuver around bureaucratic hurdles, made her invaluable.
In the book, astronomer Margaret Turnbull testified to "the enormous impact that Jill has had — and that thanks to her we [exoplanet and SETI scientists] are all continuing to have — on the world, just by simply existing and being in the scientific community and pushing the frontiers in every direction."
Stephen Hawking Says Making Contact with Aliens Might Destroy Mankind
Stephen Hawking Says Making Contact with Aliens Might Destroy Mankind
Stephen Hawking recently advised the Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI) organization against sending signals into deep space to make contact with aliens, saying this could potentially lead to the annihilation of the human race. Hawking is one of the critics of METI, whose president, Dr. Douglas Vakoch, believes that making contact with extraterrestrial beings may finally happen within the next 10 to 20 years.
According to Dr. Vakoch, the advancement in technology makes it highly possible for alien enthusiasts like them to find intelligent life in the cosmos. His organization is dedicated to sending signals to neighboring stars and fostering sustainability of human civilization on multigenerational timescales.
In a recent interview, Vakoch said that when Frank Drake conducted his first alien search in 1960, he used only one frequency in transmitting signals to asteroids and other entities in space in hopes of making contact with aliens. Today, however, he said billions of various frequencies are already available for use in communicating with other-worldly beings. "My hunch is that in the next decade or two, we will detect extra-terrestrials if they are out there and trying to make contact," he said.
In response to Vakoch, Hawking said the METI president doesn't know what he's up to. "If we connect with the aliens, they will be vastly more powerful and may not see us as any more valuable than we see bacteria," he said.
Hawking also said that he's convinced that human beings are not the only living, intelligent entities in space, but finding the other intelligent creatures might only start the end of mankind. The renowned physicist and cosmologist said he fears someone might create Al that would keep improving itself until it's eventually superior to human beings, resulting in a new form of life. "I fear that Al may replace humans altogether," he said.
Earlier this year, Hawking called for preventing technology from destroying the human race. He also urged humans to identify potential threats to their existence quickly before they could ever have a chance to escalate and put human civilization at risk.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
This Mysterious Sighting of 7 UFOs Near San Angelo Was Never Solved
This Mysterious Sighting of 7 UFOs Near San Angelo Was Never Solved
The Convair RB-36D is the jet-augmented version of the intercontinental strategic bomber. (
By Joe Hyde
SAN ANGELO, TX — An aircrew flying an RB-36 reconnaissance aircraft spotted seven strange “donut”-shaped objects at dusk south of San Angelo. The crew took pictures and filed an incident report.
That report can be found in the national archives. It is about a UFO sighting on a May 1952 flying mission from Kelly Field in San Antonio towards the west.
According to the report, as the crew flew just northwest of Sonora, a series of seven “donuts” appeared in the sky.
The RB-36, a variant of the B-36 strategic bomber named “The Peacemaker,” had an operational crew of 22, according to reports at the time.
The report states the bomber was headed on a 301-degree heading at 18,000 feet, cruising at 189 knots indicated air speed (KIAS). The winds aloft were relatively calm for that altitude at 35 knots in the face. At 8:05 p.m., on May 19, 1952, the objects appeared just to the left of the bomber’s nose at a range estimated by the crew to be 50 to 75 miles ahead. The objects were stacked vertically from approximately 25,000 feet to 60,000 feet.
Above: The drawing by a crewmember of the RB-36 of the strange UFOs they observed in May 1952 that was included in the crew's report. (National Archives)
Individual crewmembers recorded their observations. According to the marked aeronautical charts enclosed in the report, the mysterious objects could be seen from the plane by the crew as they flew from just northwest of Sonora to almost Big Lake.
“…I observed seven unidentified glowing objects ahead, on course. We continued on course and approached them for about an hour. On closer observation they appeared to me to be vapor trails, the highest at approximately 40,000 feet spaced down at 1,000-foot intervals as sketched,” wrote one of the crew. The names of the crewmembers are redacted in the report.
Above: A terrible copy of the photograph contained in the National Archives. In the center, you can see a hand-drawn arrow pointing towards the 7 unidentified objects observed by the RB-36 crew. (National Archives)
The U.S. Air Force investigated the sighting and placed the report into their most common category of “possibly a balloon.” According to NASA scientist Dr. Richard F. Haines, in an undated article about the incident, “the U.S. Weather Bureau launched both pilot and rawin balloons from the Midland, Texas airport during the summer of 1952.” The scientist did not conclude the sightings were connected to balloon activity from Midland.
The Convair RB-36D is the jet-augmented version of the intercontinental strategic bomber. The aircraft has four General Electric J-47 jet engines, mounted in pairs under outer wing edges, that supplement six Pratt & Whitney piston engines.
The RB-36 was a slightly modified version of the bomber, the B-36, so it could carry cameras and extra fuel in its bomb bays instead of bombs.
WATCH A Wright-Patterson Air Force Base's Air Force Museum video describes the B-36:
At the time, RB-36s provided long-range strategic reconnaissance for Strategic Air Command, or SAC. They were intended to fly over the Soviet Union, and some missions did, to include missions assigned to the squadron that this crew was given. As Soviet air defenses improved, the service ceiling of the bomber was not high enough to avoid detection.
All of the B-36s were retired by 1959 as the newer B-52s replaced them.
Open Minds UFO Radio: Dr. John Alexander is a retired senior Army officer with decades of experience with a wide range of phenomena. Traveling to all eight continents, he has encountered events that defy common explanation. A psychic adventurer, he practiced psychokinetic metal bending, fire walking, and caused a white crow to fly for the National Academy of Sciences. A founding board member of IRVA, he is a past-president of IANDS, and former SSE councilor. Straddling two worlds, he is also retired from Los Alamos National Laboratory, and served on studies with the National Research Council, the Army Science Board, the Council on Foreign Relations, NATO, and was a senior fellow of a DoD university. Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross headed his doctoral committee.
In UFO circles he is known for investigating and writing about the phenomenon. During the 1980s, John organized an interagency group to explore the evidence, with participants from the military, CIA, and aerospace industry examining classic cases, including Roswell; the Gulf Breeze, Fla., photos; and unexplained incidents occurring within the U.S. strategic defense systems (such as sightings by NORAD installations), and many more. He shares his thoughts and research on UFOs in his book UFOs: Myths, Legends, and Realities.
In this interview, we discuss his latest book Reality Denied: Firsthand Experiences with Things that Can’t Happen – But Did. John shares personal experiences, including a UFO incident. We discuss other paranormal phenomenon, society’s perspective on these topics and how they interrelate.
Ray Kurzweil, chief engineer for Google and famous futurist, spoke in a discussion held at the Council on Foreign Relations on Friday. He emphasized how AI would enhance humankind, despite the possibility of "difficult episodes."
Amidst all the talk about how artificial intelligence (AI) is threatening society with great harm—beginning with taking over human-held jobs and then, eventually, becoming more intelligent and taking over the entire world—some experts believe that AI shouldn’t be feared. Foremost among these experts is Google’s director of engineering and notable “future teller” Ray Kurzweil, who has said time and again that the technological singularity won’t necessarily go down as expected.
Kurzweil discussed the future of AI at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in Washington, D.C. on Friday. And, while he agreed with Tesla CEO and founder Elon Musk who warned of the potential “existential risks” a super-intelligent AI could bring, Kurzweil said that humanity would be able to overcome these “difficult episodes,” if they ever actually happen.
He continued by noting that scientific and technological advancements always come with inherent risks and that AI should not be considered any more (or less) of a threat. “Technology has always been a double-edged sword. Fire kept us warm, cooked our food and burned down our houses,” Kurzweil said, using the example: “World War II – 50 million people died, and that was certainly exacerbated by the power of technology at that time.”
Addressing the concerns over job displacement due to intelligent automation, Kurzweil reiterated a point he previously explained to Fortune. He argued that, while there will be jobs lost, newer ones will be created. What these are, he obviously doesn’t know since they haven’t been invented yet.
He stated his main point by noting that, ultimately, AI will benefit us in the same way that previous technologies have. “My view is not that AI is going to displace us,” he said at the CFR. “It’s going to enhance us. It does already.”
Indeed, for Kurzweil, the singularity, if it happens, won’t be a machine takeover. Instead, he predicts it to become more like a co-existence, where machines reinforce human abilities. Kurzweil predicts that a hybrid AI would become available by the 2030s. This hybrid AI, he explained, would allow human beings to tap directly into the cloud with just their brains, using what he called a neocortex connection. Kurzweil previously predicted that part of this reinforcement would come from nanobots, which he said would flow throughout our bodies by 2030.
In short, according to Kurzweil, there will be a melding of humans and machines as a result of the singularity and the growth of AI. Kurzweil said that we’re already experiencing this with our smartphones, which he referred to as “brain extenders.” He told the audience at CFR, “I mean, who can do their work without these brain extenders we have today? And that’s going to continue to be the case.”
Kurzweil added that, aside from connecting the human brain to machines via the cloud, these neocortex technologies would also allow humans to connect to another person’s neocortex. As a result, humans would become smarter and funnier. The technological singularity, he argued, would lead to a more diverse group of thinkers and would allow for a deeper expansion into humanity’s various expertise.
So, instead of making us obsolete, Kurzweil predicts that, as machines become more intelligent, humanity will also grow to become smarter. We could only hope that Kurzweil is correct in this prediction.
In recent years, we've seen huge advances in robotics. As these technological developments begin to be implemented in industry, the market for humanoid robots is set to skyrocket.
A new report claims the market for humanoid robots will expand tenfold by 2023. Current estimates put its value at $320.3 million, but it’s projected to reach $3.9 billion within the next six years.
Many of the major potential applications for the technology are found within the education sector and the retail industry, where robots will be able to take on a swathe of customer service roles. Robots are also expected to be used in fields such as logistics and medicine as a vessel for advanced artificial intelligence systems.
There are some obstacles that could potentially slow the predicted growth, though: For one, robots are not yet as mobile as they would need to be for many of these roles, so improving their ability to traverse a wide range of environments quickly and safely will be crucial over the next few years.
While North and South America are the biggest force in the robotics market, over the six years the the report covered, it was forecasted that the fastest rate of growth in the industry will actually be in the Asia-Pacific region (APAC).
“APAC is likely to adopt humanoids for almost all the major applications during the forecast period,” reads the report. “As the elderly population in APAC countries such as China and Japan is on the rise, the region is expected to employ humanoids for the personal assistance and caregiving application.”
We’re already seeing robots become a part of our daily lives, albeit at a cautious pace. Everything from delivery services to police work is being considered as a potential job opportunity for machines.
However, humanoid robots have a particularly high potential for growth because they can take on tasks that were previously the domain of humans alone. Whether it’s something as simple as holding a natural conversation, or a more complex role like providing care for an infant or an elderly person, there are times when a familiar presence is valued – even if the mind at work is a machine’s.
It’s no surprise that the market for this technology will skyrocket as robots become increasingly capable of mimicking some aspects of human behavior; an ability that will only continue to improve as technology and innovation advances.
Lamborghini wants to make an electric car that ditches the batteries, and it’s working with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to make it happen.
The company took the wraps off its electric sports car concept on Tuesday. With input from two MIT labs, the group has come up with a system that uses super-capacitors to deliver energy.
“Collaborating with MIT for our R&D department is an exceptional opportunity to do what Lamborghini has always been very good at: rewriting the rules on super sports cars,” says Stefano Domenicali, chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini. “We are inspired by embracing what is impossible today to craft the realities of tomorrow: Lamborghini must always create the dreams of the next generation.”
The “Terzo Millennio” concept stores energy in carbon fiber nanotubes. These are capable of releasing energy faster than batteries, ideal for performance. They also cut down on weight compared to batteries, ending the tradeoff between battery size and vehicle mass.
“I want to go one, two, three laps without having to stop and recharge after every lap,” Mauricio Reggiani, Lamborghini head of research and development, told CNN.
If the team can bring the vision to life, it could give it a major advantage over competitors like Tesla. Elon Musk’s firm has dominated the electric car industry in recent years, with the Model S offering incredibly fast acceleration times of 0-60mph in 2.1 seconds. With the launch of the $35,000 Tesla Model 3, the company is focused on bringing traditional battery prices down by expanding output.
The use of supercapacitors also gives cars the ability to “self-heal.” If the car detects damage, micro-channels with healing chemistries can stop small cracks in the carbon fiber structure from turning into bigger ones.
The design does have some downsides, though. Unlike batteries, today’s supercapacitors aren’t very good at storing large amounts of energy. This is one of the major issues the team will now need to resolve.
“The new Lamborghini collaboration allows us to be ambitious and think outside the box in designing new materials that answer energy storage challenges for the demands of an electric sport vehicle,” says Mircea Dinca, professor at MIT. “We look forward to teaming up with their engineers and work on this exciting project.”
If you liked this article, check out this video about spherical tires for self-driving cars.
Photos via Lamborghini
08-11-2017 om 00:15
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
We May Finally Understand How Alien Life Could Survive on Saturn’s Moon
We May Finally Understand How Alien Life Could Survive on Saturn’s Moon
A masterpiece of deep time and wrenching gravity, the tortured surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus and its fascinating ongoing geologic activity tell the story of the ancient and present struggles of one tiny world.
Observations from the Cassini mission to Saturn has allowed researchers to better understand how the moon Enceladus could sustain a global subsurface ocean. A new study gives more evidence that the moon could support life.
New evidence has emerged supporting the possibility that Saturn’s moon Enceladus has the potential to host life. Not only does this evidence point to the ability of the moon to harbor life, but that life could have also evolved into complex organisms.
NASA previously announced that Enceladus has many of the “ingredients needed for a habitable environment.” A new study published in Nature Astronomy explains exactly how the moon can sustain a global salty ocean under its icy crust, and how such an environment can be conducive to life developing and thriving.
Researchers have taken the Cassini mission’s observations of Enceladus and attempted to match them with computer models depicting various possibilities for how such an ocean could form. The researchers concluded that Enceladus’s rocky core is porous, water is heated while traveling through the core and is expelled through narrow openings in the crust. This process forms hot water jets, which are especially prevalent in the moon’s southern polar region.
Studying these hydrothermal vents could be the best bet for determining whether Enceladus could foster life. Lead author Gaël Choblet, from the French National Center for Scientific Research, spoke with Newsweek, saying, “If a new theorypublished last year is correct, then powerful hydrothermal activity could have been occurring since the formation of the moon, possibly as much as the age of the solar system.” Choblet was referring to a study pertaining to how the moons of Saturn could be heating.
Furthermore, the heating provides an adequate timeline for life to develop. David A Rothery, professor of Planetary Geosciences at the Open University, U.K. explained, “Chemical reactions are going on even today. If it’s going on today it could have been going on a billion years into the past, and that’s long enough for life to get started—and to have evolved beyond the very most basic stages. It could be quite a complex microbial community down there and we’d love to study it.”
Encelauds has a global ocean sitting between its icy shell and rocky core.
Studying how life began and evolved on other planets could provide further insight into how life on our planet began. This is not by any means a confirmation of extraterrestrial life on Enceladus, or any other celestial body, yet it is compelling evidence in support of further research into the very real possibility.
Over time, cool ocean water seeps into the moon's porous core. Pockets of water reaching deep into the interior are warmed by contact with rock in the tidally heated interior and subsequently rise owing to the positive buoyancy, leading to further interaction with the rocks. The heat deposited at the boundary between the seafloor and ocean powers hydrothermal vents. Heat and rocky particles are transported through the ocean, triggering localised melting in the icy shell above. This leads to the formation of fissures, from which jets of water vapour and the rocky particles from the seafloor are ejected into space. In the graphic, the interior 'slice' is an excerpt from a new model that simulated this process. The orange glow represents the parts of the core where temperatures reach at least 90°C. Tidal heating owing to the friction arising between particles in the porous core provides a key source of energy, but is not illustrated in this graphic. The tidal heating results primarily from the gravitational pull from Saturn.
Alien Life Could Thrive in Enceladus' Hidden Oceans Thanks to an Epic Invisible Force
NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
Alien Life Could Thrive in Enceladus' Hidden Oceans Thanks to an Epic Invisible Force
Life could have had millions of years to brew inside the moon.
We first spotted them 12 years ago. Jets of water vapour shooting into space through ice fissures at the south pole of Enceladus, a frosty moon orbiting Saturn.
That was in 2005 – long before NASA's Cassini dove into Saturn in scientific sacrifice – but the hydrothermal spray detected by the probe has never been fully explained. Now, we might have an answer, and it's one boosting hopes of one day finding life on Enceladus.
"Where Enceladus gets the sustained power to remain active has always been a bit of a mystery," says astrobiologist Gaël Choblet from the University of Nantes in France.
"[B]ut we've now considered in greater detail how the structure and composition of the moon's rocky core could play a key role in generating the necessary energy."
Scientists think the plumes that spout from Enceladus's frosty exterior emanate from a vast global ocean of salty water that lies underneath the ice shell enveloping the moon.
It's estimated this shell has an average thickness of up to 25 kilometres (15.5 miles) in depth, getting as thin as 1 kilometre around the south polar region where the hydrothermal spray is produced.
Tiny fragments of minerals in the plumes detected by Cassini suggest the salts and silica dust in the spray are formed through hot water reaching around 90°C(194°F) interacting with rock in Enceladus's rocky core.
But for that interaction to occur, there would have to be space within the core for the water to co-exist – it would have to be porous, perhaps even mushy.
"Whatever the core's composition in terms of rocks, it has to have water within it," Choblet explained to Leah Crane at New Scientist, "maybe 20 or 30 percent water."
In new simulations, the team found tidal motion generated by the moon's elliptical orbit of Saturn could heat up water inside Enceladus's core, due to friction produced as the liquid circulates and slides among rock fragments.
As the water rises in temperature (reaching 90°C, per the orange-coloured sections in the image below), it rises through the porous core, transferring heat to the global ocean in the form of lifting plumes, some of which end up melting Enceladus's icy core – ultimately escaping in icy jets released into space:
"Water transport in the tidally heated permeable core results in hot narrow upwellings with temperatures exceeding 363 K," the researchers write in their paper, "characterised by powerful (1–5 gigawatt) hotspots at the seafloor, particularly at the south pole."
The heat and energy produced by the phenomenon would expel the plumes from the moon's polar regions – explaining why the heated ice shell is thinner there – and could ultimately help heat the ocean for potentially billions of years, the team hypothesises.
Previous research on Enceladus had suggested the plumes might be powered by radioactive decay of rocks in the moon's core.
If that were the case, though, the process might only have provided heat for millions of years – which possibly wouldn't be long enough for life to evolve and take hold in the temperate ocean buried beneath Enceladus's frozen mask.
But over a much longer timeframe – up to billions of years – it's possible life could find a way to make the most of such an opportunity.
"A warm global ocean with a lifetime of several billion years would be a great place for life to get going – it only took about 640 million years for life to evolve from microbe to mammal on Earth," planetary scientist Monica Grady from the Open University in the UK, who wasn't involved with the study, writes at The Conversation.
"Unfortunately, though, Enceladus itself may be quite young: a recent paper proposed that the moon might only have formed about 100 million years ago – is that a sufficiently long interval for life to have got going?"
Alien Planets Can Reveal Clues to Their Stars' Insides: Here's How
Alien Planets Can Reveal Clues to Their Stars' Insides: Here's How
By Sarah Lewin, Associate Editor
Distant planets tell all: A new analysis uses alien worlds' orbital treks to peek inside their stars.
NASA's ever-watchful Kepler space telescope has identified thousands of exoplanets by noting the tiny brightness dips caused when these worlds "transit," or cross the face of, their host stars. The length between dimmings tells scientists how long the planet takes to orbit — how long its year is — and the level of dimming shows how much smaller the planet is than the star.
"It's really weird that a planet that's orbiting far away from the star can tell us anything about the star's interior — I think that's really bizarre but cool," said Emily Sandford, an astronomer at Columbia University in New York and lead author on the new work.
"Basically, by measuring very precisely the shape of those dimmings, the amount of light that's missing over time when a planet passes in front, you can measure the density of the star the planet's orbiting," she told
Using a method first derived by astrophysicsts Sara Seager and Gabriela Mallen-Ornelas in 2003, Sandford and co-author David Kipping, also of Columbia, analyzed data on 66 Kepler stars to determine their densities. Their precision rivalled that of asteroseismology, a technique used on bright stars that uses oscillations in their shine to reconstruct their interior properties. While asteroseismology requires very precise brightness measurements, Sandford said, the new calculation needs less pristine data.
Essentially, the process works because how long a planet spends in front of its star is tied to the star's density. Planets that are far away from their stars spend less time in front of them — imagine a planet right at the star's surface, which would spend half of its orbit in front of it, versus one that is very far away, and only crosses in front for a quick part of its orbit, Sandford said. But at the same time, a planet has to move at a certain speed to maintain a steady orbit based on how massive the star is — if the planet is going too slowly, it will fall into the star, and if it's going too fast, it will fly away.
"We can then use that knowledge of [proportionally] how far the planet is from its star, combined with the duration of the transit, to solve for the stellar density," Sandford said. "If a planet is far away and yet takes a long time to transit, we know that the star must be big, puffy, and low-density; if a planet is close-in and yet transits quickly, we know that the star must be small, compact, and high-density."
In other words, the denser a star is — the more massive it is compared to its radius — the less time the planet spends in front of it.
Treasure trove
While researchers already knew about this relationship between transiting planets and their parent stars' densities, it's only since Kepler's launch in 2009 that more than a handful of transiting planets have been available for analysis, according to Sandford.
"We have this enormous treasure trove of data, and we can start to apply some of these ideas that people thought of way in advance before the data was ready," Sandford said. "That's what we've done here." [How Do You Spot an Alien Planet from Earth? (Infographic)]
This method requires that the researchers know the planet's orbit well, or that they can predict that it's circular. (Circular orbits tend to be common in systems with multiple planets.) It also requires researchers to know the planet's full orbit length — so it must have passed in front of the star more than once.
Once those criteria are established, researchers can use these calculations in two key ways: to determine if a transit is really caused by a planet or if it's a false positive, and to analyze the other planets in a multiplanet system.
That false-positive case was one of the uses Seager had in mind when the equation was first developed, she told "If you get the stellar density from the light curve alone, and then if you get the stellar density because you already know something about its mass and size … and if those densities don't match up, the thing you're looking at is not a planet," said Seager, who was not involved in the new study. "It's a blended object; it's a false positive; it's something else."
"All the applications are exciting, whether you want to just measure the densities of the set of stars, or whether you're using it as a kind of comparison tool," she added.
During its primary mission, Kepler looked at the same set of stars for four years, but future exoplanet hunters such as NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), set to launch in 2018, will spend a much shorter time on each part of the sky — just a month or so. In systems with multiple planets, if one orbits quickly enough for researchers to see more than one full orbit, that planet could act as an "anchor" to pin down the star's density, letting researchers learn about the orbits of the other planets, too.
"There's going to be a lot of habitable-zone planets that fall out in that window where their orbital period is longer than a month," Sandford said. "If we only see one transit, if we can't measure the period directly, it might be a very, very faraway planet, in which case it's too cold to have liquid water, or it might fall right in the middle of the habitable zone."
"If we can use our method to constrain the star, and from there to constrain the outer planet's period, that could be really interesting for prioritizing certain planets for follow-up if we know that they're likely to be habitable-zone, potentially the right temperature range for liquid water, type planets," she added.
Know the planet, know the star
According to Vincent Van Eylen, a researcher at Leiden University in the Netherlands who is uninvolved with the study, there's a saying that goes "Know thy star, know thy planet." Often, researchers use what they can glean about stars to identify what their planets might be made of and what the orbits look like.
Van Eylen's own research uses stars' densities and the durations of transits to learn about the planets' orbits — a reversal of Sandford's calculations.
"We don't know enough about stars, and everything we learn about planets somehow is indirect information that's related to stars," Van Eylen said. "In that way, it's kind of a sweet result that they can turn things around and actually learn about the planets, and thereby learn about the stars."
The new work has been accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal and is available on
Milky Way Shimmers Over Smoky Skies in Stunning View from Yosemite National Park
Milky Way Shimmers Over Smoky Skies in Stunning View from Yosemite National Park
By Miguel Claro, Contributor
Miguel Claro is a Lisbon, Portugal-based professional photographer, author and science communicator who creates spectacular images of the night sky. As a European Southern Observatory photo ambassador, a member of The World At Night and the official astrophotographer of the Dark Sky Alqueva Reserve, he specializes in astronomical "Skyscapes" that connect Earth and the night sky. Join him here as he takes us through his photograph "Milky Way from the Tunnel View of Yosemite National Park."
The Milky Way galaxy shines over a blanket of smoke in this gorgeous night-sky photo of Yosemite National Park in northern California.
Protected by the U.S. government since 1864, Yosemite National Park is best known for its majestic rock formations and waterfalls. Also spread throughout its nearly 1,200 square miles (3,100 square kilometers) are beautiful, deep valleys; lush meadows; and ancient giant sequoias.
Within this vast stretch of wilderness, animals live in harmony with the strength of granite, the power of glaciers and the tranquility of the high sierra, demonstrating the persistence of life despite the massive fires that blaze through the area each summer.
When I captured this photo of the Milky Way over Yosemite National Park on Aug. 28, fires filled the skies with smoke for days. Stars of the Milky Way twinkle above a band of smoke and dust in this framing of the beautiful Tunnel View, a famous scenic overlook in the park. Construction on the exit road of the park helped to light up the scene for several hours. [Gallery: Stunning Photos of Our Milky Way Galaxy]
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