The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Nieuwe aardachtige planeet ontdekt met de beste kans op leven ooit. Dit is ‘m dan
Nieuwe aardachtige planeet ontdekt met de beste kans op leven ooit. Dit is ‘m dan
Sterrenkundigen hebben een nieuwe planeet ontdekt waar mogelijk leven is. Ross 128b staat op slechts 11 lichtjaar van de aarde en is ongeveer even groot als onze planeet.
De exoplaneet, waar de temperatuur ongeveer gelijk is als op aarde, is ontdekt met behulp van een zeer geavanceerde telescoop.
De gemiddelde temperatuur op Ross 128b ligt tussen -60 en 20 graden Celsius. De planeet is 1,35 keer zwaarder dan onze aarde.
Meest nabije
Wetenschappers van de Europese Zuidelijke Sterrenwacht (ESO) gaan de samenstelling van de exoplaneet verder onderzoeken. Ze gaan onder meer speuren naar de aanwezigheid van zuurstof en vloeibaar water.
Geschat wordt dat de planeet ongeveer vijf miljoen jaar oud is. Ross 128b is na Proxima b de meest nabije gematigde planeet die tot nu toe is opgespoord.
Het is bovendien de meest nabije planeet die om een inactieve rode dwergster cirkelt, wat de kans vergroot dat zich leven in stand kan houden.
Heel geschikt
“Deze ontdekking is gebaseerd op meer dan 10 jaar intensief onderzoek,” liet coauteur Nicola Astudillo-Defru van de Universiteit van Genève weten.
Rode dwergen zijn de koelste en zwakste, maar ook de meest talrijke sterren in het heelal. Dit maakt hen heel geschikt voor de zoektocht naar exoplaneten.
Bij deze sterren laten kleine, koele soortgenoten van de aarde zich gemakkelijker opsporen dan bij sterren die meer op de zon lijken.
Aangename verblijfplaats
Veel rode dwergsterren, waaronder Proxima Centauri, produceren soms opvlammingen waarbij de planeten die om hen heen cirkelen met dodelijke straling worden bestookt.
Ross 128 lijkt een veel kalmere ster te zijn en dus zouden zijn planeten weleens de meest nabije aangename verblijfplaats voor leven kunnen zijn.
De ster staat zoals gezegd op 11 lichtjaar, maar beweegt in onze richting. Naar verwachting zal hij over minder dan 80.000 jaar onze meest nabije buurster zijn.
Dan verdringt Ross 128b dus ook Proxima b als meest nabije exoplaneet.
Bekijk ook onderstaand filmpje over de ontdekking:
Geheime afgesloten doorgang ontdekt onder Mexicaanse piramide. Wat bevindt zich erachter?
Geheime afgesloten doorgang ontdekt onder Mexicaanse piramide. Wat bevindt zich erachter?
Experts hebben onder een eeuwenoude Mayapiramide een geheime doorgang ontdekt die leidt naar een met water gevulde grot, een zogeheten cenote.
Archeologen hopen dat de afgesloten doorgang onder de piramide van Kukulcan in Chichen Itza de ‘heilige geografie’ van het complex zal onthullen.
Het team van Guillermo de Anda doet al enkele maanden onderzoek bij het bouwwerk. De cenote werd twee jaar geleden ontdekt met behulp van speciale apparatuur.
In 2015 onthulde een team onder leiding van Rene Chavez van de Nationale Autonome Universiteit van Mexico het bestaan van het zinkgat waarop de piramide was gebouwd.
Nu lijkt archeoloog De Anda de ingang naar de cenote te hebben ontdekt.
“Via het ossuarium kunnen we de grot onder het bouwwerk binnengaan en daar hebben we een afgesloten doorgang ontdekt,” zei hij tegen de krant El Universal.
“De doorgang is waarschijnlijk afgesloten door de oude Maya’s zelf,” voegde hij toe.
“We zullen de doorgang proberen te openen om te kijken of hij ons zal leiden naar de ingang van de cenote onder El Castillo,” zei de archeoloog in een interview.
Eerst moet bewezen worden dat de geheime doorgang bestaat. “We hebben nu alleen de afbeeldingen,” zei de onderzoeker. “We moeten zelf gaan kijken.”
Het team hoopt op den duur een 3D-kaart te maken van de ondergrondse grotten en tunnelcomplexen onder Chichen Itza.
UFO verschijnt boven marinebasis in Californië. Is dit bewijs voor buitenaards bezoek?
UFO verschijnt boven marinebasis in Californië. Is dit bewijs voor buitenaards bezoek?
Op de foto is een vreemd object te zien in de lucht boven de woestijn in Californië. De afbeelding is gemaakt door een man die het pseudoniem Keith Bradshaw gebruikt.
Hij zegt naar het Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake te zijn afgereisd nadat een vriend hem had verteld over het vaartuig.
Hij heeft de foto’s naar eigen zeggen in 2007 gemaakt, maar durfde ze niet naar buiten te brengen, schrijft de Daily Mirror.
Geen geluid
“Dit ding bleef dicht bij de grond hangen, het was erg instabiel,” zei hij. “Het bleef stil hangen, ging omhoog en bleef weer enkele minuten helemaal stil hangen.”
“Het maakte voor zover ik weet geen geluid,” voegde hij toe.
Keith zei dat hij ongeveer 10 minuten naar het object heeft gekeken. Hij claimt ook dat een aantal legervoertuigen in de buurt van de zilverkleurige UFO geparkeerd stonden.
Er vloog zelfs een legerhelikopter rond, aldus de man. “Ik denk niet dat er iemand in zat, maar ik kreeg het idee dat de helikopter het op de één of andere manier bestuurde.”
Met het vrijgeven van de foto’s hoopt Keith een debat op gang te brengen over de vraag of we zijn bezocht door buitenaardsen of dat het een experimenteel toestel van het leger was.
Meest controversiële UFO-foto’s
Hij gaf de foto’s aan de 54-jarige UFO-onderzoeker Philip Mantle, die zei dat hij in de 40 jaar dat hij hier onderzoek naar doet nog nooit zoiets heeft gezien.
Mantle sprak van ‘de meest controversiële UFO-foto’s ooit’. Hij voegde toe dat experts nog niet met zekerheid hebben kunnen vaststellen of de foto’s echt zijn.
De Mojave woestijn in het zuiden van Californië wordt al decennialang een hotspot genoemd voor bijzonder UFO en buitenaardse waarnemingen.
Daar zijn nu een aantal spectaculaire foto's bij gekomen die door sommigen worden omschreven als de beste UFO opnames ooit.
Een bijzonder verhaal is net naar buiten gekomen via Tyler van Secureteam. Het betreft het verhaal van een getuige die tien jaar geleden iets heeft gezien en gefotografeerd, maar zo bang werd dat hij al die tijd zijn mond heeft dichtgehouden.
De man die bekend staat als Keith Bradshaw had in 2007 een vriend die werkzaam was op een Amerikaanse legerbasis die hem vertelde dat daar bijzondere dingen gebeuren. Die basis was de Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake. Deze basis bevindt zich in de Mojave woestijn in Californië.
Keith ging op een goede dag op pad om zelf te onderzoeken of er inderdaad iets bijzonders gaande was en toen hij in de buurt van de basis kwam, zag hij een zwarte helikopter in de lucht hangen.
Het was pas toen hij dichterbij kwam, dat hij ook een vreemd diamantvormig object zag hangen.
Het schijnt dat de man zo schrok van dit alles dat hij zijn shirt uittrok om minder op te vallen in het landschap, terwijl hij er in slaagde om nog wat foto's te maken.
Het is inderdaad een heel bijzonder object dat er, wanneer je het vergroot, als volgt uit ziet:
Bradshaw vertelde verder dat het object geen geluid maakte en soms heen en weer wiebelde, waarna het een stukje hoger ging en dan weer terug om vervolgens op dezelfde plek te blijven hangen.
Talloze experts hebben ondertussen de foto's bekeken en de meningen zijn verdeeld. Er zijn erbij die dit de beste UFO foto's ooit vinden en er zijn er die de nodige twijfels hebben omdat er zoveel nepfoto's en video's zijn over juist dit onderwerp.
Waar echter geen enkele twijfel over bestaat, is dat de Mojave woestijn een UFO hotspot is.
Al decennialang zijn er verhalen over vreemde gebeurtenissen in die woestijn, zoals in 1985, toen de Britse piloot David Hastings daar vloog samen met een collega in een Cessna Skymaster.
Ze zagen op een gegeven moment een stip aan de horizon die heel snel groter werd, tot er op een gegeven moment een grote schaduw over hun vliegtuig ging. Ze hoorden geen geluid en er was ook geen verdere turbulentie.
Hastings slaagde erin om een foto te maken vanuit de cockpit, waarop duidelijk een sigaarvormig object is te zien. Wat je linksboven op de foto ziet, is de vleugel van het vliegtuig.
Vier jaar later gebeurt er weer iets heel opmerkelijks in die woestijn. Wederom een gebeurtenis waarbij een sigaarvormige UFO een rol speelt.
Het staat bekend als het Mojave Incident en het betreft de ontvoering van Steve en Dawn Hess.
Dit stel was aan het kamperen in de woestijn toen ze een vreemd licht waarnamen wat boven de berg verscheen en daarna weer verdween. Er ging een soort elektrische schok door hem heen en hij herinnerde zich datzelfde licht uit de tijd dat hij nog een kind was.
Pal daarop zagen ze een formatie van negen lichten verschijnen in de lucht in de vorm van de letter M. Even later verschenen er twee grote sigaarvormige objecten die als het ware de wacht hielden bij de camper waar de kampeerders in waren gevlucht.
Weer wat later verscheen er een enorm moederschip met wat een kleiner schip er pal onder. De camper was even later omsingeld door klassieke Gray aliens en daarmee begon de bizarre ervaring die ze omschrijving als een psychologische marteling die urenlang duurde.
Dit hele verhaal komt ter sprake in de volgende video waar bovendien uit blijkt dat er misschien door het Amerikaanse leger wel geheime experimenten worden uitgevoerd, maar dat er zich daar ook wel degelijk buitenaardsen bevinden.
WETENSCHAP & PLANEET21 juni 2043: dat is de dag dat wetenschappers van Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI) aan hun ontvangers gekluisterd zullen zijn, in de hoop bericht te krijgen van een buitenaardse beschaving op GJ273b. Dat is een superaarde op 12,4 lichtjaar – kilometer – van onze aarde. Exact een maand geleden verstuurden ze daartoe enkele boodschappen.
Dat gebeurde op 16, 17 en 18 oktober. De wetenschappers gebruikten radiogolven en lieten de berichten op negen verschillende momenten horen, om de kans te vergroten dat ze worden opgepikt. In totaal werd er elke dag voor 11 minuten uitgezonden.
De boodschap zelf bestaat onder meer uit 18 muziekstukken van 10 seconden, voorbeelden van wiskunde en technologie én uitleg over de manier waarop we de tijd bijhouden. Aan de hand daarvan legden de wetenschappers ook uit wanneer we zouden luisteren voor een mogelijk antwoord.
Het bericht werd niet zomaar lukraak gestuurd, maar naar een nabijgelegen exoplaneet GJ273b. Die draait rond de Ster van Luyten – een rode dwerg – en wordt door astronomen ook wel omschreven als een ‘superaarde’. De massa is iets groter dan die van onze planeet en hij bevindt zich op een afstand van zijn ster die leven er mogelijk kan maken.
Het is de allereerste keer dat de mensheid een boodschap verstuurt die gericht is op een antwoord op een specifiek moment. Het uitsturen van boodschappen naar mogelijk buitenaards leven zodat het ons kan vinden, is overigens controversieel. Onder meer de vermaarde wetenschapper Stephen Hawking waarschuwde al voor de gevaren daarvan. “Als dergelijk buitenaards leven ons bezoekt, dan zal het er ongeveer aan toe gaan zoals toen Columbus in Amerika landde. En we weten allemaal hoe dat afliep voor de oorspronkelijke bevolking”, zei hij al. (lees hieronder verder)
Douglas Vakoch van METI relativeert. “Als er een buitenaardse beschaving bestond die in staat was om naar de aarde te reizen met het doel ons kwaad te doen, zou die al veel eerder al onze radio- en tv-signalen opgepikt hebben en naar hier gekomen zijn. Onze atmosfeer geeft overigens al 2,5 miljard jaar bewijs af van leven door de zuurstof in de lucht.”
METI is de tegenhanger van SETI – Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence – dat ook vindt dat we actief moeten zoeken naar buitenaards leven, maar dan door te proberen boodschappen van anderen op te vangen in plaats van ze zelf te versturen. Voor het project werkte METi samen met het Instituut voor Ruimtestudies van Catalonië (IEEC) en het Spaanse muziekfestival Sónar.
“Hopelijk krijgen we antwoord”, aldus Vakoch. “Maar de kans bestaat dat we het experiment nog een aantal keer zullen moeten herhalen in de richting van andere planeten voor we geluk hebben. Ik zie het eerder op langere termijn. We moeten daarbij een systeem ontwikkelen waarmee we niet één maar vele tientallen, duizenden of zelfs miljoenen planeten tegelijk proberen te bereiken. Alleen zo kunnen we onze kansen vergroten om ooit een respons te ontvangen.”
After all of the recent predictions of a collision between Planet X/Nibiru and Earth have come and gone, a little announcement from a credible source sneaks in with actual sightings of a real exoplanet that’s not only near to Earth but may support life and it and its star may be on a collision course with Earth and the Sun. Should we celebrate, panic or both?
The announcement comes from the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics which published a report from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) whose scientists used ten years of data from the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) in Chile on Ross 128, a small red dwarf in the constellation Virgo (named for American astronomer Frank Elmore Ross) that’s a mere 10.89 light years from our solar system. That data showed a wobble in Ross 128 indicating that something is speedily orbiting it every 10 days. That something is an exoplanet with some special characteristics.
“The new world has the designation Ross 128 b and is now the second-closest temperate planet to be detected after Proxima b. It is also the closest planet to be discovered orbiting an inactive red dwarf star, which may increase the likelihood that this planet could potentially sustain life.”
The High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher
Ross 128 b is about the same size as Earth and, despite being 20 times closer to its star, has an Earth-ish surface temperature raging between –60°C and 20°C (–78°F and 68°F). Couple that with the fact that its dim red sun can’t fry it with radiation either and Roth 128 b becomes a better candidate for life than Proxima b orbiting Proxima Centauri. ESO astronomers will know more in 2025 when they’re able to look for oxygen biomarkers using the new Extremely Large Telescope.
2025? What about the collision? Will we still exist by then?
“Although it is currently 11 light-years from Earth, Ross 128 is moving towards us and is expected to become our nearest stellar neighbour in just 79 000 years — a blink of the eye in cosmic terms. Ross 128 b will by then take the crown from Proxima b and become the closest exoplanet to Earth!”
That’s disappointing news to Planet X fans but hugely exciting for astronomers, since 79,000 years is a blink of an eye for them, especially when you consider this is the time it will take for Ross 128 and Ross 128 b to travel seven light years – from 11 light years to less than Proxima b’s 4.2 light years away.
So Ross 128 b is not Planet X, but it does prove that a star and its planet(s) could be moving quite fast through the galaxy … giving a tiny bit of credence to the theory that Planet X is orbiting the Sun’s binary sibling and they’re on a fast path to collision. Then again, if astronomers can see Ross 128 and Ross 128 b at 11 billion light years away, shouldn’t they already be able to see Planet X and its star?
The subject of UFO research is filled with cases that positively reek of high strangeness. And they don’t get much stranger than a very weird incident which occurred in August 1955, in the vicinity of Kelly and Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Depending on whose version of events you accept as the truth, either aliens landed or a band of marauding circus monkeys – painted silver, no less – were on the loose! Kelly was, and still is, a small, rural town which is situated just short of ten miles from Hopkinsville. It was the night of August 15 when absolute chaos broke out. It all went down at the farmhouse of the Sutton family, who had visitors in from Pennsylvania: Billy Ray Taylor and his wife. Around 7.00 p.m. Billy Ray left the farmhouse to fetch water from the family’s well. And what a big mistake that was.
In mere minutes, Billy Ray was back, minus the water. Terrified Billy Ray told the Suttons and his wife that as he headed towards the well he saw a significantly sized, illuminated, circular-shaped object come to rest in a nearby gully. As the group tried to figure out what on earth (or off it…) was going on, they mused upon the possibilities of shooting stars, meteorites, and good old leg-pulling. By all accounts, it was none of those. In just a few minutes, the Sutton’s dog began to bark, growl, and snarl in aggressive, uncontrollable fashion – after which it raced for cover underneath the porch. Clearly, something strange was going down. Exactly how strange, soon became very apparent.
Intent on making sure they were in control of the situation, Elmer Sutton and Billy Ray Taylor armed themselves with a shotgun and headed out into the darkness. In no time, they were confronted by something terrifying: a small, silvery, creature – in the region of three feet tall – that was scurrying towards them with its long, ape-like, arms held high in the air. Sutton did what most folk might do when confronted by a strange, dwarfish thing after sunset: he blasted the beast with his shotgun. To the consternation of both men, the gun had no effect, aside from causing the creature to do a quick, impressive back-flip, after which it disappeared into the darkness – for a while.
Rather wisely, Elmer and Billy Ray raced for the safety of the farmhouse and locked the doors behind them. In mere moments, the same creature – or, at least, a very similar one – was seen peering through one of the windows. Elmer’s son, J.C., took a shot at it. The only damage was to the window. The small beast scurried away at lightning speed. Elmer Sutton and Billy Ray took a tentative walk outside to see if they could see the creature – or creatures. That was a very bad move: as they prowled around the property, a clawed hand came down from the roof and seized Billy Ray’s hair and head.
Terrified Billy Ray pulled away, screaming, to see the creature charge across the roof. To their horror, a second creature was staring at them from the branch of a nearby tree. A second shoot-out achieved nothing, aside from the remarkably weird sight of the creatures floating – rather than leaping or falling – to the ground and then racing into the darkness. The tumultuous events continued throughout the night, with guns firing, and the creepy little beasts seemingly doing their very best to create as much havoc and mayhem as was conceivably possible.
Realizing that the situation might very well go on all night, the group decided there was only one option available to them: they had to flee the farmhouse, which they did in two cars, making their speedy way to the sheriff’s office in nearby Hopkinsville. The sheer, collective state of fear into which the Suttons and the Taylors had been plunged, pretty much immediately convinced the sheriff that whatever had happened, it was no drunken prank.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on one’s perspective), by the time the sheriff and the family arrived back at the farmhouse, the creatures were gone – they did, however, put in a reappearance in the early hours, and conveniently after the police had left. In no time at all, the media got onto the story, as did the U.S. Air Force – the latter coming up with a very bizarre explanation as its staff sought to lay matters to rest.
Before we get to the matter of that explanation, it’s important to have a full understanding of the physical appearance of the creatures, drawn from the memories and recollections of the players: the Suttons and the Taylors. All of the strange entities were near-identical: long arms, skinny legs, large ears, and yellow eyes. As for their gait, they moved in a strange, pivoting fashion. And, there was the fact that they were all silver in color. Cue the Air Force’s best estimate of what really happened.
With absolutely nothing solid – at all – to back up its claims, the Air Force suggested the culprits were monkeys, painted silver, and which had escaped from a traveling circus! As cryptozoologist Ken Gerhard notes, it’s “a theory more ridiculous than the notion of invading aliens.” Nevertheless, the Air Force stuck to its guns, with Major John E. Albert being the major proponent of the circus escapee/painted monkeys theory.
Ufologists did not just accept this theory without question. One of the most respected of all UFO researchers was Dr. J. Allen Hynek. He said (in The Hynek UFO Report), of his investigation of the Air Force’s claim: “I did make an attempt to find out whether there had been any traveling circuses in the area from which some monkeys could have escaped. The monkey hypothesis fails, however, if the basic testimony of the witnesses can be accepted. Under a barrage of gunfire from Kentuckians, over a somewhat extended period, it is unthinkable that at least one cadaver would not have been found. Furthermore, monkeys do not float down from trees: they either jump or fall. And, anyway, I was unable to find any trace of a traveling circus!”
The 1955 Kelly-Hopkinsville saga remains unresolved to this day. The fact that the incident began with the sighting of what may well have been a UFO, has led flying saucer sleuths to conclude a mini-alien invasion briefly broke out in rural Kentucky. On the other hand, is it possible that the Air Force was, at least, partly on the right track? Could the creatures have been monkeys, after all? They are questions that, decades later, still endure.
Although it seems that these fireballs were at least somewhat related with the Tuarids and with the comet Encke, the fireballs that occurred in Arizona and France are not related to the Tuarids due to their origin and direction, the fireballs over Ohio and Germany were probably Tuarids.
Below videos show the fireball that flew across the Phoenix sky and captured by the Phoenix city Cam and the fireball over Southern Ohio uploaded by J. Verrico on the American Meteor Society Website.
The American Meteor Society has noted before that there has been a dramatic increase in fireball /meteor activity since the last two years.
Coast To Coast AM – November 10, 2017 UFO Secrets & Open Lines with Jimmy Church
Author Peter Levenda joined Jimmy Church (Fade To Black) to discuss his collaboration with Tom DeLonge, and his work speaking with officials who hold secrets to some of the most intriguing questions about UFOs and our universe. Open Lines followed in the latter half of program.
German air traffic control spokesman Christian Hoppe added: 'We can only say that it was not an aircraft.'
The majority of the UFO sightings came from the German states of Saarland, Baden-Wuerttemberg and the southern part of Hesse, but it was also spotted in Switzerland and on the other side of the Alps at Italy's Lake Garda.
As the light moves across the sky, it changes colour to a blue-green and grows in size and brightness
Eventually the glow of the light begins to fade out as it returns to a white colour and drops through the sky
The sighting comes at the height of the Leonid meteor shower, which peaks in mid-November.
If the object was a meteor, it is unclear whether it crashed somewhere or burned out in the sky.
The police said they had received no reports of damage.
‘A stable bright light, larger than anything practical shined into my room on the second floor, not making any noise; it disappeared.’
It’s one of nearly 60,000 unsettling stories revealed in a new map of the contiguous United States, compiling UFO sightings from every state, dating back to 1995.
While these mysterious encounters may largely have slipped out of the public eye after the Cold War-era UFO craze died down, the map shows reports have steadily grown in the last two decades, hitting a mid-summer peak each year.
Scroll down to try the interactive map
The map shows these reports are concentrated in major cities and dense population hubs, making places like New York and the surrounding metropolitan area hotspots for UFO sightings, along with southern and central California. The Great Lakes region also had a high concentration of UFO sightings
The new map of reported UFO sightings in the US was created by Data Solutions Engineer Adam Crahen of the Data Duo, using data from Kaggle UFO sightings.
There's little doubt that the internet has played a role in the growth of UFO reports in recent years, though most can be explained by natural or human-caused phenomena.
The image of UFOs in America is often associated with sparsely populated rural settings; a mysterious object hovering over a field of crops, or crashing in a remote expanse of desert land, likely fueled by the famous 1947 Roswell crash in New Mexico.
But, the map shows these reports are actually concentrated in major cities and dense population hubs, making places such as New York and the surrounding metropolitan area hotspots for UFO sightings, along with southern and central California.
The map was created by Data Solutions Engineer Adam Crahen of the Data Duo , using data from Kaggle UFO sightings. Click each green circle to see the details of the report, including a description of the sighting and the shape of the UFO
One account, from Fresno, claims: ‘Brilliant flashing light giving off a star affect traveling at an incredible rate of speed, from north to south.’
Another report, from September 2, 1995, says: ‘Two males leaving a concert in Central Park witness strange moving light close to E. horizon. Moved very precisely, turned, vanished.’
The Great Lakes region also had a high concentration of UFO sightings.
In one report from Ohio, a worker even claimed he could not account for half an hour of his night after a bizarre encounter.
A reported UFO sighting over Minnville, Oregon, is pictured above
Last year, the CIA released a glimpse into its own set of 'X-Files,' a small compilation of documents pulled from its expansive UFO collection, dating back to the 1940s.
The agency said that these documents appeal to both skeptics and believers – the Scullys and Mulders of the world – who seek to prove scientific explanations, or confirm the existence of extraterrestrial activity.
One of the documents among the CIA's 'X-Files' is from East Germany in 1952, where agents were called to investigate what witnesses described as a 'huge flying pan'.
The object was said to have a diameter of about 15 meters, according to the document.
Similar flying saucers were also spotted in North Africa and Spain, the report said.
'The picture [of the object] shows a diagonal stripe of diminishing width and lighter in shade than the sky over the dark bulk of a building cornice,' it was noted.
Included with some of the documents were three pictures of the alleged extraterrestrials.
One of the photos - taken by British student Alex Birch in 1962 - claimed to show a group of flying saucers flying over the city of Sheffield in the UK.
Also contained in the files is the case in Socorro, New Mexico in 1964, when police officer Lonnie Zamora spotted a large flame rise from the ground and pierce the sky above a remote patch of desert.
Upon investigation, he found a shiny object the size of a sedan perched on the hilltop, which was oval in shape and aluminium in color.
The object then began to rise into the air and then sped away from him over the mountains and disappeared.
An explanation for this case has never been determined.
The map also organizes the sightings by month, year, and day, showing when the reports were most frequent.
Most sightings appear to occur in the summer months, with night-time in July being the most popular.
But, these unusual reports have occurred all over the country, and at all different times of the year.
The image of UFOs in America is often associated with sparsely populated rural settings. But the map shows they often occur in major cities.
Stock image
‘I saw a large fireball pass over my house at about 1000 feet – no noise, traveling about 15 mph’,’ one person, from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, claimed on December 25.
Another, from Tillamook Oregon, said they saw ‘One mother ship with four smaller destinct [sic] satellite objects moving randomly,’ on January 18, 2009.
There are countless practical explanations for strange lights appearing in the sky or even in photos captured in space.
Weather is often to blame, or phenomena such as meteor showers and aircraft tests.
And, often, it’s just a trick of the light.
Of bizarre UFO sightings spotted around the International Space Station, for example, a NASA spokesperson explained in the past, 'Reflections from station windows, the spacecraft structure itself or lights from Earth commonly appear as artifacts in photos and videos from the orbiting laboratory.'
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
UFO Spotted? Burst of Light Flashes Across Phoenix Sky (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
UFO Spotted? Burst of Light Flashes Across Phoenix Sky (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
A streak of light that lit up the Phoenix night sky was caught on camera around 8:30 p.m. local time Tuesday night, and observers quickly took to Twitter to speculate about aliens or as for “rational” explanations.
The strange bright bursts showed up a few days before the mid-November Leonid meteor shower is expected to take place, suggesting that the fireball is more likely to be a meteor than an alien spacecraft or military test vehicle.
The fireball was seen across the American Southwest. "The American Meteor Society (AMS) received 85 reports so far about this event that occurred over Arizona. We didn't receive reports only from Arizona but also from California, Nevada, Utah and New Mexico. This event has been caught on at least two dash cams shared via the AMS Fireball report," the organization wrote on their website.
If there is a ufo sighting or meteorite crash landing in North Phoenix I'm calling it I'm not a crazy person yet I saw it don't let them take me alive I know how to survive.
"The Leonid meteor shower is active in November, and is expected to peak later this week. It's not clear whether this flash was related to that meteor shower," Arizona 12 news reported.
The Leonids are named as such because they radiate constellation Leo, the Lion. Some of the most stunning meteor showers ever witnessed have been Leonids.
Saw what definitely looked like a plane crash 3 hrs ago in Phoenix. Not the only one who saw it, but can't find anything online outside of crazy UFO sightings. Rational explanations please reply. #PlaneCrash
According to NASA, you are most likely to see the meteors if you "orient yourself with your feet towards east, lie flat on your back, and look up, taking in as much of the sky as possible."
Huge fireball over Western Germany observed tonight (Nov 14, ~16h50 UT) from Germany, Eastern France, Italy and Switzerland. More than 200 reports received in 3 hours! If you observed, recorded, or photographed it, please report! Thanks in advance! …
The International Meteor Organization (IMO) received around 1,450 reports of sightings of the unidentified flying object from the public, with the most vivid coming over the German provinces of Bayern and Baden-Württemberg and the French region of Grand Est. Those who spotted the fireball from the ground posted pictures to social media using the hashtag #Sternschnuppe, meaning “shooting star.”
An analysis of the object by former IMO president Dr Jürgen Rendtel of the Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics in Potsdam linked the event to the forthcoming Taurid Meteor Shower, which occurs every three years. The shower brings remnants of the comets Concke and 2004 TG10 into the Earth’s atmosphere, where they can burn up in bright streaks.
A spokesman for German air traffic control told Stuttgarter-Zeitung: “We can only say that it was not an aircraft.”
Other fireballs have been spotted over Bordeaux in France and the US state of Arizona but they have been ruled as unrelated to the Taurid event due to their steep trajectory. Video of the Arizona event has, too, been posted online.
Dramatic 'fireball' in the sky prompts anxious Germans to call POLICE during mysterious UFO alert
Dramatic 'fireball' in the sky prompts anxious Germans to call POLICE during mysterious UFO alert
A crashing Chinese space station, a meteor or an alien spacecraft were among the possibilities put forward
By Dave Burke
A dramatic 'fireball' seen speeding through the sky above Germany has sparked alarm.
The UFO was seen by worried citizens as far away as Italy and Switzerland, prompting German police to speculate that it was a 'celestial body'.
Mysterious video shows the bright object speeding above the town of Hoechen, sparking questions about what it shows.
It seems to get brighter and gives out blue and green light before fading into the distance.
A police spokesman told Stuttgarter-Zeitung that the force received a number of calls about the fireball, but said: "We could not tell you what the bright light was."
And German air traffic control spokesman Christian Hoppe told the newspaper: "We can only say that it was not an aircraft."
Anxious witnesses took to Twitter to share their theories on what they had seen.
A crashing Chinese space station, a meteor or an alien spacecraft were among the possibilities put forward.
Most sightings of the UFO came from the German states of Saarland, Baden-Wuerttemberg and the southern part of Hesse, although it was also spotted in Switzerland and even the other side of the Alps at Italy's Lake Garda.
The latest sighting comes at the height of the Leonid meteor shower, which peaks in mid-November.
The Leonids get their name from the location in the constellation of Leo from which they seem to appear.
If the object was indeed a meteor, it is not known if it crashed somewhere or burned out completely in the sky.
Police say there were no reports of any damage from a meteorite impact.
Il doit exister d'autres vaisseaux spatiaux humains secrets, mais on reste quand même très prêt de la "tôle et boulons" comparés à d'autres vaisseaux extra terrestres que l'on peut voir dans le ciel et qui semblent presque être formés de pure énergie.
On est en couches culottes ici les amis Et les grands frères (nous dans un version présente future) nous disent d’arrêter nos conneries et qu'il est temps de grandir si on veut passer à la suite. Ils nous rappellent que nous sommes UNIS et tous interconnectés.
Question : pourquoi on paye des routes et de l'essence alors qu'on a l'antigravité depuis au moins 70 ans ?
A website called The Data Duo held a contest for the best visualization of UFO sightings data. Their data covers UFO sightings from 1960 to 2014 and reveals some interesting info.
The Data Duo’s third #DuoDare is for the best visualization of UFO sightings. The dataset includes latitude and longitude data, so they were able to produce some cool looking maps. However, there is little to be gleaned from the maps, but there are still other bits of info they obtained.
The Data Duo, Pooja Gandhi and Adam Crahen, made their best attempts at showing the data, and although I am partial to Pooja’s map, Adam is in the lead when it comes to votes. Previously, I have referred to these sorts of graphics as “infographics,” but the Data Duo refer to them as a “viz.” That is short and cooler. Here are their visualizations (vizs).
Pooja’s UFO Visualization. Click on the image to see her full interactive visualization.
(Credit: The Data Duo)
Adam’s UFO Visualization. Click on the image to see his full interactive visualization.
(Credit: The Data Duo)
An article has popped up on Bustle about Adam’s map, and they note the areas where there are more sightings and ask some experts why there might be more sightings in these areas. However, there is a problem with this. If you look at this map and a map of the United States at night, you will see the similarities.
US at night compilation photo.
(Credit: NASA)
As you can see they are very similar. This is because UFO sightings are reported more frequently in areas that have more people. Which makes sense. In order to discover where there are more sightings, it is more accurate to look at the areas that have more sightings per person. I always look at the data both ways. Here is an analysis I did of UFO sightings from the year 2014.
Top 20 States Reporting UFOs in 2014.
(Click to enlarge)
The data used by the Data Duo is from a website called Kaggle. Kaggle provides datasets for data crunchers to analyze. The UFO data Kaggle uses is from the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC). NUFORC has been receiving UFO reports for years, and they were the first to post them online. NUFORC is not actually a “they.” It is ran by a man by the name of Peter Davenport in Washington. Davenport posts his information raw.
The organization I use to compile my lists, like the 2014 data above, is from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). They have also been collecting reports for years. They investigate their reports to determine their validity. They find the vast majority to be explainable. MUFON did not get their data online until much later than NUFOC, and getting their data is difficult. In fact, I used to have access to more of it, but now I just have a monthly report they send out. Now that I think of it, I am not sure they even send that out anymore. This is why many media outlets use Davenport’s information. There is also a book out titled UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America 2001-2015 that analyzes MUFON data.
I downloaded the data from Kaggle that the Data Duo used to pour it up with population data to see where the real hotspots are. Essentially I just divided the number of sightings by the number of people in each state. You can see the places that have more sightings per person are very different that the ones with the most sightings.
Top states for UFO sightings per population using Kaggle data used by the Data Duo.
It is important to read the data right. If you were looking to have a UFO experience, and you go to the area with the most reports, you could be lowering your odds. The odds are better if you go to a place having more sightings per person. Or maybe you want to be far away from UFOs, and you think you are going to a state like New Hampshire, which has very few sightings. However, New Hampshire has a lot of UFO sighting per person, so you may inadvertently have ended up smack dab in the middle of UFO country.
Even though I think the Bustle article is relying way to much on the number of sightings instead of the sightings per person, it is still an article I recommend you read. It has some interesting speculation on where aliens might visit if they were to visit Earth, or why they might be visiting the places they may be buzzing around right now.
Courtesy of Small Town Monsters "The Mothman of Point Pleasant", a new documentary by Ohio-based production company Small town Monsters, will debut on the SyFy Channel on February 2018
Courtesy of Small Town Monsters Seth Breedlove is the procducer and director of "The Mothman of Point Pleasant" and the founder of the film's production company Small town Monsters
It was Nov. 16, 1966, that the first reports of the sighting of Mothman hit the papers.
Unlike many local legends that fade away with time, the story of the Mothman - and the high number of bizarre reports of things like UFOs and Men in Black coming out of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, from November 1966 to mid December 1967 - seem to be a story that forever has wings.
The latest Mothman-themed project is a new documentary film by Small Town Monsters called "The Mothman of Point Pleasant," which features interviews with eyewitnesses such as Faye Dewitt Leport as well as local experts including Jeff Wamsley of the Mothman Museum in Point Pleasant and The Herald-Dispatch columnist Dave Peyton, who reported on the Mothman, UFO and Men in Black sightings in the area.
Released earlier this summer and debuting locally at this fall's Mothman Festival in Point Pleasant, the documentary spans from November 1966 to December 1967 when area residents reported witnessing UFOs, strange government and military-related activity and, of course, many sightings of a strange, large, black-winged creature, mostly in the TNT area just north of Point Pleasant.
Seth Breedlove, producer and director of the film and founder of Small Town Monsters, a film production company based out of Wadsworth, Ohio, (just west of Akron), said he wanted the film to chronologically log the reports.
Funded through a Kickstarter campaign, Breedlove said he hopes the film engages viewers with unnerving accounts from original witnesses and area residents as well as deliver new information related to the case.
"Our tagline for the movie is 'The 13 months that changed history,'" Breedlove said in an interview at the Mothman Festival in September. "I have seen a lot of these documentaries and read books and all of that kind of stuff, and there has been a ton of material put out about the Mothman. I was very hesitant to do it, because I didn't know what we would be adding to it, but I realized there had not really been a down-and-dirty documentary with all of the information chronologically from the first sighting to the last, including the bridge disaster, where they didn't try to turn the bridge disaster into sort of ridiculous omen by the Mothman."
Breedlove said treating the Silver Bridge disaster with its due respect was of utmost importance. The Silver Bridge collapse on Dec. 15, 1967, claimed 46 lives. There were no more reports of Mothman sightings after the collapse.
"What we wanted to do was simply put out the series of events, the way they transpired over that 13-month span of time, how it impacted people that lived here and include the bridge disaster in a way that was respectful to the victims and the family who are still in the area," Breedlove said.
Breedlove said his introduction into the paranormal world and the Mothman stories came about in 2002, when he was in his early 20s. He and his buddies hit their neighborhood dollar cinema to check out "The Mothman Prophecies" and then saw it again and again.
"We went to see that movie many times together, and that was sort of my introduction into the strange and unusual," Breedlove said. "What is cool about that now is that we showed our Mothman movie to the screenwriter of 'Mothman Prophecies,' and he loved it."
Breedlove and his crew have cut their filming teeth doing Bigfoot documentary films on sightings around Ohio. Those include "Minerva Monster" in 2015 followed by "Beast of Whitehall" and "Boggy Creek Monster" in 2016.
"I have been into film since I was a kid but started making movies three years ago to actually put them out front of an audience. Prior to that I did short films with my buddies," Breedlove said. "We started on 'Mothman' last year, and it was part of a book proposal I put together in 2013 called 'Smalltown Monsters.' That was the whole genesis for the production company and the series. We have been doing it for three years, but the idea has been percolating for five or six years."
Breedlove, whose Small Town Monsters production company released the film "Invasion of Chestnut Ridge" - about a possible 1965 UFO crash in rural Pennsylvania - in October, said there are few stories that stand out like Mothman, a story first chronicled in local newspapers (including extensively in the The Herald-Dispatch) and then internationally, thanks to the 1975 book "The Mothman Prophecies" by author John Keel.
"Before we mostly made movies about Bigfoot, so this was our first step into the truly bizarre stuff," Breedlove said. "I don't know how we will ever top this story, because it is an amazing story. ... this story has so much to it, and a lot of heart and emotion, with the tragedy of the bridge collapse. I am sure we will still tell stories that I love, and I love the one we just told, but as far as the emotional angle of this, nothing compares. Even this morning I went down to the the bridge plaque there where the bridge was, and it is still just so emotional. I think that is what drew me to it, the bridge collapse. I talked to a police officer here last year, Ronnie Spencer, who told me a story about a girl he went to school with who died on the bridge and they planted a tree for her after she died. Something about that really made me want to really tell the story."
Like anyone who has read Keel's book or who was alive then, the Mothman is just part of the great number of wild stories flying around Point Pleasant during those 13 months.
"We got into the Men in Black and Indrid Cold stories," Breedlove said. "The really bizarre aspects of it are those little side stories that Keel told in his book, like the zone of fear, which was this area he walked through one night. It was like he was gripped with hysterical fear, and he almost spent the night out in the TNT area just so he didn't have to walk back through what he termed the zone of fear. What was really weird also was that there were people in town hearing voices over their head, and with the UFOs it was not just that people were seeing lights in the sky but they seemed to be communicating with them. There were so much going on at that time that the Mothman seems like the least weird thing that happened during that time."
Given the film's specific tie to Point Pleasant, Breedlove was ecstatic this year that not only did he get to screen the film at the State Theater during the Mothman Festival, but the screening drew a standing-room-only crowd.
"I thought maybe we would have 150 come out to see the movie, but we ended up with well over 300," Breedlove said. "There's like 250 seats in there, and people were lined up in the back and sitting on the ground, and people seemed to love it. A lady came up afterwards and gave me a hug and was crying, so the reception has been amazing. I have said that the Mothman movie coming out has changed my life. It has made enough money that my wife (Adrienne) and I can do this full time. That aspect of it has been pretty huge, and I hate to say it is life changing, but it really is true to say the Mothman changed my life."
And the film's final stops are not yet known. Picked up by Terror Films for wide streaming release, the documentary, which was the No. 1 documentary on Amazon for weeks this summer, has been released on iTunes and Google Play, and will be broadcast of the SyFy network beginning Feb. 2, 2018.
While other small towns have great legends, Breedlove said few have embraced, celebrated and marketed their legends as well as Point Pleasant.
"This (the festival) should be taking place in every town that has a monster story," Breedlove said at the Mothman Festival. "It is a piece of their local history that they have embraced in the same way that other towns embrace a historical battle or like a local historical figure. They have done that in the same way but it is celebrating a local legend. Part of what we do is history and preservation, which some people may think is silly because it is story that a lot of people don't believe in. A lot of people believe there is not a Mothman, and I tend to be more on the skeptical side, but I think there is a historical importance to preserving these stories because of the fact that they made a huge impact on Point Pleasant and impacted the culture in a major way here."
Searching for Mothman
WHAT: "The Mothman of Point Pleasant," a new documentary by Ohio-based production company Small Town Monsters.
Vimeo OnDemand, Amazon, iTunes and most major streaming platforms. It will be shown on SyFy on Feb. 2, 2018.
ON THE WEB: Go online at to check out the new web series called "Case Files" in which Small Town Monsters shows new stories as well as cut scenes from its various films.
VISIT THE MOTHMAN MUSEUM: Find out more about the Mothman story by visiting the Mothman Museum, 400 Main St., Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Fall and winter hours are noon to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday; and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Cost is $3; $1 for kids 10 and under. Go online at
FIREBALL LIGHTS UP PHOENIX SKY ON NOV. 14Fireball streaks across Phoenix skyline | 0:28
Video from Phoenix City Hall shows a bright light flashing across the Phoenix skyline. Video credit: City of Phoenix
Did you catch that bright light that streaked across the night sky Tuesday over the Phoenix area?
The city of Phoenix captured the illumination on one of its observation cameras and posted it to Twitter.
In the video, a large, glowing bulb appears in the top-right frame then fades out in three seconds. A smaller light can also be seen in the lower portion of the frame, off in the horizon.
It happened around 8:30 p.m.
The American Meteor Society received 120 fireball reports from Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada and Utah on Nov. 14.
"I’m going to guess about 5 feet across. It broke up quite quickly," Garvie said.
It's unclear yet whether the meteor left debris on the ground, he said.
Garvie said the meteor isn't related to the Leonids meteor shower, an annual event that peaks this year on Friday night.
"It's just coincidental," he said, adding that meteors spotted during showers are tiny by comparison, the size of a grain of sand.
A moonless sky on Friday should make for good viewing of the meteor shower this year. But it's not an especially plentiful meteor shower. NASA predicts no more than 10 meteors an hour, and some of these will be faint, so you won't be able to see them all.
Some viewing tips from astronomers at Arizona State and the University of Arizona:
Meteors occur throughout the sky, so you don't need to focus your eyes on one specific area.
Shower activity is the greatest after midnight.
Get away from city lights, if you can. If you can't leave the city, find the darkest spot in your yard away from the glare of street and house lights.
You don't need binoculars or a telescope. Using these devices can actually reduce the number of meteors you see because they focus on only part of the sky.
Be patient. Plan to spend at least an hour outside if you want to spot meteors.
Video taken from the dashboard camera of Jonah Hirsch shows a fireballstreaking across the Phoenix skyline around 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday. Wochit
Did you spot the fireball last night? Send us your video to:
In recent times, a number of UFO sightings have really created frenzy among people as they are still looking out for those interesting objects every day. Day by day, people are becoming more curious to know about these mysterious objects that can actually lead to a new box of life and they are interested to know about the top UFO hot spots in the world.
According to "UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America 2001-2015," written by Cheryl and Linda Miller Costa, there is a list of cities which are known for its UFO phenomena in the United States. Published in March 2017, the book compiles "data and analysis for 100,000+ sightings of unidentified flying objects reported by individuals during the first 15 years of the 21st century."
So, as the UFO fever becomes contagious, IBTimes Singapore brings you the list of top 25 cities that will probably give you a chance to witness one of those mysterious objects soon and if you live in any of these cities, it might be closer than you think.
Here is the complete list of 25 most sightings across US cities.
Have you ever been witness to a UFO sighting? According to data by Kaggle UFO Sightings, if you have, you're not alone: there have been around 60,000 reported sightings between 1995 and 2014. Furthermore, depending on your location, you might be living in a hot spot for alien sightings in the U.S — as the map from Kaggle reveals that there are certain regions in the country where UFO sightings seem to be heavily concentrated. Is your town on the list?
Interestingly, the Pacific region (all along the west coast) is a popular spot for UFO sightings. The three main hot spots seem to be the Pacific Northwest, Southern California, and the northeast — so if you live in those areas, you may be a lot more likely to see a UFO than you thought. Moving inward to the Rocky Mountain region, the southwest, and parts of the midwest, things get fairly quiet. But as you travel further into the midwest, southeast, and northeast, the map lights up like a Christmas tree. If you want your best chances at spotting a UFO, you should definitely head northeast — the area of the map is almost entirely covered.
The map certainly reveals interesting patterns, and makes us wonder why the aliens seem to enjoy the west and east coasts more than other parts of our beautiful nation.
Is it a mere coincidence that UFOs largely stick to states close to water? Maybe not. Recently, Alan Stern — a former NASA scientist who now works at the Southwest Research Institute in Texas — explained the high likelihood aliens are living below frozen oceans on other planets. The majority of habitable planets, actually, are very likely covered almost completely in water.
In fact, there is a good chance aliens look more like fish than they do creepy versions of humans. Is it that far-fetched to believe, then, that maybe aliens are house hunting in the areas that more closely resemble the watery environment of their home planet? Water is one of few things vital for life to exist; in fact, when it comes to the search for alien life, researchers and scientists follow a common rule of thumb: "follow the water." Anytime we find evidence of water on another planet, the very next question is typically: could that planet be sustaining life, then? Knowing the importance and value of water, it really isn't all that odd to think that aliens would choose to stick to areas adjacent to good old H20.
Starting around 2009, activity picked up noticeably; and by 2012, reported aliens were all, "We're going to America!" According to statistician Sam Monfort, reported UFO sightings shot up from around 2,500 in 1980 to 45,000 in 2010.
But why? There are a few reasons.
For starters, the answer could be that reported UFO sightings haven't really picked up; but with the rapid advancement of technology and social media, we're simply hearing about it more. Monfort makes a thought-provoking point: at the onset of the rise of the internet, sightings of flying objects, specifically, actually went down, while sightings of mysterious lights went up. Did camera phones make it harder for people to claim to see flying saucers, since we'd have no excuse not to film them? Lights in the sky, on the other hand, are easy to film, debate, and argue as signs of aliens.
Monfort made another point that forces us to question the significant climb in sightings: understandably, sightings are higher than average on the Fourth of July. This could be because aliens use fireworks to disguise their own aircrafts (spooky!), or because we see fireworks and think they're aliens. But, Monfort says, why did the "Fourth of July effect" only kick in around 2008?
Finally, there's this explanation: more and more aliens are visiting earth, plain and simple. They're probably going to land really soon, stop by all of our homes to say hello, and then add us as friends on Facebook. Or maybe... they're already here. Consider all the stories of humans claiming they were abducted by aliens — we don't think every single one of them is a hoax, do we? (No.) Sure, ET enthusiasts might find a way to prove alien life even when it isn't there — like the mysterious ghost lady found on Mars — but that doesn't mean that somewhere out there, fishy looking aliens with giant heads and big eyes aren't walking around studying human behavior and wondering why we take so many selfies.
If you're a true stargazer and want to increase the odds of finding a UFO, Kaggle's data suggests that July through January are the busiest months (in other words, hurry TF up because it's almost January), and the best time of the week is Saturday night, between 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. Happy UFO hunting!
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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