The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
In a work funded by Google, NASA engineers trained an artificial intelligence to race drones in a challenging obstacle course. The AI proved to be a worthy match against one of the world’s best human pilots. While it didn’t have the fastest time, the AI never fatigues and made far safer turns and twists.
Credit: NASA.
The drone-racing AI is the culmination of two years of work by researchers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The team designed three drones — Batman, Joker, and Nightwing — which were embedded with complex algorithms that instruct the flying gizmos how to navigate obstacles. JPL used some of the visual-based navigation technology it had previously used for spacecraft.
To see how well their drones behave, NASA enlisted world-class pilot Ken Loo who raced against the drones on October 12.
The drones could reach a staggering 80 mph (129 kph) in a straight line. However, during the actual race itself which took place in a JPL warehouse, the drones mainly flew at 30 or 40 mph (48 to 64 kph).
Loo scored a better time, averaging 11.1 seconds, while the completely autonomous drones clocked in 13.9 seconds on average. The AI was far more steady, on the other hand, while Loo’s times varied more. What’s more, the AI flew the same racing line every lap.
“We pitted our algorithms against a human, who flies a lot more by feel,” said Rob Reid of JPL, the project’s task manager. “You can actually see that the A.I. flies the drone smoothly around the course, whereas human pilots tend to accelerate aggressively, so their path is jerkier.”‘
Unlike Loo, however, the drones never get tired and are always up to the task of navigating a challenging environment time and time again. This makes them far safer and reliable in the long run.
“This is definitely the densest track I’ve ever flown,” Loo said. “One of my faults as a pilot is I get tired easily. When I get mentally fatigued, I start to get lost, even if I’ve flown the course 10 times.”
Autonomous drones typically rely on GPS to navigate their surroundings but this is not an option in enclosed spaces such as a warehouse or dense urban areas. Camera-based localization and mapping are far more useful in this situation which is what’s been used here. According to Reid, their technology could be used by commercial drones to check inventory in a warehouse, for instance, or assist in rescue operations atdisaster sites where there unpredictable and numerous obstacles. One day, autonomous drones might even shuttle around a space station.
We all want there to be aliens. Green ones, pink ones, brown ones, Greys. Or maybe Vulcans, Klingons, even a being of pure energy. Any type will do.
That’s why whenever a mysterious signal or energetic fluctuation arrives from somewhere in the cosmos and hits one of our many telescopes, headlines erupt across the media: “Have We Finally Detected An Alien Signal?” or “Have Astronomers Discovered An Alien Megastructure?” But science-minded people know that we’re probably getting ahead of ourselves.
Skepticism still rules the day when it comes to these headlines, and the events that spawn them. That’s the way it should be, because we’ve always found a more prosaic reason for whatever signal from space we’re talking about. But, being skeptical is a balancing act; it doesn’t mean being dismissive.
What we’re talking about here is a study from E.F. Borra and E. Trottier, two astronomers at Laval University in Canada. Their study, titled “Discovery of peculiar periodic spectral modulations in a small fraction of solar type stars” was published in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
The two astronomers used data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and analyzed the spectra of 2.5 million stars. Of all those stars, they found 234 stars that are producing a puzzling signal. That’s only a tiny percentage. And, they say, these signals “have exactly the shape of an ETI signal” that was predicted in a previous study by Borra.
Prediction is a key part of the scientific method. If you develop a theory, your theory looks better and better the more you can use it to correctly predict some future events based on it. Look how many times Einstein’s predictions based on Relativity have been proven correct.
The 234 stars in Borra and Trottier’s study aren’t random. They’re “overwhelmingly in the F2 to K1 spectral range” according to the abstract. That’s significant because this is a small range centred around the spectrum of our own Sun. And our own Sun is the only one we know of that has an intelligent species living near it. If ours does, maybe others do too?
The authors acknowledge five potential causes of their findings: instrumental and data reduction effects, rotational transitions in molecules, the Fourier transform of spectral lines, rapid pulsations, and finally the ETI signal predicted by Borra (2012). They dismiss molecules or pulsations as causes, and they deem it highly unlikely that the signals are caused by the Fourier analysis itself. This leaves two possible sources for the detected signals. Either they’re a result of the Sloan instrument itself and the data reduction, or they are in fact a signal from extra-terrestrial intelligences.
The detected signals are pulses of light separated by a constant time interval. These types of signals were predicted by Borra in his 2012 paper, and they are what he and Trottier set out to find in the Sloan data. It may be a bit of a red flag when scientist’s find the very thing they predicted they would find. But Trottier and Borra are circumspect about their own results.
As the authors say in their paper, “Although unlikely, there is also a possibility that the signals are due to highly peculiar chemical compositions in a small fraction of galactic halo stars.” It may be unlikely, but lots of discoveries seem unlikely at first. Maybe there is a tiny subset of stars with chemical peculiarities that make them act in this way.
To sum it all up, the two astronomers have found a tiny number of stars, very similar to our own Sun, that seem to be the source of pulsed signals. These signals are the same as predicted if a technological society was using powerful lasers to communicate with distant stars.
We all want there to be aliens, and maybe the first sign of them will be pulsed light signals from stars like our own Sun. But it’s all still very preliminary, and as the authors acknowledge, “…at this stage, this hypothesis needs to be confirmed with further work.”
The Breakthrough team don’t seem that excited about Borra’s findings. They’ve already poured cold water on it, trotting out the old axiom that “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” in a statement on Borra’s paper. They also give Borra’s findings a score of 0 to 1 on the Rio Scale. The Rio Scale is something used by the international SETI community to rank detections of phenomena that could indicate advanced life beyond Earth. A rating of 0 to 1 means its insignificant.
Astronomen stuiten op vreemde signalen uit de ruimte. Proberen 234 buitenaardse soorten contact met ons op te nemen?
Astronomen stuiten op vreemde signalen uit de ruimte. Proberen 234 buitenaardse soorten contact met ons op te nemen?
Twee astronomen van de Laval-universiteit in het Canadese Québec hebben in de afgelopen jaren 2,5 miljoen sterren geobserveerd.
Bij de overgrote meerderheid daarvan hebben ze niets abnormaals kunnen vaststellen, maar bij 234 sterren hoorden ze dusdanig vreemde boodschappen dat ze vermoeden dat het weleens om buitenaards leven zou kunnen gaan.
Wetenschappers Ermanno Borra en Eric Trottier voerden een studie uit naar de sterrenhemel. Een fractie van de sterren vertoonde vreemd gedrag, waar niet gelijk een verklaring voor is.
Buitenaards signaal
Dat leidt de wetenschappers tot de conclusie dat het weleens zou kunnen gaan om aliens die ons op de hoogte willen brengen van hun bestaan.
“We hebben ontdekt dat de signalen exact de vorm hebben van een buitenaards signaal dat in een eerdere publicatie voorspeld werd en ze liggen dan ook in lijn met deze hypothese,” klonk het.
“Het feit dat ze enkel gevonden werden in een kleine fractie van de sterren in een nauw spectrum vlak bij de zon, komt ook overeen met de hypothese van buitenaards leven,” aldus de onderzoekers.
De studie is gepubliceerd in het vakblad Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific onder de titel ‘Signals probably from Extraterrestrial Intelligence’.
De wetenschappers benadrukken dat meer onderzoek nodig zal zijn om te kunnen bevestigen of het daadwerkelijk gaat om aliens.
Objecten die ontdekt worden in de ruimte krijgen altijd een eigen unieke aanduiding met daarin verwerkt meestal ook het jaar waarin ze zijn ontdekt.
Een dergelijk object is C/2017 U1. Het werd afgelopen september ontdekt door astronomen met de PannSTARRS1 telescoop op Hawaï.
Het vreemde is dat niemand eigenlijk precies wat voor object het is. In eerste instantie werd het een komeet genoemd, maar omdat het niet een soort omloopbaan om de zon heeft zoals gebruikelijk bij kometen begon men te twijfelen of het wel een komeet was. Wel heeft men vast kunnen stellen dat het object een doorsnede heeft van ongeveer 160 meter en reist met een snelheid van 26 kilometer per seconde.
Wat dit object vooral bijzonder maakt, is dat het schijnt te komen van buiten ons zonnestelsel en daardoor een vreemde omloopbaan heeft. In het volgende plaatje wordt object c/2017 U1 weergegeven als geel en ter vergelijking zijn de groene fictieve omloopbanen van kometen. Dit om duidelijk te maken in hoeverre die omloopbaan van C/2017 afwijkt.
Nog nooit hebben wij op aarde een wat men nu noemt interstellaire komeet meegemaakt. Een komeet afkomstig uit een ander zonnestelsel dan de onze. Was dit waar Ferrada al over sprak en wat hij cometa planeta noemde, of mogelijk iets wat bij dit fenomeen hoort?
Sinds ons artikel zijn er alleen nog maar meer vragen gerezen over dit object dat inmiddels de naam Oumuamua heeft gekregen. Het object dat van een ander zonnestelsel kwam, om de zon draaide en weer verdween in de ruimte.
Volgens de European Southern Observatory (ESO) is Oumuamua een object dat we nog nooit eerder hebben gezien en bestaat het uit rots of metaal met een roodachtige kleur.
Het object moet er ongeveer als volgt uit zien. Een ander fenomeen is dat het om haar eigen as lijkt te draaien en dat de lichtintensiteit varieert.
Men probeert wanhopig om voor dit alles logische verklaringen te vinden, maar slaagt daar niet zo erg in.
Men vermoedt dat het uit de buurt komt van de ster Vega, maar ook dat schijnt niet te kunnen omdat in de tijd dat Oumuamua daar is vertrokken, die ster op een heel andere plek stond. Nu denken ze dat het object misschien wel helemaal nergens thuishoort en als een soort los projectiel door de ruimte zwerft.
De wetenschap zit (ook) wat dit object betreft met de handen in het haar, want niet één van de normale verklaringen past.
Waar we hier over praten, is een groot moederschip dat ons hier met een bezoek heeft vereerd. Dat is de enige logische verklaring en ook is er ook één die past in de omschrijving van het object en de gedragingen.
Zoals iemand anders opmerkte, is het niet de eerste keer dat we een dergelijk object tegenkomen. Niet alleen worden ze regelmatig gespot, maar er is er ook één gevonden op een foto die gemaakt is van de achterkant van de maan tijdens de Apollo 15 vlucht.
“I will never say this lightly, but we are, swear to God, actually discussing with some seriousness right now what are the odds that this was actually a spaceship. Which I 100% assure you has never happened before in my memory with seriousness.”
Well, that didn’t take long. Shortly after the announcement that the interstellar object, now named ‘Oumuamua, which visited our solar system last month was oddly cylindrical in shape, speculation arose on reddit and other places that it could have actually been a spaceship, possibly one traveling for millions of years and not necessarily occupied anymore. The above comment was from a reddit commentator Andromeda321 who was identified as an astronomer and it stimulated many interesting and well-thought-out comments on the possibility, as well as more than a few expressing incredulity.
Also on reddit, Eyusmaximus brings up the possibility that “An interstellar ship could maybe possibly be using an Alcubierre drive” (a theoretical faster-than-light idea using negative mass) and others speculated that its shape resembles a booster drive discarded after usage.
Over at Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange, someone compared the shape and spinning of ‘Oumuamua to that of Rama, the spaceship in Arthur C. Clarke’s sci-fi novel, Rendezvous with Rama, which was 50 km long by 16 km wide (31 by 10 miles – much bigger that the 400 meter long ‘Oumuamua) which had a 0.25 rpm spin to provide artificial gravity.
On Twitter at #Oumuamua, AndersonatAberdeen (@AndersAberdeen) said “#Oumuamua rather reminds me of the probe from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home.” That’s the whale probe, which had a similar shape.
An interesting comment by A.C. Charania (@ac_charania) refers to a paper he wrote in 2008 called “Dyson Asteroid Shells: Hollow Worlds from the Outside-In” which proposes creating “a human asteroid habitat” by “enclosing a small body such as an asteroid (potentially focused on rubble pile compositions) in a rigid or semi-rigid shell” he calls a “Dyson Asteroid Shell.” His drawings suggest a cylindrical shape might be better for space travel. Did some alien civilization beat him to it? Is this more plausible than Tabby’s star and the Dyson sphere?
Unfortunately, our measly Earth rockets couldn’t catch up to ‘Oumuamua to do a landing, intercept or visual inspection. In fact, the main ‘visual’ we have of it so far is an artist’s rendition which makes it look like a long pointed rock. A conspiracy theorist might wonder if it was intentionally drawn that way to hide its real identity from the public.
The point of light in the middle is ‘Oumuamua
Will we ever know if ‘Oumuamua was a spaceship? Probably not. Our best bet, now that we know these oddly-shaped intergalactic asteroids exist, is to watch for more and get better pictures instead of relying on drawings. And, while ‘weird space rock’ is still leading in the polls, it’s always nice to have an opportunity to bring up Arthur C. Clarke and his fascinating and prescient novels.
As the investigation of the alien abduction phenomenon has shown, more than a few alien abductees report being taken to rooms that are in stark contrast to the sterile and clean – and almost obsessively so – environments aboard UFOs. In these particular cases, abductees enter an environment in which what are known as “hybrid children” are given toys to play with. It’s as if a concerted attempt is being made to humanize the hybrids even more. Whether this is done from a positive perspective of inter-species cooperation and inter-breeding, or if it’s done to ensure that the hybrids can more successfully infiltrate human society in a sinister, hostile fashion, very much remains to be seen. It’s also very dependent on which side of the fence you stand. Possibly, you may well be of the opinion that the whole issue is complete and utter nonsense. Or, just the stuff of fiction.
Despite the bizarre and controversial nature of such stories, there’s no doubt that such reports abound. Take, for example, the story of Jennifer, a life-long resident of New Jersey. In her mid-thirties, she has conscious recall of encounters with the so-called extraterrestrial “Greys” going back to her early childhood, as does her mother. Even her grandmother has vague recollections of encountering a group of “little men” in New Jersey woods, during the summer months, at some point in the 1940s; something which emphasizes the ongoing, multi-generational aspect of these events that so many people report. As well as her consciously recalled interactions with the Greys, Jennifer has been able to pull further recollections out of the depths of her mind and subconscious via hypnosis. One recollection, in particular, stands out, in terms of relevancy to the theme of this article. And in terms of it’s profound strangeness too.
Although Jennifer has no memories of interactions with hybrid babies, she does have memories of being taken from her home, in 2009, to what she described as looking like “an old military base, but shut down,” where she encountered hybrid children. Notably, there are other examples of abandoned, official facilities seemingly being used in covert abduction-related situations. Jennifer’s hypnotically-recovered recollections began with her stepping out of what she first thought was a large, black sedan, but that, with hindsight, she came to believe was a landed UFO. The image of the car, then, possibly being a screen-memory designed to mask, or at least confuse, the true nature of the event. She then recalls being guided, in a somewhat groggy and hazy state, to an elevator by three dwarfish figures that she found it difficult to recall, in terms of their physical appearances. What she had no trouble remembering, however, was what happened next.
After what she perceived as an incredibly long descent in the elevator, Jennifer was taken to a large room which was filled with two things: (A) a group of five or six hybrid children, all but one female; and (B) a multitude of toys. Strewn across the floor were teddy-bears, dolls, and a large amount of fluffy, toy dogs. The hybrids – skinny, sickly-looking, yellow-haired, and seemingly disinterested in the toys – were sitting on chairs placed in a row against one of the walls.
It was Jennifer’s “job” – as she worded it – to try and encourage the children to play with the toys, something she was only partially successful in doing. Two of the children actually smiled and even laughed when Jennifer gently tossed a couple of teddy-bears in their direction. The others offered little more than disinterest. Time and again, Jennifer was urged to interact with the hybrids. And on each occasion, the response was far from encouraging. Evidently, Jennifer’s abductors realized that things were not proceeding well and she was finally motioned to the door. Once again, her mind was filled with images of sitting in a black sedan, and being driven back to her home. Yet, as with her arrival at the facility, she had deep suspicions that the car imagery was, effectively, “implanted” in her mind and did not tell the true and full story of how she found herself deep underground.
An extreme dream of the fantastic kind or something much more? I don’t have the answer, but having hung out with Jennifer on several occasions, I don’t see her as a crazy person, as a fantasist, or as a liar. I see Jennifer as someone looking for answers to a mystery that has dominated and dictated much of her life.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Alien Abductee Tells All: Inside UFO, Secret Bases On Earth, and more!
Alien Abductee Tells All: Inside UFO, Secret Bases On Earth, and more!
Steve Boucher shares 2 incredible stories of close encounters with aliens he had as a child and as a teenager:
1. A UFO stopped Steve and his father on the road one night and one of the beings took his father onboard the ship while another alien sat with Steve in the car for about 20 minutes keeping him company until his father returned.
Steve was about 4 years old at the time. His father confirmed the story in later years when Steve asked him about it, saying he "thought it was a dream."
2. Steve and his band are abducted when driving home from a gig. Four of them are taken on the craft, told to take off all their clothes, and are given a series of tests.
Note: These tests are possible part of a hybrid interbreeding program that has been active for many years and still continues.
Before taking off, the aliens told Steve he would forget this whole incident, which he soon did, but later remembered it in full detail through hypnosis.
Interesting daytime footage of UFOs over Paris, France
Interesting daytime footage of UFOs over Paris, France
This is one older footage from June 2010 that was just recently submitted to MUFON. This happened over Paris, France.
Witness report:
Othernight in a clear blue sky appeared first lighting orbs which became “smartphones” like—
I was at home with my 12 years old daughter during the beginning of summer on the 24th of june 2010 when i was ‘attracted’ outside on the balcony, we live on the 5th floor of a building in paris, france. i watched the clear blue sky when it occured orbs lights. i immediatly took my video camera and first did a snapshot of these stranges objetcts then put the camera on and recorded it. see picture & video attached. i was stunned – and my daugter as well – you can hear our voices on the video and also see a bird passing by the frame. weirdly, the orbs occured to became kind of ‘smartphones’ as i’ve seen a lot in videos in the sky of mexico and so on after this event. anyway, since then i made a lot of research on the topic and it took me all this time for finally register this event on your website. thanks for your attention & sharing.
A dazzling fireball careering through the night sky in Japan has been caught on several cameras.
Witnesses reported seeing a soundless bright light illuminate the sky for a few seconds as it shot down to Earth with a greenish glow.
An expert believes it is likely the fireball was a tiny chunk of space rock burning up in our atmosphere.
A dazzling fireball careering through the night sky in Japan has been caught on several cameras. Witnesses reported seeing a soundless bright light illuminate the sky for a few seconds as it shot down to earth with a greenish glow
Yasuo Shiba an executive of Nippon Meteor Society believes the object was likely part of the Taurids meteor shower.
Each year, from the end of October, the skies play host to the meteor shower, dubbed 'nature's fireworks'.
The Taurids display is created by debris left behind by Encke's comet, named after the astronomer who discovered it's annual trajectory in 1819.
During the shower, streaks of light, or 'shooting stars' will be seen across the sky, caused by grains of dust and ice shed by a comet that entered the atmosphere at 37 miles per second (60 km/s).
As they hit the atmosphere, friction causes them to burn up as they heat the air around them, causing the trails to be seen from the ground.
It first appeared as a tiny orb, before blossoming into a massive flash that illuminated the night sky.
The remarkable object was spotted by numerous people when it fell to Earth on the 21 November, with reports received in both Yoshitaka and Syouko in southern Japan.
It flashed a few times before vanishing as it fell to Earth at around 9.30pm, according to The Asashi Shimbun.
'Such brightness could be observed only a handful of times in any given year', said Yasuo Shiba, an executive of Nippon Meteor Society.
'It lit up for about three seconds. It is almost certainly a fireball,' said Mr Shiba, who observed the event.
He believes the object was likely part of the Taurids meteor shower observed in October and November.
Each year, from the end of October, the skies play host to the meteor shower, dubbed 'nature's fireworks'.
The Taurids display is created by debris left behind by Encke's comet, named after the astronomer who discovered it's annual trajectory in 1819.
The fireball first appears as a tiny orb in the night sky, before blossoming (circled in red) into a massive flash that illuminates the night sky
During the shower, streaks of light, or 'shooting stars' can be seen across the sky, caused by grains of dust and ice shed by a comet that entered the atmosphere at 37 miles per second (60 km/s).
As they hit the atmosphere, friction causes them to burn up as they heat the air around them, causing the trails to be seen from the ground.
'It's a fireball ... a big meteor,' confirmed Chisato Yamauchi, a researcher at Misato astronomical observatory in Wakayama Prefecture.
'Fragments of sand and stone moving through space lit up due to friction upon entering Earth's atmosphere,' he explained.
Last week a similar bright flash tore across the sky in Phoenix.
The remarkable object was spotted by numerous people in the area, with reports streaming in from Arizona and the surrounding states, including California , Nevada, Utah and New Mexico.
The remarkable object was spotted by numerous people when it fell to Earth on the 21 November, with reports received in both Yoshitaka and Syouko in southern Japan
Last week a similar bright flash tore across the sky in Phoenix. The remarkable object was spotted by numerous people in the area, with reports streaming in from Arizona and the surrounding states
'Something BRILLIANT just flew across the Phoenix sky around 8:30 this evening!' the City of Phoenix, AZ tweeted last night.
'Check out what our Phoenix City Cam Captured! Look to the right of this screen.'
The stunning video, captured with a Nest security camera, shows the moment an object appears over the city.
According to the American Meteor Society, this week alone has several sources of meteoric activity, leading to fireball sightings all around the world.
In the span of just ten hours between Nov 14 and 15, there were four major sightings, with events in France and Germany, as well as two parts of the US.
A striking new video released by NASA shows how the surface of the planet transforms over 20 years of changing seasons.
Credit: NASA/Youtube.
“It’s like watching the Earth breathe. It’s really remarkable*,” said NASA oceanographer, Jeremy Werdell, in a statement.
“It’s like all of my senses are being transported into space, and then you can compress time and rewind it, and just continually watch this kind of visualization,” he added.
Scientists constructed the visualization with data compiled from September 1997 to September 2017. These twenty years have been condensed in two-and-a-half minutes of mesmerizing imagery that shows how Earth’s surface ebbs and flows with the seasons.
In this dance of the seasons, you can witness how Earth’s vegetation changes. By monitoring the color of reflected light via satellite, scientists can determine how successfully plant life is photosynthesizing, which can be highly important when assessing biosphere health.
Polar ice caps and snow cover extends and retreats while oceans transition from shades of blue and green into hues of red and purple as marine life blooms or goes under. The algae bloom of 1997-1998 is particularly striking, having turned sizable areas of the Pacific into a bright green, spurred by a water-warming El Nino merged with a cooling La Nina.
It took three months of hard work to complete the visualization of satellite imagery but in the end, it was all worth it. Now, policymakers, but also businesses like commercial fishermen, can use these resources in their decision-making process.
This is only the beginning. Like the seasons, NASA’s visualization will only change. Engineers will improve their renditions with each new version as more and better remote-sensing satellites making into Earth’s orbit.
Archaeologists make stunning underwater discovery near the port of Alexandria in Egypt
Archaeologists make stunning underwater discovery near the port of Alexandria in Egypt
Three shipwrecks dating back to ancient Roman times have been discovered by experts during archaeological excavation work carried out in the eastern port of Alexandria, Egypt. It is believed that more shipwrecks will be found as excavations continue in 2018.
Ancient Egypt’s gateway to the Mediterranean – submerged and buried under layers of sand – is an important reminder of the great numbers of sunken treasures that remain hidden from modern history.
Now, experts have made another sensational discovery in the bay of Abu Qir in Alexandria.
Three ancient shipwrecks dating back to Roman times have been discovered during archaeological excavation work carried out in the eastern port of Alexandria, Egypt.
The discovery, made by an Egyptian mission in collaboration with the European Institute of Underwater Archeology, includes a head carved in glass dating from Roman times and probably belongs to the commander of the Roman armies «Antonio», in addition to three golden coins dating from the Emperor “Octavio”, in the bay of Abu Qir in Alexandria.
Mostafa Waziri, the head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, confirmed the find in a statement posted on the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities Facebook page.
One of the artifacts recovered from the shipwrecks.
Image Credit: Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities.
The archaeological mission has also discovered a votive boat of the god Osiris in the sunken city of Heraklion.
According to Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities, Osama Alnahas, head of the Central Department of Underwater Antiquities in Egypt, the discovery of the three shipwrecks may point the archaeological mission to other treasures still hidden underwater.
Excavation work indicates that a fourth wreck would be discovered during the next season, as the mission discovered several large wooden planks, as well as archaeological remains of ceramic vessels that may represent the cargo of the ship.
The discovery of the three shipwrecks was made after archeologists dived down to the sunken city of Heraclion, located underneath Abu Qir Bay.
The underwater city of Heraclion is one of the sunken jewels of Ancient Egypt.
Heraclion was an ancient Egyptian city located near the Canopic Mouth of the Nile, about 32 km northeast of Alexandria.
Its ruins are located in Abu Qir Bay, currently 2.5 km off the coast, under 10 m (30 ft) of water.
Experts believe more treasure remains hidden underwater.
Image Credit: Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities.
Its legendary beginnings go back to as early as the 12th century BC, and it is mentioned by ancient Greek historians.
Its importance grew particularly during the waning days of the Pharaohs.
In the Late Period, it was Egypt’s main port for international trade and collection of taxes.
The submerged ruins of the city were located by French underwater archaeologist Franck Goddio in 1999.
Until then, scholars were not sure if Heraclion and Thonis were in fact one and the same city. Goddio’s finds have included incomplete statues of the god Serapis and the queen Arsinoe II.
Experts believe that a treasure-trove of ancient artifacts still remain to be found in the Abu Qir Bay, where the three ancient Roman shipwrecks were just found.
Researchers find a 3,000-year-old ‘Castle’ in the largest lake in Turkey
Researchers find a 3,000-year-old ‘Castle’ in the largest lake in Turkey
The locals have been telling stories for centuries that there is “something” hidden in the depths of Lake Van, in Turkey. In fact, the place even has its own legendary monster.
Now, a team of archaeologists has just discovered that legends can have their basis after all and that not all legends are just folklore and myth.
Divers from Van Yüzüncü Yıl University have just found something, indeed, but it is not a monster, but the ruins of a huge castle built sometime between the ninth and sixth centuries BC.
The ruins stretch for one kilometer to a depth of several hundred meters. The alkalinity of the water has served to preserve the walls in enviable conditions, with sections that rise up to four meters high at the bottom of the lake. However, it is not known for sure how tall they are. Part of the structure is buried in the mud and researchers believe it can be an even bigger construction.
The castle belongs to the mysterious civilization of the Urartu, also known as the Kingdom of Van. 3,000 years ago, the water level in Lake Van was much lower, and the Urartu settled here, building cities with palaces and temples inspired by Assyrian architecture and lavishly decorated details.
Ancient Urartu cuneiform from Cavustepe’s fortress.
Image Credit: Shutterstock
The remains of some of these buildings have been appearing over the years on the shores of the lake. Among them, researchers have found an ancient fortress with an inscription carved by order of King Darius, father of Xerxes the Great.
The discovery of the submerged castle confirms that the region was of great importance in its day.
Perhaps it is even one of the lost capitals of the Urartu empire.
The Urartu empire stretched across a region between the southeast of the Black Sea and the southwest of the Caspian Sea, currently shared by the Armenian Republic, Iran, and Turkey, formed after the fall of the Hittite Empire.
It includes the great lakes Van in Turkey (where the old capital Tushpa is located), Urmia (in Iran) and Lake Seván (in Armenia).
Urartu is one of the first kingdoms of Armenia.
The underwater ruins.
Its ancient historical apogee took place in the IX and VIII centuries BC.
The local language was similar to Hurrian.
The proximity to the overwhelming Assyrian kingdom produced from 1275 BC a strong ideological, literary and technical influence on Urartu.
Speaking to Hurriyet Daily News, Mr. Tahsin Ceylan, an underwater photographer and videographer said:
“Many civilizations and people had settled around Lake Van. They named the lake the ‘upper sea’ and believed it had many mysterious things. With this belief in mind, we are working to reveal the lake’s ‘secrets,’” adding that Lake Van had a history of 600,000 years.
“The walls of this castle cover a wide section. The excavations need to be done underwater but we don’t know how deep the walls are. A three to four meter wall section can be seen and the castle ruins cover an area of one kilometer. Since the water of Lake Van is alkaline, the castle has not been damaged and has kept its characteristics underwater. We have detected the castle’s exact location and photographed it and have made progress in our research. We now believe we have discovered a new area for archaeologists and historians to study,” Ceylan said.
In 2015, NASA scientists announced they’d found briny water flowing out of Martian mountain slopes. The news got a lot of people excited, especially about the prospect of finding microbial life — always a possibility when flowing water is involved. But now American and British researchers say we likely got carried away. The features NASA initially identified look and behave more like flowing sand rather than flowing water, the authors report in Nature Geoscience.
Recurring slope linea on Mars.
Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona/USGS.
The initial discovery was performed by a team of researchers led by Lujendra Ojha of the Georgia Institute of Technology. Ojha and colleagues showed that seasonal dark streaks called “recurring slope lineae” (RSL) appear like spots on the planet’s surface, on the slopes of mountain ridges. Judging from the features captured by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) and the spectral analysis that revealed that chemical makeup of the dark streaks, the researchers concluded they were looking at hydrated salts or brine.
On Mars, average temperatures are about -55° C ( -67° F). That’s way too cold for water to stay liquid though salt is known to significantly lower a solution’s freezing temperature. Colin Dundas, a geologist at the US Geological Survey, along with colleagues, analyzed the Martian topology at the site where the RSL were found. The investigation showed that the dark RSL don’t really behave like water. Their length compared to the slope of the hill are better explained by flowing grains of sand, instead. If it were really water, MRO should have seen more water flowing further down the slope, which wasn’t the case.
Another important piece of evidence that supports the hypothesis that the RSL are nothing but sand deals with the so-called ‘angle of repose’. This is the specific angle at which rivulets of sand can form and Dundas’ team showed that the RSL have been observed only on hillsides that reach the angle of repose for sand dunes. Water, on the other hand, should appear on gentler slopes too. So, if it looks and behaves like sand, it likely is.
“We’ve thought of RSL as possible liquid water flows, but the slopes are more like what we expect for dry sand,” Dundas, lead author on the new study, said in a statement. “This new understanding of RSL supports other evidence that shows that Mars today is very dry.”
“The RSL don’t flow onto shallower slopes, and the lengths of these are so closely correlated with the dynamic angle of repose, it can’t be a coincidence,” Alfred McEwen, a professor of planetary geology at the University of Arizona.
That’s not to say that there isn’t any water in those RSL. It’s just that the odds of finding flowing water on the planet just got a lot dimmer. The only way we know for sure is by literally getting some boots wet. In this case, some rover wheels. MRO Project Scientist Rich Zurek cautions, however, that any in-situ expedition needs to take extra precautions not to contaminate the site with Earth-based microbial agents. “A full explanation of how these enigmatic features darken and fade still eludes us. Remote sensing at different times of day could provide important clues,” Zurek said.
Mars is coveredwith spooky little grooves, some of which have been attributed to flowing water. Unfortunately, it seems scientists might have been a little off in their understanding of some of Mars’s lines — and it’s potentially a bummer for astrobiologists.
Historically, seasonal dark streaks on the Red Planet have been the source of some debate. Some scientists have suggested that these lines — called recurring slope lineae (RSL) — were caused by once-flowing water on the planet. Others have posited the grooves were created by the flow of something else, such as sand.
But a new study published Monday in Nature Geoscience bolsters the latter idea — that flowing sand and dust from avalanches could have created these dark streaks.
“The RSL (recurring slope lineae) on Mars behave in a similar way to laboratory experiments on Earth,” Planetary Science Institute Senior Scientist Jim McElwaine, a co-author on the paper, said in a statement. “What is still not understood is where the supply of fresh material comes from, though we do have some speculative ideas.”
If Mars’s RSL are indeed formed by sand — not water — that could be a sign that the Red Planet has been dry for a really long time. That doesn’t bode well for astrobiologists and other scientists hoping to find microbes on Mars.
Of course, we have a lot more searching to do before we know what the RSL are for sure. Hopefully we still find tiny traces of life no matter what.
Photos via NASA/JPL, NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
In 2015, scientists announced something incredible: They had strong evidence that there was liquid water flowing on Mars today. The implications were huge for the possibility of alien life and resources for future crewed missions to the Martian surface. Now, all of those hopes have been put on hold by a new study published in Nature Geoscience. Following is a transcript of the video.
These mysterious marks on Mars are at the heart of a giant controversy. They're called recurring slope lineae (RSL).
Scientists first discovered them in 2011 from images taken by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Almost immediately, scientists noticed something puzzling.
RSL have regular seasonal changes. During warm seasons they grow darker and longer. But in cooler seasons they fade away.
In 2015, scientists announced they had a solution. RSL were likely the result of liquid water flowing downhill on Mars. Later reports speculated that RSL may even be a good place for life.
Now, all of that has been called into question.
New evidence adds another mystery to the mix most RSL only occur on slopes that are steeper than 27º. The researchers argue that if RSL were from water then they should appear on shallow slopes as well as steep ones.
They report that instead of water RSL are probably made from falling sand and dust. However, their idea doesn't explain why RSL change with the seasons.
Until we visit these unusual Martian features this mystery will remain one of Mars' best-kept secrets.
The video released by conspiracy theory YouTube channel ikillMasons4fun, appears to show the wreckage of what is alleged to be from a UFO recovered from the notorious Roswell crash site in 1947, according to reports.
Roswell has been at the heart of the UFO scene since in July 1947 the military sensationally announced in a press release it had found the remains of a crashed flying saucer in the desert nearby.
But the following day it retracted the statement, saying it was in fact a damaged US Air Force air balloon.
Witnesses later came forward to say there had been alien bodies within the "crashed craft", which along with the wreckage were then taken to a mysterious top-secret military base.
There have been many theories about what actually happened, but an official government probe into what happened concluded it was a secret spy balloon being tested.
It remains one of the world's biggest conspiracy theories.
Sure, of course. It's the same Santilli's footage already published.
Scott Brando
Although it is a proven hoax, its producer Ray Santilli, 58, insists it was based on “real poor quality” genuine footage he received from the cameraman in the US in 1992.
The alien autopsy film was propelled back into the headlines in September after Spyros Melaris, who was hired by Mr Santilli and film producer Gary Shoefield to make the black and white film, told the story of his involvement in a one-man West End show.
Mr Melaris revealed how the video was produced inside a north London flat, thousands of miles from the secret US base it was purporting to be in.
He explained how the "dead alien" in the 17-minute film, which has been viewed by millions of people across the globe, was created by a sculptor called John Humphreys, who was a special effects expert who had worked on the sets of Dr Who.
The 16mm film was then spliced with an original Pathe newsreel of a 1947 college baseball match in Roswell to help convince experts from Kodak it could be real, he said.
Scott Brando, who runs debunking website, viewed the edited version released by ikillMasons4fun and confirmed it was from the original hoax.
He said: “Sure, of course. It's the same Santilli's footage already published.”
but to the disappointment of alien hunters the 1995 footage was later branded an elaborate hoax.
Weather cameras and mobile phones captured the moment when a fireball lit up the night skies across Japan. (22/11/2017)
They even identified its location over Earth, calculated the speed at which it was moving, and compared its brightness favorably to that of Venus. Judging by the angle it was /falling, the agency said they thought it was a natural meteor rather than a piece of ubiquitous space junk, but they noted they couldn't be positive.
An ESA scientist used this image to calculate how fast the meteor was moving.
Then Secureteam, which dubs itself "the fastest-growing research outlet and source for data on the alien phenomenon, UFOs and the exposure of those covering them up," decided it was a cover-up, in part arguing that the ESA's speed calculation was incorrect since the video was a time-lapse.
James Oberg, who used to work in mission control at NASA, is used to this sort of approach to UFO sightings, and in a fascinating interview with Atlas Obscura, he explains why space phenomena trip people up. As a hobby, he has traced back decades'-worth of UFO sightings to more mundane explanations, drawing on his professional expertise in space missions.
His time at mission control, he says, not only means he has the skills to cross-reference sightings with agency documents that point to straightforward explanations, but he also has a mindset that's really difficult for Earthlings to develop. After all, everything in space is based on different perceptual cues: There's no gravity, for example, and some reports deal with images taken from the International Space Station, which is hurtling through space at five miles per second. “Our sensory system is functioning absolutely perfectly for Earth conditions,” Oberg told Atlas Obscura. “But we’re still a local civilization. Moving beyond our neighborhood has been visually confusing.”
One example is the dancing lights seen about three minutes into this video filmed from a space shuttle flight. Oberg here points out that given the spacecraft's speed, these spots aren't dancing at all, they're traveling more or less at pace with the shuttle. Oberg writes them off as small pieces of ice or insulation that have detached from the shuttle but are still keeping pace with it.
Sightings of UFOs appear to be on the rise, and now an interactive map can reveal whether 'aliens' have been seen in your area.
The map, created by UFO Stalker based on the MUFON Case Management System, reveals that a total of 83,715 sightings have been reported this year alone - 12 per cent higher than the number of sighting in 2016.
The map allows users to view UFO sighting reports based on location and by date. It then displays UFO symbols on a map of that area, which users can click to view each report.
Click on the map below to zoom in on your area
Sightings last week: 83
Sightings last month: 358
Sightings last year: 5,372
Total sightings this year: 83,715
The map reveals that in the UK alone, there have been seven reported UFO sightings in November.
On 15 November, one user reported seeing a UFO over Aberdeen.
The report states: 'Standing at my kitchen window I noticed a very bright red and white light flashing every two seconds.
'I instantly knew this was not a passenger plane or helicopter.
'The object itself was traveling directly North. It just looked like a medium brightness star but had an intensely bright white and red light. The white light was stacked on top of the red light and they would pulse on and off every 2 seconds.'
Meanwhile in Thornaby, another person spotted a mysterious object on November 8.
An interactive map has been created showing UFO sightings reported every day. The map, created by UFO Stalker, reveals that a total of 83,715 sightings have been reported this year alone - 12 per cent higher than the number of sighting in 2016
The interactive map allows users to view UFO sighting reports based on location and by date. It then displays UFO symbols on a map of that area, which users can click to view each report. The map reveals that in the UK alone, there have been seven reported UFO sightings in November
Over the course of three online-based studies, researchers at the University of Kent showed strong links between the belief in conspiracy theories and these psychological traits.
The results showed that those people who rated highly on the narcissism scale and who had low self-esteem were more likely to be conspiracy believers.
However, while low self-esteem, narcissism and belief in conspiracies are strongly linked, it is not clear that one - or a combination - causes the other.
But it hints at an interesting new angle to the world of conspiracy and those who reinforce belief.
The report states: 'I went out into my front garden for a cigarette with my husband and looked up at the clouds.
'Above the houses across the street i noticed a very bright, white, intermittent trail and when following the trail to the right noticed a small white glowing spot (orb?) moving in front of the clouds.
'I told my husband to look at it but the trail had disappeared and he wasn't able to see the orb before it disappeared; I'm not certain whether it went into the clouds or just disappeared.'
UFO sightings were less frequent in Australia, where there were only four reports this month.
But the majority of UFO sightings were in the US, where 26 reports have been filed in November.
On 20 November, a report filed in Albuquerque stated: 'I was driving around in the Nob Hill area of Albuquerque. I turned down a side street and saw a triangle shaped craft with lights that went up the side of it.
'It was illuminated so it formed a V-shape. I stopped to pull over and look at it because I thought it was strange. Witnessed it for about 10 seconds before it was hidden behind a tree.
'The airforce base is close by so I assumed it was a military aircraft but haven't seen one like it before.
UFO sightings were less frequent in Australia, where there were only four reports this month. The majority of UFO sightings were reported in the US, where 26 reports have been filed in November
The interactive map reveals that in Canada, there have been six UFO sightings this month, including in Toronto, Montreal and Manitoba
'My first thought is it was some sort of stealth type plane like b-2 but they don't appear to have that type of light formation at night.'
Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, told MailOnline: 'UFO Stalker is a brilliant visual guide to the location of UFO sightings, and shows the sheer scaleof this phenomena over the last few years.
'The downside of such a map is the quality of the sightings in its data base, these should be carefully filtered if anyone really wants to establish geomagnetic or other links with UFO activity.
'Clusters of sightings might for example be caused by increased media activity in an area, or a bright meteor or other mundane phenomena could also trigger a wave of UFO sightings.
'Nonetheless, this is a handy way of presenting UFO data and is very helpful in helping pin down the weird things seen in our skies.'
The UFO Sighting map follows another map released last week that showed how reports have steadily grown in the US over the last two decades, hitting a mid-summer peak each year.
The map of reported UFO sightings in the US was created by Data Solutions Engineer Adam Crahen of the Data Duo, using data from Kaggle UFO sightings.
The UFO Sighting map follows another map released last week that showed how reports have steadily grown in the US over the last two decades, hitting a mid-summer peak each year
There's little doubt that the internet has played a role in the growth of UFO reports in recent years, though most can be explained by natural or human-caused phenomena.
The image of UFOs in America is often associated with sparsely populated rural settings; a mysterious object hovering over a field of crops, or crashing in a remote expanse of desert land, likely fueled by the famous 1947 Roswell crash in New Mexico.
But, the map shows these reports are actually concentrated in major cities and dense population hubs, making places such as New York and the surrounding metropolitan area hotspots for UFO sightings, along with southern and central California.
The map was created by Data Solutions Engineer Adam Crahen of the Data Duo , using data from Kaggle UFO sightings. Click each green circle to see the details of the report, including a description of the sighting and the shape of the UFO
One account, from Fresno, claims: 'Brilliant flashing light giving off a star affect traveling at an incredible rate of speed, from north to south.'
Another report, from September 2, 1995, says: 'Two males leaving a concert in Central Park witness strange moving light close to E. horizon. Moved very precisely, turned, vanished.'
The Great Lakes region also had a high concentration of UFO sightings.
In one report from Ohio, a worker even claimed he could not account for half an hour of his night after a bizarre encounter.
Last year, the CIA released a glimpse into its own set of 'X-Files,' a small compilation of documents pulled from its expansive UFO collection, dating back to the 1940s.
A reported UFO sighting over Minnville, Oregon, is pictured above
The agency said that these documents appeal to both skeptics and believers – the Scullys and Mulders of the world – who seek to prove scientific explanations, or confirm the existence of extraterrestrial activity.
One of the documents among the CIA's 'X-Files' is from East Germany in 1952, where agents were called to investigate what witnesses described as a 'huge flying pan'.
The object was said to have a diameter of about 15 meters, according to the document.
Similar flying saucers were also spotted in North Africa and Spain, the report said.
'The picture [of the object] shows a diagonal stripe of diminishing width and lighter in shade than the sky over the dark bulk of a building cornice,' it was noted.
Included with some of the documents were three pictures of the alleged extraterrestrials.
One of the photos - taken by British student Alex Birch in 1962 - claimed to show a group of flying saucers flying over the city of Sheffield in the UK.
Also contained in the files is the case in Socorro, New Mexico in 1964, when police officer Lonnie Zamora spotted a large flame rise from the ground and pierce the sky above a remote patch of desert.
Upon investigation, he found a shiny object the size of a sedan perched on the hilltop, which was oval in shape and aluminium in color.
The object then began to rise into the air and then sped away from him over the mountains and disappeared.
An explanation for this case has never been determined.
The map also organizes the sightings by month, year, and day, showing when the reports were most frequent.
Most sightings appear to occur in the summer months, with night-time in July being the most popular.
But, these unusual reports have occurred all over the country, and at all different times of the year.
The image of UFOs in America is often associated with sparsely populated rural settings. But the map shows they often occur in major cities.
Stock image
'I saw a large fireball pass over my house at about 1000 feet – no noise, traveling about 15 mph,' one person, from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, claimed on December 25.
Another, from Tillamook Oregon, said they saw 'One mother ship with four smaller destinct [sic] satellite objects moving randomly,' on January 18, 2009
There are countless practical explanations for strange lights appearing in the sky or even in photos captured in space.
Weather is often to blame, or phenomena such as meteor showers and aircraft tests.
And, often, it's just a trick of the light.
Of bizarre UFO sightings spotted around the International Space Station, for example, a Nasa spokesperson explained in the past, 'Reflections from station windows, the spacecraft structure itself or lights from Earth commonly appear as artifacts in photos and videos from the orbiting laboratory.'
The European Space Agency (ESA) released a video showing the object entering Earth’s atmosphere.
In it, a bright light is seen flashing in the distance from the International Space Station.
However, notorious alien conspiracy theorist Tyler Glocker disputed the scientists’ conclusion.
He said: “I don’t think it’s a meteorite at all. What many people may not realise if that this video is a time lapse.
CAPTIVATING: A bright light is seen flashing above the Earth in the footage
“You’re seeing the Earth spinning at a high rate of speed and we see this flash of light coming from space.
“When you account how fast the Earth would have actually been moving, had this not been sped up, it would have been moving much, much slower.
But critics have rejected the claims.
Scott Brando, who runs debunking website, told "It was a meteor seen and confirmed by Italian ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli."
He compared the meteor to clips of the Perseid meteor shower in 2011 to try and prove his wacky theory.
“I don’t think it’s a meteorite at all. What many people may not realise if that this video is a time lapse”
Alien conspiracy theorist Tyler Glocker
He added: “It’s a short, stubby object that looks nothing like the other meteor here. We can see this discharge, the energy coming from the back of it.”
“Speeds that are slower than even the slowest meteorites.”
Detlev Koschny, co-manager of the Near-Earth Object (NEO) division of ESA’s Space Situational Awareness team, picked apart his theory.
He said: “It looks like a bright meteor, or fireball. one can see the fireball illuminating the clouds from above, so it must have been close to them – and close to the Earth’s limb.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
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