A screen shot from the video

A footage showing a fleet of UFO hovering at Engenho Novo, in Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil has gone viral and created frenzy among people on social media. After a series of UFO sightings, this latest sighting was captured on Thursday.

The strange incident has been reported to the US-based Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and the video has been sent to them for analysing. It was submitted by an anonymous witness, titled: "UFO fleet hovering at sky."

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The UFOs were spotted in a triangle formation as the camera frantically panned up towards the mysterious lights. The bright lights were seen pulsating gently as they were appearing to change colours.

The video description read: "A friend made two videos with an iPhone 7 showing a UFO fleet hovering at Engenho Novo, in Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil. He described it as pulsating, changing coloured lights, from blue, green, to red and yellow, and in formation of mostly three."

"They came from nothing and disappeared to nothing with five minutes approximate of duration," the description added.

This latest incident comes after NASA was accused of covering up the presence of UFOs in our solar system when footage shot from the International Space Station appeared to how a mysterious object hurtling through the sky.

According to UFO hunters, the object was a spaceship and not a meteorite, as claimed by NASA.