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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Ancient—draft—manuscript of the Bible found, reveals shocking details
Ancient—draft—manuscript of the Bible found, reveals shocking details
Some argue that this ancient manuscript proves how the Bible is in fact a work of fiction. The King James Bible was created after King James I ordered 47 translators to produce an ‘authorized’ version of the Bible that would support the English Church over Puritan influence in earlier texts.
Kept hidden away for centuries among ancient manuscripts lodged in the Cambridge college remain an ancient manuscript which turned out to be the EARLIEST known DRAFT of the King James Bible—arguably the most widely read work of literature in the English language.
But why does this matter so much? Well, the Bible is a compilation of ancient early texts and translations, and this ancient manuscript shows how one of the translators in charge of translating the King James Bible—Samuel Ward—made several drafts and corrections—based on earlier versions of the Bible—in order to obtain the King James Bible.
Author Samuel Ward was one of a team of seven men in Cambridge who worked on the translation of the King James Bible.
The manuscript was discovered by American scholar Jeffrey Miller who came across some 70 handwritten papers believed to date back between 1604 and 1608 in ancient archives, containing biblical commentary, with Greek and Hebrew notes. The manuscript had eluded researchers in the past because it was mislabeled—remaining undetected and without any study for centuries.
Miller argues how the discovery of the manuscript will help fill in gaps that will allow us to better understand how the bible—which was published d in 1611—came to be.
“There was a kind of thunderstruck, leap-out-of-the-bathtub moment,” Miller, told the New York Times in an interview.
“But then comes the laborious process of making sure you are correct.”
The King James Bible is the English translation of the Christian Bible made for the Church of England which begun in 1604 and was completed in 1611. The books of the King James Version contain the 39 books of the Old Testament, as well as intertestamental section containing 14 books of the Apocrypha, and the 27 books that make up the New Testament.
The KJB is the result of 7 translators working in teams working in London, Oxford, and Cambridge. King James I ordered them to produce an ‘authorized’ version of the Bible that would support the English Church over Puritan influence in earlier texts.
Many authors argue that entire sections of the original texts of the Bible were cut out from the ‘finished product’ and notable people and events were entirely omitted from the finished text.
Writing about the discovery, Miller— from Montclair State University in New Jersey—indicates how Ward’s ‘draft’ “helps to reveal about one of the 17th century’s most extraordinary cultural achievements.”
“It points the way to a fuller, more complex understanding than ever before of the process by which the KJB, the most widely read work in English of all time, came to be,” added Miller.
Discoveries like these raise questions on how much translators influenced the final product and whether or not, the King James Bible is today an ancient text based on the actual truth and events that occurred thousands of years ago.
New Study Claims Life May Have Existed On Earth More Than 4 Billion Years Ago
New Study Claims Life May Have Existed On Earth More Than 4 Billion Years Ago
According to a new scientific study, life may have existed on Earth more than 4.6 Billion years ago, during the so-called Hadean Era.
Scientists believe that soon after our planet formed, it was a hellish world with an unstable crust, bombarded by alien objects which caused the temperature of the Earth to rise extremely.
Despite the fact that Earth went through hellish early years, a new study claims that life may have survived somehow.
Scientists have estimated the direct effects caused by the ‘intense bombardment’ during the Hadean era and discovered that even the harshest scenarios were not enough to render our planet completely sterile.
Scientists have found that heavy bombardment from space rock would have certainly heated the subsurface region of the planet, but despite this, would still have remained habitable for microbial life.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.
The Study, which will be published in the Journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters, written by scientists from the Southwest Research Institute in Colorado, takes a look at the habitability just below the surface of the Earth during the Hadean and early Archean eons.
Scientists investigated the upper few kilometers of earth’s subsurfacee environment, taking into consideration the discoveries made by an earlier study on the thermal evolution of the planets crust.
Scientists have found that heavy bombardment from space rock would have certainly heated the subsurface region of the planet, but despite this, would still have remained habitable for microbial life. Furthermore, scientists found that the subsurface habitable zone on Earth would have eventually grown across two eons, as fewer and fewer space rocks impacted Earth.
Researchers were only able to discover a worldwide sterilization scenario when they simulated more impacts occurring over shorter periods of time. Scientists found that asteroid and comet collision may have caused dramatic changes to our planet by melting Earth’s sheets and altering its surface.
However, researchers say that even in this scenario life on Earth may have been able to emerge.
Surprising discoveries
For a long time have numerous scientists maintained that life could not have existed on earth before 3.9 billion years ago, but the new findings support previous studies which indicate that a biosphere may have been present some 4.4 billion years ago, reports ScienceNews.
“Even in the Hadean, melt sheets have little effect on habitability because cooling times are short compared to resurfacing intervals, allowing subsurface biospheres to be locally re-established by groundwater infiltration between major impacts,” the authors wrote in the study.
“Therefore, the subsurface is always habitable somewhere, and production of global steam or silicate-vapor atmospheres are the only remaining avenues to early surface sterilization by bombardment.”
While our planet looked quite differently billions of years ago, for microbial life beneath the surface “an average day in the Hadean did not spell doom,” lead author Robert Grimm told ScienceNews.
Featured image credit:Scientists have long thought that Earth was a sterile hellscape during its earliest eon (illustrated), due to asteroid bombardment. But the heat from those impacts wasn’t too much for life to exist, new research indicates.
Onze planeet trilde sinds het begin van dit jaar al minstens 3 keer met een kracht van meer dan 7 op de schaal van Richter. Ter vergelijking: vorig jaar waren er 7 aardbevingen met een magnitude van 7 op meer op een heel jaar tijd. Drie dergelijk zware aardbevingen op korte tijd heeft de aandacht van wetenschappers gewekt. Zij voorspellen dat er dit jaar bijna dubbel zoveel aardbevingen kunnen zijn dan vorig jaar.
Een paar dagen geleden trilde de aarde hevig voor de kust van Alaska. Diezelfde dag was er ook al een aardbeving in Jakarta. Eerder deze maand vielen er al doden door een aardbeving in Peru. En ook Mexico werd al opgeschrikt door bevende ondergrond, net als Honduras. Japan werd getroffen door een aardbeving met een magnitude van 6.2.
Zowel in Honduras, Alaska en Peru ging het om een aardbeving met een kracht van meer dan 7 op de schaal van Richter.
Die frequentie en die hevigheid is volgens geologen geen toeval. Zij zeggen dat er een sterk verband is tussen de snelheid waarmee de aarde roteert en de seismische activiteit. Sinds 2011 draait onze Aarde een héél klein beetje trager om z’n as dan normaal. Daar hebben we zelf niks van gemerkt, want het gaat om slechts een paar duizendsten van een seconde. Toch kan die minieme fluctuatie leiden tot een intense activiteit die onder de grond.
Professor Roger Bilham van de Universiteit van Colorado en Rebecca Bendick van de Universiteit van Montana onderzochten dat fenomeen. Afgelopen maand nog presenteerden ze hun onderzoek tijdens de jaarlijkse meeting van de Geological Society in de VS. Uit hun onderzoek bleek dat in de laatste historische periodes waarin er een verhoogde seismische activiteit was en er ongeveer dubbel zoveel aardbevingen waren, onze planeet in de jaren daar voorafgaand telkens iets trager rond haar as draaide. “De Aarde geeft ons eigenlijk een waarschuwing met dat trager draaien voor toekomstige aardbevingen”, zegt Bilham. “De gevolgtrekking is duidelijk. In 2018 zullen we een significant toegenomen aantal van zware aardbevingen zien.”
Waar de Aarde zal beven , dat is moeilijk te voorspellen. Maar Bilham zegt wel dat uit het verleden is gebleken dat de meeste aardbevingen die plaatshebben na die tragere rotatie, vooral in tropische regio’s voorkomen. Sowieso komen aardbevingen vooral voor in de buurt van de grenzen tussen tektonische platen. In Azië en Latijns-Amerika zijn het vooral landen die in de zogenaamde ‘Ring van Vuur’ liggen die veel met bevingen geconfronteerd worden. Zo zijn wetenschappers ervan overtuigd dat er sowieso nog heel zware bevingen zitten aan te komen voor onder andere Japan, Nieuw-Zeeland en andere landen die in de ‘Ring van Vuur’ liggen. Daarnaast gaan onderzoekers ook uit van een bijzonder grote aardbeving die de Verenigde Staten, vooral de westkust, zal treffen, een die een kracht heeft tussen 8.7 en 9.2 op de schaal van Richter. Over die ‘ergste natuurramp in de geschiedenis van de VS’ wordt al jaren gesproken. De Amerikaanse staat Californië werd vorige week op één dag drie keer getroffen door (lichte) bevingen. Maar het is onmogelijk te zeggen of dit een voorbode is van die gevreesde ‘mega-aardbeving’.
Risicogebieden in Europa zijn Italië, Griekenland en Turkije, die vlakbij de grens tussen de Afrikaanse en Euraziatische tektonische plaat liggen. Volgens het Wereld Risico Rapport van het UNU-EHS (De VN-Universiteit voor Milieu en Menselijke Veiligheid) behoren Turkije en Griekenland tot de Europese landen waar het risico op een natuurramp, zoals een aardbeving dus, vrij hoog is. In 2011 nog kwamen 604 mensen om het leven na een aardbeving in Turkije. Een dikke 10 jaar eerder, in 1999, stierven meer dan 17.000 mensen na een aardbeving met een kracht van 7.6 in Izmit in Turkije.
Het risico op een natuurramp in België is volgens het rapport vrij laag. In het geval van ons land zou het dan bijvoorbeeld om overstromingen en stijgende zeeniveau gaan. Voor zware aardbevingen hoeven we in ons land dus niet te vrezen.
Maar nog moeilijker dan te voorspellen waar de aarde zal beven, is voorspellen wanneer dat zal zijn. Op korte termijn valt zoiets nauwelijks te voorspellen. Al kunnen meerdere kleine bevingen wel een grotere aankondigen. Zo waren er in 2009 meerdere kleine bevingen in de regio rond L’Aquila, in Italië. Uiteindelijk werden al die kleintjes gevolgd door een heel zware aardbeving. Zes Italiaanse wetenschappers die hadden aangegeven dat het risico op een grote beving in de stad klein was na de meerdere kleine beving, werden trouwens veroordeeld tot 6 jaar cel. Bij de aardbeving in L’Aquila kwamen 309 mensen om het leven. De schade van de beving liep in de miljoenen{
Onze planeet trilde sinds het begin van dit jaar al minstens 3 keer met een kracht van meer dan 7 op de schaal van Richter. Ter vergelijking: vorig jaar waren er 7 aardbevingen met een magnitude van 7 op meer op een heel jaar tijd. Drie dergelijk zware aardbevingen op korte tijd heeft de aandacht van wetenschappers gewekt. Zij voorspellen dat er dit jaar bijna dubbel zoveel aardbevingen kunnen zijn dan vorig jaar.
Een paar dagen geleden trilde de aarde hevig voor de kust van Alaska. Diezelfde dag was er ook al een aardbeving in Jakarta. Eerder deze maand vielen er al doden door een aardbeving in Peru. En ook Mexico werd al opgeschrikt door bevende ondergrond, net als Honduras. Japan werd getroffen door een aardbeving met een magnitude van 6.2.
Zowel in Honduras, Alaska en Peru ging het om een aardbeving met een kracht van meer dan 7 op de schaal van Richter.
Die frequentie en die hevigheid is volgens geologen geen toeval. Zij zeggen dat er een sterk verband is tussen de snelheid waarmee de aarde roteert en de seismische activiteit. Sinds 2011 draait onze Aarde een héél klein beetje trager om z’n as dan normaal. Daar hebben we zelf niks van gemerkt, want het gaat om slechts een paar duizendsten van een seconde. Toch kan die minieme fluctuatie leiden tot een intense activiteit die onder de grond.
Professor Roger Bilham van de Universiteit van Colorado en Rebecca Bendick van de Universiteit van Montana onderzochten dat fenomeen. Afgelopen maand nog presenteerden ze hun onderzoek tijdens de jaarlijkse meeting van de Geological Society in de VS. Uit hun onderzoek bleek dat in de laatste historische periodes waarin er een verhoogde seismische activiteit was en er ongeveer dubbel zoveel aardbevingen waren, onze planeet in de jaren daar voorafgaand telkens iets trager rond haar as draaide. “De Aarde geeft ons eigenlijk een waarschuwing met dat trager draaien voor toekomstige aardbevingen”, zegt Bilham. “De gevolgtrekking is duidelijk. In 2018 zullen we een significant toegenomen aantal van zware aardbevingen zien.”
Waar de Aarde zal beven , dat is moeilijk te voorspellen. Maar Bilham zegt wel dat uit het verleden is gebleken dat de meeste aardbevingen die plaatshebben na die tragere rotatie, vooral in tropische regio’s voorkomen. Sowieso komen aardbevingen vooral voor in de buurt van de grenzen tussen tektonische platen. In Azië en Latijns-Amerika zijn het vooral landen die in de zogenaamde ‘Ring van Vuur’ liggen die veel met bevingen geconfronteerd worden. Zo zijn wetenschappers ervan overtuigd dat er sowieso nog heel zware bevingen zitten aan te komen voor onder andere Japan, Nieuw-Zeeland en andere landen die in de ‘Ring van Vuur’ liggen. Daarnaast gaan onderzoekers ook uit van een bijzonder grote aardbeving die de Verenigde Staten, vooral de westkust, zal treffen, een die een kracht heeft tussen 8.7 en 9.2 op de schaal van Richter. Over die ‘ergste natuurramp in de geschiedenis van de VS’ wordt al jaren gesproken. De Amerikaanse staat Californië werd vorige week op één dag drie keer getroffen door (lichte) bevingen. Maar het is onmogelijk te zeggen of dit een voorbode is van die gevreesde ‘mega-aardbeving’.
Risicogebieden in Europa zijn Italië, Griekenland en Turkije, die vlakbij de grens tussen de Afrikaanse en Euraziatische tektonische plaat liggen. Volgens het Wereld Risico Rapport van het UNU-EHS (De VN-Universiteit voor Milieu en Menselijke Veiligheid) behoren Turkije en Griekenland tot de Europese landen waar het risico op een natuurramp, zoals een aardbeving dus, vrij hoog is. In 2011 nog kwamen 604 mensen om het leven na een aardbeving in Turkije. Een dikke 10 jaar eerder, in 1999, stierven meer dan 17.000 mensen na een aardbeving met een kracht van 7.6 in Izmit in Turkije.
Het risico op een natuurramp in België is volgens het rapport vrij laag. In het geval van ons land zou het dan bijvoorbeeld om overstromingen en stijgende zeeniveau gaan. Voor zware aardbevingen hoeven we in ons land dus niet te vrezen.
Maar nog moeilijker dan te voorspellen waar de aarde zal beven, is voorspellen wanneer dat zal zijn. Op korte termijn valt zoiets nauwelijks te voorspellen. Al kunnen meerdere kleine bevingen wel een grotere aankondigen. Zo waren er in 2009 meerdere kleine bevingen in de regio rond L’Aquila, in Italië. Uiteindelijk werden al die kleintjes gevolgd door een heel zware aardbeving. Zes Italiaanse wetenschappers die hadden aangegeven dat het risico op een grote beving in de stad klein was na de meerdere kleine beving, werden trouwens veroordeeld tot 6 jaar cel. Bij de aardbeving in L’Aquila kwamen 309 mensen om het leven. De schade van de beving liep in de miljoenen.
Les spéculations du crash d’un OVNI ont pris le devant de la scène à la suite de mystérieuses images montrant un trou fumant découvert sur le bord d’une autoroute très fréquentée.
Les autorités enquêtent toujours sur ce qu’elles ont découvert. Le clip montre une brume épaisse qui remplit l’air au-dessus d’un trou noir.
Le cratère mesure huit mètres de large et de profondeur, on peut voir une grande quantité de fumée s’en échappée, ce qui suggère que l’événement mystérieux venait tout juste de se produire.
Il y avait des gens sur les lieux peu de temps après l’incident, mais il n’y avait pas encore de preuves pour expliquer ce qui s’était réellement passé.
On a laissé entendre qu’un OVNI ou une météorite qui s’écrasait sur la Terre aurait pu être la cause du trou noir.
Cet étrange événement s’est produit le 17 janvier au Mexique et a été téléchargé sur YouTube le lendemain.
La vidéo originale a accumulé des milliers de vues et a été partagée sur plusieurs autres médias.
Les téléspectateurs se sont empressés de suggérer ce que cela pouvait être.
Un commentaire dit qu’il ressemblait à un OVNI qui a atterri et décollé, laissant un cratère.
Cependant, d’autres ont suggéré qu’il s’agissait d’un trou brûlant utilisé pour jeter les ordures. Ils ont expliqué qu’il ressemblait à un trou de combustion et qu’il n’y avait aucun impact sur la terre puisqu’il n’y avait pas de débris.
Les gangs peuvent aussi avoir utilisé le trou pour brûler de la drogue, des armes et des corps.
D’autres croyaient que les observations accrues de météores récemment pouvaient être liées au cratère.
Roswell Incident Of The Soviet Union: The Dalnegorsk UFO Crash
Roswell Incident Of The Soviet Union: The Dalnegorsk UFO Crash
An alleged UFO crash in Russia also known as the Roswell Incident of the Soviet Union occurred on January 29, 1986, at 7:55 pm in Dalnegorsk, small mining town in Primorsky Krai, Far East of Russia.
That cold January day an orange-reddish sphere flew over this town from the southeast, crossed part of Dalnegorsk, and crashed at the Izvestkovaya (Lime) Mountain; also known as Height or Hill 611, because of its size. The object flew noiselessly and parallel to the ground. Its shape was described of being near perfectly round with no projections, wings or windows and its color was similar to that of burnished stainless steel.
Crash witnesses
V. Kandakov, an eyewitness, recalled that the speed of alleged UFO was close to 15 meters per hour. The object ascended and descended slowly and its glow heated up each time it rose. On reaching Hill 611, the object jerked and fell like a rock. Other witnesses reported about bumps and jumps and also a weak thump. The object burned at the cliff’s edge for almost an hour.
Descriptions of the descent to Hill 611 differ from witness to witness. Some stated the object clearly crashed, fell in an uncontrolled manner, crashing into Hill 611 in a flash of light (possible explosion). Others claimed it varied in altitude above the hill, giving off light of different intensities as it gained and lost altitude (like pilot trying to regain control of ship) prior to the crash.
About 3 days after the crash a group of scientists led by Valery Dvuzhilni, Head of the Far Eastern Committee for Anomalous Phenomena, found the the probable crash site on Hill 611. It was reported to be approximately 3m square and reports indicate the ground within the site had been charred due to exposure to very high temperatures. The rocks at the impact site were covered with a black film and remains of a burned tree were found within the landing ground.
Analyses of Recovered Objects
Various evidence of “alien remains/activity” were reported to be found. Surrounding rocks had deposits of a “silver metal” which was determined to be common lead. There are also reports (unconfirmed) of other materials being recovered including an “alien mesh” (possible part of the crashed UFO’s construction) containing high levels of gold and other rare terrestrial elements.
Dvuzhilni claimed he received a report from the IZMIRAN Institute of Earth magnetism, ionosphere and radiowaves propagation (the Leningrad branch). This institute was involved in the secret Soviet UFO research program from 1978 to 1991 (SETKA AN). They conducted analyses of lead balls from Height 611. The conclusions arrived to by scientists were as follows: the balls were made on Earth, but the lead was not from Dalnegorsk deposit, but from the Kholodnensky deposit, in the North Baikal region. Source: Visota 611: zagadki ostayuts, article by A. Lyakhov, published by Sostialisticheskaya industriya, issue dated July 9, 1989; Inopanetyane dobivayut nash svinets, article by N. Ostrovskaya, published in Komsomolskaya Pravda, issue dated June 9, 2003.
Dvuzhilni was certain that the alien probe that crashed on Height 611 was capable of using metals from Earth deposits for its repair needs.
More anomalies in the area
Furthermore numerous anomalies were reposted in the area of Hill 611: according to an article in the Soviet digest Tainy XX Veka (Moscow, 1990, CP Vsya Moskva Publishing House). Even photos taken at the site, when developed, failed to show the hill, but did clearly show other locations. Members of an expedition to the site reported later that their flashlights stopped working at the same time. They checked the flashlights upon returning home, and discovered burned wires.
Eight days after the UFO crash at Hill 611, on February 8, 1986, at 8:30 p.m., two more yellowish spheres flew from the north, in the southward direction. Reaching the site of the crash, they circled it four times, then turned back to the north and flew away. Then on November 28, 1987 (Saturday night, 11:24 p.m.), 32 flying objects had appeared from nowhere. There were hundreds of witnesses, including the military and civilians.
FIERY MYTH Scientists have long thought that Earth was a sterile hellscape during its earliest eon (illustrated), due to asteroid bombardment. But the heat from those impacts wasn’t too much for life to exist, new research indicates.
Maybe Earth’s early years weren’t so hellish after all.
Asteroid strikes repeatedly bombarded the planet during its first eon, but the heat released by those hits wasn’t as sterilizing as once thought, new research suggests. Simulations indicate that after the first few hundred million years of bombardment, the heat from the impacts had dissipated enough that 10 to 75 percent of the top kilometer of the subsurface was habitable for mesophiles — microbes that live in temperatures of 20° to 50° Celsius. If so, the planet may have been habitable much earlier than previously believed.
Earth’s earliest eon, the Hadean, spans the period from about 4.6 billion years ago, when the planet was born, to 4 billion years ago. The name, for the Greek god of the underworld, reflects the original conception of the age: dark and hellish and inhospitable to life. But little direct evidence of Hadean asteroid impacts still exists, limiting scientists’ understanding of how those collisions affected the planet’s habitability.
“There has been an assumption that the Hadean was mostly an uninteresting slag heap until the sky stopped falling and life could take hold,” says Stephen Mojzsis, a geologist at the University of Colorado Boulder. That’s not to say that all of the Hadean was pleasant; the first 150 million years of Earth’s history, which included the giant whack that formed the moon, were pretty dramatic. But after that, things settled down considerably, says Mojzsis, who was not an author of the new study.
QUIET INTERVAL A new study suggests that the planet was mostly peaceful after the first 150 million years of its existence (illustrated). Rather than repeatedly sterilizing the planet, the intense heat from asteroid impacts dissipated relatively rapidly, the researchers suggest. As a result, habitable zones in the subsurface of the planet grew larger over the next billion years.
In the new study, geophysicist Robert Grimm and planetary scientist Simone Marchi, both of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo., estimated how hot it would have been just a few kilometers beneath the planet’s surface during the Hadean. The scientists used an estimated rate of asteroid bombardment, as well as how much heat the projectiles would have added to the subsurface and how much that heat would have dissipated over time to simulate how hot it got — and whether microbial life could have withstood those conditions. The research built on earlier work, including Marchi’s 2014 finding that asteroid impacts became smaller and less frequent with time (SN: 8/23/14, p. 13).
Asteroid impacts did heat the subsurface, according to the simulations, but even the heaviest bombardment scenarios were not intense enough to sterilize the planet, the researchers report March 1 in Earth and Planetary Science Letters. And if the rate of bombardment did decrease as the eon progressed, the heat the asteroids delivered to Earth’s subsurface would also have had time to dissipate. As a result, that habitable zone would have increased over time.
A Late Heavy Bombardment, if it occurred, would have been tougher for the microbes, because the heat wouldn’t have had time to dissipate with such a rapid barrage. But that just would have meant the habitable zone didn’t increase, the team reports; mesophiles could still have inhabited at least 20 percent of the top kilometer of subsurface.
Mojzsis says he’s come to similar conclusions in his own work. “For a long time people said, with absolutely no data, that there could be no biosphere before 3.9 billion years ago,” he says. But “after the solar system settled down, the biosphere could have started on Earth 4.4 billion years ago.”
That’s not to say that there was definitely life, Grimm notes. Although the heat from impacts may not have been a limiting factor for life, asteroid bombardment introduced numerous other challenges, affecting the climate, surface or even convection of the mantle. Still, the picture of Earth’s earliest days is undergoing a sea change. As Grimm says, “An average day in the Hadean did not spell doom.”
Has AI Cracked The Code In The ‘World’s Most Mysterious Book’ The Voynich Manuscript?
Has AI Cracked The Code In The ‘World’s Most Mysterious Book’ The Voynich Manuscript?
Has the mysterious Voynich Manuscript finally been deciphered?
Greg Kondrak, a specialist of the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence of the University of Alberta (Canada), believes that he has found clues to solve the mystery of Voynich’s manuscript, written with an undecipherable code in the fifteenth century.
The Voynich Manuscript is an ancient book, of unknown contents, written by an anonymous author in an unidentified alphabet and an incomprehensible language.
Although it is not known when it was written, according to carbon 14 tests, the parchment on which it is written was manufactured between 1404 and 1438.
The Voynich Manuscript gets its name thanks to a Lithuanian specialist in ancient books Wilfrid M. Voynich (1865-1930), who acquired it in 1912.
It is currently listed as item MS 408 in the Beinecke Library of rare books and manuscripts of Yale University.
The ancient manuscript has been the object of intense studies by numerous professional and amateur cryptographers, including leading American and British specialists in code cracking of World War II.
The Voynich Manuscript is one of the most mysterious ancient manuscripts ever found.
So far, no one has managed to decipher a single word written in the manuscript. This succession of failures has turned the manuscript into the Holy Grail of historical cryptography, but at the same time, it has fueled the hypothesis that the book is nothing more than an elaborate deception, a random sequence of symbols without any meaning.
However, Kondrak has resorted to the help of artificial intelligence programs capable of correctly identifying a language up to 97% of the time and, after analyzing the manuscript, has suggested its language resembles Hebrew, reports CTV News.
Earlier studies have suggested that the enigmatic manuscript was written in a form of Arabic writing.
Thus, the approximate translation of the first sentence of the book would be: “she made recommendations to the priest, to the man of the house, to me and to the people”.
Although other experts have not shown much enthusiasm for his work because he uses computer technologies, this researcher recognizes that people who master Hebrew are needed to make sense of the syntax and intention of the words.
“That was surprising, said Dr. Kondrak, “and just saying ‘this is Hebrew’ is the first step. The next step is how do we decipher it.”
Kondrak and his team made use of statistical algorithms which are believed to be 97 percent accurate when translating the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights into 380 languages.
After having searched for seeking Hebrew scholars to validate their findings, the scientists turned to Google Translate.
“It came up with a sentence that is grammatical, and you can interpret it,’ said Dr. Kondrak, ‘she made recommendations to the priest, man of the house and me and people. It’s a kind of strange sentence to start a manuscript but it definitely makes sense,” he said.
However, Kondrak notes that without experts in ancient Hebrew, the entire manuscript and its meaning will remain a mystery.
“We use human language to communicate with other humans, but computers don’t understand this language because it’s designed for people.”
It is believed that the ancient manuscript includes references to ‘farmer’, ‘light’, ‘air’ and ‘fire’.
“There are so many ambiguous meanings that we don’t even realize,” said Dr. Kondrak.
Kondrak explains that there is a lot of work to be done, and deciphering the entire manuscript will need more than just feeding the manuscript to AI, as it requires human input to make sense and syntax.
Kondrak explains: “Somebody with very good knowledge of Hebrew and who’s a historian at the same time could take this evidence and follow this kind of clue.”
Jupiter’s moon Europa is an ocean world beneath an icy crust, and scientists want to land a spacecraft there. But a new study indicates a surface less dense than freshly fallen snow.
Space scientists have every reason to be fascinated with Jupiter’s moon Europa, and, in 2017, NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) announced they are planning a joint mission to land there. As the video above explains, this little moon is thought to have a liquid ocean submerged beneath an icy crust. Scientists believe it could host extraterrestrial life. But Europa’s surface is much more alien than any we’ve ever visited. With its extremely thin atmosphere, low gravity – and a surface temperature of some -350 degrees F. (–176 °C.) – Europa might not be kind to a landing spacecraft. The moon’s surface might be unexpectedly hard. Or – as evidenced by a study from the Planetary Science Institute announced on January 24, 2018 – Europa’s surface might be so porous that any craft trying to land would simply sink.
The study – published in the peer-reviewed journal Icarus – comes from scientist Robert Nelson. If you’re a student of space history, its results might sound familiar. Nelson pointed out in his statement:
Of course, before the landing of the Luna 2 robotic spacecraft in 1959, there was concern that the moon might be covered in low density dust into which any future astronauts might sink.
Now Europa is the source of a similar scariness, with Nelson’s study showing that Europa’s surface could be as much as 95 percent porous.
The puzzling, fascinating surface of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa. This color composite is made from images taken by NASA’s Galileo spacecraft in the late 1990s.
Image via NASA/JPL-Caltech/SETI Institute.
Nelson’s study of Europa is part of a group of studies he has conducted of both asteroids (44 Nysa, 64 Angelina) and jovian moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede). He conducts his studies via photopolarimetry, the measurement of the intensity and polarization of reflected light.
Observations were made using a photopolarimeter located at Mt. San Antonio College in Walnut, California.
According to Nelson, the observations can be explained by extremely fine-grained particles on Europa’s surface with a porosity less than about 95 percent. This corresponds to material that would be less dense than freshly fallen snow, raising questions about risks of sinking for a future Europa lander.
Brown ridges crisscross Europa, indicating the possibility of liquid welling up from below. This suggests an active geology and raises questions about possible life on Europa.
Image via NASA/PLAN-PIA01641.
A mission to land on Europa is challenging in other ways. For example, Europa — along with the three other Galilean moons (Io, Ganymede and Callisto) — orbits within Jupiter’s radiation belts. A spacecraft trying to orbit Europa would be quickly fried.
That’s why NASA’s upcoming Europa Clipper mission is designed to orbit Jupiter, not Europa. It’ll sweep in and out of the radiation belts for a period of several earthly years, making flyby observations of Europa each time it passes near this jovian moon. Its observations will help answer questions about what might happen to future spacecraft attempting to land on Europa.
The video below has more about the upcoming flyby mission, Europa Clipper, set for launch around 2022-2025.
Bottom line: A recent study via the Planetary Science Institute indicates that the surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa might be as much as 95 percent porous – less dense than freshly fallen snow – so that a future lander might sink.
Over 26 Feet Smoking Crater Sparks Speculation a UFO May Have Crashed Into Earth
Over 26 Feet Smoking Crater Sparks Speculation a UFO May Have Crashed Into Earth
Speculation of a UFO crash into Earth has taken centre stage after footage has surfaced showing a mysterious burning pit found at the side of a busy motorway.
Authorities are still investigating what they have discovered. The clip shows a thick mist that fills the air from a black hole.
The crater was measured eight metres wide and deep and can be seen smoking heavily, which suggests that the mysterious event had just taken place recently.
There were people on the scene soon after the incident had occurred but no evidence yet to explain what actually took place.
There were suggestions that a UFO or a meteor crashing into Earth may have been the cause the black hole.
The strange event happened on January 17 in Mexico and uploaded to YouTube the next day.
The original video has racked up thousands of views and being shared on several other channels.
Viewers were quick to suggest what it could be.
One comment said that it looked like a UFO landed and took off, leaving a crater.
However, others disagreed saying that it was a burning hole used to dispose rubbish. They explained that it looked like a burning hole and no impact on the earth as there was no debris.
Gangs may have also used the holes to burn drugs, weapons, and bodies.
Others believed that the increased sightings of meteors recently could be linked to the crater.
Television and Radio Star Snaps A Photo Of A UFO In The Eye Of A Storm
Television and Radio Star Snaps A Photo Of A UFO In The Eye Of A Storm
A radio and television presenter managed to take a picture of incredible clouds brewing in the distance and later noticed what online users believed a UFO in the eye of the storm.
Fernando Figoni is well known for his hosting of music events and media broadcasts. He is from La Plata, capital of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
While at work, Figoni went to the roof of the building to watch the approaching storm in the city. He snapped some pictures and later reviewed them. To his surprise, he spotted something in the sky that he could not identify.
He noticed a bright flying saucer in the middle of the black clouds.
He posted the photos on the social media. Internet users were fast to offer their opinion.
Claudia Bengochea, Natalia Padilla and Pablo Hormiga believe it is a UFO as they think that Fernando would not publish something fake.
Lucas Gaston Aguirre claimed he took a picture the same to what Fernando had taken.
Is this Google Maps sighting proof that aliens are real? Is this a UFO landing?
Is this Google Maps sighting proof that aliens are real? Is this a UFO landing?
GOOGLE MAPS allows people to explore the earth from their bedroom. Now, alien enthusiasts believe they have found proof of aliens on earth in Argentina. They claim the Ojo de la Tierra could be a hiding spot for a UFO.
Google Maps: Is this sighting proof aliens are real? Is this a UFO?
Google Maps sighting proof aliens are real? Is this a UFO?
It also rotates on its own axis, a strange discovery for scientists which has so far gone unexplained.
Located at coordinates 34 ° 15'07.8'S 58 ° 49'47.4 “W, some are claiming this may well be an alien structure.
Scott C. Waring on website UFO Sighting Daily said of the natural phenomenon: “Argentina has an overabundance of UFO sightings compared to the rest of the world and I believe this is how aliens try to hide this particular entrance to their base.
“The shape is large and circular, big enough to fit a 100 meter UFO through it.
Google Maps: Alien enthusiasts believe they have found proof of aliens on earth in Argentina
“The water below this floating island needs to be dove into and explored.” [sic]
What is El Ojo de la Tierra?
El Ojo de la Tierra can be found between Campana and Zárate.
A kick starter was founded by a man named Ricardi Petroni to discover the truth behind the strange natural phenomena.
However, only US$ 9,698 of the $50,000 was raised by 157 backers, and so the funding was unsuccessful.
Google Maps: Strange circular piece of land could be a UFO hiding place for aliens
Another Google Maps sighting has been claimed by some to be proof of aliens.
Google Maps and Google Earth have unveiled two striking similarities between a site in Japan and an era of landmass on Mars.
The coincidence has even caused some to claim that aliens exist, and have something to do with the two similar shapes.
Google Mars allowed users to view the surface of the red planet, and eagle-eyed users spotted this coincidence.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Pentagon UFO: Claim 'alien disclosure a false flag to induce MARTIAL LAW’
Pentagon UFO: Claim 'alien disclosure a false flag to induce MARTIAL LAW’
THE world headline-grabbing release of a video of a seemingly inexplicable UFO by the US Pentagon may have been part of a cunning plan to bring in martial law, according to alien conspiracy theorists.
UFO truth seekers celebrated an historic milestone last month after it emerged the Department of Defense had run a top secret unit investigating the threat posed by UFOs until 2012.
Footage filmed by a US Navy pilot of an apparent UFO said to "defy the laws of physics", which was investigated by the department, was also released, leading to claims from some that "we are not alone”.
The footage was from the "Nimitz UFO" incident off the coast of San Diego in November 2004, when a whole naval crew are said to have seen a series of bizarre white tic tac-shaped crafts.
However, some in the UFO community remain suspicious at the motives of the government behind the release of the information.
Alien truth have called for "disclosure" - the release of all alien and UFO-related files to be released.
And many saw last month's revelations as a stepping stone towards this.
Former US military insoder Chris Mellon reveals the Pentagon UFO files.
A frequently voiced suspicion was that the government might be laying the groundwork to present extraterrestrials as the next threat to national security, requiring further increases in military spending and curtailments of civil liberties."
Many believe that aliens, not only exist, but are secretly living in bases on earth and the US government covers it up in return for flying saucer technology.
However, some members of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) remain suspicious.
MUFON is the world's largest organisation dedicated to UFO research and holds a global database of UFO sightings reported to it.
A theory was raised at the latest meeting of the MUFON Washington branch on Saturday. reported: "Those who attended were far from feeling credulous or validated by the New York Times’ coverage, and instead expressed concerns that this seeming bombshell of disclosure might merely represent an even deeper conspiracy by the government.
"They freely exchanged theories about the possible nature of UFOs, as well as what might motivate the mainstream press and government to release such a story.
"A frequently voiced suspicion was that the government might be laying the groundwork to present extraterrestrials as the next threat to national security, requiring further increases in military spending and curtailments of civil liberties."
Martial law is the introduction of direct military control of civilian functions of government, especially in response to a temporary emergency such as invasion or major disaster, or in an occupied territory.
It can be used by governments to enforce their rule over the public.
One woman at the talks said the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II was an "example of how such fears of aliens have been used against the populace”.
A retired MUFON military member said: "The powers that be are so far removed from the rest of us that they think the United States would fall apart if we disclosed that these things exist, and that they’ve been here for years.
“The only people who would really have to worry would be the power elites in politics and religion.”
Famous US UFO campaigner Dr Steven Greer tweeted in response to last month's news: "Note that the recent NY Times story is couched from a threat office of the Pentagon.
"This a clear ramp up to False Flag FAKE disclosure designed to prepare people for a threat from outer space- so the War Mongers and War Profiteers have a new , bigger enemy. BEWARE."
However, Al Thompson, a field investigator for the branch called for less focus on unconfirmed conspiracy theories.
He said: “Why do we need conspiracy theories? Because the answers are unknown. We’re operating in a vacuum, because the government isn’t telling us anything, but even if they did, we wouldn’t necessarily believe them.
"That being said, no one came here because we believe that any one of us has the definitive answer.”
Physicists from Brigham Young Univeristy may have just created the best technology for projecting 3D images, but they're not calling these images a hologram. It's still in its earliest stages, but once perfected, its applications could be varied.
For many sci-fi fans, a truly working hologram is Princess Leia asking Obi Wan Kenobi for help. While that’s clearly science fiction, a projected image that one can observe from all angles may have just become the only hope for authentic 3D projections.
This is the subject of a new study published in the journal Nature, detailing how a team of physicists led by Daniel Smalley from the Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah, have managed to project moving 3D images viewable at any angle.
Smalley doesn’t call it a hologram, however. “This is doing something that a hologram can never do — giving you an all-round view, a Princess Leia-style display — because it’s not a hologram,” he told Nature News. An actual hologram, as it exists today, is an image projection coming from a source limited to a particular angle. It can’t be viewed perfectly from all sides.
What Smalley’s team developed is a technique they call volumetric display, where a single particle of a plant fiber called cellulose is trapped and heated evenly using forces from near-invisible laser beams. To illuminate the particle as it moves through space, pushed and pulled by the beams forces, a second set of lasers project visible light onto it.
As the name suggests, the projected image appears to have more volume to it, without the need for headgears or other such devices. “In simple terms, we’re using a laser beam to trap a particle, and then we can steer the laser beam around to move the particle and create the image,” undergrad coauthor Erich Nygaard explained in a BYU press release.
The extent of how the technique works is still limited to smaller images. Because of the limited way human eyes can see images, when the particles move faster than a rate of 10 per second, what’s seen is a solid line. This can be made to appear like it’s moving by changing the images even faster. Smalley’s team successfully demonstrated it by projecting the static outline of a butterfly, as well as a moving spiral line drawing. Larger images can also be projected if they are still, or moving slowly.
Admittedly, the technology is still in its very early stages, despite having borrowed from and improved on other similar 3D projections’ systems. For instance, to make more realistic images, Smalley’s team will need to figure out a way to make the particles move faster. “If we make as much progress in the next four years as we made in the last, I think we will be successful making a display of useful size,” Smalley told Nature.
Holography and other 3D-projection technologies are new, and as such their applications are still rather limited. One can imagine how volumetric display — once perfected — could potentially be used to improve entertainment and gaming in the same way virtual and augmented reality devices are trying to do. It could also be used in military training exercises, to simulate battles scenes in 3D.
And perhaps it could be used to send messages across a galaxy far, far away. As Smalley pointed out: “We’re providing a method to make a volumetric image that can create the images we imagine we’ll have in the future.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
NASA's GOLD Instrument, SES-14 Satellite on Track After Launch Anomaly
NASA's GOLD Instrument, SES-14 Satellite on Track After Launch Anomaly
By Sarah Lewin, Associate Editor
The satellite company SES confirmed that its SES-14 communications satellite, which hosts an upper-atmosphere-observation mission from NASA, will be able to reach its final orbit just four weeks late after a launch anomaly saw the rocket lose contact with Earth last night (Jan. 26).
Although Arianespace was unable to communicate with the Ariane 5 second stage carrying SES-14 and another satellite, Al Yah 3, into orbit, the satellites were still successfully released — and each got in contact with its respective control center, Arianespace representatives said. The Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) instrument was NASA's first-ever science mission to fly as a hosted payload on a commercial satellite, NASA researchers have said.
SES representatives said in a statement today that the company is now setting up a new orbit-raising plan, which will take SES-14 and GOLD to their final orbit four weeks after this was scheduled to happen; the satellite was slated to take four and a half weeks to maneuver into its high orbit using electric propulsion.
Once they reach its final geostationary orbit, SES-14 and GOLD will remain in position above one spot on Earth as they circle and the planet turns. This will let SES-14 support communications for Latin America, the Caribbean, North America and the North Atlantic region, SES said, and it will give GOLD an ideal vantage point to monitor the rapid flux of the upper atmosphere at the border between Earth and space.
"SES confirms that the spacecraft is in good health, all subsystems on board are nominal and the satellite is expected to meet the designed lifetime," SES representatives said.
Email Sarah Lewin at or follow her @SarahExplains.
Strange Mysteries and Unexplained Stuff | Discover the mysteries of the world .
In a place you would hardly expect, just one hour north of New York City, lies the site of one of the most widely observed and yet most unexplainable set of UFO sightings ever seen. The place is the Hudson Valley, and the story of its strange UFO started on New Years Eve, 1982.
The Hudson UFO mystery
A few minutes before midnight, a retired police officer was out in his backyard in Kent, New York when he observed a group of strange lights off to the south. They were colored red, green and white. At first the former officer thought they belonged to a jet aircraft in trouble, but as the object passed over his house at a height he estimated to be about 500 feet, he realized it was moving much too slowly for a jet and made too little noise. Just a distant humming sound. As he watched, he decided the the lights, which appeared as a “V” shape, were connected by a dark, triangular fuselage.
What the former officer had seen would be observed many times in the Hudson Valley area over the next few years by hundreds of different witnesses: A “V” shaped set of multicolored lights moving slowly and silently across the sky. On March 26th, 1983, a front-page story in the Westchester-Rockland Daily Item proclaimed:
The article, which told of sightings of a triangular UFO on Marth 24th, got the attention of a group of UFO researchers in the Valley associated with Dr. J Allen Hynek, founder of the Center for UFO Studies. The group started an investigation of the phenomena which was later documented as a book, Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings, authored by Dr. Hynek and Philip J. Imbrogno, with the help of Bob Pratt.
The group opened up a UFO hotline and received over 300 calls from people that had seen the UFO on the night of March 24th alone. One witness cited in the book reported that it had moved up the Taconic Parkway in “sort of a Z pattern.” He described the object as being triangular in shape with thirty to forty colored lights along the back edge. The object, he stated, was huge, “If there is such a thing as a flying city, this was a flying city.”
The object apparently cruised over the community of Yorktown that evening too where the police switchboard became so jammed with reports, officials became concerned that they would be unable to take emergency calls.
On the Taconic parkway people pulled over to watch the object as it moved slowly on its path. One observer estimated it was “as large as an aircraft carrier.”
The UFO researchers estimated that over 5,000 people had seen the object over a period of five years from 1982 through 1986. Often the UFO seemed to glide over large areas causing dozens of sightings in one night. It was never spotted during the day.
Most reports came from people who seemed to be reliable witnesses. As the authors put it “ordinary people who have seen something extraordinary.” The UFO was seen not just over the Hudson Valley, but as far east as New Haven, Connecticut and as far north as Brookfield, Connecticut.
While most reports described the UFO moving at a very slow speed, hovering, or turning slowly like a wheel, a few reports described the object as suddenly zooming away at fantastic speeds, or just disappearing. In some accounts the shape varied so that the lights appeared as more of a circle than a “V”. Often the color and arrangement of the lights changed as the viewers watched. In a few cases reports arrived that put the object at two distant locations at the same time suggesting there might be more than one of them.
One of the most striking reports that the group gathered was from guards at the Indian Point Nuclear Plant. The UFO apparently hovered over an active nuclear reactor for some minutes coming as close to the reactor dome as thirty feet. The security supervisor even considered ordering guards to shoot it down. One guard described it as being the length of three football fields.
Strange things
The object also seemed to be interested in bodies of water. One observer watched the UFO over Croton Falls Reservoir where it seemed to use a red beam to probe the surface.
The researchers knew that when investigated most UFO reports turn into reports of IFOs: Identified Flying Objects. Often they turn out to be planes, balloons, satellites, or even the planet Venus. They did find evidence that some of the reports of the “V” shape may have been a group of small planes flying out of the Stormville Airport. The pilots seemed to have been flying their planes in a formation in a deliberate attempt at a UFO hoax.
The plane hoax only cleared up a small number of reports, however. Most observers reported that the lights moved together as a solid object. Others could see the body of the UFO between the lights. None of the observers who had seen both the planes and the object thought they were the same phenomenon.
There are few good explanations for most of the Hudson Valley sightings. The only object that moves slowly through the air and hovers almost silently is a blimp. Researchers contacted all blimp operators in the area and could find no matches between the blimp schedules and the UFO reports. It was widely speculated at the time that object was a formation of ultralight planes. This seems unlikely as the UFO was nearly silent, could hover, and carried tremendously bright lights, all things ultralight aircraft are incapable of doing.
The Hudson Valley UFO remains a mystery even today. If you decide to take a trip to the Hudson Valley to try and see the strange UFO for yourself, you may want to stay at one of the excellent local bed and breakfast Inns. One, the Burlingham Inn, has decided to take advantage of the strange nighttime phenomena by featuring a UFO Bed & Breakfast. They welcome UFO watchers and list UFO sighting as one of the activities for which the Inn is especially well located.
‘Super Blue Blood Moon’ Will Force NASA to Shut Down Lunar Spacecraft Instruments
‘Super Blue Blood Moon’ Will Force NASA to Shut Down Lunar Spacecraft Instruments
The combination of a supermoon, a blue moon, and a full lunar eclipse on January 31 means NASA scientists will temporarily turn off instruments aboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Here’s why.
While skywatchers in North America, Asia, and Europe watch a bigger-than-usual lunar eclipse on January 31, NASA engineers will shut down the instruments aboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO).
Eclipses put a strain on the spacecraft because it uses the sun for power. If the moon is in the Earth's shadow, sunlight can't reach it and LRO switches to batter power, principal investigator Noah Petro told Seeker. The LRO team is a veteran group at keeping the spacecraft safe, as total lunar eclipses have occurred seven times since the orbiter’s launch in 2009.
"We did a small [engine] burn to put us in an as optimal position as possible — to be able to keep the spacecraft in illumination for as long as we could. In other words, we did a small tweak to minimize the time we were in shadow," Petro said. As with past eclipses, the team will also "preheat" the spacecraft before it goes into the eclipse, so it's warmer and there is less strain on the instruments.
While LRO has seen many other eclipses, the eclipse, know as "super blue blood moon eclipse," is a rare combination of several phenomena.
A "supermoon," occurs when the moon is full and is at its closest approach to Earth in its 29 1/2-day elliptical orbit around the planet. Supermoons are 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than the moon at its furthest distance from Earth, according to NASA.
When two full moons occur in a single month, the second event is called a "blue moon." It has no special astronomical significance, but blue moons are still interesting because they occur only once every 2 1/2 years.
A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth passes between the moon and the sun, and the shadow of Earth falls across the moon's surface. Partial and full eclipses are possible. A full eclipse occurs when the moon is fully covered in shadow — which will happen January 31. The combined light of all of Earth's sunrises and sunsets creates a ruddy glow on the moon's surface. Some people call this the "blood moon."
Petro said shut down LRO’s instruments is just an extra precaution to ensure the 8-year-old spacecraft remains safe during the event. During past eclipses, however, LRO continued to collect data.
The spacecraft is designed to take high-resolution pictures of the moon: It's even seen the Apollo landing sites where astronauts undertook moonwalks in the 1960s and 1970s. Other instruments probe lunar ice reserves. LRO data recently helped to identify underground pits of polar ice, which might provide future moon missions with water. And LRO's Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment (DLRE) looks at regolith — aka soil — temperatures.
During a few eclipses, LRO engineers left Diviner on to see what it could find. Normally, the instrument examines temperatures in the top layer of soil — approximately a few tens of centimeters. During an eclipse, however, only the layer just below the surface — about 1 cm to 2 cm — changes temperature rapidly. So eclipses provide a rare opportunity for Diviner to focus its observations on soil just below the surface.
Diviner focuses, whenever possible, on the moon’s youngest craters. Investigators are interested in the lumpiness of the regolith: What is the size of grains of soil near the surface, or is the soil rocky or fine-grained soil? Petro said this is important because "it gives us a better understanding of how impacts modify the surface."
That's not only exciting for moon science, but solar system science in general, Petro said. There are all sorts of "airless" bodies around the solar system covered with craters. Examples include the planet Mercury, dwarf planets Ceres and Pluto, and asteroids such as Vesta. Learning about soil grain size on the moon can help scientists better understand how regolith works on these other worlds.
While NASA will shut down Diviner during the eclipse, Petro said the regolith science will continue. He is in talks with two astronomers in Hawaii who will monitor the regolith temperatures from the ground using infrared instruments.
There are seven instruments aboard LRO and they remain in good health, according to Petro. The spacecraft is currently slated to end operations in 2019, but Petro and his team are preparing a proposal to extend LRO's mission by another three years.
Petro said LRO's mission to the moon has already yielded interesting long-term science, such as how often craters appear on the surface. That's why he's an advocate for keeping the mission running as long as possible.
"It's really a new era for studying the moon," Petro said. "With this long baseline of observations, we're able to see how the moon changes."
Jupiter Moon Europa's Possibly Porous Surface Could Doom a Lander
Jupiter Moon Europa's Possibly Porous Surface Could Doom a Lander
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Putting a lander down on Jupiter's potentially life-supporting moon Europacould be even trickier than engineers had thought.
Europa's surface may be extremely porous, so any probe that touches down there might run the risk of sinking into a sort of extraterrestrial quicksand, a new study suggests.
In the lab, study team members measured the reflectance properties of various configurations of aluminum oxide powder — a good analog, they said, for the material on the surface of bright, airless bodies such as Europa, which harbors an ocean of liquid water beneath its icy shell. [Jupiter's Icy Moon Europa in Pictures]
They found that powder composed of very small particles with lots of space between them — material less dense than freshly fallen snow, team members said — shared several key reflectance characteristics with the actual Europan surface.
But the new study is far from the last word on the subject, study team members said.
"Of course, before the landing of the Luna 2 robotic spacecraft in 1959, there was concern that the moon might be covered in low-density dust into which any future astronauts might sink," lead author Robert Nelson, a senior scientist at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, said in a statement. "However, we must keep in mind that remote visible-wavelength observations of objects like Europa are only probing the outermost microns of the surface."
NASA has Europa in its sights: The agency is developing a flyby mission to the icy moon, which is expected to launch sometime in the 2020s. This probe, known as Europa Clipper, will study the satellite's buried ocean and assess its habitability using a variety of instruments.
Congress has also instructed NASA to get a lander down on Europa. The agency's current thinking calls for launching a surface probe separate from Clipper.
The new study appears in the March 1 issue of the journal Icarus.
Simple math shows how many space aliens may be out there
Simple math shows how many space aliens may be out there
The nearest aliens are probably thousands of light-years away.
For those who say you imagine house extraterrestrial beings exist, I doubt your mates will probably be stunned. In a universe aglow with 2 trillion galaxies, you would be supremely conceited to assume that Earth on my own hosts artful creatures. One 2015 ballot confirmed that 54 p.c of American citizens really feel assured that clever extraterrestrial beings are in the market.
Possibly that optimism comes from science fiction. In any case, if there are not any extraterrestrials, there is not a lot of a challenge for the Starship Endeavor or task openings for Vulcans. Fiction apart, many scientists agree that the cosmos is without a doubt sprinkled — in all probability liberally sprinkled — with lifestyles. Even sentient lifestyles.
However are we able to say the rest about that sprinkling? Are we able to danger a bet as to how shut the closest extraterrestrial beings may well be?
That is an unsure trade however no longer a brand new one. In 1961 astronomer Frank Drake devised a easy equation for estimating the collection of “technically energetic” societies in our galaxy. That bit of simple math is referred to as the Drake Equation, and it is frequently stated to be the second one most renowned system in science (the primary being Einstein’s E = mc2).
For those who glance up the system on-line, you’ll be able to see that it takes under consideration the chances that there are liveable planets round different stars, the chance that lifestyles will stand up, and the chance that biology will from time to time evolve to supply artful beings. However even with out wrestling with the Drake Equation, we will use an identical reasoning to gauge the plentitude of alien societies and the way shut the Klingons may well be.
We begin with contemporary analysis appearing that one in six stars hosts a planet hospitable to lifestyles. No, no longer one in 1,000,000. One in six. So let’s take that quantity and run with it. Subsequent we need to make a couple of assumptions. Specifically, if you got 1,000,000 Earth-size worlds, what fraction do you assume would ever beget technically refined population?
Existence on our planet started temporarily: random chemical process in 350 million trillion gallons of ocean water spawned a reproducing molecule inside a couple of hundred million years. So perhaps biology does not want a lot of a goad to get began. I do not believe it is unreasonable to determine that no less than part of all planets appropriate for lifestyles in truth produce it.
Intelligence is much less sure. The dinosaurs have been a excellent design however did not do smartly at school. However let’s assume that one in 100 biology-encrusted planets sooner or later coughs up some considering beings. And, as in step with Frank Drake, let’s additionally think that any Klingons in the market proceed to hang around for 10,000 years sooner than self-destructing (nuclear battle, any person?) or assembly another woeful finish.
Aliens in a mathscape
Do the mathematics, and you’ll be able to to find that one in 100 million superstar programs has technically adept population. That isn’t a lot other than the fraction of jackpot tickets on this week’s Powerball lottery.
So how shut are the closest signaling extraterrestrials? If we are going to pay excellent cash to fan the flames of the warp power and talk over with some bumpy-headed extraterrestrial beings, how a long way do we need to shuttle? Neatly, the typical distance between stars in our a part of the galaxy is four.2 light-years (the gap to Proxima Centauri). This is, for each and every dice of house that is four.2 light-years on a facet, you’ll be able to to find (on moderate) one superstar. Now consider a larger field, 2,000 light-years on a facet. It’s going to comprise 100 million superstar packing containers, and one refined civilization.
Via this tough and in a position calculation, the closest extraterrestrial beings are most likely between one and two thousand light-years away. In different phrases, no nearer than the 3 vivid stars of Orion’s Belt. Certain, alien neighbors may well be farther — or nearer. However this order-of-magnitude estimate tells us that they are no longer subsequent door. They have not heard our information reviews, and they are probably not to have any incentive to talk over with. They only have no idea we are right here.
Via the way in which, we most likely don’t seem to be going to talk over with them both. Nowadays’s quickest rockets would take no less than 20 million years to get there, during which time you are going to be awfully uninterested in on-board pretzels.
Sure, the extraterrestrial beings are most likely round, and 10,000 societies may just inhabit our galaxy (to not point out the ones different galaxies!) They are no longer shut. However they could also be discoverable. That is why we proceed to go looking the sky for radio alerts introduced into the ether way back through our cosmic brethren.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Triton: Neptune's Odd Moon
Triton: Neptune's Odd Moon
By Elizabeth Howell, Contributor
Triton is the largest of Neptune's moons. Discovered in 1846 by British astronomer William Lassell — just weeks after Neptune itself was found — the moon showed some strange characteristics as astronomers learned more about it.
To NASA's knowledge, Triton is the only moon in the solar system that orbits in a direction opposite to the rotation of its planet. Additionally, its surface is a study of contrasts, with smooth plains appearing to be right next to cratered surfaces.
No spacecraft has gone to Neptune since the 1980s, but telescopes are capturing new data on Triton from the ground. A notable recent find was discovering seasons on the moon, using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile.
Renewed interest in Triton began shortly after the New Horizons mission flew past Pluto in 2015. NASA released the best high-resolution map of Triton to date in 2014 in anticipation of the flyby, because it is believed that Triton and Pluto could share a similar history. They are of similar size, have nitrogen in their atmospheres and also icy surfaces.
Discovery and flyby
Triton was found on Oct. 10, 1846, just 17 days after French astronomer Alexis Bouvard discovered Neptune. According to NASA, Triton was known simply as "the satellite of Neptune" until 1949, when a second moon (Nereid) was found. All of Neptune's moons, according to International Astronomical Union guidelines, are named after Roman or Greek mythological characters associated with Neptune, Poseidon or oceans.
Astronomers had to wait well over a century to see Triton as more than a dot, however. In 1977, NASA sent two Voyager probes on a one-way trip through the outer solar system, taking advantage of a rare planetary alignment that allowed them to move from one location to the next without using a lot of fuel. Voyager 2 flew by Neptune and its system on Aug. 25, 1989.
Among the spacecraft's most stunning finds: icy volcanism is likely taking place on Triton's surface. Voyager 2 took pictures of "several geyser-like volcanic vents that were apparently spewing nitrogen gas laced with extremely fine, dark particles," according to NASA. The agency estimates the particles go as high as 5 miles (8 kilometers) before flowing downwind and striking the surface.
It also appears that a large portion of the surface has melted. NASA said the melting was probably due to tidal heating that began when Neptune captured Triton, which could have left the satellite liquid for at least 1 billion years.
Discoveries after Voyager 2
Although no spacecraft will go by Neptune's system in the near future, computer models and higher-resolution telescopes on Earth are providing new information about Triton's history and environment. (NASA has also released new pictures of Triton from Voyager 2 at least as late as 2009.)
In 2010, long-range infrared observations with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope revealed that the thin atmosphere of Triton changes with the seasons. At the time the VLT looked at the planet, it was summer in the southern hemisphere, where the sun's warmth thickened the atmosphere.
New models of Neptune could also provide insights on Triton, such as one released in 2015 that looks at the gas giant's magnetosphere. The magnetic field appears to be particularly pronounced on one side, according to Voyager 2 data and the model, and scientists next want to figure out how this field could interact with Triton.
Other information about Triton's history could come from studying small bodies in the solar system, such as Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. The Rosetta spacecraft gathered data that showed molecular nitrogen on the comet's surface in 2015. From that information, scientists are trying to figure out where the nitrogen came from and how it compares to other bodies with nitrogen in the solar system, such as Triton and Pluto.
Astrobiologists are also considering that Triton could have water under its icy surface. "I think it is extremely likely that a subsurface ammonia-rich ocean exists in Triton," said the University of Maryland's Saswata Hier-Majumder in a 2012 Astrobiology Magazine article republished on "[But] there are a number of uncertainties in our knowledge of Triton's interior and past, which makes it difficult to predict with absolute certainty."
One example: because no one is quite sure of the size of Triton's rocky core, that creates difficulty with calculating the amount of heating produced by the decay of radioactive isotopes, also known as radiogenic heating. More heating would increase the size of the ocean.
Flinging aside moons
In 2006, a model published in Nature suggested Triton was originally a member of a binary system that orbited the sun. During a close encounter with the planet, Neptune pulled Triton away from its companion. Researchers in 2017 also postulated that Triton was likely a double-object system, similar to dwarf planet Pluto and its large moon, Charon. In the Astronomical Journal, the authors also noted that when Neptune's gravity captured Triton, the secondary body escaped. Triton survived only because Neptune's system was bereft of a large moon. If there had been a moon moving in a normal (forward) orbit around Neptune, its gravitational influence meant Triton instead would have fallen into Neptune.
The authors also said their research showed that Triton played an important role in the formation of Neptune's system. Some models suggest that Neptune used to have other moons orbiting it. Then, when Triton was captured long ago, some of these moons were propelled into the planet and others were thrown out of orbit.
There are some other indications of chaos in Neptune's system, including the outlying moon Nereid. The moon has an extremely stretched-out orbit around Neptune and takes 360 Earth-days to make a single orbit. In addition, some of these smaller moons around Neptune may have been absorbed into Triton itself. "If we want to look for the primordial Neptunian satellites, my best guess would be to look inside Triton," lead author Raluca Rufu, a doctoral student at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, told by email in December 2017.
UFO's en dan vooral de grotere moederschepen weten zich vaak uitstekend te verbergen in grote wolken zodat niemand merkt dat ze aanwezig zijn.
Soms gaat het mis en verliezen ze even tijdelijk hun dekking, zoals dit gebeurde in Jamaica.
Voor het gros van de mensheid klinkt het nog altijd ongelooflijk dat grote (buitenaarde) ruimteschepen zich op aarde bevinden, vaak pal onder onze neus, zonder dat iemand iets ziet.
Normaal zie je ze niet omdat ze eruit zien als wolken en dan ook vaak in een heldere lucht waar op dat moment helemaal geen wolken thuis horen. Maar, soms gaat het mis, zoals enkele dagen geleden in Jamaica, toen de zon achter een wolk ervoor zorgde dat een groot moederschip even heel duidelijk zichtbaar werd. Het schijnt dat bij bepaalde momenten op de dag (zonsopkomst en -ondergang) de condities het beste zijn om zich te verbergen/cloaken en bij afwijkende omstandigheden, zoals waarchijnlijkonverwacht in Jamaica, is dat een stuk lastiger.
Als je wat verder inzoomt op het object dan zie je duidelijk de solide contouren van een een cloaked ruimteschip. Met de beste wil van de wereld is dit niet te verklaren als onderdeel van een wolk.
De volgende korte video-opname van deze gebeurtenis werd op 25 januari 2018 gemaakt boven St. Ann op Jamaica.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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