Dit is ons nieuw hondje Kira, een kruising van een waterhond en een Podenko. Ze is sinds 7 februari 2024 bij ons en druk bezig ons hart te veroveren. Het is een lief, aanhankelijk hondje, dat zich op een week snel aan ons heeft aangepast. Ze is heel vinnig en nieuwsgierig, een heel ander hondje dan Noleke.
This is our new dog Kira, a cross between a water dog and a Podenko. She has been with us since February 7, 2024 and is busy winning our hearts. She is a sweet, affectionate dog who quickly adapted to us within a week. She is very quick and curious, a very different dog than Noleke.
ON /30/09/2024 MORE THAN 2.230.520
The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site www.ufowijzer.nl bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder www.mufon.com.
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
NASA's gloednieuwe Marslander arriveert op lanceerbasis
NASA's gloednieuwe Marslander arriveert op lanceerbasis
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Nog een paar maanden en dan vliegt de lander – die letterlijk ín Mars gaat kijken – de ruimte in.
De afgelopen jaren is er hard aan de Marslander geknutseld in Denver. Maar nadat onderzoekers onlangs de laatste hand aan de Marslander legden, was het tijd voor een tripje naar de lanceerbasis in Californië. Met een vliegtuig is de lander deze week overgebracht naar de Vandenberg Air Force Base, waar deze op zijn vroegst op 5 mei het luchtruim zal kiezen.
Eigenlijk had Mars InSight al in 2016 gelanceerd moeten worden, maar problemen met één van de belangrijkste instrumenten aan boord van de lander, hielden deze op aarde.
Testen De komende maanden wordt de lander op de lanceerbasis klaargemaakt voor lancering. Zo zal de komende weken bijvoorbeeld gekeken worden of deze de vliegreis goed heeft doorstaan. Daarna zal de software een update krijgen en alle hardware – waaronder ook de wetenschappelijke instrumenten aan boord van de lander – getest worden. En dan moet er nog iets belangrijks gebeuren, zo vertelt projectmanager Tom Hoffman. “Eén van de belangrijkste activiteiten voor de lancering is het voltanken van het ruimtevaartuig met de brandstof die deze nodig heeft voor de reis naar Mars.” Als dat gebeurd is, zal de lander enkele tests ondergaan die erop gericht zijn om heel nauwkeurig het massamiddelpunt vast te stellen. “Dat moeten we weten om ons ervan te verzekeren dat de binnenkomst en afdaling in de Martiaanse atmosfeer gaat zoals gepland.”
Mars InSight in volle glorie.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-CALTECH.
Mei Er is dus nog wel wat werk aan de winkel. Maar de onderzoekers hebben dan ook nog enkele maanden te gaan. Pas vanaf 5 mei kan er gelanceerd worden. Dat heeft alles te maken met de positie van Mars ten opzichte van de aarde. Die is elke 26 maanden gedurende enkele weken bijzonder gunstig voor het op pad sturen van Marsmissies. En in 2018 loopt die gunstige lanceerperiode van 5 mei tot 8 juni.
Als alles volgens plan gaat, zal Mars InSight in november op Mars arriveren. En daar gaat deze Marslander baanbrekende onderzoeken doen. Zo is InSight de allereerste missie die erop gericht is om diep onder het oppervlak van Mars te gluren. De sonde is daartoe uitgerust met een boor die tot zo’n 4,5 meter diep kan reiken. Het is de bedoeling dat Mars InSight onder meer de hitte afkomstig uit het binnenste van Mars gaat meten en bevingen op Mars onderzoekt.
Hubble ontdekt enorm veel water in de atmosfeer van exoplaneet WASP-39b
Hubble ontdekt enorm veel water in de atmosfeer van exoplaneet WASP-39b
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Het suggereert dat deze exoplaneet heel anders ontstaan is dan gedacht.
Om een beeld te krijgen van de samenstelling van de atmosfeer van WASP-39b zetten astronomen ruimtetelescopen Hubble en Spitzer in. De telescopen bestudeerden het licht van moederster WASP-39 nadat het door de atmosfeer van WASP-39b was gereisd. Het levert het meest complete spectrum van de atmosfeer van een exoplaneet op. Sterker nog: het is het meest gedetailleerde inkijkje in de atmosfeer van een exoplaneet dat we met de huidige telescopen kunnen verkrijgen.
Water En door het licht dat door de atmosfeer van WASP-39b heen sijpelt, te bestuderen, konden de onderzoekers vervolgens meer zeggen over de samenstelling van die atmosfeer. En het levert een grote verrassing op. Zo blijkt de atmosfeer van deze Saturnus-achtige planeet ontzettend veel water te bevatten: WASP-39b heeft zo’n drie keer meer water dan ‘onze’ Saturnus!
Deze artistieke impressie laat WASP-39b en een stukje van zijn moederster zien.
Afbeelding: NASA, ESA & G. Bacon (STScI).
Ontstaansgeschiedenis Het suggereert dat WASP-39b heel anders ontstaan is dan de Saturnus in ons zonnestelsel. De grote hoeveelheden water in de atmosfeer wijzen erop dat de planeet ooit gebombardeerd werd door grote hoeveelheden ijzig materiaal. Dat materiaal zou de exoplaneet vervolgens in zijn atmosfeer hebben opgesloten. Maar de exoplaneet kan alleen aan zo’n bombardement zijn blootgesteld als deze op dat moment veel verder van zijn moederster verwijderd was dan nu het geval is. “Exoplaneten laten ons zien dat de vorming van planeten gecompliceerder en verwarrender is dan we dachten dat het was,” aldus onderzoeker Hannah Wakeford. “En dat is fantastisch.”
WASP-39b heeft een synchrone rotatieperiode, wat betekent dat altijd dezelfde zijde van de planeet op de moederster gericht is. Die permanente dagzijde is gloeiendheet. Maar doordat WASP-39b krachtige winden kent die de warmte van die dagzijde naar de nachtzijde transporteren, is die nachtzijde ongeveer net zo warm.
Hete Saturnus WASP-39b bevindt zich op zo’n 700 lichtjaar afstand van de aarde en heeft een massa die vergelijkbaar is met die van Saturnus. Alleen staat WASP-39b veel dichter bij zijn moederster dan Saturnus bij de zon staat. Sterker nog: de afstand tussen WASP-39b en zijn moederster is zo’n acht keer kleiner(!) dan de afstand tussen onze zon en Mercurius. Het betekent dat WASP-39b in tegenstelling tot Saturnus ontzettend warm is: zo’n 776,7 graden Celsius (zie kader). Onderzoekers spreken dan ook wel van een ‘hete Saturnus’. Hoewel we zulke planeten niet in ons zonnestelsel aantreffen, kan WASP-39b wel meer inzicht geven in hoe en waar planeten ontstaan en ons helpen om de evolutie van ons eigen zonnestelsel beter te doorgronden. “We moeten naar buiten kijken om ons eigen zonnestelsel te begrijpen,” aldus Wakeford.
Vervolgonderzoek met nog krachtigere telescopen kan mogelijk een nog beter beeld geven van de atmosfeer én ontstaansgeschiedenis van WASP-39b. We moeten daar echter nog wel even op wachten. De opvolger van Hubble – de nog krachtigere James Webb-telescoop – wordt naar verwachting pas volgend jaar gelanceerd.
Het multiversum: pure science-fiction of heel wetenschappelijk verantwoord?
Het multiversum: pure science-fiction of heel wetenschappelijk verantwoord?
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Hoe een wild idee uitgroeide tot een mogelijk oplossing voor het grootste natuurkundige probleem dat we kennen.
Met name sci-fi-schrijvers zijn er dol op: het multiversum. Maar wie denkt dat dit wilde idee enkel het domein van fantasten is, heeft het mis. De laatste decennia duikt de term ‘multiversum’ namelijk ook steeds vaker op in wetenschappelijke papers, geschreven door heel respectabele wetenschappers. En in veel van die papers wordt het idee van een multiversum niet keihard onderuit geschoffeld, maar verder afgetast en niet zelden omarmd. “Er zijn veel wetenschappers die denken dat het multiversum bestaat,” vertelt professor Daniel Baumann, verbonden aan de Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica van de Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Wat is het multiversum? Voor we ons verder in hun redeneringen verdiepen, is het goed om helder te krijgen wat we nu eigenlijk onder een multiversum moeten verstaan. “Je hebt het universum en dat werd lang gedefinieerd als: alles.” Maar met de opkomst van het idee van het multiversum was die definitie duidelijk niet afdoende. “Daarom definiëren we het universum nu als alles wat we kunnen zien. Er wordt dan ook wel gesproken van het waarneembare universum. Het multiversum is dan eigenlijk ook niets anders dan een verzameling van meerdere van die waarneembare universa die overigens helemaal losstaan van elkaar.”
De kosmologische constante en snaartheorie Dat ons universum niet het enige universum is, is geen nieuw idee. Maar pas sinds een paar decennia zijn ook respectabele onderzoekers bereid gebleken om dat idee enigszins serieus te nemen. Het is volgens Baumann te herleiden naar een aantal schokkende ontdekkingen en theorieën die in de tweede helft van de vorige eeuw gepresenteerd werden: – Het begint met de kosmische inflatie-theorie die volgens sommigen onomstotelijk leidt tot het ontstaan van een multiversum. Volgens de kosmische inflatie-theorie zou het heelal kort na de oerknal een fase hebben doorgemaakt waarin het in zeer korte tijd – een fractie van een seconde – zeker quintiljoenen (dat is een 1 met 30 nullen) keren groter werd. In de loop van de tijd werden er tientallen modellen ontwikkeld die deze inflatie beschreven. En veel ervan voorspellen een ‘eeuwige inflatie’: oftewel een inflatie die nooit gestopt is. Dat is verrassend, want ons universum dijt nog wel uit, maar lang niet zo snel als kort na de oerknal. Hoe zit dat? Sommige onderzoekers stellen dat het te verklaren is doordat de ruimtetijd het ten tijde van de kosmische inflatie zwaar te verduren kreeg, waardoor bubbels in die ruimtetijd ontstonden. En elke van die bubbels herbergde een universum met zijn eigen natuurwetten (ook wel pocket universes genoemd). In sommige van die bubbels – zoals de onze – stopte de supersnelle uitdijing, in andere ging deze door. Ondertussen zou de inflatie ook tussen de bubbels doorzetten, waardoor deze letterlijk uiteengroeien en er tussen de bubbels ruimte ontstaat waarin continu nieuwe bubbels – en dus oneindig veel universa – kunnen ontstaan.
Kort na de oerknal vond de inflatie plaats: gedurende een fractie van een seconde groeide het universum enorm.
– Misschien wel de belangrijkste aanwijzing voor het bestaan van een multiversum is volgens Baumann echter de versnelde uitdijing van het waarneembare heelal. In 1998 ontdekten onderzoekers aan de hand van supernova’s dat het heelal versneld uitdijt. Dat was alleen te verklaren als er sprake was van een kosmologische constante: een onzichtbare energie in het heelal (we noemen deze nu: donkere energie) die afstotend werkt. Maar met die versnelde uitdijing en benodigde kosmologische constante werd een groot natuurkundig probleem geboren. Want experimenten wezen uit dat de kosmologische constante veel kleiner is dan de theorie voorspelt. Baumann noemt het het grootste probleem in de natuurkunde. “Als dit probleem er niet was, zou ik zeggen dat we niet eens over het multiversum hoeven te praten. Maar het multiversum lost dit probleem op.”
– Om dat te begrijpen, moeten we een sprongetje maken naar de derde en laatste theorie: de snaartheorie. Volgens deze theorie is materie, maar ook energie opgebouwd uit snaren. De theorie heeft echter één grote beperking: hij vereist minstens tien dimensies en wij kennen er maar vier. Sommige onderzoekers vermoeden dan ook dat de ‘missende dimensies’ niet waarneembaar zijn, doordat ze heel compact ‘opgerold’ zijn. Maar – nu komt het – om die extra dimensies onwaarneembaar klein te houden, moet je energie toevoegen. En de energie die in die extra dimensies zit opgeslagen, draagt bij aan de kosmologische constante. Daarnaast zijn er tal van manieren waarop je die extra dimensies kunt oprollen en elke manier resulteert in een compleet andere set natuurwetten. “Als er verschillende niet met elkaar in verbinding staande universa zijn, vertelt snaartheorie ons dat ze heel verschillende eigenschappen zouden kunnen hebben,” aldus Baumann. En ook de kosmologische constante in elk van die universa kan dus net weer ietsje anders zijn. Dat we in ons heelal zo’n kleine kosmologische constante meten, is volgens sommige onderzoekers dan ook vooral een kwestie van geluk hebben. Want met een kosmologische constante die net iets groter is, zouden deeltjes niet eens de kans krijgen om zich aan elkaar te binden, laat staan dat er sterren, planeten en uiteindelijk leven kan ontstaan. “We leven waar we kunnen leven,” zo vat Baumann die theorie samen.
Op zoek naar bewijs En daarmee lijkt het idee van het multiversum het rijk der fabelen te zijn ontgroeid. Maar bewezen is het nog niet. Wat ons natuurlijk bij de vraag brengt of dat überhaupt ooit mogelijk is. Volgens Baumann hebben verschillende onderzoekers zich daar reeds het hoofd over gebroken, maar tot een overtuigend antwoord kwamen ze niet. Veelal wordt voorgesteld op zoek te gaan naar sporen van botsingen tussen pocket universes. Kort na hun ontstaan moeten die bubbels immers vrij dicht bij elkaar hebben gezeten en het lijkt niet onaannemelijk dat het wel eens tot botsingen is gekomen. “Je kunt het vergelijken met wanneer je water kookt: het water zet snel uit en er ontstaan bubbels die botsen.” Dergelijke botsingen kunnen in het geval van de pocket universeshun sporen na hebben gelaten in wat onderzoekers de kosmische achtergrondstraling noemen: warmtestraling die kort na de oerknal is uitgezonden. De afgelopen decennia is deze kosmische achtergrondstraling met behulp van verschillende instrumenten onderzocht en daarbij is natuurlijk ook gezocht naar sporen van botsingen met andere universa. “Maar er is niets gevonden,” vertelt Baumann. Echt verrassend is dat wellicht niet. Baumann wijst erop dat een botsing tussen twee pocket universes al snel resulteert in de ondergang van beiden. “Dus het is nog niet zo gemakkelijk voor twee universa om elkaar aan te raken zonder dat ze elkaar vernietigen.”
Nachtmerrie Bewijs voor het bestaan van het universum is dus lastig te verkrijgen. En dat is ook de reden dat Baumann er niet enthousiast over is. “Ik vind het niks. Het is lastig om dingen die we niet kunnen zien te toetsen, te definiëren en te voorspellen.” Maar dat is wel waar de natuurkunde om draait: “Beschrijven wat we zien, wat we kunnen manipuleren en aanraken.” Met andere universa gaat dat niet (zie kader). “Maar tegelijkertijd kan ik ook niet ontkennen dat het multiversum bestaat,” stelt Baumann. In die zin zou je het multiversum de nachtmerrie van elke natuurkundige kunnen noemen.
In science-fictionfilms die het multiversum als een voldongen feit presenteren, zie je regelmatig dat mensen van het ene naar het andere universum reizen. Zou dat mogelijk zijn in het multiversum waar de verschillende wetenschappelijke theorieën voorzichtig op hinten? “In eerste instantie zou ik zeggen van niet, omdat de bubbels niet met elkaar in verbinding staan en omdat we niet verder kunnen reizen dan we kunnen zien (oftewel niet sneller kunnen reizen dan het licht, wat wel nodig zou zijn om het waarneembare universum te kunnen verlaten, red.).” Dat gezegd hebbende, wil Baumann er wel direct een kanttekening bij plaatsen. Want hoewel de algemene relativiteitstheorie stelt dat we niet sneller kunnen reizen dan het licht, is dat in theorie wel mogelijk, namelijk middels een wormgat. “Dat is volgens mij de enige optie om van het ene naar het andere universum te reizen.” Maar wormgaten zijn tot op heden niet gevonden, dus afgaand op wat we nu kennen, blijft de conclusie dat we vastzitten in ons eigen universum.
En misschien is het idee van het multiversum ook wel meer een vloek dan een zegen. Het roept in ieder geval een interessante filosofische vraag op. “Is dit wetenschap? Kunnen we geloven dat iets echt is als we het nooit gezien hebben?” Je zou misschien denken van niet. Maar die conclusie zul je Baumann niet zo snel horen trekken. Hij onderbouwt dat door te verwijzen naar de quarks: elementaire deeltjes die we onmogelijk kunnen waarnemen, maar toch alom geaccepteerd zijn. “Er is een theorie (het Standaardmodel van de deeltjesfysica, red.) en die hebben we op alle mogelijke manieren getest en elke keer weer blijkt dat we de quarks nodig te hebben. En daarom geloven we dat ze bestaan, ook al is het onmogelijk om een vrije quark waar te nemen.” Op vergelijkbare manier zouden we – ook al kunnen we het niet zien – het multiversum kunnen omarmen. Sterker nog: het is misschien wel het beste waar we op mogen hopen. “Ik ben niet zo hoopvol dat we andere universa gaan observeren,” stelt Baumann. “Dus ik hoop dat we een theorie kunnen ontwikkelen waarvan verschillende aspecten getest kunnen worden en waaruit blijkt dat het multiversum een onvermijdelijke consequentie van inflatie en snaartheorie is.”
Zover zijn we echter nog lang niet. Op dit moment is het multiversum geen onvermijdelijke consequentie van allerhande theorieën, maar enkel een fraai passende oplossing voor een groot natuurkundig probleem. Baumann illustreert dat aan de hand van een voorbeeld. “De astronoom Johannes Kepler vroeg zich lang geleden af waarom de aarde zo ver van de zon staat. Hij probeerde daar een theorie voor te bedenken. Later zou blijken dat daar helemaal geen theorie voor ontwikkeld kan worden. Want toen we naar andere planetaire systemen gingen kijken, ontdekten we dat het toeval is: we leven hier, omdat we elders niet kunnen leven. Nu is de aarde geen fundamenteel concept in de natuur. De kosmologische constante is dat wel. En op dit moment zijn we geneigd die te verklaren, zoals we de afstand tussen de zon en de aarde verklaren: door er andere universa bij te halen en te concluderen dat we gewoon geluk hebben gehad met onze kleine kosmologische constante. En daarmee lijkt de puzzel opgelost.” Maar in tegenstelling tot de planetaire systemen uit het voorbeeldje van Johannes Kepler, kunnen we die andere universa niet waarnemen of aantonen dat hun bestaan – zoals dat van de quarks onvermijdelijk is – en dus hangt de oplossing van de puzzel van aannames aan elkaar. Wat ons terugbrengt bij de vraag van Baumann: “Is dit wetenschap?” Daar kun je in dit stadium over discussiëren. Maar één ding staat wel vast: het multiversum drukt wel een stempel op de wetenschap. Nu al. “Het ontmoedigt onderzoekers om echte oplossingen te vinden en kan ervoor zorgen dat ze te snel opgeven.” Niet alleen als het gaat om het multiversum, maar ook om andere lastig te verklaren problemen in de natuurkunde.
En zo blijft het multiversum naar verwachting nog wel even onderwerp van discussie. “Wetenschappers houden ervan of ze hebben er een hekel aan. Maar weinigen hebben er geen mening over. Het is een polariserend thema dat de manier waarop we wetenschap bedrijven kan herschrijven.”
Interview met Daniel Baumann Afbeelding bovenaan dit artikel: gegamar0 / Pixabay
Do 12,000-Year-Old Texts Hint An Atomic Bomb Exploded On Earth Destroying Civilization?
Do 12,000-Year-Old Texts Hint An Atomic Bomb Exploded On Earth Destroying Civilization?
Does this 12,000-Year-Old Text Reveal An Atomic Bomb Exploded on Earth In The Distant Past?
More than 12,000 years ago, an incredible event left a mark in the ancient Hinducivilization.
Countless ancient texts describe fascinating accounts that many authors believed, occurred thousands of years ago on Earth. While many ancient civilizations across the globe have left a mark in history with countless ancient scripts, monuments, and objects that force us to reevaluate what we know about history, many of these accounts are perceived with a notion of disbelief by mainstream scholars. Some call these accounts as mythology, some refer to it as folklore, but the truth is that there are countless ancient texts that indicate how ancient civilizations around the globe experienced incredible things, and they made sure to document them as well as they could.
Controversial as it may be, many people around the world believe there is a high chance that in the distant past, tens of thousands of years ago, mankind was visited by beings, not of Earth. Many people still believe we are being visited even today, and there is ample evidence that suggests we are continuously visited by civilizations, not from Earth. Today, evidence of visitations can be found in countless images, videos, and recordings made available to the public. There are countless videos and images of alleged UFO sightings. Some of them may not be real, but some of them could very well be the real deal.
However, how would ancient mankind, thousands of years ago document what they had seen? Imagine living 10,000 years ago somewhere in India, and you look up to the sky and see what is today referred to as a UFO. How would you best document that experience?
Ancient civilizations across the world resorted to rock art, petroglyphs, geoglyphs, potteryart, and even in writing. From the Gods who came down from heaven, mentioned in numerous ancient cultures across the globe, to incredible flying ‘discs’ mentioned by the ancient Egyptians thousands of years ago, evidence that suggests we have been visited by ancient aliens can be found all around us.
Possible written evidence of ancient alien contact and advanced technology existing on Earth thousands of years ago can perhaps be found if we take a look at the Mahabharata and the Ramayana.
These ancient texts are believed to document incredible technologies, and stories of what many believe is evidence of flesh and blood aliens among us.
The Mahabharata is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the other being the Ramayana.
It consists of 100,000 verses divided into 18parts or books that are equivalent to eight times the Iliad and Odyssey combined.
These ancient texts are more than a historical narration.
It is a combination of facts, legends stories, and myths.
A vast collection of didactic discourses written in a beautiful language, nurturing all Hindu mythology and creating one of the major world religions: Hinduism.
Among those historical texts, we see a story of a devastating event that occurred thousands of years ago. This event, incomparable to any other historic even in ancient history, sounds very familiar to events that rocked modern history: The use of atomicbombs.
Historian Kisari Mohan Ganguli, argues that the Mahabharataand the Ramayana are full of descriptions of largenuclearholocausts that are apparently of incredibly higher proportions than those at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Curiously, when a student asked Dr. Oppenheimer if the first nuclear device that went off was the one at Alamogordo. during the Manhattan Project, he responded… Well … yes. In modern times, yes, of course.
So, what does that ancient text say? And how can you be sure it actually describes a nuclear event, unfolding on Earth thousands of years ago?
A manuscript illustration of the Sky Battle of Kurukshetra, fought between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, recorded in the Mahabharata Epic.
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
The ancient Hindu text, the Mahabharata:
“Gurkha, flying a swift and powerful Vimana, hurled a single projectile charged with the power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame, as bright as ten thousand suns, rose with all its splendor.
It was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.
The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable.
Hair and nails fell out; Pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white.
…After a few hours all foodstuffs were infected… …to escape from this fire the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment.”
A second passage:
“Dense arrows of flame, like a great shower, issued forth upon creation, encompassing the enemy. A thick gloom swiftly settled upon the Pandava hosts. All points of the compass were lost in darkness. Fierce wind began to blow Clouds roared upward, showering dust and gravel.
Birds croaked madly… the very elements seemed disturbed. The sun seemed to waver in the heavens The earth shook, scorched by the terrible violent heat of this weapon.
Elephants burst into flame and ran to and fro in a frenzy… over a vast area, other animals crumpled to the ground and died. From all points of the compass, the arrows of flame rained continuously and fiercely.”
— The Mahabharata
The above text describes a violent and terrible event, one that many authors argue, can only be compared to a nuclear bomb detonating on Earth.
However, there are many other references in the Ramayana which seem to be very similar to those described in the above text.
But is there evidence, other than the texts supporting the theory that a nuclear device detonated on Earth thousands of years ago?
According to ancient astronaut theorists, there is.
The evidence, note ancient astronaut theorists, was found in 1992, when researchers discovered in Rajasthan, 16 kilometers west of Jodhpur, a layer of radioactive ash, covering an area of about eight square kilometers.
The radiation was allegedly so intense that it still contaminates the area today.
The ancient archaeological sites of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro are treated as another important piece of evidence- There, experts discovered skeletons scattered throughout the area almost as if a sudden, extremely destructive event occurred there, devastating entire cities.
“(It was a weapon) so powerful that it could destroy the earth in an instant– A great soaring sound in smoke and flames– And on it sits death…”
— The Ramayana
So what really happened thousands of years ago? What did ancient man document in these ancient texts? Is it really possible that a device similar to an atomic bomb exploded on Earth, some 12,000 years ago?
Do the Mahabharata and the Ramayana really describe nuclear weapons? If so where did these weapons come from? The Gods?
If an atomic bomb really went off in the past, was a crater left behind? Ancient Astronaut theorists say yes, and point to a crater with 2154 meters in diameter, located 400 kilometers from Mumbai.
The date the crater was created, according to experts, ranges from 12,000 to 50,000 years ago.
Scientists Suggest The Moon Was Created 1,000 Years Before Our Planet, And It Formed Inside Earth
Scientists Suggest The Moon Was Created 1,000 Years Before Our Planet, And It Formed Inside Earth
Not only do researchers suggest the moon formed before the Earth, but they also indicate how the moon formed ‘inside’ a sort of vaporized Earth at temperatures of 2,200 ° C to 3,300 ° C and pressures of tens of atmospheres.
The Moon formed within a cloud of vaporized rock, and perhaps it came into existence before our own planet suggests a new scientific theory.
Most scientists believe that the Moon originated as a result of the impact of a Mars-sized body called Theia against Earth, some 4.5 billion years ago.
The violent clash threw rocks and molten metals into the orbit of our planet that ended up merging with each other, eventually forming Earth’s eternal companion we see in the sky.
However, a new study led by the University of California Davis and the Harvard University tells a different story than we have heard in the last few decades; The Moon may have formed before our planet, radically changing everything we know about our satellite and planet.
“The new work explains features of the moon that are hard to resolve with current ideas,’ said Sarah Stewart, a professor at the University of California Davis.
“The moon is chemically almost the same as the Earth, but with some differences,” she said. “This is the first model that can match the pattern of the moon’s composition.”
Researchers suggest how Earth’s satellite was formed before, and at much higher temperatures, than the formation of our planet.
The new explanation, published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, recognizes episodes of the collision, but not in the way that was counted so far.
Meet Synestia, a new theory of formation
(Sarah Stewart/UC Davis based on NASA rendering)
According to the new version, the Moon arose inside the Earth, when our planet was inside a “synestia,” a huge, spinning, doughnut-shaped mass of hot, vaporized rock.
It is a new type of planetary object, recently proposed by the same authors, which is also formed by the brutal clash of other large bodies.
Its name derives from «syn» together, and «Hestia» the Greek goddess of architecture.
The authors of the new study believe that these cosmic donuts were gigantic, up to ten times the size of Earth, but probably did not last long, only around hundreds of years.
They shrink rapidly as they radiate heat, which causes the rock vapor to condense into liquid and eventually collapse into a molten planet.
“Our model starts with a collision that forms a synestia,” explains Simon Lock, a Harvard researcher.
“The Moon was formed inside the vaporized Earth at temperatures of 2,200 ° C to 3,300 ° C and pressures of tens of atmospheres,” he concludes.
Mr. Lock indicates how isotope tests have revealed a fingerprint which undoubtedly proves that our planet and its faithful companion, the moon, are nearly identical.
Despite this fact, studies have proven that our moon has far less volatile elements like potassium, sodium, and copper, which are relatively common on Earth.
“There hasn’t been a good answer for this,” Mr. Lock said.
“People have proposed several explanations for how the moon could have wound up with fewer volatiles, but no one has been able to quantitatively match the moon’s composition.”
As explained in the new synestia theory, cosmic bodies are created within a so-called ‘seed,’ a relatively small amount of liquid rock located in the center of the swirling cloud of super-hot matter.
As the material cools over time, the vaporized rock turns into a liquid.
Eventually, the molten rock falls down throughout the cloud and most of it gathers around the seed to form a plane.
Scientists suggest that as our planet was formed, some of the rock-rain condensed at the surface of the Synestia, and rained down onto the proto-moon, while the Earth synestia gradually shrank.
The moon was created before, and at much higher temperatures.
Scientists say that apart from this difference, the celestial bodies are nearly identical.
According to the new theory, the moon may have formed around 1,000 Years before our planet as it emerged from the synestia much faster.
Mr. Lock explained how “the rate of rainfall is about ten times that of a hurricane on Earth.”
“Over time, the whole structure shrinks, and the moon emerges from the vapor. Eventually, the whole synestia condenses and what’s left is a ball of spinning liquid rock that eventually forms the Earth as we know it today,” he added.
And despite the fact that scientists came up with a relatively solid theory, there’s still some work to do.
“We’ve done calculations of each of the processes that go into forming the moon and show that the model could work, but there are various aspects of our theory that will need more interrogation. For example, when the moon is in this vapor, what does it do to that vapor? How does it perturb it? How does the vapor flow past the moon? These are all things we need to go back and examine in more detail.”
Moon formed when small planet CRASHED head on with Earth creating ‘dust doughnut’
Moon formed when small planet CRASHED head on with Earth creating ‘dust doughnut’
THE Moon was formed when a planet in its infancy crashed into Earth which resulted in a ‘dust doughnut’ around our planet that would go on to become the lunar satellite.
Moon formed when small planet CRASHED head on with Earth creating ‘dust doughnut’
Experts had previously believed the Moon was formed when a Mars-sized infant planet – known as Theia – hit Earth with a glancing blow, striking at a 45 degree angle some 4.5 billion years ago.
As a result, chunks of Theia and Earth collected in Earth’s orbit to eventually form the Moon.
But experts from Harvard University, the University of Bristol and University of California now believe the chance the collision actually happened are virtually impossible.
New research suggests Earth did hit another small planet some 4.5 billion years ago, but the collision was head on.
The impact was so intense that it vaporised the smaller planet, creating a ring of dust – called a synestia – around Earth.
Chunks of molten rock from Earth joined the synestia, which allowed the Moon to form.
In astronomical terms, synestias are extremely brief, only lasting for a couple hundred years, before they shrink rapidly, causing rock vapour to condense into liquid, which ultimately becomes the core of a planet, or in this case the Moon.
According to experts in the study, this would explain why the Moon has a different chemical composition from Earth as the majority of it is formed from another planet.
Sarah Stewart, professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at University of California, said: "The Moon is chemically almost the same as the Earth, but with some differences.
"This is the first model that can match the pattern of the Moon's composition."
Simon Lock, graduate student at Harvard and visiting student at UC Davis who first developed the idea of synestias, said: "Our model starts with a collision that forms a synestia.
"The Moon forms inside the vaporized Earth at temperatures of four to six thousand degrees Fahrenheit and pressures of tens of atmospheres."
Unprecedented: 7,000-Year-Old Submerged Archaeological Site Found Off The Coast Of Florida
Unprecedented: 7,000-Year-Old Submerged Archaeological Site Found Off The Coast Of Florida
“This will forever transform the way we approach offshore archaeology.”
An ancestral burial site belonging to native America culture has been found under the ocean near Key Manasota (Manasota Key Offshore, MKO), on the west coast of the Florida peninsula, local secretary of state Ken Detzner recently announced.
The research carried out so far shows that during the Early Archaic Period, when the sea level was much lower than at present, the area where the Cay is located was not submerged and there was a small freshwater lake where the ancient Floridians buried their deceased.
The site near the community of Venice was first discovered by an amateur diver in June 2016, who reported the find to the Archaeological Research Office (BAR) pointing towards the existence of possible human remains in the area.
A carved wooden stake discovered by divers. Image Credit: Ivor Mollema/Florida Department of State
As it is illegal to excavate any site where there are burials, underwater archaeologists had to use other techniques and tools. Experts used sonar and magnetometers for their research and, after a year and a half, they are finally able to claim that the area, with less than an acre of extension (around of 4 thousand square meters), was firm land not covered by the sea during the Early Archaic Period.
Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner said in a statement that the archaeological site called MKO is located on the continental shelf, off the west coast of the state, in what was once a freshwater lake, when sea levers where much lower than at present.
As the sea level rose, that lake was submerged by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and covered by material known as “peat.” This is a brown material consisting of partly decomposed vegetable matter forming a deposit on acidic, boggy, ground; This peat remained intact in the seabed, which helped preserve the ancient remains.
Underwater archaeologists mapped the entire site.
Image Credit: Ivor Mollema/Florida Department of State
According to Detzner, BAR archaeologists have done “an incredible work of documentation and research that can help understand the native peoples better.”
The Secretary of State stressed that “out of respect for the individuals buried there and their possible alive descendants,” divers and other persons are prohibited from accessing the site, already protected by the laws of Florida and controlled by representatives of the forces of order that perform frequent patrols.
Timothy Parsons, director of the Historical Resources Division of the State Department, said that the MKO deposit is “a revelation for the world of archeology.”
Ryan Duggins, supervisor of underwater archeology at the BAR, considered “inspiring” the fact that found a submerged field under the Gulf of Mexico “so well preserved.”
“This will forever change the way we approach offshore archaeology.”
Image Credit: Ivor Mollema/Florida Department of State
“We now know that this type of site exists on the continental shelf,” said Duggins.
On behalf of the Seminole people, Paul Backhouse, head of tribal historical conservation, expressed his satisfaction at being able to elaborate a plan with other institutions that will “allow the ancestors to continue resting in peace without human interference for the next 7 thousand years.”
“We are truly humbled by this experience,” Duggins explained in a statement.
“It is important to remember that this is a burial site and must be treated with the utmost respect.”
Als je in een zwart gat springt kun je eeuwig blijven leven. Deze studie laat zien waar je mogelijk uitkomt
Als je in een zwart gat springt kun je eeuwig blijven leven. Deze studie laat zien waar je mogelijk uitkomt
Als je in een zwart gat springt zul je niet aan stukken worden gescheurd, maar kom je in een vreemde realiteit terecht. Dat suggereert althans een nieuwe studie.
Zwarte gaten zouden je verleden uitwissen en je naar een parallel universum sturen met een oneindig aantal mogelijke toekomsten.
Als gevolg daarvan zou je eeuwig kunnen leven, zo claimen onderzoekers.
Ander universum
In ons universum is er vanwege de natuurkundige wetten maar één toekomst mogelijk.
Wiskundige Peter Hintz van de Universiteit van Californië – Berkeley kwam tot de ontdekking dat in zogeheten Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter-zwarte gaten andere wetten lijken te gelden.
Als je in zulke zwarte gaten springt, kun je dat mogelijk navertellen. Als je namelijk de singulariteit weet te omzeilen kun je in een ander universum terechtkomen.
Wat er vervolgens gebeurt is niet bekend, omdat de relatie tussen oorzaak en gevolg in een dergelijk universum niet bestaat. Alles wat is, was en zal zijn is tegelijkertijd mogelijk.
Professor Hintz bestudeerde een specifiek soort niet-roterend zwart gat, dat een zogeheten Cauchy-horizon bevat.
Die Cauchy-horizon zorgt ervoor dat het verleden niet langer de toekomst bepaalt. Natuurkundigen hebben altijd gezegd dat deze horizon je zou vernietigen.
Uit de berekeningen van dr. Hintz blijkt dat Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter-zwarte gaten een uitzondering op de regel vormen. Hier zouden ruimtereizigers ongedeerd doorheen moeten kunnen gaan.
Unusual Heat Anomaly Detected In The Gulf Of Mexico
Unusual Heat Anomaly Detected In The Gulf Of Mexico
An unusual observation has been noticed in the Gulf of Mexico as a persistent heat anomaly continues to appear on multiple instruments and weather maps.
Is an underwater volcano starting to erupt or is a hydro thermal vent possibly? The last reading was 133 degrees!
One of the largest underwater volcanoes, a so-called asphalt volcano, resides in the Gulf of Mexico and is discovered in 2003 by a research expedition to the Gulf of Mexico.
But they not only discovered the underwater volcano, also they discovered alongside the asphalt were areas soaked with petroleum and methane hydrate, also spewed from the volcano.
Is it possible that the strange heat anomaly comes from this huge underwater volcano and could it be a sign of an underwater eruption or a sign that the volcano has come back to life?
Pilots report intruder ‘UFO’ spotted in broad daylight
Pilots report intruder ‘UFO’ spotted in broad daylight
Allison Yee
It was the bizarre sight that had pilots and air traffic controllers stumped.
Flying high above the ground over Crater Lake in Oregon, an unregistered aircraft was causing havoc as baffled pilots radioed in reports of an unidentified object flying outside registered flight plans.
On the ground, it was a similar situation, with radars alerting air traffic controllers to a mystery object in the air.
Pilots and air traffic officials noticed the suspicious flying object in the air last October. Photo: Getty
Now audio obtained by blog The Drive has revealed an exchange between officials as they struggled to figure out the incident last October.
"You know that target south of the boundary there? The 0027 code moving very fast at 37,000?" a radar operator can be heard saying.
The object was evident on radars, but wasn't responding to any attempts to communicate.
Photo: Getty
"Oh, look at that thing,” replies a centre controller. “Huh, um and you don’t have anything on him?"
With the operator replying he didn’t, the Sun reports sightings of the object continued for another 30 minutes, and saw another United Airlines flight calling in reports of a ‘large white plane’.
Fighter jets were dispatched to investigate - but the object disappeared.
Photo: Getty
Officials took the sightings seriously, with F-15 fighter jets later taking off from Portland International Airport in a bid to investigate and intercept the object.
However their search was futile as the flying object has mysteriously vanished.
"The fighter scrambled, they went out looking around a little bit but we, you know, we lost anybody having sight of the aircraft,” the Sun reports a FAA Seattle Center Official saying.
Spooky footage shows 'fleet' of 10 UFOs
VIDEO The eerie video shows the tiny specks circling before vanishing into thin air. Facebook/Daniel Zeljkovich
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
STASI: Don’t worry, chances of an alien cyber-attack are much lower than total human annihilation
STASI:Don’t worry, chances of an alien cyber-attack are much lower than total human annihilation
Cyber-attack anyone? Never mind the Russians — what about the Martians?
Two astrophysicists, whose heads are more in the clouds than in outer space, have just published a research paper proposing that aliens could/might cyber hack attack the Earth causing chaos, mass destruction or maybe universal (like the whole universe) good times. And it's getting a lot of international, and perhaps even inter-species, attention.
The non-peer reviewed paper, (in other words not written for other astrophysicists to evaluate it), by Michael Hippke of the Sonneberg Observatory in Germany and John Learned, of the University of Hawaii, says this cyber attack could come from something as simple as a friendly message about possible communication between us and E.T.
Or as they put it: "A complex message from space may require the use of computers to display, analyze and understand. Such a message cannot be decontaminated with certainty, and technical risks remain which can pose an existential threat. Complex messages would need to be destroyed in the risk averse case."
Not so fast, brother. I asked two people who know more about this stuff, than, well, anybody if that makes any sense.
Hell, they said, if aliens wanted to attack us, they don't need to hack our computers, they'd just bio-germ us into non-existence. So rest assured, there is no risk, repeat no risk of E.T.s hacking your Instagram account and posting naked pictures of themselves.
Retired Army Col. John Alexander, a former Green Beret and founder of the Advanced Theoretical Physics Group, who ran the military's psychokinesis group (bending metal with the mind) and author of the book UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities, told me, "While hypothetically possible, the probability is so remote as to not be worth any concern, let alone time and effort in countering it." Ouch.
"E.T. alien cyber-attacks don't make sense on any level. They don't need to sow discord as we already have that on our own. If they were to invade, a biological attack makes far more sense. If E.T. understands the physics of getting to Earth, they also understand biology. Therefore, if control or depopulation is the goal, bio-warfare is far easier than mano-a-mano ala Hollywood. Why risk a fight when they could wipe us out without loss of any of their lives. They could also repopulate using cloning technology and just raise a docile herd."
Dr. Alexander believes the real threat comes more from AI that we create ourselves than from a cyber hack attack from outer space.
Even Bill Birnes, who starred in History Channel's "UFO Hunters," and is the author of the upcoming, "UFOs and The White House: What did Our Presidents Know and When did They Know It?" said, "Art from as far back as the Middle Ages, notations in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, and stories from other cultures all point to the presence of some types of anomalous craft in the skies. Even Ezekiel is specific about what is flying above him. If aliens wanted to take over this planet, why worry about computer code?"
Alien obsession around the world
And he continued, "An advanced species looking to inhabit Earth would concern themselves more with the DNA code and seek gradually to hybridize our race. Hybridizing our species, which I believe is already taking place, is the most efficient and logical way to take over a planet."
So in other words, why would aliens from deep space bother hacking our Facebook pages when they can just steal our DNA?
Birnes, who has devoted his life to researching UFOs and the aliens aboard them, believes, "We have already become a hybridized species-when our planet was first visited hundreds of thousands of years ago."
We are the extraterrestrials.
Damn! It's just my luck I got to be one of the short greys and not one of tall ones with the giant eyes who never have a bad hair day.
The darling of the microscopic world is the tardigrade, a hardy little microbe that’s so tiny it’s invisible to the naked eye. Nicknamed the “water bear,” this minuscule metazoan can survive some of the harshest climates in our universe, like deep oceans, red-hot geothermal vents, and even the walls of space-bound rockets. But that’s not why humans like them so much. We love them because, up close, the tardigrades we’re familiar with are plump, doughy, and altogether very cute.
But tardigrades are not a species but rather an entire family of organisms, and not all of its members evolved such pleasing aesthetics. On Wednesday, in the journal PLoS One, researchers led by Daniel Stec, Ph.D., from the Jagiellonian University in Poland report the discovery of Macrobiotus shonaicus sp. nov., a newly discovered species of tardigrade.
In this video uploaded by study co-author and Keio University biologist Kazuharu Arakawa, Ph.D., one can’t help but notice this tardigrade is not as cute. If the tardigrades we’re used to seeing look like little water bears, this one looks like a mid-length water bear turd with legs or a small, impaired platypus … if you’re feeling generous.
Alas, like humans among all the great apes, not all tardigrade species can be so lovable. The tardigrade type you’ve probably cooed over is the eutardigrada, images of which are commonly used as visual shorthand for the tardigrade class as a whole. Indeed, close-up shots of eutardigrades themselves, a subclass of over 700 species, make them seem quite cute.
But there are many species of tardigrades, found all over the world and probably beyond. The new species, M. shonaicus sp. nov., is actually one of 168 known tardigrade species in Japan alone.
The researchers found this aesthetically impaired little guy in a similarly homely place: a scoop of moss from a car park in Tsuruoka-City, Japan, where Arakawa rented an apartment nearby (“specific permission was not required,” the authors note). Using phase contrast light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, they snapped close-up shots of the new species, revealing a scary mouth, scary claws, and really scary eggs.
Here it is in its entirety, looking rather bland:
Here’s its scary mouth:
Here are its freaky claws:
The eggs are the pièce de résistance. Close up, they’ve got a bulbous middle that narrows into a floppy opening crowned with wild, ragged filaments. They do not look unlike a ripe pimple caught mid-pop.
These scary eggs, however, were key to the organism’s classification as a new species. Though the organism as a whole is most similar to M. anemone from the United States, M. naskreckii from Mozambique, and M. patagonicus from Argentina, the researchers determined that M. shonaicus’ eggs put it into a class of its own.
“[It] can be easily distinguished from these species by the presence of thin flexible filaments on terminal discs of the egg process,” they write, describing the flailing, itchy-looking things in the image above. The eggs, furthermore, have a solid, poreless surface, putting them in a subclass known as the persimilis. The new classification is as follows:
In the biological world, it’s not easy to earn your place as a unique species with its own classification. Perhaps it’s for the best, then, that M. shonaicus has so many, uh, unique features, even though its overall appearance leaves much to be desired.
A small asteroid will zip safely by Earth on Friday (March 2), and you have a chance to see it as a pinprick of light in the sky in a live webcast.
The newfound near-Earth asteroid, called 2018 DV1, is about the size of a bus and will approach within 70,000 miles (113,000 kilometers) of Earth during its flyby, according to scientists with NASA's Asteroid Watch program. The asteroid is about 23 feet (7 meters) wide, the program's asteroid-tracking widget stated.
The Virtual Telescope Project will host a free webcast, led by astrophysicist Gianluca Masi in Ceccano, Italy, for the event. The webcast will feature views of the asteroid as seen by a 16-inch (41 centimeters) robotic telescope at the Tenagra Observatories in Arizona. You can watch the webcast live hereFriday, beginning at 12:30 a.m. EST (0530 GMT). [In Photos: Potentially Dangerous Asteroids]
Astronomers using a telescope at the Mount Lemmon Observatory in Arizona first spotted asteroid 2018 DV1 on Monday (Feb. 26), according to an updatefrom the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Friday's asteroid flyby comes on the heels of another close encounter by the asteroid 2018 DU on Sunday (Feb. 25). That asteroid got within about 196,000 miles (315,000 km) of Earth during that flyby.
The Virtual Telescope Project is also tracking another asteroid, called 2017 VR12, as it makes its ownclose flyby of Earth on March 7. The asteroid will be nearly 870,000 miles (1.4 million km) from Earth at its closest point during the flyby.
According to the Minor Planet Center, asteroid 2017 VR12 is 492 to 1,542 feet (150 to 470 m) wide. That size, combined with its flyby distance to Earth, qualifies the object as a "potentially dangerous" asteroid. But that doesn't mean you should panic; NASA classifies any near-Earth asteroid that is larger than 492 feet across in an orbit that approaches within 4.6 million miles (7.5 million km) as a potentially hazardous object.
Friday's asteroid flyby comes on the heels of another close encounter by the asteroid 2018 DU on Sunday (Feb. 25). That asteroid got within about 196,000 miles (315,000 km) of Earth during that flyby.
The Virtual Telescope Project is also tracking another asteroid, called 2017 VR12, as it makes its own close flyby of Earth on March 7. The asteroid will be nearly 870,000 miles (1.4 million km) from Earth at its closest point during the flyby.
According to the Minor Planet Center, asteroid 2017 VR12 is 492 to 1,542 feet (150 to 470 m) wide. That size, combined with its flyby distance to Earth, qualifies the object as a "potentially dangerous" asteroid. But that doesn't mean you should panic; NASA classifies any near-Earth asteroid that is larger than 492 feet across in an orbit that approaches within 4.6 million miles (7.5 million km) as a potentially hazardous object.
Black-Hole Bursts Turn 'Mini-Neptunes' into Rocky 'Super-Earths'
Black-Hole Bursts Turn 'Mini-Neptunes' into Rocky 'Super-Earths'
By Samantha Mathewson, Space.com Contributor
Monster black holes near the center of our Milky Way galaxy may have transformed "mini-Neptune" exoplanets into rocky super-Earths, new research shows.
Supermassive black holes are thought to reside at the centers of most, if not all, large galaxies. They gobble up surrounding matter and, in turn, generate bright flares of X-ray and ultraviolet radiation.
The new findings suggest that these powerful bursts could strip nearby exoplanets of their thick, gaseous atmosphere, leaving behind a bare, rocky core. These rocky bodies would likely be heavier than Earth, making them so-called super-Earths, according to a statement from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). [The Strangest Black Holes in the Universe]
"It's pretty wild to think of black holes shaping the evolutionary destiny of a planet, but that very well may be the case in the center of our galaxy," lead study author Howard Chen, a researcher at the Northwestern University Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, said in the statement.
In the study, the researchers examined the environment surrounding Sagittarius A*, the 4-million-solar-mass supermassive black hole that lurks in the center of our galaxy, around 25,000 light-years from Earth.
"We wondered what these outbursts from Sagittarius A* would do to any planets in its vicinity," study co-author John Forbes, of the CfA, said in the statement. "Our work shows the black hole could dramatically change a planet's life."
Specifically, the researchers studied the effect that the high-energy radiation from Sagittarius A* has on exoplanets that are located less than 70 light-years from the black hole and have masses somewhere between Earth's and Neptune's. These exoplanets can be known as "super-Earths" because they are bigger than our rocky, oceanic Earth, or "mini-Neptunes" because they are smaller than the cold, gas-shrouded Neptune.
The new study shows that the high-energy radiation from Sagittarius A* could blow away a large amount of the thick, gaseous atmosphere of Neptune-like planets near the black hole and leave behind rocky super-Earths, according to the statement.
"These super-Earths are one of the most common types of planet that astronomers have discovered outside our solar system," study co-author Avi Loeb, of the CfA, said in the statement. "Our work shows that in the right environment they might form in exotic ways."
In fact, the recent findings suggest that this process may be the most common way in which rocky super-Earths form near the center of the Milky Way, the researchers said.
It is possible that some of these planets may be found in the habitable zone of a star, where temperatures are just right for liquid water, and perhaps life, to exist. However, it would be difficult for any life to arise in the challenging environment of the galactic center, due to damaging supernova explosions, high-energy gamma-rays and additional black-hole outbursts, which could completely erode a planet's atmosphere, according to the study.
Furthermore, a passing star could cause gravitational disruptions that would tear the planet away from its life-sustaining host star. Such disruptions may be more common in areas packed with stars, such as Sagittarius A*, the researchers said.
"It is generally accepted that the innermost region of the Milky Way is not favorable for life," Loeb said. But "even though the deck seems stacked against life in this region, the likelihood of panspermia, where life is transmitted via interplanetary or interstellar contact, would be much more common in such a dense environment. This process might give life a fighting chance to arise and survive."
Detecting exoplanets near the core of the Milky Way is challenging due to its distance from Earth, abundance of stars and thick clouds of dust and gas that block light. However, larger, next-generation, ground-based telescopes — such as the European Extremely Large Telescope — could help to overcome these challenges by searching for "transits," in which an exoplanet orbits in front of its star.
Another method that could prove useful for detecting these elusive exoplanets involves searching for stars with traces of unusual elements in their atmospheres that would indicate that the star has migrated away from the center of the galaxy, the researchers said in the statement.
Silicon-based life on Earth? Only artificially, so far — but maybe natural on other planets
Silicon-based life on Earth? Only artificially, so far — but maybe natural on other planets
Scientists have successfully nudged a strain of bacteria to create carbon-silicon bonds for the first time. Such research will help flesh out our understanding of silicon-based life — which doesn’t appear on Earth but could on other planets.
Quartz, or rock crystal, the second most abundant mineral in the Earth’s crust, is a mixture of (mostly) silicon and oxygen. The first most abundant mineral, feldspar, also contains (mostly) silicon. Image credits Stefan Schweihofer.
You may not think of it much, but silicon is actually really common here on good ole Earth — it’s the second most common element in our planet’s crust after oxygen. About nine-tenths of crustal rocks contain silicon in the form of silica or other silicates. The processor that’s allowing you to read ZME Science contains silicon — the glass panes on your windows, too. It’s so ubiquitous in our planet’s chemical makeup that a geologist can tell you which volcanoes will explode, and which would simply ‘flow’ on eruption, just by looking at how much silicon its magma contains. Sitting just one step away from carbon in the periodic table, silicon shares most of the properties that made carbon ideally suited for organic use.
Which makes the following point that much more curious: life as we know it simply isn’t that big on using silicon. It pops up here and there, in the tissues of certain plants or the shells of some marine organisms, but surprisingly little overall. Instead, Earthlings much prefer carbon.
Research from the California Institute of Technology, however, may put the element back on biology’s menu. The team successfully coaxed E.coli into producing a protein that can form carbon-silicon (C-Si) bonds. Their work sheds more light on why the latter element seems to be shunned by Earthly life, and where we might find organisms that don’t feel the same way.
Silly cons
The team started by engineering a strain of E. coli bacteria to produce a protein normally found in bacteria from Icelandic hot springs which can bind silicon to carbon. When the team first used their engineered strain to produce the protein in question, the compound proved to be very inefficient. Successive iterations and natural mutations, however, resulted in an enzyme that could forge organic silicon molecules some 15 times more efficiently than any chemical process the team could apply to the same goal. Using this molecule, the team produced twenty organic C-Si compounds, all of which proved to be stable.
So, by this step, they had proven that life can incorporate silicon — it’s just that it doesn’t particularly want to.
“You might argue, gosh, it’s so easy for a biological system to do it, how do you know it’s not being done out there?” says coauthor Frances Arnold. “We don’t really know, but it’s highly unlikely.”
Arnold was referring to other planets in this context, but the point he’s trying to make can also be applied to Earth. Do we know beyond a doubt that there isn’t silicon life on Earth? Well, no. But we have reasonable grounds to assume that there isn’t.
The issue here is a problem of availability. Silicon is much more common on Earth than carbon, but virtually all of it is extremely costly for life to access. Silicon is so prevalent in the crust because it’s a huge fan of oxygen, and it will bind with any available atom of the gas to form rocks. All of the silicon compounds that the team fed their bacteria to make these new compounds were manmade and life wouldn’t have any chance of finding them in the wild.
Carbon, on the other hand, is very stable chemically. Its relative lack of interest in hooking up with oxygen is especially useful for life, as it can use the atom to create huge molecules without much risk of them oxidizing and breaking apart. It also allows carbon to exist in a pure state (graphite for example) in nature, while silicon can’t — this is a very important distinction, as in molecular ‘economy’, this means carbon can be acquired at a much, much lower price (energy expenditure) than silicon. Finally, when you burn carbon you get a gas that can then be re-used by life; silicon lacks this perk.
But it can be quite shiny, as these silicon optic pieces showcase.
Image credits Crystaltechno / Wikimedia.
Finally, silicon-based life couldn’t use water as carbon-based life does; the two simply don’t have chemistry. Instead, it would have to substitute another liquid, such as methane, for the job — but that’s not stable under normal conditions on Earth, either.
In the end, the heart of the matter isn’t that silicon can’t be a foundation for life — it’s just that, on Earth, carbon can do the job much more easily, at greater efficiency, and at a lower cost. The ‘job’ here being life.
However, that’s not to say silicon-carbon bonds aren’t useful. We produce such compounds in the lab all the time and use them in products ranging from electronics to pharmaceuticals. The team hopes that their bacteria can help produce these substances much faster, much more cheaply, and with a lesser environmental footprint. It could also open the way to whole new materials.
“An enzyme can do what chemists thought only they could do,” Arnold says.“The chemical bond could appear in thousands and thousands of different molecules, some of which could be useful,”
“They’re all completely new chemical entities that are easily available now just by asking bacteria to make them.”
Silly life
Beyond the immediate practical considerations, the research also begs the question: is Earth-based silicon life feasible? The results showed, at the very least, that silicon isn’t harmful to life as we know it. Perhaps, if life had ready access to the element, it would incorporate it more in its structures and processes, despite its limitations.
And that invites the question of whether life can be made to incorporate elements that we’ve never seen it use before.
“What happens when you incorporate other elements?” Arnold asks. “Can nature even do that?”
“Presumably we could make components of life that incorporate silicon—maybe silicon fat or silicon-containing proteins—and ask, what does life do with that? Is the cell blind to whether carbon is there or silicon is there? Does the cell just spit it out? Does the cell eat it? Does it provide new functions that life didn’t have before?”
“I’d like to see what fraction of things that chemists have figured out we could actually teach nature to do. Then we really could replace chemical factories with bacteria.”
One particularly well-suited solution to the limitations of silicon on our Earth is to move the context to another planet. Any seasoned lover of sci-fi, and I proudly count myself among their number, has run into the idea of silicon-based aliens at least once. For now, the “alien life” part remains in the domain of fantasy, but the chemistry behind that idea is very firmly lodged in the domain of science. For example Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, sports a chilly average temperature of -179° Celsius (-290° Fahrenheit), very little oxygen (that’s locked in water ice), and an abundance of methane rivers and lakes.
[Read Further] Yes that’s weird, but the weather gets even weirder on other planets — even simple rain.
In this context, silicon would be much better suited as a biochemical base for life than carbon. In what is perhaps a sprinkling of cosmic irony, however, Titan sports a lot of carbon (even more than Earth), but precious little silicon — and most of it is buried deep, near the moon’s core. But it goes to show that there are worlds out there where silicon is the way to go, not carbon. Overall our chances of finding silicon-based life, or life that incorporates silicon, are pretty slim. And that, again, comes down to the fact that carbon is the more stable of the lot. In the grand scheme of things, there can be silicon life out there — but it will probably be pretty rare.
Still, for now, research into C-Si bonds could usher in a new method of cheaply producing what, today, are relatively pricey compounds. And organic silicon compounds could have very valuable uses in medicine and other applications. So, while we look and pine for silicon-based life out in the universe, we stand to gain a lot from studying it on Earth.
The paper “Directed evolution of cytochrome c for carbon–silicon bond formation: Bringing silicon to life” has been published in the journal Science.
The moon could have formed from a seething, spinning cloud of vaporized rock, which scientists call a ‘synestia’. Scientists at the University of California, Davis and Harvard University claim that this novel lunar formation model ties several loose ends that competing and more established formation theories could not resolve.
This artist’s rendering shows the hot, molten Moon emerging from a synestia, a giant spinning donut of vaporized rock that formed when planet-sized objects collided.
Credit: Sarah Stewart/UC Davis based on NASA rendering.
According to the mainstream lunar formation theory, early in our planet history, Earth collided with a Mars-sized object called Theia. The highly energetic collision threw molten rock and metal into orbit which eventually coalesced, forming the moon. For more than 20 years, this has been the canonical model for the formation of the moon and modern planet Earth. But, compelling as it may be, this model is likely wrong, according to Simon Lock, a graduate student at Harvard’s Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.
Modern analyses show that both the Earth and the moon have nearly the same isotopic “fingerprint”, suggesting they both formed from an identical source. What’s more, trajectory models suggest that there’s a very narrow range of collisions that might be able to get enough mass into orbit. “There’s only a couple of degree window of impact angles and a very narrow range of sizes…and even then some impacts still don’t work,” Lock said in a statement.
“Our model explains, for the first time, how the Moon acquired its distinct composition. The Moon has a very similar composition to Earth in the major rock-forming elements (e.g., Al, Mg, Si) but depleted in elements that are more easily vaporized. Because the Moon formed within the synestia, surrounded by hot vapor, it inherited its composition from Earth but only retained the elements that are more difficult to vaporize. The more volatile elements remained in the vapor of the synestia. When the synestia cooled and contracted inside the Moon’s orbit, it took all the more volatile elements with it. We have shown that the pressures and temperatures at which the Moon would have formed inside the synestia would give it a composition similar to that observed in our Moon. Ours is the first model to be able to quantitatively explain the Moon’s composition,” Lock told ZME Science.
“Our model can also help explain why Earth and the Moon appear to have formed from the same material and why our Moon is so big,” he added.
Lock, along with colleagues from Harvard and UC Davis, have devised a new model that is better able to account for these inconsistencies. It relies on a new type of planetary object called synestia — a rapidly spinning mass of molten and vaporized rock, with some matter belonging to the body in orbit around itself. The whole thing looks a lot like a giant planetary-sized donut made of vaporized rock. “Synestia” comes from “syn-,” “together” and “Hestia,” Greek goddess of architecture and structures.
The term “synestia” was coined by Lock and Sarah Stewart, who is professor of planetary science at the University of California, Davis. Both researchers are academically focused on studying what happens when planet-sized objects smash into each other. Particularly, the two are interested in what happens during the collisions of massive spinning objects.
Any rotating object has an angular momentum which needs to stay conserved. The law of conservation of angular momentum states that when no external torque acts on an object, no change of angular momentum will occur. If the net torque is zero, then angular momentum is constant or conserved.
It’s the conservation of angular momentum that can explain why an ice skater can increase the angular acceleration by bringing his or her arms and legs close to the vertical axis of rotation. Because the moment is conserved, when the skater decreases rotational inertia, the rotation rate must increase. Ultimately, the skater’s angular momentum is the same. And when two ice skaters catch ahold of each other, the angular momentum of each skater adds up — again, per the law of conservation of angular momentum, the summed angular momentum must remain the same. As a nice bit of trivia, it’s because of this law that the solar system is flat.
Now, imagine what happens when your two skaters are actually two planets that crash into each other. When Lock and Stewart modeled what happened to Earth-sized rocky planets after a collision with other large objects over a range of high temperatures and high angular momentum, they found this completely new planetary structure.
“The main challenge in this research was breaking our preconceptions about what the aftermath of giant impacts should look like. Two of the most significant ‘Eureka’ moments were that the realization that impacts were creating a very different type of planetary structure, synestias, and that the synestia was so large that the Moon would be forming inside the vapor of the synestia,” Lock told ZME Science.
Out of the Earth-synestia, chunks of molten rock which were injected into orbit following the impact formed the seed for the moon. Synestias likely don’t last long — not more than a couple hundred years — because they can’t sustain their heat for too long, and shrink rapidly, finally collapsing into a molten planet. And while the Earth-synestia gradually shrank, vaporized silicate rock rained into the proto-moon, which explains how the moon inherited its composition from Earth. At the same time, because it formed at high temperatures (4,000-6,000°F), the moon lost the easily vaporized elements which is why the moon also has a distinct composition.
The synestia model answers many long-standing questions about Earth’s and the moon’s formation, but this work is still in its infancy. Much more work must be completed to refine the model further. For instance, scientists would like to know how the vapor that formed the moon flowed and behaved in more detail.
“The study of forming Moon-formation from a synestia is still in the preliminary stages. We have shown that each of the steps to form the Moon from the synestia are feasible, but there is a lot more detailed interrogation of each of these steps yet to do. Also, by better constraining the chemical and isotopic composition of Earth and the Moon, we can find new tests of our model to see whether it truly can produce a Moon that looks like our own,” Lock said.
“It may be possible to observe synestias in upcoming exoplanet surveys, but the lifetime of terrestrial synestias is so short and the possibility of observing one is quite low,” he added about the possibility of witnessing a synestia in the making.
“Forming the Moon within the vaporized Earth is a fundamentally new environment for Moon formation. This model changes the emphasize of the study of Moon formation from a particular impact to the properties of the synestia produced by the impact. There are a range of very different impacts that could have formed our Moon.”
If you’d like to learn more about the synestia moon formation model, Lock made a website explaining it in great detail. You’re welcome to check it out.
Scientific reference: Simon J. Lock et al. The origin of the Moon within a terrestrial synestia, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets (2018). DOI: 10.1002/2017je005333. <
PENTAGON UFO BOMBSHELL: Former defence minister claims US IS storing 'ALIEN UFO parts'
PENTAGON UFO BOMBSHELL: Former defence minister claims US IS storing 'ALIEN UFO parts'
A FORMER minister of defence has sensationally claimed the remains of recovered alien technology are being secretly stored away from public view and claims the US has weapons to bring down UFOs. Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Minister of Defence alleges the US Government has been in contact with extraterrestrials for years, and claims Washington has obtained flying saucer technology, but has covered it up.
Paul Hellyer is convinced aliens are being hidden from the public.
His bombshell claims come just weeks after it emerged the US Pentagon had a top-secret UFO investigation team from 2007 to 2012, that allegedly obtained "materials from UFOs".
In December, a New York Times article revealed details of a top-secret £16 million US Pentagon study into the potential threat posed by UFOs.
The report claimed the Department of Defense (DoD) Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Programme (AATIP) even recovered "unknown alloys" believed to have come from a UFO that had been tested and found to have properties unknown to science.
Mr Hellyer, who was a minister in the 1960s, believes top secret departments have been harvesting technology from the advanced lifeforms to develop hi-tech weaponry and aircraft, Dailystar.co.uk reports
They’ve been working on technology that they got from the aliens and not only that but the particle guns based on the work of Tesla and others.
Paul Hellyer
In a recent Lazarus Effect YouTube podcast he claimed some of this groundbreaking knowledge had “most certainly” been shared with the UK.
A former US Air Force Charles James Hall, who has written about his alleged encounters with aliens at a Nevada base, reportedly told Mr Hellyer they had a hangar for a “mother ship that came into the side of a mountain on the nights of the full moon”.
Mr Hall claims the air force, back in the 1960s, had already been exchanging technological information with “tall whites”, an alleged blonde-haired human-like race of aliens, according to Hellyer.
In the podcast, Mr Hellyer, 93, said: “If the US was that far advanced in the exchange of technology in the 1960s where are they today?”
“They’ve been working on technology that they got from the aliens and not only that but the particle guns based on the work of Tesla and others.
“That is the primary purpose of the anti ballistic missile shield, the weapons are ones that can be aimed in either direction to control the situation on earth but equally, if not more important, to shoot down UFOs.
“I do believe they have developed two or three kinds of weapons that are capable of disabling and bringing down UFOs.”
Mr Hellyer has remained in Canadian politics throughout his career and is the longest serving current member of the country’s Privy Council.
His theory claims that four species of aliens have been visiting Earth for thousands of years.
Mr Hellyer is not alone in this thinking, with many so-called alien disclosure campaigners claiming the alien cover up has been in place since the alleged Roswell UFO crash of 1947.
Conspiracy theorists claim that a UFO was found crashed outside the New Mexico town and the remains of it have been hidden away ever since.
Since news broke of the AATIP broke there have been calls for the metal and any reports on it to be produced, but so far nothing has materialised.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Grootste vliegtuig ter wereld is breder dan een voetbalveld - HLN.be
Grootste vliegtuig ter wereld is breder dan een voetbalveld - HLN.be
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETAl bijna zeven jaar werkt Microsoft-medeoprichter Paul Allen aan een gigantisch vliegtuig waarmee hij raketten de ruimte in wil sturen. Na enkele succesvolle stuur- en remtests op het tarmac is de Stratolaunch weer een stapje dichter bij zijn eerste vlucht.
Het is haast een surrealistisch beeld, het vliegtuig met twee rompen en een lange rechte vleugel in het midden van de Californische woestijn. De Stratolaunch, met een spanwijdte van maar liefst 117 meter, wordt het grootste vliegtuig ter wereld. De 28 wielen moeten meer dan 590 ton (het gewicht wanneer het vliegtuig geladen is) dragen, terwijl zes Boeing 747-vliegtuigmotoren al dat gewicht de lucht in moeten krijgen.
Het kolossale gevaarte vliegt tot een hoogte van zo’n 11 kilometer. Daar wordt de raket met satelliet afgevuurd naar een lage baan om de Aarde. Paul Allen hoopt met het vliegtuig de kostprijs van zo’n lancering stevig te drukken, want voor het afschieten van dergelijke raket vanaf een lanceerplatform op de grond is veel brandstof - en dus veel geld - nodig.
Stratolaunch Systems
Een bedrijf tekende in anderhalf jaar geleden al een contract met Stratolaunch Systems. Met het vliegtuig van Allens bedrijf wil Orbital ATK zijn Pegasus XL, dat gebruikt wordt om kleine satellieten te vervoeren, naar de ruimte brengen.
Maar daar is het dus nog even op wachten: de Stratolauch moet nog uitgebreid getest worden. Het van zijn stellingen halen en naar buiten rollen was alvast een eerste mijlpaal. Gisteren werden de motoren getest. Oorspronkelijk waren de eerste testvluchten al voorzien voor 2016 en 2017, maar zoals dat met projecten van zo’n omvang gaat, werden die al uitgesteld naar volgend jaar. Dan kan het paradepaardje met vleugels groter dan een voetbalveld eindelijk de lucht in.
Paul Allen, volgens Forbes een van de rijkste mensen ter wereld, beschreef in zijn memoires Idea Man al hoe hij als kind geobsedeerd was door de ruimtevaart. Hij droomde van het ontwerpen van raketten die Mars zouden verkennen. “Andere interesses kwamen en gingen, maar mijn obsessie met raketten is gebleven”, schreef hij. “Na Apollo legde NASA de nadruk op onbemande raketten. De ruimtevaart verloor zijn stempel, maar nooit mijn interesse.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:HLN.be - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
US Fighter Jets And A UFO Apparently In A Dogfight Over Lincoln County, Nevada
US Fighter Jets And A UFO Apparently In A Dogfight Over Lincoln County, Nevada
Two planes and a third object were captured on photos silhouetted against the sky above a patch of desert in Lincoln County, Nevada. Many believe that the dramatic photos show US fighter jets battling a UFO over Area 51, an alleged top-secret alien site.
UFO researchers Tim Doyle and Tracey Su captured the photos while they were camping out 12 miles from the military base.
They claimed that they spotted the two fighters soaring above and they decided to take pictures. Then a third shape appeared when they looked back at the images later.
The pair believed the trio were involved in a plane dogfight.
Tim described the UFO as similar to a triangular unmanned drone because it was probably too small to have a person inside it.
Tim added that it definitely looked as though the three crafts are interacting with each other.
The US Air Force base, located approximately 80 miles from Las Vegas, is thought to be the home of experimental aircraft development and testing.
The CIA only acknowledge its existence after a Freedom of Information request in 2013.
Many conspiracy theorists claim the highly secretive facility has been used for reverse engineering of a crashed alien spacecraft at Roswell in 1947.
Mysterious Lights appear in the Sky over Milwaukee - FOX6 News
Mysterious Lights appear in the Sky over Milwaukee - FOX6 News
On Tuesday morning, February 27, 2018 strange moving lights appeared over Milwaukee and were captured live on TV from FOX6.
They quickly explained that it was just a huge flock of seagulls but not everyone is convinced because a few days earlier another mysterious light fell from the sky over Milwaukee and they believe that both events are connected to each other.
Elisabeth Zillinskas who recorded the bright light over Milwaukee on February 24, 2018 states that she has no idea what exactly fell from the sky, it is a complete mystery.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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