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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Scientists Say an 8-Mile-Deep Italian Cave May Be the Key to Finding Life on Mars
Scientists Say an 8-Mile-Deep Italian Cave May Be the Key to Finding Life on Mars
Chris Mahon
Image credit: YouTube
To prepare for missions to Mars, NASAtests out its tech in extreme localeslike Death Valley, Calif., and Lake Vostok in Antarctica, but it turns out that the Frasassi Caves in Italy may be one of the best places to explore when it comes to the search for life on Mars.
New research published in the journal Astrobiology has shown that life leaves behind distinct biosignatures in rock formations, especially in cave environments like Frasassi. Using these biosignatures, scientists can identify past and present alien microorganisms on Mars—or other planets.
At the heart of the new research is gypsum, a mineral created in the weathering of the Frasassi caves.
Researchers found unique patterns of isotopes in gypsum that suggested that something special happened when it formed, and did some digging into how biology might have influenced the mineral.
They found that microbes can speed up the chemical reactions that form gypsum, especially when water is present. In the process, the microbes leave behind tiny clues to their presence in the form of isotopes, which are atoms with have the same number of protons and electrons, but different numbers of neutrons.
According to Jenn Macalady, one of the geoscientists associated with the study.
"If we were to find a similar environment on Mars, we could use this particular biosignature to test for the current or past presence of life. But I think more generally what we're suggesting is that anytime you have microbes on a surface and a fluid moving past, the rates of reaction that the microbes generate would allow you to see variation in a signature like isotopes. The research is exciting because it's not just an example. It's a general prescription for looking for evidence of life."
Armed with this knowledge, future Mars missions may make caves the first place to study when they land on the Red Planet. Luckily, NASA has already received a proposal for a shape-shifting robot that can explore caves, oceans, and anywhere else we need. If there are extraterrestrial microbes lurking in Martian caves, we'll find them.
A new study raises an intriguing question: are we really the first ones to develop a civilization on Earth? Before you start thinking about aliens or wacky conspiracy theories, think about it this way: if another civilization had developed on the planet at some point in the geological past, how would we know about it? The new research explores that avenue; they call it “The Silurian hypothesis.”
Archaeological Site of Harappa.
Image via Wikipedia.
Ancient life
Homo sapiens as we know it evolved some 315,000 years ago. You might think that’s a very long time and in one sense, it is. But at a geological scale, it’s nothing. Primates, as a group, emerged some 55 million years ago, while mammals came to be over 200 million years ago. Reptiles have been on this planet for more than 300 million years ago, and fish popped up more than 500 years ago. The history of life on Earth is so incredibly long it’s difficult to comprehend it at the human scale.
What we know about these ancient living creatures, we know through fossils. Sure, we complement findings with computer models and the ecological principles we’ve discovered, but fossils are still the pillar of our knowledge of ancient life. But it takes special conditions for a fossil to form, and the results we’ve discovered so far are few and far between compared to the mind-blowing diversity our planet has witnessed.
To make matters even worse, our planet is an active environment and tectonic movement (and other geological processes) can destroy fossils and other clues about ancient environments. So to sum it up, remnants of life are rare, and even those rare bits are often destroyed by the Earth’s geology. Now, think about it this way: wouldn’t the same thing happen to evidence of an ancient civilization?
Remnants of a civilization
If humanity went extinct tomorrow, what would be left of us? The buildings, roads, and all the infrastructure — for a while. They would be engulfed by vegetation in a few years, and almost everything would be destroyed in a few centuries. After a million years, you probably won’t see any evidence that mankind ever existed — at the surface, anyway.
A diligent scientist one million years in the future might be able to tell that a civilization once existed. He’d find isotopic evidence of atomic explosions, an unnatural rise in CO2 emissions, perhaps even some remnants of former structures — but all these have essentially happened in the past century. In their new study, Gavin A. Schmidt (a climatologist with the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies) and Adam Frank (an astronomer from the University of Rochester) address this conundrum: are we the first civilization on Earth, and what does this mean for finding life on other planets?
Based on recent astronomical findings, we know that there is a huge number of stars in the galaxy, many of them harboring stars in the habitable zone. The number of planets capable of hosting life might be very high, thus also increasing the chances of intelligent life forms emerging. Scientists are looking for extraterrestrial life more and more — but what about here on Earth, what if there is a previous civilization we’ve still yet to discover? What if we are the scientists million of years in the future, hunting for an ancient industrialized civilization, what would we find?
You’d start with the air, researchers write.
“Since the mid-18th Century, humans have released over 0.5 trillion tons of fossil carbon via the burning of coal, oil and natural gas, at a rate orders of magnitude faster than natural long-term sources or sinks. In addition, there has been widespread deforestation and addition of carbon dioxide into the air via biomass burning.”
You’d move on to geomorphological features, like increased rates of sediment flow in rivers and its deposition in coastal environments, as a result of agricultural processes, deforestation, and the digging of canals. Then, you’d move on to biology, looking for evidence of domesticated animals. But the biggest smoking gun would be synthetic materials. The presence of synthetic materials, plastics, and radioactive elements (caused by nuclear power or nuclear testing) could also leave a significant mark on the geological record, and isotopes could last for millions of years. Finally, you’d look for extinctions caused by the rise of said civilization.
“The clearest class of event with such similarities are the hyperthermals, most notably the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (56 Ma), but this also includes smaller hyperthermal events, ocean anoxic events in the Cretaceous and Jurassic, and significant (if less well characterized) events of the Paleozoic,” researchers continue.
A comparison between the Earth and Mars.
After tightening these constraints for Earth, they move on to what we might potentially see on other planets. Mars and Venus might have been habitable millions of years ago, and if we want to see if this was the case, we need to know what to look for.
“We note here that abundant evidence exists of surface water in ancient Martian climates (3.8 Ga), and speculation that early Venus (2 Ga to 0.7 Ga) was habitable (due to a dimmer sun and lower CO2 atmosphere) has been supported by recent modeling studies,” they state. “Conceivably, deep drilling operations could be carried out on either planet in future to assess their geological history. This would constrain consideration of what the fingerprint might be of life, and even organized civilization.”
Journal Reference: The Silurian Hypothesis: Would it be possible to detect an industrial civilization in the geological record?
The Megalithic Stones Of Carnac—An Ancient Cosmic Map?
The Megalithic Stones Of Carnac—An Ancient Cosmic Map?
The megalithic stones of Carnac are a set of stones intricately positioned in Brittany. It is the most extensive prehistoric monument in the world. This megalithic site is believed to have been erected during the Neolithic, probably around 3300 BCE, but some may date to as early as 4500 BCE.
Like extensive lines of penitents, the enigmatic stones of Carnac were positioned in a straight line across the rough territory of Brittany, keeping guard in front of the waters of the Bay of Biscay
Local tradition has yielded a number of interesting legends about the menhirs.
Although their presence and configuration are truly mysterious, the peasants of the region found a way to explain them. According to a deep-rooted belief, the megaliths are Roman soldiers petrified by God to protect Saint Cornelius, patron of Carnac.
Another one suggests that, at night, the stones come to life and advance towards the sea to bathe or to drink.
The famous neolithic menhirs near Carnac, Brittany, France.
They have been credited with healing powers, and it was believed that they could provide fertility and help people who seek love.
The Stones of Carnac are not only one of the most extensive prehistoric monument in the world, they were seeming just as important when they were erected, and evidence of that is the number of stones that were present in the area.
According to experts, when the stones were erected, there were as many as 10 thousand.
Today, after thousands of years, only 3,000 remain, in four large groupings: Le Menéc, Kermario, Kerlescan and LePetitMenéc.
Next to the village of Le Menéc is where the most numerous alignment begins.
There are 1,099 stones in eleven rows placed mimicking soldiers or schoolchildren, in order of height: the largest measure 3.7 meters and the smallest only 90 centimeters.
They were positioned facing northeast in gentle undulations along a slightly curved line.
The Kermario megaliths are larger, with megaliths exceeding 7 meters in height and decrease in size over an area of 1,200 kilometers.
The other two groupings are smaller, but Kerlescan differs by a square configuration of the 540 stones that compose it.
Jerome Penhouet proposed, in 1826, that the four alignments of Carnac were part of the body of a massive snake that was depicted on the lands of Brittany.
However, different eras produced different theories trying to explain the mystery behind the stones.
During the nineteenth century, it was suggested that these were places dedicated to the solar and lunar cult, while other authors thought that they were avenues that led to the temples that have now disappeared from sight.
Atlantean remains?
Hans Hirmenech suggested that the rows of menhirs were the tombs of Atlantean soldiers who had died during the Trojan War.
Also, James Fergusson proposed that the erection of these monuments should commemorate a sort of great battle that took place in ancient times.
Other scholars who studied the megalithic stones went further and proposed that they were true tombs and believed they found support for this reasoning in the meaning of the names of some places: in Breton, a language of Celtic origin, Kermario means “city of the dead”.
However, when formulating the last theory, it seems that exerts ignored the fact that the menhirs are much older than the appearance of the Celts in this region.
Cosmic map?
The first to allude to the “celestial map theory” of Carnac was André Cambry, who maintained that the stones of Carnac mimick the stars, the planets, and the zodiac.
After Chambry, other authors took up the idea and, in 1970, the English engineer Alexander Thom followed the footsteps of Gerald Hawkins in his studies on Stonehenge and applied them to Carnac.
According to Thom, the great fallen menhir of Locmariaquer was the center of an immense astronomical observatory capable of predicting eclipses.
Their measurements indicate that from this supermassive gigantic menhir it was possible to observe the eight extreme positions of the Moon.
He also proposed that the Carnacalignment were solar calculators, used to correct the irregularities observed in the movements of the Moon.
The immense fallen menhir of Locmariaquer, known as Er Grah (the Stone of the Fairies), measured more than 20 meters in height and is believed to have existed with a combination of other menhirs that are now gone. This massive menhir has an estimated weight of 280 tons.
It remains a profound mystery as to how ancient people managed to move this, and other menhirs to their current positions, without the use of advanced technology.
John Glenn: “ UFOs are all over the sky.” “This is Friendship Seven. I will try to describe what I am living at this moment. I am in the middle of a large mass of very small, bright particles, as if they were luminescent. I never saw anything like that. They are rounded up a bit; They come through the capsule and look like little stars. A whole rain of UFOs I see. “
John Glenn
Take a look at this incredible audio file where we can hear the astonishment of astronaut John Glenn after his capsule was surrounded by countless strange UFOs.
This audio transmission can easily be described as one of the most surprising evidence of a mysterious extraterrestrial presence during manned space missions. This old audio file allows us to hear a small part of the conversation between the Mercury-Atlas 6 (MA-6) capsule piloted by John Glenn and CAPCOM, on February 20, 1962, the first manned orbital mission in the United States.
Launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, it completed a successful three-orbital mission around the Earth, reaching a maximum altitude of approximately 162 land miles and an orbital speed of approximately 17,500 miles per hour. The Mercury spacecraft “Friendship 7” landed in the vicinity of Grand Turk Island. The duration of the mission from launch to impact was 4 hours, 55 minutes and 23 seconds.
John Glenn
In the audio file, Mr. Glenn referred to his capsule as “Friendship 7” and can be heard describing what a “bright blue horizon” looks like behind him as the sun rises. Then, suddenly he realizes that something peculiar is happening around him, since he is “intercepted” by innumerable UFOs that wrapped his capsule. Here is the transcript of the event and below the video:
John Glenn : This is Friendship Seven. He is blinded by the clear range. It started just when I gave that mark; I go to the dark filter to see it appear.
CAPCOM : Roger.
John Glenn : This is Friendship Seven. I will try to describe what I am seeing here. It looks like a large mass of very small particles, which are brightly lit as if they were luminescent. I never saw anything like that. They are rounded up a bit; They come through the capsule and look like little stars. A whole rain of them coming towards me.
John Glenn : they revolve around the capsule, they go in front of the window and they are all brightly lit. Probably averaging maybe 7 or 8 feet away, but I can also see them all below me.
Intrigued by events, CAPCOM asked Glenn to describe the objects and if they were impacting his spaceship.
CAPCOM : Roger, Friendship Seven. Can you hear any impact with the capsule? Short.
John Glenn : negative, negative They are very slow; they will not drive me further than 3 or 4 miles per hour. They are going at the same speed that I am approximately. They are only way below my speed. Short.
John Glenn : Yes, they have a different movement, from me, because they swirl around the capsule and then move away along the path I’m looking for.
John Glenn : Are you receiving? Short. There are literally thousands of them.
After describing the objects, Glenn receives no response from CAPCOM and wonders if he is in contact with anyone while continuing to talk about the strange objects around his spaceship.
John Glenn : This is Friendship Seven. Am I in contact with someone? Short.
Eventually, almost five minutes after describing the events, CAPCOM responds, saying that Glenn sounded a bit “confusing”, and was asked what his oxygen levels were. Strangely, CAPCOM did not address the strange events with Glenn, who explains that the mysterious particles are still around the spacecraft. After realizing that CAPCOM does not respond, Glenn decided to photograph the mysterious objects. Then, CAPCOM asks how large the particles were and if they moved or floated with it.
CAPCOM suggested that the particles may have come from the spacecraft, but Mr. Glenn said that this was not the case. Interestingly, after the successful orbit of “Friendship 7”, another astronaut aboard the capsule “Aurora 7”, named Scott Carpenter, also saw mysterious objects in space. NASA scientists eventually observed the mystery and concluded that the objects seen in space were just ice particles trapped by sunlight.
NASA claimed that ice had accumulated on the outside of the capsule and that what the two astronauts saw was ice particles floating freely. However, Mr. Glenn was not convinced by the explanation. During his second orbit, he reported seeing the objects again in miles in each direction. What do you think? Did Glenn have a sensory experience, or was it really Ice? As always, we will never know … or what?
A Scientific Study Examining Extraterrestrial Origin Of Asteroid Oumuamua Is Finally Revealed
A Scientific Study Examining Extraterrestrial Origin Of Asteroid Oumuamua Is Finally Revealed
Astronomers launched a bid to know the origin of the strange cigar-shaped asteroid floating in the heavens when they noticed it earlier in 2018.
After a thorough study for signs of extraterrestrial civilisations on Asteroid Oumuamua, the latest results have now been released.
The asteroid has about 400 meters long, which is two times longer than the Gherkin skyscraper. It is the first space rock monitored in our Solar System.
The discovery raised speculations that it could be an alien reconnaissance spaceship seeking life and civilisations on Earth.
Unfortunately, official research reveals that the rock is either a space vehicle with a broken-down engine or natural in origin as it appeared to be tumbling through space.
Avi Loeb, an astrophysicist at Harvard University, said earlier this year that there is a small chance the asteroid could reveal whether there’s extraterrestrial life.
Loeb explained that aliens likely have a mothership travelling at tremendous speed and releases small spacecraft free falling into planetary systems to do research. In such case, according to Loeb, scientists might intercept a communication signal between the different spaceship.
A team of scientists used the Murchison Widefield Array, a telescope in Western Australia, to examine the asteroid and the result might bring disappointing news to UFO hunters.
They checked the object if it had signals or transmissions to know if it was an alien spacecraft. Unfortunately, they found nothing with non-terrestrial origins. They say that Oumuamua is most likely a cometary fragment and cosmic rays’ bombardment during its long travel through interstellar space almost lost its surface water.
However, the researchers noted that if ever there is an advanced civilisation elsewhere other than Earth, they may have spacecraft that can travel interstellar distance and that they may use radio waves to communicate.
What Were The Mysterious Foo Fighters Seen By Fighter Pilots Around the World?
What Were The Mysterious Foo Fighters Seen By Fighter Pilots Around the World?
A Royal Airforce Pilot flying a Hurricane interceptor reported in December of 1942 that he witnessed two lights shooting from the ground toward his 7,000-foot cruising altitude while he was flying over France. He first thought it was tracer fire, but realized soon after that this wasn’t the case, as the mysterious ‘lights’ followed him, mimicking every evasive maneuver he made.
The appearance of the so-called Foo Fighters began to be documented during the Second World War when German and allied warplanes began encountering mysterious flying objects without wings.
The numerous Foo fighter sightings left pilots awestruck.
The first sighting occurred in November of 1944 when fighter pilots reported seeing fast-moving, glowing objects following their aircraft as they were patrolling over Western Europe.
The objects were usually described as being fiery, glowing in a variety of colors including red, orange and white. They had no problem flying in formation, and most importantly, they never showed up on the radar.
Some pilot accounts describe the enigmatic objects as flying Christmas light, playing around with pilots, performing incredible wild turns, before disappearing.
There are several accounts of Foo Fighters flying in formation together with allied pilots, who reported that the mysterious objects seemed as if they were under intelligent control.
The mysterious UFO’s never displayed a hostile behavior towards the pilots. Reports indicate that it was impossible to outmaneuver of shoot down any of the foo fighters.
Allied forces thought that the Foo Fighters were top-secret aircraft developed by either the Japanese or Germans. However, it was later revealed that both the Germans and Japanese hat witnessed the enigmatic objects in the sky.
Foo Fighters quickly became a widespread phenomenon.
One of the most famous Foo Fighter encounters was reported by Charles R. Bastien of theEighth Air Force. According to Bastien, he reported seeing “two fog lights flying at high rates of speed that could change direction rapidly” over Belgium and the Netherlands.
After Bastien was debriefed, his intelligence officers reported that two additional RAfightersrs had reported the same thing over Europe.
In addition to the sighting made by Bastien and the two RAF fighters, another Royal Airforce Pilot flying a Hurricane interceptor saw two lights shooting from near the ground toward his 7,000-foot cruising altitude in December 1942 over France.
The pilot first thought that what he had seen as tracer fire, but realized soon after that this wasn’t the case, as the mysterious ‘lights’ followed him, mimicking every evasive maneuver he made.
“If it was not a hoax or an optical illusion, it was certainly the most puzzling secret weapon that Allied fighters have yet encountered. Last week U.S. night fighter pilots based in France told a strange story of balls of fire which for more than a month have been following their planes at night over Germany. * No one seemed to know what, if anything, the fireballs were supposed to accomplish. Pilots, guessing that it was a new psychological weapon, named it the foo-fighter.”
As the phenomena was widespread and not localized, The postwar Robertson Panel theorized whether it was possible that Foo Fighters were, in fact, electrostatic phenomena similar to St. Elmo’s fire, electromagnetic phenomena, or simply reflections of light from ice crystals.
Tachikawa-Kawasaki KI-36 fighters side by side with two Foo Fighter “bogies.”
There are other theories that Foo Fighters were in fact ‘alien drones’ that were part of larger UFO’s. The enigmatic objects would supposedly dock off from the UFOs, in order to perform surveillance mission.
Neither German nor allied pilots had seen anything like them before which is why the mystery behind the objects spread quickly around the world.
Were they top-secret weapons developed by the Germans or Japanese?
Or, is there a possibility, as some UFO researchers suggest, that the so-called Foo Fighters were actually visitors from another world?
Many conspiracy theorists believe that NASA already knows that aliens do exist, however, the news is still under wrap and hasn’t been publicly announced yet. There are speculations on the moon landings that it could be fake.
A new video has popped up on the Internet sparking conspiracy that there is an alien life on the lunar surface. The YouTube channel named StreetCap1 which is notoriously known for uploading images and videos showing anomalies in the lunar surface has uploaded a new video that shows a saucer-like structure inside a crater on the moon. According to the UFOlogist and conspiracy theorist, George Graham, the image shot by Lunar Orbiter-3 shows a saucer-shaped structure inside a crater in the background which has sparked a row of claims regarding the anomaly and what it could be.
Since StreetCap1 has a high subscriber base and his videos has been viewed millions of times collectively, this new video titled “Huge Spacecraft in Lunar Orbiter 3 Photograph” racked up hits and soon become viral over the internet with thousands of people watching and sharing it across various social media platforms. Following the release of the video, it received a number of comments with users trying to explain what the structure could be and that is where the news of this saucer-shaped structure with perfectly smooth edges and Windows-shaped structure inside it, people soon connected it with the space shuttle which has a similar shape. While others claim that it could be an alien ship residing in the crater when it was photographed by the Lunar Orbiter 3.
A user stated that NASA has been covering any signs of extraterrestrial life for years and it won’t provide a satisfactory explanation of such sightings. Many conspiracy theorists believe that NASA already knows that aliens do exist, however, the news is still under wrap and hasn’t been publicly announced yet. There are speculations on the moon landings that it could be fake. On the other hand, speculations are that the reason why NASA hasn’t sent any manned mission to the moon after the end of Apollo and Gemini missions is that they were warned by aliens not to come back. NASA advocated itself many times that there is nothing like alien life and at least nothing that has been detected and discovered yet.
According to a YouTube user named Silverbackplays, some billionaire must invest a hefty amount of his net worth to send a public lunar orbiter to the moon in order to photograph the surface and use modern imaging techniques. However, he added that the mission must not be controlled by any governments or agencies which are indirectly controlled by governments that would help to discover traces of alien life if it exists.
The image featured in the video is not new since it was released by NASA on its website back in 1967 when Lunar Orbiter 3 was sent on the lunar surface to photograph it and to allow the researchers zero in the perfect landing sites for its Apollo, Surveyor, and other missions. George Graham searched for the images and came across this image which shows an anomaly in the background which has been masked as a saucer-shaped structure or even a space shuttle.
But it is not the first time George has uploaded such a video sparking conspiracy in the public, in fact, his channel is one of the many which have dozens of videos, thousands of subscribers and millions of hits where people watch videos which shows anomaly on the lunar surface and in the space as well. A few days ago, StreetCap1 uploaded a video which shows two UFOs hurtling past the moon captured by China’s lunar probe Chang’e 3. He was also one of many conspiracy theorists to claim that moon landing was a hoax and was fabricated after a set was created mimicking the surface of the moon.
Alienjager spot vliegende schotel-achtig object in maankrater. Is dit een enorm ruimteschip?
Alienjager spot vliegende schotel-achtig object in maankrater. Is dit een enorm ruimteschip?
Er zijn beelden opgedoken van een vliegende schotel-achtig object in een krater op de maan. De foto in onderstaand filmpje is gemaakt door de Lunar Orbiter 3.
Het object lijkt gladde randen en ramen te hebben. Volgens sommigen is het een spaceshuttle, terwijl anderen claimden dat het een buitenaards schip is.
Eén iemand zei dat de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA bewijs voor buitenaards leven al jarenlang verdoezelt en geen goede verklaring heeft voor dergelijke waarnemingen.
Veel complottheoretici zijn van mening dat de NASA weet dat aliens bestaan, maar het publiek hierover in het duister houdt.
Er wordt gespeculeerd dat het ruimteagentschap na de Apollomissies geen bemande missies meer naar de maan heeft georganiseerd omdat astronauten waren weggestuurd.
YouTube-gebruiker Silverbackplays schreef in een reactie dat een miljardair een groot deel van zijn vermogen in een maansonde moet stoppen om daarmee foto’s van de maan te maken.
Geen invloed
Hij voegde toe dat overheden en agentschappen geen invloed mogen hebben op deze missie.
De foto in de video is in 1967 gepubliceerd door de NASA. De Lunar Orbiter 3 moest naar geschikte landingsplekken speuren voor het Apollo- en Surveyorprogramma.
De beelden zijn op YouTube gezet door Streetcap1, die pas geleden nog een filmpje plaatste van twee UFO’s die langs de maan schoten.
Er is op het mysterieuze continent Antarctica opnieuw een ontdekking gedaan waarvan eigenlijk niemand precies weet wat het is.
Het is een lichtstraal, afkomstig van een kunstmatig object en vastgelegd door een satelliet uit de ruimte.
Je hebt van die mensen die niets anders doen dan de hele dag naar een computerscherm staren en op zoek gaan naar vreemde dingen op allerlei plekken zoals Mars of Antarctica.
Wat via Google Earth zijn soms hele bijzondere zaken te ontdekken, hetgeen de maker van de video onderaan dit artikel ook overkwam.
Hij speurt met behulp van dit programma Antarctica af en daar opeens, letterlijk in the middle of nowhere, ziet hij iets bijzonders.
Het ziet er zo uit:
Je ziet aan de bovenrand van wat lijkt een gebergte, een donker object, van waar heel duidelijk een lichtstraal komt. Wat het ook moge zijn, het is absoluut niet iets natuurlijks, maar een kunstmatig object.
De maker van de video heeft het over iets dat op de grond ligt, maar wanneer je de beelden wat draait op Google Earth, dan lijkt het er meer op alsof het een object is dat in de lucht hangt en een lichtstraal naar beneden laat schijnen.
Wat het precies is weten we niet, maar misschien hebben we hier een voorbeeld van één van de Duitse UFO's die veelvuldig in verband worden gebracht met Antarctica.
Iedereen kan dit object ook zelf onderzoeken via Google Earth en daarbij de volgende coördinaten intoetsen:
71°45'42.59"S 168°40'11.33"E
Hierna de video van de man die het allemaal heeft ontdekt:
SpaceX will try to bring rocket upper stage back from orbital velocity using a giant party balloon — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 15, 2018
The man who put an electric car in space and lands rockets to be reused over and over is at it again. Elon Musk tweeted that he wants to try bringing upper stage rockets – which can’t be landed like lower stage rockets – back to Earth by using large balloons based on “party balloons” that are constantly being mistaken for UFOs. This is either a genius move or a multi-stage prank – both of which Musk is capable of. Which one is it?
Musk doesn’t give any details on what kind of “party balloon” he has in mind. While the standard bunch of balloons on strings was the inspiration for many cartoon, daredevil and guy-in-a-lawn-chair flights, a mylar or foil balloon would probably be a stronger, better idea. However, real rocket scientists speculate he’s referring to something with a cartoon name but real potential – a ballute. Developed in 1958 by Goodyear (possibly to prove they’re more than just blimp people), the ballute is a cone-shaped combination balloon-and-parachute with an extra halo-shaped balloon circling its widest part to provide stability. While it looks like something a birthday party balloon artist might make, the design is perfect for decelerating objects from supersonic to subsonic speeds.
If that non-poodle balloon shape sounds familiar, it’s been tried before. Small ballutes have been used to slow the fall of bombs dropped from planes, it helped the Gemini space capsules land safely and it appeared in the movie “2010: The Year We Make Contact” (ironically, only the balloon part of that prediction has come true).
Ballute concept (Wikipedia)
SpaceX would not be the first private space company to test this type of giant party balloon for saving rocket components. Armadillo Aerospace used one somewhat successfully in 2012 and the crowd-funded nonprofit (hear that, NASA?) Danish aerospace organization Copenhagen Suborbitals also tested with them. However, SpaceX will probably be the first to use a ballute on an actual mission.
If that’s what Elon Musk is referring to with “giant party balloon.” If it is, it would have to be truly giant to decelerate the upper stage rocket fast enough and early enough to keep it from being damaged by the heat of a fast reentry. In an interview with Universe Today, University of Maryland Aerospace Engineering Professor Dave Akin estimated it would have to be “120 ft. in diameter, and made of a high-temperature fabric, so it’s not going to be all that easy.”
That’s the type of challenge Musk seems to thrive on and the idea of bringing upper stage rockets back to Earth instead of leaving them in orbit with the estimated 29,000 pieces of space junk already there is a noble and practical goal.
Wow – a billionaire who’s both noble and practical … what a concept. But remember, this is Elon Musk we’re talking about, so you never know what to expect … as he proved in a later tweet.
And then land on a bouncy house — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 16, 2018
If it’s true that wormholes exist and that it’s only a matter of time before we find one or more of these tunnels through spacetime, that time may have just gotten a little shorter. A physicist in India claims that wormholes should cast a shadow just like the ones black holes cast and, once we get better at finding those, the same technique will help locate the similar but slightly distorted shadows of a wormhole. Are you ready for faster-than-light travel?
In a paper submitted to the Physical Review D journal arXiv but not yet peer-reviewed, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research physicist Rajibul Shaikh first looks at black holes, which we can’t see directly yet, and their shadows, which are actually dark spots made by matter that’s being pulled into the black hole passing over the bright event horizon – the light that hasn’t yet been sucked into the black hole’s darkness. Astrophysicists around the world have teamed up to build a network of individual radio dishes that will work together as a giant Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) that can, for the first time, pick up an image of a black hole. A picture of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way was taken in April 2017 and they’re currently analyzing the data.
Depiction of a black hole
Shaikh proposes that wormholes cast a similar yet distinguishable shadow.
“In the observer’s sky, the scattered photons form bright spots, whereas the photons captured by the wormhole form dark spots. The union of the dark spots in the observer’s sky constitute the shadow.”
While prior models have calculated the shadow of a wormhole before, Shaikh adds data from the throat or connecting center tunnel of a particle type of fast-rotating wormhole. According to his calculations, the shadow of this type of wormhole would be distorted in comparison to that of a black hole, which would be a well-formed disc.
“In other words, the results obtained here indicate that, through the observations of their shadows, a wormhole having reasonable spin, can be distinguished from a black hole.”
Should we start the engine on the starship, Dr. Shaikh?
“However, our conclusions are largely based on the types of wormholes we have chosen to work with. It will be interesting to see whether or to what extent the conclusions drawn here carry over to a broader class of rotating wormholes.”
It’s still all theoretical and based on massive, fast-rotating wormholes. Wormholes are predicted to exist in microscopic sizes and it’s also just a theory that the expansion of the universe may have stretched some wormholes to a size where they could be detected by the same means black holes might someday be detected. However, even skeptical physicists aren’t saying no … yet.
In the meantime, we can all agree that “Shadows of a Wormhole” would be a great title for a progressive rock song. Yes?
The old saying “to a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail” can very adequately describe an obsessed UFO student such as yours truly. No matter how unrelated to the topic an article or news story may appear, you never know when you might stumble upon a juicy tidbit of information that could be indirectly related to a given case or report. That’s why you always need to leave your Fortean antenna fully raised.
Take for example this 2016 article from Business Insider titled“Apple employees break their vow of secrecy to describe the best — and worst — things about working for Apple.” At first glance, one would imagine the piece would be nothing but an inside look at what it is like to work for one of the biggest and most popular tech companies in the world; all the many sacrifices Apple employees are demanded to do, the super-long hours, the secrecy they have to conduct themselves with in order to safeguard their precious industrial secrets –and the severe penalties those who break that silence end up facing…
But then I found this paragraph:
Apple makes grammar and punctuation changes in its internal documents in order to track leaks.
This instantly grabbed my attention, because it reminded me of one of the most infamous –and fascinating– stories in the recent history of UFOlogy:Project Serpo.
Serpo –for those of you not familiar with the story– was the name of a supposed exchange program between aliens from Zeta Reticuli and the United States government. It wasn’t just every nuts-and-bolts UFO buff’s wet dream, but it was also the literal real-life version of Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind: Remember how in the final scenes of the movie we see a crew of men and women carrying a black duffel bag on their shoulder and wearing a weird red jumpsuit with a triangular badge on their arm that said “Mayflower Project”? Despite the lack of clear explanations in the film, eventually the viewer deduces that these men and women volunteered to travel aboard the ET spaceship. In the end, though the aliens pick their own chosen one –the indomitable Roy Neary, who left everything behind (including his whole family) in pursuit of his vision– and the camera shows him being gently led by a swarm of spindly arms inside the mammoth craft, confidently stepping and fully accepting his fate as envoy to humanity… perhaps never to return.
Well, if you believe the anonymous source(s) sending emails to a UFO discussion group administered by former US government employee Victor Martinez in 2005, that is exactly what happened when the sole survivor of the Roswell saucer crash in 1947 was assisted by the US military in re-establishing contact with its homeworld: a planet named Serpo, orbiting the Zeta Reticuli binary star system. The Ebens –acronym given to the ETs in the emails following proper MJ-12 parlance, which were your stereotypical gray aliens– finally returned to Earth in 1965 to retrieve their comrade, and 12 specially-trained US military personnel went along with them. The group stayed on Serpo until 1978, and only 8 of them (seven men and one woman) returned to Earth, because 2 of them died on the alien world while the rest decided to stay and live among the peaceful Ebens, despite the fact the radiation levels on Serpo were higher than on our planet.
Notice I wrote “if you believe,” because there’s plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t…
For starters, the first red flag one encounters in the Serpo story is that it dutifully ticks almost all the boxes of the modern UFO mythos, which have been gradually added throughout the years: Roswell and the crash at the Corona site –proposed by researcher Stanton Friedman on his homonymous book Crash at Corona; the rumors of survivors to the crash which may have been utilized by the government in order to learn about the extraterrestrials and their intentions; the Reticulan origin of the aliens, firstly speculated from Marjorie Fish’s interpretation of Betty Hill’s star map; the idea of a secret arrangement or deal between the US military and the aliens, just as the infamous MJ-12 papers posit; the supposed landing of an alien ship at Holloman AFB; the conspiracy theory that Spielberg is a ‘Hollywood insider’ who’s been given the task to disseminate bits and pieces of the truth through his movies, in order to acclimatize the public (it’s not that Serpo borrowed its imagery from Close Encounters, it’s the other way around!); and lastly the concept of a secret space program, although in this case the humans are mere ‘tourists’ piggybacking a ride to the alien homeworld. The only ‘classical’ element missing in the Serpo narrative are alien abductions, which was probably meant to please the hardcore ‘nuts-and-bolts’ crowd among UFO circles, who were always annoyed by the rude disruption caused by the stories published by Hopkins and Jacobs in the first place in the late 80’s and early 90’s.
There’s also the all-too convenient element that everybody directly involved is dead –according to the anonymous sources, all the crewmembers who returned to Earth have since died due to the radiation they were exposed to– so there’s no-one who could personally confirm or deny the story, thus no chance of someone being exposed for making up outlandish fabrications (*cough* Basiago *cough*).
What’s interesting about the Serpo story is that it does have a certain whiff of plausibility, if you adhere to a certain narrative you seek to confirm –in this case, the extraterrestrial nature of the UFO mystery. Which is precisely why you should be wary of someone who is all too willing to tell you EXACTLY what you want to hear (TTS/AAS anyone?). Like I mentioned above, almost all the elements surrounding Serpo were already present in the contemporary UFO lore, and the illusion of confirmation can easily be engineered in retrospect, because hindsight is always 20/20.
Indeed, there’s been quite a number of researchers and UFO aficionados who have refused to bite this slithering bait (to his credit, Michael Salla was among those who were skeptic of the story) and have pointed out to a number of inconsistencies in the story handed down to Martinez by his anonymous sources –the scientific data about the alien home planet and its binary star system as depicted in the emails, didn’t pass the smell test when scrutinized by actual astronomers.
But perhaps the hottest red herring in the Serpo controversy was the involvement of one Richard Doty in it. Doty, for those of you still studying for your UFOlogy 101 exam, is a former AFOSI agent directly involved in some of the shadiest passages in the annals of this field; Greg Bishop’s Project Beta and Mark Pilkington’s documentary Mirage Men are indispensable in order to fully grasp the extent of Doty’s influence in the seeding of disinformation among the UFO research community, and the public at large.
All of this combined should raise enough alarms to conclude Project Serpo was either a flat-out hoax, or perhaps a disinformation campaign carried out at the behest of one or two intelligence organizations.
Which brings us to the Business Insider article and Apple’s practice to change the grammar and punctuation of their memos in order to track leaks, and its connection to the anonymous emails received by Victor Martinez. Greg Bishop has pointed out on several occasions on his podcast Radio Misterioso how the Serpo letters contained several typos and basic spelling errors which initially Martinez tried to correct before posting them on his UFO discussion group, and later on the Serpo website managed by UFO researcher Bill Ryan (.e.g. ‘hostel’ instead of ‘hostile’). Martinez had once been a teacher so perhaps he couldn’t help himself when dealing with these apparent transcript mistakes in order to make them more presentable, until ‘Anonymous’ ordered him to stop changing the text of the e-mails and publish them exactly as he had received them.
To Greg, who is quite familiar with the tactics utilized by intelligence operatives, this was clear indication that the typos were not mistakes, but deliberately planted into the released texts in order to track who was talking to who about Serpo.
When I recently mentioned this connection between Apple and Serpo’s anonymous source on the Radio Misterioso Facebook page, UFO scholar Aaron Gulyas offered another interesting piece of information: turns out that back in high school he used to be a huge fan of Tom Clancy’s Patriot Games novels, where he learned about this technique for the first time; Clancy had a very close relationship with the CIA and his books were full of accurate descriptions of espionage tactics, so it’s fair to assume the spelling technique was indeed standard practice among spooks of the time. Were the Serpo hoaxers and Apple executives also inspired by these novels, or is this little detail a clue that the anonymous emails were not just solely intended to build a ‘UFO fanfiction’ for the amusement of Martinez’s forum members?
My own personal yet-unconfirmed speculation on the matter, is that perhaps Serpo was a prototype specifically designed to test and calibrate the computerized surveillance programs Edward Snowden warned us about in 2013. It is definitely not unreasonable to assume that by 2005 (when Serpo went public) these spying systems were already in existence, but perhaps they were not mature enough yet to detect electronic communications on a global scale. So what better way to check the NSA system than by setting its net on a smaller, more contained pond instead of the whole ocean? A pond like the small community of online UFO researchers, in which you’ve already placed a hashtag term that’s easier to track down than ‘terrorism’ or ‘jihad’? A hashtag in the form of a made-up word that’s not totally foreign-looking, yet it will be only used in the communications you are focusing on?
A hashtag word like… Serpo.
Like the story of an alien/human exchange program, my Serpo/Snowden scenario has enough plausibility to be tantalizing. Yet I’m the first one to admit it’s just an speculation on my part. Still, Serpo remains a cautionary tale than when it comes to the UFO mystery, you ALWAYS need to be wary of unsolicited gifts handed out by anonymous sources –because they may turn up to be poisoned apples.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Three Mysterious Light Anomalies In The Sky Appear Out Of Nowhere
Three Mysterious Light Anomalies In The Sky Appear Out Of Nowhere
Blop02 noticed strange flashes/light anomalies in the sky at approximately 8:40 pm on April 18, 2018 from an unknown location and Blop02 has no idea what this phenomenon exactly is and how it was caused.
The light anomalies are best described as a series of 3 plasma balls which simultaneously light up into a big flash, then dim and disappear.
The strange appearance happened several times in a row and it looks like something is shooting some sort of plasma balls from an unknown location in the sky or space.
Buzz Aldrin did see something strange during his 1969 voyage.
Photograph: Getty
THAT’S the trouble. There isn’t one. Well, unless you’re the Daily Star and a thousand other so-called ‘news sites’ that have recently been pumping out the story that Buzz Aldrin saw a UFO on his trip to the moon on 1969.
The latest claim is that Aldrin passed a lie detector test that “proved” he saw a UFO on that famous journey in which he became the second human being to step on the moon, shortly after Neil Armstrong.
Apart from the conspiracy eejits that say NASA faked the moon landings, Aldrin’s UFO is probably one of the most common “space myths” that’s been going around for years, but at least the latest version has a bit of invention – that “lie detector” line is a lulu because everybody knows they are infallible, right?
Problem is that the man himself, who is now 88, says he never took such a test, and he has denied for years that he saw a UFO.
And in any case, lie detector tests, or polygraphs to give them their Sunday name, are notoriously unreliable.
ACCORDING to the Daily Star, a company called the Institute of BioAcoustic Technology and Sound Health in Albany, Ohio, did the ‘lie detector’ tests on recordings made by Aldrin and fellow astronauts Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14), Al Worden (Apollo 15), and Gordon Cooper (Mercury-Atlas 9). In other words, new technology was used to examine old recordings and no actual polygraph took place, not least because Mitchell and Cooper are, ahem, dead.
Funnily enough the Institute is promoting its ‘Sound Health’ technology as an improvement on lie detectors. On its website it states: “Join Sound Health and embrace this pioneering path to New Medicine!
“Sound Health has proven that your voice can be used to reveal who you really are under the layer of public personality you have created.
This is an opportunity for the human race to break free of all of the deceit and deception that we live with on a daily basis.”
They haven’t revealed if they have examined Donald Trump yet.
LET the man himself tell you: “On Apollo 11 in route to the Moon, I observed a light out the window that appeared to be moving alongside us.
“There were many explanations of what that could be, other than another spacecraft from another country or another world – it was either the rocket we had separated from, or the four panels that moved away when we extracted the lander from the rocket and we were nose to nose with the two spacecraft.
“So in the close vicinity, moving away, were four panels. And I feel absolutely convinced that we were looking at the sun reflected off of one of these panels. Which one? I don’t know. So technically, the definition could be ‘unidentified’.
“We well understood exactly what that was. And when we returned, we debriefed and explained exactly what we had observed.”
CORRECT. As Aldrin cogently explained a few years ago: “It was not an alien. Extraordinary observations require extraordinary evidence.
“That’s what Carl Sagan said. There may be aliens in our Milky Way galaxy, and there are billions of other galaxies. The probability is almost certain that there is life somewhere in space.
“It was not that remarkable, that special, that unusual, that life here on Earth evolved gradually, slowly, to where we are today. But the distances involved in where some evidence of life may be, they may be hundreds of light years away.”
That is the view of most reputable scientists – space is just too vast for aliens to be visiting here, or us to be visiting them, at least for a very, very long time.
EDWIN Eugene Aldrin Jr was born in New Jersey in 1930 and has some Scottish ancestry. He was a fighter pilot in the Korean War and then took a PhD in aeronautics before joining NASA.
Since retiring he has successfully battled depression and alcoholism and he was beside President Trump when he announced new space exploration last summer.
Some things that can be said with certainty: his first words on the Moon were “beautiful view” and Toy Story’s Buzz Lightyear was named after him.
Abstract:Aerospace trade publications, visual reports and personal interviews with test pilots and engineers confirm the existence of multiple highly classified aerospace vehicles. These include boomerangs, black triangles, diamonds, arrowheads, and Spaceplanes/Trans Atmospheric Vehicles (TAVs). Funded by the so-called “black budget,” many of these programs are exempt from congressional oversight and public scrutiny. Developed along the famous “aerospace alley” region of southern California, many of these USAPs represent America’s super-secret “ace in the hole,” and provide a unique “power projection” capability for multiple military and intelligence agencies. Companies such as Lockheed, Rockwell, Northrop, McDonnell Douglas and Boeing made tremendous advancements during the “Reagan build-up” era, and many of these programs have now passed their “sunset” duration of deployment. Therefore, it’s now time for a re-examination of these programs and a renewed push for the “dis-lodging” of those that can be declassified without representing any threat to the national security of the United States.
Blackstar: The two-stage-to-orbit Spaceplane
During the 1980s, Soviet-era aerospace companies developed plans for what they called a “space fighter.” The primary roles for this spaceplane concept were the following: military reconnaissance, satellite interception, space station defense, and crew transfer applications. This full-scale development program fell under the jurisdiction of what came to be known as the Russian Kosmolyot I and II project. Upon getting word of these advancements in Russian aerospace technology, White House, and Pentagon officials became “deeply concerned” that America would lose the advantage in developing an operational spaceplane. Therefore, on December 1, 1985, American efforts to develop a two-stage-to-orbit spaceplane appear to have shifted into high gear, and oversight command for this program was transferred from the Department of Defense to a joint venture composed of the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office (CIA/NRO). The new code-name for this project was called “COSMIC WIND,” which was later renamed “Blackstar.” Through the tremendous efforts of former Aviation Week and Space Technology editor William Scott, a clear picture of this historically significant program has now emerged.
Approximately one month after the official go-ahead for this program the space shuttle Challenger exploded 72 seconds after launch on January 28, 1986. Since at least 70% of all payloads associated with the NASA shuttle program were classified DOD/intelligence agency applications, the Department of Defense/CIA/NRO lost what it termed its “assured access to space.” Not wanting to interrupt their schedule of launching highly classified satellites, the United States Air Force, CIA and the National Reconnaissance Office were now forced to rely on Titan booster rockets. However, there were multiple Titan rocket failures during the mid-1986 time-frame, and the “spook groups” found themselves “out of business.” The loss of these two space assets provided further emphasis and urgency for America to accelerate its plans to develop an operational spaceplane.
The derelict and dilapidated remains of the A-12 Avenger II mock-up outside at the Fort Worth Aviation Museum. Is this really all that American taxpayers received for their $5 Billion investment? (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
Frantic to maintain its control of the “high ground,” a desperate call went out to various aerospace defense contractors who could quickly design, build and test fly a two-stage-to-orbit spaceplane system. These included Lockheed, Rockwell, McDonnell Douglas, and Boeing. A significant majority of these contractors (except for Boeing in Seattle) had locations within what has been termed “aerospace alley” which extends from San Diego, north to Los Angeles, continuing to Lancaster/Palmdale/Air Force Plant 42, and concluding at Edwards AFB. As with most “Unacknowledged Special Access Programs” (USAPs), funding for the Blackstar program was covertly spread out over multiple projects including the ill-fated US Navy A-12 Avenger II, and the X-30 NASP (National Aerospace Plane). This wouldn’t be the first time that highly compartmented so-called “black” programs were used as a “sacrificial lamb” to cover the funding of even more highly classified projects. Many of these super-secret programs are referred to in the military/intelligence agencies as: “ace in the hole” or “trump card” technology. They are also referred to as “silver bullets.” Under extreme pressure, and on a tight schedule, the Lockheed Company in Burbank may have taken the leading role in designing a small spaceplane, and “farmed out” much of the construction/manufacturing to McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis.
The “Blackstar” system consisted of two separate components which operated as a single integrated unit: 1) a large “mothership” or carrier aircraft measuring approximately 200 feet in length. 2) a smaller “parasitic” aircraft/orbiter which could fit conformally under the belly of the mothership, and air-dropped at altitudes up to 90,000 feet. Flight testing of the Blackstar program appears to have started in 1989, and by October of the same year, the Blackstar program had flown its first operational mission. Four large carrier “Mothership” aircraft may have been produced, with eight spaceplane/orbiters possibly being built. The program was based out of Area 51/Groom Lake, utilizing the “old CIA A-12 hangers”, including and two new massive hangers that were three times larger than their historic neighbors. During flight testing and operational missions, ground controllers at Groom Lake carried the call sign “EARTH” when communicating with the spaceplane. Other bases of operation may include Alaska or Patrick AFB in Florida.
Three view drawing of large SR-3 “Mothership” with smaller XOV spaceplane below. (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
The massive mothership was referred to the “SR-3”, aka “elegant lady,” while the smaller spaceplane was designated “XOV” (Experimental Orbital Vehicle) or “Speedy.” Early in the program under the “COSMIC WIND” code-name, the large carrier aircraft was referred to as the “MAV” (Manned Aerial Vehicle), while the smaller spaceplane was designated the “AAV” (Advanced Aerial Vehicle). Resembling the 1960’s era North American Aviation XB-70 Valkyrie, the SR-3 was certainly an imposing sight to behold. Eyewitnesses who were fortunate enough to see this aircraft during the daytime described it as being “huge” or “giant.” Others simply called it the “Super Valkyrie.” Indeed, as reported by at least two former North American Aviation test pilots, the technology existed in the 1950s to develop a two-stage-to-orbit spaceplane system. With the advantage of 30 years of additional technological developments, and almost unlimited access to black budget funding, its well within the capability of the America aerospace industry to design, build and test fly such a vehicle.
With a wingspan of 120 feet, the SR-3 featured a triangular/delta wing configuration, with large “tip-sails” or winglets that rose up 12 feet and were canted at a 35-degree angle. It also featured a dorsal ridge or “spine” that extended immediately behind the cockpit, and ran down the length of the fuselage to the trailing edge of the wing. A retractable set canards (with their own winglets) were also located just aft of the crew compartment (reference email to Michael Schratt from Nancy Certain 9/13/16). These canards had the capability of retracting forward to support low speed applications. The SR-3 carried a crew of three consisting of the pilot, co-pilot and launch control officer (LRO) who sat facing backwards. The bottom of the aircraft featured a large XB-70 like triangular “splitter” air-intake which was divided into two banks at the rear of the craft. However, the most prominent feature was what appeared to be a “relieved section” or “scooped out” portion of the bottom which was designed to allow the smaller spaceplane to fit inside forming an aerodynamically efficient mating of the two aircraft (reference detailed report from James Petty to Michael Schratt 12/5/16).
Original SR-3 Mothership sketch by Nancy Certain.
According to eyewitness and Rocket scientist James Petty who saw both the Mothership and its smaller parasitic aircraft flying over Salt Lake City Utah on October 4, 1998, the more massive SR-3 carrier aircraft is powered by six modified variable-cycle J-93 engines (reference in-person 90- minute videotape interview of James Petty conducted by Michael Schratt 3/12/16). However, there appears to be a discrepancy regarding precisely what type of propulsion system was used to power the mothership. Those within the vicinity of SR-3 flight operations described hearing a VERY LOUD PULSING ROARING noise during take-off roll and climb out. This was confirmed by witness Nancy Certain Ph.D., from Doylestown PA, who saw the massive carrier aircraft during the day from a half-mile distance at an altitude of approximately 2,500 feet in 1993. Others stated that as the aircraft accelerated and gained altitude, the frequency and intensity of the pulsing noise increased. This may indicate the use of a combined cycle scramjet engine which can operate at both low and high speeds. Either way, it’s clear that this aircraft utilizes some form of “multi-cycle” engine.
The mothership has a weight of 275,000 to 300,000 pounds and a range of 6,000 miles (unlimited with aerial refueling). The SR-3 is capable of speeds over Mach 6 and can climb to an altitude of 150,000 feet. It features a white/grey exterior surface, with two being built by 1988. Fuel for the SR-3 consists of liquid hydrogen/liquid methane with JP8 used in the case of the J-93 engines. The contractors involved with designing and building the SR-3 mothership may have consisted of Lockheed, Rockwell, and Boeing. Final assembly took place at Boeing’s large assembly facility in Seattle. It’s interesting to note that on October 14, 1986, Boeing filed a patent (4,802,639) for a two-stage-to-orbit spaceplane system that closely matched the Blackstar operational capabilities, although the physical characteristics of the craft were different than what was reported by multiple eyewitnesses.Once reaching an altitude of 90,000 feet and a speed of Mach 3, the SR-3 air-drops its smaller parasitic aircraft, and either returns to its original base of operation or takes on additional fuel for an extended mission.
Three view drawing of Speedy XOV spaceplane. (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
Detail view of XOV linear aerospike engines showing “radiator like” screens. Illustration. (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
Detail view of XOV Speedy aft section depicting “radiator like” screens in place, and also removed showing 10” diameter tube “honeycomb pattern.” (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
The smaller XOV/Speedy spaceplane was manufactured in two sizes and featured a highly swept wing lifting body configuration. One measuring approximately 60-65 feet in length, with a crew of two that sat side-by-side, and another measuring 97.5 feet with a single pilot. These were named “XOV-1” and “XOV-2.” Flying in an inverted low earth orbit orientation, the XOV featured a two-door “Q-bay” on its upper surface for the operation of a large aperture adaptive optics system that featured “inches resolution.” This “reconnaissance package” had the capability of correcting for atmospheric disturbances, thereby generating extremely high-resolution images of ground-based targets. The Q-bay could also serve as a launching platform for hyper-velocity depleted uranium “Rods-from God.” The XOV could attain altitudes of between 150-250 miles, and speeds exceeding 17,500 mph (Mach 20). The primary propulsion system for the XOV were four linear aerospike engines that were grouped in two banks at the aft end of the vehicle. These engines were developed by a joint venture which included Aerojet and the Pratt & Whitney/Rocketdyne Company, which later became Aerojet Rocketdyne. Witnesses who have observed the back of this vehicle described seeing what looked like “radiator screens” covering the exhaust ports. Others described it as looking like “ventilation grating.” Embedded within the exhaust ports were multiple 10-inch diameter “tubes” which served to mix cooling air, thereby reducing the vehicle’s infrared signature. These tubes gave the exhaust ports an unusual “honeycomb” appearance. Ground tests of this unique engine took place at Groom Lake during 1988.
Circular receptacle for SRB on aft end of Speedy. Illustration. (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
The larger 97.5-foot long spaceplane also featured articulating intakes and variable geometry exhaust ports. On either side of the exhaust ports, a dark circular opening was seen which may have served as a solid rocket booster (SRB) receptacle. These could be loaded into the craft “like a shotgun shell” and then removed after the conclusion of a mission. The SRBs served to provide an extra boost, pushing the spaceplane into a low earth orbit flight path. Once in orbit, the spaceplane had the capability of “dipping back down” into the atmosphere and then climbing back up again. Using this technique of “skipping” over the outer reaches of the atmosphere, the spaceplane could dramatically increase its range. After completing its mission, the spaceplane would glide back to earth “like the space shuttle” and land horizontally at multiple military locations in the United States.It could then be “turned around” within 48 hours or “every other day” to fly another mission. Compared to the space shuttle which can take months or even years to prepare for flight, the Blackstar system represented a cost-effective alternative. Another unique advantage was its capability to serve as a “rapid response” military/reconnaissance platform that could surprise an enemy by flying unpredictable flight paths, unlike spy satellites.
The outer wing sections of the XOV featured a “droop down” articulated capability, which took advantage of “compression lift.” The only movable control surfaces on the Speedy spaceplane were what appeared to be flaps/speed brakes located on the upper and lower rear surface of the vehicle. A short “stubby tail” which extended from aft of the Q-bay to the extreme end of the craft served as both a vertical stabilizer and an attachment point for joining with the larger carrier aircraft. The outer structure of the craft may have been built at the McDonnell Douglas facility in St. Louis and featured an advanced composite material that was “stacked” in layers forming a sandwich to attain the desired thickness. Red colored thermal protective areas were located along the leading edges of its wings. The entire bottom surface featured dark-colored thermal resistant “space shuttle tiles.” Four “channels” or “strakelets” were seen on the bottom of the craft. These one to two-foot deep longitudinal “grooves” helped to maintain the rigidity of the structure and may have served as a way to dissipate heat during high-speed operations. Apparently, these grooves/inlets were “very complex,” and most likely took multiple attempts to perfect.
Illustration (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
The XOV incorporated a very unusual landing gear configuration which included a four-wheel nose gear arrangement, and a retractable “ski-like” landing gear skid that extended directly from the bottom of the craft. Approximately at the mid-point on the lower surface of the wings, a retractable “pogo-type” outrigger landing gear helped to stabilize the craft during roll-out. Generally speaking, highly swept low aspect ratio lifting body configurations have high landing speeds. Therefore, the Speedy spaceplane was said to have a landing speed between 250-300 mph, with the central retractable landing skid taking the brunt of the force. Certainly, the craft was a “handful” for even the most experienced test pilots. Only those with practical application in flying multiple different types of aircraft would qualify for handling such a strange and exotic aircraft. Pilots who were the “Maverick” type, and had previous air racing experience would be at the top of the list. Fuel for the XOV was a “gelled Boron” based “slurry” or endothermic type that had the consistency of toothpaste. Work on the spaceplane proceeded slowly until 1989 when the program made tremendous progress, and engineers were working “around the clock” 24 hours a day, seven days per week, for three years. It was also during this timeframe that a “fuel breakthrough” was made, which further accelerated the program.
Drawing depicting the modified Lockheed C-5C Galaxy with “chipmunk cheek” extensions. (Image credit: Michale Schratt)
Letter from John Andrews to Pete Eames describing the emergency landing of a classified aircraft (which was tracked going Mach 4.2) at Kadena AFB on February 12-13, 1994.
On February 13 of 1994, things took a drastic turn on the project. On that day, an XOV spaceplane was involved in an incident that resulted in the craft making an emergency landing at Kadena AFB in Japan. This particular aircraft was tracked by Kadena air traffic controllers going Mach 4.2, and other aircraft in the vicinity had to be diverted to avoid a collision. Subsequently, the entire base was put on a “Red 3” lockdown for three days. Apparently, during the launch sequence, the stubby vertical fin/pylon on the spaceplane somehow made contact with its carrier aircraft and was forced to make an unscheduled detour. Within 24 hours, a highly modified Lockheed C-5 Galaxy cargo transport aircraft was dispatched from Holloman AFB to retrieve the damaged spaceplane. To “fill a gap” in their intelligence gathering capability, the CIA/NRO convinced Congress in May of 1994 to allocate 100 million dollars to put the SR-71 Blackbird spy-plane back into service so that the Blackstar program could get back on track. Three of these unique C-5 aircraft were produced which featured eight-foot-wide “chipmunk cheek” extensions on each side of the fuselage. Originally, these modifications were specifically incorporated for the purpose of transporting large containers which protected satellites during transit to launch sites. However, they were also later used to transport classified aircraft to multiple locations around the world. These highly modified aircraft also utilized an extra set of six-wheeled landing gear. Two of these aircraft were operated by NASA and carried the tail numbers 00503, and 00504. The third was operated by the CIA and featured a large red “CL” marking on its vertical stabilizer. Upon arriving at Kadena AFB, the damaged aircraft was quickly loaded inside the C-5, which then made a direct flight back to Holloman AFB.
Spaceplane being unloaded from C-5 cargo aircraft at Holloman AFB (Illustration credit John MacNeill/Tom Bogan)
Original sketch of XOV spaceplane by F-15 pilot at Holloman AFB.
Tarp covering “stubby vertical tail.” Note extended flaps/speed brakes. (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
Sometime around February 15 of 1994, the C-5 arrived back at Holloman AFB with its precious yet damaged cargo inside. The aircraft then taxied to a remote part of the long runway at the base. Eyewitnesses who saw the spaceplane being unloaded from the much larger cargo aircraft during the daytime indicated that it was a complicated process which took at least three hours to complete. Apparently, the outer wing panels of the spaceplane have the capability of folding to allow for transportation in the C-5. One witness (a transient F-15 pilot), who saw the entire event unfold through binoculars from the cockpit of his aircraft while it was parked on the ground, sketched what he observed. “no-nonsense” military security guards were overseeing the entire unloading process. Once the spaceplane was pulled from the opened “clamshell” door of the C-5, it was immediately apparent that some damage had occurred to the spaceplane. A large tarp was seen covering the stubby vertical tail. However, this tarp did not completely obscure the view of the aft section which revealed a large “chunk” missing. In addition, the F-15 pilot also identified multiple missing tiles on the spacecraft’s bottom right wing section. It’s unknown at this time if this event in conjunction with other technical challenges “shelved” the Blackstar project, or if it secretly continued its covert activity. In the end, the Blackstar program represents one of the “crown jewels” of the military-industrial complex. It’s unlikely that the engineers or test pilots associated with the project will get the credit they deserve anytime in the foreseeable future. Like many other black programs, it’s entirely possible that it will remain another unacknowledged “silver bullet” being hidden away in some dark and mysterious hangar located somewhere in the southwest.
Special Note:The following report originated via the personal collection of UFO researcher and author David Marler. It has been reproduced for this report exactly as it appeared in the original text. Emphasis in certain areas is strictly mine.
Illustration of the August 25, 1990 Woodhead Pass Triangle. (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
Woodhead Pass Triangle drawing. (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
Cardstock model of the Woodhead Pass Triangle by Michael Schratt.
Dear Mr. Marler,
I have just read your book “Triangular UFOs an estimate of the situation.” I found the book to be most informative since I myself had a close sighting of a triangular UFO in 1990. I always assumed that what I saw was a top-secret military aircraft, and over the years I have read about such projects as the TR-3B (TR-3B real or fictitious who knows?) At any rate, I was quite happy with my assumptions until I read your book which revealed that such craft were seen as far back as the 1930’s and even in the late 1800’s. Obviously, I found this to be quite thought provoking and as led me to re-assess what I saw that night. I therefore decided to send you this e-mail outlining the events of that night, and would appreciate any comments from your perspective. Please keep in mind, it is now 23 years since my sighting, and some of the detail is by now a little fuzzy. I have therefore left out anything of which I am not certain. I have also attempted to attach what I know to be a poorly drawn sketch (it goes without saying I’m no artist). Also, I would add that at the time a serving Police Officer, and have since retired after 30 years of service.
On the evening of August 25, 1990 my then wife and I had attended at Manchester Main Road football stadium to watch the band Fleetwood Mac. At the end of the concert, it took some time to get out of the makeshift car park, and through the heavy traffic, the time was around midnight. Our route home to Barnsley took us over the Woodhead pass, which crosses over the Pennine hills, and is surrounded in the main by open moor land. That particular night, stretches of the road were covered with low cloud or mist causing poor visibility. As a result, I was forced to drive slowly, approximately 20 mph. Due to the late hour, the road was quiet, and my wife had wound back her seat and fallen asleep. I cannot say exactly where the sighting took place due to the poor visibility, but I believe I was nearer to the Barnsley end of the Woodhead Pass, possibly around the Board Hill area.
Whilst driving slowly, and trying to concentrate on the road, my attention was drawn skywards due to intermittent flashes of light which I assumed to be sheet lightning (though there was no accompanying sounds of thunder). It was whilst glancing skywards that I saw the nose of a huge black triangular craft push through the low cloud and mist. As the craft emerged further, I could see it was approximately 200-300 feet in length and width at its widest part. It travelled pointed end first, and was well illuminated around its undercarriage. The craft was moving at a speed of around 10 mph, and was approximately 200 feet above the road. On seeing the craft, I wound down my car window, but could hear only a very low (almost imperceptible) humming sound. I could see that the craft was of a solid construction (not inflatable). This fact, the slow speed, and quietness gave the craft an eerie impression. I have little knowledge of aerodynamics, but even I knew that conventionally something so big and solid should be traveling at hundreds of miles an hour in order to stay aloft. (Therefore, to my mind, it was somehow defying gravity).
As previously stated the undercarriage was well illuminated with a large white light at each corner, and a light in the center. The undercarriage also appeared recessed, and I could see some sort of superstructure. As the craft passed above, I slowed the car to a virtual stop, and leaned out of the driver’s side window. The side of the craft appeared to have several illuminated windows, and at one of the windows I saw two to three figures that appeared to be human. (Certainly nothing about the figures made me think they were anything other than human, reinforcing my belief that the craft was a military project). I could see one of the figures either pointing or waving in my direction. Whilst watching the craft, it slowly and silently slipped back into the low cloud and disappeared. At this stage I drove off the road and climbed out of my car, but could see and hear nothing. By now my wife was awake, but too late to see the craft. I observed the craft for approximately 30 seconds which does not sound long, but believe me it was. I submit my story for your information, and would welcome any insight or comment from yourself. For obvious reasons, I do not make my story common knowledge, and I would be grateful if you kept my details private.
Regards, GS
Barnsley England
(name withheld by request of the primary witness)
Illustration of the November 22, 1985 Madison WI. Triangle. (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
(Image credit: Michael Schratt)
The question all of us need to be asking here is would extraterrestrials by flying around in our atmosphere using triangular shaped craft with “tubes and pipes” on their bottom surfaces? It’s interesting to note that during the Hudson Valley Boomerang wave (1982-1989), many eyewitnesses reported seeing “huge metallic beams” on the underside of the craft. Others reported seeing “metal type work, like cross-beams, and tubular things hanging down here and there.” A similar looking mechanical under-structure featuring “tubes and pipes” was also identified on the bottom surface of the triangular shaped craft during the Belgium wave of 1989-1990.
In addition, during the January 5, 2000, southern Illinois triangle sightings, Shiloh police officer David Martin described seeing what he called “building blocks” and “plumbing pipes” on the bottom of the craft that he observed. What on earth could these pipes be used for? What is their exact function? One possible explanation could be that they are being utilized as liquid nitrogen cooling pipes to chill a super-conductor or liquid mercury plasma. These pipes would be used to cool the central “core” of the craft, which may explain the “donut shaped” or circular opening seen by multiple eyewitnesses. In fact, it appears that due to their placement, these pipes not only cool the central portion of these vehicles but the entire craft itself as one fully integrated unit. It seems clear that the material used to manufacture these triangular shaped craft is truly of an exotic nature. This is because materials must be in an extremely low energy state (very cold) to become “superconductive.” Of course, this requires a tremendous amount of energy or electrical power to achieve, which may explain the low frequency “humming” sound heard by multiple eyewitnesses in the vicinity of these craft. The cryogenic equipment associated with these objects produce extremely powerful electromagnetic fields around the craft which may explain the reports of strange effects such as radio static, and automobile engines mysteriously turning off and coming back on when the craft departs.
Are we hearing the effects of an electrical transformer associated with these vehicles? Multiple reports from Belgium, New York, Connecticut and Southern Illinois indicate that these triangular shaped objects fly/float/hover virtually silently, but in many cases, emit a sound similar to a “sewing machine,” or a “machine shop running in the distance.” Has the American aerospace industry finally achieved the “Holy Grail” of aviation by constructing triangular shaped craft that utilize an onboard power source (possibly a nuclear reactor), in conjunction with high voltage electrical transformers which supply the necessary power to chill the core of a superconductor? These craft would lack the wings, propellers, jet engines, and control surfaces of standard aircraft, and could mimic the form fit and function of “extraterrestrial UFOs.”
Illustration of the November 1985 Yorktown Heights Triangle. (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
Yorktown Heights Triangle enlargement illustration. (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
Stadium Triangle drawing. (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
It was November of 1985 when Yorktown Heights NY resident Maureen Davis had a genuinely incredible night-time encounter with a massive shaped triangular object which was described as being the size of a “football stadium.” She had been parked at the intersection of Route 132 and Oakside Road waiting for her husband to get off the bus. Then, Maureen noticed something strange in the sky towards the northeast. It appeared to be a massive isosceles triangular-shaped “thing” that was hovering silently near what seemed to be the Lake Osceola area. To her amazement, the bottom of the craft opened up, and she got a very rare glimpse of the interior. She described seeing multiple levels of lights on the inside (similar to a multi-story terrace-shaped apartment complex). After approximately three minutes, a pulsating red light flew up into the opening, and the circular “hatch” disappeared. The strange triangular shaped object then appeared to speed away at incredible speed, without causing a sonic boom. (Reference In The Night Sky Page 38 by Linda Zimmermann). So, what did Maureen Davis see? Was it an extraterrestrial spacecraft from another world? Or, was it something that had a more “earthly” explanation? Let’s examine one feature of this encounter. Specifically, the craft’s departure. Many times, in UFO cases, we hear of the craft departing like a “spark off of a grinding wheel.” In other cases, we read of UFOs accelerating with “fantastic speed”, without generating a sonic boom. Could there be a “down to earth explanation” to these flight characteristics? As an aircraft reaches supersonic speeds, it creates shock waves, and a tremendous amount of aerodynamic heat builds up on its surface. To combat this heating, the space shuttle orbiter uses thermal resistant tiles throughout its entire airframe. However, this approach could only be considered a “band-aid” fix at best. In 1967, the Norair Division of Northrop began experimenting with highly charged electrostatic fields on a metal test probe. The results of these studies concluded that an aircraft’s “sonic boom footprint” and could be significantly reduced or eliminated entirely. They also discovered that the problems associated with supersonic heating could also be drastically lowered. Obviously, these breakthroughs could have potentially incredible military applications to advanced aircraft. Now, factor in the billions of dollars spent each year on classified “black” programs, and its entirely within the capability of the American aerospace industry to design built and fly aircraft that could be mistaken for “extraterrestrial” UFOs. Ref: AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Technical Paper No. 68-24 published January 23, 1968)
Cardstock model of March 31, 1999 Kirby England Triangle. (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
Bottom surface of the March 31, 1999 Kirby England Triangle. (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
It was March 31, 1999, when Colin Saunders and three others were driving along the Old Fosse Way near the village of Monks Kirby when they noticed a group of lights off to the left that was approximately 200 feet in the air. As they got closer, they could see four red light that were at an angle of about 30 degrees. Incredibly, a diamond shaped outline seemed to appear around the lights. At this point, the strange craft tipped up vertically “like an airship or submarine” in slow motion as though it were underwater. By now, the craft had fully materialized into a triangular shape. The surface of the craft appeared to have a dark grey liquid mercury appearance that “rippled” up and down its surface. However, the most interesting feature of the unknown object were multiple “raised box-like sections” that extruded from the top. Mr. Saunders never got a look at the bottom of the vehicle but noticed the identical “box-like” pattern on the bottom of a sketch drawn by one eyewitness of a triangle that was seen in Belgium during 1993. He surmised that this might have been the same or similar series of craft. Could these unique features be part of a “heat sink” or cooling apparatus similar to the mechanical “tubes, pipes and cylinders” which were seen on the bottom of the Belgium triangle between 1989-1990? (Source: Triangular Perspectives by Colin Saunders)
Belgium Triangle illustration by John MacNeill
Belgium Triangle drawing. (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
Starting in November of 1989, thousands of eyewitnesses in Belgium began seeing triangular shaped UFOs that appeared to hover over the town of Eupen. These witnesses included multiple gendarmes (national police). The triangular craft were described as being “as big as a football field,” and having a bright spotlight at each corner, with an amber colored light in the center. The UFOs were reported to be flying slowly silently over rooftops, and beaming high-intensity searchlights onto the ground. Later, on March 30, 1990, two Belgian F-16s were scrambled to intercept the unknown aircraft. The object was confirmed to be a “hard target” by at least three ground-based radar stations, and two onboard radars within the fighter aircraft which came within 12 miles of the UFO. According to a military official, these UFOs “exceeded the limits of conventional aviation.” In a highly publicized press conference, Belgian Air Force Col. Wilfred De Brouwer stated that the UFO dived from 10,000 to 4,000 feet in two seconds (equivalent to 40 G’s), and accelerated from 600 to 1,100 mph at the same time. The bottom surface of the craft appeared to have a very mechanical looking configuration which included tubes, pipes, cylinders and crisscross effects. As mentioned earlier in this report, these may be associated with the cooling of a superconductor or rotating plasma. Could this have been an extraterrestrial spacecraft? According to a police officer (Brig. Heinrich Nicholl) who saw the craft over Eupen, he assessed that the craft was a “very sophisticated and ultra-secret military project.” Students of this line research will recall the comments of the late Ben Rich who stated in 1995 that “we have things out in the desert that are 50 years beyond what you can comprehend.”Obviously well within the time-frame of the Belgium Triangle sightings of 1989- 1990. (Ref: Associated Press Report 7/12/1990, New York Tribune 11/15/1990, Wall Street Journal 10/10/1990)
Drawing of the Helena Missouri triangle by Michael Schratt. (based off of the original sketch provided by the primary eyewitness)
Cardstock model of the March 5, 2003 Helena Missouri triangle. (Image credit: Michael Schratt)
The following short note was sent to the Center for UFO Studies and addressed to Dr. J. Allen Hynek almost two decades after he passed on April 27, 1986. It has been reproduced in this report for the very first time.
Mr. Hynek,
Dear Sir,
I don’t know what this ship is, but I was in the Navy, and I have never in my life ever seen anything as this. The government knows more than they say they know, I’m sure. The American public knows it’s the truth, and we as a nation will keep fighting for our right to know. Some of us already know, even at Roswell and Area 51, where the truth is out there. I will never forget what I saw and heard that night. I know of someone else who saw it as well.
Yours Truly,
Respectfully submitted,
Helena Missouri
Author’s special note: During my three-year investigation of the over 60,000 UFO cases which comprise the CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies) archives, I uncovered many incidents which included a detailed report, and a sketch drawn by the primary eyewitness. Some of these cases had been buried for up to 30 years, and have never seen the light of day. One such example dated January 17, 2005, referenced a sighting of a massive triangular UFO which was seen on March 5, 2003, at 9:50 P.M. in Helena Missouri. The witness described an encounter with a gigantic superstructure looking triangular craft that measured approximately one football field in length, and about two stories high. The sighting lasted about 10 minutes and occurred off the front porch of his house. According to the witness, as the craft flew overhead, it “made pictures fall off the living room wall, and shook the whole house.” The unusual UFO featured a large “fluorescent” light on the bottom that intermittently flashed every 15 seconds. Near the end of each corner, a bright steady light was also observed.
The entire craft appeared to be covered with a “glass frame,” which may have been some type of transparent panels. He also described a “walkway” complete with a “railing.” In addition, the primary eyewitness stressed multiple times that the craft was made of what he termed “rusty looking old bridge steel.” The structural configuration of craft appeared similar to the criss-cross bracing found on the supporting towers of the George Washington Bridge which spans the Hudson River and is located between New York and New Jersey. He also clearly described seeing “rivets from an old bridge” which appeared to be used to fasten the entire craft together. Although the witness stated the craft was “not from this world,” a careful examination of his original sketch points to an earthly origin. The crossbeam and girder construction, in conjunction with regularly spaced “rusty rivets” is clear evidence of human-made technology. In addition, the use of a “walkway,” glass frame, and flashing lights support an earthly explanation. Of particular note is the fact that a French fighter pilot over Europe also saw a similar craft exhibiting triangular superstructure on the night of November 5, 1990, as highlighted on page 290 of Timothy Good’s book: Earth, an Alien Enterprise.
Hudson Valley Boomerang illustration by Tom Bogan
Monique O’Driscoll was driving home near Kent NY on the night of February 26, 1983, when her daughter who was with her noticed some strange lights on a nearby hill. The lights appeared to be hovering, but then started moving to the east at about 15 mph. By now, Monique could discern that the lights were connected to some type wing shaped dark mass. The lights were very bright and appeared to be red, white, blue and yellow. The unknown object then moved towards the vicinity of White Pond, and Monique stepped on the accelerator to catch up with it. When they arrived at the pond which was frozen at the time, Monique stopped her vehicle and noticed through her windshield that the craft passed directly over her car. At this point, she saw that the lights on the craft appeared to be flashing in sequence up and down its “wings.” It then moved over an area of the pond about 200 feet from shore. It was hovering no more than 30 feet high, and Monique could see the brilliantly flashing lights reflecting off the frozen pond below.
She also noticed that the craft was entirely silent, and stated that she could see “the underbelly part. It’s solid. It had metal-type work, like cross-beams and tubular things hanging down here and there. I was so close I could’ve thrown a ball and hit it.” This author also uncovered a rare letter from well-known researcher and lecturer Stanton Friedman which is worth highlighting in part. “I have always been bothered by the Westchester County sightings because I never heard of actions that would label the technology alien. Wings in outer space could only be decoration, but do of course match an earthling approach.”(Source: Reporter Dispatch White Plains NY September 11, 1983, Philadelphia Inquirer September 28, 1984, Letter from Stanton Friedman to Tony Gonsalves January 17, 1990)
Hudson Valley Boomerang illustration by Tom Bogan
March 24, 1983 Taconic State Parkway illustration by John MacNeill
Illustration of airborne relocatable over-the-horizon radar system by Tom Bogan (Composite panels removed for clarity exposing interior structure)
On the night of March 24, 1983, hundreds of motorists driving along the Taconic State Parkway (NY) observed a massive “V” or boomerang shaped craft. Drivers pulled off to the side of the road, slammed on their brakes, and got out of their vehicles to observed the unknown object which was hovering silently at tree-top level. The craft appeared to be making a “zig-zag” flight path as it headed north towards Yorktown Heights. Multiple witnesses described seeing a powerful white spotlight beaming down from the craft to the cars below. The mysterious craft seen making 180 degree flat turns without banking. Others who were directly below the object stated that they could see “pipes, beams or cylinders” on its lower surface. In addition, multiple witnesses reported seeing what looked like “transparent panels” revealing an interior mechanical structure resembling the crossbeam and girder construction similar to that of a truss bridge. (Source: Patent Trader Mt. Kisco NY March 25, 1983, Reporter Dispatch White Plains NY September 11, 1983, Danbury Item Port Chester NY March 26, 1983)
What did the over 25,000 eyewitnesses observe during the Hudson Valley Boomerang wave of 1982-1989? Did they see an “alien” spacecraft or something that was built by the U.S. Navy? It’s interesting to note that the March 24, 1983 sighting took place exactly 24 hours after President Ronald Reagan give his address to the nation outlining his plans for the so-called “Star Wars” or SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative). Could there be a connection? During the Reagan era (1981-1989), multiple black programs excelled and became operational. One of these could have been a mobile airborne relocatable over-the-horizon radar system which was designed to track and monitor incoming Soviet ICBMs. This system would be completely impervious to a Russian missile attack, and addresses virtually all of the flight characteristics observed by witnesses of the Hudson Valley UFO wave. It’s time for the field of Ufology to overcome its “UFO bias” and carefully examine every possible earthly explanation before concluding that a UFO is extraterrestrial in origin.
In 2003, Oscar Munoz found a mummy in the Atacama Desert ghost town of La Noria. The six-inch-long mummy, now called Ata, has an elongated skull, oddly shaped eye sockets, and only ten pairs of ribs... which helped fuel wild speculation that she was an alien hybrid. Ata was sold several times—probably illegally—and ended up in the private collection of Barcelona entrepreneur and UFO enthusiast Ramón Navia-Osorio. A 2013 documentary called Sirius soon helped immortalize Ata, focusing heavily on the alien hybrid claims.
When a team led by University of California, San Francisco bioinformatics researcher Sanchita Bhattacharya recently sequenced the tiny mummy’s genome, however, it revealed only a girl of Chilean descent. There were a complicated set of genetic mutations, including some usually associated with bone and growth disorders and a few more that have never been described before. Those mutations, the researchers claim, may help explain her unusual appearance.
It’s easy to see why the team's March paper attracted so much interest: a high-profile urban legend was fully debunked at last, but now there were hints at compelling medical discoveries. Most press outlets presented the results as conclusive, cut-and-dried science—except for a few UFO fan sites that loudly insisted the study was part of a cover-up. But even beyond the extraterrestrial exchanges, things have gotten very complicated, both in terms of the scientific claims and in terms of whether the research should have been done at all.
A scientific controversy
The complaints started only three days after Bhattacharya and her colleagues, including Stanford University immunologist Garry Nolan, published their paper in Genome Research. Chilean microbiologist Cristina Dorador of the University of Antofagasta published an article on Chilean science news site Etilmercurio, criticizing the geneticists for working with samples obtained from a mummy that had probably been illegally smuggled out of Chile. By March 28, TheNew York Timesreported that the Chilean National Monuments Council had launched an official inquiry into the provenance of the remains, and Chilean anthropologists and archaeologists criticized the ethics of the study and called for a retraction of the paper.
Nolan and co-author Atul Butte, a computational biologist at the University of California, San Francisco, published a response in the journal Genome Research on March 30, defending the ethics and scientific merits of their work. The journal also issued a statement defending their ethical standards and decision to publish. But now a group of anthropologists is challenging not only the ethics but the science behind the study.
This group, led by University of Otago bioarchaeologist Siân Halcrow, claims that Ata’s appearance was never actually that unusual—if you know what the bones of a human fetus are supposed to look like halfway through gestation. And if they’re right, it means the genetic study was unnecessary in the first place to prove Ata’s humanity or to understand the appearance of her bones.
Bones of contention
“There is nothing about Ata that suggests she is anything but a mummified human fetus,” bioarchaeologist Kristina Killgrove of the University of West Florida and the Ronin Institute told Ars. “Her body looks like a normal fetus around the mid-point of development and most likely represents a miscarriage.”
Fetal skeletons don’t look quite like fully developed infants. A fetus’ 11th and 12th ribs often haven’t developed by the middle of a pregnancy, for instance. And the process of passing through the birth canal tends to compress babies’ skulls into a slightly elongated, cone-like shape. Combine that with processes at work on the body after burial, the archaeologists say, and Ata’s appearance makes perfect sense.
This argument first emerged in 2013, when Nolan announced the results of an initial genetic study to Science Magazine. Stony Brook University School of Medicine anatomist William Jungers, in an interview at the time, remarked, “Genetic anomalies are not evident, probably because there aren't any.” Jungers is now part of Halcrow’s group.
What about the mutations Bhattacharya and her colleagues found in Ata’s genome? Halcrow and her colleagues say that the ones usually associated with bone and growth disorders wouldn’t impact the appearance of Ata's skeleton so early in her development. And they argue that it could just be coincidence that the previously unidentified mutations turn up at locations associated with bone formation and growth. Mutations, especially ones that affect only a single DNA base, are surprisingly common. And generally, they have no effect on a person’s body because they occur in regions of DNA that don’t actually code for anything.
Although headlines have claimed that Bhattacharya and her colleagues found the genetic mutations that explain Ata's appearance, the researchers themselves have been much more cautious. In an interview with Ars prior to the study's publication, Bhattacharya said that it would take more work in the lab, possibly using mice as a model, to figure out whether these specific mutations actually cause any deformities.
By all accounts, the sky can be filled with myriad peculiar objects, from drones to experimental crafts, or others that some find difficult to explain.
Recently, a viewer saw something aloft over town that struck her as odd, and so she decided to log a report with the Mutual UFO Network, also commonly known as MUFON.
The reported sighting took place last June, some time between 5:45 and 6:15 p.m. in the vicinity of Route 3 and Interstate 495, and was logged in October.
“I was out in the open yard, which is flat, gravel and grass. i was standing, by my friend’s car, talking to her,” the report states. “Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement in the air and looked up. Both objects were in the air, not over 300 feet above and about 40 feet in front of me. Both objects were exactly alike.”
The report said, “The first object was in front, the second object was in the rear and maintained constant position from the first one, which was about 20ft behind and 30ft to the left of the first one, but not lower than the first. there was absolutely no sound.”
The two objects flew steadily, “almost as if there was a rod between them to keep them together and maintain status. My friend is handicapped and was unable to get out of the car in time to see them.”
The report also mentions a helicopter coming into nearby.
The viewer said she didn’t think to take a photo, noting that she does not take good photos. But, she said, “I too happy to finally see something I’ve never seen before. There were other people in the yard but no one looked up or paid attention, they were all talking to each other a few yards away. i have never seen any object in the sky in my entire life that looked like this.”
Eric Hartwig, the state director of the network’s Massachusetts chapter, said he contacted the woman, and noted that the organization does not reveal the identities of those who file reports.
A quest to know
Strictly speaking, UFO is simply an acronym for “unidentified flying object,” with no inference about the object’s nature or source.
The Mutual UFO Network follows up on reports, and sometimes sends an investigator to the site of the report. The goal is to check out the information objectively, and much of the time, the sighting is ruled to be something fairly ordinary, such as a manmade craft, a reflection of light, or a normal celestial object such as a planet or meteor.
In this case, Hartwig said he believes the phone interview was sufficient.
“She described two metallic objects, that had a lattice-like appearance, like under a porch,” Hartwig said. “The odd thing was, there was a garage or something in the area, and the guys are out there, a bunch of workers just hanging out. She is across the yard in the parking lot there.” It did not appear that the men saw the sighting, or that they were too engaged in conversation to notice anything unusual, Hartwig said.
The woman provided a drawing of what she saw.
Hartwig said, “What I mentioned to her was that from what she is describing, it sounds almost like an ion propulsion -- people will build these experimental things.”
Hartwig alluded to videos on YouTube showing demonstrations of such crafts, which he said can throw out a breeze. Often, the craft makers put aluminum foil around the crafts, “and it causes this ion effect, and that’s just what I thought of when she described it.”
The dimensions as described seemed small, said Hartwig. “It looked like a few feet thick. In other words, it didn’t look like it had the room for occupants, really,” Hartwig said.
‘Fact-based approach’
The tracking of UFOs is controversial both in popular culture and in the scientific community.
But Nancy Kotary, communications officer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s sHaystack Observatory in Westford, said, “We think that scientists are naturally curious and also want to identify unknown things. Wanting to identify things is in line with science.”
The observatory devotes most of its research to radioastronomy -- which is concerned with radio emissions from objects in space -- as well as atmospheric studies and studies of the ionosphere.
The ionosphere is the part of the atmosphere with a high concentration of ions and free electrons, and which is able to reflect radio waves.
Kotary said, “We take a science-based aproach, and don’t take too seriously things that can’t be proven.”
Kotary added, “We understanding wanting to know what something is. We just take a very fact-based approach.”
By all accounts, the sky can be filled with myriad peculiar objects, from drones to experimental crafts, or others that some find difficult to explain.
Recently, a viewer saw something aloft over town that struck her as odd, and so she decided to log a report with the Mutual UFO Network, also commonly known as MUFON.
The reported sighting took place last June, some time between 5:45 and 6:15 p.m. in the vicinity of Route 3 and Interstate 495, and was logged in October.
“I was out in the open yard, which is flat, gravel and grass. i was standing, by my friend’s car, talking to her,” the report states. “Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement in the air and looked up. Both objects were in the air, not over 300 feet above and about 40 feet in front of me. Both objects were exactly alike.”
The report said, “The first object was in front, the second object was in the rear and maintained constant position from the first one, which was about 20ft behind and 30ft to the left of the first one, but not lower than the first. there was absolutely no sound.”
The two objects flew steadily, “almost as if there was a rod between them to keep them together and maintain status. My friend is handicapped and was unable to get out of the car in time to see them.”
The report also mentions a helicopter coming into nearby.
The viewer said she didn’t think to take a photo, noting that she does not take good photos. But, she said, “I too happy to finally see something I’ve never seen before. There were other people in the yard but no one looked up or paid attention, they were all talking to each other a few yards away. i have never seen any object in the sky in my entire life that looked like this.”
Eric Hartwig, the state director of the network’s Massachusetts chapter, said he contacted the woman, and noted that the organization does not reveal the identities of those who file reports.
A quest to know
Strictly speaking, UFO is simply an acronym for “unidentified flying object,” with no inference about the object’s nature or source.
The Mutual UFO Network follows up on reports, and sometimes sends an investigator to the site of the report. The goal is to check out the information objectively, and much of the time, the sighting is ruled to be something fairly ordinary, such as a manmade craft, a reflection of light, or a normal celestial object such as a planet or meteor.
In this case, Hartwig said he believes the phone interview was sufficient.
“She described two metallic objects, that had a lattice-like appearance, like under a porch,” Hartwig said. “The odd thing was, there was a garage or something in the area, and the guys are out there, a bunch of workers just hanging out. She is across the yard in the parking lot there.” It did not appear that the men saw the sighting, or that they were too engaged in conversation to notice anything unusual, Hartwig said.
The woman provided a drawing of what she saw.
Hartwig said, “What I mentioned to her was that from what she is describing, it sounds almost like an ion propulsion -- people will build these experimental things.”
Hartwig alluded to videos on YouTube showing demonstrations of such crafts, which he said can throw out a breeze. Often, the craft makers put aluminum foil around the crafts, “and it causes this ion effect, and that’s just what I thought of when she described it.”
The dimensions as described seemed small, said Hartwig. “It looked like a few feet thick. In other words, it didn’t look like it had the room for occupants, really,” Hartwig said.
‘Fact-based approach’
The tracking of UFOs is controversial both in popular culture and in the scientific community.
But Nancy Kotary, communications officer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s sHaystack Observatory in Westford, said, “We think that scientists are naturally curious and also want to identify unknown things. Wanting to identify things is in line with science.”
The observatory devotes most of its research to radioastronomy -- which is concerned with radio emissions from objects in space -- as well as atmospheric studies and studies of the ionosphere.
The ionosphere is the part of the atmosphere with a high concentration of ions and free electrons, and which is able to reflect radio waves.
Kotary said, “We take a science-based aproach, and don’t take too seriously things that can’t be proven.”
Kotary added, “We understanding wanting to know what something is. We just take a very fact-based approach.”
We have been searching for life on other space globes, including our natural satellite, Moon and our closest neighbor, Mars.
Moon is the only place after Earth where we, the humans have walked. The purpose was to find out if our moon can host life!
Space agencies are planning to land humans on Mars, too, in the near future to dig out the traces of life. NASA and their European counterparts are also extending their search for extraterrestrial life on some of the moons of Jupiter, Saturn and a few dwarf planets such as Ceres. These strange rocks have many awesome characteristics to support life.
Scientists and space watchers have time and again created the sensation with their not-so-reliable findings.
According to many conspiracy theories, aliens are already in contact with humans. If that is true, how easy it is for us to identify extraterrestrial life on Earth and in the outer space?
Finds of a Spanish University
A Spanish journal “Acta Astronautica” recently published a report about the finds of a study done by researchers at the University of Cádiz, Spain. A group of people was asked to spot the (signs of) human-made structures on alien land, and most of them spotted Earth-like creatures such as the famous waving gorilla or the (illusion of) human face on the top of a volcanic mountain on Mars.
Humans are so biased and have such a narrow definition of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) that it is hard for them to believe that aliens can be present in any form and may have an entirely different DNA or physical structure.
The reason behind the definition of ETI we have is basically the science fictions we read or watch. The visual representation of aliens has made us believe that aliens are an advanced version of humans. However, the fact can be miles away from our belief.
Telescopes and radio antennas to receive alien signals
NASA and other agencies have installed large radio telescopes to see and receive alien frequencies.
Amoeboid found below the thick frozen layer of water on a distant planet can also be an example of extraterrestrial life. Can single-celled creatures send radio signals or can it be spotted through a large city-sized telescope in the Earth’s orbit? Are the technology and approach we use to #search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) really alien friendly? Are they advanced enough to spot aliens?
Characteristically, we have been searching for blue-red human-like creatures that we see in our movies. But, we need to understand that not every living thing in the universe can be a mirror image of creatures living on the Earth.
It’s all about the limitations of our imagination, say the researchers at the Spanish University.
The need is to broaden our search criteria to find brainy aliens. We need to peep into multiple directions following a multidisciplinary approach. But, what remains unquestioned here is, are we really open for that? Should we really contact aliens? #Alien life#how to spot an alien
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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