The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Astronomen onthullen wat er gebeurt als onze zon doodgaat
Astronomen onthullen wat er gebeurt als onze zon doodgaat
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Er ontstaat een zichtbare planetaire nevel.
De meeste onderzoekers zijn het erover eens: onze zon heeft nog zo’n 5 miljard jaar te leven. En dan zal de ster sterven. Maar wat er daarna precies gaat gebeuren: dat was niet helemaal duidelijk. Een nieuw onderzoek – verschenen in het blad Nature Astronomy – brengt daar verandering in. Met behulp van een model onthullen onderzoekers dat er na de dood van de zon een planetaire nevel zal ontstaan.
Planetaire nevel Een planetaire nevel is een enorme heldere ring die bestaat uit gas en stof. De ring ontstaat wanneer de ster in een overgangsfase zit en transformeert van een rode reus naar een witte dwerg. We spreken van een rode reus als de dode ster zijn buitenste lagen de ruimte in heeft geblazen. “Hierdoor komt de kern van de ster bloot te liggen die in dit stadium van het leven van de ster bijna door zijn brandstof heen is en uiteindelijk stilvalt,” legt onderzoeker Albert Zijlstra uit. Maar gedurende een korte periode – grofweg 10.000 jaar – is deze hete kern nog in staat om de weggestoten buitenste lagen van de ster te laten schijnen. “Dat is wat de planetaire nevel zichtbaar maakt.”
Zichtbare nevel Zo’n 90% van alle sterren vormt aan het eind van het leven zo’n planetaire nevel. Maar lang wisten onderzoekers niet goed of onze zon er ook eentje kon genereren. Sommige onderzoekers dachten namelijk dat onze zon een te lage massa had om een zichtbare planetaire nevel te creëren. Maar Zijlstra en collega’s stellen nu dus dat onze zon er ook toe in staat is. Het nieuwe model onthult namelijk dat sterren nadat ze hun buitenste lagen hebben afgestoten drie keer sneller opwarmen dan gedacht. Hierdoor is het ook voor sterren met weinig massa – zoals de zon – mogelijk om een heldere planetaire nevel te vormen.
Het wil niet zeggen dat alle sterren een planetaire nevel kunnen genereren. Onze zon is zo ongeveer de lichtste ster die nog in staat is om een zichtbare planetaire nevel te maken. Sterren die slechts een paar procent kleiner zijn, kunnen het niet.
Middeleeuwse astronomen kunnen het bestaan van planeet X bewijzen
Middeleeuwse astronomen kunnen het bestaan van planeet X bewijzen
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Mogelijk hebben zij al kometen gespot met vreemde banen die alleen te verklaren zijn als planeet X bestaat.
Een paar jaar geleden stelden twee astronomen dat ons zonnestelsel waarschijnlijk een negende planeet telt: planeet X. Deze planeet zou zo’n tien keer zwaarder zijn dan de aarde en aan de rand van ons zonnestelsel huizen. Het bestaan van de planeet werd onder meer afgeleid uit de vreemde banen van een handvol kometen. Hoewel er sindsdien met man en macht naar de planeet gezocht is, is deze nog niet direct waargenomen. En dus blijft planeet X een hypothese.
Middeleeuwen Maar wellicht kunnen Middeleeuwse astronomen daar verandering in brengen. Dat stellen Britse onderzoekers. Hoewel de Middeleeuwen vaak worden gezien als een periode waarin de wetenschap weinig voorstelde, waren er wel degelijk mensen met een grote interesse in astronomie. Zij bestudeerden het heelal en noteerden wat ze zagen. Verschillende Middeleeuwse geschriften maken dan ook melding van kometen die langs vlogen. En die meldingen kunnen we gebruiken om te achterhalen of planeet X bestaat.
Voorbode Verschillende Middeleeuwse bronnen maken melding van kometen die helderder waren dan sterren. Het bewijst dat men in de Middeleeuwen het heelal al nauwlettend in de gaten hield. De Middeleeuwse mensen wisten waarschijnlijk niet dat ze naar een brok ijs zaten te kijken. In plaats daarvan werden ze gezien als voorboden van de dood van koningen, de val van koninkrijken, oorlog, hongersdood, ziekte, enzovoort.
Hoe dan? Aangenomen wordt dat planeet X – als deze bestaat – vrij zwaar is en met zijn zwaartekracht van invloed is op de banen van sommige kometen. Die impact is misschien klein, maar over een lange periode zou het effect ervan letterlijk zichtbaar moeten worden en wel doordat een komeet zich op een heel andere plek bevindt en op een heel ander moment vanaf de aarde zichtbaar is dan in een scenario waarin planeet X geen rol speelt.
Simulaties De onderzoekers stellen dan ook voor om de banen van alle ons bekende kometen in aan- en afwezigheid van planeet X te simuleren en zo te achterhalen waar zij zich in de Middeleeuwen bevonden. Vervolgens kan er gekeken worden welke simulaties overeenkomen met wat astronomen in de Middeleeuwen werkelijk zagen. “Elke sterke indicatie dat een negende planeet nodig is om de waarnemingen van kometen in de Middeleeuwen passend te maken, is een uniek resultaat en zal zeker een opmerkelijke impact hebben op ons begrip van het zonnestelsel,” aldus onderzoeker Pedro Lacerda.
De komende tijd zal moeten blijken of men in de Middeleeuwen – zonder dat in de gaten te hebben – getuige is geweest van de zwaartekrachtswerking van een planeet die we in 2018 officieel nog niet ontdekt hebben. “Het is fantastisch om in staat te zijn om de data die ongeveer 1000 jaar oud is, te gebruiken om een moderne theorie te onderzoeken,” aldus Lacerda. Het voorstel van Lacerda en collega’s is van harte welkom. Pogingen om planeet X op te sporen en dus het bestaan ervan te bewijzen, zijn tot op heden op niets uitgelopen.
Previously unseen documents reveal how officials at the U.K.'s Ministry of Defence handled the 'UFO mania' of the late 1990
A former official at the U.K.’s Ministry of Defence has shed new light on the circumstances surrounding a secret government UFO study that was conducted during the 1990s.
In 1996, the MoD commissioned a defense contractor to produce a comprehensive report on U.K. UFO sightings. The report was compiled at a time of huge public interest in UFOs fueled by the wildly popular “X-Files” TV series and 1997’s 50th anniversary of the purported UFO incident in Roswell, New Mexico.
Careful to avoid using the term UFO, the report described sightings as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).
Code-named Project Condign, the report analyzed a database of sightings between 1987 and 1997 and was delivered to officials in 2000. The study, entitled ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in the UK Air Defence Region,’ found that that sightings could be explained by a variety of known phenomena, both man-made and natural. The incidence of relatively rare natural phenomena was also noted. “No evidence exists to associate the phenomena with any particular nation,” it said.
Project Condign has been compared to Project Blue Book, a U.S. Air Force effort to investigate UFOs that closed in 1969.
Nick Pope, a former MoD UFO investigator who is now an author and journalist, told Fox News that he was involved in setting up the study with his counterpart in the Ministry’s Defence Intelligence Staff. “The reason for the study was that while we'd been investigating UFO sightings on a case-by-case basis for decades, we'd done very little trend analysis,” he explained, via an emailed statement. “Project Condign was supposed to rectify this and be a proper intelligence assessment that would look for patterns in data we already had.”
“We were trying to draw everything together and say in relation to UFOs: 'OK, what's our best assessment of what we're dealing with, what are the threats, and what are the opportunities?',” he added.
Initial discussions about the study started in 1993, according to Pope, who had left the MoD’s UFO project by the time work on the report itself started.
“The study was highly classified and extremely sensitive, not least because the MoD consistently told parliament, the media and the public that UFOs were of limited interest and ‘no defense significance’,” Pope said. “Our concern was that if the existence of the study became known, it would have exposed an internal position on the phenomenon that was different from our public position.”
The report only entered the public domain in 2006 following a Freedom of Information request from academic Dr. David Clarke. The identity of the report’s author has not been revealed.
A new set of previously-unseen documents recently obtained by Clarke, a principal research fellow at the U.K’s Sheffield Hallam University, have thrust Project Condign into the spotlight once again. The records show how over-worked MoD officials were keen to reduce their commitment to investigating reports of UFO sightings. With its findings, Project Condign duly laid the foundations for the MoD to start scaling back its UFO-related operations. The Ministry’s DI55 department, which had secretly collected data on potential UFO sightings since 1967, closed at the end of 2000. The MoD’s UFO Desk closed in 2009.
Pope found the final Project Condign report disappointing. “In places it looked like a conclusion-led study where data had been used to support a personal opinion,” he said, but acknowledged the challenges involved in compiling such a confidential report.
“The problem with an intelligence study like Project Condign is that it's so secret and sensitive that those involved don't reach out to subject matter experts outside the intelligence community,” he explained, adding that consultation with the U.K.’s Met Office weather service, other scientists and academics would have been helpful.
The report also suggested that atmospheric plasma may account for some UFO sightings, which Pope sees as confusing. “In speculating about exotic atmospheric plasma phenomena the report's author had made the classic mistake of trying to explain one mystery in terms of another,” he said.
The former MoD employee was also surprised by the discussion of “novel military applications” that could be supported by greater understanding of the UFO phenomenon. “This was essentially a reference to weaponization, including the construction of a directed energy weapon,” he said.
In a statement provided earlier this week to Fox News, the MoD explained that all its historic files that refer to UFOs have either been released, or are in the process of being released to the U.K.’s National Archives. “The MOD continues to have no opinion on the existence, or otherwise, of extra-terrestrial life and does not investigate reported unidentified flying object sightings,” it said.
This is not actually a UFO, it’s a group of starlings
(Stock image, Rex)
concealing evidence that UFOs are real? Almost certainly not, but three ‘missing’ documents are stirring up the usual conspiracy theories about flying saucers." data-reactid="31" style="text-align: justify;">Is the Ministry of Defence concealing evidence that UFOs are real? Almost certainly not, but three ‘missing’ documents are stirring up the usual conspiracy theories about flying saucers.
The documents were ‘missed out’ when the Ministry of Defence agreed to open up its ‘X Files’ – or at least that’s what former MoD employee (and UFO fan) Nick Pope reckons.
Rendlesham Forest incident in 1980 – often described as ‘Britain’s Roswell’." data-reactid="33" style="text-align: justify;">The documents released so far have shed light on incidents such as the Rendlesham Forest incident in 1980 – often described as ‘Britain’s Roswell’.
But so far, they’ve not contained any ‘proof’ of alien life – and Pope says that the failure to release the last three files is stoking conspiracy theories.
Nick Pope said, ‘Having worked on the Ministry of Defence’s UFO project and having written many of the documents that have already been released, I’m extremely disappointed that ten years after the release of the first files, the project is still incomplete.
Pope claims that three documents have shuttled back and forth between the MoD and the National Archives.
Pope said, ‘A lot of people think the government is covering up the truth about UFOs and this unfortunate situation is only adding fuel to the fire with regard to these conspiracy theories.’
Dr David Clarke of Sheffield Hallam University claims that there might be a very real reason why there is no ‘smoking gun’ in the Ministry of Defence’s ‘X-Files’.
Clarke says that government efforts to investigate UFOs in 1997 deliberately focused on other explanations – and that officials deliberately destroyed files after a report which discounted the possibility of alien sightings, the Guardian reports.
Messages between analysts and the Defence Intelligence Service said that investigations should focus on foreign powers and technology, and that it ‘It shouldn’t be driven by a UFO thesis’.
The report, completed in 2000, gave the Ministry of Defence grounds for a new policy where it no longer accepted reports of alien sightings.
But Defence Intelligence Service officials then destroyed the database, Clarke discovered after filing Freedom of Information requests.
Bizarre viral video claims to show 'UFO' sucking energy from a lightning bolt
Bizarre viral video claims to show 'UFO' sucking energy from a lightning bolt
(Credit: SecureTeam 10, Youtube)
A bizarre YouTube video posted by conspiracy theory channel SecureTeam10 has gone viral as it purportedly shows a UFO sucking energy from a lightning bolt.
The video, entitled "They Dwell in the Lightning," appears to show an object in the sky near a lightning bolt in the Czech Republic. The video was posted 5 days ago and has already racked up nearly 500,000 views.
The herky-jerky footage purportedly shows a "triangular-shaped UFO" following the lightning bolt with ease. Commenters on the video are mixed about what they are seeing, with some claiming it is indeed a UFO, while others believe it's a hoax.
[T]they" are clearly recharging their "batteries" using natural sources of lightning's energy.," one commenter wrote.
"Aliens aren't real, they were invented by Hollywood in the 40's," another wrote.
Several even made references to the "Back to the Future" movies because of a bolt of lightning provided energy to Marty McFly's car. "Doc Brown did it in back to the future, now aliens using bolts to power their vehicles," one commenter wrote.
SecureTeam10, which has its videos narrated by "Tyler Glockner," is known for posting conspiracy theory videos.
In the past, the YouTube channel has posted videos purporting to contain an "alien tank"found on the Moon and a giant hole found on Mars could be the work of aliens.
Neither of these instances has ever been confirmed by NASA or any other government agency.
The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation about how the universe began. At its simplest, it says the universe as we know it started with a small singularity, then inflated over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know today.
Because current instruments don't allow astronomers to peer back at the universe's birth, much of what we understand about the Big Bang Theory comes from mathematical formulas and models. Astronomers can, however, see the "echo" of the expansion through a phenomenon known as the cosmic microwave background.
While the majority of the astronomical community accepts the theory, there are some theorists who have alternative explanations besides the Big Bang — such as eternal inflation or an oscillating universe.
The phrase "Big Bang Theory" has been popular among astrophysicists for decades, but it hit the mainstream in 2007 when a comedy show with the same name premiered on CBS. The show follows the home and academic life of several researchers (including an astrophysicist).
The first second, and the birth of light
In the first second after the universe began, the surrounding temperature was about 10 billion degrees Fahrenheit (5.5 billion Celsius), according to NASA. The cosmos contained a vast array of fundamental particles such as neutrons, electrons and protons. These decayed or combined as the universe got cooler.
This early soup would have been impossible to look at, because light could not carry inside of it. "The free electrons would have caused light (photons) to scatter the way sunlight scatters from the water droplets in clouds," NASA stated. Over time, however, the free electrons met up with nuclei and created neutral atoms. This allowed light to shine through about 380,000 years after the Big Bang.
This early light — sometimes called the "afterglow" of the Big Bang — is more properly known as the cosmic microwave background (CMB). It was first predicted by Ralph Alpher and other scientists in 1948, but was found only by accident almost 20 years later. [Images: Peering Back to the Big Bang & Early Universe]
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, both of Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, were building a radio receiver in 1965 and picking up higher-than-expected temperatures, according to NASA. At first, they thought the anomaly was due to pigeons and their dung, but even after cleaning up the mess and killing pigeons that tried to roost inside the antenna, the anomaly persisted.
Simultaneously, a Princeton University team (led by Robert Dicke) was trying to find evidence of the CMB, and realized that Penzias and Wilson had stumbled upon it. The teams each published papers in the Astrophysical Journal in 1965.
Determining the age of the universe
The cosmic microwave background has been observed on many missions. One of the most famous space-faring missions was NASA's Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite, which mapped the sky in the 1990s.
Several other missions have followed in COBE's footsteps, such as the BOOMERanG experiment (Balloon Observations of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geophysics), NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and the European Space Agency's Planck satellite.
Planck's observations, first released in 2013, mapped the background in unprecedented detail and revealed that the universe was older than previously thought: 13.82 billion years old, rather than 13.7 billion years old. [Related: How Old is the Universe?] (The research observatory's mission is ongoing and new maps of the CMB are released periodically.)
Examining the CMB also gives astronomers clues as to the composition of the universe. Researchers think most of the cosmos is made up of matter and energy that cannot be "sensed" with conventional instruments, leading to the names dark matter and dark energy. Only 5 percent of the universe is made up of matter such as planets, stars and galaxies.
Gravitational waves controversy
While astronomers could see the universe's beginnings, they've also been seeking out proof of its rapid inflation. Theory says that in the first second after the universe was born, our cosmos ballooned faster than the speed of light. That, by the way, does not violate Albert Einstein's speed limit since he said that light is the maximum anything can travel within the universe. That did not apply to the inflation of the universe itself.
"We're very confident that the signal that we're seeing is real, and it's on the sky," lead researcher John Kovac, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told in March 2014.
But by June, the same team said that their findings could have been altered by galactic dust getting in the way of their field of view.
"The basic takeaway has not changed; we have high confidence in our results," Kovac said in a press conference reported by the New York Times. "New information from Planck makes it look like pre-Planckian predictions of dust were too low," he added.
The results from Planck were put online in pre-published form in September. By January 2015, researchers from both teams working together "confirmed that the Bicep signal was mostly, if not all, stardust," the New York Times said in another article.
Separately, gravitational waves have been confirmed when talking about the movements and collisions of black holes that are a few tens of masses larger than our sun. These waves have been detected multiple times by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) since 2016. As LIGO becomes more sensitive, it is anticipated that discovering black hole-related gravitational waves will be a fairly frequent event.
Faster inflation, multiverses and charting the start
The universe is not only expanding, but getting faster as it inflates. This means that with time, nobody will be able to spot other galaxies from Earth, or any other vantage point within our galaxy.
"We will see distant galaxies moving away from us, but their speed is increasing with time," Harvard University astronomer Avi Loeb said in a March 2014 article.
"So, if you wait long enough, eventually, a distant galaxy will reach the speed of light. What that means is that even light won't be able to bridge the gap that's being opened between that galaxy and us. There's no way for extraterrestrials on that galaxy to communicate with us, to send any signals that will reach us, once their galaxy is moving faster than light relative to us."
Some physicists also suggest that the universe we experience is just one of many. In the "multiverse" model, different universes would coexist with each other like bubbles lying side by side. The theory suggests that in that first big push of inflation, different parts of space-time grew at different rates. This could have carved off different sections — different universes — with potentially different laws of physics.
"It's hard to build models of inflation that don't lead to a multiverse," Alan Guth, a theoretical physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said during a news conference in March 2014 concerning the gravitational waves discovery. (Guth is not affiliated with that study.)
"It's not impossible, so I think there's still certainly research that needs to be done. But most models of inflation do lead to a multiverse, and evidence for inflation will be pushing us in the direction of taking [the idea of a] multiverse seriously."
While we can understand how the universe we see came to be, it's possible that the Big Bang was not the first inflationary period the universe experienced. Some scientists believe we live in a cosmos that goes through regular cycles of inflation and deflation, and that we just happen to be living in one of these phases.
Our universe may live in one bubble that is sitting in a network of bubble universes in space.
Credit: Sandy MacKenzie | Shutterstock
Is our universe unique? From science fiction to science fact, there is a concept that suggests that there could be other universes besides our own, where all the choices you made in this life played out in alternate realities. The concept is known as a "parallel universe," and is a facet of the astronomical theory of the multiverse.
The idea is pervasive in comic books, video games, television and movies. Franchises ranging from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" to "Star Trek" to "Doctor Who" to "Digemon" use the idea to extend plotlines. (A fuller list of parallel universes in fiction is at the bottom of the article.)
There actually is quite a bit of evidence out there for a multiverse. First, it is useful to understand how our universe is believed to have come to be.
Arguing for a multiverse
Around 13.7 billion years ago, simply speaking, everything we know of in the cosmos was an infinitesimal singularity. Then, according to the Big Bang theory, some unknown trigger caused it to expand and inflate in three-dimensional space. As the immense energy of this initial expansion cooled, light began to shine through. Eventually, the small particles began to form into the larger pieces of matter we know today, such as galaxies, stars and planets.
One big question with this theory is: are we the only universe out there? With our current technology, we are limited to observations within this universe because the universe is curved and we are inside the fishbowl, unable to see the outside of it (if there is an outside.)
We don't know what the shape of space-time is exactly. One prominent theory is that it is flat and goes on forever. This would present the possibility of many universes being out there. But with that topic in mind, it's possible that universes can start repeating themselves. That's because particles can only be put together in so many ways. More about that in a moment.
2. Bubble universes.
Another theory for multiple universes comes from "eternal inflation." Based on research from Tufts University cosmologist Alexander Vilenkin, when looking at space-time as a whole, some areas of space stop inflating like the Big Bang inflated our own universe. Others, however, will keep getting larger. So if we picture our own universe as a bubble, it is sitting in a network of bubble universes of space. What's interesting about this theory is the other universes could have very different laws of physics than our own, since they are not linked.
3. Daughter universes.
Or perhaps multiple universes can follow the theory of quantum mechanics (how subatomic particles behave), as part of the "daughter universe" theory. If you follow the laws of probability, it suggests that for every outcome that could come from one of your decisions, there would be a range of universes — each of which saw one outcome come to be. So in one universe, you took that job to China. In another, perhaps you were on your way and your plane landed somewhere different, and you decided to stay. And so on.
4. Mathematical universes.
Another possible avenue is exploring mathematical universes, which, simply put, explain that the structure of mathematics may change depending in which universe you reside. "A mathematical structure is something that you can describe in a way that's completely independent of human baggage," said theory-proposer Max Tegmark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as quoted in the 2012 article. "I really believe that there is this universe out there that can exist independently of me that would continue to exist even if there were no humans."
5. Parallel universes.
And last but not least as the idea of parallel universes. Going back to the idea that space-time is flat, the number of possible particle configurations in multiple universes would be limited to 10^10^122 distinct possibilities, to be exact. So, with an infinite number of cosmic patches, the particle arrangements within them must repeat — infinitely many times over. This means there are infinitely many "parallel universes": cosmic patches exactly the same as ours (containing someone exactly like you), as well as patches that differ by just one particle's position, patches that differ by two particles' positions, and so on down to patches that are totally different from ours.
Famously, physicist's Stephen Hawking's last paper before his death also dealt with the multiverse. The paper was published in May 2018, just a few months after Hawking's demise. About the theory, he told Cambridge University in an interview published in The Washington Post, "We are not down to a single, unique universe, but our findings imply a significant reduction of the multiverse to a much smaller range of possible universes."
Arguing against a parallel universe
Not everyone agrees with the parallel universe theory, however. A 2015 article on Medium by astrophysicist Ethan Siegal agreed that space-time could go on forever in theory, but said that there are some limitations with that idea.
The key problem is the universe is just under 14 billion years old. So our universe's age itself is obviously not infinite, but a finite amount. This would (simply put) limit the number of possibilities for particles to rearrange themselves, and sadly make it less possible that your alternate self did get on that plane after all to see China.
Also, the expansion at the beginning of the universe took place exponentially because there was so much "energy inherent to space itself," he said. But over time, that inflation obviously slowed — those particles of matter created at the Big Bang are not continuing to expand, he pointed out. Among his conclusions: that means that multiverses would have different rates of inflation and different times (longer or shorter) for inflation. This decreases the possibilities of universes similar to our own.
"Even setting aside issues that there may be an infinite number of possible values for fundamental constants, particles and interactions, and even setting aside interpretation issues such as whether the many-worlds-interpretation actually describes our physical reality," Siegal said, "the fact of the matter is that the number of possible outcomes rises so quickly — so much faster than merely exponentially — that unless inflation has been occurring for a truly infinite amount of time, there are no parallel universes identical to this one."
But rather than seeing this lack of other universes as a limitation, Siegal instead takes the philosophy that it shows how important it is to celebrate being unique. He advises to make the choices that work for you, which "leave you with no regrets." That's because there are no other realities where the choices of your dream self play out; you, therefore, are the only person that can make those choices happen.
Parallel universes in science fiction
Here are some of the more prominent uses of parallel universes in science fiction. (This is by no means a complete list, but a sampling of some of the more-quoted examples.)
Marvel Comics and DC Comics feature stories set in parallel universes that are part of the multiverse.
Many anime series, such as "Digimon," "Dragon Ball" and "Sonic the Hedgehog" feature alternate versions of their characters from other universes.
Parallel universes appear in games such as "Dungeons & Dragons," "BioShock Infinite," the "Final Fantasy" franchise, "Half-Life," "League of Legends," "Mortal Kombat" and "The Legend of Zelda."
"Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions" (1884), by Edwin A. Abbott, is a story about a two-dimensional world that includes living geometric figures such as circles, triangles and squares. The novel also includes other universes such as Lineland, Spaceland and Pointland. This book was adapted into a feature film in 2007.
"Men Like Gods" (1923), an H.G. Wells novel, included a "paratime" machine and explored the multiverse.
"The Chronicles of Narnia" (1950-56), a C.S. Lewis book series, features several children who move between our world and the world of Narnia, where there are talking animals. Some of these books were released as feature films earlier in the 2000s.
An episode of "Star Trek" featured a "mirror universe" in which the characters were more ruthless and warlike. The concept was repeated in nearly every subsequent "Star Trek" series. In 2009, the "Star Trek" universe got a reboot in a movie that put the characters from the 1960s original series in an alternate universe. The movie starred Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto and set off a series of other "Star Trek" films.
In "The Dark Tower," a Stephen King series that began in 1982, travellers go through portals to different levels of the titular tower (in other words, parallel Earths). Part of the series was adapted into a feature film in 2017.
The "Back to the Future" movie series (which began in 1985) follows the adventures of the McFly family, including visits to 1885, 1955 and 2015. The second film in particular shows the drawbacks of an alternate reality, when one character uses it to get rich by nefarious means. The series starred Michael J. Fox.
In the "His Dark Materials" series by Philip Pullman, children move between multiple worlds. The first book, "The Golden Compass," was adapted into a film in in 2007.
"Sliding Doors" (1998) is a film that showed two parallel universes depending on whether the main character caught a train or not. It starred Gwyneth Paltrow and John Hannah.
"Run Lola Run" (1998) is a film starring Franka Potente. The film shows multiple alternatives as a woman tries to get 100,000 Deutsche marks in only 20 minutes to save her boyfriend's life.
"Timeline" (1999) by Michael Crichton follows historians who go back in time to the Middle Ages. (While the book is mostly a time travel book, the multiverse is used in it as well.) A film based on the book was released in 2003.
"Donnie Darko" (2001) is a film in which a high school student finds himself confronted with visions and tries to figure out their meaning. It starred Jake Gyllenhaal.
"The Long Earth" book series, by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter, discusses parallel universes that may be nearly the same as Earth.
"Stranger Things" (2016 to present) is a science fiction-horror television series that begins with the investigation of a young boy's disappearance in a small town. The series includes discussion of an alternate dimension called the Upside Down.
Listen To How Artificial intelligence Poses As A Human And Makes Phone Reservation
Listen To How Artificial intelligence Poses As A Human And Makes Phone Reservation
Listen To How Artificial intelligence Poses As A Human And Makes Phone Reservation
This is scary and awesome at the same time. Google’s new AI sounds like a human on the phone, and some experts say, we should be very worried.
During the last few years many companies have used the term “artificial intelligence” to talk about their virtual assistants, but let’s admit it, neither Siri nor other mobile phones ‘assistants’ really feel as smart as we expect.
However, the Google assistant has improved so much that ‘it’ can pass off as a human, and it’s kinda’ very scary and awesome at the same time.
Google’s AI
Google has recently presented the new version of Google Assistant, its intelligent virtual assistant, during the initial conference of Google I / O 2018.
Sundar Pichai wanted to demonstrate the capabilities of the platform, which now seems to be so far ahead of the competition that it tricks ordinary people into believing they are speaking with another human and not some creepy AI assistant.
During the demonstration, Google had the AI Assistant ask for an appointment in a hairdressing salon, and the conversation feels so natural that it is practically impossible to distinguish a real person from the AI.
Check out the video below and hold on to your seat.
If this isn’t scary then what is?
Bridget Carey✔@BridgetCarey
I am genuinely bothered and disturbed at how morally wrong it is for the Google Assistant voice to act like a human and deceive other humans on the other line of a phone call, using upspeek and other quirks of language. "Hi um, do you have anything available on uh May 3?" #io18
The intonation of the words by the AI, the expressions that it uses, the small doubts when “speaking,” simply put, Google has made a wonder.
However, many experts would definitely agree that what Google has achieved, as well as being surprising, is terrifying, especially if you have seen how science fiction movies involving artificial intelligence end.
It is noteworthy to mention that the new Google Assistant is still in development, so for now it has no arrival date to the public.
Now imagine combining Sophie, the creepy human robot, and Google’s AI assistant.
As noted by the verge, “if robots can freely pose as humans the scope for mischief is incredible; ranging from scam calls to automated hoaxes. One effect of AI phone calls might be to make us all a little bit ruder. If we can’t tell the difference between humans and machines on the phone, will we treat all phone conversations with suspicion?”
And they’ve got a point there, after all the possibilities are endless, despite the fact that there are more good sides than bad sides to it.
As our technology has become more sophisticated, so has the search for other potential life in the universe. Some NASA scientists are now estimating that we may have contact with extraterrestrial contact in as little 25 years.
Last year, scientists announced the discovery of a planet, a red dwarf 12.36 light years away; only four light years away from Earth located in the Alpha Centauri system. The planet is called Proxima Centauri, and it may be habitable. This discovery, along with recent discoveries of other potential exoplanets that can harbor life has led many leading astronomers to come to the conclusion that we likely are not alone in the universe.
A project aimed at listening for signals of other intelligent life, SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence), has been active for several years analyzing signals from outer space of intelligent sourcing. A spin-off of the SETI project is called METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is focused on designing and transmitting messages to possible life-bearing planets. METI Project Scientists recently transmitted a signal to a relatively nearby star called Luyten’s Star (GJ 273). The signal sent to Luyten’s Star incorporates “a scientific and mathematical “tutorial,'” as well as 33 short musical compositions by artists in the Sónar community, according to
Some new factors to consider based on advanced radio telescopes and on Kepler data, (Kepler is aspace observatory launched by NASA to discover Earth-size planets orbiting other stars), is thathabitable exoplanets similar to Earth are much more common than originally thought, and the universe is more expansive than we have believed. We are learning more each day and NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, planning to launch between March and June 2019, will exponentially add to our understanding.
Scientists from UC Berkeley and the University of Hawaii issued a study that 22 percent of sun-like stars may harbor planets roughly the size of Earth in their habitable zones that have been overlooked because these planets are harder to detect. One of the study’s co-authors, Andrew Howard, stated “With about 100 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy, that’s about 20 billion such planets … That’s a few Earth-sized planets for every human being on the planet Earth.” Read about Earth-like exoplanets.
The estimates of potential earth-like planets vary among astronomers and exobiologists (those who study extraterrestrial life). NASA estimates conclude that there are probably more than 100 billion Earth-like planets based on the assumption that our universe has 500 billion billion stars similar to our own. That figure contemplates nearly identical conditions for life to evolve on these planets. Evidence derived from new powerful telescopes, including Kepler’s exploration of the Milky Way and various space probes in our own solar system, have shown that the water is more common place that thought and the organic building blocks of life are abundant.
These estimates are generally based upon a formula of probability created by astronomer Dr. Frank Drake in 1961. His “Drake Equation” sought to arrive at an estimate of the number of active, communicative extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy.
It was based on:
N = The number of civilizations in The Milky Way Galaxy whose electromagnetic emissions are detectable.
R* = The rate of formation of stars suitable for the development of intelligent life.
fp = The fraction of those stars with planetary systems.
ne = The number of planets, per solar system, with an environment suitable for life.
fl = The fraction of suitable planets on which life actually appears.
fi = The fraction of life bearing planets on which intelligent life emerges.
fc = The fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space.
L = The length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space.
In addition to radio telescope scanning, analytics in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence is significantly improving. A new capability based upon machine learning and artificial intelligence was created by researchers at the University of Toronto Scarborough, Canada. The computing capability is believed to be up to 1,000 times faster at predicting whether a planet is potentially habitable. Researchers will also use the AI tool to study NASA's impending Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) which is set to launch in 2018.
Beyond the Milky Way, The numbers of planets that could support life, as we know it, are really mind-boggling. Astronomers at the University of Auckland claim that there are actually around 100 billion habitable, Earth-like planets in the Milky Way. Multiplied by the 500 billion plus galaxies in the universe, they estimate around 50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (5×1022) habitable planets, or 50 sextillion in the universe. Of course, forms of life that could potentially evolve without Earth eco-systems would exponentially change that estimate to even a greater number.
There are a variety of projects dedicated to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) now scanning space with sensitive optical and acoustic technologies. Also, Gravitational Microlensing is being used for detection of planets using techniques measuring the bending of light emitted by a star as a result of gravity from orbiting objects.
There are those who say with all the possibilities of life out there – where is it and why have we not yet discovered it? This is commonly called the “Fermi Paradox” noting the contradiction between the high probability that life that is predicted to be in our universe, and the lack of evidence that advanced life exists anywhere else but Earth. But as such a young civilization that only discovered electricity in a recent era, there is not really much of a paradox. We are just at the doorstep of exploration and cannot not expect to know what we do not know yet. Man’s real quest for the stars has really just begun.
As mankind’s technology (especially artificial intelligence) and computing capabilities continue to grow, so will our ability to explore in greater detail the expansiveness of space and the multitude of galaxies. What was yesterday’s science fiction is now today’s reality. Someday, we may even have the capacity to travel beyond our dreams as humans, perhaps as cyborgs or replicating robotic probes. The continued discovery of Earth-like planets in our galaxy and beyond is another small step in our pondering of an understanding of what may be out there as we peer among the night sky.
Chuck Brooks is President of Brooks Consulting International. LinkedIn named Chuck as one of “The Top 5 Tech People to Follow on LinkedIn” out of their 500 million members. He has published more than 150 articles and blogs on cybersecurity and technology issues. In both 2017 and 2016, he was named “Cybersecurity Marketer of the Year by the Cybersecurity Excellence Awards. Chuck’s professional industry affiliations include being the Chairman of CompTIA’s New and Emerging Technology Committee, and as a member of The AFCEA Cybersecurity Committee. In government, Chuck has served at The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as the first Legislative Director of The Science & Technology Directorate at the Department of Homeland Security. He served as a top Advisor to the late Senator Arlen Specter on Capitol Hill covering security and technology issues on Capitol Hill. In academia, Chuck was an Adjunct Faculty Member at Johns Hopkins University where he taught a graduate course on homeland security for two years. He has an MA in International relations from the University of Chicago, a BA in Political Science from DePauw University, and a Certificate in International Law from The Hague Academy of International Law.
We mentioned in a previous blog that our drone “Dronita” had picked up some spectacular crop marks, but what creates these marks, and what can we actually determine from them?
When we mention crop marks most people’s first response is “crop circles? Wow!” But there are no mysterious alien forces at work here! A crop circle is a design pressed into the crop (by whichever process you choose to believe) but a crop mark is an area of land where subsurface archaeology has prevented or limited the growth of the crop. Much less exciting (or more, if you’re an archaeologist)! As a result, when a field is in full crop it can be easy to spot lines or structures as there are sections where nothing has grown.
But how exactly does the underlying archaeology prevent the crop growing? Obviously we’re not talking about small pieces of pottery here, but much larger structures such as buildings or roads. The bricks and stones below ground prevent roots from growing to their full ability and as a result the crop grows less well and appears more stunted than those surrounding it which can grow without any obstructions.
Additionally, the presence of stones takes water away from that area and into other sections of the soil, making them more fertile and in these sections the plants will grow more robustly than the others.
Depending on the crop, the marks can be more or less obvious. Thankfully, M.C. the crop growing in many of the fields we surveyed in 2017, was quite short and completely unable to grow above the subsurface archaeology, which made the crop marks incredibly apparent, which was great for us!
More difficult to see from the drone is a “positive crop mark” which is essentially the opposite of what we’ve been talking about above. With a positive crop mark, the area below the plant is likely a depression deeper than the rest of the field. Often, these ditches or holes are filled with much more organic and fertile soil, thus resulting in the plants growing stronger than others in the field.
You can see in this rough diagram (drawn by yours truly) how all this works.
And that is everything you need to know about crop marks! Any questions? You can always ask on our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram . We’ll be answering some FAQs in a later blog, so if there’s something you’ve always wanted to know about archaeology, Italy, or our field school in general, get in touch! And if you’ve been enjoying our recent updates, don’t forget you can follow our blog by email and get notifications every time we post, so you’ll never miss an update!
Alien life could possibly be discovered by taking a look at a planet’s altering seasons
Alien life could possibly be discovered by taking a look at a planet’s altering seasons
Hundreds of probably liveable planets have been discovered exterior the Solar System, orbiting close by stars. It could possibly be doable to slim down this seek for extraterrestrial life by taking a look at a planet’s environment and finding out seasonal adjustments.
It is very unlikely that people are going to go to exoplanets anytime quickly, so the seek for life ought to start by taking a look at their atmospheres, says a brand new examine, studies Phys.Org. Called biosignatures, these are likened to fingerprints that organic life is more likely to depart within the environment. Researchers consider that they are often measured utilizing superior, next-gen telescopes on the lookout for the composition of gases in planets a number of mild years away.
However, the report additionally factors out that biosignatures based mostly on single measurements may be inaccurate and even deceptive. So to make this an efficient methodology to search for alien life, researchers are creating the primary ever quantitative framework to detect dynamic biosignatures which might be based mostly on Earth’s atmospheric seasons and the way it adjustments yearly, notes the report. It is being executed with funding from the NASA Astrobiology Institute and by scientists on the University of California, Riverside’s Alternative Earths Astrobiology Center.
If there are seasonal adjustments in exoplanets, that would imply there’s life on the marketCreative Commons
“A probably highly effective method to assess exoplanets for inhabitation could be to look at their atmospheres all through their orbits to see if we will detect adjustments in these biosignature gases over the course of a yr,” stated lead creator is Stephanie Olson. “In some circumstances, such adjustments could be troublesome to elucidate with out life and will even permit us to make progress in direction of characterizing, reasonably than merely recognizing, life on an exoplanet.”
Earth, on its tilted axis, receives completely different ranges of daylight in numerous components of the yr, this results in seen adjustments within the climate and the size of days within the floor. However, the adjustments in climate additionally has an impact on atmospheric composition, notes the report. The northern hemisphere, for instance, has a majority of the planet’s vegetation, so in the summertime, the northern hemisphere has a measurably decrease degree of carbon dioxide and better degree of oxygen.
“Atmospheric seasonality is a promising biosignature as a result of it’s biologically modulated on Earth and is more likely to happen on different inhabited worlds,” stated Olson. “Inferring life based mostly on seasonality would not require an in depth understanding of alien biochemistry as a result of it arises as a organic response to seasonal adjustments within the setting, reasonably than as a consequence of a particular organic exercise that is perhaps distinctive to the Earth.”
Apart from axis tilt like on Earth, extraordinarily elliptical orbits might additionally trigger seasons to vary on exoplanets, notes the report. Using an imaging approach known as spectroscopy, it could possibly be doable to mannequin fluctuations of gases like oxygen in these alien planets.
“It’s actually necessary that we precisely mannequin these sorts of eventualities now, so the area and ground-based telescopes of the long run may be designed to establish essentially the most promising biosignatures,” stated Edward Schwieterman, a NASA Postdoctoral Program fellow at UCR. “In the case of ozone, we would want telescopes to incorporate ultraviolet capabilities to simply detect it.”
“Both oxygen and methane are promising biosignatures, however there are methods they are often produced with out life,” he added.
The paper, titled “Atmospheric Seasonality As An Exoplanet Biosignature,” was first printed within the Astrophysical Journal Letters.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Humanity should start thinking about how to interact with alien species long before coming into contact with extraterrestrial life, experts say.
Coming up with a strict set of guidelines that govern the way people on future interstellar space missions study and interact with aliens is imperative before anyone blasts off to a distant world, according to attendees at Starship Congress in August.
While a “prime directive” — the rule that prevented Star Fleet officers from interfering with the business of alien life-forms on TV’s “Star Trek” — might be a little extreme, such a rule could help govern interactions between aliens and humans.
“In the event that we discover evidence of intelligent life on another world, that will be a social, cultural and technologically influential event to human affairs which will need to be managed with great care and to ensure our culture and their culture remains intact and not disrupted by this new knowledge,” Kelvin Long, the founder of Project Icarus, said during a panel on Aug. 16.
People traveling to distant stars will be carrying tangible and intangible aspects of human culture with them, so it should be curated responsibly before being sent to an alien planet, one expert said.
“I think it comes down to how we’re going,” Armen Papazian, the CEO of the International Space Development Hub, said. “Do we trust that this is a beautiful universe, an incredible cosmos? Do we really believe that it’s an amazing landscape, it’s a bed of stars? What do we think we’re going out there to find and are we going to embrace it or are we going to utilize? Are we trying to export our scarcity economics or are we trying to enjoy the abundant cosmos? … Whatever we are here, we’re going to export wherever we go.”
It’s possible that humans in the future will have no desire to land on exoplanets after free-roaming in space for years at a time, Icarus Interstellar president Richard Obousy said.
“I’m not convinced that when we have the capabilities to build starships … that we’ll want to go from one gravitational abyss to another gravitational abyss,” Obousy said. “I’m not convinced that settling on planets or even moons is going to be necessary.”
Humans can’t help but explore and interact with the world around them, Icarus Interstellar’s James Benford said during the panel.
“We won’t leave them alone,” Benford said. “We would like to explore alien ecology extensively to understand if there are any interactions leading to incompatibilities. We would need to establish human research stations to do that because it’s a complex problem. It seems unlikely that there would be interference between separately evolved ecologies, especially if we minimize contamination and wear the appropriate suits.”
Les Johnson, of the Tennessee Valley Interstellar Workshop, takes Benford’s ideas a little further. Johnson and his group have developed three moral principles that he hopes will serve as a guide for any interactions with all kinds of extraterrestrial life:
Learn all you can learn before risking any kind of direct interaction
If it seems to be alive, leave it alone.
Avoid bringing samples to the home world because it might not be totally incompatible with our ecosystem.
When developing a strategy for first contact, it might also be important to think about the mental and physical well-being of the aliens with whom humans could come into contact, panel members stated.
Finding out that a more advanced civilization exists somewhere in the universe could be as jarring for humans around the globe as it was for native peoples when the conquistadors came to North America for the first time, Benford said.
“It wasn’t just guns, disease and steel, it was the shock of finding out that you’re not even No. 1, you’re not even No. 3,” Benford said. “That is a thing to really worry about.”
In spite of all of these rules, it will be up to the people on the starship to ultimately enforce or do away with whatever rules were in place before they left the planet.
“A vibrant interstellar civilization will be essentially ungovernable, and that observing such guidelines will be strictly left up to each and every first contact team to obey or not obey at their discretion,” Johnson said. “When someone is several light-years from home and they’ve encountered something they never encountered before, they’re going to be making the decisions regardless of what the guiding moral principles might have been when they left home.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
UFO fires on fast moving object in the sky over Michigan?
UFO fires on fast moving object in the sky over Michigan?
On May 8, 2018 ‘Watchingtheskysabove’ was driving the Michigan roads when he noticed that the skies looked a little weird like they’ve been looking lately, so he pointed his cellphone to the sky not knowing what he would capture.
The footage shows two fast moving unknown objects in the sky over Michigan when suddenly several red glowing objects, like some sort of plasma balls, appear close to the first flying object.
A closer look at the footage shows a UFO at some distance from the first object. Although I am not sure whether the red glowing objects are just flares or that the UFO has fired some sort of energy weapon towards the first flying object, it is noticeable that the position of the UFO, which is visible in just a few frames of the footage, is in a straight line with the red glowing objects and the first flying object.
Amazing triangle UFO sighting over Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico 8-May-2018
Amazing triangle UFO sighting over Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico 8-May-2018
Triangle-shaped craft was filmed over Air Force Base in New Mexico on 8th May.
Witnes report:
at first two orange yellow lights just stationary In the sky then a third appeared in a triangle like formation. driving home from work on base, and casually glanced to my right (south) and noticed two orange yellow lights floating and casting a lot of light on the ground between 1 & 7 miles away. I pulled over to look closer and as I was recording with my phone a third appeared in a triangle formation with with the other two. they did not appear to move or fall I heard no audible noise. i know it was not flares from anything cause they were stationary and the only thing in the direction i was looking was open desert.nor was it an aircraft. after i observed for around 5 minutes they all just disappeared within quick succesion.
UFO Researcher Reveals the Flight Path Of A Crashed UFO In The Welsh Mountains
UFO Researcher Reveals the Flight Path Of A Crashed UFO In The Welsh Mountains
A newly disclosed map might have an answer to the question whether a flying saucer that crashed in the Welsh mountains left a strange halo fire.
The incident took place in 1974 in the Berwyn Mountains and now popularly known as the Welsh Roswell. However, only recently UFO researcher Russ Kellett disclosed the map to the public.
According to Kellett, witnesses to the incident gave him the map showing the flight path of the UFO.
People reportedly heard a huge bang and felt tremors on earth, which took place amid claims of brilliant light sighting in the sky above the mountain range at around 8:30 on the night of January 23, 1974. People at Llandderfel and Llandrillo reportedly heard an explosion, which measured 3.5 on the Richter scale. Police reportedly arrived in the area while the search and rescue team of RAF was scrambled from Anglesey. There were claims that other military personnel were also present. According to the Gwynedd police report, a massive explosion had taken place in the area and an enormous fire in the mountainside. One statement from a witness at the time said that they saw bright, coal fire red light in a vast perfect circle, similar to a big bonfire.
However, sceptics offered a simple explanation saying that a meteor, an earthquake or poachers were the cause of the noise and the alleged strange activity.
Mr Kellet claimed five witnesses had given him the map showing the flight paths of RAF jets and the UFO.
The map allegedly shows a red dot indicating the area of the incident and black dotted lines from the west leading to the dot revealing the alleged path of the UFO and RAF jets.
Mr Kellet claimed the five saw an unusual object and went out to have a look, but the military was in the area and asked them to leave. These witnesses then reportedly moved to a better position and began to take pictures.
The five witnesses were all friends, and four served in the military during the World War Two. After their sighting, they decided to investigate the case, and the map is the result.
Mr Kellet said that he received a package from the witnesses after his talk in Bala to a packed audience around the late 1990s or early 2000s. As he gets older, he decided to reveal the map to the public and see if anybody else could shed light on the incident.
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Flying Triangles, North Korea, and 856 March Sightings
Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia. Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Utah, and Wisconsin.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, China, Sweden, Turkey, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Major George Filer Editor of The National UFO Center, would like to invite join him in Mt Shasta this summer July 27-29th 2018. He will present a wonderful program at the “From Venus with Love” conference.
Fifty years ago (March 7, 1971), a prototype of a new class of aircraft, so odd-shaped that John McPhee of The New Yorker dubbed it the “Deltoid Pumpkin Seed” completed its one and only successful test flight at the FAA Test Center in New Jersey. The craft was an early attempt at a hybrid airship that would rely on both an aerodynamic shape and internal helium to lift heavy cargo loads at low cost, and into remote areas where large cargo planes could not land.
The aircraft was intended as a forerunner of much larger craft thatwould contain helium; these designs were dubbed “Dynairships.” One proposal, the AEREON 340, was to have been 340 feet (100 m) long, with a wingspan of 256 feet (78 m) and total lift of 400,000 pounds (180,000 kg). Powered by four 5,500 horsepower Rolls-Royce Tyne turboprop engines, it was claimed to be capable of carrying intermodal containers or semi-trailers, operating slightly heavier than air. A patent for “a cargo-carrying air ship comprising a gas-filled, low aspect ratio deltoid wing” was granted in 1969; according to this patent, “extremely large ships, having lengths in excess of 1,000 feet (300 m)” and capable of economically transporting “large payloads, ranging up to 1,000 long tons or more” over long distances, were feasible.
Generally, the craft are flown at night and kept in hangars or underground. There are legitimate needs for secrecy. A series of low flying black or dark grey triangles have been flying over the US and UK for several decades. They have generated thousands of reports. They generally fly well below the flight level of normal commercial aircraft. They may alien or a copy of alien craft. Some craft fly only a few feet above the trees or buildings. Numerous reports claim the craft
The craft are a dull, non-reflective dark grey color, without visible markings, (they have ID’s that respond to the proper RF interrogation, similar to the old IFF systems) and they are flown at night. It is likely the intial pumpkin seed design was upgraded and large triangle craft were built. The intial designs were
“David” in the UK writes at last we have more proof that Black Triangles are likely ours. The British military have had large triangles on test flights around the UK and Europe for the past 10 years according to my data, remember the Belgium sighting from the early 90’s and countless others?. Black Triangles are Top Secret and Classified and according to the NEXUS Magazine there D Notices, (i.e they do not exist in the interest of national security the UK media will not report any sightings of triangles. I believe that triangles will eventually become Grey projects in time, just as the stealth bomber has become de-classified as a grey project, so black triangles will also be. They are often seen in South Cumbria around the Morecombe Bay area, and over various coastal Nuclear Powere Stations.
The Aereon Lifting body is one of a series of black triangle aircraft operating in the US and UK inventory. The larger platforms are lighter-than-air vehicles that use the latest composite materials in construction to reduce their radar image. They are used for Airborne Warning and Control systems, reconnaissance, the covert insertion of troops and airlift of classified materials. Similar craft such as the Aereon 340, Aereon 26, etc., were on the drawing board in the 1960s. US Patent 3,761,041 shows a lifting body that was designed to carry large bulky loads such as large phased array radars similar that mounted in Aegis class ships. Small piloted experimental aircraft were test-flown at Atlantic City Airport before the whole thing was covered up.
Although Aereon appeared to develop the original patents and ideas they do not appear to have been given the contract for building the actual aircraft. I was shown video of the early successful flights of the Aereon craft by the President William Miller. Work undertaken by various experts was classified in 1976/7.
It is believed some of the advantages of the Navy’s Aegis system were incorporated into the Aereon lifting body. The photos of how the Aegis system looks at the Lockheed Martin Combat System Engineering Plant, in Moorestown, New Jersey. This system is normally mounted on a Navy destroyers and cruisers. The Aereon craft could be used by the military to handle exceptionally large amounts of cargo, fuel, or a huge, horizontal triangular phased-array radar antennas (somewhat like an airborne version of the “Pave Paws” ballistic missile detection radar). The is kept in the air by multiple internal helium balloonets and powered by quiet ducted turboprops. Based on eye witness description near Pine Bush, New York the craft seems to be composed of numerous squares of triangular shaped balloons or blimp like structures. Sometimes a superstructure similar to a large ship is observed rising above the main bulk of the craft. Several up close observers such as Ellen Crystal stated the ship was measured sixty feet on each side of the triangle and was bristling with antennas.
Ellen Crystal’s drawings of craft seen near Pine Bush, NY. Dr. Ellen Crystall claims in her 1991 book, Silent Invasion, that she detected evidence for an underground alien base near Pine Bush, NY. .
AEREON Lifting Bodies flying triangle craft are one of the most frequent UFO shapes sighted in recent years. Detailed identifications of these craft indicate one or more is in continuous operation in various parts of the world. In the mid 1980s they were most frequently spotted in the Hudson Valley of the Northeastern part of the United States. In the late 1980s, the area of operation appeared to move to Belgium, in the 90s the sightings occurred mostly over the southeastern coast of England and the North Sea. A black triangle was spotted hovering over Mohonk Mountain Resort New Paltz, NY in November 6, 1998, by several employees of the resort. This craft appears to operate in Canada and the Northeastern part of the US. There have been no announcements by any nation claiming that these large V-shaped craft belong to them.
One possibility is that they deliberately designed the craft to be stealth like by making the craft look like an UFO, so nobody takes the matter seriously. Ridicule and refusal by the news media to publish these stories work to keep the craft secret. The craft can do what they want over populated areas due to the very nature of their appearance. The movement near the Hudson Valley and along the East Coast of England infers these crafts have a long range radar capability. Because it is continually moving enemy forces would have a difficult time targeting its location.
Witnesses report the craft to be black, with white lights at each corner and a red light in the middle. The craft is said to be larger than the width of a super highway, sometimes as large as a football field and either completely silent or accompanied by a faint hum. The craft hover or travel at a very slow speed, 45 mph or less, a speed that would seem incapable of keeping the object airborne. The craft has also been reported to have a phenomenal acceleration, disappearing from over-head to out-of-sight in a few seconds! Sometimes the object ‘blinks out’ and just disappears. The object may carry missiles and other devices to fool the observer.
The earliest reliable witness to these craft occurred Norm Buckallew was at a drive in movie in the summer of 1968. His eye caught a huge object coming from the south east in a brightly lit sky. The full moon made it stand out like a neon sign. He threw the speaker out the window and got in gear, to the complete surprise and quick complaints of my friend. Off we sped, in my 65 Corvair following the highway for seven miles as it drifted slowly along, not going over 40-45 miles an hour the entire time we followed watching it.
We stopped and watched this huge thing glide over us without sound. Its size caused goose bumps to travel up and down my spine. What was this huge black object? It looked like a pyramid. The total size would be about two blocks wide at its rear end, it was a good fifteen to twenty feet thick with rounded edges. There was no sign of any engines at all and no outside lights. However. Along the side toward us we could see clearly a row of windows with a yellow light emitting from them. We could also see figures moving around inside looking out the windows at the ground. There was quite a number of them. We could make out no features but, they had heads, torso, arms and legs like our own. This huge silent craft sounds exactly like what was seen all over Arizona, I know for a fact this was no normal air plane. Its altitude was about 800 feet as it passed over their heads. I have seen UFOs all my life, this was the largest I ever saw and the slowest.
The craft was hovering over large buildings, such as a church in Belgium, and homes in the Northeast. The witnesses agree that the craft is exceptionally large, bigger than any known aircraft. One of the largest aircraft in the world C-5s regularly operate over the Hudson Valley and are based at Stewart Air National Guard Base. Witnesses claim these FT craft are two to five times larger than the C-5 whose wingspan is 223 feet and length is 248 feet. If we double the size of the flying triangle it has roughly both a wingspan and fuselage length of 500 feet. The solid deltoid wing shape obviously it would make it appear as a huge and massive craft. Some estimates imply a thousand foot wing span. Several photos have surfaced that indicate a large triangle with rounded corners at the alleged wing tips.
I met with William Miller the President of Aereon and had him speak to our Air Force Association Group. He showed our group video of the development and flight of his experimental craft. He indicated his company had developed several patents for this kind of technology. One of them, incredibly, was for a huge, triangular, lighter-than air AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System) carrying giant phased-array radar antennas, based on the old Aereon lifting-body design and powered by turboprops! They apparently have received limited funding in the past from the Air Force, but he assured me they had not built the craft in the photos and drawings. They are simply called lifting bodies.
They are often seen in the general vicinity of Stewart Airport near Newburg, New York, and Westover Air Force Base in Massachusetts. There is speculation that a secret base is somewhere in the Catskills or atFort Drum in northwestern, New York. They are seen as far south as Georgia and Florida. The craft seem to move along a low level military corridor in the Appalachian Mountains. The secrecy may be related to violation of SALT treaty provisions or hopes of keeping the aircraft secret until needed. There were also intriguing reports of “slow-moving triangles” near the military flight test center at Edwards AFB, CA in this period.
I have detailed knowledge of the close encounter between UFOs and Belgian F16’s in March 1990. It was recorded on radar tape that one of the unknowns accelerated to 40 Gs. This is claimed to be clear cut evidence for the ET origin of this vehicle, because terrestrial craft fighters have a maximum acceleration capacity of about 10 Gs. An aircraft that can carry unusually large radars, would likely also be able to send out radar signals they may have fooled the Belgian F-16s into thinking it was taking high G evasive action.
The craft may have perfected a unique camouflage system. The skin of the craft could change color to mimic the sky or ground on its reverse side. A large slow moving, low flying craft would be very vulnerable to enemy action and need both camouflage and stealth operation. The large size of the craft indicates it would need a crew of fifteen to twenty operate the various functions such as radar, take off and landing, cargo, navigation, etc. New composites and plastics can be made clear, or designed to change color with light. An effective camouflage technique is to provide enough light to an object so that it has the same amount of light has the background. During daylight an object can be made almost invisible by simply flooding it with enough light to match the sky, either from within or by bathing light on the exterior. Lights can be switched off and on causing the craft to appear and disappear as by magic. My wife and I happened to see six lights moving in unison over Marlton, NJ. I gave chase in my car reaching speeds of 60 mph. It out distanced us flying towards Philadelphia. It was dusk and an overcast day, we could clearly see the lights but no structure. The lights were either flying formation in a roughly triangle shape or they were attached to an object that neither of us could see. I have tried to determine the technology to hide an aircraft. Additionally, this craft would need to hide from the prying eyes of satellites and enemy fighters. Flying slow and low changing its colors to match the terrain below it, the craft would appear virtually invisible from above. During night time operations it could use small lights to look like stars. However, the Aereon at night is often are described using three very bright spotlights, shinning down on the ground. Often a large red light is also described either in the nose or the center of the craft. This may be a device to pump hot air into the craft similar to what is used on hot air balloons. During peace time night operations the greatest danger to this craft would come from mid-air collisions. Consequently, the bright lights are used to avoid collision but also to appear from out of this world.
If a Third World War should break out in Europe, most long range radars would be destroyed in the initial minutes of the war. Lockheed Martin Corporation and others have designed this type of equipment for use on Aegis Class destroyers and cruisers. The Aereon may have been designed to carry this relatively large and bulky equipment. To accomplish this task a different type of aircraft was needed. Generally Airborne Warning and Control aircraft have a limited 250 mile range radar. With rapidly increased fighter and bomber air speeds, a moveable very long range radar was needed for increased survivability, surveillance and to control defense applications. Additionally, solid-state Radar was needed for detection and tracking of tactical ballistic missiles and cueing for defensive missile systems. Additionally, defense is needed against attacking fighters, helicopters and ground fired weapons. New 3-D radars with L-band operating frequency could provide superior detection performance on all types of targets and improved detection in all types of weather. Both a fixed radar site and high flying AWACs aircraft are relatively vulnerable. Communication with satellite data links and air defense units would be needed to control the actual battle. Daylight operation would be the most dangerous to a blimp like aircraft. It could hide among the radar ground clutter or be built of stealth materials that are not easily detected on radar. The craft may be equipped for modern battlefield needs, command flexibility, and reliable detection of rotary wing and fighter threats. A short range air defense system, anti-aircraft missiles and high velocity weapons may be installed for point defense. A sophisticated radar system may be installed to detect, classify, and track distant targets The craft is likely equipped with advanced countermeasures (ECCM). The radar should be able to simultaneously monitor and track more than 20,000 targets. The Aereon because of its size and lift capability provides both mobility and survivability.
typical night for the Aereon Lifting Body is to travel around Southeastern England, moving among the three Nuclear Power Stations at Sizewell in Suffolk, Bradwell in Essex and Dungeness Nuclear Power Plant in Kent. These plants are watched closely due to thier importance to the British Electrical power grid and large easily spotted chimneys. During 1996 and 97 there were almost nightly visits to the vicinity of these power plants. This may be accidental due to the fact any craft moving along the Eastern coast would eventually cross near these plants.
British aviation enthusiasts point out that these craft operate near known military bases. It is interesting the Soviets have built a similar blimp like disc shape craft. This craft appears to be some 400 feet in diameter and may be used for carrying large amounts of crude oil. The large number of sightings suggest these craft are man made. It is likely that they operate with NATO forces and may be an upgraded long range Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center (ABCCC). They may also perform an anti tactical missile role. They seem to operate along the Appalachian Mountains mostly in the northeast and in England.
There is likely a hypersonic version operating a speeds above 5 times the speed of sound. The first hard evidence the USAF (or the National Reconnaissance Office) was testing a hypersonic aircraft surfaced in 1990. Strange double-sonic-booms rocked sleeping Californians awake and triggered earth quake detection-equipment. Stealth watchers were quick to catch on and dubbing the booms “skyquakes”. ccording to Jim Mori, a seismologist at the California Institute of Technology, the sonic boom signatures recorded by the 220 seismic sensors, operated by the U.S. Geological Service, emanated from aircraft traveling at high-supersonic speed. Mori also said “Òther frequency and shape of the seismic waves indicated the sonic booms were caused by an aircraft, much smaller than the Space Shuttle, a hypersonic aircraft about the size of an SR-71. At that time the only operational SR-71 was based at Edwards AFB, flown by NASA and was not in the air at the time of the “skyquakes”. On many occasions, the booms came in pairs (minutes apart) suggesting that there was more than one hypersonic aircraft on a test flight at the same time. USGS seismic sensors indicated the craft was over Southern California and into Nevada, on a heading for a landing Groom Lake where much of the Pentagon’s covert technology is tested and based.
Accompanying the skyquakes were multiple sightings of wedged- shaped aircraft all over the United States and abroad. An aircraft with a diamond shaped pattern of lights was seen flying in a formation of F-117s, refueling with a KC-10 tanker over Beale AFB, near Sacramento, California. According to a February 1992 issue of the “Scotsman Sunday Post”, high altitude tests of an American hypersonic aircraft were conducted over the North Atlantic. The mystery aircraft were observed landing at the U.S. Special Forces base at Machrihanish, Scotland. Numerous press reports of loud-roaring- wedge-shaped-aircraft scaring sheep on the Scottish Mull of Kintyre and mysterious fast-moving radar blips speeding above Mach 3 by civilian air traffic controllers in Scotland began filing UK newspapers. In 1989, oil drilling engineer Chris Gibson, an accomplished aircraft observer (having served 12 years with Royal Observer Corp.Õs international aircraft recognition team) witnessed a black- wedge shaped aircraft flying over the North Sea. The aircraft was refueling with a KC-135 tanker and escorted by two F-111 chase planes, reinforcing claims that the aircraft was being based somewhere in the British Isles.
Military insiders say that a project involving a hypersonic reconnaisance aircraft was cancelled in 1993. Other sources say that the project (called Q) became too expensive and considered unfeasible. The Aurora aircraft is said to be in flyable condition (in storage) at the mysterious Groom Lake flight-test facility located inside the Nellis Test Range in Nevada. According to some insiders, one components of the Aurora/Senior Citizen system was not abandoned. A stealthy high-speed reconnaissance drone,
originally launched off the back of “Aurora” (much like the D-21 drone and SR-71 mothership concept) did survive. This is the craft possibly responsible for the strange “donuts-on-a-rope” contrails reported seen over the southwest. In any event, evidence does support that something high-flying and stealthy is still transiting the night skies of the world. The high speed hypersonic Aurora may be an unmanned robotic drone. KC-10 tankers at Mc Guire Air Force Base regularly refuel high performance type aircraft over the Atlantic Ocean.
Triangle preparing to attack in Soviet Draawings
The dissolution of the Soviet Union occurred on December 26, 1991, officially granting self-governing independence to the Republics of the Soviet Union. The following year I met with two Soviet ColoneIs who
Triangle Craft Landed shooting at radar site
claimed the Soviet Union was under attack by triangle craft that were destroying key military facilities through out the country. The Colonels claimed Mikhail Gorbachev had been visited by aliens and threatened the anailation of the Soviet Union if they would not disolve amd remove the threat of nuclear war. President George Herbert Walker Bush senior was in charge and may have set up the historic confrontation. President Bush postponed his university studies, enlisted in the U.S. Navy on his 18th birthday, and became the youngest aviator in the U.S. Navy at the beginning of World War II. He flew am Avenger and was shot down and recoveed to fly another 68 combat missions. He served until September 1945, then attended Yale Univerity. He had later been Director of the Cia and directed a series classified missions. The successful attacks on the Soviet Union were carried out by triangle shaped craft with no markings and brought the Cold War to an end.
North Korea
There has been a sudden change in North Korea’s stance, from bragging they are able to hit the US mainland with a nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles to claiming they are surrendering this capability. In 2017, North Korea under Kim Jong Un overcame technological hurdles to its long quest to build a modern nuclear weapons program, conducting a large underground detonation and test launching at least 17 ballistic missiles. . One or more might be able to reach the US unless knocked down by US antimissile systems. Pyongyang recently said. “Washington was considering a pre-emptive strike against it and the US had moved anti-missile systems, advanced aircraft and ships into the South Korea area.” The U.S.likely started flying high speed triangle aircraft over North Korea. Kim Jong Un’s rogue regime went to China and Russia for support and were basically turned down..
Various bombers were flying along the North Korean border and along the coasts and allegedly their radar was having trouble tracking the B-1 bombers.The US biefed up its forces near the Korean border and likely flew high speed craft over North Korea on fairly routine missions showing Kim Jong Un the US could strike any target at will. Kim Jong Un likely decided peace was better than anilation. He got the world’s attention and President Trump has agreed to meet with him and probably willing to provide finacial help. In rural areas people are poorly fed and undernourished and defections are common.
Kim Jong Un is a basketball fan has a certain fascination with the West and probably wants the best for his people. To help make his decision the North Korea nuclear test site mountain partially collapsed and may be out of action according to a China study under the stress of multiple explosions,.
A controlled explosion in September caused an initial magnitude-6.3 tremor, that is believed to have triggered four more earthquakes over the following weeks. The findings suggest the partial collapse of the mountain that contains the testing tunnels, as well as the risk of radiation leaks, have potentially rendered the site unusable.
The findings could cast doubt on North Korea’s sincerity in announcing last weekend that it would stop testing nuclear weapons. Apparently, playing tough with is what he understands.
In April, B-1Bs flew further north along North Korea’s coast than at any time in the past 17 years. The sortie prompted Pyongyang’s foreign minister to warn that U.S. bombers could be shot down even if they did not enter North Korean airspace.
A satellite image from 13 April 2017 shows North Korea’s Punggye-ri nuclear test site.
Photograph: HO/AFP
U.S. national security adviser H.R. McMaster said at the weekend the possibility of war was “increasing every day.” He said Trump was prepared to take action against North Korea but was working to convince China, Russia and others to do more to press Pyongyang to get it to give up its weapons programs.”
Appaently with U.S. pressure, Kim Jong Un has decided to at least try a more peaceful position. Trump calls Kim ‘very honourable’ and says North Korea wants summit as soon as possible
March UFO Sightings
March 2018saw a total of 640 UFO sightings reported to the Mutual UFO Network, MUFON from around the world.
United States 446,
Canada 66, UK 42, France 11,
Australia 9, Mexico 7,
Brazil and Spain 6.
National UFO Reporting Center by Peter Davenport reports 216 in March
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Filer’s Files #18 -2018 Flying Triangles - PART II
Filer’s Files #18 -2018 Flying Triangles - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Arizona Comet
El Mirage — Was standing out back of our house smoking a cigarette on Feburary 6, 2018, I saw a strange light that wasn’t normal. I called to my husband to come look. We started to take pictures and I recorded a short video of our experience. Shortly after when we tried to show friends they were unable to view anything in the video other than darkness. Upon watching it again we were able to see the object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Object
Stockton – I saw a yellowish orange triangle flying very low and completely silent on March 30, 2018. I looked out my window and saw a triangular shaped object flying silently thru the sky from the west moving south east. Moving very fast and did not make a sound. Kind of looked like flames coming out of the top. After about 3 minutes it flashed and than flashed a few more times and than it was gone. Thanks to Peter Davenport
Colorado Lights
Demver — I was watching the news on the morning of April 25, 2018 and at the end of the broadcast they showed a shot of Downtown Denver. The scene is normally without anything in the sky but on April 25th there were two disc like lights in the sky. I contacted the network (Channel 4 CBS) and received a reply that it is a sunspot. I would like you to take a look and tell me what it is. It looks exactly like a UFO to me. Right below where these lights appeared is where the Colorado State Capitol is located. The objects did not move and are visible for about 8-10 seconds until the video ends.. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
Homestead — Object not present in photo one second before then appears. Expand the photo and look at the bottom edge of the large quarter moon.
Visited Coral Castle took still photos noticed object when I arrived home and observed photos. In Third frame not second frame one second beforehand . CMS
Georgia Lights
Atlanta— When I moved to Atlanta in October 2015 my dad visited and then headed back. While he was flying after a storm had ended he spotted a bright object in the sky. He was flying around 30,000 feet and tested his new iPhone 8 on a star. Days later he zoomed in it to realize it wasnt what he thought it was. He sent me the live picture of the UFO and if you see the picture it looks like a castle like ship where the tower like structures were spinning. The red ‘ribbon’ was moving or flying around the ship. My dad was flying around 30,000 feet and it seemed like it was about 35,000 feet above the plane. My dad knows that we’re not alone. I have witnessed many anomalous events as well. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kansas Disc
Wichita— I had gone to Wichita Kansas with my brother to stay at his girlfriend’s parents home for Thanksgiving on November 24, 2007. I took my son with me. We were sleeping in front of a large sliding glass door that looked out into the backyard to a pond. It was 7:15 AM, I woke up on my back, to see something over the pond. I flipped over real quick, to make sure of what I was seeing. As I looked out the window on my stomach now. I could see an object hovering 10 foot over the pond. It was about 30-40 feet across in the center of the pond. It was a Silver, purplish gray with matt finish. It had rounded edges flat ends with a flat bottom with a round half dome on the top. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Louisiana Triangle
Shreveport — I had gone outside to smoke and looked up and there was this object flying directly overhead on November 3, 2016. It was too slow to be an airplane and made no sound. This thing was huge and had four lights on it. I saw it very well. It was black with white lights on each tip and a red light on the underbelly. It was gone too fast to go back inside to grab a camera as we have woodlands pretty much around us. I have attached a picture I got from the internet. It is what I saw. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Massachusetts Triangle
Northampton –. Noticed an object near local small airport, figured it was a plane, but realized there were no wings. Saw red light and said to my 11 year old here comes a helicopter. So we watched as it was coming closer, until it slightly turned and the Sun brightly reflected off its side and nearly made it invisible. A triangle ufo was the following river upstream
I realized it was a perfect triangle making no sound. Staying at about 600′ above ground, it traveled North filling the Connecticut River, winding as the river does. Seemed to be mapping the river. Thanks to Peter Davenport
New Jersey Sightings
Eatontown — I was driving down the highway, I noticed I very large dark cigar shaped object with no lights hovering, I snapped a pic. I saw a huge cigar shaped object hovering on April 20, 2018.
Weird things have been happening with me, a week before this sighting I really thought they took me. I woke up with bruises all over me on March 30, 2018. I sent those pictures in also. I’ve been feeling things lately. I just feel like they’re following me or watching me. We chased this thing for 20 miles, over the lake. It just vanished. Most nights I can feel them before they come and when I wake up I know they have been here mostly because the power is usually out and I have a horrible headache. I’ve always felt things, ever since I was a little girl but now things seem to be happening at a much faster pace. Thanks to MUFON CMS.
New York Object
Windam — I was with my brother George and his girlfriend Crystal on April 10. 2015. We were visiting a local hot-spot on a summer 80 degree day called Point-Lookout, in East Windham. Its known for its 5 state view, at “The Captains Inn.” What made us notice the object was afterwards once the photo was already taken. Although it is clearly in the picture, there was not a plane, a helicopter, or anything I could possibly think of in the sky that day. I don’t know how to explain it, but it wasn’t anywhere’s but in the photo. I’ve had other experiences but this one is by far the closest proof I’ve ever had. The feeling I got afterwards was extremely intense, looking at the picture. I felt the energy of being watched. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Lights
North Royalton— On May 1, 2018, I was at home closing my blinds when I looked out and saw a large headlight flying towards my building. It was about 9:30 PM. I recorded it on my cell phone. The huge circular headlight with 5 little lights on the right side of the object. Object flew a straight pattern with the little lights moving around the body of the object. As it flies past strobe lights are seen on the left and right side of the headlight. I was just in awe, as it flew over my building. I heard what sounded like a plane in the distance. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oklahoma Object
I was outside of my home town watching the sunset as I always do and taking pictures because of the obvious beautyon August 18, 2017, and I always take multiples, but I never noticed this object until a year later, me and my grandpa was talking about my pictures and I started pointing things out, so I started going through all of my pictures and realized how many pictures I have of diffrent entity(s), the object, or whatever it may be is smaller in size,solid black but it looks as if it has two or three possible lights projecting from the object, or maybe just a reflection, it’s hard to observe considering I’m on my mobile phone. There was no motion at all, in a’ll three of the shots I took, it stayed in the same position the entire time. Again it’s been a year sense I took the shots and just now realize it, but I was excited to see these object’s. And Again, sense it’s a year later and I didn’t realize it at the time, I’m not sure what happened to this object. Or the means of what may have happened to it.
Texas Cigar
Houston – I never thought I’d have something to add. Just observed this near Memorial Drive and Shepard on April 29, 1018.
Object was moving north northwest. Was keeping the same elevation and didn’t move like balloons.
Much larger, vertical structure like a floating tower with a pointed tip at the top.
Don’t know what the hell that was. Freaking out a bit.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Utah Lights
St.George — I was driving home from to Enterprise on Mayl 1, 2018 4, 2018, heading northwest on Highway 18 at 2:45 am. At mile marker 38 I saw two green lights to the southwest as I drove on the lights came closer towards me and were descending from the dark sky. Then as the lights got closer I realized this was a bigger object than I thought and it began hovering next to me. I turned right down my street there were the two green lights again, about 150 yards in front of me and 20 feet above the ground coming at me so I turned my lights off and grabbed my phone. As I snapped two pictures the object just hovered in place for about 15 seconds and red light blinking below the green lights, then it floated away. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Wisconsin Object
Arena— Working a field for planting I did not see the object until I looked at my pictures.
Photo was taken on Mayl 1, 2018
Bird I don’t know. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Disc
Laxenburg / south of Vien — I was walking through the village with my Canon 70D (100 mm Macro lens).
Made some pictures and went back home on April 28, 2018. After downloading I detected these strange objects on the screen (Adobe Photoshop) .. ! That’s all.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Object
Gabriola Island — The object was evident in a photograph taken of my brother on Gabriola Island on October 6th 2012. I had taken two photos of my brother standing on a rock with my iPhone 4. The photos were taken in quick succession, no more than 5 seconds apart. In the second photo an object is apparent over the water to the right and just above my brother’s head. It appears to reflect the sun and to be about a mile away or more. The object is not apparent in the first photo taken. Thanks to MUFON CMS
China Lights
Xi’an — 1. Over the sky in Xi’an, China 2. Astigmatism lasts about 20 minutes 3. Constant astigmatism 4. Astigmatism rotates 5. Feeling weird 6. Into the cloud it disappears on April 12, 2018.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Sweden Objects
Luleå— I was walking towards the bus and randomly looked up in the sky because the sun was shining and there they were 6-8 flying black diamond/triangle shaped objects in a wide line on February 9, 2018. No noise was made by them. Another strange thing was that after I took photos on my smartphone I could still see them in the sky but couldn’t catch them in a video. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Turkey Sphere
The objects passed in four pieces. They were blinking white lights on what appears to be a metallic surface. What appeared as lights may be sun reflecting off shiny surface.
Photo was taken on April 29. 2018. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK Triangle
Stonehouse— I was up on my roof stargazing on April 19, 2018, when suddenly I noticed a black triangle moving southwest slowly across the sky. It was travelling at a steady commercial aircraft pace. I stargaze frequently but this was unlike anything I have ever seen. The craft was clearly a solid and complete a triangle, It had six white lights around the edge, evenly spaced. The craft kept moving at the same pace until it went beyond my view. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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I have put out these files for twenty years; and I’m a disabled veteran with poor eyesight due to cataracts and macular degeneration so forgive any spelling errors. As you read this I’ve had heart surgery on my clogged arteries at Deborah Hospital on December 5, 2017. I plan on continuing these files as the operation is successful but has taken a couple weeks to recover. It has been a pleasure writing these files for twenty years, that I feel is the most important endeavor of mankind. We could use your help in paying for web costs, Wi-Fi , internet, etc.
I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
* Hi reader, it seems you use these files a lot; I think that’s great and hope you find it useful. I’m sure you’re having a busy day, so I’ll get straight to the point: today we need your help. It’s a little awkward to ask, but we depend on donations averaging around $25. If you donate just $3, you would keep Filer’s Files thriving for years. The price of a coffee is all I ask. Please take a minute to keep us growing.I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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The truth is out there … and it’s not from another planet. Previously unseen documents reveal how officials at the UK’s Ministry of Defence handled the “UFO mania” of the late 1990s.
In 1997, there was a massive spike in interest around UFOs, fueled by the 50th anniversary of the purported UFO incident in Roswell, New Mexico, and the global popularity of the “X-Files” TV series.
Set against this backdrop, over-worked officials at the Ministry of Defence sought to cut their commitment to investigating UFO reports, the Guardian reports.
The documents were obtained from the MoD by Dr. David Clarke, a principal research fellow at the UK’s Sheffield Hallam University. “The new papers show the UFO desk head in 1997 ‘wanted to get rid of’ an issue they considered a ‘diversion from their main duties,’” Clarke wrote in a blog post. “Within the files civil servants, intelligence officers and military staff debate how the British Government should respond to growing public interest in the phenomena and what they called ‘the media’s obsession with UFOs.’”
The files run to more than 2,500 pages and some of the more sensitive papers, declassified from “secret,” are heavily redacted, according to Clarke. “What has survived the censor’s pen paints a fascinating picture of the arguments that raged behind closed doors in Whitehall around the 50th anniversary of the UFO mystery in 1997,” he wrote.
One RAF Wing Commander, for example, urged caution on shifting focus away from UFOs. “He argued that as MoD had not carried out any study of the UFO data they had collected since the 1970s it was not credible – and also politically risky – to continue to claim UFOs posed no ‘threat to the realm’,” Clarke explained.
In 1996, the MoD commissioned a defense contractor to produce a comprehensive report on UFO sightings, which were carefully described as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).
The report, which analyzed a database of sightings between 1987 and 1997, was delivered in 2000. The study duly found that most sightings could be explained by a range of known phenomena, both natural and man-made.
This opened the door for the MoD to start scaling back its UFO-related operations. The DI55 department, which had secretly collected data on potential UFO sightings since 1967, closed at the end of 2000. The MoD’s UFO Desk closed in 2009.
It appears, however, that the writing was already on the wall for the MoD’s UFO operations long before the report was finished. In a document dated April 16, 1998, the report’s author writes: “I am particularly looking ahead to my expected recommendation, that DI55 should no longer be involved in UAP monitoring.”
“It was the end-game,” Clarke told Fox News. “They created a definitive study that would draw a line under their involvement in the subject.”
The academic notes that in 1997 MoD officials were clearly swamped with reports of UFO sightings. At that time, the Ministry even had a UFO hotline that members of the public could call. “The workload on the subject had trebled as a result of what was going on in popular culture,” he said.
The hotline eventually closed in 2009.
“All our historic files which refer to UFOs have either been released, or are in the process of being released to The National Archives,” explained the MoD, in a statement emailed to Fox News. “The MoD continues to have no opinion on the existence, or otherwise, of extra-terrestrial life and does not investigate reported unidentified flying object sightings.”
Open Minds UFO Radio: Martin and Alejandro discuss the latest UFO news, including new information about the Department of Defense UFO project and Bigelow Aerospace, the release of new UK UFO files, and Alejandro’s recent interview with astronaut Scott Kelly.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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