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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
This clip of a flying triangular object in the Belgian skies is one of the best and rarest UFO video footage out there.
This video footage is so rare that it is hard to find on the Internet. The UFO with the 3 light was filmed during the popular UFO flap in 1989.
It is only the footage of the object with the three triangular lights that is interesting. Even the military did not know what this was. There was radar confirmation by multiple sources of these objects and outmaneuvered any human-made airplane at that time.
At its peak, it saw objects being tracked on radar, fighter jets scrambled and over 2,500 written reports submitted by witnesses, but 24 years later no concrete explanation has been forthcoming regarding what has become known as the Belgian UFO Wave of 1989/1990. Despite this lack of explanation, many claim that the events in Belgium remain one of the best documented cases of UFO activity in recent history. Are these claims warranted or is this a case of UFO believers littering investigations with misleading information?
Though it spanned a number of months between the Fall of 1989 and Spring of 1990, the Belgian UFO wave, as many know it, centered around the events of March 30-31 1990. It was on this night that reports were made of three strange lights in the sky some 50km south of Belgium’s capital, Brussels. The first of these reports were received by the nation’s Control Reporting Center in Glons, which monitors radar signatures across the region’s airspace. The reports all consistently stated the same details. The lights were fixed in a triangular formation and were changing color at a rapid pace. When the reports started mounting up, the CRC requested that the local Gendarmerie – which back then was a paramilitary police force – send a team out to investigate.
At around 11:30pm, 30 minutes after the initial reports started coming in, the paramilitary police radioed in with visual confirmation of the lights. This visual confirmation was corroborated by the appearance of an object on CRC radar screens. In hope of finding an explanation, air traffic control authorities were soon contacted, but they were unable to account for the appearance of the object on radar. Within the next 30 minutes, just 1 hour after initial reports, a second group of lights had been confirmed and authorization was given to scramble to F-16 fighter jets for an intercept mission. To the bewilderment of Belgian authorities, these jets would make a number separate attempts to intercept the triangular light formations; every single attempt would fail. During the jet pursuit, the pilots made brief radar contact on a number of occasions, however, not once were they able to confirm visual contact with either of the objects.
Ret. Major General Wilfried DE BROUWER, Chief Operations of the Belgian Air Force at the time of the wave, holds up a page with computer-enhanced images of the Petit-Rechain slide. [Still from a video shot during a presentation at a highly mediatised International Press Conference in Washington D.C. on November 12, 2007 (image borrowed from lestransformationsobservations).]
By the time morning had broken on March 31st, authorities were left with hundreds of sightings reports that would soon become thousands. The statement from the Gendarmerie detailed a square light formation, whereas almost all of the earlier reports described the formation as triangular. Reports from the pilots that pursued the objects declared that they were moving so fast they could not possibly be human. Indeed, radar signatures suggested that at one point, the object was able to move from an elevation in excess of 15,000ft to just 500 ft in a matter of seconds.
These exciting events in the air were largely corroborated by reports from witnesses on the ground, of which there are rumored to have been as many as 13,000. With so many witnesses, one would expect countless items of photographic and video evidence to surface. Mysteriously though, such evidence has been in incredibly short supply over the last twenty years.
Media outlets soon started clamouring for something to show for the reports, but the few photos that were forthcoming were too blurry, a fact that would not be surprising given the alarming speed the objects were reportedly travelling at. When a witness by the name of ‘Patrick’ submitted his photo seen here, it became the poster child for the four month-long series of events that had captivated vast swathes of the Belgian populace. For years this photo was scrutinized by sceptics and UFO organizations alike, with the majority of parties categorized in the latter holding it up as proof that the Belgian UFO wave was an extraterrestrial event.
However, in 2011 the man behind the camera confessed that his image, the image that had become one of the most iconic photos in modern UFO history, was a hoax. The Belgian news channel RTL broke the news with a statement from the mysterious ‘Patrick’ that essentially said it was just time to come clean. The news was met with understandably mixed reactions. Many Ufologists, such as the head of Belgian UFO organization SOBEPS, claimed conspiracy, arguing that Patrick had been forced to claim his photo was a hoax, while the sceptics saw the confession as vindication for their stance.
By the end of 1991, the Petit-Rechain photo had become an icon of a new type of UFO: the Flying Triangle (or simply "FT" as ufologists like to call them). Despite the copyright and a substantial fee charged to use it, the photo ranks among the most published UFO photos ever. Endorsed by scientists and military officials, the slide acquired the best status possible in the field. [Scan from a direct copy of the original, kindly submitted to us by Patrick FERRYN.]
So with the 24th anniversary of the events approaching this weekend, the Belgian UFO wave remains as mysterious today as it was in 1990. It is an event that has stirred many an argument, with sceptical parties claiming it was a case of mass delusion sparked by media reports and heightened by extravagant coverage by UFO organizations. Others simply claim that the mass delusion argument is flawed by the presence of the objects on radar screens. While the lack of photographic evidence is used to support the sceptical argument, many on the other side of the fence claim that in 1990, not everyone was walking around with a camera in their pocket. But this was 1990, not 1890. Camcorders had been rising in popularity since the 1980’s and home videos were common among many families. So with this in mind, it does seem strange that more people weren’t able to get a decent shot at these objects that reportedly buzzed the Belgian skies for over 2 hours.
One thing is for sure. The events in Belgium over the late 1980’s and early 1990’s will continue to be a battleground for the fight between UFO believers and sceptics, for years to come.
Are we witnessing a renewal of interest in unidentified flying objects? Recent revelations about a secret Defense Department project for studying UFOs continue to draw media attention, while reports of unusual aircraft sightings show up regularly in the news.
Not quite as common these days, however, are stories of individuals claiming to have had contact with extraterrestrials. In his new documentary, Calling All Earthlings, filmmaker Jonathan Berman takes a look back at one of the most famous of these “contactees,” George Van Tassel. The film captures an aspect of UFO belief that often escapes skeptical outsiders—that it wasn’t so much anxiety about alien visitors as enthusiasm and hope that attracted believers to the idea of extraterrestrial contact.
Beginning in 1927 as an airplane mechanic right out of high school, Van Tassel had a long career in aviation, first with Douglas Aircraft, then with Hughes and Lockheed. At Hughes he was involved in flight testing near Barstow, California, where he was attracted to the “clean air, the intense quiet nights, and outdoor living in the desert.”
It was there that Van Tassel got to know an eccentric German-American by the name of Frank Critzer, who had carved out a “cave home” from a natural landmark known as Giant Rock in the Mojave Desert near Landers, California. Critzer came under government investigation in the early days of World War II for reasons that are not entirely clear, but most likely involved his use of dynamite. When local police came to Giant Rock to question him in July 1942, Critzer set off an explosion that resulted in his own death.
After the war Van Tassel purchased the land around Giant Rock and moved there with his wife Dorris and their three daughters. In addition to operating a small airport, he began to hold meditation readings for groups of 25 to 45 people—and for the first time reported hearing disembodied voices.
Then, beginning in 1952, Van Tassel claimed he started having encounters with spacemen. At first, he said, these beings issued warnings of looming destruction along with messages of universal peace. But soon, according to Van Tassel, they began instructing him on how to construct a building that could reverse the aging process. Dubbed the Integratron, the project would consume Van Tassel for years, although he never finished it.
He did, however, hold annual conventions at Giant Rock, where those interested in UFOs, alien contact, and the paranormal gathered to hear talks and exchange experiences. At its height, as many as 11,000 people attended these gatherings, by some accounts.
Calling All Earthlings covers these historic events, and updates the story by taking us to Giant Rock today. Berman introduces us to Van Tassel admirers and former friends who have carried on his legacy by partly reconstructing the Integratron.
Asked what drew him to the topic, the filmmaker says, “I came upon this subject as I was breezing through a great book of photos by Michael Rauner with text by Erik Davis—The Visionary State: A Journey Through California’s Spiritual Landscape. There was a picture of the Integratron in there that caught my eye.”
Van Tassel’s story had “all the things I love,” Berman says, “weird, geeky quasi-science, living longer and better, and, of course, the world of the Great American Roadside Attraction.” As a native of Long Island, the filmmaker was struck by the magical allure that California and the desert has for so many. In the end, he hopes the film captures some of the sense of adventure that brings people to places like Giant Rock, where, he says, “there are still no sidewalks and the mystery dome still sits there waiting to inspire the next person.”
New research shows Ceres’ surface is dotted with organic matter — much more of it that we’ve previously realized. The findings raise questions regarding how this material came to be, and why it concentrates in patches.
Spots of organic material near Ernutet crater on the dwarf planet Ceres.
Credit: NASA / Hannah Kaplan.
There seems to be more to the organic material the Dawn craft discovered on Ceres last year than we initially thought. The patches of carbon-based compounds may contain a much higher abundance of organic matter than initial analysis revealed, according to a new analysis from Brown University.
Organic, free-range Ceres
“What this paper shows is that you can get really different results depending upon the type of organic material you use to compare with and interpret the Ceres data,” said Hannah Kaplan, lead researcher of the study. “That’s important not only for Ceres, but also for missions that will soon explore asteroids that may also contain organic material.”
The discovery of these organic patches on Ceres last year was made using the Visible and Infrared (VIR) Spectrometer on the Dawn spacecraft, which has been in orbit of the dwarf planet since 2015. The finding was met with enthusiasm at NASA and beyond: organic molecules are, after all, the building blocks of life. So, scientists are understandably keen on finding out how such matter is distributed on planets other than our own. The presence of these compounds on Ceres isn’t proof that there was once life on this bit of rock. However, it definitely increases the odds. Factor in that Ceres also boasts a sizeable stash of water ice, another fundamental requirement for life as we know it, and you get quite the exciting place.
The picture may get even better, however. Dawn’s VIR instrument analyzed the patches on Ceres’ surface using the way its surface interacts with incoming light. By looking at what wavelengths these patches reflected and absorbed, ground control could estimate their chemical makeup. In the region of Ernutet Crater (Ceres’ northern hemisphere), Dawn picked up signals consistent with organic molecules. Next, NASA needed to know just how much organic material they had found — so they compared the VIR data to similar readings performed on samples of organic material from Earth. Based on this comparison, they concluded that Ceres’ spots comprised roughly 10% organic matter.
Kaplan and her team, however, weren’t satisfied with the reference standard NASA used — so they re-did the comparison using a different one. Instead of using Earth-borne rocks, they used samples of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. Previous analysis of such space rocks that fell to Earth revealed that they contained organic material that is slightly different from that native to our planet.
“What we find is that if we model the Ceres data using extraterrestrial organics, which may be a more appropriate analog than those found on Earth, then we need a lot more organic matter on Ceres to explain the strength of the spectral absorption that we see there,” Kaplan said.
“We estimate that as much as 40 to 50 percent of the spectral signal we see on Ceres is explained by organics. That’s a huge difference compared to the six to 10 percent previously reported based on terrestrial organic compounds.”
Unknown origin
The team proposes two possible explanations for how organic material popped up on Ceres in such high concentrations. They could either have been produced on Ceres itself and then blasted to the surface. Alternatively, they could have been delivered by impacts with organic-rich comets or asteroids.
In the case of delivery, comets are more likely culprits than asteroids — the former tend to have higher contents of organic material, around 40 to 50 percent, which would be consistent with Ceres’ patches. However, this explanation seems unlikely, the team notes. The violence and heat of these impacts would likely destroy a substantial amount of the original organic material, meaning we’d see much lower concentrations on the surface.
The other explanation, that of in-situ generation, is also problematic. Organic material has only been identified in small patches on Ceres’ northern hemisphere — and, if the team’s findings are correct, in high concentrations. It’s a lot of organic material spread over a very small area, and we have no idea how it could get like this.
“If the organics are made on Ceres, then you likely still need a mechanism to concentrate it in these specific locations or at least to preserve it in these spots,” said Ralph Milliken, a study co-author.
“It’s not clear what that mechanism might be. Ceres is clearly a fascinating object, and understanding the story and origin of organics in these spots and elsewhere on Ceres will likely require future missions that can analyze or return samples.”
It’s not all unanswered questions. The research will help improve our ability to analyze the chemical make-up of extraterrestrial bodies. The team hopes their findings will “provide a framework of how to better interpret data of asteroids and make links between spacecraft observations and samples in our meteorite collection.”
With NASA announcing that it discovered organic material on Mars just one week ago, it seems that the universe may be a much more organic place than we’d assumed.
The paper “New Constraints on the Abundance and Composition of Organic Matter on Ceres” has been published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.
Moon Mystery Solved! Apollo Astronauts Caused Odd Lunar Warming
Moon Mystery Solved! Apollo Astronauts Caused Odd Lunar Warming
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt uses a scoop to snag lunar samples in December 1972. Newly restored lunar-data tapes show the Apollo astronauts' activity warmed the moon's surface slightly.
Credit: NASA
Astronauts caused the mysterious warming detected by the Apollo moon missions in the 1970s, a new study suggests
When astronauts walked or drove their moon rover near buried heat-flow probes, the activity disturbed and displaced surface soil, exposing the darker dirt below. This newly unearthed material absorbed more sunlight, causing the soil to heat up, according to the study.
The new results not only help solve a decades-old mystery but also provide a lesson for the architects of future missions to Earth's nearest neighbors, study team members said. [NASA's 17 Apollo Moon Missions in Pictures]
"In the process of installing the instruments, you may actually end up disturbing the surface thermal environment of the place where you want to make some measurements," lead author Seiichi Nagihara, a planetary scientist at Texas Tech University in Lubbock,said in a statement. "That kind of consideration certainly goes into the designing of the next generation of instruments that will be someday deployed on the moon."
First Moon Landing 1969 - The Greatest Day Ever
Apollo 16: "Nothing So Hidden" 1972 NASA; Fifth Moon Landing; John Young, Charlie Duke...
1972: Apollo 17 (NASA)
Astronauts deployed the heat-flow probes during the Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 missions, in 1971 and 1972. The goal was to determine how much heat moves from the lunar interior to the surface, which in turn would yield insights about the moon's structure and composition.
The probes operated through 1977, beaming data home to NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston. (Apollo 17 was the last crewed lunar mission; nobody has set foot on the moon since then.) JSC preserved these data on magnetic tapes, which were later archived at the National Space Science Data Center, a facility at the agency's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
Well, some of the tapes were archived — the ones recorded from 1971 through December 1974. The rest were apparently left with the researchers who studied them, and most of them have since been lost.
The measurements made through 1974 showed a slight uptick in temperatures in the lunar near-surface over the previous few years — a trend that puzzled researchers at the time. Nagihara and his colleagues set out to investigate this mystery, and step one involved finding the missing data.
They discovered that NASA had stored additional Apollo heat-probe measurements on a different, heretofore forgotten set of tapes, 440 of which the team found at the Washington National Records Center in Suitland, Maryland. Those 440 covered the period from April 1975 through June 1975.
Left: This photo by Apollo 15 astronaut James Irwin shows the borestem and cable of a heat-flow probe 1 protruding from the ground. Astronaut footprints can be seen around the borestem.
Right: This photo by Harrison Schmidt shows the borestem and cable of the Apollo 17 Probe 2 protruding from the ground.
Credit: NASA
And, at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, Nagihara and his team unearthed hundreds of weekly logs that recorded heat-probe observations. This bounty allowed them to extend the data record several additional years.
The newly recovered and analyzed data showed that the subsurface warming at the heat-probe sites continued through the end of the instruments' operational lives in 1977. The team's work also revealed that the temperature rise was greater closer to the surface, strongly suggesting that the warming started up top and worked its way down.
The researchers then studied observations of the Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 landing sites made by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), which has been circling the moon since 2009. The LRO photos indicated that the warming was likely a localized, not moonwide, phenomenon: Astronaut activity had darkened the soil in these areas, which in turn warmed the soil.
That warming was fairly significant, at least above ground: Nagihara and his team calculated that a surface-temperature rise of 2.9 to 6.3 degrees Fahrenheit (1.6 to 3.5 degrees Celsius) at the time of the probes' deployment meshes well with the rise they detected underground over time.
The study was published April 25 in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.
Do These Ancient Paintings Feature The Ultimate Ancient Astronaut Evidence?
Do These Ancient Paintings Feature The Ultimate Ancient Astronaut Evidence?
History has proven to be a great teacher for the human race, we have seen that our ancestors were extremely intelligent, with amazing knowledge on subjects such as astronomy, geometry, mathematics and other important sciences but they were amazing artists as well. From the construction of the great Pyramids of Giza to paintings in the Renaissance Era and further on, incredible stories have been told that have been difficult to explain.
In this article, we focus on some of the most interesting paintings of that period in History as we look at “The Baptism of Christ” by Aert De Gelder, “The Madonna with Saint Giovannino“, “The Annunciation” and other very interesting pieces of art that tell incredible stories.
The interpretation given to each painting can vary from person to person but all of these paintings have something in common, they seem to tell the same story, incredible “flying machines” appear to be incorporated in the “scenery”. But who could have possessed the ability to fly at that time in history?
Were these flying machines misinterpreted? Are they “clouds” or “angels” or is there something more to them? Are these different authors sending a message in their art? If there is one thing that these paintings are not, that is ordinary.
One of the paintings that we find very interesting is the “The Baptism of Christ” by Aert De Gelder.
Looking at this painting the first thing that you notice are these strange rays of light that are coming down from a disk-shaped object in the sky. It is one of the most interesting paintings and according to the Ancient Alien theory, this painting is a piece of strong evidence which illustrates a Disk Shaped flying object.
The author of the image painted a circular object, it cannot be confused as a cloud, it appears to have some sort of light at the center and the rays of light are coming out of this object, you cannot confuse it for thunder or anything else really. We believe that the author painted what he saw at a certain point in his life. If he wanted to paint a cloud or the sun he would have painted them in a much more effective way. We believe that this painting illustrates a disk-shaped UFO, much like the disk-shaped objects that are reported even today.
“The Miracle of the Snow” by Masolino Da Panicale is another incredible image that we cannot pass by without taking a closer look. This painting was previously known as Dedicatio Sanctæ Mariæ ad Nives (Dedication of the Church of Our Lady of the Snows). This painting is very interesting because it illustrates a large number of disk-shaped objects flying in the sky.
The first thing that you can think of to explain these objects are clouds but are they really clouds? Did this author paint all of the clouds at that time giving them a “disk” or saucer shape? One of the objects in this painting that drew particular interest is the object to the right just above the building. When you look at it, it shows incredible similarity to some of the modern-day depictions of Unidentified flying objects.
This object in our opinion does not look in any way like a cloud.
We have observed several paintings from the Renaissance Era and compared artists techniques when it comes to illustrating clouds and the work done by Masolino Da Panicale is just impressive and we ask why would this artist pick this “Disk” shape? Can we say that in this painting we have several UFO’s or are these just… clouds?…
Disk-shaped clouds?
At the Visoki Dečani monastery located in Kosovo, we find another very interesting piece of art. The Crucifixion of Christ.
UFO’s and Ancient Art – Crucifixion of Christ
This painting is a very detailed piece of art, we see several different objects that are illustrated around Christ, but after looking at the painting, there are two objects which seem to stand out from the rest of the items on the painting. Located to the left and the right of the painting they seem to depict two humans that are inside some sort of spaceship. According to modern day explanations, these “objects” are placed in the painting to depict the sun and the moon as in other paintings. But why place “pilots” or a human inside them?
Was the artist really trying to illustrate our Sun and the Moon?
Or was the artist trying to depict something otherworldly?
By observing the left object in the painting, we see that the “pilot” inside this particular object appears to be manipulating something in front of him, his arms are painted stretched out and reaching for something in front of him. The object to the right shows the figure turning his head to see whats behind him.
Are these two objects depictions of UFO’s and their crew?
Or are they simply the artist’s way to illustrate the sun and the moon?
Another painting that we find extremely interesting is “The Annunciation” painted by Carlo Crivelli.
This artist favored verdant landscape backgrounds, and his works can be identified by his characteristic use of fruits and flowers as decorative motifs. His works were clear and definite in contour, with astounding attention to detail. In his painting “The Annunciation” there are several objects that stand out from the rest of this extremely detailed piece of art.
First of all, we have a circularly shaped cloud. Inside the cloud, we can see several “angels” looking outside of the cloud, but what makes this interesting is the ray of light that shines on a “pigeon” and on Mary’s head.
Now what we find puzzling is that in this painting Carlo Crivelli painted several other clouds, in fact, the sky is filled with clouds, but he decides to paint this specific “disk-shaped” cloud with “angels” and a beam of light?
Why paint one specific cloud so different in comparison to the other clouds present in the painting and with a beam of light?
From what we have seen in similar paintings, the artists usually paint beams of light descending directly from angels or from the sun, but this is not the case in Carlo Crivelli’s painting in which he paid extreme attention to the details and made sure the public could tell the difference when analyzing this masterpiece.
We can also see a person that Carlo Crivelli decided to incorporate in the middle of the painting which is looking at the sky– at this disk-shaped cloud just below the gate.
The Madonna with Saint Giovannino painted in the 15th century. Another painting that can be added to the list of ancient paintings that depict an unidentified flying object.
Above Mary’s left shoulder we observe a disk-shaped object that appears to be glowing – a UFO?. It is an object which the artist depicted in great detail making sure it would stand out in the painting. To the right of the painting, we see a man that is holding his right arm above his eyes with which the artist made sure to send a message that this object was very bright. To the left of the image in the upper corner, we can see an object that looks like the sun.
This means that the artist painted this disk-shaped object, giving it a shiny detail and he made sure to illustrate it to the right of the sun so we know this bright object cannot be confused for the sun, this disk shaped object does not look like your ordinary cloud, so if it is not the sun nor a cloud what could it possibly be?
Is The Madonna with Saint Giovannino painting an illustration of an otherworldly visitation? The artist considered this object extremely important, otherwise, he would not have placed it nor painted it with such detail as we see here.
We strive for accuracy and fairness. But if you see something that doesn’t look right pleasecontact us.
Observations of a mysterious plume-like feature (marked with yellow arrow) at the limb of Mars on March, 20 2012. Amateur astronomer W. Jaeschke made the observation. This image is shown with the north pole towards the bottom and the south pole to the top.
Image via ESA
Martian mystery plume puzzles scientists
Astronomers are scratching their heads over mysterious plumes that have been sighted in the atmosphere of Mars. First seen by amateur astronomers using Earthbound telescopes, the plumes are at an altitude much higher than that of any clouds yet seen on the Red Planet, and may not even be clouds.
Clouds have been seen on Mars since the 1870s and observations sent back by probes like Curiosity and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have greatly increased our understanding of the Martian atmosphere, but that doesn’t mean that our neighbor can’t still surprise us.
The top image shows the location of the mysterious plume on Mars, identified within the yellow circle (top image, south is up), along with different views of the changing plume morphology observed by astronomers W. Jaeschke and D. Parker on March 21, 2012.
The plume was discovered by telescopic observations
(Image: W. Jaeschke and D. Parker)
The mysterious plumes were first reported by amateur astronomers in 2012 as they rose to altitudes of 250 km (155 mi) over the the same region of Terra Cimmeria (195 degrees west, 45 degrees south) on two occasions. They were seen on the limb or observed edge of the planet at the day/night terminator during the local Martian sunrise, where the lighting conditions made them stand out much like the illuminated clouds at dawn.
According to the European Space Agency (ESA), similar plumes have been seen before, but never at altitudes above 100 km (62 mi), and this extremely high altitude is significant because it marks the boundary between the Martian atmosphere and space with the plumes extending into the ionosphere and exosphere. The plumes covered an estimated area of 1,000 x 500 km (620 x 310 mi) and took under 10 hours to develop. Though the structure of the plumes changed over time, they didn’t last more than 10 days and weren’t seen by Mars-based spacecraft because lighting conditions weren’t right.
The Hubble Space Telescope also saw a curious plume-like feature on Mars on May 17, 1997. It is similar to the features detected by amateur astronomers in 2012, although appeared in a different location.
The nature of the plumes has yet to be determined and the extreme altitude raises some interesting possibilities. Clouds on Mars are usually made of water vapor, dry ice, or dust, but to reach the high altitudes observed, the clouds would have to use an atmospheric circulation system different from any understood on Mars. According to ESA scientists, water and carbon dioxide clouds remains below 100 km and dust below 60 km (37 mi).
However, the possibility also exists that the plumes may not be conventional clouds, but a phenomenon similar to Earth’s northern lights, though a thousand times brighter. This idea is supported by the fact that the region is home to a large magnetic anomaly, which would support the creation of such auroras.
ESA says Hubble Space Telescope data, along with amateur observations, are being used by astronomers to try to find out the exact cause of the plumes. Already an examination of the backlog of Hubble images has uncovered similar plumes from May 17, 1997. One promising angle will be information sent back by the space agency’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), which is scheduled to launch next year.
Op een avond na werktijd staan twee vrienden buiten en kijken uit over een groot meer in Zweden wanneer ze iets bijzonders ontdekken.
Er hangt een vreemd groot licht boven het meer, maar niet alleen dat, dit licht lijkt water op te zuigen.
Het is een klein beetje stil de laatste tijd voor wat betreft interessante UFO waarnemingen. Er verschijnen wel heel veel video’s op kanalen zoals Youtube, maar sinds de neppers hebben ontdekt hoe ze veel geld kunnen verdienen met gemanipuleerde UFO video’s kunnen de meeste video’s linea recta de prullenbak in.
Maar, zo heel af en toe komt er iets langs wat wel echt lijkt, maar ook dan heb je nooit 100 procent zekerheid.
Zoals de volgende video die is gemaakt op 10 juni 2018, net na middernacht in de Zweedse plaats Strängnäs.
Zoals te zien op het volgende kaartje ligt het niet al te ver van Stockholm.
Twee vrienden staan na werktijd buiten en kijken over het water richting de brug ten noorden van Strängnäs.
Plots zien ze een heel vreemd licht boven het water.
Het hangt boven het water en maakt geen enkel geluid. Vanuit de UFO zie je een soort lichtstraal naar beneden gaan en het lijkt alsof er water wordt opgezogen vanuit het meer.
Je ziet de reflectie in het water en de twee vrienden vragen zich vol verbazing af of ze hier misschien een echte UFO aan het filmen zijn. Je hoort hun commentaar bij de video terwijl ze de beelden maken.
Dit alles duurde ongeveer een half uur, waarna de UFOverdween. De volgende video heeft alle kenmerken dat deze echt is en als dat zo is, dan is er sprake van een wel hele bijzondere opname.
Dit is trouwens niet de eerste keer dat er een UFO wordt waargenomen die water opzuigt uit een meer. In mei 2015 schreven wij een artikel waarin beschreven staat dat door verschillende piloten een UFO werd waargenomen die water opzoog uit een meer in Californië.
Update: 29 mei 2015
In het onderstaande originele artikel wordt het verhaal beschreven van een Amerikaanse piloot die een UFO water ziet opzuigen uit een groot meer in Californië.
Nu is er een tweede foto boven water gekomen, eveneens gemaakt door een piloot, maar vanuit een ander toestel en enkele dagen later.
Het gaat hier om de piloot van een zogenaamde microlight die de volgende foto maakte:
De foto lijkt veel op die van de eerste piloot en ook het object wat erop te zien is, vertoont een grote gelijkenis.
Dit is het verhaal van de tweede piloot:
“Ik was bezig met mijn nadering naar Nevada County Air Park toen ik vanuit mijn ooghoek deze rode vlek zag. Ik draaide daarop mijn toestel om het beter te kunnen zien. Het bewoog heel snel op en neer. Ik heb nog nooit iets op die manier zien bewegen. Ik slaagde erin om één foto te maken met mijn iPhone voordat het recht de lucht in verdween”.
Zo te zien hebben we hier te maken met dezelfde UFO, alleen dit keer was er geen sprake van water opzuigen uit het meer, maar meer van snel rondvliegen en onverwachte bewegingen maken.
Zoals de tweede piloot zei: “Het vloog zomaar wat rond leek het. Als je niet beter wist, zou je zweren dat hij wat het plezier aan het maken was. Een soort van UFO joy ride. Wanneer je eenmaal zoiets hebt gezien, ben je iemand die gelooft”.
Origineel artikel: 26 mei 2015
Het gebeuren vond plaats boven Scotts Flat Lake in Nevada County in de staat Californië. Dit meer vormt een belangrijk onderdeel van de watervoorraad van deze staat die momenteel gebukt gaat onder extreme droogte.
De piloot die verder anoniem wenst te blijven, was bezig met een routinevlucht afgelopen vrijdagmiddag toen hij een object in de lucht zag waarvan hij dacht dat het een ander vliegtuig was.
Toen hij probeerde radiocontact te maken met het “andere toestel” kwam er geen antwoord.
“Zoals je op de foto kunt zien was ik bezig met mijn final approach naar het vliegveld van Nevada County toen ik dit rode object zag”, zei de piloot. “Toen zag ik deze “waterstraal” onder het object. Het leek een beetje op een lang soort rietje. Dus, toen liet ik via de radio weten dat ik in de buurt was, maar er werd niet op mijn bericht gereageerd, hetgeen niet echt gebruikelijk is”.
Het object wat de piloot zag, is uitvergroot op de volgende foto:
De volgende foto geeft een iets beter beeld van de “waterstraal” onder de UFO:
Of het inderdaad een straal water is of dat er een ander soort straal van de UFO naar het water loopt, is niet helemaal duidelijk, hoewel de piloot volhoudt dat het water is.
Er zijn talloze ufologen die geloven dat één van de redenen dat buitenaardsen onze planeet bezoeken de aanwezigheid van water is.
Hoe dan ook, het blijft een zeer merkwaardige opname en dat een UFO water neemt uit een gebied dat zelf al bijna geen water meer heeft, is dubbel merkwaardig.
Earlier this week, a strange image captured on a remote weather camera in the Puget Sound of Washington State captured what appeared to be a rocket or missile launch in the vicinity of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, a nearby air base which is home to several electronic warfare and reconnaissance squadrons. The image was posted to Facebook by meteorologist Greg Johnson whereupon conspiracy theories and allegations of black launches naturally began to swirl. Pull out your tin foil hats, friends, because this one gets weird.
Tyler Rogoway of military aviation blog The War Zone quickly jumped on the case, attempting to dispel the rumors and conspiracy theories by claiming the strange image did not show a rocket or missile launch, but rather an air ambulance helicopter which was flying in the area at the time. Rather than depicting a rocket launching vertically, Rogoway claims the image depicts a helicopter flying at a steady altitude horizontally away from the camera with its search light on and facing down.
“A missile!”
While Rogoway is known for his in-depth research and reporting, much of the internet isn’t buying it. Readers of The War Zone took to the site’s comments section and social media to accuse Rogoway of being a government shill working on behalf of the military, U.S. government, or another shadowy group to cover up some sort of clandestine launch. The War Zone reader “jimzoltan” sums up the responses with his comment asserting his skepticism towards Rogoway’s analysis:
I do a lot of photography, long exposure included. I am not buying the “explanation.” Of course there has to be a cover, and willing or unknowing actors to carry it out. People will believe nearly anything if there is enough social pressure and effective propaganda in place. They will even discount their own senses and personal experience. Just a fact about humans and manipulation.
Speaking of manipulation, many 4chan and Reddit users pointed to a few typos in a tweet President Trump sent out around the same time the strange image of the ‘launch’ was taken as proof of some deep conspiracy. They claim these typos are some sort of cryptic message suggesting that there was an attempt to shoot down Air Force One en route to the historic summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un in Singapore committed by rogue elements within the military or government. Yeah, really.
To make things stranger, meteorologist Cliff Mass posted an unnerving image of a U.S. Coast Guard cutter seen patrolling the area surrounding the location of the weather cameras which originally captured the “launch.” Mass asks “If this was just an innocent helicopter passage at night, why all the snooping on weather-loving Greg Johnson?” Why indeed, Cliff? Why indeed. Unless, of course, it was related to whatever search and rescue operation for which the helicopter was dispatched.
Is this merely a curious long exposure photograph of a helicopter flying with its search light on, or might there be a deeper conspiracy afoot here? The U.S. Navy asserts there were no launches that day and that the base doesn’t even have the capability to fire missiles or launch rockets. Furthermore, there were no reports of residents hearing loud sounds around the time of the “launch.”
While I would generally tend to remain skeptical and side with the helicopter theory, the sudden appearance of the Coast Guard ship sure is odd – as is the timing coinciding with the Trump-Kim summit. Plus, no matter how hard I try, I just can’t see a helicopter in the images – but photographs can be misleading. As for the Trump typos, well… stay in school and eat your Wheaties, kids. As usual, we’ll likely never get to the bottom of this one: photographs are unreliable, 4chan is 4chan, and the military is reliably tight-lipped.
OUTLOOK HAZY NASA’s Opportunity rover took this self-portrait on Mars in December 2011, showing dust buildup on its solar panels. Now the craft is stuck in one of the worst dust storms ever seen on the Red Planet.
The veteran Opportunity rover isn’t dead yet. Currently, the craft is in a deep sleep to ride out a massive Martian dust storm, NASA officials said in a briefing on June 13. The rover may wake itself up when the storm ends.
Opportunity is enveloped in a vast dust storm that grew from a small patch spotted on May 30 to cover a quarter of the planet by June 12 (SN Online: 6/11/18). Too little sunlight is reaching the rover’s solar panels, so Opportunityis in low-power mode — just barely enough to run the rover’s internal clock — until its batteries can charge again. The team hasn’t heard from Opportunity since June 10, and no transmissions are expected until the storm clears.
The Martian summer is just beginning, so the rover should stay warm enough to survive for a long time in this mode, said Opportunity’s project manager John Callas, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
“When the skies clear and the rover begins to power up, it should be able to communicate with us,” he said.
Weather report
The dust storm (red-orange color in this animation of images from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) began as a small patch north of the Opportunity rover and grew quickly. Now the weather event is on track to cover the entire planet in a few days.
That’s not to say the team isn’t worried. Based on past storms, the wait could be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.
“It’s like you have a loved one in a coma in the hospital,” Callas said. “You have the doctors telling you that, ‘OK, you just have to give it time and she’ll wake up,’… but if it’s your 97-year-old grandmother, you’re going to be very concerned. And so we are. By no means are we out of the woods here.”
Opportunity landed on Mars on January 25, 2004, and was supposed to last 90 Martian days. It has now spent 5,113 Martian days driving more than 45 kilometers.
Here Are 17 Things You Should Know About Teotihuacan: “Place Where Gods Were Born”
Here Are 17 Things You Should Know About Teotihuacan: “Place Where Gods Were Born”
Established around 100 B.C., and lasting until its fall between the seventh and eighth centuries, Teotihuacan was one of the largest ancient cities in the world, it is one of the most incredible constructions in America, at Teotihuacan we find evidence that the builders had incredible knowledge in Mathematics, Geology, Astronomy, and Engineering. Check out some of the most interesting facts about this marvel of ancient construction.
Teotihuacan was one of the largest cities in the ancient world, with over 150,000 inhabitants at its peak.
At Teotihuacan, we can find some of the largest buildings ever erected in the New World.
Teotihuacan‘s city layout strangely resembles a computer circuit board with two large processor chips– the Sun Pyramid and the Moon Pyramid.
The Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza and the Sun Pyramid at Teotihuacanapparently have the same base almost 750 feet square.
The Pyramid of the Sun is exactly half as tall as the Pyramid of Giza and the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Moon, and the Temple of Quetzalcoatl are in the same layout as Orion’s Belt.
Archaeologists have found large quantities of Mica at Teotihuacan, yet this mineral is found 3,000 miles away in Brazil, Mica is present almost in every single building at Teotihuacan.
Mica was known to ancient Indian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman and Chinese civilizations, as well as the Aztec civilization of the New World.
An image of the Pyramid of the sun in 1832
Mica is stable when exposed to electricity, light, moisture, and extreme temperatures. It has superior electrical properties as an insulator and as a dielectric and can support an electrostatic field while dissipating minimal energy in the form of heat and is thermally stable to 500 °C
Archaeologists have discovered hundreds of mysterious, once-metallic spheres buried deep beneath an ancient pyramid in Mexico City. And we have absolutely no idea what they’re for.
Teotihuacan was mysteriously abandoned in 700 A.D.
Many authors suggest that Teotihuacan means City of the Gods, however, many others suggest the name can also be interpreted as “the place where men become gods” or more popularly, “place where Gods were born.”
Along the ”Avenue of the Dead” The pyramids there align in perfect distance of each of the orbit’s of our planets in our solar system and perhaps significant is the fact that the large Pyramid of the Sun is positioned at the center of the other structures reflecting the fact that the Sun is at the center of our solar system and that the planets revolve around it.
No depiction of a ruler, or the tomb of a monarch, has ever been found.
A Robot named Tlaloc II discovered three ancient rooms located under the Mesoamerican city’s pyramid, letting archeologists know that many secrets remain hidden in Teotihuacan.
The Pyramid of the sun at Teotihuacan is 75m high with a base width of 225m, making it the second largest pyramid built in the new world.
Only priests were allowed to climb the steps of the pyramids for rituals and ceremonies.
Mayas and Zapotecs immigrants lived in Teotihuacan, and both Maya and Zapotec texts have been found there.
Supermassive black holes are can be found at the centers of nearly all the galaxies known to astronomers. It’s still not known why these black holes are found in the hearts of galaxies, but it’s theorized that they may be created after the explosions of massive stars which ‘seed’ new galaxies with various types of matter and star stuff. According to NASA, the center of our own Milky Way Galaxy contains thousands of black holes weighing up to 30 times more than the mass of our own Sun, all of which are found just a few light years from the largest and most central of the Milky Way’s black holes, Sagittarius A*.
Sagittarius A* , sometimes abbreviated as Sgr A*
Astronomers at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii were analyzing 12 years of data gathered on these black holes when they came across what have been described as “several bizarre objects at the Galactic center” which are “concealing their true identity behind a smoke screen of dust.” They display an unusual level of what astronomers call “puffiness,” meaning whatever they are, they’re cloaked in dense layers of gases and dusts. If they are stars, these clouds are so thick that they prevent them from being observed directly. What exactly might these anomalous objects be?
For now, that remains a mystery. Astronomers say these objects resemble clouds of gasses, but behave more like stars. UCLA postdoctoral scholar Anna Ciurlo led the study and says that these objects still perplex her team despite more than a decade of research:
These compact dusty stellar objects move extremely fast and close to our Galaxy’s supermassive black hole. It is fascinating to watch them move from year to year. How did they get there? And what will they become? They must have an interesting story to tell.
One theory is that these objects might be the remnants of binary star systems which crashed into one another due to the gravitational influence of nearby black holes. Further study will take decades, however, due to their slow rate of evolution.
This discovery comes on the heels of several other recent astronomical breakthroughs which show there might be entire classes of strange phenomena and wondrous objects found in the far reaches of space the likes of which we have never seen. It truly is a mysterious universe.
Do These Ancient Paintings Feature The Ultimate Ancient Astronaut Evidence?
Do These Ancient Paintings Feature The Ultimate Ancient Astronaut Evidence?
History has proven to be a great teacher for the human race, we have seen that our ancestors were extremely intelligent, with amazing knowledge on subjects such as astronomy, geometry, mathematics and other important sciences but they were amazing artists as well. From the construction of the great Pyramids of Giza to paintings in the Renaissance Era and further on, incredible stories have been told that have been difficult to explain.
In this article, we focus on some of the most interesting paintings of that period in History as we look at “The Baptism of Christ” by Aert De Gelder, “The Madonna with Saint Giovannino“, “The Annunciation” and other very interesting pieces of art that tell incredible stories.
The interpretation given to each painting can vary from person to person but all of these paintings have something in common, they seem to tell the same story, incredible “flying machines” appear to be incorporated in the “scenery”. But who could have possessed the ability to fly at that time in history?
Were these flying machines misinterpreted? Are they “clouds” or “angels” or is there something more to them? Are these different authors sending a message in their art? If there is one thing that these paintings are not, that is ordinary.
One of the paintings that we find very interesting is the “The Baptism of Christ” by Aert De Gelder.
Looking at this painting the first thing that you notice are these strange rays of light that are coming down from a disk-shaped object in the sky. It is one of the most interesting paintings and according to the Ancient Alien theory, this painting is a piece of strong evidence which illustrates a Disk Shaped flying object.
The author of the image painted a circular object, it cannot be confused as a cloud, it appears to have some sort of light at the center and the rays of light are coming out of this object, you cannot confuse it for thunder or anything else really. We believe that the author painted what he saw at a certain point in his life. If he wanted to paint a cloud or the sun he would have painted them in a much more effective way. We believe that this painting illustrates a disk-shaped UFO, much like the disk-shaped objects that are reported even today.
“The Miracle of the Snow” by Masolino Da Panicale is another incredible image that we cannot pass by without taking a closer look. This painting was previously known as Dedicatio Sanctæ Mariæ ad Nives (Dedication of the Church of Our Lady of the Snows). This painting is very interesting because it illustrates a large number of disk-shaped objects flying in the sky.
The first thing that you can think of to explain these objects are clouds but are they really clouds? Did this author paint all of the clouds at that time giving them a “disk” or saucer shape? One of the objects in this painting that drew particular interest is the object to the right just above the building. When you look at it, it shows incredible similarity to some of the modern-day depictions of Unidentified flying objects.
This object in our opinion does not look in any way like a cloud.
We have observed several paintings from the Renaissance Era and compared artists techniques when it comes to illustrating clouds and the work done by Masolino Da Panicale is just impressive and we ask why would this artist pick this “Disk” shape? Can we say that in this painting we have several UFO’s or are these just… clouds?…
Disk-shaped clouds?
At the Visoki Dečani monastery located in Kosovo, we find another very interesting piece of art. The Crucifixion of Christ.
UFO’s and Ancient Art – Crucifixion of Christ
This painting is a very detailed piece of art, we see several different objects that are illustrated around Christ, but after looking at the painting, there are two objects which seem to stand out from the rest of the items on the painting. Located to the left and the right of the painting they seem to depict two humans that are inside some sort of spaceship. According to modern day explanations, these “objects” are placed in the painting to depict the sun and the moon as in other paintings. But why place “pilots” or a human inside them?
Was the artist really trying to illustrate our Sun and the Moon?
Or was the artist trying to depict something otherworldly?
By observing the left object in the painting, we see that the “pilot” inside this particular object appears to be manipulating something in front of him, his arms are painted stretched out and reaching for something in front of him. The object to the right shows the figure turning his head to see whats behind him.
Are these two objects depictions of UFO’s and their crew?
Or are they simply the artist’s way to illustrate the sun and the moon?
Another painting that we find extremely interesting is “The Annunciation” painted by Carlo Crivelli.
This artist favored verdant landscape backgrounds, and his works can be identified by his characteristic use of fruits and flowers as decorative motifs. His works were clear and definite in contour, with astounding attention to detail. In his painting “The Annunciation” there are several objects that stand out from the rest of this extremely detailed piece of art.
First of all, we have a circularly shaped cloud. Inside the cloud, we can see several “angels” looking outside of the cloud, but what makes this interesting is the ray of light that shines on a “pigeon” and on Mary’s head.
Now what we find puzzling is that in this painting Carlo Crivelli painted several other clouds, in fact, the sky is filled with clouds, but he decides to paint this specific “disk-shaped” cloud with “angels” and a beam of light?
Why paint one specific cloud so different in comparison to the other clouds present in the painting and with a beam of light?
From what we have seen in similar paintings, the artists usually paint beams of light descending directly from angels or from the sun, but this is not the case in Carlo Crivelli’s painting in which he paid extreme attention to the details and made sure the public could tell the difference when analyzing this masterpiece.
We can also see a person that Carlo Crivelli decided to incorporate in the middle of the painting which is looking at the sky– at this disk-shaped cloud just below the gate.
The Madonna with Saint Giovannino painted in the 15th century. Another painting that can be added to the list of ancient paintings that depict an unidentified flying object.
Above Mary’s left shoulder we observe a disk-shaped object that appears to be glowing – a UFO?. It is an object which the artist depicted in great detail making sure it would stand out in the painting. To the right of the painting, we see a man that is holding his right arm above his eyes with which the artist made sure to send a message that this object was very bright. To the left of the image in the upper corner, we can see an object that looks like the sun.
This means that the artist painted this disk-shaped object, giving it a shiny detail and he made sure to illustrate it to the right of the sun so we know this bright object cannot be confused for the sun, this disk shaped object does not look like your ordinary cloud, so if it is not the sun nor a cloud what could it possibly be?
Is The Madonna with Saint Giovannino painting an illustration of an otherworldly visitation? The artist considered this object extremely important, otherwise, he would not have placed it nor painted it with such detail as we see here.
We strive for accuracy and fairness. But if you see something that doesn’t look right pleasecontact us.
Puma Punku is truly a wonderful Place, not only is it an incredible temple complex filled with mysteries that baffle one’s mind, it is a place where one loses the notion of space and time.
This temple complex located near Tiwanaku, Bolivia is one of the most incredible ancient ruins you will find in South America.
At Puma Punku or “The Door of the Puma” as the Aymara people call it, we find incredible evidence of precision cuts, precise engineering, and evidence of high level of geometry and mathematics. It is a treasure for anyone who has knowledge of Mathematics, geology, engineering, and astronomy.
Surveys done using ground-penetrating radar, magnetometry, induced electrical conductivity, and magnetic susceptibility reveal the presence of numerous man-made structures such as wall foundations of buildings and compounds, water conduits, pool-like features, revetments, terraces, residential compounds, and widespread gravel pavements all of which now lie buried and hidden beneath the modern ground’s surface and all that within a kilometer between Pumapunku and Kalasasaya — another incredible archaeological structure.
Perhaps the biggest mystery involving Puma Punku is, how did ancient mankind manage to transport these huge blocks of stone from quarries within 10 to 100 km. How did they manage to achieve this type of precision cuts and how did they place the blocks in such a perfect manner. Engineers and constructors around the world today cannot answer nor replicate these achievements done by ancient mankind thousands of years ago.
Archaeologists cannot come to a conclusion and answer how were these amazing blocks of stone transported. Some of them believe that it was accomplished by the large labor force of ancient Tiwanaku. Several theories have been proposed as to how this labor force transported the stones from the quarries to Puma Punku but these theories remain speculative.
It is believed that the builders of Puma Punku used llama skin ropes and ramps and inclined planes to move these incredible blocks to the site. But this explanation is not accepted widely, at least in our opinion it takes more than llama skin rope and ramps to move stones of blocks that weigh over 100 metric tons through distances of 10 – 100 kilometers.
Among the largest stone blocks found at Puma Punku we can find one with the following characteristics: 7.81 meters long, 5.17 meters wide, averages 1.07 meters thick and is estimated to weigh about 131 metric tons. Incredible right? And this was done with ropes and ramps? OK, right. The second largest stone block found within the Puma Punku is 7.90 meters long, 2.50 meters wide, and averages 1.86 meters thick. Its weight has been estimated to be 85.21 metric tons.
Researches believe that these two blocks of stone were quarried near Lake Titicaca approx. 10 km from Puma Punku.
Other stone blocks found at Puma Punku have been quarried near the Copacabana Peninsula about 90 km away from and across Lake Titicaca. So perhaps this is one of the biggest mysteries at Puma Punku.
How did Ancient man do this?
Another puzzling mystery at Puma Punku is the assembly of the walls.
Each stone was finely cut to interlock with the surrounding stones and the blocks fit together like a puzzle, forming load-bearing joints without the use of mortar. The precision challenges today’s engineering abilities.
A common engineering technique is to cut the top of the lower stone at a certain angle and placing another stone on top of it which was cut at the same angle. What baffles scientists, engineers and archaeologists is the precision with which this was achieved.
The precision with which these angles have been utilized to create flush joints is indicative of a highly sophisticated knowledge of stone-cutting and a thorough understanding of descriptive geometry. Some of the joins we find at Puma Punku are so well placed, and so precisely locked into place that you wouldn’t be able to fit a paper in between them.
The level of masonry we find at Puma Punku is just amazing. These stones look like as if they were cut with a “laser”. They are so precise and so smooth that you cannot come up with a logical explanation on how ancient man could have achieved this without the use of modern-day equipment.
It is a mystery.
Ancient Engineers at Puma Punku and Tiwanaku should be considered masterminds. Their knowledge of mathematics, geometry, and geology is something that most of today’s engineers lack.
These Ancient Engineers were truly great, they developed complex civic infrastructure, they invented waterproof sewage lines, hydraulic mechanisms, and functional irrigation systems.
Twitter dons its tin foil hats to unearth the mystery of the UFO near Modi residence
Twitter dons its tin foil hats to unearth the mystery of the UFO near Modi residence
Reports of a UFO sighting near PM Modi's house had sent security agencies into a tizzy.
(Photo: Reuters)
Threats to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's life seem to be coming from all quarters, even from outer space! After a letter hinting at an assassination plot aimed at the PM was found, the latest seems to be an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) that was seen hovering around the PM's official residence in Delhi on June 7.
The PM house at 7, Lok Kalyan Marg is a no-fly zone.
The sighting had sent security forces into an overdrive, trying to find the source of the object but an investigation has found nothing suspicious.
The findings have however not deterred Twitter users, who are using the news as an opportunity for jokes and theories of their own.
Don't even let Modi know about UFO, otherwise he will find the planet from where they have come and he will make a trip to that planet and again NRIs residing on that planet will go mad after seeing Modi there
After reports of UFO seen hovering over lok Kalyan Marg , Modi has contacted avengers team for his security , anytime soon Thor ,hulk and iron man would be seen outside PM’s house .
‘UFO’ sighted near PM Modi’s house on June 7, search finds nothing
PM Modi’s security unit of Delhi Police received information about the sighting of a UFO on June 7 evening. During the search, nothing threatening was found.
UFO spotted above Narendra Modi's residents. While for the others it's a threat, NaMo looks it as an invitation and shall visit extraterrestrial lands. #UFOs#UFO#ModiAssassinationPlot
OMG UFO near modi's residence. May be aliens want to invite for some day visit to their planet for #Demonetization and #GST Or Election rally. Alien aur Alieno Mera is planet se purana nata hai. Mai yaha paida hone wala tha par nehru ne space ship nahi choda.#BJP_भगाओ_देश_बचाओ
UFO Spotted Near PM Modi's Residence on June 7 Sets Alarm Bells Ringing
Will UFO going to take PM Modi with them ? …
No No. Its not UFO it's Modi himself. People have forgotten his face As he generally goes on tour forgets his role as PM, so once in a way if he cones home people think it's some UFO
How 'UFO' sighting over PM Modi’s residence sent security personnel into a tizzy
How 'UFO' sighting over PM Modi’s residence sent security personnel into a tizzy
PM Modi file
Amid reports of Maoists’ plans of assassinating the prime minister, a ‘UFO’ sighting over Narendra Modi’s Lok Kalyan Marg residence in New Delhi gave some anxious moments to the security personnel.
According to a report in The Hindustan Times, the security agencies came to know about the incident on June 7, when such a claim was made.
UFO Spotted Near PM Modi's Residence on June 7 Sets Alarm Bells Ringing | CNN News18
However, after a detailed combing operation, the agencies didn’t find anything substantial.
‘The sighting was reported but nothing threatening was found. More details cannot be shared keeping security reasons in mind,’ Delhi Police chief spokesperson Dependra Pathak was quoted as saying by the Hindustan Times.
The report also mentions earlier incidents in September last year when the security agencies were informed about drone-like device hovering over the Prime Minister’s residence.
With the assassination plot coming out in public, the security agencies are leaving no stone unturned in PM Modi’s security.
The police in Pune had told a court earlier this month that they had seized a "letter" from the Delhi residence of one of the five people arrested for having alleged "links" with the banned CPI (Maoist).
The purported letter allegedly mentioned of a plan to "assassinate" Prime Minister Narendra Modi in "another Rajiv Gandhi-type incident", the police told the court.
On political front, Opposition parties are saying that the assassination plot is just BJP’s ploy to gain sympathy.
On June 10, Nationalist Congress Party chief Sharad Pawar launched a scathing attack against ruling BJP over the threat to the Prime minister and chief minister Devendra Fadnavis and claimed that BJP's is coming down, hence it has come up with threat letter conspiracy.
Speaking on the issue of recent statements reports that PM Modi and CM Fadnavis have received threats allegedly by maoists, Pawar said, "After these reports of threat letters, a retired police official told me that when such letters comes, it does not go to media but it goes to the security agencies and additional security measures are taken."
The Opportunity Rover was as only designed to survive for 90 days on the surface of Mars but has kept on trundling for 15 years.
Opportunity, Nasa’s Red Planet exploration Rover, survived tough conditions on Mars
Now the Mars-exploration machine is facing its toughest challenge yet after it was caught in a terrible storm spanning more than 7 million square miles.
Official NASA Gemini mission image shows ‘undeniable proof’ of UFO’s orbiting Earth
Official NASA Gemini mission image shows ‘undeniable proof’ of UFO’s orbiting Earth
The Gemini Program was the second manned space program of the United States, developed in the early 1960s during the space race with the Soviet Union.
The project began in 1965 after the US space agency finalized its first space flight program: the groundbreaking Mercury project, which had successfully put the first US astronauts into orbit.
The Gemini program, unlike its predecessor and its subsequent continuation with the Apollo Program, did not produce as much euphoria in the public opinion although the developments reached in the project would be of vital importance for the development of the future Apollo missions and the goal landing mankind on the surface of the moon.
The main purpose of the Gemini program was to demonstrate the possibilities of space flight and coupling that would be used later during the Apollo missions when the lunar module separated from the command module in orbit around the Moon and later meet with the spaceship again after that the astronauts had left the lunar surface.
Another goal of the Gemini missions was to extend the astronauts’ stay in space for up to two weeks.
This was even more than what was required for the Apollo missions.
As you can see, the Gemini project was of great importance as it helped mankind reach the moon, land on its surface and return safely back home.
The Gemini 10 Alien encounter
One of the most curious images snapped during the Gemini project was taken in 1966, during the Gemini X mission.
Gemini 10 was a manned space mission of the Gemini program made in 1966. It was the eighth manned flight of the Gemini program and the sixteenth of the American space program.
The mission lasted for 2 days, 22 hours, 46 minutes, 39 seconds.
During Gemini X, astronauts on board snapped a series of images that would later be tucked away in NASA’s archives.
One of the images shows a mysterious light to the right of the spacecraft, and planet Earth, unlike anything other in its vicinity.
The image can be seen by visiting the following link:
UFO hunters are convinced that what popped up in the image snapped by Gemini mission astronauts was in fact an Alien spaceship, clearly distinguishable by three ‘large’ lights.
Upon zooming in, we clearly see what appear to be three bright lights which UFO hunters say are the propulsion system of the alleged alien spacecraft.
Curiously, Major Gordon Cooper, astronaut and member of the Gemini Project, testifying under oath to the United Nations said: “I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets… Most astronauts were reluctant to discuss UFOs.”
He also said: “I’ve been asked about UFOs and I’ve said publicly I thought they were somebody else, some other civilization.”
What do you think it is?
In 1965, Cooper commanded the Gemini 5. This mission was intended to verify that astronauts could survive in space for 8 days, the time needed to reach the Moon.
So there you have it, another extremely interesting image from space showing what many claim to be an otherworldly spacecraft, piloted by advanced beings, not from Earth.
These Are The Incredible Lost Megaliths Of Oceania
These Are The Incredible Lost Megaliths Of Oceania
The distinct culture of Polynesians has created some of the most interesting monuments in the world. A true wonder of the world is the Moai sculptures on Easter Island but not less intriguing are the mysterious Tikis statues of Hiva Oa.
The temple of Taputapuatea Marae is an ancient pyramid built on the Leeward Islands, French Polynesia. It is considered one of the most important sacred complexes in Polynesia. Established around 1000 AD, the marae was a place of learning where priests and navigators from all over the Pacific would gather to offer sacrifices to the gods and share their knowledge of the genealogical origins of the universe, and of deep-ocean navigation.
Image Credit: Simon E. Davies
During the 15th century CE, the Maori of New Zealand constructed a hill fort known as Maungakiekie (One Tree Hill) in Auckland. It is the largest Maori fort ever built. These Earth workers literally carved a fortified complex out of the hill, considered to be the most impressive systems in the world. Many of the Maori can also trace their ancestry back to this hill, which is said to have the spirits of their elders.
One Tree Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
The island of Hiva Oa is home to a ceremonial site with houses some of the largest prehistoric statues in French Polynesia, up to 2.6 m high. They are positioned on an ancient monument known as the me’ae, a sacred site arranged for ceremonies and gatherings. The old stone figures were based on gods and legendary figures from the islander’s history.
One of the most interesting fortifications of Polynesia can be found on the small island of Rapa Iti. These pyramid-shaped towers were built along the highest peaks of the island, a realm where the island gods were said to live. It is believed that the depletion of natural resources on the island resulted in warfare, and the inhabitants lived alongside these fortified settlements for protection.
One of the most significant petroglyph sites in the world can be found in Rapa Nui (with more than 1,20 valuable carvings). The ‘Orongo’ glyphs were based on the birdman cult, which hosted an annual race to bring the first bird egg from the islet of Motu Nui to ‘Orongo’. The site has many petroglyphs, mainly of the birdmen, carved out of large volcanic blocks.
Stonehenge of the Pacific - Haʻamonga Trilithon of Tonga
One of the most unusual megalithic monuments in the Pacific is the Ha’amonga ‘a Maui in Tonga. Each stone weighs some 20 tons and is some 6 m high. This massive trilithon was composed of three giant stones – two upright and a lintel uniting them. It was built-in the beginning of 13th century, possibly as a royal gateway. Nearby is large upright stone slab – Maka Fa’akinanga – a legendary throne of the king. The local legends of Tonga suggest that this monument was made by a god because no mortals would be able to handle such giant slabs of stone.
Hale O Pi’ilani Heiau is an ancient temple complex built on the Hawaiian Island of Maui. This huge shrine was used to treat the sick, make offerings to the gods, start rain, stop rain, increase the population, ensure the health of the nation, achieve success in distant voyaging, reach peace, and achieve success in war.
This Article was written by Simon E. Davies, contributor to
These Are Some Of The Most Prominent Pyramids On Earth
These Are Some Of The Most Prominent Pyramids On Earth
A pyramid is a structure whose outer surfaces are triangular and converge to a single point at the top, making the shape roughly a pyramid in the geometric sense. For thousands of years, civilizations across the globe have used this architectural design for tombs, fortresses, and temples.
Compelling studies suggest that many of these pyramids were aligned with astronomical events, such as solstices, eclipses, and even the Earths own hemispheres.
The Mesopotamians built the earliest pyramid structures known as ziggurats (e.g. Tepe Sialk and the Ziggurat of Ur). In ancient times they were painted in gold & bronze, endowing them with a luminous quality. The ziggurats were believed to be dwelling places for the gods, and each city had its own patron deity which ruled over the sea, sky, earth etc.
In Egypt, the pyramids were huge structures built of brick or stone. The sun god Ra, considered the father of all pharaohs, was said to have created himself from a pyramid-shaped mound known as a ‘Benben’ before creating all other gods. They were often coated with white limestone in order to give them a shining appearance (as a reference to the rays of the sun god).
The Nubian pyramids from Sudan served as tombs for the kings and queens of Jebel Barkal and Meroë. These Nubian Pyramids have different characteristics to their Egyptian counterparts, constructed at much steeper angles. These great tombs were still being built in Sudan as late as 300 CE.
Illustration by Simon E. Davies.
Far to the East, there were many flat-topped like pyramids built in China & Korea between 188 BCE and 675 CE. These huge mausoleums were built for the early emperors of China and their relatives. The ancient Chinese believed that when an emperor died, their soul entered the afterlife, so the mausoleums were constructed as heavenly palaces for their life hereafter.
All of the daily comforts of their past life such as servants, attendants, possessions, pets, wives, guardians, concubines, food and drink were to be provided for them in the after life. This was accomplished by burying all of these things with the deceased when they died. It was not uncommon to kill people in order to be buried with their master, but as dynasties evolved clay replicas replaced the real thing.
The Indonesia culture also featured pyramid structures such as Borobudur temple and Prang temple. These step pyramids were based on the native beliefs that mountains and high places are the abode for the spirit of the ancestors.
Across the Pacific Ocean, a number of Mesoamerican cultures also built pyramid-shaped structures. They were typically stepped, with temples on top (similar to the ziggurats of Mesopotamia). These temples were often used as places of human sacrifice. The ‘Pyramid of the Sun’ in Teotihuacán means “the place where men become Gods.” They claim that their pyramids were instruments for transforming the soul after death, just as the Egyptians did.
A recent series of pyramid-like structures were built by the Polynesians known as Pā (sacred hill forts). These stepped structures were carved from hill tops, forming a pyramid-like shape, and were often used as defensive settlements. The Polynesians believed these earth works were endowed with ‘mana’, a spiritual energy that granted them power and authority.
The common theme which links all these pyramid structures is death, authority, and immortality. These temples literally seemed to deify their occupants, who went on to rule from the heavens, their legacy secured and memorialized by the wondrous monuments of the ancients.
This article was written by Simon E. Davies. Contributor at
The Beginning of Religion: This is The Evolutionary Tree Of All Religions On Earth
The Beginning of Religion: This is The Evolutionary Tree Of All Religions On Earth
Since the dawn of mankind, humans have tried to make sense of their world, especially when faced with unknown phenomena such as ‘what causes storms’, ‘what happens to us after we die’, and ‘how was the world formed’? It is plausible that from such questions, our first primitive religions were formed.
The earliest evidence of a religious practice can be traced back to 100,000 years ago when we began to bury our dead. Although we cannot define this as the origin of faith, it does suggest that at the dawn of humanity, we had begun to consider some kind of afterlife.
Over time, this religious practice gave rise to a new ideology which spread across the continents, known today as ‘Animism’. This emerging faith was the root belief system that would evolve and branch out into numerous other ideologies all over the world. The journey of these evolving religions can be broken down into three classic periods.
It should be noted that these periods are not indicative of a new ideology improving upon previous faith systems. Religions change over time, they go extinct, and they split into distinct traditions.
Graph created by Simon E. Davies.
They adapt to their environment, they construct their environment in part, all just like organic evolution does.
Period 1: Animism (100,000 BCE – Present)
Humans began to believe that natural constructs (e.g. plants, animals, rocks and wind) possessed a spiritual essence. These spirit entities were believed to have powers and temperaments that influenced our everyday world. By worshiping these divine beings, it was believed we could maintain harmony with this spirit world and gain favors from them.
Period 2: Polytheism (15,000 BCE – Present)
The roots of Polytheism may lie in the Epipaleolithic era. Linguists and historians have defined a hypothetical language family called Nostratic, which seems to have influenced all the African and Eurasian dialects. Many of the words that can be reconstructed involve nature gods (such as mother earth and father sky). This suggests that the nature spirits of animism had evolved into a new generation of Gods (giving abstract beings of thunder and water a more human form). During the Neolithic revolution, civilizations began to emerge requiring new areas of expertise (e.g. lawmaking, metallurgy, agriculture, and commerce). It was the descendants of the Nostratic Gods (e.g. the Indo-Europeans and Sumerians) who took on the role of guide and leader to the civilized world.
Typically these divine beings were divided into several classes, overseeing the heavens, the mortal realm, and the underworld. Each deity possessed their own powers, religious practice, and domain (e.g. trading, diplomacy, Warcraft etc). Man could either worship one or all of these beings, gaining favor from them via offerings, prayer and even sacrifice.
Period 3: Monotheism (1348 BCE – Present)
In the Bronze Age, a new movement took shape that prioritized one God over all other deities. This system is known as Monotheism – a belief in one Supreme Being. In 1348 BCE, the pharaoh Akhenaten, raised a lesser known God called ‘Aten’ to supreme status, downplaying the role of all other Egyptian deities. A little later in Iran, Zoroaster (a Persian priest) claimed ‘Ahura Mazda’ to be the one supreme deity. This newly emerging system posited that one creator god had formed the known universe, and was totally self-sufficient, capable of ruling over all other domains. This idea became prominent in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Sikhism.
Most monotheistic systems tend to be exclusive in nature, which meant the gods of the Old World had to be purged from man’s consciousness. As a consequence, monotheistic religions displayed less religious tolerance than polytheistic religions, resulting in many wars and political disputes.
This article was written by Simon E. Davies. Contributor at
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