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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Nieuwe aanwijzing dat er veel meer water op de maan is dan gedacht
Nieuwe aanwijzing dat er veel meer water op de maan is dan gedacht
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Goed nieuws voor toekomstige maankolonisten!
Japanse onderzoekers hebben in een van de maan afkomstige meteoriet het mineraal moganiet ontdekt. Het is een belangrijke ontdekking; het mineraal kan namelijk alleen ontstaan in de aanwezigheid van water.
Lagere breedtes We weten al een tijdje dat de maan water of in ieder geval ijs herbergt. Dat water bevindt zich echter nabij de polen, op plekken waar zonlicht er niet bij kan komen (in kraters, bijvoorbeeld). De meteoriet die Japanse onderzoekers nu onder de loep hebben genomen, komt echter niet uit het poolgebied. En suggereert dus dat er ook op lagere breedtes water te vinden is op de maan.
Inslagen Dat water zou daar zijn beland door toedoen van een inslag: een water bevattend hemellichaam sloeg waarschijnlijk op de maan in. Daarbij verdampte een deel van het water. Maar het overgebleven water sijpelde de maanbodem in, waar het uiteindelijk het mineraal moganiet vormde. Een tweede inslag zorgde er vervolgens voor stukjes van het maanoppervlak – met daarin het moganiet – wegvlogen. En één van die stukjes is de meteoriet die de onderzoekers onder de loep hebben genomen.
Waterijskristallen De onderzoekers sluiten uit dat het moganiet in de maanmeteoriet ontstaan is nadat deze op aarde is geland. Als dat het geval zou zijn, zou je immers verwachten dat je het mineraal in alle maanmeteorieten die op aarde zijn beland, aantreft. En dat is niet het geval. De onderzoekers gaan er dan ook vanuit dat het mineraal op de maan – in aanwezigheid van water – is ontstaan.
Voor nu denken de onderzoekers dan ook dat er op lagere breedtes, onder het maanoppervlak waterijskristallen te vinden zijn. Het is goed nieuws voor mensen die dromen van langdurige bemande missies naar de maan, omdat het water net onder het oppervlak wellicht gemakkelijker te verzamelen is dan dat in donkere hoekjes nabij de polen.
Astronomen zien hoe zwart gat een ster in stukken scheurt
Astronomen zien hoe zwart gat een ster in stukken scheurt
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Een primeur!
Het gebeurde allemaal op bijna 150 miljoen lichtjaar van de aarde. Daar vinden we twee botsende sterrenstelsels die samen aangeduid worden als Arp 299. In het hart van één van deze sterrenstelsels bevindt zich een zwart gat dat 20 miljoen keer zwaarder is dan de zon. En dat zwarte gat heeft een ster verscheurd die iets meer dan twee keer zwaarder is dan onze zon. Het leidde tot het ontstaan van een snel groeiende en snel bewegende straalstroom (zie kader). En die hebben onderzoekers gespot. “Nog niet eerder zijn we in staat geweest om de vorming en evolutie van een straalstroom die uit zo’n gebeurtenis voorkwam, direct waar te nemen,” vertelt onderzoeker Miguel Perez-Torres.
Straalstroom Een zwart gat heeft een enorme aantrekkingskracht. Wanneer materie – zoals een ster – te dicht bij het zwarte gat in de buurt komt, kan het dan ook niet aan de zwaartekracht van het zwarte gat ontsnappen. Het zwarte gat trekt het materiaal naar zich toe, waarna het een roterende schijf rond het zwarte gat vormt. Die schijf brengt intense röntgenstraling voort, maar genereert ook uit materie opgebouwde straalstromen die met hoge snelheden wegschieten.
Hoe het begon De onderzoekers kwamen de heftige gebeurtenis in 2005 op het spoor. Met behulp van de William Herschel Telescoop op de Canarische Eilanden ontdekten ze een heldere puls infrarood straling die afkomstig was van de kern van één van de Arp 299-stelsels. En een half jaar later spotten onderzoekers weer net iets andere straling, afkomstig van dezelfde plek. “Terwijl de tijd voortschreed, bleef het nieuwe object helder op infrarode- en radiogolflengten, maar niet in zichtbaar licht en röntgenstraling,” legt onderzoeker Seppo Mattila uit. “De meest waarschijnlijke verklaring daarvoor is dat dik interstellair gas en stof nabij het centrum van het sterrenstelsel de röntgenstraling en het zichtbare licht absorbeerde en weer uitzond als infrarode straling.”
Een artistieke impressie van het zwarte gat in Arp 299. Te zien is hoe het zwarte gat een ster verscheurt en materiaal van de ster in een schijf om zich heen trekt, waarna een straalstroom ontstaat. Afbeelding:
Straalstroom De onderzoekers bleven de stralingsbron gedurende maar liefst tien jaar observeren. In eerste instantie dachten ze nog een supernova op het spoor te zijn. Maar door de jaren heen werd de voor een actief zwart gat zo kenmerkende straalstroom steeds duidelijker.
Bijzonder In feite namen onderzoekers de gevolgen van een door een zwart gat veroorzaakte stellaire dood (ook wel een Tidal Disruption Event (TDE) genoemd) waar. Het is best bijzonder. “Het grootste deel van de tijd zijn supermassieve zwarte gaten niet actief aan het eten, oftewel stil,” vertelt Perez-Torres. “Tidal disruption events bieden ons een unieke mogelijkheid om ons begrip van de vorming en evolutie van straalstromen in de nabijheid van deze krachtige objecten te vergroten.”
De onderzoekers hebben goede hoop dat ze in de nabije toekomst nog veel meer van dit soort dingen gaan zien én herkennen. “Door het stof dat al het zichtbare licht absorbeerde kan dit Tidal Disruption Event wel eens het topje van de ijsberg zijn van een – tot voor kort – verborgen populatie,” denkt Mattila. “Door naar deze gebeurtenissen te kijken met infrarood- en radiotelescopen zijn we wellicht in staat om er veel meer te ontdekken en daar ook van te leren.”
Astronauten zorgden ervoor dat de maan in de jaren zeventig opwarmde
Astronauten zorgden ervoor dat de maan in de jaren zeventig opwarmde
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Het gaat om een lokale opwarming van zo’n 1 tot 2 graden Celsius.
Het was jarenlang een raadsel: waarom steeg de temperatuur aan het oppervlak van de maan in december 1974 plotseling? Onderzoekers konden het maar niet verklaren. Tot nu. In het blad Journal of Geophysical Research Planets schrijven onderzoekers dat mensen de boosdoeners zijn.
Apollo 15 en 17 De temperatuurverandering werd voor het eerst opgemerkt in de jaren zeventig. Tijdens de Apollo 15- en 17-missies werd er apparatuur op de maan gezet die de temperatuur aan en net onder het oppervlak monitorde. Die apparatuur mat de temperatuur tussen 1971 en 1977. En toen wetenschappers zich over de data bogen, ontdekten ze dat de oppervlaktetemperatuur in december 1974 geleidelijk toenam. Maar de onderzoekers konden dat niet goed verklaren. Ze werden daarin namelijk gehinderd door het feit dat een groot deel van de de data die tijdens het zogenoemde Apollo Heat Flow Experiment (HFE) verzameld was, niet netjes was gearchiveerd en dus niet bestudeerd kon worden. De onderzoekers moesten het in die tijd dan ook doen met de data die in de eerste jaren (tot december 1974) van het experiment verzameld waren. En daarmee konden ze weinig.
Tijdens de Apollo 15-, 16- en 17-missies werd er niet alleen op de maan gewandeld, maar ook gereden, in een speciaal ontwikkelde maanrover.
Afbeelding: NASA / David Scott.
Verloren data Genoeg reden voor de Amerikaanse onderzoeker Seiichi Nagihara en collega’s om op jacht te gaan naar die verloren gewaande data. En met succes. Zo bleek NASA nog wat data uit 1975 op de plank te hebben liggen en bleek het Lunar and Planetary Institute nog te beschikken over logbestanden met daarin de metingen die tussen 1973 en 1977 waren gedaan.
Donkere sporen Een analyse van de gegevens gaf meer inzicht in de oorzaken van de temperatuurverandering. Zo ontdekten de onderzoekers dat de opwarming tot in 1977 duurde. En ze stelden vast dat de opwarming het grootst was aan het oppervlak en afnam naarmate men dieper onder het oppervlak keek. Dat laatste wees erop dat de bron van de opwarming zich aan het oppervlak bevond. In een poging die bron op te sporen, pakten de onderzoekers er beelden van het maanoppervlak bij die gemaakt waren door de Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Op die beelden vielen direct de donkere sporen op die astronauten nabij de Apollo-landingsplaatsen hadden achtergelaten. En die donkere sporen zijn waarschijnlijk de oorzaak van de opwarming, aldus de onderzoekers.
Absorptie Terwijl de astronomen aan het eind van de jaren zestig en begin van de jaren zeventig over de maan liepen, schopten ze het stof weg, waardoor het onderliggende, donkerdere regoliet bloot kwam te leggen. En dat donkere materiaal absorbeert meer zonlicht dan het lichtere stof. “Wij suggereren dat de zonnewarmte die het regoliet opnam door de activiteiten van de astronauten iets steeg en dat dat resulteerde in de waargenomen opwarming,” zo schrijven de onderzoekers.
Het onderzoek heeft ook implicaties voor toekomstig onderzoek op de maan. Zo weten we nu dat je niet de meest betrouwbare warmtemetingen op de maan krijgt als je rond je instrumenten gaat lopen stampen.
Zo angstaanjagend donker is de hemel boven Marsrover Opportunity nu
Zo angstaanjagend donker is de hemel boven Marsrover Opportunity nu
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Zelfs overdag is het – door een gigantische stofstorm op de rode planeet – heel donker.
NASA heeft een serie afbeeldingen vrijgegeven die onthult hoe het uitzicht van Marsrover Opportunity de afgelopen weken rap is verslechterd. Het zijn simulaties – de foto’s zijn dus niet echt door Opportunity gemaakt – maar ze laten wel goed zien hoe intens deze stofstorm is en waarom Opportunity er op dit moment niet in slaagt om zonne-energie op te wekken..
Helemaal links zie je wat Opportunity een paar weken geleden zag als deze omhoog keek. De heldere vlek is natuurlijk onze zon: de energieleverancier van Opportunity. Helemaal rechts zie je dat de rover nu ziet als deze – overdag(!) – omhoog kijkt.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech / TAMU.
Donker Zelfs overdag is het donker in de Perseverance Valley waar Opportunity zich momenteel bevindt. Het is te wijten aan een gigantische stofstorm die op dit moment ongeveer een kwart van de rode planeet, oftewel een oppervlak van zo’n 35 miljoen vierkante kilometer beslaat. En in het hart van die – nog steeds groeiende – storm bevindt zich Opportunity. Er is al een paar dagen geen contact mogelijk; de rover moet zuinig met zijn acculadingen omgaan om te voorkomen dat hij doodvriest.
Goed voor de wetenschap Natuurlijk maakt NASA zich zorgen over de al 15 jaar oude Marsrover. Maar tegelijkertijd zijn astronomen stiekem dolblij met deze stofstorm, zo blijkt uit een persconferentie die NASA gisterenavond op poten zette. “Dit is de ideale storm,” vindt onderzoeker Jim Watzin. “We hebben een historisch aantal ruimtevaartuigen dat actief is op de rode planeet. En elk ruimtevaartuig geeft weer een uniek inkijkje in hoe stofstormen ontstaan en zich gedragen: kennis die van essentieel belang is voor toekomstige robotische en bemande missies.” Onderzoeker Rich Zurek is het daar helemaal mee eens. “Elke observatie van deze grote stormen brengt ons dichter bij het modelleren ervan en misschien zullen we op een dag zelfs in staat zijn om ze te voorspellen.”
Wat gaat ‘ie doen? Zover zijn we nu zeker nog niet. Onderzoekers durven in dit stadium zelfs nog niet te voorspellen wat de stofstorm die we nu op Mars zien, gaat doen. Zal de storm stoppen met groeien en vervolgens beginnen te krimpen? Of groeit deze nog even door en beslaat deze uiteindelijk bijna het complete oppervlak van Mars? Niemand die het weet. Eerder hebben we flinke stofstormen gezien die na enkele weken de geest gaven. Anderen bleven maandenlang hangen. Het laatste scenario zou vanzelfsprekend heel slecht nieuws zijn voor Opportunity.
Hier zie je hoe de stofwolk tussen 31 mei en 11 juni gegroeid is.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS.
Curiosity Beelden van de groeiende stofstorm (zie hierboven) laten zien dat deze ook steeds dichter in de buurt komt van Marsrover Curiosity. En inderdaad: het uitzicht van deze rover is de laatste dagen ook wel wat verslechterd (zie de foto’s hieronder). Maar Curiosity loopt niet dezelfde risico’s als Opportunity; de rover is namelijk uitgerust met een nucleaire batterij.
Marsrover Curiosity bevindt zich in de Gale-krater en fotografeerde de rand van de krater op 7 juni (links) en 10 juni (rechts).
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS.
Natuurlijk blijft NASA de situatie op Mars goed monitoren. Niet alleen omwille van Opportunity, maar ook zeker omwille van de wetenschap.
TURN, TURN, TURN Curiosity took this selfie on Mars in February. The rover has found what appears to be a seasonal cycle of methane in the Martian atmosphere and more signs of organic molecules in the soil.
To Martian methane, there is a season.
NASA’s Curiosity rover has found evidence that methane in Mars’ thin atmosphere varies during the year. Higher concentrations appear in late summer and early autumn in the northern hemisphere and lower concentrations in the winter and spring, researchers report in the June 8 Science.
Curiosity Rover Finds Organic Matter And Methane On Mars
What’s more, Curiosity also spotted organic molecules previously unseen on Mars preserved in mudstone, some of the same researchers report in another study in the same issue of Science. Although neither methane nor organics alone are signs of life, the implications for astrobiology are “potentially huge,” says planetary scientist Michael Mumma of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., who was not involved in the studies.
In 2004, Mumma and colleagues reported the first observation of huge plumes of methane spewing into Mars’ atmosphere (SN: 2/14/09, p. 10). These plumes, detected with Earth-based telescopes, had methane concentrations as high as 45 parts per billion.
That finding was exciting, because methane doesn’t last long in the Martian atmosphere before ultraviolet radiation from the sun destroys it. Something must have been creating or releasing the gas as astronomers watched. On Earth, most methane is produced by living creatures, so the plumes raised hopes that Mars supports life.
When Curiosity landed on the Red Planet in 2012, however, the rover initially found no methane to speak of (SN: 10/19/13, p. 7). “A lot of people were disappointed and upset,” says Christopher Webster, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., and a coauthor of the new methane study. But in 2014, after more searching, the Curiosity team found traces of methane, though much less than what was expected based on the earlier results (SN: 1/10/15, p. 11).
Now after two full Martian years (five Earth years) of observing, the team reports that the annual average concentration of methane in Mars’ atmosphere is 0.41 ppb. But methane levels seem to rise and fall with the seasons, ranging from 0.24 ppb in winter to 0.65 ppb in summer. The researchers also saw relatively large methane spikes, up to about 7 ppb, at apparently random intervals.
Up and down
Methane levels in Mars’ atmosphere seem to peak in summer and autumn and slump in winter and spring, measurements from the Curiosity rover suggest. Scientists suspect the gas seeps out of the Martian surface periodically from an underground reservoir, and may be taken up again at times, too.
Slow seepage from an underground reservoir could explain both the seasonal cycle and the spikes, Webster says. Surface rocks could mostly hold on to the methane in winter and release it when warmed by the summer sun. Occasionally, something in the rocks could break loose, releasing larger spurts. Similar scenarios are found on Earth.
Scientists can’t say what produced the stored methane in the first place. “The existence and behavior of methane on Mars remains puzzling,” Webster says. “While we think it likely that it’s produced abiologically [by a geologic process], we cannot rule out the possibility of a biological or microbial source.”
Though lower, the concentrations of methane in the spikes that Curiosity sees are still consistent with the huge plumes seen from Earth, Mumma says, if Curiosity is located at the edge of a plume. But he’s not sure if a seasonal cycle is the only explanation for the data. A flat, constant methane level could fit within the errors of the measurements, too, he argues.
Webster disagrees. "Even to the untrained eye," he says of the results, "there is a clear, repeatable rise in the summertime…. The seasonal cycle is real.”
In the other new paper, astrobiologist Jennifer Eigenbrode of NASA Goddard and colleagues analyzed samples collected from 3.5-billion-year-old mudstone that was once part of an ancient lake and found chemical evidence that plenty of organic molecules had been preserved in the lake bed.
In 2014, Curiosity had detected organic molecules in rocks from one location in Gale crater. The new finding, from samples drilled at the base of a mountain in the crater’s center, shows signs of larger and more complex organic molecules than had been seen before, including some that are similar to coal and black shale found on Earth.
“There were a lot of people who didn’t think we were going to find organic matter using the drill on the Curiosity rover, because it only goes down five centimeters,” Eigenbrode says. The Martian surface is bombarded with radiation that can break up organic molecules. The fact that organics survive on the surface means digging deeper may yield even more.
The European Space Agency’s ExoMars rover, slated to launch in 2020, will drill two meters into the surface. “This opens up the prospect that [the rover] might find better preserved organic material, and maybe find biosignatures” of life, Eigenbrode says.
Curiosity isn’t done drilling yet, though. The rover’s drill broke in 2016. But engineers successfully hacked the drill, which dug out a sample on May 20.
NASA's Rover Found Atmospheric Methane At Low Altitudes
Japanese Spacecraft Approaches Dumpling-Shaped Asteroid (Photo)
Japanese Spacecraft Approaches Dumpling-Shaped Asteroid (Photo)
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Saturn has a ravioli moon, so why shouldn't there be a dumpling asteroid?
A new photo of the near-Earth asteroid Ryugu snapped by Japan's approaching Hayabusa2 spacecraft calls to mind a particular tasty treat, the probe's handlers said.
From Earth To Asteroid 1999 JU3 - Japanese Space Probe Launch
"Hayabusa2 has imaged Ryugu from 920 km [570 miles], and we're starting to see the shape. It looks like … a dango-type asteroid! (Actually, that's a Japanese sweet dumpling. But the shape seems to be similar so far…)," Hayabusa2 team members wrote via Twitter Thursday (June 14). [Photos: Japan's Hayabusa2 Asteroid Mission in Pictures]
The probe captured the newly released image early Wednesday morning (June 13) as part of an effort to take Ryugu's measure ahead of a planned arrival at the 3,000-foot-wide (900 meters) asteroid on June 27 or thereabouts. Hayabusa2 has snapped other photos of Ryugu recently from greater distances, in which the asteroid's shape is less clear.
If all goes according to plan, Hayabusa2 will study Ryugu in depth from orbit for about a year, dropping three rovers and a lander onto the asteroid's surface. The orbiting probe will also create a fresh crater on Ryugu using an explosives-laden impactor, then spiral down to snag samples of newly unearthed material. This asteroid sample will be sent to Earth, touching down in a special capsule in late 2020.
Hayabusa2 has imaged Ryugu from 920km and we’re starting to see the shape. It looks like… a dango-type asteroid! (Actually, that’s a Japanese sweet dumpling. But the shape seems to be similar so far…)µ
Hayabusa2 is following in the footsteps of the original Hayabusa probe, which made history in June 2010 by returning a small sample from the stony asteroid Itokawa. Ryugu is a different type of asteroid: a carbonaceous one, the type thought to have delivered lots of water and carbon-containing organic molecules to Earth via impacts long ago.
NASA has its own asteroid-sampling mission, with another carbonaceous space rock in its sights. The agency's OSIRIS-REx probe is scheduled to arrive at the 1,650-foot-wide (500 m) asteroid Bennu later this summer and return samples to Earth in September 2023.
Oh, and that ravioli moon — the 22-mile-wide (35 km) Pan — is just one of many fantastically shaped Saturn satellites. For example, one of the ringed planet's moons looks like a giant space walnut (Iapetus), and another resembles the Death Stars from the "Star Wars" films (Mimas).
This Monster Black Hole's Jet Has 125 Billion Times More Energy Than the Sun
This Monster Black Hole's Jet Has 125 Billion Times More Energy Than the Sun
By Charles Q. Choi, Contributor
A dust-enshrouded, giant black hole ripping apart a star blasted out a superfast jet of particles that packed about 125 billion times the amount of energy the sun releases per year, a new study finds.
This is the first time astronomers have directly imaged the formation and evolution of such a jet from a black hole. This finding may help astronomers discover many new instances of black holes destroying stars.
Supermassive black holes that are millions to billions times the mass of the sun are thought to lurk in the hearts of most, if not all, large galaxies. If a star passes too close to such a monstrous black hole, its powerful gravitational pull will tear it apart in a so-called tidal disruption event. [Images: Black Holes of the Universe]
As a black hole tears matter off a star, this material forms a rotating disk that glows brightly before it falls into the black hole. Previous research also suggested that jets of particles are launched outward from the poles of these so-called accretion disks at extraordinarily high speeds.
Most times, supermassive black holes are not actively devouring anything, the new study's researchers told The small number of tidal disruption events that astronomers have detected so far offer scientists the chance to learn more about the formation and evolution of these jets.
The first evidence that researchers had of this newly reported jet came on Jan. 30, 2005, from astronomers using the William Herschel Telescope in the Canary Islands to analyze a pair of colliding galaxies called Arp 299, nearly 150 million light-years from Earth. They discovered a bright outburst of infrared light coming from the core of one of the colliding galaxies in Arp 299, study co-lead author Seppo Mattila, of the University of Turku in Finland, told
On July 17, 2005, using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) — a network of 10 radio telescopes spread across thousands of miles that can work together to essentially act like a giant radio telescope — scientists detected a new source of radio emissions from the same location in Arp 299.
"As time passed, the new object stayed bright at infrared and radio wavelengths, but not in visible light and X-rays," Mattila said in a statement. "The most likely explanation is that thick interstellar gas and dust near the galaxy's center absorbed the X-rays and visible light, then re-radiated it as infrared," Mattila said.
The researchers initially thought this outburst was a star exploding in a supernova, but that explanation didn't match the data. Continued monitoring over nearly a decade showed the source of radio emissions, dubbed Arp 299-B AT1, expanding in one direction, just as would be expected for a jet, but not for a supernova. Radio data suggested the material in the jet raced outward at an average of about 25 percent the speed of light. In contrast, the average expansion speed of a supernova after 10 years is expected to be, at most, about 5 percent of the speed of light, study co-lead author Miguel Pérez-Torres of the Astrophysical Institute of Andalusia in Granada, Spain, told
"We continued to patiently collect more and more data to discern the true nature of this source, and our patience paid off," Mattila said. "The combination of our infrared and radio observations, coupled with state-of-the art simulations of radio jets and calculations of infrared emission from the dusty regions surrounding a supermassive black hole, left us with one plausible explanation — the infrared and the radio emission came from the disruption of a hapless star being devoured by the supermassive black hole when it passed too close to this cosmic monster."
The researchers estimated that this jet resulted from a supermassive black hole that was 20 million times the mass of the sun. The black hole was situated at the core of one of the pair of colliding galaxies and it was in the act of shredding a star that was more than twice the sun's mass. "Never before have we been able to directly observe the formation and evolution of a jet from one of these events," Pérez-Torres said in a statement. [No Escape: Dive Into a Black Hole (Infographic)]
The new findings were a surprise, the scientists said. Arp 299-B AT1 was discovered as part of a project that sought to detect supernova explosions in colliding pairs of galaxies. This infrared burst was originally thought to be a supernova explosion — it was only in 2011, six years after the outburst's discovery, that Arp 299-B AT1 began to show the elongation that went on to reveal that it was a jet and not a supernova.
Over the course of about a decade, the jet released more than 1.5 x 10^52 ergs of energy in infrared and radio waves, the researchers said. This is about 125 billion times the amount of energy the sun releases per year.
With the help of the VLBA, now the scientists are "witnessing how the radio source is now breaking up into several separate sources, telling us how the interaction of the jet with its surrounding medium is proceeding," Pérez-Torres said.
The event was not bright in visible or X-ray wavelengths, likely because of the effects of gas and dust, the scientists noted. This may help explain why tidal disruption events are not as bright as theoretically predicted, they added.
"How many similar events are we missing in dusty centers of galaxies that would only be detectable by infrared and radio observations but be completely invisible in the optical light?" Mattila said.
These new findings suggest that infrared and radio telescopes may discover many tidal disruption events that may have escaped detection until now because dust absorbed any visible light from them, Pérez-Torres said. Such events may have been more common in the early universe, so investigating them may help scientists understand the newborn cosmos, the researchers added.
The scientists detailed their findings online June 15 in the journal Science.
Newscast In Buffalo, New York Catches UFO Live On Air
Newscast In Buffalo, New York Catches UFO Live On Air
During SkyWatch7 News broadcast late in the the evening at around 11:20pm on Thursday June 14 when an object entered and exited the camera view. Meteorologist Andy Parker spotted this fast moving object and went on to say that the object moves too fast to be a plane, originates too far away to be a bug.
Scientific paper asks: “Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?”
Scientific paper asks: “Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?”
In July of 1970, two Russian scientists, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, published an article in the Soviet journal Sputnik called “Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?”
The theory proposed by the two experts offers arguments that would explain the countless enigmas surrounding the moon and its creation.
By publishing this article, they raised numerous questions about the moon and its formation which no other scientist at the time dared to ask.
Their article received heavy criticism, but they made their point when writing about the moon and its countless mysteries.
The Russian scientific duo proposed the theory that Earth’s Moon is not a natural satellite, but a planetoid that was literally hollowed out eons ago in the far reaches of the universe by super advanced intelligent beings possessing a technology far superior to ours, even today.
Shcherbakov and Vasin proposed that massive machines were used to melt rock and form long cavities within the Moon, spreading the molten refuse onto the lunar surface.
The advanced their theory by saying that the moon was preserved by a hull-like inner shell in addition to a reconstructed outer shell of metallic rocky junk, and eventually, this enormous craft was steered through the cosmos and finally put in orbit around our planet.
Some say this is a preposterous idea, but the two scientists made a point backed by scientific data.
Vasin and Shcerbakov state there are some lunar rocks that have been discovered to contain PROCESSED METALS such as Brass, the elements of Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237. These elements have NEVER been found to occur naturally.
However, somehow there are traces of them on the surface of Moon.
Uranium 236 for example, is a radioactive nuclear waste which is found in spent nuclear and reprocessed Uranium.
More interestingly, Neptunium 237 is a radioactive metallic element and a known by-product of nuclear reactors and the production of Plutonium.
In their article, Vasin and Shcherbakov write:
“Abandoning the traditional paths of ‘common sense,’ we have plunged into what may, at first sight, seem to be unbridled and irresponsible fantasy.”
“But the more minutely we go into all the knowledge gathered by man about the Moon, the more we are convinced that there is not a single fact to rule out our hypothesis. Not only that, but many things so far considered to be lunar enigmas are explainable in the light of this new theory.”
Interestingly, Dr. Farouk El Baz was quoted stating, “There are numerous undiscovered caverns believed to exist beneath the surface of the Moon. Several experiments have been flown to the Moon to see if these caverns were actually real.” Interestingly, the results of these experiments have never been made public.
Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, while ridiculing the possibility of a hollow moon, admitted that because heavier materials were on the surface, it was possible that MASSIVE caverns exist within the Moon.
MIT’s Dr. Sean C. Solomon added to the mystery of the hollow Moon when he wrote, “The Lunar Orbiter experiments greatly improved our understanding of the Moon’s gravitational field… Presenting the frightening possibility that the Moon might be hollow.”
As outrageous as this moon theory might first seem, take a second and consider how this “unorthodox” model reconciles all of the mysteries of the Moon.
Bearing in consideration the explanation by Vasin and Shcherbakov, it would allow us to explain as to why the Moon gives evidence of being much older than our planet and perhaps even our solar system. It would also help explain why there are three distinct layers within the Moon, with the densest materials being located on the outside layer, exactly as one would expect when looking at the “hull” of a spacecraft.
Furthermore, the above could also explain why no sign of water has been found on the surface of our moon, yet we have found vast evidence it exists deep inside it.
This revolutionary theory would also explain the mystery behind Maria and mascons, what can be considered as the remnants of the machinery used to drill and create a hollow Moon.
The theory that our moon is in fact an artificial satellite could explain the weird—yet rhythmic “moonquakes.”
Interestingly, if the moon really is the result of advanced extraterrestrial “terraforming” than it would provide us with the solution to the long debated argument between the “hot moon” and “cold moon” suggesting experts were both right.
This means that our moon was originally a cold planetoid, which was artificially transformed into a spacecraft by means of artificially heating.
This theory could also help explain the contradictions over the question whether or not Earth satellite is in fact a hollow moon.
If Earth’s Moon was originally a solid planetoid which was artificially hollowed out eons ago, we’d probably have found evidence of both phases—which is precisely what we have with our current Moon knowledge.
Even Isaac Asimov—an American writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston University. He was known for his works of science fiction, and popular science was fascinated by the enigmas surrounding the moon.
Asimov wrote about the moon and how he believed it may have been “captured” and put into position: “It’s simply too large to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been effected and the Moon then having taken up nearly circular orbit around our Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible.”
And Asimov was right to consider the Moon’s orbit—not only is it a nearly perfect circle but a stationary one, meaning that one side always faces the Earth with only the slightest variation. As far as we are aware, this s the only natural satellite which possesses such an awkward orbit.
12 Vile Vortices on Earth you should avoid at all cost
12 Vile Vortices on Earth you should avoid at all cost
Among the 12 Vortices, we find the Bermuda Triangle, Mohenjo-Daro, and even Antarctica. Nearly all of these Vortices are characterized by magnetic anomalies and abnormal phenomena.
Planet Earth is a unique planet in the universe: It’s the only one that has life. But that’s not the only reason why Earth is such wonderful places. What makes our planet even greater is the fact that Earth is shrouded in mystery.
Countless things about our planet have still not been understood by experts, and it seems that the more we research, the more questions arise.
There are certain points on Earth where known physics cannot be applied. These areas are ‘ruled’ by strange energies that have been present there since time immemorial. Usually marked by extremely weird phenomena, countless disappearances have been registered in some of those places.
These Earth points are referred to as vortices, Vile Vortices.
In this article, we take a look at some of these mysterious areas and where they are located on Earth.
Some of them appear to be geometrically interconnected.
These strange places were plotted by biologist and writer Ivan T. Sanderson, the founder of the Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained and curiously, one of Charles Fort’s earliest followers.
Sanderson wrote about Earth’s vortices in 1972, in a piece for Saga magazine entitled The Twelve Devil’s Graveyards Around the World in which he plotted the disappearance of ships and planes on a global scale, pointing out 12 areas on Earth that stood out in particular.
Although some of them might be less famous than others, nearly all of them are characterized by magnetic anomalies and abnormal phenomenon.
What is perhaps the most important thing, ten of the vortices plotted by Sanderson are located in tropical climates. Furthermore, five vortices can be found along the Tropic of Cancer, while five others are located along the Tropic of Capricorn.
Two more vortices are found at Earth’s North and South Poles.
Strangely, the twelve points are equidistant and together, they form the twelve tips of an icosahedron,
Here’s the list with no significant order.
Bermuda Triangle, we all know where the Bermuda Triangle is right? For those who don’t know, the Bermuda Triangle is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, forming a triangle between Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.
Easter Island—where the giant statues are found.
The North Pole
The South Pole
Karachi—the home of the ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro. It is considered as one of the earliest major cities on Earth and it’s the area where according to numerous authors and researchers we find ground zero for the detonation of ancient nuclear weapons.
Hamakulia, located east of Hawaii. It is an area where according to some researchers was once home to a high-energy volcano
Devil’s Sea, south of Tokyo. This area is known for disappearances of ships and airplanes.
The Wharton Basin—an area on Earth with great depths and largely unexplored.
New Hebrides Trench, located between the islands of Vanuatu and New Caledonia. Its deepest point is believed to reach over 25,000 feet (7,600 meters). Who knows what’s down there!
The Megalithic Ruins of Algeria, located just south of the city of Timbuktu.
The South Atlantic Anomaly. An area where according to researchers, the innermost Van Allen radiation belt dips extremely close to the Earth’s surface, one of the possibilities why the region is so anomalous.
The megaliths of Zimbabwe. Home to supermassive stone structures. They are located near an area of the Sahara desert where mysterious plane disappearances occur.
Sanderson believed that the anomalous activity surrounding these areas may be due to electromagnetic disturbances caused by the flow of hot and cold air.
As you can see, mystery connects all of the above-mentioned vortices. According to author and researcher David Hatcher Childress, “we are speaking about an intelligent geometric pattern into which, theoretically, the Earth and its energies are organized—and possibly in which the ubiquitous megalithic sites are also positioned.”
While we’re all thinking of finding alien life on other planets, scientists are looking for life on alien moons.
Artistic illustration of a potentially habitable exomoon orbiting a giant planet.
Credit: NASA GSFC // Jay Friedlander and Britt Griswold.
When humans first thought about extraterrestrial life, they thought of places like the Moon or Venus. Modern studies quickly showed that those places are currently uninhabitable, so alien life projections started focusing on Mars. Mars was potentially habitable in the past, but not so much now. Instead, the most likely places in our solar system to host life (outside of Earth) are frozen moons like Europa.
Even though satellites like Europa are frozen on the surface, the stress and friction from their planet’s gravitational pull generate great heat beneath the surface, and astronomers estimate that these places host liquid oceans beneath the surface — liquid water where life can develop. So this type of frozen moon around giant planets are quite interesting for astronomers, which is why this finding is so important.
In a paper forthcoming in The Astrophysical Journal, researchers at the University of California, Riverside, and the University of Southern Queensland have identified more than 100 giant planets that might host this type of moon, by scouring through data from the Kepler telescope. To make matters even more attractive, all these giant planets have orbits in the so-called habitable zone — not too close, and not too far from their parent star.
“There are currently 175 known moons orbiting the eight planets in our solar system. While most of these moons orbit Saturn and Jupiter, which are outside the Sun’s habitable zone, that may not be the case in other solar systems,” said Stephen Kane, an associate professor of planetary astrophysics and a member of the UCR’s Alternative Earths Astrobiology Center. “Including rocky exomoons in our search for life in space will greatly expand the places we can look.”
Researchers have only found the planets themselves and have no direct information about any potential moons. However, from what we’ve seen in our own solar system, this type of planet does tend to have several moons.
Scientists speculate that if they do exist, some of these moons may be prime areas to look for extraterrestrial life because they get energy not only from their parent star but also from their parent planet.
This will help scientists develop new, better telescopes, that could look for potential biological signatures on these moons — yet another stepping stone on our long search for alien life.
“Our follow-up studies will help inform future telescope design so that we can detect these moons, study their properties, and look for signs of life,” said Michelle Hill, an undergraduate student at the University of Southern Queensland who is working with Kane and will join UCR’s graduate program in the fall.
Journal Reference:
Exploring Kepler Giant Planets in the Habitable Zone, arXiv:1805.03370 [astro-ph.EP]
The wisdom of Stephen Hawking won’t just live on in memory, but will be beamed into a black hole so that it might exist in other capacities or be destroyed immediately — depending on which theorist you ask.
The ashes of the late physicist, who died March 14 at the age of 76, will be buried between the remains of Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton following a Friday memorial service. While his physical remains will be earth-bound between two other renowned scientists, his voice will be blasted 3,000 light years away to binary system 1A 0620-00, the nearest black hole to Earth. The recording, set to an original piece of music by the Greek composer Vangelis, will be broadcast into the binary system and serve not just as moving tribute, but as an interesting thought experiment.
Some of Hawking’s most important work explored the nature of black holes. In 1974, he famously presented how black holes emit radiation, which was contrary to belief at the time. Hawking’s final interview offered new insight on the creation of black holes after studying the gravitational waves formed by the merging of neutron stars, a possible way black hole are formed.
According to Hawking, if a particle falls into a black hole, the black hole will lose a bit of mass in the form of energy. Black holes radiate small amounts of energy and evaporate over time. Logically, if something falls into a black hole, it will be lost. This creates the information paradox. Scientists still aren’t sure if information inside a black hole is preserved or lost forever, but a recording of Hawking’s voice, much like his work, could one day help carry that research forward.
Physicists continue to search for evidence of “Hawking radiation,” a theoretical type of energy that is thought to radiate from black holes as a result of quantum effects. Finding evidence of this would help scientists decide whether black holes truly destroy all information within them, including the recording of Hawking’s voice after it’s beamed into 1A 0620-00 on Friday.
According to his daughter, Lucy Hawking, the space delivery is “beautiful and symbolic gesture that creates a link between our father’s presence on this planet, his wish to go into space and his explorations of the universe in his mind.” Even if we never hear that recording emitted from a black hole again, it’s only fitting that Hawking shall be remembered through a new experiment without an end in sight.µ
Scientists Find Genetically ‘Different’ Humans Adapted For Diving
Scientists Find Genetically ‘Different’ Humans Adapted For Diving
No, scientists didn’t discover fish people, nor did they find a new species of humans.
A mystery people living in Southeastern Asia has baffled scientists for years.
The people of the Bajau tribe, in Southeast Asia, only need a breath of air to dive up to 70 meters underwater and fish, remaining submerged for several minutes. This has led experts to question how dey manage to do it.
These people were almost like “super-humans” and have “extraordinary” capabilities…
Image Credit: Melissa Ilardo
A recent study published in the Journal cell describes how a certain population of humans has genetically adapted to dive underwater.
Experts describe a population that has remarkably larger organs, which help them stay underwater for greater periods of time.
This isn’t the first time that experts have found genetic mutations in humans.
The more we peer into our genes, the more we discover how people from around the world have adapted to their surroundings, making them remarkably unique in a number of ways.
For example, people in Tibet and the Ethiopian highlands have ‘evolved’ to better adapt to living at extremely high altitudes.
People in East Africa and Northern Europe have adopted a genetic mutation that allows them to better digest milk as adults.
And now, scientists reported a new type of genetic mutation different from the above-mentioned in sea-dwelling people in Southeastern Asia.
This genetic mutation allows them to become exceptional divers.
According to experts, the Bajau people, who are scattered in several communities across Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines have evolved to longer survive underwater.
“They are simply a stranger to the land,” said Rodney C. Jubilado, a University of Hawaii anthropologist who studies the Bajau but was not involved in the new study.
Scientists studied the extraordinary capacity of the Bajau and have reached a conclusion: they can spend minutes without breathing thanks to a genetic mutation that has caused, among other things, to develop a bigger spleen.
This organ, among other functions, can store oxygen-bearing red blood cells.
In their study, whose results were published in the journal Cell, the scientists were guided by previous studies on Seals.
As it turns out, some species of seals can dive longer than others. These Seals have spleens larger than expected.
Inspired by this unexpected find, the team of scientists used an ultrasound device to measure the spleen in 43 people from the Bajau and 33 people from a neighboring group of farmers, the Saluan.
Scientists found that one variant of a gene called PDE10A influenced the size of Spleens in the Bajau people. Experts found that people with one copy of the mutant gene had much larger spleens that people with one. Scientists also found that people who have two copies of the mutant gene had even bigger spleens.
However, scientists found this surprising, as they’ve never found a special role for PDE10A in the spleen.
“This connection was a bit bizarre,” Dr. Ilardo concluded.
According to TechTimes, Dr. Melissa Ilardo said that Bajau people were almost like “super-humans” and that had “extraordinary” capabilities but also stated that natural selection is much more powerful than realized and should be given more credit.
Dr. Ilardo also said that she was excited to share her findings with the Bajau people as she felt that they understood the “science” behind her research and to satisfy their curiosity about the world and themselves.
“It seemed like the perfect opportunity for natural selection to act on a population,” said Dr. Ilardo.
NASA Releases 4K Video Of The Moon Ending The Moon Landing Conspiracy
NASA Releases 4K Video Of The Moon Ending The Moon Landing Conspiracy
NASA has just released a 4K video tour of Earth’s moon and the footage will make your jaw drop.
Even though Earth’s moon can be viewed in unprecedented detail from Earth, NASA has recently released a video filmed in 4k showing off the surface of the moon in unprecedented close-up detail, and the video will definitely take your breath away.
How can we describe the video footage?
Well, it’s stunning. It’s mesmerizing. It’s Fresh. It offers an entirely new way of exploring the surface of the moon, and you can see all of the most important and prominent features of the Earth’s satellite in the stunning video footage.
The footage dubbed as “virtual tour of the moon” in breathtaking 4K has been collected by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft over a span of nine years.
What a stunning view.
Image Credit: YouTube
“The tour visits a number of interesting sites chosen to illustrate a variety of lunar terrain features,” Ernie Wright of NASA’s Space Visualization Studio explained in a blog post. “Some are on the near side and are familiar to both professional and amateur observers on Earth, while others can only be seen clearly from space.”
Wright explains that this recently published video is, in fact, an updated version of another one released 7 years ago, in 2011.
Despite the fact that the camera path may be the same, the data that has been gathered in 7 years has made it possible for NASA to create a far more incredible and detailed presentation of the moon.
Image Credit: YouTube.
The recently released 4k video displays a number of the moon’s features, combining colors that highlight important or noteworthy data to make sure you not only enjoy the view but learn something new.
One of the most interesting parts of the video is when we have the chance to fly over the Tycho Crater, a lunar formation said to be around 100 million years old.
The most interesting part occurs when you think you’ve seen the best part, the video zooms in unprecedently, focusing on Tycho Crater’s mesmerizing central peak which features an enigmatic 100-meter-wide bolder at the summit, “the origins of which are still a mystery,” the video’s narrator says, adding to the suspense.
In addition to the Tycho crater, you can also fly above the Apollo 17 landing site at the Taurus-Littrow Valley, which as explained in the video, is deeper than the Grand Canyon on Earth.
So, the end of the Moon landing conspiracy…right?
I wonder, does that make the Taurus-Littrow Valley the ‘Grander Canyon’?
Anyway, while exploring the Apollo 17 landing site, the video offers a few overlays that show us the path NASA astronauts took as they spent three days on the surface of the moon in 1972.
You can appreciate the bottom half of the mission’s lunar lander and rover vehicle, items that have remained untouched and undisturbed for the last 46 years.
This video is public domain and along with other supporting visualizations can be downloaded from the Scientific Visualization Studio at
Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/David Ladd
October 27, 1954–The Day A UFO Stopped a Football Game
October 27, 1954–The Day A UFO Stopped a Football Game
As fascinating as it may sound, it’s true.
The ‘event’ happened in Florence, Italy, on October 27, 1954.
In October of 1954, a match involving the Italian team Fiorentina was interrupted by mysterious visitors hovering above the stadium. The Fiorentina UFOs were part of a wave of mass-sightings across Europe – and it remains a mystery to this day.
On that occasion one of the most massive UFO sightings in history took place: around 10 thousand people who were in theArtemio Franchi stadium watching the encounter between Fiorentina and Pistoiese witnessed the appearance of unidentified flying objects in the skies above the stadium.
Image Credit: Giornale Del Mattino
Eventually, the match had to be suspended “because the spectators saw something in the sky” according to the official report of the match referee.
According to the testimony of one of the players present in that match, defender Ardico Magnini, who was something of a legend at the club and had played for Italy at the 1954 World Cup.
“I remember everything from A to Z,” he says. “It was something that looked like an egg that was moving slowly, slowly, slowly. Everyone was looking up and also there was some glitter coming down from the sky, silver glitter.
“We were astonished we had never seen anything like it before. We were absolutely shocked.”
He also remembered that a strange sticky and shiny material fell on the ground.
Other testimonies relate the presence not of one but of several strange objects in the sky.
La Nazione’s headline reads: Glass fibers fall on Tuscan cities after globes and flying saucers pass by. Lower headline: The sighting over Florence (with a photograph, now lost, of the UFO).
In the following days, numerous other UFO sightings were recorded in the towns near the stadium.
That unknown substance did not only fall on the court, but it covered a good part of Florence before evaporating.
Those who came into contact with this material describe it as similar to cotton but ungraspable as it disintegrated on contact.
An explanation, rare but scientific, of this phenomenon, arrived many years later: it could have been large networks of connected webs, which appeared in the sky as globes, shining by the reflection of the Sun since that is how spiders migrate.
Curiously, October coincides with the time of migration of the northern hemisphere spiders.
However, the material found simultaneously with the appearance of UFOs was analyzed in the laboratory and the elements found do not coincide with those that are part of spider webs.
Therefore, until this day, whatever the spectators and players saw floating above the Artemio Franchi stadium remains a profound mystery, and one of the best documented UFO cases in history.
The “Solway Firth Spaceman”—One Of The Most Inexplicable Images Ever Taken
The “Solway Firth Spaceman”—One Of The Most Inexplicable Images Ever Taken
More than 50 years ago, more precisely in May of 1964, a man called Jim Templeton snapped an image that would soon become one of the most mysterious images ever photographed.
In May of 1964, Jim Templeton, his wife, and daughter spent the day at the Solway Fjord in northwest England.
Jim was a photography enthusiast, and like all new parents, his main motivation was his daughter Elizabeth, five years old at the time.
That afternoon he took three photos, and when he went to reveal them, he found that the best picture of his daughter had been ruined because someone had appeared walking behind.
The only problem was, there was no one there.
Who or what is the mysterious figure behind Jim Templeton’s daughter?
Image Credit: Jim Templeton.
Jim was entirely sure that the three of them were alone that day. So, who or what was the mysterious figure seen behind his daughter?
The curious photograph was published in a local newspaper in Cumberland on June 12 of that same year, and the next day, it was also picked up by the Daily Mirror and Daily Express.
As expected, it soon attracted the attention of all kinds of curious people, ufologists, and paranormal investigators who were trying to solve the mystery surrounding the photograph.
Following the publication of the image in various newspapers, a number of different theories were proposed. However, none of them seemed to satisfy.
One of the strangest theories proposed had Aliens written all over it.
One theory suggested that an alien spacecraft had landed near them and that both the ship itself and the aliens were protected by some sort of cloaking device, which made them imperceptible to human eyes but not to the camera.
The Alien theory developed and quickly turned into a conspiracy theory.
Some reports suggest that soon after the image was published in newspapers, Mr. Templeton was visited by the mysterious Men in Black, who asked him to take them to the exact area where the events took place.
Templeton explained later that the two men who had visited him refused to show their identification and that “They said they worked for the government and that they were only identified by number.”
After taking the men to the site where the photographs were taken, Templeton said that when he explained he had not seen the figure at the time, the men became angry and drove away, leaving him to walk home.
In September 1964, Templeton dismissed the two men as frauds, saying: “It all looks like a leg pull to me. I’m sure the men were not security agents.”
Trying to solve the mystery, Jim took the photograph and the negative to Kodak, so they could check the original had been manipulated in any way or contained a photographic error of some sort.
However, all attempts to explain the mystery figure were in vain, and tests showed that the photograph was authentic, and had not been manipulated.
The photographic company even offered a prize of free movies for life to that person who managed to prove otherwise.
Let it be known, the prize has not been claimed, but more than fifty years after the event took place, a few people remain interested in this mystery.
In 2014, UFO author David Clarke explained that the mysterious figure standing behind Jim’s daughter was most likely Templeton’s wife, Annie, who was present at the time and was seen on other photographs that were taken that day.
Some claim the mysterious figure was Jim Templeton’s wife, Annie.
“I think for some reason his wife walked into the shot, and he didn’t see her because with that particular make of camera you could only see 70% of what was in the shot through the viewfinder”, said Clarke. Annie Templeton was wearing a pale blue dress on the day in question, which was overexposed as white in the other photos; she also had dark bobbed hair. It has been argued that, when using photo software to darken the image and straighten the horizon, the figure increasingly appears to be a regular person viewed from behind. Of its impact, Clarke said: “People will still be talking about it in another 50 years.”
Did NASA’s Apollo 17 Mission Really Spot A Pyramid On The Moon?
Did NASA’s Apollo 17 Mission Really Spot A Pyramid On The Moon?
An image snapped by NASA’s Apollo 17 astronauts has created controversy among Ufologists. According to claims, the image cataloged as AS17-135-20680HR shows what many believe is a Pyramid on the lunar surface.
But… Long story short?
No, they did not, but the image is evidence of how easily we can be tricked into seeing things that aren’t really there, or how our mind identified familiar patterns.
The alleged Pyramid on the moon.
There are pyramids all over the planet. For a reason, we are yet to find out, ancient civilizations, spread across Earth, and isolated from one another, built massive pyramid structures thousands of years ago.
Some say these ancient monuments were built as tombs, others say they were erected to pay tribute to the gods. But the real reason why there are thousands of pyramids on Earth remains a mystery.
And while pyramids on Earth remain a hotly debated subject, finding pyramids on another planet or moon goes beyond reason, venturing out into what many call a massive conspiracy.
Thanks to the various space programs, we have explored our neighboring planets and moons like never before.
But it all started with NASA’s Apollo missions.
Liftoff of Apollo 11, the first mission to land humans on the Moon, July 16, 1969.
The Apollo Program was a manned space program developed by the United States in the 1960s in the framework of the space race with the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
The project began in July 1960, when the US space agency NASA announced it, as a continuation of the Mercury missions. Apollo ran from 1961 to 1972, with the first manned flight in 1968.
The Apollo 17 mission, which lasted from December 7-19 marked the end of manned lunar exploration. The mission was characterized by being the only Saturn V night launch. The crew landed in Taurus-Littrow, and it was the final manned Moon landing. Surface EVA time: 22:02 hours, after which astronauts returned 110.40 kg of samples back to Earth.
However, the Apollo 17 mission was also marked by another peculiar occurrence.
While digging through some of the images made available to the public, UFO hunters came across an image cataloged as AS17-135-20680HR.
This image at first glance might not draw your attention, but upon closer examination, you will notice a triangle shaped object hiding in the background, which has led UFOlogists and UFO hunters to ask, what exactly did the Apollo 17 mission photograph on the moon? Is this image the result of a camera malfunction, Parts of the Rover? Or is there perhaps, a structure on the moon?
We decided to investigate a bit more and examined the image further and as we played around with the contrast and brightness of the image we managed to get some pretty nice results that helped us see this object in a better way. And despite the fact that after cleaning the image up a bit we do get a ‘pyramid-shaped structure,’ the truth is that it’s not really a pyramid, and there a couple reasons as to why.
First of all, you can check out the sheer amount of images and videos from the Apollo 17 mission by checking out this link: are interested in the following material:
From there, you can check out the images and videos taken by the astronauts during their 22:02 hour EVA.
We need to jump to image AS17-135-20680 (OF300) ( 209kor 1402k) found under Magazine 135/G (B&W) EVA-2, Frames 20533-20680.
The image in question: AS17-135-20680HR. The result? A blurry image with a strange shape in the middle. Pyramid you say? I beg to differ.
Notice the Pyramid/triangle shaped object at the center of the image.
Let’s check out some other images taken before it.
Let’s begin with image AS17-135-20674 (OF300) (151kor 1343k). NASA describes the image: “LRV traverse from the SEP site to Station 2. This photo shows the trough that runs along the base of the South Massif. The Station 2 boulders are the two large ones at the right edge of the picture. The big crater mentioned in the dialog is at the left, farther up the slope.” Note: LRV stands for Lunar Roving Vehicle.
Part of the LVR.
Image credit: NASA
If we take a look at the images snapped later, we see the following:
We are looking at Station 2, LRV Floor. AS17-135-20678 (OF300) ( 95k or 1032k )
Seen here is the LVR.
Image Credit: NASA
The next image, AS17-135-20679 (OF300) ( 100kor 1275k) are described as Station 2, LRV Floor. Sunstruck, but the Astronaut who took the picture did not get the exposure right, which resulted in a blurry image.
Image Credit: NASA.
Finally, we arrive at our image in question, AS17-135-20680 (OF300) ( 209kor 1402k) which NASA describes as LRV Floor? Sunstruck.
Image Credit: NASA.
The next image, AS17-136-20681was blank.
Image AS17-136-20682 (OF300) (138kor 1041k) which is the next visible image shows parts of the LVR but also Sunstruck:
Image Credit: NASA
Verdict? The curious pyramid-like shape we see in the image is, in fact, the result of low-quality images snapped by astronauts. Position, light, and angle, all played an important role in obtaining a curious image that some have interpreted as a Pyramid on the moon when actually the only thing the astronauts snapped was the LVR under peculiar light conditions.
Note that Images labeled “OF300” are from the original film and are presented at the equivalent of 300 DPI on a 7.5-inch by 7.5-inch reproduction.
So, while there may certainly be peculiar things on the moon, structures that we may not be able to explain, these images snapped by Apollo 17 astronauts are not one of them.
Has Someone Really Discovered A 500,000-Year-Old Artifact In California?
Has Someone Really Discovered A 500,000-Year-Old Artifact In California?
On February 13, 1961, Wallace Lane, Virginia Maxey and Mike Mikesell were searching for interesting specimens of minerals, specifically geodes, for their gift shop in Olancha, California.
Their geodes search took them approximately 6 kilometers northeast of Olancha, about 4300 feet to the Coso Mountains near the dry bed of Owens Lake, where they were collecting samples.
They returned to the shop with several geodes.
But one of them had 500,000 reasons to be dubbed as the discovery of a lifetime.
The next day Mike Mikesell broke a blade while cutting what he thought was a geode, inside the object that he was cutting, Mikesell found anything but the typical cavity geodes usually has, to his surprise, he discovered a perfectly circular section of a hard white material that looked like porcelain. In the center of the porcelain cylinder axis was a 2 mm shiny metal. The metal shaft seemed like a magnet but there were other strange qualities in the object. The surface was very rough and it appeared as if it was coated with fossilized shells.
In addition to these strange deposits, he also found two nonmagnetic metallic objects embedded in the crust, which seemed like a metallic nail and a packing ring. As Mike Mikesell was analyzing the object, it seemed to get even stranger. The inner layer was hexagonal and seemed to form a shell around the cylinder of hard porcelain. On the inside, a layer of very deteriorated copper surrounded the porcelain cylinder.
Very little is known about the first inspections of this mysterious artifact. According to Virginia Maxey, they consulted a geologist who asked to remain unknown, according to this mysterious geologist who examined the fossil shells embedded in the sample, the piece would have taken at least 500,000 years to reach its current form. So what is a spark plug doing inside an artifact dating at least half a million years?
The object was submitted to further testing that confirmed the anomalies of the object as the artifact was submitted to both X-rays and visible light testing. X-rays revealed that in the upper half of the device there was some sort of coil. In the other half of the artifact revealed what seemed a metal sleeve, presumably the copper covering the porcelain cylinder.
In 1963, the strange object that was dubbed “The Coso Artifact” and was exhibited at the Museum of East California in the town of Independence for a period of three months. Then, for years it was exhibited in the home of Wallace Lane, one of the original three discoverers of the 500 thousand-year-old artifact. In 1969 Wallace Lane received an offer of $25,000 for the mysterious object but he refused to sell it.
The Coso Artifact remains a mystery. It is an object that appears to be lost as many other artifacts discovered in the past that have provided us with not only subjects to talk about, but with new challenges for history books. Who built the artifact, and what its purpose was will probably remain a mystery less the object is found, once again, so that other researchers might analyze it thoroughly.
The White House has responded to two petitions asking the US government to formally acknowledge that aliens have visited Earth and to disclose to any intentional withholding of government interactions with extraterrestrial beings. “The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race,” said Phil Larson from the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy, on the website. “In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye.”
Full Response
“Thank you for signing the petition asking the Obama Administration to acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence here on Earth. The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye. However, that doesn’t mean the subject of life outside our planet isn’t being discussed or explored. In fact, there are a number of projects working toward the goal of understanding if life can or does exist off Earth.”
5,387 people had signed the petition for immediately disclosing the government’s knowledge of and communications with extraterrestrial beings, and 12,078 signed the request for a formal acknowledgement from the White House that extraterrestrials have been engaging the human race.
“Hundreds of military and government agency witnesses have come forward with testimony confirming this extraterrestrial presence,” the second petition states. “Opinion polls now indicate more than 50% of the American people believe there is an extraterrestrial presence and more than 80% believe the government is not telling the truth about this phenomenon. The people have a right to know. The people can handle the truth.”
These petitions come from an Obama Administration initiative called ‘We the People’ which has White House staffers respond and consider taking action on any issue that receives at least 25,000 online signatures. Regarding these two petitions, the White House promised to respond if the petitions got 17,000 or more signatures by Oct. 22.
Larson stressed that the facts show that there is no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth. He pointed out that even though many scientists have come to the conclusion that the odds of life somewhere else in the Universe are fairly high, the chance that any of them are making contact with humans are extremely small, given the distances involved.
But that doesn’t mean we aren’t searching, there is just no evidence yet. Larson mentioned SETI (correctly noting that this at first was a NASA effort, but is now funded privately) keeping an “ear” out for signals from any intelligent extraterrestrials, with none found so far. He also added that the Kepler spacecraft is searching for Earth-like planets in the habitable zones around other stars, and that the Curiosity rover will launch to Mars this month to “assess what the Martian environment was like in the past to see if it could have harbored life.”
Regarding any evidence for alien life, all anyone has now is “statistics and speculation,” said Larson. “The fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.”
Whether or not this will appease or satisfy any conspiracy theorists or UFO believers is yet to be seen, but it is gratifying to see the White House respond in such a no-nonsense manner.
UPDATE: The Paradigm Research Group, one of the organizations sponsoring the petitions, has issued a statement saying, “As expected it was written by a low level staffer from the Office of Science and Technology Policy – research assistant Phil Larson. The response was unacceptable.”
Scientists have long assumed that the earliest life on Earth required a few basic conditions which include water and a power supply — in this case, the Sun — that allows you to get going. With that in mind, it makes feel to look for similar situations elsewhere inside the Solar System if your purpose is to locate extraterrestrial existence. Earth would possibly seem special in this regard but water is in reality pretty ample in our machine, and Jupiter’s icy moon Europa is speedy becoming a high candidate within the search for life.
In a brand new examine published in Scientific Reports, researchers awareness on Europa’s doubtlessly life-giving cocktail of liquid water and gravity-generated warmth emanating from its core. The paper attracts some very exciting parallels between Europa and certain locations here on Earth in which the recipe for existence is good for bacteria to thrive without the presence of daylight.
If life exists deep inside Europa, sunlight could be difficult to come back by way of. The moon’s icy shell is the notion to be over six miles thick, with an ocean lying below that stretches over 60 miles into the planet. That’s an entire lot of water, and it’s saved warm by tidal forces generated by means of its parent, Jupiter. If this sounds acquainted, it’s probably due to the fact Saturn’s ice-protected moon Enceladus has a comparable courting with its determine planet and is also notion to have a deep ocean just under its frosty crust.
To get an idea of how life ought to potentially thrive in the inky black depths of Europa, the researchers sought examples of microbes that stay their lives without assistance from the Sun. They observed what they had been looking for in-floor water samples from the Mponeng gold mine in South Africa. There, deep underground, microorganism live and die without ever seeing the sun, and it has its very very own manner of generating the strength it needs to continue to exist.
“This very deep subterranean mine has water leaking thru cracks that include radioactive uranium,” Douglas Galante, co-writer of the work, explains. “The uranium breaks down the water molecules to produce loose radicals (H+, OH-, and others), which attack the surrounding rocks, in particular, pyrite (iron disulfide, FeS2), producing sulfate. The bacteria use the sulfate to synthesize ATP [adenosine triphosphate], the nucleotide responsible for power garage in cells. This is the first time an surrounding has been found to continue to exist directly on the idea of nuclear strength.”
The scientists believe that this primitive form of life might be the important thing to expertise how lifestyles started on Earth, and also hint at what might be going on deep within Europa.
“The ocean bed on Europa seems to provide very similar conditions to those who existed on primitive Earth all through its first billion years,” Galante notes. “So analyzing Europa today is to some extent like looking lower back at our personal planet within the past.”
The idea that humans are endowed with inner cores of Divinity has been huge spread. This was unfolded by mystics and occultist, whose teachings from their “Ascended Masters” imply that there is Divinity in a guy. Even spiritual leaders have keyed into the narrative and now it has come to be a mantra for folks that suppose they’re seekers for the reality. This becomes premised at the notion that most miracles and so-referred to as energy-of-the-mind myths are evidence that there’s Divinity in the guy, and that with sure tiers of purity, the guy will, in the end, turn into godhead. They communicate of the era of God-men, while people who have developed themselves into turning into gods take over the ruler-deliver of the earth.
But everybody who truly recognise the creations, the legal guidelines governing them and that the whole thing is strictly ordered by someone-call him limitless intelligence, God, which exclusive cultures and organizations call exceptional names; the excellent scientist-who deliberate everything and ordered it through legal guidelines of nature, under which everything taking place can be defined, will realise how a lot they’re in error who trust such.
For us to apprehend this, we need to look at the shape of our Universe as a beginning. The Universe is below constant enlargement, spiraling outwards in the direction of a limitless void. Hence it’s miles in itself finite, although of such length that the human mind cannot imagine the size.Let us consciousness on most effective one of the seven universes that harbor the earth as one of the several liveable planets. Of course, there are other planets that harbor life within our universe, however, the earth occupies a satisfaction area.
Scientists had been capable of pick out minute components of relying upon, of which the atom is but a rough minuscule. And there have been investigations that indicate that there may be absolutely duality in the man or women. One wishes to take a look at the diverse money owed of near loss of life reviews, like Raymond Moody’s Life After Life to realize that the human body is but a cloak worn by means of the real proprietor. And the owner generally cannot be visible to the bodily eyes. It also approaches that there’s an inner world that exists when we drop our bodies.It opens up a contemporary international outdoor the bodily body, the sector of sports of occultists and “ascended” masters. This is referred to as the Astral plane, our instantaneous subsequent-door surroundings that harbors the “Shadow” of the earth. Everything found in the world is replicated there, that’s why it is referred to as the shadow. But it’s miles truly the prototype of every element on the physical world.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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