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Carl Sagan Space GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski

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1990: Petit-Rechain, Belgium triangle UFO photograph - Think AboutIts

Ufo Pentagon GIF

ufo abduction GIF by Ski Mask The Slump God

Flying Sci-Fi GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski

Season 3 Ufo GIF by Paramount+



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  • Did Ancient Southeast Asians Master Advanced Seafaring 40,000 Years Ago?
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  • Mars’s Northern Ice Cap is Surprisingly Young
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  • This Woman Saw a UFO Landing & Three Aliens Abducted Calvin Parker & Charles Hickson
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  • Inhabited Planets and Alien Life Common in Universe, Researchers Say
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    Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.

    In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!

    In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.


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    UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld
    In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog. Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch... Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site www.ufowijzer.nl bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels. MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen. MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity... Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder www.mufon.com. Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal. Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP. ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.UFO landing tracks? Alien hunters stunned by discovery in Argentina snow

    UFO landing tracks? Alien hunters stunned by discovery in Argentina snow

    UNIDENTIFIED Foreign Object (UFO) tracks have been left in the snow in Argentina, leading some to believe that aliens are visiting Earth.

    ufo sightings daily

    UFO landing tracks? Alien hunters stunned by discovery in Argentina snow 

    Alien hunters were up in arms when a young man named Rodrigo spotted what looks like a landing print left in the snow in a small village called Moquehue.

    Two separate prints were left – one is a swirling shape while the other looks similar to a star on October 15.

    What makes UFO investigators believe it was left by an alien spaceship is that the marks are fresh and there are no footprints in the surrounding snow.

    Rodrigo told local newspaper LM Neuquén: "Their size and perfection were striking.

    "I'd never seen anything like them.”

    After returning to his family, he made them aware where they returned and took photographs of the ‘UFO landing’.

    Rodrigo continued: "I was surprised that there were no footprints nearby. This in an area that is rarely visited.

    "I believe UFOs exist. Perhaps it was them.”


    Two UFO tracks were discovered (Image: UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY)

    Many people in Argentina believe aliens are trying to contact them, it would seem.

    A UFO ‘landing pad’ was built in the wilderness of Argentina by a man who claims aliens told him to create the site.

    The strange monument is believed to have been built by a Swiss man called Werner Jaisli.

    The landing pad is a collection of white and brown rocks placed in the shape of an ‘ovniport’ – a monument which resembles a star which conspiracy theorists have linked with extraterrestrial activity.


    A UFO landing pad was built in the desert of Argentina
    (Image: YOUTUBE)

    Mr Jaisli built the monument in the Argentinian desert just outside of the small town of Cachi in the province of Salta.

    The larger monuments is surrounded by smaller pieces and can be seen from the skies, which would be handy for any UFO’s driven by aliens as they near Earth.

    The site attracts hundreds of visitors a year and Mr Jaisli decided to build it when he claims he received a “telepathic message” from extraterrestrials in which they told him they needed a place to land when they arrive at our planet.

    He told Argentine newspaper El Tribuno: “I was in Fuerte Alto with my neighbor Luis. It was midnight on November 24, 2008.

    “'It's a UFO night,' I said to Luis. And the sentence was not over, when two luminous objects advanced about 200 meters above the Calchaquí River.

    “They were solid, circular and like burnished metal. I do not know why, but mentally I asked them to come closer. And they did it!

    “They asked me telepathically to build the airport.”

    25-10-2018 om 00:21 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:UFOs , UAPs , USOS
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Secret 'X-FILES' group in US gov believe in UFOs and want TRUTH exposed - shock claim

    Secret 'X-FILES' group in US gov believe in UFOs and want TRUTH exposed - shock claim

    A GROUP of leading scientists and officials in the US government believe in UFOs and extraterrestrials and want the truth exposed, according to shock claims.

    By Paul Harper 

    Nick Pope, who investigated the strange phenomena for the Ministry of Defence, compared the believers to the X-Files series character Fox Mulder.

    The famous fictional FBI agent, portrayed by David Duchovny, investigated alleged paranormal mysteries alongside his sceptical colleague doctor Dana Scully, played by Gillian Anderson.

    The US government has acknowledged a top-secret project at the Pentagon – called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) – ran for four years officially from 2008.

    Top officials working alongside scientists from Bigelow Aerospace examined videos of UFOs, and reportedly studied debris from crashed spaceships, while working out whether craft used extraterrestrial technology to travel at such extreme speeds.

    Mr Pope stars in a new documentary called Aliens at the Pentagon, director by Michael Long, which lifts the lid on the Pentagon secret programme.

    And Mr Pope claims it is not long before a full disclosure could reveal everything the US government knows about UFOs.

    He said: “I identify what I think can best be described as a 'believer faction' within the US government, a maverick group of scientists and defence officials who genuinely think UFOs might be alien, and who are interested in a wide range of other paranormal phenomena.

    “These real-life Fox Mulders were thrilled when the Pentagon got money to look at all this, but the government needed to distance itself from these topics, so a lot of the work was contracted out to Robert Bigelow's company, Bigelow Aerospace.

    Fox Mulder aliens


    PENTAGON: A secret group of X-Files types wants to expose UFO truth – it's claimed

    “One reason the government wanted to distance itself from this was because interest in UFOs and the paranormal went against the religious beliefs of some senior Pentagon officials, who regarded such things as demonic.

    “Aliens at the Pentagon is aimed at reigniting interest in the story of the Pentagon's UFO project at a critical moment in history.

    “The US Congress is demanding to know how the millions of dollars pumped into UFO research were spent and what taxpayers got for their money.

    “Washington is abuzz with rumours that formal Congressional hearings are imminent, and we may be closer than ever to getting an answer to the question of what the US government knows about UFOs.”

    Daily Star Online reported recently a key White House committee could be planning a groundbreaking public hearing on the Pentagon project.

    The influential US Armed Services Committee has been investigating the money spent on the top-secret X-Files project.

    It emerged that former Nevada Democrat Harry Reid, who pushed for AATIPs creation in 2007, suggested the US military could harvest technology from UFOs to be more powerful than enemies.

    Reid wrote "the technological insight and capability gained will provide the US with a distinct advantage over any foreign threats and allow the US to maintain its preeminence as a world leader".

    https://www.dailystar.co.uk/ }

    24-10-2018 om 23:57 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:UFOs , UAPs , USOS
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Dobberen er sponzen in ondergrondse meren op Mars? Misschien wel!

    https://www.scientias.nl/ }

    24-10-2018 om 23:38 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Geen warmtebronnen te vinden nabij vermeende waterpluimen op maan Europa

    https://www.scientias.nl }

    24-10-2018 om 23:25 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Very Large Telescope maakt prachtige foto van een kosmische piraat

    {  https://www.scientias.nl/ }

    24-10-2018 om 23:13 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.NASA ziet ene na andere ruimtemissie in de problemen komen

    24-10-2018 om 23:05 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.This Hunk of Metal Fell From Space and Landed in California

    This Hunk of Metal Fell From Space and Landed in California

    24-10-2018 om 22:47 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Scientists Just Detected Some Very Odd Noises Coming From An Antarctic Ice Sheet

    Scientists Just Detected Some Very Odd Noises Coming From An Antarctic Ice Sheet

    An ice sheet  in Antarctica


    Though photographs may present the barren landscapes of Antarctica as eerily calm and peaceful, at least when no storms are raging, the largely lifeless continent and the ice shelves surrounding it produce a medley of bizarrely beautiful sounds. As noted by Earther, the frozen region’s ambient sounds include the Rice Crispies-like crackle of melting ice releasing long-trapped air bubbles to the steady groans, screeches, and pops of massive floating ice sheets shifting and breaking apart as they buckle under the weight of fresh snow in the winter or melt during the summer.

    The only catch is that you might not be able to hear all the notes in this spectacular natural symphony if you’re listening with human ears, because many occur on timescales or at frequencies that are not compatible with our auditory abilities. But if you have the right equipment to first capture and then remix the acoustic waves, a whole new soundtrack can be revealed. On top of being really cool to listen to, these recordings help scientists better understand the climatological and geologic processes that shape the Antarctic.

    In an astounding new example, a team led by Julien Chaput of Colorado State University and the University of Texas, have revealed how the "songs" created by vibrations in the Ross Ice Shelf can be used to continuously monitor the changing conditions within the ice mass' top five meters (16.4 feet).

    “Deploying sensitive seismographs across Earth’s largest ice shelf (the Ross Ice Shelf) for 2 years, we discovered that the shelf nearly continuously sings at frequencies of five or more cycles per second, excited by local and regional winds blowing across its snow dune-like topography,” they wrote in their paper, now published in Geophysical Research Letters. “We find that the frequencies and other features of this singing change, both as storms alter the snow dunes and during a (January 2016) warming event that resulted in melting in the ice shelf’s near surface.”

    The Texas-sized ice shelf floats on the Southern Ocean, fused to the mainland off western Antarctica. From this position, the shelf – itself composed of glacier ice that spilled out from the interior of the landmass – acts as a buttress to lessen the flow of ice melt that occurs each warm season. Climate change-driven increases in temperatures have already caused other ice shelves to thin and recede, resulting in sea level rise from unblocked glacier drainage. Currently holding back enormous glaciers that would contribute 5 meters (16.4 feet) of sea level rise if introduced into the water, researchers are anxious for ways to measure the integrity of the Ross Ice Shelf. 

    As part of that endeavor, Chaput and his colleagues had buried 34 extremely sensitive seismographs under the snow on the ice’s surface and analyzed the vibrations recorded between late 2014 and early 2017.

    Installation of a seismic station near the northern edge of the Ross Ice Shelf, with a solar halo created by fine ice crystals created by spray from the nearby Southern Ocean.

    Rick Aster.

    Soon into the project, the team realized that the snowy coating on the shelf is, in fact, vibrating nearly constantly from the effects of heating and wind. And, similar to a musical instrument, different tones are created when different forces act upon it.

    "It's kind of like you're blowing a flute, constantly, on the ice shelf," Chaput said in a statement. "Either you change the velocity of the snow by heating or cooling it, or you change where you blow on the flute, by adding or destroying dunes," he said. "The response of the ice shelf tells us that we can track extremely sensitive details about it." 

    https://www.iflscience.com/ }

    24-10-2018 om 22:26 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:Diversen (Eng, NL en Fr)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Mercury capsule exhibit to preview Cosmosphere satellite location

    Mercury capsule exhibit to preview Cosmosphere satellite location

    The Mercury spacecraft "Liberty Bell 7," seen here on exhibit at the Cosmosphere in Hutchinson, Kansas, will be the early centerpiece of a new exhibit at the museum's satellite location in Overland Park opening in February 2019. µ


     — The historic capsule that carried the second American to fly into space is set to land in the second most populous city in Kansas in early 2019.

    "Liberty Bell 7," the Mercury spacecraft that was piloted by NASA astronaut Virgil "Gus" Grissom on a 1961 suborbital spaceflight, will be the early centerpiece of a new exhibit by Cosmosphere Innovation Space at Bluhawk in Overland Park. The Innovation Space is the planned satellite facility for the Cosmosphere International SciEd Center and Space Museum in Hutchinson, Kansas, which hosts the largest combined collection of U.S. and Russian space artifacts in the world.

    Bluhawk is a $750 million, 277-acre mixed-use development that in addition to the Cosmosphere will feature an indoor multi-sport complex, hotel and restaurant and retail marketplace.

    "We have an exceptional plan that meets the needs of Cosmosphere, Bluhawk and the public, which is eager to see tremendous exhibits like Liberty Bell 7 as soon as possible," said Jim Remar, president and CEO of the Cosmosphere, in a statement. "Opening a temporary Cosmosphere location in early 2019 is a big win for all parties as we continue forward with the plans for our satellite location."

    Since June 2016, Liberty Bell 7 has been on display at The Children's Museum of Indianapolis, where it has been a part of the "Beyond Spaceship Earth" exhibit. Before that, the Cosmosphere shipped the space capsule overseas for an exhibit at the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bonn.

    An artist's concept of Cosmosphere Innovation Space at Bluhawk in Overland Park, Kansas.


    Launched on July 21, 1961 on Grissom's 15-minute Mercury-Redstone 4 mission, Liberty Bell 7 sank due to a premature hatch jettison soon after splashing down. It remained on the ocean floor for 38 years until July 1999, when it was recovered by a private expedition organized by Discovery Channel and the Cosmosphere. The museum's SpaceWorks division restored the spacecraft before sending it on a six-year nationwide tour.

    Liberty Bell 7 is slated to return from Indiana to the Cosmosphere in Hutchinson in mid-December.

    The capsule's new temporary exhibition will give visitors to Bluhawk the chance to learn more about space history and the role the Mercury spaceflights played in the United States winning the space race with the former Soviet Union.

    "We are very pleased that Overland Park residents and visitors will have an early look at this historic exhibit and others," said Doug Price, president of Price Brothers, the developer of Bluhawk. "This new exhibition is a great venue for the Cosmosphere to test new ideas while we are developing extensive plans for its new satellite location."

    The Liberty Bell 7 exhibit at Bluhawk is scheduled to open in February 2019. It will be followed a few months later by an exhibit devoted to Mission Control, featuring consoles restored by the Cosmosphere and used in the filming of the movie "First Man." Other displays are anticipated to rotate on a regular basis.

    A conceptual aerial view of the Bluhawk development in Overland Park, Kansas, including Cosmosphere Innovation Space. (Bluhawk)

    Cosmosphere Innovation Space is planned as a 60,000 square foot facility located at 159th Street and U.S. Highway 69 in Overland Park. The Bluhawk site is not intended as a substitute for the Hutchinson museum, but will expose more people to the Cosmosphere brand, allow them to experience the SciEd Center's approach to science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education and see artifacts currently not on display due to space limitations.

    Cosmosphere Innovation Space is part of the first phase of Bluhawk, scheduled to break ground in 2019 and open the following year.

    http://www.collectspace.com/index.html }

    24-10-2018 om 22:10 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Une mystérieuse explosion s’est produite sur Mars

    Une mystérieuse explosion s’est produite sur Mars

    La NASA cacherait, aux yeux du monde, l’existence de la vie sur Mars. Récemment, une énorme explosion s’est produite sur la planète rouge, ravivant de nombreuses théories …

    La NASA a été au centre de nombreuses théorie du complot au cours de ces derniers mois. En septembre, le Rover Curiosity, de l’agence spatiale américaine, a subi une mystérieuse anomalie qui a provoqué une panne complète de son système.

    Quant au rover Mars Opportunity, il est hors ligne depuis des mois après qu'une énorme tempête de poussière ait envahi la planète rouge à la fin du printemps.

    Après cette multitude de pannes, toutes plus étranges les unes que les autres, une activité étrange a été photographiée à la surface de la planète rouge.

    Une série de clichés semble montrer un panache de fumée provenant peut-être d'un volcan à la surface de la planète rouge. Toutefois, aucun rapport de la NASA n’y fait référence.

    Les théoriciens du complot pensent que la vérité est soigneusement dissimulée au monde entier.

    Tyler Glockner a utilisé sa chaîne YouTube pour informer ses abonnés de cette nouvelle sensationnelle. Sa vidéo a déjà enregistré plus de 320 000 visites.

    « Il y a eu une explosion - je ne sais pas s'il s'agissait d'un volcan ou de quelque chose d’autrequi a explosé », a-t-il déclaré sur sa chaîne baptisée secureteam10.

    Les internautes qui suivent cet ufologue semblent être d’accord avec lui.

    « Le gouvernement doit commencer à dire la vérité sur ce qui se passe vraiment dans l'espace », affirme l’un d’eux.

    Un autre a ajouté : « Si cela est véridique, cela pourrait être énorme - je pensais que Marsn’avait aucune activité volcanique. »

    Un troisième s'est écrié : « La NASA n'a définitivement plus aucune crédibilité ».

    Ces images constituent-elles une preuve que Mars est habitée par une quelconque civilisation ? Ce genre d’hypothèse semble difficile à croire et pourtant ces images ne peuvent que nous faire douter …



    http://activite-paranormale.net/index }

    24-10-2018 om 21:52 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.‘NASA is hiding life on Mars’: Here’s what’s really going on in red planet ‘explosion’ IMAGES

    ‘NASA is hiding life on Mars’: Here’s what’s really going on in red planet ‘explosion’ IMAGES

    ‘NASA is hiding life on Mars’: Here’s what’s really going on in red planet ‘explosion’ IMAGES

    © ESA - European Space Agency

    Conspiracy theorists went into overdrive after spotting a ‘mysterious plume of smoke’ near a dormant Martian volcano, with many claiming this as proof that alien life exists on the red planet and we’re being lied to here on Earth.

    Allegations of a NASA-led cover up spread like wildfire online, with popular conspiracy theory YouTube channel secureteam10 producing an eight-minute long exposé entitled, ‘Something MAJOR Happened On Mars.. Are They Hiding It?’

    "There was an explosion – I don't know whether it was a volcano or something detonated," Tyler Glockner of secureteam10 told his audience, during a video which has amassed almost 390,000 views since publication on October 20.

    One commenter on the video drew upon his welding experience to lay bare the terraforming operations already underway on Mars, citing craters formed by lightning strikes as evidence of alien technology reshaping the planet’s atmosphere. “Too many coincidences here to ignore any more. NASA needs to stop being the police of the scientific community.

    NASA is a BS agency, staffed by self-sanctimonious liars. Mars is a living planet, as anyone who has studied Mars for the last 50 years [knows], another commenter agreed.

    This secureteam10 video was then picked up by a British tabloid, which fanned the conspiratorial flames while connecting the disparate dots of NASA’s clever ruse: the Mars Curiosity Rover suffered a mysterious glitch, rendering it offline for months after a huge dust storm in late Spring; the Hubble and Chandra telescopes were recently put in “safe mode” allowing for only basic functionality; and NASA was conspicuously silent about the 2,000km-long plume of smoke stretching across Martian skies. Wake up, sheeple!

    RT @RT_com

    Mysterious UFO stuns onlookers across China, Inner Mongolia (VIDEOS) https://on.rt.com/9gc2 

    Reddit was also abuzz, though the comments were more climatological than conspiratorial, discussing atmospheric conditions that might lead to such cloud formations. To spoil the fun and settle the debate, RT.com contacted the ESA for an explanation of the contentious images of the red planet.

    No ground or space based observations of Mars or its atmosphere have produced any credible evidence for active volcanism occurring in the present day or recent history, party-pooper and planetary scientist Elliot Sefton-Nash, who works on several ESA projects including Mars Sample ReturnExoMars and Mars Express, told RT.com.

    Observations made on 24th September by the Visual Monitoring Camera (VMC) aboard ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft, show a cloud oriented approximately east-west and around ~2,000km long, as well as the shadow that it cast onto the Martian surface below.”

    Clouds are known to form seasonally in this region, and are associated with the volcanoes because their topography influences atmospheric conditions, he continues. This is a well documented phenomenon and several scientific articles exist documenting and explaining the process and highlight the seasonal regularity of the occurrence in this region.

    For comparison, Sefton-Nash highlighted a very similar cloud caused by these topographical forces at Arsia Mons, observed in 2015 (in higher resolution) by the Indian Mars Orbiter Mission.

    Right now, the ESA is concentrating on Mercury, which is posing some interesting questions about the formation of our Solar System.

    https://www.rt.com/ }

    24-10-2018 om 21:46 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Something Big Is Coming! NASA's Planetary Defense Budget Suddenly Increased

    Something Big Is Coming! NASA's Planetary Defense Budget Suddenly Increased

    Something Big Is Coming! NASA's Planetary Defense Budget Suddenly Increased

    Recent developments at NASA have revealed that the proposed budget for NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination office (PDCO) has increased by 90 million dollars.

    Our current political climate consists of a budget that is stretched to its’ maximum. This fact about the current budget makes this significant increase for the PDCO a strange occurrence. The PDCO is only two years old and oversees finding near-Earth objects such as asteroids that could cause harm to the planet. The PDCO is important because one hit from an asteroid could significantly damage Earth and its’ inhabitants. In years past, NASA has consistently stated that there is no serious threat. This significant increase in the budget brings into question this assumption.

    Apophis Asteroide Earth Australian Securities Exchange

    Humanity is unprepared for a catastrophic event

    A recent Politico article stated that the Trump administration increased the PDCO budget because humanity is unprepared for a catastrophic event, such as an asteroid impact. The significant increase is, according to the Trump administration, a defensive measure rather than a reaction to an imminent threat.

    According to NASA, there are more than 25,000 asteroids near us of 140 meters in size at a minimum. Additionally, there are plenty of other near-Earth objects that could be a threat to our planet. The PDCO has stated that it plans to be prepared in case an object is threatening.

    Russia: Asteroid will surely hit Earth sometime in the 2030s

    2036 Asteroid Earth Goldstone Solar System Radar

    The asteroid Apophis was discovered on June 19, 2004.

    NASA has insisted there is no current threat to be worried about. The PDCO states that such an event would, however, be devastating, and that preparation is vital to ward off an attack or to prepare government agencies and the public if such a threat cannot be stopped. For example, the head of the Russian space agency has recently stated that a large asteroid named Apophis will surely hit Earth sometime in the 2030s. The PDCO recognizes this and asserts that now is the time to either stop this asteroid from hitting Earth, or to be prepared when it does.

    Does the shutdown of multiple satellite telescopes and earthbound telescopes have anything to do with the sudden increase in budget? Do they want to protect humanity from something we don't know yet? Or is this a normal increase because you want gold-plated toillets?

    https://www.disclose.tv/ }

    24-10-2018 om 21:19 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.This planetary nebula has 2 ultra-close stars at its heart

    This planetary nebula has 2 ultra-close stars at its heart

    A planetary nebula isn’t related to planets. It’s an old star, sloughing off its outer layers. Now astronomers have spied 2 ultra-close stars at a planetary nebula’s heart. The pair orbits in only 3 hours!

    The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of the planetary nebula M3-1. Its central star is a binary system – 2 stars orbiting a common center of gravity – extremely close together, moving around each other very fast.

    Image via David Jones/Daniel López (IAC)/RAS.

    An international team of astronomers have discovered two stars in a binary pair that complete an orbit around each other in a little over three hours, residing in the planetary nebula M3-1. Remarkably, the stars could drive a nova explosion, an entirely unexpected event based on our current understanding of binary star evolution. The team, led by David Jones of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and the Universidad de La Laguna, reporttheir findings in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters.

    Planetary nebulae are the glowing shells of gas and dust formed from the outer layers of stars like our own sun, which they throw off during the final stages of their evolution. In many cases, interaction with a nearby companion star plays an important role in the ejection of this material and the formation of the elaborate structures seen in the resulting planetary nebulae.

    The planetary nebula M3-1 is located in the constellation of Canis Major, at a distance of roughly 14,000 light-years from Earth. M3-1 was a firm candidate to host a binary central star, as its structure with prominent jets and filaments is typical of these binary star interactions.

    Using the telescopes of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile, Jones’s team looked at M3-1 over a period of several years. In the process they discovered and studied the binary stars in the centre of the nebula. Brent Miszalski, researcher at the Southern African Large Telescope, and co-author of the study, commented:

    We knew M3-1 had to host a binary star, so we set about acquiring the observations required to prove this and to relate the properties of the nebula with the evolution of the star or stars that formed it.

    The two stars are so close together that they cannot be resolved from the ground, so instead the presence of the second star is inferred from the variation of their observed combined brightness – most obviously by periodic eclipses of one star by the other which produce marked drops in the brightness. Henri Boffin, researcher at the European Southern Observatory in Germany, said:

    When we began the observations, it was immediately clear that the system was a binary. We saw that the apparently single star at the center of the nebula was rapidly changing in brightness, and we knew that this must be due to the presence of a companion star.

    The team discovered that the central star of the planetary nebula M3-1 has one of the shortest orbital period binary central stars known to date, at just over three hours. The ESO observations also show that the two stars – most likely a white dwarf with a low-mass main sequence companion – are almost touching.

    As a result, the pair are likely to undergo a so-called nova eruption, the result of the transfer of material from one star to the other. When this reaches a critical mass, a violent thermonuclear explosion takes place and the system temporarily increases in brightness by up to a million times. Paulina Sowicka, a Ph.D. student at the Nicolas Copernicus Astronomical Center in Poland, said:

    After the various observing campaigns in Chile, we had enough data to begin to understand the properties of the two stars – their masses, temperatures and radii. It was a real surprise that the two stars were so close together and so large that they were almost touching one another. A nova explosion could take place in just a few thousand years from now.

    Theory suggests that binary stars should be well separated after the formation of a planetary nebula. It should then take a long time before they begin to interact again and events such as novae become possible.

    In 2007, astronomers observed a different nova explosion, known as Nova Vul 2007, inside another planetary nebula.

    Jones commented:

    The 2007 event was particularly difficult to explain. By the time the two stars are close enough for a nova, the material in the planetary nebula should have expanded and dissipated so much that it’s no longer visible.

    The new event adds to the conundrum, said Jones:

    In the central stars of M3-1, we’ve found another candidate for a similar nova eruption in the relatively near future.

    The team now hopes to carry out further study of the nebula and others like it, helping to shed light on the physical processes and origins of novae and supernovae, some of the most spectacular and violent phenomena in the universe.

    Bottom line: Astronomers have spied 2 ultra-close stars at the heart of a planetary nebula called M3-1. The two stars are almost touching and orbit each other in only 3 hours!

    Source: The short orbital period binary star at the heart of the planetary nebula M 3-1

    Via RAS

    https://earthsky.org/ }

    24-10-2018 om 21:03 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Open Minds UFO Radio: Nick Pope – Renewed Government Interest in UFOs

    Open Minds UFO Radio: Nick Pope – Renewed Government Interest in UFOs

    Open Minds UFO Radio: Nick Pope investigated UFOs for the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) for several years in the early 1990s. He was skeptical about the phenomenon when he began looking into the matter. However, after having reviewed several credible cases Nick concluded that there was UFOs pose a real mystery, and unidentified vehicles in our airspace could pose a threat to national security. Since he has left the MoD, Nick has authored a book on the UK’s most credible and famous UFO case, Encounter in Rendlesham Forest: The Inside Story of the World’s Best-Documented UFO Incident. He is also a journalist and media commentator.

    In this episode, we discuss the renewed interest the U.S. government appears to be showing in the UFO topic since the revelation that the Pentagon has its own UFO research program, that allegedly continues to this day. We discuss the fact that several individuals have addressed congressional subcommittees recently, and what that means to the future of government involvement in UFO research. Nick gives his unique perspective a being one of the few who has worked on a government-sponsored UFO research program.
    For more about Nick visit: http://nickpope.net/

    Watch Nick’s new documentary Aliens at the Pentagon on iTunes:

    His book Encounter in Rendlesham Forest: The Inside Story of the World’s Best-Documented UFO Incident can be purchased here: https://amzn.to/2q9scUM

    UFO Headlines: http://www.openminds.tv/category/ufoh...

    Open Minds UFO Radio podcast: http://www.openminds.tv/radio

    Alejandro’s Den of Geek articles: http://www.denofgeek.com/us/authors/a...

    Help keep the UFO info coming: Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/alejandrotrojas

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    For more UFO news visit OpenMinds.tv: http://www.openminds.tv/

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    24-10-2018 om 20:51 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:ARTICLES of MUFON ( ENG)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.UFO Recorded On Video In Clear Daylight Above Mexico City

    UFO Recorded On Video In Clear Daylight Above Mexico City

    Mexico City UFO

    A worker in Mexico observed an unidentified flying object in broad daylight.

    The mysterious craft was seen travelling in the sky above Mexico City, and the witness captured the strange aerial activity on video.

    As the UFO was moving across the sky, a couple of metres off the ground, it emanated a blurry field that was commonly reported from UFO enthusiasts.

    Many viewers of the video believe the latest UFO sighting is substantial evidence of the existence of space aliens visiting Earth and it would have been definitive proof of the existence of extraterrestrials had the camera quality been better.

    YouTube user Carlos Sanchez originally captured the video and conspiracy theorists around the internet quickly picked it up.

    Some UFO hunters believe it is a genuine sighting of an alien spacecraft.

    The dark craft reportedly came right out into the open, and a worker noticed it when they came outside for their break.

    Some observers said that the UFO somewhat tilted as it moved, which was what many unidentified flying objects did to control their direction.

    Unfortunately, the video looks blurry.

    Some UFO enthusiasts think the video would be definitive proof of the existence of space aliens has it been an iPhone 7 or 8 being used.

    http://www.latest-ufo-sightings.net/ }

    24-10-2018 om 20:33 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:LATEST ( UFO ) VIDEO NEWS ( ENG)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.How SETI uses off-the-shelf AI to search for extraterrestrial life

    How SETI uses off-the-shelf AI to search for extraterrestrial life

    24-10-2018 om 20:27 geschreven door peter  

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The Purported Plumes of Jupiter's Moon Europa Are Missing 'Hotspot' Engines

    The Purported Plumes of Jupiter's Moon Europa Are Missing 'Hotspot' Engines

    24-10-2018 om 20:05 geschreven door peter  

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.NASA's Found a Weird, Rectangular Iceberg in Antarctica

    NASA's Found a Weird, Rectangular Iceberg in Antarctica

    24-10-2018 om 19:50 geschreven door peter  

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 2/5 - (1 Stemmen)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Asteroid or Comet? Weird Blue Space Rock 'Phaethon' Gets a Close-Up

    Asteroid or Comet? Weird Blue Space Rock 'Phaethon' Gets a Close-Up

    24-10-2018 om 19:34 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Filer’s Files 42 – 2018 The War Over Human’s Soul - PART I
    Dundee, Scotland disc in trees on October 15, 2018
    Dundee, Scotland disc in trees on October 15, 2018

    Filer’s Files 42 – 2018 The War Over Human’s Soul - PART I

    October 22, 2018

    In special reports, this week’s files cover: Secrets of the Saucer Scientists, Aerospace Research & Development. Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings, A Picture We May Not Wish to Gaze Upon by David Jacobs, PhD, The War Over Human’s Soul, China May Have a Devastating Hypersonic Advantage

    Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Florida, Maine. Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, South Carolina, Utah, and Virginia.

    Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, France, Greece. Netherlands, Spain, and Scotland the United Kingdom.

    The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.

    George A. Filer III

    New Jersey State Director

    MUFON Eastern Region Director

    Www.nationalUFOcenter.com. Now receiving 3 million hits a month

    Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.

    Special Projects

    Secrets of the Saucer Scientists

    Photo of Oberth and Von Braun      

    William F. Hamilton III writes, “In all probability the first saucer scientists were rocket scientists. Without a doubt one of these great men was the pioneering rocket scientist, Professor Hermann Oberth was a writer, scientist, and visionary from Austria-Hungary whose paper.” The Rocket into Interplanetary Space was published in 1923 and served as an inspiration to the rocket designers that followed. Influenced by Verne’s books and ideas, Oberth constructed his first model rocket as a school student at the age of 14. In his youthful experiments, he arrived independently at the concept of the multistage rocket. By 1917, he showed how far his studies had reached by firing a rocket with liquid propellant in a demonstration to Hermann von Stein, the Prussian Minister of War.

     Werner von Braun read Oberth’s work in 1925 and joined him in rocket experiments in 1930. Oberth is considered the Father of Rocketry. 

    In letters to Donald Keyhoe, Oberth mentions his belief that saucers are spaceships manned by superior beings. He says that the marvelous aerodynamics of the saucers is accomplished by generating an artificial gravity field. This is the famous G-field theory. The saucers create their own gravitational fields which enables them to hover motionless above the earth, accelerate at tremendous speeds, or execute violent turns that would cause ordinary aircraft to disintegrate. Even with swift changes of speed and direction, the passengers would feel no effect. It would also explain the silence of UFOs in flight as the artificial G-field would drag the surrounding air along with it. And, because the air is not flowing pass the hull, it would eliminate heating caused by friction.

    Statements have been made that saucer behavior defies the laws of physics. It seemed impossible that a manned craft could execute such tremendous accelerations from a hovering position to a high-speed linear velocity or in high-speed acute-angled turns. Inertial forces caused by such accelerations would tear apart an aircraft frame. And, often, the picture came to mind of a human pilot ending up flat as a pancake against the cabin wall. Gerald Heard, in his book, “Is Another World Watching?” hypothesized that the saucers were being flown by insects because only insects could survive those wrenching turns. All of these concerns evaporate when one considers the physics of G-field propulsion.

    Aerospace Research & Development.

    David Mathes writes, I cannot speak to what you may have seen. Let me talk in general terms about aerospace R&D. When new and improved effects or technologies are developed, the services all take a look at and see how it fits with present inventory. In the case of an airframe or propulsion improvement, one would take that technology and do studies applying the new principles to missions involving scouting, intelligence,  gathering, interceptors, fighters and bombers.

    One would do trades which include scaling the power, propulsion and airframe in a SWaP-C analysis (Size, Weight, Power and Cost). Scaling tradeoffs would be made in theory, modeling, simulation and experiment to find stable configurations and survivable solutions. Velocity and acceleration numbers would matter. Jolt/jerk (acceleration change) would be calculated as well as higher order derivatives especially for changes in angular momentum which includes pitch, roll and yaw

    SU 57 Russian Stealth Fighters

    There have been past efforts, notably the Russians (see Jane’s Aircraft in the late 1980s, early 1990s) to use a combination of technologies to extend the performance specifications of aircraft. One notable jet-powered craft was an inflatable saucer design with four ballutes internally. The surface material was not defined but look liked aluminum. The craft appeared to be designed for swift transit over a long range. But the lighter than air components would be usefully useable only to about 10k ft. Even so, the craft could be used in a variety of ways. Fighter versions of B-1 and B-2 are possible. Keep in mind that with less lift, more thrust is required to maintain a velocity.  For me, the most interesting engine is the transonic engine. No more violent transition to Mach velocities.

    Dream Chase

    The U.S is developing a new ‘Shuttle to carry seven astronauts, called Dream Chaser that can pay for itself by carrying astronauts to the International Space Station rather than paying Russia millions for each trip. Best David Mathes

    Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings

    The “”Westchester Boomerang” was a UFO reported by hundreds of people in New York State and Connecticut between 1983 and 1986 and described by most witnesses as a hovering, immense V-shaped series of flashing lights connected by a dark structure. UFO investigators Imbrogno (Crosswalks Across the Universe) and Pratt write in detail about the “close encounters” of some 900 people who filled out “witness forms.” (Famed UFO author Hynek died in 1986, “as the book was being written,” but the authors maintain that he participated in the investigation and include the transcript of a Hynek interview with a witness.) They note a “feeling” common to the witnesses: “They felt as if the object or whatever intelligence that was behind it was trying to communicate with them in some way.” After a two-year analysis, the authors conclude that there is “no conventional explanation for the Hudson Valley UFO.” The illustrations include photos, drawings and sequential frames from a videotape of the lights.

    The sightings of the craft were mostly in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts. The craft was virtually silent, and measured between 300 to 900 feet across. The craft was seen hovering over busy highways, rivers and lakes. It was often seen over the Hudson River. It was reported by pilots, air traffic controllers, doctors, lawyers, police, fireman, women, and computer operators. The craft appeared to have structural girder and cross beam construction like a truss bridge.

    Bruce Cornet reports, Michael Schratt presents one of the most detailed and well-illustrated accounting of the Hudson Valley or Westchester Boomerang I have seen.  Perhaps his diagrams and schematics are more imagination than factual.  He documents in this video the thousands of sightings which occurred over the Hudson Valley between 1982 and 1989.

    The March 24, 1983 sighting was spectacular with hundreds of witnesses from Westchester and Putnum seeing the craft. Police switchboards where jammed with frantic calls from local residents between 8:30 and 1o;30 PM. The TV show sightings ran a special on the sightings. At the intersection of  Routes 202 and 35, traffic was halted in a tangled jam as motorists stopped, got out of their cars and looked at the object. Motorists stopped on the Taconic Parkway in groups to observe the hovering object. A slow moving silent V shaped craft with multi-colored lights was flying low just above the treetops. It cruised in a looping pattern over Yorktown, Somers and Carmel for more than an hour.

    Rarely has this enormous craft been seen since, yet I have documented a much smaller version, which I call the Manta Ray.  His diagrams closely resemble the B-2 Bomber, but his description of its construction from eye witness reports is nothing like the military copy cat. Surprised this video has only received 8,179 views since January 7, 2017.  Why so little public interest? It is well worth seeing. Thanks to Bruce Cornet Hudson Valley UFO Sightings Revisted (Michael Schratt Talk Danbury Library)

    A Picture We May Not Wish to Gaze Upon by David Jacobs, PhD

     The abduction phenomenon is something so strange, so unusual; it is very difficult to gain an understanding of it. When I was a UFO researcher strictly examining the outside shells of anomalous objects in the sky, most people thought the abduction phenomenon was purely and totally psychological. Even though there was, of course, the Barney and Betty Hill case. The Hills were obviously not 1950s-style contactees. One was required to have a lot of evidence to accept the idea that not only were there complex individuals inside the UFOs, but they were kidnapping humans. Furthermore, the Barney and Betty Hill case had embarrassing elements in it, such as a sperm sample taken from Barney, and a needle put in Betty’s navel (which she said was a pregnancy test, although it almost certainly was not). When more abduction cases were reported and researchers began to study them, the Hill case provided a model for understanding what was happening. What happened to the Hills, and to others, seemed to suggest an experimental model; this was a learning situation. Aliens were running tests on humans to understand our physiology and our mental processes. The experimental model fit and there was little reason to doubt it. The model became so strongly accepted it seemed to explain most of the evidence from 1966 to the early 1990s. I fully accepted this model in the first seven years of my abduction research. Then as the evidence mounted, I realized the experimental model was not holding. The evidence did not explain how this could be an experiment when they are doing certain procedures on people repeatedly around the world. For example, how many times does one have to run an experiment to learn that when people see horrible scenes of death and destruction, they experience anxiety?

    Rather than an experimentally-based endeavor, the evidence began to conform more to a “program” model. As a program it has a beginning, a middle, and an end, and it is goal-directed. The ultimate objective of this program has eluded both Budd Hopkins and me. We do not know why this phenomenon is happening. But, we have an enormous amount of information about what is happening, how it is happening, what the plans are, and how they have been developing it over the years. It is something I find extremely disquieting. From the beginning, this program had many facets. One was a strong reproductive aspect, and another was a neurological feature. Budd Hopkins had discovered egg harvesting and sperm extraction taking place in sterile-looking environments.

    David Jacobs

    Oftentimes I found these procedures were accompanied by a strange procedure in which an alien might stare into an abductees’ eyes from a distance of a few inches away or closer. The abductee is unable to avert his or her gaze. They feel something happening inside of their minds. They “see” both static and flashing images. Emotions are generated of one sort or the other. Memories are looked at. A whole world of neurological patterns is happening in their minds while this kind of neural engagement is occurring—which I unfortunately called “Minds can” in my book Secret Life. I have regretted using that term ever since, because it sounds so “science fiction-y” but, in a sense, everything is “science fiction-y” about this phenomenon.

    The taking of sperm and ova, the insertion of embryos into the woman, and the extraction of fetuses from her, are also commonly reported aspects of abduction activity. After these types of procedures, a small alien might take an abductee into a room filled with tanks containing a liquid in which

    fetuses are suspended—an incubatorium. When a woman is shown these tanks she is led to believe this is a gestation area in which the fetuses are growing and some of them might be hers. Budd Hopkins also first discovered the “baby presentations” in the early 1980s. These entail aliens taking an abductee into another room onboard a UFO and having the abductee hold one or more babies in sequence. Sometimes abductees are required to feed the babies. Thanks to the Journal of Abduction Research http://jar-journal.org/Files/JAR_2007_Q1.pdf

    The War Over Men’s Souls

    Brett Alen reports that in 30 years of researching the paranormal, I always believed there had to be some correlating unifying theory to both ghosts and UFOs. My research into the paranormal has proven one thing… spirit orbs I once thought were hooey, are very real. They appear to be the manifestation of the human soul after we die; only visible to ultraviolet and infrared non-filtered cameras. To days cameras pick them up because it is much cheaper to manufacture them without such filters. This is why both UFOs (who the ancient s said were “spirit” gods who could take human form-cloaked in the UV and IR) and ghosts can be captured by today’s technology, when not visible to the human eye. The ancient Mesopotamia bible spoke of both spirits and the soul. Nearly every ancient civilization makes reference to the soul; Egypt built a technological civilization around them. They were quite obviously doing something with high voltage; Tesla coils and  particle accelerators, to harness and launch the soul. From the Zoroastrians, to Mesopotamia, even the Maya and pre-Columbians, all had this knowledge.

    My work with spirit orbs, both in my own haunted study location, and in photos sent to me by friends, shows obvious faces show up in these orbs. I believe even the Mayan calendar round was a spirit orb, as they also knew that night was “the realm of the dead.” But perhaps UFOlogists and NASA/CIA insider John Lear puts it all in perspective when he claims there was a soul capturing and processing machine that the alien’s operate on our moon. In fact NASA’s recent bombing of the Moon may have been to destroy one such structure.

    Recent photos captured over my own home, on a lake where some 4000 graves were opened may also vindicate his claims. A bright light on a rectangular UFO was seen with what the ancients referred to as a GATE hanging off the end of the rectangle. I believe the craft was sweeping the area for “lost souls.” If this is not true, why are there so many references to the soul in ancient cultures. In our own Bible there are 457 references to the soul and Christians are promised to go to heaven when the body dies. The soul or the spirit of humans is immortal. However the soul can be lost Mark 8-36 states, “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” 

    “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against ‘principalities,’ against ‘powers,’ against the ‘rulers of darkness of this world’ , against ‘spiritual wickedness’ in high places” Eph 6-12

    Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. There are red orb seen all over the world and in Egypt they are often called serpent of the dragon. In the Solomon Islands, dragon orbs can be seen going in and out of the sea where battles are  fought. Often in war UFOs and Foo Fighters are everywhere. Why is the human soul so important? It is disturbing, but your own search will surely lead you to the same conclusion.

    Extraterrestrials once called Angels are here for one thing, the soul. How many reports come back from abductees saying the aliens seemed to be interested in my soul. It’s as if they separated me from my soul; because they did?. The scary part is I came to this conclusion before over hearing of John Lear or his claim. In the 90s I had a very strange visitor who refused to identify himself, only that we worked with a group that was aware of my work; and if I was deemed worthy, they might release to me the answers. He interviewed me, a journalist and media professional, about my world views on religion, aliens and the paranormal. Since that time, although seeing them since youth, I have seen many more UFOs, and many red orbs. There is a long list of UFOlogists who have come to these same unorthodox conclusions. On Sunday 21st, March 2004, John Lear (who brought the world Bob Lazar, at first scoffed at, but now being validated).Lear has flown all types in all types of aircraft and has 19,000 flying hours. While on the Art Bell Show he delivered some very disturbing information.

    Cube on Moon

    Lear stated on Coast 2 Coast AM, that a massive cube has been found on the moon, and that this cube is responsible for not only holding human souls here on Earth, but that after you die, the cube pulls your soul to it, and then erases your memory, and reinserts your soul into a new baby to repeat the process over again.

     Our moon was brought here from another star system long ago, as part of the experiment. Earth was taken over about 200 thousand years ago, humanity was genetically engineered race, but it is the souls of light that are the real reason for all of this. The souls of light are used as food by the Reptilians. They need a constant supply of emotional food to enable them to do anything. Without a fuel source, negative souls are dead in the water, and are completely powerless. On the Day of Judgment it is the soul (nafs) which will appear before Allah as stated in the Holy Quran:“And every soul comes, with it a driver and a witness” (50:21).

    This soul (nafs) will enter into hell or heaven. In short, since soul is the essence of man, everything that is given in this earthly life is given to the soul, and so too will be the rewards and punishment of the Hereafter. “To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth.” Mankind is an alien controlled experiment. All religions were created by the aliens to give us a set of rules and regulations to live by so that we wouldn’t hurt ourselves. The secret government knows about this experiment but is hiding it from us. This experiment has something to do with the soul. The aliens refer to us as containers. The aliens are busy collecting the souls of the sixty million aborted babies since Roe vs. Wade with Planned Parenthood killing most. There is a cube on the Moon with an antenna. The antenna sends and receives souls.

    The two mile high tower on the Moon may house the antenna.

    When there is a major disaster like 911 the aliens send down giant soul collectors to recover the souls. From the assignation of Kennedy, from Forestall to the Anunnaki, everything has been orchestrated to keep this information silent, and those who do try to decimate it, usually end up dead. This is either by design or there is a fault with the cube. This cube falls right in line with what I’ve said before. Check it out.

    Our Moon was towed here and placed in orbit around the Earth by a very large space  machine. There was a time in the recorded history of man when the Earth had no Moon. The Moon has an atmosphere which contains clouds. The Moon does not revolve which proves it is artificial. US astronauts went to the Moon,  saw all the alien machinery and structures and were told to keep silent about it by NASA.

    John Lear says it is NASA itself that is doing the tampering with signals to the Mars rovers.. NASA knows that Venus is a normal planet just like Earth. Venus has beings that are similar to us. We already have bases on the Moon and Mars but for anyone to go there it is a one way trip. NASA knows there are spaceships in the rings of Saturn. If mankind gets too close to discovering the experiment it will be cancelled and started all over again. A sort of cleansing that happens on Earth every 25,000 years.

    John Lear, a retired airline captain logged over 19,000 hours of flight time. He is the son of Lear Jet inventor Bill Lear and flew over 100 different airplane designs. John accumulated 17 aviation world records and claimed to have flown CIA missions in Central and Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa between 1966 and 1983.. John met Bob Lazar in 1988; the scientist/physicist who broke the story of Area 51 and the US back-engineering ET craft at S-4 near the infamous Area 51. Lazar and Lear made startling claims of an element 115 that powered alien craft; an element now proven to exist. In March 1989, Lazar took Lear to our government’s Rachel Nevada’s facility where they observed the flight of a flying saucer at the exact time and place Lazar said it would occur. Two weeks later, security forces caught Lear, Lazar and 3 others. The next day, Lazar lost his job over his breach of security. John Lear has lectured and learned incredible information about life in our Solar System; alien structures on the Moon; cities on Mars and even huge ET ships mining the rings of Saturn, and n much more. John Lear passed away in 2009. Thanks to Bret Allen

     China May Have a Devastating Hypersonic Advantage

    The Starry Sky-2, which is an experimental design known as a wave rider – for its ability to ride on the shock waves it generates – completed its first test flight on Friday at an undisclosed location in northwest China, the China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics said in a statement issued on Monday.

    The aircraft was carried into space by a multistage rocket before separating and relying on its own power. During independent flight it conducted extreme turning man oeuvres, maintained velocities above Mach 5.5 (five-and-a-half times the speed of sound) for more than 400 seconds, and achieved a top speed of Mach 6, or 7,344km/h (4,563mph), the statement said.

    hypersonic missile test.

    Mike Ward: China is getting more dangerous by the minute.

    On Friday, astonishing footage was revealed showing strange plumes of light over Beijing skies – a phenomenon created by a secret hypersonic missile test.

    Though Chinese officials haven’t confirmed this latest round of testing, the writing is on the wall…

    Beijing has already released footage and boasted that its new aircraft could deliver nuclear missiles at such high speeds that they’d be nearly impossible to defend against.

    These new weapons can move through the sky at speeds up to 15,300 mph – 20 times faster than the speed of sound – and can strike anywhere on the globe within minutes or even seconds, rendering current nuclear weapons completely useless.

    And the Pentagon reported to Congress earlier this year that China has piloted 20 times more hypersonic flight tests than the U.S. Make no mistake: China’s stealthy test marks a disturbing escalation in this arms race. You need to be prepared for this. Thanks to Mike Ward Strategic Tech Investor.

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