The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Partially cloaked Triangle UFOs caught over Melbourne, Florida and the Netherlands
Partially cloaked Triangle UFOs caught over Melbourne, Florida and the Netherlands
Last week, the same type of a triangle-shaped UFO has been caught on camera over Melbourne, Florida and the Netherlands.
Giant Angelic UFO Caught On NASA Images Heading To Our Sun, Dec 2, 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Giant Angelic UFO Caught On NASA Images Heading To Our Sun, Dec 2, 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: December 2, 2018 Location of sighting: Earths Sun Source: NASA/SOHO images This angelic like UFO has been recorded a dozen times over the last 5 years. Often heading into the sun or out of the sun, probably harvesting an energy source that us humans have yet to discover. The UFO has a lot of right angles to it. I only added a bit of contrast and the edges showed up clear. I'm a little bewildered at how NASA could keep such giant ships a secret from the public for so long? I mean its huge! Probably tens of miles across and travels so fast that the cameras only caught it in a single photo, then it was gone a few minutes later. When ever we see this angelic UFO it usually has a few round smaller UFOs following its tail just as it does today. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
As I have said before, I have found alien structures on every meteor, asteroid, moon and planet in our solar system using NASA, ESA and JAXA photos of the surfaces of those objects.
I found many non reflective black structures on asteroid Bennu today. The most significant of all is a sphinx black structure with a long tail, but its curled in an oval like a dog...can you see the huge face of the sphinx in the photo below? Well, thats a whole building. Thats how they make them.
There are three main kinds of structures...the other types are rare but I have found many rares.
The three main types are:
1. Non reflective black structures...they are the biggest and most common.
2. White ceramic-like structures...they are smaller, not usually close to the black structures and so reflective that getting a focused photo of them is very hard to find.
3. Small silver metallic structures. Sometimes they are found alone, but often they would be around the big black structures connected with metallic tubes to the black structures. These are only 1-3% the size of the black structures.
Rare structures I have found:
1: Glass pyramid structure...impossible to take a good screenshot of it.
2. Actually found a eight sided very flat 24k gold structure in high detail. Only found one...but computer got viruses few days later and lost entire computer. Black screen virus.
3. Emerald dome...only found one, but its huge!
So you see, they are everywhere in our solar system. They were here billions of years before us, and will be here billions of years after us.
De mysterieuze seismische golf van vorige week heeft heel wat mensen de nodige schrik bezorgd en een echte oorzaak is er formeel nog steeds niet.
Aangezien men toch wat moet zeggen is officieel de keuze gevallen op een onderwater vulkaan als oorzaak voor dit vreemde fenomeen, maar uiteraard is het wat anders.
Hoe vaak komt het voor dat de complete aarde wordt opgeschrikt door seismische trillingen, terwijl er geen duidelijke/bekende oorzaak aan ten grondslag ligt.
Meetstations van bevingen in de Indische Oceaan pikten drie weken geleden een signaal op van seismische golven die vanaf Madagaskar tot aan Chili, Nieuw-Zeeland en Canada reikten. Wetenschappers gissen naar de oorzaak van de seismische activiteit, meldt The Daily Mail. Het centrum van de mysterieuze activiteit ligt voor de kust van het eiland Mayotte, naast Madagaskar.
Om duidelijk te zien hoe ver die seismische golf ging, hierna nog eens een plaatje.
Zoals gezegd, probeert men dit vast te pinnen op een onderwatervulkaan, maar hoe bijzonder dit is, blijkt wel uit de woorden van een wetenschapper van de Universiteit van Plymouth in Engeland, Jamie Gurney, die zegt geen flauw idee te hebben of zoiets ooit eerder is voor gekomen. Kortom, een unieke gebeurtenis en geen verklaring.
De man die zich bezighoudt met de komende mini ijstijd, Adept 2030, denkt dat dit alles een gevolg is van de sterk verminderde activiteit van de zon. Er zijn geen zonnevlekken op dit moment en de komende zonnecyclus belooft een ultra lage te worden, met nauwelijks zonneactiviteit en een heel koude periode die gaat komen. Het is inderdaad een wetenschappelijk feit dat bij een hele lage zonnecyclus, de kans op aardbevingen en vulkaanuitbarstingen groter is dan normaal.
De bekende Youtugebruiker Mr. MBB333, houdt zich ook met dit vraagstuk bezig en ontdekt dat er in de laatste week van november uitzonderlijk veel aardbevingen zijn die zich voordoen op een diepte van tien kilometer, waaronder de recente aardbeving in Alaska die de grond letterlijk uit elkaar deed scheuren.
Afgezien van de aardbeving in Alaska vonder er in de laatste week van november wereldwijd aardbevingen plaats, bijna allemaal op een diepte van 6,2 mijl oftewel 10 kilometer.
Mr. MBB333 denkt dan ook dat de vreemde seismische golf haar oorsprong vindt op een diepte van 10 kilometer.
Een lezer die de bijbel leest, denkt dat het allemaal nog veel erger gaat worden:
Ik weet niet of jullie dit boeit, maar het zal nog veel erger worden volgens de Schrift, naar een climax toe:
Als we Jesaja hfdstk 24 lezen, lijkt het alsof God een vreemde planeet zal gebruiken in de laatste uren, die in een baan in de buurt van de aarde terechtkomt en de aarde aan het wankelen brengt:
HerzSt (Jesaja 24: 17-20) 17 Angst, valkuil en strik over u, bewoners van de aarde! 18 En het zal gebeuren dat wie vlucht voor het beangstigende geluid, neervallen zal in de valkuil; en wie opklimt uit het midden van de valkuil, gevangen zal worden in de strik. Want de sluizen in de hoogte worden geopend en de fundamenten van de aarde zullen beven. 19 Scheuren, openscheuren zal de aarde, splijten, opensplijten zal de aarde, vervaarlijk wankelen zal de aarde, 20 hevig waggelen zal de aarde, als een dronkaard. Zij zal heen en weer slingeren als een nachthutje, haar overtreding zal zwaar op haar drukken, zij zal neervallen en niet meer opstaan.
Terug naar Mr. MBB333 die constateert dat er in de honderden naschokken die zich voor deden in Alaska een bepaald patroon te ontdekken is. De naschokken gaan als het ware in een rechte lijn richting noordpool. Er deden zich maar liefst 580 fikse naschokken voor die allemaal het patroon volgden.
Hij ontdekt nog iets bijzonders naar aanleiding van de aardbeving in Alaska. De energie van een dergelijke beving verspreidt zich vanuit het epicentrum van de aardbeving verder over de wereld en de seismografen op diverse locaties pikken dan ook de energie van de beving op. Echter, het vreemde is dat de seismografen op Antarctica een veel hogere energie laten zien dan de seismografen in bijvoorbeeld Oregon, wat in feite net om de hoek ligt, vergeleken met Antarctica. Misschien is het gerelateerd aan de vreemde energiebron op Antarctica waarover wij eerder schreven.
Aangezien Mr. MBB333 ook niet weet waarom de seismografen op de zuidpool zover uitslaan bij een aardbeving aan de andere kant, bij Alaska, speculeert hij dat dit mogelijk wel het begin zou kunnen zijn van de pole shift.
Langzaam maar zeker wordt het terrein waar volgende oorlogen zullen worden uitgevochten verplaatst naar de ruimte.
In het geheim worden er allerlei supersonische ruimtewapens ontwikkeld en misschien zijn er per ongeluk beelden opgedoken van een test met dergelijke wapens.
Wanneer er een exploderende vuurbol wordt waargenomen in de lucht, dan is de conclusie al snel dat we te maken hebben met een meteoriet. Dat was dan ook de officiële verklaring voor de vreemde vuurbol die enkele dagen geleden boven Siberië werd waargenomen.
De vuurbol werd waargenomen door talloze automobilisten via hun dashcam. Eén van de redenen dat er wordt gespeculeerd over de vuurbol en dat het misschien geheime supersonische (ruimte)wapens zijn, is omdat de vuurbol werd waargenomen boven Akademgorodok. Deze stad is een soort wetenschappelijk ontwikkelingscentrum met diverse instituten die bekendstaan onder de naam "Poetins geheime wapen".
Volgens de officiële berichten is het een meteoriet, maar er doen ook andere geruchten de ronde en dat is dat we hier getuige zijn van het testen van geheime Russische ruimtewapens.
Tijdens nader onderzoek werden er ook geen restanten, van wat dan ook, aangetroffen op de grond en uiteraard zijn er ook de nodige mensen die denken dat het hier een ufo betreft.
Daarnaast vindt er nu nog een interessante ontwikkeling plaats en dat is dat Amerika nu ook begint met het demoniseren van Rusland in de ruimte. Zo komt er via de BBC een bericht naar buiten over een eind vorig jaar gelanceerde Russische raket die zich heel vreemd en hoogst verdacht zou hebben gedragen. Tijdens een persconferentie van het Amerikaanse Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken in Zwitserland op 14 augustus jongstleden werd dit bekendgemaakt. Omdat deze satelliet zich klaarblijkelijk anders gedraagt dan normaal gesproken het geval is, zeiden de Amerikanen dat ze vermoeden hier te maken te hebben met een nieuw wapen. Rusland reageerde onmiddellijk fel door te zeggen dat dit alles ongefundeerd is en bovendien een erg lasterlijke beschuldiging.
Ongeveer tegelijkertijd met de Russische vuurbol valt er iets vergelijkbaars te zien in Hongarije:
Ook daar zien we een lang spoor in de lucht, maar ook duidelijk een soort object aan het uiteinde van dat spoor. Het lijkt meer op een raket dan op een meteoriet.
Voor zover ons bekend is er tot op dit moment ook voor dat object geen andere verklaring dan: een meteoriet.
Als Poetin inderdaad bezig is met het testen van ruimtewapens boven Siberië, dan lijkt het niet echt waarschijnlijk dat hij dit ook boven Hongarije zou doen. Dus, vooralsnog meer vragen dan antwoorden voor wat betreft de vreemde vuurbollen.
Eight limestone coffins were discovered in the area of King Amenemhat II’s pyramid that is located in the Dahshur royal necropolis which is 25 miles south of Cairo, Egypt. While it’s not entirely clear exactly when and how long Amenemhat II ruled Egypt, it is believed that his reign lasted for around 30 years around 1900 B.C.
Several other high-ranking officials and courtiers are buried in the necropolis. This area is also the location of some of the earliest pyramids on Earth, which includes the Red Pyramid and the Sneferu’s Bent Pyramid.
According to the Egyptian archaeological mission’s manager and Head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Mostafa Waziry, the mission began their work in August of 2018. The mummies were inside of limestone coffins and were wrapped in a layer of colorful painted cardboard in the shape of a human. Waziry said that three of the eight mummies were in good condition and that they were from the late period of 664 to 332 B.C.
Waziry also mentioned that the coffins were transported to a restoration warehouse and that the Ministry of Antiquities would show photographs of the sarcophagus at a local museum.
The Minister of Antiquities, Khaled el-Anany, said that another recent discovery happened on November 24th when Mut Temple’s Tomb was found. An archaeological mission that’s connected to the French University of Strasbourg discovered the sarcophagus in the same general area as tomb TT33 which is located in the West Bank of Luxor.
The sarcophagus, which is from the 18th dynasty, contains a mummy that is wrapped in linen. After researchers examined the mummy for the first time, it was determined that it was re-wrapped in linen during the late period which would explain why it was in such good condition.
Another mysterious discovery was found in the city of Alexandria when experts found an ancient “cursed” black granite sarcophagus. Inside of the huge coffin were the remains of three skeletons along with gold sheets.
I love the theme of science fiction, so I always have these ideas about flying UFOs and houses in the middle of nowhere that aliens show an interest in as they try to take over a new planet.
In turning my ideas into photos, I always try using new toys and scale models while mixing photography with Photoshop.
I worked on this UFO house abduction photo for about two months. I like the vintage look of things like the car and the house. I had bought a bigger house, but it was way too big for the project. I then contacted a company that cut wood to make a small house using my design, but it was hard to get it together because the size I asked for was too small.
Fortunately, in the end, I was able to get it together.
I used a $2 LED light strip for the spaceship. To create the smoke, I used cigarettes — I don’t smoke, so this was hard for me.
For the sand, I used hummus, as real sand would have looked too big on camera given the scale.
I used one flash head to make the light that comes out from the UFO/Spaceship, and there was another small LED light to give overall light to the scene.
Here’s the photo that resulted, titled “The House”:
About the author: Amr Elshamy is a photographer, visual artist, and filmmaker based in Cairo, Egypt. The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. You can find more of Elshamy’s work on his website, Behance, and Instagram.
Nasa scientist admits there may be some UFO sightings that cannot be ‘explained or denied’
Nasa scientist admits there may be some UFO sightings that cannot be ‘explained or denied’
Jasper Hamill
A Nasa scientist has slammed fellow researchers for ‘ignoring the relevance’ of UFOs in a white paper which suggests it may not be possible to explain or deny every sighting of mysterious objects in the sky.
In a piece of research produced earlier this year, S. P. Colombano from the Nasa Ames Research Center called for an investigation into UFOs and said that some of the sightings could deserve to be taken seriously rather than dismissed out of hand.
He insisted that our species needed to be more ‘aggressive’ in its search for extraterrestrial intelligence and try to think about how alien technology might develop over millions of years.
‘In the very large amount of “noise” in UFO reporting there may be “signals” however small, that indicate some phenomena that cannot be explained or denied,’ the scientist wrote.
Aliens probably don’t ride around in spacecraft like this one
(Picture: Getty)
Although Colombano stressed that ‘we have not been, and are not being visited’ by aliens, he went on to say that we simply may not be able to grasp the truth about extraterrestrial civilisations at our relatively primitive stage of technological development.
He said that humanity needs to abandon its preconceptions about the nature of extraterrestrial beings – which may not be little green men but tiny, hyper-intelligent robots.
Colombano also claimed fellow researchers often avoid studying UFOs because they believe interstellar travel is impossible and fear most sightings are driven by ‘hoaxes, mistaken perceptions or even psychotic events’.
‘If we adopt a new set of assumptions about what forms of higher intelligence and technology we might find, some of those phenomena might fit specific hypotheses, and we could start some serious enquiry,’ he wrote.
‘The intelligence we might find and that might choose to find us (if it hasn’t already) might not be at all be produced by carbon-based organisms like us,’ he continued.
‘How might that change the above assumptions about interstellar travel?
‘Our typical life-spans would no longer be a limitation (although even these could be dealt with multi-generational missions or suspended animation), and the size of the “explorer” might be that of an extremely tiny super-intelligent entity.’
Does Nasa need to change its idea about the nature of alien life in order to discover extraterrestrial civilisations?
(Picture: Getty)
The Nasa researcher added: ‘Our form of life and intelligence, may just be a tiny first step in a continuing evolution that may well produce forms of intelligence that are far superior to ours and no longer based on carbon “machinery”.
µ‘After a mere 50 years of computer evolution we are already talking about “super-intelligence” and we are quickly becoming symbiotic with computer power.’
His paper suggests the human scientists who are currently scanning deep space for radio waves could be wasting their time, because super smart aliens may not use this communication medium.
Even if they did, an advanced civilisation is likely to have figured out a way of packing so much information into the airwaves that we would be unable to decipher their messages.
Messenger feature ‘I suspect that, even if the radio medium continues to be used, the packing of information inside it would be so much greater that we would not be able to recognize any “structure” and would not be able to distinguish it from noise,’ he added.
The Nasa researcher said scientists should broaden their investigation into alien life by considering how technology might evolve over millions of years and what sort of society extraterrestrials would form.
‘We need to become more flexible in our assumptions,’ he urged.
‘The reason is that, while it is still reasonable and conservative to assume that life is most likely to have originated in conditions similar to ours, the vast time differences in potential evolutions render the likelihood of “matching” technologies very slim.’
Sometimes, when we post a cool picture of the Earth taken from space, Popular Science gets questions about why, if there's so much garbage in space, we don't see an orbital landfill circling our planet in pictures of the Earth.
No, it’s not some massive conspiracy, and yes, the space above our planet is getting increasingly and worryingly crowded with satellites and space junk. It’s just that humans and the things we build are tiny compared to the vastness of our planet. There are about 4,256 human-made satellites orbiting the Earth, of which about 1,149 are still working. Most of these are fairly small, ranging from tiny CubeSats that are only four inches on each side to communications satellites that can be over 100 feet long.
That’s still tiny when you consider that the Earth is 7,917.5 miles across.
Even our space station is puny when compared to our planet. Measuring 357 feet end-to-end, the International Space Station (ISS) is by far the largest human-made object orbiting the Earth. Even that isn’t large enough to register on Earth-observing instruments such as the DSCOVR satellite's EPIC camera, which takes absolutely gorgeous pictures of the Earth from a million miles away.
Jay Herman, the lead scientist of EPIC, says that the smallest objects EPIC's camera can make out are about eight to 10 kilometers wide. At that range, the ISS wouldn’t even register as a blip in an image of the Earth.
Some of the orbital debris that currently encircles the planet. Dots are not to scale.
Even satellites with closer vantage points and higher resolutions are out of luck. NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites carry the MODIS (or Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) instrument and operate only about 440 miles above the Earth’s surface.
NASA under pressure: More than just one asteroid threatens humanity
NASA under pressure: More than just one asteroid threatens humanity
A team from Spain's largest university, Complutense Madrid, warns of the threat of numerous asteroids that could, at worst, wipe out entire states.
The earth is thus threatened by far more than just one asteroid, which could strike here from summer 2023. But it gets even worse: The team from Spain fears that there is nothing more we can do when a deadly asteroid approaches Earth. Often the astronomical small bodies are sighted too late.
The researchers discussed the latest influence of an object with a width of 2.7 to 3.6 meters called 2018 LA, which hit Earth only a few hours after its discovery. At 38,000 kilometers per hour, it penetrated our atmosphere and made a huge fireball appear in the sky over Botswana in Africa.
"This was a much smaller object than the ones we're supposed to find and warn," said Lindley Johnson, NASA's Planetary Defense Officer at the time.
In their new article, the Spanish researchers warned that so far only "three natural objects were discovered before they collided with Earth". In addition, according to the team, there are almost 15,000 asteroids near Earth, about 25 meters wide.
More than 8000 asteroids shall be over 140 meters wide!
A mega asteroid could hit the earth from summer 2023
NASA is under pressure. According to some astronomers, the US Federal Space Agency should find a way to destroy the dangerous space rocks before they impact.
If we were hit by a small object, it would cause relatively minor but still visible damage - and possibly even a small number of deaths.
To date, astronomers have discovered more than 8,000 near-Earth asteroids, at least 140 meters wide, large enough to wipe out an entire U.S. state.
If Spanish scientists are right and such a large asteroid goes undetected, it could be a death sentence for millions.
It remains to be hoped that such a scenario will never occur or that the technology will develop so well that the possible impact will be prevented in time.
Bizarre Seismic Waves Was felt Around the World Nov 11, Here’s Why It Happened
Bizarre Seismic Waves Was felt Around the World Nov 11, Here’s Why It Happened
Something very unusual rumbled across planet Earth on November 11th, and scientists say they’ve never seen anything like it. Now they know what happened. For 20 minutes, instruments measured unusual seismic activity over 10,000 miles away from where it originated, yet not a single human felt them.
For the 1st time, researchers have been able to observe the motion of gas clouds around a central supermassive black hole. This particular black hole powers the famous quasar 3C 273.
Back in the 1960s, astronomers began using the name quasar to describe what they at first called quasi-stellarobjects. The first quasars looked starlike, like pinpoints, through optical telescopes, but analysis of their lightperplexed astronomers. Now the theory of quasars has made huge strides. They’re pictured as the highly active cores of galaxies in the early universe, powered by gigantic black holes. Yet we still see quasars as starlike through optical telescopes, and detailed observations about the area around the black holes has been hard to come by. Last week – on November 29, 2018 – the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) announced that its astronomers have used a new instrument called GRAVITY to get a better look than ever before – in optical light – into the heart of one of astronomy’s most famous quasars, the first quasar ever discovered, called 3C 273.
This international team of astronomers was able to observe the structure of rapidly moving gas around the central supermassive black hole believed to power 3C 273. Prior to this new work, the small angular size of this inner region – its size on our sky’s dome, described as about that of our solar system seen from a distance of 2.5 billion light-years – had made this observation impossible.
The video animation at the top of this post tries to convey some of this story, by first showing you an optical image of 3C273 (you’ll also see this image below). The video then goes to an artist’s impression of the surroundings of the supermassive black hole thought to power this quasar. In the animation, you see the typical components believed to make up supermassive black holes: a dusty torus, very hot, infalling material and a jet of material ejected at high speeds from the black hole’s poles.
Then, in the video, you see what’s new here: a depiction of a spinning whirlpool, an artist’s concept of the recent work completed by astronomers, who were able to get some details about the so-called broad line region, where gas clouds whirl around 3C 273’s central black hole.
Astronomers still can’t see this area. But they can analyze optical light from this region, and the details they’ve found have let them confirm the mass of the central black hole at about 300 million solar masses. That’s in contrast to the mass of the supermassive black hole at the center of our own Milky Way galaxy, which is only about 4 million solar masses.
Optical image of the quasar 3C273, obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope. The quasar resides in a giant elliptical galaxy in the constellation of Virgo at a distance of about 2.5 billion light-years. It was the 1st quasar ever to be identified.
The technique used by these astronomers isn’t new, but the instrument engaged in the process is relatively new, commissioned in 2016. The instrument is called GRAVITY, and astronomers say it’s allowed for a huge gain in angular resolution, that is, in the clarity with which we see this very distant quasar.
All four of the telescopes that make up the Very Large Telescope (VLT) – located on top of Cerro Paranal in Chile – were used with the GRAVITY instrument to make the new observations of 3C 273. These telescopes combine together via interferometry.
Used with GRAVITY, the astronomers said, the four telescopes became the equivalent of one telescope with a diameter of 427 feet (130 meters, or about the length of one-and-a-half American football fields).
Aerial view of the observing platform on the top of Cerro Paranal, with the four enclosures for the 8.2-meter (27-foot) Unit Telescopes (UTs) and various installations for the VLT Interferometer (VLTI).
So with these optical telescopes and the GRAVITY instrument, the astronomers can now see into distant space more clearly. That’s how they’ve obtained never-before-seen details about the central region of quasar 3C 273. Eckhard Sturm of MPE is lead author of the new study. He said:
GRAVITY allowed us to resolve the so-called ‘broad line region’ for the first time ever, and to observe the motion of gas clouds around the central black hole. Our observations reveal that the gas clouds do whirl around the central black hole.
The astronomers’ statement said:
Detailed observations of the quasar 3C 273 with the GRAVITY instrument reveal the structure of rapidly moving gas around the central supermassive black hole, the first time that the so-called ‘broad line region’ could be resolved. The international team of astronomers was thus able to measure the mass of the black hole with unprecedented precision. This measurement confirms the fundamental assumptions of the most commonly used method to measure the mass of central black holes in distant quasars. Studying these black holes and determining their masses is an essential ingredient to understanding galaxy evolution in general.
Reinhard Genzel, head of the infrared research group at MPE, commented:
This is the first time that we can spatially resolve and study the immediate environs of a massive black hole outside our home galaxy, the Milky Way.
Black holes are intriguing objects, allowing us to probe physics under extreme conditions – and with GRAVITY we can now probe them both near and far.
Here the principle geometry of the Broad Line Region of the quasar is shown. The individual clouds are distributed in a thick ring (green shaded area), and rotate around the central black hole.
More than 50 years ago, in 1963, the astronomer Maarten Schmidt identified the first quasi-stellar object or quasar – this very same quasar still being studied today, 3C 273 – as an object that’s exceedingly distant and almost unimaginably bright. It was clear, even in the 1960s, that the energy emitted by quasars is vastly greater than in normal galaxies such as our Milky Way and cannot be produced by regular fusion processes in stars.
In the decades since then, theoretical astronomers have detailed the theory that quasars get their energy from the processes occurring near supermassive black holes.
Observations such as these recent ones by Eckhard Sturm et al. go a long way toward confirming the work of the theorists. And – because galaxies are the basic structure of our universe, and since supermassive black holes are now thought to lie at the heart of most if not all large galaxies – the work also moves forward astronomers’ understanding of the evolution of the whole universe.
Bottom line:For the first time, researchers have been able to observe the motion of gas clouds around a central supermassive black hole. This particular black hole powers the famous quasar 3C 273.
By Gregg Prescott, M.S. Every day, it seems there are more and more UFO sightings. While many of these could possibly be CGI, it becomes a lot less likely when mass UFO sightings occur from multiple angles. In the following video, a mass UFO sighting occurs around the 16:50 marker:
In this sighting that occurred on September 26, 2018 in Bogota, Columbia, SIX different angles were captured from various witnesses. This is one of the distinguishing earmarks of credibility when it comes to seeing UFO videos in crowded areas. In the age of cell phones, where just about everybody owns one, an impressive UFO sighting in a populated area should be captured on at least two or three cell phones from different angles. The video clearly shows a UFO with intermittent blinking lights that change colors. Another impressive video is shown toward the end of this video where four large UFOs appear to be hovering relatively low to the ground. You can find this at the 31:47 marker in this above video. This sighting occurred in Rosarito, California on October 28, 2018. I have the ATN NVG7-3 Gen 3 Night Vision Goggle where in the past month, I saw the 2nd largest UFO that I’ve ever seen off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico by Siesta Key, Florida. It was much larger than any of the brightest stars in the sky and about 1/4 the size of the moon, heading southwest. The largest I’ve ever seen with my goggles was two years ago, coming off the Gulf Of Mexico at Siesta Key, Florida and heading inland. This was the first cigar-shaped UFO I’ve ever seen with my night vision goggles. As soon as I locked in on it, it disappeared. Numerous times, I’ve seen UFOs flying in formation and/or flying near one another. It’s becoming more of a common experience for many people, with or without night vision goggles. It wouldn’t surprise me to see more and more mass UFO sightings from various camera angles in the next few months and years as it’s become evident that our galactic friends and neighbors are awaiting contact. Perhaps, these are the reasons why many of us are hearing high pitched frequencies that are not associated with tinnitus or a Vitamin D deficiency? Sending you all infinite LOVE & Light! Gregg
OSIRIS-REx will arrive at Bennu at about 12 p.m. EST (1700 GMT) andyou can watch it live here, courtesy of NASA, beginning at 11:45 a.m. EST (1645 GMT). A mission program will precede the event at 11:15 a.m. EST (1615 GMT).
An artistic rendering of OSIRIS-
REx arriving at Bennu Image: NASABut where is that asteroid and its visiting spacecraft, which is now two years into its journey? Although it's easy to assume that an asteroid mission would target the asteroid belt, Bennu isn't tucked in this rocky region between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
Instead, Bennu's orbit waltzes between those of Earth and of Mars, averaging around 100 million miles (160 million kilometers) away from the sun. That makes it a near-Earth asteroid, like the one Japan's Hayabusa-2 mission is currently studying.
(NASA has visited the asteroid belt proper before, however. The agency's most exhaustive visit was made by the Dawn spacecraft, which ended its mission earlier this year. Before the end of its effort, Dawn studied two of the largest objects in the asteroid belt: Vesta and the dwarf planet Ceres.)
But while Bennu isn't in the asteroid belt now, scientists think that it was a long time ago. Current theories suggest that the diamond-shaped space rock was once part of a much larger asteroid, one perhaps the size of Connecticut. That space rock met its end sometime between 700 million and 2 billion years ago during a giant collision, breaking into Bennu and other pieces. Since the impact, Bennu seems to have gradually spiralled closer to the sun.
An artistic rendering of OSIRIS-REx grabbing a sample from Bennu’s surface.
Image: NASA
During OSIRIS-REx's stay at Bennu, scientists are hoping to learn more about the earliest days of the solar system, because asteroids are the rubble left behind as planets formed. In particular, Bennu is a rare subset of asteroid, called a B-type asteroid, which means scientists suspect there should be organic compounds and wet clays on it. That means Bennu may resemble what Earth looked like when life began here — making this asteroid an incredibly compelling science target.
And all that excitement begins today. OSIRIS-REx will cautiously approach its target before slipping into orbit for more than two years of scientific observations. The spacecraft will also carefully collect a sample of the asteroid. Then, in March 2021, the probe will make its way back to Earth in order to deposit that sample in terrestrial labs.
Visit today for full coverage of OSIRIS-REx's arrival at Bennu.
NASA's InSight lander, which touched down on MarsNov. 26 and successfully extended its large solar arrays hours later, is already setting records.
During its full first day on the Red Planet, the solar-powered lander generated more electrical power in one day than any previous Mars vehicle has, mission team members said.
"It is great to get our first 'off-world record' on our very first full day on Mars," Tom Hoffman, InSight project manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California, said in a statement. [NASA's InSight Mars Lander: Amazing Landing Day Photos!]
"But even better than the achievement of generating more electricity than any mission before us is what it represents for performing our upcoming engineering tasks," Hoffman added. "The 4,588 watt-hours we produced during sol 1 means we currently have more than enough juice to perform these tasks and move forward with our science mission."
The 4,588 watt-hours InSight generated on its first sol, or Martian day, from solar power is well over the 2,806 watt-hours generated in a day by NASA's Curiosity rover, which runs on a nuclear system called a radioisotope thermoelectric generator. Coming in third was the solar-powered Phoenix lander, which generated around 1,800 watt-hours in a day, according to NASA officials.
After sending back its first photo of the landing site and extending its two solar arrays, each of which is about 7 feet in diameter (2.2 meters), InSight got to work photographing its environment and unlatching its robotic arm, which it will eventually use to deploy seismometers and a heat probe to learn about Mars' interior.
And mission team members are busy inspecting the images they've received so far to learn more about InSight's landing site, a lava plain called Elysium Planitia. They've found that the spacecraft is tilted by about 4 degrees, according to the statement, in a shallow impact crater filled with dust and sand. (This is no big deal; the lander can operate at up to a 15-degree tilt.) A steep slope could have hurt the spacecraft's ability to get enough power from its solar arrays, and landing near rocks could have kept the spacecraft from easily opening both arrays, the researchers said.
"The science team had been hoping to land in a sandy area with few rocks since we chose the landing site, so we couldn't be happier," Hoffman said in the statement. "There are no landing pads or runways on Mars, so coming down in an area that is basically a large sandbox without any large rocks should make instrument deployment easier and provide a great place for our mole to start burrowing."
So far, the team thinks the immediate area has few rocks, but higher-resolution images coming later on will give a more conclusive view of the surroundings. The team will use those views to plan out exactly how the spacecraft will place its instruments with its mechanical arm.
"We are looking forward to higher-definition pictures to confirm this preliminary assessment," InSight principal investigator Bruce Banerdt, also at JPL, said in the statement. "If these few images — with resolution-reducing dust covers on — are accurate, it bodes well for both instrument deployment and the mole penetration of our subsurface heat-flow experiment." (According to NASA, the spacecraft got its first view of Mars with a lens cover off Nov. 30.)
The $850 million InSight mission is scheduled to run for one Mars year, or nearly two Earth years. The data gathered by the lander will help mission team members map out the Red Planet's interior structure in unprecedented detail, NASA officials have said. This information should, in turn, reveal key insights about the formation of rocky planets in general.
Email Sarah Lewin at or follow her @SarahExplains.
Cosmic Airburst May Have Wiped Out Part of the Middle East 3,700 Years Ago
Cosmic Airburst May Have Wiped Out Part of the Middle East 3,700 Years Ago
By Owen Jarus, Live Science Contributor
Some 3,700 years ago, a meteor or comet exploded over the Middle East, wiping out human life across a swath of land called Middle Ghor, north of the Dead Sea, say archaeologists who have found evidence of the cosmic airburst.
The airburst "in an instant, devastated approximately 500 km2 [about 200 square miles] immediately north of the Dead Sea, not only wiping out 100 percent of the [cities] and towns, but also stripping agricultural soils from once-fertile fields and covering the eastern Middle Ghor with a super-heated brine of Dead Sea anhydride salts pushed over the landscape by the event's frontal shock waves," the researchers wrote in the abstract for a paper that was presented at the American Schools of Oriental Research annual meeting held in Denver Nov. 14 to 17. Anhydride salts are a mix of salt and sulfates.
"Based upon the archaeological evidence, it took at least 600 years to recover sufficiently from the soil destruction and contamination before civilization could again become established in the eastern Middle Ghor," they wrote. Among the places destroyed was Tall el-Hammam, an ancient city that covered 89 acres (36 hectares) of land. [Wipe Out: History's Most Mysterious Extinctions]
Unusual pottery
Among the evidence that the scientists uncovered for the airburst are 3,700-year-old pieces of pottery from Tall el-Hammam that have an unusual appearance. The surface of the pottery had been vitrified (turned to glass). The temperature was also so high that pieces of zircon within the pottery turned into gas — something that requires a temperature of more than 7,230 degrees Fahrenheit (4,000 degrees Celsius), said Phillip Silvia, a field archaeologist and supervisor with the Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project. However, the heat, while powerful, did not last long enough to burn through entire pottery pieces, leaving parts of the pottery beneath the surface relatively unscathed.
The only naturally occurring event capable of causing such an unusual pattern of destruction, Silvia said, is a cosmic airburst — something that has occurred occasionally throughout Earth's history, such as the explosion in 1908 at Tunguska in Siberia.
Also, archaeological excavations and surveys at other towns within the impacted area suggest a sudden wipeout of life around 3,700 years ago, Silvia said. So far, no craters have been found nearby, and it's unclear whether the culprit was a meteor or comet that exploded above the ground.
The fact that only 200 square miles of land was destroyed indicates that the airburst occurred at a low altitude, possibly not more than 3,280 feet (1 km) above the ground said Silvia. In comparison, the Tunguska airburst heavily damaged 830 square miles, or 2,150 square kilometersof land.
The team's results are preliminary and research is ongoing, Silvia emphasized. The team of scientists includes members from Trinity Southwest University, Northern Arizona University, DePaul University, Elizabeth City State University, New Mexico Tech and the Comet Research Group.
Rockefeller Secret Space Files X-Invisible via Dark Journalist (Video)
Rockefeller Secret Space Files X-Invisible via Dark Journalist (Video)
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt continues the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the history of Political and Covert groups coordinating in a Stealth fashion the Secret work of the Mystery Schools X Technology.
Rockefeller & The X-Technology In this special episode Dark Journalist explores the deep connections between the inter-generational financial elite and hidden advanced X Technology. He investigates the strategic political moves of Nelson Rockefeller who rose in political prominence to become the unelected Vice President of the United States and the heir apparent to the Presidency before his untimely death of a heart attack in 1979.
Family Secrets & X-Invisible His brother David Rockefeller was known as a worldwide power broker for engineering the Trilateral commission and Bilderberg Group and for managing the family wealth and multiple business and foundation monopolies. Nelson Rockefeller’s death left many questions and may have been related to his knowledge of the X Invisible project. Don’t miss this fascinating Dark Journalist episode!
Strangest Unexplained Alien Encounters Ever, They Are Not From This Earth! (Video)
Strangest Unexplained Alien Encounters Ever, They Are Not From This Earth! (Video)
How well do you know the UFO phenomenon? Perhaps not as well as you think. This presentation focuses on the weirder and more unusual side of UFOs–the cases that defy the standard model of contact, the cases that many UFO investigators don’t like to talk about. The evidence presented here will change the way you feel about UFOs:
• People who have received phone calls from ETs.
• What happens if you shoot at a UFO?
• Abductions in which people have seen “Alien Zoos.”
• Why are UFOs hovering over graveyards?
• What is the alien-clown connection?
• Proof that aliens are mining are metals.
• Are UFOs shrinking people?
• Cases of people who receive alien artifacts.
• UFOs and Rockets: The ETs are monitoring our space program.
• Abductions observed by outside witnesses.
• The alien bigfoot connection.
• UFOs Investigator’s Disease: when UFO researchers become investigated by UFOs.
• Cases in which shipwreck castaways are saved by UFOs.
• Can we contact UFOs with a Ouija board?
• Do aliens make mistakes? Hint: Yes!
• Cases of abductees taken into the engine room of UFO and taught how to build a UFO engine.
And much more! The UFO phenomenon is stranger than most people realize. This presentation will show you how truly strange it can be.
US Coast Guard Discloses Unexplained Disappearances of Submarines After UFO Activity (Video)
US Coast Guard Discloses Unexplained Disappearances of Submarines After UFO Activity (Video)
There are many strange facts surrounding a number of missing submarines. Joseph was on duty on an Ocean Station patrol on the Coast Guard Cutter Mellon.
It was during this patrol that they had a number of unique UFO sightings that included radar and visual verification by a number of witnesses.
Three objects passed over the ship traveling at 3500mph having approached the ship from the direction of where the sub was lost. Flying time of note from OSV to that site at that speed recorded and verified was approximately 10 minutes.
It is highly possible that the UFO phenomenon, and what could have been a very dangerous “rogue” operation gone array, possibly leading to what could have been one of the most significant event.
Even thought this may only be anecdotal data it may help penetrate the veil of secrecy and mystery surrounding the Submarines.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
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