The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Nieuwe theorie over de onzichtbare 95 procent van het heelal
Nieuwe theorie over de onzichtbare 95 procent van het heelal
Het in kaart brengen van het eigenlijke karakter van ons heelal is mogelijk een stuk dichterbij gekomen door een nieuw kosmologisch model waarin donkere materie en donkere energie kunnen worden verenigd tot een enkele fenomeen. Daarover publiceert Astrofysicus Jamie Farnes van de University van Oxford en de Radboud Universiteit.
Normale materie vormt de bouwstenen van mensen, planten en het gehele zonnestelsel. Toch is dit maar 5 procent van alle materie in ons heelal. De andere 95 procent is onzichtbaar voor ons, we weten alleen van het bestaan door het effect van de zwaartekracht. Dit ontbrekende deel van het heelal bestaat uit twee fenomenen: donkere materie en donkere energie. In het belangrijkste hedendaagse kosmologische model, genaamd LambdaCDM, is het nog steeds een compleet mysterie waar deze donkere aspecten van de kosmos vandaan komen. Astrofysicus Jamie Farnes van de University van Oxford en de Radboud Universiteit stelt een nieuw model voor waarin zowel donkere materie als donkere energie tot een enkel fenomeen worden samengevoegd – een gas met een negatieve massa.
Een bijzonder en exotische vorm van materie
Negatieve massa’s zijn een bijzondere en exotische vorm van materie: ze hebben een negatieve zwaartekracht en stoten alle materie in hun omgeving af. Maar wanneer je ertegen aan zou duwen, zou de negatieve materie juist op je af snellen, in tegenstelling tot positieve massa materie. Deze voor ons vreemde eigenschappen hebben een belangrijke kosmische functie: de kosmos zou op deze manier symmetrisch zijn met zowel positieve als negatieve kwaliteiten.
Ondanks dat het dus letterlijk balans brengt in het universum, werd het bestaan van massa materie met negatieve massa eerder uitgesloten omdat de dichtheid van het materiaal zou afnemen, terwijl het universum uitdijt. Dit slaat lijnrecht tegenover waarnemingen van donkere energie, die juist laten zien dat de dichtheid constant blijft, en het uitdijen van het universum versnelt. Als oplossing voor dit probleem, gebruikt de nieuwe theorie een oude wiskundige constructie, ‘creation tensor’ genoemd. In deze constructie kunnen negatieve massa’s blijven ontstaan. En wanneer er meer en meer negatieve massa’s uitbarsten, als vreemde, microscopisch kleine popcorn, dan verdunt het negatieve massa gas niet bij het uitdijen van de kosmos. Het gas lijkt zelfs identiek op donkere energie.
Een onzichtbare halo
Een andere uitdaging in de huidige kosmologische modellen komt voort uit waarnemingen van melkwegstelsels met radiotelescopen. De meeste melkwegstelsels draaien zo snel dat ze zichzelf uit elkaar zouden moeten draaien. Hieruit is af te leiden dat iets ze bij elkaar houdt, een onzichtbare bolvormige halo van donkere materie. In dit onderzoek, simuleert Farnes voor het eerst de eigenschappen van negatieve massa in 3D. Verrassend genoeg vonden ze dat de negatieve massa’s samenklonteren in halo’s met dezelfde eigenschappen als de halo van donkere materie. Het huidige LambdaCDM model kan de eigenschappen van de donkere materie halo’s niet voorspellen, en daarmee lijkt de nieuwe theorie het enige kosmologische model dat de verdeling van donkere materie in melkwegstelsels direct kan voorspellen.
Een 3D simulatie die de vorming van een donkere materie halo uit exotische negatieve massa materie laat zien. In geel de positieve massa’s, in paars de negatieve massa’s. Credit: Jamie Farnes.
Astrofysicus en auteur Jamie Farnes van de Universiteit van Oxford en Radboud Universiteit, vertelt: ‘Eerdere pogingen om donkere energie en donkere materie te combineren, probeerden Einstein’s algemene relativiteitstheorie te veranderen. Dat bleek uitermate lastig. Deze nieuwe benadering pakt twee oude ideeën in lijn met de theorie van Einstein – negatieve massa en de vorming van materie – en brengt ze samen. De uitkomst is mooi: donkere materie en donkere energie kunnen verenigd worden tot een enkele stof, met beide effecten eenvoudig te verklaren als positieve massa materie surfend op een zee van negatieve massa.’
Betekent dit het einde voor het 'oude' model?
Kan het LambdaCDM model dan in de prullenbak? Nee, (nog) niet, zegt Farnes. ‘Er zijn nog ontzettend veel theoretische vraagstukken en computersimulaties die we met het nieuwe model moeten doorlopen. Het LambdaCDM model heeft een voorsprong van ongeveer dertig jaar en is heel succesvol in het verklaren van vele andere waarnemingen. Maar ik ben benieuwd of we met dit nieuwe model, een uitgebreidere versie van LambdaCDM, andere bewijzen voor het eigenlijke karakter van ons heelal kunnen vinden.’ Modellen van de overgebleven straling van de Big Bang en nieuwe kosmologische testen met de hoogstaande internationale radiotelescoop – bekend als Square Kilometre Array (SKA) – zullen moeten bewijzen of het symmetrische concept van negatieve massa’s nu een echt of fictief aspect van ons heelal zijn. Als ze echt bestaan, dan zou dat betekenen dat de verklaring voor 95 procent van onze kosmos vrij simpel is: we waren vergeten om een minteken toe te voegen.
J.S. Farnes. A unifying theory of dark energy and dark matter: Negative masses and matter creation within a modified LambdaCDM framework. Astronomy & Astrophysics. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201832898
Eén van de grootste vragen in de moderne natuurkunde opgelost? Een gewaagde nieuwe theorie over de onzichtbare 95 procent van het heelal
Eén van de grootste vragen in de moderne natuurkunde opgelost? Een gewaagde nieuwe theorie over de onzichtbare 95 procent van het heelal
Een wetenschapper van de Oxford-universiteit en Radboud Universiteit denkt één van de grootste vragen in de moderne natuurkunde te hebben opgelost.
Volgens de algemeen aanvaarde theorieën bestaat ongeveer vijf procent van het universum uit gewone materie.
De overige 95 procent zou moeten bestaan uit donkere materie en donkere energie.
Bizarre ‘donkere vloeistof’
Jamie Farnes claimt dat donkere materie en donkere energie geen afzonderlijke fenomenen zijn, maar deel uitmaken van een bizarre ‘donkere vloeistof’ met een negatieve massa.
Een negatieve massa heeft een bijzondere eigenschap: hij stoot alle materie in zijn omgeving af.
Maar wanneer je ertegenaan zou duwen, zou de negatieve materie juist op je af snellen.
De kosmos zou op deze manier symmetrisch zijn met zowel positieve als negatieve kwaliteiten.
Ondanks dat het letterlijk balans brengt in het universum, sloten wetenschappers het bestaan van negatieve materie eerder uit omdat ze dachten dat dit materiaal minder dicht zou worden naarmate het universum uitdijt.
Dit staat lijnrecht tegenover waarnemingen.
Als oplossing voor dit probleem gebruikt Farnes een oude wiskundige constructie, een zogeheten ‘creation tensor’, waarin negatieve massa’s kunnen blijven ontstaan.
Farnes zegt dat zijn theorie niet in strijd is met de algemene relativiteitstheorie van Einstein, maar een uitbreiding daarvan is.
De nieuwe benadering pakt twee oude ideeën in lijn met de theorie van Einstein – negatieve massa en de vorming van materie – en brengt ze samen.
De uitkomst is dat donkere materie en donkere energie kunnen worden verenigd tot een enkele stof. Zie het als een positieve massa die surft op een zee van negatieve massa.
Volgens Farnes hoeft het oude model niet gelijk de prullenbak in. “Er zijn nog ontzettend veel vraagstukken die we moeten doorlopen.”
For the last few weeks, the skies have been filled with these unexplainable, boomerang shaped craft that are being seen across the country.
In the video below, MrMBB333 pieces together these different sightings and researches the possible causes or reasons for their existence. He shares his sighting and gives his best assessment of his experience.
It seems that one the days in which the skies are filled with chemtrails, these triangle shapes Geoengineering help propel these objects? Or is it a mere coincidence these occurrences are happening at the same time?
‘Oumuamua, the interstellar interloper who buzzed through the solar system before we had a chance to really get to know it, is becoming like one of those mystery guests at a party or wedding. You know the type. Everyone kind of remembers something about them but no one actually talked to them, no one is quite sure who invited them and the pictures and videos are blurred or only show them from the back. That’s ‘Oumuamua … and another group of astronomers/guests justissued a new report saying they’ve been listening to it ever since and haven’t heard a thing. Did someone offend our mysterious, possibly alien guest? Or is it really just a space rock?
“We were looking for a signal that would prove that this object incorporates some technology – that it was of artificial origin.”
Dr. Gerald Harp from the SETI Institute is the lead author of a paper – “Radio SETI observations of the interstellar object ′OUMUAMUA” published in the February edition of Acta Astronautica – which details work done by scientists using the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) in California to listen to ‘Oumuamua as it swung by at a distance of 170 million miles away or less than the diameter of Earth’s orbit.
“Observations were made at radio frequencies between 1 and 10 GHz using the Array’s correlator receiver with a channel bandwidth of 100 kHz. In frequency regions not corrupted by man-made interference, we find no signal flux with frequency-dependent lower limits of 0.01 Jy at 1 GHz and 0.1 Jy at 7 GHz. For a putative isotropic transmitter on the object, these limits correspond to transmitter powers of 30 mW and 300 mW, respectively.”
In astronomical terms, that’s like putting a glass up to the wall of your hotel room and listening to the guests next door. And?
“We didn’t find any such emissions, despite a quite sensitive search. While our observations don’t conclusively rule out a non-natural origin for ‘Oumuamua, they constitute important data in accessing its likely makeup.”
Despite high hopes that it might be an alien spacecraft or probe (like the Harvard scientists who still believe it was), Harp says all they heard was space crickets. Nothing. Not even the whoosh of slight acceleration that a light sail (the Harvard idea) might make as it sped up from being pushed by solar rays.
Does this mean they should pack up the Allen Telescope Array and go home?
“While no signals were found coming from ‘Oumuamua, the types of observations reported by SETI Institute scientists may have utility in constraining the nature of any interstellar objects detected in the future, or even the small, well-known objects in our own solar system.”
Of course not, say the scientists making sure they don’t jeopardize their future funding. This exercise will allow them to refine their listening when the next interstellar object flies by. In fact, those Harvard guys have identified some candidatesalready in the solar system. With this new research, they’re ready for them.
After travelling more than 1.25 billion miles in 27 months, NASA’sOSIRIS-RExprobe has finally reached its destination. On December 3, 2018, the probe reached the diamond-shaped asteroid named Bennu in NASA’s first asteroid-sampling mission. The reason for this $800 million mission is to gather samples from the asteroid and return them to Earth in the year 2023. The name OSIRIS-REx stands for “Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer”.
Asteroid in space (not Bennu)
But the probe isn’t ready to start digging for samples just yet. It is currently flying alongside the asteroid and will continue to do so for the next four weeks. The probe will fly around the 1,650-foot asteroid, even getting as close as 4.4 miles from its surface. The reason for these close flybys is to determine the asteroid’s mass and its exact shape before entering its orbit on December 31st.
Heather Enos, who is from the University of Arizona and is OSIRIS-REx Deputy Principal Investigator, told, “Manoeuvring around a small body that basically has no gravity is a very challenging endeavor.” She continued by saying, “So, we do have to get a little more information to proceed every step of the way.”
When the probe enters the asteroid’s orbit on December 31st, it will move at just 4 inches per second and get within one mile of its surface which will also set a record for the closest proximity that a spacecraft will have orbited a small body. The probe will then search around the asteroid for the best area to take samples and once an area is picked by July 2020, it will then spiral down to the surface and collect the sample. The entire process of collecting the sample won’t last much longer than about five seconds.
The probe will leave the asteroid in March 2021 and head back to Earth. Then in September 2023, the asteroid sample will land in Utah inside of a special return capsule.
Asteroid in space (not Bennu)
Once the sample is collected, researchers will then study it with high-tech equipment in order to better comprehend the early days of the solar system and the potential role that carbon-rich asteroids could have played in the evolution of life on Earth. And by studying Bennu’s trajectory through space, it could help scientists better understand the non-gravitational forces that determine their paths, therefore helping to predict asteroid-impact forecasts.
Now that our technology can keep up with our interest in Mars and we havea few rovers running around looking at stuff, we’re going to start finding weird things and mysteries. Everything’s new and exciting on another planet. We really have no idea what we might find, especially since scientists are now confident that Mars used to haveliquid waterand the potential to support life. Of course, Mars is a whole unexplored planet and we’re looking at it through a couple small camera lenses and a time-delay, so naturally everything is going to appear a bit more mysterious than it probably is. The opposite could also hold true: what we see through the Mars rovers’ eyes as just a piece of rock or mineral deposit might, in fact, be the bones of an ancientMartian dinosaur. Well, probably not, but it is true that we’re finding surprising and mysterious things on Mars already.
Last week was full of activity on Mars (relatively). Just after the Insight rover touched down on the Martian surface, NASA reported that the Curiosity rover found a mysterious, shiny object on the Martian surface. NASA nicknamed the object “Little Colonsay,” presumably because it resembles the Isle of Colonsay in Scotland. That means at NASA mission control, when they received pictures of a mysterious, unidentified object from another planet, someone said “Hey, that looks like Scotland!” See? Everyone’s a goofball.
The Little Colonsay object. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL
Little Colonsay is a small object that stands out from the rest of the Martian surface by how shiny and homogeneous it looks. It’s hard to tell exactly how large it is from the photo, taken by the small black and white camera on the Curiosity rover. It looks to be a reflective metallic material. NASA says the object might be a meteorite:
“The planning team thinks it might be a meteorite because it is so shiny. But looks can deceive, and proof will only come from the chemistry.”
So far, NASA has found six iron meteorites on the surface of Mars, and they all look similar to the Little Colonsay object, though not similar enough to immediately say that it’s an iron meteorite. There are, assuredly, a whole lot of people who would disagree with the planning team and jump to their own conclusions on what its shininess must be proof of.
Regardless, no one will know what the Little Colonsay object is until Curiosity has a chance to analyze it. NASA says a previous attempt was made to collect the object and analyze its structure, but the rover’s arm missed its target. According to NASA, the object will be analyzed soon.
Whether it’s a meteorite or something else, only time will tell.
Will the next Cold War be fought in the really cold realm of outer space? Those who think about these things for a living point to the U.S. announcement of the formation of a separate military branch known as the Space Force as an indication of the affirmative. Who will they be fighting? No less of an expert than Nick Pope, former investigator for the British Ministry of Defence (MoD), said this week he believes it was be extraterrestrials. Meanwhile, Russia unveiled its own new space weapon – a laser cannon capable of knocking planes, satellites, flying saucers and other crafts out of space. Is that weapon for us or ‘them’? And what’s China doing while everyone else is watching these two?
“There are conspiracy theories suggesting President Trump’s plans for a Space Force reflect a need to protect Earth against hostile aliens. There were similar conspiracy theories about President Reagan’s Star Wars plan. While there may not be an alien connection, President Trump surely knows all of America’s UFO secrets – some of which were released earlier this year as part of the AATIP project – and this may have contributed to his keenness to develop a military Space Force. And of course he knows that the two key battlespaces in any future conflict are going to be cyberspace and outer space, so it’s vitally important for the US to dominate those battlespaces.”
In an interview with Star Online, Pope hints that the president knows what many of the alleged unidentified objects in the sky really are and, wherever they come from, he wants to be ready in case they start firing, bombing, blasting or something worse. Pope believes President Trump would have demanded to see this information, contrary to conspiracy theorists who contend those with the information are withholding it from him.
“I do not want to reveal more details. It is not the time yet. But experts will understand that with such weaponry, Russia’s capacities for defending itself have multiplied.”
Here’s something else for the Space Force to worry about … Russian President Vladimir Putin announced this week that the Russian army has deployed the Peresvet laser cannon (paging Austin Powers) that can “zap satellites out of space.” Named after Alexander Peresvet, a 14th century Russian Orthodox Christian monk and heroic warrior. The cannon looks sufficiently scary (see the video here) but the announcement did not include a demonstration – is this merely a case of laser-rattling or has it already been used and we just don’t know about it?
If you want to throw in one more superpower, China’s National Astronomical Observatories (NAOC) denied this week that the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) will begin searching for aliens in 2019 despite Wu Xiangping, director-general of the Chinese Astronomical Society, bragging that “It will help us to search for intelligent life outside of the galaxy and explore the origins of the universe.” While NAOC wants the world to believe that FAST is looking for radio millisecond pulsars and gravitational waves, it’s no secret that China wants to be the first nation to publicly announce the discovery of alien life.
Unless it has already visited us, as a NASA scientist implied this week. Who should we believe? Who do YOU believe? Are we in trouble … or is it too late?
It’s been almost a year since the New York Timesdropped a bombshelllast December, which detailed the existence of a secretive UFO study program overseen by the Pentagon.
The news was shocking for many, as it was the first public confirmation of taxpayer-funded UFO studies undertaken by a U.S. Government agency since the conclusion of Project Bluebook, the United States Air Force study that ended in 1968 (although there are whispers of other, smaller-scale studies that may have occurred since that time).
Few details were given about the program, apart from its name–The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program–and confirmation of its existence by the likes of Luis Elizondo, the former head of the program, as well as politicians like Harry Reid who helped secure funding for it. It was also revealed that much of the funding allocated for the program–a meager $22 million, according to the NYT–was funneled to aerospace entrepreneur Robert Bigelow, who used it to outsource UFO research to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Some of the funding may have also been put toward the furtherance of scientific studies of alleged paranormal activity at a ranch southeast of Ballard, Utah, known as Skinwalker Ranch.
Plenty of questions remain about all of this, of course. Despite Elizondo’s entry into the private sector (he now works for Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy, along with a number of other scientists with similar backgrounds in the unexplained), few additional details have been forthcoming about the Pentagon’s UFO interests. There were a few videos that were released, however, reportedly made with Raytheon’s Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) system; but as with most UFO videos, these leave much to the imagination, and remain far from being satisfactory “proof” capable of resting the doubts of the more skeptical among us. In other words, nothing conclusive about UFOs themselves–video or otherwise–has emerged with the knowledge of the Pentagon’s ongoing UFO studies.
Nothing akin to further evidence for their existence was even needed, of course, in order to stir the proverbial pot of public interest. A recent article at The Daily Beast, commenting on a summary of the original New York Times piece that appeared in The New Yorker, quoted the latter as saying that, “The internet went slightly more bananas than usual last weekend over The New York Times’ story implying that extraterrestrials are real and the U.S. government has been tracking them for years.” As The Daily Beast notes, “The [New York Times’s] reporting was long-awaited validation for anyone who has ever claimed a UFO sighting, or an inexplicable encounter with the beyond.
Not so fast.
Did the New York Times really imply, as TheNew Yorker suggests, “that extraterrestrials are real?” In short, the answer is no: the New York Times article never even used the term “extraterrestrial” (nor it’s acronym form, E.T.)… not even once. This was by design, of course: one of the article’s co-authors, Leslie Kean, has long championed the case for renewed interest in the UFO phenomenon by scientific and government organizations. She has also warned against conflating the terms “UFO” and “extraterrestrial,” and even addressed this specifically in the introduction of her 2010 book UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On the Record, where she noted:
It’s extremely important to establish at the very beginning that neither I nor the other writers are claiming that there are alien spacecraft in our skies, simply because we do not deny data showing a physical presence of something there. The term “UFO” has been misused and has become so much a part of popular culture that its original (and accurate) definition has been nearly completely lost. Almost everyone equates the term “UFO” with extraterrestrial spacecraft, and thus, in a perverse twist of meaning, the acronym has been transformed to mean something identified rather than something unidentified. The false but widespread assumption that a UFO is, of necessity, an alien spaceship is usually the reason the term generates such an exaggerated and confusing range of emotional responses. A recognition of the extraterrestrial hypothesis as being a valid, although unproved, possible explanation worthy of further scientific scrutiny is something entirely different from approaching the subject of UFOs as if this discovery had already been made.
I doubt that Leslie Kean would call the conflation of terms like UFO and extraterrestrial a “perverse twist of meaning” if she secretly meant “extraterrestrial spacecraft” every time she talked about UFOs. Hence, why it’s all the more important to address the problem she brings to light in the passage above.
No matter how carefully we attempt to frame discussions on the UFO subject, it is often difficult to escape the insinuation that UFOs are synonymous with extraterrestrials. In my own experience, there have been occasions where I have proposed ideas like time travel, interdimensional, or psychosocial phenomenon as alternative hypotheses to explain aspects of the UFO situation (these are speculative ideas, of course, and in my opinion, some are even less likely than the ever-popular “extraterrestrial hypothesis” or ETH. Nonetheless, I have at least been willing to entertain and write about these ideas, though never committing to them in the absence of solid evidence). In such cases, the conversations have often tended to come back around to something like, “so you’re saying that aliens are time travelers from the future?” In essence, the “extraterrestrial” stereotype prevails, even in cases where other theories are on the table.
Even when proposing alternatives like advanced “black budget” or military programs and experimental aircraft as possible sources for some UFO sightings (an idea that should seem entirely plausible, and perhaps even most likely in several cases), the stigma seems to remain. All too often, the idea that our government could have built some of these aircraft becomes attached to shadowy stories of “crash retrievals” and other similar things. In other words, we might be building them… but we couldn’t have learned to do something like that on our own: we must have stolen our ideas from the aliens!
Note the similarity here between the “back-engineered crash retrieval” theories, and the myriad ancient astronaut ideas that have emerged over the years. Whether it’s UFOs we see buzzing around in our skies today or ancient monuments that seem impossible to build even with modern engineering knowledge, the intellectual black hole that is the ET hypothesis remains ever-present.
Of course, the very fact that there are several competing “theories” about what UFOs are points to the bigger problem: that despite the popularity of the “extraterrestrial” idea, rational-minded thinkers who have looked at the subject all realize that there simply isn’t enough evidence to support this idea, or any other theory about them, for that matter. We literally do not yet have enough evidence to tip the scales in favor of any single theory about what UFOs are, despite the accumulation of anecdotal evidence suggesting that they might exist… whatever “they” might be.
The best we seem to be able to do is acknowledge that some theories appear to be more likely than others. Arguably, the ETH could be seen as being more likely than fantastic alternatives like time travel, interdimensional gateways, or notions that UFOs are “quantum-topological” points of intersection between our perceived reality and the “Matrix” exterior to the simulation in which we operate, to paraphrase something cool that David Bowie once supposedly said about a UFO he saw.
Humans like to deal in absolutes, and nobody ever said that getting to the bottom of something like UFOs would be easy. At least on the civilian level, we appear to still be in the mode of trying to determine if there actually is a phenomenon, apart from all the anecdotal data that implies it. If… and that’s a big if… there is a provable phenomenon here worthy of study (as many have argued over the decades), then perhaps some of it could be of extraterrestrial origin. It’s not impossible, but it remains unproven.
We have a ways to go before we can make any firm conclusions about what UFOs are… and that’s why making presumptions about them in the meantime becomes a real problem.
Every month it seems like some new form of ‘dark’ stuff is discovered which has the potential to rewrite huge chunks of scientific textbooks: dark matter, dark energy, evendark life. When will the darkness stop? According to some new mind-bendingresearchpublished in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, never, because 95% of the universe could be covered in a mysterious and bizarre “dark fluid.”
This new study attempts to solve one of the longstanding mysteries of astrophysics: why seemingly empty space in the cosmos seems to exert gravitational forces on objects. Theories proposing dark matter and dark energy don’t quite reconcile the gravitational effects physicists have observed in seeming empty space with the theory of general relativity, and that’s where this new theory of “dark fluid” comes in.
According to Oxford physicist Jamie Farnes, author of the theory, Einstein’s theory of relativity and the concepts of dark matter and dark energy can all work together if we combine dark energy and dark matter into a dark fluid which covers nearly everything in the universe:
Previous approaches to combining dark energy and dark matter have attempted to modify Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which has turned out to be incredibly challenging. This new approach takes two old ideas that are known to be compatible with Einstein’s theory—negative masses and matter creation—and combines them together. The outcome seems rather beautiful: dark energy and dark matter can be unified into a single substance, with both effects being simply explainable as positive mass matter surfing on a sea of negative masses.
Farnes admits that the idea of fluids with negative masses “sounds a little far fetched” but assures that “they are considerably less strange than you may immediately think.” The concepts of negative mass and negative energy can resolve many of the problems in modern physics – although we currently don’t have any way of conclusively proving they exist; their existence is merely inferred from gravitational effects seen in deep space.
While I can only begin to wrap my head around these theories, it’s pretty fascinating to think that we may only be able to perceive 5% or so of the stuff in the universe around us. Who knows what may be out there
Dark matter: The invisible material that makes up 27% of the universe
Here are the key facts...
Dark matter is a material that scientists believe makes up almost a third of the known universe.
It has never been observed by scientists because it reflects no light, making it invisible.
Astronomers only know it exists because of its effects on other objects, such as the gravitational pull of galaxies.
According to the European Space Agency: 'Shine a torch in a completely dark room, and you will see only what the torch illuminates.
'That does not mean that the room around you does not exist.
'Similarly we know dark matter exists but have never observed it directly.'
Dark matter is thought to hold galaxies together, stopping the rapidly spinning objects from being torn apart by their own gravity.
It is closely linked to dark energy, another hypothetical substance, which is thought to make up 68% of the known universe.
Together, that means 95% of the universe is made up of dark energy or dark matter – meaning all but 5% of the cosmos cannot be explained by modern physics.
For those suggesting blimp, that is a reasonable explanation, however the witness described that it was still for 20 minutes and TexasUFOs could also not find any "cached" internet results that showed that the Goodyear blimp was scheduled for Keller on November 18th.
One commenter said she saw exact the same cigar-shaped object on November 28, 2018 over Katy, Texas. At first she thought it was a weird cloud but then it started to move on and was going pretty fast.
The sighting over Keller, Texas shows much similarity with the UFO sighting over El Paso, Texas on September 5, 2018.
I have said it before and I will say it again...if you have never seen a UFO and want too...then watch seven sunsets in a row and I promise you will see something that cannot be explained away.
Here a woman in Texas was watching the sunset and was lucky enough to catch a UFO as it hovered in the background. The setting sun really lights it up like a roman candle. During sunset, UFOs become vulnerable to the angle of the sun, human witness and UFO combined. This triangle will allow the UFO to be seen for a few minutes.
Nicolas Dumont could not be more casual as we chat about alien abductions. "It's not a hallucinatory experience or a spiritual one," says the clinical psychologist. "The experience leaves physical marks behind, plus victims get extraordinary powers, like the gift of healing or clairvoyance."
Dumont's patients believe they've experienced an alien abduction, with some saying they've been taken multiple times. The claims are so convincing in their detail, says Dumont, that he's fairly certain something must have happened.
Dumont isn't the first psychologist to specialize in this. John Edward Mack, a professor at Harvard and former psychiatrist, spent part of his life studying this same phenomenon, following nearly 200 cases of people who believed they had been abducted by aliens. In 2003, he explained in an interview: "When you're talking to a psychotic who's telling you something that seems like a psychosis, you do get the feeling that it never happened. But in these cases, it's nothing like that. These people are healthy. They question themselves sometimes. But they're describing an experience that's real and intense—something being done to their bodies."
A while ago, I spoke to some of Dumont's patients about their experiences. This time, I wanted to chat to the psychologist about how he thinks he can tell whether someone has been abducted or not and why he's convinced that more medical professionals should be open to believing in the supernatural.
VICE: How many patients have you seen who think they've been abducted by aliens?
Nicolas Dumont: Firstly, it's not as if they all come in saying "I was abducted by aliens," but lots of them think that it might be what happened. In the four years I've been doing this, I've seen about 100 patients, all French, who have shown signs of an abduction. I still see five of them regularly, several years after they first came to me. One of them, Sonia, has been experiencing these kinds of abductions since she was little.
What do you do when someone shows up at your office saying they were taken?
I have a two-pronged approach. First of all, the diagnosis: I want to understand who I'm talking to. A person is, first and foremost, a very precise personality and from a very precise culture. Their cultural context and their approach to the world are fundamental to this part of my approach. Then I go into the exploration phase with the patient. The goal is to clarify what they want. Some want to understand what happened, others want to end it, and, of course, many want confirmation of the idea they were abducted. Lots of them ask me for hypnosis, but that doesn't always work.
Watch: China Built a Space Base in Argentina to Explore the Dark Side of the Moon
So what's the evidence you look for that makes you believe a patient may have been abducted?
Often these people tell me they were awoken in the middle of the night and found themselves paralyzed. They saw non-human beings around them, whether they were at home or in an external place that might have been a spaceship. Sometimes they were in both. Some hadn't experienced anything until they woke up at home thinking it was morning before realizing 48 hours had just gone by. We call that "missing time"—it's very common. The best-known case is that of Betty and Barney Hill in 1966.
From there, whatever your culture and background, the same elements are always there. Almost universally, my patients talk about the presence of a table, very specific beings and telepathic contact. Mentioning these specifics right away focuses my thinking toward whether the person has actually experienced something or not. Very often, these people claim to have new powers. Some people can float out of their bodies, while others acquire healing powers. And most have marks on them from the experience.
"There are also the little gray men who are particularly invasive and devoid of empathy. They’re the worst because their coldness is very often traumatizing."
You talk about "beings." Are there multiple races of aliens trying to contact us?
After several years of research and interviews, I'm convinced there are. It seems like there are reptile aliens who sometimes provoke terror, other times a kind of love. Then you have the blond humanoids who are very tall and paternal; patients feel good around them. There are also the little gray men, who are particularly invasive and devoid of empathy. They're the worst because their coldness is very often traumatizing. Some patients also tell me of contact with insectoid creatures, whom they perceive as superior entities—the ones in charge.
I see. And what are some of the personal traits of the patients who come to see you?
In the vast majority of cases, I'm seeing people who've experienced childhood abuse, accompanied by deep emotional deprivation. Of course, that's immediately used by skeptics who make a connection between their trauma and the experiences they claim to have had. But in reality, those two things have nothing to do with each other.
I truly believe that people who've been abused in the past have already been in contact with a certain "otherness." Their past experiences have created an ontological shock. We might compare this to going outside after having been in a dark room. When you've experienced an intrusion like having been abused as a child, I think you might, unfortunately, be more prepared than others to experience this kind of terrifying contact.
And what are they like after their experience?
What's interesting to me is the very particular link that forms between the abductee and these beings. They can feel the next abductions coming in advance. I think it's an initiation of sorts. After such an experience, you feel an overhaul of the self. Your guidance center in life isn't your specific personality any longer, but rather this mystery within you, something that's bigger than yourself. So basically, the person emerges from an individualist vision and acquires a vaster conscience. It's an awakening of the heart.
"I don’t fear for my reputation; I want to understand and help people. Other psychologists are afraid to talk about this to their colleagues. I’m not bothered by anything about it because I approach it with clinical psychology tools."
I imagine it must not be very common to specialize in all of this.
There are people who live through extraordinary things, like having out-of-body experiences. That's just how it is. Same goes for these abductees. I don't fear for my reputation; I want to understand and help people. Other psychologists are afraid to talk about this sort of stuff to their colleagues. But nothing about this bothers me because I approach it scientifically. Sure, I run into plenty of reticence—but I also meet people with open minds. I'm only ever looking to have conversations. Those who don't want to hear about it simply haven't ever seen the evidence.
How about you? Have you ever had an experience with aliens?
I saw a UFO when I was young. But I completely put the memory aside. It came back to me three years ago. Also, my siblings practiced spiritism when we were young—I'd see glasses moving on the table. It was incredible, being in contact with an invisible phenomenon.
And is that where your interest in abductions came from?
I studied psychology in college in the most classical sense. But even then, I was already curious about everything relating to extraordinary experiences. When I read the testimonies of people who’d had near-death experiences, and realized just how much those experiences had changed their lives, I asked myself, 'What’s the point of doing therapy for decades if a single experience can change everything?' And after that, I never shut the door on people's experiences. I went to the INRES (Institute for Research on Extraordinary Experiences) where I met the writer Stéphane Alix [author of "Aliens: An Investigation"]. It was thanks to him that I got so deeply into abductions. I think you have to have gone through all these steps in order to understand what people say they have experienced.
And what do you do when you are certain that a patient hasn't been abducted?
It depends on the case. If we're looking at a pathological liar, he won't allow us to dispute his version of events. I saw a patient a while back who had already managed to indoctrinate UFOlogists—he was really feeding off of that, that feeling of being special. That's typical with pathological liars. On the other hand, some do accept that it wasn't an abduction after all. But on my end, I never tell them that they weren't abducted; I never tell someone they're a liar. It's a discussion, and my job is simply to point the person in the right direction.
Do you think that alien beings come to visit us?
It's my job to calm my patient's suffering when they've been through some thing that could potentially destroy them.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Franse psycholoog behandelt mensen die zijn ontvoerd door aliens. Na jaren van onderzoek komt hij tot deze opzienbarende conclusie
Franse psycholoog behandelt mensen die zijn ontvoerd door aliens. Na jaren van onderzoek komt hij tot deze opzienbarende conclusie
Patiënten van de Franse klinisch psycholoog Nicolas Dumont claimen dat ze zijn ontvoerd door aliens. Sommigen zijn naar eigen zeggen meerdere keren meegenomen.
De verhalen die ze vertellen zijn zo gedetailleerd dat Dumont er vrij zeker van is dat er echt iets is gebeurd.
“Het is geen illusie of een spirituele ervaring,” zei hij in gesprek met VICE France. “Slachtoffers krijgen de beschikking over buitengewone krachten. Ze kunnen opeens genezen of zijn helderziend.”
Echt en intens
Dumont is niet de eerste psycholoog die zich heeft gespecialiseerd in buitenaardse ontvoeringen.
Ook John Edward Mack, een professor van de Harvard-universiteit, bestudeerde dit fenomeen. Hij behandelde bijna 200 gevallen.
“Het gaat hier om gezonde mensen die een ervaring beschrijven die echt en intens is,” zei hij in 2003 in een interview. “Er gebeurt iets met hun lichaam.”
Dumont heeft inmiddels zo’n 100 Franse patiënten gehad die beweren dat ze zijn ontvoerd.
Telepathisch contact
Eén van zijn patiënten, Sonia, wordt al van jongs af aan meegenomen door aliens.
Vaak zeggen mensen dat ze midden in de nacht wakker worden en zich niet kunnen bewegen. Ze zien niet-menselijke wezens om zich heen, in huis of in een ruimteschip.
Sommigen beseften pas wat er was gebeurd nadat ze waren wakker geworden en dachten dat het ochtend was, om er vervolgens achter te komen dat het 48 uur later was.
Vrijwel alle patiënten hebben het over een tafel, zeer specifieke wezens en telepathisch contact, aldus Dumont.
Vaak beschikken deze mensen ook over nieuwe krachten. Sommigen zweven uit hun lichaam, terwijl anderen kunnen genezen.
En in de meeste gevallen laten de ervaringen sporen na op het lichaam.
“Na jaren onderzoek en interviews ben ik ervan overtuigd dat meerdere buitenaardse rassen contact met ons proberen te maken,” zei de psycholoog.
“Er zijn reptielachtigen die soms angst opwekken en op andere momenten juist een gevoel van liefde,” legde hij uit.
“Dan heb je nog de blonde mensachtigen die heel lang en ouderlijk zijn; patiënten voelen zich op hun gemak bij hen,” zei hij.
“Er zijn ook kleine grijze mannetjes, die erg vervelend kunnen zijn en die niet empathisch zijn. Hun kilte werkt vaak traumatiserend,” klonk het.
Sommige patiënten vertelden Dumont ook over contact met insectachtigen, die ze zien als superieure entiteiten.
De psycholoog merkte op dat mensen de eerstvolgende ontvoering al van tevoren kunnen aanvoelen. Hij denkt dat het een soort inwijding is.
“Na zo’n ervaring ben je getransformeerd. Het leven draait niet meer alleen om jouw persoonlijkheid, maar om iets wat groter is dan jijzelf,” zei hij.
“Zie het als een ontwaking van het hart,” vervolgde hij.
Dumont, die als kind eens een UFO heeft gezien, zegt niet te vrezen voor zijn reputatie. “Ik wil mensen begrijpen en helpen. Andere psychologen zijn bang om hierover te praten met hun collega’s.”
Bible scholars believe the legendary Ark of the Covenant may have landed in Africa after it was taken out of Israel.
The Ark is said to be a gold-covered wooden chest containing two stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments – which Moses brought down from Mount Sinai – are written.
It is also said to contain other biblical items such as Aaron’s rod, which is thought to have magical powers.
Since it vanished there have been several theories as to where the Ark is now, including Mount Nebo in Israel, southern Africa, Ethiopia, Egypt and even several locations in Europe.
Christian monks in the African country have long claimed the Ark is being kept under guard at the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion in Axum.
In a blog post on the organization’s website it said: "As unusual as this may sound, the BASE team has uncovered compelling evidence that the Ark may well have been spirited up the Nile River to an eventual resting place in the remote highlands of ancient Kush — modern-day Ethiopia.”
According to their research, the Ark was taken out of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the reign of Manasseh, where it was first taken to a Jewish colony on Elephantine Island in Egypt.
After that, it is thought it was taken down the Nile to Lake Tana in Ethiopia and in particular Tana Kirkos Island, which is considered to be a holy island only populated by Christian monks.
From there the Ark was moved to Axum, or Aksum, a city in the north of the country.
The BASE Institute claims to have spoken to a man at the church who was “The Guardian of the Ark of the Covenant” and who spent his life inside a fenced-off area surrounding the church and claimed he would not leave the compound until he died and a new guardian took over the role.
The man claimed he was the only person who could look on the Ark because it was a holy object and he and the villagers would protect it with their lives, if necessary.
When an investigator from the Smithsonian approached the guardian in 2007, he was told: "I'm the guardian of the Ark, I have no other name."
While the BASE Institute did not claim the Ark had been found, it did say: “At this juncture, we cannot say with certainty that it is, but neither can we say for certain that it isn’t. What we have concluded is that St. Mary’s of Zion church in Axum, Ethiopia, is the resting place either of an incredible replica of the biblical Ark of the Covenant, or of the actual Ark of the Covenant itself.”
Bijbelonderzoekers ervan overtuigd dat legendarische ark van het verbond verborgen ligt in Afrika. Is dit de plek?
Bijbelonderzoekers ervan overtuigd dat legendarische ark van het verbond verborgen ligt in Afrika. Is dit de plek?
Bijbelonderzoekers denken dat de legendarische ark van het verbond zich in Afrika bevindt. De ark is een draagbare kist, met daarin twee stenen platen die de tien geboden bevatten.
In de ark zou verder de staf van Aäron liggen. Aan deze staf worden magische krachten toegeschreven.
Sinds de verdwijning van de ark circuleren er verschillende theorieën over de plek waar het voorwerp nu verborgen zou liggen.
Overtuigend bewijs
Christelijke monniken uit Ethiopië claimen al lange tijd dat de ark wordt bewaard in de kathedraal van onze heilige Maria van Zion in de Ethiopische stad Aksum.
Het Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration Institute (BASE) besloot op onderzoek uit te gaan.
“Hoe vreemd dit ook mag klinken, het team van BASE heeft overtuigend bewijs gevonden dat het goed mogelijk is dat de ark in het afgelegen hoogland van Ethiopië ligt,” schreef de organisatie in een blogbericht.
Uit onderzoek blijkt dat de ark van de Tempelberg in Jeruzalem is overgebracht naar het eiland Elephantine in Egypte en vervolgens via de Nijl naar het Tanameer in Ethiopië is vervoerd.
Daarna is de ark naar Aksum gebracht, een stad in het noorden van het land, aldus BASE.
Het instituut claimt te hebben gesproken met een man die zich voordeed als de beschermer van de ark van het verbond.
Heilig voorwerp
Hij beweerde dat hij de enige persoon was die de ark mocht aanschouwen omdat het een heilig voorwerp was.
Toen een onderzoeker van het Smithsonian hem in 2007 benaderde, zei hij: “Ik ben de beschermer van de ark, ik heb geen andere naam.”
De overheid bedreigde me en houdt me in de gaten. Man die Area 51 ontmaskerde en aan buitenaardse schepen sleutelde doet verhaal
De overheid bedreigde me en houdt me in de gaten. Man die Area 51 ontmaskerde en aan buitenaardse schepen sleutelde doet verhaal
De man die Area 51 ontmaskerde wordt nog altijd in de gaten gehouden door de Amerikaanse overheid, zo claimt hij zelf.
Bob Lazar beweerde in een tv-interview in 1989 negen geborgen UFO’s te hebben gezien op de geheimzinnige basis en te hebben gewerkt aan een aantal van deze buitenaardse ruimteschepen.
In een nieuwe documentaire wordt dieper ingegaan op het leven en de theorieën van Lazar.
Element 115
Dertig jaar geleden claimde hij dat hij in hangar S-4 bij Area 51 had gewerkt, waar hij UFO’s zag die waren gemaakt van element 115.
“Het aandrijfsysteem is gebaseerd op zwaartekracht. De energiebron is een antimateriereactor. Deze technologie bestaat helemaal niet,” zei Lazar, die indertijd een schuilnaam gebruikte.
Tot enkele jaren geleden heeft de Amerikaanse overheid het bestaan van Area 51 altijd ontkend. Vijf jaar geleden bleek uit vrijgegeven CIA-documenten dat de basis wel degelijk bestaat.
Lazar omschreef deze cover-up als ‘een misdaad tegen de wetenschappelijke gemeenschap’.
Mond te snoeren
Hij zei later dat zijn vrouw, zijn familie en hijzelf werden bedreigd door de overheid in een poging hem de mond te snoeren.
In de documentaire zegt Lazar, die nu met zijn vrouw Joy in Michigan woont, spijt te hebben dat hij zijn mond heeft opengedaan over Area 51.
Hij liet weten dat de FBI ooit een inval heeft gedaan in zijn laboratorium. “Ik heb altijd het gevoel dat ik in de gaten wordt gehouden,” zei hij.
De klokkenluider zegt zich vandaag de dag niet meer bezig te houden met verhalen over aliens en ruimteschepen.
Psychologische spelletjes
“Ik ben niet geïnteresseerd in onderzoek naar leven buiten de aarde,” zei hij. “Ik ben vooral geïnteresseerd in de ongelooflijk geavanceerde technologie. Ik weet dat we deze technologie, die de wereld kan veranderen, zelf ook kunnen ontwikkelen.”
De journalist die hem in 1989 interviewde, George Knapp, zei dat er geregeld is ingebroken in Lazars auto, dat er psychologische spelletjes met hem werden gespeeld en dat hij werd bedreigd.
“Lazar en anderen werden gevolgd en het lijkt er sterk op dat iemand hem bang wilde maken zodat hij zijn mond zou houden, of misschien probeerden ze hem gek te maken,” zei Knapp.
“Ik was er vaak bij en heb hen met mijn eigen ogen gezien,” klonk het.
As a follow-on to my previous article, “Bob Lazar, Area 51, UFOs and Russians,” I thought I would expand on why it would be so important for U.S. authorities to keep a careful watch on any potential Russian penetrations of Area 51 in the 1970s and 1980s. And also to mislead the Russians as to what was going on at the legendary base. When it comes to the matter of Area 51 and the 1970s, there is one important issue that cannot be ignored. And it should not be ignored. It was the early development of what has become known as “Stealth” technology for aircraft. It was in 1988 that both the LockheedF-117 Nighthawkstealth fighter and the Northrop GrummanB-2Spiritwere unveiled for one and all to see. The completely black, triangular-shaped aircraft caught the world’s attention, primarily because of their strange, angular shapes. It’s intriguing to note that in 1982 a wave of encounters with what became known as “Flying Triangles” began over portions of New York State, specifically in Hudson Valley.
In their 1988 book, Night Siege, authors Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno and Bob Pratt wrote: “Can 7,000 eyewitnesses be wrong? They were there to witness the huge, hovering object in the sky, the flashing lights, the eerie silence. They are ordinary people from all walks of life: stay-at-home moms, kids, business people, engineers. They tell their stories here, and they all agree on one thing: they saw the same massive object cruising over their backyards. And it was like nothing they had seen before…”
At the time when the Hudson Valley encounters were at their peak, it was reasonably assumed by UFO researchers just about here, there and everywhere that aliens had arrived and were scoping out the area to a massive degree. When, however, the Stealth planes were unleashed in 1988 – planes that looked eerily like the Hudson Valley “UFOs,” more than a few of those same ufologists came to wonder if what was seen over Hudson Valley was actually a top secret variation on the Stealth Fighter and the Stealth Bomber. Regardless of whether or not the Hudson Valley UFOs originated in the United States, or on a world far, far away, one of the most intriguing revelations that surfaced when the Stealth planes were revealed was the startling fact that they had been secretly flying not just for a few years, but since the 1970s – at Area 51. And, the secret (the top secret) had been skillfully contained for more than a decade.
If there is one thing that just about any and all military agencies want, it’s for their aircraft to be completely invulnerable. Well, while that’s a tall order, steps were taken in the early 1970s to create an aircraft that could not be detected on radar. It would, then, be the ultimate predator: quietly and carefully approaching its completely oblivious target. That is, until it was all too late. Lockheed Martin, the company which was secretly contracted to come up with a stealth-driven fighter, state that a pair of engineers, Dick Sherrer and Denys Overholser, “developed a computer program based on obscure German and Russian theories, which postulated that radar beams could be reflected by a series of carefully angled triangular panels,” which is precisely why both the B-2 and the F-117 look so odd. But, cool, too.
The most important development came in 1976. That was the year in which a program designated “Have Blue” was established as, to quote Lockheed Martin, “the stealth demonstrator that would lead to the F-117A Nighthawk.” Built out of aluminum and not much else, the aircraft was typified by the angular shape and futuristic-look. Although the Nighthawkremained unknown to virtually everyone until 1988, it was first test-flown on June 8, 1981, just one year before the Hudson Valley “UFOs” were first seen. Notably, the Nighthawk – while in test stage – was flown exclusively at night. And, while it seems unlikely that the F-117A was the culprit at Hudson Valley, perhaps a far more advanced stealth plane was.
One of the most notable of all the missions that the Nighthawkstook part in revolved around the invasion of Iraq in January of 1991. The radar-systems of the Iraqi military were woefully inadequate and, as a consequence, they flattened close to forty targets in no time at all; something which helped to bring the conflict to a close in a little more than forty days. Today, the Nighthawk is no more. It has been mothballed. But, how many other stealth aircraft – of highly advanced forms and technologies – remain hidden from prying eyes is anyone’s guess. Now, let’s take a look at the Stealth Bomber: the Spirit.
The brainchild of Northrop Grumman, the B-2 stealth bomber is, to quote the team that brought it to fruition, “a key component of the nation’s long range strike arsenal, and one of the most survivable aircraft in the world. Its unique capabilities, including its stealth characteristics, allow it to penetrate the most sophisticated enemy defenses and hold at risk high value, heavily defended targets.” It has played major roles in numerous conflicts, including Operation Iraqi Freedom in Afghanistan, in Kosovo, and in Libya. Not only that, the Spirit is capable of flying for 6,000 miles without refueling and can soar through the skies for 10,000 miles when refueled just once. And, it is armed with nuclear weapons. The B-2, then, is a decidedly formidable craft. Twenty-one such aircraft were built and deployed, of which only one came to grief, while taking to the skies from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam in February 2008. Just like the Stealth Fighter, early versions and incarnations of the Spirit were secretly flow from Area 51.
It goes without saying that hiding (from the Russians) the existence of early Stealth planes out at Area 51 would have been paramount to those working on the highly-classified projects. And, to the extent that they may even have used tales of UFOs to act as convenient covers for what was really afoot – all of which could have led to additional operations, such as the one involving Bob Lazar in the late eighties.
Duke Universityin North Carolina is known for its excellent academic programs, high number of Rhodes Scholar graduates and outstanding basketball teams. All of that pales in comparison to the recent announcement that Duke will now offer a course in UFOs taught by a religious studies professor who is also a well-known UFO researcher. Is that enough to convince your parents not to cut off your tuition money when they find out you’ve changed majors to UFOlogy?
Image credit: stockxpert
“It’s not the first time I’ve taught a course on UFOs. In the spring semester of 1996, when I was a professor in UNC-Chapel Hill’s Department of Religious Studies, I gave a seminar called “Special Topics in Mysticism: Heavenly Ascensions and UFO Abductions.” One of my colleagues indulgently labeled it “a funny course.” He didn’t understand. Whatever UFOs are, they aren’t funny.”
David J. Halperin, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, offers this bit of his own history on his website as an introduction and an aid for students wondering of a course entitled “UFOs – Encounter, Mystery, Myth” is a good elective. Professor Halperin is no slouch in either of his fields. After receiving his Ph.D. from Berkeley he taught Judaic studies in UNC’s Department of Religious Studies and had a special interest in religious traditions of heavenly ascensions and otherworldly journeys, resulting in five books on Jewish mysticism and messianism. He’s also the author of a novel, “Journal of a UFO Investigator,” and has a non-fiction book, “Intimate Alien: The Hidden Story of the UFO,” coming out in 2020.
Halperin’s 1996 course covered the abduction story of Barney and Betty Hill, a class assignment to read and discuss Whitley Strieber’s Communion, and student research and presentations on, among other topics, the “X-Files” TV series, alien contact and different aspects of the UFOs’ impact on African-American culture. Halperin retired in 2000 and never taught the UFO course again … until now. Why resurrect it?
“UFOs are still with us, however, enjoying a surprising new respectability in the world that’s emerged from the 2016 Presidential election.”
He’s referring to when candidate Hillary Clinton said she would reopen the real X-files if she were elected president. Halperin’s new course will update his old one, then cover the alleged 1966 UFO landing at Westall High School in Melbourne, Australia; the “Men in Black”; the experience of alien abduction’ and a look at what happened in 1947 near Roswell, New Mexico. He’ll finish with more on what has happened since the 2016 election and conclude by discussing the same question about UFOs he attempted to answer in 1996: “What do they mean?”
What DOES it mean? It means one of the top universities in the country is offering a course in UFO studies, thus providing a little more legitimacy to a subject begging for it. “UFOs – Encounter, Mystery, Myth” will be offered through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Duke from January 7 to March 25, 2019. You can learn more and sign up here.
Geoscientists exploring the remote Canadian wilderness have discovered a massive cave in British Columbia’s Wells Gray Provincial Park which may have never been explored by humans. In a nod to The Return of the Jedi, the cave has been nicknamed the “Sarlacc Pit” due to its gaping hole-like appearance – although us real fans know that the actual name was the “Pit of Carkoon” and that the Sarlacc was the ancient carnivorous beast inside the pit, not the name of the pit itself. Filthy casuals.
Kinda like calling this guy “Frankenstein.”
The cave in British Columbia was spotted by helicopter crews conducting a caribou count. It’s believed that the entrance has been covered in snow up until the last few decades, hence why it hasn’t yet been documented by either indigenous First Nations peoples or the Canadian Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. While we’d all like it to be named after the Sarlacc, consultations are underway with First Nations representatives to determine if they would like to name it.
The cave has not yet been given an official name or explored, and researchers aren’t exactly sure how it avoided detection for all of these years. “My immediate reaction was that there can’t be a cave there, it’s impossible,” said scientist Catherine Hickson. “It is huge. It is enormous. When you first see it, you just gasp because it’s just this huge hole in the ground.” The entrance measures 100 meters by 60 meters – the same size as a football field – and opens onto a shaft extending 100 meters underground. Check out Canadian Geographic‘s coverage for some breathtaking photos of the massive, unexplored cave.
Just what exactly may lie at the bottom of this cave remains unknown, as are its exact dimensions; once the cave is explored, it very well could become Canada’s largest cave. For now, scientists are keeping the location of the cave a secret until more research can be done and in order to protect it from intrepid spelunkers seeking to find a new definition of pain and suffering as they are slowly digested over a thousand years.
Scientists from the LIGO and Virgo scientific collaborations have released data regarding a black hole collision detected further than five billion light years from Earth, which resulted in both a larger black hole and ripples through space-time. Laser detectors in the United States and Italy detected the collision on July 29, 2017, but data has finally been checked and confirmed by the various institutions involved since that initial collection through a recent re-analysis of all the collected data by LIGO and Virgo from 2015, 2016 and 2017.
The collision took place between a black hole more than 50 times the m of the Earth’s sun and another at least 34 times the mass of the sun. This collision created a new black hole more than 80 times the mass of the sun. After that reanalysis, this event is now the 11th event recorded resulting in the release of gravitational waves. Most of the other 10 were also collisions between black holes, but one was a collision of neutron stars.
But what are gravitational waves? They were predicted by Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, but instrumentation available to properly measure them was decades away from construction when he first considered them. They are best described as ripples or waves in the very fabric of space-time created by massive astronomical chaos events – such as black holes colliding.
They are measured due to the fact the waves move at the speed of light due to accelerating masses. The LIGO and Virgo sites fire lasers into long tunnels shaped like the letter L. These waves traveling through space-time reach the lasers and disrupt the light. Such measurements can help scientists better understand the dramatic nature of neutron stars, which release strange radiation when they are destroyed. Some of that radiation produces rare elements like gold.
When the laser labs in the United States began their research in September 2015, they almost instantly discovered a black hole merger on September 14 of that same year. That discovery earned the team a Nobel Prize. Before the celebration of that initial discovery could be had, however, the team became bombarded with similar signals alerting them to more collisions and more gravitational waves through space-time.
As of this moment, though, the labs are not detecting anything. During data reanalysis, the labs are undergoing upgrades. They should be back running by spring of 2019. According to a report by the BBC, the labs will be able to see twice the distance, which could result in as much as eight times the rate of previous detection – meaning gravitational wave detection could become a daily occurrence.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
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