The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Emotioneel redeneren zoals Yoda of analytisch zoals Spock: wie van de twee maakt slimste beslissing? -
Emotioneel redeneren zoals Yoda of analytisch zoals Spock: wie van de twee maakt slimste beslissing? -
Psychologen van de Univeristy of Waterloo onderzochten het effect van emoties bij het oplossen van moeilijke vraagstukken
WETENSCHAP Wat is nu het verstandigste? Redeneren en rekening houden met je emoties of redeneren zonder emoties? Die vraag stelden enkele onderzoekers van de University of Waterloo(Canada) zichzelf. “Wijs redeneren is moeilijk voor koelbloedige personen”, zo luidt het verdict dat gepubliceerd werd in het tijdschrift Journal of Experimental Psychology.
De ene laat zich beïnvloeden door zijn emoties, de andere maakt alleen maar weloverwogen en berekende beslissingen. Het onderscheid tussen die twee verschillende manieren van nadenken, sluit aan bij de fictieve karakters van Yoda (Star Wars) en Spock (Star Trek), maar wie van de twee personages is wijzer? Spoiler: Yoda wint dit gevecht alvast volgens de psychologen die het onderzoek leidden.
Het groene mannetje uit de Star Wars-saga houdt immers rekening met zijn gevoelens én die van anderen. Op die manier maakt hij gebalanceerde keuzes. Op vlak van wijsheid is hij dan ook de ‘sterkste’ Jedi die er bestaat.
De kenmerken van het fictieve personage staan in het onderzoek pal tegenover die van zijn - al even legendarische - concurrent: Spock. De ruimtevaartofficier in de televisieserie Star Trek laat zich, net zoals Yoda, leiden door het verstand, al pakt hij vooropgestelde problemen op een ietwat andere manier aan. Zijn personage tracht voornamelijk logisch te redeneren, zonder rekening te houden met gevoelens. Bijkomende schade? Zolang die het het algemeen belang dient, is dat een gefundeerde beslissing.
Maar om verstandige keuzes te maken, moeten individuen wel rekening houden met de emoties die zijzelf alsook anderen ervaren, zo stellen de onderzoekers.
Emotionele diversiteit
Om tot die conclusie te komen, voerden enkele psychologen van de University of Waterloo talrijke experimenten uit. In totaal namen er zo’n 3.700 participanten deel aan het onderzoek. De proefpersonen werden gedurende vier jaar regelmatig geconfronteerd met emotionele uitdagingen, situaties die interpersoonlijke conflicten uitlokten, en moeilijke geopolitieke vraagstukken.
De onderzoekers concentreerden zich daarbij op de emotionele diversiteit - het vermogen om verschillende emoties, negatief en positief, te ervaren – van de deelnemers. “Een diversiteit aan emoties kan niet alleen de fysieke en emotionele gezondheid van een individu bevorderen, ze maken die personen ook wijzer”, aldus hoofdauteur van de studie Igor Grossmann. “Verder brengt deze studie talrijke manieren in kaart die wijs redeneren stimuleren, rekening houden met persoonlijke ervaringen is daar een voorbeeld van.” Bij een gebrek aan emoties of zonder een gezonde mix aan negatieve en positieve gevoelens, zadelden de deelnemers anderen (of zichzelf) vaker op met meer conflicten of problemen, zo bleek.
Kortom, wie zich af en toe laat leiden door emoties neemt de verstandigste beslissingen. Dat is natuurlijk op voorwaarde dat die emoties in balans worden gehouden. Eenmaal de negatieve of positieve gevoelens domineren, zijn wijze beslissingen ver zoek.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
We communiceren met aliens via AI51 en zij leren ons hoe tijdreizen werkt, zegt deze honkballegende
Foto: Bryan Horowitz Wikimedia Commons
We communiceren met aliens via AI51 en zij leren ons hoe tijdreizen werkt, zegt deze honkballegende
Aliens willen graag de geheimen van tijdreizen met ons delen, maar hebben moeite om contact op te nemen. Dat heeft honkballegende Jose Canseco gezegd.
“Aliens hebben geprobeerd ons te leren hoe tijdreizen werkt, maar eerst moeten we onze lichaamssamenstelling veranderen, waar we niet toe bereid zijn,” tweette hij.
“We hebben het tevergeefs geprobeerd bij dieren,” voegde hij toe.
Totaal irrelevant
Canseco, die in 1988 tot meest waardevolle speler (MVP) werd uitgeroepen in de American League, zei dat de aliens ons kunnen leren tijdreizen, maar vormt de wetenschap een grote belemmering voor interplanetaire communicatie.
“Onze wetenschap is totaal irrelevant voor aliens,” tweette Canseco, die eerder aangaf dat hij president Trumps stafchef wilde worden.
“We communiceren met aliens via een zeer flexibele lichaamssamenstelling die AI51 wordt genoemd,” verduidelijkte hij.
“De aliens gaan ons leren hoe we fysiek kunnen reizen zonder het lichaam,” klonk het.
Jose Canseco✔@JoseCanseco
-We are in communication with aliens with a very flexible body composition called the AI51
Aliens have been trying to teach us how to time travel but first we have to change our body composition which we are not willing to do we have tried with animals and it has failed
Time travel puts 42,651 pounds of pressure on a human skeletal structure.... can you detach the brain from the body and equalize the pressure it could be done
Deep space radio waves baffle astronomers; aliens not ruled out
Deep space radio waves baffle astronomers; aliens not ruled out
WATCH: New space discovery has astronomers buzzing
Astronomerscan’t rule out that possibilityafter an exciting new discovery. A team in Canada recently stumbled upon ultra-brief repeating waves from deep space for only the second time in history.
Appearing on ABC News Live, Senior SETI astronomer Seth Shostak talked about the fascinating find: "Could that be aliens that are in those galaxies and they have some need to get in touch... well maybe."
"It is something new, every time we see something we’ve never seen before that is an opportunity to learn something new about the universe," astrophysicist Dr. Hakeem Oluseyi told ABC News Live.
Shostak also shared behind-the-scenes information about a promising signaldiscovered by SETI in 1997 and how he reacted at the time.
"We had picked up a signal, it was passing all the tests. This looked like the real deal, I was there waiting for the Men in Black to show up... " he said.
Watch the video above for the best moments from the ABC News Live segment.
Radiogolven uit de diepe ruimte stellen astronomen voor een raadsel. Aliens? ‘Nou, misschien wel’
Radiogolven uit de diepe ruimte stellen astronomen voor een raadsel. Aliens? ‘Nou, misschien wel’
Astronomen kunnen de mogelijkheid niet uitsluiten dat vreemde radiosignalen uit de diepe ruimte iets te maken hebben met aliens, schrijft ABC News.
Een team sterrenkundigen uit Canada stuitte onlangs op mysterieuze radiogolven uit de ruimte, zogeheten snelle radioflitsen.
Voor de tweede keer in de geschiedenis werd een herhalende radioflits ontdekt.
Astronoom Seth Shostak van SETI (Search for extraterrestrial intelligence) zei tegen ABC News Live over de fascinerende vondst: “Kunnen het aliens zijn in die sterrenstelsels, die contact met ons willen opnemen? Nou, misschien wel.”
“Het is iets nieuws,” reageerde astrofysicus dr. Hakeem Oluseyi.
“Iedere keer dat we iets zien wat we nog nooit eerder hebben gezien, is een kans voor ons om iets nieuws over het universum te leren.”
Men in Black
Shostak deelde ook informatie over een veelbelovend signaal dat in 1997 door SETI werd ontdekt.
“We hadden een signaal opgepikt dat alle testen doorstond,” zei hij.
“Het leek echt te zijn en ik verwachtte ieder moment Men in Black op de stoep,” vervolgde hij.
Net voor afgelopen kerst publiceerden wij een artikel met daarin opnames van een piramidevormige ufo boven het Pentagon.
Nu verschijnt er uitgelekte opname van een geheime vergadering bij de VN waarin wordt gezegd dat er een buitenaards piramidevormig ruimteschip is gesignaleerd boven het Pentagon.
Op dit moment doet een video opname de ronde die als deze echt blijkt te zijn niets anders is dan full Disclosure.
De herkomst van de opname is onduidelijk omdat de originele beelden in sneltreinvaart door de censuurcommissie van Youtube werden verwijderd. Gelukkig zijn een aantal mensen erin geslaagd de video te kopiëren zodat deze nog steeds te bekijken is.
Wat daardoor wel ontbreekt zijn de mogelijkheden om te kunnen controleren waar deze opname vandaan komt en of deze echt is. Coen Vermeeren, lang werkzaam bij de Technische Universiteit (TU) in Delft en met jarenlange ervaring als het gaat om ufo's, spreekt zich uit over de VN beelden en denkt/hoopt dat ze echt zijn.
In de gelekte video zien we een deel van een sessie bij de Algemene Vergadering van de VN. Wanneer is niet duidelijk en er wordt aan de aanwezigen gevraagd om niets te filmen of om audio opnames te maken en absolute geheimhouding te bewaren over wat er bekendgemaakt gaat worden. Verder een waarschuwing dat als mensen toch proberen opnames te publiceren zij vervolgd zullen worden.
Ze zegt dat ze een mededeling heeft en die is dat afgelopen december (welke dag wordt niet gezegd) er een piramidevormige ufo verscheen boven het Pentagon.
Een object met een doorsnede van zo’n 100 meter dat vloog op een hoogte van 500 meter en om zijn eigen as draaide.
Dit gebeurtenis werd ook vastgelegd en gevolgd door een groep specialisten van NASA, die allerlei gegevens ontving van het vreemde object. Deze zijn geanalyseerd en het resultaat daarvan wordt dan door Prokofveva gedeeld in de VN vergadering.
Ze hebben daarvoor radarbeelden gebruikt, visuele waarnemingen en radiosignalen die afkomstig waren van de ufo. Conclusie is dat ze zeker weten dat hier sprake is van een object met onbekende herkomst.
Dan valt inderdaad het woord buitenaards en er wordt bij gezegd dat de intenties van het schip niet vijandig waren.
Tenslotte zegt Prokofveva dat de vreemde radiosignalen die eerder deze maand door een observatorium in Canada werden opgevangen van een melkwegstelsel op een afstand van 1,5 miljard lichtjaren identiek zijn aan de signalen die afkomstig zijn van de piramidevormige ufo.
Hier volgt de bewuste video (Redactie: in het geval deze ook weer weg is gecensureerd is een kopie opvraagbaar bij onze redactie.Tekst gaat onder de video verder):
Echt of nep? Dat is de vraag. We hebben voor zover mogelijk rondgekeken en er wordt wel regelmatig geroepen dat de opname nep zou zijn, een mogelijke promotie voor een nieuw product of film of iets van dien aard, maar (ook) wij hebben daarvoor geen concrete bewijzen kunnen vinden.
Vandaar dat we nu de hulp inroepen van de lezers om vast te kunnen stellen of we hier inderdaad met een nepopname te maken hebben of dit nu eindelijk een eerste stap tot die full Dislosure is geweest. Suggesties kunnen naar redactie apenstaart en hierna volgt een deel van het eerdere artikel met de opnames van de piramidevormige ufo.
Ondanks dat de waarneming boven Moskou negen jaar geleden plaatsvond, is niemand er nog is geslaagd om hier een verklaring voor te vinden.
Om te zien hoe het er in Moskou destijds uitzag, hierna nog eens de opname:
Nu zijn we negen jaar verder en wordt er boven het Pentagon in Amerika een vergelijkbaar object waargenomen.
Een lezer schrijft daarover het volgende:
Het is op 19 december al gebeurd, en ik dacht: jullie rapporteren er ook wel over, maar dat hebben jullie nog niet gedaan. Het gaat om een piramidevormige UFU boven het Pentagon. Eerder, in 2009 en opnieuw in 2013, is eenzelfde object ook al uitgebreid gefilmd boven het Kremlin in Moskou.
Omdat er meerdere opnames zijn, ook van de UFO boven het Kremlin, lijken filmbewerkingen in deze gevallen uitgesloten. Ook een Russische politicus ( ) heeft de UFO boven het Kremlin dus besproken in zijn politieke praatprogramma op de Russische televisie, en hij heeft het zeer serieus genomen.
De opname vanuit een auto, op 19 december, is naar mijn mening echt spectaculair. Ze rijden vlak langs het Pentagon en ze zeggen op een gegeven moment dat de UFO verdwenen is, terwijl op hetzelfde moment op hun opname, boven in beeld, je de gigantische UFO nog gewoon kan zien, maar ze kijken er onder door of ze herkennen de vorm even niet.
Volgens mij zijn deze beelden net zo spectaculair als indertijd de UFO boven de Rotskoepel op de Tempelberg in Jerusalem, alleen gaat het nu om een veel groter object dat ook veel langer is blijven hangen, met name indertijd in Moskou boven het Kremlin, en dit object is kennelijk geïnteresseerd in de beleidsmakers/machtscentra van de twee grootste kernmachten.
Tot zover de lezer.
Hier volgt een derde opname gemaakt van de vreemde ufo boven het Pentagon:
Jose Canseco is at it again. No, the former Oakland Athletics staris not attempting a comeback at baseball normixed martial arts, nor is he dipping into the steroids bag again. Jose is back to tweeting about aliens of the space kindand has now added a new twist – his theories on time travel that he claims were given to him by extraterrestrials. Is this for rel or is he trying to get an invitation to compete on Dancing With The Stars?
“We are in communication with aliens with a very flexible body composition called the AI51”
That was Canseco’s first of a series of tweets on January 30th about aliens. It’s not clear what “AI51” is, although it’s possibly a combined abbreviation of ‘Artificial Intelligence, Area 51’, but searches come up with nothing on aliens with that name regardless of body composition. Is this a new classification?
“These aliens are going to teach us how to try and travel the brain can physically travel without the body.”
Hmm. Is he alluding to time travel via astral projection? Is he communicating directly with these aliens or does Jose have access to some secret government files?
“Aliens have been trying to teach us how to time travel but first we have to change our body composition which we are not willing to do we have tried with animals and it has failed.”
Sounds like Jose just watched The Island of Dr. Moreau. Or is he privy to secret cloning and genetic experiments going on in China?
“Time travel puts 42,651 pounds of pressure on a human skeletal structure…. can you detach the brain from the body and equalize the pressure it could be done”
Where did that figure come from? Some scientists say the maximum pressure a human can endure is 70 times normal atmospheric pressure or 1029 pounds per square inch. Is that what you’re talking about, Jose? And isn’t the brain part of the body? How can pressure on the brain alone be equalized? What kind of science is this?
“Our science is totally irrelevant to aliens”
Oh, well that explains it … not! At least it explains why these “aliens” are communicating with Jose Canseco and not Neil deGrasse Tyson. Or perhaps they’re fans of the 1980s Oakland Athletics and the “Bash Brothers” – Canseco and Mark McGwire, the team’s steroid-infused home run tandem. Or could it be that Canseco has dealt with them before?
“Jose we do not want you to run for president. You’re destined for much greater things in the battle against the androids and the alien masters. Elements of the United States government are compromised by the androids and aliens, they are deeply in at all levels, cannot trust.”
“I actually died over night and came back to life now I am a vampire and you are my apprentice”
Died and came back? Was he dabbling in time travel in 2012? And why is he complicating things by throwing in vampires?
“When I died I saw Elvis and micheal they said hello”
OK, Jose. We skeptics need more clarification. Let’s hope the aliens don’t take away his Twitter account again before Canseco can explain more about time travel, aliens, vampires, Elvis and Michael.
What’s going on in America’s skies? Last week, a series of boomsrattled the American deep southwithout explanation. The mystery boom phenomenon continues this week with a trio of unexplained explosion noises which shook people in their homes from Chicago, Illinois to Panama City, Florida. What is behind this phenomenon, and why does it at least seem like it’s being ignored by safety and security agencies?
This week’s mystery booms were spread out throughout the eastern half of the United States, yet they all seemed to occur on the same day. Could they be connected? In Chicago, Illinois, residents reported “loud booming” or poppig noises late in the evening of Tuesday, January 29. Some people said the booming was so loud it shook the earth under their feet.
O’Hare International Airport in Chicago
Our page is inundated with reports of this stuff,” says Adam Lucio of Illinois Storm Chasers, “People have been reporting that they’ve been hearing these loud booms that sound like thunder or a car crash and in many cases, it’s scaring them because they aren’t sure what it is.” In the Chicago incident, so far the best theory is that the booms were caused by cryoseisms, sometimes called “frost quakes.” These rare geological events are thought to occur when soil or bedrock breaks apart as groundwater freezes, but aren’t well understood.
While the cryoseism theory sounds plausible in icy Chicago, two other booms which occurred on the same day can’t so easily be explained. Farther to the east in Pennsylvania, residents of south Philadelphia were awoken late on the evening of January 29 by a boom loud enough to shake their houses and windows. After Philadelphia police received several reports of explosions, the U.S. Geological Service and the Department of Defense were contacted, but neither agency knows anything about the mystery booms.
That is, at least publicly.
Meanwhile, houses in Panama City, Florida were shaken on the same day by what was reported as a “loud bang,” although this one was reported in the afternoon. Curiously, some residents even reported feeling pressure changes and unexplained headaches after the noise was heard. Floridians took to social media to speculate about the cause of the bang, with explanations ranging from earthquakes to military activity. Neither the National Weather Service nor nearby Eglin Air Force Base had any information to share, but Bay County Emergency Management services are investigating the incident.
Why have these booms become so common recently?
With no information from authorities, what are we left with? Three mystery booms in three states all on the same day within twelve hours of each other. I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to get genuinely creeped out over the frequency of these mystery booms and the total lack of explanation. While no information has been offered up by any official channels, I’m confident that someone or some agency somewhere knows at least something about these mystery booms – something they’re not sharing with the public. What’s more terrifying: the thought that clandestine military activity is causing sonic booms around the country, or that some unknown natural force might be behind the phenomenon?
Here is a blue triangle UFO I found in the STS-052 shuttle mission archives. This occurred in Nov 1992. Now this triangle UFO reminds me of the same blue triangle seen over the UK that was a USAF top secret project called The Aurora Project. It looks like even back in 92 this secret craft was up and flying around.
The Aurora legend started in March 1990, when Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine broke the news that the term "Aurora" had been inadvertently included in the 1985 U.S. budget, as an allocation of $455 million for "black aircraft production" in FY 1987. According to Aviation Week, Project Aurora referred to a group of exotic aircraft, and not to one particular airframe. Funding of the project allegedly reached $2.3 billion in fiscal 1987, according to a 1986 procurement document obtained by Aviation Week. The blue triangle was repeatedly seen over the UK for several years, always near a USA military base. Project Aurora was a triangular craft that glows blue and was built with an alien tech propulsion system. Yes it works, yes its real, yes it can reach up to one quarter the speed of light. Scott C. Waring
The co-writer/director of The Blair Witch Project, Daniel Myrick, is returning to his shaky-cam roots with his new movie,Skyman, which follows, documentary-style, the fictional story of Carl Merryweather, a man who believes he had an alien encounter in the desert when he was 10 years old and is now attempting to re-establish contact at the same location.
Daniel Myrick
In a statement made last week on the 20th anniversary of the Blair Witch release, Myrick said:
“I’m elated to finally be able to share the first look at Skymanon such a monumental occasion – the 20th year anniversary of Blair Witch. We’re all curious about the beyond… I’m excited for you to join me on this journey.”
I’ll go out on a limb and say this will be a must-watch for UFO buffs as it will likely tap directly into some fascinating elements of UFOlogy and UFO lore. Blurring the lines between fact and fantasy, the trailer for Skyman opens with actual UFO footage captured in the 1950s, well known to UFOlogists. I interviewed Daniel Myrick back in 2014 in connection with his 2008 sci-fi movie The Objective, which drew inspiration from UFO conspiracy theories and Ancient Astronaut lore. Myrick described to me how he had grown up in the 1970s watching TV series and documentaries exploring Ancient Astronauts. “They had a huge influence on my imagination and world view about earth and the cosmos,” Myrick explained.
The Objective (2008)
Myrick also told me he is a firm believer in life elsewhere in the cosmos and is hopeful that contact might be established within his lifetime. However, he was far from sold on the extraterrestrial hypothesis for UFOs. He acknowledged in our correspondence:
“Well, there is a ‘phenomenon’ to be sure. Exactly what is the root cause is more open to speculation. Scientifically, I find it hard to imagine that a race of beings with the capability of space travel over such distances would come all this way only to leave blurry remnants of themselves for us mere mortals to argue over in the ensuing years after their departure. More likely we’ll be making contact via radio telescope or some other technology that has yet to be invented.”
Judging by the trailer and poster for his new film, though, it may be that Myrick is finally finding his believer boots…
A possible “missing link” has been discovered in orbit around the Sun close to Pluto. While it would be a lot cooler if this was the ‘half-ape, half-man’ kind of missing link found floating frozen in space and proving ancient astronaut speculation to be true, this curious object is more of the ‘half-planetoid, half-asteroid which may prove planetary formation theories true’ type of missing link. The Japanese astronomers who discovered this mysterious space object believe it could help further explain how planets in our Solar System formed, and in the process shed light on the origins of Earth as we know it.
The object was discovered by astronomers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) who spent 60 hours with small 11-inch telescopes observing 2,000 different stars looking for any objects which might pass in front of them. That old-school space sleuthing paid off, because the astronomers found evidence of a tiny body known as a planetesimal orbiting the Sun close to Pluto. Planetesimals are protoplanets, small planet-like objects around 1 kilometer in diameter. Given enough time, these objects’ gravity can attract enough matter to become full-fledged planets. The full study of this new planetesimal has been published in Nature Astronomy.
“This is a real victory for little projects. Our team had less than 0.3 percent of the budget of large international projects. We didn’t even have enough money to build a second dome to protect our second telescope! Yet we still managed to make a discovery that is impossible for the big projects,” astronomer Ko Arimatsu said in a NAOJ press release. Geez, somebody get these guys some funding.
The object is estimated to be around 2.6 kilometers (1.6 miles) in diameter and orbits the sun in the Kuiper Belt. The Kuiper Belt is becoming one of the most-studied areas of our Solar System. This belt of asteroids and objects like this new planetesimal is thought to contain answers to some of the as yet unsolved mysteries of our cosmic neighborhood. How could this tiny planetesimal be related to the long-suspected Planet 9, if such a planet exists at all?
Whether or not this discovery turns out to be Earth-shattering astronomical news, it shows that a bunch of dudes with retail-level telescopes on their roof can still discovery new objects within our Solar System. How cool is that?
In a 1900 book,History of the Devil and the Idea of Evil, written by Dr. Paul Carus, we get to see what some of our ancient ancestors had to say about the unholy offspring that a coupling between an Incubus and a man, or a Succubus and a woman could create. And if you’re not aware of the incubus-succubus issue, read on. Carus recorded: “The theory of incubi and succubi is presented in all its indecency on the authority of St. Thomas Aquinas, who in his commentary on Job (Chap. 40) interprets Behemoth (a large animal, probably the elephant) as the Devil, and derives from the mention of the animal’’s sexual strength (verse 16) the theory that evil demons can have intercourse with human beings. Satan is supposed to serve first as a succubus (or female devil) to men, and then as an incubus (or male devil) to women; and St. Thomas declares that children begotten in this way ought to be regarded as the children of the men whom Satan served as succubus. They would, however, the more cunning than normal children on account of the demoniacal influence to which they were exposed in their pre-natal condition. Matthæus Paris mentions that within six months one such incubus-baby developed all its teeth and attained the size of a boy of seven years, while his mother became consumptive and died.”
There was a strong belief that something decidedly non-human was behind the offspring of these terrifying, late night couplings. As for St. Thomas Aquinas, to whom Carus referred, he was highly knowledgeable on this matter. He said of assaults on the sleeping and the unwary, and of the nature of the children that resulted: “Still, if some are occasionally begotten from demons, it is not from the seed of such demons, nor from their assumed bodies, but from the seed of men, taken for the purpose; as when the demon assumes first the form of a woman, and afterwards of a man; just so they take the seed of other things for other generating purposes.”
One of the biggest problems when it comes to the incubus and the succubus is the matter of their physical appearance. Or, more correctly, their multiple appearances. People who have experienced such things have described encounters with the so-called “Gray” extraterrestrials of UFO/”alien abduction” lore. Others have claimed rape by demons. More than a few have found themselves under the sway of the closest thing one could imagine to a real-life, shape-shifting, werewolf. Many have experienced horrifying visitations from a phenomenon called the “Old Hag.” It’s a creature that surfaces all around the world, but which is most curiously prevalent, for reasons that remain unknown, among the people of Newfoundland, Canada. As its name suggests, this breed of creature manifests as a white-or-black-haired, withered and wailing, ancient crone. A welcome visitor, she is not.
The prevailing, skeptical view on encounters with an incubus or a succubus is that they are provoked by something called Hypnagogia, better known as “Sleep Paralysis.” It is an age-old phenomenon that was finally given a name in the 19th century, by a French physician, Louis Ferdinand Alfred Maury. Essentially, sleep paralysis is a physical state that is somewhere between being awake and being asleep. At that hazy moment, when transition from one distinct state to another is occurring – and, more importantly, if and when that transition is violently interrupted – both body and mind act in decidedly strange fashion.
Sleep Paralysis plunges a person into a dream-like condition in which they, literally, cannot move. For all intents and purposes they are physically paralyzed, and that includes their vocal chords, too: the person is unable to shout, or scream, for help. They also, typically, detect a deeply malevolent presence in the room in which they are sleeping – or, on other occasions, experiencers will describe predatory forms slowly, and in creeping fashion, approaching the room. It’s an experience that can be accompanied by strange and menacing voices, incomprehensible words screamed or whispered at the terrified soul in rapid-fire time, and the sense of something dangerous looming over the affected person, as they struggle to both wake up and move. When they finally manage to do so, the dark atmosphere and attendant malevolent entity are gone, as in practically immediately.
Those skeptical of the idea that Sleep Paralysis has external origins would likely say that the large number of Old Hag encounters that originate in Newfoundland are caused by cultural conditioning, and subconscious knowledge of how the experience should play out. Of only one thing can we be certain: when Hypnagogia occurs, an absolute multitude of supernatural forms appear out of the ether and subject us to violent, sexual encounters.
It’s easy to understand why Hypnagogia is perceived as being the cause of attacks of the incubus and succubus variety. But, there are important questions that needs answering. Sleep Paralysis is an undeniable, real phenomenon; there is no doubt about that. But, is it a product of the internal intricacies of the mind, the dream state, and the subconscious? Maybe not. It might actually be provoked by an external, supernatural source; one that can invade our dream states and manipulate them accordingly.
Antarctica Whistleblower reveals to Linda Molton Howe what he saw during Secret Antarctica Operation
Antarctica Whistleblower reveals to Linda Molton Howe what he saw during Secret Antarctica Operation
Antarctica Whistleblower: Aliens have been in contact with Home Sapiens from the beginning - They have seeded us!
In 2003, a U.S. Navy Seal Special Operation team traveled to Antarctica to investigate a perfectly geometric 8-sided octagon structure discovered by ground penetrating radar near the Beardmore Glacier, about 93 miles from the American McMurdo Station.
Another previous team of engineers and scientists had dug out the top layer of one of octagon made of a pure black substance that was built on top of two more black octagonal structures that went down deep into the 2-milethick ice.
The following testimony, which starts around the 11.20 mark in the video, is by one of those Navy Seals who was there, but now retired. He calls himself Spartan 1 and gave me permission to videotape him on July 19, 2018 - as long as he was in the shadow and his voice was altered.
He reports that the octagonal entrance led to vast structures covering acres deep beneath the Antarctic ice - heated and lighted by an unknown source...
But before Linda Molten Howe starts her interview with the retired Navy Seal she talks about Naval officer, Brian, who has worked for twenty years as a technician and flight engineer for the US Navy from 1977 to 1997.
Brian told Linda some rather disconcerting things about what he has experienced in Antarctica in the period 1995/96.
Several times they saw silver colored flying saucers in the distance over the mountains and once they saw a hole in the ice, the size of a football field. Actually, they ended up there by accident, because the hole was only a few kilometers away from the geographical south pole and in a no-fly zone.
However, since they made a medical flight that had rushed in, they flew over this forbidden area and saw a huge hole in the ice that looked like it was an entrance to an underground installation ...
Strange ‘pill-shaped’ object seen pulsing in North Carolina Sky, Jan 25, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Strange ‘pill-shaped’ object seen pulsing in North Carolina Sky, Jan 25, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 25, 2019 Location of sighting: North Carolina, USA This is a great video of a cigar UFO over NC last week. The eyewitness is an avid birdwatcher and known on Youtube as SpaceBret. He noticed an object flying near an airplane and got some great close up video of it. When an eyewitness uses the best of the best camera lens...Leica...I sure as hell take that evidence seriously. UFOs often fly towards any other flying object in the vicinity in order to scan the latest human tech. Because each high tech craft made by humans is one step closer to making light speed craft and flying across the universe. And they don't want to miss that historic moment in human evolution. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan Eyewitness states:
Yesterday while walking around outside looking for birds to film and photograph I noticed a strange flashing light in the sky near an airplane. It was moving slowly in the sky, a little slower than the planes flying around. I could see the random flashing coming from the object for about 10 seconds. I tried to film it with my camera. Using my GH5 and Leica 100-400mm lens I was able to grab a few frames of the object. I did not think I captured it at all because the focus would only hunt and not lock on. When I got inside and checked the footage I was blown away by what I saw. I have no idea what this object is. It is pill shaped with bullet headed ends. This is in rural North Carolina just outside of Greensboro. Enjoy the video and let me know if you have any idea as to what this object is. Camera: GH5 Lens: Leica 100-400mm at 400mm Camera settings: F6.3 ISO 800 Shutter 1/250th Focal Length 400mm - Equivalent to 1177mm on 35mm FPS 59.94 in 8bit VLOG Thought I was shooting 1/1000th shutter speed but heat of the moment probably knocked it down, or video recording mode automatically knocked it down. The meta data does not lie. Used the Daylight Linear GHAlex lut and changed gamma to bring in as much detail as I could.
Black Square UFO Seen Over Conyers, Georgia on Jan 30, 2019, MUFON Report #98202 UFO Sighting News.
Black Square UFO Seen Over Conyers, Georgia on Jan 30, 2019, MUFON Report #98202 UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 30, 2019 Location of sighting: Conyers, Georgia, USA Source: MUFON #98202 An eyewitness records this dark square shaped UFO over Conyers yesterday. Heavy winds, but this object is not turning or rotating like a balloon, nor does it have stings...its huge! Like a 727 in size, but I do notice a wobble to it slightly. Also, if you fast forward to the 1:18 mark I noticed there are two UFOs there for about 7 dark black square, the other is semi transparent and far above it...but almost in the same position. Wow I really hope we get more footage from more people in Conyers. I'm sure others must have seen it, but believe it or not, only 1 out of 6 will actually think about recording the UFO on their phone at the time of any sighting. There must be more footage out there. Scott C. Waring
Did Boeing secretly test a mysterious UFO space plane above Area 51?
Did Boeing secretly test a mysterious UFO space plane above Area 51?
Jasper Hamill
Boeing has released pictures which appear to show a hyper-advanced space plane sitting on a runway at a base which looks a lot like Area 51.
The concept drawings may have been sketched as long ago as the 1980s and depict several super-advanced reusable spacecraft.
Although it’s not clear whether the futuristic flying machines were actually built, one image features a ‘mothership’ which appears designed to carry a baby which hangs beneath it and resembles a cross between a UFO and the Space Shuttle.
At least four of images were shared as an Instagram story last January, which means they disappeared from view after just 24 hours. They do not appear to have been shared again by Boeing, although this does not necessarily show they prove something explosive such as the existence of a top-secret research program at a military base.
It’s not clear if this image was sketched by someone who actually saw this space plane in action, or whether it’s a work of pure imagination
(Image: Boeing)
We could not find the images on Boeing’s Instagram page because they were shared as a ‘story’ so automatically disappeared after they were posted
Most of the images were also released on a tweet published in August last year, which you can see above.
The picture of a mothership and its baby was released on January 14 2019, The Drive reported, but we have been unable to find the image on Boeing’s social channels or website.
The motoring and defence publication was also first to suggest the backdrop of the images resembled Area 51, a nickname for the Edwards Air Force Base.
These drawings show several space planes. It not known if any of them were ever built
This secretive facility believed to be dedicated to researching and building ‘exotic’ aircraft – and potentially spaceships as well. Its work is highly classified.
But in the public imagination, Area 51 is forever linked with aliens and is at the centre of all sorts of bizarre conspiracies claiming it has secretly studying extraterrestrial technology or built craft which resemble UFOs.
The background certainly does look a lot like Area 51, while some of the planes resemble the craft pictured in a patent for a ‘horizontal-takeoff transatmospheric launch system’ filed in 1984 and granted in 1989.
These images were drawn in 1984 or before but like the sort of spaceship you’d see in a science fiction movie
(Image: Boeing)
Boeing wrote: ‘This invention is directed toward providing a transatmospheric launch system that is essentially totally reusable, provides wide flexibility in choice of orbit, and may be launched quickly on short notice.
‘The system of the invention is a two-stage horizontal takeoff and landing system. An orbiter vehicle is integrated into the underside of an aircraft.’
We have written to Boeing to ask if it tested spaceships at Area 51 and will update this article if it replies.
UFO sighting: Spaceship 'with ALIENS on board' seen landing in Doncaster garden
UFO sighting: Spaceship 'with ALIENS on board' seen landing in Doncaster garden
A UFO has been seen landing in the front garden of a house in Doncaster, which alien enthusiasts are claiming is proof of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth.
A video which was titled “UFO Ship with Aliens on Board Crashed into the Sand Pile on my Driveway” was uploaded to YouTube by the user Tiho Gro. The video quickly racked up thousands of visitors because of the strange activity, which some are struggling to explain. A bright pulsating light can be seen drifting slowly towards the ground.
The user who uploaded the video said: “Aliens exist and now living in my 10 ton sand pile on the drive way.”
The sighting was quickly picked up by conspiracy theorists, with some claiming it is proof of alien activity.
Prominent alien hunter Scott C Waring shared the sighting, which occurred on January 17, on his blog UFO Sightings Daily.
Mr Waring said: “The video shows a globe of light (UFO) that lands in the garden of a house in the town of Doncaster, located in South Yorkshire (England).
UFO sighting: ‘Alien spaceship’ seen landing in Doncaster garden
“In the security cam video you can see how the sphere of light, once landed, seems to stand for a few seconds in the garden.
“The eyewitness then states that the light then suddenly in a flash of light disappears, but I don't see this in the video.
“Perhaps the eyewitness cut it out for some unknown reason.”
A Chinese lantern was touted as a probable explanation
(Image: GETTY)
While some believed the footage was proof of aliens, others were not so convinced by its authenticity and offered simpler explanations.
YouTuber Larry Maxweel commented on the original video: “Probably a Chinese lantern. Candles put off A LOT of light which would look exactly like it does in video.”
Another commenter, SFearFox, agreed, writing the simple explanation beneath the video: “It’s a Chinese lantern landing”.
Open Minds UFO Radio: In this episode, Alejandro and Martin review fresh UFO news including the recent release of files related to the Pentagon’s UFO program.
We take a look at the serious topic and related issues of objects observed in the skies above us that remain a mystery. Host Alejandro Rojas shares updates and credible information regarding Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) including the search for extraterrestrial life and our quest to become a space fairing species.
Tom Delonge, founder of To The Stars Academy, recently uploaded a post on Instagram claiming that multiple US attack submarines somehow had a UFO 'pinned' underwater against the North Atlantic Coast.
Reflect On:
There are thousands of declassified UFO encounters, most of which are aerial. A story like this doesn't really seem too 'out there' for those who have researched the topic, and it seems more probable given Tom and his team's reputation.
The idea of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) is no longer taboo, and has been officially verified by multiple governments around the world including the United States. These objects are often tracked on military radars and seen by the pilots who are sent out to take a closer look. There have been millions of pages of UFO related documents declassified detailing these encounters, hundreds of testimonies from credible people within military, intelligence, and government agencies exposed, and tons of electro-optical data and physical evidence released. You can read about some examples of military encounters in more detail here.
In 1979, General Carlos Cavero told the world that “everything” has been “in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world. On a global scale, the nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon” and there is “an international exchange of data.” There are tons of similar, reputable statements like this out there, including the following one made by the first CIA director, Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter: “Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” (source)
Despite the vast amount of evidence in support of extraterrestrial and UFO phenomena, the ‘secrecy campaign’ is still ongoing, influencing the minds of the masses and convincing people that it’s all a “conspiracy theory.” Perception manipulation is a tool frequently used by the ‘powers that be’ in all areas, especially within the political realm.
Whether it be a former Chairman of the Royal Navy telling us that “there is a serious possibility that we are being visited, and have been visited by people from outer space,” a former Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Barry Goldwater stating that “I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified,” or an Apollo 14 astronaut saying that “yes, there have been crashed craft and bodies recovered,” there is no shortage of high-ranking insiders attesting to the reality of this phenomenon.
However, this goes far beyond mere witness testimonies.
One of the biggest mouthpieces for “the establishment,” The New York Times, admitted something that the establishment has been concealing for years: UFOs are real. The Times broke the story about a secret Pentagon program about UFOs, but any UFO researcher knows these programs are far more in-depth, expensive, and expansive than anything that’s described within the article.
This was then followed by a Washington Post article written by Christopher Mellon, a member of To The Stars who spent 20 years in the federal government, holding prestigious roles including the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and Bush Administrations. To The Stars is a company founded by the musician Tom Delonge, which aims to inspire a newfound appreciation for ‘the profound yet unresolved mysteries involving science and the universe,’ including UFO phenomena.
All of a sudden, after these articles, UFOs were perceived as ‘real’ within mainstream media. Many have criticized Tom Delonge and To The Stars, claiming that the company is a deep state operation looking to bring about misinformation about UFOs. Some will post pictures of Tom Delonge with John Podesta, for example, and claim that he is ‘one of them.’ However, I do not believe these accusations.
It’s similar to Harvey Weinstein being pictured with Oprah. A single image doesn’t make Oprah a rapist or a supporter of sexual misconduct, and we shouldn’t judge others based on a photograph or who they spend their time with. Tom might be completely unaware of Podesta’s reputation, as it’s quite clear his main interest is the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon. Delonge has done nothing but good for the UFO movement and has inspired massive awareness surrounding the subject.
Perhaps we should be more concerned with the transparency of the US government than with Tom Delonge’s motives. So far, the US government has proven that they cannot be trusted when it comes to being transparent about this subject. This is why it’s ok to have concerns about where this mainstream disclosure movement is headed, and whether or not it’s rooted in good will.
It’s evident that politicians are becoming more and more persuaded and coerced by corporations and the global elite, something Roosevelt referred to as the “invisible government” that “sits enthroned” behind the “ostensible government.” (source)
Another great quote:
The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation . . . The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. – John F. Hylan, Mayor of New York City from 1918-1925, (source)(source)
It remains to be seen where To The Stars will take this, but I fully believe that if there are some sort of ‘sinister’ intentions within To The Stars, Tom and most of the team probably have no idea about it. So far things are looking good, and they’ve done nothing but create awareness.
The team he assembled is actually pretty extraordinary, as their backgrounds are quite impressive, and Tom deserves all the credibility he’s garnered. Sure, there is no evidence that his claims are true (like the image pictured below), but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t entertain his thoughts, especially given the fact that thousands of similar encounters have been reported. Here is one of many great examples of verified encounters with documented proof, in case you were curious.
Why Would Multiple Nuclear Attack Submarines Do This?
As an avid researcher into the field of UFOs for nearly half of my life, I can confidently say that not only are there unidentified crafts performing maneuvers that defy our known laws of aerospace and physics, but these crafts have been spotted entering and exiting our oceans as well. This is something that’s still new to many UFO researchers just entering the field now.
I’d like to highlight one thing here. After decades of military encounters, it seems the protocol for multiple governments is to try and shoot these crafts down.
Below is a quote from Dr. Steven Greer, creator of the most popular documentary on Netflix last year, Unacknowledged. Greer is well known for the Disclosure Project, where he amassed hundreds of military/intelligence personnel with verified backgrounds to come together and share their testimonies and experiences regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence.
Below he shares a perspective many may not know about:
Here is a great quote from Paul Hellyer,
Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. The inevitable result was that some of our planes were lost, but how many were due to retaliation, and how many were a result of our own stupidity, is a moot point.” (source)
By the way, “the preservation of the planet” (Colonel Ross Dedrickson, from thisinterview with Dr. Greer) is a common theme in extraterrestrial lore. However, that is not to say that some malevolent forces aren’t at work as well. Who really knows!
Dr. David Clarke, an investigative journalist, reader and lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University in England, and the former curator for The National Archives UFO project from 2008–13, outlined what some of the UK’s documents say regarding this type of technology.
These documents reveal how the RAF expressed great interest in finding UFOs to help come up with new and innovative ways to become their enemies during the Cold War. Apparently, they were gathering evidence that other nations had collected this technology. Having been an avid researcher into the field myself for more than a decade, I can confidently say that stories of crash retrievals of unknown aerial objects are abundant–Roswell is certainly not the only example.
Even though they have been partly censored they can’t conceal the fact the UK military were interested in capturing UFO technology or what they coyly refer to as ‘novel weapon technology’…And the files reveal they were desperate to capture this technology – wherever it came from – before the Russians or the Chinese got hold of it first….Although this was 1997, Russia was still regarded as an undefeated enemy with a weapons programme regarded as a threat to the West.
The Takeaway
What makes us think this planet belongs to us? What right do we have to shoot down intelligently controlled crafts that may have been around for decades? Clearly, if there was a threat associated with them or some type of ‘armageddon’ scenario, it would have happened already.
All the global military industrial complex wants to do is find out what’s going on and what’s inside these crafts, even if that means disregarding basic morals. These are not actions we should be proud of, as they highlight just how difficult it may be for any potential outside visitors to explore our planet.
Does the elite actually care about the preservation of our planet? Or do they only care about looking out for their own interests, regardless of the implications their actions have on others?
The extraterrestrial/UFO phenomenon truly leaves no area of humanity untouched. The implications on spirituality and human consciousness are huge, and it’s a topic that will eventually force us to take a closer look at who we are, where we came from, how we treat our planet, and why we are so much more than the bodies we inhabit.
Dr. David Jacobs, a retired university professor, and Young-Hae Chi, from the University of Oxford have both hypnotically regressed people who claim to have had ET abduction experiences. After thousands of people, they all share the same story.
Reflect On:
How is this possible? How can thousands of people from all over the world share the same experience? Something is going on here, it's time we begin looking at that. Is there justification for the secrecy that exists in this space?
Yeah, the title of this article can seem quite scary, but this is one perception and there is a lot to talk about here.
To even contemplate the idea that (some) intelligent extraterrestrials are taking human beings against their will for unknown reasons, subjecting them to several different experiences that will be elaborated on later in this article, and then (in most cases) returning them from where they were taken, can completely destroy one’s worldview paradigm.
It seems like something out of a horror movie, perhaps it would be best to take the perspective of all the animals that we take for our own entertainment and scientific purposes, that animal would most-likely have a difficult time comprehending what exactly is going on and would probably assume there is nothing but malevolent forces at work. Furthermore, we ourselves, have a difficult time communicating with that animal, and cannot get through to it due to the fact that it’s so extremely panic ridden.
Is this what’s going on in abductions? Perhaps there is something greater at play, even for our own good? Perhaps not. Many abductees, although subjected to much trauma, have had a sense of comfort and also telepathic communications letting them know that they’ll be alright. What’s going on here? Some sort of science experiment? Genetic manipulation? Human/alien hybridization?
Abductees vs Contactees
Before we get into it, it’s also important to mention the fact that when it comes to extraterrestrial contact, of which millions of people have claimed to have had, there are multiple categories. There are abductees, as described above, and there are contactee’s, those who are not taken forcefully but rather have encounter(s) with supposed intelligent extraterrestrials, sometimes friendly, and other times a quite fearful experience as well. Then there are those who claim to be ‘channeling’ extraterrestrial beings, but have not experienced physical contact.
An example of a ‘contactee’ experience would be when more than 60 school children in Ruwa, Zimbabwe witnessed the landing of a spacecraft by their schoolyard. Two beings apparently came out of the craft and were seen by the children. These beings were also conveying telepathic messages to the children. The messages included the care-taking of our planet, and what would happen if we don’t turn it around. Many of them had disturbing visions, and are still speaking about the encounter today, which was made public by Harvard psychiatrist John Mack. You can read more about that story in detail, here.
Mack, now deceased, is a great source for information when it comes to abductees and contactee’s, another great one is Dr. David Jacobs a recently retired Professor and historian at Temple University who makes a very interesting point,
Now, let us suppose it is not happening, all those things still remain, and yet it’s not happening, there is no such thing as the abduction phenomenon. If that is the case, we have found the most important thing ever in the history of neurology, brain function, cognition…all these people are saying the same thing at their risk, this is not going to bring applause to them , that they say they’ve been abducted by aliens from outer space. High functioning people say this knowing full well it could destroy their careers, and they say this around the world…And it’s not happening then what? (source)
Why Are They Abducting Humans?
Some of what people report as UFOs are extraterrestrial (ET) vehicles. Some of those extraterrestrial vehicles actually have ET crews, and some of those ET crews catch and release humans – Don Donderi, Retired McGill University professor, Department of Psychology (source)
There are multiple theories based on the abductees and those who are actively involved with the research. One common theme seems to be an alien/human hybridization program. Many abductees claim to have been subjected to strange procedures, from having their sperm or egg extracted from the body, sometimes for males this occurs through forced orgasm. Others report being forced to breed with a human-like extraterrestrial.
Many women who are abducted and subjected to these procedures become pregnant shortly after they are returned, and during their pregnancy they experience another abduction event where they are returned without their fetus inside of them. After this, the next abduction usually occurs years later, and involves the abductee inside of a ‘meet and greet’ with their hybrid child, or children. They spend time together aboard the craft, and are observed during this type of activity by the extraterrestrials.
This is extremely common for women, women have these experiences all the time.
– Jacobs
According to Dr. Jacobs, in a recent interview he gave with UFO researcher and historian Richard Dolan (see below), there is some type of ‘take-over agenda.’ Some of these hybrids return to Earth with their mother, and are, according to Jacobs, currently living amongst us. They do not know our ways, have many questions, and seem to be in ‘observation’ mode. Dolan describes them as lacking emotion, Jacobs feels that they are very logical and very curious about our ways. He’s even been in contact with a supposed hybrid, via the parent. He hypothesizes that “this planet will be theirs.” These hybrids also apparently have the ability to neurologically control humans to some extent, from a close distance of a few feet.
When they come here, I’m making very large claims of course, when they come here, as people have told me, they are naive . There is only so much they can learn being on board a UFO, once they come here to live in human society, they learn that there is a lot more to learn. So, the abductee takes them to the supermarket, and teaches them how to buy food etc…They are amazingly good at remembering things…all information is remembered…Their brains are different than ours. They can control us, from a few feet away, and that control is, that’s a bad one.
– Jacbos
Keep in mind, we are talking about the typical Gray alien here. It’s important to mention that abductees and contactees have reported multiple beings, from the grey alien, to reptilian beings, insect and animal like beings all the way to human looking extraterrestrials of various sizes, and obviously, hybrid looking type of humanoids as well.
The ability to neurologically control others, is indeed scary, and for a being of those capabilities, you would hope that they are nothing but service to others, as I am sure we all do.
Furthermore, we are talking about regular people, doctors, lawyers, university professors, people who are struggling, living in poverty etc. These abductees are located all over the world, from all walks of life, and all share practically the exact same story when they are hypnotically regressed. We’ll get to that point shortly as I want to elaborate on it more.
It does not matter what country they come from, they all say the same thing.
This is amazing, considering the fact that thousands of these people have been regressed by researchers.
It’s also interesting to note that hybrids are not only composed of half human, and half alien, but there are also exchanges between hybrids with humans as well. There are multiple generations with varying amounts of alien/human, based on the research of those mentioned in this article.
Are They ‘Good’ or ‘Bad?’
Obviously, we don’t know the answer to this question, but the overall gist from most researchers is that the main idea is the preservation of our planet. This comes from experiences like the one mentioned earlier in the article about the 60 school children in Zimbabwe. Not only that, this narrative comes from multiple credible ‘insiders’ with very interesting backgrounds.
There is what seems to be a lot of benevolence when it comes to examining the intention of these supposed beings, but there are also hints of malevolence as well.
Colonel Ross Dedrickson is one of many examples I’ve used in the past. He was assigned to the US Atomic Energy Commission and has had a long service there between 1950-1958 made him privy to some very sensitive information. He eventually decided to go public and tell the world that the “preservation of the planet is their main concern.” He did so in this interview with Dr. Steven Greer.
He was not talking about hybrids, but simply extraterrestrials. Who knows if the group he was referring to is the same group involved with the hybridization program?
Again, we are talking about what could be multiple groups visiting our planet, others with perhaps some benevolent intent, and others, unfortunately, with some malevolent intent. It seems that the Gray alien is most involved with the abduction phenomenon, along with insect like beings and reptilian type beings as well.
But what about this hybridization program? Is it benevolent or malevolent? There are differing opinions here among those who are involved with this research. In the interview with Jacobs, Dolan compares these hybrids to psychopaths who don’t seem to have any empathy, at least that’s the way it can look sometimes. He claims that some of them are “faking their way,” simply to find out more about what’s going and how we operate here, or at least this could be a possibility.
This goes along with Jacobs’ hypothesis, that the purpose here is the colonization of the Earth.
I’m not sure if I agree with the empathy comments by Dolan. These are things we do not know, we do not know how they feel towards others, how they would react if they saw someone in a helpless situation. It’s also important to keep in mind that Dolan could be correct, they are after all half alien, and an important part of some sort of unknown agenda that’s going on that’s been conducted by this ET group. How do we know if ET’s have the same emotional capacity as us? Does that make them bad or good? It’s our human perception in the end that filters what we see.
Perhaps the ‘abductors’ are ‘working’ for someone else? Another group? Who knows.
Are they seeding the planet with a hybrid population? Is this simply another step in our evolution and how it’s happened all along? Is this some sort of take over agenda for self serving purposes, or have human beings messed up so much that the preservation of the planet requires a completely new race? We don’t really have many answers yet to be honest. At this point, we can’t really draw any conclusions.
I do not believe feelings and intuition should be used to decipher mass truth about the phenomena at this point, but I personally feel there is an important role to play for hybrids, and that they will know this role when the time comes. But again, who knows, everything at this point, for the most part, is speculation, except for the fact that they are here and that they are increasing in numbers.
Perhaps all of us are some sort of hybrid?
We don’t know enough yet, and there is still a lot to find out as time goes on. It seems that there is simply a hybridization program taking place and that these hybrids have been walking amongst us for quite some time. If something overly sinister was supposed to happen, I feel it already would have. But then again, there is a possibility that this phenomenon did not start until after World War 2, at least Dr. Jacobs seems to believe that based on his research (he mentioned that in the interview).
If this is the case perhaps we are looking at some type of military component? I say this because based on my research, some ‘alien’ abductions may be military abductions that utilize psychotronic weapons.
In the interview, Jacobs mentions a colleague of his who is also heavily engaged in abduction research. He does not seem to share the same ‘grim’ type of perspective, despite the fact that he is getting the exact same results.
The colleagues name is Young-hae Chi, who also engages in abduction research. He is a professor at the University of Oxford.
Below is a link to the entire interview with Dolan and Jacobs if you’d like to listen to it in its entirety. Later on you will find a lecture from Young-hae Chi.
The Findings Are The Exact Same
We know that the phenomenon is very, very widespread around the world. People think that this is an American phenomenon, it is not. I’ve worked with people from Africa, and Asia, and Latin-America, and Europe and so forth… All say the same thing all around the world, it does not matter where they’re from. People often ask me whether there’s any consistency in abduction accounts, the consistency is mind-boggling. – Jacobs. (source)
Chi, Jacobs, and others before them, have regressed and researched thousands of people. Chi, in Korea, and Jacobs in the United States. They correspond with each other, as virtually all abduction researchers have found. They’ve found that the stories coming out of hypnotic regressions are the same, with very similar but unique differences, for practically everyone.
How jaw-dropping is this? Either there is some sort of new mental condition, or some type of psychosis happening that’s not looked at or mentioned, or, something is really going on here.
Susan has been involved in extensive contactee research and shares EXACTLY what is similar in contactee experiences. We interviewed her on CETV.
It seems the latter, especially given all of the evidence that already exists for the existence of UFOs that are piloted by an extraterrestrial being.
Jacobs believes that the purpose for these programs is the colonization of Earth, as mentioned. But Young, however, based on his research, believes in the benevolent theory, that this is being done to spark a more compassionate and environmentally aware citizenry who actually care about the planet they live on.
Interesting isn’t it?
Below is a full lecture by Chi discussing his conclusions.
The Takeaway
The UFO phenomenon is no longer taboo, and the idea that some of these craft may be piloted by intelligent extraterrestrial beings has, in my opinion, strong evidence behind it. We have statements from thousands of credible people from within the military, intelligence agencies, governments, academia and more that has all been complimented by physical evidence and electro-optical data. The conversation gets deeper into why they are here, what are they doing, how their craft work etc…It leaves no area of humanity untouched.
The abduction phenomenon in particular can be quite ‘scary,’ but as you can see based on the information provided within this article, there are many unknowns, and it’s still hard to determine what exactly is going on. To be honest, I still believe it’s something far greater than we may be able to comprehend at this moment.
Based on witness testimony, and the fact that many of these craft have taken, as former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer once said, “corrective measures to avoid our aircraft,” it seems they are not here to harm. That being said, the protocol still seems to “shoot first and ask questions after,” which is how, possibly, Dr. Edgar Mitchell knew that “there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.”
One thing is for certain, we are not alone, and we’ve never been alone.
Perhaps the preservation of the planet is something more important than WE are…
Related CE Article
We’ve been writing about this topic in depth for years, below is one article out of hundreds that touches on what’s currently happening in the mainstream with regards to UFO disclosure. If you’d like to read more of our articles on the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon, visit the disclosure section of our website.
UFOs are perhaps the most searched subject on internet search engines at the moment and if they’re not, they’re close to the top. Interest in the subject matter continues to grow, and theDeep Statecommunity has certainly recognized it. Years and years of petitioning from the citizenry and UFO disclosure advocacy groups, on top of other international governments acknowledging the phenomenon, not to mention hundreds of high-ranking people from numerous ranks within military agencies, academia and intelligence agencies have all come forth sharing their knowledge and experiences.
Recently, it seems to have reached a critical boiling point, where a majority of the populace is aware of the fact that something strange seems to be happening in the inside, and outside of our atmosphere and has been for a long time. Perhaps this is why the US government recently decided to end what seems to be, as the first CIA Director Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter alluded to, and official campaign of secrecy?
“Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” (source)
Because the idea has been ridiculed by the global elite, through movies and mainstream news, it brainwashes mass amounts of people to do the same. This is done with several different topics, and it creates a culture where anyone who raises their voice, is instantaneously vilified by whomever they tell. But things are changing.
The Pentagon recently disclosed this info as well, by approving the release of video footage shot by US military pilots of three different UFOs. All three objects, one the size of two air-craft carries, defied our current known laws of physics and aerodynamics. The videos came from a Pentagon program which located, and video taped unidentified aerial objects to determine if there is a ‘threat’ associated with them.
The head of that Program, who recently retired from the Pentagon, Louis Elizondo, shared the fact that this is actual data, electro-optical data and radar returns. He also emphasized how this type of thing is quite common, and how he believes there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that “we may not be alone, whatever that means.” He did so on national mainstream television.
UFO encounters with the military is nothing new, there are millions of pages of declassified documents from various governments and agencies showing so.
People like Louis, and others at the To The Stars initiative of which he is apart of, don’t really speak out until they are given the green light. One thing is for certain, the US government has now disclosed the existence of UFOs, and many researchers within the field, including myself, are very cautious of the direction the government wants to take this information.
You can read more about that, and check out some of the footage in the articles linked below:
I only say that because we’ve been lied to and manipulated so much so that it’s almost hard to believe anything that comes from a government agency, unfortunately.
I elaborate on the idea of a ‘false flag’ alien invasion in the article linked below, if you’re interested in that discussion and where it’s coming from:
As far as the question of whether or not these UFOs are extraterrestrial or not, I elaborate on that idea in this article I previously published:
This topic is so big and vast that it truly leaves no aspect of humanity untouched. There are facts about this subject that would still blow your mind and we’ve covered many of them. If you want to go through our articles we’ve published on the UFO/Extraterrestrial topic for the past 9 years, you can visit the Exopolitics section of our website, HERE.
Whether it be a former Chairman of the Royal Navy telling us that “there is a serious possibility that we are being visited, and have been visited by people from outer space,” a former Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Barry Goldwater telling us that “I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified,” or an Apollo 14 astronaut saying that“there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered,” we have no shortage of high-ranking insiders attesting to the reality of this phenomenon.
General Carlos Cavero told the world in 1979, “everything” has been “in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world.” On a global scale, “the nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon” and there is “an international exchange of data.” (source)
So, what type of data have they been analyzing? Here’s a quote from December 16th 1978, issued by the Chilean Air Force with regards to a UFO encounter, similar to what the Pentagon released. Again, keep in mind, this is something that’s happened thousands of times over the past few decades, and perhaps thousands of times every single year?
“Two pilots on a training mission, each flying a F5 fighter aircraft, tracked the object on their airborne radar. It gave a return equal to ten or more aircraft carriers-except this object was in the air, not floating on the water. Each pilot assumed his radar equipment was faulty, until he learned that the other pilot was also getting the same return. Not only this, but ground radar from a nearby airport also picked up the object and confirmed its huge size. The pilots also saw the object with their own eyes. One pilot later said that at a distance of twenty miles, it looked “like a plantain banana swathed in smoke.” The pilots were frightened, having no missiles or weapons. As they approached the massive object, which had been motionless all this while, it took off at an unimaginable speed. All at once, it vanished from the three radar screens.” (1)(2)
The very next morning the Chilean Air Force scrambled some F5 fighter jets to intercept another very large UFO. The pilots described this one as very bright, and very large. The Chilean Air Force has officially acknowledged these events, but could not explain what had occurred.
To see some more examples of UFO/military encounters, you can refer to this article:
Since we’re talking about Chile, here’s a CIA document from decades ago that also cites another incident.
It states as follows:
“ANTARCTIC FLYING SAUCERS” – A group of red, green, and yellow flying saucers has been seen flying over Deception Island for two hours by Argentine, Chilean and British bases (military) in Antarctica. The flying saucers were also seen flying in formation over the South Orkney islands in quick circles.”
The Implications?
As mentioned earlier, this topic really leaves no aspect of humanity untouched. Within the lore, if you take some of these objects to indeed be extraterrestrial, there is a consistency among many in the field that many of these beings are here to help humanity to make a transition, and help us.
For example, Colonel Ross Dedrickson, a high-ranking officer in the Air Force who held special positions at various points in his career dealing with nuclear weapons, the atomic energy commission, and nuclear weapons storage facilities provided video testimony prior to his passing, revealing that extraterrestrials have been around for a long time, and that they do not approve of our nuclear activities. He also revealed that extraterrestrials have shut down nuclear weapons in flight as well as our attempts to detonate and experiment with them, and he’s not the only one to do so. You can watch that interview here.
For example, Colonel Ross Dedrickson, another high-ranking officer in the Air Force who held special positions at various points in his career dealing with nuclear weapons, the atomic energy commission, and nuclear weapons storage facilities provided video testimony prior to his passing, revealing that extraterrestrials have been around for a long time and that they do not approve of our nuclear activities. He also revealed that extraterrestrials have shut down nuclear weapons in flight as well as our attempts to detonate and experiment with them and he’s not the only one to do so. You can watch that interview here.
Spiritual implications are also referred to quite often, I could go on and on, but I won’t, I’ll let you listen to a recent podcast I did with CE founder, Joe Martino, and Richard Lawrence. He is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society for Europe and a Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. He has devoted his life to the work of his late master and personal friend, Dr George King (1919-1997), who founded the Society, as mentioned above.
There is also the other side, a malevolent side to this whole phenomena which is important to explore as well. But when it comes to an “alien invasion,” the evidence suggests that extraterrestrials have been around for a long time, if that were the case, it probably would have happened. But that’s just my opinion.
(1) Huneeus, J, Antonio, “A Chilean Overview,” MUFON UFO Journal, 6/86; Huneeus, J. Antonio, “A Historical Survey of UFO Cases in Chilie,” MUFON 1987 International Symposium Proceedings (MUFON, 1987.)
(2) Department of Defense JCS Message Center, Subject: B6/BAF Has a Close Encounter of the First Kind. Date: 20 May 86. Subject: Numerous Unidentified Objects Were Cited in the Skies over Brazil. But BAF Fighters Were Unable to Intercept Them. Berliner, Don, The UFO Briefing Document,p. 121-127. Huneeus, J. Antonio, “UFO Alert in Brazil,” MUFON UFO Journal, 11/86. Andrus, Walt, “UFOs Over Brazil,” MUFON UFO Journal, 9/86. Smith, Dr Willy, “The Brazillian Incident,” International UFO Reporter, 7-8/86. Smith, Dr. Willy, “More on Brazilian OVNIs,” MUFON UFO Journal, 9/86.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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