The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Security Cam captures Triangle UFO over Simi Valley, California
Security Cam captures Triangle UFO over Simi Valley, California
A security cam has recorded a strange triangular light anomaly that suddenly appears on the slope of a hill in Simi Valley, California. Then the anomaly moves upwards away from the hill.
The owner of the security cam said: It rained last night 3/5/19 at 7:30 pm. This is my backyard camera facing south/west in Simi Valley, Ca.
This is the night we had a big thunder and lightning storm. Look on the left behind the hill and you will see the light come up.
Weird shape and not a plane. Planes are a small dot. A plane that low would be crazy flying around in a lightning storm.
The camera time posted is not correct. I never set it. I got the time off my Blue Iris program.
When you find one alien artifact on Mars, its thought provoking, but when you find dozens of artifacts in the same becomes indisputable evidence. Well...that happened today. At first, I had only found one interesting object in this photo...a white object which could easily be...a living species...of the Mars. I believe the white object is actually a freshly made statue, which means a sparse population of this alien species still live here. Then...I let my eyes adjust to the photo and slowly I saw the doorway to the right of the white object. A few seconds later I noticed the pyramid...and then when I thought I had found it all...I noticed the lion face near the doorway. And yet a few seconds later I noticed the second doorway to the left of the white creature. Needless to say...I realized that I had just discovered an ancient city in this location. Further out in the photo were a lot of other alien artifacts, proof that aliens existed once on Mars, but they were scattered and often half buried in Mars soil. I'll put a few of the artifacts below. This one photo of enough to change the beliefs of most non believers instantly and yet, most of the world will never get to see it. So I ask you, please share this post. Reposting it on any social site or news site you can find. We need to let the public know the truth...that intelligent life once existed on Mars. Scott C. Waring
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Mysterious Illuminating Object Baffles NASA Mission Control
Mysterious Illuminating Object Baffles NASA Mission Control
NASA Mission Control was left out of sensible words after a mysterious object flew past the International Space Station (ISS), according to conspiracy theorists.
On September 8 2000, NASA launched the STS-106 spacecraft from Kennedy Space Centre to fly Space Shuttle Atlantis to the ISS. The activity is in preparation to permanently man the low-orbit satellite.
However, two bright objects were seen flying across the screen during the Atlantis pass-by over Chicago, Illinois, which fuelled wild conspiracy theories after it appeared to startle the flight controller back at Mission Control in Houston.
The bizarre event left Jeff Challender, and some other conspiracy theorists convinced NASA had just caught something they shouldn’t have.
Mr Challender revealed that two strange objects were spotted flying below just as the shuttle was passing over Chicago.
He said that the first object seemed smaller and further away but the second one was very bright and flew at speed. Mission Control tried to follow its progress and zoom in until it was out of sight. According to Mr Challender, the Mission Control perhaps realised that the video goes out to the public.
Mr Challender believes the anomalies are not ice crystals sparkling in the sun as the announcer says the sun will rise in a few minutes. He thinks the objects were self-luminous as the sun has not even risen yet.
Mr Challender also revealed he spotted four more unusual objects appearing to fly in formation during the same mission.
Mars. A planet still full of life today. Vegetation, water, seas, lakes, rivers and many forms of life still present today. Many activities take place in the subsoil, but there is still oxygen outside to breathe even if not abundantly. On this celestial body millions of years ago there were peoples who later moved here on our world as on other worlds. Mars is still inhabited by different life forms, including humans. In this study image I found a head of an ancient monument present on this surface. Thanks for your patience.
MILIEUHoe zit het eigenlijk met onze kennis over klimaatverandering? Onze collega’s van de Nederlandse krant Algemeen Dagblad zetten de achttien meest prangende vragen op een rijtje. En de antwoorden natuurlijk.
1. Is het echt waar dat de aarde opwarmt?
Ja, daar bestaat geen twijfel over. Op de hele aarde is het sinds 1900 gemiddeld 1 graad warmer geworden. Die opwarming is niet gelijk verdeeld, blijkt uit metingen van duizenden weerstations op land en in zeewater. In Siberië is de temperatuur zelfs al 3 graden gestegen. Rond de tropen en boven de oceanen gaat de opwarming minder hard.
Wat ook onomstotelijk is vastgesteld: door die opwarming smelt het ijs rond de polen, vooral op Groenland. Zo is het oppervlak van de Noordelijke IJszee dat in de zomer bedekt is met ijs, sinds 1979 bijna gehalveerd.
Ook weten we zeker dat de zeespiegel stijgt: sinds 1880 met ruim 20 centimeter. Dat komt deels door het smeltwater van gletsjers en de ijskappen in de poolgebieden, deels doordat zeewater bij een hogere temperatuur uitzet.
2. Waar komt die opwarming door?
Door broeikasgassen. De concentratie CO2 in de atmosfeer is sinds het begin van de industriële revolutie (1750) met 40 procent toegenomen. CO2 (koolstofdioxide) en andere broeikasgassen zoals methaan, lachgas en waterdamp vormen een deken om de aarde. De zonnestraling die de aarde opvangt, wordt daardoor niet meteen terug het heelal in gekaatst, maar blijft deels onder die deken hangen. Dat broeikaseffect is niks nieuws. Aan de broeikasgassen die van nature in onze atmosfeer zitten, danken we het dat deze planeet leefbaar is. Zonder zou het gemiddeld 33 graden kouder zijn. Naarmate de concentratie CO2 in de atmosfeer stijgt, wordt de deken dikker. En wordt het op aarde warmer.
3. Klimaatverandering is toch van alle tijden?
Zeker. Maar dat betekent nog niet dat het argument ‘klimaatverandering is een natuurlijk proces, dus mensen hebben er geen invloed op’ klopt. Van grote klimaatveranderingen in het verre verleden is bekend dat ze samenhangen met CO2.
Bij de laatste grote ijstijd, zo’n 20.000 jaar geleden, zat bijvoorbeeld nog niet de helft van de huidige concentratie CO2 in de atmosfeer. Een hevige opwarming 56 miljoen jaar geleden, rond de tijd dat de eerste aapachtige wezens rondliepen, werd waarschijnlijk veroorzaakt door een enorme bel van het sterke broeikasgas methaan dat vrijkwam uit de zeebodem. Daardoor steeg de gemiddelde temperatuur op aarde zo’n 5 graden.
Rond de polen was toen geen ijs te bekennen. Langs de Noordelijke IJszee groeiden palmen, zo bewijzen fossielen. De tropen werden zo warm, dat veel organismen het loodje legden. Die prehistorische warmte-uitbarsting had een natuurlijke oorzaak. Waarschijnlijk gaven vulkaanuitbarstingen de eerste zet: de CO2 die daarbij vrijkwam, zorgde voor een kleine opwarming, waardoor methaanhydraten in de zeebodem smolten. Uit die enorme ijskristallen ontsnapte het methaan, wat de verhitting verder aanjoeg.
De huidige temperatuurstijging gaat veel sneller dan alle opwarmingen die in de geschiedenis van onze planeet door dergelijke natuurlijke processen zijn veroorzaakt.
De concentratie CO2 in de atmosfeer is de afgelopen eeuw al meer gestegen dan in de tienduizend jaar waarin de aarde na de laatste ijstijd ontdooide. “Dat klimaatverandering van alle tijden is, zou de zorgen erover juist moeten vergroten”, zegt de Nederlandse prehistorisch klimaatonderzoeker Appy Sluijs.
“We hebben ervan geleerd dat telkens wanneer de CO2-concentratie omhoog gaat, de planeet er heel anders uit gaat zien. Zelfversterkende effecten zoals enorme hoeveelheden methaan die vrijkomen uit de zeebodem en ontdooiende permafrost (bodems die nu nooit helemaal ontdooien, nvdr.), kunnen ervoor zorgen dat het leven hier op aarde sterk verandert.”
Van grote klimaatveranderingen in het verre verleden is bekend dat ze samenhangen met CO2
Hollandse Hoogte / Siebe Swart luchtfotografie
4. Waarom zou de mens dan nu de oorzaak zijn?
Aangetoond is dat de recente toename van CO2 in de atmosfeer grotendeels is veroorzaakt door verbranding van fossiele brandstoffen. Fossiele brandstoffen zoals steenkool, olie en aardgas ontstaan uit planten waarin koolstof (C) is opgeslagen. Bij verbranding komt dit vrij als CO2. Door het type CO2 te meten, is aangetoond dat de extra CO2 in de lucht niet afkomstig is uit bijvoorbeeld oceanen of vulkanen. De broeikasgassen zijn hoofdzakelijk afkomstig van de fossiele brandstoffen die sinds de industriële revolutie in hoog tempo door onze fabrieken, automotoren en cv-ketels zijn verbrand. Ook door ontbossing komt CO2 vrij.
De hoeveelheid methaan in de atmosfeer is sinds de achttiende eeuw eveneens flink toegenomen: met 150 procent. Methaan is na CO2 het belangrijkste broeikasgas. De extra uitstoot van methaan hangt ook samen met fossiele brandstoffen en met afvalverwerking, landbouw en veeteelt. Zo boeren koeien veel methaan op. Dat komt bij het verteren van gras vrij in hun pens en is als broeikasgas ongeveer 25 keer sterker dan CO2.
5. Over de invloed van de mens op het klimaat is toch veel twijfel?
Volgens het IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), het klimaatonderdeel van de Verenigde Naties dat onderzoek van duizenden wetenschappers uit de hele wereld samenvat, is het “extreem waarschijnlijk” dat menselijke broeikasgassen de dominante factor in de opwarming van de aarde zijn. Extreem waarschijnlijk is niet hetzelfde als 100 procent zeker.
Bij Nederlandse onderzoeksinstituten als het KNMI en het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL) wordt door geen wetenschapper meer betwijfeld dat de mens verantwoordelijk is voor de huidige klimaatverandering. Alle andere mogelijke factoren zijn afgelopen decennia uitgebreid onderzocht, zegt klimaatonderzoeker Geert-Jan van Oldenburgh van het KNMI. “Voor wetenschappers is er geen grotere uitdaging dan een gat slaan in een bestaande theorie. Als je een nog onbekende oorzaak voor klimaatverandering vindt, sta je meteen in het toonaangevende wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Nature. Alle mogelijke oorzaken – veranderende sterkte van de zon, oceaanstromingen, schommelingen van de aardbaan, vulkaanuitbarstingen – zijn dus afgepeld. Telkens blijft maar één oorzaak overeind: de door mensen veroorzaakte CO2. Geloof me: er is geen verborgen x-factor in klimaatverandering.”
Zeker 90 procent van de wetenschappers wereldwijd is het daarover eens, blijkt uit metastudies. Onder de wetenschappers die het klimaat als vakgebied hebben, ligt dat percentage hoger dan onder wetenschappers die zich er zijdelings mee bezighouden.
Dat betekent niet dat onder klimaatwetenschappers geen onzekerheid bestaat. Integendeel. Hóe gevoelig het klimaat precies is voor CO2, is bijvoorbeeld nog de vraag. In modellen die voorspellen hoe sterk de aarde opwarmt, zit dan ook een behoorlijk grote onzekerheidsmarge.
6. CO2 zorgt toch juist voor een groenere aarde?
Klopt. Een kwart tot de helft van het aardoppervlak is de afgelopen 35 jaar groener geworden, blijkt uit onder meer satellietbeelden van de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA. Die vergroening is aanzienlijk: de extra blaadjes aan planten en bomen bedekken een gebied twee keer zo groot als de VS.
Dat komt deels door de verhoogde concentratie CO2 in de atmosfeer. Om te groeien halen planten immers CO2 uit de lucht, die ze omzetten in voedingsstoffen en zuurstof - zoals u zich misschien herinnert van de les biologie over fotosynthese.
Door de opwarming zijn groeiseizoenen bovendien langer geworden, vooral in het hoge noorden. Op toendra’s groeien bijvoorbeeld meer struiken.
Daarnaast zorgt de aanplanting van nieuwe bossen, bemesting en efficiëntere landbouwmethodes voor meer bladgroen. Ongeveer een kwart van de 10 miljard ton CO2 die de mens per jaar in de atmosfeer brengt, wordt tijdelijk opgeslagen in planten (en daarbij nog eens een kwart in de oceanen).
Andere effecten van klimaatverandering doen dat positieve effect deels teniet. Bij bosbranden en droogtes – die vaker voorkomen door klimaatverandering – komen juist veel broeikasgassen vrij. Zo deed de droge zomer van 2003 in Nederland de CO2-opname door bossen van vier jaar teniet, doordat bomen massaal hun blaadjes lieten vallen.
7. Wat merken we nu al van het broeikaseffect?
Eén hete zomer of ronduit lenteachtige februarimaand wijst nog niet meteen op een veranderend klimaat. Maar de langetermijnstatistieken zijn zonneklaar: er is sprake van een opwarmende trend. In Nederland is de gemiddelde temperatuur afgelopen honderd jaar al 1,9 graden gestegen - bijna dubbel zoveel als de gemiddelde opwarming wereldwijd. Het aantal zomerse dagen per jaar nam met bijna twintig toe, het aantal vorstdagen met ongeveer hetzelfde aantal af. De hoeveelheid neerslag is met ruim 20 procent gestegen; hevige stortbuien komen veel vaker voor.
Wereldwijd is de kans op droogte, hittegolven en overstromingen toegenomen. Dat zorgt nu al voor schade aan ecosystemen, meer mislukte oogsten en gezondheidsproblemen.
8.Wat kunnen de gevolgen zijn van grote temperatuurstijging?
Voorspellen is natuurlijk altijd gevaarlijk. Maar mocht het ergste doemscenario van het IPCC – 6 graden opwarming – uitkomen, dan duidt alles er volgens internationale klimaatwetenschappers op dat het leven op grote delen van de aardbol erg onaangenaam, zo niet onmogelijk, wordt. Weerpatronen raken compleet ontregeld. De zeespiegel stijgt in een paar eeuwen 10 tot 12 meter.
Subtropische gebieden en steppes zullen verwoestijnen. Grote delen van de wereldbevolking zullen kampen met watertekorten. In de tropen wordt de hitte ondraaglijk: wie zich bij temperaturen van meer dan 40 graden en hoge luchtvochtigheid enigszins inspant, kan binnen een paar uur sterven aan oververhitting.
Bij een temperatuurstijging van meer dan 2 graden sterven koralen op grote schaal af. Bij verdere opwarming sterven ook andere dieren en planten uit. In Zuid-Europa en andere gebieden richting de evenaar daalt de voedselproductie. Eten wordt duurder. Ondervoeding, infectieziekten, diarree, hart- en ademhalingsziekten nemen toe. Overstromingen en droogtes maken meer slachtoffers en leiden tot burgeroorlogen – met vluchtelingenstromen tot gevolg.
Positieve gevolgen zijn er ook: zo kan in het hoge noorden meer voedsel worden verbouwd. En scheepsroutes worden korter doordat de Noordelijke IJszee ijsvrij wordt.
Een grote zorg is wat er kan gebeuren als bepaalde keerpunten (‘tipping points’) worden overschreden. Boven een nog onbekende temperatuur kunnen Groenland en West-Antarctica zo snel smelten dat het proces niet meer te stoppen is. Ook dreigen uit de smeltende permafrost enorme hoeveelheden methaan vrij te komen, die opwarming kunnen versnellen. Net als CO2 die vrijkomt als het Amazonewoud zou afsterven door droogte. Waar sneeuw en ijs smelten, blijven donkere aarde en zwart zeewater over die zonlicht absorberen en niet reflecteren. Ook dat effect kan de opwarming aanjagen. Niemand weet precies bij welke temperaturen zulke processen optreden.
De afbeelding hieronder laten zien wat er gebeurt met Londen als de wereldwijde temperatuur met meer dan twee graden stijgt.
9. Kunnen we die gevaren nog afwenden?
Dat kan, volgens het IPCC. Maar dan moet de wereld nu wel heel snel in actie komen. Zonder klimaatbeleid kan de gemiddelde temperatuur in 2100 stijgen met 3 tot 6 graden ten opzichte van het pre-industriële niveau. Want de wereldbevolking, de welvaart en dus de verbranding van fossiele brandstoffen, groeien zonder ingrijpen nog wel even door.
Je hoort vaak dat de opwarming van de aarde beperkt moet worden tot “1,5 tot maximaal 2 graden”.
2 graden is de min of meer veilige bovengrens om de aarde zoals we haar kennen nog prettig leefbaar te houden, aldus de wetenschap. Inmiddels is het ook een politiek compromis. Bijna alle landen hebben zich drie jaar geleden aan dat doel gecommitteerd. Dat is vastgelegd in het Klimaatakkoord van Parijs.
10. Kunnen we het tij sowieso nog wel keren?
Het zal in elk geval knap lastig worden. In het verleden leidden mooie woorden over een beter milieu er niet toe dat de wereldwijde uitstoot van broeikasgassen structureel daalde, integendeel. We zitten op recordhoogte. Traditioneel welvarende landen vinden het al moeilijk genoeg om hun eigen uitstoot stabiel te houden, laat staan terug te dringen. We zijn een luxe leven gewend: we vinden het normaal om te kopen en eten wat we willen, om te pas en onpas het vliegtuig te nemen.
En dan is er nog het vraagstuk van de verdeling van de koek: hebben opkomende economieën, die historisch veel minder hebben bijgedragen aan de opwarming van de aarde, in de toekomst recht op meer uitstoot? En is de gevestigde orde met al zijn miljardenbedrijven bereid om daarvoor een stapje terug te zetten?
Als we morgen per direct zouden stoppen met het uitstoten van broeikasgassen stijgt de temperatuur nog met 0,1 tot 0,3 graden door, verwachten wetenschappers. In landen als China en India, die bekend staan om hun vervuilde lucht, zal een schonere industrie in eerste instantie leiden tot een stuk hogere temperaturen. De luchtvervuiling dempt daar namelijk de kracht van de zon.
De opslag van CO2 zou een steuntje in de rug kunnen zijn om opwarming van de aarde tegen te gaan. Er wordt wereldwijd druk onderzoek gedaan naar deze ‘tussenoplossing’. CO2 wordt hierbij afgevangen en opgeslagen onder land of de zeebodem. De vraag is echter of er genoeg ruimte kan worden gevonden voor de enorme hoeveelheden CO2 die moeten worden afgevangen om de temperatuurdoelen te halen.
11. Wie zijn wereldwijd de grootste vervuilers?
De grote olie-, gas- en steenkolenreuzen, veruit. Internationaal onderzoek uit 2017 wijst uit dat honderd (staats-)bedrijven verantwoordelijk zijn voor 71 procent van de CO2-uitstoot sinds 1988, met als koplopers het Chinese staatssteenkolenbedrijf, Saudi Arabian Oil Company en het Russische Gazprom. Shell staat op plaats negen.
Bekijk je het per sector, dan wordt een kwart van de wereldwijde uitstoot veroorzaakt door opwekking van warmte en elektriciteit. Land- en bosbouw (24 procent) en industrie (21 procent) volgen op korte afstand, voor transport (14 procent). Gebouwen – en dan vooral het verwarmen daarvan – nemen 6 procent voor hun rekening.
Zo’n 64 procent van de totale uitstoot van broeikasgassen is CO2 die afkomstig is van verbranding van fossiele brandstoffen. 11 procent is het gevolg van bossen en andere natuurgronden die sneuvelen ten koste van met name de landbouw, waardoor de natuur minder CO2 kan ópnemen. Methaan zorgt voor 16 procent van de totale uitstoot, lachgas is de derde boosdoener met 6 procent.
12. Kan China niet beter wat minder kolen stoken?
Het is een schrikbarend percentage: de Chinese steenkolenbedrijven zijn sinds 1988 verantwoordelijk voor bijna 15 procent van de wereldwijde uitstoot van broeikasgassen. In 2017 nam het land ruim de helft (!) van de wereldwijde kolenconsumptie voor zijn rekening.
Sinds 2014 lijkt zelfs de schier onstilbare honger naar kolen in de volksrepubliek gestild. De Chinese overheid probeert kolen in elektriciteitscentrales te vervangen door het minder vervuilende aardgas. Er is bovendien geen land dat meer windmolens en zonnepanelen heeft. Ruim een derde van de windenergie ter wereld wordt geproduceerd in China. 60 procent van de fabricage van zonnepanelen is in Chinese handen.
Ruim een derde van de windenergie ter wereld wordt geproduceerd in China
13. Het is toch vooral aan de industrie om in actie te komen?
Dat is makkelijk gezegd. Je kan ook stellen dat bedrijven maken waar wij als consument om vragen. Een relatief beperkt deel van de broeikasuitstoot wordt direct veroorzaakt door consumenten. Een paar procent is het gevolg van het verwarmen van huizen, een groter deel komt door reisgedrag.
Daarom, zeggen economen, kunnen de belangrijkste slagen worden gemaakt bij de industrie en in mindere mate de landbouw. Maar moet de industrie zélf overgaan op milieuvriendelijker produceren? Is de overheid aan zet? De burger?
Iedereen een beetje, is het logische antwoord. Op de manier waarop Tata Steel in IJmuiden staal produceert, of Chemelot in Zuid-Limburg chemicaliën, hebben we weinig invloed. Die bedrijven zullen zelf de handschoen moeten oppakken, eventueel onder druk van belastingmaatregelen. Maar wat als pensioenfondsen hun miljarden vaker investeren in vernieuwende technologie in plaats van in producenten van fossiele brandstoffen? En als de automobilisten massaal overstappen op elektrisch rijden? Shell móet dan wel een omslag maken, en is daar ook al mee begonnen.
Zo is het ook in de veeteelt. Eet de consument minder vlees, dan zal de intensieve veehouderij vanzelf een stapje terug doen. Goed voor de methaanuitstoot, maar ook voor tropische regenwouden in de Amazone, die kleiner worden door oprukkende sojateelt.
De vijf kolencentrales in Nederland zorgen voor 10 procent van de CO2-uitstoot. Maar kunnen we dat een bedrijf als RWE kwalijk nemen? Zelf stelt RWE van niet, omdat er nog niet genoeg alternatieven zijn, mede door het versneld afbouwen van de aardgaswinning. In 2030 wil het kabinet overigens een verbod op het verbranden van kolen bij het winnen van elektriciteit instellen.
16. Niet meer vliegen of vegetariër worden?
Op wereldschaal is de klimaatschade van bosbouw, landbouw en veeteelt (bijna een kwart van de totale broeikasuitstoot) een stuk groter dan die van luchtvaart (zeker 2 procent). Maar dat is een vertekend beeld. Wereldwijd eten veel meer mensen vlees dan dat er vliegen. De topman van Boeing stelde in 2017 dat meer dan 80 procent van de wereldbevolking nog nooit het vliegtuig heeft gepakt. Conclusie: regelmatige vliegers zorgen voor grote milieuschade. In Nederland neemt de luchtvaart nu al 7 procent van de uitstoot voor haar rekening (bron: factsheet klimaat van het CBS). Wie een keer een retourtje Thailand neemt, moet volgens voorlichtingsorganisatie Milieu Centraal vijf jaar vegetarisch eten om dat te compenseren. Heen en weer vliegen naar Zuid-Frankrijk staat gelijk aan een jaar geen vlees. Deze vergelijkingen zijn glibberig. Over de precieze uitstoot van de veeteelt is bijvoorbeeld nog steeds veel discussie en de veeteelt leidt ook tot andere problemen zoals aantasting van de natuur. Maar ze geven wel een indicatie. De luchtvaart is een groot punt van zorg. Waarschijnlijk zal het aantal vluchten de komende tientallen jaren fors stijgen, vooral in China en India. En aangezien de kerosinemotoren maar mondjesmaat milieuvriendelijker worden en er nog geen concreet alternatief in zicht is, zal het aandeel van luchtvaart in de mondiale CO2-uitstoot fors stijgen, tot misschien wel 22 procent in 2050. Behalve minder vliegen, is met de trein naar je werk gaan ook een effectieve manier om CO2 te besparen. Ook met elektrisch rijden, het isoleren van spouwmuren en zonnepanelen op je dak valt veel te winnen. En met een waterbesparende douchekop compenseer je pas na ruim dertig jaar de trip naar Bangkok. Maar alle beetjes helpen.
17. Wat gaan de maatregelen kosten, en wie betaalt?
1000 miljard euro. Het is het bedrag dat Forum voor Democratie-politicus Thierry Baudet poneert in de klimaatdiscussie. Volgens Baudet zou het 1000 miljard euro kosten om in 2050 95 procent minder broeikasgassen uit te stoten, de doelstelling van het klimaatbeleid. Volgens de FvD-voorman zal het klimaatbeleid ‘onze hele economie ineen doen storten’.
Deskundigen weerleggen de berekening die Baudet op zijn partijwebsite heeft staan. Het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL) stelt dat Baudet subsidies, belastingen en investeringen op een hoop gooit om zo hoog mogelijk uit te komen. Het PBL komt uit op een jaarlijks bedrag dat oploopt tot zo’n vijf miljard euro in 2030. In 2050 zouden de jaarlijkse kosten tussen de vijftien en vijftig miljard uitkomen, afhankelijk van de keuzes die worden gemaakt. Maximale CO2-opslag is bijvoorbeeld een stuk goedkoper dan het volledig terugdringen van de uitstoot aan de bron. Het PBL komt in totaal grofweg uit op ongeveer een derde van het door Baudet berekende bedrag. Andere schattingen komen hoger uit. Geen enkele benadert de 1000 miljard.
En, stellen deskundigen: het hele klimaatproject biedt ook grote economische kansen. Het bedrijfsleven kan oplossingen bedenken waarmee het (ook over de grens) veel geld kan verdienen. Niemand zal het echter aandurven om garanties af te geven bij de totale kosten van zo’n reusachtige langetermijnoperatie.
Hoe je het wendt of keert: het gaat veel geld kosten. De vraag is wie het gaat betalen. Een arm gezin betaalt nu in verhouding al 3,5 keer meer aan energiekosten dan een rijk huishouden, becijferde onderzoeksbureau CE Delft. Als toekomstige extra kosten op dezelfde manier worden verdeeld, zou een arm gezin in de toekomst tot 17 procent van het inkomen aan ‘klimaatkosten’ moeten uitgeven. Als een van de oorzaken noemt CE Delft het feit dat de industrie de dans ontspringt, terwijl ze relatief een groot aandeel hebben in de uitstoot van broeikasgassen.
Daarom pleit een groep van zeventig Nederlandse economen voor invoering van een CO2-heffing, waarbij bedrijven betalen voor de uitstoot die ze veroorzaken. Landen als Zweden en het Verenigd Koninkrijk hebben zo’n heffing al. Ons kabinet wil er nog niet aan. Premier Mark Rutte voelt meer voor het stimuleren van innovaties die de uitstoot terugbrengen, en het uitdelen van boetes als er niets gebeurt.
Rutte wil innovaties die de uitstoot terugbrengen stimuleren, en boetes uitdelen als er niets gebeurt
18. Hoe ziet de wereld eruit als we de doelen halen?
Nogmaals: een toekomst voorspellen is lastig. Wat warmer dan nu wordt het hoe dan ook; zelfs als we nú stoppen met uitstoten stijgt de temperatuur nog een jaar of dertig door en de zeespiegel zelfs nog een eeuw of wat langer. Ook warmt de aarde nog wat verder op doordat de luchtvervuiling minder wordt (fijnstofdeeltjes houden nu de zonnestraling deels tegen). Want de wereld wordt een stuk schoner. Zonder de uitstoot van kolencentrales, dieselmotoren en brommeruitlaten verdwijnt de vieze deken van luchtvervuiling die nu boven de steden ligt. Goed nieuws voor de zeven miljoen mensen die naar schatting van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) jaarlijks sterven aan gevolgen van luchtvervuiling.
Zwerfafval, vuilnisbelten en de hoeveelheid plasticsoep in de oceanen kunnen slinken als plastic niet meer wordt geproduceerd uit aardolie. Wat niet betekent dat ze verdwijnen: plastic uit biomassa is (nog) niet altijd afbreekbaar. Of ons landschap mooier wordt, hangt ook af van politieke keuzes: hoeveel windmolens en zonneparken gaan we plaatsen en waar?
In een broeikasgasvrije toekomst hebben we in ons land straks dus schonere luchten en een bijna Zuid-Europees klimaat. Dat klinkt nog best aangenaam. Met een kans van één op twintig jaar wordt de mogelijkheid dat we nog eens een Elfstedentocht meemaken weliswaar nóg kleiner. Maar áls de Tocht der Tochten komt, is-ie wel extra bijzonder.
Een kleurgecodeerde kaart van Nasa laat de verandering van temperatuur zien van 1880 tot 2018:
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Great Sphinx Riddle: Evidence of HIDDEN DOOR Beneath Legendary Monument Revealed
Great Sphinx Riddle: Evidence of HIDDEN DOOR Beneath Legendary Monument Revealed
According to the historian, there is something hidden underneath the Great Sphinx, and an ancient stele that was removed from there in the 19th century may help solve this mystery.
Matt Sibson, an historian and the person behind the “Ancient Architects” YouTube channel, has announced a surprising discovery which may hint at an ancient mystery related to one of the most famous monuments of Ancient Egypt – the Great Sphinx of Giza.
As Sibson explained, there were originally three stelae located in front of the Sphinx: the Dream Stela, built by King Thutmose between 1479BC and 1425BC, which still remains at the site; and two more stelae that were created by Ramesses the Great over two centuries later, which ended up being taken to The Louvre museum in Paris in the 19th century and “little has been spoken about them since”.
And after coming across an image of one of the two missing stelae, in a book penned by explorer Howard Vyce in 1837, Sibson made a surprising discovery.
"There’s a Sphinx on the top of a platform, with Rameses the Great next to it and giving an offering. The Sphinx is sitting on top of what looks like a doorway. On the Dream Stele, there is also a doorway beneath the Sphinx which backs it up," he told the Daily Star.
He also noted that Howard claimed in his book that “excavators found a doorway under the Sphinx, which could have pointed to a cavity underneath it”, adding, however, that the book only shows one of the stelae in detail.
"What does the other one show? It needs to be re-analysed and brought back to life. It could shed more light on the doorway," Sibson said. "I think there is something underneath there, there are loads lots of tunnels under the Giza plateau".
Er ligt iets verborgen onder de Sfinx van Gizeh. Historicus onthult bewijs voor verborgen deur
Er ligt iets verborgen onder de Sfinx van Gizeh. Historicus onthult bewijs voor verborgen deur
Volgens een historicus ligt er iets verborgen onder de Sfinx van Gizeh. Een stele die er in de 19e eeuw is weggehaald zou kunnen helpen om dit mysterie op te lossen, schrijft persbureau Sputnik.
Matt Sibson, oprichter van het YouTube-kanaal Ancient Architects, heeft een verrassende ontdekking aangekondigd.
Hij stelt dat er oorspronkelijk drie steles voor de Sfinx stonden: de droomstele van farao Thoetmosis IV en nog twee andere steles die zijn gemaakt door Ramses de Grote, en die in de 19e eeuw naar het Louvre zijn overgebracht.
Sindsdien is er weinig meer vernomen over de archeologische voorwerpen.
Sibson deed een verrassende ontdekking toen hij op een afbeelding van één van steles stuitte in een boek dat in 1837 is geschreven door ontdekkingsreiziger Howard Vyse.
“Bovenop een platform bevindt zich een Sfinx, met daarnaast Ramses de Grote die een offer brengt,” zei de historicus tegen de Daily Star.
“De Sfinx bevindt zich boven iets wat op een doorgang lijkt. Op de droomstele is ook een doorgang onder de Sfinx te zien,” voegde hij toe.
Hij merkte verder op dat Howard in zijn boek schrijft dat ‘onder de Sfinx een doorgang is gevonden, die zou kunnen leiden naar een holte’.
Sibson zei dat de steles opnieuw geanalyseerd moeten worden. “Ik denk dat zich iets onder de Sfinx bevindt. Onder het plateau van Gizeh barst het van de tunnels.”
The Moon passed in front of the Sun, reversed course, and did it again!
The Moon passed in front of the Sun, reversed course, and did it again!
On March 6 to 7 the Moon crossed between NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory and the Sun, a phenomenon called a lunar transit.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) observed an eclipse of the sun--a strange kind of eclipse that you can only see while orbiting Earth. The black disk of the New Moon passed in front of the sun, reversed course, and did it again.
During the eclipse, which lasted just over 4 hours, as much as 82% of the sun was covered. Technically, that makes it an annular solar eclipse, not total. At maximum, an annulus or "ring of fire" completely surrounded the Moon.
According to spaceweather the strange "double-dip" motion of the Moon across the sun is a result of orbital mechanics.
Both SDO and the Moon are orbiting Earth, but at different speeds. SDO's velocity of ~3 km/s is faster than the Moon's velocity of 1 km/s. SDO thus overtakes the Moon first in one direction, then the other, during the long eclipse.
This sheet metal with a perfect circle through it was posted on Youtube by the alien researcher WhatsUpInTheSky37. This object has the perfect appearance of sheet metal with a perfect circle in it. The circle has not been cut, but rather designed into it as we see the smooth edges. NASA has a photo editing team at the Johnson Space Center that edits out any anomalies that could have been created by aliens, however they miss this one. I can't say they missed it by accident, since its so obvious, but probably did this on purpose to sneak the truth out. Awesome discovery that is indisputable proof that intelligent aliens existed on Mars.
Scott C. Waring
Video states:
I was going through the Anomaly groups today on facebook and came across a post by Shamus that had Neville Thompson's Gigapan for SOL 2013 and this odd piece of what looks to be a Manufactured item all twisted up and destroyed as most of the stuff we have seen on Mars is. I was all setup to start a video on another great find when I decided I had to share this with everyone and see what they think. I can tell its not from the rover since there are not tracks around it. In the full gigapan you can see that even clearer. So tell me what you think this is?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
UFO Caught On Wildlife Game Camera On Eureka, Montana, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Caught On Wildlife Game Camera On Eureka, Montana, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: 9-25-2018 6:14 PM but reported today
Location of sighting: Eureka, Montana, USA
Source: MUFON #98995
This UFO was caught by a game camera in Eureka, Montana just a few months ago. The UFO has the classic disk shape seen for many decades. Its not a bird since it has no wings, no head or tail or legs. The craft appears to be made of a metallic substance since judging from the sunlight reflecting off of it. The eyewitness appears to have taken a photo of the UFO off of his computer screen, thus the lines we see are those of the screen itself.
Funny it was a forest camera that caught it. I bet those aliens thought they had gotten away with exploring the back woods of Eureka...but I would love to see their faces when they see this hit the Internet.
Google Has Edited Out 2 of 3 Photo Indexes Of Alien Base At Zeeman Crater, moon, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.
Google Has Edited Out 2 of 3 Photo Indexes Of Alien Base At Zeeman Crater, moon, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: 2006-2007 abouts Location of discovery: Edge of Zeeman Crater, Earths moon Source: Google Earth Map (push moon button) I was exploring Google map (free to download) when I found the infamous ET base at Zeeman crater. I was astonished that Google had not deleted it yet. Google had already deleted the ET base from both the VISIBLE IMAGERY and theCOLORIZED TERRAIN photo map. Lucky for us the Lunar Orbiter Mossaic map has less far, but I'm sure this wont last. So I made this video which is 100% proof that Google is working with the US government to hide the existence of alien life from the public. Google is part of the problem, not part of the solution. Google is making a covert war that the public doesn't know even exists right now under our noses...the war on information. A war that fights to keep the public in the dark, and the information out of our minds. That is something I cannot allow. By editing what information the public sees and doesnt see...Google is taking part in THOUGHT CONTROL. The information the public knows is like programming code, it determines the future actions of those with it. editing out certain alien info...they control the public by making them passive. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
Video released for the first time shows the UFO which appeared in the sky around 3am on January 3, 2012 in Denbigh, North Wales.
Brothers Nathan and Alex Thomas saw several lights rotating in a circular formation out of the window of their home.
Nathan, then aged 14, was watching TV when he heard a loud bang from a bin being knocked over in a storm so decided to investigate.
To his bemusement, he saw the bright lights flashing in the distance over a farmer's field.
ROTATING: The mystery lights seemed to spin in a circular formation (Pic: CASCADE)
“Upon my analysis of this fascinating footage in more detail I confirmed what the witnesses had seen and described also confirming the lights to be rotating in a circular uniformed formation, giving the impression of being fixed to a much larger circular b”
UFO researcher Jason Gleaves
After watching them or some time he decided to wake his brother Alex, who described the lights as "amazing".
They couldn't hear any noise from the lights and so decided it could not be fireworks.
Nathan grabbed his Toshiba Camilo S30 hand-held camera which he'd got for Christmas and filmed the lights from his bedroom window.
After trying to work out what they had been looking at Alex then decided to wake their mum Linda and cousin Kiera who also saw the unexplained lights.
STUNNED: Alex Thomas saw several lights spinning (Pic: CASCADE)
Former RAF worker Jason Gleaves studied the film using the latest computer technology.
He said: "During the video footage Nathan remarkably keep a steady focus on the objects in the distance for most of the duration, also focusing and zooming in and out on occasions capturing local housing, street lamps and foliage, which is ideal for perspective in relation to the witnesses sighting location and the unknown light sources in the distance.
"Upon my analysis of this fascinating footage in more detail I confirmed what the witnesses had seen and described also confirming the lights to be rotating in a circular uniformed formation, giving the impression of being fixed to a much larger circular base structure.
“Also frames were obtained revealing an unusual unknown shaped object, multicoloured in appearance exhibiting a full visual spectrum range.
"Near the end of the footage the lights appear to change angle to a 45 degrees angle but continuing to rotate as they did in the horizontal position before blinking out of sight for good."
SPOOKY: The location of the unexplained phenomenon in daylight (Pic: CASCADE)
Jason managed to obtain a daytime photograph from fellow UFO researcher Gari Jones taken from the exact location and direction of the night time footage.
He overlaid a frame taken from the original footage with the daytime image which placed the lights just above the tree line on a distant hill, approximately one and a half to two miles away.
Jason, author of UFO Photo and The Ufology Umbrella, added: "At the sighting location the only landmarks are a golf course and quarry, but both set off to the left and right of the sighting location by some considerable distance (in my opinion, enough not to impede or interfere with regards to a mistaken identification) the rest of the surrounding area is farmland and beyond the sighting location for many miles.
"At one point in the footage the family pet dog is heard getting agitated and unnerved, in other similar UFO cases animals and local wildlife are often heard getting excited, but on this occasion the pet dog could be just upset because of the strange early hours commotion.
"Other possible factors and identification of the unknown light sources could be drones, but during 2012 drone technology had not been widely available to the public as they are today, so I don't believe the lights to be drones.”
Cosmic impacts on young Mars may have triggered deluges, potentially explaining why the Red Planet was once covered in water, a new study finds.
Although Mars is now cold and dry, scientists have for decades found evidence suggesting that the planet's surface was once covered with rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, and perhaps even seas and oceans. Since there is life virtually everywhere on Earth where there is water, this history of water on the Red Planet raises the possibility that Mars was once home to life and might host it still.
However, despite the evidence for Red Planet water, scientists haven't been able to figure out how Mars could have possessed this water during its early days. During the Red Planet's youth, the sun was cooler than it is now, and previous climate models suggested that Mars may have lacked enough greenhouse gasesto trap enough heat to generate significant amounts of rainfall.
New, not-yet-peer-reviewed research analyzes one potential answer to this mystery: that cosmic impacts heated Mars by generating enormous amounts of molten or vaporized rock and steam. That, the paper said, would help explain the signs of a warmer, wetter past Mars. To explore this possibility, scientists analyzed the environmental effects of cosmic impacts on computer models of the climate and geology of Mars.
"Using sophisticated three-dimensional global climate-model simulations similar to the ones used, for example, to simulate global warming on Earth, we were able to simulate for the first time in three dimensions the climate change induced by the very large impacts that hit Mars about 4 billion years ago," lead study author Martin Turbet, a planetary scientist and climatologist at the Sorbonne University in France, told
The researchers focused on impacts from the largest rocks to ever hit Mars, ones more than 60 miles (100 kilometers) across. These are big enough to explain the largest craters seen on the Red Planet, basins more than 370 miles (600 km) wide.
The scientists found that one of those impacts would make the atmosphere so hot that, for about half a Martian year, water would be unable to last on the Martian surface. After that, constant rain would fall for about a dozen Martian years. During this time, the water that was initially vaporized by the collision would return as deluges flooding the Red Planet, with an average of about 8.5 feet (2.6 meters) of water covering Mars per Earth year. (One Martian year is equal to about 1.88 Earth years.)
After these rains, Mars would quickly cool, with all its surface water freezing solid in 1,000 to 100,000 years. Over the course of another 10,000 to 1 million years, solar radiation would turn surface ice directly into water vapor, permitting water to migrate to and freeze at the Martian poles and other cold parts of the Red Planet.
The researchers calculated that an especially big impact — say, of a rock about 180 miles (300 km) wide, leaving a crater about 930 miles (1,500 km) in diameter — would, in addition to all these global consequences, create a local hot spot on Mars that could survive for tens of millions of years. Although, for most of its existence, this hot spot would not be warm enough to melt water on the Martian surface, it could help keep water liquid underground and at the bottom of any overlying ice deposits.
But the new findings don't explain some of the most notable water-created features on Mars: major valley networks south of the equator. Impact-related storms, however, likely peaked near the Martian equator. Previous research has also suggested that valley networks and the largest basins on Mars appear to have formed at different periods in the planet's history.
These findings also suggest that these deluges may have caused the crater erosion that scientists have identified in images of the Martian surface gathered by missions such as Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Turbet said. In addition, the cosmic-impact-triggered deluges may have led to the formation of ancient clays on the Red Planet, consistent with the suspected ages of these materials, he noted.
The research is described in a paper posted to the pre-print site and submitted to, but not yet accepted by, the journal Icarus.
It was 40 years ago today (March 5) that Voyager 1flew past Jupiter, revealing a surprising planetary system that includes moons of ice and fire. And scientists are still looking at some of these moons for signs of habitability for microbes.
Voyager 1 and its twin spacecraft, Voyager 2, both left Earth in 1977 on the trail of an unusual planetary alignment that happens every 175 years, according to NASA. The gas giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune lined up in such a way that a spacecraft could use the gravitational field of one planet to swing on to the next. Voyager 2 flew past all four planets, while Voyager 1 instead traveled high above the plane of the solar system after visiting Jupiter and Saturn.
Between them, the two spacecraft garnered basic knowledge about these large planets — measuring their atmospheres, their ring systems, their magnetic fields (including Jupiter's especially strong one) and how their inner cores may function. Jupiter had already been visited by the Pioneer spacecraft, but it still held surprises for Voyager 1 when it flew by in 1979.
"Jupiter's atmosphere was found to be more active than during the visits of Pioneer 10 and 11, sparking a rethinking of the earlier atmospheric models which could not explain the new features. The spacecraft imaged the moons Amalthea, Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, showing details of their terrain for the first time," NASA officials said in a statement.
"Possibly the most stunning of Voyager 1's discoveries was that Io has extremely active volcanoes, powered by heat generated by the stretching and relaxing the moon endures every 42 hours as its elliptical orbit brings it closer to and then farther from Jupiter," NASA officials added. "The spacecraft also discovered a thin ring around the planet (then making it the second planet known to have a ring), and two new moons: Thebe and Metis."
Io's volcanic plumes are now being imaged regularly by NASA's Juno spacecraft. And Voyager's discoveries at Europa, Ganymede and Callisto will soon result in a more close-up examination of these bodies. These moons have icy surfaces and probable global oceans underneath, according to joint observations from the Voyager spacecraft, Galileo mission (which orbited Jupiter between 1995 and 2002); and even the Hubble Space Telescope, which spotted periodic spurts of what appears to be water emanating from Europa. Thanks to the intense flexing these moons' interiors receive as they orbit Jupiter, it's possible that the oceans host all the ingredients necessary for life. But scientists need more spacecraft observations to confirm this.
NASA is hard at work on the Europa Clipper, which is expected to go into orbit around Europa in the 2030s to see if this icy moon is host to conditions that could support microbial life. The European Space Agency's JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) mission will launch from Earth in 2022 to study all three icy moons, but most especially Ganymede. JUICE will study the moons' oceans, ice layers and general geology, as well as learn more about their exospheres (tenuous atmospheres) and magnetic fields.
Bizarre footage shows a black ring hovering in the sky above snowy fields in Montana.
The baffling phenomenon was captured by farmers as they fed the cattle on their ranch.
The smoky hoop floats in the air for several minutes before breaking up and vanishing
The farmers said they might have mistaken the spooky apparition for an alien visitation – had they not known its real identity.
They said: 'While feeding our cows on a very cold evening on our farm and ranch north of Lambert, Montana, my husband and I noticed a black ring floating in the sky.
Leading them to ask: 'Aliens or an oil well burp?'
However the experienced farmers had heard of the phenomenon before, living over the hill from an oil well and were quick to guess where it had come from.
They said: 'Had we not known it was a smoke ring that came from one of the oil wells over the hill, we would have thought we were being visited by aliens.
The warm smoke in the ring rose in the sky as it became larger and less pronounced
'This smoke ring was caused by an oil well worker that was blowing out the regulator in oil well flare.'
Excess natural gas brought to the surface while collecting oil is burnt, or flared, to prevent it pressurising the system.
This flaring process is used to relieve pressure, effectively 'burping' the system while creating dark smoke which can sometimes form the rings seen in the video.
'The cold, still air provided the right environment for the exhaust to make this smoke ring.
'The ring stayed intact for several minutes before breaking up and dissipating.'
The farmer takes a break from feeding the cows to film. Her husband can be seen looking up at the spectacle in the field below
The ring begins to dissipate with dark smoke leaving the circle formation
The ring was in fact caused by a combustion of crude oil in a nearby oil well.
Conditions on the day, cold and still air, meant that the warm smoke stayed intact in a ring as it rose into the sky before eventually dissipating.
This is not the first time a ring like this has appeared in the skies internationally, causing confusion as to where it has come from.
Others have appeared in the UK, China, Argentina and U.S. and have been explained as a byproduct of fireworks, cannon fire and other pollutants.
The last remnants of the smoke ring as it disappears into thin air in seconds
Alien mothership with flying saucers and UFO scout fleet?
Alien mothership with flying saucers and UFO scout fleet?
Alien mothership with flying saucers and UFO scout fleet was coincidentally captured on photo while shooting a sudden cloud manifestation. The sudden cloud appearance happened in Denmark above Odense city on May 23, 2012, 01.18 pm local time.
I saw no objects during the photography but later I discovered a large elongated cloudy UFO in two of four hi-res photos. And this vessel seems to act as a mothership with something that looks like flying saucers attached outside. And there is a large fleet of smaller objects partly hiding in the sunshine in one of the photos. That´s the so-called UFO scout fleet.
I went to my friend’s colony garden again to help her with the weeds. The weather was beautiful and the Sun shone from an almost cloudless sky. As always, I had my camera ready to shoot pictures if a cool cloud appeared or something strange should occur. The colony garden is, by the way, the same place where I had a sighting with a black flying saucer
Sudden manifestation of a beautiful cloud
Afternoon at 1.18 pm we sat down and enjoyed the weather. Right above us, I see a sudden manifestation of a beautiful cloud I did not notice a few minutes before. I hurry to photograph, four snaps of the cloud, four more photos for the meteorology archive.
And then we sat there and looked up at the sky observing those artistic clouds. Although we both sat and looked up, none of us noticed the alien mothership and the UFO activity high above us. Which, however, occurred partly in the sunshine.
Alien mothership found in two photos?
There is clearly a large elongated UFO in two of the photos. In the first photo DSC06440 top center (Object A), it hovers alone with the deep blue sky as background. There is no UFO scout fleet to be seen just aside from two white dots far right in the sunshine. And there is one dark spherical object under the artistic cloud you see in the above photo.
In the second photo DSC06443 bottom right (Object B), it has moved a fair distance across the sky and now seem to be functioning as mothership. It is surrounded by a large number of smaller objects (scout fleet) partially hiding in the sunshine.
Alien mothership (A) with flying saucers docked?
When I enlarge the alien mothership in the first photo DSC06440, I see a vessel that could resemble a huge airship (or alien mothership). At the bottom of the vessel, there seem to be three round discs with a darker tone. To me, it looks like classic flying saucers (discs) that stands obliquely onto the large object, just as the dishes are set in the dishwasher.
The flying saucers as they hereby are baptized appears with a dark gray disc and a lighter elevation in the middle. Two of them are relatively clear. The last one on top of the object seems more unclear, is smaller and located offset from the other two.
The picture above is unedited and shows the mothership as it is seen in the original photo. The picture below is the same but has been processed with Auto Tone in Adobe Photoshop. In both images, sunlight shines from the right below middle.
What are these “flying saucers” doing up there at the bottom of this vessel? Are they in transit to or from their mothership or are they docked? Or did the saucers create a cloud to hide in? It is difficult to determine from the picture what is going on. What I see may not be what it really is? But if I really see what I think I see, this must be a real alien mothership with disc-shaped objects aka flying saucers docked. Simply a fantastic photo on the same level as the sphere with a vertical companion-photo if you ask me.
The alien mothership´s (as they hereby are baptized) in the first photo (object A) and the second photo (object B) has the same profile. Both look like a big airship with visible details in the form of elevations on the hull. And that is the reason why I assume it must be the same vessel in both photos, just seen from different perspectives.
Alien mothership (B) with elevations on the hull
The alien mothership (object B) in the second photo (DSC06443) also comes with some strange details at the bottom. When I magnify the image I see a vessel that most of all resemble a large airship. It is much brighter compared to object A since the “aliens” have now moved into the sunshine in relation to the camera position.
The cropped picture below shows object B as it appears in the original image without image processing.
The picture above and below shows the same vessel. We’re looking straight up at the bottom of the vessel. Sunlight comes down from top right. Above you can sense some extensions that are located on the outside of the ship. These are also visible in the picture below where you can see shadows on the hull.
The image above has been processed in Adobe Photoshop with Calculations (red channel merged/gray channel exclusion). This was the only image processing method that most clearly shows the elevations on the hull. The light/shadow relation can be misleading but it is indicating that something is sitting outside on the hull on this supposed alien mothership.
The UFO scout fleet
Object A seems to hover alone in the sky while object B seems to share the sky with a large fleet of small cloud-white objects. If some of these small objects are actually a UFO scout fleet originating from the alien mothership is unanswered…
The cropped picture above has been processed with Auto Tone in Adobe Photoshop and originates from DSC06443. It shows the alien mothership together with some smaller objects. The flying saucers are not visible here.
One object seems to blast a short distance in the sky, which leads my thoughts to something not out of this world. You find it on the right side of the picture with the two slanted arrows and a question mark.
Scout fleet gallery
Keep in mind we are in late May and the Sun is shining from an almost cloudless sky. So there must be pollen in the air. Some objects seen in DSC06443 in the sunshine may be pollen. But the objects nice outlined with indications of shadows may not be pollen but larger objects. See some of the UFO scout fleet in the list below…
Many more objects in the image are not included here. The blurred and smeared ones that can be pollen have been omitted. If some of these many objects are part of a larger fleet I cannot decide. I’ve been looking for those who seem to have enough pixel mass and light/shadow relations to be a physical object.
Alien mothership a large airship?
Looking beyond the strange elevations or extensions, and skipping by the “cigar-shaped UFO” terminology, the alien mothership could actually look like a large airship at a distance. But this “airship” seem to be very high up, higher than airships would normally come. And this thing moves at a relatively high speed.
The Hindenburg airship was one of the fastest airships ever built. It reached about 136 km / h and did not fly over 650 feet. Goodyear’s typical airships today manage to fly about 125 km / h and about 1500 feet high. However, they can go up to 7000 feet altitude (about 2 km).
There are High-altitude platform station (HAPS), but they are not built for high speed sky cruising. HAPS can both be airships and balloons and are build for operations such like telecommunication, surveillance, weather, and environmental monitoring.
UFO disappears in less than 8 seconds…
However, there is a problem with the airship theory. In the first photo DSC06440 at 01:18:10 you see the ship at the top middle. The next photo DSC06441 I take at 13:18:18 only 8 seconds later, is turned approx. 45 degrees counterclockwise. It still shows the area where the object was in the first picture but the object is gone…
Since the object is very close to the top edge of the first photo DSC06440, it could quickly disappear out that way. Since the next photo DSC06441 is turned approx. 45 degrees counterclockwise, there´s a greater distance to the top edge of the image. But neither airship, alien mothership or whatever it may be is nowhere to be found.
Besides a small black dot in the center out to the left In the next and third image DSC06442, there are no big objects to see here. First, in photo DSC06443 it all goes crazy with alien mothership and a large scout fleet.
24 seconds from point A to B
The fact that the alien mothership is visible in the first photo and gone in the next 8 seconds later is quite a mystery. But this vessel also seem to move over a greater distance from point A in photo DSC06440 to point B in photo DSC06443. And it travels this distance in only 24 seconds.
In 24 seconds, an airplane could very well get this far. But if its an airship I start to doubt. Now for good reasons, I do not know the height or exact position of the alien mothership in the two photos. Therefore I can not calculate the distance from points A to B. I am no aviation expert, nor expert photographer, so I will leave it up to the right experts to assess how far there is!
However, I think it is interesting that this UFO probably moves over this distance. And afterward, in the last photo, the alien mothership divides the sky with a fleet of smaller objects, which I hypothetically believe must be the associated UFO scout fleet.
Alien mothership photographed again in 2017?
The alien mothership in this article seems to have been photographed again. In another photo sighting from 2017 that produced this UFO gallery, a similar UFO is posing in some of the photos. Read the article UFO mothership with flying saucers docked?
IMG_6025 object 3 (Mothership with discs) gallery page source link
High resolution photos
I used a Sony A-100 DSLR reflex Camera with a Sony standard zoom lens 3.5-5.6/18-70mm attached. The image resolution is 3872×2592 pixels (12 MP).
Since ancient times, people have reported seeing strange lights and mysterious objects in the sky. The stories ofunidentified flying objects(UFOs) orencounters with extraterrestrials have managed to fascinate thousands of people and have even become centers of pseudoscientific studies, known as ufology. But in the canon of UFO legends, there are some incidents that continue to be unexplainable.(UFO on a mountain in Siberia)
Almost everyone knows the Roswell case, the Kecksburg UFO in Pennsylvania, or the Rendlesham Forest sighting in England. However, there are many more incidents throughout our history, with numerous witnesses and involving starry UFOs. Moreover, there continue to be reports of unidentified flying objects around the world. As in Russia, where apparently a strange object hit a mountain, causing a landslide and blocking a river, leaving nearby populations at high risk of flooding. And the strangest thing of all is that Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent the military to investigate the incident.(UFO on a mountain in Siberia)
The strange incident in the Bureya river
The Bureya River, of a length of 623 km, flows southward in Krai from Khabarovsk, in the far eastern Siberia. Well, that was before a strange incident. Sometime in early December, a mysterious object crashed into a mountain, causing a landslide and rocks in the river. Since it is located in a remote area, there were no witnesses to what happened. Because the Russian government has denied that it was the failed launch of a rocket or military evidence, some people believe that it is the accident of a UFO. And no wonder, since the incident occurred in early December, but was not publicly reported until December 24.(UFO on a mountain in Siberia)
However, to avoid the propagation of conspiracy theories, various explanations have been disseminated to explain what happened. Evgeny Zubko, a cosmic powder expert from the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation, said the object that hit the mountain could be a meteorite.
“It smells like hydrogen sulfide and steam goes out in some places,” Zubko told the Siberian Times. “We even found a place at the top where there are hot stones, we use them to warm our hands. It seems that it was very hot there. The edges of the ice are thin as if they were in boiling water. “(UFO on a mountain in Siberia)
The other version is that the cause could be a “seismic earth slide” caused by an earthquake.
“It happens very often in the Russian Far East,“ explained Aleksei Makhinov, regional president of the Russian Geographical Society. “The whole coast of the Okhotsk Sea is covered with these landslides when half a mountain falls.”
Although it seems that these “scientists” have not taken into account that there was no record of earthquakes in the time interval corresponding to the month of December. The presence of meteorites was also not detected, according to the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Putin sends the military
But here it does not end everything since the Russian president Vladimir Putin has envied the military to investigate the incident. According to the British tabloid Daily Mirror , an Antonov An-124 and four other transport aircraft have been mobilized to the area loaded with military equipment. The official version is that the collapse of the mountain could unleash a tsunami in the river of almost 50 meters high. Although some doubt this version since the use of explosives could cause another giant wave.(UFO on a mountain in Siberia)
“The height of the waves was at least 50 meters (after the December landslide),” said Russian scientist Alexey Makhinov. “If there is an explosion and the debris collapses, there will also be a tsunami, but a little smaller. If they blow up the dam that has formed here, then, as a result of the explosion, the remaining part of the mountain could fall into the water. There is a high probability that this will happen. “
Did UFO crash?
The truth is that, with so many contradictions, with the military presence in the area and the lack of information it is inevitable that a UFO crashed into the mountain. Also, Russia seems to have a strange connection with incidents coming from space. As you may recall, the city of Chelyabinsk, in the southern Urals area, was shaken by an explosion in the stratosphere in 2012. This explosion caused damage to buildings and thousands of people were injured. Experts said the accident in Chelyabinsk was caused by a meteoroid.
The incident in Chelyabinsk was strangely similar to the Tunguska event in Russia in 1908 when an exceptionally powerful explosion (comparable to that of a thermonuclear weapon) in Siberia swept the vicinity of the Podkamennaya River. And to this list of enigmatic events in Russia, we add the one that occurred in the Bureya river.
Unfortunately, the inhabitants of this remote area of Siberia will not be able to see what the army finds because a state of emergency has been declared (of course) and the area is being evacuated due to “possible flooding”. And if it were really a UFO, would the Russian government reveal the truth to the world?
University of California, Berkeley has developed a new type of 3D printer that uses rays of light to turn liquids into solids in a matter of minutes. Dubbed the ‘The Replicator’ by its creators referencing the famous Star Trek technology; the new device can form objects, smoother, faster and with more complex than traditional 3D printers.
It also has the ability to add new materials to existing objects, for example adding a handle to a cup.
The UC Berkeley researchers say the printer could completely change the way products are imagined and prototyped.
“I think this is a route to being able to mass-customize objects even more, whether they are prosthetics or running shoes,” said Hayden Taylor, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at UC Berkeley and senior author of a paper describing the printer, which appears online today (Jan. 31) in the journal Science.
Printer opens possibilities for new types of design ideation
“The fact that you could take a metallic component or something from another manufacturing process and add on customizable geometry, I think that may change the way products are designed,” Taylor said.
Traditional 3D printers build up objects layer by layer in either plastic or metal.
The Replicator uses a gooey liquid that turns to a solid when exposed to different thresholds of light. It works when carefully calibrated light waves are projected onto a rotating cylinder of liquid which transforms the object ‘all at once’.
“Basically, you’ve got an off-the-shelf video projector, which I literally brought in from home, and then you plug it into a laptop and use it to project a series of computed images, while a motor turns a cylinder that has a 3D printing resin in it,” Taylor explained.
“Obviously there are a lot of subtleties to it — how you formulate the resin, and, above all, how you compute the images that are going to be projected, but the barrier to creating a very simple version of this tool is not that high.”
3D printing becomes truly 3D
In a series of test prints, Taylor and his team made several small objects including a tiny replica of Rodin’s ‘The Thinker’. The printer can currently make objects up to four inches in diameter.
“This is the first case where we don’t need to build up custom 3D parts layer by layer,” said Brett Kelly, co-first author on the paper who completed the work while a graduate student working jointly at UC Berkeley and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
“It makes 3D printing truly three-dimensional.”
The printer’s design was inspired by CT scans used by doctors to locate tumors, CT scans work by projecting X-rays into the body from all different angles. By analyzing the patterns of transmitted energy exposes the geometry of the object.
Taylor said they took this idea and basically reversed it.
“We are trying to create an object rather than measure an object, but actually a lot of the underlying theory that enables us to do this can be translated from the theory that underlies computed tomography.”
The Replicators inventors have filed a patent but hope to share their knowledge with other researchers who will continue to develop the technology.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Lake Michigan UFO sightings still unsolved 25 years later
Lake Michigan UFO sightings still unsolved 25 years later
Dejanay Booth - Detroit Free Press
The eerie lights filled the sky along nearly 200 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline, from Ludington south to the Indiana border.
On March 8, 1994, calls flooded 911 to report strange sightings in the night sky. The reports came in from all walks of life — from police and a meteorologist to residents of Michigan's many beach resorts. Hundreds of people witnessed what many insisted were UFOs — unidentified flying objects.
Cindy Pravda, 63, of Grand Haven remembers that night in vivid detail — four lights in the sky that looked like "full moons" over the line of trees behind her horse pasture.
"I got UFOs in the backyard," she told a friend on the phone.
Today, the mystery of one of the largest UFO sightings in Michigan history remains unsolved, but it continues to fascinate extraterrestrial researchers, psychologists and history buffs alike.
Pravda still believes the lights were UFOs.
Read more:
Think you've seen a UFO? Here's how to report it
"I watched them for half an hour. Where I'm facing them, the one on the far left moved off. It moved to the highway and then came back in the same position," Pravda told the Free Press on Thursday. "The one to the right was gone in blink of an eye and then, eventually, everything disappeared quickly."
She still lives in the same house and continues to talk about that night.
"I'm known as the UFO lady of Grand Haven," Pravda laugh.
The Detroit News and Free Press, March 20, 1994. The newspapers printed a combined Saturday and Sunday paper at the time.
Detroit Free Press
Where it started
Daryl and Holly Graves and their son, Joey, told reporters in 1994 they witnessed lights in the sky over Holland at about 9:30 p.m. on March 8.
"I saw six lights out the window above the barn across the street," Joey Graves told the Free Press in 1994. "I got up and went to the sofa and looked up at the sky. They were red and white and moving."
Others gave similar accounts, including Holland Police Officer Jeff Velthouse and a meteorologist from the National Weather Service Office in Muskegon County. What's more, the meteorologist recorded unknown echoes on his radar the same time Velthouse reported the lights.
"My guy looked at the radar and observed three echoes as the officer was describing the movement," Leo Grenier of the NWS office in Muskegon said in 1994. "The movement of the objects was rather erratic. The echoes were there about 15 minutes, drifting slowly south-southwest, kind of headed toward the Chicago side of the south end of Lake Michigan."
In 1995, The Free Press published the conversation between the National Weather Service and Velthouse.
"What do you think it is?" said the weather service radar operator.
Velthouse described witnesses seeing five to six objects, some cylindrical with blue, red, white and green lights.
The radar operator said, "There were three and sometimes four blips, and they weren't planes. Planes show as pinpoints on the scope, these were the size of half a thumbnail. They were from 5 to 12,000 feet at times, moving all over the place. Three were moving toward Chicago. I never saw anything like it before, not even when I'm doing severe weather."
Hundreds of reports of suspected UFOs were called in not only to 911 dispatchers but also to the Mutual UFO Network's (MUFON) Michigan chapter.
MUFON, an all-volunteer nonprofit organization founded in 1969, bills itself as the "world's oldest and largest civilian UFO investigation and research organization."
In 1994, the network received UFO reports from Ludington south to the Indiana state line, spokeswoman Virginia Tilly told the Free Press in 1994.
"We're getting 10 or 15 new sightings a day," Tilly said. "We have probably 20 people in various stages of investigating these reports."
The reported UFO sightings was the largest since March 1966, Bill Konkolesky, Michigan state director of MUFON, told the Free Press this week.
The Detroit Free Press, March 8, 1995
Detroit Free Press
"It was one of the big ones in the state. We haven't seen a large UFO (reported sighting) wave since that time," Konkolesky said.
Konkolesky joined the network in 1993. He was not part of the investigation team but still has a copy of an article about the sightings with a picture of the Graves family on the front cover.
MUFON interviewed dozens of witnesses, Konkolesky said, many of whom remain in contact with the organization.
"There was a lot of enthusiasm into the UFO field (then) because of the amount of press coverage. It was outstanding," he said. "They were paying attention to the phenomenon."
Konkolesky said the flying objects reported in 1994 are characterized as "unexplained" and the sightings remain a mystery.
Not so far-fetched
The idea of alien life isn't as farfetched as once thought, with a number of recent discoveries pointing raising the possibility.
In a series of reports from USA TODAY, researchers have studied whether life could exist on a recently discovered "Super Earth" about 30 trillion miles away.
Villanova University astrophysicists Edward Guinan and Scott Engle told USA TODAY that the planet, known as Barnard b, has a temperature of 274 degrees below zero, but "niches of life" may be possible under the ice.
Another group of researchers is studying whether a mysterious object entering the Earth's solar system from interstellar space at a high rate of speed actually is a probe intentionally sent here by an alien civilization. Scientists later decided that the weird object actually was a comet.
And another study reports that more “fast radio bursts" – bright, short-lived pulses of radio waves that come from across the universe — have been detected by astronomers. Some researchers have considered the idea that these bursts could be signals from intelligent aliens, according to Science News.
Other mysteries
The UFO frenzy of 1994 was one in a string of unexplained phenomena in Michigan history.
In 2016, a mysterious phenomenon known as the Paulding Light was reported in the western Upper Peninsula.
Witnesses reported seeing a bright white light, glowing deep inside the woods, changing size and shape before fading into the darkness. Although many individuals believed the flickering lights was because of a car driving over a hill, others believed it to be something supernatural and too bright to be headlights.
A light shines off in the distance seen off of Robbins Pond Road in Paulding, MI where the mysterious Paulding Light appears on Wednesday June 13, 2016 in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
Ryan Garza, Detroit Free Press
That same year, a photo of a furry creature in the Upper Peninsula surfaced, sparking conversation about a possible Bigfoot. At that time, the Upper Peninsula Bigfoot/Sasquatch Research Organization also reported a sighting near the community of South Branch in Ogemaw County.
In December 2016, the organization led a search for the beast in the Seney National Wildlife Refuge.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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