The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
A Famous UFO Case? Or, a Military Test Gone Wrong?
A Famous UFO Case? Or, a Military Test Gone Wrong?
On October 5, 2015, here at Mysterious Universe, Micah Hankswrote an article titled“The Cash-Landrum Incident: Was a Nuclear Aircraft Involved?” Micah’s article began as follows: “Of all the best-known and often reviewed UFO cases of the last few decades, many would contend that one of the most puzzling had been the Cash-Landrum incident, which occurred near Dayton, Texas on 29 December, 1980. The story, well known in UFO circles, involved two women: Betty Cash and Vicky Landrum, as well as Vicky’s grandson Colby, all of whom purportedly observed an unusual, very bright source of illumination over a country road on the night in question. After seemingly hovering above the highway for several minutes, the strange object was surrounded by a group of helicopters in tight formation, and removed from the area, according to the witnesses.”
As Micah’s feature demonstrated, there are good reasons to suspect that the cause of the still-controversial affair was not due to the presence of a UFO – as many people conclude (or who may want to believe). Rather, the vehicle may have been a prototype nuclear-powered vehicle built and flown by the U.S. military. Micah’s article focuses on a lot of thought-provoking data, all of which points in that specific direction. There is a good reason I mention all of this today: another source claimed to have been given information that also supported this particular down-to-earth theory. That source was the late Tom Adams, who spent a lot of time from the 1970s onward investigating matters relative to black helicopters and cattle mutilations. Adams’ connection to the December 1980 incident is not that well known, which is why I have decided to highlight it for you today.
It was while he was digging deep into stories of those aforementioned mutilations and strange helicopters that Adams came across an intrigue-filled story. On one occasion, Adams had the opportunity to speak with a man that Adams referred to as “Tony.” Yes, and before anyone quickly brings the matter up, I fully realize that relying on sources who use aliases is hardly something that can be said to be preferable or ideal. Sometimes, though, that is just how it goes. And particularly so when it’s the source who is calling all of the shots. That was exactly the case when it came to the matter of Tom Adams, Tony, and the 1980 Cash-Landrum incident. Tony – a military helicopter pilot – had spent time working at Fort Hood, Texas, and as a result had come across certain data on the infamous story.
According to the account told to Tom Adams by Tony, it all went down late one night, in December 1980. It was a night which Tony couldn’t fail to forget, as it was just a couple of days after Christmas 1980. Tony and his colleagues were quickly ordered to take to the skies and head out to Huffman, Texas. All of the crews were told to keep a careful look-out for what was described by Tony as an “unusual aircraft.” Rather significantly, the helicopter crews were also told to get as close to the craft as they possibly could, but without causing a disaster in the process. Incredibly, at one point the pilots were told that, if it came to it and there was no alternative, they should try and force the aircraft to the ground, using the weight of the helicopters to push it down. Which, surely, would have been an incredibly precarious situation for the men to find themselves in.
Tony continued with his story and told Tom Adams that as they closed in on Huffman, they couldn’t fail to see the strange thing in the sky. Tony stated that it was “throwing off sparks like a 4th of July sparkler.” For around seven to ten miles they “shadowed” the object, after which an order came through to abort and head back to base, which, Tony added, is precisely what they all did. Only a few days later, Tony was given the full story of what happened that night – from a colleague at Fort Hood. The UFO was nothing of the sort. It was a prototype, nuclear-powered vehicle that had malfunctioned and which was in danger of crashing to the ground. Fortunately, the glitch was eventually rectified and the craft continued on its original course – hence the reason why the helicopter pilots were told to abort.
There may still be those out there who yearn for the craft to have been an alien spacecraft. But, what’s more likely: a UFO from a faraway galaxy or an advanced craft of the military that malfunctioned at just about the worst time possible? My money is on the second scenario.
U.S. Navy drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs
The Navy isn’t endorsing the idea that its sailors have encountered alien spacecraft — but it also does not want to dismiss strange aerial sightings by credible military personnel.
U.S. Navy drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs
The service says it has also 'provided a series of briefings by senior Naval Intelligence officials as well as aviators who reported hazards to aviation safety.'
WETENSCHAPWetenschappers hebben ontdekt dat de planeet Mercurius een gigantische vaste kern heeft. Dat blijkt uit een analyse van data die een ruimtetuig van de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA verzamelde, vlak voor het in 2015 op de planeet neerstortte.
Mercurius is de kleinste planeet van ons zonnestelsel en hij bevindt zich het dichtste bij de zon. De temperatuur schommelt er tussen 426 graden overdag en -173 graden ’s nachts. Mercurius draait trager om zijn as dan de Aarde, waardoor een dag er 58 aardse dagen duurt.
Wetenschappers weten al lang dat Mercurius net als de Aarde een metalen kern heeft en dat het buitenste deel daarvan vloeibaar is. Dat verklaart het magnetisch veld van de planeet. Van het binnenste deel werd alleen maar vermoed dat het vast was. Een nieuwe studie die gepubliceerd werd in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Geophysical Research Letters, werpt daar nu nieuw licht op. En komt ook met bewijsmateriaal.
Dat bewijsmateriaal werd verzameld door de MESSENGER-sonde van de NASA. Die werd in 2004 gelanceerd richting Mercurius en stuurde in 2008 de eerste beelden van de planeet door. In 2011 kwam de sonde in een baan om Mercurius en in 2015 stortte ze gecontroleerd neer op de planeet. (lees hieronder verder)
APEen van de beelden van Mercurius die MESSENGER doorstuurde.
Tijdens de laatste omwentelingen kwam het ruimtetuig heel dicht bij de planeet en dat liet wetenschappers toe om gedetailleerde metingen te doen op het vlak van zwaartekracht, rotatie en interne structuur. Die toonden aan dat Mercurius wel degelijk een vaste kern heeft en dat die maar liefst 2.000 kilometer in diameter meet. Wat goed is voor ongeveer de helft van de totale kern. Ter vergelijking: de vaste kern van de Aarde meet ongeveer 2.400 kilometer, maar omdat onze planeet groter is dan Mercurius, gaat het bij ons maar om een derde van de totale kern.
De interne structuur van Mercurius werd uiteindelijk in kaart gebracht door het meten van de distributie van massa van de planeet. Die gebeurde door kleine veranderingen in de omwentelingssnelheid van het ruimtetuig te meten, die veroorzaakt werden door minieme wijzigingen in de zwaartekracht. Aan de hand van die gegevens, werd bepaald welke interne structuur het specifieke draaien van Mercurius het beste kon verklaren.
De totale kern van Mercurius is overigens gigantisch. Het vaste en vloeibare deel samen maken ongeveer 85 procent uit van de volledige planeet. De kern van Mercurius koelt echter veel sneller af dan die van de Aarde. Observeren hoe de binnenkant van de planeet evolueert en het magnetisch veld wijzigt, kan wetenschappers een beeld geven van de toekomst van onze eigen planeet.
Unidentified sonic phenomena continue around the world with seemingly no explanation. Why is it that we pay much more attention to visual anomalous phenomena? Much of the study of the unexplained and mysterious centers around images and sightings, whether of Bigfoot or other cryptids, UFOs, or denizens of spirit realms or other dimensions. English speakers do tend to prioritize sight above the other senses, and many different phenomena can make similar sounds, so perhaps it’s natural that sight is most often the medium for the study of the anomalous.
Nevertheless, unidentified sonic phenomena, or USPs, are just prevalent. As MU readers know, I’m particularly interested in the mystery boom phenomenon, but anomalous acoustics of all kinds are an interest of mine. This week, strange sounds continue to frighten and baffle people worldwide as unexplained booms have been keeping residents of Cleveland’s Slavic Village neighborhood awake at night. Interestingly, as has been the case in a small percentage of these booms, anomalous flashes of light have also been reported.
Some Slavic Village residents have captured the flashes and booms on home security cameras and posted them to social media. Cleveland resident Edward McDonald told News 5 Cleveland that while the booms haven’t harmed anyone or any property yet, he believes it’s only a matter of time until they do:
What I’ve heard is like a loud bang, like a boom. It shakes houses, it rattles windows. It hasn’t caused any destruction yet, or it hasn’t caused any property damage, but it’s definitely noticeable. We all know the powers of concussions, or concussion booms, and I really think that the vibration could cause some damage at some point.
The Cleveland City Council is reportedly looking into the incidents, but if this case is like any others, they’ll likely turn up very few answers. Cleveland wasn’t alone this week, though. An eerily similar boom was reported on Sunday, April 14 in the Grand’Anse area on the western coast of Haiti. Local geologists ruled out seismic or volcanic activity and local authorities remain stumped. The mystery left in the wake of the boom is reportedly “sowing anxiety and some panic in the population” and without an explanation, rumors are reportedly running wild among locals.
Meanwhile, residents of the town of Damhal Hanji Pora in the Indian state of state of Jammu and Kashmir reported a “mysterious blast-like sound” on Friday, April 19. Police rejected the idea that the boom was caused by a grenade or other munitions, but given the proximity to Pakistan and recent tensions there, there’s no telling what could have occurred.
As with all reported incidents of mysterious booms, I’m left to wonder: are these related in any way, or are they all isolated, separate incidents?
Glowing UFO Over Tiny Town Of 97 Residents On April 21, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Glowing UFO Over Tiny Town Of 97 Residents On April 21, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: April 21, 2019
Location of sighting: Holtwood, Pennsylvania, USA
Source: MUFON #99891
Here is a UFO sighting from a city with a population of 97. Its been long believed that UFOs appear in areas that are less populated in order to not cause a panic. This UFO was lit up like a flare, but moved very fast as seen in the video. Now I really wish I had a longer video of this, but only received a short clip. This could be a Chinese lantern, but its the wrong time of the year for Lantern Festival. Also this object is the wrong shape. A lantern is taller than wide, this appears to be the opposite. This object appears to move very fast ruling out Chinese lantern, since they move slow with the wind. It has no wings so its not a plane. Eyewitness says it turned into a triangle, and I'm thinking USAF TR3B secret triangle craft. This case remains a mystery.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
Glowing orb that ascended very quickly, changed direction and shape from a glowing pulsating orb, to a dark grey reflective triangle.
A photograph of a meteor streaking through Earth’s atmosphere. This meteor likely originated from the tail of a comet orbiting around the sun, but other meteors may come from beyond the solar system. Credit: Daniel Pludowski Getty Images
By most standards, space is exceedingly empty, containing on average just one proton per four cubic meters of volume. In this cosmic ocean, so incomprehensibly desolate and vast, entire galaxies are akin to scattered spots of sea foam—not to mention the stars, planets and other lesser objects that fade to insignificance against the void. For random clumps of matter adrift in the deep to somehow find each other seems to border on the miraculous.
Yet find each other they do, and in surprising numbers. Stars and planets routinely hurl smaller objects into interstellar space as an inescapable consequence of orbital mechanics. And the recent discovery of ‘Oumuamua—a mysterious and first-of-its-kind interstellar object spied by chance when it passed close by our sun last year—confirms as much. Statistical extrapolations suggest that a quadrillion trillion similar objects may lurk as yet unseen in the dark spaces between the stars of the Milky Way, so many that there should always be one such far-flung passerby flying through the notional sphere bounded by Earth’s orbit around our star. With an estimated size of roughly half a kilometer, ‘Oumuamua in some respects represents the tip of the interstellar iceberg; just as grains of sand greatly outnumber large rocks on a beach, for every ‘Oumuamua-sized body wandering the galaxy there should be many, many more objects even smaller. Scientists already know of many microscopic interstellar immigrants—cosmic rays and micron-sized flecks of stardust that occasionally strike spacecraft—but other than ‘Oumuamua, nothing larger has ever definitively been found.
Now two researchers—Avi Loeb, chair of astronomy at Harvard University, and Harvard undergraduate Amir Siraj—say that has changed, arguing that a modest meteor observed in January 2014 was actually an outcast from another star. They detail their result in a preprint submitted for peer-reviewed publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. If confirmed, the finding could help open a new frontier in the detection and study of interstellar meteors.
“Previous approaches to this problem were like looking for your keys under a lamppost, where our sun is the lamp illuminating its surroundings and passing interstellar objects are the keys,” Loeb explains. “That’s a good technique—that’s how ‘Oumuamua was found—but it really limits you, particularly in trying to figure out an object’s composition.”
For their study, Loeb and Siraj used a different method, looking for evidence of interstellar objects in more than three decades of data from the Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), a NASA-run global catalog of meteors detected by networks of U.S. government sensors.
Because there should be many more interstellar objects at smaller sizes, Loeb says, “there is a good chance those will appear to us as meteors, since the chances of their intersecting the Earth are higher.” Monitoring a meteor’s bright trail as it burns up in our planet’s atmosphere can reveal not only the object’s size and composition but also its trajectory and velocity with respect to the Earth and the sun. If a meteor’s inferred incoming speed exceeds about 42 kilometers per second—the solar system’s escape velocity in Earth’s vicinity—its trajectory could be considered “hyperbolic,” meaning it could have been an “unbound” interstellar passerby moving too fast to be captured by the sun’s gravity.
Only one event in the CNEOS database met Loeb and Siraj’s conservative criteria: a fireball off the coast of Papua New Guinea on January 8, 2014. According to the pair’s analysis of the CNEOS data, the meteor was half a meter in size and massed nearly 500 kilograms, entering the Earth’s atmosphere at nearly 44 kilometers per second before exploding high above the Pacific Ocean. Tellingly, the meteor’s trail showed it had not impacted Earth head-on, as one might expect of a fast-moving but native object in a retrograde orbit around our star. Instead it appeared to have swooped in from behind, overtaking our planet as the Earth moved around the sun—suggesting its actual velocity with respect to our solar system had been in blistering excess of 60 kilometers per second. Reconstructing the object’s most probable path to Earth, Loeb and Siraj found no previous close encounters with Jupiter or other large bodies that could have boosted its speed.
The case for the meteor being a rock from another star seemed almost too good to be true, particularly since CNEOS data is best interpreted with caution.The catalog’s primary sources are classified Earth-observing satellites operated by the U.S. military, which can record the brightness, orientation and duration of fireballs entering our planet’s atmosphere. For reasons of national security, the government refuses to release information about potential sources of uncertainty in the satellites’ secretive measurements.
“At first I didn’t believe it,” Siraj says. For a week, he and Loeb repeatedly checked their analysis of the CNEOS data, always arriving at the same conclusion: the meteor must have had an interstellar origin. Ultimately they chose to test their methods on a different, much more well-studied event—the 20-meter meteor that exploded over and wreaked havoc on the Russian city of Chelyabinsk in 2013. Using video recordings of the Chelyabinsk fireball, “we derived its orbit using our methods, and it was a very close match [to the CNEOS data],” Siraj says. “When I saw that, I thought, ‘Oh my god, this is real.’”
The meteor’s estimated extreme speed was not only much higher than that of objects orbiting the sun, but also well above what would be typical of other nearby systems swirling through the Milky Way’s thin, star-studded disk. That, Loeb says, means its putative interstellar origins are decidedly exotic. “Either it came from a star in the galaxy’s thick disk [a small and diffuse subset of speedy stars that surround the thin disk like a halo],” he says, “or it came from the galaxy’s thin disk, from inner regions of a planetary system where objects orbit at higher speeds.”
The pair’s analysis also suggests interstellar objects of this scale strike the Earth at least once per decade—meaning perhaps almost half a billion have rained down upon our planet throughout its 4.5-billion-year history. Stars near our own should eject anywhere between 0.2 and 20 Earth masses of such objects over the course of their lives, Loeb and Siraj estimate—and at any time, on the order of a million should be somewhere within the Earth's orbit around the sun.
Such possibilities carry profound implications. “Some of these objects could potentially transfer life between planetary systems,” Loeb says, referring to a broad theory known as panspermia (ancient Greek for “all seeds”) that posits life first began in outer space and can readily migrate between planets. In principle, alien microbes sheltered within rocks blasted into space by a giant impact on some life-bearing world might survive an interstellar voyage and a fiery entry into a planet’s atmosphere. Some researchers have posited this may even explain life’s early emergence on Earth, which the fossil record suggests occurred with shocking rapidity more than four billion years ago, practically as soon as our planet became cool enough to harbor liquid water. “If this meteor is indeed interstellar, it shows a proof of concept,” Loeb says. “Sure, it burned up, but bigger, rarer ones won’t. And we don’t need an impact every decade to seed the early Earth.”
Even if Loeb and Siraj’s meteor had managed to reach Earth’s surface, however, other experts in the arcane topic of panspermia suggest it would not have brought anything living with it. “More likely, this object is not from a habitable (much less inhabited) body, but rather is a piece of a frozen, comet-like body,” says Benjamin Weiss, a planetary scientist and meteorite expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. More fundamentally, Weiss says, the claim that this particular space rock was interstellar is problematic. “The meteor catalog that [Loeb and Siraj] used does not report uncertainties on the incoming velocity,” he notes. “These uncertainties need to be quantified before this meteor can be accepted as interstellar.”
That is also the view of Paul Chodas, the CNEOS catalog’s manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “We at CNEOS simply post the fireball data that is reported to us; we have no information on the uncertainties,” he says.
In March of this year, Chodas says, he and other CNEOS staffers flagged 2014’s Papua New Guinea meteor as potentially interstellar based on their own calculations of its orbit—but did not publish that result due to concerns about the data’s quality. Loeb and Siraj’s “quite extraordinary” and “highly speculative” claim, he says, “is based on just a few numbers that are likely highly uncertain.” (In their paper, Loeb and Siraj cite previous work reporting that the CNEOS catalog’s typical uncertainty for the velocity of a meter-sized meteor is less than a kilometer per second—an insignificant offset in the enormous measured speed of their candidate interstellar fireball.)
Asked about uncertainties in the CNEOS fireball catalog, Lindley Johnson, NASA’s “planetary defense officer,” notes that its entries represent the use of data “in a way it was never, ever originally intended.” Although initially conceived as a simple list of fireball times, locations and energy levels, more than a decade ago the catalog also began incorporating estimates of speed and directionality for particularly data-rich events, in hopes that researchers could use those projections to track down meteorite debris fields from large fireballs that occurred over land. Soon, particularly bold analysts were using those projections to look back in time, piecing together the potential orbital histories of meteors to link them and any meteorites they produced to certain families of asteroids. That was “already stretching the credence in the data beyond anything really scientifically valid,” Johnson says. “Now [Loeb and Siraj] want to speculate based on such tenuous data that some could be interstellar objects? That really stretches the credibility past the breaking point for me.”
Peter Brown, a planetary astronomer and leading meteor expert at Canada’s Western University, says that even though the CNEOS catalog is on average of very high quality, the validity of any single data point—particularly for smaller meteors—remains questionable. “Statistically, I think the catalog’s derived orbits and velocities and trajectories are fine,” he says. “But we simply don’t know which ones are good and which ones are bad.” Furthermore, Brown says, of the thousands of small fireballs previously detected by other, independent surveys using ground-based cameras and radar stations, not one has clearly exhibited a hyperbolic trajectory. “If a tenth or a twentieth of a percent of the population was hyperbolic as Loeb and Siraj claim, you’d expect to have a fair number of hyperbolics in the data from ground-based networks—but we don’t see that.”
Even so, Brown adds, “it is a fantastic thing that others are coming from different disciplines and applying their own approaches to this rich data set…. Interstellar meteorites must be hitting Earth’s atmosphere, and fireballs are the natural way to look for them. We just have to find them convincingly, in ways that can’t be dismissed as measurement uncertainties.”
This, naturally, is part of Loeb and Siraj’s grand plan. The next step in the quest for interstellar meteors, they say, is to ensure that potentially hyperbolic fireballs can be not only detected but also characterized. Observed with the right equipment, a fireball’s light can be broken up into a multicolored spectrum which acts as a “barcode” to reveal the object’s chemical composition—a critical clue as to whether or not it formed around our sun.
“Every few years we should have one of these hyperbolic meteors,” Loeb says. “If we just ensure observers are flagging fireballs with excess velocities, we should be able to set up spectroscopic surveys to get each one’s spectrum as it burns up in the atmosphere and indeed demonstrate an origin beyond our solar system. Surely this is something worth investing in!”
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETWetenschappers hebben op 6 april voor het eerst een beving op Mars gedetecteerd, zo deelde het Franse ruimtevaartbureau CNES mee. De waarneming gebeurde met de seismometer SEIS, dankzij een team waarin ook Véronique Dehant van de Koninklijke Belgische Sterrenwacht (KSB) participeert.
“Een zwak seismisch signaal maar toch te onderscheiden”, aldus het CNES over de detectie met de SEIS die op de Amerikaanse Marslander InSight staat. Die doet vooral onderzoek naar het binnenste van de Rode Planeet en wilde onder andere met de SEIS op zoek naar Marsbevingen.
“Het is formidabel een signaal te hebben dat er nog seismische activiteit op Mars is”, zei onderzoeker Philippe Lognonné van het Institut de Physique du Globe in Parijs. “Wij hebben maandenlang op onze eerste Marsbeving gewacht”.
De SEIS (“Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure”), waarvan de technische en wetenschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid bij Frankrijk berust, belandde op 19 december 2018 op de Marsbodem. Dankzij een robotarm van de stationaire InSight die op 26 november op onze buurplaneet is geland.
Nieuwe discipline
De meting gebeurde op de 128ste Marsdag. Volgens missieverantwoordelijke Bruce Banerdt bij het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartbureau NASA markeert de beving de “officiële geboorte van een nieuwe discipline: Marsseismologie”. De eerste beving was echter te zwak om bruikbare gegevens op te leveren over het binnenste van de planeet, zeggen CNES en NASA.
Bovendien moet er nog bevestiging komen dat de geregistreerde Marsbeving wel degelijk uit het binnenste van de planeet komt. Andere mogelijkheden zijn dat het een effect van de wind is of storende ruis.
Toch corresponderen meerdere karakteristieken van de meting - in het bijzonder de omvang en de duur - met het profiel van de bevingen die op de Maan zijn gedetecteerd, zeggen CNES en NASA. Via door astronauten van de NASA geplaatste seismometers zijn tussen 1969 en 1977 duizenden Maanbevingen geregistreerd, waaruit bleek dat onze natuurlijke satelliet geologisch nog altijd actief is.
Er zijn de laatste maanden nog drie andere signalen gedetecteerd, allen zwakker dan dat van 6 april. Die metingen gebeurden op 14 maart, 10 april en 11 april. Wetenschappers buigen zich nog over de ware aard van de detectie.
Van de vermoede eerst gedetecteerde beving op Mars bestaat ook een audio-opname.
Het was een ufo die eruit zag zoals op de volgende foto, die al eerder op talloze plaatsen is waargenomen.
Dit schip was niet alleen te zien boven Peking, maar zelfs op een afstand van 100 kilometer van de Chinese hoofdstad werd deze ufo waargenomen.
De ufo verscheen als uit het niets en leek geen geluid te maken.
De waarneming is echt, want er zijn talloze getuigen die deze vreemde lichten hebben gezien.
De vorige keer dat dit ruimteschip door heel veel mensen werd waargenomen was in oktober vorig jaar. Hierna een deel uit een artikel waaruit duidelijk wordt dat dit object veel overeenkomsten vertoont met wat nu in China wordt waargenomen:
We zijn nu inmiddels een week verder en weer is er een waarneming van hetzelfde object.
Het is ontegenzeglijk hetzelfde als het eerdere object, maar wat het is, is een volkomen raadsel. Een buitenaards ruimteschip of, zo blijkt later, een geweldig grote drone die misschien voor een marketingcampagne wordt gebruikt. De tijd zal het leren, hopen we.
Update: 22 september 2018:
De avond voordat de getuige de bijzondere opname maakte van een ruimteschip dat boven de weg hing, is datzelfde object ook door een andere getuige op video vastgelegd.
Dit gebeurde bij de Shakopee Archery Range, eveneens in Minnesota en op ongeveer 85 kilometer afstand van de eerste waarneming.
Er bestaat geen enkele twijfel dat het om hetzelfde object gaat. Maar wat is het?
Origineel artikel: 17 september 2018
Wanneer je ’s avonds laat naar huis rijdt in het donker en je ziet opeens iets vreemds in de lucht, dan doet dat heel onwerkelijk aan.
Maar, als je het met je eigen ogen ziet en je slaagt er ook nog eens in om dit object te fotograferen, dan wordt het wel heel echt. Het volgende voorval speelde zich af op 14 september 2018 in Stillwater in de Amerikaanse staat Minnesota en is ingediend bij Mufon onder nummer 94921.
Een man reed samen met zijn vriendin naar huis toen ze plotseling iets vreemds boven de weg zagen.
De getuige is er absoluut van overtuigd dat het geen weerspiegeling of iets dergelijks is omdat nadat dit object een minuut of vier boven de weg had gehangen, dit opeens met grote snelheid wegvloog. Iets dat door hem en zijn vriendin beiden is gezien.
Ufoloog Scott Waring is heel benieuwd of er die avond ergens in de buurt mensen zijn vermist of tijdelijk zoek geweest zijn. Hij denkt namelijk dat wanneer een ruimteschip zo dichtbij de weg komt er een reden voor moet zijn. En die reden zou heel goed kunnen zijn dat ze van plan waren om één of meerdere mensen te ontvoeren.
En zelfs daarvoor werd dit schip waargenomen en wel in Nederland in 1996. Voor dat verhaal verwijzen wij dit eerdere artikel.
En zoals gewoonlijk is er ook in China geen verklaring gekomen voor wat daar in de lucht hangt.
If you’re worried about invasions from outer space (or from inside the Earth or from another dimension), you may want to listen to what U.S. presidential candidate Seth Moulton (another one?) has to say about how he would handle the situation if he was sitting in the Oval Office. Will this become one of the defining questions of the 2020 presidential campaign?
“If you were president during an alien invasion, what would your strategy be?”
On the day he announced his run for the Democratic presidential nomination, Seth Moulton, U.S. Representative for Massachusetts’s 6th congressional district, was hit with that tough question by a Buzzfeed reporter (home of today’s hard-hitting news). While there were a few chuckles and tongues pressed to cheeks, Moulton called upon his background as a star running back for Harvard and a Marine veteran who served in the early days of the Iraq War and attacked the question straight on.
“I would not build a wall between here and Mars. I would not do that. No, you got to start — and this is serious, guys — you got to start with diplomacy. You always have to start with diplomacy.”
Seth Moulton
That sounds like a response that would appeal to a lot of voters, but would it appeal to extraterrestrials? And, if this were a movie, would it entice you to stay or head for the popcorn stand?
“I’d serve a beer and a burger, and then if the meeting goes well, that’s all good. If the meeting starts to not go so well, I’d say, ‘By the way, that burger — that’s the last aliens who visited.'”
Another response that would appeal to a lot of voters … although not necessarily the same ones. As far as movie scripts go, this might confuse some who aren’t sure if they’re watching a sequel to “Independence Day” or “Spaceballs.”
I packed you a lunch … don’t take anything from strangers.
While this line of questioning could start a trend – especially with calls for UFO disclosure, increased SETI activity, the Space Force, etc. – another presidential candidate has already made government disclose of ETs part of his platform. Andrew D. Basiago announced in his “Andy 2016 – A Time for Truth” presidential campaign that he was prepared to discuss his time travel activities, visits to Mars and other similar questions, but was never invited to the primary debates … which was disappointing since Hillary Clinton also mentioned opening the UFO files if she were elected. In the final debates, the two candidates could have been asked what they thought of Ronald Reagan’s take on an alien invasion during an address to the United Nations.
“Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”
What would Moulton think? He may get to debate the point with Andrew Basiago since the chrononaut is running again. What do the other candidates on the ever-increasing list think? This could make a great party game as well as a town hall meeting icebreaker.
Before they agree with “burger and beer” Moulton and his flippant remark to an ET, they may want to watch the Twilight Zone episode “To Serve Man” one more time.
UFOs come in many forms, but one of the most commonly reported objects is the ubiquitous triangular black aircraft. For decades, numerous witnesses throughout the world havereported seeing such aircraft, leading to speculation that at least one of the world’s air forces could possess or be testing such a craft.
That speculation gained a few degrees of legitimacy in 2017 when a patent dated from 2004 turned up online which appeared to show a design for black triangular craft similar to those reported in so many UFO sightings. That patent was reportedly filed by a man named John Quincy St. Clair, a shadowy figure who pops up time and time again in these types of aerospace technology patent stories. Is he a real person? Why is this mysterious patent in his name?
Triangular aircraft with lights at each point have been reported worldwide for decades.
Those questions remain unanswered, but this week several somewhat dubious outlets like Sputnik News have reported the discovery of another patent for a strange triangular aircraft, this time one that uses an “internal mass reduction device” capable of incredible feats of propulsion. The patent claims the inventor of this craft is Salvatore Cezar Pais, a name which also pops up in many odd and futuristic military patents. The assignee of patent number US10144532B2 is the US Secretary of Navy, who filed the application in April 2016.
The patent describes an “unconventional spacecraft propulsion system” which uses resonant cavities and microwave emitters that “create high frequency electromagnetic waves throughout the resonant cavity to vibrate in an accelerated mode and create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity wall.” The whole thing sounds quite similar to the rumored EM drive propulsion system which caused a stir a few years back.
A mysterious triangular aircraft seen over Texas in 2014.
The patent contains some fascinating statements about the significance of this system, through which “extreme speeds can be achieved.” According to the patent, reducing the internal mass of the craft would mean it’s possible to reduce its inertia, or resistance to motion. Doing so would allow the craft a level of maneuverability and speed not seen in conventional aircraft, potentially revolutionizing aerospace engineering as we know it:
If we can engineer the structure of the local quantum vacuum state, we can engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level (thus affecting a physical system’s inertial and gravitational properties). This realization would greatly advance the fields of aerospace propulsion and power generation.
The description of the craft and its hypothetical abilities should sound eerily familiar to anyone who follows anomalous aerial phenomena. The patent appears to be legitimate, but that doesn’t necessarily mean such a craft has been built yet – or is even capable of being built based on our current technology.
One of the largest UFO developments in recent years has been the release of footage allegedly captured by US Air Force aircraft as they attempted to intercept incredibly agile, otherworldly aircraft flying off the coast of California. Could all of these ‘disclosures’ of UFO encounters be proof that someone is already flying next-generation aircraft far more advanced than any conventional jet fighter, or does this patent merely show that US Navy engineers want to stay ahead of the technological curve and prevent others from using their own hypothetical designs if such technologies are ever realized?
Just five months afterBetty and Barney Hill’slate night encounter in September 1961, a similar incident occurred in the U.K. In this case, the witness was a man named Ronald Wildman. It was in the early hours of February 9, 1962 that Wildman had an extraordinary experience, one which led him to fully believe he had seen a UFO at very close quarters. So amazed, and even slightly unsettled, by what occurred, Wildman contacted the local police. It was via the police that the U.K.’s Air Ministry (today, called the Ministry of Defense) came to hear about the story. The press, who were tipped off by someone in the police, gave the story more than a bit of coverage, which led the U.K.’s UFO research community to descend on Wildman and pick his brains about what he saw, too.
Behind the scenes, the military was taking a very close watch of Wildman and his experience. That much can be proved: the old Air Ministry file on the man and his encounter has been released into the public domain and can be accessed in person at the National Archives, Kew, England. The Wildman file runs from 1962 to 1964 and is predominantly comprised of clippings taken from newspapers, from various issues of Flying Saucer Review magazine – which was a highly popular publication for UFO enthusiasts, particularly so in the 1960s and 1970s – and from other newsletters and journals on the issue of Flying Saucers. The file contains something else too, as you will now learn.
Exactly one week after the furor concerning Ronald Wildman’s encounter calmed down, an employee of the British Royal Air Force’s Provost and Security Services paid a quiet visit to the local police, to get all of the data they had in-hand. It should be noted that the P&SS was an elite arm of the Royal Air Force. Its employees typically got involved in the investigation of terrorist threats against the military. They were experts in the fields of disinformation and espionage, and are skilled in the domain of counterintelligence. That the Air Ministry felt it was important for Wildman’s case to be investigated by the P&SS speaks volumes for its credibility. With that all said, let’s take a look at the initial report prepared by P&SS officer Sergeant C.J. Perry. He wrote:
“At Aylesbury on 16th February 1962, at 1530 hrs., I visited the Civil Police and requested information on an alleged ‘Flying Saucer’ incident. I was afforded every facility by the Civil Police authorities and although no official report had been made, details of the incident were recorded in the Station Occurrence book. The details are as follows: Mr. Ronald Wildman of Luton, a car collection driver, was traveling along the Aston Clinton road at about 0330 hrs. on 9th February 1962 when he came upon an object like a hovercraft flying approximately 30 feet above the road surface. As he approached he was traveling at 40 mph but an unknown force slowed him down to 20 mph over a distance of 400 yrd., then the object suddenly flew off. He described the object as being about 40 feet wide, oval in shape with a number of small portholes around the bottom edge. It emitted a fluorescent glow but was otherwise not illuminated. Mr. Wildman reported the incident to a police patrol who notified the Duty Sergeant, Sergeant Schofield. A radio patrol car was dispatched to the area but no further trace of the ‘Flying Saucer’ was seen. It was the opinion of the local police that the report by Mr. Wildman was perfectly genuine and the experience was not a figment of imagination. They saw that he was obviously shaken. I spoke to Sergeant Schofield and one of the Constables to whom the incident was reported. Both were convinced that Mr. Wildman was genuinely upset by his experience.”
As interesting as the above report certainly is, a follow-up report from Sergeant Perry reveals something more. It’s something that is presented only as a passing reference, but which – from the perspective of the story you are reading – is incredibly important. Following a return visit to see Sergeant Schofield, Sergeant Perry wrote in his report that the police had failed to mention one particular thing in the initial discussion. At the time, the police didn’t feel it was too important. Namely, that when he spoke with the police, Ronald Wildman was “muddled about the time.” Regrettably, these four words are not expanded on, but as brief as they are, they suggest there was some degree of missing hours; that Wildman believed the time-frame of the encounter was very different to what it reallywas.
There is one more important factor in this story: copies of Sergeant Schofield’s report on the Wildman incident were copied to a division of the Air Ministry called A.I. (Tech) 5(b). The “A.I.” stands for “Air Intelligence.” Many years ago A.I. (Tech) 5(b) was absorbed into the Ministry of Defense’s Defense Intelligence Staff. For a case which involved a man whose car was briefly affected by a close encounter with a UFO, this is an extraordinary high degree of interest – all displayed by covert branches of the U.K.’s military and intelligence services.
Linda Moulten Howe: 84 Year Old Roswell Worker Spills All To Nurse
Linda Moulten Howe: 84 Year Old Roswell Worker Spills All To Nurse
Linda Moulten Howe and Marfoogle TV getting heavy into the Roswell subject like never before. I’ve heard so many theories of Roswell.
Drugs and MK Ultra conducted on Military personal when too close to something they do not want out. I think this old guy had a relapse under those drugs and probably seen something that he was supposed to forget.
They are not aliens they are demons. The government wants to push that narrative because when the Rapture happens that’s how they will explain what happened to the people taken in the Rapture The aliens took them. D.L.
In mid-1947, a United States Army Air Forces balloon crashed at a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. Following wide initial interest in the crashed “flying disc”, the US military stated that it was merely a conventional weather balloon. Wikipedia
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Confirmed! Multiple ET Bases on Earth Stargate Program Declassified
Confirmed! Multiple ET Bases on Earth Stargate Program Declassified
A former employ of the US governments top secret program in the late 1980s, Lyn Buchanan became known to the public when declassified documents of the US governments Remote Viewing project came to light.
The program used CRV (controlled Remote Viewing) which was focused on specific targets and locations to gather intel.
Basically, Lyn uses his focused thoughts and energy to learn about targets. This is very similar to telepathy. If he used it to send a mental message it would be telepathy. His training made him possibly the best in the world at this area.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Potential for Life On Other Planets In Milky Way Revealed in New Study
Potential for Life On Other Planets In Milky Way Revealed in New Study
One of the conditions for the emergence and persistence of life on Earth is the existence of geological activity such as earthquakes and volcanoes.
Volcanic activity caused by the movement of tectonic plates over the mantle (plate tectonics) recycles gases such as carbon dioxide through the mantle, crust, atmosphere and oceans, helping to keep the planet habitable by maintaining temperatures at ideal levels for the survival of living beings, scientists explain.
A study conducted by Brazil’s National Space Research Institute (INPE) suggests our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains other rocky planets with a high probability of having plate tectonics, increasing the chances that they are habitable.Researchers have found evidence of the existence of rocky exoplanets with a high probability of having plate tectonics, increasing the likelihood that they are habitable
Credit: R. Hurt / NASA
The study was supported by FAPESP. The results have been published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS).
“We found that geological conditions favorable to the emergence and maintenance of life exist on rocky planets, that life may exist throughout the Milky Way and that it may have originated at any time during our galaxy’s evolution,” said Jorge Luis Melendez Moreno, a professor at the University of São Paulo’s Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG-USP) in Brazil and one of the authors of the study.
Scientists at other research institutions in Brazil and abroad also participated in the study.
They determined the surface parameters, masses and ages of 53 solar twins located at different points in the Milky Way. They also analyzed the chemical composition of these stars, called solar twins because their temperature, gravity and surface chemistry are similar to those of our Sun. The aim of the study was to discover whether potentially habitable rocky planets also orbit around the stars in question.
The analysis was performed using a spectrograph called HARPS (High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher) installed on the 3.6 m telescope operated by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) at the La Silla facility in Chile. The instrument measures the electromagnetic spectra of the “colors” emitted by celestial bodies, from shorter (ultraviolet) to longer (infrared) wavelengths.
The findings showed that the stars contain an abundance of thorium, a radioactive element with isotopes that split owing to atomic instability into smaller isotopes, emitting energy in a process called radioactive decay.
The energy released by the decay of unstable isotopes – not only thorium but also other radioactive elements such as uranium and potassium – gives rise to Earth’s mantle convection and tectonic activity. Part of the planet’s internal heat is a remnant of the primordial heat from its formation, but at least half is due to radioactive energy.
Thus, the initial levels of these radioactive elements in a rocky exoplanet contribute indirectly to the habitability of its surface, especially given the long time they take to decay, on the scale of billions of years, the researchers explained.
“The thorium levels we measured in these solar twins point to a sufficient amount of available energy from the decay of this radioactive element to maintain mantle convection and plate tectonics in any rocky planets that may be orbiting around them,” said Rafael Botelho, first author of the study. Botelho is studying for a PhD in astrophysics at INPE.
The initial thorium abundances in the solar twins were compared with the abundances of iron, silicon (an indicator of mantle thickness and mass in rocky planets) and two other heavy elements, neodymium and europium. The results showed that the thorium-silicon ratio in the solar twins increased over time and was equal to or higher than that of our Sun since the formation of the Milky Way.
“There are signs that thorium is also abundant in old solar twins. This means the Milky Way’s disk could be full of life,” said André Milone, a scientist at INPE and supervisor of Botelho’s PhD research.
Contacts and sources:
By Elton Alisson Agência FAPESP
“Thorium in solar twins: implications for habitability in rocky planets” by R. B. Botelho, A. de C. Milone, J. Melendez, M. Bedell, L. Spina, M. Asplund, L. dos Santos, J. L. Bean, I. Ramirez, D. Yong, S. Dreizler, A. Alves-Brito and J. Yana Galarza can be retrieved from:
Star Wars-like Planetary System Verified as Most Interesting of Binary-Star Worlds
Star Wars-like Planetary System Verified as Most Interesting of Binary-Star Worlds
Astronomers have discovered a third planet in the Kepler-47 system, securing the system’s title as the most interesting of the binary-star worlds. Using data from NASA’s Kepler space telescope, a team of researchers, led by astronomers at San Diego State University, detected the new Neptune-to-Saturn-size planet orbiting between two previously known planets.
With its three planets orbiting two suns, Kepler-47 is the only known multi-planet circumbinary system . Circumbinary planets are those that orbit two stars. This discovery cements the system’s title as the most interesting of the binary-star worlds, and marks the first complete and dynamically full planetary system around a binary star.
A team of astronomers, including Nader Haghighipour from the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, have discovered a third planet in the circumbinary planetary system Kepler-47.
Credit; NASA
This discovery cements the system’s title as the most interesting of the binary-star worlds, and marks the first complete and dynamically full planetary system around a binary star. A complete and dynamically full planetary system is one that cannot have any more planets — like our solar system. Circumbinary planets are those that orbit both stars of a binary star system, like Tatooine in the Star Wars films.
Animation showing the orbits of the three planets in the Kepler 47 system.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle
With its three planets orbiting two stars, Kepler-47 is the only known multi-planet circumbinary system. The orbit of the outer planet of this system falls well within the binary’s habitable zone, the region where an Earth-like planet could maintain liquid water on its surface.
The planets in the Kepler-47 system were detected via the transit method. This method relies on small decreases in the measured brightness of a star (or, in this case, a pair of stars), when a planet passes in front of the star as seen from Earth. The newly discovered planet, dubbed Kepler-47d, was not detected earlier because its distance from its host stars means it produces only a tiny transit signal.
“We saw a hint of a third planet back in 2012, but with only one transit we needed more data to be sure,” said SDSU astronomer Jerome Orosz, the paper’s lead author. “With an additional transit, the planet’s orbital period could be determined, and we were then able to uncover more transits that were hidden in the noise in the earlier data.”
Artist’s depiction of the relative sizes of the three planets in the Kepler-47 system. The large middle planet is the newly discovered planet, Kepler-47d.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle
As is common with circumbinary planets, the alignment of the orbital planes of the planets changes with time. In this case, the middle planet’s orbit was not aligned during the first two years of operation of the Kepler Space Telescope. In 2012, astronomers saw a hint of the existence of a third planet in the data. As the orbit of the third planet became more aligned, stronger transit signals were detected, and the transits went from undetectable at the beginning of the Kepler Mission to the deepest of the three planets over the span of just four years.
“In 2015, we predicted the existence of a third planet in this system on dynamical grounds. It is great to see reality matches our prediction,” said Haghighipour.
The inner, middle, and outer planets of Kepler-47 system are 3.1, 7.0, and 4.7 times the size of the Earth, and take 49, 187, and 303 days, respectively, to orbit around the central binary. The stars themselves orbit each other in only 7.45 days. One star is similar to the Sun, while the other has only one-third of the Sun’s mass. The researchers were surprised by both the size and location of the new planet. Kepler-47d is the largest of the three planets in the Kepler-47 system.
An overhead view of the orbital configuration of the Kepler-47 circumbinary planet system.
Credits: NASA/JPL Caltech/T. Pyle
“The discovery of Kepler-47d confirms two of our predictions – first, that planets form around binary stars the same way they form around single stars, and second, that they too can form complete systems”, says Haghighipour, who has developed theories of planet formation and habitability in circumbinary orbits.
The Kepler-47 planetary system is an example of the diversity of solar systems outside our own. Despite having two “suns”, the entire system is so compact that it would fit inside the orbit of Earth. It is approximately 3340 light-years away in the direction of the constellation Cygnus.
“This work builds on one of the Kepler’s most interesting discoveries: that systems of closely-packed, low density planets are extremely common in our galaxy,” said University of California, Santa Cruz astronomer, Jonathan Fortney, who was not part of the study.
This research has been published in the Astronomical Journal, volume 157, issue 5, article 174, doi: 10.3847/1538-3881/ab0ca0.
The Flying Saucer Built by Otis Carr Was Real! Humanity Hoaxed!
The Flying Saucer Built by Otis Carr Was Real! Humanity Hoaxed!
Ralph Ring goes over the incredible story of Otis Carr and how he built a real working flying saucer! This testimony completely destroys the hoax of needing rockets to get into space. We’ve been told since this lie since we were children and they’re still lying to us! This story also destroys the other lie they told us about needing oil and nuclear power to power our homes and automobiles! Trump should unveil this technology to the public 90 days before the 2020 election and destroy the evil forces against him!
Otis Carr met Nikola Tesla when he was in school and working as a clerk in the New Yorker hotel. At this time, Tesla had become disillusioned with the world after JP Morgan shut down his dream of providing free energy to the masses. By the way, if the evil Rothschild and Rockefeller bloodlines were replaced with the Tesla bloodline we would already be living a Star Trek like future with free energy, levitation and a clean planet with unlimited resources! Instead all of this incredible technology is secretly locked away powering the deep underground bases and in the secret space programs exploring the universe and colonizing other planets and moons. All this is going on while the “free range slaves” have to watch ridiculous Fake News and see hideous demonic monsters like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer on our television screens! It’s really sick when you know the truth!
But anyway, sorry I got off on a rant there, let’s get back to the good stuff. Otis Car was like a sponge and soaked in everything Nikola Tesla could teach him! Tesla made Carr promise to carry on his work and try to get the information out in his time and to keep passing on the secrets! So Carr did as he was instructed. He got his own lab and began to experiment with free energy devices and built small flying saucers that levitated magnetically! He went to the patent office but they told him they would not grant him a patent unless he took out the levitating part and anchored it to the ground! That shows you what a complete fraud the US Patent system has always been! Now the US Patent office is run by the British SERCO company and all the patents go straight to the Queen!
The person speaking in the two videos above is Ralph Ring who worked with Otis Ring. He flew one of the flying saucer craft over 10 miles! It went so fast it warped time for the occupants and they didn’t even realize they had traveled this far until later on when the memory came back. They were working with some very advanced stuff that allowed them to control the craft with their mind! Eventually during the late 1950s the US Government raided Carr and told him he would not be allowed to continue his work because it was a threat to the “US monetary system”! It was only a threat to those who have enslaved the planet! The US government already had much better technology working by then I’m sure and the hidden controllers could never allow a private citizen to bring out the truth!
Ralph Ring tells the incredible story about the flying saucer in the videos above and in the article on Project Camelot linked below.
When recalling the heady events of the late 1950s working day and night with Carr, Ring again and again stressed that the key was working with nature. “Resonance“, he would emphasize repeatedly. “You have to work with nature, not against her.” He described how when the model disks were powered up and reached a particular rotational speed, “…the metal turned to Jell-o. You could push your finger right into it. It ceased to be solid. It turned into another form of matter, which was as if it was not entirely here in this reality. That’s the only way I can attempt to describe it. It was uncanny, one of the weirdest sensations I’ve ever felt.
What was it like working with Carr? “He was an unquestioned genius. Tesla had recognized his quality immediately and had taught him everything he knew. He was inspired, and – like Tesla – seemed to know exactly what to do to get something to work. He was a private man and was also very metaphysical in his thinking. I think the fact that he was not formally trained in physics helped him. He was not constrained by any preconceived ideas. As crazy as it sounds now, he was determined to fly to the moon and really believed it could be done. I believed it. We all did.”
“…I was completely astonished when we realized that we had returned with samples of rocks and plants from our destination. It was a dramatic success. It was more like a kind of teleportation.” Did the craft fly? “Fly is not the right word. It traversed distance. It seemed to take no time. I was with two other engineers when we piloted the 45′ craft about ten miles. I thought it hadn’t moved – I thought it had failed. I was completely astonished when we realized that we had returned with samples of rocks and plants from our destination. It was a dramatic success. It was more like a kind of teleportation.
“What’s more, time was distorted somehow. We felt we were in the craft about fifteen or twenty minutes. We were told afterwards that we’d been carefully timed as having been in the craft no longer than three or four minutes. I still have no complete idea how it worked. We just built it exactly according to Carr’s instructions. Everything had to be perfect… it all had to be just so, or it he said it would not work: a kind of symbiotic state between man and machine.
“The Utron was the key to it all. Carr said it accumulated energy because of its shape, and focused it, and also responded to our conscious intentions. When we operated the machine, we didn’t work any controls. We went into a kind of meditative state and all three of us focused our intentions on the effect we wanted to achieve. It sounds ridiculous, I know. But that’s what we did, and that’s what worked. Carr had tapped into some principle which is not understood, in which consciousness melds with engineering to create an effect. You can’t write that into equations. I have no idea how he knew it would work. But it did.
“…there are two secrets to making the alien saucers work. One is their advanced engineering, and the other is their mental ability.” “I’ve lost count of the number of people who have refused to believe what happened. I no longer talk about it. It’s no fun being laughed at and ridiculed. But I’ve described it exactly as it occurred. One day someone will build the disk just as we did and they’ll have the same experience. All his blueprints still exist. Nowadays, it would all be done with digital and solid state circuitry – no moving parts would be necessary.
“I’ve heard that the aliens use the same principle to operate their craft. Their physics seems to work in harness with their consciousness. The craft amplifies the power of their minds. Their craft won’t operate without the pilots. I’ve heard that’s why we can’t operate their craft – or, at any rate, we can’t operate them the way they do. We’re just not adept enough mentally and spiritually. So there are two secrets to making the saucers work. One is the advanced engineering, and the other is the mental and spiritual ability. We may have duplicated some of the first, but we may be a long way from the second yet.”
Listen to the riveting testimony of Ralph Ring and if you believe him as as I do please share this information with as many others as possible through email and social networks. It’s up to all of us to expose the lies we’ve been told on our TVs and in our schools. We’re not going to take their lies anymore. Trump was the first President to expose the fake news but he just cracked open the door and showed a tiny bit of truth. Now it’s time for all of us to kick in the door with millions of boots! Keep spreading the truth out there patriots!
Saturn occultation by the moon captured from South Africa
Saturn occultation by the moon captured from South Africa
Stunning footage reveals the moment the moon appears to SWALLOW Saturn before it re-emerges almost two hours later on March 29, 2019.
A space phenomenon which saw the moon 'swallow' the gas giant Saturn has been captured in stunning footage.
The bizarre event saw the ringed planet eventually re-emerge from the other side of the moon - completing a process called occultation.
This celestial event lasted for 1 hour 44 minutes and was captured by photographer Cory Schmitz in Johannesburg.
Schmitz: The raw view through my planetary imaging telescope from South Africa of the Saturn conjunction and occultation by Earth's moon on March 29, 2019.
I found this white structure in a NASA moon photo last night and just wanted to share it with everyone. The structure has 90 degree angles and you can also see its incredible thickness. This is a ship and a building combined. It wasn't designed for looking sporty or for battle, but instead appears to be made mostly for being a mobile home of sorts, able to move from planet to moon at a whim. A lot of people say these are mining structure, but I honestly don't think that aliens need this many mining structures and I never see dug out hole areas, like earths mines make. What its doing and if anyone is still occupying it...we may never know. Scott C. Waring
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
TR3B Military Experimental Craft Sighted Over Manitoba, Canada On April 21, 2019, Video UFO Sighting News.
TR3B Military Experimental Craft Sighted Over Manitoba, Canada On April 21, 2019, Video UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: April 21, 2019
Location of sighting:Manitoba, Canada
This particular UFO appears to deliberately move down into the cover of the clouds. The fact that we see a grey metallic surface makes me wonder...usually alien UFOs have up a shield when hiding...which is usually semi transparent. I do not see that here. Nor are they taking on the color of the cloud, which is odd, because the shield around the craft should be reflecting a similar color on purpose. I think this is a USAF TR3B experimental craft or one of the evolutions of that craft. Its appearance makes me think its a pilot from a secret military base who decided to see if he could get away with flying over a populated area. I have known many pilots in my day when I was in the USAF and painted B1 and B2 bombers. Right now I have a friend who is a general in Taiwans DOD who is a F16 fighter pilot. The pilots do get cocky, because its just a lot of awesome power for one person to have. So, I think this is just an USAF experimental craft with alien tech propulsion in it.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
Video states:
When Meem Bercier & Teo where driving on the way out of a town called The Pas in Manitoba they noticed this shiny silver Craft. She managed to film this clip before as Meem states "we watched it go up our Main Street."
Glowing Orb UFO During Sunset In Slovakia, April 19, 2019, ideo, UFO Sighting News.
Glowing Orb UFO During Sunset In Slovakia, April 19, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: April 19, 2019 Location of sighting: Slovakia This UFO orb was recorded by Martin Mikuas of Youtube this week. The orb seems to be semi translucent and has an ever changing opal surface. These UFO orbs are seen around the world and could be any size from a baseball to a 747 size. I personally have seen both sizes close up, so I know such things exist. Outstanding catch. Scott C. Waring
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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