The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Bermuda might hold the key to a whole new type of volcano
Bermuda might hold the key to a whole new type of volcano
Researchers studying a volcano in Bermuda report that it is unlike anything else we’ve seen on Earth — it formed through a mechanism we knew nothing about until now.
About 30 million years ago, a disturbance in the mantle’s transition zone supplied the magma to form the now-dormant volcanic foundation on which Bermuda sits.
Image credits: Wendy Kenigsberg/Clive Howard.
With its turquoise seas and pink beaches, Bermuda draws almost 1 million tourists every year. But far beneath the crystalline water, something draws a completely different crowd: scientists.
Cornell researchers had a hunch that there was something off about Bermuda’svolcanoes, so they analyzed a 2,600-foot (800-meter) core sample taken back in 1972. They were looking for isotopes, trace elements, evidence of water content, volatile materials — anything that would give some indication as to how the volcanoes were formed.
“I first suspected that Bermuda’s volcanic past was special as I sampled the core and noticed the diverse textures and mineralogy preserved in the different lava flows,” Mazza said. “We quickly confirmed extreme enrichments in trace element compositions. It was exciting going over our first results … the mysteries of Bermuda started to unfold.”
When the team analyzed the materials from the core, they found a clear signature of the “transition zone” — a layer rich in water, crystals and melted rock that lies beneath the outer and inner mantle. Before now, researchers didn’t know that volcanoes can form from the transition zone.
“We found a new way to make volcanoes. This is the first time we found a clear indication from the transition zone deep in the Earth’s mantle that volcanoes can form this way,” said senior author Esteban Gazel, associate professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University.
Cross-polarized microscopic slice of a core sample. Blue-yellow mineral is augite.
Credits: Gazel lab.
Volcanoes were thought to form through one of two mechanisms: either when two tectonic plates subduct (one moves beneath the other), or when there is a deep mantle upwelling, as is the case in Hawaii. Surprisingly this wasn’t the case in Bermuda.
“We were expecting our data to show the volcano was a mantle plume formation — an upwelling from the deeper mantle — just like it is in Hawaii,” Gazel said. However, 30 million years ago, a disturbance in the transition zone caused the magma to flow towards the surface of what is now Bermuda.
Although geochemical studies of this type have been carried out in most volcanic parts of the world, Bermuda had escaped trialing until now. Now that they know what to look for, researchers say that there’s a good chance they might find these chemical signatures in other volcanic areas as well.
This suggests that the transition zone, which is located at a depth of 410-660 km (250 to 400 mi), is an important chemical reservoir for the Earth, bringing material from that depth and onto the surface.
Not only is the 'head' of the figure clear in the image but a cassock which the saviour was thought to wear appears to flow down to the ground below.
Others said the 'head' even appeared to be adorned with a crown of thorns associated with the Crucifixion of Jesus.
The figure has been compared to the iconic Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Social media user Mariela Romano commented: 'The Lord will soon come for us all and we should be ready.'
Carlos Daniel Nieva remarked: 'Thanks for the image that allows us to keep on our path and have a better hope for tomorrow.'
While Romina Salinas wrote: 'If Jesus came back, he would make us all disappear because we are worth nothing. I personally only see the sun coming through the clouds, but people see what they want to see.'
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Do you see the light? Image of Christ-like figure is spotted in the sky in Argentina
Foto van ‘Christusfiguur’ in de lucht boven Argentinië houdt de gemoederen bezig. Zo wordt er gereageerd op social media
Foto van ‘Christusfiguur’ in de lucht boven Argentinië houdt de gemoederen bezig. Zo wordt er gereageerd op social media
De afbeelding van een ‘Christusfiguur’ die door de wolken breekt in de lucht boven Argentinië houdt de gemoederen bezig.
De foto, die is gemaakt in de stad San Salvador de Jujuy, werd in rap tempo verspreid op social media, schrijft de Daily Mail.
Monica Aramayo gebruikte haar smartphone om het verschijnsel vast te leggen. In de lucht lijkt een soort figuur te verschijnen die zijn armen uitstrekt.
Social media-gebruikers van het overwegend katholieke Zuid-Amerikaanse land zeiden dat de figuur erg lijkt op Christus de Verlosser, het beroemde standbeeld van Jezus Christus in Rio de Janeiro.
Ze ontwaarden onder meer een ‘hoofd’ en een ‘gewaad’.
Sommigen zeiden dat het ‘hoofd’ zelfs lijkt te zijn voorzien van een doornenkroon, die wordt geassocieerd met de kruisiging van Jezus.
“De Heer komt ons spoedig halen en we zouden ons klaar moeten maken,” zei Mariela Romano.
“Bedankt voor de foto die ons helpt op het pad te blijven,” reageerde Carlos Daniel Nieva.
“Als Jezus terug zou komen, zou hij ons allemaal laten verdwijnen omdat we niets waard zijn. Ik zie persoonlijk alleen de zon door de wolken komen, maar mensen zien wat ze willen zien,” aldus Romina Salinas.
Mysterieus object van een miljoen zonnemassa’s slaat gat in de Melkweg. Wat is het precies?
Mysterieus object van een miljoen zonnemassa’s slaat gat in de Melkweg. Wat is het precies?
Een ‘kogel’ van een miljoen zonnemassa’s heeft een enorm gat in de halo van de Melkweg geslagen.
Bewijs voor het fenomeen werd ontdekt door Ana Bonaca van het Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
Iets onbekends doorkruiste de halo van onze Melkweg, officieel de stellaire stroom genoemd.
Er bewegen meerdere van deze stellaire stromen door ons sterrenstelsel. Het gaat om sterren die zijn weggeblazen uit hun cluster nadat de Melkweg een dwergsterrenstelsel had verorberd.
Bonaca weet niet precies wat het enorme object is geweest. Het moet in ieder geval gigantisch zijn.
“Het is veel groter dan een ster,” zei ze tegen Live Science. “Iets wat een miljoen keer zwaarder is dan de zon. Er zijn geen sterren die zo zwaar zijn. Dat kunnen we dus uitsluiten.”
Geen sporen
“En als het een zwart gat is, zou het zo groot moeten zijn als het supermassieve zwarte gat in het centrum van ons eigen sterrenstelsel,” zei ze.
Volgens één theorie bestaat het object uit donkere materie, aangezien er geen sporen zijn achtergebleven die erop wijzen dat een object een gat in de stroom heeft veroorzaakt.
Geschat wordt dat ongeveer 27 procent van het universum bestaat uit donkere materie.
Deze donkere materie oefent invloed uit op andere materie, maar is totaal onzichtbaar en weerkaatst geen licht.
David Wilcock: Secret Space 2019 & Antarctic Atlantis (Video)
David Wilcock: Secret Space 2019 & Antarctic Atlantis (Video)
Are we on the verge of hearing about ruins under the Antarctic ice, directly from the mainstream media itself? Is this a last-ditch plan to distract us from other very upsetting disclosures that may emerge?
Join David on a two-hour journey where he summarizes the testimony of a wide variety of insiders into the deep secrets of the classified world — extraterrestrials, ancient civilizations, advanced tech and much more.
We may very well have a secret space program with bases on the moon, Mars and other satellites as well as facilities in Antarctica. David has been writing on the Antarctic Atlantis since 1999, and has had insiders feeding him intel about it since 2004.
This is a re-upload of a broadcast that was originally aired live on Saturday, February 23rd and had 657,000 views before being taken offline due to a disagreement that has yet to be amicably resolved.
Kat Martin has captured something weird flying above Yellowstone. I have seen this type of thing before, but never changing direction so fast as this did.
There are lots of lights which are just reflections. The one this video is about is the bright object which comes in from the upper right of screen. It does turns and then settles near three line where it flashes very bright and appears in different places. It then flies off to the left, then makes a hard right turn.
This was live on the Yellowstone cam at Old faithful on May 5, 2019. Kat slowed the video down because whatever this was moved very fast.
We don’t know what it is. We don’t even know if it’s made of regular matter — but we do know that something blasted a series of holes through some stars in the Milky Way.
“It’s a dense bullet of something,” said Ana Bonaca, a researcher at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who discovered evidence for the impactor.
Bonaca analyzed a series of stars called GD-1 — a very long and thin, Milky Way star stream. Normally, the stream would appear as a straight line, stretched out by the Milky Way’s galaxy. GD-1 stars have been studied ever since they were discovered in 2006, and Bonaca has been using data from the recently launched Gaia telescope to analyze them in more detail.
This type of stellar stream is created by the tidal (gravitational) force of the Milky Way, which bends and stretches the stream, producing a gap in its approximate middle.
This image from Bonaca's presentation shows the most detailed map yet of GD-1, revealing the apparent second gap and spur.
Credit: New Astrophysical Probes of Dark Matter, Ana Bonaca/GAIA
But when Bonaca looked at GD-1 more recently, she found a second gap — and a weird one at that. The second gap is not smooth as the first one but has a ragged edge — as if something was shot through it.
“It’s a dense bullet of something,” Bonaca said.
The “bullet” would have to be something absolutely massive, much bigger than a star, and more massive than all but the largest black holes. It’s not out of the question for a supermassive black hole to be the culprit, but if this is the case, it would have to be one at the scale of the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. There isn’t a clear reason why such a black hole would exist towards the edge of our galaxy, and astronomers haven’t seen any effects from it.
This leaves another tantalizing possibility: a massive object made of dark matter.
Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter that is thought to account for approximately 85% of the matter in the universe and about a quarter of its total energy density. We don’t know what dark matter is and we’ve never seen it — but we have seen its effects, and astronomers are quite confident in its existence. We also have no idea how dark matter might be distributed through the universe — is it thin and diffusive, or large and clumpy? If dark matter was indeed shot through GD-1 stars, it would suggest the latter. However, a large ball of dark matter is still speculative at this point, although it seems to line up with the evidence quite nicely.
The results have not yet been peer-reviewed, though they were met positively at the conference of the American Physical Society in Denver where they were presented.
At this point, the turbulent history of GD-1 stars is just not well enough known to draw a definite conclusion. But whatever it is, is Bonaca’s hypothesis is true, something shot a massive “bullet” straight through our galaxy — and we don’t know what it is.
A piece of Libyan desert glass that weighs 22 grams and is about 55 mm wide.
Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
An exotic and beautiful type of glass found in the Sahara desert has a cosmic origin, according to a new study. After analyzing the chemical makeup of Libyan desert glass — a naturally occurring glass whose striking yellow color made it a much-sought-after decorative material — researchers found that it was produced by ancient meteorite impacts.
Cosmic glass fit for kings
Breastplate found in King Tutankhamun’s tomb. The scarab is made out of Libyan desert glass.
Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
The rare Libyan desert glass has been prized for its beauty for thousands of years. The glass — the purest natural silica glass ever found on Earth — is generally yellow in color and can be very clear, although most pieces are milky and may even contain tiny bubbles, white wisps, and inky black swirls.
By one estimate, over a thousand tons of Libyan desert glass are strewn across the deserts of eastern Libya and western Egypt. Most are the size of pebbles, although some chunks can have a considerable size and weight — the biggest piece ever found weighs around 26 kg.
Local inhabitants in the Neolithic period made tools out of the glass, and later the Egyptians used it to fashion jewelry. In fact, the carved stone on the breastplate of the famous Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun was made of Libyan desert glass. But these piece of glass were created long before King Tut was born — about 29 million years by one estimate.
Silica glass at the Great Sand Sea.
Credit: Mohamed El-Hebeishy.
For more than a hundred years, scientists have debated what forces could have created the enchanting glasses. There are two major hypotheses that explain their formation: either a meteor impact or an airburst (an atmospheric explosion which happens when meteoroids explode in the lower atmosphere) was responsible. A recently published study supports the former theory.
In a new study, Aaron Cavosie from Curtin University in Australia and colleagues performed chemical analyses of Libyan desert glass samples that unequivocally supports the meteorite formation theory.
While they were examining zircon minerals embedded in the glasses, the researchers found traces of another mineral called reidite. This mineral only forms in high pressure and heat — so far, it hasn’t been found anywhere other than meteorite impact craters.
“Both meteorite impacts and airbursts can cause melting, however, only meteorite impacts create shock waves that form high-pressure minerals,” says Cavosie.
“So finding evidence of former reidite confirms it was created as the result of a meteorite impact.”
Whatever meteorite impacted the desert all those millions of years ago, it must have caused a gigantic explosion. It vitrified (glassified) a huge area, resulting in a broad range of glasses ranging from cloudy dark to stunningly luminous lemon yellow — all depending on the kind of contaminants that dissolved into the liquid silica created by the powerful impact.
A variety of Libyan Desert Glasses.
Credit: Corning Museum of Glasses.
The findings published in the journal Geology are useful for establishing how often near-Earth objects come in contact with our planet’s surface. The study seems to suggest that the kind of impacts that are powerful enough to create Libyan desert glass are, thankfully, quite rare.
“Meteorite impacts are catastrophic events, but they are not common,” says Cavosie.
“Airbursts happen more frequently, but we now know not to expect a Libyan desert glass-forming event in the near future, which is cause for some comfort.”
NASADe vlek werd veroorzaakt door de crash van de Israëlische maanlander Beresheet.
WETENSCHAPEind februari 2019 werd de Israëlische maanlander ‘Beresheet’ gelanceerd. Het doel was om als vierde land ooit voet op de maan te zetten. Maar twee maanden later, tijdens het landen, crashte het toestel. En NASA gelooft te weten waar dat exact gebeurde.
Nieuwe foto’s die gemaakt werden door de Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) - een ruimtevaartuig van het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartagentschap NASA - tonen waar de Israëlische maanlander op 11 april precies neerstortte.
Vergeleken met een foto die in december vorig jaar (2018) werd gemaakt, lijkt er wel een witte vlek te zijn verschenen sinds de crash in april. Die vlek zou inderdaad een gevolg zijn van de impact van de Israëlische maanlander.
(Lees verder onder de foto)
NASAIn december was er nog niets te zien op de maanoppervlakte. Na de crash verscheen er een witte vlek.
Al slaagde de Israëlische maanlander ‘Beresheet’ – vrij vertaald naar ‘Genesis’ – er niet in veilig te landen. Hij zorgde wel voor tal van andere primeurs. De nacht van 21 op 22 februari werd de maanlander gelanceerd. Dat gebeurde vanop Cape Canaveral.
De robot was een onderdeel van de eerste private maanmissie, op initiatief van SpaceIL. Hij droeg een bibliotheek van 30 miljoen pagina’s met zich mee, en maakte onderweg een glorieuze selfie om het moment te vereeuwigen.
In de laatste fase van de afdaling ging het mis. De belangrijkste motor van Beresheet viel uit en het contact werd verbroken. Het toestel is daarna vermoedelijk gecrasht.
De maanlander Beresheet maakte een selfie met de aarde en de Israëlische vlag.
Greenland’s largestglacier has not only slowed its retreat, but has also thickened in recent years, surprising scientists studying the impacts of global warming on ice in the northern hemisphere.
The island is home to the second-largest ice sheet in the world afterAntarcticaand rapid warming in the northern hemisphere has major implications for continuing global sea-level rise.
The Jakobshavn Isbrae glacier on Greenland’s west coast used to lose more ice from this than anywhere else in the country.
It is known for the huge blocks of ice it calves into Disko Bay, which then drift south into the Atlantic Ocean. It is believed to have calved the iceberg which sank the Titanic.
Between 2000 and 2010, Jakobshavn Isbrae contributed the largest solid ice discharge in all of Greenland’s ice sheet and is estimated to have contributed to nearly 1mm of global sea rise.
Glacier collapse shows climate impact
But despite the trend of rising temperatures, it is no longer the place where the territory loses most of its ice.
Since 2013, when the glacier’s ice loss was at its fastest, the ice at the terminus of the glacier has stopped decreasing in height and started to thicken.
The overall effect is that it is now flowing more slowly, thickening and advancing towards the ocean instead of retreating further inland.
Measurements of the glacier’s elevation changes on its narrow trunk show that instead of losing 20 metres in height a year as it had previously, the glacier is now thickening by 20 metres a year.
New data processing techniques applied to the information gathered by satellites have given a clearer picture of the extent to which the ice is returning to the glacier, the European Space Agency (ESA) said.
“The dynamic speedup of Jakobshavn Isbrae observed from the late 2000’s to 2013 was triggered by warm ocean waters in Disko Bay, entering Jakobshavn Fjord and melting ice at the glacier terminus," said Anna Hogg, a researcher in the Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling at the University of Leeds.
“In recent years, however, temperature measurements show that ocean water in Disko Bay has experienced a series of cooler years – more than one degree lower than mean temperature previously observed. This has reduced the rate of ice melt on Jakobshavn Isbrae.”
However, the glacier does not indicate greater stability in the ice sheet overall. It drains just 7 per cent of all ice on Greenland.
Scientists at the Living Planet Symposium in Milan heard the glacier’s drainage basin as a whole is still losing more ice to the ocean than it gains as snowfall.
It is therefore still contributing to global sea-level rise, albeit at a slower rate.
We are all used to hearing about the world’s ice being the first casualty of #climatechange. Recent findings show that one glacier is not conforming to the norm – it’s actually been flowing more slowly and getting thicker.
Dr Hogg said: “The key question we need to answer now is whether the slowdown of Jakobshavn Isbrae just a pause, or is it more permanent? We will use ESA satellite observations combined with models to monitor change and predict this colossal glacier’s future evolution.”
The ESA’s Mark Drinkwater said further research was required and noted that “large seasonal and year-to-year variability in the dynamics of the Jakobshavn Isbrae Glacier … can easily hide the longer-term climate trend in ice loss.”
The research appears to fit with a study published earlier this year, indicating Greenland’s ice sheet was melting four times faster now than it was in 2003. However, it found the largest amount of ice loss was sustained away from the country's glaciers.
“Whatever this was, it couldn’t be explained by glaciers, because there aren’t many there,” Michael Bevis, the study’s lead author said in January.
He added: “It had to be the surface mass – the ice was melting inland from the coastline. It’s because the atmosphere is, at its baseline, warmer."
Another study of Jakobshavn Isbrae’s unexpected thickening indicated the cooling period will pass as ocean temperatures rise, which will then see the glacier retreat even faster than it was before.
Grootste gletsjer van Groenland groeit met 20 meter per jaar. Wetenschappers staan voor een raadsel
Grootste gletsjer van Groenland groeit met 20 meter per jaar. Wetenschappers staan voor een raadsel
De grootste gletsjer van Groenland is de laatste jaren niet verder gekrompen, maar juist gegroeid. Wetenschappers staan voor een raadsel, schrijft The Independent.
Het eiland heeft de op één na grootste ijskap ter wereld, en moet alleen Antarctica voor zich dulden.
Tussen 2000 en 2010 verloor de Jakobshavn-gletsjer veel ijs. Sinds 2013 krimpt de gletsjer niet meer. Sterker nog: hij groeit in de richting van de oceaan.
20 meter
Uit nieuwe metingen blijkt dat de gletsjer niet langer 20 meter per jaar krimpt, maar 20 meter per jaar groeit, laat het Europese ruimtevaartagentschap ESA weten.
Het smelten van Jakobshavn tussen 2000 en 2013 had te maken met de aanvoer van warmer oceaanwater in de Diskobaai, aldus Anna Hogg van de Universiteit van Leeds.
De afgelopen jaren is het water in de Diskobaai een stuk koeler, waardoor er abrupt een einde is gekomen aan het smeltproces.
Dr. Hogg zei: “De vraag is nu of er sprake is van een pauze of dat het meer permanent is.”
Met behulp van satellieten van de ESA gaan onderzoekers de kolossale gletsjer de komende tijd nauwlettend in de gaten houden.
ESA EarthObservation✔@ESA_EO
We are all used to hearing about the world’s ice being the first casualty of #climatechange. Recent findings show that one glacier is not conforming to the norm – it’s actually been flowing more slowly and getting thicker.
Jarenlang is de maan een soort vergeten gebied geweest waar eigenlijk niemand serieuze belangstelling voor had.
Nu worden er met grote haast plannen gemaakt voor kolonisatie van de maan en dat moet vóór 2029 klaar zijn.
We kunnen veilig stellen dat wij als burgers meestal de laatsten zijn die te horen krijgen wat er werkelijk speelt.
Wij horen dingen meestal als het te laat is om er nog iets aan te veranderen. En in dat kader roept het volgende verhaal de nodige vraagtekens op.
De jaren zestig van de vorige eeuw stonden helemaal in het teken van de maan en de diverse Apollovluchten. We gaan er voor vandaag even vanuit dat die vluchten ook daadwerkelijk plaats hebben gevonden en dat er ook daadwerkelijk mensen op de maan zijn geweest.
Eigenlijk net zo snel als dat hele maan verhaal op kwam, raakte het ook weer in de vergetelheid. Decennialang was er nauwelijks belangstelling voor de maan behalve bij ufo fanaten misschien die er van alles zagen vliegen.
Maar, nu is het een compleet ander verhaal. Talloze landen en ook grote particuliere ondernemingen zijn bezig met een soort race naar de maan.
Niet alleen een race, maar meer een totaalplan, waarbij menselijke kolonies op de maan zullen worden gebouwd.
Hetzijn niet alleen landen zoals Amerika, Rusland, India en China die druk bezig zijn met plannen richting maan, maar ook grote particuliere ondernemingen, waarbij een opvallend figuur, Jeff Bezos, de grote baas van Amazon, die behoort bij de rijkste mensen ter wereld.
Bezos is de oprichter van ruimtevaartbedrijf Blue Origin en afgelopen week werden er in een besloten presentatie voor genodigden in Washington verdere details bekend gemaakt over de plannen van Blue Origin.
En daar kwam uit naar voren dat Blue Origin in 2024 de eerste maanlander operationeel wil hebben genaamd Blue Moon.
Daar blijft het niet bij, want daarna zal in een razend tempo vaart worden gemaakt met de kolonisatie van de maan en wel zo, dat dit uiterlijk 2029 gereed moet zijn.
Waar je dan aan moet denken zijn leefgemeenschappen zoals te zien op de volgende afbeelding.
Dan is er nog iets merkwaardigs, want ook Israël houdt zich intensief bezig met de maan. Ze hebben afgelopen februari pogingen ondernomen om met de maanlander vaste grond onder de voeten te krijgen op de maan.
De landing mislukte weliswaar, maar aan boord van de maanlander bevond zich een bibliotheek van 30 miljoen pagina’s waarin alles is vastgelegd wat de moeite waard is om te weten als je de menselijke beschaving opnieuw zou willen opstarten.
Waarom stuurt Israël een dergelijke bibliotheek naar de maan? Wat weten zij wat wij niet weten?
Iedere keer komt ook dat jaartal 2029 tevoorschijn, het jaar dat alle voorbereidingen voor het weg kunnen vluchten naar de maan klaar moeten zijn.
Dan moet je niet denken aan ons gewone mensen die daar naartoe kunnen. Het wordt meer een scene zoals aan het eind van de film 2012, waarbij een geselecteerde elite aan boord van de arken kunnen gaan.
Alles wijst erop dat er iets met de aarde zal gebeuren, alleen wat dat is, weten we uiteraard niet.
Het zou een geplande kernoorlog kunnen zijn, waarbij de aarde voor langere tijd onbewoonbaar zal zijn, het kan de komst van een planeet of komeet-planeet zijn die voor de nodige chaos kan zorgen.
Maar, het jaar waarop alles klaar moet zijn, 2029, ligt ook dicht bij 2032, het jaar waar volgens tijdreiziger Scott de aarde zal worden getroffen door een asteroïde.
Mocht iemand een andere reden weten waarom men als een gek bezig is om naar de maan te kunnen vluchten, laat het ons weten.
The late Award-winning journalist and New York Times Best Selling author Jim Marrs presented a program on what the military-trained remote viewers experienced when using this mental technology to study alien life forms at the 2016 Ozark Mountain UFO Conference.
Remote Viewing, a psychic technique developed and utilized by the U.S. Army, may have been instrumental in ending the Cold War as there were no longer any secrets thanks to the psychic experiments on the part of both the Soviets and the U.S.
This practice has since been used to take a look at the different extraterrestrial species interacting with the Earth.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Disclosure! Ted Cruz Warns Space Force Is Needed to Battle Space Pirate Aliens
Disclosure! Ted Cruz Warns Space Force Is Needed to Battle Space Pirate Aliens
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued a dire warning about space pirates Wednesday in support of appropriations to fund Space Force, President Trump’s proposed off-planet expansion of the U.S. military.
“Since the ancient Greeks first put to sea, nations have recognized the necessity of naval forces and maintaining a superior capability to protect waterborne travel and commerce from bad actors,” said Cruz, the chairman of the subcommittee on aviation and space, adding, “Pirates threaten the open seas, and the same is possible in space.
In this same way, I believe we too must now recognize the necessity of a Space Force to defend the nation and to protect space commerce and civil space exploration.”
For starters, the Trump administration is seeking $2 billion in new funding from Congress for the creation of Space Force. Yahoo
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Secret Space Force: The Treaty to Prevent War in Outer Space: P.A.R.O.S.
Secret Space Force: The Treaty to Prevent War in Outer Space: P.A.R.O.S.
Ted Cruz announced today that the Space Force is needed to fight space pirates. Are our governments finally going to have to come clean via Disclosure? Their actions speak volumes.
The United States of America will soon have a separate Space Command, that will better organise and advance the military’s vast operations in space. The Space Command is expected to improve the US military’s technological advances in space. Today in IN DEPTH we go into the details of what is the US Space Command … what was the need to create it.
President Donald Trump announced Monday that he is directing the Pentagon to create the “Space Force” as an independent service branch.
Description Definition of MILITARISM:
A: predominance of the military class or its ideals
B: exaltation of military virtues and ideals Definition of IMPERIALISM:
a: the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas
b: This word has its origin in the Latin imperilcrn (empire). In its general meaning it is the expression employed for the aspiration to form a single, powerful empire encompassing the entire world
Huge Cigar-Shaped UFO Craft Captured Next To The Sun
Huge Cigar-Shaped UFO Craft Captured Next To The Sun
Gina Maria Colvin Hill captured through her telescope a series of cigar-shaped objects next to the sun.
She posted the images on herFacebook page and although not all the photos show strange unidentified objects, this image shows one object that stands out and what looks like a cigar-shaped craft.
Get ready to rumble, conspiracy theorists … this story has something for everyone to worry about, no matter which side of Reddit you reside on. Scientists at Cambridge University are studying various forms of geoengineering and weather control for ways to stop climate change, and one involves placing highly-reflective clouds over the North and South poles in an effort to force them to freeze over again. What could possibly go wrong?
“What we do over the next 10 years will determine the future of humanity for the next 10,000 years. There is no major centre in the world that would be focused on this one big issue.”
Sir David King, then UK’s long-serving and now retired chief science adviser to prime ministers Blair, Brown, Cameron and May, told the BBC this week that he wants the new Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge to be that center. It’s part of the Carbon Neutral Futures Initiative, whose mission, according to Dr. Emily Shuckburgh, is to “solve the climate problem.” Nothing like starting at the top, right?
Actually, for Sir King, it means starting at the bottom too. His most radical plan involves sending specially-modified unmanned ships with tall, hollow masts to the poles to suck in seawater and blast it into the atmosphere through extremely fine nozzles. Those nozzles will isolate the salt from the tiny water droplets, creating clouds of salt crystals that will supposedly reflect sunlight back into space, leaving the area underneath them to chill and eventually reform the ice that’s been melting for years — calving monstrous icebergs, sending cracks through the Antarctic surface ice, melting glaciers and keeping the Arctic Ocean from freezing in the winter. Sounds like a good idea … as long as those clouds stay over the poles.
Sir King wants to sprinkle salt in other places as well. Another proposal involves fertilizing the ocean with more salt – iron or ferrous salts like ferrous fumarate, ferrous gluconate, ferrous succinate, and ferrous sulfate – to promote the growth of plankton, which will then absorb more CO2 – the main cause of climate change (unless you don’t believe it exists). Sounds like a good idea … as long as the plankton doesn’t get out of control and take over the oceans, or create monster whales and other sea creature that feed on it.
King is not ruling out more conventional solutions. He supports carbon capture systems to collect and store greenhouse gases, developing viable nuclear fusion technology and improving renewable energy sources. But he obviously wants to think outside the box and ignore the consequences. Dr. Shuckburgh is open to considering everything Sir King proposes – no matter how wild or unconventional the ideas might be.
“In assessing such ideas we need to explore all aspects, including the technological advances required, the potential unintended consequences and side effects, the costs, the rules and regulations that would be needed, as well as the public acceptability.”
“Unintended consequences.” Isn’t that what got us climate change in the first place?
That’s the way one Navy pilot described the now-infamousU.S.S. Nimitz UFO encounterwhich happened over a two-week period in 2004. Several versions of the events have been put forward, and the accompanying footage which accompanied the initial disclosure has beencalled into question. Still, the disclosure of the incident remains one of the most significant events in modern ufology, regardless of how much truth there is behind it.
Now, we have at least one more account – albeit short one – to add to the list of eyewitness reports of the Nimitz event. In the latest trailer for the History Channel’s upcoming series Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation, an anonymous pilot is shown sharing her recollection of the events. The quote above is all we got in the trailer from this most recent pilot to come forward, but it suggests that the History Channel’s new program may actually offer compelling new evidence about what our military and government have encountered in the skies.
The History Channel’s series is the latest endeavor of Tom Delonge, self-proclaimed face for modern ufology and co-founder and President of To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science. In the series, Delonge and Luis Elizondo present evidence gathered as a result of Elizondo’s former Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Several current and former pilots, including the pilot quoted above, have been shown in the series’ various trailers. The series is set to debut May 31 on the History Channel.
The History Channel says the series will “reveal newly authenticated evidence and footage, interviews from eyewitnesses and former military personnel,” and “expose a series of startling encounters and embark on fascinating new investigations that will urge the public to ask questions and look for answers” concerning unidentified aerial phenomena.
Of course, there are those who argue that Delonge and Elizondo are either wittingly or unwittingly carrying out a hidden, subversive agenda intended to push a controlled narrative about these incidents. Members of the entertainment industry have in the past been used by governments as tools for spreading misinformation or disinformation to sway public belief or opinion, and there’s no reason to believe it doesn’t still occur. Will this program lead to disclosure, or muddy the waters? Let’s face it: cable TV is little more than the propaganda arm of a vast corporate machine. The History Channel is owned by the Walt Disney Company, itself known to have had ties to intelligence agencies in the past, not to mention the fact that this is the network that airs Ancient Aliens. I know which one I’m going with.
Up until 1952, much of the coverage of “flying saucers” in the American media remained unsympathetic to the idea that some unusual new phenomenon was appearing in our skies. That was the case, at least, until Saturday Night Fever erupted over our nation’s capital, marking one of the most well known, and often written about UFO flaps in American history.
It was almost midnight on the evening of Saturday, July 19, 1952. Air-traffic controller Ed Nugent (not to be confused with a particular raucous guitarist with a similar name) was working the tower at Washington National Airport, when he observed something odd on the radar screen in front of him: it appeared to be a group of six or seven slow-moving objects moving together over the region, well outside the flight paths of any known aircraft, military or civilian, in the area at that time.
At that time, it had been treated as something of a joke (Nugent reportedly told his supervisor, tongue planted firmly in cheek, that he had just spotted an entire “fleet of flying saucers”). However, shortly thereafter another of the ATC operators noticed something odd and out of place: a strange light in the distance, which appeared to accelerate and disappear “at incredible speed.”
Thereafter, the incident received notable coverage in the press, with many articles emphasizing the USAF’s apparent interest in the matter. This was particularly the case following a statement given to the press by Major General John A. Samford, who appeared on camera on July 31, 1952, addressing the “flying saucers” seen over Washington, DC:
“The Air Force today investigated reports that several ‘flying saucers’ had been spotted by radar virtually in its own backyard on the outskirts of the nation’s capital,” journalist Jack Rutledge later wrote of the incident for Louisiana’s Monroe News-Star. “Not only were unidentified objects seen on radar–indicating actual substance instead of merely light–but two airline pilots and a newsman saw lights fitting the general description of flying saucers the same night.”
Indeed, a number of pilots claimed to have seen lights similar to those observed from Washington National Airport. However, among the most notable accounts had been that given by Captain S. Casey Pierman of Detroit, who was flying Capital Airlines Flight 807 on the night in question, headed southbound from National Airport, who observed seven objects while en route from Washington to Martinsburg, West Virginia. Pierman described the objects as at times “hanging motionless” like stars, while at other times “moving at tremendous speed” and resembling “falling stars without tails.”
In a statement Pierman gave to the press, he noted that “In my years of flying I’ve seen a lot of falling or shooting stars… but these were much faster… They couldn’t have been aircraft. They were moving too fast for that. They were about the same size and as the brighter stars, and were much higher than our 6000-foot altitude.”
Many years have passed since this now famous incident, allowing plenty of time for questions to be raised as far as what, precisely, might have been observed on the night in question (which, in truth, had been one of several similar incidents occurring near Washington at that time). However, even in the years shortly after the series of sightings over Washington took place, there were those who were of the mind that the phenomenon had stemmed from secret U.S. military activities, rather than extraterrestrial “saucers” from another world.
Leon Davidson, Ph.D, an early proponent of the idea that UFOs were largely a result of technologies and misdirection from our own government, noted that radar technology had existed by 1950 that would have allowed the creation of “false positives” that could easily have explained the radar traces observed by ATC controllers at Washington National. The question, rather than being one of what the “objects” were, was one of who might be behind such activities, which were apparently intentionally aimed at confusing the public, the media, and even members of the military?
By about 1950, ECM (electronic countermeasures) was standard equipment on our advanced bombers and was being developed for missiles. Advertisements started to appear about 1956 showing that this equipment could be used for creating simulated targets for training radar operators. I quote from an article in Aviation Research and Development, March 1957, pg. 22:
“A new radar moving target simulator system — which generates a display of up to 6 individual targets on any standard radar indicator — has been developed … to train radar operators … and for in-flight testing of airborne early-warning personnel… Target positions, paths, and velocities can … simulate … realistic flight paths… Speeds up to 10,000 knots (about 11,500 mph) are easily generated… The target can be made to turn left or right… For each target there is … adjustment to provide a realistic scope presentation.”
The reader should keep this quotation in mind when reading about radar sightings of high speed UFOs.
Davidson raises a number of good points, and the description he provides does resemble the circumstances presented in a number of the better known UFO radar reports from over the years. However, if the objects in question had indeed merely been the result of such experimental “war games” being carried out covertly, as Leon Davidson suggested (the CIA was a favorite culprit for this in Davidson’s narratives), can the idea of physical lights observed by pilots be similarly explained in some way?
We may never know the full story behind the objects seen and tracked on radar over Washington in 1952. However, when it comes to military technologies used for misdirection of the public, nothing can be ruled out, as Davidson was already suggesting within years of when the initial sightings took place. In the ever complex annals of Ufology, one thing that should always be kept in mind is that if there’s a will, there’s a way… or as cases like this may indicate, if there’s a way, then someone can find an excuse for a will.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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