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    Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.

    In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!

    In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.


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    UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld
    In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog. Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch... Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site www.ufowijzer.nl bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels. MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen. MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity... Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder www.mufon.com. Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal. Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP. ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Close Encounters of the Healing Kind

    Close Encounters of the Healing Kind

    2019 was a year full of UFOlogical developments, especially in the way the phenomenon is being treated by mainstream media. With great fanfare Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences (TTSA) released their six-part TV series Unidentified on the History Channel during the summer; which not only showcased the testimony of Commander David Fravor, and other Navy pilots who have encountered unknown aerial objects during exercise missions on both coasts of the United States, but also explored other military encounters with UFOs –like the famous Rendlesham forest incident.

    The narrative TTSA is trying to construct seems pretty clear: Whatever they are and wherever they come from, UFOs (or UAPs, as it is the new PC way to address the subject) constitute a threat. Not only because their aerodynamic capabilities far surpass those of the most advanced jet fighters in the world –which give them carte blanche to intrude into the restricted airspace of the most sensitive installations with total impunity– but also due to the deleterious effect which can be suffered by being directly exposed to these objects. To illustrate this the producers of Unidentified interviewed John Borrows, one of the main witnesses in the Rendlesham incident, who has suffered from a series of serious medical problems which seem directly related to his close encounter in December of 1980.

    Yes, the literature is full of numerous cases in which witnesses suffered temporary or permanent health problems caused by exposure to the UFO phenomenon, and those problems range from the very mild ones –skin burns, nausea and irritated eyes– to the life-threatening ones on very rare occasions –like the Cash-Landrum incident, in which one of the witnesses developed cancer (Betty Cash) and eventually died as a result of it. But is that always the case?

    As it turns out, UFO researchers also have in their files plenty of cases in which a close encounter proved beneficial to the witness; not only  for having the chance of experiencing something which only a rare minority of individuals have encountered firsthand within their lifetimes –and due to the mind-expanding potential of such experiences– but also because in those cases the witness found him- or herself cured of some illness or health condition, by a process which can only be described as miraculous for lack of a better term.

    Let us now examine three cases of UFO-induced healings:

    Jaume (Jacques) Bordas

    The fascinating story of Jaume Bordas Blas was first publicized by Spanish researcher Antonio Ribera in 1971, and was subsequently picked up by Jacques Vallee who included it in Messengers of Deception. Bordas was born on July 20, 1911, and for most of his childhood he was a weakling sick boy; a hormonal deficiency (possibly thyroid related) caused him to suffer from serious weight problems, and his pituitary condition also resulted in slow mental development and impaired attention at school. 

    One night, when he was 12 years old, Bordas felt the sudden and inexplicable urge to climb to the terrace, where he saw a wondrous vision: A group of small, triangular objects that looked to him like little planes were flying all around, across the sky. Three of the craft –which measured less than nine feet in length– landed near him; one of them opened up like a fan and from it emerged a being no bigger than the young boy, wearing a white suit and a bright white mantle. The entity said this to Bordas:

    We have come to see you, because we have taken you under our protection. We know how much you suffer, and we know your dream of becoming a strong man, an athlete. You will realize it, with our help; you will be strong, not only physically but mentally, too. Now that we have adopted you, we will never forsake you. In the future we will come back to you again. In the meantime, as a token of friendship, take this.

    The little being showed Bordas what looked like a square piece of dark candy, and told the boy to eat it completely for this would be the beginning of a new life for him. Bordas had obviously never heard of the warnings included in my pal Joshua Cutchin’s book A Trojan Feast (“never accept any food from fairies!”) because he did as he was told; the being went back to his ‘airplane’ and the three objects flew away. The next morning Bordas woke up with a strange taste of tar in his mouth, which showed the amazing encounter had not been a dream.

    Jaume Bordas

    And if the boy needed further confirmation, the proof came during the next four years as he went through a seemingly impossible physical transformation: he lost all the extra weight and grew to be incredibly strong. His mind had also been equally fortified and he developed a curiosity for scientific topics and mountains; eventually Bordas became an expert mountain climber and accomplished many feats, including being the first Spaniard to climb to the top of the Aiguille Verte in the French Alps, in 1934. In 1937 he crossed the Grand Jura and ascended Grand Chervoz.

    Just like the little man had forewarned Bordaz, he had other enigmatic encounters with non-human entities during his lifetime, which we will cover in a future article. Suffice it to say the man lived to be 100 years old –maybe not all fairy food is bad, after all!

    “Doctor X” (Pierre Gueymard)

    Here’s another remarkable case that was known to English-speaking UFOlogists thanks to the work of Jacques Vallee, who learned of it from his mentor Aimé Michel (Michel used the pseudonym “Doctor X” to protect the witness’s identity, but this year Vallee published Forbidden Science Vol. 4 in which his real name was disclosed). Gueymard was born in 1930 and had a successful medical career which allowed him a comfortable life in a large French villa located on a hillside, where he lived with his wife and fourteen-month-old-son. 

    It was the baby’s crying which actually woke Gueymard up during the night of November 2, 1968. The man went over to check on the child, walking with some difficulty since three days prior he had suffered a nasty injury in one of his legs, while cutting wood with an ax. His son’s room was dark, except from some bright flashes coming from the window despite the close shutters; the baby was fully awake and pointing toward the window from his crib, yet Gueymard paid no immediate attention to whatever could be transpiring outside his home, and gave the restless toddler a bottle of milk. Later the doctor stepped into a balcony, to witness the most fantastic spectacle he’d seen in his entire life.

    From his privileged vantage point Gueymard observed two large, identical disks with a silver-white top, while their bottom sections were glowing with the color of the setting sun. The saucers were perfectly horizontal, and were casting a bright white beam directly beneath them onto the ground; a tall vertical antenna was on top of each object, and on the side they both had a shorter, horizontal antenna from which small sparks started to appear once the disks started to slowly move close to one another.

    If that wasn’t incredible enough, what happened next could test the credulity of even the most open-minded UFO believer: the two objects merged into one and the remaining saucer changed course and flew toward the witness, who remained transfixed standing on the balcony. Suddenly, the disk tilted its horizontal axis in such a way that the white beam emanating from its lower half struck Gueymard directly on the chest; there was a loud bang and the object completely vanished, leaving behind only a whitish form like cotton candy (angel hair, perhaps?). The doctor felt a nervous shock and he quickly came back inside, but the surprises were far from over…

    Gueymard woke up his wife to tell her what he had just witnessed. To both of their astonishment his leg injury was completely healed and he could now walk without any pain; not only that, but a much older and serious wound he had suffered in Algeria (where he was serving in the Army) had also mysteriously disappeared. 

    The strange red triangular marking on Dr. X’s abdomen

    Over the next few days Gueymard started to suffer some abnormal physical symptoms: he lost weight and suffered from abdominal pain; he also developed a curious red triangle around his navel, which was seconded by a similar shape which appeared in the abdomen of his son. There are many other strange aspects comprising the case of “Doctor X” including encounters with strange visitors, claims of levitation and teleportation, and even the spontaneous appearance of psychic faculties; but for the purposes of this article we’ll leave the matter by noting how, in 1985, an independent medical report corroborated the complete disappearance of the injuries Gueymard had suffered in Algeria in 1958.

    Rey Hernandez

    The two cases mentioned above are part of the ‘classic’ annals of XXth century UFOlogy, whereas the next one is among the most interesting cases reported in the new millennium, and has been covered in Diana Pasulka’s book American Cosmic as part of her exploration on how UFO experiences can affect religious perspectives (and vice versa). 

    Rey Hernandez was, according to his own account, a die-hard rationalist and atheist –as well as a very successful lawyer– living happily with his wife Dulce, despite the fact that she remained a very devout Catholic due to her Mexican origin. In March of 2012 Dulce was heartbroken because her beloved pet Niña –an old Jack Russell terrier– was gravely ill and they had finally decided to put her out of her misery. Rey’s wife sought refuge in her faith and prayed to God to save her ‘little girl’, for that’s what ‘Niña’ means in Spanish.

    Rey Hernandez

    According to Rey’s testimony, her wife woke up very early in the morning to check on the poor dog, which was so sick she could only move from the neck up. Dulce took Niña downstairs and that’s when she saw a glowing object floating four feet off the ground, metallic in appearance and with the domed shape of an inverted ‘U’. Startled by this apparition, Dulce did what probably any good Mexican Catholic with a devotion to the Virgin of Guadalupe would do: she went on her knees and pleaded to the luminous object to go away if it was a “bad spirit;” but if it was “an angel of the Virgin Mary” she begged it to stay and not let her dog suffer anymore.

    As if it was an answer to her prayers, Dulce then saw green flashes blinking in front of her, which caused her to freak out and yell to her husband for help. Thinking his wife had probably seen a mouse or a cockroach in the kitchen, Rey ignored her at first –there’s a Latino marriage for you!– until Dulce rushed upstairs and practically dragged him out of their bedroom. One of the most interesting aspects of this case is that, when Rey finally came downstairs, what he observed was markedly different to what his wife saw: instead of a metallic object, what was in front of him was a compact, multicolored formation of plasma-like energy which looked like a horizontal cylinder with fuzzy edges. But even more astounding was the reaction of the ‘stalwart rationalist’, because instead of calling 911 or getting a camera he just stared at it for a few moments, thought it was no big deal and went back to bed!

    This nonsensical ‘trance-like’ state of his lasted only 15 minutes or so, because the next thing Rey Hernandez remembers, is coming back to his senses and rushing back downstairs to see her wife jumping up and down in joy followed by her happily-barking Niña.  The miracle she had asked for had been fulfilled, and the dog was completely cured.

    This was the start of a series of incredible experiences which have completely transformed Hernandez’s philosophy of life and his goals. He ended up co-founding the Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE) along with the late Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Harvard astrophysicist Dr. Rudy Schild, and Australian researcher Mary Rodwell. FREE’s goals include the scientific study of the close encounter experience and the role that human consciousness plays in the UFO mystery.


    So what can we make about these three cases, aside from the fact that there are reports of inexplicable cures in the UFO literature? Many researchers in UFOlogy (and even government scientists) have studied the malignant effects suffered by close encounter witnesses, and suspect it is the result of non-ionizing microwave radiation generated by the objects –which has been of great interest to some countries for its potential to create new weapon systems. But could microwave radiation be used for the opposite goal of healing patients? Among dozens of links addressing the fear about the harmful effects of microwaves, a cursory search on Google shows there have been a few promising experiments in which low-dose microwave radiation can help in the healing of bone fractures, and the use of UV radiation in wound care; yet that could hardly explain the instantaneous recovery experienced by both Pierre Gueymard and Rey Hernandez’s dog.

    Perhaps the “candy” offered to young Jaume Bordas managed to alter and rewrite his DNA in ways modern science can only dream of, or maybe it was all just the result of the placebo effect triggered by a vivid dream. But the placebo effect could not be accounted for in the case of “Doctor X,” who wasn’t expecting to be cured of his illnesses as a result of his UFO sighting, and it certainly could not be behind the healing of a dog!

    Maybe we still don’t have the necessary scientific framework to understand the mechanisms behind these healing processes. We can only hint at the possibility that perhaps the UFOs’ apparent ability to manipulate both Space AND Time may be behind it. When explaining the concepts of higher dimensions, Carl Sagan once said that a hyperdimensional entity would be capable of putting the whole universe within inside the body of a hapless three-dimensional being; if that is the case, why not use that same power in order to bring back the body to a state in which the illness had yet to be developed?

    Alas, I don’t have any scientific training so I’ll leave the figuring out to people smarter than me. What I really want to conclude with is this: Be wary of the people seeking to push just ONE side of the UFO narrative. Whether it is TTSA playing the “UFOs are a threat” card in order to lure the attention of the military industrial complex; the neo-Inquisitors using shoddy techniques to retrieve terrifying accounts of unnatural conjugal union with ‘demonic beings’, who seek to replace us with their hellish hybrid offspring; or the New Age gurus who assure us our “Space Brothers” seek only to guide us into a bright future away from our Earthly sorrows, and that all the cases in which UFOs have shown any type of hostility are the result of ‘military psyops’; the fact of the matter is that the UFO phenomenon is a vast, multifaceted, and terribly complex mystery with many layers, which defies simplistic explanations. 

    It is only by studying all those layers, not just the ones that suit a particular agenda, that we may have any hope to come closer to the truth.

    https://mysteriousuniverse.org/ }

    21-12-2019 om 00:18 geschreven door peter  

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen)
    Categorie:UFOs , UAPs , USOS
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Science Proves Those Giant Easter Island Statues Helped Plants Grow
    Moai statues on Easter Island (Rapa Nui). | Credit: (c) Katherine / stock.adobe.com
    Moai statues on Easter Island (Rapa Nui).
    Credit: © Katherine / Adobe Stock

    Science Proves Those Giant Easter Island Statues Helped Plants Grow

    In bad times, farmers have been known to lose their heads over what to do when their crops won’t grow. Smart farmers in these situations learn to use their heads, not lose them. On Easter Island (Rapa Nui), a place known for its heads, it turns out farmers did both. New research has discovered that by creating and then removing those giant stone heads from a single quarry, the area around it became lush farmland. Will we soon be seeing giant heads coming out of Nebraska?

    “Our excavation broadens our perspective of the Moai and encourages us to realise that nothing, no matter how obvious, is ever exactly as it seems. I think our new analysis humanises the production process of the Moai.”

    In a paper published recently in the Journal of Archaeological Science, UCLA researcher Jo Anne Van Tilburg, director of the Easter Island Statue Project on Rapa Nui, described the surprising discovery during a five-year project focusing on just two of the more than 1,000 moai or statues on the island. These two, labeled Moai 156 and 157, are located in Rano Raraku, the volcanic crater where over 90 percent of the statues were quarried. Moai 156 and 157 are unique in two ways – they were placed upright with one on a pedestal and the other sunken into the ground, meaning they were not to be moved; and they were covered with engraved petroglyph motifs, indicating that they had a special purpose for being there. What purpose might that be?

    “When we got the chemistry results back, I did a double take.”

    Researcher and study co-author Sarah Sherwood of Tennessee’s University of the South, was referring to the soil analysis done on samples taken at the foot of each statue, which were erected between 1510 CE and 1645 CE. Those samples contained evidence of taro (a root vegetable), bananas and sweet potatoes. Further study of the soil in Rano Raraku found it to be a lot more fertile than the barren dirt on the rest of the island, containing calcium, phosphorus and moisture. That means Rano Raraku was much more than just a quarry for stone statues to be moved around the island and baffle visitors to this day.

    “That is, these and probably other upright Moai in Rano Raraku were retained in place to ensure the sacred nature of the quarry itself. The Moai were central to the idea of fertility, and in Rapanui belief their presence here stimulated agricultural food production.”

    So, which came first – the fertile soil or the belief that the statues helped make it and keep it that way?

    “Everywhere else on the island the soil was being quickly worn out, eroding, being leeched of elements that feed plants, but in the quarry, with its constant new influx of small fragments of the bedrock generated by the quarrying process, there is a perfect feedback system of water, natural fertiliser and nutrients.”

    I love the smell of fresh taro in the morning.

    It sounds like the act of carving out the stone statues contributed to the natural system that made Rano Raraku the Nebraska of Easter Island. Perhaps the foods helped the islanders grow bigger and stronger like the farm boys of Nebraska and gave them the strength to move the giant statues around the island – a process that’s still a mystery.

    All the corn does in Nebraska is turn those farm boys into linemen for the University of Nebraska Cornhuskers.

    https://mysteriousuniverse.org/  }

    20-12-2019 om 23:40 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:ARCHEOLOGIE ( E, Nl, Fr )
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Roswell: When Strange, Sinister and Surreal Things Happen


    Roswell: When Strange, Sinister and Surreal Things Happen

    In part 1 of my 3-part recent article on (A) the Roswell affair of 1947 and (B) secret experiments undertaken on people from the 1940s onward, I highlighted the content of a huge, U.S. government document. It is titled Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments: Final Report. Dated October 1995, it runs to no less than 925 pages and was published by the U.S. Government Printing Office. I also said the following in part 1: “One of the days I’ll share with you the very strange story of how I got my copy and how it’s filled to the brim with annotations from the retired person who provided it to me.” Well, I figured that today is as good as any day to get the story out! So, here it goes: Most important, when it comes to all of the weirdness that went down, is the time-frame. As you will quickly come to see.

    In the early 1990s, I corresponded with various U.S. agencies, while I was trying to determine if the notorious MJ12 documents (that tell of a top secret group created in 1947 to hide the truth of the Roswell enigma and to try and understand the alien technology) were the real deal or not. Those agencies included the FBI, the U.S. Air Force, and the Defense Intelligence Agency. Admittedly, I was quite excited by the notorious documents when they first surfaced in 1987 (in the pages of Tim Good’s book, Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-Up). Over time, though, I came to believe that the documents were bogus. I should stress that I don’t think the MJ12 documents were someone’s idea of a joke. What I do think, however, is that at least some of the well-known MJ12 papers were the concoctions of Russian intelligence (here’s where you can find more of my thoughts on all of this Russia/MJ12 issue). Moving on…

    There’s no doubt that it was during the decade of the 1990s that Roswell – the event – became big news. In 1994, the movie, Roswell, starring Kyle McLachlan and Martin Sheen, was released. In that very same year, the U.S. Air Force published a fairly slim Executive Summary on the Roswell case. The USAF concluded that what came down on the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County, New Mexico in early July 1947 was a giant Mogul balloon array. For those who may not know, the Moguls were designed to monitor for secret atomic bomb tests of the Soviets. Then, in July 1995, the Government Accountability Office (which, in 1995 was called the General Accounting Office) published the details of its very own investigation into Roswell. That report, too, referenced the Air Force’s Mogul theory.

    After the GAO report appeared and got the UFO research community fired up, yet another Roswell-themed document surfaced from the government. This one was called The Roswell Report: Fact Vs Fiction in the New Mexico Desert. In stark contrast to the two earlier reports (one of the GAO and the other of the USAF) this new report was gigantic in size: it ran to almost 1,000 pages. It was published by the U.S. Government Printing Office. I was very surprised – but pleased – when a copy of the report came my way shortly afterwards. The Air Force had very generously mailed me a free copy of that massive report – probably because I had that aforementioned, earlier correspondence with them a year or two earlier.

    In October 1995, the previously mentioned  Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments: Final Report was published – also by the U.S. Government Printing Office. This too is a huge report: it runs to 925 pages.  So, we have three intriguing reports published in 1995; two on Roswell and one on “human radiation experiments.” Now, this is where things get weird. In the first week of November 1995 a copy of that giant Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments: Final Report reached my door. Whereas the Roswell-themed “Fact vs Fiction” report was mailed to me in an official package of the Department of the Defense, the one on human experimentation was not. Rather, it came in a cardboard box covered in scotch tape, with no sender address and with my name and address written in black-marker. When I opened the box and saw the “experiments”-based report inside I was puzzled. After all, I certainly hadn’t ordered a copy. And, this wasn’t an area of research that I was actively looking into.

    Around two weeks later (or thereabouts), there was a phone call in the afternoon. I answered it. For about four or five seconds there was nothing but loud static. Thankfully, it went away. What was clearly an old man with a weak voice – and an American accent – asked me if I had “received the report yet?” Or, something broadly along those lines. It was, after all, twenty-four years ago when all of this occurred, and I didn’t record the call. I asked: “Which report?” It was a legitimate question, as I had then recently received two, huge U.S. government reports, both on extremely controversial topics. After I asked that question, the man kind of chuckled, and said, in his very own questioning tones: “Now you have both?” I replied with something like: “I guess I do.” We had a chat for what was only a few minutes; three or four at the absolute very most. He said that if I wanted the truth of Roswell I should carefully read both mighty tomes. The pair, he added, were, in sinister and strange ways, interconnected. At least, in terms of looking for answers to what really happened at Roswell. I dug deep into it all, to the extent that my own copy of the Roswell report is now, today, in a very worn and tattered state.

    Despite the passage of a considerable amount of time, answers were apparently still to be found – potentially. I asked the guy how knew that. His far from satisfactory – and admittedly unclear – response was that prior to retiring he worked for the U.S. Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and he knew of certain things that could open certain doors to the truth of Roswell  – and that would explain how the incident was still hidden and under wraps. Yes, it was all pretty vague and concisely worded. In relation to comments connected to budgetary issues, it all rather reminded me of the famous “follow the money” words of Watergate’s Deep Throat.

    I never did find out the old man’s identity. Nor did I learn how he knew that I had a copy of that bulging Roswell report. Or why, even, he decided to send the “human experiments report” to me. In terms of looking for answers, approaching the CBO did no good at all. I can only think that my persistent attempts to get to the heart of the MJ12 controversy – and filing significant numbers of Freedom of Information requests on the subject – sparked something somewhere with someone. I wish I could end this article in a satisfactory and clear fashion. Unfortunately, I can’t.

    It’s just one of many weird experiences I’ve had when digging into the Roswell puzzle.

    https://mysteriousuniverse.org/  }

    20-12-2019 om 23:19 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:MYSTERIES ( Fr, Nl, E)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.'Ok, Google, What Is This?' A Huge Cryptic Entrance 'Reappears' on Maps in Antarctica 12 Years Later


    'Ok, Google, What Is This?' A Huge Cryptic Entrance 'Reappears' on Maps in Antarctica 12 Years Later

    It seems like fans of conspiracy theories have received a new topic to discuss. Viewers have already suggested that the structure could be an entrance to “hollow earth” or a “military cover-up".

    A huge mysterious hole on a remote island in Antarctica has been spotted again on Google Maps, prompting huge online debates.

    The discovery, whose authenticity cannot be verified, was made by the authors of the YouTube channel ThirdPhaseFromTheMoon, who posted a video on 14 December showing what looks like a giant cave. Two items keep bugging the channel's hosts – the origins of this bizarre entrance and its impressive size.

    Using Google Maps, Blake and Brett Cousins showed that the cryptic hole first appeared in 2007 only to disappear several months later. Another detail that astounded the hosts is that such a giant structure, which is 83 metres high and 75 metres wide, did not exist in 2006.

    According to hosts this cave could potentially fit "hundreds, if not thousands of people". Speaking about this enigmatic hole's origins, Brett Cousins said that it could be the result of a natural event.

    His co-host pointed to an unusual structure leading to the entrance that looked like a staircase. "It’s big enough for spacecraft and flying saucers or even assets in our military to fly into this massive opening. Is this a base? There’s no indication this is a sinkhole", Brett Cousins said.

    Social media users added even more mystery with some suggesting the giant structure could be an entrance for a submarine or a government project that is hidden from the public. Although some users said that it could simply be a melt hole.

    https://sputniknews.com/ }

    20-12-2019 om 22:06 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:MYSTERIES ( Fr, Nl, E)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.‘Ok Google, wat is dit?’ Raadselachtig gat gespot op Antarctica

    ‘Ok Google, wat is dit?’ Raadselachtig gat gespot op Antarctica

    Op Google Earth is op een afgelegen eiland bij Antarctica een mysterieus gat gespot. Op internet wordt druk gespeculeerd over de ontdekking.

    Enkele dagen geleden verscheen op YouTube-kanaal thirdphaseofmoon een filmpje over de opening, die doet denken aan een reusachtige grot, schrijft het Russische persbureau Sputnik.

    Oprichters van het kanaal Blake en Brett Cousins laten zien dat het raadselachtige gat op Antarctica in 2007 verscheen op Google Maps, om korte tijd later weer te verdwijnen.


    Het tweetal schat dat de opening 83 meter hoog en 75 meter breed is.

    Je zou met gemak ‘honderden, zo niet duizenden mensen’ in deze grot kwijt kunnen, klonk het.

    Brett Cousins zei dat het gat op een natuurlijke manier kan zijn ontstaan.


    Blake wees echter op een vreemde structuur die naar de ingang leidt en die op een soort trap lijkt.

    “Het is groot genoeg voor ruimteschepen of militaire toestellen,” zei hij over de opening. “Is het een basis? Het lijkt me in ieder geval geen zinkgat.”


    Sommigen schreven op social media dat het gat de ingang zou kunnen zijn naar een overheidsproject waar het volk niets over mag weten.

    Anderen zeiden dat het simpelweg een smeltgat zou kunnen zijn.

    Bekijk het filmpje hieronder:

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    20-12-2019 om 21:55 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:NineForNews. nl ( new ipv NIBURU.nl) (NL)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Nieuw ontdekte ruimtelichten zijn mogelijk tekenen van aliens, zeggen deze wetenschappers

    Nieuw ontdekte ruimtelichten zijn mogelijk tekenen van aliens, zeggen deze wetenschappers

    Vrijwel alle sterren sterven op twee manieren: ze veranderen langzaam maar zeker in een witte dwerg of ze exploderen als supernova.

    Sommige sterren lijken tijdelijk te sterven – ze zijn niet langer aan de avondhemel te zien – en duiken later weer op.

    Wetenschappers schrijven in een nieuwe studie dat er twee mogelijke verklaringen zijn voor dit vreemde fenomeen: we zijn getuige van een volstrekt nieuw fenomeen of we zien tekenen van buitenaards leven.

    Op mysterieuze wijze

    De onderzoekers van het zogeheten VASCO-project hebben hun studie gepubliceerd in The Astronomical Journal.

    Zij hebben gespeurd naar objecten die in de jaren vijftig nog wel aan de avondhemel waren te zien, maar daarna op mysterieuze wijze zijn verdwenen.

    Ze hebben zo’n 100 rode objecten gespot die in de afgelopen 70 jaar van het ene op het andere moment verdwenen en later weer opdoken.

    Niet uitgesloten

    Coauteur Martin Lopez Corredoira zei in een persverklaring dat het VASCO-team geen rechtstreeks bewijs voor buitenaardse intelligentie heeft gevonden, maar voegde toe dat deze mogelijkheid niet wordt uitgesloten.

    Het team overweegt niet alleen traditionele verklaringen, maar ook exotische, aldus Corredoira.

    In dat laatste geval gaat het bijvoorbeeld om technologisch geavanceerde beschavingen, klonk het.

    © Copyright (c) NineForNews.nl

    20-12-2019 om 21:45 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:NineForNews. nl ( new ipv NIBURU.nl) (NL)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.MEER BEWIJS VOOR BUITENAARDSE BASIS ONDER MEXICAANSE VULKAAN ( VIDEO )


    Het is eigenlijk best grappig om te zien hoe buitenaardsen gewoon een basis hebben op aarde en wij "zien" helemaal niets.

    Dat wil zeggen, het mainstream nieuws ziet helemaal niets, maar zij die wel kijken, zien heel veel.

    Jaar in jaar uit vinden er vreemde activiteiten plaats bij de beroemde Popocatépetl vulkaan in Mexico. In het land zelf wordt daar wel regelmatig aandacht aan besteed, ook op televisie, maar buiten Mexico lijkt dit fenomeen niet te bestaan.

    Veel van de vreemde zaken die worden waargenomen zijn geregistreerd door openbare webcams, waardoor de beelden die te zien zijn, redelijk betrouwbaar geacht kunnen worden. Het zijn geen beelden gemaakt door een Youtuber die graag veel hits wil verzamelen.

    De volgende opname is dan ook enkele dagen geleden gemaakt door één van die webcams en op die beelden zie je hoe een grote sigaarvormige ufo de vulkaan verlaat. Volgens schattingen is deze zeker 200 meter lang en wederom een stukje bewijs dat er zich onder de vulkaan een buitenaardse basis bevindt. 

    Dit vertrekken en aankomen van ufo's is een fenomeen dat al jarenlang op regelmatige basis door de webcams wordt vastgelegd.

    Iemand die ook altijd op zoek is naar bijzondere dingen rondom deze vulkaan en al meer dan tien jaar daar regelmatig ufo's waarneemt is onderzoeker en speurneus Scott Waring.

    Ook dit keer was het hij weer aan het kijken naar webcams en wat hem daarbij opviel is een soort vreemde constructie aan de zijkant van de vulkaan, met daarin een enorme deur. Hij had dat nog nooit eerder gezien daar en volgens hem is het ook alleen zichtbaar onder bepaalde weercondities en wanneer het licht er precies goed opvalt.

    Zijn vraag is dan ook of we hier misschien te maken hebben met een soort geheime ingang naar die buiten/binnenaardse basis diep onder de vulkaan.

    Om een beetje een idee te krijgen over de vreemde activiteiten rondom die vulkaar, hierna een deel uit een eerder artikel:

    Als je dan ook een vreemd object in de lucht ziet, weet je eigenlijk nooit met zekerheid de herkomst ervan. 

    Echter, wanneer we spreken over ufo's die bij de Mexicaanse vulkaan Popocatepétl op regelmatige basis worden gesignaleerd, dan nemen we eigenlijk aan dat het hier gaat om buitenaardsen. Dit ook omdat er al sinds mensenheugenis verhalen de ronde doen over een buitenaardse basis, diep onder deze vulkaan en ufologen ervan overtuigd zijn dat er zich zo'n 4 tot 6 kilometer onder de grond een buitenaardse basis bevindt.

    Maar, echt zeker weten doen we het niet, maar wat we wel zeker weten is dat er al jarenlang onbekende vliegende objecten worden waargenomen bij deze vulkaan en dat niet alleen, je ziet ze gewoon de vulkaan binnenvliegen.

    De meeste opnames zijn echt, simpelweg omdat ze zijn gemaakt door webcams, zoals de volgende enkele dagen geleden. We kwamen deze opname tegen bij Scott Waring, één van de ufologen die er 100 procent van overtuigd is dat we hier te maken hebben met een ondergrondse basis.

    De opname is op 20 oktober 2019 gemaakt door een webcam en je ziet een object de vulkaan naderen en vervolgens naar binnen verdwijnen.

    De meest spectaculaire ufo die is waargenomen bij deze vulkaan is die in het najaar van 2012. Toen verscheen er een cilindervormige ufo die met grote snelheid in de krater verdween en ook die opname was echt, gemaakt door webcams en werd zelfs uitgebreid op de Mexicaanse televisie vertoond.

    Maar, dat is nog niet alles, want:

    Onderstaande afbeelding is afkomstig van de weerradar van Intellicast van 27 oktober, de dag dat een Ufo de vulkaan Popocatepetl in vloog. Het beeld bleef de hele dag online tot en met 28 oktober.


    Hier zie je heel duidelijk de vorm van de vortex.

    popo 1

    Het centrum van de vortex ligt precies op de plaats waar de vulkaan zich bevindt. Dit toeval lijkt ons te groot om geen verband te hebben met de Ufo die op datzelfde moment de vulkaan binnenvloog.

    Wetenschappers hebben nog steeds geen idee en een nieuwsbericht van Televisa, het station wat de opname heeft gemaakt, laat weten dat men heeft uitgerekend dat de snelheid waarmee het object naar binnenvloog, groter was dan die van een vliegtuig.

    Ufologen wereldwijd zijn van mening dat het óf een basis betreft in de vulkaan, vergelijkbaar met de basis van Marconi in de Andes, óf dat het een ingang betreft naar de

    https://niburu.co/ }

    20-12-2019 om 21:18 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:NineForNews. nl ( new ipv NIBURU.nl) (NL)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.David Wilcock: Extraterrestrial Battles Have Been Raging for Thousands of Years

    David Wilcock: Extraterrestrial Battles Have Been Raging for Thousands of Years

    COAST TO COAST AM – David Wilcock, who is known for his insights on consciousness science and new paradigms of matter and energy, discussed contact with a higher intelligence behind the UFO phenomenon.

    He cited scientific information and data from high-ranking government whistleblowers all suggesting that the Earth is on the front lines of a battle that has been raging with negative extraterrestrials for hundreds of thousands of years.

    He says it began with a “builder culture” that left artifacts of “transparent aluminum” on many planets and moons in our solar system and in other planetary systems about 2.5 billion years ago. Sometime in the Earth’s distant past, Wilcock claimed that a group of ETs crash-landed on our world and became marooned here.

    https://beforeitsnews.com/ }

    20-12-2019 om 21:01 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.A Race of Giant Humans Existed in North America but the Evidence Disappeared - Coast to Coast AM

    A Race of Giant Humans Existed in North America but the Evidence Disappeared - Coast to Coast AM

    COAST TO COAST AM – Author Xaviant Haze revealed how giants were a dominant feature of native origin myths as well as extraordinary first-person tales by early explorers. He began by pointing out that Abraham Lincoln was “definitely a believer” in the idea that giants inhabited the ancient Americas.

    Haze says that there is evidence for a prehistoric giant race of humans throughout the oral traditions of many North American tribes, who regarded them with dread as cannibals. He described the first books published by the Smithsonian Institution on excavations where giant bones were uncovered in the ancient mound complexes of North America.

    By the 1880s though, Haze said that bones and other evidence would be shipped off to the Smithsonian, and that “without fail, that’s where the trail ends.”

    https://beforeitsnews.com/ }

    20-12-2019 om 20:44 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:ARCHEOLOGIE ( E, Nl, Fr )
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Bright anomaly appears out of nowhere during SpaceX launch

    Bright anomaly appears out of nowhere during SpaceX launch

    SpaceX launched Monday, December 16, 2019 from the Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. The satellite was deployed at approximately 33 minutes after liftoff.

    This video highlights the unusually change of speed and direction of one bright anomaly coming from top to right of the screen.

    The anomaly seems to appear in the distance and fly right by the rocket and satellite in an arch motion.

    Even if the change of direction could be explained away by saying the spacecraft rotated, thus objects on the ground appear to change direction. It doesn't explain the change of speed. The rotation of the Earth is going to be the same speed.
    {  http://ufosightingshotspot.blogspot.com/ }

    20-12-2019 om 18:37 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.UFO Activities Recorded On Videos Traveling Across the Skies of Birmingham and the Black Country

    UFO Activities Recorded On Videos Traveling Across the Skies of Birmingham and the Black Country

    Mysterious orbs have been observed above Birmingham and the Black Country, prompting speculations from members of the public as to what they might be.

    Footage shot in Sparkhill and an area of Wolverhampton have shown strange circular objects moving across the skies.

    Resident in Sparkhill captured the footage from Birmingham at around 6:30 pm on November 28, Thursday. It shows one bizarre ball moving across the sky with bursts of light around it.

    The 24-year-old Sparkhill resident said that they saw the strange orange looking the ball in the sky from inside the car looking out the window.

    They were shocked to see something like it as they haven’t seen it before. They said that it was coming down and then going towards the side.

    The object in question started to look fiery orange and went through the cloud. The witness thought it was very unusual as it was not something to expect in the sky. They said that it was a shocking moment.

    A witness from the Black Country captured another video. It shows four orbs flying low above houses repetitively in the Merry Hill area of Wolverhampton. The unusual incident reportedly took place on November 24, Sunday, at 5:45 pm.

    The 27-year witness from Wolverhampton stated that they were walking back from the takeaway when they spotted what seemed to be four orbs following each other across the sky, low above the houses.

    They were supposed to ignore it, but then it happened again and these orbs seemed to weave over the houses, coming back before vanishing for a few seconds, according to the witness.

    Other videos, selected by peter2011

    http://www.latest-ufo-sightings.net/ }

    20-12-2019 om 17:32 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:LATEST ( UFO ) VIDEO NEWS ( ENG)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Chelyabinsk Meteorite Piece Appears to Have the Power to Move Objects

    Chelyabinsk Meteorite Piece Appears to Have the Power to Move Objects

    “Museum CCTV footage shows protective dome over a fragment of Chelyabinsk meteorite rising apparently ‘all by itself’. Museum director & staff insist they or faulty electronics had nothing to do with it.”

    Talk about ‘uncovering’ a mystery! Sputnik News and Siberia Times both reported a strange story about a piece of a meteorite seemingly lifting its protective cover into the air for no apparent reason and with no apparent humor or electronic aid at a historical museum in Chelyabinsk, Russia. OK, this isn’t a piece of just any meteorite – it’s a chunk of the one which blasted the skies over Chelyabinsk in 2013, injuring 1,500 people and causing over $15 million in damages to structures. A large portion of the rock survived its crash to Earth and was not only recovered from Chebarkul lake but captured on video, a first for meteorites. And now, it makes history on camera again. (Watch the video here.)

    “We spoke to all our specialists in electronics and wiring, who said unanimously that it was impossible to have it opening by itself. Yet it happened. Right after it happened I queried what could it possibly be, and there is no answer so far.”

    As of this writing, museum spokesman Yuri Bogatenkov has no explanation, but he and the staff seem adamant that it wasn’t an equipment malfunction that lifted the protective dome. Museum employee Aivar Valeev told Sputnik News that the dome was too heavy for a thief to lift and too well-protected for anyone to override the electronic system. That leaves the mystical power of the meteorite as the leading explanation, at least amongst museum employees.

    “But jokes aside, our female staff are still a bit shaken.”

    What caused the cover to rise over the piece of Chelyabinsk meteorite? Many people believe that meteorites have powers that defy explanation. Meteorite crystals are said to be associated with the third eye and can be used for relieving stress, freeing the mind and other metaphysical treatments as well as healing physical ailments, treating injuries, improving the circulatory system and producing other bodily health benefits. Because they’re from other parts of the solar system (and perhaps even other stars), they are often used in spiritual rituals and for summoning UFOs and extraterrestrials and interdimensional activities. Each of those powers depends on the mineral makeup of the meteorite. The Chelyabinsk space rock is an ordinary chondrite meteorite and contains 10% iron. According to metaphysical meteorite experts, that means it’s good for circulation, stamina and healing. It has a frequency that connects to the third eye and has a strong electrical energy that stabilizes and grounds higher vibrational energies to the magnetic core of the Earth.

    Does the Chelyabinsk meteorite have any of these powers? More importantly, does it have the power to lift its own cover? Was it, as some people speculate, trying to escape and return to wherever it came from? As of this writing, there’s no evidence of such powers. However, there’s also no explanation of what happened.

    Did anyone look at it with their third eye?

    {https://mysteriousuniverse.org/ }

    20-12-2019 om 01:48 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The “Russian Roswell UFO” Story: From Where Did It Come?

    The “Russian Roswell UFO” Story: From Where Did It Come?

    Over the years, Annie Jacobsen has written a number of good books on the matter of government secrecy. They include Surprise, Kill, VanishThe Pentagon’s BrainPhenomenaOperation Paperclip; and Area 51. It’s the latter title that we need to focus our attentions on today. Jacobsen’s Area 51 is a solid, insightful and illuminating study of the history and secret world of Nevada’s infamous, impenetrable base. When Area 51 was published, what really caught the attention of both the UFO research community and the nation’s media were the words that Jacobsen had received on Roswell, the world’s most famous (or infamous) UFO case. It all came from a solitary whistle-blower. In the pages of her book, Jacobsen’s source for the Roswell story is not identified (although he does appear, by his real name, in other sections of the book that specifically don’t deal with Roswell). We know, though, thanks to the digging of UFO researcher Tony Bragalia that the man in question was one Alfred O’Donnell, who died on April 9, 2015, then in his nineties. Bragalia spoke with O’Donnell. Bragalia said of this: “This author has identified and located Annie Jacobsen’s anonymous source. I have also decided, after much consideration, to ‘out’ him. In this article I will openly name him. I have also contacted him very recently. He reluctantly spoke with me for some time. I believe that the source was indeed told this bizarre story by officials.”

    Bragalia then goes on to detail O’Donnell’s working career. Also, Bragalia provides us with an interview that he conducted with O’Donnell on the afternoon of May 26, 2011. According to data that Alfred O’Donnell claimed he was exposed to during his time working for EG&G, what came down outside of Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947 was not a UFO from another world. Nor was it a weather-balloon or a Mogul balloon. And, apparently, there was not even a single crash-test dummy anywhere in sight. O’Donnell made the controversial and sensational claim that the craft and its crew originated in the Soviet Union. But, we’re not talking about your average aircraft. The same goes for those who were allegedly aboard it, too. O’Donnell said that Joseph Stalin – the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1952 and Premier from 1941 to 1953 – was the driving force behind what was, supposedly, a diabolical, manipulative plot designed to make the U.S. government and the people of the United States think that an alien invasion was underway. The purpose: to plunge America into a state of overwhelming terror.

    O’Donnell said that Stalin had secretly enlisted into the grim plot Dr. Josef Mengele. He was one of the vilest, evil and most deranged and dangerous figures of the 20th century. Mengele spent a great deal of his time at Auschwitz, a complex comprised of more than forty camps in then-occupied Poland, at which more than one million people died in horrible fashions at the hands of Nazi shit. Mengele had a very disturbing fascination with dwarfs, to the extent that he undertook awful experiments on them. By this point, you might have deduced where things are leading. Stalin, said O’Donnell, had a warped plan to have a number of children physically altered by Mengele and his team of doctors (although, calling them “doctors” is a disservice to doctors all around the world and throughout recorded history). They would go from looking like children to resembling something wholly unearthly. Then, there was the matter of the “alien spaceship” that Stalin needed to complete the nightmarish ruse.

    So O’Donnell’s tale goes, Stalin brought in a team of experts in the field of aviation and had them create two strange-looking aircraft, both based upon the designs of a pair of aircraft engineers. They were Walter and Reimar Horten, both born in Germany; the former in 1913 and the latter in 1915. There’s no doubt that during the Second World War the pair constructed some very strange aerial vehicles. According to what Annie Jacobsen was told, by 1947 Stalin’s infernal plan was just about ready to go. A glaringly obvious question needs answering: how on Earth could a number of poor, surgically-altered children fly a highly advanced aircraft all the way from Russia to the United States? Well, according to Alfred O’Donnell, they didn’t. He claimed that the vehicle the children were strapped in was actually remotely-controlled – and flown all the way to the United States, no less – by the crew of a second Horten-type craft.

    The plot was for the aircraft containing the children to land in a visible location in the United States and then have the children exit the strange-looking craft and present themselves to the highest echelons of the U.S. government. The outcome: a unanimous belief that an alien invasion was about to begin, and widespread chaos and fear across the land would inevitably follow. It didn’t quite work out like that, though. As history has shown, the craft crashed rather than landed, and all of the action went down on the remote Foster Ranch, New Mexico; not on the lawns of the White House, as, perhaps, may have been the plan. And the whole thing was hastily hidden and covered up by a tale of a torn and tattered weather-balloon.

    There’s no doubt that this saga is filled to the brim with controversy. But, where did it come from? Yes, we know that Annie Jacobsen was told the story by Alfred O’Donnell. What we don’t know – 100 percent fully – however, is how it all developed. My personal opinion is that O’Donnell got at least some of it from the notorious MJ12/Majestic 12 documentsIn my 2019 book, Flying Saucers from the Kremlin: UFOs, Russian Meddling & Cold War Secrets, I provided data that strongly suggests the Soviets were secretly behind at least some of the MJ12 papers. The reason: disinformation, psychological warfare, downright Soviet meddling, and outright mind-fucking. One of those documents, which surfaced back in the 1990s, is titled “Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Summary.” There are a few points within the summary document that make me think O’Donnell had access to this document – and, probably, to other MJ12 forgeries that we, the public, still have yet to see – and which led to the story he told to Jacobsen.

    The IPU summary states that on “…3 July 47, radar stations in east Texas and White Stands Proving Ground, N.M., tracked two unidentified aircraft until both dropped off radar.” So, we have the “two aircraft” scenario that O’Donnell provided to Jacobsen. But, we are not done. Nowhere near. Now, let’s address the matter of the “aliens,” or the altered children – take your pick. Still with the IPU summary paper, we are told the following concerning the bodies: “From what descriptions the team was able to learn and from photographs taken by intelligence photographers, the occupants appear in most respects human with some anatomical differences in the head, eyes, hands and feet. They have a slight build about five feet tall, with grayish-pink skin color. They have no hair on their bodies and clothed with a tight fitting flight suit that appears to be fire proof (some of the bodies looked as if they had been burned on head and hands). Their overall stature reminds one of young children. It is believed that there were male and female genders present, but hard to distinguish.”

    It’s important to note that the words “young children” are specifically underlined in the IPU document. I believe, and I conclude, that those words “young children” were underlined in the document for a purpose. They were meant to stand out. My view is that the purpose was to sow the seeds of the rumors that the “crew” just might have been children. Or, at the very least, to have people muse upon that theory, and based on those underlined words. By being underlined, those two words stand out, which – as I see it – was clearly the point. Not only that, as the IPU document gets near to its end there are these words from the unnamed creator of the paperwork: “Our assessment of this investigation rests on two assumptions: 1) Either this discovery was an elaborate and well orchestrated hoax (maybe by the Russians), or; 2) Our country has played host to beings from another planet.” So, we have yet another aspect of O’Donnell’s story brought to the fore: that of the possibility that the whole thing was a “well orchestrated hoax” of the Soviet Union. That, of course, is the absolute thrust of the story told in Annie Jacobsen’s book.

    All of the main ingredients of O’Donnell’s story can be found in the “Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Summary.” Within that summary are (A) the reference to two craft; (B) the conclusion that the “overall stature” of the beings “reminds one of young children;” and (C) the theory (or the possibility) that the Russians had pulled off a strange and very disturbing “hoax.” Moreover, point (C) suggests that those in the know had spent time looking at the Russian hoax scenario. We cannot fail to see that Alfred O’Donnell told a long and winding story to Annie Jacobsen that absolutely mirrored certain key issues contained within the IPU material.

    My conclusion is that O’Donnell didn’t fabricate anything. I conclude that he saw the IPU document long before it surfaced into the public domain in the 1990s. I believe he honestly shared his story with Annie Jacobsen as he recalled it. And I believe Annie Jacobsen told the story – 100 percent accurately – as it was told to her. And, taking into consideration the fact that the same document is referred to as only being a “summary,” it makes me think that O’Donnell very likely saw a much bigger and far more detailed report  than the 6-page summary that I have quoted from. Somewhere, I suggest, a far lengthier IPU report is hidden away. But, here’s the most important thing of all: it won’t tell any truths. None of the documentation does. And none of it ever will. The IPU papers amount to a complicated and controversial creation of Soviet experts who worked in the fields of psychological warfare, counterintelligence and disinformation. O’Donnell totally bought into the document and its contents, rather than dismissing it as a Soviet-created hoaxed document. Ironically, and somewhat confusingly, U.S. intelligence may also have decided to use the Russian angle, as a means to hide what really happened at Roswellsomething else that would have led O’Donnell to conclude that the Roswell enigma had Soviet origins. And, the rest is history, as they say

    {https://mysteriousuniverse.org/ }

    20-12-2019 om 01:36 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:MYSTERIES ( Fr, Nl, E)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Roswell: Secret Experiments on People? Part 3

    Roswell: Secret Experiments on People? Part 3

    Part 1 of this 3-part article began as follows, in relation to my research into the Roswell “UFO crash” of 1947.

    “Last week I was interviewed on the subject of my 2017 book, The Roswell UFO Conspiracy. It is a follow-up to my 2005 book, Body Snatchers in the Desert. Both books focus on the theory that what happened outside of Roswell, New Mexico in the summer of 1947 had nothing to do with aliens, but everything to do with classified programs connected to high-altitude experiments in New Mexico, exposure to radiation, huge balloons and much more. As for that interview, it was for a new book that the guy is writing on Roswell from the E.T. perspective. As a full-on believer that aliens did come down on the Foster Ranch in forty-seven, he was having none of what I had to say. He basically said there was no way that terrible experiments – of the types described in my books – would ever have been undertaken back in the 1940s. Clearly, he didn’t know his history. I said something to the effect of: “You’re joking, right?” He assured me he was not joking. So, I told him to check out the ultimate report on this angle of “human experimentation” back in the 1940s (and onward). It is titled Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments: Final Report. Dated October 1995, it runs to no less than 925 pages and was published by the U.S. Government Printing Office. One of the days I’ll share with you the very strange story of how I got my copy and how it’s filled to the brim with annotations from the retired person who provided it to me. But, that’s for another day. Back to those experiments.”

    If all of the above is true  – that what happened at Roswell, New Mexico in early July 1947 involved not a UFO and an alien crew, but a homegrown, top secret experiment of highly disturbing proportions – then why can’t we prove it? Well, first and foremost, no theory that has been put forward for the incident has proved to be the precise answer. For example, even the U.S. Air Force admitted that it couldn’t state with 100 percent certainty that their conclusions told the correct story. Many of you will know that in 1997 the Air Force presented a theory that the so-called “alien bodies” were really crash-test dummies. Actually, that’s not quite right. If you read the 1997 report on Roswell carefully, you’ll see that the Air Force said that the bodies were “probably” dummies. Yes, probably. That was their word, not mine. That’s because the Air Force couldn’t find any papers that confirmed dummies came down in Lincoln County, New Mexico in July 1947. If even the USAF couldn’t find the files back in 1997, then what chance do we have today? The answer is, to be honest, not much of a chance at all. The same goes for the Mogul balloon theory, for the idea that Roswell was a hoax initiated by the Russians, for Mac Tonnies’ “cryptoterrestrial theory” and for the data in my 2017 book, The Roswell UFO Conspiracy.

    Can the data in the 1995 report help us to solve the enigma of Roswell? If, in the late-1940s, people were used against their collective will, and used in experiments that led to the creation of a UFO legend, we could make a case – based on logic – that the files on Roswell should be held deep somewhere in the government’s, mindbogglingly-massive collection of “human experiment” files, rather than in hidden UFO records, right? Yes, that should be the case. Unfortunately, however, the report does not help us to solve Roswell. And why might that be? Almost certainly for one particular, eye-opening reason: numerous files that the Advisory Committee hoped to examine couldn’t be found. Let’s see what the Committee had to say about all of this. Its staff stated: “One of the most difficult tasks before the Committee was determining how many federally sponsored human radiation experiments occurred between 1944 and 1974 and who conducted them. When President Clinton established the Committee, he also directed the Human Radiation Interagency Working Group to provide us with all relevant documentary information in each of the agencies’ files. Teams were formed to identify the hundreds of government sites where relevant documents might be located. We discovered there was no easy way to identify how many experiments had been conducted, where they took place, and which government agencies had sponsored them [italics mine].”

    The Committee asked an important question: “What rules or policies, if any, existed, to govern federally sponsored experiments in the pre-1974 period?” The response was: “The prevailing assumption was that, with a few notable exceptions, it was not until the mid-1960s that federal agencies began to develop such policies in any significant way…As we began our search into the past, we found that it was necessary to reconstruct a vanished world. The Committee and the agencies had to collect information scattered in warehouses throughout the country.”

    In other words, it wasn’t just a case of examining the old “human experimentation” files; it was also a matter of trying to find them. And, we know that a significant body of old material was not found. Just maybe, if Roswell was a secret experiment, rather than the crash of a UFO, then – for decades- we may have been looking in all of the wrong directions for the answers. Instead of searching for tales of dead aliens, we should be looking outside of the box. By that, I mean if people were used in terrible experiments in New Mexico in July 1947, then the truth of Roswell may be buried somewhere – yes, still, more than seventy years later – in a warehouse that has yet to be addressed and examined that remains overlooked. Perhaps, today, there is no Roswell cover-up. Maybe, the files are just sitting somewhere, out of sight, stored away on a dusty shelf and overlooked. Shades of the final seconds of Raiders of the Lost Ark? Kind of. Just maybe, to get the answers to Roswell we –  just like the Committee – need to “reconstruct a vanished world” too.

    With this three-part article now at its end, I’ll say this: I’m as certain as I can be that if the files on Roswell still exist, they won’t be found in the UFO archives of the U.S. Air Force, the NSA, the CIA, the DIA, the FBI, NASA, the…well, the list goes on. Where they will be found, I predict, is in a decades-old file that details tales of shocking, secret experiments on people that crossed the line.

    {https://mysteriousuniverse.org/ }

    20-12-2019 om 01:24 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Truly Bizarre Encounters with Insectoid Humanoids

    Truly Bizarre Encounters with Insectoid Humanoids

    There are perhaps no stranger cases among cryptid or alien reports than what have been described as humanoid insect creatures. I have covered this topic before, but there are many other accounts that seem to really go beyond the bizarre to enter realms that are in no way easy to classify or categorize at all. Here we have reports of encounters of what can only be described as walking giant bugs, and they are every bit as completely off-the-wall as you might imagine.

    One place where one might expect to see something odd and beyond the explainable would be out in rural or wilderness areas, but nothing likely could prepare some witnesses for their surreal and outlandish experience of seeing an insectoid humanoid in the wilds. This is exactly what allegedly happened to a witness called “Ricky,” who called in his experience on the show Coast To Coast AM on September 27, 2016. He says that at the time he had been on what was supposed to be a fun, family camping trip at the Sequoia National Forest, located in the southern Sierra Nevada mountains of California and known for its towering, ancient giant sequoia trees. With its majestic trees lending it an otherworldly ambiance, this place already looks like something from a dream world, but it would get utterly bizarre one evening after everyone had gone to bed and the witness stayed up gazing upon the flickering embers of the bonfire they had made. He explains:

    At about 9 o’clock, everyone decides to go to sleep and my friend and I were left staring at the bonfire. I decided it was a good time to listen to music so I went to my sister’s forerunner and I was opening the back to grab my Ipod. And as I opened the back door, I heard something come out of the tree. It didn’t come out of the tree. It was almost like it was holding on and it fell. And I heard this huge thump. I could feel it. And as I… I had a flashlight on me. I looked over at the tree I heard the fall from and I swear on my life and I swear to God, honest to God, I saw a 6 to 7-foot-tall praying mantis. And as I laid eyes on it, I completely lost breath. I was completely taken aback. It took a step back and it became completely invisible. I could not believe what I saw.

    I slammed the door and I ran back to the campfire. I alerted my friend. I woke everyone up and no one would believe me. I was really upset because I knew what I’d seen. So that happened and my friend didn’t believe me. He was laughing at me and then all of a sudden I could hear all these things surrounding us and finally when I brought it to my friend’s attention, he kinda put his ear to it and he heard it too. Finally, I was patrolling the campground with my flashlight and I could just hear these things surrounding us and I heard like this clicking sound, it was like (makes clicking sound). It was really strange. I was so scared.

    What was this creature and how can we reconcile it with anything known to exist in those woods? From researcher Albert Rosales we have another account of a camping encounter, this time from the country of Poland. The witness purportedly had been camping out in the remote wilds of Wielkopolska province, Poland, and had her experience as she was walking through a meadow on her way back to the camping site from a hike. As she approached her tent, her attention was drawn to an odd figure squatting down next to a nearby lake. Not knowing what exactly she was looking at and startled that anyone else would be out there in this isolated place, she approached until she was only 8 meters away, as she did realizing that this was not a human being. She would describe it as looking like a humanoid insect, estimated to be around 5 feet tall and with extremely long thin limbs, gray or beige in color, and possessing oversized black eyes that were very much like those of an insect, and thin, fragile looking wings. The witness also expresses that the creature seemed to be surprised that it had been discovered, and would say:

    It gazed at me and I knew that it did not know what it would do. Our encounter had no meaning or aim; it appears to have been a total surprise for both of us.

    It is unclear what happened after this, but it is certainly not something that anyone wants to run into out in the middle of nowhere in the woods. Another such bonkers report comes to us from the site Phantoms and Monsters, from a witness who says that he has had multiple encounters with some sort of bizarre insectoid, and was just a boy at the time his first. He claims he had lived with his family in a remote mountain area of the wilderness of Ontario, Canada when one day he looked out the window to see something that would leave an indelible impression on his young mind, and which he can clearly remember to this day. He says of what happened:

    We had the windows open in the house as air conditioners were not common in 1968. It was a very hot that night. I shared a room with my brother and sister. I woke up during the night and looked out the window into the backyard and in front of a bush about 8 feet away was a small thin creature with shiny black skin. It looked like a small girl but at the same time it kinda looked like an insect. It was crouched on its legs and was leaning forward with one hand on the ground and was looking at me. It had what looked like thin antennas or like needles sticking out from each side of its head and one on top. That’s all I remember and when I told my mom she said it was a dream.

    He would have two more sightings of the same creature over the years, each time being told that it was a dream, but he isn’t so sure. Was this all in his head or was there something more to it? The witness himself goes on to say that he feels it might have been an alien presence, and this would certainly fit into numerous reports that seem to definitely be linked to the UFO phenomenon. One report of this kind compiled by Albert Rosales comes from the files of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and describes a very weird encounter that purportedly occurred in April of 2016, in the area of Zygi, Cyprus. The witness explains that she had been hanging out with friends in her yard when they saw a UFO, followed by what they assumed to be its occupant, which was of a decidedly insectoid appearance. She says:

    My two friends and I had just finished our meal and were out in the garden talking and drinking (not alcohol). One of my friends had gone into the kitchen to refill their glass, whilst me and my other friend remained outside. After a moment of silence, my friend pointed out an unusually bright ‘star’ moving across the sky, assuming it may have been a comet or something. After a brief moment, I looked up at it again to realize that it was stationary; around 75-100ft above the treeline. I sat there, staring at this ‘thing’, just in complete shock. Every 15 seconds or so it would lower its altitude, until it was only a couple of feet from the tree tops. The weirdest part about this is that absolutely no noise had been emitted thus far. I tried to get out of my chair to hurry inside, but I felt an overwhelming feeling of paralysis, as did my friend. I turned to her and asked her what was going on, but she looked frozen in fear.

    After what felt like hours, something appeared from around the trees underneath the triangular craft. It was a humanoid figure, with a head similar to that of an ant, and skin like a crocodile. It had extremely small eyes in proportion to its head, and long, thin appendages. It walked right up to the fence, before sharply turning and sprinting into the darkness of the trees. After a brief moment of complete fear, dread and anxiousness, the craft moved in a linear path towards the West, before becoming no longer visible. During this time, my friend who had gone to refill her glass watched the entire event through the window. She recalls, although neither me or my other friend do, that the creature had some sort of device in its ‘hand’, and that it held it up briefly before its disappearance.

    Other reports are really hard to classify as one thing or the other, and serve to be just plain odd. From an episode of Coast to Coast AM comes a report on August 16, 2017, from a caller in a small town called Harwood Heights, just outside of Chicago, Illinois. He says that one evening he came home from work at around 1:30 AM and looked out the widow to see something outlandish looking back at him from the darkness. He says of the incident:

    I looked out to the window to across the street and I saw a crypto, if you will, a Mothman-type insectoid; small body, unusually large head normal, no red eyes, and it kept staring. I went to make tea, fed the cats, came back, rubbed my eyes to see if I was tired and seeing things and, sure enough, it was there. One important thing, there was no foreboding fear. None whatsoever. That I found interesting. I was shocked as many people that had seen similar things. I went several times. I would say about four to five times, just peering outside, looking at the window and it just stood there. I live in a small town near Chicago. I figured police would do their rounds or someone would see it. You could hear a pin drop. It’s a very small community, sure enough, no one was around. It did not faze me to take a picture. I did have a smartphone at the time right but overall no fear and absolutely, you’re just there in the shock because you just can’t believe what you’re seeing. You listen to accounts but you never think you will be in that situation. I went back several times. I was listening to your show that night, peering out every now and then. It just kept standing there.

    In the morning I went to see any trace of anything. It was gone, so, yeah. Above all, I would say the strangest thing would be I was not afraid at all and it shocks me to even say that now. Thinking back over the several months and years, I talked to friends, they have an interest in it – I kept thinking it was crouching like a runner would be so it could have been taller as many people claim to it being six or seven feet. It was almost as if definitely the body was much smaller and the head came to a point, almost as if, you know the old cartoons from Mad Magazine Spy Vs Spy, with the nose, if you will, comes into like a parrot’s or a bird beak, but there’s no beak, so it is very kind of pointed protruding face, if you will, but again, there were no eyes and there were no facial features, but again, in that humanoid design that’s where the face would be, of course, so yeah, but the head was much bigger than the body.

    The Chicago area has several other strange insectoid reports like this that are really hard to classify. One comes again from the files of Albert Rosales, and describes the experience of a witness who had been sleeping on the sofa at a friend’s house in Chicago, Illinois, when he was suddenly roused from his slumber by a crushing sensation of terror, made even worse when he discovered that he was unable to move. When the paralyzed man glanced around the room in terror, he claims he saw looming by the doorway a 7-foot-tall humanoid entity that looked like “a large praying mantis that was wearing something resembling a black and purple cloak.” This horrifying creature apparently then approached the man and reached out to touch his shoulder with a skeletal hand with long, thin fingers, after which the witness lost consciousness. When he awoke the creature was gone.

    Another report from Chicago comes from Phantoms and Monsters, and describes some sort of flying insectoid humanoid at Chicago’s Willis Tower. The witness supposedly outside having a cigarette when he looked up to see a winged humanoid figure ominously crouched up on the tower as if perched there like a gargoyle. Then the creature allegedly moved, unfurled its wings, and leapt off the building to go soaring into the sky. It was then that the witness realized that the creature was very insect-like in form, and Lon Strickler says of the report:

    The witness states that the being’s outstretched wings were not very large, maybe 6-8 from tip-tip, but were very jagged and insect-like (shaped similar to a moth). The being was also dark green in color and had a body form like that of a mantis. The legs seemed to be human-like and extended beyond the body while flying. He called it a ‘human, insect and bird mix’…that seemed to mutate while in flight.

    Joining the ranks of all of this bizarreness is an encounter originally published in the October 8, 2017 edition of Strange Magazine, that supposedly occurred back in 1948 at the shipbuilding port city of Bremerton, in the U.S. state of Washington. One day, a young woman named Virginia Staples was just going about her usual daily household chores, carrying a load of laundry down to the washing machines in the basement of her run-down apartment building. It was a mindless chore she had done countless times before, and there would have been no reason for this time to be any different, but it was to prove to lead to a shocking experience, indeed.

    The dim basement was described as enormous, its volumous floor constantly covered with a sheen of water that leaked from the walls and was rumored to come from passageways leading to the nearby sea, but although it all had a rather creepy foreboding atmosphere, Virginia was used to working in this dark and dank place. Yet on this day something was not quite right, as she felt an undefinable sense of unease and dread, as if she were being watched from the ample shadows clinging to everything in there. She tried to cast the odd feeling out of her head, chalking it up to nerves, but it would not abate, indeed becoming stronger the longer she lingered there, graduating to sheer terror for no discernible reason. She would say of what happened next:

    It was such a creepy feeling I finally turned around and looked toward the back of the basement and froze. I was so scared I can still feel it. I couldn’t move. In one of the huge holes in the basement there stood this thing. It was horrible! I stand five feet tall and this creature was as tall as I was. It had a bright orange colored body and little spidery thin legs and antennae on its head that kept moving back and in and out. That thing started towards me. I backed out of the basement and got up to my apartment and packed up all my things and moved. I was so scared. I moved over to Seattle to my cousin’s. Really no one would really believe this, but as God is my witness it really happened.

    She would say that it looked to her almost like a humanoid shrimp, and that for years afterwards she says she had potent, chronic nightmares. The interesting part of this tale, other than the sheer outlandishness of the entity described, is that this was in the basement of an apartment complex, and not even a remote one out in the boondocks. At the time Bremerton was a bustling Naval port city home to around 80,000 people, so it makes no sense at all that there should be this thing, even if there were passageways to the sea. Where did it come from and why didn’t anyone else see it? The strange abomination was only seen this one time and we are left to wonder just what it could have possibly been or whether it ever really happened at all.

    That is a recurring message we are left with in cases like these. Did they ever really happen at all? They are so completely and utterly bizarre that we have to at least accept the possibility that they are hallucinations, misidentifications, or straight up lies. But what if they are real? If that is the case, then what are we dealing with here? Are these aliens, interdimensional interlopers, or something else altogether? How do we even know where to begin? Whatever the answers may be, this is a very outlandish and little known area of humanoid encounters that really lodges out into the outer periphery of the odd, and as long as cases like these come in we are left to wonder what they all mean, if anything.

    https://mysteriousuniverse.org/ }

    20-12-2019 om 01:04 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Area 51: “Foggles,” Goggles & Vision-Limiting Technology

    Area 51: “Foggles,” Goggles & Vision-Limiting Technology

    There’s an interesting new article over at The Drive, as you’ll see from the title of that same article they have published: “Visitors to Area 51 Have to Wear ‘Foggles.’ That Severely Limit Vision When Moving About.” In part, the article – written by Tyler Rogoway – states: “The term refers to goggle-like eyewear that have fogged-out wrap-around lenses and a notch or bifocal-like area at the bottom that allows a wearer to see what is immediately in front of and below them. With the vast majority of the goggle’s viewing area frosted over, nothing can be made out at any meaningful distance.” There is a particular reason why I say that The Drive’s story is interesting. In July 2006, I interviewed a guy named John who told me that while working out at Area 51 – way back in the early 1970s – he had to wear such goggles when he was in certain portions of the base that were sensitive and secret. I first publicly told the story of John and his weird, vision-limiting goggles in 2006. I also publicized it, with new material, in 2010.

    As I said back then: “John spent his days off in Las Vegas, playing the slots and getting to know the ladies of Sin City. Then, when his time away from the base was over, he would be flown aboard a Cessna aircraft to Area 51 – with the window blinds permanently down. On each occasion, the other passengers were always the same: three men who he got to know over the course of the following year. Indeed, they all became good friends, and looked forward to their time off in the big city. Weirdest of all, on each occasion when the team arrived at the base – which was only a short flight from Las Vegas – they were all ordered to put on pairs of goggles. These were not ordinary goggles, however.

    Far from it: They had split lenses, the top part being so thick and distorted that it was only possible to see anything out of the lower part. There was clearly method to this seeming madness. By preventing the men from seeing out of the top portion of the goggles, they were forced to look down – pretty much at their feet. This was obviously orchestrated to ensure that the men would not be able to get a good look at the surface portions of Area 51. In single-file, awkward, shuffling fashion they would follow their supervisor to a bus with blacked-out windows.

    While working out at Area 51, John was exposed to documents that told incredible stories of wrecked flying saucers, deceased aliens, the autopsies of extraterrestrial corpses, and the study of alien science – with a goal to try and replicate that very same E.T. science. Rather notably, despite being exposed to a truly astonishing wealth of material out at Area 51, John slowly began to wonder if his whole time spent there was nothing but a ruse. He speculated to me on the possibility that this was all some sort of intricate mind-game: to flood John’s mind with bizarre tales and documents relative to dead extraterrestrials, alien autopsies, and spacecraft from other worlds. Maybe, John suggested, it was a loyalty test: to see if he ran to the Washington Post or to the New York Times. John did neither: he stayed quiet (at least until the 2000s, when he was well into his old age), and as a result of his silence he was offered prestigious positions for another decade.

    John also speculated on another possibility, a possibility that involved the Soviets. Although he was somewhat reluctant to address the matter in-depth – which is intriguing – John said he heard a few nuggets of information suggesting there was a small program that was trying to convince the Russians that the United States government had not just alien bodies in its hands, but extraterrestrial technology; even highly advanced, powerful alien weaponry. John wondered if all of this was a game – one designed to scare the Russians into thinking we had something that we never really did, but which the staff at Area 51 were hoping the Russians would come to believe. And to fear.

    John died in 2013. His widow stated that in his final years John came to believe more and more that what he saw and read out at Area 51 in the early 1970s amounted to a huge mind-game; a fabrication to have the Russians running around like headless chickens, wasting their time on lies dressed up as incredible truths. Ingenious, Cold War-era disinformation, in other words. For John, the whole situation was well and truly fogged. And, it seems, the fogging is still going on.

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    20-12-2019 om 00:48 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Roswell: Secret Experiments on People? Part 1

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    Roswell: Secret Experiments on People? Part 1

    Last week I was interviewed on the subject of my 2017 book, The Roswell UFO Conspiracy. It is a follow-up to my 2005 book, Body Snatchers in the Desert. Both books focus on the theory that what happened outside of Roswell, New Mexico in the summer of 1947 had nothing to do with aliens, but everything to do with classified programs connected to high-altitude experiments in New Mexico, exposure to radiation, huge balloons and much more. As for that interview, it was for a new book that the guy is writing on Roswell from the E.T. perspective. As a full-on believer that aliens did come down on the Foster Ranch in forty-seven, he was having none of what I had to say. He basically said there was no way that terrible experiments – of the types described in my books – would ever have been undertaken back in the 1940s. Clearly, he didn’t know his history. I said something to the effect of: “You’re joking, right?” He assured me he was not joking. So, I told him to check out the ultimate report on this angle of “human experimentation” back in the 1940s (and onward). It is titled Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments: Final Report. Dated October 1995, it runs to no less than 925 pages and was published by the U.S. Government Printing Office. One of the days I’ll share with you the very strange story of how I got my copy and how it’s filled to the brim with annotations from the retired person who provided it to me. But, that’s for another day. Back to those experiments.

    A careful study of the massive report demonstrates that as far back as the 1940s highly classified experiments were undertaken on people  – revolving around the effects of radiation. Although, it’s important to note that the report doesn’t just focus on radiation-based issues. For example, there is a section on the CIA’s “mind-control” program, MKULTRA and other controversial topics. One of the things that I was told by some of my sources was that in the summer of 1947 – when the Roswell affair occurred – there was not just one experiment, but somewhere in the region of seven or eight (maybe more…), all of which failed miserably. They involved massive balloon arrays, lifting body-type craft, and high-altitude activity. Those same sources claimed that prisoners were used in several of those various experiments.

    So far, no evidence has surfaced to show that the 1947 experiments near Roswell, New Mexico involved prisoners. There is, however, plenty of data available that shows prisoners most definitely were used in top secret experimentation. Notably, plans (that were ultimately shelved) show that some of those experiments involved then-newly-planned radical aircraft. Chapter 9 of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments: Final Report states that: “In July 1949 a medical advisory panel met in Washington, D.C., to discuss psychological problems posed by radiation to crews of a then-planned nuclear-powered airplane. During the meeting an Air Force colonel noted that crewmen were concerned about anything physically harmful…” The report continues that although the nuclear-powered plane was never built, the military still had concerns regarding “…space flight, weapons plants, nuclear power plants, and on an atomic battlefield…”

    Also from the 1949 panel, there are these eye-opening words: “The Committee is not in a position to make recommendations as to where these tests can be conducted other than that they should be carried out at some federal, state, or Armed Services prison, where life prisoners are incarcerated and where arrangements can be made with the prison authorities to cooperate in the experiment.  The selection of the prison is a matter for top military consideration. Continued cooperation of the prison staff and prisoners for a matter of many years will be required.”

    As the report also notes, between 1963 and 1973 “…131 prisoners in Oregon and Washington submitted to experimental testicular irradiation with national security and other societal goals, but no potential for therapeutic benefit for the subjects.” The report also states that two, specific studies were initiated: they were run by Carl G. Heller, M.D., and C. Alvin Paulsen, M.D. As the documentation shows, “The government was interested in the effects of ionizing radiation on workers, astronauts, and other Americans who might be exposed, in a nuclear attack for example.” There’s this, too: “Both doctors viewed prisoners as ideal subjects. They were healthy, adult males who were not going anytime soon. In 1963 few if any researchers had moral qualms about using them as subjects, although there seems to have been a consensus in the research community on the rules that should govern such experimentation. By 1973, however, some ethicists, researchers, and others, such as the investigative journalist Jessica Mitford, pointed out that incarcerated people were not well placed to make voluntary decisions.”

    And, there’s more: “In 1976, the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research recommended the banning of almost all research on prisoners. Prison experimentation effectively came to an end in this country a few years after the commission offered its recommendations.” Does any of this prove that prisoners may have been used in highly-classified test-flights in New Mexico in the summer of 1947? No, it does not. What it does do, however, is to show that prisoners were used in secret experiments. The idea that some of the New Mexico tests of the summer of 1947 may have involved prisoners no longer seems quite so unlikely, after all.

    Part 2 will soon follow…

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    20-12-2019 om 00:30 geschreven door peter  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Easter Island mystery solved? 'Radical' study cracks meaning behind Easter Island statues

    Easter Island mystery solved? 'Radical' study cracks meaning behind Easter Island statues

    THE EASTER ISLAND mystery may have just been solved by a group of archaeologists uncovering the ancient secrets and meaning of the Easter Island statues.

    The Easter Island statues have stood guard over Rapa Nui or Easter Island, for nearly 1,000 years. The ancient monoliths have long baffled archaeologists who have tried to understand their origin and purpose.

    More than 1,000 of the Easter Island heads dot the landscape of Rapa Nui, believed to have been carved by a Polynesian civilisation.

    But scientists are still uncertain about their exact purpose or the meaning behind their creation.

    A team of researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), however, may have cracked the Rapa Nui mystery.

    A new study published by Jo Anne Van Tilburg of the Easter Island Statue Project claims to have deciphered the meaning behind the stone heads or Moai.

    Easter Island mystery solved: Stone statues island

    Easter Island mystery: Researchers may have cracked the secret of the Rapa
    Nui Moai (Image: GETTY)

    Easter Island mystery: Stone heads on Rapa Nui

    Easter Island mystery: The stone heads on Rapa Nui are called Moai
     (Image: GETTY)

    In a study published in the Journal of Archaeological Science, researchers have claimed the Moai served a critical role for the Easter Island people.

    According to the study, the Moai were carved and placed all over the island between the 14th and 19th century to boost the fertility of the land.

    Dr Van Tilburg and her team examined a particular pair of stone heads in the Rano Raraku quarry on the east side of the island.

    The two stone heads were most likely raised between the years 1510 and 1645.

    About 95 percent of all of the Moai on Rapau Nui can trace their origin back to the Rano Raraku quarry.

    Dr Van Tilburg analysed soil samples from around the quarry to find evidence of foods like bananas, sweet potatoes and a tropical plant known as taro.

    The abundance of foods in the soil around the Rano Raraku quarry suggests the land was an agricultural hotspot for the Rapa Nui.

    The Moai were central to the idea of fertility

    Jo Anne Van Tilburg, Easter Island Statue Project

    Dr Van Tilburg said: “Our excavation broadens our perspective of the Moai and encourages us to realise that nothing, no matter how obvious, is ever exactly as it seems.

    “I think our new analysis humanises the production process of the Moai.”

    The archaeologist has spent the last 30 years working on Easter Island.


    Easter Island mystery: Stone Moai on Rapa Nui

    Easter Island mystery: The stone heads helped boost the fertility of the land 
    (Image: GETTY)

    Easter Island mystery: Stone heads on Rapa Nui

    Easter Island mystery: The stone Moai were carved nearly 1,000 years ago 
    (Image: GETTY)

    Her most recent discovery was aided by soil specialist Sarah Sherwood and UCLA archaeologist Tom Wake.

    Dr Sherwood said: “When we got the chemistry results back, I did a double-take.

    “There were really high levels of things that I never would have thought would be there, such as calcium and phosphorous.

    “The soil chemistry showed high levels of elements that are key to plant growth and essential for high yields.

    “Everywhere else on the island the soil was being quickly worn out, eroding, being leeched of elements that feed plants, but in the quarry, with its constant new influx of small fragments of the bedrock generated by the quarrying process, there is a perfect feedback system of water, natural fertiliser and nutrients.”

    The expert believes the discovery points to an agriculturally-minded civilisation that knew to plant different crops in the same spot time and time again.

    Dr Van Tilburg added: “This study radically alters the idea that all standing statues in Rano Raraku were simply awaiting transport out of the quarry.

    “That is, these and probably other upright Moai in Rano Raraku were retained in place to ensure the sacred nature of the quarry itself,

    “The Moai were central to the idea of fertility, and in Rapanui belief their presence here stimulated agricultural food production.”

    20-12-2019 om 00:00 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:ARCHEOLOGIE ( E, Nl, Fr )
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Magnetisch noorden blijft opschuiven naar Siberië: wat als de twee polen van plaats wisselen? - HLN.be

    Magnetisch noorden blijft opschuiven naar Siberië: wat als de twee polen van plaats wisselen? - HLN.be

    Bron: Live Science, Financial Times, Newsweek

    Voorstelling van het aardmagnetische veld.

     Getty Images 
    Voorstelling van het aardmagnetische veld.
     De magnetische noordpool op aarde schuift de laatste jaren sneller op dan de voorbije vier eeuwen en is in september de nulmeridiaan gepasseerd. Het is nog niet duidelijk of de magnetische noord- en zuidpool ook effectief van plaats zullen wisselen, zoals dat sowieso ooit weer zal gebeuren. Moderne navigatiesystemen zullen alleszins opnieuw moeten worden gekalibreerd.

    De magnetische noordpool is formeel ontdekt in 1831. Sindsdien heeft hij ongeveer 2.250 km afgelegd. De voorbije twee decennia verplaatst hij zich van het Canadese noordpoolgebied oostwaarts, richting Siberië, met een gemiddelde snelheid van 55 km per jaar. Dat is veel sneller dan het gemiddelde van 14,5 km per jaar voorheen. De recentste wetenschappelijke modellen voorspellen dat dit proces nog enige tijd zal aanhouden, zij het aan een lager tempo van 40 km per jaar.

    De verschuiving is van belang voor de accuraatheid van gps - ook kaarten en allerlei kompasafhankelijke apps op onze smartphone - en andere navigatiesystemen. Legers verlaten zich erop voor hun onderzeeërs, vliegtuigen en parachutisten. In de praktijk kunnen vliegtuigen en schepen er hinder van ondervinden. Zo moest de luchthaven van Fairbanks in Alaska in 2009 een startbaan van naam veranderen omdat die gebaseerd was op het veranderende magnetische noorden, waarop een kompas zich oriënteert. In 2033 zullen ze waarschijnlijk opnieuw de naam moeten wijzigen. Hoe dichter bij de noordpool, hoe voelbaarder de effecten van de verschuiving van het magnetisch veld.


    Ook vogels, zalmen en zeeschildpadden, die gebruik maken van het magnetisch veld om zich te oriënteren, zich zullen moeten aanpassen als de magnetische noord- en zuidpool van plaats wisselen. 

    Stel dat er - zoals in het verleden al vaker gebeurde zonder noemenswaardige biologische gevolgen, én wat sowieso opnieuw zal gebeuren - een ompoling plaatsvindt, dan wijst een kompasnaald niet langer naar het geografische noorden maar naar het zuiden. De laatste keer dat er een gedeeltelijke switch van de magnetische polen voorviel, was 22.000 jaar geleden. Voor een volledige ompoling moeten we al 780.000 jaar terug in de tijd. Mogelijk zit de aarde opnieuw in een periode van omschakeling. Een aanwijzing daarvoor is de huidige verzwakking van het aardmagnetische veld.

    Kompas wijst ware noorden aan

    Een kompas in Greenwich, de Londense wijk waar de nulmeridiaan doorloopt, duidde in september voor het eerst in 360 jaar (sinds 1660) het “ware noorden” aan, dat bepaald wordt door de aardas. Met andere woorden: het magnetische en het geografische noorden vielen samen. 

    De nulmeridiaan werd in 1884 voorgesteld als het officiële ijkpunt van nul graden, nul minuten en nul seconden. De geografische noordpool van de aarde ligt in de Noordelijke IJszee, de geografische zuidepool op het continent Antarctica. De voorbije vier eeuwen wees een kompas in Londen westwaarts ten opzichte van het ware noorden. Verwacht wordt dat tegen 2040 alle kompassen oostwaarts van het geografische noorden zullen wijzen.

    Dat het magnetische noorden op drift is, komt door een verzwakking in het magnetische veld. Waarom dat zo is, weten onderzoekers niet. Om de vijf jaar lossen zij een nieuwe versie van het World Magnetic Model, vandaar de recente update voor 2020. Door de versnelde verschuiving van het magnetische noorden kwam er uitzonderlijk ook al in februari een tijdelijke update.

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    19-12-2019 om 23:35 geschreven door peter  

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    Categorie:HLN.be - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Mysterie stenen beelden op Paaseiland ontrafeld: ze moesten vruchtbaarheid van bodem stimuleren - HLN.be

    Mysterie stenen beelden op Paaseiland ontrafeld: ze moesten vruchtbaarheid van bodem stimuleren - HLN.be

    Bron: UCLAScience Direct

    Jo Anne Van Tilburg en haar team groeven twee moai op in Rano Raraku op Paaseiland.

     Easter Island Statue Project Jo Anne Van Tilburg en haar team groeven twee moai op in Rano Raraku op Paaseiland.
     De mysterieuze moai, het zou een Suske & Wiske-album kunnen zijn. Maar de stenen beelden op Paaseiland zijn géén stripfiguren: ze bestaan écht. Ze werden vermoedelijk tussen de elfde en zeventiende eeuw geboetseerd. Waarom, dat houdt wetenschappers al jaren bezig. Een nieuwe ontdekking uit de recentste studie staaft de hypothese van bodemvruchtbaarheid.
    Het nieuwe onderzoek werd geleid door Jo Anne Van Tilburg van de University of California in Los Angeles en teves directeur van het Easter Island Statue Project. Zij werkt al dertig jaar op het afgelegen Polynesische eiland, op zo’n 3.000 km van de Chileense kust. 

    Haar team bestudeerde twee van de meer dan duizend monolithische beelden in het oosten van Paaseiland of Rapa Nui. Beide moai werden in een periode van vijf jaar opgegraven in de steengroeve Rano Raraku, waar 95 procent van de beelden uitgehouwen zijn. Ze dateren volgens Van Tilburg van ergens tussen 1510 en 1645 - vijftig jaar later stopte de productie door contacten met het westen. De focus lag op moai RR-0001-156, een van de enige drie op het hele eiland die versierd waren met een reeks samenhangende rotstekeningmotieven.

    Hoewel ze helemaal niet focuste op de vruchtbaarheid van de grond, liet Van Tilburg toch uit nieuwsgierigheid bodemstalen nauwkeurig onderzoeken. Uit de analyse bleek dat de bodem van Rano Raraku de vruchtbaarste op heel Paaseiland was. Meer nog: het delven zelf van de vulkanische steen zou, in combinatie met de aanwezigheid van een zoetwaterbron, hebben bijgedragen tot de vruchtbaarheid. De constante aanvoer van stukjes grondgesteente zorgde mee voor een natuurlijke bemesting van de bodem die al rijk aan klei was. Er werden in het gebied sporen gevonden voor de aanwezigheid van voedsel als zoete aardappel, fleskalebas, bananen en taro.


    De moai op Paaseiland werden van de elfde tot de zeventiende eeuw gemaakt in opdracht van de heersende elite. De eilandbewoners geloofden dat de monolitische torso’s de landbouwfertiliteit zouden verhogen en dus ook de cruciale voedselvoorraden. Dat is de stelling van het nieuwe onderzoek, dat gepubliceerd werd in de Journal of Archaeological Science.

    De vruchtbaarheid van de bodem werd al veel langer geopperd als reden voor de aanwezigheid van de moai’s op Paaseiland. Van Tilburg beweert nu ook wetenschappelijk bewijs te hebben gevonden dankzij de analyse van bodemstalen uit de voormalige steengroeve, die ook een vruchtbaar landbouwgebied bleek te zijn. 

    De twee opgegraven moai waren rechtopstaande standbeelden. Het ene stond op een voetstuk, het andere was ingebed in de grond. Dat wijst erop dat ze op hun plaats moesten blijven. “Dit onderzoek gaat radicaal in tegen de idee dat alle standbeelden van Rano Raraku gewoon wachtten om te worden getransporteerd”, aldus Van Tilburg. “Dat betekent dat deze en waarschijnlijk ook andere rechtopstaande moai in Rano Raraku daar werden gehouden om de heiligheid van de groeve zelf te waarborgen. De moai stonden centraal in het vruchtbaarheidsidee, en in het geloof van Rapanui dat hun aanwezigheid hier de landbouwproductie van voedsel stimuleerde.”

    De ploeg wetenschappers onderzoekt nu ook nog verder de artistieke inkervingen in de enige drie beelden op Paaseiland die ze bevatten.


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